The voice of the German announcer: "They are not worthy to be called people." Part of 1

The voice of the German announcer: "They are not worthy to be called people." Part of 1

Leningrad blockade broke through 18 January 1943 of the year, but the final lifting of the blockade occurred a year later, 27 January 1944 of the year.

Two months later, Hitler's troops were at the walls of Leningrad and were absolutely certain that they would manage to take the city by storm. It is difficult for us to believe that in Hitler Germany, someone could contradict or even express the opposite opinion. But that was the case with the question of Leningrad. A whole group of German generals (some of them went through the First World War) believed that storming Leningrad, the fortified largest center, could not be taken. This is disastrous for the army. And Hitler, on the contrary, hysterically, fanatically demanded an assault. According to an excerpt from the High Command combat magazine, in the summer of 21 on June 1941, Hitler visits the group of the army “North” and, speaking to the officers, in particular, says: “Leningrad is extremely important. Compared to the value of Leningrad, Moscow is just a geographical object on the map. ”

From the telegram of Stalin to Leningrad 29 August 1941 of the year: “They just said that Tosno was taken by the enemy. If it continues like this, then I am afraid Leningrad will be surrendered foolishly stupid. ”

This is how it happened. On September 8, a group of the German army “North” goes to Lake Ladoga from the south, and Finns have already approached the city from the north. And the city was in the ring. September 8, the first major aviation plaque. Shooting from the cockpit of a German bomber: the plane flies over the Leningrad port, it seemed that infinitely supplying bombs were visible. Fire in food warehouses named after Bolshevik Badayev.

In Soviet times, this fire will be called the main cause of the famine: supposedly all the city food burned here. In fact, in these warehouses of food was for a month.

At this time, students, retirees and schoolchildren, already in full view of the Germans, are digging anti-tank trenches and trenches at the nearest approaches to the city. Very often, German pilots dropped bombs, and sometimes at a low level flight shelling people. Sometimes they dropped leaflets that said, "Ladies, do not dig your dimples, our tanks will come, bury your dimples." And on the back is a pass, go to us, to our side, we have a good life, a new order. There was not a single use case for the direct purpose of these leaflets.

There is such a legend. I often heard her from the blockade. Say, Stalin is to blame for everything, he did not specifically prevent the blockade and the death of hundreds of thousands of people because he hated Leningrad. Firstly, here, before the revolution, Stalin was arrested by the Tsarist secret police, and secondly, there was Kirov, the main rival of the leader. Thirdly, this is the eternal Leningrad intelligentsia with its anti-Soviet sentiments. And, fourthly, Leningrad "delayed" a large number of German troops from Moscow. But this is just a legend. In fact, the Generalissimo really wanted to help Leningrad: in August 1941, when he noticed the precarious situation of the city, it was impossible to save him. And there was no strength. But the Russians were dead.

Convinced of this, the German generals persuaded Hitler to postpone the assault on the city. For the first time, Hitler admits that the enemy is stronger. He gives a forced order to transfer units to Moscow tanks and aircraft involved near Leningrad.

20 September 1941 of the year. The residents of Leningrad do not know that on this day the Germans decided not to storm the city. They decided to transfer the assault to the spring of 1942, confident that it would pass easily: in winter, the population and the army in the besieged city would simply die out.

The Bundesarchive keeps a secret directive from 29 September 1941: “Top Secret. Only for officers. After the defeat of Soviet Russia, there is no interest in the continued existence of this locality. It has been proposed: to closely block the city and by shooting from artillery of all calibers and continuously bombard it from the air. For our part, there is no interest in preserving at least a part of the population of this big city. ”

In August, Klim Voroshilov commanded the defense of the city. Marshal, the hero of the civil war, he was completely unprepared for such a turn of events. Three days after the blockade began, Stalin signed an order to remove Voroshilov and replace him with the young, determined Georgiy Zhukov. Zhukov arrives in the city, immediately from the airfield goes to Smolny, where the city leadership sits incessantly, and tells Voroshilov right from the door: "I have no time for formalities, hand over the cases."

