Russia and Belarus: translation problems


"Happiness is when they understand you." Popular wisdom.

"Who was Russian, will understand me without words" I did not like (emigrant).

Any problem needs some solution, sooner or later, one way or another. Sooner or later, but the tooth with tooth decay has to be treated (this is me from personal experience). Why I so often refer to the topic of Belarus - this country and its future are somehow indifferent to me. In general, I don’t like it when people suffer senselessly: I remember eight endless discussions with Ukrainians over the past few years. In general, we warned them about the loss of the Russian market, and about the fall of the economy. They told us about the virtues of European integration. Then what happened happened. There is no longer a country Ukraine, but people there will be tormented for a very long time. And we are not beasts.

You see, what is the matter: Russian diplomacy is at a very high level and Russian politicians are very diplomatic. You will never hear any harsh statements about Minsk. But I, not being bound by the conventions of a diplomatic protocol, can speak more freely. So, the only chance for a more or less positive and painless development of Belarus was in phased integration with Russia. And in the field of politics, and in the field of economics. But Belarus, of course, an independent state, with which official Minsk did not fail to take advantage of the full program: the integration project was “frozen”.

Here we can say about strategy and tactics: so, from a tactical point of view, Lukashenko certainly won, having received resources and retaining full sovereignty. But he did not have time to celebrate this outstanding political event, as the gloomy morning of tomorrow came: the economic crisis of 2008 of the year occurred and the attack of Georgia on Tskhinval occurred. The world has changed already then, in the year 2008 from the birth of Christ. Alas, world politics is not built around Belarus, no matter how it is not built around Georgia or Ukraine, whatever the leaders and people of these states may think. There is such a dangerous illusion that you don’t have to work, you just have to sell yourself at a higher price, because without you there’s no way. In many ways, this is what killed Ukraine, the Ukrainians were sure that everything: the EU, the USA, the Russian Federation, the PRC would compete for their wonderful country with the last of their strength, only substitute your dollars for dollars.

The reality was much more sad. But the illusion of “bagovatoraknost” persisted until the last moment. This is the permanent leader of Belarus who is tortured and tortured by the same obsessive nightmares: he understands the competition between the EU and Russia as a chance to make good money, it seems to him that literally everyone needs his country. The main thing is to take the right price. Alas, everything is not so good. Putin himself clearly demonstrated that Ukraine can smoothly switch to Latakia ... And the more bombs fell on terrorists, the less people remembered Ukraine. In general, we must admit that the “golden times” for Ukraine have passed forever. Nobody needs it now. No, of course, no one will give up political control, but the country as a whole and the people themselves, as it were, are superfluous.

Ukrainians simply didn’t ask themselves a simple question: what will happen to them when their country disappears from editorials of Western newspapers? Is Europe interested in Belarus? Yes and no. On the one hand, the EU is engaged in a systematic struggle against Russia, and, for example, by collapsing the Ukrainian economy (integrated with the Russian Federation), it has achieved some success, weakening Russia. On the other hand, in itself, Belarus with its “old-Soviet” economy does not need it for nothing. It is too expensive to reform, and too long, and too difficult. Yes, and not necessary. Nobody will create a “second South Korea” here, it’s too expensive. The task of the Europeans is simple and quite doable: “kill Belarus against the wall.” To avoid such a country.

The thing is that from an economic point of view and from a cultural point of view, this country is still interesting for Russia. So, the task of the European commissioners is not to save and equip the “Euro-Belarus”, but to destroy its economy and statehood. And here the most unpleasant and paradoxical (as, by the way, in Ukraine) is that we cannot compete with them in any way. We cannot promise: “punishments”, “lace panties”, a salary of two thousand euros and visa-free Schengen. We cannot, but they can, simply because they are not going to fulfill anything of the promise. This is their strength. We will not be able to “kill” their offer, because in their “tender envelope” there is air instead of real billions.

By the way, according to the results of the special operation, the Kremlin and Putin will be blamed for everything (that is, the collapse of the economy and the entry of Belarus into black Africa). People are surprisingly easy to manipulate: until now, the majority of Ukrainians believe that if it were not for Putin’s “aggression,” Ukraine would already be in the EU. And Brussels is not to blame for anything! And by the way, in some ways they are right: Ukraine by itself, the US / EU is not very interesting, especially Belarus. For them, these are just “platforms” for the game against Russia. But for the aborigines (for obvious reasons) they do not report this - so that they do not twitch. During the previous round, the site called Ukraine was destroyed. All, her fate no one cares. Before the site was destroyed Georgia.

Need new playground against Russia. For example, such as Belarus. To those who rush to object to me, I will ask one simple question: “Why nowhere not shot (this is your economic miracle)? Not in the Baltics, not in Georgia, not in Moldova? ”. I understand that each person and each people is unique in its own way, but there are some general principles. Yugoslavia was plunged into interethnic conflict, bombed the country and destroyed the industry, and without any participation of Russia. How do you like an example? A civilized, rich and promising Iraq "multiplied by zero." The super-rich and socially-oriented Libyan Jamahiriya was simply trampled into the mud. Bad example?

Why, strictly speaking, in the Russian-speaking Belarus will be different? Where does this come from? Give me the reverse examples, I do not know those. So the active movement of Europeans towards Belarus and, oddly enough, the lifting of the sanctions of a normal Belarusian should have been frightening. Scare just to shiver, but for some reason it caused rising hopes for something good. Even being completely indifferent to the future of Russia, the Belarusians should be very scared out of a sense of self-preservation. Gaddafi was wrong? Like Milosevic, like Yanukovych? But will Lukashenka succeed? Where does such optimism come from?

They write that supposedly the Republic of Belarus is a type of neutral state (unlike “aggressive Russia”), which does not want to “grab” with anyone. This is Lukashenko’s policy: wise and peaceful. At the same time, the presence of a number of nuclear Russia is not considered in any way: Belarus is reliably protected by the very “international law” that Herr Steinmeier likes to mention after February 22, 2014, of the year. There is a “revisionist and aggressive” Russia, whose policy the Belarusians reasonably condemn, and there is a Republic of Belarus that will not and will not fight with anyone. Because every state on this beautiful planet has an unconditional right to choose: if you want - you fight, you don't want - you don't fight.

Who do you say assad attacked in 2011 year? And his position was much more stable: before the crisis he was recognized all. Literally everything, and no one questioned his “legitimacy”, then literally within a few months everything changed: they called him a dictator and began to overthrow him with the help of “ideological action films”. Aggressive Russia, speak? What I particularly like is the “independent foreign policy position” of the country of Belarus. Independent of Russia. But since it is very difficult to form a truly independent position of small Belarus, the western tracing paper is taken as a basis. Approximately the same thing has been done for decades in “fraternal Ukraine”: the foreign policy position was strictly pro-Western. Known than it's over.

I'm sorry, I don’t believe in “fraternal” countries with a Western vision of the modern world. There is no way. Sooner or later it will be affected. As it affected the Serbs. Paradoxically: I have heard hundreds of times from the Belarusians the mention of the fact that we are two fraternal peoples, but the events in Ukraine once again called into question this bold hypothesis. You see, I talked a lot with English-speaking foreigners on the Internet about the very Ukraine and Donbass. So, that is characteristic: even after you explain everything in detail about Ukraine and the Russians in it, the position of the person does not change one iota. Why? They don't like Russians. And they are offering this “magical” solution of the problem on the move: “if the Russians don’t like something there, then why don’t they go to Russia?”

But, at least, none of these foreigners writhes from themselves "the great friend of all Russians." They clearly state that Russians are not cute to them and should “go home” and not prevent Ukraine from building democracy. Everything is clear, simple, understandable. Everything is much more complicated with Belarusians: on the one hand, they are Russia's closest, loyal and reliable allies, on the other hand, there was no official demarche from the official Minsk in response to the Odessa massacre and punitive operation in the Donbas. And the Belarusians for the most part did not rush to condemn the junta and support the militias. They do not want a "fratricidal war," that's how. And what do we do with the Ukrainian neo-Nazis?

The thesis of friendship implies the existence of not only a common historical past, but also the presence of common foreign policy views. Exactly. When Germany and France did not support invasion United States to Iraq in the year 2003, there was a big scandal and they were accused of all mortal sins. Although it seems: with a fright them to someone attack? However, the US reaction was extremely tough. In this case with Ukraine and Turchinov, Russia did not call to invade and overthrow anyone, it was just necessary to condemn the neo-Nazi coup and the massacres of Russians in Ukraine. Belarusians did not do it.

You know what the hitch is: the Lvov Nazi is not our brother, and it will never be to them, trying to "reconcile" us is useless. The “wise and peace-loving” position of Mr. Lukashenko in Russia was perceived (once again, by the way) as treacherous and two-handed. He did not need to "speak out against the Ukrainians," he simply had to condemn Nazism. But "the heir to the partisan traditions of the partisan region" refused to do so. This, by the way, is a characteristic ideological propaganda stamp of the West: there is no conflict between normal citizens and neo-Nazis, but between Russians and Ukrainians. The war between Russia and Ukraine. They are so profitable. Nazis, they stubbornly do not notice. Belarusians also refused to notice them categorically and also talk about the conflict between Russia and Ukraine.

