"Arakcheev died. I regret it all over Russia alone ..."


Two hundred years ago, in 1816, around 500, thousands of peasants and soldiers of the Russian Empire were transferred to the position of military settlers. What was it - exorbitant cruelty or unsuccessful social experiment? To answer this question, let us turn to the personality of the main executor of a large-scale plan.

During his lifetime he was nicknamed by his contemporaries the "Serpent". And he died in the spring thaw, when his Georgian village was cut off from the outside world. There was no one around - only a priest and a duty officer sent from the capital.

The former omnipotent courtier suffered from pain, and even more from the consciousness that not a single person would spare his death. He was mistaken - a week later by hearsay, the composer Pushkin he knew wrote to his wife: "Arakcheev died. I am sorry for this all over Russia alone. I could not see him and talk a lot."

"Arakcheev died. I regret it all over Russia alone ..."

A. Moravov. Military settlement. Photo: Motherland

Junior Cadet

Jacob von Lüde. The form of the cadet corps. 1793. A photo:

In Russian stories Alexey Andreevich Arakcheev remained the embodiment of cruelty, stupidity, cane discipline. His very appearance disgusted. Major General Nikolai Sablukov recalled: "Arakcheev looked like a big monkey in uniform. He was tall, thin ... he had a long thin neck, on which he could study the anatomy of his life. He had a thick, ugly head, always tilted the side; the nose is wide and angular, the mouth is big, the forehead is hanging ... The whole expression of the face was a strange mixture of intelligence and anger. "

He was born in September 1769 in a remote corner of the Tver province, in the family of a retired lieutenant of the guards. The man is soft and dreamy, he completely shifted the economy and the upbringing of four children on the shoulders of his active spouse. It was she who instilled diligence, frugality and love of order to the eldest son Alexey. Parents wanted to make him a clerk and gave in training to the local clerk. But once Alyosha saw the sons of a landowner neighbor who had come for the holidays from the cadet corps. Their red uniforms and wigs sprinkled with powdered wigs struck the boy so much that he threw himself on his knees in front of his father: "Papa, give me to the cadets, or I will die of grief!"

In the end, the parents sold three cows and took the 12-year-old Aleksey to St. Petersburg artillery cadet corps with the money they received. Long months of waiting began - the officials sent the father and son to the authorities, hinting that the issue could be solved for a modest bribe. But there was no money - the money taken from the house was spent a long time ago, and the Arakcheyev even had to beg. However, fate took pity on them. During a regular visit to the corps, Alexey saw his director Count Melissino and, falling at his feet, screamed: "Your Excellency, accept me as a cadet!" The count regretted the skinny, ragged youth and ordered him to be enrolled in the corps.

Officer "funny regiment"

At that time it was the best school in Russia for training gunners. True, the pupils were fed poorly and flogged for every offense, but this did not bother the young Arakcheev - he was determined to make a career. "Especially distinguished by success in the military-mathematical sciences, and to the sciences of words does not have a particular tendency" - lines from his certificate for the first year of study. Alexey loved mathematics and easily multiplied complex numbers in his mind until the end of his life. At fifteen, he became a sergeant, receiving the right to punish negligent comrades. By his own boastful confession, he so zealously wielded with a stick and his fists, that "he turned the most clumsy and unwieldy into deft ones, and the lazy and low-active ones rehearsed the lessons."

In 18 for years, with the rank of lieutenant, he graduated from the corps, but remained with him as head of the library, from which he mercilessly expelled all fiction that contributes to "embarrassment of the mind."

And soon an event occurred that provided Arakcheev with a brilliant career takeoff. The heir to the throne, Pavel Petrovich, asked Count Melissino to provide him with an intelligent artilleryman for service in the Gatchina "amusing" army. It was created by Empress Catherine in order to keep the unloved son away from power - his mother gave him three thousand soldiers, let him play the war. However, Paul created from them a real army with strict discipline. And he immediately noted the knowledge and official zeal of the young lieutenant, who led the "amusing" artillery in exemplary order.

Soon Arakcheev received the right to dine at the same table with the heir, and then he was entrusted with the command of the entire Gatchina garrison. He served not for fear, but for conscience - from morning till night he went around the barracks and the parade grounds, seeking for the slightest disruption. Paul told him more than once: "Wait a bit, and I will make a man of you."

This hour came in November 1796, when the heir ascended to the throne after the long-awaited death of the mother.