A few days later Zhukov would give his order: “Any deviation along the line of Kolpino - Shushary is considered as treason against the Motherland. Punishment is shooting. ” Zhukov acts tough. But only this way he manages to restore order. However, he will not stay in the city for long. His talent is required near Moscow, where Hitler sent his main blow.

“Thank you to the people of Leningrad for helping the Muscovites fight the bloodthirsty Nazis,” Zhukov would send such a telegram when ammunition made at Leningrad factories would be delivered to the front.

German propaganda comes in malice. The voice of the German announcer says: “Let Roosevelt and Churchill look at these Asian faces, there is nothing human in them. This is the Bolshevik hordes. They must be exterminated, they are not worthy to be called people. This is who the allies of Russia are helping. ”

“We knew that it was hard for people in Leningrad,” said Wehrmacht non-commissioned officer Horst Voigt. “That they are starving right on the streets.” We were so close to Leningrad that I saw trams in the city. ”

Trams in the city run until December 1941. But in the afternoon of December 8, the electricity in the city was turned off, and the trams did not reach the depot, they were abandoned right on the streets.

Since then, 71 has passed a year.

Alas, living witnesses of that time are less and less every year. A meeting with a man who survived the blockade is able to unleash our souls, help us realize that the people of Leningrad have survived. In Rostov, there were only three eyewitnesses to the terrible pictures of the besieged city.

Yury Pavlovich Evstigneev told me about the difficult years of his childhood. 8 September 1941, the blockade ring tightly closed, Leningrad fell into an iron vice, from which, it seemed, could not get out. Citizens began to stock up on food, to act together to organize assistance to the soldiers - the defenders of the city. Yuri Pavlovich says that since the beginning of the war, he, a four-year-old boy, as if in one moment became an adult, still remembers the horrors of the blockade.

Little Yura lived with his mother Irina Grigorievna and elder sister Rosa, his father went to the front in the first days of the war. The mother and the children did not have time to evacuate from Leningrad, because systematic shelling began almost immediately and the escape routes were cut off. Like many, they remained to survive in spite of the enemy, so that they would never give up their hometown to the fascists. And the family of Yuri Pavlovich had a hard time. In the bakeries, where the daily ration was issued, there were huge queues. At home, mother cooked leather belts, stationery glue, whose sweetish taste to blockaders, probably, never forget. Yuri Pavlovich recalls that in the first winter the rations of bread became less and less every day.

Leningraders calmly talked about the bombing, about the devastation, about death. They cannot talk calmly about hunger.

The lower rate of bread distribution is 125 grams per day for non-working, set in January 1942 of the year.

The word "dystrophy" is becoming commonplace. For the first time open hospitals for dystrophics. The event for world medicine is unprecedented. Many people have dystrophy of the third degree. One of the main signs is a wandering, non-stop gaze. Inverted eyelids, bloody diarrhea. With the third degree of dystrophy, the person is already doomed, it is impossible to save him. After the war, the doctors who survived the blockade proposed the scientific term “nutritional dystrophy”, i.e. from lack of food. Dystrophy medicine offers easily digestible food that contains a lot of proteins, a lot of carbohydrates, and could not eat five times a day, but people couldn’t even dream of such a besieged Leningrad. Bread was the sweetest dream.

For her son and daughter, Irina Evstigneeva dissolved crumbs in hot water, this was all the food. Only aviation and the “Road of Life”, which passed through Lake Ladoga, saved Leningraders.

In addition to hunger, Leningrad suffered a natural disaster: very cold weather. Especially in the first, most hungry, winter: the thermometer sometimes went down to -40 degrees. Out of fuel, frozen water pipes, almost all houses were left without electricity and drinking water. Yuri Pavlovich remembers how his mother heated the stove-stove. It burned all the furniture that was in the apartment.

Women spared nothing to warm and feed their children. Over the water, the Evstigneevs went to the Neva, which was in 150 meters from their home, but this distance was more and more difficult to overcome. The river was very cold, and ice holes were made in it. Buckets, cans carried on a sled or carts. So there was no strength that often one person pushed, and another pulled. Sometimes starving people could not bring a teapot with water to the house; they had to rest several times. At first, all this caused fear, and then the picture became familiar: on the streets of the city one could see dead people falling. Unfortunately, death has not bypassed Yuri Pavlovich’s house. In the hungry and cold years of the blockade, she and her sister Rosa lost their mother. Many weakened women and children after a few months of siege could not move.