Fratricidal war, speak? A person who "painted himself in the colors" of the 3 of the Reich is not a brother to us and never will be. Or is he a brother for Belarusians? I'd love to clarify this point: as Belarusians today belong to German Nazism and its contemporary followers? It is today, here and now. A matter of principle. And then maybe we hurried with oaths in friendship? The question is not superfluous precisely because it arose to its fullest after the Ukrainian “prostrations”. The fact is that if neo-Nazis and Bandera were removed from the Ukrainian “equation”, there would be almost no blood to spill.

The problem is that it is quite safe to condemn Hitler’s beaten Nazis. But it’s quite another thing to condemn modern Eastern European neo-Nazis, such a move might not like the current German politicians (with a thick checkbook). By the way, here you can ask a question not only to Belarusians, but also to many of my compatriots, who in the same way would not like to “grab” with modern Germany because of the support of this neo-Nazis. At the same time they "honestly" condemn Hitler - it is safe. I think a person can be called an anti-fascist only when he adheres to these beliefs in any situation. To kick the carcass of the dead Fuhrer on occasion is “about nothing”. This can be Merkel and Steinmeier, but can anyone in their right mind say that Merkel or Steinmeier are anti-fascists? Are you ready for anti-fascism, which does not unite, but shares us with Germany (and even the whole of Europe)? The question is serious.

They were the detonators of all the killings and the subsequent destruction of the state of Ukraine: neo-Nazis. Moreover, armed neo-Nazis. And this is a very serious threat. And who, if not Belarusians, who have lost one third of the population during the Second World War, should understand this. Do not understand categorically. For them, there is a conflict between Russia and Ukraine. And they wisely choose the position of neutrality ... And sincerely hope for an end to the conflict between the fraternal peoples. Very noble, albeit slightly naive position. Imagine that in Germany 1933, someone did not accept the advent of Hitler to power, picked up weapon and began to shoot especially frisky Nazis, unleashing a civil (fratricidal!) war and preventing the war - World War II.

Would this be a crime? Of course. By the way, Hitler came to power by completely democratic methods: he did not burn tires and did not kill the police (the Fuhrer was an honest burgher, tried to abide by the laws, respected the state and Turchinov and Parubiy he would not give up!). But seriously, it was the neo-Nazi coup in Kiev that made the normal relations between Ukraine and Russia absolutely impossible. In general, it seems to me that with every year and every political crisis it is more and more difficult to talk about “fraternal” relations with Belarus. The fact is that friends understand each other perfectly. In our case, there are long and unpleasant disputes on every occasion. I could be wrong, but it seems to me that the war in South Ossetia, the putsch in Ukraine and the operation of the VKS against terrorists (which the Republic of Belarus did not support) “lowered” our relations to a new level. And there's nothing you can do.

No, of course, among the best friends there are serious disagreements, the trouble is that in relations between Russia and Belarus there is nothing left but these very “differences”. Sad of course, but that is what it is. Of course, Belarus has the right to its own policy and its own vision of the world. This is so, and no one denies this, the trouble is that this policy and this vision of the world more and more diverge from Russian politics and the Russian vision of the world. It is impossible to say who is looking better here, but with the achievement of a certain “delta” in thinking, it becomes almost impossible to talk about friendship. As has already been said: friends understand each other from half a word, this is not observed in the relations of Moscow and Minsk long ago.

The thing is that the events in Ukraine really accelerated certain processes in Russia, but not in the sense of familiarizing with European values, but in the sense of national revival, the symbol of which was the St. George ribbon. Which in Belarus is not very welcome. You see, this is not a “delicacy” and not a whim, and this will not work. Alas, Russia hopelessly and irrevocably became “wadded” and “Colorado”, while Belarusians did not understand and did not appreciate it. Categorically. By the way, in Russia it was also a personal tragedy for many people - former idols faded (not only Makarevich).

And to “persuade” us is useless, only time to lose. We are not going to integrate into Euro-integration, rather the reverse process has gone - it’s been decided that Russia can not execute the decisions of the ECHR. For many Russians (especially in capitals), this is a personal tragedy. But the decision was made, the Rubicon was changed ... But the young Belarusians are looking more and more to the West ... Can we find a common denominator here? I doubt it. You see, Russia 2009 already seriously differed from Russia 2007, and Russia 2015 essentially differs from Russia 2013. Belarus is developing (or not developing) along its trajectory. And it is clear that Russia (a huge country, as one of the Belarusians called it here) cannot and will not build its politics around Belarus. So our “trajectories” of development diverge more and more. And to overcome this widening abyss with a children's phrase: “But we are brothers!”, Alas, is no longer possible.

The whole trouble is precisely in the “separate development”, as a result of which Belarusians do not like and fear “Russian oligarchic capitalism” (they are not afraid of German - it’s civilized, not gangster, like in Russia), they don’t approve of the Kremlin’s militarization and aggressive foreign policy deal tolerant EU!), etc. And we can no longer, and we are not going to make a foreign policy "under Belarus". So that's it. I am afraid that the further, the worse we will understand each other. Even the best teacher sooner or later gets bored with explaining the basics of a favorite subject to very incomprehensible students, and here: in the last year in Russia there has been a sharp drop in interest not only in Ukraine, but also in Belarus. It is simply boring and not interesting to chew the same things about “Putin oligarchs,” “Russian nationalists,” and so on.

It becomes boring, absolutely boring, before yawning. If a person stubbornly does not understand you and for a long period of time with a suspicious air asks the same questions, then sooner or later communication loses its meaning. No one likes endlessly making excuses and explaining elementary things. It is not interesting. The last meeting on the “union state” demonstrated this very clearly: the father hung flags of Russia and Belarus in the hall and sat down in wait for a large dollar loan. We came, looked, shrugged and left. By the way, yes, just before the visit of the Russian delegation, the father suddenly conducted exercises of the Armed Forces of the Republic of Belarus near the border of Ukraine. What for? Now This is not at all what Russia needs. Not at the time somehow happened.

According to my modest estimates, Belarus should either “wake up”, realize the criticality of the situation and start taking the right big steps in the right direction, or everything will be bad. Very bad. Independence, oddly enough, implies not only the right to do arrogant actions, but also the duty to answer for them.
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  1. +6
    29 March 2016 05: 56
    People are surprisingly easy to manipulate: ... Gaddafi was wrong? Like Milosevic, like Yanukovych? But will Lukashenko succeed? Where does such optimism come from?

    How to wake people up? So this requires a long and painstaking work to educate him. Do we have time for this? It is advisable to end with the naivete brought up in us, Belarus should either “wake up” ...
    1. +28
      29 March 2016 06: 55
      In Belarusians they bring up the same thing as in Ukrainians: Russian fuckers need to be milked and deceived for their own benefit, and they will pay, pay and pay ..., and we (Belarusians) will give out promises and create the appearance of friendship: we will hang "brotherly" flags, etc.
      ... But the time has come to visually show and decide on whose side you are, brothers of Belarus!
      It will not work and eat the fish and run past the horseradish, here the third is not given, either .....
      Either you and Russia, or they will simply dissolve you among other things, limp slave rabble, considering himself an advanced pederast-West, the number of which is deliberately reduced and lead to extinction, as unnecessary !!!
      1. Riv
        29 March 2016 08: 12
        Alas, it will not work. I had to deal with Belarusians at work. Well, the scoop! Did you sell the product? Fine. Not sold? It’s good, we’ll sell it tomorrow. Fulfilled the contract? Fine. Did not fulfill, disrupted the delivery? Nonsense...

        That is why Lukashenka does not allow Russian businessmen to get into the local market. What kind of competition? What "milk suckers"? Belarusians will simply be crushed like an elephant with a hamster's ass.
      2. 0
        29 March 2016 08: 32
        Apparently you got the wrong people if they brought it up in you.
      3. +2
        29 March 2016 19: 30
        Listen, Lukashenko is not Belarus yet, we don’t like his politics, but what can we do?
    2. 0
      29 March 2016 06: 56
      Throughout the history of Russia, as a state, in one form or another, it is fighting the Western countries. Throughout the known history, Ukraine has been, in one way or another, a part of the Russian world. But then a hurray-patriotic "expert" appears and writes off 40 million compatriots. Aren't you ashamed?
      1. +13
        29 March 2016 08: 44
        The expert does not write off anyone, he simply shows with his fingers what happens if the whole country of "brotherly" by default makes a Western choice.
        These people in Ukraine and Belarus will wake up, but it’s better to do this before they have corrupted, raped and robbed your country (for cookies). Russia, unlike a conditional west (but a very real enemy) does not force anyone, but please choose yourselves (betrayal of memory and deeds of ancestors) yourself!
        1. +3
          29 March 2016 12: 33
          Let the expert say the benefits of integration with the country in which everything was looted. Please note that the phrase was not invented by me. Nobody needs Belarus in the European Union.
          The author of this fantasy artwork does not think about ordinary citizens of the Republic of Belarus. He doesn’t give a damn that he is sowing seeds of hostility between our people. I, as a citizen of Belarus, are offended by this article - the thoughts of a crazy chauvinist.
          1. +3
            29 March 2016 13: 25
            The article is another libel on Lukashenko and Belarus in general.
            It will not work for you, gentlemen, to drive a wedge of contradictions between fraternal peoples.
            Afftaru fat almond!
            Quote: No login
            To me, as a citizen of Belarus, this article is offensive to the thoughts of a crazy chauvinist.

            As a citizen of Russia, I agree with you!
          2. -1
            29 March 2016 16: 41
            Quote: No login
            Nobody needs Belarus in the European Union.

