Conspiracy theory, or "they" are to blame!

"Conspiracy Theory" (from the English conspiracy theory, - "conspiracy theory") - a set of popular hypotheses today that try to explain the phenomena taking place in the life of society by the actions of a group of secret conspirators that are aimed at conscious control of those around us historical processes.

Today, unfortunately, it is becoming increasingly common to hear people who believe that the world is ruled by some secret elite. This phenomenon has so penetrated the mass culture that both those who call themselves Christians and the followers of Muhammad and overt atheists share similar views, although this is very similar to medieval witchcraft.

This article provides only a brief analysis of the conspiracy theory itself, as well as those sources and causes that contributed to its emergence, and an attempt is made to substantiate these views from the standpoint of logic and common sense. VO readers are invited to draw their own conclusions on reading it.

Let's start with the fact that almost the main reason for the emergence of conspiracy theories were two mutually exclusive phenomena: on the one hand, utter secrecy surrounding any political and state activity, and on the other ... the development of mass information and “freedom of speech”. And as long as there is secrecy and freedom to write about this “secrecy”, the public will always have reason to disbelieve the official versions of many significant events. “Did the plane crash with the delegation?” - “They blew up to embroil our countries!”; “The politician died in a car accident?” - “He was killed so he was silent!”; “There are inconsistencies in the annals?” - “They were rewritten to please the ruling dynasty!”, And seven thousand kurgans were simply torn down (estimate the volume of earthworks and their cost ?!) to prove the real nonsense.

The status of secrecy automatically implies the possibility of questioning any information about a particular state organization. If the information about it comes from the outside, then it can be stated that the informant was “bought”, and if from the inside, then it is clear that there is deliberate malicious misinformation in order to fool out the “common people”.

So any organization that surrounds its activities in secret, thereby automatically agrees that it is entirely permissible to blame for all conceivable and even unthinkable misfortunes, and also that it will be impossible to refute all these accusations, based on the status of this organization.

Another reason is some specific social and also psychological needs of the personality and some mechanisms of its consciousness. For example, adherents of conspiracy theories usually transfer some of their personal qualities, both positive and negative, to the alleged conspirators. For example, people from childhood love to be afraid. But fear ... without risk to life. So that you can hide from your fear under a blanket! Or the desire of disorderly people to streamline their own being. They themselves can not do this and then they come to the aid of the mythical "they." “They” can do anything, “they bought everything,” “they will build everything”. And at the heart of the subconscious dream of omnipotence underlying all fairy tales. True, in doing so they acquire a clearly hypertrophied character. At the same time, conspirators are necessarily demonized, and evil intentions and personal immorality are attributed to them, which, accordingly, improves the well-being of those who ascribe. Anyone who fights against such monsters must be recognized as a hero, and this is very easy to achieve. It is enough just to oppose in words these "conspirators" and ... everything! But on the other hand, they are endowed with various special abilities (intelligence, exceptional cunning, dedication, incredible wealth, etc.) that do not allow them to be exposed.

A person, even once “caught up” on one or another conspiracy theory, usually abandons it with great difficulty, because in essence it is an intellectual drug. All the facts that contradict this theory are either ignored or rejected by them. Or, on the contrary, every, even the most insignificant, at first glance, fact, she, by applying a certain amount of fantasy, declares evidence. Remember, the sparkling French comedy "Fantômas" ... What does the journalist Fandor say about this? “Unemployment is growing - this is Fantômas! Donuts have risen in price? Again Fantômas! He is everywhere, elusive and omnipotent Fantômas! ”

Well, if there is a certain object or phenomenon, then immediately there are people who study them, which resulted in the emergence of a whole scientific field, called conspiracy or secret knowledge.

The main feature of most of the "conspiracy theories" is the confidence of their adherents in the existence of a completely unknown or very unobtrusive secret society created by a group of mysterious personalities in order to seize power over the world. It is the activities of this society that they explain a lot of historical events that are negative for a particular target audience of the theory.
It is proved that the peak of the popularity of global conspiracy theories coincides with periods of either economic or (or) political instability or crisis. Well, the basis of such popularity is an ordinary human ... laziness - the unwillingness of the broad public masses to strain their brains and make efforts to understand the complex objective causes of historical phenomena. Thus, the search for a problem turns into a search for “simple solutions”, and among them is the search for enemies who are personally responsible for an event or the same crisis. That is, global conspiracy theories allow the output of the chaotic destructive energy of society, which ... sometimes even not so bad.

In any society, regardless of the state in which it is located, there are social groups that are especially predisposed to the ideas of global conspiracy theories. In general, they find support among those who are dissatisfied with the state of affairs in society, but above all, dissatisfied with their own position. But instead of soberly looking at things and saying to myself: “I am poor, because I am stupid,” a person thinks - “I am poor, because I was deceived by bad“ they ”. And I myself am smart, honest and righteous. " Since during crisis periods the number of such subjects increases dramatically, the number of global conspiracy theories supporting the idea and, respectively, people parasitizing on this idea, people who feed on it and therefore diligently feed it with a corresponding information increase, respectively.

Conspiracy theory, or "they" are to blame!

Here they are - the reptilians from the constellation of the Dragon. They took our form and live among us. And this is their woman!

Here are the most common global conspiracy theories:
• Economic conspiracy. Recently it has become widespread. Economic crises are explained by a conspiracy of the "owners" of the US Federal Reserve (owners of the 20 most powerful banks), who earn fabulously by printing huge amounts of cash dollars. This theory, however, does not take into account that economic crises took place even before the creation of the Fed, and that modern science considers them as manifestations of the objective laws of economic development.
• Conspiracies of producers. Oh, there are so many! The goal of each and every one of them is to support the production of low-quality and expensive goods, and interfere with the production of high-quality and cheap goods in order to increase profits. One thing is not clear, whether such actions should be considered a conspiracy, because they can do the same thing because of a simple coincidence of interests. And do they really need to negotiate among themselves, and even secretly? I did one, it went well, others found out and did the same - that's the whole "conspiracy" for you.
• Computer conspiracy. Its essence is that software manufacturers specifically create products that are increasingly demanding on computer resources, so that the demand for expensive components remains high. However, as practice shows, software companies, on the contrary, are trying to reduce the requirements for hardware resources due to competition, as well as the need to cover the largest market segment.
• Conspiracy of bankers. Well, this version of the "conspiracy theory" actually coincides with the teachings of Marxism-Leninism.
• Conspiracy of oilmen. That's a conspiracy, a conspiracy! Its essence is that the oil tycoons first killed Rudolf Diesel, who promised an engine on coal dust, and now they are allegedly hindering the spread of alternative methods of energy production in every possible way. That is, a thermonuclear reactor cannot generate current in any way, because the hirelings of oil magnates pour sand into its rubbing parts!
• The automakers' conspiracy is very close to the oilmen's conspiracy. They also prefer to make expensive cars, and everyone who offers to make cheap cars is rolled into hot asphalt!
• Conspiracy of pharmaceutical companies. This is absolutely something terrible: all modern diseases are designed specifically for people to buy medicines for them. Here, however, the question arises: how many hundreds of thousands of people are involved in it and ... no one has yet blabbed. But adherents of the theory always have an answer to it, that some were “bought”, others were intimidated, and some were simply killed.
• Mondialist conspiracy. Its essence is the presence of a "secret world government", which is located in the United States. Someone claims that it is run by reptilians from the constellation of the Dragon, others are nahuyaki from the planet Nebiru, who have already flown to Earth for gold, but, in general, these are not people, but people - their victims of "terpils".
• Masonic conspiracy. This topic is very popular among integrist Catholics, Orthodox conservatives and other religious fundamentalists, as well as ordinary people who studied poorly at school and at the university with bad textbooks. It is alleged that all world rulers, one way or another, but obey the Masons and act on their orders.
• Jewish conspiracy. There are two aspects here: theological (whose faith is “more to the right”) and racial (“something they are very smart and rich, and this is no accident”). Here it must be said that the researchers of this conspiracy theory are very lucky, because, unlike other theories, in this case they know exactly who and when came up with this very “conspiracy” and how it spread around the world.

And this is a secret world government. And who can see behind you? They are already among us !!!

It all began in 1862, when the German postal clerk Hermann Gödsche published the novel Biarritz under the pseudonym of Sir John Retcliffe. There were Jewish conspirators, secret rituals - in a word, horror, and only that! One chapter of him in 1876 was published here in Russia as a transcript of the speech of the world's chief rabbi, which was allegedly overheard by English diplomat John Retcliffe. Then, in 1909, the newspaper Zemshchina published the novel Man-Fish, where, again, it was about the worldwide conspiracy of the Council of Jews. In it, the main villain, with the help of an izuvera-surgeon, implanted to the boy the Gyktanera fish gills, so that he drowned ships in the ocean. But as always, there was a beautiful girl Moisette, who fell in love with the Gyktaner, forced him to abandon the insidious plans and thereby saved humanity from enslavement. Only in the original it was the novel by the French writer Jean de la Ira "A Man Who Could Live in the Water." In it, the main villain was named Fulber and he headed the Jesuit Order, and not at all the world Jewish conspiracy. By the way, it was from this newspaper publication that the idea for his novel Amphibian Man and Alexander Belyaev was taken. But he turned Fulber into a doctor Salvator, a Giktaner into Ichtiandr, Moisette in Guttiere and added anti-clericalism that was fashionable at that time in the USSR!

Then in the year 1911, again in Russia, a novel came out of Vera Kryzhanovskaya, obviously a sick woman, who was called “The Death of the Planet.” In all details, it described the global conspiracy of Jewish Satanists, whose goal was to destroy Christianity. As a result, the good Himalayan magician (!) Supramati helped Christians, and all the Satanists got what they deserved.

That is, of course, there are various secret government services, secret bank accounts and secret intergovernmental agreements, from which ordinary people, if they found out about them, would have gotten their hair on their heads from horror, but ... there is no secret global organization powerful enough to twirled the whole world and at the same time no one would know anything about her. People just love to be afraid, and if children are afraid of a ghost in the closet or a gypsy passerby or needles on the floor, which stabs into the foot and reaches the heart, then adults, of course, are no longer satisfied, and they come up with clever looks about the absurdities about secret world organizations.

It cannot be for another reason: poor people cannot create such an organization due to the fact that they don’t have enough money for that. And rich people do not need it, because their affairs are already sufficiently hidden from the rest of the world. Why complicate things even more and obey someone there? Something to invent? Yes, there is in America a secret society "Bohemian Grove", founded in 1872 year. Since 1899, all the meetings of its members take place in it in the relict forest, whose age reaches 1500 years, and where their life is organized according to the principle of scout camp. In the center of the clearing there is a huge concrete owl - something about 15 meters high - around which members of the club lead round dances and arrange similarities of sacrifices. One of the rituals is the burning of the Care Doll. The motto of the club: "Yes, there will not be spiders here, weaving nets." But here, in fact, their whole secret. Just great adult uncles in childhood did not play enough - that's all!

• The Jewish Masonic conspiracy simply combines two theories into one.
• Arab conspiracy. "Bad Arabs" although to push the Europeans, well, depending on the tastes of the target audience, these same Arabs are recorded either as fascists or as communists.
• A conspiracy to conceal extraterrestrial civilizations ("men in black"). Everything is simple here: governments hide contacts with aliens from the “people”. Again, for the sake of control over all the other countries, or so that the nahuyaki keep them alive when they finally get their hands on the Earth.
• Chinese conspiracy. It is believed that the Chinese are settling, settling, and then one fine day - bam and everything and everyone will be captured!
• "Syncretic" conspiracy. There is one - it combines several conspiracies from the above into a kind of "super-conspiracy". Well, this is already for gourmets of conspiracy theories.

In general, we have before ourselves a modification of the ancient myths about gods and heroes, interpreted in relation to modern conditions. The main “core” of conspiracy theories is unofficial and impersonal (otherwise the case will go to court and most likely will be lost) an indication of a certain subject of the society (company, corporation, nationality, country) responsible for the existing unfavorable state of affairs. The anonymity of information sources in this case is identical to the sources of rumors!

Conspiracy is devoid of common sense, does not rely on evidence or does not assess the reliability of sources, and also does not have criteria for preferring one interpretation to another, knows little about actual conspiracies and how often they fail, their power is considered by the adherents as the only goal, which indicates their mental problems.

Conspiracy is similar to paranoid thinking, which seems to everyone that they want to offend him, take away his shack and pitiful pennies. Conspiracy is generated by ignorance and educatedness, when a person has heard something about something, but knows nothing for sure. Adherents of conspiracy theories believe that everything is directed against the groups to which they belong or with whom they identify themselves. Any attempts to refute conspiracy theory are interpreted by these people as part of the conspiracy itself. For example, it can be argued that this article was also written by a member of the world conspiracy (or on their direct instructions and for VERY BIG MONEY!) In order to hide the truth from people.

Soon, very soon they will open and take away our Khrushchev and Brezhnevka from us! And the cottages are a must! And we ourselves ... eat!

The weakest point of conspiracy theory (in particular, “global”) is the addition to the interpretation of historical events of a large number of complications that are “cut off” by Occam's Razor. In place of the most commonplace events such as an accident, the actions of a loner-maniac, an epidemic, or a catastrophe - the actions of a large, perfectly conspiratorial, omnipotent organization are put forward, all the participants of which strive for a common goal and at the same time make no mistakes, which is the most doubtful assumption. It is very unlikely that events in which a very large number of people were involved would remain undisclosed for a long time: on the contrary, history shows that sooner or later, but real-life conspiracies would certainly become public (Watergate, for example!), did not hide.
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  1. The comment was deleted.
  2. -42
    29 March 2016 06: 22
    A person who at least once "sat down" on a particular conspiracy theory usually refuses it with great difficulty, since in essence it is an intellectual drug. All facts that contradict this theory are either ignored or rejected by it. Or, on the contrary, every, even the most insignificant, at first glance, fact, she, having applied a certain amount of imagination, declares a proof.

    I immediately remembered the so-called. "patriots" from our site)
    With foam at the mouth proving their belief. This smiled especially:
    Or, on the contrary, every, even the most insignificant, at first glance, fact, she, having applied a certain amount of imagination, declares evidence

    I recalled the material on how RT published some pieces of paper allegedly confirming the fact of the sale of IG oil to Turkey.
    90 percent of readers immediately perceived this as direct evidence.

    And this is very fairly and objectively said, in my opinion.
    In any society, regardless of the state in which it is, there are social groups that are especially predisposed to the ideas of global conspiracy theories. In general, they find support among those who are dissatisfied with the state of affairs in society, but above all, dissatisfied with their own situation. But instead of taking a sober look at things and telling yourself: “I am poor because I am stupid,” a person thinks “I am poor because I was deceived by the bad“ they ”. And I myself am smart, honest and righteous. "
    1. +22
      29 March 2016 06: 44
      Please go to Opinions. It doesn't look like news or news coverage.
      1. +30
        29 March 2016 09: 28
        It’s not clear who the empty article is for. In VO, not all military men, but mostly mature, sane, reasonable, and responsible men. Minus to the author. People make history. At the heart of economic interests. The emergence of multinational companies has led to the subordination of state interests to the interests of companies. Sanctions against Russia are proof of this. Events in and around Syria are another fact. When was the gas field discovered on the border between Turkmenistan and Afghanistan? Immediately there was a delivery project through Afghanistan to India and Pakistan. The Italian company carried out preliminary calculations, which later became why the Americans quickly took its place, who threw the equipment away one day and said nothing to the hired personnel on the eve of the events. Why? Because the Taliban said 120 lyam a month and there will be nothing wrong with the pipeline. Hence the pause. It seems that it was still under ebn.
        Recently, there was an infa about the resumption of work on a pipeline from a gas field in Turkmenistan, 1/3 of which is in Afghanistan.
        1. -37
          29 March 2016 11: 24
          This site itself is empty, starting with the editorial staff and ending with the scribblers of articles all as one Judeo-liberal pro-Western bedding.
        2. +13
          29 March 2016 13: 41
          I would not even call it an "article", rather it is an essay of a schoolchild who pumped something from the Internet, 15-20 years ago ...
          Minus article unambiguously.
          Why would anyone need any conspiracy to seize the world ??? The world is ruled by finance today! In order to come to power, money and only money are needed, image and popularity and influence are made for money, respectively, who has the most money, he has the most and power.
          The current most common form of government (democratic) is very convenient, it allows you to bring to power the different people you want without blood and war, using clearly established electoral technologies. Bring, and then change, if necessary, while eroding the responsibility and dumping all the schools on those who leave. It is convenient for everyone and suits everyone! What a capture of the World, who and who will capture it, it has long been captured and divided! Money flows and flows when and where necessary ... But when someone breaks into these flows without permission ... then we all see what happens! Aircraft carriers GOU! Protect the interests of the people laughing
          1. +6
            29 March 2016 14: 27
            Why would anyone need any conspiracy to seize the world ??? The world is ruled by finance today!

