Why we could not win in Kiev

Why we could not win in Kiev

There is such a widespread belief that we lost in Ukraine, that our diplomacy did not work well, that we “lost” this country. Often found in the comments, and not just the trolls. With pain and tremor in the voice, people say: our rulers missed Ukraine. So, I would like to discuss it. The fact is that I have an unequivocal opinion here: we could not win in any way. There were no such “winning options”. There were none from the beginning.

Several factors play a role here. First of all, as you know, "it is better to be first in the village than the second in Rome." Being a president, a prime minister and a deputy is pleasant and honorable, but this means a lot of competition. Think, looking at the modern Ukrainian "elitarians" - what chances would they have in Moscow, in the case of preservation / creation of a single management structure? This thought is by no means mine, the thought is rather old, but nevertheless true. Somehow it is gradually forgotten over time that in the Ukrainian SSR the standard of living was higher than in the RSFSR. Significantly higher. We are all about them bake, about pennies. About them dear, and I do not need to push here about democratic values.

An ordinary Ukrainian, like an ordinary Russian, cares about the same things: salary, utility bills, food prices, medicine is not very free. So do not tell tales about the "European vector". So, from the point of view of “devouring” in the Ukrainian SSR in 80, it was better and richer than in the Non-Black Earth Region. After 25 years, the situation has changed dramatically. Who is guilty? Blame Vlad. And you thought? The management vertical of the “outskirts” turned out to be an order of magnitude worse. They did exactly what the Western media like to blame Putin and Co.: they plundered everything. And do not tell tales about oil and gas: the defense spending of the Russian Federation is not comparable with the Ukrainian way. We still have space and science remains. So the point is precisely in the quality of management. In Russia, it is stupidly much higher than in Ukraine. In the zero years, Kiev simply lost outright in Moscow in terms of management quality. It cannot be said that the Ukrainian "elitist" did not understand this simple fact - they understood. And the fact is deadly: next to it there is exactly the same Russian-speaking, but an order of magnitude more efficient state. Tse zrada. Like South Korea for the Kim family.

In theory, an ordinary Kiev resident, a Kharkiv citizen, having arrived in Russia, could compare and draw conclusions. Ukrainian Rezun wrote about it a lot in his "bestsellers". About socialism vs "free rich countries." He wrote a lot, beautifully and convincingly. Here we will drive out political instructors and commissioners and we will live "like a gospel." Politrukov drove away. With the standard of living somehow did not work out. With freedoms - by the way, too. For some reason, we in Russia thought that economic growth would make it more attractive for the same Ukrainians. In principle, yes, I did, for migrant workers. But among Ukrainian politicians, this very “rise from its knees” caused tons of hatred: they could not provide anything like that, but they don’t want to give power, even partially. In order to compete with Russia, they had to carry out similar reforms - nothing complicated, by analogy. By the way, only a rich, prosperous Ukraine (as the “little Ukrainians” planned) could serve as a counterweight to Russia (as the West was plotting). In theory, it was necessary for the West to support Yanukovich in 2004, to load tens of billions into Ukraine every year, to open production ... Perhaps, it grew together with the “counterweight” (although in Ukraine they steal and deceive a lot).

But no one followed this path. Uninteresting turned out or expensive, I do not know. And they went on a virtual way of forcing hatred towards Russia. All of these attacks and negotiations somehow forgot that Ukraine’s 2013 year was hopelessly and completely lost in the field of the Russian economy. And it became clear much earlier. Imagine - the Ukrainian leadership is sitting and does not do a damn thing in such a situation. How will it end for him? Scam him. I don’t know if Lukashenka had any chances in Russia, but Putin with his reforms was a real threat to ukrovlasts and ukroelit. Build oligarchs, increase tax collection, strengthen the vertical of power ... In Ukraine? Yes, you sho! How can you ?! Something about this situation resembles an unreformed, in a timely manner, Rzeczpospolita. Which "ate" "prosharennye" neighbors. Here is the same with the “Europeans”. Poland, Russia and even Romania carried out reforms, but Ukraine was stuck in the intertemporal period. Hmm, probably the Polish gentry at the end of the 18 of the 20th century also “imagined poems” ... But, alas, story was absolutely merciless to them. So, for the Ukrainian elitarians, the situation in the “zero” was the peak: not only Poland, but already Russia completes the post-Soviet period and goes into a brighter tomorrow. And Ukraine is stuck in a swamp. Well European Poland, but the Horde! Therefore, Goebbels himself would have been glad and envied Ukrainian propaganda. Kiev, unlike Moscow, was not interested in economic and state reforms, but in the field of propaganda ... Here they would give a hundred points to anyone.

As we all know from the discussions on the Internet - any Ukrainian is perfectly grounded in the issue of Russian problems and jambs. And they didn’t do anything else, criticized, damn it, Russ, and very professionally. It is useless to argue with them - they are studying from the kindergarten specialty: "Backward and totalitarian Russia in the era of globalization." Or close to her. And how to equip Ukraine, they do not know, and are not interested in this sad topic. They criticize Russia. And all this is done with one main goal: so that the citizens of Ukraine (let's call them so neutral) do not ask uncomfortable questions about the standard of living in their homeland and in the neighboring state in the east. “Why do Russians live richer?” - that’s the main question. Insolent and cynical question-making, to which the leaders of “independent Ukraine” have absolutely no answer. And the phrase follows him: “Go to the bathhouse with your“ taming ”, I want to live like a human being, like in Moscow.” A curtain.

That is why the propaganda from each iron, that is why Hopak is round the clock, that is why ATO and “Krol in a leather coat”. Anything but this question. Yes, of course, there was a desire to tear Ukraine away from Russia by “civilization” for the sake of, say, the West, but there was also a more mundane desire - to preserve its “little one” at any cost and explain to lackeys that they are the salt of this land. Ukrainian leaders were well aware that a number of more effective, more modern and less corrupt state: because of nationalist hysteria. They needed the same wedge between the Russians and the Ukrainians, first of all because the Negros did not ask unnecessary questions about the standard of living of their neighbors. Those same Ukrainian "elitist" were well aware of their price, knowing that they were the fifth wheel in the cart. Just look closely at their “spiritualized” faces. Well, who are they? Ukraine could not become a European country, primarily because Ukrainian leaders did not reach European standards.

That was the problem — the leaders, not the “heavy Soviet legacy,” and, by the way, the Ukrainian leaders themselves were well aware of that. It is from there that the false, vile, and duplicitous position of the Ukrainian authorities throughout the entire period of independence goes through. These glorious guys were well aware that with normal hands, they have no chances, no prospects, no future. That is precisely why, on the one hand, they kind of smiled and hinted that friendship is possible, but on the other hand, turning away, they carried out an absolutely Russophobic policy. This, by the way, is not so much an emotional stance as a sober calculation: to incite the Ukrainians against the Russians. Yes, just like that, the massacre that happened in the Donbas prepared for all the years of independence. Just appreciate the level of meanness and betrayal: these people were ready to kindle a civil war in their homes, just to save power. No, guys, under the “hand of the Moscow Tsar” is somehow safer, otherwise you have some Julia Caesars from the garbage. And life and then cruelly laughed at the Ukrainian elites: they did lose both power and money.

That is, if the solution of the political crisis from the Russian elites after the 90s is to restore the economy, the state and raise the standard of living for the “ordinary Russian”, then the Ukrainian elites took a different path. That's right: they solved the same problem, but if in Moscow they decided to reduce the level of population discontent, then in Kiev they decided to incite the Ukrainians against the Russians. Here is an unexpected decision. Cynically, you say? Cynically, but in principle, it works up to a certain point. By the way, as in the "civilized" Latvia in 2008 year. Breed two communities between themselves and rise above the fray. Such is the “Eastern European democracy”. What a bold conclusion can be drawn from that the prospects (normal prospects) of these powers are somehow not visible on the horizon. No need for a prosperous country to engage in any nonsense, well, imagine, after the revolution in the United States and the victory in the war of independence, American propaganda poured dozens of years into the ears how bad it was under King George. Just imagine how many generations of American children scare "red uniforms" ...

By the way, this Russophobic trend of Kiev met with a complete understanding in Europe and the USA (for obvious reasons). And after all this, someone there criticizes our diplomacy. But, forgive me, but what could she have done in such a situation? All Ukrainian elites were extremely Russophobic, there was no room for maneuver at all. For example, we begin to promote our ideas through “non-governmental organizations”, and the SBU takes everyone under a tight cap and declares them “agents of the Kremlin”. Against any political activity in Russia, up to such harmless as the hire of feature films, the Kiev Vlada rose a wall. Well, the cinema, the cinema in the working club show ... No, it is impossible. But gas should be cheaper. What kind of political activity was possible in such conditions? How do you imagine that? At the level of underground workers and leaflets? Someone is broadcasting there that, along the lines of Western intelligence agencies, it was necessary to prepare combat groups. Yeah, battle groups. Can you imagine the level of a possible diplomatic scandal? On Bandera with weapons Kiev closed his eyes, that is why they were formed. Nobody would give us that.

On the whole, for moral and ethical reasons, Russia could not make leaps and bounds to prepare a civil war in Ukraine. Not ours is a method. You see, in this situation, we could not win. No, from the word at all. Kiev politicians are completely focused on the West (as well as Kiev intellectuals, as well as business), Ukraine is open for agents of influence of the West wide open, but closed for Russian influence tightly, tremendous efforts are constantly being made to incite Russophobia ... How could Moscow win in such a situation? All efforts of the Ukrainian authorities were aimed at stirring up conflicts with Russia. One of the main reasons: to distract people from economic problems. The shelling of Donbass did not start from scratch: 22 was taught to hate Russians at the official level. And we still have people wondering why it is so difficult to communicate with Ukrainians on the Internet. And everything is quite simple - it is not accidental and it is the result of a serious state policy. It is clear that in Russia there was nothing like this and could not be (Russia is a civilized European state). That is why for Russians the exorbitant level of cruelty shown by Kiev in the Donbas was a complete surprise. Simply, we lived in another world, a world where the incitement of ethnic hatred is prohibited by law.

In Ukraine, it was the core of public policy. That is why a civil war there was in fact inevitable. It’s just that you have to pay for everything, you also have to pay for solving internal political problems by bleeding different groups of the population. Life is frankly unhappy and impoverished, a mass of disgruntled and indignant, how to merge protest into a safe channel, how to stabilize the situation at least temporarily? And nothing complicated - it is necessary to find a scapegoat. Reception is old as the world. Here he is to blame for everything! Stake him! So, Russophobia, besides the strategic one (the work of “breaking up” two nations), also played a purely tactical role. Who is to blame? Russians! And who else? A kind of "fifty shades of Russophobia." Thus, the Ukrainian "leaders" are not just furious with fat, they saved themselves from popular anger. Right here and now. By the way, our “most faithful ally” is doing something similar. It is not me to kick the father, but just to demonstrate the trend. Well, you need to dodge it so that you can hang your jambs on Russia! Belarus is an independent country, in principle, there is no Crimea and Donbass. Nevertheless, Alexander Rygorych is able to introduce into the domestic political game a "threat from the east." And our dear Baltic leaders somehow manage to redirect part of the anger of the people to Moscow. Although it seems to be - NATO, the EU, what kind of "Moscow" ?? However, contrive.

Just in Ukraine, due to the presence of the Crimea, the Donbass, the Black Sea Fleet and zapadentsev, this was manifested most clearly and vividly. Again, due to the peculiarities of the domestic political situation, it is extremely difficult if it’s possible at all: in 90, we struggled to survive in this complex world, and no one tried to tell you what kind of bad Belarusians or Ukrainians are. Not before we were there, but in Kiev at that time, work was actively carried out in the direction of national construction and exposing the "wiles of Moscow." Last year 24 moved in very different directions, so the level of hatred on the part of Ukrainians is not clear to us. Approximately, as if someone 20 studied eastern philosophy, and someone did not study, the difference will be stunning, and here: communication with Ukrainians is extremely difficult in principle. Impossible it, no matter how you try. If they had been going to Europe for the 24 years, everything would have been much better, but all this time they had learned to hate Russia. This is the core of the so-called "Ukrainians". That is why, if we had in Kiev, not Chernomyrdin and his ilk, but Talleyrand, all one thing would not have been achieved.

A good commander must understand when victory is impossible in principle. So, Kiev is just such a characteristic case, you cannot win where there is no victory in the set of possible results. All the arguments about the fact that victory is always possible, the main thing to want is the essence of propaganda for ordinary Red Army men. Sometimes you shouldn't even try. Complete dishonesty and “shifting” on the basis of European integration made cooperation with the Ukrainian elites absolutely impossible: they could maliciously squabble among themselves, but they were united by one thing: hatred of Russia. And Russia could not work out the current version of the annihilation of Ukraine for moral and ethical reasons: as a result of the collapse of the Ukrainian statehood, very many people will die (I will not describe it). The position of the West was much more advantageous: the Ukrainians listened to them, their mouths were open, and Berlin / Washington did not have any moral obligations to the Ukrainian people.

As a result, what happened happened: for the sake of obtaining a new market, the same Germans absolutely calmly pushed Ukraine into the abyss of civil war. This is actually not “European integration”, it is colonization. As a rule, when conquering a new colony among the natives, there could be very high losses, up to and including the complete elimination of certain tribes and nations. But none of the Europeans did not stop. No matter how many natives die, it is important to capture a new market / source of raw materials. In principle, now you can even not read the memoirs, you can play a computer toy (strategy) - everything is shown there clearly and vividly. One keystroke ... and no more "recalcitrant Zulus". Frankly speaking, the inadequacy of the Ukrainian citizens and their complete lack of understanding of political realities are driving me to a rage. They are colonized, that is, turned into white slaves of Europeans of the first class, and they jump for joy. That is, the average Ukrainian turned out to be even more stupid than the average Zulu. And if one of the Ukrainians says, and if we don’t like it, then we’ll get out of there, then this, excuse me, is the very case when the entrance is a ruble, and there is no way out for the project.

Gentlemen, you are again confusing the Soviet Union and the British Empire. From the USSR, Ukraine came out without a single shot and with a flourishing modern economy. But the path of Ireland to freedom was much more thorny ... and modern production after going out there was not found. No, they were, but more somehow in Britain itself. The meaning of the coup was the colonization of the lands of Ukraine and the transformation of Ukrainians into a herd of obedient "Euro-slaves". And only the latest fool can believe that you can exit this system of your own free will. “Listen, master, I no longer work for you, I want to be free!” - so what? Guys - now you are the property! That is, the question of how many Ukrainians will perish in the course of “Euro-colonization” and what the living standard will be there according to the results, did not seriously bother anyone in Berlin / Brussels. Do you think that the British were very concerned about the colonization of India?

Again and again: Ukrainians will certainly become part of Greater Europe, this is true, but in what capacity? At about the same, in which the Indians became part of the British Empire. By the way, many Ukrainians are quite happy with this. And the flag in their hands, but as you understand, discussion with them is basically impossible. They have already made their historical choice. And the more impoverished, terrible and powerless the life of an ordinary Ukrainian will be, the higher will be the degree of anti-Russian propaganda. But simply, not to compare, not to think that another way of life is possible - without poverty, slavery and constant humiliation in front of foreign masters.

So, returning to our sheep, how could we “break” this scenario? If working with elites is impossible in principle, past them too? To enter troops, to occupy the country, to hang out extremists and to restore the economy? I assure you, we would face frank hatred, sabotage and guerrilla war (for freedom!). And complete international isolation. To unleash a bloody civil war in Ukraine? Moral aspect? We are not Germans, by golly, to create such lewdness. Yes, that same war has already begun and a lot of more blood is shed there. But at least we are not responsible for this. No matter how the political map is laid down, the population of Ukraine will have to be greatly reduced. Just in fact: Ukraine is a post-apocalyptic country, where the economy has been destroyed, even without nuclear weapons. The situation is actually very serious - it will only get worse, worse and worse. Up to complete collapse. But we are not responsible for this - the Maidan cookies were baked not in Moscow.

Why did I talk about the moral horizon of events? And precisely here lies the reason for our “failure”. In the absence of mass support within Ukraine and with the complete "frostbite" of our European and overseas opponents, we could not win. Once again: I am not ready to take moral responsibility for the mass extinction of Ukrainians. Unlike the average German, for whom the question is how much sales of German goods and his personal standard of living will increase as a result of Ukraine’s “accession”. And Europeans in case of failure, in principle, can act with Ukraine without special regrets, as with Libya - just quit dying on the sidelines. “As a result of Russian aggression, this country erases a miserable existence” - such will be the leitmotif of European News. “Putin destroyed the European dreams of this country by launching a hybrid war against her,” - somehow somehow everything will be voiced by the TV hosts. Why am I so pessimistic and what is this “mass death"? It's very simple - who else in 2013 could predict the shelling of the Donbass? It seemed fantastic. But every single day people perish there. 2 years soon. And for these 2 damn years, I have not noticed in Ukraine any Minins and Pozharsky, no Scharnhorsts and Kosciuszko. The country is no longer on the verge of destruction, it is “abroad”. But not a single Ukrainian patriot is in a hurry to save her ... So Ukraine is doomed, and we cannot be bigger Ukrainians than the Ukrainians themselves.