            Not needed - that's for sure. Only now they will show the carrot in the form of some "prospects for the integration of Belarus into the EU" - and a lot of people will immediately come out in support of this project. And this has happened with us, and it has a place to be even now, why hide there.
            1. +2
              29 March 2016 17: 06
              What about the alternative? With explanations, please.
      2. +3
        29 March 2016 13: 15
        But then a hurray-patriotic "expert" appears and writes off 40 million compatriots. Aren't you ashamed?

        That's it. People, don't you remember, with whose consent the USSR was destroyed? Were we "disagreed"? But we were silent. They didn't bang their fists on the table. The miners knocked on their helmets, but so, from hunger already.
        Similarly, Ukrainians - 90%. And the thugs who burned the Berkut and "Colorado" in Odessa - they are everywhere enough. What, we don't have skins? They will ask me why they are fighting in the ATO? Well, where to go if the summons came and you can't get rid of it? Rush to Russia7 I am here waiting for him with open arms, and even with his wife and child. To run over to Novorossiya, it’s not honey and sugar there either. No work, where to live? And leaving your family in the Ruin is scary. So they go to fight "by order". And in war, either you kill, or you, or go to the tribunal.

        And in Belarus I can say that Maidown will be more likely to be in Moscow than in Minsk. Why? Because in Belarus there are no oligarchs. There are rich people, but there are no rich people with power like Akhmetov-Kolomoisky. And therefore, there are no elite groups, but there is a vertical of power. And therefore, if Lukashenko gives the order to crush the maydown infection, then she will be crushed.
        But Father himself is a grated kalach. He knows very well the line that does not need to be crossed. neo-Nazis, for example. But father did not recognize and threw him from the territory of Belarus. But, legally, Poros and Co. are not right-wingers. And that means you can easily have your own gesheft. But she also does not want to let our oligarchs into Belarus. He has eyes, he sees how they capture everything that is possible in our regions. So while Lukashenko is in power, Belarus will not run far, but it will not let our oligarchs walk around.
        1. +2
          29 March 2016 13: 46
          And in Belarus, I can say that Maydaun will be more likely in Moscow than in Minsk. Why?

          Of course, I can be mistaken, but Russia now is precisely the system that is quite stable. Unlike just from Belarus. There, the last 20 years in politics and economics was only socialism from Lukashenko. People just tired of such a choice. Plus, the economy is falling.
          So everything is sad.
          Lukashenko will give the order to crush the maydown infection,

          Will he also order economic problems to be "crushed"?
          The weak point of the Lukashenko system is precisely the economy.
          1. +1
            29 March 2016 15: 59
            Of course, I can be mistaken, but Russia now is precisely the system that is quite stable.

            The GDP has built a "power vertical". But this vertical depends on the elite, who put their people there for insurance, and not on the legal ruler. If the elite capitulates, then the GDP will not be able to fully rely on the siloviki. At best, it will be a civil war if it is supported by a sufficient number of security officials, and at worst - the Maidan in Moscow with all the consequences that we see in Ukraine.

            The people are elementary tired of such a choice.

            Why are the people tired of socialism? Why is it bad if there is confidence in the future, even without the opportunity to buy a yacht that is cooler than the oil sheikh? Moreover, But Father was not fenced off from the "European values" with an iron curtain. And the average Belarusian can buy everything from chewing gum and jeans to a foreign car and "prostitute".

            Will he also order economic problems to be "crushed"?

            It is not necessary to crush economic problems; it is necessary to crush those who use them as a banner. At the expense of the economy in the form of a weak spot - it is now everywhere a weak spot. We are no better than in Belarus, and in the West the crisis has not disappeared.
        2. +1
          29 March 2016 16: 46
          Quote: alicante11
          And in Belarus I can say that Maidown will be more likely to be in Moscow than in Minsk. Why? Because in Belarus there are no oligarchs.

          Quote: alicante11
          But Father himself is a grated kalach. He knows very well the line that does not need to be crossed.

          Everything will be so here, unless Lukashenko himself leads this process. So many times he spoke out against the interests of Russia at crucial points that in our leadership they no longer really believe him and there is no hope for him. And in this case, assistance is also extremely reluctant - it is believed that money can also be spent on our economy - and with greater effect.
          1. -1
            29 March 2016 17: 49
            So many times he spoke out against the interests of Russia in extremely important moments, that he is not particularly trusted in our leadership and there is no hope for him. And in this case, assistance is provided extremely reluctantly - it is believed that money can be spent on our economy, and with great effect.

            Absolutely. For some reason, it is still believed that Lukashenko is a "pro-Russian" politician (in the West and in Belarus itself). So I must say that it is he who actively prevents the flow of Russian aid to Minsk.
            First, a person does everything to make the official Moscow angry, to make her mad.
            (accustomed to Belarusian sovereignty)
            And then, with surprise, states that the Russians do not want to help the Belarusians.
    3. +13
      29 March 2016 07: 10
      "Young Belarusians look towards the West ..." - The terrible competition in the field of toilet cleaning is growing every day more and more! Soon on all the world's television channels - Ukrainians and Belarusians are fighting over strawberry plantations and night pots of the elderly residents of all kinds of faterland! laughing

      Let Belarus go its own way, only they should never forget that for Europe they will be ...- Russians! And if they begin to insist that they are Belarusians, then they immediately fall into the category of second-class people and cease to notice them ... Unfortunately or fortunately, as if my words were not offensive to the Belarusian brothers, but it is a fact! You can look at the attitude towards Ukrainians in Europe! Belarusians, respected people, so far, together with Russia, is as true as Ohm's Law in physics! An immutable historical axiom!
      1. +5
        29 March 2016 08: 48
        Quote: Finches
        Let Belarus go its own way, only they should never forget that for Europe they will be ...- Russians! And if they begin to insist that they are Belarusians, then they immediately fall into the category of second-class people and cease to be noticed ...

        Let me somewhat clarify your comment, Belarusians WILL NOT fall into the category of 2 grades, the Slavs have always WERE and WILL BE for Europe barbarians, people not even of the second, but of the third grade. Great-growing, low-growing, White-growing people have ALWAYS been nobody for "enlightened" Europe. Only not all Slavic peoples get it. It seems that the Russian people can hardly reach it through the great hardships and trials of the 90s, but they do, but the rest are still in sweet dreams that maybe it will cost and they will not be touched. No, as my former wards said, "such a freebie will not prokanayet. Present and drop."
        1. avt
          29 March 2016 09: 29
          Quote: Captain45
          I will allow myself to clarify your comment a little bit, Belarusians will NOT fall into the category of 2 grades, the Slavs WERE and WILL BE for Europe barbarians, people of not even the second, but the third grade.

          Yes, just slaves-SLAVES.
    4. 0
      29 March 2016 07: 23
      instead of searching for moments of rapprochement and contacts with fraternal people, for some reason, it prints monotonous articles about imaginary problems with Belarus, it’s badly fuel ...

      Ukraine is no longer a country, but people there will suffer for a very long time

      how is it not when to eat? was Ukraine, became Banderland and will continue to kill the Russians and ruin the life of Russia ...

      But Belarus, of course, is an independent state, which official Minsk did not fail to take advantage of in full: the integration project was "frozen."

      the integration process was frozen not because Minsk so wanted, but because the unification process was not equal and everything that Lukashenko built could be privatized according to Russian laws i.e. sold, which means poher, as well as many thousands of Russian factories from which there were only ruins and shopping centers, and as for zila, they generally erase it at zero ...

      The same Putin clearly demonstrated that from Ukraine you can smoothly switch to Latakia ...

      Well, yes, they don’t care about the problems of the Russian Russians, they worry more about the problems of the unfortunate European Jews, they care about the problems of Latakia, they care about other different problems, all but the Rus ...

      The trouble is precisely in “separate development”, as a result of which Belarusians do not like and are afraid of “Russian oligarchic capitalism”

      not only Belarusians, but also Russians are afraid of this very "Russian" (in fact, Jewish) oligarchic capitalism, the development of living standards in Belarus is constrained by high prices for energy resources, if the prices were divine, and not transcendental, which is dictated by the Kremlin, then Belarusians could to sharply reduce prices for many goods, but the Kremlin does not need the Belarusians to have a high standard of living, the Kremlin does not need the Russians to have a high standard of living, therefore, prices for gasoline and utilities, and other prices are constantly rising, but the media goes mass noodles about the key rate and everything else, as Gref once confessed to a fool ...
      1. 0
        29 March 2016 07: 45
        the integration process was frozen not because Minsk wanted it so, but because the unification process was not equal

        It would be strange if, in a single state, Belarusians stood one step higher than the Bashkirs, Udmurts, Ossetians, Tatars. And this is what meant the "equality" of the Russian Federation and the Republic of Belarus during unification.
        Have you thought about such a paradox?

        this very "Russian" (actually Jewish) oligarchic capitalism is feared not only by Belarusians, but also by Russian

        Germany to help you
        1. +4
          29 March 2016 08: 03
          Quote: Olezhek
          It would be strange if in a single state Belarusians stood a notch higher than the Bashkirs, Udmurts,

          and I'm not talking about this, not a close one, not about nationality, who is higher, who is lower, but about the fact that the integration process should not take place with all sorts of privatization processes and the collapse of the public sector, as happened in Russia, paws away from state enterprises and, in general, capitalism away, we-russians do not need this "good", we have already drank this capitalism, except for theft, deterioration of people's lives, vulgarity and abominations of the media, capitalism for which Putin and his team stand like a mountain there is nothing good for people ...
      2. +3
        29 March 2016 08: 17
        and you know that they work in a warehouse, they have all the warehouses crammed and they cannot sell to anyone. and they also don’t work hard to work, so don’t need to say about their plants that they weren’t sold
        1. -1
          29 March 2016 08: 25
          Quote: alekc75
          and you know that they work in a warehouse, they have all the warehouses crammed and they cannot sell to anyone. and they also don’t work hard to work, so don’t need to say about their plants that they weren’t sold

          no, I do not know...
        2. +3
          29 March 2016 08: 36
          Orders for Russia are single, therefore, most factories have a plan for the production of a certain batch of products so that the workers at least do something and cannot fire them, in view of the already not very good economic situation in the country.
          1. +1
            29 March 2016 08: 50
            Quote: TheLine
            Orders for Russia are single, therefore, most factories have a plan for the production of a certain batch of products so that the workers at least do something and cannot fire them, in view of the already not very good economic situation in the country.