            I am also familiar with the reference to a study by American prosessors, who claim that 1.5 thousand families manage 80% of the world's wealth. Are their actions conspiracies or business plans?
            1. +5
              29 March 2016 15: 55
              What difference does it make? From this, the meaning will not change ... Of course, 90% of the world's population does not have information about their business plans)))) from this point of view, we can call this a conspiracy)
              1. +10
                29 March 2016 17: 12
                I will add

                Recently I read one thought - that conspiracy theories are specially disseminated to discredit those. who is telling the TRUTH about one single major conspiracy - the dominance of Fed bankers over the world.
                Sow skepticism in society - so that no one understands the terrible reality

                I also read a joke - A cow says to a stall neighbor: You know - I think that we are not just fed here - in my opinion, they steal our milk and eat our meat
                Another cow in response: Stop it! Your flock is already laughing at your conspiracy theories! laughing
                1. +1
                  29 March 2016 19: 54
                  I have heard more than once about conspiracy theories, but none of those who talk about them could clearly explain why, as a result of the "Arab Spring", Libya was bombed by NATO.
                  1. +2
                    30 March 2016 13: 01
                    The level of the article in a scientifically sound plan is generally NO! Below the baseboard.
                    The sweeping denial of the "conspiracy theory" suggests that the author is completely unaware of the questions: what is power? what does it consist of? why is it needed? how to get it? How to hold her? Etc. (See - Starikov N. Vlast. - St. Petersburg: Peter, 2016. - 320 p. I highly recommend this book to study these issues.)
                    The author is clearly a victim of the manipulative propaganda of the liberal so-called “Universal values” by the liberal fascists of the USA and the “Collective West” to establish world dominance of banking financial capital.
                    Unfortunately, the author is not alone in his skepticism about the existence of international conspiracies and conspiracy theories in general. And the level of the student, his opinion, too, can not be called.
                    Usually these are people of leftist views, as they say, with a long period of ideological "half-life". Also among them there are people of 36-37 years of age, whose educational level is clearly lame in the non-systemic nature of knowledge in general, and Marxism-Leninism as well. They do not notice how they superficially substitute their "proletarian internationalism" for also international so-called. liberal "universal values", which were the ideological subversive mine of the USSR and the socialist system during the "perestroika" of M. Gorbachev with his so-called. "New thinking".
                    Interestingly, liberal fascists of such people as the author dismissively call themselves “useful idiots.” (Goldberg, J. Liberal Fascism / Translated from English - M.: Reed Group, 2012. - 512 pp. - (Series “Political Animal”) - P. 17.)
                    You can’t say better! (No offense to the author, but essentially the problem.)
                    1. 0
                      30 March 2016 20: 34
                      Quote: Tatiana
                      Starikov N. Power. - St. Petersburg: Peter, 2016 .-- 320 p. I highly recommend this book to study these issues.

                      Read a good book.
                    2. 0
                      April 2 2016 22: 09
                      But who is Tanya at those like you offended ?! They are ruled by everyone ...
                2. +2
                  29 March 2016 22: 42

                  What is this conspiracy of Fed bankers?

                  Professor of Moscow State University V. Katasonov has been writing and talking aloud for a long time.

                  And before him, already about 25 years, the Americans themselves have made documentaries. Financiers' income schemes are described, there are no secrets.
        3. +1
          29 March 2016 19: 38
          ... mostly mature, sane, intelligent and responsible men

          At the same time, among the authors of articles and discussions, the following postulate is often exaggerated: These are all rulers, but ordinary Americans, Ukrainians, British, etc. have a positive attitude towards Russia (negatively towards NATO, economic globalization, etc.). It turns out that citizens are separated from government, the rulers do not express the will of the people (they are not legitimate), and all legal mechanisms for bringing the government to power are pure fiction.
          It follows from this that the number of not explicit and unconscious (besides the "official") supporters of the "conspiracy theory" is significant.
        4. -4
          29 March 2016 21: 57
          Quote: Balu
          It’s not clear who the empty article is for. In VO, not all military men, but mostly mature, sane, reasonable, and responsible men. Minus to the author. People make history.

          Now read the comments below. There are enough veruns in every nonsense, like obscurantists. If you regularly read VO, then this should not be some kind of revelation. Various conspiracy theories pop up in comments on almost any article. If this is a story, it begins about its changes. If about medicine, then a plot of pharmaceutical companies pops up. Fed, Jews, Lunar conspiracy, conspiracies of scientists, doctors.
          The article is good, the emphasis is right.
          Since when is the military a synonym for sanity and rationality?
          1. +1
            April 1 2016 21: 37
            A conspiracy is a secret agreement on joint organized actions aimed at seizing power or committing another crime against the existing system.

            I'm not a military man, but what do you have against the military? Do you trust liberals like B. Nadezhdin? Demagogues like V. Ryzhkov?
            Why do I despise Yablinsky? Yablinsky pressed in the Duma at ebn an agreement on the division of jointly produced products on Sakhalin. 10 cents from the petrodollar of Russia, 90 FSA. Is it a conspiracy or a business project? But got 2 real estate in London. Khodorkovsky? There were 10 owners of a controlling stake. If Hodor had not been stopped, Yukos would have sailed to the Macington macaques.
            Harvard project conspiracy or business project? Stage 1 took place, the USSR collapsed.
            In the second section of Russia, according to the Yugoslav variant into 7 parts, they stumbled over GDP and its like-minded people. Brzezinski writes about the third stage as follows: at the third stage, we will cut Russia like a sausage.
            The Anaconda Project and Controlled Chaos in Action. There is one more thing about removing GDP from power — I don’t remember, I forgot. The smoked leader of the Macington macaques: we will tear the Russian economy to shreds. Sanctions, anti-Russia in the face of Ukraine, jumping in the place of the Baltic states with the slogan-Russia will eat us, protect, is that not a conspiracy?
            And you say what a peacock-mavlin is.
            I will not argue, everyone has the right to their point of view. Continue to discuss what the Elephant is: a pillar or a snake, etc. prst
        5. 0
          29 March 2016 22: 36

          You are talking about business, the author wrote about conspiracies.

          The author undoubtedly deserves a good mark for his voluminous work and classification.
          Not everyone is given such a close understanding of this topic. You were laid out on shelves, stripped and put in your mouth.

          The author has earned a good rating. Although of course you can argue.
          1. +1
            30 March 2016 11: 55
            I read and didn’t understand that he laid out where and what kind of work there was, I’ve heard everything that he wrote for 20 years ... This is more like excerpts from base American detectives.
            And maybe 20 years ago what I wrote and could have been shy, but now we are talking about completely different things
            1. +1
              30 March 2016 15: 56

              In the form in which the author collected the information and provided for reflection, I at least did not find it. And I read and look on YouTube on average from 6 to 8 hours a day.

              Therefore, I drew attention to the fact that the author has a good collection of material and classification.
              1. -2
                30 March 2016 16: 44
                I agree, the author described everything perfectly
      2. The comment was deleted.
      3. +23
        29 March 2016 10: 11

        Something like this)
        1. +11
          29 March 2016 11: 04
          Quote: Author
          What does journalist Fandor say about this? “Unemployment is growing - it's Fantomas!” Donuts have risen in price? Fantomas again! Everywhere he is, the elusive and omnipotent Fantomas! ”

          Well, everything was blamed on me? what
          I'm against! laughing
          1. +4
            29 March 2016 13: 05
            Quote: PHANTOM-AS
            Well, everything was blamed on me? what
            I'm against! laughing

            Episode 3 - Fantomas raged fellow wink
          2. The comment was deleted.
        2. +7
          29 March 2016 12: 19
          Has a plane crashed with a delegation? ” - “They blew up to quarrel our countries!”; "The politician died in a car accident?" - “He was killed to be silent!”; “Are there inconsistencies in the annals?” - “They were rewritten to please the ruling dynasty!”,

          Together with conspiracy theory and probability theory went under the knife. The author is a direct destroyer of some theories! But as soon as the picture of the world simplified. To summarize: life is a series of random events that are not interconnected. Life has become easier, life has become more fun (s)
        3. +2
          29 March 2016 12: 30
          Quote: Circle
          Circle Today, 10:11 ↑ New

          Quote: PHANTOM-AS
          Well, everything was blamed on me?

          300th Committee, Bilderberger ... Ears stick out clearly!
          Otherwise, who gave the command to destroy industry in Russia and take away the most modern equipment at that time?
          1. +4
            29 March 2016 12: 49
            Quote: sherp2015
            300th Committee, Bilderberger ... Ears stick out clearly!

            I am not very inclined to conspiracy theories, the Marxist-Leninist theory is much closer to me and, as its embodiment, the "Stalin model".
            Quote: sherp2015
            Otherwise, who gave the command to destroy industry in Russia and take away the most modern equipment at that time?

            Imperialism needed a free raw material base and a market of 300 million people. They got all this from the wreckage of the USSR and the type of colonial economies of the CIS republics confirms this thesis. According to the metropolis, the colonies do not need technology and industry, just as education and health care are not needed, and all the activities of the leaders of the Russian Federation over the past 25 years are directed, not at all, to development.
            And no conspiracy theories hi
          2. +10
            29 March 2016 14: 30
            Izhevsk machines were sold to ebn in 70 countries of the world.
            Burbulis tried to close the factory where the submarines of the Pacific fleet were being repaired. In Samra, the bearing factory was closed, which made the bearings the size of a match head and ....
            Libera under ebn destroyed not only enterprises, entire industries.
            Hands itch, I want to strangle ...
    2. -22
      29 March 2016 08: 26
      Men minus, offended by the truth)
      And there is nothing to say, as usual, no arguments for or against, only insults and minuses laughing
      1. +12
        29 March 2016 08: 55
        Quote: chikenous59
        Men minus, offended by the truth)
        And there is nothing to say, as usual, no arguments for or against, only insults and minuses laughing

        Try to read the protocols of the Zion of the wise and say what did not come true? but yes this is a fake do not believe your eyes.
        1. -12
          29 March 2016 08: 59
          Quote: activator
          Try reading the protocols of the Zion wise men

          And where did you take these protocols for reading? In the Internet?

          Why are you silent, dear?
          Where can you find these "protocols"?))
          1. +8
            29 March 2016 09: 13
            Quote: chikenous59
            Quote: activator
            Try reading the protocols of the Zion wise men

            And where did you take these protocols for reading? In the Internet?

            Have you pulled this article from the Internet? wassat The most stupid argument, and the protocols are dated mine 1905 year.
            1. 0
              29 March 2016 09: 16
              You make changes to the posts so quickly ... will you drop the link?
              1. -9
                29 March 2016 09: 23
                Quote: activator
                You make changes to the posts so quickly ... will you drop the link?

                Link? No thanks laughing The Internet is not the place to look for the truth.
                I read the stories of Nilus, but who saw the protocols themselves?
                You can write anything you want, paper will endure everything.
                1. +11
                  29 March 2016 10: 09
                  Quote: chikenous59
                  Link? No, thanks. The Internet is not the place to look for the truth.

                  Think for yourself what they said. Dear Mr. Shpakovsky is not looking for the truth because he is published on the Internet. Where are you yourself? Also on the Internet.
                2. +2
                  29 March 2016 19: 25
                  And who saw in the original source the Vedas, the Quran, the Pentateuch, the Gospel, or simply — the originals, for example, Homer or Shakespeare, written by the author’s hand? So, have they never existed? Interesting logic ...
            2. -7
              29 March 2016 09: 21
              Quote: activator
              The most stupid argument

              What argument are we talking about?
              I asked you a question, you evade him.
              Quote: activator
              And where did you take these protocols for reading?
              1. +8
                29 March 2016 09: 36
                Quote: chikenous59
                The Internet is not the place to look for the truth.
                I read the stories of Nilus, but who saw the protocols themselves?
                You can write anything you want, paper will endure everything.

                Does it mean that you eat on the net in order to lie and powder your brains? Since this is not the right place ... And books are not an argument for you either, if you say that the paper will endure everything. In this case, the biggest fake is a Bible written as if by people under dictation Holy Spirit. So explained to me.
                Quote: chikenous59
                What argument are we talking about?
                I asked you a question, you evade him

                I read the protocols on the Internet, did you read this article on the Internet or not? And then say that the Internet is not the place. So I say that the most stupid argument to draw information on the Internet is to blame the opponent.
                1. -1
                  29 March 2016 09: 52
                  Quote: activator
                  I read the protocols on the Internet. Did you also read this article on the Internet or not? And then say that the Internet is not the right place

                  If I read something on the Internet, this does not mean that I immediately accept the information as truth. I prefer to first evaluate the pros and cons.
                  I do not have any iron conviction regarding many things, because I do not have reliable information, so I rarely trust the media.

                  And you read some scribbles from the Internet and are trying to get me into it as the pure truth)
                  1. +2
                    29 March 2016 10: 08
                    Quote: chikenous59

                    And you read some scribbles from the Internet and are trying to get me into it as the pure truth)

                    From what you said, I realized that you did not read the protocols? I didn’t read it, but I condemn ... But in order to conduct a dispute about something, you need to study what this dispute is about and then draw conclusions. In contrast, I read this debunking article.
            3. +4
              29 March 2016 19: 22
              The "Protocols" came into being after the World Zionist Conference in Basel in 1898. They were introduced to the general public in the book by S. Nilus "On the Bank of the River of God" at the beginning of the 20th century. By the way, the first order of Lvov after the Provisional Government came to power was: to send a detachment of Cossacks and destroy the entire circulation of not yet sold books in the printing house. On the basis of the "Protocols", a speech by the head of the CIA, Hoover, was drawn up on the future liquidation of the USSR. So, this document has become quite famous long before the Internet. In general, the main achievement of the Devil is to inspire the world that he does not exist. Everyone believes!
          2. -6
            29 March 2016 11: 31
            Well, here you’ll pay nothing, you’ll find everything about Jewish dirty tricks .. enjoy the intelligence of a smart person, unhappy) PS. Forget about the protocols, just carefully watch the news.
        2. -6
          29 March 2016 09: 15
          Try reading the protocols of the Zion wise men

          And my grandfather, being a mature husband, distributed a little-known Catechism.
          1. +1
            29 March 2016 14: 36
            Try reading the protocols of the Zion wise men

            There is such a legend: the protocols of the Zionist sages were written off by a Russian intelligence agent with a female pseudonym for big money from one of the authors. After being published in Russia, he was killed. The authorship of the protocols is attributed to Colonel Nikitin, but hardly.
            Legend has it that the agent took a break from the revolution and civil war. He refused meetings and money. The messages were usually accurate. Infa went to diplomatic missions from different countries. The last message in 1947, about the Hitler attack, the agent reported, like all the estimated date.
            Someday the truth with the protocols will be established. We are waiting, sir.
        3. +6
          29 March 2016 10: 13
          Quote: activator
          Try to read the protocols of the Zion of the wise and say what did not come true? but yes this is a fake do not believe your eyes.