I know that many Ukrainians and Belarusians will say in response: but you also have fascists / nationalists there who organize marches and attack Tajiks. There is, how not to be, there are fascists, and ultras, and just scumbags. But there is a fundamental difference: the Russian state has not flirted with them, is not flirting and is not going to flirt. For him, it is either offenders or potential criminals. Underground, in short. Feel the difference. In a free society, which, of course, is modern Russia, there are a variety of social / anti-social movements. Or do you want to ban everything and give everyone the same pants? The point is not in the presence of such extremists, but in a hostile attitude towards them from the official authorities of the Russian Federation. They will never be "their" for Russian officials. Their lot is the lot of the marginals. They will never make a bet. The Nashists were anyone but nationalists. When they were. There is a difference in the social structure: a resident of Ukraine or Belarus thinks that any organized political group should be supported / receive permission “from the very top”. They have no other way. Gentlemen, alas, here in Russia is "different." And if you see a column of demonstrators marching through the streets of Moscow, for example, with imperial flags, this does not mean that Putin gave the go-ahead. This is the same freedom to her.

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  1. +53
    25 February 2016 18: 49
    Why we could not win in Kiev
    Because we did not come to war ... laughing.... and the juntics were awarded the victory "in view of the absence of the opponent ... laughing
    1. +22
      25 February 2016 18: 52
      Too many there, unfortunately, turned out to be intruders.
      1. +26
        25 February 2016 18: 53
        Why we could not win in Kiev
        Because Do not underestimate the unpredictability of DUAL !!!
        - x / f "Sleep ... whether! (" Big jackpot "in translation" Full PE ")
        1. +1
          25 February 2016 19: 02
          Why we could not win in Kiev

          Because Yanukovych turned out to be a wimp ...
          1. +50
            25 February 2016 19: 23
            Quote: dorz
            Because Yanukovych turned out to be a wimp ...

            What does Yanukovosch have to do with it? He's just a symbol ... The point is that starting with Kravchuk, anti-Russia was created in Ukraine. However, all the same, the abscess of artificial "Ukrainianship" had to burst sooner or later. And burst with blood. This is what we have seen for the last two years.
            I would like to hope that the unfortunate "nenka" will be cleansed of this nationalistic pus. Although there are huge doubts about her ability to do this on her own. But the logic of historical processes is inexorable - Ukrainian catharsis is inevitable. And he's getting closer ..
            1. -18
              25 February 2016 19: 56
              "just a symbol"? "the world is ruled by signs and symbols, not words and laws" - this is a fact. and if you do not wonder why "hoh.l"? why a trident? - then you are engaged in a senseless enumeration of other people's opinions imposed and leading away from the truth. the roots of all problems of humanity are in the past. I have already spoken about this. traces of the past around us. and on these traces one can make absolutely unequivocal conclusions, and not play with words. "word" - what do you think is the answer to the main question: what is original sin? and why the term is there, but there is no clear answer what it is. and why the war is primarily against the Russian language. against the patronymic, respectively against the fatherland. why maternity capital? why is the punitive system of alimony (and you can't call it otherwise)? why divorce without a man's invitation? why is it not about equality, but about trampling the father of the breadwinner's defender in the mud ... you tell me where is the connection? and I'll say - open your eyes, close your mouth, and listen to what the soul is crying about .........
              1. +15
                25 February 2016 21: 28
                Quote: redeemer
                "the world is ruled by signs and symbols, not words and laws" - this is a fact
                You are quotes, metaphors, humanitarian insights, etc. confuse with facts. It is a fact. The statement you quote is not just metaphorical ("the world is ruled"), it is very vague and incomprehensible to me. How is part (words) and whole (signs) contrasted? All words are signs, but not all signs are words. Where do non-verbal signs (for example, road signs) have any advantage in "ruling the world" over words? Yes, and the fig surrendered to signs (albeit monetary) and symbols to rule the world? Something is mixed up here strongly in your "fact". Maybe the translation is bad?
                1. -12
                  26 February 2016 07: 15
                  you have a gap in consciousness. and atrophy of the soul. and mind? yes do you have it
                2. +3
                  28 February 2016 09: 10
                  The statement you quoted is not just metaphorical ("the world is ruled"), it is very vague and incomprehensible to me

                  I would even say that a statement from the field of metaphysics (philosophical category) and NO correlate with the true world. And the facts are that the opinion of the inhabitants of Ukraine was purposefully and for a long time customized to the metaphysics where signs and symbols belittled the role of Russia and even made it an enemy. And the stupid heads who believed in all this were used later as cannon fodder on the Maidan and in the Donbass.
              2. +3
                25 February 2016 23: 05
                Quote: redeemer
                and I say, open your eyes, close your mouth, and listen to what the soul is crying .........

                belay Strong!
                1. +2
                  28 February 2016 12: 45
                  All Ukrainian elites were extremely Russophobic; there was no room for maneuver at all.

                  Here you are all about the elite, but about the elite, and who jumped on the Maidan, for the sake of interest, count how many of this very elite were in that sea of ​​people that rode on the Maidan. This is that the elite wore tea and eat "lads", this elite stood against the Berkut and fought in the ATO, you respected all mixed together and now you are trying to appoint the extreme, well, just like the above-criticized elite.
                  No respected, the residents of Ukraine participated and participate in this.
                  1. 0
                    28 February 2016 20: 03

                    Here you are all about the elite, but about the elite

                    The fact that the ALL Ukrainian elite turned out to be Russophobic made it impossible for Russia to work in the Ukrainian political field.
                    (response to the accusation of those who blame the Russian leadership for the loss of Ukraine.)
              3. The comment was deleted.
              4. The comment was deleted.
              5. +13
                26 February 2016 09: 07
                Quote: redeemer
                and listen to what the soul is crying .........

                And my soul does not cry, but rejoices - the ray of sunshine, the first snow, May rain, green leaves on the trees, the fact that my family begins their family life in much better conditions than my parents or even my wife and I started. Tom is happy that my students became pilots, engineers, supervisors and just good workers who put other engineers in their belt. One must enjoy life.
                And Ukraine, well, Ukraine, we survived the Mongol yoke, and they will survive their Mongols.
                1. -12
                  26 February 2016 20: 03
                  Mongol yoke? Have you ever been in your mind when?
                2. 0
                  28 February 2016 12: 14
                  Probably you were not abandoned after full confidence. I envy you, I also want to enjoy the new day.
              6. +3
                26 February 2016 09: 35
                There are so many "letters", but where is the thought? What did you want to say, dear? Or do you think that beautiful words will replace meaning? What are you, lost one?
                1. -14
                  27 February 2016 06: 39
                  sweetheart? Who? I am? lost? beautiful words? thought where? wit ...
                  goat-faced. go back to where you got out of.
                  1. +6
                    28 February 2016 10: 31
                    Quote: redeemer
                    goat-faced. go back to where you got out of.

                    Hello, moderators? What, you don’t feel whose stink it carries?
                  2. 0
                    28 February 2016 12: 24
                    Do you think that you can think, think rationally? Why cf on the site? Have you been taught to think? I have been taught to survive and I think.
              7. +1
                28 February 2016 11: 37
                Minus, but in vain. I agree one hundred percent. The soul hurts.
            2. +20
              25 February 2016 20: 12
              Quote: Ami du peuple
              What does Yanukovosch have to do with it? He is just a symbol ... The fact is that starting with Kravchuk, anti-Russia was created in Ukraine.

              That's right!
              But ... "Anti-Russia" took place long before Kravchuk.
              It's just that at the present time it was not possible (yet) to take the appropriate measures. For example, as under Peter I to the traitors: "Chechel is dying on the chopping block, the brave and Zaporozhye ataman."
              Peter took measures am and very many "Cossacks" immediately recoiled from Mazepa. wink
              And now, as well as 300 years ago, the dead of masses, of whom there are more in Ukraine than before the fig, can be corrected only by medical fasting, and especially by broad ones, and bloodletting.
              The hope is that our propaganda should have been ....
              Western, convincing narrow-minded citizens who "want" in the EU and panties is not realistic.
            3. +16
              25 February 2016 20: 15
              I liked the article, in many ways I agree with the author.
              I am more concerned about another question: that the West, having made it completely clear that it is impossible to control Ukraine, will begin to push its beggar and destroyed back towards Russia. They will begin to affectionately convince - these are your brothers, oh God, this is not a country but a treasure, etc. Now this tactic is already starting to be seen. Remember how famously, in a businesslike manner, Merkel and Hollande in Minsk bent Poroshenko, and now (bogged down in their problems) they say that Russia must implement these agreements i.e. directly calling on the Kremlin to solve this problem itself, while hinting at the lifting of sanctions.
              1. +20
                25 February 2016 20: 54
                Quote: Rostov Dad
                I liked the article, in many ways I agree with the author.
                I am more concerned about another question: that the West, having made it completely clear that it is impossible to control Ukraine, will begin to push its beggar and destroyed back towards Russia. They will begin to affectionately convince - these are your brothers, oh God, this is not a country but a treasure, etc. Now this tactic is already starting to be seen. Remember how famously, in a businesslike manner, Merkel and Hollande in Minsk bent Poroshenko, and now (bogged down in their problems) they say that Russia must implement these agreements i.e. directly calling on the Kremlin to solve this problem itself, while hinting at the lifting of sanctions.

                Right now there’s a game going on that will push someone to feed these brothers.
                1. +4
                  25 February 2016 21: 21
                  Right now there’s a game going on that will push someone to feed these brothers.
                  I do not exclude the "Yugoslavian" scenario here, because neither Russia nor Europe will swallow such a huge piece. We will see....
                  1. mihasik
                    26 February 2016 01: 28
                    Quote: Rostov Dad
                    I do not exclude the "Yugoslavian" scenario here, because neither Russia nor Europe will swallow such a huge piece. We will see....

                    There was such a film "Pretty Woman", in which the main character of the film went bankrupt, bought up enterprises, and then sold them at a profit in parts. Nothing personal, just business!
                    In the capitalist world, privateers who rule over states because of the screen are eating, capturing and destroying each other. Even Dima Medvedev once specified that we currently do not have state enterprises, but there are enterprises with state participation. Feel the difference?)
                    Now ask yourself who needs small or large pieces, or in general the whole of Ukraine, except for businessmen in the form of private corporations? Ordinary people?)))
                    The people think in terms of justice during the Soviet era, namely, the reunification of peoples and the return of territories in one country and at the subcortical level believes that everything belongs to the people. But in the current conditions it’s a utopia - pipe dreams and opening people's eyes to reality is like taking away his favorite toy from a child. So for what all the gestures in Ukraine? And so that the assets do not belong to Russian oligarchs, but to American, but not to the people, at least Ukrainian, even Russian. As the saying goes, feel the difference.
                    1. +4
                      26 February 2016 10: 24
                      Controversial article, but worth reading.
                      Vladimir Putin The Zugzwang Gambits

                      1. mihasik
                        26 February 2016 14: 32
                        Quote: Rostov Dad
                        Controversial article, but worth reading. Vladimir Putin. The Zugzwang Gambits

                        The article is really controversial. Putin, Ivanov and Shoigu is the Security Council of the Russian Federation and this name says it all. Although the Security Council and Medvedev as Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation, but the composition of the Government itself and their actions, which, in theory, should be answered by Medvedev in conjunction with the activities of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation, raises controversial questions or simply discourages, which introduces the population into some uncertainty about the government in general, and Putin in particular.
              2. +8
                25 February 2016 22: 26
                In any case, I'm afraid Russia will throw these spinogryzov like in a scoop, in a set. Even if Ukraine is accepted into Europe as a scarecrow or a carcass, in this case, too, we will have to face a wave of immigrants who are by no means neutral towards Russia. These immigrants will demand money and jobs, we are humanists mother ... mother ..., we will not abandon the "brothers" and we will feed and drink at our own expense, and they will be warm, getting used to them, and will be in the kitchen, like a scoop, to tell your children about the sworn occupiers and aggressors, not remembering that "they eat Russian lard." We will not close our borders with Ukraine to the last, and it will always be easier for them to find a job in Russia, as a refugee, than any Russian.
            4. +3
              25 February 2016 20: 27
              shvn RU Today, 20:26 New
              Quote: Ami du peuple
              I would like to hope that the unfortunate "nenka" will be cleansed of this nationalistic pus. Although there are huge doubts about her ability to do this on her own
              It is correct that you doubt it. It will not clean itself. But after a certain number of years, Russia will have to restore all this. How many grandchildren will pour into the Ruin again? So it will be, unfortunately. And forget about bros and sisters. All this is primitive and was yesterday. So right, Putin doesn’t open the bottle, it’s still useful, it’s not the worst time. It will be useful for Usrain to restore ...
            5. +18
              25 February 2016 20: 51
              Quote: Ami du peuple
              equally, the abscess of artificial "Ukrainians" had to burst sooner or later. And burst with blood.

              An abscess simply does not form. Someone (we will not point a finger) introduced the virus into the circulatory system more than once (the immune system held on for some time), and it was necessary to intervene and cure on time. But Russia itself, at this time, struggled with a bouquet of introduced liberal diseases. So they launched ...
              1. +9
                26 February 2016 00: 57
                Quote: Genry
                But Russia itself, at this time, struggled with a bouquet of introduced liberal diseases.

                Our liberals in the early 90s introduced a constitutional ban on the state ideology of a new Russia. Although any country has its own ideology (justification for the existence of this state). There is no ideology - there is no future for the country. Do not declare liberalism the state ideology. We "by inertia" are still using Soviet "ideological resources" (the cult of the Second World War is one of the main). In other states of the former USSR, the nationalism of the “titular nation” (usually moderate) is used as a state ideology. This is the rationale for the existence of any “national state” (politics in the interests of most citizens, including the largest ethnic group). True, there are states that use frankly radical nationalism (an analogue of Nazism). For example, the Baltic countries (Estonia, Latvia), where people are divided into citizens (1st grade) and non-citizens (2nd grade). Now also Ukraine. In the oldest Europe, nationalism and Nazism are almost banned (since Europe is under the actual occupation of the United States, and the Americans do not need it). But it is permitted in the new democracies of Europe (Eastern Europe and the Baltic states) and then only its Russophobic part, as the ideology that tears these countries away from Russia. In our country, however, the authorities are afraid of Russian nationalism, even the most moderate and great-power, like “devil incense” and prefer bans. Thus driving the problem deeper. Is it not better to resolve moderate great-power Russian nationalism (read - patriotism), but taking it “under control” and writing some “rules”. In declaring “patriotism” the national idea, one must first define what it is and to what extent it is allowed. Why, for example, can some “titular” peoples in autonomous entities have their own organizations defending their interests (including with funding from regional budgets), but for Russians this is not practiced? Is it not time for Russia to create its own “great-power Great Russian matrix”, the basis of which will be the unified history of Russia-the USSR-RF and the multi-ethnic multi-confessional “Russian nation”.
              2. +3
                26 February 2016 03: 19
                Quote: Genry
                An abscess simply does not form. Someone (we will not point a finger) introduced the virus into the circulatory system more than once (the immune system held on for some time), and it was necessary to intervene and cure on time. But Russia itself, at this time, struggled with a bouquet of introduced liberal diseases. So they launched ...

                One gets the impression that Launched long before the collapse of the Soviet Union, when Soviet rulers began to assimilate the west (Ukraine) with its main part by moving from west to center and east. Apparently, this process was least successful in the southeastern regions and in Crimea. As a result - Crimea in the Russian Federation, and the southeast in the war. Probably it was necessary from the very beginning to make a federation with real autonomies, as it was in the Russian Federation, and in other union republics, and not to engage in the artificial injection of completely different peoples mentality into each other. As a result, all of Ukraine fell under the occupation of Russophobic western Ukraine. Well, after the collapse of the USSR, a holy deed, oil began to be added to the light also by Western partners, led by American comrades. Russia, in its best traditions, tried, of course, to interest materially - preferential prices, loans, etc., in a different way, but the brains of the population were already turned towards Europe with its paradise life. Further Maidan, the rise to power of the nationalists, propaganda has already earned its full potential. In general, the brains of the people have been completely dusted and now we have what we have.
            6. +14
              25 February 2016 21: 42
              We always thought that Ukraine loves Russia. But Russian Ukraine loved Russia. Bandera half of Ukraine was terribly envious and hated Russians. Either the inferiority complex, or the slave craving for the former owners - the Austrians and Poles. Well, they love to be servants of the Poles and Germans, they love everything! These were our brothers and sisters. The Russian half partially left-Crimea, Novorossia .. Partially under the occupation of Bandera. I think the battle for Russian Ukraine is ahead! Do we need Bandera Ukraine? Feed, water, educate. As a result, we still get a knife in the back, or poison in the reservoir.
              1. +3
                26 February 2016 02: 18
                Nationalists from Westerners of the Poles hate more than Russians. In my opinion, there is no relation to the Austrians. And the Austrians do not show much attention to Ukrainian affairs. In the Austrian part of Austria-Hungary, Galicia had real autonomy. The Austrians ruled here indirectly, through the Poles, who played a large role in Austrian politics, held important posts, including ministerial ones. There were even Poles-Prime Ministers of Cisleitania. The Austrians saw in the Poles a counterbalance to the Czech creeps, and also appreciated their anti-Russian attitude.
                The Poles of Galicia from the time of Austria-Hungary should not be demonized. A significant part of Polish politicians tried to reach a compromise with Rusyns, Ukrainians.
                The Austrian Germans were smart people, they realized that they did not constitute the majority of the population of Austria and did not try to assimilate the other peoples of Cisleitania or to monopolize all the power in Austria in their hands. This is their difference from the Hungarians who led Transitania.
              2. 0
                26 February 2016 20: 32
                Quote: 30BIS
                Do we need Bandera Ukraine?