            Well, yes, this is the Kremlin’s policy-economic strangulation, the energy prices are high, the Kremlin does not want to take Belarusian products, the same mazes are interrupted by KAMAZ products, KAMAZ creeps into the area of ​​multi-axis machines where it has never been before. Along the roads of Russia there are a lot of Volvo, Iveco, mans i.e. what is the currency in spite of any import substitutions, that’s what we need to talk about, and not that Lukashenko is not friends with Russia ...
        3. +1
          29 March 2016 11: 56
          Quote: alekc75
          and you know that they work in a warehouse, they have all the warehouses crammed and they cannot sell to anyone. and they also don’t work hard to work, so don’t need to say about their plants that they weren’t sold

          Yes, the workers themselves are against the sale, which is why they gave the unit to Lukoil at the naftan refinery. So there the salary is immediately mine and people ran to the personnel department, while Lukoil realized and agreed with naftan so that they would not take defectors.
          Although you are right, it is a big fault of the collective farmer that the industry has remained completely dependent on Russia because the warehouses are littered with useless products. I decided to develop agriculture with a view to the Russian market the way it is and, depending on the mood of the Russian government, they want to let go, they don’t want to deploy it at customs. Thanks to Luka, the Republic of Belarus has remained economically completely dependent on Russia, and so it comes off in political statements. If things go on like this, then nothing will remain as in an attempt to declare independence to connect the cultural component.
          Russia is not changing as fast as you want, but it is developing, while Belarus remained in the late 80s, which was what our president (I mean RB) was striving for.
          I did not like the article, but the article is honest.
          I want to say that another looking at you is not obliged to see you with the same eyes as you see yourself and give the same assessment of your actions as you yourself evaluate them.
      3. +4
        29 March 2016 09: 23
        Dear, life is a choice. Belarusians do not like expensive Russian oil, let them buy cheap Norwegian or Venezuelan oil (there was a precedent). In 2008, Deripaska did not want to sell the plants for currency, mark my word, they will go bankrupt.
        And logically, why do they need plants if in Russia 95% of the sales markets. This is the first.
        Second, as you imagine the development of Belarusian engineering, it is necessary not only to invest in the plant itself, you need to do something with suppliers, and these are huge amounts and you must be completely naive to believe that Belarusians have this money, or the West will agree select them.
        The moment of truth is coming soon.
        1. +1
          29 March 2016 09: 45
          Quote: demos1111
          Dear, life is a choice. Belarusians do not like expensive Russian oil, let them buy cheap Norwegian or Venezuelan oil (there was a precedent). In 2008, Deripaska did not want to sell the plants for currency, mark my word, they will go bankrupt.

          the Kremlin has no right to raise energy prices, this is a cannibalistic policy against its own people, for Russians and for Belarusians, too, Russian prices are very high, on what basis does the Kremlin inflate gasoline prices so high? This is anti-people and for such a "policy" the Kremlin authorities should be rebuked and talked about it, and not be silent ...

          Quote: demos1111
          In 2008, Deripaska did not want to sell the plants for currency, mark my word, they will go bankrupt.

          Yes, but who gives away nothing, for a penny they don’t sell worthwhile things all the more debask ...

          Quote: demos1111
          And logically, why do they need plants if in Russia 95% of the sales markets. This is the first.

          this is according to your "logic", according to your logic, Putin and Zionism should cover all Belarusian factories, people on the street, let them steal, drink too much, women on the panel and so on. Well, what else to do with people if there is no work?

          Quote: demos1111
          Second, as you imagine the development of Belarusian engineering, it is necessary not only to invest in the plant itself, you need to do something with suppliers, and these are huge amounts and you must be completely naive to believe that Belarusians have this money, or the West will agree select them.
          The moment of truth is coming soon.

          the money that goes to the oligarchs is much more than that goes to the real sector, for example, Putin "supported" banks during the "default" time of mass withdrawal of money and that at least one bank returned the money to the state? no returned. In Russia, there are more than 130 billionaire oligarchs, almost all of them are RAW MATERIALS and those who have stuck to the budget, that's where the money is and that's where the opportunities are, but the Kremlin doesn't need this, but it is necessary to ruin Belarus and make two peoples quarrel, this is a disgusting policy.
          As for the money of Belarusians, don’t worry, they have enough money, Belarus is an almost self-sufficient state except for energy resources, but there are solutions to switch to new energy-saving technologies and new competitive engineering products.

          Quote: demos1111
          The moment of truth is coming soon.

          and you look, I’m already waiting, you won’t wait when the Old Man starts selling the country?
      4. +3
        29 March 2016 09: 32
        Quote: Sveles

        Russian and spoil life Russia ...

        Russian ... Russian factories from which there were only ruins and shopping centers, and as for zila, they generally erase it at zero ...

        Russian Putin does not care ..., all but Russian ...

        of this "Russian" only Belarusians ,but also Russianslife in Belarus .... then Belarusians could abruptly ...... Belarusians had a high .... that would be Russians

        Could not pass by - so many grammatical errors! scared to stand for the Russian language. stop
        1. -4
          29 March 2016 09: 50
          Quote: gray smeet
          Could not pass by - so many grammatical errors! scared to stand up for the Russian language

          it is correct to speak RUSSIAN with one C, with two C - this is a reverse German translation. Russians do not speak "Russian", but speak Russian, so it is easier to speak ...
          1. +1
            29 March 2016 10: 09
            Quote: Sveles
            Quote: gray smeet
            Could not pass by - so many grammatical errors! scared to stand up for the Russian language

            it is correct to speak RUSSIAN with one C, with two C - this is a reverse German translation. Russians do not speak "Russian", but speak Russian, so it is easier to speak ...

            How do you explain then yours is whiteаrus? I’m just already interested, I hope the Mongols are not to blame here, what do we write Belarusian? ...
            By the way, in some regions we have A-cabinsin others O-cabins - in this case, how to write correctly, how do you hear or how "the Germans wrote to us"? wassat
            1. -1
              29 March 2016 11: 52
              Quote: gray smeet
              How do you explain then yours - Belarus

              Well, what can I say - illiteracy.
              BELARUS - WHITE RUSSIA everything is observed and the letter A and one C are all in Russian, and not in German with double consonants, which is unusual for the Russian language ...
          2. 0
            29 March 2016 15: 06
            Quote: Sveles
            speak Russian correctly with one C

            - But Pushkin (Lermontov, continue the list yourself) was not in the know belay

            But this is also correct (in Svelesovsky, yes):

            Quote: Sveles
            it cannibalistic policy

            Respected! Stop giving away your illiteracy as "new rules". The fact that you don't know English (and hate it at the same time) is still forgivable .. but not knowing your native language is somehow .. unknowingly not good already negative
      5. +1
        29 March 2016 16: 54
        the likelihood that there will be eleven pluses and eleven minuses is less than 10%, and so I always have, well who after that will say that the administrative resource is not applied to fuel i.e. include cons on the program and everything is aligned and why is this done?
        1. The comment was deleted.
    5. +2
      29 March 2016 14: 14
      the current Russian government is writing off debts to everyone, but not to fraternal peoples, Lukashenko would have tried to ask for a cancellation, the turn is from the gates, I wonder why?
      1. -3
        29 March 2016 15: 47
        Quote: Sveles
        current Russian authorities write off debts to everyone ... interesting ...

        I wonder if - on the Internet, everything is there.

        By the way, the example of the DPRK is funny: after gaining 11 billion of evergreens from the Union, after the collapse of the Union, Kim said: "The country from which we borrowed no longer exists. If there is no country, and there is no debt, we will not return it."

        Learn, Sweles, study .. if the truth is interesting, and not purely troll for the pluses laughing
        1. 0
          29 March 2016 16: 56
          Quote: Cat Man Null
          Learn, Sweles, study .. if the truth is interesting, and not purely troll for the pluses

          come on ...
          1. -1
            29 March 2016 17: 05
            Quote: Sveles
            come on ...

            Well, at least here in Russian and without errors laughing

            You know when you really want wink
  2. sgg
    29 March 2016 05: 56
    A very specific warning to Lukashenko.
    1. +13
      29 March 2016 06: 12
      Quote: sgg
      A very specific warning to Lukashenko.