          As for the poor, but honest in the article. I quote: "But instead of soberly looking at things and saying to myself:" I am poor because I am stupid, "a person thinks -" I am poor because the bad "they" deceived me. " We can say one thing that those who deceive us are not so cool, but simply they were trusted more than they deserved. There are many honest and poor, and poor because they are honest. and almost all the rich (99,9% percent) have never been honest, otherwise they would not have become rich. I mean honest privatizers, there is a very small percentage (not only in quantitative terms, but also in terms of financial capacity) who really created their business from scratch.
        4. -11
          29 March 2016 11: 27
          Yes, what protocols? just look at the news of politics and everything will become clear. PS. This site belongs to an ideally liberal trash and, it is a fact .. articles about the uselessness of the Armata platform and ridicule of supporters of conspiracy theory already clearly say who this site is in charge of.
          1. The comment was deleted.
        5. +3
          29 March 2016 11: 55
          Quote: activator
          Quote: chikenous59
          Men minus, offended by the truth)
          And there is nothing to say, as usual, no arguments for or against, only insults and minuses laughing

          Try to read the protocols of the Zion of the wise and say what did not come true? but yes this is a fake do not believe your eyes.

          Well, as I understand it, about these protocols and their origin, the article writes in a separate paragraph ...


          but it’s strong ... this is about the Anunaki, apparently ... I really like the word * danunakhi * more like them, it looks a bit less like a mat and more accurately reflects my (my personal) attitude towards them ... =))
    3. +16
      29 March 2016 09: 33
      We can call the fact of the existence of the predominance of the world financial elite a conspiracy theory or whatever else. This does not make it less existent. There is nothing illogical in this. Anglo-Saxons have always worshiped the golden calf. They were always bloodthirsty and prefer walking on bones. It is foolish to argue with the extermination of the indigenous population of North America. It is foolish to argue with the facts of the past slave trade. It is foolish to argue with the power of the families of world financial bigwigs, such as the Rothschilds, Rockefellers, Fords, Saxons and others like them. What is illogical in a business that has grown out of pants and has become cramped within one country? Or the thesis that everything is sold and everything is bought is already contested? Politicians are bought, and with them is the opinion of the state. Explore at your leisure how the US electoral system works. There, a man from the people will never fall into power, only talking heads. Study at your leisure the device of world finance since 1913, be very surprised where all ends lead and who pulls for them (some names are listed above). Watch at your leisure the films of such patriots of America as documentary filmmaker Aaron Russo, a little like fantasy. This article is either written out of ignorance or for money, nothing more.
    4. +10
      29 March 2016 09: 46
      Quote: chikenous59
      I immediately remembered the so-called. "patriots" from our site)

      "The so-called patriots from our site" are completely different, some think and try to understand more, others shout out ready-made slogans and do not accept anything that does not fit into the framework of the "standard". In general, the "conspiracy theory" is a pure hypothesis, as long as there is no evidence (documentary) either "for" or "against". However, people with imaginative thinking can, analyzing real events, logically link them into chains and, as the Romans said: "find who benefits." How many copies have been broken around the "global financial mafia"? But today only the most stubborn man in the street, like you, will question her existence and stubbornly refer to the notorious "conspiracy theory" ...
      1. -4
        29 March 2016 09: 54
        Quote: ava09
        But today, only the most stubborn man in the street, like you, will question her existence and stubbornly refer to the notorious "conspiracy theory" ...

        And why did you suddenly take that I would question it?)
        I do not deny the theory of conspiracy laughing
        So it is unreasonable to put me here as an example.

        Apparently you, like many "minus players" in this article, misunderstood me from my very first comment and began to inflate here)))
        1. +3
          29 March 2016 13: 48
          I don't need to minus you, you minus yourself ...-) And the answer to my comment amused, reminded me of a scene from the movie "Ivan Vasilyevich changes his profession":
          Yakin: - "Packs, packs ... Like cherubs. Your Excellency, have mercy ... By the way, you misunderstood me ..."
          Ivan the Terrible: - "But how can I understand you, if you don't say anything ..."
        2. +3
          29 March 2016 13: 54
          You yourself do not write any arguments, you just troll people and this was your first comment, which received a bunch of minuses, deservedly so! I read all the comments, one banter from the repertoire, "I'm so smart and know a lot, that's why I'm giggling here, I'm sitting over you," I'll tell you one of these "smart" guys, no one who loves ANYWHERE!
      2. +1
        29 March 2016 10: 39
        Quote: ava09
        In general, the "conspiracy theory" is a pure hypothesis, as long as there is no evidence (documentary) either "for" or "against".

        Before considering the plausibility of a "conspiracy theory" it is necessary to define what a "conspiracy theory" is. Usually this concept is not defined in any way, and by it is meant everything that does not fit into the prescribed thinking or does not please the political elite. Shpakovsky also does not give a definition of "conspiracy theory", but only its appearance.
    5. +3
      29 March 2016 11: 20
      Stop dumbing the liberalist) and ridicule the topic .. There are no conspiracy theories, there are axioms and real facts about the destabilization of society, the outbreak of war and overt support for terrorism by the United States and Israel (treatment at the 300 hospital of An-nusra terrorists and that's not all) .. and , the stupidly planned and carried out action on the demolition of the twin towers in New York in general is the pinnacle of arrogance and a challenge to all mankind. PS. Judging by the articles on this site, it was densely occupied, Judeo-liberal scum of Russian society)
      1. 0
        29 March 2016 13: 25
        Quote: Alexander9092
        Stop dumbing the liberalist) and ridicule the topic .. There are no conspiracy theories, there are axioms and real facts about the destabilization of society, the outbreak of war and overt support for terrorism by the United States and Israel (treatment at the 300 hospital of An-nusra terrorists and that's not all) .. and , the stupidly planned and carried out action on the demolition of the twin towers in New York in general is the pinnacle of arrogance and a challenge to all mankind. PS. Judging by the articles on this site, it was densely occupied, Judeo-liberal scum of Russian society)

        Quince wink , welcome back laughing
      2. The comment was deleted.
  3. +15
    29 March 2016 06: 22
    Minus article put a conspiracy theorist? This is a conspiracy!
    1. +32
      29 March 2016 06: 57
      Quote: Good cat
      This is a conspiracy!
    2. +9
      29 March 2016 08: 25
      Quote: Good cat
      Minus article put a conspiracy theorist?
      2 hours after your comment, 30 minuses versus 10 pluses. It looks like a "conspiracy of the majority".
  4. +2
    29 March 2016 06: 37
    Anyway, but our guesses about such things will remain only guesses ...
    1. +15
      29 March 2016 09: 36
      Personal experience of observing the structure of society around us unambiguously indicates a clear hierarchy of relations. In any process, there are always just performers, there are organizers, there are leaders and authors of ideas. It is natural to assume that all social processes taking place in the world work according to the same scheme. That is, there is necessarily a mass at the bottom of the conditional "pyramid" and there is a top - the leaders responsible for making decisions. Even at first glance, a spontaneously uncontrollable crowd turns out to have its own leaders and inspirers. Those specialists who "push" the development of the actions of this crowd in the direction they need.
      Let’s say a hundred years ago, this whole scheme was limited to the struggle of local elites with each other through the lower-level participants of their societies managed (or directed) by them.
      However, now, in the world of a global economy, perfect means of communication, a developed structure, cannot people who are at the top of the "pyramid" of governance in a global sense?
      The process is clearly not completed yet, we are just observing a phase in which even people not involved at the lower levels of the "pyramid" begin to notice it.
      A little more, a relatively small technological breakthrough in social management systems, and the theory of the "golden billion" will turn into reality.
      That is, on the one hand, the elite, using all the achievements of civilization and the necessary resources, a conditional billion, and on the other hand, a huge mass of people serving this billion people of varying degrees of neglect.
      The "Golden Billion" does not need competitors in the form of technologically advanced countries and their populations. As a matter of fact, we are now witnessing the process of gradual destruction of potential competitors by the forces of one country, passionately striving to become the center of this "golden billion".
      Do you think this process is taking place spontaneously, or is there still governing elites in this country? I think it certainly is.
      This means that there are specific people standing at the top of this "pyramid". And it doesn't matter in what form they make decisions there - they dance around a stone owl, look at the monitors, or just sit in comfortable chairs with a glass of whiskey in hand.
      1. +4
        29 March 2016 09: 58
        Quote: Mestny
        Personal experience of observing the structure of society surrounding us clearly indicates a clear hierarchy of relations.

        This is not a "personal experience" as such, anyone who lives in society has such an experience. You just know how to logically and figuratively comprehend the structure of this very society. -) Unfortunately, ordinary people do not do this ...
      2. cap
        29 March 2016 10: 21
        Quote: Mestny
        A little more, a relatively small technological breakthrough in social management systems, and the theory of the "golden billion" will turn into reality.
        That is, on the one hand, the elite, using all the achievements of civilization and the necessary resources, a conditional billion, and on the other hand, a huge mass of people serving this billion people of varying degrees of neglect.

        good Just +
      3. Erg
        29 March 2016 13: 21
        Mestny. It’s safe to pull on the article. good
    2. +2
      29 March 2016 09: 36
      Personal experience of observing the structure of society around us unambiguously indicates a clear hierarchy of relations. In any process, there are always just performers, there are organizers, there are leaders and authors of ideas. It is natural to assume that all social processes taking place in the world work according to the same scheme. That is, there is necessarily a mass at the bottom of the conditional "pyramid" and there is a top - the leaders responsible for making decisions. Even at first glance, a spontaneously uncontrollable crowd turns out to have its own leaders and inspirers. Those specialists who "push" the development of the actions of this crowd in the direction they need.
      Let’s say a hundred years ago, this whole scheme was limited to the struggle of local elites with each other through the lower-level participants of their societies managed (or directed) by them.
      However, now, in the world of a global economy, perfect means of communication, a developed structure, why not be the people at the top of the "pyramid" of governance in the global sense?
      The process is clearly not completed yet, we are just observing a phase in which even people not involved at the lower levels of the "pyramid" begin to notice it.
      A little more, a relatively small technological breakthrough in social management systems, and the theory of the "golden billion" will turn into reality.
      That is, on the one hand, the elite, using all the achievements of civilization and the necessary resources, a conditional billion, and on the other hand, a huge mass of people serving this billion people of varying degrees of neglect.
      The "Golden Billion" does not need competitors in the form of technologically advanced countries and their populations. As a matter of fact, we are now witnessing the process of gradual destruction of potential competitors by the forces of one country, passionately striving to become the center of this "golden billion".
      Do you think this process is taking place spontaneously, or is there still governing elites in this country? I think it certainly is.
      This means that there are specific people standing at the top of this "pyramid". And it doesn't matter in what form they make decisions there - they dance around a stone owl, look at the monitors, or just sit in comfortable chairs with a glass of whiskey in hand.
    3. +5
      29 March 2016 09: 40
      Partly true. No one will be able to get into all the details right off the bat. But the "ears" of the creators of the two world wars and what we call terrorism are quite visible. Yes, the place of their search is localized - the owners of the money.
    4. The comment was deleted.
  5. +8
    29 March 2016 06: 41
    and an exceptional nation is what? Shiz or conspiracy?
    1. +4
      29 March 2016 07: 33
      Quote: andr327
      Shiz or conspiracy?

      wassat and Shiz and the plot?
    2. 0
      29 March 2016 23: 35
      Quote: andr327
      and an exceptional nation is what? Shiz or conspiracy?

      This is politics ... Small people drink all the juices of the big. Parasites in one word.
  6. +26
    29 March 2016 06: 43
    How to hide a conspiracy, it is necessary to ridicule those who expose it. What are the gentle and fluffy cats around us? And to take Hitler as he came to power, where did the loser of 1 world Germany get the money to create a modern army. Nobody gives us something for nothing.
    1. -10
      29 March 2016 06: 47
      Quote: Alex66
      How to hide a conspiracy, it is necessary to ridicule those who expose it. What are the gentle and fluffy cats around us? And to take Hitler as he came to power, where did the loser of 1 world Germany get the money to create a modern army. Nobody gives us something for nothing.

      And where did Germany get the money after World War II? Let not the army, but the welfare of the country as a whole.
      Industry takes out from them, what used to be, what is now. Hence the money.
      1. +13
        29 March 2016 08: 00
        Quote: chikenous59
        And where did Germany get the money after World War II? Let not the army, but the welfare of the country as a whole.

        After the war, both the first and the second, there was total hunger in Germany and even the flourishing of cannibalism, which they never like to talk about. Hitler's rise to power - a sharp jump in the economy, up to 67% of the annual growth of the gross national product, after the introduction of the "Marshall Plan" in relation to Germany, not that cannibalism ended, but as in the defeated Japan, the "German economic miracle". And whose account is it all? 12 million US Americans were missing in 1931-33 alone. Naturally - "This is not a conspiracy"!
        1. -3
          29 March 2016 22: 11
          Germany recovered from the world wars thanks to a good industry, developed science and a working population. Look at the number of famous German scientists in the era from which they came from? Check raw material data despite hunger. Where does all this come from? The Germans always knew how to work, and throughout their history they climbed out of their asses more than once. This is a prime example of conspiracy theory. They themselves could not, they did everything for them, bought, created.
    2. -3
      29 March 2016 07: 48
      Quote: Alex66
      How to hide a conspiracy, it is necessary to ridicule those who expose it. What are the gentle and fluffy cats around us? And to take Hitler as he came to power, where did the loser of 1 world Germany get the money to create a modern army. Nobody gives us something for nothing.

      To begin with, the army was not so modern. It became modern during the war.
      Only aviation was at the level.
      Germany in terms of development was one of the most developed countries in the world. The Germans produced all kinds of complex chemical and engineering products. From there and the money.
      1. +2
        29 March 2016 19: 26
        It became modern already during the war. ,,
        Of course, it was backward, it captured the whole of Western Europe. Of course, you don’t know that Amerian firms sued the government and received compensation for bombing their US factories in Germany.
    3. +9
      29 March 2016 08: 46
      Quote: Alex66
      How to hide a conspiracy, it is necessary to ridicule those who expose it. What are the gentle and fluffy cats around us? And to take Hitler as he came to power, where did the loser of 1 world Germany get the money to create a modern army. Nobody gives us something for nothing.

      Yes, there has long been no secret - all those whom Hitler then gouged on invested in the creation of the German army! All of Europe ... Confirmed by documents, written historical - not conspiracy theories! - research ... It's just embarrassing about this - ... Moreover - such a thing does not happen in history for the first time, nor in the second ... Somehow ...
      1. +6
        29 March 2016 09: 24
        Quote: CONTROL
        Yes, there has long been no secret - all those whom Hitler then gouged on invested in the creation of the German army! All of Europe ... Confirmed by documents, written historical - not conspiracy theories! - research ... It's just embarrassing about this - ... Moreover - such a thing does not happen in history for the first time, nor in the second ... Somehow ...

        Money was poured into Hitler's Germany by those who brought Hitler to power, those who were interested in crushing the USSR with his hands. When the Bolsheviks nationalized industry, all sorts of bourgeoisie lost VERY sweet pieces. Yes, they wanted them back. Again, the staff poured money into Germany because it was a good capital investment. Nothing, as they say, personal, just business. Until 1942 they sold oil to Hitler. Business, shit, no conspiracies. And the fact that the "Englishwoman has been shitting" for at least 400 years is also a business, not a conspiracy. The economic interests of Britain, and now the SGA, require our land, our bowels, our geography, linking Europe with Asia, and of course there are also slaves who will serve all this for food. Where is the conspiracy?
    4. +8
      29 March 2016 09: 35
      where does the loser of 1 world Germany have money to create a modern army
      After a gas attack near Verdun, Hitler wandered around psychiatric hospitals with hysterical pseudo-blindness for 2 years until he fell into the hands of an experienced psychiatrist who, with the help of hypnosis and then fashionable things, fashioned the person we know from insignificance. Further, a Catholic priest supported, led to the people.
      And money? The money was given by the Naglo-Saxons. Fifty offices of American firms operated in Berlin during the entire 2nd World War. Some Americans died in battles with the Nazis, others throughout the war supplied strategic materials, medicines and much more through "neutral" countries. Bush Jr.'s grandfather was Hitler's personal banker, Adya entrusted his savings bank only to the Americans.
      And you say peacock mawlin ...
    5. -4
      29 March 2016 10: 06
      You don’t understand the difference between "conspiracy theory" and banal funding of someone you need. Moreover, just the same World War II, in which France and Melkobrittania gorged themselves on the city and at the same time did not receive the clearest example of the illusion of controllability, they clearly did not intend to either sit in occupation or fight in full with Hitler.
      Result? Hitler hit them in the face and won the war in France in a month, which no one expected from him, the USSR defeated Hitler and strengthened his position, simultaneously driving a number of former German sixes into his allies.