                USSR during the period of power acted like any empire - expanded

                And they didn’t think. that when it comes to collapse and difficult times

                If I knew where to fall, I would lay straws

                Now, of course, everyone understands. that it would be better not to transfer Crimea. Do not attach the western part to Ukraine, etc.

                In the event of a collapse, at least the eastern part remained in the Customs Union and the Eurasian Union.

                But a fact. that Eurasia, as a world and civilization, suffered a serious blow - almost the whole of Ukraine was torn off and seems to be for a long time.
            7. 0
              28 February 2016 10: 18
              Ami du peuple (3) RU 25 February 2016 19:23 ↑

              Quote: dorz
              Because Yanukovych turned out to be a wimp ...

              What does Yanukovosch have to do with it?
              For all that ... His main fault was that he did not raise an army, did not impose martial law and did not suppress the geeks, thereby setting up the entire Russian-speaking population of his country. With his actions (or rather without actions), he indirectly participated in the murder of thousands of innocent citizens. For sebe I grabbed the trochs and that’s it. I hope that people like Yanukovych will be punished for their deeds! IT SHOULD BE UNDERSTANDED !!! THIS IS NOT FORGOTTEN! IT IS Woe!
              1. 0
                28 February 2016 10: 44
                I am Rossiyanin.No from all the Ukrainian people I want to ask Yanukovych- "do you even understand su.a, what have you done?"
          2. +1
            25 February 2016 20: 28
            And this, too, is the same as what everyone in Ukraine wanted (and even now wants) to go to Russia, but the fact that it did not work out about it was both anger and hatred!
          3. +11
            25 February 2016 22: 09
            Because Yanukovych turned out to be a wimp ...

            Yanukovych? Yes, because all his assets were in the West. At first they helped him to place them there, and when the question arose of political steps, they rushed straight to his forehead and said: “Either you surrender the power of the opposition, or you won’t get a cent.” Now this (the mass of rotten carcass) in its very repertoire, under the protection of Russia from its own and other radicals and with accounts in the West. An example of how you can eat and sit down on something. In general, the answer is in the article itself, here it is:
            For moral and ethical reasons, Russia could not take leaps and bounds to prepare a civil war in Ukraine. This is not our method.

            But in fact, Russia did not plan a similar version of events in any nightmare. The oligarchs, led by Chernomyrdin, knocked a bell on the chest that in a few years they would tie Ukraine completely economically and socially, that the entire Ukrainian military-industrial complex is 100% dependent on Russia, that they are already in your pocket. The oligarchs are the oligarchs. This is a foreign body for any state. They must be milked to exhaustion and ravaged during the first movement abroad. Success in Ukraine could have been only in one case, when in each regional center a shadow government, agents and an action plan at X-hour would have been prepared. The seizure of power on the Maidan, immediately gave a signal to seize power in the regional centers, with the nomination of battle groups in Kiev. In this case, all law enforcement agencies would either join the resistance or take a neutral position. Time is ten days. The period when you can take over all the calculations of the central bank, because power is what pays money. Without money, there is no power. You understand that in ten days it is impossible to establish power in all major centers and recapture the bank in Kiev. Everything should be ready for this. But it was not ready, because such a scenario was not considered, and the people who hinted about it were punished.
            1. 0
              28 February 2016 12: 36
              The money flew by the Hercules to Borispol and Yanukovych himself gave the go-ahead. Did you want to squeeze it out? Frauer's greed, however ..
          4. +3
            28 February 2016 18: 19
            he was an asshole. Both ours and yours. An ordinary thief, the same as everyone else. They bent it at the end, but it was too late.
      2. +26
        25 February 2016 19: 00
        Quote: Thought Giant
        Too many there, unfortunately, turned out to be intruders.

        Unfortunately, there are too few people there that Moscow needs. It's just that those guys who were in charge of this direction relaxed and slept through everything. Numerous "democratic" foundations and charitable organizations have been subversive in Ukraine for twenty years. What has been done to counterbalance? Practically nothing. The Kremlin has relied on the Ukrainian government, supplying it with discounts, irrevocable (let's face it) loans and other such things. As a result, other, more intelligent, uncles unhurriedly, but measuredly put together a "popular front" and put check and checkmate in three moves to the Kremlin. And, of course, no one will be held responsible for this - well, overslept neighbor, think about it. Just think of the NATO base near Rostov ... nonsense. But now, periodically, articles like this, where authors, like intelligent people, try to justify someone else’s unforgivable myopia, inaction and incompetence.
        1. +5
          25 February 2016 19: 10
          Quote: Mengsk
          But now, periodically, articles such as this one appear, where authors, like intelligent people, try to justify someone else’s unforgivable myopia, inaction and incompetence.

          The administrative vertical of the “outskirts” turned out to be an order of magnitude worse. They did exactly what the Western media love to blame Putin and Co.: they stole everything. And do not tell tales about oil and gas: Russian defense spending is not comparable with Ukrainian in any way. We still have space and science has remained. So the point is precisely in the quality of management. In Russia, it is stupidly much higher than in Ukraine. In the zero years, Kiev simply simply lost to Moscow in terms of management quality.
          If to what is written in the article, we still haven’t stolen ..... Probably, already from the wild bazaar of 90's they would have long gone straight to communism ....

          Than in Ukraine ... crying
          1. +11
            25 February 2016 20: 01
            Quote: Zoldat_A
            If to what is written in the article, we still haven’t stolen .....

            That's for sure. But here is the interesting thing. There is no country in which officials do not steal. Theft has various forms and patterns of money laundering. Some thefts are even legal. However, corruption does not prevent many countries from having more developed industries. Sometimes it even helps lol
            A wide range of problems cannot be reduced to corruption alone. And then the widespread fashion of blaming everything on corruption is very much like the healers-crooks who claim that all diseases come from a cold of the left heel laughing
            1. +3
              26 February 2016 02: 28
              Quote: user1212
              A wide range of problems cannot be reduced to corruption alone.

              All the problems of the state in general and Russia in particular cannot, of course, be reduced to ONE corruption. But how many problems can be solved if corruption is removed !!!!

              A small quote. The father of the Singaporean economic miracle Lee Kuan Yew once remarked that
              Before starting the fight against corruption, the country's leader must imprison three of his friends. He knows what to put them in. And they know why he will imprison them.
              In all honesty - VVP doesn't have three friends? There is. Both they and he understand everything. But we will NEVER get to what Lee Kuan Yew was talking about. Maximum - with honor to retire, write memoirs, or "for another job" ...
              1. +2
                26 February 2016 04: 41
                Quote: Zoldat_A
                A small quote. Singaporean economic miracle father Lee Kuan Yu

                Are you for the fight against corruption or for the redistribution of property between the oligarchs? After all, it is the redistribution of property within the circle of confidants that Lee Kuan Yew offers (and if we also take into account that since he is a "Father" then he himself is an approximate ...). In all honesty, is it really nothing smarter than "take away and divide" until now our people are not waiting for us? Well, we will not live better from the fact that one of the officials is imprisoned or shot. Even if all the oligarchs' property is confiscated, it will not fall into our pockets. And I'm afraid that not in the state, too. De jure into the state, but de facto ...
        2. 0
          25 February 2016 19: 12
          Quote: Mengsk
          As a result, other, more intelligent, uncles slowly, but measuredly put together a "popular front" and put check and checkmate in three moves to the Kremlin

          Are you talking smart uncles? If with a chessboard on his head, how Svidomo pieces will be arranged? I'm talking about us Muscovites. That we are stupid
        3. +9
          25 February 2016 19: 24
          Well, how do you imagine this? The article details the mood of the local elites. In addition, frankly, before the end of the WWII there was a serious threat of the collapse of Russia itself - what kind of Ukraine is there.
          1. 0
            26 February 2016 02: 27
            It is necessary to correctly place accents. There was no threat of the collapse of the Russian Federation even in the 90s, but there was a threat of loss of some territories. Which of course is also very bad.
            It is not very good that the subjects of the Russian Federation are excessively many, for the most part they with a small population are economically self-sufficient. But in the 90s. this weakness of the subjects, on the contrary, helped maintain the integrity of the Russian Federation.
            A federation with 89 subjects, then 83, now 85, by definition, can only be centralized, largely resembling a unitary state.
            1. +1
              26 February 2016 05: 50
              Quote: Sergej1972
              There was no threat of the collapse of the Russian Federation even in the 90s, but there was a threat of loss of some territories.

              But what then is decay? Or do you think that everything would be limited to one Chechnya?
        4. +8
          25 February 2016 20: 33
          But did Yeltsin need to do something with Ukraine? He called on every Russian waking up in the morning to think, and what have I done for Ukraine?
          The nineties passed, Boriska merged.
          Putin came ... And he also had to think about hoh-lah? Did he have any business in Russia? And the kokols already lived under Kuchma, who wrote the book "Ukraine is not Russia". Does it fit with the article? Ato. And there the geyropeytsy galloped into the Maidan in 2004 and arranged ... Who could restrain Bandera scum? So until 2014, everything sailed. And the author is right, no one could turn the cocks towards Russia. I know, I lived there at that time ...
        5. -2
          25 February 2016 21: 21
          write down on points everything that you would do if the Kremlin didn’t succeed in this situation
          (the only thing could be to disperse the maidan of the Maidan and hang the instigators)
          1. +1
            26 February 2016 01: 14
            Put "-", the question is not about the salary.
      3. +16
        25 February 2016 19: 42
        Quote: Thought Giant
        Too many there, unfortunately, turned out to be intruders.

        Even more there appeared to be galloping in delight of the coming changes ... Post-Maidan Ukraine is a more dangerous world precedent than ISIS. There is no legal state in both territories. But unlike ISIS, with which no one will enter into any official agreements, openly supply weapons and instructors, Ukraine continues to be considered a state. Despite the fact that not the very last figure of this "state" openly confesses to war crimes, to incite the army against the people. Download next ..
        1. mihasik
          26 February 2016 02: 44
          Quote: Tersky
          But unlike ISIS, with which no one will conclude any formal agreements, openly supply weapons and instructors, Ukraine continues to be considered a state.

          But do not tell me who recognized the current government in Ukraine from the Russian Federation?
      4. +10
        25 February 2016 19: 56
        Quote: Thought Giant
        Too many there, unfortunately, turned out to be intruders.

        Too few here, unfortunately, turned out to be those for whom the interests of Russia are primary. For 24 years, Russia fed Ukraine and nurtured Bandera. Really no one saw what was happening? It was just for everyone ..... And our ambassadors Chernomyrdin, Zurabov ... they wanted the best, but it turned out as always. Donbas resisted, but they are trying to push him back. Minsk -1.2,3 ... 99 Russia retreated and practically surrendered ... Everything would have been returned, but (!!!!) I believe that only broad popular support saved the Donbas. In the event of its surrender, it would be impossible to explain to the Russians in any way. Therefore, the little stub still holds ... But after all, everything went to that. that the whole east and south of Ukraine will return to their homeland. And the remainder without industry would have been ill sooner with Bandera ...
        1. 0
          26 February 2016 02: 48
          Well, not so small, given that Donetsk and Lugansk and their agglomerations are part of the DPR and LPR. Incidentally, the territory of the present LDNR within the current borders was considered during the Soviet era to be mainly part of the Great Russian ethnic territory, as the territory was predominantly Russian in terms of population, but part of the Ukrainian SSR. And those territories of LDNR, which are under the control of Ukraine, were considered, although Russian-speaking, but still Ukrainian ethnic territories. Except Mariupol.
          In general, the border between the Great Russian and Ukrainian ethnic territories passed, according to Soviet ethnographers, along the Kalmius River.
          It seems to me that if it is not possible to create a government in Ukraine loyal to the Russian Federation, and if it is not possible to create Greater Novorossia, Russia should in such an extreme case join LDNR and Mariupol as predominantly Great Russian territories. Indeed, in fact, a significant part of the Donetsk and Lugansk regions has nothing to do with Novorossia. This is partly a piece of Slobozhanshchina (Sloboda Ukraine), and partly a piece of Great Russia, part of the territory of the Don Don Host Region.
      5. +1
        25 February 2016 22: 29
        wrong .. I must admit. that even without the "zaslanets" the dill people demonstrated a high skill "so that the neighbor would be worse." That is, we ... well, they cannot all be like that at the same time after being zombified .. and they had envy of us in the subcortex ... they just brought a match on time.
    2. +38
      25 February 2016 18: 54
      Quote: Black
      Why we could not win in Kiev
      Because we did not come to war ... laughing

      Everything is correct ... Ukraine must go through "purgatory" .. So that this time will be REMEMBERED for centuries!
      And we will remind them, periodically ...
      1. +2
        25 February 2016 20: 11
        What does the State Department have to do with it. Ukrainians constantly podlanyali regularly on all ages. When the State Department was not there. It’s in the blood. Art is such a scare.
    3. +21
      25 February 2016 19: 03
      Because they wanted to get everything for free.
      In time to send money to the Kharkov authorities - the SBU, the police, the prosecutor's office - and there too they would have taken power as in the Donbass with their people's governor.
      Remember the pictures of Motorola at a rally in Kharkov? I remember. Nobody wanted to fight with Russia, everyone was shocked after the Crimea.
      I won’t talk about other regions. One is enough - the planned capital of Novorosia.
      It turned out to be expensive. Now pay ten times. Not our method, say? And to allow death in the Donbass is our method?

      I hope that the cunning grandmaster Surkov, who was going to talk everyone out, will ever answer for this.

      Now the excuses have gone, like this is HPP.
      1. The comment was deleted.
      2. 0
        25 February 2016 20: 11
        Quote: Pereira
        Because they wanted to get everything for free.
        In time to send money to the Kharkov authorities - the SBU, the police, the prosecutor's office - and there too they would have taken power as in the Donbass with their people's governor.
        Remember the pictures of Motorola at a rally in Kharkov? I remember. Nobody wanted to fight with Russia, everyone was shocked after the Crimea.
        I won’t talk about other regions. One is enough - the planned capital of Novorosia.
        It turned out to be expensive. Now pay ten times.
        Not our method, say? And to let death in the Donbass is our method?

        I hope that the cunning grandmaster Surkov, who was going to talk everyone out, will ever answer for this.

        Now the excuses have gone, like this is HPP.

        this is still a question where it would be more expensive. for such a piece of Ukraine and the price had to pay the appropriate, but not sanctions, but isolation. but there would certainly not be so many deaths, and even destruction.
      3. +1
        26 February 2016 01: 08
        Hell yes. This is our method. Do not climb like the USA with your nose where they are not asking and respect someone else's sovereignty. The principles you know are expensive. Or here we are observing, here we are not observing, here the fish was wrapped ...

        Moreover, the article describes reasonably enough that in this situation it is not possible to win. The elite was initially anti-Russian; the people have been against us for 20 years. A new generation has grown. They would send troops — they received Chechnya in tenfold size. They will send the money to the Kharkov authorities - it will be like with Lukashenko - they will take it and wag their asses. And if they don’t, then another Poroshenko and Kharkov will drown in blood.

        With Crimea everything ended well for the ratio of 97 to 3. Historically, this happened. But in Kharkov or even Donetsk, completely different numbers
    4. The comment was deleted.
    5. 0
      25 February 2016 19: 11
      And why the victory Kuev? He will fall apart. Let's see what will begin there after July 1, when the hryvnia will fall irrevocably, and housing and communal services will jump up to heaven.
      1. +12
        25 February 2016 19: 23
        How much do you intend to wait? He’s been falling apart for two years now. Are you waiting for tired?
        I've been waiting for two years. I'm sick of it.
        It is time to present the bill to those who promised us a blitzkrieg of the Russian spring, who said that they would not allow the shooting of civilians, who did not support Strelkov, who stopped the attack on Mariupol, gave a break to the junta, having received in return the same sanctions and the ABM advance to the borders.
        Banderlogs above us are laughing in our voice, and the Ukrainian army, with all its puppetry and general alcoholism, is superior to the army of New Russia.
        It's time for someone to answer. Or is it not time yet? What do you think?
        1. +5
          25 February 2016 20: 37
          Yes, Pereira, apparently you don’t have an account for the hill ...
      2. 0
        26 February 2016 01: 20
        The State Department will not allow it, but here we will see after July 1.
    6. +12
      25 February 2016 19: 12
      Yes, to the war, then we came, only there was no war. And the author is right: "Kiev is just such a typical case, you cannot win where victory is absent in the set of possible results." For 25 years there has grown a generation of galloping idiots.
      Even if ... Donbass wins, and these horses are calmed down, it will take another 20 years of normal Ukraine to sweep Bendery out of people's lives.
      1. +2
        25 February 2016 19: 46
        20 years a lot.
        For 10 years, from 10 to 20 million Ukrainian banderlogs can be forged on the construction of the NEW port of Dudinka and the reconstruction of the port of Pevek.
        True, it will be reforging one way - to permafrost.