G. Schwartz. Parade in Gatchina. 1847 g. Photo: Homeland

Chief Artillery Inspector

All Russian emperors loved the army, but Pavel adored it endlessly, trying to transform the whole of Russia along the lines of its “amusing” regiment. Arakcheev became his first assistant. Immediately after his accession to the throne, the emperor made him a general, commandant of the capital and chief inspector of artillery. Summoning his son Alexander, he joined his hand with Arakcheyev’s hand and commanded: "Be friends and help each other!"

The new general was ordered to restore discipline in the army — Paul believed that her mother completely dissolved her. Alexey Andreevich immediately began to go around the troops, mercilessly punishing violators. There are stories about how he himself cut off the mustache of the soldiers prohibited by the new charter, and one private soldier bit off his ear in a rage. At the same time, he also cared about the structure of the soldiers' life - good nutrition, availability of a bath, and cleaning of the barracks. Strictly punished the officers who stole the soldiers' money.

They tried to please him with gifts, but he meticulously sent them back.

One of the officers, driven to despair by his constant quibbles, committed suicide, and in February 1798, Paul sent his pet to resign. However, two months later, Arakcheev returned to service, and in May of the following year he received the title of Count for "excellent diligence." His new coat of arms adorned the famous motto "Without adulation is betrayed," which the ill-wishers immediately altered to "devil, flattery is betrayed." However, this did not save the new opals, this time because of his brother Andrey, who was threatened to be expelled from the regiment. Arakcheev made it so that the order for exclusion was lost ...

Upon learning of this, Paul became furious and ordered the now former favorite in 24 hours to leave the capital. Arakcheev went to the village presented to him of the Georgian province of Novgorod. After the treacherous murder of Paul, Alexander, who spoke very unflatteringly about his former tutor, came to the throne and said that he would not bring “this monster” closer to himself even on pain of death. It seemed that Arakcheev had no chance to return to the capital ...

Coat of arms of the counts Arakcheev. Photo: Motherland

Rural reformer

Arakcheev spent four years in Georgia, where, with his usual zeal, he took up farming. Peasant huts were demolished, instead they built stone houses, stretched in a line along perfectly straight streets. The center of the village was decorated with a magnificent temple and the house of Alexei Andreevich with an extensive park and a pond, in which swans swam. In Georgia, a hospital was set up, where a doctor discharged from St. Petersburg treated peasants for free. There was a school where children learned to read, also for free. Every Saturday, residents of the village were gathered in the square to read out to them the new instructions of the master, necessarily indicating how many lashes the violators owed. However, Arakcheev used not only the stick, but also the carrot: he gave cash awards to the best workers, and he wore clothes from his shoulder to the village elders, where there was the most order.

Not a single aspect of peasant life was left unattended by the corrosive reformer. He was also engaged in arranging the personal life of his subjects — once a year he gathered girls and boys who had reached the age of marriage and asked who they wanted to live with. When couples were made, Aleksey Andreevich resolutely shuffled them, saying: "Debt makes you forget pleasure." True, the graph did not forget about his pleasures - he regularly bought from the ruined neighbors young beautiful girls, whom he determined to be his maids. A couple of months gave the annoying maid married, providing a modest dowry.

Nastasya Fedorovna Minkina. Georgian 1825 g. Photo: Homeland

This went on until 1801-year-old daughter of coachman Nastassja Minkina came to the estate in 19 year. Dark, black-eyed, sharp in movements, she was able to guess without words the wishes of her master and instantly fulfill them. The village women considered her a witch, bewitching their master. With all the stern, with her he was gentle and helpful, showered with gifts, took with him on trips. She tried her best to become not just his friend, but also an assistant - having received the position of housekeeper, sought out disorder and immediately informed Arakcheeva about them. According to her denunciations, those who drank, were lazy at work, missed church services, or pretended to be ill were unmercifully cut. The mistress of the graph strictly obeyed moral standards, punishing those seen in "sinful copulation." They were whacked for several days in a row, in the morning and in the evening, and the worst ones were planted in the edikul, a damp and cold basement that played the role of a home prison.

Gradually Nastasya grew bolder and began to play the role of sovereign in the estate. In order to bind the graph more tightly to her, she bore him a son - or, according to other information, simply bought a newborn baby from a young widow. Having received the name of Mikhail Shumsky, he later became an aide-de-camp, a drunken drunk and a card player than spoiled a lot of blood to his father. Nastasya also had a penchant for drinking, which soon deprived her of her natural beauty. One of the guests of the Georgian remembered her as a "drunk, fat, pockmarked and angry woman."

Not surprisingly, Arakcheev began to cool off to his beloved. Moreover, in the spring of 1803, Alexander I appointed him inspector of artillery, and he returned to the capital.