      Quote: sgg
      Independence, oddly enough, implies not only the right to do arrogant acts, but also the obligation to answer for them.
      Author Oleg Egorov

      Absolutely true words of the author. Rights and obligations are inseparable, like two sides of the same coin.
  3. +17
    29 March 2016 06: 01
    Old Man managed to sit on the throne while he was the "last dictator" with Russia behind his back. Today the sanctions were lifted, i.e. paid attention, and the author is right - "Belarusians should be scared to shiver." They have no experience of a "hybrid" war in which they are drawn. And Batkina GB will not help. All sorts of NGOs, "orange" specialists and "moderate" opposition know their business. You can't be a little pregnant. IMHO, of course. hi
  4. +5
    29 March 2016 06: 02
    Batka thinks by the standards of Ukraine .. But he does not understand that power is a matter of time .. and one must think about the future!
    I notice one tendency .... IN THE PAST CENTURY FINLAND HAS BEEN BACK FROM US .. NOW UKRAINE, ONE LINE ALL DEEPER INTO THE COUNTRY FROM THE WEST .. here is BELARUS! although these lands are genuine Russian!
    It is NECESSARY to either straighten the brains or BATTERY TO RETURN BELARUS TO RUSSIA!
    1. 0
      29 March 2016 06: 04
      Quote: Nitarius

      So you yourself are pleased to read this caps?
      1. +3
        29 March 2016 06: 13
        Quote: Alexander Romanov
        Quote: Nitarius

        So you yourself are pleased to read this caps?

        Crap of course! Return ... And they asked? This is not Crimea. That's when they ask themselves, then you need to think. But they will not be asked. What for? This, neither they nor we need.
        1. +2
          29 March 2016 09: 41
          Quote: Observer 33
          Did they ask?

          Not peppered yet, that's not asking ...
    2. +1
      29 March 2016 14: 56
      Quote: Nitarius

      the return of land is not an end in itself, the main thing is THE PRESERVATION OF THE RUSSIAN PEOPLE, and Lukashenka is afraid of this when Belarus joins, there is a high probability of closing the factories and destroying everything that Lukashenko built, the plants will be closed, and people thrown out into the street, as in Russia, this is unacceptable .. .
  5. +6
    29 March 2016 06: 04
    Honestly, I still can somehow imagine in the minds of Belarusian politicians, but the mood of the citizens is a big mystery to me personally. In general, I do not know about their attitude to what is happening around them, and their thoughts about all this. And by the way, politicians led by Lukashenko are not predictable for me (for now, bargaining, what's next?). I hope the situation is different for our authorities, because, if not, then ... Then there can be no talk of any allied relations. Who needs unpredictable allies? Trust is the main thing.
    But I hope that this is just me, I don’t know anything about Belarus, and therefore I don’t understand them. smile
  6. +12
    29 March 2016 06: 07
    I liked the article, intelligibly, thoroughly, without hanging tags and sweeping accusations.
  7. +3
    29 March 2016 06: 13
    That's all right. I, too, think: "Why do we need such brothers?" It's bad, of course, without relatives. But it is better to become an orphan than to have such relatives.
    1. +4
      29 March 2016 07: 24
      Quote: BecmepH
      But it’s better to become an orphan than to have such a relative.

      Yes, God forbid - you will rely on them in something! Help, they say, in the little things ...
      And they are "brothers" ... "relatives" ...
      Isn't Lukashenko the first to start legislatively to pursue volunteers from Belarus fighting in Novorossiya? Who does not know - talk to their families ... Repression in a pure, uncomplicated "false humanism" form! ...
      1. 0
        29 March 2016 07: 49
        Wasn’t Lukashenka the first to start legislative prosecution of volunteers from Belarus who are fighting in Novorossia?

        Well, what can I say, well done ... request
        Somehow it seems that he has already crossed the "moral horizon of events."
  8. +9
    29 March 2016 06: 18
    Konstantin, we don’t have time for this. But Lukashenko and part (I don’t know, more or less) of the desire to understand that everything that happened in Ukraine, can be repeated and Belarus. Lukashenko climbs into the jaws of a snake and people are pulling.
  9. +9
    29 March 2016 06: 20
    Responsible for presumptuous actions - the author very accurately indicated the main problem of independence. When a son (for example) decides to become independent and leaves his father’s house, he suddenly realizes that he needs to eat at least once a day (and he wants more), that he needs to wash his clothes periodically, and that he can earn money is sorely lacking until the next pay, and borrow money from him, (paternally, without return) somehow quickly all the friends stop ... Yes, and brazenly! demand to return debts!
    What is Old Man counting on? He wants to establish a dynasty? No sooner - with such a policy he will be devoured by the gay people without salt. When you try to sit on two chairs, a causal place may fall between them. And it hurts.
  10. +5
    29 March 2016 06: 42
    “If the Russians don’t like something there, then why don’t they go to Russia?”

    And if a black man doesn’t like that he is extinguished by a dollman in America ... why doesn't he go to Africa ???
  11. +17
    29 March 2016 06: 42
    Somehow I recently talked at a forum with a friend from Belarus. To be honest, I was somewhat amazed and surprised. It turns out that Belarusians (probably not all of them) are also in trend. This comrade told me in plain text that it was not anyone else who was to blame for the worsening economic situation in their country, but ...... (guess who)? We are pulling them back. When I asked about low prices for energy resources and cheap, almost free Russian loans, he bluntly said that this is a price for "alliance". Just like that, directly and openly. In principle, he is right. We have taught the Belarusians to sell us their alliance, have taught us to receive from this alliance a specific deal in US dollars.
    After this conversation, a vile sediment remained. The country is fraternal and allied, but for the time being.
    Once again, he was convinced that our only ally who would not betray or sell was the army and navy.
    1. +1
      29 March 2016 08: 21
      ours were at their place of work, so they say they don’t want to work, they spend hours and all they care about
      1. +2
        29 March 2016 12: 08
        Quote: alekc75
        ours were at their place of work, so they say they don’t want to work, they spend hours and all they care about

        "Sicilism", damn it, is thriving! ...
        We have such "hoses" in bulk! in offices ... You can measure in kilometers ...
      2. 0
        29 March 2016 12: 11
        Quote: alekc75
        they sit around the clock and all they care about

        And in what area? I understand the clerk can sit for hours, but the worker at the machine how? Did - earned, did not - suck the bolt.
    2. +4
      29 March 2016 08: 42
      chatted with the wrong people from Belarus
      1. 0
        29 March 2016 08: 49
        Quote: vvvjak
        chatted with the wrong people from Belarus

        I don’t know which ones are and which ones are not. The man voiced one of the points of view. Surely he’s far from alone.
      2. 0
        29 March 2016 08: 50
        it's not chatting, they have a place in Belarus
    3. +7
      29 March 2016 08: 56
      Quote: Galich Kos
      We are pulling them back. When I asked about low prices for energy resources and cheap, almost free Russian loans, he bluntly said that this is a price for "alliance".

      I’ve heard a different opinion from one Belarusian, but Russia is again to blame for tying Belarus to itself with low gas, oil prices, and permanent loans, while Lukashenko, as the former chairman of the Soviet collective farm, got used to constant support from the state and it’s not possible to manage otherwise maybe Russia is now milking, but if they had bought everything at world prices, then at first it would have been difficult, of course, but then MAZ would have been with MAN, Horizon with SAMSUNG, the Czechs had sold Skoda and had no regrets. And the standard of living in Poland, the Czech Republic, Hungary is several times higher than in Belarus, but there is no oil and gas there either, but they live better. That supposedly in the XIII century fought off the Horde, and now it is necessary. And you support Lukashenko, although you could find a pro-Russian politician who would defend Belarusian interests and support Russia, and now the threat of the dynasty is great. They argued midnight to the crunch of clenched fists. Such moods are also present.
      1. +3
        29 March 2016 10: 15
        In the networks of these fools - a lot. But they do not reflect the opinion of the whole people. I often read such statements on our media, but most of them are trolls or idlers who think, like those in Kiev with pots on their heads, that today they will sign the paper with the EU, and tomorrow they will wake up in Germany. On the street ordinary people for the Russian Federation.
        1. +1
          29 March 2016 12: 13
          Quote: Alex_36
          and tomorrow they will wake up in Germany.

          By whom? and where - wake up?
          A janitor of a sort - at an unfinished toilet?
          uk-rs have already "swam - they know"! who hires them "there" for work ...
    4. +5
      29 March 2016 09: 42
      Quote: Galich Kos
      This comrade openly stated to me that not anyone was to blame for the worsening economic situation in their country, but ...... (guess who)? That we pull them back. N

      That's right, it's our fault that we stopped buying from Belarusians their products at old, pre-crisis prices, but in dollars. laughing And at the same prices in rubles they are not ready to sell us anything. fellow Therefore, they work mainly in the warehouse. And still they will sell us, since they will not be able to sell to anyone else - nobody needs these products anymore ... feel
      And in terms of supporting Russia in the international arena, one should not even stutter. Lukashenko never supported us, and this will not happen in the future. The EU lifted sanctions against Belarus - there are unlikely to be changes in a way that is beneficial to us ... No.
    5. +3
      29 March 2016 10: 11
      Come on tutbay. There are idiots, like your belolentochnyh - through one. But this does not mean that everyone thinks so. Ordinary people for the Russian Federation. And there are many of them. No need to escalate.
      1. 0
        29 March 2016 16: 37
        Quote: Alex_36
        Come on tutbay. There are idiots, like your belolentochnyh - through one. But this does not mean that everyone thinks so. Ordinary people for the Russian Federation. And there are many of them. No need to escalate.

