Wounded fighter Vladimir Putin. Part of 2

Wounded fighter Vladimir Putin. Part of 2

An elderly gentleman lives in a large and very expensive German house, he suffered eight strokes, but he is still cheerful and hospitable, sometimes he plays music with pleasure. The gentleman comes from an ancient German surname. On the wall hangs a portrait of his father, Field Marshal Wilhelm von Leeb, who commanded a group of army "Nord": she took Leningrad in the ring of the blockade. By the way, von Leeb was not a national socialist, he was a traditional general, brought up in old Germany, before Hitler's Reich.

“Once, when the blockade had already begun, the father asked Hitler,” recalls the son of the field marshal. - Soon, women with babies will go to our side from Leningrad. What should we do? And Hitler replied: "You will shoot them."

The field marshal persuaded Hitler to carry out an operation to completely encircle the city in the Tikhvin area. Nothing came of Leeb's plans. Soviet troops were able to eliminate Tikhvin protrusion and forced the Germans to withdraw. This was the main reason for the resignation of Field Marshal, who repented in front of Hitler in the failure of the operation, but this repentance did not help him. By order of an angry Fuhrer at the beginning of 1942, von Leeb is sent to resign. For professional German military, Leningrad became the last point in his military career, which had been developing to this day as successfully as possible. None of the heirs of Field Marshal's military career of his father did not continue. His son Herman chose to play the piano.

And the city continued to fight. In late spring, public baths were opened on Ligovskaya. As the surviving participants in the events recall, they all bathed together - both children, men and women. At the same time, people laughed. Yes, people were laughing. Yes, so loud and contagious that many people still remember this and remember that amazing feeling of lightness and unforgettable feeling of happiness from contact with warm water. Came to wash the skeletons covered with leather. It is difficult to imagine today, but it was so. And people showed each other.

The Germans had hoped that an epidemic would begin in the spring. Under the snow lay numerous unburied remains of people, accumulated sewage due to broken sewage. They waited, but did not wait.

8 March 1942 of the year. Absolutely invisible date. But on this day, exactly six months after the beginning of the blockade, a volunteer cleanup was organized in Leningrad to restore order in the houses and on the streets. It was not necessary to make anyone: all people understood that in the absence of order and cleanliness an epidemic would begin that could not be stopped.

Alisa Brunovna Freundlich, a great Russian actress and ethnic German by birth, survived the horrors of the blockade and still sometimes comes to the communal apartment No. XXUMX, where her family survived during the war.

History Alice is astounding. She was lucky twice. At first she was not sent, like almost all Leningrad Germans, to Siberia, and then she was lucky to survive the blockade. Seven-year-old actress Alisa acted in hospitals in front of the wounded and, together with her classmates, walked through other people's apartments, helped those who did not get up: she drowned the stoves, went to fetch water, and bought bread cards. And then returned home.

“In our apartment, few people are left alive. The janitor Aunt Shura and the family with young children, the actress recalls. - So that I would not be left alone, I was often handed over to these family people when my mother left for work. I still remember how the neighbors' children sat down at the table and ate their meager lunch. At the same time I was not invited. Sat, looking away to not see it. And Aunt Shura worked as a janitor. Naturally, at this time many apartments were opened, and somehow she brought me a huge doll all in satin and lace, with a porcelain face, arms and legs. It is evident that in some abandoned apartment she picked up this doll and decided to please me. ”

And here is another secret blockade - football. In an almost dead city, he became the main living force. So the city is not dead. It was also a signal to the enemy. Football players wore red and blue T-shirts. At the newsreel stands the stands of the stadium and a few spectators. One of them - the famous writer Nikolai Tikhonov. Who specifically initiated the football match in besieged Leningrad is not known. But this decision was made in January 1942. Gathered all the players who managed to find alive. All this was done to show both the townspeople and the enemy that the city is alive. For some players, this decision saved the life: many of them were on the Nevsky patch. The search engines carry out excavations in the area every year, and every year skulls and bones are found here. The Nevsky Piglet is a piece of the south bank of the Neva, thirty kilometers from Leningrad. Only seven hundred meters deep and two versts along the water - this is the most terrible place of the blockade, the Leningrad battle, and, possibly, of all world wars. On operational maps, it can be seen that this was the thinnest part of the blockade ring - less than 15 kilometers. Since 19 September 1941, the Soviet troops tried to break the blockade in this place. Every day, every day soldiers were sent here. And every day, every day here they died. From the opposite bank of the river in boats, on pontoons, there was an endless stream of crossing. Boats were collected throughout the city. How many soldiers drowned in this area of ​​the river are not counted. In 2003, a heavy tank KV (“Klim Voroshilov”) was found during the underwater shootings, which was blockaded at the Kirov factory. The tank sank at a crossing about ten meters from the German coast. KV stood under water for 60 years with a full ammunition ammunition, their 136.