In the cold they put on everything that was, and they all went to bed together to warm each other with their warmth. So did the Evstigneevs. Irina Grigoryevna, to the last, tried to give her warmth to her little son and daughter, but her strength left her every day.

One morning, the children woke up and did not see the mother next to her, for some reason she lay on her feet all numb. My mother died of starvation, and in the last minutes of her life she warmed the little ones with the hope that they would definitely survive. Yuri Pavlovich says that for two or three days she and her sister screamed with grief, fear and despair.

They were saved from death by the patrol, the sailors and the house manager went around all the apartments and found the tortured, half-dead children.

The kids were identified in orphanages, where they stayed until the final blockade was lifted. From the first days of the siege of Leningrad every now and then was subjected to shelling. It was dangerous to walk on the streets and avenues, but the need forced it to do so.

People went to work, to draw water in the Neva, to buy bread cards. Yuri Pavlovich recalls that in some streets of the city there were inscriptions about danger, which are preserved in some places as a memory of the war years.

Yura and Rosa Evstigneev were destined to survive the blockade, most of them were in an orphanage. In 1944, they were found by their father, who was commissioned from the front because of a severe injury. Pavel Egorovich took the children home, where they began life anew, without war, hunger and death. Yuri after graduation left Leningrad for the south, where he and his friends wanted to find work. On the train, they met people from Donetsk, who were just starting to build. They were told that there are mines in the city where workers are required, and the guys decided to try themselves in the mining profession.

Young Evstigneev city and the work of the miner came to mind, he immediately decided to settle here. Six months later, he married a girl, Paradise, with whom they live together for 60 years, have two daughters and a grandson.

During these long years, Yury Pavlovich was many times in his native Leningrad, which he still calls home. The city on the Neva is his birthplace, where he grew up; he went with his parents to the stadium as a little boy. Then he had to endure the worst in his life: war, blockade, famine and death of his mother. I didn’t live there, because I don’t like hustle and bustle, and here I quickly became attached to the Donetsk steppes and mines.

He is proud that he worked as a miner, he would never trade for any other profession. Underground experience at Yuri Pavlovich solid, more than 40 years. He was always appreciated and respected as an employee and person. About modest rewards, he modestly silent, says that it does not matter all. Yu. P. Evstigneev and retired for a long time did not sit idle for a day, because he is a master of all trades. Now, unfortunately, vision is failing, and there would still be enough strength for many things. Yuri Pavlovich is a very kind and good person.

He loves animals. Until recently, he and his wife, Raisa Ivanovna, had several cats and dogs. But the old house was demolished, and only two cats moved to the new apartment. The owner of them very much cares and complains that others have fled, and now they can not be found.

Yuri Petrovich’s home has a lot of books that he reread several times. The works of the classics, in his opinion, bring up real people in us. Yuri Pavlovich also owns a collection of vinyl records, loves to listen to Vysotsky. Our generation Yuri Pavlovich advises to live life to the fullest, not to be lazy, to work, to love and to treat each other with kindness.

The ending should ...
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  1. +8
    31 March 2016 07: 31
    As always, plus Pauline. Her articles are a successful combination of soulfulness and patriotism. I agree with her that this myth of Stalin’s guilt in the blockade has already weakened. If they should blame anyone, then probably Zhukov, who did not dare to break through the ring, preferring to keep his defense calm. And he had a chance. And real.
    1. +10
      31 March 2016 12: 22
      Quote: qwert
      If they should blame anyone, then probably Zhukov, who did not dare to break through the ring, preferring to keep his defense calm. And he had a chance. And real.

      There was no chance in 1941. The forces gathered for a strike from the side of Leningrad got stuck barely crossing the Neva. The river being shot by the Germans became a stumbling block - the large losses of the crossing facilities did not allow to quickly build up the group and ensure its normal supply.
      And the strike group from the side of the Big Earth simply did not have time to turn around and entered the battle in parts, practically "from the wheels."