Saltychikha. Illustration by P.V. Kurdyumov to encyclopedic edition Photo: Motherland


Having sat in Georgia, Arakcheev launched a stormy activity and in a short time made the artillery units the best in the army. Almost daily, orders were issued from his pen about the manufacture of new tools according to the European model, about organizing the supply of gunpowder, horses and provisions, and about training recruits. At the beginning of 1808, he was appointed Minister of War and in the same year he commanded the Russian army in the war with Sweden. With "remarkable energy" he organized a winter hike on the ice of the Gulf of Bothnia, which led the Russians under the walls of Stockholm and forced the enemy to surrender. True, Alexey Andreevich did not participate in any battle - at the sounds of shooting he turned pale, did not find a place for himself and tried to hide in a shelter.

The great organizer turned out to be a worthless commander and, in addition, a coward.

In 1810, Arakcheev left the post of minister, but the entire war with Napoleon remained at headquarters, next to the king. "The whole French war was going through my hands," he admitted in his diary. “Without flattery, the devotee” favorite carried considerable responsibility both for success and for miscalculations of the Russian strategy. On the day after the fall of Paris, the king issued a decree on his production to field marshals, but Arakcheev refused. Assessing such modesty, Alexander ordered him to implement his cherished dream - the creation of a system of military settlements in Russia. Later, all the blame for this was laid on Arakcheev, but the facts say that the initiative came precisely from the emperor - Alexey Andreevich, as always, was only a faithful performer.

In 1816, about 500 thousands of peasants and soldiers were transferred to the position of military settlers — after the grueling exercises of the drill, they also had to do rural labor. This caused discontent, revolts began, which were brutally suppressed. Yet settlements continued to exist, and many of them flourished — thanks to Arakcheev’s efforts, as in Georgia, schools and hospitals were built, roads were laid, economic innovations were introduced. According to the graph, the "ideal" system of settlements was supposed to help the peasants make money and buy out their land and landowners. He even drafted and submitted to the emperor a draft of the gradual abolition of serfdom - in the opinion of historians, more progressive than the one that was carried out in the 1861 year.

Alas, contemporaries did not notice this - they saw only Arakcheev’s intention to force all Russia to go in line and continued to quietly honor him with “cannibal” and “monster”.

Last opal

In the autumn of 1825, the count's servants, tired of enduring nagging and punishing Nastasya, incited the cook, Vasily Antonov, to kill the hated housekeeper. In the morning, Vasily entered the house, found Minkina sleeping on the couch and cut her throat with a kitchen knife. Arakcheev was in despair. Day and night he carried with him a handkerchief soaked in the blood of the slain. On his order, the cooks were spotted to death, and the customers of the murder were poured in a hundred whips and sent to penal servitude. While the count was investigating, he heard about the death of the emperor in Taganrog ...

Having lost almost simultaneously two closest people, Arakcheev fell into a stupor. The new king repeatedly called him to the court, but he did not react. The overbearing Nicholas I could not tolerate such insubordination and gave the unloved order to his father’s pet — to ask for his resignation without waiting for his dismissal. Arakcheev did just that and in April 1826, he finally retired to Georgia "for treatment."

The remaining years of his life were gray and dreary. In the summer he could still manage chores or plant flowers in memory of Nastasya who loved them. But in winter, boredom was piling up. The guests did not come to him, Alexey Andreevich did not learn to read, and wandered around the rooms all day, solving mathematical problems in his mind.

The house of Count Arakcheev and the monument to Alexander I in front of him. 1833 g. Photo: Homeland

In his estate, he created a real cult of the deceased Alexander I. In the room where the emperor once spent the night, his marble bust was set up with the inscription: "Who dare to touch this, be cursed." The king's pen, his letters and papers, as well as the shirt in which Alexander died were also kept there — Arakcheyev bequeathed in it to bury himself. In front of the temple in Georgia, he erected a bronze monument to the "sovereign benefactor", which reached Soviet times. Other buildings briefly outlived their creator - the peasants destroyed the park with foreign flowers, dismantled the fence along the main street, caught and ate the swans who lived in the pond.

All this happened after 21 April 1834, Arakcheyev died of pneumonia.
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  1. +14
    5 March 2016 06: 56
    Arakcheyev, no matter what his contemporaries describe him, is he a major reformer of Russian artillery and thanks to his efforts he has shown himself worthily in the Napoleonic wars, what was he like? a typical representative of the nobility of that time was no worse and no better. Engaged in Pavlovian armed reforms he prepared the army for Napoleon's meeting.
    1. +1
      5 March 2016 08: 24
      Nevermind typical, he was the only one. Man capable but otherwise guano.
      1. Riv
        5 March 2016 08: 57
        Well, you can characterize anyone. "In ______ (fill in what is needed) he is good, but otherwise he is _______ (fill in what is needed)." For example: "In words he is Leo Tolstoy, but in deeds ... simple."