      Or maybe you think that someone in the West needed Russia to return Crimea? Here, not some kind of conspiracy is emerging, but complete idiocy, not only could 3-4 wait for a year and the lease of bases in Sevastopol expired, the very possibility of seizing control by Russia was simply ignored.

      The world is governed not by a conspiracy, but by crap and incompetence.
      1. +3
        29 March 2016 10: 51
        Quote: EvilLion
        The world is governed not by a conspiracy, but by crap and incompetence.

        Here the question is raised not about what rules the world, but the question of whether or not there is a conspiracy. Not every conspiracy succeeds.
        1. 0
          29 March 2016 13: 09
          If we assume that the same Germany and the USSR were not going to obey this "conspiracy", then the whole "conspiracy" shrinks to the level of banal military-political alliances and geopolitics in which everyone is for himself.
          1. +1
            29 March 2016 20: 13
            Quote: EvilLion
            then the whole "conspiracy" shrinks to the level of banal military-political alliances and geopolitics in which everyone is for himself

            Read Henry Ford, he has a fundamental two-volume. With the facts.
            1. 0
              29 March 2016 23: 40
              Quote: Ingvar 72
              Read Henry Ford, he has a fundamental two-volume. With the facts.

              What is there to read, the whole message of the book: "everything is to blame ....". It is necessary to act, to act.
              1. 0
                30 March 2016 08: 51
                Quote: Kaiten
                We must act, act.

                Send a rope with soap to you? wink
                1. +1
                  30 March 2016 20: 46
                  Quote: Ingvar 72
                  Send a rope with soap to you?

                  Save for yourself. As a rule, those who seem to have liquid mass everywhere seem to end their lives in alcoholic depression.
    6. +1
      29 March 2016 10: 17
      Quote: Alex66
      where did the loser of 1 world Germany have money to create a modern army. Nobody gives us something for nothing.

      a very good example, showing 200% that nothing happens so easy. And the Crimea allegedly given as a sign of eternal friendship to Ukraine by Khrushchev can also be regarded as "accidentally" But in politics there are no accidents!
  7. +6
    29 March 2016 06: 44
    From the list of the Freemasonry conspiracy, the Arab conspiracy, etc .. the communist conspiracy disappeared .. smile ..And time was especially exaggerated ... smile
    1. +4
      29 March 2016 07: 04
      You noticed it well!
    2. +2
      29 March 2016 12: 27
      From the list, the Masonic conspiracy, the Arab conspiracy, etc .. the communist conspiracy disappeared .. smile ..And there was a time especially exaggerated ..

      Based on materials from the foreign press and speeches of mostly impudent Saxon rulers, he transformed into a conspiracy to restore the USSR, led by Putin.
      So their former sovietologists, now hell knows what -ologists there is something to fight. Or rather, what to snatch money from their governments.
  8. +8
    29 March 2016 06: 48
    Shpakovsky writes about conspiracy theory? Of course there is no conspiracy, but what are you!
    1. +11
      29 March 2016 09: 41
      The conspiracy theory was invented as a methodology for discrediting common sense, any any intelligible logical explanation of social phenomena and processes occurring in society and the state in favor of the customer. The great exposer of world conspiracy theories Shpakovsky contradicts a more competent person:
      "In politics, nothing happens by accident. If something happens, it was intended." Franklin Delano Roosevelt.
      Today the term "conspiracy theory" is a must-have attribute of liberal ideology for powdering the brains of those who can still somehow move them. And Shpakovsky very clearly showed how this is usually done. An attempt to study and classify objectively existing or existing conspiracies, closed groups (elitist or oligarchic), sects, special services, etc., as well as to discover information that, for one reason or another, are trying to hide from the general public, is declared to be "another conspiracy theory."
      What? .... 90% of the government of Soviet Russia turned out to be Jews? .... So this is the Great October Socialist Revolution, and not an ethnic revolution. This is the will of the masses, the will of the working people. These are social processes. Irresistible forces of nature.
      1. +4
        29 March 2016 12: 39
        In Russia, there were, as you know, two
        Coup. 1917 and 1991.
        As a result of both, all property and power passed to the same.
        Of course - an accident.
        No "conspiracies"
        Banks, telegraph (media), bridges ...
        With obligatory, random, genocide of the local population.
        There seems to be no variety of conspiracies.
        There is a plot.
        1. +1
          29 March 2016 13: 40
          Yes something like that. All matches are random, and the names are fictitious. The 1916 coup was carried out by Freemasons, replaced by Jews. The usual two-way. No freemasons. Doctors are everything. Conspiracy theory.
        2. The comment was deleted.
      2. +1
        29 March 2016 23: 43
        Quote: Silhouette
        What? .... 90% of the government of Soviet Russia were Jews ?.

        Just like now.
  9. +17
    29 March 2016 06: 48
    I recall a joke.
    One cow on a farm says to another: "Do you know that people raise us to kill and then eat?"
    Another cow: "I got sick of your conspiracy theories !!!"
    1. +4
      29 March 2016 13: 45
      Quote: KKND
      I recall a joke.
      One cow on a farm says to another: "Do you know that people raise us to kill and then eat?"
      Another cow: "I got sick of your conspiracy theories !!!"

  10. +17
    29 March 2016 06: 52
    As for conspiracy theories, there is no smoke without fire.
    sooner or later, but real-life conspiracies certainly became public (Watergate, for example!)

    And the Kenedy assassination? Only those conspiracies, in the implementation of which mistakes were made, become public. And sometimes public opinion is so reckoned for their own benefit that obvious stupidity is taken for the truth (you can recall the Boeing shot down over Donbass).
    1. +2
      29 March 2016 07: 06
      This is not about political actions - they were and will be, and secret, of course. A little more. The article emphasizes this.
      1. +5
        29 March 2016 07: 46
        Given the title of the article itself: "The conspiracy theory or 'they' are to blame for everything!" - I really hoped to learn at least something about this mysterious and a theory still not described. Unfortunately, my hopes did not materialize - a description of conspiracy theology from prof. In principle, a conspiracy theorist does not provide for the possibility of revealing the secrets of countless conspiracies that lead humanity to wars, upheavals, revolutions, total genocide of both individual ethnic groups and humanity as a whole for a long time. Sorry, I was so recklessly hoping!
        1. 0
          29 March 2016 09: 29
          The fact is that no conspiracy theory actually exists. This concept itself is a media virus, invented in order to let zhurnalugi of all stripes troll each other from the blue screen and from the pages of newspapers for our money :)))
      2. 0
        29 March 2016 11: 34
        Quote: kalibr
        This is not about political actions - they were and will be, and secret, of course. A little more. The article emphasizes this.

        Where is this emphasized in the article?
    2. +6
      29 March 2016 09: 39
      What about kenedy’s murder?

      Kennedy was shot from 2 points, not from a warehouse.
      All more than 2 dozen witnesses whose testimonies did not coincide with the official version during the year either disappeared without a trace or died.
      1. +3
        29 March 2016 10: 10
        And what did Kennedy want to do? He wanted to return the printing press to the state, which the Fed did not like. He wanted to be friends with the USSR, which many did not like. And much more...
    3. +1
      29 March 2016 10: 13
      The conspiracy does not imply blunders, otherwise one will have to admit that there is a limit to controllability and predictability, and this contradicts the very essence of the conspiracy theory.
      1. 0
        29 March 2016 10: 50
        Any conspiracy has its own degree of risk. The conspiracy cannot take into account accidents, surprises, errors in execution, unforeseen circumstances and much more, which is called "human factor".
        1. +1
          29 March 2016 13: 04
          On a global scale, this degree of risk is such that there can be no talk of any conspiracies, there is only geopolitics, where there are only large players of 4 pcs. of which one EU, consists of a number of states with their own contradictions, and hundreds more 2 smaller states
  11. +4
    29 March 2016 07: 08
    non-cospirologists do not want to know that any criminal investigation is a conspiracy theory, only of a small scale
    however, the investigation takes place according to the laws of deduction, but all conspiracy theories do not want to use these techniques)))
    1. 0
      29 March 2016 09: 30
      however, the investigation takes place under the laws of deduction

      But it’s not true, the investigation takes place at the behest of the investigator’s left heel and his superiors.
  12. +30
    29 March 2016 07: 13
    Article - bold trolling of the author. I consider it complete cretinism to look at the world without taking into account the historical past, which is downright filled with "conspiracy theories." It is extremely naive to think that all events in the world are going by gravity, and those in power will not take the chance to cash in on the war. As the saying goes: "The Dulles plan does not exist, but it is still being carried out."
    1. +6
      29 March 2016 08: 59
      Quote: DREDD
      Dulles's plan does not exist, but it is still being carried out. "

      AIDS is an example!
      The "discoverer" of AIDS publicly admitted his mistake, published articles in medical publications ... But AIDS remained!
      Indeed, even when it was "discovered", many virologists, medical clinicians expressed reasonable doubts about the existence of such a pathogen! Complex of nonspecific diseases - yes! But - a virus that dies at 38-40 degrees Celsius - ??? ...
      However - at first there was a bunch of "miracle drugs" that cure AIDS! Disposable instruments - syringes, scalpels, vacuum syringes ... The miracle drugs somehow disappeared by themselves, they keep quiet about AIDS ... but syringes and so on remain! and bring tangible benefits to the suffering (sick!) ... among the suffering - and the producers of all this one-off, here they are - profits flow like a river! ... Be healthy!
      Here is a "conspiracy"! Accident? coincidence of circumstances? ... And the guys took advantage, and with benefit - both for themselves and for ...
      1. -2
        29 March 2016 09: 22
        Discoverer of "AIDS publicly admitted his mistake, published articles in medical publications

        Please provide a list of publications.
        .And AIDS remains!
        Indeed, even when it was "discovered", many virologists, medical clinicians expressed reasonable doubts about the existence of such a pathogen!

        Well, that’s grandmother’s superstition, AIDS kakbe syndrome, and the virus is HIV.
        among the suffering - and the producers of all this one-time, here they are - the profits flow like a river! ... Be healthy!

        Yes, of course, it’s more convenient to use a glass syringe, and reusable diapers are so hygienic.
        1. +1
          29 March 2016 11: 46
          [quote = Safar] The list of publications please present. [quote].
          I don’t remember - I didn’t read it on the Internet, but in some near-medical magazine, St. Petersburg!
          ... Thomas the Unbeliever? ... I want links - find yourself ...

          [quote = Safar] Yes, of course, using a glass syringe is more convenient, and reusable diapers are so hygienic. [/ quote]
          Well, I say - with mutual benefit! Both for the sick and for the manufacturers of disposable "pharmacy" ...
          In addition, the cost of "disposable" is borne by the patient! And how many people are infected from reusing disposables to save money? Glass syringe - all you need to boil! There were boxes and syringes with indicators: if you don't boil, it won't work, you won't inject (for Fom the Unbelievers - in the brain ...)!
      2. +2
        29 March 2016 10: 12
        The HIV virus has always been, it is more than 5 thousand years old, according to anthropologists, archaeologists and virologists. Of course, he mutated and differs from his ancestor, identified several years ago.
        1. +1
          29 March 2016 11: 56
          Quote: Balu
          The HIV virus has always been, it is more than 5 thousand years old, according to anthropologists, archaeologists and virologists. Of course, he mutated and differs from his ancestor, identified several years ago.

          And there is such a theory!
          But more votes of virologists - for the integrated nature ...
          If something were decided by science by voting!
          But in general - the same story as with cancer: they know that can lead to cancer ... it seems like metabolic cellular processes are clear, but - to heal only at random! And yet - completely inexplicable, without any treatment - cases of complete remission of patients with various forms of cancer! ...
          ... in short - "science is not in the know yet"! Although he beats himself in the chest with a hoof - Mogo, and Mogem! ...
          1. +1
            29 March 2016 14: 21
            One of the causes is intestinal parasites. Malignant tumors themselves do not pass, this is a bluff. To find out which tumor is possible only under a microscope and then, express analysis can more or less likely to differentiate a malignant or benign process. Immunodeficiency in itself can be a complication of a number of diseases. HIV is definitely a cell parasite, isolated cases of self-healing are a mistake in the diagnosis or a fake.
            However, untreated live longer than those treated, which is why it is not clear. Likely layering competing pathologies most likely.
            I had to tear gloves and fingers to pierce while operating with HIV and hepatitis and with PB +, but fate still preserves.
          2. +1
            29 March 2016 22: 24
            Quote: CONTROL
            But in general - the same story as with cancer: they know what can lead to cancer ... it seems that metabolic cellular processes are clear, but - to heal only at random! And yet - completely inexplicable, without any treatment - cases of complete remission of patients with various forms of cancer! ...
            ... in short - "science is not in the know yet"! Although he beats himself in the chest with a hoof - Mogo, and Mogem! ...

            No need to write about what you do not understand. We do not know all causes all types of cancer. We do not cure at random, what kind of nonsense? Some remission mechanisms are known, and every year we learn more. Science is up to date, and if you compare at least with the 80s, we know very much. Even 30 years ago, the diagnosis of many types of cancer was a death sentence, now everything rests on the diagnosis. The tools that we use now, did not even dream of the doctors of the 80s.
            And with a hoof in the chest we beat only in the sore minds of obscurantists like you. In fact, research is underway, every year we understand more and more.
      3. +2
        29 March 2016 20: 09
        Quote: CONTROL
        But - a virus that dies at 38-40 degrees Celsius - ??? ...

        It seems like 70 degrees, but globally you are right - the virus is very "gentle". Moreover, it is almost impossible to get AIDS from a woman, if you do not confuse inlets with weekends. Nature has protected the reproduction process with a bactericidal lubricant released in the process .... feel ... But the priest is the exit, not the entrance, and there is no "sentry" there. Almost all of the sick are drug addicts and homosexuals, more than 90%.
        But they rocked the topic of AIDS masterly, making it, in addition to a source of income, also a banner for limiting the birth rate - "protect yourself, or you will die" hi
    2. The comment was deleted.
  13. +9
    29 March 2016 07: 45
    Just an article about nothing. This is the same comment, the same reasoning, thinking of the author himself, who accuses others of bad thinking.
  14. Erg
    29 March 2016 07: 45
    Hooray! I managed, I read to the end drinks I did not repeat my mistake twenty years ago, when I could not master more than a quarter of Freud's book. It makes no sense to analyze this "work". All in a heap. The level of analysis, no matter how mild, is not high. Minus. smile
    1. +3
      29 March 2016 09: 55
      This is just a redesign of the Wikipedia article. Very poor and primitive.
    2. +4
      29 March 2016 10: 15
      Hooray, I'm not alone !. I read it too! Dash for it?
      The author is definitely a Troll, or a type of B. Nadezhdin-liberalist.
  15. +16
    29 March 2016 07: 52
    Gentlemen, we are considered idiots. It is precisely such articles that should lull the vigilance of the masses, or rather, return to the herd those who have strayed from it. Analytics for downs. I advise you to read / see Comrade A. Fursov and Ms. Olga Chetverikova.
    1. -7
      29 March 2016 08: 18
      Quote: sardare
      Gentlemen, we are considered idiots. It is precisely such articles that should lull the vigilance of the masses, or rather, return to the herd those who have strayed from it. Analytics for downs. I advise you to read / see Comrade A. Fursov and Ms. Olga Chetverikova.