        It's like that. I will even say more: at the very end of the 90s, the people in Russia were ready to vote for Lukashenko as president of a common united state. But our rulers then slowed down with unification. And after four years of Putin’s rule, Lukashenko’s reunification was already slowed down - the people of the united state would hardly have voted for him in more or less fair elections. The people in Belarus are still for Russia, but by no means as much as they were 1-10 years ago. And a lot of claims against Russia already exist. And this trend is only intensifying.
  12. +7
    29 March 2016 06: 45
    If someone breaks out hysterically, maybe there is no need to hold him back? Let him run. All the same, friendship cannot be built without understanding. It remains to amuse oneself with "Slavic bonds", but even in the same yard or collective it is impossible to achieve understanding due to different brain development and genetic inclinations. The union of states and people is strong, when a couple looks in one direction and thinks the same way. And holding on the lasso by the horns is futile. On the other hand, doing nothing at all is also impossible. Daily work is needed to reconcile strategic plans and joint actions. This has always strengthened Communication. Thinking alike is possible through constant close interaction. It is difficult work.
  13. -7
    29 March 2016 06: 48
    I think as with Iraq, Libya and Yugoslavia it definitely won’t be, since it’s still an allied state with Russia. Yes, and I think there will be no Maidan, they can clap their hands, but no more. Although of course it depends on how much money is poured into it. But there will definitely not be direct military aggression.
    1. +4
      29 March 2016 09: 04
      Quote: Svetoch
      I think as with Iraq, Libya and Yugoslavia it definitely won’t be, since it’s still an allied state with Russia.

      Yanukovych also did not declare Russia an aggressor and an invader, but it was enough to push him off the chair and put Poroshenko, just as Russia immediately became an aggressor and an invader, just like Dymbovich instead of Lukashenko, he would simply terminate the union agreement with Russia and he’ll run in the EU for bagels and schnitzel in Viennese. It’s just to shake Father Butka out of the chair, and he will lead himself somewhere with his cunning multi-vector evolutions, and remembering that Yanukovych managed to escape to Russia, he can simply be poisoned Schaub did not run away.
  14. +9
    29 March 2016 06: 51
    The article is a big plus. I myself occasionally think about the same thing, and came to the same conclusion - either, or, another option will not work. Well, everything is clear with the chairman of the collective farm, it’s in his blood, he strives to grab both there and there. As they say, and eat a fish and do not prick a bone. But here's how people will behave with a big skucher, that's the question.
  15. +9
    29 March 2016 07: 00
    All the time Lukashenka behaved and behaves like a speculator in the market, trying to sit on two chairs. And the "damned imperialists" noticed this and are trying to use it. On the same Ukraine burned out. What will happen tomorrow, where will this person of easy virtue drive?
  16. +1
    29 March 2016 07: 05
    Quote: Nitarius
    It is NECESSARY to either straighten the brains or BATTERY TO RETURN BELARUS TO RUSSIA!

    Hey geopolitics, what furnace did you fall from? You redraw the borders, shuffle the cards ...
    Where do you come from?

    Father's eyes always looked at random, like a hare
    That's just the question: where will Belarus swing after But father
    1. +2
      29 March 2016 07: 11
      Quote: Very old
      That's just the question: where will Belarus swing after But father

      Good question. Events in Ukraine have shown that this business should not be allowed to drift. You need to quietly prepare a shift.
    2. 0
      29 March 2016 11: 36
      But this issue has long been ours ours from all sides to suck in favor of future generations.
  17. +2
    29 March 2016 07: 06
    The task of the Europeans is simple and quite feasible: "kill Belarus against the wall." That there was no such country.

    That's just the point, but a certain part of the so-called The political elite of the Republic of Belarus believes that the current situation can be used in their supposedly national interests, but in fact purely for mercantile purposes. So they will balance on the edge with the hope of maybe blowing, and even cut down money for free.
    1. 0
      29 March 2016 11: 38
      Exactly, some have already been cut down, now they will be cut down for them, it’s understandable not today and not tomorrow, but they will cut it down.
  18. 0
    29 March 2016 07: 12
    If the Russian business is interested in joining the Republic of Belarus to the Russian Federation, then they will ...
    But an attack of Russian patriotism is not threatened by FORBs. So that Belarusians can sleep peacefully.
    1. +4
      29 March 2016 07: 16
      Quote: samarin1969
      If the Russian business is interested in joining the Republic of Belarus to the Russian Federation, then they will.

      Already attached. 40% of Belarusian exports go to Russia. Independence is independence, but without Russia, the Belarusian economy will quack.
      1. +4
        29 March 2016 07: 50
        Already quacking .... recourse
        1. 0
          29 March 2016 18: 13
          Aren't you ashamed of this about your country?
    2. avt
      29 March 2016 09: 43
      Quote: samarin1969
      If the Russian business is interested in joining the Republic of Belarus to the Russian Federation, then they will.

      laughing How everything is started! Looks like they talked too much with the followers of the "Gaidar's Witnesses" sect that preach the doctrine "The market will regulate everything."
      Quote: rotmistr60
      That's just the point, but a certain part of the so-called The political elite of the Republic of Belarus believes that the current situation can be used in their supposedly national interests, but in fact purely for mercantile purposes. So they will balance on the edge with the hope of maybe blowing, and even cut down money for free.

      Let's just say - having seized a piece of territory with the population after the collapse of the USSR, ALL post-Soviet newly-created elites build their small states on the basis of opposing the larger fragment of the USSR - Russia. And here the main ideology, since due to the size and potential as a whole they cannot oppose anything, is nationalism of one degree or another. Moreover, the fact that, as indicated in the article,
      . Independence, oddly enough, implies not only the right to do arrogant acts, but also the obligation to answer for them.
      they are swept aside completely, because they are already accustomed to - “let us have everything and nothing for this,” which is also typical for representatives of the “universal” segment of the “Russian elite.” But due to the above factors, size, number population and economic potential as a whole, "kondrat" comes to them first. request And then the question arises - in order to retain personal power, you need to lean against something big and reliable. And if nationalism was inflated in relation to the imperial ambitions of Russia and antiquity from Adam of the subordinate population of the fragment of the USSR, then where can you lean? Well, what would the own population ask - "What is the trend for 27 years?" Guess three times the direction of the "multi-vector policy" laughing And there, not here, there the claw is stuck - the whole bird will disappear. Dry and you .. iron and put on the shelf without asking about anything. There is nonsense for "sayuznaye state" does not roll ABSOLUTELY.
  19. +10
    29 March 2016 07: 48
    Please note that the article came out very early, or my compatriots do not want to get involved in this controversy. But rather both! :-)
    The article is in many respects true and problems exist, but in many ways one-sided then comments.
    The idea is ... ".. They don't want to, so let them dump ...?!" Guys, we have nowhere to dump, Moscow is behind!
    Yes, the youth in our country began to look to the west and all sorts of sou-ki on Freedom Day jumped with recitative and the trendy people's leader is pursuing a policy - both ours and yours.
    But, we all see and understand! Therefore, we must not distance ourselves, we must work and fight for each other.
    1. +1
      29 March 2016 07: 51
      toli article came out very early

      Article rather post factum request
      1. +2
        29 March 2016 09: 50
        Quote: Olezhek
        toli article came out very early

        Article rather post factum

        combat66 meant - too early in time, that is, today at 05-38. And the Belarusians really don't want to get involved in polemics, but what can I say? Lukashenka is really pursuing a policy according to the principle “both ours and yours.” But many people think that this is correct, and that this is the only possible and wise option. And no one believes that everything can change very quickly. But over the past 20 years, there have been plenty of such examples. Both relatively prosperous and really prosperous countries "thanks" to the intervention of the United States and the European Union (or NATO - these are practically two sides of the same coin) fell into the abyss of wars and poverty ...
    2. 0
      29 March 2016 11: 43
      So create some kind of club like "unity of the Slavs" or something like that, and often show your galloping people the utility bills of the galloping Ukrainians, and the graves of those who have already bounced off. hi
  20. +1
    29 March 2016 07: 53
    They say interestingly - the brains say they must be turned on! Do they have a switch-on switch, do they have brains? No - here it is a matter of their presence or, alas, their absence!
    Here I am - what, the smartest, or what? Why did I not believe in the 90s all these publications (on expensive coated Finnish paper with excellent color offset printing!) About bloody Stalinism, Holodomors, barrage detachments and penal battalions in 41-45, ... "the butcher" Zhukov, "a traitor "Rokossovsky ..." to the drunkard & qu
    ot; Gagarin ... That is - I, of course, understood everything about the shortcomings of socialism - I lived in it, after all! But I also saw and realized the advantages and advantages - in comparison with the fact that Western "progressors" were dragged into the country and vpendyurili!
    Why can't THEY see it? Do not want? or they are satisfied with such a new life - after all, it gives them a chance to "rise above the bustle", but simply - above other people! moreover - mainly not due to its exceptional increased efficiency, developed and natural talents and other undoubted advantages there, but simply. in a capitalist way, by means of "legal" taking away for YOUR benefit of a part (from such a part! Whoa poop!) of the social product? Common, that is - produced by ALL, but grabbed by ME! ... The illusion - that it will always be this way, because - I have a lot of money now! And I can do anything! ...
    ...Alas. temporarily!
    And as for Belarus, there were also Georgia, there were attempts in Central Asia, and there will be more! there is still autonomy ... The "European integrators" have a lot of work to do! You can rustle with history - recall the ancient and great civilizations of the East ... hint about the revival of power and culture ... Finally, find out that the Volga Tatars come from Europe, which had a highly developed civilization long before the Greeks and Romans ... To hint that Yakutia can completely "autonomize" - to provide itself with everything, first of all - with diamonds ... well, even venison, maybe ... switches "... And - off we go!
    ... What - do you need constant supervision for the "little brothers"? ...
  21. +2
    29 March 2016 08: 14
    Flirting Old Man.
  22. -5
    29 March 2016 08: 28
    You have to pay for everything, for the sanitary cordon too, otherwise the border of the unfriendly side will be in the Smolensk region
    1. 0
      29 March 2016 10: 11
      Quote: sa-ag
      You have to pay for everything, for the sanitary cordon too, otherwise the border of the unfriendly side will be in the Smolensk region