      Plus - the traditional in 1941 inability to fight ...
      Tanks are regularly transported to the Nevsky bridgehead up to the KV and T-34. I can’t even imagine what incredible efforts. But the approaches are not masked, there is no intelligence, the tanks attack one by one, the result - they are knocked out or stuck in the first attack.
      In the infantry, units are mixed, melee weapons are little used, exit after artillery preparation is delayed, wire communications are broken, trenches are poorly equipped and camouflaged, reconnaissance "is not always conducted competently." The guns lagged behind - "the attack of the infantry and tanks essentially had no artillery support." Dirty weapons fail. The backbone of the parts is knocked out in the first attack. Nine bunkers hold the division. In general, in the best traditions of WWI fronts. The Germans are getting used to the fact that attacks follow the same pattern and at the same time. Soldiers sit for weeks without taking off their shoes and without undressing, without making a fire, on 250-300 g of bread a day, with a shortage of water.
      (c) ecoross1
      "Taking into account the experience of battles on the front of the 8th Army from the beginning of the war to the present, it should be noted that the actions of the German troops correspond to their statutory provisions" Report on the account of the experience of battles of the 8th Army units, Major BM Golovchiner

      "For the rest, the practice of fighting did not make drastic changes to the provisions of our regulations, but on the contrary, confirms the correctness and the need for their implementation, which is not always done by our troops"there

      Bridgehead: Nevsky "patch". 1941-1943. Digest of articles
      1. +2
        4 January 2017 05: 03
        For the first time, the German war machine that marched all over Europe was stopped near Leningrad, on the banks of the Voronka rivulet. Little, but ... There are no words.
    2. 0
      31 March 2016 22: 05
      Quote: qwert
      As always, plus Pauline. Her articles are a successful combination of soulfulness and patriotism. I agree with her that this myth of Stalin’s guilt in the blockade has already weakened. If they should blame anyone, then probably Zhukov, who did not dare to break through the ring, preferring to keep his defense calm. And he had a chance. And real.

      Well, you give. And the seizure of the Nevsky Pyatachok bridgehead, what do you think is it if not a strike towards the Volkhov front in order to break the blockade?
      1. +1
        April 1 2016 19: 39
        Now it is easy to reason as it should be. "Everyone imagines himself a strategist, seeing the battle from the outside."
  2. +5
    31 March 2016 07: 42
    And now they are already asking the question "Was it necessary to save Leningrad?"
    1. +19
      31 March 2016 08: 02
      When I hear this question --- a wave of hatred and anger appears. There has come a period in my life when I became, I was able to listen to the stories of the blockade. You can still talk with those who survived.
      There will be blockade readings soon, I will participate again
      thanks for the story
    2. +13
      31 March 2016 10: 55
      Quote: Darkness
      And now they are already asking the question "Was it necessary to save Leningrad?"

      An adult must beat his face for such a question. To the child - to explain that the fate of the population of large Soviet cities was decided before June 22, 1941. The Germans did not plan his food supply.
      A good example of German humanism is the debate at the headquarters of the 18th Army in the fall of 1941. That the civilians would die out - they did not care, they only wanted to protect the tender psyche of German soldiers from this sight.
      1. -2
        31 March 2016 11: 22
        Quote: npzh
        An adult must beat his face for such a question

        Muzzle beat is absolutely pointless. Unless to warm up the topic. Any question deserves a qualified answer. Do not assume idiots in our citizens who cannot determine who is right
        1. +1
          31 March 2016 15: 35
          Quote: syndicalist
          Quote: npzh
          An adult must beat his face for such a question

          Muzzle beat is absolutely pointless. Unless to warm up the topic. Any question deserves a qualified answer. Do not assume idiots in our citizens who cannot determine who is right

          No need to beat the muzzle.
          It is necessary to correctly describe how it happened that a German ended up near Moscow.
          What are the reasons for this incredible seemingly phenomenon. Maybe the infantry simply did not want to fight?
          The main question is whether such an incident will happen again.
          Will a Russian soldier steadfastly defend, for example, the junk of oligarch Gutsiriev, who has thrown several tens of millions of dollars into the welfare of his hut?
          1. +1
            31 March 2016 16: 57
            + I put it to you, you need to explain and still say what would happen then. at all levels, in the family, in the country. Well, that’s if the child from where these words came from. And IF an adult --- first explain, then, if you do not understand --- in the face!
            Although I heard this on TV. Then I called somewhere, expressed my attitude.
            In general, children are very sensitive. You can’t force a child to read poetry about the Blockade and listen to the speeches of others. Stand in line for registration and then in line for speech. Clock. An adult can offer, but if the child is not motivated, not brought up accordingly, this cannot be done . They are from 4-5 years old and older. They are very worried. This is --- their ACTION. Well done.
          2. +1
            31 March 2016 22: 13
            Quote: Cap.Morgan