      Everyone believes in their beliefs) You trust Messrs. Fursov and Chetverikov more. Someone will believe Shpakovsky more good
      1. +1
        29 March 2016 09: 03
        Quote: chikenous59
        You trust Messrs. Fursov and Chetverikov more. Someone will believe Shpakovsky more good

        ... Let the tigers pass through ourselves! (from the movie "Four Tankmen and a Dog"). Only these were not tanks, but tigers from the Berlin Zoo ...
      2. +4
        29 March 2016 09: 50
        This is what camouflage der * ma achieve. Faith - I want to believe, I want not to believe. Already enough facts to speak firmly about the formed gang robbing the whole world. Pay attention to at least the dollar.
        1. 0
          29 March 2016 09: 57
          Quote: tiredwithall
          Pay attention to at least the dollar.

          А me Why are you saying this?
          Everyone believes in their beliefs) You trust Messrs. Fursov and Chetverikov more. Someone will believe Shpakovsky more

          I didn’t say a word to myself.
      3. The comment was deleted.
    2. +1
      29 March 2016 09: 36
      or George Sidorov
    3. +2
      29 March 2016 12: 33
      Andrei Ilyich Fursov is just developing a conspiracy theory. And it is better not to read it, since there are not so many printed materials, but to watch a video, both on contemporary politics and video lectures on the history of Russia. Plus video materials from Fursov's School of Analytics.
  16. +18
    29 March 2016 07: 52
    An article from the cycle "Vyvsevrete" the author is like a child who closes his eyes and thinks that no one sees him. Mankind (its main mass) has always been ruled by "milked" and led to slaughter like cattle, first by priests and leaders, later by the church, monarchs and feudal lords, now the financial and political elites of the Bilderberg Club.
    1. 0
      29 March 2016 22: 34
      What does it have to do with it? The fact that people have always been ruled is a fact. Talk about conspiracy theories. Each country had its own priests, with practically unlimited power, but they were not members of a secret organization, they did not intend to decide the fate of the world in Atlantis. As soon as the priests or leaders gathered in the organization, everything became known. How did you come from priests and leaders to world government?
      For example, pharmaceutical companies. Each works for its own benefit, which is logical. but a conspiracy of large corporations hiding a cure for cancer is not possible. It is impossible to keep secret the conspiracy of the oilmen who kill scientists who create engines on the water.

      There is a difference between scientists who sometimes put sticks in the wheels of competitors, spoil their reputation or career, and the worldwide conspiracy of hundreds of thousands of physicists who are all over the world pursuing supporters of torsion fields. Is the difference visible?
  17. +2
    29 March 2016 08: 00
    "... A computer conspiracy. Its essence is that software manufacturers specifically create products that are more demanding on computer resources."

    Well, here the software manufacturers are the second echelon, the hardware manufacturer, in order to stay on the market, produces more productive processors with lower heat generation and power consumption, software manufacturers can come up with some other service at hand, screw something attractive on the client side. By the way, there are several translated chapters from Assange's book "Google is not what it seems" on Habré, quite interesting, I would say.
    1. +2
      29 March 2016 09: 08
      Quote: sa-ag
      "... A computer conspiracy. Its essence is that software manufacturers specifically create products that are more and more demanding on computer resources." Well, here software manufacturers are in the second echelon,

      Igruha is issued with the prescribed requirements - such and such percent ... so many RAM ... Remove this log from the kernel - the game goes almost to Win 2000!
      Read the license agreement for Win 10 - be very surprised! Microsoft in this OS can now do anything! it even seems to read your thoughts ... or maybe to inspire yours ...
  18. +8
    29 March 2016 08: 00
    "Nahuyaki from the planet Nebiru." I know several of them in our ministries.
  19. Riv
    29 March 2016 08: 04
    And the Black Helicopters? The author forgot about Black Helicopters !!! 111
    1. +3
      29 March 2016 09: 41
      And these, on the plates ... why about the plates no gu-gu? * Again the plot, the tigers in the zoo are not given meat ...
  20. +3
    29 March 2016 08: 13
    The author famously examined the psychological causes of conspiracy theories. Moreover, these reasons exist and work.
    BUT! The assertion that there is nothing secret in the world, that everything is clear and follows known laws, that everything has its own reason and it is enough to use Occam's Razor to find it - this is also a children's inferiority complex. And this complex stems from an inability to take responsibility.
    Indeed, the reasoning of people of this type often leads to such conclusions: everything has its own reason, I don’t understand it, but most likely it is understood by professionals, and science has gone a long way, so there are such professionals, and charlatans who shout that science not everyone knows, definitely do it for their own benefit. And if I don’t see such a benefit, then I need to come up with something scientific and psychological and with the charge of terrible sins, look about the insane. Or another option. Everything has its own reason. So, there must be someone in charge, for example, God or the President. He surely sees everything, maybe he will protect him from injustice. I just need to sacredly fulfill his covenants. HE WILL TAKE RESPONSIBILITY FOR EVERYONE, INCLUDING AND FOR MY ERRORS.
    A normal person is not afraid of responsibility, is not afraid of the unknown and the unknown. A normal person just acts, and then he will understand and learn knowledge. And convictions - you are all abnormal, and your thoughts from conspiracy theories - this is the fear of the unknown, a children's complex of faith in a strong adult.
    1. -2
      29 March 2016 22: 58
      The grandmother at the entrance will be able to understand complex financial processes and come to her, reasoned, conclusion about the Fed conspiracy. Will she do this? Will the grandmother spend at the entrance. months to figure this out? And if she cannot distinguish inflation from castration, what is her opinion worth? The author writes that the grandmother is more likely to believe in the Rothschild conspiracy than that everything works according to the laws that were formed many years ago, and everything else is cut off by the Razmer of Okmma.

      I used to be a supporter of the theory of the Lunar conspiracy, but after spending a HUGE amount of time, I realized that this was nonsense. People physically cannot figure everything out and two options remain. Believe in conspiracy theory or the point of view that experts have come to. A striking example of GMOs, in the scientific community there is consensus on this issue, GMO itself is safe, you need to monitor the production process. If 99.9% of biologists agree with this, why not trust them? But people find one freak, the results of which no one could confirm, AND they BELIEVE HIM, not
      Quote: Dummy
      will understand and learn knowledge later

      nobody then teaches anything, does not check. People believe in conspiracy theories, and why it is written in the article.
  21. +9
    29 March 2016 08: 13
    I read the comments ..
    On earth, the whole human race
    A holy idol honors
    He reigns over the whole universe,
    That idol is a golden calf!
    In the tenderness of the heart
    Glorifying the idol
    People of different castes and countries
    Dance in an endless circle
    Surrounding the pedestal
    Surrounding the pedestal!
    Satan rules the ball
    The ball rules there!
    Satan rules the ball
    The ball rules there!
    This idol is golden
    Despising the will of heaven
    Mocking is cheating
    He is the holy law of heaven!
    In favor of god Zlata
    The edge on the edge of war;
    And human blood by the river
    On the blade flows Bulat!
    People die for metal,
    People are dying for the metal!
    Satan rules the ball
    The ball rules there!
    Satan rules the ball
    The ball rules there!
    That's the whole conspiracy theory ...
    1. +2
      29 March 2016 09: 11
      Quote: parusnik
      I read the comments ...

      Oh, performed by at least Shtokolov! ...
      1. 0
        29 March 2016 10: 34
        Well, how could smile
    2. +4
      29 March 2016 09: 46
      People are dying for the metal!
      Satan rules the ball
      The ball rules there!

      Which once again proves that the teachings of Marx-Engels-Lenin are eternal. Glory to the CPSU! Skorrow world capitalism will decay completely, but what will we do with these Saudi Shaitans? A turkogan still threatens with piglets ... We will strengthen the defense.
      But my question is: for what purpose did Mr. Ulyukaev meet with the Ambassador of the FSA Tafft in a friendly atmosphere and discuss the issues of the participation of American banks in the privatization of Russia? After all, the Macington macaques are tearing our economy to shreds, they are threatening with sacrifices, something else there ...
      1. cap
        29 March 2016 10: 58
        But my question is: for what purpose did Mr. Ulyukaev meet with the Ambassador of the FSA Tafft in a friendly atmosphere and discuss the issues of the participation of American banks in the privatization of Russia?

        "Everything in the name of man. Everything for the good of man" is one of the slogans of the CPSU.
        We all knew this man.
  22. +4
    29 March 2016 08: 15
    Thank you very much for the article, dear Vyacheslav! I read all your articles about PR, although it was difficult for me, especially about the Soviet era.
    I like the same article best of all! When explaining that there is nothing of this ---- it becomes clear --- all of this is there! And probably much more!
  23. +12
    29 March 2016 08: 21
    The whole history of mankind is history
    conspiracies. From Cro-Magnon to the present day through religions, parties, sects, etc. Power has always been built on the closeness of its institutions of influence and on the election of adherents. Article minus.
  24. +3
    29 March 2016 08: 25
    I assume that this is such a technique, PR-move?
    Quote: raid14
    An article from the cycle "Vyvsevrete" the author is like a child who closes his eyes and thinks that no one sees him. Mankind (its main mass) has always been ruled by "milked" and led to slaughter like cattle, first by priests and leaders, later by the church, monarchs and feudal lords, now the financial and political elites of the Bilderberg Club.

    You can’t take anything literally. Follow, suspect! THINK!
    You can’t be gullible to anything.
    Grotesque, absurdity, non-standard thinking are often used.
    Remember ----- Media ----- Weapons!
  25. +11
    29 March 2016 08: 32
    The author of the article considers readers to be worse than himself.
    In any case, this is not productive.
    In his opinion, the direction of world history is the result of the Brownian movement of individual historical figures.
    This is even funnier ...
  26. -8
    29 March 2016 08: 40
    There are representatives who talk about the world conspiracy. Regularly shoot their interviews. I looked a couple of times, as it really pulls everything to my ears. For example, Pyakin V.V., Petrov K.P., and all representatives of BER.
    A colleague is at work, regularly looks at these representatives. As we remember recently, the plane crashed in Rostov, and so a colleague says, "This is their Boeing technique, some equipment and software were originally laid down, with the help of which they pressed a button and all that-that. This is us like they pull back they say you see yourself well otherwise everything "Boeing" you will fall "also cites figures" 15% of victims in plane crashes Russians over the past 20 years "- not checked honestly, maybe it is.
    1. +2
      29 March 2016 09: 06
      Quote: jura61
      did not check honestly maybe it is.

      Or maybe not.

      You would check first, then you would tell the people.
      1. 0
        29 March 2016 11: 01
        They made me move and find at least some information:
        article on the Ukrainian website correspondent of November 2013
        ei-chem-v-myre, as described in the article, the percentage is really high at 8,6% between 2008-2012. (there are no direct links to the site)

        Here is the article for 2012, which takes into account the disaster with the superjet, here is the Wikipedia article on this tragedy

        Maybe you will find something
    2. +2
      29 March 2016 09: 16
      Quote: jura61
      There are representatives who talk about the world conspiracy. Regularly shoot their interviews. I looked a couple of times, as it really pulls everything to my ears. For example, Pyakin V.V., Petrov K.P., and all representatives of BER.

      About BOB - it's you in vain! Well it is an alternative! ...
      Russian government "liberals" will not ban "Dead Water" in court for nothing! It's not "Mein Kampf" after all ...
      1. 0
        29 March 2016 10: 35
        I have no complaints about the concept, those individuals who are hiding behind BER broadcasting, or not suspecting themselves or specifically (I am inclined to the second option) are trying to manipulate the society with their guesses (!!!) is this the question of adequacy?
  27. +2
    29 March 2016 08: 41
    Occam's razor is a very dangerous truth-finding tool. It is enough to deliberately introduce one or two illogical, but very plausible points in the general chain of events, and the Razor will lead you away from there.
  28. The comment was deleted.
  29. +3
    29 March 2016 08: 56
    Well, we have read another of the creations of the "whistleblowers", which does not tell about anything and does not reveal anything. This sect is just as prolific as the one that publishes numerous works under the general title Secrets of the Third Reich or Secrets of the Earth. There are many books in bright covers, but not very good. Some create "secrets", others expose them, and together they do a common cause. These numerous guys, with royalties from similar publications, have already purchased real estate and transport, raised children, put their teeth in, etc. New, young generations of mystery scholars and secret revealers have already grown up, and we are still buying into the products of their vital activity.
  30. +3
    29 March 2016 08: 59
    The article is written so "well", the number of conspiracy theorists will only increase.
    Still, mixing in one heap the truth with fiction, the author wants to convince us that everything is not true and, thanks to him for this, achieves the opposite effect.
    There is a good Russian saying: "To cast a shadow ... on the fence."
  31. +3
    29 March 2016 09: 00
    Monopoly position gives advantages to the monopolist not only in the economy. The longed-for dream of the United States to establish itself as a monopolist in politics so that it would cease to be international, but turned exclusively into the policy of the State Department, remained their dream of "beauty." In the absence of its own anti-monopoly committee in the UN, Russia had to play its role; experience since the Great Patriotic War has not yet been forgotten.
    According to the author's strange logic, there was no monopoly agreement between the political forces of the leading industrial powers that supported Hitler and unleashed this war; everything turned out by itself, in a natural way, and only Hitler and Stalin, more precisely, their psychological complexes, are to blame for everything. There is no "world behind the scenes", there is only "unconscious", which everyone ... can interpret in their own way and at their own rates. To paraphrase Belov: "Psychologists have gone across Russia, psychologists ..."
  32. The comment was deleted.
  33. +2
    29 March 2016 09: 03
    The author apparently knows everything)) with a capital letter, at the same time there is an old proverb - the clever one always doubts but ...., he didn’t want to offend anyone)
  34. +9
    29 March 2016 09: 11
    Well, of course, as I hadn’t guessed, Maidan is not a conspiracy (why, how could I even think such a thing?) This expression of will of the knights has brought that good.
    Committing a crime by prior conspiracy by a group of persons - what is this? And the author? When does a group of manufacturers, by prior conspiracy, inflate the prices of (products, medicines, ... emphasize the necessary) in order to gain superprofits and by chance (possibility) to destroy part of the socially unprotected population? What's this? Not a conspiracy, it's a fair business.
    And what is the name of the actions of a group of doctors who secretly test new drugs for oooofigenny "grandmothers", commissioned by foreign pharmaceutical companies, on a naive and gullible population. author -> author -> author, ayushki, enlighten. Reptilian, damn it.
    1. 0
      29 March 2016 09: 41
      You see, the point is that Maidan is a conspiracy, not how they tried to present it as free will. My friends went to the first Maidan and were proud of their will. Absurd statements, provocations, betrayal, tricks of various kinds --- these are the tools cheating, blurring eyes, hanging noodles. This is shown in the article, but since Shpakovsky’s knowledge is deeper than my guesses, I write messy. I’ll add more.
      1. 0
        29 March 2016 10: 00
        Now in the family of my friends --- the border separating Donbass and Ukraine. The truce --- no. One claims that it is free will, others --- a world conspiracy. Between them is anger and intolerance. Here's how the sites and public relations relatives PR -yah !!
        That’s what it’s about --- lies, obfuscation, intimidation, terrorist attacks, provocations for confusing concepts, for hiding various conspiracies. I suppose the creation of false explicit conspiracies to better hide the secret. As the author wrote in a much earlier article about virtual opponents. I will add more about Ukraine a little later ---- the tablet threatens to disconnect me.
        1. +2
          29 March 2016 14: 39
          Ask yourself and your relatives a simple question:
          To whom the plot-maidan brought benefits?
          Waltzman, Groysman, egg, cry, Kapitelman ... all rootless cosmopolitans.
          And ukraine - torn forelocks, tariffs and coffins.
          This is if in the dry residue.
          1. +1
            29 March 2016 15: 11
            You didn’t understand a bit. This is not my relative, but the relatives of my friends. A family that has been living in the Russian Federation for more than 20 years. Those on our part --- everything is clear. And those who are not with ours --- ZOMBIES !!! When messages of cruelty and murder were sent, mother began to cry very much. And I began to appear evil verses. One employee of the Museum of New Russia said that they need to be printed. After much thought, in August I printed 2 poems on the home page of my comments. This is the theater of the absurd. The mind cannot always accept literal words. Sorry, everything that deviates from the topic.
            1. +1
              29 March 2016 21: 35
              I read carefully.
              My relatives on urkain were not divided.
              But ten years told the horrors of urkainizatsii.
              I read their history books.
              Printed in Canada.
              About ancient and modern ukrov.
              It seemed that this nonsense could not be taken seriously ...
              Children absorbed poison.
              Adults were silent.
              Foreign pipe-makers took youth to Hell.
              Ancient history.
              Now mutants pour Orthodox blood
              and it seems to them that they themselves are people ...
              Will there be an awareness of the crime?
              The plot was a success.
              Russians are divided.
              Rodless and own stupidity.
              1. 0
                31 March 2016 17: 17
                I think they are very obstinately proud of their actions, like Savchenko. But in general, the mind refuses to accept this horror, they were not born like that. Therefore, the psyche protects itself, demonized by LDNR, Russia. Grandfather was a teacher at the Academy, there were many students from Ukraine. Mom all childhood in the pioneer camps of the Ministry of Defense both in winter and in summer. Under Leningrad, Moscow, in Ukraine. Somewhere, some names she saw.
  35. +4
    29 March 2016 09: 14
    The article is a definite minus, for most comments, pluses.
    Evaluating statements, we often argue not about meaning, but about terms.
    Obviously, the author of the article made a bet on this.
    Whether there is a conspiracy in its classical sense is not important.
    It is important that we see in the modern world many events that impede the development of civilization.
    Instead of the development of state institutions that make life in the country more comfortable, there is a destruction of state power. Replacing the government elected according to the laws of the country, even if not perfect, with the power of armed gangs, arranging mass executions, disregarding the right to life of any person, condemning the people to starvation, extinction, or leaving their homes. The nature of such processes is interference in the internal affairs of external forces. And then, we turn on the brain, who benefits from it. And no matter what we call the ongoing destructive processes, the main thing is that they must be resisted. And this "conspiracy" or "double standards" is only a question of the terminology of the ongoing processes.
  36. +4
    29 March 2016 09: 18
    That is, of course, there are various secret government services, secret bank accounts and secret intergovernmental agreements, from which ordinary people, if they knew about them, would get their hair out of horror, but ...
    ... no conspiracies !!!! It turns out that having powerful control mechanisms, nobody thought of them to take action ...
    ... which are aimed at consciously managing the historical processes around us.
  37. +3
    29 March 2016 09: 35
    We can call the fact of the existence of the predominance of the world financial elite a conspiracy theory or whatever else. This does not make it less existent. There is nothing illogical in this. Anglo-Saxons have always worshiped the golden calf. They were always bloodthirsty and prefer walking on bones. It is foolish to argue with the extermination of the indigenous population of North America. It is foolish to argue with the facts of the past slave trade. It is foolish to argue with the power of the families of world financial bigwigs, such as the Rothschilds, Rockefellers, Fords, Saxons and others like them. What is illogical in a business that has grown out of pants and has become cramped within one country? Or the thesis that everything is sold and everything is bought is already contested? Politicians are bought, and with them is the opinion of the state. Explore at your leisure how the US electoral system works. There, a man from the people will never fall into power, only talking heads. Study at your leisure the device of world finance since 1913, be very surprised where all ends lead and who pulls for them (some names are listed above). Watch at your leisure the films of such patriots of America as documentary filmmaker Aaron Russo, a little like fantasy. This article is either written out of ignorance or for money, nothing more.
  38. +1
    29 March 2016 09: 39
    Quote: olimpiada15
    The article is a clear minus