“Replenishment arrived here every night,” recalled Ivan Egufarov, a defender of Leningrad. - The battalion will come - in the evening it is no longer there. Again the battalion will come, and again by the evening it is no longer there. ” The day had to make up to 10 attacks. They said that there were only two roads from the “patch”: to the grave or to the hospital.

From the letter of Senior Lieutenant Pashkov, who also fought here: “There were corpses all around, in top piles. We hid behind them. They dug holes in the ridge, were lit in them burning pieces of electrical wire. Why were black from soot.

How many our soldiers died here is unknown. According to Soviet post-war data, more than 50 000 was killed, and according to German data - 500 000.

“In the hollow, near the creek, the toughest hand-to-hand fighting took place,” recalled Ivan Yegufarov.

It was in this hollow that Putin Vladimir Spiridonovich, Putin’s father, Vladimir Vladimirovich, was wounded.

This is a historic place. Nearby, three kilometers from here, in January 1943, the blockade will finally be broken.

There was not much talked about the blockade of Leningrad then. Perhaps, in order not to push out the heroism of the second city against the background of the first, i.e. Moscow All major blockade monuments are open at least 20 years after the war. The largest monument, on Victory Square, was opened through 30 years. And although in recent years a lot has been told about the martyr's life of Leningrad, much has not been told or even declassified. For example, what happened on the outside of the blockade ring.

The largest monument to the blockade is made in the form of a ring, which is broken in one place - this image is understandable to everyone. The first attempt to break the blockade was made on the third day, September 10 1941. Then there were many such attempts. The largest and most tragic of them occurred in January 1942, when the Luban operation began. Then our 2 shock army moved to Leningrad from the south, it broke through the German defense and plunged into the forests for 75 kilometers. Part of the Leningrad Front was to meet her. Should have been, but could not. And very soon the 2-I shock army itself was surrounded. In March 1942, the 2 Army was completely blocked by the Germans. To help her send a new commander. This is Andrei Vlasov, one of the heroes of the battle for Moscow. He is considered a specialist in leaving the environment. But it's too late, not to break the ring. In June, famine begins in the encircled army.

About this terrible time and tell German historians. Today, in Germany, Georg Gendlach, a pensioner, lives near the famous resort.

He spent almost the entire blockade near Leningrad and did not fire a single shot. This is what he claims. Maybe. After all, Gendlach is a military photographer, and his photo album is simply called “Volkhov Cauldron. Documents of horror. " He invented Russian captions for his photographs himself. Russian Gendlach well learned in captivity. From photographs you can trace the fighting in June 1942: "German Tanks help close the circle ”,“ Abandoned Russian camp in the Volkhov forests ”,“ Captured Russian soldiers ”.

Whatever they may say in relation to General Vlasov, there is only one historical truth: he surrendered to the enemy and urged Russian soldiers to surrender, some of whom followed this call. Much is known about the fate of traitors. About the fate of Vlasov too. He was hanged in the Soviet Union after the war as a traitor to the Motherland. But another fact is less known: after all, more than half of the soldiers of the 2 shock were left lying in the Novgorod forests. Another part of the soldiers refused to surrender, deciding to break through to her. They made such an attempt near a village called Meat Bor. Those who survived called the corridor along which they exited the “corridor of death”.