            It is necessary to correctly describe how it happened that a German ended up near Moscow.
            What are the reasons for this incredible seemingly phenomenon. Maybe the infantry simply did not want to fight?

            The infantry did not want to fight, you say? I wonder who, in this case, by the beginning of August, had thinned out the personnel of Army Group "North" so much that von Leeb wrote in his diary that 40-50 people remained in his companies? Are the aliens?
          3. +1
            April 1 2016 19: 52
            And whom did the Russian soldier defend in 1812? If the war is truly Patriotic, it does not matter what kind of social system in the country, people will defend their homeland, and not the junk oligarchs.
    3. The comment was deleted.
    4. +4
      31 March 2016 11: 16
      Quote: Darkness
      And now they are already asking the question "Was it necessary to save Leningrad?"

      Directive of the chief of staff of the naval forces of Germany on the destruction of Leningrad

      22 September 1941 of


      The future of the city of St. Petersburg

      1. In order to have clarity about the activities of the navy in the event of the capture or surrender of St. Petersburg, the chief of staff of the naval forces raised a question before the Supreme High Command of the armed forces about further military measures against this city.

      The results are hereby notified.

      2. The Fuhrer decided to erase the city of St. Petersburg from the lead of the earth. After the defeat of Soviet Russia, the continued existence of this largest settlement is of no interest. Finland likewise declared its disinterest in the existence of this city directly at its new borders.

      3. The previous requirements of the Navy for the preservation of shipbuilding, port and other structures important for the Navy are known to the Supreme High Command of the Armed Forces, but their satisfaction is not possible due to the general line adopted in relation to St. Petersburg.

      4. It is supposed to surround the city with a tight ring and, by shelling with artillery of all calibers and continuous bombing from the air, to level it.

      If, as a result of the situation created in the city, requests for surrender are made, they will be rejected, since the problems associated with the stay of the population in the city and its food supply cannot and should not be solved by us. In this war, waged for the right to exist, we are not interested in preserving at least part of the population.

      5. The main command of the naval forces will soon develop and issue a directive on changes related to the upcoming destruction of St. Petersburg in organizational or ongoing organizational and personnel events.

      If the command of the army group has any suggestions in this regard, they should be sent to the headquarters of the naval forces as soon as possible.
    5. +5
      31 March 2016 23: 36
      And I, an adult, have never asked this question. If Leningrad had surrendered, I would not have been in this world.
      At 41, my mother was five years old, and she and her four brothers and sisters ended up in a blockade ring. And all of them, no longer walking, in February 42 were taken along the Road of Life to the mainland. That winter, 600 thousand people were evacuated from the city on the ice of Lake Ladoga. The "civilized-enlightened" Germans somehow did not suppose their further existence.
    6. 0
      April 1 2016 19: 35
      Back in the 90s, the writer Astafyev said that Leningrad had to be surrendered. Great "humanist".
      1. +1
        24 November 2016 19: 37
        Yes, they are visible through and through, these "humanists", it was necessary to hand over Leningrad, and then Moscow, and now there would be Bavarian beer and seized with Bavarian sausages, yes, the intelligentsia, however, a clear definition was given by Lenin.
  3. +5
    31 March 2016 07: 57
    The voice of the German announcer says: “Let Roosevelt and Churchill look at these Asian faces, there is nothing human in them. These are the Bolshevik hordes. They must be exterminated, they are not worthy to be called people. That's who the allies of Russia are helping. ”... Great Britain and the USA have not forgotten the call of the German announcer, judging by now ...
  4. +1
    31 March 2016 07: 58
    In fact, the Generalissimo really wanted to help Leningrad: in August 1941

    Again, there is a double impression of the article and it is unclear who was the Generalissimo in 41.
    1. +9
      31 March 2016 09: 04
      Who cares who was the generalissimo? The blockade of Leningrad is a feat of the city residents themselves. Without their stamina and dedication, no generals did anything. They were able to survive themselves and saved the city. Eternal memory to the heroes!
  5. +5
    31 March 2016 10: 47
    Quote: qwert
    If they should blame anyone, then probably Zhukov, who did not dare to break through the ring, preferring to keep his defense calm. And he had a chance. And real.