    Quote: XYZ
    Well, we have read another of the creations of the "whistleblowers"

    Quote: Pvi1206
    The author of the article considers readers to be worse than himself.

    Quote: raid14
    Article from the cycle "Vyvsevrete"
  39. +6
    29 March 2016 09: 41
    terrific nonsense, everything is collected in one heap. Explicit reprint from American sources did not even bother with a literate translation. Of those countless articles, such as * 10 most ridiculous misconceptions *, where they deliberately mix a specific balcony like flat earth, and they’re sure to insert sections on the flights of Americans to the moon or the world conspiracy. And the uneducated victim of the USE really thinks - if you do not believe in flat land, then you should not believe in the flights of Americans in the Hollywood pavilions and in the conspiracy theory. This is only regarding the article. Its minus. I won’t write anything about conspiracy theories, the topic is too voluminous, but any sober person understands that there is no other way to explain the processes in the modern world.
  40. +4
    29 March 2016 10: 01
    The author is somewhat right. Conspiracy theory is often brought to the point of absurdity. Why? And all because this is a conspiracy :). Want to mask a problem? Hire a dozen journalists and let them mix the truth with fiction, periodically flattering frank nonsense. As a result, part of the public will finally be convinced that the problem is bullshit that is not worth attention. And the other will get bogged down in this information swamp. The principle is simple and very common. A very powerful and effective alternative to censorship.
    1. -1
      29 March 2016 19: 53
      Quote: brn521
      A very powerful and effective alternative to censorship.

      RenTV drives! good
  41. +4
    29 March 2016 10: 08
    Timely article.
    In the VO forum (as in many others)
    approximately 1/4 of conspiracy therapists. smile
    Most popular: "All conspiracy against Russia."
    Interestingly, on American sites is popular
    the opposite theme: "a conspiracy of all against the United States."
    About a popular topic among Jews: "the conspiracy of all against the Jews"
    I'm not even talking about the ancient: "conspiracy of the Jews against all"
    1. +3
      29 March 2016 13: 32
      Quote: voyaka uh
      I'm not even talking about the ancient: "conspiracy of the Jews against all"

      He himself admitted that no one pulled your tongue. :)
      1. +3
        29 March 2016 13: 50
        No conspiracy - just the Torah and the Talmud. The usual sacred duty of the ordinary God-chosen. What can be the collusion of ants building their anthill?
        1. 0
          30 March 2016 06: 35
          Quote: Silhouette
          No conspiracy - just the Torah and the Talmud. The usual sacred duty of the ordinary God-chosen. What can be the collusion of ants building their anthill?

          Kill the best of goyim.
  42. +1
    29 March 2016 10: 18
    (Here they are - reptilians from the constellation Dragon. They have taken our form and live among us. And this is their woman!)

    And as it turns out, not one. So "Zhenechka-Murmurka" has changed its image - pink slippers for a T-shirt with GDP.
  43. fix
    29 March 2016 10: 25
    Of course, it is difficult to imagine a group of people capable of influencing complex social processes at the global level, taking into account the scale of the impact, the heterogeneity of humanity, ignorance of all the laws and mechanisms of social life, new conditions that arise, the presence of similar groups that make up the competition, etc.
    In addition, these people should be at least like-minded, conducting experiments on society to achieve their personal goals.
    But the fact that the group must single-handedly manage huge resources for such influence is already a necessary condition that narrows the circle of potential conspirators. And if this group has mastered (or thinks that it has mastered) certain techniques that influence the course of history, will they really not take this opportunity? I doubt it. Ignorance of the laws of aerodynamics did not stop people from trying to take off.

    // But instead of taking a sober look at things and telling yourself: “I am poor because I am stupid” ... //
    Poverty is not a sign of stupidity, nor is wealth - the mind. This is populism.

    // Anonymity of information sources in this case is identical to the sources of rumors! //
    Pearl. It always identical.
  44. 0
    29 March 2016 10: 29
    The so-called "conspiracy theory" exists in theory on paper, but in practice I have not seen it. There are information wars, PR, the rise of some and ridicule of others, that is, something from the "piece of paper" is used in practice. And the author is a clear minus, books should be read not only on the Internet, but also with ready-made conclusions.
  45. +1
    29 March 2016 10: 33
    I am more satisfied with the natural science explanation in the form of "parasites - donors", where the capitalists are parasites ...
  46. 0
    29 March 2016 10: 37
    ... Kovsky, Gusinsky, Berezovsky. What is it for?
  47. +2
    29 March 2016 11: 17
    A wonderful article, the number of minuses proves its veracity
  48. 0
    29 March 2016 11: 42
    the author was definitely counting on the wrong audience.
    The author giggles: they say the conspiracy of pharmacists? Oil workers? Ha ha ha! Are they buying up, destroying and not allowing to develop? Oh, how funny!
    And what about the information that Google is massively buying up the rights to new Internet developments? Moreover, many of these developments will never see.
    This is a small and simple example.
    "Get out of here, dear, it was more fun without you" (c) Koroviev
    1. 0
      29 March 2016 11: 58
      In! a vivid example of the emergence of the latest conspiracy
      theory: "Google against humanity".
      The great Russian writer V. Pelevin already wrote about this ... somewhere:
      "if you make a dangerous Google request, they will come to your home
      from google secret service and you will be taken to Guantanamo prison for torture. "
      1. 0
        29 March 2016 12: 44
        Quote: voyaka uh
        "if you make a dangerous Google request, they will come to your home
        from google secret service and you will be taken to Guantanamo prison for torture. "
      2. Erg
        29 March 2016 14: 05
        But a vivid example of a narrow horizons lol The world is not yet ready for the transition to new technologies (according to the global predictor), because, having given free energy to humanity, omnipotent medicine and other benefits, almost the entire existing industry will have to be scrapped. But this is not the main thing. The mechanism of power and control through money (and it is the only one) will disappear, and the elites will lose the right to be at the helm. For this purpose, the same "our masters" created various "scientific" societies, patent offices and other organizations that control the introduction of new technologies directly into the practical plane. Which are capable of not giving rise to innovations on a completely "legal" basis. There has long been a solution to cancer, but the innovators have been killed or jailed. Think how much money will be lost if all these cancer centers, "drugs", "therapy" are not needed? All over the world ... Also with science. Fundamental has stood still for 100 years ... The number of destroyed scientists who dared to move forward goes by dozens. A striking example is Einstein, who was entrusted by bankers to bury Tesla's achievements by creating a stupid, non-explanatory, leading science aside "theory". The "scientific world" supported (they would try to twitch), the unwanted were accused of pseudoscience or physically eliminated. We stand because "they" need it. The introduction of chips, a complete transition to electronic money will be the borderline when the already existing breakthrough technologies are given a go. Everyone will already be under the hood. Try to ask in the internet what developments and what organizations are underway on antigravity. This alone is enough to begin to understand something. But the development of ICE innovations is in abundance. Fuel Euro-5, Euro-6. What for? We have been driving and flying on "wood" for more than a hundred years. Even if I understand that this is a dead end, then do scientists really not understand? They all understand. And developments are underway. And there are results. But everything has its time ...
        1. +2
          29 March 2016 18: 57
          I am wildly sorry, and who are you by education, what is your scientific degree and how many scientific works in which areas.
          1. Erg
            29 March 2016 21: 25
            As I understand it, meaning is not important to you. But the titles ... I do not pretend to be Seneca. This is just an exchange of views. And, personally, I draw a lot of things from the statements of associates. I hear a lot for the first time. For this I appreciate the site.
            1. +3
              29 March 2016 22: 02
              No, the meaning is just important to me. But a person who argues that fundamental science has stood still for 100 years or says something about Einstein's theory, which not all physicists can understand, must have something behind his soul. Any knowledge or scientific achievements that will allow you to at least talk about what you are trying to. And you, apparently, are far from science.
              1. Erg
                30 March 2016 07: 46
                There are many opposing opinions about Einstein's theory, including well-known scientists (the Internet is in the hands). And I have nothing to do with it. wink Stay safe.
      3. The comment was deleted.
    2. 0
      29 March 2016 13: 33
      Quote: kunstkammer
      And what about the information that Google is massively buying up the rights to new Internet developments? Moreover, many of these developments will never see.

      Google plot !!!
      And we did not touch on the topic of conspiracy.
      How to do conspiracy that there would be less such articles?
      1. Mwg
        29 March 2016 17: 53
        One way is to minus! )) and as tight as possible)))
        1. 0
          29 March 2016 22: 03
          The way of what. Show your stupidity?
    3. The comment was deleted.
    4. +2
      29 March 2016 19: 00
      I’ll even tell you a big horror story. And Yabloko are buying up patents and samsungs and any large IT companies. Because the development or concealment of technology is money.
  49. 0
    29 March 2016 12: 20
    And why is this all, or is graphomania also exacerbated in the spring?
    1. +1
      29 March 2016 12: 55
      Quote: Captive
      Or is graphomania also exacerbating in spring?

      mostly persecution mania.
  50. 0
    29 March 2016 12: 25
    «Conspiracy theory"(From the English conspiracy theory, -" conspiracy theological theory ") - a set of hypotheses popular today that try to explain the phenomena taking place in the life of society with the actions of a group of secret conspirators, which are aimed at the conscious management of the historical processes around us.

    The author has a problem with logic. He defines "conspiracy theory" in terms of "conspirators", but does not define "conspirators". And he thinks that's enough to define. And then there is just some kind of garbage.
  51. +1
    29 March 2016 12: 33
    men in black wahaha laughing
  52. +7
    29 March 2016 12: 37
    Sorry, I’ll start from afar... The Bible... You won’t believe it: I looked at this tome (800 pages) for five years and was afraid to pick it up and start reading. What if I turn out to be a sheep and don’t understand all the greatest wisdom of this book? But I got ready, and in the morning, one chapter at a time... I read for a long time... I mastered it. (by the way, don’t be afraid, it’s easy to read). After that, I never set foot in church. I know all the required prayers, I don’t read them, I took off my pectoral cross. What is all this for? and this is where the thread of the world conspiracy begins! God, Yahweh, promised Abraham (the head of one of the many Jewish tribes) power over the whole world if he and his tribe abandoned polytheism in favor of one god - Yahweh. Then you can read a lot of interesting and unexpected things in the Old Testament. But most importantly, remember the word LEVITES - this is the highest church authority - or the elite of the Jews. And we also need to remember: the Bible, and specifically: the Old Testament (Pentateuch) or the Torah, is the main book of all Jews. And now I will highlight: “RECOVER FROM A FOREIGNER, AND WHAT WILL BE YOURS FROM YOUR BROTHER - FORGIVE.” ... "AND YOU WILL LOAN TO MANY NATIONS, AND YOU WILL NOT BORROW; AND YOU WILL RULE OVER MANY NATIONS, AND THEY WILL NOT RULE OVER YOU." “DO NOT GIVE YOUR BROTHER ANY SILVER, OR BREAD, OR ANYTHING ELSE THAT CAN BE GIVEN FOR GROWTH.” "GIVE TO A FOREIGNER IN INCURSE, BUT NOT TO GIVE TO YOUR BROTHER IN INCREASE, SO THAT THE LORD THY GOD BLESS YOU IN EVERYTHING. WHAT IS DONE BY YOUR HANDS IN THE EARTH WHICH YOU GO TO TO TAKE POSSESSION OF IT." "THEN SONS FOREIGNERS WILL BUILD YOUR WALLS, AND THEIR KINGS ARE TO SERVE YOU." "...AND YOUR GATES WILL BE OPEN AND SHALL NOT BE CLOSED NEITHER DAY OR NIGHT, SO THAT THE PROPERTY OF THE NATIONS WILL BE BROUGHT TO YOU AND THEIR KINGS WILL BE BROUGHT IN." “FOR THE NATIONS AND KINGDOMS THAT WILL NOT WANT TO SERVE YOU WILL PERISH, AND SUCH NATIONS WILL BE COMPLETELY DESTROYED.” Bible. Old Testament . Deuteronomy. Book of the prophet Isaiah. Thus was born the Jewish interest rate and banking system. But what about Christ and the New Testament? And the New Testament is an export version of the Bible for export to the rabble, cattle, and non-Jews. We read the New Testament: “Slaves, obey your masters according to the flesh, with fear and trembling, in the simplicity of your heart, as to Christ.” “Not with visible obligingness only, as people-pleasers, but as servants of Christ, doing the will of God from the soul.” “Serving with zeal, as the Lord, and not as men.” "Knowing that each one will receive from the Lord according to the good he has done, whether slave or free." The Bible. New Testament . Paul . To the Evseyans. Chapter 6. And let’s not forget: “All authority comes from God,” “what is Caesar’s to Caesar,” “If someone hits you on your left cheek, offer your right,” or “non-resistance to evil through violence.” That is, the economic enslavement of the goyim with the help of Jewish loan interest capital, ideologically supported by the New Testament, is obvious. This is where the roots of the global conspiracy come from.
    1. 0
      29 March 2016 13: 49
      Quote: user3970
      Sorry, I'll start from afar... The Bible...

      powerful match...
    2. +1
      29 March 2016 15: 40
      Dear colleague, I understand your emotions. CULTURE SHOCK!!!
      It is possible that you would be even more surprised if you read the Explanatory Bible Dictionary (the name is inaccurate). In the Jewish tradition there are also books on the interpretation of the Old Testament.
      Your surprise would grow to the skies if you read the Holy books of the exalted and tolerant Hindus, vegetarians --- Mahabharata, Ramayana and Purana. I read it. It says that those who do not observe the caste law, eat meat, do not make sacrifices to the traditional Hindu Gods (i.e. foreigners and people of other faiths) are lower in spiritual level than animals (although higher than harmful insects, demons and inhabitants of hell).
      And after that you would not be surprised if you read about this topic in the Koran.