        We have experience.
        1. +2
          25 February 2016 20: 25
          Yes, many more beautiful places in Russia are waiting for exiled Banderlog for work
        2. 0
          25 February 2016 23: 35
          do not forget it is necessary to pull the "piece of iron" to Magadan always reiterate about it.
      2. -1
        25 February 2016 21: 02
        Quote: volodimer
        And the author is right: "Kiev is just such a typical case, you cannot win where there is no victory in the set of possible results." For 25 years, a generation of prancing idiots has grown up there.

        So, someone did not sleep, and all 25 years worked, so that we now there "could not win."
        And by the way, they couldn’t, or did they explain it to us and want us to think so?
        But can we work for a long time, or can we just crap for 25 years, and then clutch our heads and lament that everything is lost?
        ps The article is nonsense of a crazy defeatist, with such an approach as the author’s need to lie down and die in a coffin.
        1. +3
          25 February 2016 23: 24
          I look, minus grabbed ... Although for what ... "someone did not sleep, and worked for all 25 years, so that we now" could not win ". I agree ... But that's why Crimea is not Donbass ... "Can we work for a long time ...?" Probably need to start at least now,
          so as not to make a few more generations ... While someone is awake.
    7. -7
      25 February 2016 20: 02
      well oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo psa judges who?
    8. +3
      25 February 2016 20: 14
      Why we could not win in Kiev

      By the fact that we have not fought there.
    9. +7
      25 February 2016 23: 40
      Quote: Black
      Because we did not come to war ...

      We really did not show up. And why, if you lost back in 1991, or even much earlier? During the late USSR, all the elites of the Union republics dreamed of finally “privatizing” power and property in their “national estates”. What happened after the collapse of the USSR. Could it be otherwise? Probably not! Even if, in 1991, Gorbachev persuaded all the Union republics to sign an “updated union agreement”, this would be a “temporary solution” and the disintegration process would continue. Only the economic (and with it the political) sovereignty of the new nation-states would be strengthened at the expense of Russia. A collapse would have been inevitable (and it would have seized the Russian autonomy). Did V.I. Lenin in 1922, creating the USSR, that this will ever happen? Unlikely. The time was different then: it seemed that only "liberation" of the "national proletariat" from the oppression of "Great Russian tsarism", as all nations and nationalities flourished. There will be a role model for the entire planet. And this heyday really happened, but only at the expense of the Russian majority. It was divided into Ukrainians and Belarusians, and they tried to make the “Soviet nation” out of the “Great Russian core” (not for personal gain, but for ease of management). The Leninists tried (in fact, the Trotskyists) so that this people (Russians) would not be reborn more as a single people and would not remember their great history. The new authorities needed a "new history", and the old one had to be presented as a "series of misfortunes of oppressed peoples." After the collapse of the USSR, the liberals also tried (and are trying) to make the Russians a new nation “Russian”, only without national autonomies (local elites build their “nations” there). Doesn't it remind anyone? The same "Bolshevik methods" only adopted by the liberals ...
    10. lel
      28 February 2016 13: 46
      I'll put in my penny ... I'm Russian myself, I live in Ukraine, or rather in the occupation ... the partition of the USSR was beneficial to the elites, now it was possible to rob openly, without looking back at the commission from Moscow ... no more "cotton cases" ... We should always have a tsar on the throne, and next to them, below the Duma (from the boyars), the boyars of the tsar were removed themselves (nevertheless, in the 17th coup, the generals did not the Bolsheviks), this system passed to us ... Duma (Rada) and derail the state. Of course, it is not profitable for them to have some kind of control bodies from above .... therefore, the shout is worth the glory to Ukraine and about their independence ... there were relatives from Kazakhstan who say if it were not for the dictatorship of Nazarbayev. then the local beys would have torn the state to shreds long ago, into their districts and lands ... they did not need Russian parties in Ukraine, it goes without saying, and yet there was an opportunity to organize them ... here I disagree with the author ... how did they conduct a survey of the population during Yushchenko - are there any who want to join Russia, there were only 450% of them, including me ... very few ... my sister, as a joke, said, if only Russia here in ukraine it organized its own party (pro-Russian, that would have been understandable) and these "members" were given discounts on gas, on food and goods from Russia, on MTS mobile communications, then all Galicians signed up for it, not to mention the rest ... But this is true and it made sense, perhaps at first ardent nationalists, svidomye were also recorded, but after all, brainwashing does its job, they will not miss their profit ... brainwashing is not a weak thing ... while driving through the territory of Bulgaria and Serbia I saw there are many mosques in villages and cities and Muslim Slavs go there ... at first they were forcibly converted and but now no one bothers them to leave Islam .... they do not come out ... there was a chance right after their victory of the Maidan, at the end of February 3, I was driving from the Dnieper to the Crimea, 14 km ... 500 cars met all along the way ... 7 !!! complete silence, I really hoped to meet Russian troops on the road, and the Ukropov media screamed that they had seen Russian armored personnel carriers near Zaporozhye ... they had a panic ... Berkut and Cossacks were standing at Chongar. and the Crimea was already Russian ... it was possible to put (tie) Yanukovych on an armored personnel carrier, change our clothes into the uniform of a golden eagle and into Kiev ... arrest the junta and declare martial law in the country ... how many lives could be saved ... about morality ... like the writer Rasputin read a question to his hero of the story, where is the line that distinguishes morality and immorality in relation to the enemy ... and so the old hunter answered, everything is very simple, the wolf is always wrong and the wolfhound is always right .. . I think understood ... good luck to everyone ...
    11. The comment was deleted.
    12. 0
      28 February 2016 15: 26
      give them a cowardly yes and all things
  2. +25
    25 February 2016 18: 52
    "... Ukrainians will certainly become part of Greater Europe ..."
    Here, only, in line for the Arabs are separated, and, surely, they will become! أوكرانيا أوروبا good
    1. +14
      25 February 2016 19: 43
      Quote: ALABAY45
      "... Ukrainians will certainly become part of Greater Europe ..."
      Here, only, in line for the Arabs are separated, and, surely, they will become! أوكرانيا أوروبا good

      So the Arabs will just become that payment for association with Europe, Ukraine will accept some five million Arabs, let them jump to their health.
  3. +6
    25 February 2016 18: 54
    Quote: ALABAY45
    Here, only, in line for the Arabs are separated, and, of course, will!
    ... or to the Arabs ... smile
  4. +32
    25 February 2016 18: 57
    Why didn't you win? For 25 years there, the Americans have been preparing their foothold, the mentality of people (and most importantly of young people) reconfiguring in an anti-Russian way. They raised monsters and set off a chain reaction - monsters will also give birth to monsters. And at that time we shouted "Hurray brothers - Ukrainians - we are with you forever."
    P.S. Note - having knocked down our plane in Syria, we got a "knife in the back", but what happened in Ukraine was 300 knives in the back, a blow in the stomach and another 300 knives in the back. To play off not just two blood nations, to play off relatives is an example of brilliant American "democracy". Brother to brother, son to father - we read this in classical literature (Bulgakov, Sholokhov, Babel, etc.) - and now we are living witnesses of the classic civil war.
    1. +3
      25 February 2016 19: 07
      Quote: Dr. Bormental
      And at that time we shouted "Hurray brothers - Ukrainians - we are with you forever."

      And yet they are our brothers ... Although not travel! (it happens in a family ... I wanted to live "having painted"! x \ f "Love and Doves"))))
      1. +5
        25 February 2016 19: 15

        Brothers, brothers ... what will happen next with these fools? That is the question of the question of questions ... and then what shall we do with this? Understand and forgive? hi
        1. +4
          25 February 2016 19: 23
          Quote: Dr. Bormental
          Brothers, brothers ... what will happen next with these fools? That is the question of the question of questions ... and then what shall we do with this? Understand and forgive? hi

          We will beat hard, but behind closed doors (so that no screaming can be heard ..)
        2. +16
          25 February 2016 19: 47
          Quote: Dr. Bormental
          Brothers, brothers ... what will happen next with these fools? That is the question of the question of questions ... and then what shall we do with this? Understand and forgive? hi

          I don’t know about understanding, but about forgiveness, who betrayed once, will betray many times. hi
          1. +3
            25 February 2016 20: 04
            Yes, you understand that for dill, ask for forgiveness ... especially with us - this is utopia smile.
            1. The comment was deleted.
            2. +11
              25 February 2016 20: 21
              Quote: Dr. Bormental
              Yes, you understand that for dill, ask for forgiveness ... especially with us - this is utopia smile.

              It’s just that utopia, these little brothers will never return, much less ask for gas discounts, they won’t be, so all this talk about brothers, not brothers is empty, even Ukraine will enter the EU, there will be a lot of ambition , zero sense, here let the EU and feed these brothers. hi
            3. +2
              25 February 2016 21: 22
              Quote: Dr. Bormental
              Yes, you understand that for dill, ask for forgiveness ... especially with us - this is utopia

              What is utopia? Narcissistic they are like peacocks. Only educate pendals.
      2. The comment was deleted.
  5. +6
    25 February 2016 18: 58
    Why the hell do we need this territory with crazy residents? Let them continue to ride, perhaps they will warm up!
    1. +4
      25 February 2016 19: 12
      Quote: Neophyte
      Why the hell do we need this territory with crazy residents? Let them continue to ride, perhaps they will warm up!

      This is expected of us in the west ... Further on the rise (Yeltsin and Gorbach, they reasoned, or rather performed ..)
      1. 0
        25 February 2016 20: 44
        That's it. Two sadomas Mask remembered looking at night
  6. +22
    25 February 2016 19: 01
    The question can be posed in another way: Did Russia want to win in Kiev?
    After all, if you look at the things that are happening in Russia now, then in fact Kiev could be a trap for the Russian Federation. I explain why in my opinion: sanctions against Russia + essentially the maintenance of the entire Ukrainian economy in the event of a victory in Kiev + that kind of two-legged Nazis in Ukraine + escalating military hysteria against Russia + Syria + "well-wishers" in Russia itself and other all kinds of mischief
    The GDP had two choices, bad and very bad - which one he chose only he knows.
    I repeat: this is my personal opinion.
    1. +4
      25 February 2016 19: 25
      We already have all this.
      And what is the advantage of the current choice?
      1. +2
        25 February 2016 20: 46
        In the meantime, you do not have to spend money on the whole of Ukraine, but only on the Donbass. There is a difference?
      2. 0
        26 February 2016 01: 27
        Can you offer other options?
  7. -21
    25 February 2016 19: 01
    I’m the ultimate vadu to drink, but not American. Simple is not sweet. A lot of bugas and a lot of bullshit.
    New extreme sport. Show two long articles that do not make sense and break the jackpot (a point in our opinion)?
    1. mad
      25 February 2016 19: 26
      Is a highly intelligent statement honestly pastoral from the censor? )))
      1. +2
        25 February 2016 20: 00
        Quote: mad
        Is a highly intelligent statement honestly pastoral from the censor?

        I’m no longer going to the censor. There, with a sectarian opinion, they crush and immediately go to the bath forever and ever
  8. +6
    25 February 2016 19: 03
    Until they themselves understand what kind of opa they themselves got into, it is impossible to convince, only to spend time.
  9. +5
    25 February 2016 19: 04
    The fate of this girl who wanted lace trunks is interesting.
    1. +3
      25 February 2016 19: 17
      the girl seemed to come to Moscow, got a job on some TV channel ...
    2. +3
      25 February 2016 19: 22
      Quote: Primus Pilus
      The fate of this girl who wanted lace trunks is interesting.

      Dial in the internet Olga Znachkova Kiev, information is. smile
    3. +6
      25 February 2016 19: 25
      She was sent to Leningradka with the words "you will earn yourself"
    4. The comment was deleted.
  10. +10
    25 February 2016 19: 07
    There is nothing to pity them, they ruined the country with their own hands,
    only let them not ask for help, they are tired of arrogant beatings.
  11. -14
    25 February 2016 19: 09
    What’s the ass there, what’s here, it’s just that we have a little washed
    1. +3
      25 February 2016 19: 35
      Quote: Damask
      What’s the ass there, what’s here, it’s just that we have a little washed

      Why is that ass? Are you undernourished? Not having a drink? Personally, I both lived and live - I didn’t eat and don’t eat lobsters .. I always went to the Caucasus to relax, and this year I’ll go ...
  12. +16
    25 February 2016 19: 11
    Quote: ALABAY45
    "... Ukrainians will certainly become part of Greater Europe ..."
    Here, only, in line for the Arabs are separated, and, surely, they will become! أوكرانيا أوروبا good
  13. +3
    25 February 2016 19: 11
    It is understandable about the truffles thought. And left without them ...
    1. +25
      25 February 2016 19: 40
      and without a homeland ...
      1. +1
        25 February 2016 23: 26
        good good in principle, these jokes can be summarized as to become so and commentary)))))))))). And the last news was read by don Pedro said that if eating guano would harm the damn pits, we would eat it in tons, Tse still too much or already zrada ????
  14. +4
    25 February 2016 19: 12
    Think, looking at the modern Ukrainian “elitists”, what chances would they have in Moscow if they retained / created a single managerial structure?
    Normal odds. The Duma is full of such. And in the government according to the order as national minorities.
  15. +3
    25 February 2016 19: 14
    People in Russia do not live much richer, especially the last 2 years ... I know a lot of people I know who have lost their jobs - they were stupidly reduced. The salary itself was significantly reduced, it’s good that we did not drive it out ... So, as the President said, we thought that last year was a black stripe, it turns out not - white ...
    1. +5
      25 February 2016 19: 57
      Because they reduced it, because everyone was chasing a long ruble, who worked in Western companies — everyone was shaking. Why work as a doctor if you can drag in an import of Mr. .. right? I do not mind them.
      1. 0
        25 February 2016 20: 53
        why live if there is no brain?
    2. +1
      25 February 2016 20: 37
      and it looks like this year, in December, it’ll also joke again sad
  16. +10
    25 February 2016 19: 15
    Will you be the third ?! Or a coward, dunce and experienced in modern Ukrainian comedy Obama!
    1. +6
      25 February 2016 19: 41
      ... not worth our favorite childhood characters with these D, B! identify even as a joke ... it's ugly negative
    2. +1
      26 February 2016 01: 33
      Brick faces are asking.
  17. +2
    25 February 2016 19: 15
    The topic is revealed, what's next? The junta will not - what then to do with 40.000.000 of the country's population 404? And with the territory? Then what? request
    1. -4
      25 February 2016 20: 48
      Will have to feed ... brothers
      1. +2
        25 February 2016 20: 51
        broken glass and dust
  18. +2
    25 February 2016 19: 16
    Quote: Primus Pilus
    The fate of this girl who wanted lace trunks is interesting.

    so she fled to Russia hi
  19. +27
    25 February 2016 19: 17
    Why we could not win in Kiev