    It is not very clear about Zhukov. It was during his time when breakthrough attempts began:
    On the night of September 19 to 20, crossing the Neva at Moscow Dubrovka.

    On September 29, the Petrushino area crossed the Neva River of the 115th Rifle Division and units of the 10th Rifle Brigade.

    On October 1, at 7.00, units of the 55 army attacked the enemy in the areas of Tuyuzi, Peterhof, Uritsk, Staro-Panovo; Aleksandrovka, Pushkin, Putrolovo, Ust-Tosno.
  6. 0
    31 March 2016 11: 09
    Hitler's order of October 7, 1941 No. S.123:

    “… No German soldier should enter these cities [Moscow and Leningrad]. Whoever leaves the city against our lines must be driven back by fire.
    Small, unguarded passages that make it possible for the population to go out one by one for evacuation to the inner regions of Russia should only be welcomed. "
  7. +2
    31 March 2016 11: 09
    We need to understand one crucial thing.
    "The voice of the German announcer says:" Let Roosevelt and Churchill look at these Asiatic faces, there is nothing human in them. These are Bolshevik hordes. They must be exterminated, they are unworthy to be called people. This is whom Russia's allies are helping. "
    Replace the words "German announcer" with "American announcer" - they basically say the same thing. Already, now, even without a "hot" war. They repeat the mantra about the imaginary devastation and extinction of Russia with undisguised pleasure and joyful anticipation.
    Nothing has changed over the years.
    They hate us. And with pleasure they will destroy.
    We must do everything to prevent this from happening.
    1. 0
      31 March 2016 20: 57
      Nothing has changed over the years. Starting probably with Ivan the Terrible.
  8. +5
    31 March 2016 11: 16
    Here it is ordinary fascism. And no romance, like some of today's young idiots. The right to exclusivity, the right to determine who lives and who dies. Fascism, Wahhabism in this regard have one nature.
  9. +4
    31 March 2016 11: 18
    Thanks Polinushka! As always, happy! Strong article ..... Thanks again we are waiting for the continuation!
  10. 0
    31 March 2016 11: 27
    "Ladies, do not dig your dimples, our tanks will come, dig your dimples."
    My relatives who survived the blockade also recalled these leaflets. Literally for sure. As well as widespread cases of cannibalism
    1. 0
      31 March 2016 22: 16
      Quote: syndicalist
      "Ladies, do not dig your dimples, our tanks will come, dig your dimples."
      My relatives who survived the blockade also recalled these leaflets. Literally for sure. As well as widespread cases of cannibalism

      Not ubiquitous, but single. Which were suppressed with all possible rigidity. Not only did you have relatives in the blockade, you do not have to irrational horror to catch up.
      1. +4
        April 1 2016 00: 23
        I, too, all relatives were (still children) in blockade. And only one of them witnessed that in their yard someone by the corpse had cut off a piece of the buttock.
        According to the already opened archives of the NKVD, it is known that for the entire time of the blockade, approximately 300 people were identified and executed precisely for cases of cannibalism.
        Even if we assume that only every second or third case was disclosed, for a city with 2,5 million people and a million-strong army, these are ... not "widespread cases" at all.
        There is no need to whip up excitement, in the spirit of "enlightened Europe".
  11. +2
    31 March 2016 11: 37
    People of that era are heroes, now it’s hard to imagine all this. Touched to tears ...
  12. +5
    31 March 2016 11: 53
    It was a great stupidity after such orders of the enemy not to smooth Germany! An eye for an eye a tooth for a tooth!
  13. +2
    31 March 2016 12: 33
    On September 8, the first major air raid took place. Shooting from the cockpit of a German bomber: the plane flies over the Leningrad port, it seemed that infinitely delivering bombs were visible. The fire in food warehouses named after Bolshevik Badayev