        Arakcheev did not leave his memoirs. One can judge it only by the memoirs of contemporaries, and they are far from always objective. However, the very fact that Pushkin, who wrote epigrams on Arakcheev in his youth, subsequently changed his mind, is expensive.

        Pushkin, by the way, was familiar to Arakcheev not by hearsay, but just personally. They met while studying at the poet's lyceum. However, it is unlikely that Arakcheev remembered the young lyceum student. The desire to "talk too much" is explained by the following: Pushkin was very interested in the history of the previous reigns. "The history of the Pugachev revolt" could be just the first of the books in the historical cycle. And who knew Alexander better than Arakcheev?
      2. +3
        5 March 2016 17: 30
        And you, shy to ask, his peer? Lived at the same time? No? Then what the hell are you letting your husky fingers like that?
        I can write something similar about you, and in an immeasurably worse version, one where you will not be "guano", but something worse. Want to?
        Nehru from the toilet seat to discuss the acts of two hundred years ago, you are ours! I would have had the opportunity - I would have slammed you with 100500 minuses, which have plus your debility. For intelligence.
        It’s strange why you didn’t add hysterical to the postscript. Fashington must be destroyed?
  2. +12
    5 March 2016 07: 35
    I would say that he was a talented performer. It’s like a senior assistant on the ship, he has to tear everyone. And for artillery in general, you can say thank you.
    1. +5
      5 March 2016 10: 46
      In the book "With a torch and a sword", dedicated to the political situation in Russia from the time of Peter to the Decembrist uprising, and containing many archival documents and memoirs of contemporaries, Pavel felt that a conspiracy was being prepared against him and called Arakcheev to him to nip the conspiracy in the bud. Arakcheev was only a couple of hours late. Its crew turned around not far from the outposts of St. Petersburg ...
  3. +11
    5 March 2016 07: 50
    Mikhail Shumsky, he later became an adjutant outhouse, a drunken drunkard and a card player But the man was far from stupid, very kind, but extremely spineless, unstable and disorderly. Shumsky was exiled to the Caucasus. During his service in the Caucasus, he was awarded the Order of St. Anne of the 4th degree and 3rd degree with a bow ...
  4. +5
    5 March 2016 08: 51
    When Alexander the First decided to transfer the army to self-sufficiency, Arakcheev, on his knees, begged him not to do this. "Sovereign, you will give birth to new archers ...". But the decision was made and Arakcheev undertook to carry it out with zeal ...
  5. +15
    5 March 2016 09: 34
    VS Pikul has a wonderful mention of Arakcheev in his novel "Favorite". Having exhausted himself with entering the cadet corps, Arakcheev made it a habit to never postpone matters concerning people until later, but decided them immediately as soon as they got to The question of how he solved them is another matter, but he did not have to come to him twice on the same issue twice. And I was surprised to read one of the historical articles about Arakcheev that it was true.
  6. Pig
    5 March 2016 12: 26
    "" Alexander entrusted him with the realization of his cherished dream - the creation of a system of military settlements in Russia ""
    what does "cherished dream" mean?
    Russia was exhausted by two decades of continuous wars and campaigns (1790-1813), its finances were in such decline that they simply could not physically support the huge army necessary to protect the huge Empire! therefore they decided to transfer part of the army to "self-service" through the system of military settlements
    it was a necessity from despair and not a "cherished dream"
  7. +2
    5 March 2016 16: 25
    For the first time, the surname Arakcheev became known in the 13 century. Tatar Ostafiy Arakcheev is one of the first leaders of the Treasury mentioned in Russian chronicles.
  8. +11
    5 March 2016 16: 32
    I read about Arakcheev and remembered the events from my life to improve the village. I was in charge of the "Grodno plant of autoradio tape recorders". I was in charge of 6GU of the USSR Ministry of Radio Industry. At this plant, it was urgently necessary to put into production the responders and interrogators of the "Password" State Recognition system. This was quickly done with the help of other enterprises (Leningrad, Chelyabinsk, Kazan and Moscow). I liked the area. Director of the plant V.S. Baluev as he asked me to transfer the abandoned village "Bershty" as a subsidiary farm for the plant. The name was due to the fact that the Polish master, giving this village as a gift to his son, told him you take this village. And so the name took root. So, having looked at the village, I was horrified by its state. All the collective farmers fled from it, and a few drunkards remained to live. I went by car to Minsk to see my friend A.A. Reut (Deputy Chairman of the Government of Belarus) and we, through the Supreme Soviet of the BSSR, issued the transfer. I allocated funds from the Ministry, demolished old houses, built cottages, a cultural center, a shop, a school. The roads were asphalted and a pioneer camp was built on the banks of the river. With rooms for 4 people. A year later, I came to Grodno again. I was persuaded to go to this village. In addition to the collective farm (profitable), the transport department of the plant also worked there. Brick houses stood in a row along three streets and people from the region were eager to live in the village. When I walked down the street to the House of Culture in the evening, the villagers, meeting me with the director, bowed. This is how to thank people for their work. I have the honor.
  9. +2
    5 March 2016 18: 36
    Talented performers are always in price, there are more such talents at the present time! And this is not only about Arakcheev, for example, Lomonosov is better known precisely as the organizer of science, you can also say about Korolev! After all, great people!
  10. +5
    5 March 2016 20: 00
    To be honest, I don’t know how to evaluate the article. It is written as a whole that everything is fine, but somehow corny, in general, well-known things.