    Because the Union was not destroyed in order to rebuild. Even in the form of TS. Any integration with Russia is a threat to local elites ANY from the former republics of the Union. In all republics of the former Union, local elites are only interested in power (preferably absolute) and enrichment. And Russia is only interested in them as a way to consolidate this power. (For example, Lukashenko) It is now that Azarov and Yanukovych position themselves as supporters of Russia, and before the coup, they were not noticed in anything like that.
  20. +5
    25 February 2016 19: 18
    I don’t know if Lukashenko had chances in Russia, but Putin, with his reforms, was a real threat to Ukrainian authorities and Ukrainian elites
    Is Putin a threat? OH! Tse is the most peaceful person. It’s enough to remember the Minsk agreements. What about his reforms? What is the threat to Ukraine?
    Therefore, Goebbels himself would have been glad and envied Ukrainian propaganda. Kiev, unlike Moscow, was not interested in the reforms of the economy and the state, but in the field of propaganda ... Then they would give a hundred points ahead to anyone.
    So Russia lost even Ukraine to the information war?
    And we still wonder why it is so difficult to communicate with Ukrainians on the Internet
    what Ukrainians? Ethnomutants. The correct term.
  21. The comment was deleted.
  22. +2
    25 February 2016 19: 21
    How much has been written ...... Has anyone been able to read to the end? perhaps of course this is analytics, but I would prefer to hear something about the support of the DPR and LPR, which the Russian people have heard very poorly lately .... for some reason. It is more audible that the APU took several villages in the gray zone .. etc. SORROW
    1. +1
      25 February 2016 20: 54
      "Yes, everything is probably ... The LDNR is over, it is uninteresting and expensive ... And the" Russian World "... well, this is already irrelevant" - maybe Grandmaster Surkov or someone else who runs the ball thinks so
  23. +20
    25 February 2016 19: 22
    Ukrainians have no rivals in dibilism
    1. 0
      26 February 2016 02: 45
      Then not to Lviv, but to Lemberg! And not the governor, but the gauleiter!
    2. The comment was deleted.
  24. -3
    25 February 2016 19: 23
    But let's better talk about us and our leadership with its strong vertical .. We often scold Lyakhs, they say they are Russophobes and everything else .. But these Russophobes in fifteen years (even with Amer’s money) have completely raised the country's economy. and our machine tool industry and mining industry and further down the list .. And all this works effectively. But for fifteen years we are only talking about the need to get off the oil and gas needles .. and that's it. Time lost, money stolen or, at best, inefficiently spent. So what are we waiting for? When will the hohland end up? Yes, with such a leadership we’ll find ourselves in a better place .. Look around us, our ostentatious patriotism will not raise the country. Being Emely on the stove is not an option. Only a complete change of political course from the oligarchic plunder system to the socialist will raise the country ..
    1. 0
      26 February 2016 11: 39
      Well, it’s hard to talk about raising the economy, but it’s impossible to completely collapse. This is about Ukraine. Of course, they made rocket and ship engines for us, and this is not an empty place. And so on.
  25. bad
    25 February 2016 19: 23
    no wonder that the horse in the picture is still a girl laughing
    1. +3
      25 February 2016 19: 55
      I read that this "horse in the photo" is now in Moscow. He offers his acting talents to Russian kreaklam. I think they will not leave her in trouble and soon we will see her in Russian cinema.
      1. 0
        26 February 2016 11: 40
        What is Moscow? She doesn’t want to in the vehicle!
    2. 0
      26 February 2016 01: 37
      Some schizophrenia ....
    3. 0
      28 February 2016 14: 40
      the girl has been walking in the same underpants for two years
  26. +29
    25 February 2016 19: 24
    It seems to me that this is not Russia that lost Ukraine, but Ukraine, Russia. Ukrainians lost not only the Crimea and the Donbass, but also Siberia and the Urals, Kamchatka and the Far East. They lost Oil and gas, diamonds and gold. Ukrainians lost space and defense. They have lost EVERYTHING. It was all theirs in a single state, like any person living in the USSR.
    But they chose to give up all these riches. This is their choice. It is Ukraine that has lost Russia, and not vice versa.
    1. +12
      25 February 2016 19: 46
      They said beautifully, and most importantly, everything is true! I would paraphrase your comment and say that they betrayed their homeland, turned away from it in favor of the West. Well, let them taste these values. I am only afraid that they will receive lace panties, but they will also wipe their tears with the same, but already filthy lace panties. Because besides panties they will not be given other clothes hi
    2. 0
      25 February 2016 19: 46
      They said beautifully, and most importantly, everything is true! I would paraphrase your comment and say that they betrayed their homeland, turned away from it in favor of the West. Well, let them taste these values. I am only afraid that they will receive lace panties, but they will also wipe their tears with the same, but already filthy lace panties. Because besides panties they will not be given other clothes hi
    3. 0
      25 February 2016 21: 01
      Leksandrych, everything you listed today belongs to the oligarchs
  27. +1
    25 February 2016 19: 24
    Yes, because they did not do it. Let everything go by chance. At this time, the Amerinians sherudil.
  28. +1
    25 February 2016 19: 25
    Ukrainians have chosen Europe. Well, let them jump.
  29. +9
    25 February 2016 19: 25
    When I wrote here in 13 that they are not brothers to us! I was actively minded here! And they proved the opposite with foam at my mouth! I wrote this in my article on how Russians are humiliated in Kiev (I don’t remember exactly) the opinion of visitors to this site has changed! Why didn’t it turn out at Bolotnaya in 2012, but did it happen in Kiev in 2014? It’s just that our people quickly got a taste of who it is and what it is! Plus, the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the leadership of the country worked well, which took adequate measures without looking back what will they say over the hill! And in Kiev, the complete impotence of the country's leadership and the Ministry of Internal Affairs, multiplied by a 25-year brainwashing! But what is there 25-year-old? it all started much earlier!
    1. +2
      25 February 2016 19: 33
      - 6 shells
      - government house
      - and our "Maidan" - ordered to live long ...
  30. +5
    25 February 2016 19: 26
    The article is large and I read it diagonally, so maybe I missed something. In any case, I did not notice the most interesting moment concerning Ukraine and Russia. The moment is such that since the time of Khrushchev, the basis of the political elite and even the economic one was either Ukrainians or immigrants from Ukraine. As soon as they got rid of them, there was some kind of positive movement. Maybe it's all about the Ukrainians. Maybe this is an ethnic group that cannot govern itself. Even now, they have such bells there in terms of the presence of all kinds of "Varangians"
    1. +6
      25 February 2016 19: 35
      Gorbachev, Yeltsin, also Ukrainians? Or is it not considered? Chernenko, again. Or did they put Ukrainians?
      1. 0
        25 February 2016 21: 16
        Just the survival of Ukrainians began during the time of Yeltsin. And so, look how many immigrants from Ukraine were in the ranks of managers in the USSR in the last 30 years.
        1. 0
          25 February 2016 21: 23
          So you have them now. Matvienko, for example, my countrywoman. Urgently take measures !!!!! smile
      2. The comment was deleted.
    2. +3
      25 February 2016 20: 52
      I haven't read the article (I read it diagonally), but I have formed my opinion and I hasten to share it. Or maybe we should try to master "a lot of letters", and then we'll talk? Moreover, the article is really interesting and written in a lively and boring language.
      Yes, as far as the "most interesting" is concerned, this is the same as the author of the article is talking about, just the opposite: "Beat him, save Russia."
      1. 0
        25 February 2016 21: 18
        I read diagonally better than you syllable. I just wrote about what I might have missed.
        1. 0
          26 February 2016 18: 30
          I was able to read syllables well at the age of 3 years and since then I have made significant progress in this area. And your statements contribute to inciting ethnic hatred and, therefore, pour water on the mill of our ideological enemies.
  31. +12
    25 February 2016 19: 26
    - started - much earlier
    - already in the 82nd year I heard armies / served in Ukraine /
    - that Ukraine feeds-all of Russia / and the USSR /
    - and "suitcase - station - RUSSIA" - sounded for the first time - in Ukraine
  32. -14
    25 February 2016 19: 28
    Honestly, I do not agree with the author. Before the well-known events, I have not heard any malice towards Russia from the inhabitants of Ukraine. And even after talking with girls from Dnepropetrovsk in Kiev and other far eastern regions, they never reproached me for what happened. Honestly for me, all Russophobia of Ukrainians lies in the field of myth. Yes there are individuals. But there are not as many as you imagine. Not so much.
    The author cites that thesis that our political elite is much better than their elite. And even after all, the author rejected the thesis about petrodollars. But the bottom line is that it is thanks to them that we are in a better position. Also, do not forget that Ukrainian industry was built based on ours. And they did not have the oil that helped us so much. That is the difference. And now, from all sides, the propaganda is pouring out that the Ukrainians are bad. And I'm talking about Russian propaganda. As a person who has loved ones in Ukraine, I don’t like it. But what can my opinion7 Nothing is right.
    What else to say. And here. There is no independent Ukraine for the author. She is either part of our country or an enemy. Fair. It says so in plain text. But who are you to decide which people are worthy of the state and which are not. The problem is in your view of this. You do not consider them people. And how do they then treat people like you 7
    In the last paragraph it is written about extremists. Indeed, nationalists are not favored here. But we have extremists who were warmed by that power. And yes, I'm talking about those who run Chechnya. Remind me how many Russians the senior Kadyrov called for killing7 But weren’t they declaring amnesties for those who would stop running in the mountains? You can object that it was a long time ago and now they have changed. But honestly, I don’t think so. I remember a raid on Budyonnovsk and footage of a report with killed innocent people. I remember the May Day raid. And excuse me, I will remember this for the rest of my life. And I will tell my children. To remember. So we have our own extremists.
    In the end, I want to say one thing. You are the same as those who support pravosekov. The difference is only in slogans. You are the ones who ruin our world that took so long to develop. You are the ones who support the anger between our fraternal peoples without a doubt.
    1. Riv
      25 February 2016 19: 38
      Brotherly? Alas. "We will never be brothers" - no one pulled the tongue. And now there should be only one conversation with the hohlovermacht - from the AKM.
      1. -8
        25 February 2016 19: 53
        Not a single Ukrainian has ever said anything like this to me. I won’t be as busy as you. They did nothing wrong to me. I don’t know what they did to you. But it is clearly wrong to say the things you said. I represent you as an adult, but your speeches at the school level are not higher.
    2. -6
      25 February 2016 20: 50
      why should the author talk about this? After all, we are already driven through state channels by such a mood that the first Chechen war was not right and the feds were wrong. about this almost literally in their transmissions grunts a Kremlin cock of a Jewish breed by the name of Solovyov
    3. +1
      25 February 2016 22: 06
      "Indeed, nationalists are not favored here. But we have extremists whom that power has warmed up. And yes, I mean those who run Chechnya. Remind me how many Russians the elder Kadyrov called to kill?" - You have to remember. certainly. But then you need to remember that the Chechen battalion "Vostok" was the first to enter Tskhinvali in 2008. And "Putin's soldiers" fought in the Donbas for the Russians, for Russia.
      1. -5
        25 February 2016 22: 32
        Excuse me. In the first I didn’t even remember this botalion. And not even all Chechens. What did you drag them to7 Secondly, they fought in the Donbass. They fought with those who are closer to me nationally. So their achievements in the Donbass are somehow even disgusting to me. I generally dislike the war in Donabasey. And everyone who brought her to her. But you have to wonder how many of the nearly 7 population of Donbass are adult men and how many of them are fighting000 And how many foreigners are 000 Think about these numbers.
        There is a thesis that they took up arms in order to prevent the "brutal reprisals of the ukrokaratels". But they wanted to burn down the KhNR. And even the local white house was captured there. But there was no "Atrocities" there.
        All this hysteria around Donbass is only an art education. And you only help this damned fire burn further.
      2. 0
        10 March 2016 12: 41
        Still, I tell you you need to remember what happened in the same Chechnya and in 93,94 and later, and what is the role in those events who are now driving there .. about Tskhinvali and Donbass, facts and not propaganda in the studio !!!! they fought as part of the units of the Ministry of Defense /, and from what retire..u they have started to form on nat basis ??? what "great" strategist introduced this ???
    4. The comment was deleted.
  33. Riv
    25 February 2016 19: 29
    Well, the author is right ... But I'm interested in the other side, that is, the side of the issue. Three letters: H, X, and I. Why have cheap gas been given for so many years? Why pay rent for the base in Sevastopol? Why allowed and allowed ukroarbytera travel to Russia? Why did Crimea return to Russia only a year ago?

    Did it take so many years to make a fuss, or was it worth it to cure a bad tooth, how was Chechnya cured by about the same methods? And after all, they clatter with them now, as with small children. Why not take the Donbass army under direct control, give them modern weapons and arrange for the hohlovermaht to get such a harass, after which the famine there will be considered quite a good time?
    1. -1
      25 February 2016 21: 04
      Nah .. Am I all this crap? Donbass, say, well ... Well, the only question is - when are the bandits and hucksters, who only banned the stalls. were able to really create a state, and manage it? Just let’s do it without Uryayayayaya patriotism and about the Russian spring .. DNR and ILR are needed only to finish off the remains of dill industry and remove competitors, at least from the CIS market ... Why do I think so, just one example: -in 2008-2009 I worked with Uzbeks, they drove metal rolling from dill to themselves because they were cheaper than ours (I live in the Urals), even with transportation costs ...
      1. Riv
        26 February 2016 05: 55
        Stupid version. If the only thing is to get rid of a competitor, then what is the problem? They cut off cheap gas - and in Ukraine everything will go up in price, not just steel. Already risen in price.
        There are more healthy ways than to play separatism.
        1. 0
          18 March 2016 12: 02
          and who said that there is only one problem being solved?
  34. +7
    25 February 2016 19: 34
    Throughout their history, the "ancient Ukrainians" went to such an ending, masterfully, we must pay tribute, hiding their vile nature.
  35. +15
    25 February 2016 19: 36
    Yes, everything is much simpler. In Ukraine, there has never been a single pro-Russian president, and those who argue, I can easily prove the opposite simply by two facts, although there are many more. 1) The same Yanukovych did nothing to ban Bandera parties in Ukraine. 2) UNA-UNSO and other bandits fought against Russia in the Caucasus, on the side of Dudaev and Saakashvili, and the Ukrainian government refused to extradite these bandits at the request of the Russian prosecutor's office. You may ask - Why did Ukraine separate from Russia ?! Everything is simple. In the same Georgia, during the USSR, it was not rare to meet a shepherd’s house, standing on the outskirts, into which gas was transported, and in Russia today not everything is gasified. Ukraine, Georgia, the Baltic States were fed at the expense of Russia and the standard of living there was higher.The leadership of the USSR fed all these national minorities, pleasing them in everything and they decided that since they live better, it’s enough for them to leave the USSR and they will begin to live even better. In this they were strengthened by Soviet propaganda, which called Ukraine the All-Union granary, while in fact, Ukraine was one of the subsidized regions of the USSR. In many ways, the erroneous policy of the USSR has been preserved today, it manifests itself in the fact that the Kremlin gives loans to Ukraine, Armenia, Kyrgyzstan, which no one will return to Russia. This is partly because the Russian government has many non-Russian patriots inherited from Russia USSR foreigners. It’s enough to recall the espionage scandal when an ethnic Georgian, serving in the army of the Russian Federation with a high rank, seems to be a colonel, during the 2008 war, spied in favor of Georgia ... This is partly because the Soviet mentality about the alleged fraternity of peoples has not yet eroded . And what was this brotherhood ?! The fact that Ukraine in 1920-54 transferred a huge part of the land of Russia ?! And let me ask, on what basis and what in return did Russia receive from this ?! But she didn’t get anything, just the Ukrainian diaspora that made it to power in the USSR robbed Russia by stealing its territories ... How many wolves do not feed, he still looks into the forest ...
    1. +10
      25 February 2016 19: 48
      In which republic of the former USSR did you have or have a pro-Russian president? Does it mean that they have no way out. Lukashenko? I beg you. He needs Russia to support his pants and no more. As soon as he feels a threat to his power, he immediately begins turn to the West. Who else? Nazarbayev? Can you believe it yourself? I’ll repeat it. For the elites of ALL former republics of the Union, integration with Russia is not needed. It’s so cool. And what is bad for the people, who ever thought of it?
      1. +5
        25 February 2016 20: 41
        Yes, there are no pro-Russian presidents in the territory of the former Soviet Union, because each of these regional kingships values ​​their personal power and none of them wants to share it with Moscow, at least until someone starts cutting them, at one time, the Ottomans were cutting Georgians, during the time of Tsarina Tomara, then, with a torn ass, they crawl to Moscow, ask for help and again swear eternal friendship and fidelity, and Russia needs to get all this rude away from itself and let them die, therefore that the flock that changed the oath, and all of them swore an oath to Russia that has no honor, causes me more disgust than any worst Russian primordial enemy.
        1. +4
          25 February 2016 21: 09
          Well, if there were no pro-Russian presidents in the territory of the former USSR, then why do we just write there were no pro-Russian presidents in Ukraine? Did Russia feed Ukraine, but didn’t have the Baltic states? Did you make candy from the Baltic republics and where are these republics? NATO? And they don’t consider Russians as citizens they don’t give passports. Why are we silent about this? Or isn’t it relevant? And I am Russian, and my parents speak Russian, although I know Ukrainian, but I have a citizen’s passport. And nobody beats me in the face. although I live in Khmelnitsky (former Proskurovskaya) region. In the south of Ukraine, they believe that the Khmelnytsky region is Bandera, and every Galicia considers us to be Moscow, and I swore allegiance to the USSR, not Russia. And I celebrate, like most of the men who served under the Union. And when a similar holiday in Ukraine, I don’t even know. I remember that in the autumn and that’s all. If all the hamlo needs to be driven, then why is Yanukovych still in Russia?
          1. +7
            25 February 2016 21: 24
            An article about Ukraine, so I wrote about Ukraine. There will be an article about Latvia, I will write about Latvia. I will tell you honestly, Ukraine is more disgusting to me than Latvia, because Latvia had the conscience not to call itself a fraternal and friendly state to Russia after the collapse of the USSR. Ukraine, together with Latvia, fought against Russia in the Caucasus. Everyone who was in Chechnya remembers perfectly the snipers from the Baltic states, nicknamed `` white tights ''. The difference is that Latvia behaved with Russia at least honestly and frankly. I remember the participation of your UNA-UNSO in the war in Chechnya on the side of Dudayev, I even talked to them over the radio. Now they say that 30000 Bandera fighters fought against the Russian Federation in Chechnya, who were supported and supported by the Ukrainian government. Ukraine fought against Russia in Ossetia, on the side of Saakashvili, and that Ukrainian missiles and Ukrainian missilemen shot down Russian planes in 2008. So Ukraine has done more evil to Russia than the whole Baltic region taken together.
            1. 0
              25 February 2016 21: 39
              I'll tell you honestly. Not a single politician in Ukraine has called Russia a fraternal and friendly state. Not one !!!! Between ordinary people, at the household level, yes. They called and they call, although it may surprise you. But so that a representative of the government said something like this, it wasn’t this. In Chechnya, not only the citizens of Ukraine and the Baltic states fought, but also the citizens of Russia too. And Georgia and Azerbaijan and Kazakhstan and who only wasn’t there. Just like we do now in Donbas (On the side of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, and also many citizens from other republics are fighting for the DNRiLNR) Well, if the Baltic states are closer to you, then call them fraternal people.
              1. +5
                25 February 2016 21: 45
                I have no relatives abroad. And in Donbass I was at my own expense and for ideological reasons. I will fight even on the side of Satan if he starts a war against UNA-UNSO and the like.
                1. 0
                  25 February 2016 22: 37
                  And in Donbass, UNA-UNSO is not. These "patriots" are all in the National Guard and stand where they do not shoot. And all the right-wing people have nothing to do with UNA-UNSO. In fact, they are bezpridelschik who, under patriotic slogans, rob the country. "Azov", so there is 1 Ukrainian-10 foreigners. Kolomoisky's money allows it.
                  1. +2
                    25 February 2016 22: 54
                    The battalion UNA-UNSO `` Kievan Rus '' is fighting in the Donbass, under the command of the former head of the UNA-UNSO, Dmytro Korchinsky, and this is not the only part of the UNA-UNSO in Donbass. As you can see, I know better than you ...
                    1. 0
                      25 February 2016 23: 07
                      Quote: Corvetkapitan
                      Korvetenkapitan Today, 22:54 PM ↑
                      The battalion UNA-UNSO `` Kievan Rus '' is fighting in the Donbass, under the command of the former head of the UNA-UNSO, Dmytro Korchinsky, and this is not the only part of the UNA-UNSO in Donbass. As you can see, I know better than you ...