    City leaders knew that the city WILL bombThere were many examples by that time, both in the Union and in England. It was impossible to keep everything in one place, hoping for a chance, it was necessary to disperse throughout the districts, how many lives it would save!
    My Leningrad relatives survived, becoming anti-aircraft gunners and going to the militia, were able to save children (only one died under the bombs). They were absolutely special people - very wise, calm, dumb strange, involved in some secret, inaccessible to others ....
    1. +3
      31 March 2016 13: 31
      Quote: Aleksander
      The city leadership knew that the city WILL be bombed — by then there were a lot of examples — both in the Union and in England. It was impossible to keep everything in one place, hoping for a chance, it was necessary to disperse throughout the districts, how many lives it would save!

      Judging by the MPVO documents, which were published only in 1995, 280 incendiary bombs fell on the territory of the warehouses. Of the 135 warehouse buildings, 27 were burned. About five tons of sugar, 360 tons of bran, 18,5 tons of rye, 45,5 tons of peas, more than 286 tons of vegetable oil, 10,5 tons of animal oil, about three tons of pasta were destroyed along with them , 2 tons of flour and about 209 tons of paper. The losses are enormous, but if this food remained intact, then with the gigantic needs of Leningrad it would be enough for two to three days.

      For comparison:
      Before the blockade, "Tsentrzagotzerno" managed to bring 45 tons of grain, 000 tons of flour and 14 tons of cereals to the city. Dispersal of production began from the first days of the war (each department acted according to its own mobilization plans). By the time the shelling of Leningrad began, the port elevators and bases located in the southern Moscow region, which turned out to be the closest to the front, were completely unloaded. At the same time, the evacuation of grain from the rapidly becoming front-line areas of the Leningrad region took place. At the same time, the employees of "Tsentrzagotzern" had to solve very non-trivial tasks: they had to supply the population with bread until the very last moment, and then take out the food without leaving it to the enemy. These tasks were completed everywhere, with the exception of Pushkino, where the Germans managed to bomb two station depots. On the whole, as of January 000, not a single sack of bread stored in the Tsentrzagotzerno warehouses had died.

      (c) Gregory of Pernavsky. MYTHS OF BLOCKADE LENINGRAD.
    2. -1
      31 March 2016 22: 21
      Quote: Aleksander
      On September 8, the first major air raid took place. Shooting from the cockpit of a German bomber: the plane flies over the Leningrad port, it seemed that infinitely delivering bombs were visible. The fire in food warehouses named after Bolshevik Badayev

      City leaders knew that the city WILL bombThere were many examples by that time, both in the Union and in England. It was impossible to keep everything in one place, hoping for a chance, it was necessary to disperse throughout the districts, how many lives it would save!
      My Leningrad relatives survived, becoming anti-aircraft gunners and going to the militia, were able to save children (only one died under the bombs). They were absolutely special people - very wise, calm, dumb strange, involved in some secret, inaccessible to others ....

      And were there large storage facilities in the city that allowed large amounts of food to be scattered across them? This is even now a problem for Peter. And at that time the city was supplied with wheels at 95%.
      1. +3
        31 March 2016 23: 50
        That's right. In general, any city with a million population, at least New York, at least Shanghai, at least Perm, has a current supply of food for all items for a maximum of three to four weeks.
        The legend that the Badayev warehouses burned down ... just the same - it was born during the blockade, their fire was visible in all parts of the city. But figures have disproved this back in Soviet times. There was not a lot of food in the city at that time, and it was all "smeared" with a thin layer over the districts and warehouses of bakeries. And a lot of sugar burned down at the Badayevsky warehouses. Although, in terms of sugar, the city had a decent position. There was little flour, and sugar, it just so happened that more than average. And in October, the population was given more sugar than the national average. What we regretted very much a month later, when it turned out that there was no delivery and was not expected, and the flour remained literally for 10 days.
  14. +3
    31 March 2016 13: 33
    Quote: Aleksander
    It was impossible to keep everything in one place, hoping for a chance, it was necessary to disperse throughout the districts, how many lives it would save!