    In 1816, about 500, thousands of peasants and soldiers were transferred to the position of military settlers - they had to engage in rural labor after exhausting drill exercises.
    Something no one commented on a very important point. In Russia, according to the experience of the Liberation War, Prussia against Napoleon decided to introduce very true in nature Landwehr's idea. But we, as usual, "overrun" - introduced too many restrictions, too many punishments ... The main problem is that the Prussian peasant was a peasant, and only occasionally there were military training sessions. And in our country they also made serfs soldiers out of serfs - and it was precisely the combination of barracks' life and personal management that was disastrous for the idea.

    As a result, the Prussian landver never rebelled and successfully fought even in the Franco-Prussian 1870-71, and in Russia terrifying military settlements were canceled already in 1830 after a series of uprisings.

    And I think that Vadim Erlikhman (if she visits our website) will be interested in the fact that the aforementioned mistress-housekeeper of Arakcheev Minkina was Jewish by birth ... I knew this from another source, but here I read very unattractive details about her "eccentricity". ..
    1. 0
      8 March 2016 20: 54
      Quote: Warrior2015
      Minkina was Jewish by birth ...

      serf Jewess? This is something new.
  11. +1
    6 March 2016 14: 58
    As always, kings, general secretaries were thrown from one extreme to another! But there were few good performers of their will! A SWAN IS EVERYLY SORRY!
  12. +1
    7 March 2016 01: 53
    A truly GREAT person, patriot, specialist, organizer.
    Like so many, unjustly and unfairly slandered.
  13. +1
    7 March 2016 15: 36
    As the saying goes, the big is seen at a distance. In school, they taught in history: Arakcheev is a serf-owner, a reactionary, "Arakcheevism" is the most disgusting offspring of serfdom, a despot-stickman. And in fact, not everything fits into stereotype labels. That once again emphasizes that history it was not historians who write, but those in power. It was beneficial for the communists to say that everything that was bad before 1917 was said and taught. Of course, historians who studied had a more or less objective picture, but what was considered necessary for the masses went into mass use ... On the other hand, at the age of 14-15, not every schoolchild understands what is good and what is bad, and therefore it is necessary to give such a point of view that is beneficial to the state, and I still think this is correct in terms of upbringing. Doesn't every school have its own program, one is taught in this way, in another in a different way, and as a result, confusion and vacillation in their heads.
  14. +2
    8 March 2016 17: 51
    Arakcheev revived and planted the classical ancient slave system.

    "The slave owner knows better than his slaves what is good for them and how they should live."
  15. +2
    8 March 2016 20: 35
    A couple of years ago I read about Arakcheev. About how, after the end of World War II, he handed over to the tsar one and a half million rubles (a fabulous sum!) And when asked what kind of money he was, he modestly replied that "there were extra" after the rearmament of the Army. Why was the king unspeakably surprised, because until now the military was distinguished only by the theft of state money and complaints about the lack of funding! There was a man of crystal honesty!
  16. +1
    8 March 2016 21: 01
    Quote: sergeschern
    "were left superfluous" after the rearmament of the Army.

    Yeah. They don’t do that anymore.
  17. +1
    9 March 2016 20: 00
    Quote: Kaiten
    serf Jewess? This is something new

    Where did you see that she was from the serfs? from the common people yes.
    19-year-old daughter of the coachman Nastasya Minkin. Dark-skinned, black-eyed, sharp in movements, she knew how to guess the words of her master without words and instantly fulfill them. The village women considered her a witch who had bewitched their master.

    Quote: RoTTor
    A truly GREAT person, patriot, specialist, organizer.

    I would like to see at least two arguments, what is its greatness.