      Do you really think that the EU countries are ready to seriously pay for their country to border the Smolensk region? what
      They are ready to share cookies, promise from three boxes - and nothing more! lol At the same time, they will count - as in the case of Ukraine - what Russia will continue to pay for their geopolitical interests! Yes But they obviously do not want to take on support even such a small country as Belarus. No.
    2. 0
      29 March 2016 11: 45
      Seriously? Or maybe along the Atlantic coast.
  23. +1
    29 March 2016 08: 56
    At the same time, they “honestly” condemn Hitler - it’s safe.
    As far as I understand from conversations with my friends who have been living in Germany for the last 10 years, the image of Hitler for German youth has become quite attractive and his image is constantly being blocked off on TV, in the press, on the internet.
    1. +1
      29 March 2016 09: 38
      "Mein_kampf" was reissued.
  24. +7
    29 March 2016 09: 01
    I do not want to offend the true friends of Russia present on the site, but as history has shown -
    the lot of small states is to join the strong. And the strong use the "little ones" purely for selfish purposes. England, France, Spain - divided the whole world into their colonies. After, the USA and the USSR shared the world
    into two camps. Tightened, either by changing the power by force, or by an injection of funds.
    Small states have already developed a gene for how to best sell themselves. Today it is more profitable "this", and tomorrow, we will see how much its competitor is ready to "dump". They are openly sold, but at the same time they pretend to be proud of their "sovereignty", and sometimes they go for open blackmail. All the former republics of the USSR now live by this principle. Article +.
  25. +8
    29 March 2016 09: 03
    Everything is not as clear as the notorious daughter of the Sevastopol officer used to say. On the one hand, it is necessary to restore the Empire, brush it off more easily. On the other hand, in Belarus with all its cockroaches, a more socially just state was built. We can and should be proud of our achievements, but our skins are more torn with us and our "elite" is no longer ours наша. So I understand the fears of Belarusians, both simple and rich - they say, they will tear off as sticky, and not without reason. We, you know, are not Soviet socialism and not capitalist like Swiss.
    And the author's nomination of Hitler as a democratic leader is somehow not very. He was not chosen democratically and he was a coup, learn history. Or is it another whitewash, and then it will be - but Stalin de robbed banks, tsarism did not respect?
  26. +6
    29 March 2016 09: 03
    Unfortunately, the author of the article is right. The harsh economic reality suggests that without the constant help from Russia and the Russian product sales markets, it is impossible for Ukraine or Belarus to be successful.
    The Belarusian elite still has an opinion, as it was in the Ukrainian one before the coup in Kiev, that Russia will swallow everything (integration with the EU) and will continue to help Belarus with money and keep its sales market open.
    Already even it became clear to the Americans that Russia would no longer tolerate any of the states that it considers its zone of influence to defend its red lines.
    The funny thing is that people like Lukashenka are not needed by the EU for sure, they need very obedient and ready to obey any zakaz.Za such tricks that Lukashenka suits Russia in the Western world instantly "dark" (a coup d'etat as a result of which Lukashenka instantly finds himself in The Hague).
    By cultivating nationalists in Belarus, the Belarusian authorities essentially twist their own hands with the help of which they are pulled up.

    The authorities of Belarus interpreted Russia's actions on the coup in Ukraine completely incorrectly (Russia wants to annex our lands and our independence, which by the way never really existed) and therefore has activated nationalist movements in its own country.

    Russia has just given a clear signal that the time has come for those "independents" whose "economic miracle" is annually dated from the Russian treasury to be determined.

    Or maybe the power of Belarus has decided and there is no way for it to develop along with Russia (I don’t take into account the EAEU since it is a purely economic union and even the fierce Russophobes and enemies of Russia are not ready to lose the Russian market for their goods)?
  27. +1
    29 March 2016 09: 10
    Quote: Sveles

    The same Putin clearly demonstrated that from Ukraine you can smoothly switch to Latakia ...

    Well, yes, they don’t care about the problems of the Russian Russians, they worry more about the problems of the unfortunate European Jews, they care about the problems of Latakia, they care about other different problems, all but the Rus ...

    Once again I notice that people do not know how to read articles. They take phrases out of context, perhaps not always successful, and start sucking them, criticizing the article and the author along the way .... The article is not about Putin and Latakia, but about Russians and Belarusians ... More precisely about Russia and Belarus
    1. +1
      29 March 2016 09: 17
      Quote: Calter
      Once again I notice that people do not know how to read articles.

      buddy well, you don’t know how to work with a local program, if you want to answer, you must first press the "answer" button, then you will be in doubt, and will not take the hell out of where, then "quote", etc. ...

      Quote: Calter
      They take phrases out of context, perhaps not always successful, and start sucking them, criticizing the article and the author along the way .... The article is not about Putin and Latakia, but about Russians and Belarusians ... More precisely about Russia and Belarus

      about Putin is not my words but this Yegorov, he spreads his thoughts too much on the tree, says everything, i.e. what was enough for the head ...
  28. +1
    29 March 2016 09: 12
    Quote: sa-ag
    You have to pay for everything, for the sanitary cordon too, otherwise the border of the unfriendly side will be in the Smolensk region

    The problem is that how many wolves do not feed here ... Ukrainians were also helped (like 230 billion over 25 years they were counted). Just giving money is no longer an option - the crisis is.
    1. 0
      29 March 2016 09: 14
      Quote: Calter
      The problem is that how many wolves do not feed here ... Ukrainians were also helped (like 230 billion over 25 years they were counted). Just giving money is no longer an option - the crisis is.

      In the USSR, there were more far-sighted people and therefore supported the republics, the USSR ended when one of the reasons appeared such "enough to feed the republics", and as for Ukraine, there, in my opinion, relations were built "through a pipe", such as turn off the gas on our knees crawl, it was a mistake
      1. +1
        29 March 2016 11: 21
        Quote: sa-ag
        There were more far-sighted people in the USSR and therefore they supported the republics, the USSR ended when one of the reasons appeared such "enough to feed the republics"

        And at whose expense did the republics provide this support, who did these republics support? “Do you happen to know?”
        But wasn’t the one sponsor in the 14 (small but proud) Union republics, and in all the countries of the former socialist camp?
        Didn't the numerous Arab, African and Asian "people's" countries turn out to be the same benefactor?
        This is when the number of dependents has exceeded the limits of what is possible and feed has become worse, remember what happened and how all these brothers and best friends behaved?

        And the most disgusting and vile thing is that all the above-mentioned leeches are still convinced that Russia and Russians should contain them.
        Well, who of them needs Russia, offering not a freebie, but a mutually beneficial and honest partnership?
  29. +7
    29 March 2016 09: 15
    He didn’t have to “speak out against the Ukrainians”, he just had to condemn Nazism. But the "heir to the partisan traditions of the partisan region" refused to do so.


    as-nelyudyami-upa /

    Of course, Belarus has the right to its policy and its vision of the world. This is so, and no one denies this, the trouble is that this policy and this vision of the world are increasingly at variance with Russian politics and the Russian vision of the world.

    This is a burden of independence.

    the symbol of which was the St. George ribbon. Which in Belarus is not very welcome.

    Officially, this symbol is not duplicated, there is a red-green ribbon. And among the people, St. George’s tape is very popular.

    Belarus is developing (or not developing) along its trajectory. And it is clear that Russia (a huge country, as one of the Belarusians called it here) cannot and will not build its policy around Belarus. So our "trajectories" of development diverge more and more. And to overcome this widening abyss with a children's phrase: “But we are brothers!”, Alas, it no longer works.

    Belarus has always been in the orbit of Russia and the separation from Russia will be fatal, because in Belarus there are people with a Russian language and a mentality of percent 90% who sympathize with Putin and Russian politics. But by the will of fate, Belarus is an independent state that must build its own independent politics, in the conditions of existence between the West and the East. Those. our choice is not big: either merge in ecstasy with Russia or try to spin further between the two poles. For example, militarily, the integration of Russia and Belarus is at a very high level. There is no border between us, there are no restrictions in the information field. What prevents the Russian leadership from organizing competent ideological work with the population? Maybe there is simply no such program?
    1. avt
      29 March 2016 09: 55
      Quote: shilov-mob
      . But by the will of fate, Belarus is an independent state,

      Well, yes, a fact. But what is interesting - But father knows about entom? Well, when does the state of affairs turn on to us? laughing Especially in the light
      Quote: shilov-mob
      an independent state, which should build its independent policy, in the conditions of existence between the West and the East.