The artilleryman Pavel Dmitriev, one of the survivors, recalled: “We had to overcome this resistance band, the width of which was about 200 meters and it was shot from two sides by the Germans. We were under sighting fire all the time. People died there very, very much, mass. There was a solid layer of human bodies. But they preferred to die than to deliberately go into captivity to the enemy. Death Valley is the name of that scary place. Death was at every turn. But we tried to bypass it. We moved from the funnel to the funnel, rolled, crawled, froze, as best I could. The worst thing was when he found the wounded or sick. Ask - shoot! - and you can not, the hand does not rise. How can this be shot down! ”

German photographer Georg Gendlach recalls how he once saw two Russian soldiers. One of them, seeing the Germans, put a rifle to his head and fired. On the spot. He did not want to be captured. “Another soldier lay half dead, was badly wounded and exhausted,” the photographer said.

The catastrophe of the 2 th army affected dozens of Russian villages: their inhabitants went into the woods, burned their houses, so that the Germans would get nothing but ashes. German photographer Gendlah drew attention to the scratched bark of trees. “Nearby sat a family, a woman, and three- and four-year-old children. They sat and ate grass and bark. I can never forget this picture, ”he said.

The second shock army died. Breaking the blockade in the spring of the year 1942 failed. This was accomplished only in the 1943 year.

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  1. +7
    April 1 2016 07: 23
    Live, holy city
    Live, immortal city!
    Great warrior city
    Our beloved Leningrad!
    1. +7
      April 1 2016 13: 48
      My grandfather was from the deported Leningrad Germans .. He came from Nizhny Novgorod,
      at 37 father and elder were arrested, and he and his mother and sister went to Kolpino near Leningrad, then he and his mother were sent to Udmurtia, his sister stayed in Leningrad and survived the blockade, and in 1942 he went to war and ended it near Konigsberg with 2 two the Order of Glory, the Order of the Red Star and two medals for Valor, served in artillery, after the hospital I got to the tank school and became the tank commander .. And I never heard a bad word from him about the Soviet regime .. That's such a deported German ..
  2. +3
    April 1 2016 07: 42
    It is difficult to understand how people there not only survived, but also won.
    Even after so many years and a large number of documentaries read in childhood and later watched. After all, every dead person could be the father of more than one smart, talented child, and this even makes me sadder.
  3. +1
    April 1 2016 08: 01
    "And in a well-fed life we ​​ought to live at least one day, eating that bread ..."
    Thank you very much for these articles, Polina.
  4. +3
    April 1 2016 08: 58
    How did you win? I asked myself this question many times in different years of my life based on life experience and information that I had at that time and, in fact, always came to the same answer: they won only because there was Stalin and the Communists, only their iron will and ruthlessness to They were able to force themselves and others to fight the people and ultimately break the stubbornness and military superiority of the Germans.
    1. +4
      April 1 2016 10: 55
      I am sure that we would have won anyway, but the price of victory could have been less terrible if it hadn’t been for the ruthlessness of one another, but they themselves were very sorry for that! A historical example - Kutuzov, did not rest and lose soldiers, but withdrew the troops. As a result, we all know. Right now I looked at a Google map on the Nevsky Piglet, and what I saw - and there in the northern part there are already no mansions with even fences and they wanted to spit for the memory of tens of thousands of our soldiers who died there. How is that possible ......? I can’t understand this !!!!
      1. -1
        April 1 2016 18: 47

        You x do not align with your finger.

        Kutuzov did not control the 30 millionth army. The army of the USSR was in different periods close to 30 million.

        Try to control this mass of people correctly. To say that everything worked like a clock is to fool yourself.

        Such a mass of people need to be fed and dressed. Therefore, each lost resource, in the form of territory, is a step towards the abyss.

        Kutuzov could afford to retreat along the only road to which the supply was tied. And wait until Napoleon, in isolation from his resource, would eat up the local. And then he drove him back along this gnawed road.
        1. 0
          April 4 2016 12: 57
          Quote: gladcu2
          The army of the USSR was in different periods close to 30 million.