                      Is Korchinsky Dmytro still alive? That uncle who is already middle-aged with syvyy vusami? Yes, Ukraine has a stupid leadership. I agree. Korchinsky wrecker and the first separatist of Ukraine. He drove a colossal wedge to break off the Crimea from the Ukraine. These are his words --- "Or will they speak Ukrainian in the Crimea, or it will become deserted"? If then, according to hot Korchinsky, for these words of his, 20 years of strict prison regime without the right of amnesty were immediately soldered, then perhaps Crimea would not have fallen off from Ukraine in the future. And in Crimea, many would immediately respect such a government. Khokhlyatskie rulers did not guess, or perhaps did not know because of their stupidity. In Austria, such a term can be given just for denying the Holocaust, for what you say --- Ah, nonsense! --- for the events of 80 years ago.
                      1. +4
                        25 February 2016 23: 09
                        Unfortunately, Dmitro Korchinsky and his son are still alive, they both were injured in the Donbass, fighting in the ranks of the UNA-UNSO, but so far they are alive.
                      2. +2
                        25 February 2016 23: 17
                        Quote: Corvetkapitan
                        Korvetenkapitan Today, 23:09 ↑ New
                        Unfortunately, Dmitro Korchinsky and his son are still alive, they both were injured in the Donbass, fighting in the ranks of the UNA-UNSO, but so far they are alive.

                        Injury to wounds. Perhaps it is better to kill at once in one moment than to remain even without one leg. So, if Korchinsky instantly smashed the shell, then for him personally it would be even a blessing. Many dream of such a death. And he himself all his mean life, the bastard is looking for adventure. smile Even decorative rats scoffed, mra.zota ..
                      3. +2
                        25 February 2016 23: 34
                        Alas, none of them became disabled.
      2. 0
        26 February 2016 06: 38
        Quote: Bradypodidae
        In which republic of the former USSR did you have or have a pro-Russian president? Does it mean that they have no way out. Lukashenko? I beg you. He needs Russia to support his pants and no more. As soon as he feels a threat to his power, he immediately begins turn to the West. Who else? Nazarbayev? You yourself can believe it?

        But they didn’t say anything about Kazakhstan laughing Apparently nothing. Because Kazakhstan does not depend on Russia as much as Armenia or Belarus, but at the same time, Russia's closest friend and ally
    2. +6
      25 February 2016 22: 48
      Quote: Corvetkapitan
      , Ukraine was one of the subsidized regions of the USSR

      I read an interesting book, I don’t remember the author, called "Before and after the secret protocols." The book is not fictional. Documentary. So in it the author gives facts about who "fed" whom during the USSR. Ukraine was not subsidized, but showed a small "+". As well as Belarus was in a small plus. Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan barely went to zero, and all the rest of the gopota hung around the neck of the RSFSR, especially the Baltic states, Georgia and Armenia. And at the same time, personal deposits in the then Sberbank significantly exceeded deposits in other republics.
      The ratio was approximately the same per capita. RSFSR - 500 rubles each. Baltic States, Georgia, Armenia - 1500 rubles per capita. I don’t remember the exact numbers, who would be interested to find and read.
      So they imagined themselves ... Only when they were torn off their boobs, they immediately hated it.
      Before reading this book, I didn't really understand the essence of the monetary reform in the early 90s. And then I realized that it was the protection of the country's interests. Georgians, Balts and other huskies could shove their "hard-earned" savings into their own points.

      Here is a link to a book for anyone interested. Http://ruknigi.net/books/44773-do-i-posle-sekretnyih-protokol
      ov /
      1. +3
        26 February 2016 00: 33
        http://larisa-shumilo.livejournal.com/733545.html Должен вас разочаровать,Украина была именно дотационным регионом СССР,а если хотите цифры,то вот они,на ссылке.http://cs418231.vk.me/v418231532/6ec5/oC-_IO8SImA.jpg
        1. 0
          26 February 2016 10: 03
          I will not argue. In the same book, the authors cite the data of the State Statistics Committee. I will try to find this data in the book. Maybe I got something wrong. But such information was deposited in my head. I read a book 20 years ago.
        2. 0
          26 February 2016 10: 22
          Quote: Corvetkapitan
          http://larisa-shumilo.livejournal.com/733545.html Должен вас разочаровать,Украина была именно дотационным регионом СССР,а если хотите цифры,то вот они,на ссылке.http://cs418231.vk.me/v418231532/6ec5/oC-_IO8SImA.jpg

          Here is the data for 1 year. And these years are not the best. I think that it is incorrect to draw conclusions on 1 year of marriage.
          1. +2
            1 March 2016 05: 16
            http://s00.yaplakal.com/pics/pics_original/6/2/5/4210526.jpg Вот вам данные за 1989 год,если вам не достаточно данных за 1988 год,а что до ,,не самых лучших годов'' ,так ведь и для России эти годы были не лучшими.
      2. -1
        26 February 2016 03: 03
        Azerbaijan was also not a subsidized republic.
  36. +5
    25 February 2016 19: 37
    And they don’t know how to equip Ukraine, and they are not interested in this sad topic. They criticize Russia. And this is all done with one main goal: so that residents of Ukraine (let's call them so neutral) do not begin to ask uncomfortable questions about living standards in their homeland and in a neighboring state in the east.

    And why should they be interested in this? Indeed, for them it is important (just necessary) that it is not good in Ukraine, but that it is bad in Russia (or better, very bad). This gives meaning to their existence within Ukraine, increases self-esteem and gives some kind of illusive hope for the future. Therefore, lovers of Internet graters are so hard with them. After all, their return to the real world inevitably faces cognitive dissonance, hysteria and loss of life guidelines. Many first encountered this while presenting on Polish sites.
  37. -3
    25 February 2016 19: 39
    Largely disagrees with the author. I will ask one question: Why was it impossible to sell equipment for Tricolor in a legal way? Take a monthly fee in UAH. And I think a lot of questions would be solved easier now.
  38. +16
    25 February 2016 19: 39
    Everything is written correctly. We are not infected, not for us to heal. Two years of horror, and my Danko wasn’t found in the whole country, but to hell with such brothers and neighbors, I’ll remove rubbish in my yard and expel uninvited guests and parasites. Adequate people or weapons were picked up or they came to us to work and feed their families, and let the rest endure and go on. Soon a lot of prisons and clinics for experimental animals will be built for them by the new owners of the Americans, but they will still spit in our direction and grunt that the Russians are to blame. Who wants to be lackey, he does not imagine that you can be the master. Your country and your life.
  39. +4
    25 February 2016 19: 40
    I agree that "svidomye" in Ukraine, and it was the party "elite" asleep and saw themselves in the West. This was before the collapse of the USSR. But now the Westerners are mowing down the war in the Donbass. They say, let the Russians fight among themselves, and our hut is on the edge, i.e. in the West. I am amazed at how united Ukraine is now. Donbass after the war will never return there. In order for this to happen, they need to shoot everyone who is there.
  40. -7
    25 February 2016 19: 41
    An article from many bukaff is simply a primitive excuse for the criminal inactivity of our leadership. When it was necessary to seek out, support and educate the right Ukrainians, our officials selflessly made their own gesheft in the same Ukraine - oil and gas. transit and other.

    The Ambassador of the Russian Federation was drinking a glass of Chablis of the native mummer "kozatstva" and they were looking for him on the nose. supported and nurtured "correct" for themselves ukroelita.
    The bet on Yanukovych is the assessment of our work there.

    Gentlemen must work. and not to blame the wrong ukroelita "who knows where it came from".
  41. +14
    25 February 2016 19: 42
    it's time to take gifts from these clowns
  42. +4
    25 February 2016 19: 44
    It is unfortunate that the Country of the Soviets took care of raising the standard of living and fertility, and now we only consider and decrease losses. How can one blaspheme Stalin, in which the people regained strength after the losses of the War, boldly looked to the future, multiplied and expanded. According to forecasts of the end of the 19th century, the population of the Russian Empire by the end of the 20th century should have been about 500 million people. Where are they, unborn and murdered children, people: geniuses, musicians, talented engineers, astronauts, farmers and just loving mothers.
    And those not many who were born and "live" - ​​prostitute in Europe, kill each other to the delight of rubbing hands with Naglo-Saxons and Deutsches, degrade and die out from drugs, AIDS, syphilis and tuberculosis.
    The liberals have drawn a "bright future" for us. Bad Stalin - damn you, misanthropists and murderers.
    1. +1
      26 February 2016 03: 07
      Forecasts of the end of the 19th century were not quite scientific. However, the authors of these forecasts should not make big claims, because then it was difficult to predict the trends in demography that appeared in the second half of the 20th century.
      If we take the territory of the former Russian Empire, then over 300 million people now live on its territory.
  43. HAM
    25 February 2016 19: 44
    The author is 100% right. During all these years, I personally constantly communicate with the citizens of Ukraine on the radio, and, surprisingly,the most ardent Russophobia people 50-70 years old. Ready to cut the throat to everyone who thinks a little differently, and the youth, she sees this example, what now you will take from them, except for analyzes ..
    1. +3
      26 February 2016 03: 11
      What surprises me (at the household level, of course; I can rationally explain this) is that Russophobes are there among the former officers of the Soviet Army and among the former KGB officers, party and Soviet structures of Soviet Ukraine. And many of these people, strictly speaking, are generally of great Russian origin.
  44. -4
    25 February 2016 19: 48
    Article MINUS!
    The author climbs out of skin, wants, well, really wants, to whitewash our top for inability.
    Stupidly poured cash flows, discounts on gas, oil. And thought this would tie to Russia.
    Learn from the Americans. It is impossible to win by playing with cheaters and at the same time trying to observe the rules yourself.
    And now the balance with the bulldoze was let down, the balancer was knocked out, and the money (s) was bye bye ...
    So with Ukraine, no money, no good neighbor. So, some excuses were flooded: we are gentlemen (s), we do politics (s) in white gloves .... Politicians in white gloves do not work!
  45. +2
    25 February 2016 19: 50
    For them to fall in love with Russia, a change of several generations is needed with a strong propaganda campaign,
    involvement of their population, especially youth, in various discussions, direct contacts.
    Of course, the current dill generation can no longer be fixed, but they need to push through our ideology anyway.
    1. +3
      25 February 2016 20: 01
      And what is ideology? It’s just that we didn’t have anything. And the population had only one. Once the state beat us, it means we beat the state. And now the same ideology remains. As for the Natsyks and all sorts of different Bandera, there are almost none. Almost everyone mows under Natsyks and right-wingers, pursuing only their economic goals. If for a simple reason like this: While you can make money on it, they are patriots soon. But as soon as they stop paying for it, they will look for other paid trends in politics. That's all.
    2. +2
      25 February 2016 20: 07
      Quote: valent45
      For them to fall in love with Russia, a change of several generations is needed with a strong propaganda campaign,
      involvement of their population, especially youth, in various discussions, direct contacts.
      Of course, the current dill generation can no longer be fixed, but they need to push through our ideology anyway.

      Everything will be easier .. In Kiev there will be "Donetsk" people! They deserve it with their blood! And in Lviv too ... And Odessa is a separate conversation!
      1. 0
        25 February 2016 20: 11
        In Kiev there were already "Donetsk" (Yanukovych) How did it end?
        1. +1
          25 February 2016 21: 17
          Quote: Bradypodidae
          In Kiev there were already "Donetsk" (Yanukovych) How did it end?

          Now ours will stand! Who saw the blood ...
    3. +1
      26 February 2016 02: 04
      Do not love us. And they do not need to push through anything. If they want it, they will be asked to be part of the Russian Federation, and we will think about it. No - let Europe prosper in the waiting room of Europe
  46. +2
    25 February 2016 19: 53
    Why ... couldn’t?

    Could and won!
    It’s impossible to defeat herself alone.
    It takes time here. It comes.
    Patience and dying parts will grow by themselves
    Slavs are the whole
    I say
    Pirates lose ...
  47. +5
    25 February 2016 19: 55
    A lace panties have to be removed in the EU often. I want to eat.
  48. The comment was deleted.
    1. +4
      25 February 2016 20: 17
      Quote: Zeppelin ml.
      AND? You can hang on to Sharia and the company for as long as you like (screeching in the comments!), Hang labels on this whole gopota from BP and the xoxlak mass media - but what's the point?
      The idiots from conspiracy theorists, of course, will object - "this is a challenge to the States ... to kill!"
      Well, why am I in your emergency ??
      Stsuka ... are you afraid? laughing

      You have a panic, as I understand it ..? This is normal...
      Calm down!
      1. 0
        25 February 2016 20: 49
        Quote: MASK
        You have a panic, as I understand it ..? This is normal...
        Calm down!

        thanks guru! I’m here, I understand ....
        oops ... hipnotized..yea ...
        1. +2
          25 February 2016 21: 28
          Quote: Zeppelin ml.
          Quote: MASK
          You have a panic, as I understand it ..? This is normal...
          Calm down!

          thanks guru! I’m here, I understand ....
          oops ... hipnotized..yea ...