      Maybe you will put on your panties, or take off the cross? Otherwise, Europe has a ONE policy, as you can see from the example of sanctions against Russia, they cry, but everyone eats the "sanctioned cactus".
      Quote: shilov-mob
      . Those. our choice is not big: either merge in ecstasy with Russia or try to spin further between the two poles.

      laughing laughing A new word in physics, Einstein is resting. In practice, unfortunately for Belarus, there will be a completely different analogy, and hanging out in the ice hole as a light fraction would be the most blissful option, but it is not a priori possible, well, in kind. But Father, not with his mind, but with the ass of creditors, recently announced a new doctrine / theory of the hammer and the anvil, you can add - the grain between the millstones. That’s straight, until the millstones are untwisted seriously, he tries to toss and turn and find a hollow, so that they won’t get lost. Something tells me - he won’t give a ride, they will dare with such captures. The article is correct and the accents in it are indicated correctly.
      1. +2
        29 March 2016 11: 49
        Maybe you will put on your panties, or take off the cross? Otherwise, Europe has a ONE policy, as you can see from the example of sanctions against Russia, they cry, but everyone eats the "sanctioned cactus".

        So there seems to be no independent states. What an uncle from across the ocean will say, they do it.

        On the other hand, there are common "values" for the working people. Sleep well, eat well, etc., otherwise the evil Ivan will come. Europe has been competently processed.
        1. avt
          29 March 2016 15: 32
          Quote: shilov-mob
          So there seems to be no independent states. What an uncle from across the ocean will say, they do it.

          You do not tell the Poles only, especially to fans of the current Polish leadership. laughing
    2. +3
      29 March 2016 10: 01
      Quote: shilov-mob
      What prevents the Russian leadership from organizing competent ideological work with the population? Maybe there is simply no such program?

      good In general, according to the constitution, ideology was banned from some kind of hangover! Now they are repeatedly stepping on the same rake due to a lack of ideological work both domestically and in foreign policy.
      So you are completely right - there is no ideological program for working with the population both in Russia and in the post-Soviet space in Russia. RT broadcasts in several languages ​​abroad, but you can’t call it ideological work. This is informational activity to present an alternative point of view on current events - and nothing more!
      1. avt
        29 March 2016 10: 17
        Quote: andj61
        In general, according to the constitution, ideology was banned from some kind of hangover! Now they are repeatedly stepping on the same rake due to a lack of ideological work both domestically and in foreign policy.

        Moreover, all this "salt of the earth", but according to Lenin's definition, which is more accurate, well, well, the intelligentsia, which declared itself as a "bearer of values" of some kind between human beings, was frolicking in joy over this fact, enshrined in the article of the constitution ... Now he is very wisely broadcasting to us that Russia needs to develop an interesting project for everyone around it !! The question arises - were the Soviet practicing psychiatrists really wrong, who were diagnosed with sluggish schizophrenia to the predecessors of the current young growth of "democrats"?
  30. +5
    29 March 2016 09: 15
    Respect and respect to the author. I thought that only these thoughts bother me ...
    You can’t take with one hand, with the other, show the fig in your pocket and look the other way. No one from the Old Man demanded any military or other steps, but if you are talking about an ALLIANCE state, then behave like an ALLY ALL, whether you like it or not. Otherwise, you are a fellow traveler who solves his problems at the expense of a strong uncle.
    It is very true that it was noticed both about Ossetia, which Old Man did not recognize, and about Ukraine with its Natsiks. He was not called to fight, he just had to, instead of hugging Pedro, tell him on the face of the Nazis and kakh who crawled out of the cracks. After all. if he had not stretched out his arms to hug Poroshenko, but had told him everything in person, I think a lot in Ukraine would have been half a year two years ago differently. When you stand alone against the pack - it’s difficult, there is no one to cover your back when you are two, you are already a force, because see 360 ​​degrees and can help each other. You see, there Kazakhstan would have pulled itself up. This is what the allies do.
    And the fact that the Old Man plays for the sake of financial gain between Russia and the EU, he will play out, as I do not want to.
    I lived for 40 years since childhood and served in the Republic of Belarus, where my parents, the graves of my ancestors, friends and I can’t, and I don’t want to see the situation in which the great Ukrainians are now.
    And about the privatization of Belarusian assets according to Russian concepts, I think the Old Man decided for a long time and would not allow it. By the way, about Bashkiria and other republics: they are part of the Russian Federation as subjects, and Belarus would be a separate line, much higher, because it is a union state. look for examples in the same Germany.
    It’s a pity, it’s a pity that everything goes to the fact that our roads do not diverge and scatter. moreover, one horizontally, and the second downhill. What awaits friends behind a sharp European turn, who knows ...
    And the last: there are no fraternal peoples and there cannot be, everything, the fairy tale is over. Each one is his own brother, and therefore he can get out as best he can. To speak for a long time on this topic, only spend time.
  31. +1
    29 March 2016 09: 30
    It seems to me that the present, rapidly "darkening" Europe should rather scare away,
    rather than attract. As for Belarus, we, taught by Ukraine, are gradually engaged in import substitution of products that Belarus made for us.
    And yet, Belarusian shrimps and trout, together with ham, is also an indicator of the attitude of the "brothers" towards us.
  32. +2
    29 March 2016 09: 33
    Quote: Zomanus
    It seems to me that the present, rapidly "darkening" Europe should rather scare away,
    rather than attract.

    And it just doesn’t attract, but scares. And we are afraid of her.
  33. +3
    29 March 2016 09: 51
    I_also_to_40_year_ lived_ in_ Minsk, and_ left_ in_ Russia, because, tired of it. Article_ is correct.
  34. 0
    29 March 2016 09: 51
    Quote: Bone
    In Belarusians they bring up the same thing as in Ukrainians: Russian fuckers need to be milked and deceived for their own benefit, and they will pay, pay and pay ..., and we (Belarusians) will give out promises and create the appearance of friendship: we will hang "brotherly" flags, etc.
    ... But the time has come to visually show and decide on whose side you are, brothers of Belarus!
    It will not work and eat the fish and run past the horseradish, here the third is not given, either .....
    Either you and Russia, or they will simply dissolve you among other things, limp slave rabble, considering himself an advanced pederast-West, the number of which is deliberately reduced and lead to extinction, as unnecessary !!!

    Yeah, man or not, I’ll have to spread my legs anyway, otherwise you’ll be alone all your life or you will get a pervert to your neighbor.
  35. +4
    29 March 2016 10: 10
    And what, no one pays attention to the fact that there is simply pumping and constant stuffing? Is it not clear that someone is trying to quarrel people?
  36. 0
    29 March 2016 10: 42
    Quote: Observer 33
    Honestly, I still can somehow imagine in the minds of Belarusian politicians, but the mood of the citizens is a big mystery to me personally. In general, I do not know about their attitude to what is happening around them, and their thoughts about all this.

    As a representative of citizens, I can share my mood :)
  37. +1
    29 March 2016 10: 54
    Sadly, everything is written correctly. I wonder how much history lessons teach nobody.
  38. +2
    29 March 2016 10: 55
    article plus, exactly and on the shelves, but I agree with the comrade you need to fight for each other, well, and Old Man with his policy of rapprochement with the tolerant west leads the Republic of Belarus to a debt abyss, western markets are already redistributed and no one there Belarusians with their goods and technologies waiting, unlike Russia
  39. +1
    29 March 2016 12: 11
    We need to get used to the sad, but common sense, that the fraternal peoples in this period, and maybe in general, are over. It's time to build your own country on the principles of social equality and success. And it is possible that the lost relatives will return to the successful Russia, but this is not a fact. Fools do not teach anything that we have, that of our blood brothers, who dreamed of a European freebie and unity. But in any case, changes are required in our country.
  40. +1
    29 March 2016 16: 37
    The author is certainly right, the Belarusian "caries" will not lead to any good.
  41. +2
    29 March 2016 20: 50
    My personal opinion is that such articles bring the opposite result from the one allegedly laid down by the author, and contribute to an even greater distance.
    St. George ribbons ...? It weighs me all year round on a mirror in a car interior together with a Belarusian one and have not yet fought. Almost all my friends also hung them or they weigh them (though with the exception of those who travel to Ukraine. In general, when they were invented, they could officially agree on their use at the CIS summit, for example by placing on one side the flag of the country in which it is given.
    I have a strong negative attitude towards fascists and neo-Nazis and would suggest that they be criminally punished (not a suspended year, but five or seven), Belarusians remember Khatyn. But to the great sorrow in Russia there are also a lot of them, the search engine gave 53 organizations, I am already silent about groups like "Schultz-88".
    The statement "Even the best teacher ..." Why do you always climb into the teacher? Or "Suddenly conducted exercises ...", and the "sudden" participation of Belarusian servicemen in exercises near Novorossiysk?
  42. +2
    29 March 2016 23: 07
    Oh, Oleg, they wrote so many letters, but they did not understand the main thing. Well, yes, the Belarusians have a village slyness and tightness, but there is no race superiority complex coupled with a national inferiority complex like ukrov.
    Father will sit on 2 chairs, suck out 2 boobs and run between the drops for as long as possible, but as he presses it - right to Moscow, and the rest of his fellow citizens are not worse :-). Moreover, our authorities are aware and shamelessly using this, and the Euro-Atlantists have not yet cut a catch.