          By May 1945, the size of the Soviet Army was about 11 million. Where does the figure 30 come from? It looks like you are comparing something with your fingers.
  5. +5
    April 1 2016 09: 01
    And now to the very point !!!
  6. 0
    April 1 2016 10: 30
    Now Moscow –Piter toll road is being built in the Novgorod region. The technique is powerful, modern in the fall and spring gets stuck. How in the 40s there were battles, what were they moving on, how was the supply going?
    1. +1
      April 1 2016 16: 10
      When the 2nd beats. the army was surrounded in swamps, several attempts were made to break through the ring and establish supply for the army. At first, it was possible several times for a short period of time. A narrow gauge railway was drawn to the breakthrough site, inside the ring. The rails were removed from other roads that have been preserved in the forests since the pre-war era. Who has been to Len. area, could see such narrow gauge tracks right on the moss, in dense forests. Forest logging was carried out along the plots. To the positions of artillery shells and mines were carried from the unloading site for 5-8 km. on hands. They ate all the horses, the whole vehicle was broken. All by hand.
      In one of the breakthroughs, at the end of March, the last three KV tanks remaining in the army were able to withdraw from the boiler. On the last fuel and without shells. Only machine guns had ammunition.
      The last successful breakout attempt was around May. Almost two hundred people were put in the chain with machine guns in their hands. The rest followed. The corridor of the breakthrough, near Meat Bor, was shot through by the Germans. Several hundred people then managed to break through, but there was no way to keep the corridor.
      By the way, when eliminating 2 beats that got into the boiler armies, Germans in their ranks had several battalions consisting of volunteers of other nationalities. For some reason, they sent such battalions to fight exclusively on sections of the Army Group North. These were Belgian, Dutch and two Spanish battalions.
  7. +5
    April 1 2016 10: 54
    “A replenishment arrived here every night,” recalled Ivan Yegufarov, defender of Leningrad. - The battalion will come - by the evening it is already gone. "The battalion will come again, and again by the evening it is gone."

    Yes, that was the horror of that war.
    My grandfather - for whom Stalingrad was the scariest memory of the war, described in the same way - but only on a much larger scale - not a battalion, but a division - at the peak of battles, DAILY burned down the Soviet division, which passed from the left bank of the Volga to the right .. .

    Those. literally the night before, there is a crossing of fresh replenishment - and by the next night there is a return crossing of the few surviving wounded ... For a day, the division turned into a regiment, and on the second or third — into a battalion or even less ...

    I regret very much that my grandfather - when I was a little boy - VERY LITTLE talked about the past war and did not leave any written memories. Although only after years and from my own experience I understood WHY.

    I don’t know about other veterans, but after the war for him personally, every visit to Stalingrad was extremely difficult psychologically (sometimes he had to go there for work needs). He did not go to solemn events at all. I remember pointing out to the tribunes of the party elite, he said - "It's all ostentatious, none of them was in that hell." "I am scared to tread on that land, every piece of which is watered with blood ...". Near Leningrad, it seems almost the same ...
    1. +2
      April 1 2016 10: 58
      Quote: Warrior2015
      Near Leningrad, apparently the same thing ...

      and not only near Leningrad, but also along the entire front line from the White to the Black Seas!
    2. 0
      April 1 2016 18: 58

      No need to blame the communists.

      If not for them, then the USSR would not have been. Country and people would not be. Thanks to them to speak and bow at the feet.

      And the fact that the USSR for the last time could not be saved. The time has come for the rebirths.

      Ideology cannot stay long. Ideology is an artificially changed morality. When the need for ideology weakens, rebirth begins. Rollback to normal natural morality.
  8. 0
    April 1 2016 10: 56
    Only a strong-willed people have the will to win and ultimately win ...
    1. +2
      April 1 2016 11: 40
      Quote: Pvi1206
      Only a strong-willed people have the will to win and ultimately win ...

      where the truth is strong, the Germans attacked the USSR in vain. My neighbor, a former mountain rifleman "Edelweiss" who fought in Crete, told me more than once that we did not fight with those, we had to unite with the Russians and hammer everyone, Amers and Angles in the first place.
    2. +1
      April 1 2016 18: 53

      A people becomes strong, only with the right leader.