          You are bored in the west, however ... Isn't that the scale? (there is nowhere for the soul to roam ..))) It happens ...
  49. +2
    25 February 2016 20: 00
    I would like to see this girl in lace panties in a European brothel. Well, or on private products

    And say with satisfaction - dreams come true
    1. The comment was deleted.
      1. The comment was deleted.
  50. +2
    25 February 2016 20: 11
    They couldn’t, because they didn’t want to, apparently there was no interest. Or because of the shortsightedness that also takes place
  51. +3
    25 February 2016 20: 19
    Again, attempts to justify themselves? But why for many years they only fed themselves with dough, oil, gas, but did not lag behind their own interests, and the interests of the Russian-speaking population? Why were they stupidly silent when the Westerners crushed power, when they erected monuments to Bandera? When we were blackmailed by everyone and everyone? They themselves raised full-blown anti-Russians and we are surprised that they declared us enemies there - they truly warmed the snake on their chests. ..
    1. +1
      25 February 2016 23: 53
      Yes, because we still have a bunch of Westerners in power, even though they are quietly mowing them down, the Americans in 91-93 set the same system for us and for them
  52. +4
    25 February 2016 20: 25
    the solution to the political crisis from the Russian elites after the 90s is to restore the economy, the state and raise the standard of living for the “ordinary Russian”
    I read it, rejoiced, I wanted to shout “long live the Russian oligarchy.” But some doubts gnaw at me. Tell me what it’s like to convert billions of dollars into US obligations and immediately rejoice that: “The Emirati company DP World signed an agreement with RDIF to create a joint venture that will invest up to $2 billion in Russian ports. The successful implementation of this deal will make it possible to break the series of not too successful investments by Arab investors in our port infrastructure."
    This is how you understand it - we take someone else’s and not for good, we give it back with interest and forever. What can’t we invest in our own port infrastructure - is it enough not to hide the money in US government obligations?
    So it’s too early to be too proud of the Russian oligarchy.
    1. 0
      25 February 2016 23: 55
      Read the law on the central bank and you will understand why)))))))
  53. +1
    25 February 2016 20: 26
    Quote: Ami du peuple
    I would like to hope that the unfortunate "nenka" will be cleansed of this nationalistic pus. Although there are huge doubts about her ability to do this on her own

    It is correct that you doubt it. It will not clean itself. But after a certain number of years, Russia will have to restore all this. How many grandchildren will pour into the Ruin again? So it will be, unfortunately. And forget about bros and sisters. All this is primitive and was yesterday. So right, Putin doesn’t open the bottle, it’s still useful, it’s not the worst time. It will be useful for Usrain to restore ...
  54. +2
    25 February 2016 20: 27
    In the early 90s we were told that Russia had lost Crimea. 25 years have passed and Crimea has become part of Russia.
    Now we are told that Russia has lost Ukraine, but human life is less than historical processes, therefore, we do not know what else will happen in the next 25 years.
    Everything flows, everything changes.
  55. 0
    25 February 2016 20: 32
    I support the author 1000%. There's nothing more to say or say.
  56. +2
    25 February 2016 20: 32
    Gorodovik gave a +, for some reason the moderators transformed it into a -, the author -, the article is not deep, propaganda and very controversial, let me be a “company of Red Army soldiers” (in my opinion, it was the Red Army that proved that it is possible to win even in a very seemingly hopeless situation, WWII), but in Ukraine we could win and even, most likely, we still can, but for some reason we don’t want to. The point is not that Ukraine will be a sales market for the EU, for it to become one a lot of money needs to be invested in it, it is unlikely that the EU is going to boost the economy of Ukraine, but the fact is that in Ukraine there will be NATO troops and missile defense systems that will shoot down our missiles right over our heads, which will greatly strengthen the position of the United States throughout the world and will allow dictate to Russia. And my grandfather died liberating Kyiv and was buried on Glory Square in Kyiv, just there the Maidan soldiers trampled his grave and my memory with their dirty boots.....
  57. 0
    25 February 2016 20: 38
    It seems that the Americans will sail away and leave the Land alone with its misfortune, and then try to dump it on Russia, so that in addition to the Crimea, we will also raise the independent one. This is their cunning plan. Without spending a penny, they will significantly shake up Russia's pockets.
  58. +2
    25 February 2016 20: 51
    Quote: Primus Pilus
    The fate of this girl who wanted lace trunks is interesting.

    I bought lace panties with the money that was paid for holding the poster.
    1. +1
      25 February 2016 21: 44
      I didn’t buy it. The pimp took it.
  59. +4
    25 February 2016 20: 59
    Quote: gergi
    And he is followed by the phrase: “Go to the bathhouse with your “taming”, I want to live like a human being, like in Moscow.” A curtain.

    The author probably doesn’t know, but the rest of Russia wants to live “like in Moscow.”
  60. 0
    25 February 2016 21: 00
    I gave the author a +, but I don’t agree with one thing: that Ukraine will forever become alien to us (it will enter Europe as a colony). No! I am sure that there are enough people there who honor the memory of their fathers! They are Russians too: they take a long time to harness, but they travel quickly. I am sure that Ukraine will be part of the Russian Federation, not immediately and not all of it, but it will be!!!
  61. 0
    25 February 2016 21: 05
    I have a feeling that Poroshenko also wears lace underwear....
  62. +5
    25 February 2016 21: 13
    Thanks to the author, the article is good and thoughtful. But be that as it may, the fact that Ukraine has become a fragment of civilization is also our fault. But that’s not what I’m talking about, this is what I’m talking about: it’s strange, of course, but in both the USSR and the Russian Federation, the Russian People were always the last thing they thought about. This is probably why Georgia, Ukraine, and Belarus have always lived better than their older brother, i.e. you and me. I noticed it even then, but I just had no time to comprehend it. Due to the nature of my service, the guys had to travel to different republics, I even went abroad, to the former Socialist Countries. So, no matter where I came, the standard of living was higher than in Russia. I bought food in Ukraine, records in Yugoslavia, books in Bulgaria. I later learned that the records, for example, of the Balkanton company were printed in Moscow at the Melodiya factory, and every single book was printed in the printing houses of the Soviet Union. It’s funny, it’s true, but this didn’t happen in Russia. Ukraine, Latvia, Kyrgyzstan, Azerbaijan, Armenia and other republics in the USSR had their representatives in the UN, but Russia did not. This is probably how disagreements gradually accumulated, starting with small ones and ending with very large ones. We Russians were never respected, all the best was different. Maybe this is why our friends and comrades look down on us, but now they are reaching out to Europe. Russian fools have closed the feeding trough, but a good life is a contagious thing! smile

    Mr. Lukashenko inspired this lyrical digression for me, he’s a strange person after all, he’s nowhere without Russian money, but he confuses the names of the leaders, his breadwinners:

    Lukashenko misspoke and called Putin “Dmitry Anatolyevich”

    President of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko confused Russian leader Vladimir Putin with the head of the Cabinet of Ministers Dmitry Medvedev

    “Alexander Lukashenko misspoke and called Vladimir Putin “Dmitry Anatolyevich” [Medvedev]. This happened in the Palace of Independence in Minsk before a meeting of the Supreme State Council of the Union State.

    "Dear Dmitry Anatolyevich!" - Lukashenko addressed Putin. “That’s right, the money is there,” the Russian president joked, looking at Medvedev and members of the government who were sitting nearby. After that everyone laughed. Alexander Lukashenko explained his reservation and said that he and Putin “talked about recipes and mentioned Medvedev,” the tut.by portal reports.

    As is known, the leadership of Belarus hopes to receive $2 billion from the Eurasian Fund for Stabilization and Development. This could have been discussed during a bilateral meeting between Lukashenko and Putin. That is how we live.

  63. +3
    25 February 2016 21: 25
    I don't agree with the author. In 2010, Yanukovych won the elections with a program of rapprochement with Russia. The majority of Ukrainians voted for him, so it is inappropriate to talk about mass hatred of Russia. Even now, despite all the Ukrainians. propaganda, millions of adequate people live in Ukraine. Morshyn, Bukovel, Truskavets, until 2013, mainly Russians vacationed at these Western Ukrainian resorts. Could Russia have done anything in those difficult months, I think not. The main thing is to draw conclusions from what happened in Ukraine - you cannot endlessly rob your own people, build palaces and drive cool cars; there is a limit to all patience.
    1. +1
      25 February 2016 22: 05
      Likewise. And there was sympathy for Russia, there was support for Yanukovych, all, of course, mainly in the southeastern part. But, of course, it was the Americans who lost Ukraine. They probably didn’t work well with the oligarchs and officials and let the Americans go. And now there is total propaganda with brainwashing, after which there will be nothing left of sympathy.
    2. +1
      26 February 2016 00: 04
      In 2001 In the north, I worked with comrades, pure Westerners from Truskovets and others like him, like pure Benderaites, that’s what they were called, but no matter how much we drank with them, there were never any graters on the national soil, and even the prerequisites did not arise, therefore, such mass hysteria, that all Ukrainians are violently crazy, I’m definitely wary, although there are plenty of urchins there
  64. +2
    25 February 2016 21: 30
    Strongly disagree with the author of the article.
  65. 0
    25 February 2016 21: 30
    Quote: Pereira
    How much do you intend to wait? He’s been falling apart for two years now. Are you waiting for tired?
    I've been waiting for two years. I'm sick of it.
    It is time to present the bill to those who promised us a blitzkrieg of the Russian spring, who said that they would not allow the shooting of civilians, who did not support Strelkov, who stopped the attack on Mariupol, gave a break to the junta, having received in return the same sanctions and the ABM advance to the borders.
    Banderlogs above us are laughing in our voice, and the Ukrainian army, with all its puppetry and general alcoholism, is superior to the army of New Russia.
    It's time for someone to answer. Or is it not time yet? What do you think?

    Dear, I have read and come across your comments more than once... question.. Have you yourself “participated” somewhere? Afghanistan, Chechnya, Transnistria, Yugoslavia, Angola, ??
  66. 0
    25 February 2016 21: 40
    I read the entire article and half of the comments. And I'll tell you this:
    - Well, you are all fools!
    seriously, they name everyone among the culprits. Everyone except the ordinary tamer. What does this mean? Here! That's right, he is the one to blame for his troubles!

    In chapter 6 of his book “The Descent of Man,” Darwin writes: “In the near future, perhaps within a few hundred years, the civilized races will completely supplant or destroy all the barbarian races in the world,” however, by barbarian races Darwin understood those peoples who are not inherently positive social instincts of mutual assistance.

    “You die today, and I die tomorrow” - this is a concentrated expression of “Ukrainianism”!
  67. +1
    25 February 2016 21: 45
    Quote: Author
    And there is no need to tell fairy tales about oil and gas:

    yes, “there’s no need” to tell....You just have to look the truth (numbers) in the eye

    oil prices (you can also say gas prices)

    in my opinion there is a clear correlation

    The best country in terms of living standards in 2015 is Norway, as was the case in the previous 4 years.

    Quote: Author
    In the zero years, Kiev simply simply lost to Moscow in terms of management quality.

    C'mon ...

    and the differences.....Not very much

    number of dollar billionaires per $100 billion of GDP

    2015.02.11, B.I. Nigmatulin "Ukraine. The price of independence. Lessons for Russia." Report, M., 2014, views 463
  68. +6
    25 February 2016 21: 57
    For me, we don’t need Ukraine as our brothers at all...
    In Soviet times, I studied at an institution with good selection for the ranks and then I heard a lot about how they watered and fed the entire USSR (but after the partition it turned out that they did not provide themselves with sugar and butter... wow)... about how they could happily to live without mos...ley... and that without understanding the NKVD/KGB suppressed many "useful" Banderaites... that Crimea... Donbass and other lands (including Polish) are their ancestral lands which they lost BUT they courageously returned. ..
    This everyday nationalism can no longer be eradicated... the poison is in everyone’s blood... that’s why NO to such brothers... I would also ban them from working with us forever... and introduced a strict visa regime
    1. 0
      25 February 2016 22: 23
      Quote: silberwolf88
      In Soviet times, I studied at an institution with good selection for the ranks and then I heard a lot about how they fed the entire USSR (but after the partition it turned out that they did not provide themselves with sugar and butter... wow) ...

      I also heard this from my classmates in the Transbaikal garrison back in 69. In the 80s, as an officer, I heard this all the time from my colleagues. But in the 90s there were completely different conversations from officers who did not serve in the Ukrainian army and went to their homeland on vacation.
  69. +2
    25 February 2016 22: 07
    There is such a widespread opinion that we lost in Ukraine, that our diplomacy did not work well, that we “lost” this country.

    Sorry, that's putting it mildly. For you it was a game, but for those living here, it is a matter of survival. You are talking about Ukraine, and it seems for a long time. You have been losing her for the last 15-16 years.
    1. +2
      26 February 2016 02: 15
      As you have already noticed here, you are talking about...Russia. And also a lot of other things. For example Crimea, Donbass. As well as industry and agriculture. And most importantly, Independence
      1. +1
        26 February 2016 13: 23
        Ukraine is a hundred times more important for Russia than Russia is for Ukraine. There are more Russians in Ukraine than crests in Russia. And Russia spat on us RUSSIANS here, thank you Motherland.
  70. +3
    25 February 2016 22: 18
    I don’t want to argue, but I really want to wish Russia that “they get their hands on it and have enough money.”
    “As for the “Russian world,” I cannot now confirm to you that the “Russian world” is some kind of Russian invention. The “Russian World” exists, it is not a project, but an objective reality, just as there is an objective reality of the “Ukrainian world” in Canada and other countries, just as there is a reality of the Armenian diaspora. The fact is that until recently, for various objective and subjective reasons, we didn’t get around to it; we didn’t have enough money to establish stable contacts and communication channels with these people, to see how we can help them, first of all, to make them feel themselves as second-class citizens in the countries where they live, so that they can use their own language, so that they have media in their native language, so that they can meet, hold events that help preserve their culture, identity and that ensure their rights as citizens of the state in which they find themselves, rights that would not be infringed and would be based on generally recognized international legal norms. This fully applies to those Russians who lived and live in Ukraine. These Russians were hopeful. President after president was elected in Ukraine and promised to make Russian the state language. Did not work out. The maximum that V.F. Yanukovych went to was to join (although not completely) the European Charter for Regional or Minority Languages, which, nevertheless, did not single out the Russian language, but provided it and the languages ​​of other minorities, of which there are many in Ukraine, corresponding rights in those places where these minorities live compactly.” 26.01.1615/11/XNUMX:XNUMX
    Speech and answers to media questions by Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov during a press conference on the results of Russian diplomacy in 2015, Moscow, January 26, 2016 link http://www.mid.ru/foreign_policy/news/ -/asset_publisher/cKNonkJE02Bw/content/id/
  71. 0
    25 February 2016 22: 24
    Spiritually healthy people are the backbone of self-identification and patriotism.
  72. +4
    25 February 2016 22: 33
    Sorry, but about the efficiency of government and effective reforms in Russia is simply the ravings of a madman. More effective than in Ukraine does not mean more effective.

    What I agree with:
    - they really couldn’t “win” in Ukraine. At least make what you would call a victory. In Yanukovych's last years, Putin put pressure on him about joining the Customs Union and abandoning integration with the EU. IMHO such an introduction was basically unrealistic. They don’t cry over their hair when they fold their heads, they folded their heads at 91, here are the results.
    - Russia was really lucky with Putin; at a certain moment he really did a lot to avoid falling into the abyss. In addition, we are lucky that the people support the government. In Ukraine, the relationship between the authorities and the people is completely different, which is why we are constantly “Maidanizing”.
    - Of course, the Ukrainian authorities and the oligarchy are holding on to independence with all their might. Who doesn't want to have their own fiefdom?

    What I don’t agree with is that it’s all about the efficiency of power. In Russia, there are also big problems with efficiency. There are other significant factors:
    - Well, oil prices - in the 2000s they seriously went up.
    - when economic ties were broken in the 90s, Russia suffered less than Ukraine. For a simple reason - she is generally larger, for her this gap had a lesser effect
    - In 90, the level of decline in industrial production in Ukraine was significantly higher.
    1. +1
      26 February 2016 10: 22
      Sorry, but about the efficiency of government and effective reforms in Russia is simply the ravings of a madman. More effective than in Ukraine does not mean more effective.

      Everything in this world is relative

      In Yanukovych's last years, Putin put pressure on him about joining the Customs Union and abandoning integration with the EU. IMHO, such an entry was basically unrealistic. They put the head at 91, here are the results.

      No - economically - it is quite realistic. Politically - not a damn thing! Politically, all thinking Ukrainians dreamed about Europe.

      The collapse of the USSR does not mean the end of politics on its territory.

      TS is not the USSR and not the USSR-2 - it is something completely different.
      This, by the way, is a typical lie of Western/Kyiv propaganda about the USSR-2
      The CU is a customs union, not the USSR.
      1. +1
        26 February 2016 11: 13
        Everything in this world is relative

        IMHO it is necessary to measure not in relation to Ukraine, but in relation to the goals that the country faced, either explicitly or implicitly... and challenges. In fact, considering the “fat 20000”, it seems to be effective. But then come the “hungry” years of low oil prices and serious confrontation between Russia’s Western elites, and they will finally show the effectiveness of all the last 15 years, power and reforms.

        Politically, all thinking Ukrainians dreamed about Europe

        The eternal Russian problem, by the way

        The CU is a customs union, not the USSR.

        In Ukraine, this was clearly perceived as a rejection of European integration (just don’t ask where this integration is, IMHO exclusively in political speeches) and a promising return to the USSR, breaking ties with the “civilized world” and ending up on the wrong side of the relatively new Iron Curtain.
        1. 0
          26 February 2016 13: 46
          IMHO it is necessary to measure not relative to Ukraine, but relative

          The author's discretion - which parrot to choose for measurements!!! laughing
          I am analyzing this specific problem - the Russia-Ukraine subsystem and that’s it.

          In Ukraine this was clearly perceived as a rejection of European integration and a promising return to the USSR

          It was necessary to study at school/institute: independence implies responsibility for one’s actions and for one’s mistakes.
          We don't have to fight other people's phobias.
          1. +1
            26 February 2016 14: 07
            I am analyzing this specific problem - the Russia-Ukraine subsystem and that’s it

            Well, from this perspective, of course yes, but there is no point in considering them separately

            It was necessary to study at school/institute: independence implies responsibility for one’s actions and for one’s mistakes.
            We don't have to fight other people's phobias.