      Good luck to you in your spiritual quest, in finding the Truth. Although R.K. Narayan has a story “like the sun”.
    3. -1
      29 March 2016 16: 14
      Wow, it's going through the pipes again. There was no persecution against Orthodoxy for two days.
      About you, venerable specialist in all theology, I can say one thing: “I look at the book - I see nothing.”
      Since when have the Old and New Testaments been fundamental literature in Orthodoxy?
      The patristic covenant, here is ours.
      And the fact that you took down the cross, well, it really hurt you.
      Quote: user3970
      the economic enslavement of the goyim with the help of Jewish loan interest capital, ideologically supported by the New Testament, is obvious

      Tell this to St. Rev. Alexander Nevsky, St. Rev. Theodore Ushakov, schemamonks Oslyabi and Peresvet, St. Rev. Ilya Muromets and others to thousands and thousands of holy Orthodox warriors. But you want to be a goy without a cross, so be one.
    4. -2
      29 March 2016 19: 33
      Quote: user3970
      What is all this for?

      Before, gray-haired men crawled on their knees in the herd, but now I have received my sight - the Bible, I have finally read it... lol

  53. +2
    29 March 2016 12: 40
    What conspiracies are you talking about? Everything in the world happens by itself or by accident! The Rockefellers and Rothschilds only learn news from newspapers and television, to be honest. laughing. Yes, and you need to keep an eye on your wealth, otherwise for some reason there are revolutions and coups in some places what happen.
  54. -3
    29 March 2016 12: 47
    The article is smart, interesting, and with a conclusion - But instead of looking at things soberly and saying to himself: “I am poor because I am stupid,” a person thinks, “I am poor because I was deceived by the bad “they.” And I myself am smart, honest and righteous.” - I completely agree. The article is a definite plus.
    1. +3
      29 March 2016 13: 00
      Quote: Pushkar
      The article is smart, interesting, and with a conclusion - But instead of looking at things soberly and saying to yourself: “I am poor because I am stupid,” a person thinks: “I am poor because I was deceived by the bad “they.” And I myself am smart, honest and righteous.” - I completely agree. The article is a definite plus.

      You and the author count 19 million. Are people in Russia stupid?
      Here's the "-" along with the author.
      1. 0
        29 March 2016 16: 56
        All. Now I definitely believe that there is a conspiracy against me personally. sad
    2. +2
      29 March 2016 13: 08
      Quote: Pushkar
      The article is smart, interesting, and with a conclusion - But instead of looking at things soberly and saying to yourself: “I am poor because I am stupid,” a person thinks: “I am poor because I was deceived by the bad “they.” And I myself am smart, honest and righteous.” - I completely agree. The article is a definite plus.

      Fine. I'm poor because I'm stupid. Then we have half the country of stupid idiots? right? And the smart ones, I’m not just talking about those with education, but the smart ones - 1% of the Oligarchs. Right? Who, like Serdyukov, find themselves in stupid situations. Good. We all agree. Please tell us why we spend our whole lives harping on the word “justice” and the word “equality,” if we are by definition poor, and therefore not strong in mind, and therefore in any case not equal to our intellectuals.

      The question in the article should have been posed differently. It was necessary to determine the scale of conspiracies, and not their existence. Tell me, what is the Entente? What is the Triple Alliance? The Yalta meeting of Stalin, Churchel and Roosevelt... after which the USSR pledged to attack Japan. And after the victory, the division of US property in the Pacific Ocean, clearly and openly... everything was as agreed? No guys. Conspiracies, conspiracies, exist as long as there are coinciding interests. Just not on the scale of alien races and reptilians. The scale is taken at the level of commercial interests. Relatively recently, the FAS had a stern conversation with our three operators at MSC. Collusion? Collusion. Against the consumer. Yes. And why all? because we are poor and stupid... zbs. Sorry. I don’t agree, but you sign whatever you want.
    3. The comment was deleted.
    4. -2
      29 March 2016 13: 59
      The article is smart, interesting, and with a conclusion - But instead of looking at things soberly and saying to yourself: “I am poor because I am stupid,” a person thinks: “I am poor because I was deceived by the bad “they.” And I myself am smart, honest and righteous.” - I completely agree. The article is a definite plus.

      That’s right, since a person must blame himself for almost all his personal failures.
      Here the hypothetical Vasya and Petya studied in the same class. Vasya tried, studied extra, and after school, and to college, he learned five languages. And Petya, it’s easy to run away from lessons to the river. Just a day or two to push it in, no problem. I graduated from 8th grade, vocational school and...
      And here Petya, already an adult, sits on a bench at the entrance in the evening, drinking beer and seeds. Vasya drives by in a good car, standing firmly on his feet, as they say, and thanks to his efforts, he has a good job. And Petya angrily followed him - **he, a Jew, drove in my car!!!
      Who's guilty ?
      Go to the mirror and you will see someone to blame for your failures, your laziness, your reluctance, your fear...
      And it’s not the reptilians, it’s you.
      Of course there are conspiracies in the world. There are large corporations, millionaires, oligarchs, there is power. And they agree, in secret from everyone, how to run a business, get rich, or make political plans. You never know what they agree on. But this is not a conspiracy as such, this is business, this is politics.
      And if the owner of a supermarket one day raised the prices for meat or bread, then this is not a Zionist conspiracy, these are the owner’s decisions on how to earn more.
      And the nonsense about reptilians or the Anunnaki from Nibiru, or the “government from Mars” doesn’t even smack of it at all - it stinks of a psychiatric clinic.
      1. +3
        29 March 2016 14: 35
        Vasya and Petya
        You know, we already went through this in the 90s. If you are so smart, then why are you poor? This is utter stupidity. Each person has their own abilities. Tell me, is a teacher who receives a meager salary stupid? Why do we always have opinions about some kind of “business” imposed on us? Each person is looking for his place, and each has his own abilities. and our history of recent years has shown that it’s not a matter of intelligence, but the ability to make a fuss in time, steal, deceive, and negotiate.
        1. -2
          29 March 2016 14: 43
          You know, we already went through this in the 90s. If you are so smart, then why are you poor? This is utter stupidity. Each person has their own abilities. Tell me, is a teacher who receives a meager salary stupid? Why do we always have opinions about some kind of “business” imposed on us? Each person is looking for his place, and each has his own abilities. and our history of recent years has shown that it’s not a matter of the mind, and the ability to make a fuss in time, steal, deceive, negotiate.

          Yes, and what is highlighted is also ability and the search for one’s place in life. Or not ?
          If a teacher works for a meager salary (by the way, it’s not meager; at my child’s school, teachers earn under a hundred, not counting the fact that they fleece their parents), then he’s happy with it. And if he starts whining that everything is bad, then change your life YOURSELF and don’t wait for SOMEONE to change it for you.
          It's high time to understand that no one will hand you anything on a silver platter.
          By myself, by myself and only by myself. Don't rely on anyone, don't trust anyone and don't ask for anything! This is the main principle of today.
          1. 0
            29 March 2016 16: 44
            And if he starts whining that everything is bad, then change your life YOURSELF and don’t wait for SOMEONE to change it for you.
            It's high time to understand that no one will hand you anything on a silver platter.
            Well, if you put the question this way, then I agree with you one hundred percent.
        2. The comment was deleted.
        3. 0
          29 March 2016 16: 04
          Quote: Gardamir
          it’s not a matter of intelligence, but the ability to make a fuss in time, steal, deceive, negotiate
          If you have these skills, the rest of your mind does not interfere at all, but on the contrary, it helps if it acts in accordance with love. You have to love money more than even your own mother, then the look is born: “If you are so smart, then why are you poor.”
          1. +1
            29 March 2016 16: 55
            It’s probably worth thinking about not only your personal intelligence, but also your starting capital—place of residence, the well-being of your parents, their education, cultural environment, and a lot of other conditions.”
            Everyone's "support group" is different.
            Of course, each person has his own growth opportunities that he must strive for.
            MAYBE someone knows the numbers %%%% in all societies they = = = in all countries for those who cannot be socially adapted? do we train? sick with schizophrenia. What can you ask of such people? They are the most vulnerable to us. don’t think that it’s some fools themselves who are to blame
  55. 0
    29 March 2016 13: 23
    The idea of ​​the article is not consistent with scientific data.
    Based on Pareto's law (80 to 20), at the beginning of the century there were 80 wealth per 20 population.
    At the end of the century it was already said that 95% of all wealth in the world belongs to 5% of the population.
    Further more: 60 thousand oligarchs have 90% of all the rest.
    And finally: 99% of everything on the Internet is bullshit, 90% is complete bullshit.
    All scientific theories about the nature and organization of power speak of its secret, closed nature.
  56. +1
    29 March 2016 13: 31
    History is made by people, but people have different interests, not only economic and political. It is ridiculous to claim that history is developing according to the scenario of some conspirators, but it is also stupid to claim that secret agreements were only between Molotov and Ribbentrop. Different political forces have different interests; sometimes these are completely legitimate interests, and sometimes they are not. There are also situations when fair interests are also illegal. On the political stage, all illegal (from the point of view of international law) agreements appear only occasionally and in the form of compromising evidence. Who can responsibly declare which part of the politics that influences the historical destinies of peoples is carried out today on stage, and which part - behind the scenes? Maybe the author? But he doesn’t seem to believe in political backstage at all, considering it a manifestation of some dangerous mental illness... I don’t know what about the whole world, but I think agreements on key issues of managing social processes at the city level are being resolved more often not in administration offices, but in restaurant offices and saunas. Of course he’s sick, of course he’s crazy... But the author wouldn’t mind getting examined, in case he has conspiracy phobia...
  57. +2
    29 March 2016 14: 00
    The article is one person's point of view. Moreover, without any research base...
    There are many people who spent years in archives and dug up a lot of interesting things... Read Douglas Reed or Oleg Platonov: their point of view is documented with all references and links...
  58. +5
    29 March 2016 14: 33
    It's a pity, people, that you don't like multi-letters. And yet... The world behind the scenes exists. And its name is Jewish banking capital. With the spread of Christianity beyond Jerusalem, then the Venetian Republic and the whole world. By the way, information flashed about the size of the Rothschilds' capital - 300 trillion (trillion, Karl!) dollars. And the Rothschilds belong to the highest caste of Jews - the Levites. And the Rockefellers are an Anglo-Saxon branch. They are the monopoly owners of the Federal Reserve System - the Federal Reserve System SGA - a private financial structure. They are the ones who have a monopoly on the dollar printing machine. But I don't think they are the richest people in the world. The English Queen Elizabeth (?) and the Vatican have much more money. These are the world government. What did you want? If approximately 90% of all world capital belongs to them, should they manage this capital through someone or somehow? Hired managers: presidents, prime ministers, central banks - everything to obtain bank loan interest. By the way, this also applies to Russia. GDP announced that 46% of all arable land in Russia does not belong to it, but is pledged to banks. Oil . gas, diamonds, all minerals, alas, seaports, airports, railways - all this is no longer yours (or not ours). Now there is an active purchase of land in Altai - the safest place on Earth in the future. Ask who is buying?
    1. Erg
      29 March 2016 18: 32
      Like that. But what a sad moment here - evil, having taken off its mask, no longer risks anything, because it has gained enormous power. How do you think this Sodom will end? How much blood, how much lies and injustice. Is humanity worthy of existence?.. It seems to me that there is only one way of salvation - the salvation of one’s own soul. hi
    2. 0
      30 March 2016 06: 45
      Quote: user3970
      It's a pity, people, that you don't like multi-letters. And yet... The world behind the scenes exists. And its name is Jewish banking capital.

      I propose to expel all Jews from Russia.
  59. +1
    29 March 2016 15: 06
    The simplest example is a secret object. When it becomes necessary, you will be surprised to find out that almost your fence was an ICBM mine, or a bacteriological laboratory. And while the authorities don’t want to report this, you can be sure that there’s a vodka warehouse behind the fence, that’s why they’re guarding it that way. Another good example is witness protection. A person disappears from everywhere, his prints disappear, all mentions of him disappear. And it’s very easy to remove those who not only know a lot, but also talk a lot. and suddenly a person and his entire family move to another city and stop communicating. And again, to divert interest, they make wedding generals: Freemasons, all sorts of stupid clubs for young bankers.
    Do you seriously think that people who can hire the armies of a couple of middle European countries, with the police and counterintelligence, will allow some kind of information leak? We only know what we are given to know. Another good example is the man who told the West about Israel’s nuclear program. There are stupid suspicions that he was allowed to say this. For some reason it became necessary, and a jumper was found, who was stolen back after he spoke out. If necessary, he would not even get on the plane; he would crash on the ramp.
    I live in a village, 5 kilometers away is a repository for weakly radioactive waste, Radon. Only 3-4 workers go down into the mines. All others are not suitable closer than 100 meters to the mines. What's really there? Nobody wants to climb up and look, but there the lizards simply reproduce by budding, it’s a joke, of course.
    1. 0
      30 March 2016 06: 53
      Quote: demiurg
      I live in a village, 5 kilometers away is a repository for weakly radioactive waste, Radon. Only 3-4 workers go down into the mines.

      Now you, too, will have to be kidnapped, they will send you into exile on the shores of the Mediterranean Sea, in a 5-room prison...
  60. 0
    29 March 2016 16: 56
    Kuch, keep according to the flag
    1. -1
      29 March 2016 17: 00
      You don't need to hand over your medals to me. You deserve it - wear it.
  61. 0
    29 March 2016 17: 51
    Kuch, you have lost two more saints: Alyosha Popovich and Dobrynya Nikitich. Well, heaps of Ivan Susanin and Father Frost.
    1. 0
      30 March 2016 06: 54
      Among all the heroes, Ilya Muromets is a freemason.
  62. Mwg
    29 March 2016 17: 51
    When the author writes about medieval weapons, he does better. And the commented article is rather weak because it is unconvincing, contains a set of banal, long-outdated and repeatedly heard arguments about “the conspiracy theory is funny, ha ha ha.” However, all this can be seen from how readers react in comments and ratings. Personally, I find such articles insulting to my intelligence. It's my personal opinion. I regret reading this. Definitely a MINUS.
  63. +2
    29 March 2016 18: 06
    In order to hide the truth, it is enough to distort it a little.
    In this case, the basis, the ancient history of mankind, is distorted.
    We can already confidently speak about the presence of a highly developed civilization in the past of the Earth (fortunately we were able to collect enough evidence) based on this history, secret societies influencing society no longer seem fantastic.
    Knowledge about the world around us determines our opinions. If someone does not have the full picture, then their conclusions are not correct.
  64. -3
    29 March 2016 18: 54
    Judging by the number of minuses, forum users are big fans of Rentv with its programs with Mr. Prokopenko.
  65. +2
    29 March 2016 18: 59
    Quote: sergo42
    Shpakovsky writes about conspiracy theories?