      A people without a leader is nothing.
  9. +1
    April 1 2016 13: 36
    I keep thinking about this article. Somewhere in the comments recently it was that the Victory was celebrated only in 1955. "The other is seen at a distance." Probably there was such a life that people did not know how to praise themselves and their loved ones. Mom says that in her childhood they talked about the Blockade in whispers. As well as about repression. Much later, in the 1980s, they probably began to talk more somehow. In my mother's childhood, they talked about the Blockade when they laid wreaths on May 9 at the Piskarevskoye cemetery. Mom was a schoolgirl, student, Komsomol organizer. There were "meetings", meetings, city Komsomolsk activists in various prestigious places of that time. There is no Day of Breaking the Blockade in her memories (??? !!!)
    The fact that the Blockades were some special people in their mother’s childhood did not say. WWII veterans also treated differently.
    1. +1
      April 1 2016 16: 28
      I went to school in the early 70s. In elementary grades. In our lessons, a lot of teachers talked about the blockade. I remember even children's books telling about the blockade, for children 10-12 years old, very intelligently decorated. With many pictures and military schemes, specially adapted for children to understand. At the same time, my mother, a survivor of the blockade, told me a lot about her childhood experiences.
      By the 30th anniversary of the Victory, a lot of literature about the Blockade was published in St. Petersburg. I remember what a terrible impression I was made by the book of the blockade diaries of the chief mechanic of the Metal Plant Kulagin "Diary and Memory". And in this book, he repeatedly noticed terrible things, they say I am writing, but believe me, this is not all. Everything was much worse ...
      Recently, at work, I was at the Sverdlov machine-tool plant, and accidentally found out that after the war Kulagin was the director of this unique enterprise.
      1. The comment was deleted.
      2. 0
        April 3 2016 07: 13
        As some of them explained to me --- there were monuments --- "broken ring". So, apparently from that time and they began to talk about the Blockade, some 60s ---- 1965? Such are the memories of others, hikes, excursions. We must now clarify about this.
        And I was shocked by the fate of people who came to the city from other places at that time. And --- Blockade. The crematorium began to work, where there was a brick factory, where is Moscow Victory Park. These are the memoirs of D. Likhachev.
  10. +1
    April 1 2016 18: 08
    Quote: Trigger-Happy
    and not only near Leningrad, but also along the entire front line from the White to the Black Seas!

    Grandfather noted only the battles of Rzhev and Demyansk, - said the meat grinder there, too, in comparison with Stalingrad. After Stalingrad it was really easier, there was nothing like it in 1942, even near Kursk and in the Ukraine. And now I fully understand the correctness of his words. in the huge "bags" of 1941, the irretrievable losses were not very large, many surrendered almost immediately - this is a fact, and it was in the battles of 1942 that there was the most horror.

    Quote: alpamys
    My neighbor, a former mountain rifleman "Edelweiss" who fought in Crete
    And he did not say that he was very lucky that he did not fight in the Caucasus as a large part of his division? laughing Crete is whether it will be better, the sea, wine, the sun, or the Eastern Front.

    Quote: Reptiloid
    Somewhere in the comments recently it was that the Victory began to be celebrated only in 1955. "The other is seen at a distance." Probably there was such a life that people did not know how to praise themselves and their loved ones.
    That is exactly how it was. DO NOT CELEBRATED - for there was a terrible war for everyone. My grandfather, who fought, both on June 22 and May 9, had terrible days, although he did not drink almost, but he drank these days and tried to NEVER participate in any celebrations, although he was invited.
    1. +1
      April 1 2016 18: 39
      Quote: Warrior2015
      DID NOT CELEBRATE - for there was a terrible war for everyone

      "... A holiday with tears in my eyes ..."
      I have always been a driver on May 9, from the 70s. We had a car. In the morning I drove uncles and aunts who remained alive after the war to the house of my elder uncle. Younger relatives approached. I only remember him as a decrepit old man. But on this day he climbed down from the oven and always drank a faceted glass for those who did not return brothers, for the victory. One of them laid his head near Leningrad. He had no more strength. And then, in the evening, I took everyone home.
  11. +3
    April 1 2016 19: 13
    Each generation has its own war. Fathers and grandfathers won. But the sons and grandchildren pissed off their own. Now the great-grandchildren of the great fighters need to decide whether to disappear as a nation or defend their homeland.
  12. +2
    April 1 2016 19: 47
    Quote: Former battalion commander
    Now the great-grandchildren of the great fighters need to decide whether to disappear as a nation or defend their homeland.

    That extinction has not yet grown, which will make the Russian people disappear from the face of the Earth. soldier Confirmed 1200 years of our history.