    In Badayevsky warehouses 3 thousand tons of flour were lost - a three- or five-day supply. In total, at the beginning of the blockade, the city had about 60 thousand tons of food.
    And it is not a fact that with a more dispersed distribution, losses would have decreased - after all, special storage facilities were needed.
  15. +2
    31 March 2016 16: 57
    But didn’t they prepare to break through the blockade in the fall of 41. But because of the Vyazemsky catastrophe, the troops had to be removed and thrown under German tanks.
    1. +3
      April 1 2016 00: 13
      To say that we were "preparing" .... sat, thought and decided to prepare .... somehow it sounds completely ridiculous ...
      Continuous, endless battles went on the approaches to the city from August-September to the end of the year.
      The Germans pressed on, ours snapped ... Endless landing and counterattacks of September-October in the area of ​​Uritsk-Strelna.
      Several attempts to attack in the Kolpino-Slavyanka area.
      Already from September and literally until the end of the year, battles for the bridgehead in the Arbuzovo region (Nevsky Piglet).
      Throughout October, the city was filled with rumors that ours were about to take Mgu, that Kulik’s army was going to help Leningrad, that ours were attacking Sinyavino ...
      Everything crashed on the German defense.
      And in the spring of 1942, our offensive from Tikhvin to Volkhov, which then immediately went on the offensive of the 2nd shock army of Vlasov on Lyuban-Tosno. Toward the city - an attack by Kolpin .... The result is known - the tragedy of the 2 shock army.
      All summer 1942, fierce battles for Sinyavino with the troops of Manstein, who came from under Sevastopol ... Again, failure.
      They tried to break through the blockade continuously, all the while continuing the blockade.
  16. +6
    31 March 2016 17: 15
    This is how the parents of the children love, and leaving her mother warm the children, just the soul is torn. Appreciate who they are alive when they will not be excruciating and painful.
  17. -4
    31 March 2016 17: 57
  18. +2
    31 March 2016 19: 57
    Article + in any way! People! Remember the feat of Leningraders and Leningrad! During my studies in St. Petersburg, I well remember these graffiti about the danger of shelling. And carnations, which always lay under these inscriptions. Eternal memory of those who died during the war. Pauline, thank you very much human for finding people you write about in your articles! After all, they become less and less!
  19. +3
    31 March 2016 20: 05
    we will not forget this feat. if we forget, we will be damned.
  20. +2
    31 March 2016 21: 14
    And there were no forces. But the Russians stood to their death.

    Correct you, dear author - the Soviet stood to death. Thank you for the article.
    In the 70s, my grandmother worked in the central hotel of the city and now I remember, without understanding the meaning then, her statement - "brothers Leningraders". And only decades later, it became clear that we are brothers in war and in spirit.
  21. +5
    31 March 2016 23: 59
    I would like to correct the author of the article a little.
    Consumption rate of 125 gr. bread was established for all categories of citizens, except for workers (workers - 250 grams, first-line fighters - 300 grams) not in January 1942, but much earlier - in the second half of November 1941.
    On November 20, the first (still scanty) deliveries on ice of Lake Ladoga began, and in the first week of December, they were able to raise the delivery rate by 50 g. In January, there was already a second and third increase in the delivery rate.
    However, hunger has its inertia, and the maximum mortality rate occurred just in January-February 1942.
  22. 0
    18 January 2017 20: 12
    Now, after more than 70 years, it’s easy to argue how it was necessary to wage a war and whether it was worth defending Peter and Brest, while forgetting that the experience of fighting the art of war, based on which we now argue precisely then, was obtained. We forget that the tactics of the massed military science of those years did not know how to resist strikes of tank armies while dominating in the air, although the tactics themselves, the invention of Tukhachevsky, a Soviet officer, are now flanking attacks on the rear of the attackers, which the Ukronazists on the Donbas are constantly forgetting, an axiom of all military men ebnikov.Ochen much was vpervye.I Russian people, namely Russian, managed to stop the beast against whom could not resist so I drugie.Vot brutality to bring deysviya some figures are trying to kill us in the memory.
    PS: I have grandmothers from Siege of Peter, they took me out on the road of life in winter 42. They told me a lot of things that they would never write.

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