    The author of the article is clearly a narrow-minded person, he made a salad of reptiles with FRSes. He mixed together everything that God sent. But the great LEADER once said: “Theory without practice is dead.” This same one lives and prospers. Therefore, there is also the practice of conspiracy.
  66. +1
    29 March 2016 19: 37
    decide for yourself whether this is a conspiracy or useful idiocy
  67. +3
    29 March 2016 20: 24
    A conspiracy is not a conspiracy, but the CONSPIRACY of light bulb manufacturers is a scientifically and historically proven fact!
    By the way, I personally spoke with the first people who helped promote the topic of metal-ceramics - this is a truly impressive thing in terms of effect and the patent for it has been since its birth and they are still trying to buy it into private hands in order to hide it under the carpet!..
  68. +4
    29 March 2016 20: 37
    Quote: voyaka uh
    In! a vivid example of the emergence of the latest conspiracy
    theory: "Google against humanity".
    The great Russian writer V. Pelevin already wrote about this ... somewhere:
    "if you make a dangerous Google request, they will come to your home
    from google secret service and you will be taken to Guantanamo prison for torture. "

    Good tip on Google! I think everyone will be interested to know that the conspiracy theory is, of course, nonsense... because no one, anywhere, has ever taken secret concerted actions, i.e. conspiracies against anyone... especially such a search engine as the Google web spider.
    1. 0
      29 March 2016 21: 11
      Here are the chapters of the manifesto of his bright future. IMHO he's a little crazy. Like his works


      Ch. 1. The fourth political theory. After liberalism, socialism and fascism – Russian Communitarianism
      Ch. 2. Fundamentals of the Russian worldview
      Ch. 3. Change of management system: parties as the basis of degeneration and corruption, “All power to the Soviets” or Russian Sobornost
      Ch. 4. Change of the financial system: the end of usury, “Instead of violence against class, violence against the abstraction of loan interest”
      Ch. 5. The question of ownership. “Instead of a clan of owners, a clan of professionals”
      Ch. 6. "Higher Imperative"
      Ch. 7. Communitarianism in the ethics of Orthodoxy
      Ch. 8. Communitarianism in the social teachings of Islam
  69. +2
    29 March 2016 20: 45
    I absolutely disagree with the author of the article. I don’t think it’s right to deny the collusion of financial structures, corporations, and governments of some countries in relation to others. Take ISIS, for example, because this group did not arise out of nowhere, but was consistently financed and supplied with weapons. Many Western political circles were interested in ISIS to promote their interests in the Middle East. It is not worth denying the influence of individual financial and political structures on the course of world processes.
    1. 0
      29 March 2016 21: 13
      The author does not deny conspiracy, but conspiracy theory as such. Nobody denies any corporate conspiracies within the framework of business success, patent and others. But the Judeo-Masson conspiracy raises some doubts.
  70. -2
    29 March 2016 20: 52
    But what kind of trouble is this - I press minus, but the article is added :-(
    The article is superficial, the author did not see the forest for firewood)))
    In 1801, Emperor Paul I suddenly died of apoplexy (according to the official version); naive conspiracy theorists claimed that Paul I fell victim to a conspiracy. Naive :-)
    1. 0
      29 March 2016 21: 18
      And I rejected you without any problems :) In the case of Pavel, you confuse the conspiracy theory as such (certain Jews or the Rockefeller clan or philatelists) with a real conspiracy with specific characters, quite well known and pursuing absolutely specific goals.
  71. +2
    29 March 2016 21: 20
    The cunning author wants to take away from the principle of building a crowd-elite system and blame individuals for everything. Zhizhomasonic henchman.
  72. -2
    29 March 2016 21: 28
    Posting an anti-conspiracy article on a site where conspiracy theories are almost considered the main philosophy is, at the very least, bold. Of course, not everyone believes in reptilians and a world government... but it’s so cool to quickly explain everything as a conspiracy. And there will always be confirmation.
    1. 0
      30 March 2016 06: 58
      Quote: clidon
      Of course, not everyone believes in reptilians and a world government...

      But in vain, we will get to them
  73. 0
    29 March 2016 22: 19
    Anyone who is not a conspiracy theorist is a coincidence theorist. And which of them and in what conditions is more worthy of a thinking person, everyone decides for himself.
  74. 0
    29 March 2016 22: 29
    Quote: Kenneth
    And I rejected you without any problems :) In the case of Pavel, you confuse the conspiracy theory as such (certain Jews or the Rockefeller clan or philatelists) with a real conspiracy with specific characters, quite well known and pursuing absolutely specific goals.

    You are not paying attention, I’m talking about the article, I also planted it quite well for you, minus there is no problem here)))
    According to the conspiracy theory, you are confusing square with hot.
    If you think that the murder of Paul I was carried out by 12 guards officers because they did not like him, then this murder has nothing to do with TK, if considered as response to politics carried out by Paul I (where Panin and Palen were puppets),
    then this is a classic TK, and the official version about “apoplexy” complements this.
    As an example, the official version of Stalin's death)))
    1. 0
      30 March 2016 08: 44
      The main paranoid component of conspiracy theory is precisely the globality, the universality of the threat and organization. But in the case of Pavel, everything is specific. Not a conspiracy of the Masons to conquer the world, but a specific conflict of interests.
    2. 0
      30 March 2016 08: 44
      The main paranoid component of conspiracy theory is precisely the globality, the universality of the threat and organization. But in the case of Pavel, everything is specific. Not a conspiracy of the Masons to conquer the world, but a specific conflict of interests.
  75. +3
    29 March 2016 22: 41
    • Computer conspiracy. Its essence is that software manufacturers specifically create products that are increasingly demanding on computer resources, so that the demand for expensive components remains high. However, as practice shows, software companies, on the contrary, are trying to reduce the requirements for hardware resources due to competition, as well as the need to cover the largest market segment.

    Laugh, laugh! But I know first-hand that a computer “conspiracy” certainly existed. I worked for Intel for 9 years - this is exactly what they said directly and openly. We (Intel) work with Microsoft and IBM according to exactly this scheme.
  76. 0
    30 March 2016 01: 53
    There is a lot of talk, I would like to share, and draw your own conclusions:
    Dr. James Rogers. In 1965, he was sentenced to death in the electric chair for the so-called “Massachusetts experiment,” but two days before his execution, while in his cell, he committed suicide by poisoning himself with potassium cyanide, an ampoule of which was brought to him by one of his patients.
    Recently, the “Massachusetts University of Psychology and Neuropathology,” where Dr. Rogers worked, officially stated that this experiment is of great scientific importance and its effectiveness is undeniable. In this regard, the rector of the university, Dr. Phill Rosentern, asked for forgiveness from James' remaining relatives. And the whole point is that Dr. James Rogers used a unique method of curing seemingly hopeless patients, which he himself developed. He intensified their paranoia so much that a new round of it corrected the previous one. In other words, if a person believed that there were bugs crawling all around him, Dr. Rogers would tell him that there were so. The whole world is covered in bugs. Some particularly sensitive people see them, while others are so used to it that they simply do not notice them. The state knows everything, but keeps it secret in order to prevent panic. The man left completely confident that everything was fine with him, resigned himself and tried not to notice the beetles. After some time, he most often stopped seeing them. A certain Aaron Platnovsky, who suffered from cognitive-enphasic disorder, spoke at the trial. He believed that he was a giraffe. Neither logical arguments nor comparison of his photograph with the image of a giraffe helped. He was absolutely sure of this. He stopped talking and refused to take regular food other than leaves.
    Dr. Rogers asked a biologist he knew to write a short article in which he would more or less scientifically describe the recent stunning discovery of scientists: in nature there are giraffes that are practically no different from people. That is, there are differences - the heart is a little larger, the spleen is a little smaller, but the behavior and appearance and even the way of thinking are completely the same. Scientists do not disclose this information to prevent panic, and this article should be burned by anyone who reads it. The patient calmed down and socialized. At the time of the trial, he was working as an auditor for a large firm in Colorado. Alas, the state court found Dr. Rogers a charlatan and the experiment inhumane. He was sentenced to death. He refused the last word, but gave the judge a letter, which he asked to publish in some newspaper. The letter was published by The Massachusetts Daily Collegian. The letter ended with the words: “You are too accustomed to the idea that everyone perceives the world the same way. But that's not true. If you get together and try to retell to each other the simplest and most obvious concepts, you will understand that you all live in completely different worlds. And only your comfort determines your mental peace. In this case, a person who believes that he is a giraffe and lives in peace with this knowledge is as normal as a person who believes that the grass is green and the sky is blue. Some of you believe in UFOs, some in God, some in morning breakfast and a cup of coffee.
    Living in harmony with your faith, you are completely healthy, but as soon as you start defending your point of view, faith in God will make you kill, faith in UFOs will make you afraid of abduction, faith in a cup of coffee in the morning will become the center of your universe and destroy your life . A physicist will begin to give you arguments that the sky is not blue, and a biologist will prove that the grass is not green. In the end, you will be left alone with an empty, cold and completely unknown world, which our world most likely is. So it doesn't matter what kind of ghosts you populate your world with. As long as you believe in them, they exist, as long as you don’t fight them, they are not dangerous.”
  77. 0
    30 March 2016 02: 15
    If you have a delusion of persecution, this does not mean that you are not being followed...
  78. +1
    30 March 2016 05: 50
    Whether there is a conspiracy theory, whether there is a conspiracy theory - we don’t know..!
    But there is no doubt that the practice of conspiracies exists, and it has existed as long as competition and competitive wars have existed.
    A fairly clear picture emerges when referring to Russian language dictionaries:

    meanings of the word conspiracy in explanatory dictionaries of the Russian language:
    Explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov.

    conspiracy - a secret agreement to jointly act against someone for political and other purposes
    Example: Counter-revolutionary z.

    2. - In superstitious beliefs: magic words that have witchcraft or healing powers
    Example: Z. from illness.
    Efremova TF Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language.

    1) A secret agreement between several persons on joint actions against someone,
    something to achieve something goals.
    2) Secret agreement, conspiracy.

    A set of words and expressions intended - according to superstitious beliefs -
    act as a magical or healing agent.
    SI Ozhegov, N.Yu.Shvedova. Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language.

    conspiracy, -a, m. Secret agreement on joint actions against
    someone for political and other purposes. Anti-government z. * CONSPIRACY
    silence (book) - deliberate suppression of something, unspoken agreement
    don't talk about something.

    2. , -a, m. Magic words that have witchcraft or healing properties
    by force.
    3. from illness. II adj. conspiratorial, -aya, -oe.
  79. +1
    30 March 2016 08: 42
    A visual addition to the above!
  80. 0
    30 March 2016 12: 14
    Quote: Mestny
    Personal experience of observing the structure of society around us unambiguously indicates a clear hierarchy of relations. In any process, there are always just performers, there are organizers, there are leaders and authors of ideas. It is natural to assume that all social processes taking place in the world work according to the same scheme. That is, there is necessarily a mass at the bottom of the conditional "pyramid" and there is a top - the leaders responsible for making decisions. Even at first glance, a spontaneously uncontrollable crowd turns out to have its own leaders and inspirers. Those specialists who "push" the development of the actions of this crowd in the direction they need.
    Let’s say a hundred years ago, this whole scheme was limited to the struggle of local elites with each other through the lower-level participants of their societies managed (or directed) by them.
    However, now, in the world of a global economy, perfect means of communication, a developed structure, cannot people who are at the top of the "pyramid" of governance in a global sense?
    The process is clearly not completed yet, we are just observing a phase in which even people not involved at the lower levels of the "pyramid" begin to notice it.
    A little more, a relatively small technological breakthrough in social management systems, and the theory of the "golden billion" will turn into reality.
    That is, on the one hand, the elite, using all the achievements of civilization and the necessary resources, a conditional billion, and on the other hand, a huge mass of people serving this billion people of varying degrees of neglect.
    The "Golden Billion" does not need competitors in the form of technologically advanced countries and their populations. As a matter of fact, we are now witnessing the process of gradual destruction of potential competitors by the forces of one country, passionately striving to become the center of this "golden billion".
    Do you think this process is taking place spontaneously, or is there still governing elites in this country? I think it certainly is.
    This means that there are specific people standing at the top of this "pyramid". And it doesn't matter in what form they make decisions there - they dance around a stone owl, look at the monitors, or just sit in comfortable chairs with a glass of whiskey in hand.

    Let's remove one link from your theory? for example performers.
  81. 0
    30 March 2016 12: 26
    Quote: Kenneth
    Not a conspiracy of the Masons to conquer the world, but a specific conflict of interests.

    So, in your opinion, there were no members of Masonic lodges among the conspirators? Your knowledge is amazing)))
    According to a particular, “specific conflict of interest” - the big comes out of the small, like a mosaic, and the puppeteer sees the whole picture, the layman sees a piece of the mosaic and builds his own version.
    According to TK, one of the stages is the destruction of Christian sovereigns, using profane people :-)
  82. +1
    30 March 2016 14: 36
    Quote from Congressman Ron Paul: “In November 1910, the moment came for the drafting of the bill that would become the Federal Reserve Act. A secret meeting took place at an island resort in Georgia called the Jekyll Island Club, of which John himself was one of the owners. Pierpont Morgan[17]. The press wrote that the purpose of the meeting was duck hunting. All participants in the meeting carefully maintained secrecy, but history has brought to us the names of those present: John Rockefeller's representative in the Senate Nelson Aldrich, Morgan's senior partner Henry Davidson, an emigrant from Germany and central banking theorist Paul Warburg, vice president of the State Municipal Bank of New York Frank Vanderlip, and National Monetary Commission official A. Piatt Andrew, who also served as assistant secretary of the treasury in President Taft's administration.
    So, at the meeting there were two Rockefellers, two Morgans, one representative of Kuhn, Loeb and Co. and one economist. The composition of this group reflects the essence of the Fed: powerful bankers and influential government officials work to ensure that the nation's monetary system serves their interests, and economists make a scientific case for this. Not much has changed since then."
  83. The comment was deleted.
  84. LCA
    30 March 2016 20: 33
    There is no Conspiracy Theory, but its silent Practice.

    The principle of the feasibility study (crowd - "elite" society): "Everyone works to his best understanding, and to the extent of misunderstanding, those who understand more."

    The prohibition imposed by the Bible on the unconscious levels of the psyche of the periphery of the GP (Global Predictor) on understanding the PFC (full control function) does not allow it to reach an understanding of global conceptual power; but all this applies to all those who do not know PFU. But if in relation to the periphery of the state enterprise this was intended by its owners and implemented this way, then in relation to those who do not know the PFC, this is already their problem.

    Therefore, she (the periphery of the state enterprise) and the rest, who do not know the PFC, have nothing left to do but, when faced with someone considering the implementation of the PFC in the life of society, repeat like a parrot from the book “Treasure Island” - “Piastres! Piasters!” which translated from bird to human language means “Conspiracy theory! Conspiracy theory!

"Right Sector" (banned in Russia), "Ukrainian Insurgent Army" (UPA) (banned in Russia), ISIS (banned in Russia), "Jabhat Fatah al-Sham" formerly "Jabhat al-Nusra" (banned in Russia) , Taliban (banned in Russia), Al-Qaeda (banned in Russia), Anti-Corruption Foundation (banned in Russia), Navalny Headquarters (banned in Russia), Facebook (banned in Russia), Instagram (banned in Russia), Meta (banned in Russia), Misanthropic Division (banned in Russia), Azov (banned in Russia), Muslim Brotherhood (banned in Russia), Aum Shinrikyo (banned in Russia), AUE (banned in Russia), UNA-UNSO (banned in Russia), Mejlis of the Crimean Tatar People (banned in Russia), Legion “Freedom of Russia” (armed formation, recognized as terrorist in the Russian Federation and banned)

“Non-profit organizations, unregistered public associations or individuals performing the functions of a foreign agent,” as well as media outlets performing the functions of a foreign agent: “Medusa”; "Voice of America"; "Realities"; "Present time"; "Radio Freedom"; Ponomarev Lev; Ponomarev Ilya; Savitskaya; Markelov; Kamalyagin; Apakhonchich; Makarevich; Dud; Gordon; Zhdanov; Medvedev; Fedorov; Mikhail Kasyanov; "Owl"; "Alliance of Doctors"; "RKK" "Levada Center"; "Memorial"; "Voice"; "Person and law"; "Rain"; "Mediazone"; "Deutsche Welle"; QMS "Caucasian Knot"; "Insider"; "New Newspaper"