            Well.. Firstly, the phobias are not at all groundless; Ukraine has no option of maintaining independence. There was such an option under Kuchma, a multi-vector policy there, both yours and ours, it was gone. The world is changing, in this world only large transnational associations are viable and competitive; relatively small companies do not have much chance. The only choice that Ukraine had was who would eat it, with all the ensuing consequences, such as the loss of unlimited power by the oligarchy. And this choice was quite obvious. All Yanukovych was striving for was to be eaten on more favorable terms.

            Do you know why people support European integration? Well, besides the fact that they live better there, the streets are cleaner, etc.? They have completely lost faith in the local authorities and are waiting for their European officials to force them to reform the country to a sane state... That is, they are looking for the Varangians, but they themselves cannot. By the way, you also have such sentiments among your position players
  73. +2
    25 February 2016 22: 39
    The article was written to justify the Kozyrev-Chernomyrdin-Zurabov diplomacy. At the same time, Chubais made statements about the highest energy efficiency and, accordingly, the competitiveness of the Ukrainian economy. And we, the people of Russia, had words about brothers hammered into our heads. Even in those days, it was necessary not to kiss Tymoshenko, but to take the real price for gas. The economy would have slowed down faster and maybe there would have been no bloodshed in the Donbass.
    1. -1
      26 February 2016 10: 17
      The article was written to justify the Kozyrev-Chernomyrdin-Zurabov diplomacy.

      You know, I spent a long time communicating with Ukrainians on websites and reading their newspapers.

      If Russia began to ACTIVELY enter the political space of Ukraine, there would inevitably be a scandal and accusations of aggression.
      The entire Ukrainian elite chose the western direction. All intellectuals are the same.
      Business - political orientation to the West.

      I don’t consider working at the level of underground workers and leaflets

      If we had taken the path of activation in this direction, then we might have had the same mess in Ukraine and sanctions against us, but MUCH earlier.

      There were no pro-Russian political forces or politicians in Ukraine.
  74. +3
    25 February 2016 22: 45
    in my opinion, the article is very disingenuous. Russia lost in Ukraine - seriously and for a long time. and in the article, with all the smooth and seemingly smart conclusions, there is a subtext of an offended loser being pushed out of the house: oh, we lost? well, that's what you need. and like no one is to blame, it just happened that way. Alas. If in Russia national interests stood above the selfish desires of the majority of those in power, who themselves are not sparing their efforts to climb to the West, the situation in Ukraine (and not only there) would be very different. It’s easier to sit back and refer to force majeure circumstances (especially if the money is dripping into your pocket). And the entire history of our Fatherland is full of a huge number of examples when Russia achieved the impossible.
    1. 0
      26 February 2016 10: 24
      If in Russia national interests stood above the selfish desires of the majority of those in power, who themselves are not sparing their efforts to climb to the West, the situation in Ukraine (and not only there) would be very different.

      Imagine: at the beginning of 2014, Russia is five times richer and stronger than in reality.
      What does this give us in the Ukrainian direction?
      In Belarusian?
      Increasing requests for loans and squeals about independence?

      Draw a path to a “completely different situation”, please.
  75. +3
    25 February 2016 22: 57
    Interesting article. Thanks to the author for his work.
    I'll add a few lines of my own, because... It is not correct to consider a situation without history.
    By nature, I am one of those people who are looking for solutions to problems, and not looking for excuses why these solutions could not be found.

    The fact remains unchanged: Russia at this historical stage has “lost” Ukraine.
    Since the subjects are clear, what remains is the “historical stage,” which is a very debatable value and it is impossible to consider relations between Russia and Ukraine without a temporary historical component. I would prefer to take account of the cessation of the Russian Empire.
    This time period, from the beginning of the creation of the USSR until its collapse, is so rich in events in relation to Ukraine and so monumental for it due to the fact that it was during this period that Ukraine was created as we see it now. Whether it was good or bad, this evaluative work is worthy of more than one dissertation.
    But what happened during Gorbachev’s reign, namely his domestic and foreign policies, led to the formation of a certain way of thinking (here you can play with the emphasis on “Gorbachev” ;)) among the generation of people of the 80-90s who inhabited Ukraine. That generation realized all its ideas and is implementing them from the period 1991 to the present day.
    The apogee of the implementation of Gorbachev's concept was the speech on August 1, 1991 by the 41st US President Bush (senior) in the Supreme Council of the Ukrainian SSR (everyone can find a video or transcript on the Internet, there are a lot of interesting thoughts there, I assure you ;))
    And about the ongoing implementation of the ideas of the generation of Kravchuk and Kuchma. I dare to remind you that it was Kuchma who introduced Yanukovych to Putin as his man. (so that no one blames me for fiction, I wrote almost verbatim from an interview with my president, a video recording online or on the Rossiya 24 website). In principle, what I have written is already enough to analyze, without additional information (like 2x2), what was going on and what happened.
    Nevertheless, I am haunted by that part of the historical relations between Ukraine and Russia, which Russia should have influenced in its favor and this period begins in 2000. Putin got stronger after the 2nd and all the obvious and hidden ones emerged from the swamp. Kuchma met us and in 2001 a good pool of mutually beneficial documents was signed (for example, the law on the ratification of the Ukrainian-Russian agreement on missile attack warning systems and space control and many others, by the way, the joint history with the AN-70 started in 2001).
    I would call 2001 a turning point year, a lot of laws allowing Russia and Ukraine to develop mutually beneficially and act in the same vector. Remember.
    Remember 30 “sets” of UR-100 from 2002-2004, Kuchma went to a meeting and transferred (sold by Ukraine), and at that moment we already had graters with the states and the second one is on the way. All UR-2s have entered the mines and will provide us with stability for 100-20 years (we only have 30 of them). And I’ll immediately make a reservation, our sluggishness with the Tu-70, the aircraft carrier and... Only our sluggishness, greed and short-sightedness. And a remark: We don’t have friends, but in the market, whoever gives more or more comprehensively gets the slippers. In general, when a conversation starts about the brothers next door and that someone owes us something, the hand reaches for the holster ;) ... And the naive, the naive need to .... it is imperative that they do not interfere with their thinking clearly.
  76. +2
    25 February 2016 22: 58
    So, at the time of 2001-2002, put together the puzzles. Not a bad situation for Russia, but there are many difficulties ahead, but the vector is clear, we need to start planning and implementing... And then... Some kind of black cat ran into the relations between Russia and Ukraine, I can’t find confirmed information anywhere, until 2005 or after (and after there was Yushchenko). Logic dictates that before 2005, and most likely, the business circle of Putin and Kuchma tried their best, the devil is in the details, they quarreled, probably just because of small things + ambitions, then it went on and on... Although these are conjectures, facts are stubborn things, with With the departure of Kuchma, we began to lose our positions in Ukraine and did not regain them with the arrival of Yanukovych (Kuchma’s man).
    And the fact remains that our foreign policy departments worked catastrophically poorly in Ukraine. Ambassador Chernomyrdin, with all due respect, was in no way suitable for the role of coordinator-moderator in the implementation of our plan and influence on the Ukrainian political elite, oligarchs, political parties, the media and... And the arrival of Zurabov is generally the funeral of our prospects for relations. You can’t think of a better figure to speak about Ukraine’s disinterest for Russia. Would you like to remind you that for Zurabov this was such a link, he was in disgrace with Putin for the program of 7 nosologies for a certain company;) business is inseparable from power;). And at this moment. And away we go... such a leisurely but productive implementation of the idea by a couple of creative employees of the outwardly... State Department service. They did not snatch stars from the sky and did not promote themselves, they simply did their job, for which they received a salary and hoped for bonuses when they implemented their plans, this warmed their hearts and, as a result of the Maidan, they earned it.
    But what our outwardly...services were doing at that moment. I have only "?" Maybe someone will whisper in secret, it’s a thing of the past, I agree not everything works out, but we fought and appreciate our work... blah blah blah. And then I hear only excuses, well, they couldn’t because they (Ukrainians) are so and so, and also these staffers with cookies... so scary... I can already see snot and tears... And also these Europeans deceived us so much, they deceived me like that... They signed with Yanukovych and threw it away... Ugh, bad.
    You know, dear ones, there is no need to move from a sore head to a healthy one
    History does not like subjunctive moods, so what our leadership did in Ukraine is what we are seeing now.

    I would really like our leadership to put an end to this. Look around, admit mistakes and plan to correct these mistakes, as well as develop (revise) a foreign policy strategy for the development of relations with the CIS countries and finally begin to implement. Otherwise we are all looking into Europe’s mouth, but we don’t see what is near the “fence”. Or remind you of Kerry’s visit a few months ago to Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan and... Otherwise there will again be articles and reflections about how something couldn’t be done and we didn’t do it... I apologize if my thoughts do not coincide with the author of the article and with other respected forum members.
    And yesterday Sima told me about a suitcase with a second bottom.... I didn’t sleep half the night, I kept thinking about Russia ;))
    1. +1
      25 February 2016 23: 33
      After Kuchma, Yushchenko came. Screams began all over the world about the famine of the 30s. Madame Tymoshenko's gas graters began. On all TV channels, in newspapers, radio, they said that we (Ukraine) pay the most for gas. After the declaration of independence, Bandera’s supporters for the first time began to shout in unison and in agreement, before Yushchenko they weren’t really visible. No, on the scale of Galicia they were, but on the scale of the country they didn’t make the weather.
    2. -2
      26 February 2016 10: 40
      Some kind of black cat has run through the relationship between Russia and Ukraine, I can’t find confirmed information anywhere, before 2005 or after (and after there was Yushchenko). Logic dictates that before 2005, and most likely, the business circle of Putin and Kuchma tried

      Chernomyrdin, with all due respect, was in no way suitable for the role of coordinator-moderator in the implementation of our plan and influence on the Ukrainian political elite, oligarchs, political parties, media and

      The elite of Ukraine (businessmen, politicians, journalists) 100% - but made a pro-Western choice
      Any attempt to actively work there would lead to a scandal and a break in relations.
      At the same time, Ukrainians would not care about losses in the economy (they still don’t care)
      Perhaps Putin was just playing for time.
      1. 0
        26 February 2016 12: 56
        The elite of Ukraine is a dozen oligarchic clans. But businessmen, politicians, and journalists do not belong to the elite. They are simply in the pay of the oligarchs.
  77. +1
    25 February 2016 23: 03
    Once again: Ukrainians will certainly become part of Greater Europe

    They will never become part of this Europe as the state of Ukraine, even within borders without Donbass.
    The door to Europe is closed for Ukraine.

    And the more impoverished, terrible and powerless the life of an ordinary Ukrainian is, the higher the degree of anti-Russian propaganda will be

    Propaganda against another state is long-term (decades) in nature if a certain standard of living within the country is maintained acceptable by the population. If you have nothing to eat, then even the harsh regime of Pol Pot is unable to last more than 5-6 years.
    1. 0
      26 February 2016 10: 36
      They will never become part of this Europe as the state of Ukraine, even within borders without Donbass.
      The door to Europe is closed for Ukraine.

      Not a fact - India was part of the British Empire.
      Any London Pakistani will confirm
  78. +5
    25 February 2016 23: 06
    At the end of the 90s, articles began to appear in the press (Moskovsky Komsomolets, KP and in general most newspapers had a liberal coloration) on the topic: what should be done with Chechnya? Public opinion polls were cited (this is also very democratic and liberal), from which it followed that 30% believe that nothing needs to be done, we need to fence ourselves off from them along the Terek, or further, and let them try to live without Russia (RF). Nobody guessed that the next republic/region/city would go up in flames then.
    In a situation where we are clearly threatened, we cannot do nothing. The sooner the problem is stopped, the cheaper and easier it will be.
    The first step is to prevent this infection in yourself. Each point that led Ukraine to this state must be worked out. Limitation of oligarchs, financial and industrial groups, natural and created monopolies, and, accordingly, corruption. Identification and wide publicity (counter-propaganda) of all agents of influence, from liberals and NGOs, to Banderevites, nationalists and extremists. To give people a real chance to earn a decent living through their work (and not by sitting in a warm place) + a decent level of medicine + order in communal services / housing and communal services + social services. To bring order to culture/education/upbringing - if this requires a prince-Caesar with rods, like Peter 1, then let there be such a first deputy or deputy prime minister. But it is necessary to restore order on the TV channels broadcast on air. There is clearly a demand in society for moral standards (especially “don’t steal” and to live fairly), and it will either be led by religions, or sects, or parties (communists, Zhirinovsky, etc.).
    Secondly, in Crimea and, to a lesser extent, in eastern Ukraine, even rabid propaganda did not have an effect or had less of an effect. There, at least somehow, counter-propaganda was carried out, when parents and teachers did not allow people to be deceived, turn history upside down, they taught us to be proud of our history, country, and ourselves. In Sevastopol, before a Ukrainian history lesson, teachers told the real story - and it worked. This means we need to print textbooks in Ukrainian with real history, make them even in the form of comics (for people with an undeveloped logical hemisphere), and make cartoons with Ukrainian voice acting. But under no circumstances should you stoop to deception, falsehood, or moralizing. Power is in the truth. And the simpler the better; you need to talk to mentally ill people gently.
    Third. For reasonable people who remain in Ukraine, there is a lot of information on the Internet, but both we and they need more true news, dry facts about what is happening there. It is necessary to cooperate with local journalists, with European journalists who will be able to work in Ukraine. Let it be shown first in Poland, France, Italy, and then, at least in fragments, on local channels or on torrent.
  79. The comment was deleted.
  80. 0
    25 February 2016 23: 55
    And all this is being done with one main goal: so that the residents of Ukraine (let’s call them so neutrally) do not ask uncomfortable questions about the standard of living in their homeland and in the neighboring state in the east. “Why do Russians live richer?” - that’s the main question. An arrogant and cynical question, to which the leaders of “independent Ukraine” have absolutely nothing to answer.

    Why is there nothing? “The damned Muskali have been plundering the occupied territories for several million years... Now they are fattening on the stolen goods.”
    In general, their propaganda is structured very competently, and if we exclude sources of alternative opinions, the picture turns out to be quite complex. It would be more correct to ask the question: why, after 25 years of independence, have they not been able to maintain the standard of living at least at the level of a “m0ckal colony”? Moreover, the petty sabotage of the evil former occupier was more than compensated for by the milk rivers with jelly banks stretching from old Europe and the global Eden - the USA (which, after the collapse of the USSR and the end of the Cold War, the saved money was probably used to help countries that suffered from the "Soviet occupation").
    So you need to COMPETENTLY build counter-propaganda. After all, where does “x0hl0srach” usually begin in comments? In mutual accusations that “you are a zombie and a victim of propaganda, ----- stupid.” At the same time, as a rule, neither one nor the other even read the opponent’s propaganda (well, purely for the sake of interest), holding in their heads the idea that this very thing has been pouring from TV screens for decades, forming the information background. And what is it like for people who, since the 1990s, have studied using new textbooks, in which Ukrainian statehood is rooted in ancient times, and the murder of Askold and Dir by Oleg is presented as the first act of aggression? By the way, they are now over 20 years old. Just the most rebellious time. Here are the Maidans one after another.
    "Why are we standing on the Maidan again, brothers?
    - Does it really matter? Join us!
    - Well, OK."
  81. +1
    26 February 2016 00: 22
    More likely, someone simply did not dare to continue further, but Kyiv and Lviv would have been taken and people would have greeted them with flowers.
  82. 0
    26 February 2016 01: 59
    When all this chaos is over, then we will sum up the results! It’s too early to cut the skin of an unkilled bear... I’m afraid that the natives of one continent - Antarctica - will come out of this whole story with the least losses...)))))
  83. +1
    26 February 2016 03: 51
    If we are to speak openly, we still need to decide on the borders of Ukraine. Those territories that consider themselves Russian (Great Russian, Novorossiysk), if they gain independence from Ukraine, can be accepted into the Russian Federation. But, in any case, a significant, and most likely, most part of Ukraine will remain exactly as Ukraine. It is not a fact that it will be a friendly state towards Russia. Rather, sentiments of revanchism and the desire to return territories will flourish. Yes, and psychologically this is quite understandable. In a less likely scenario, Ukraine will still be a friendly state. But what difficulties can arise here? In the event of a unification with the Russian Federation, it will not agree to disintegration and integration in parts, in regions. This means that there will be a huge entity with a population of at least 25-30 million, and maybe 35-40 million. As a payment, a prize, they may well demand the return of Crimea and Donbass. Like, we are now one country, Crimea and Donbass will still be Russian, but only as part of Ukraine. Further. We must remember that different political and electoral traditions have developed in Ukraine. This super-subject, a monster, in comparison with other subjects of the Russian Federation, will claim a special, de facto semi-independent status, while at the same time trying to play an excessively large role in all-Russian political life. Or he may come up with an initiative to transform the Russian Federation into a federation of several super-large entities, which will also in the future weaken the central government and threaten the existence of the Russian Federation as a single state.
    In general, in my opinion, we need to insure ourselves for the future. In any case, in the event of unification with Ukraine, do not return to it the territories lost as a result of the stupidity and short-sightedness of the Ukrainian leadership, and a significant part of the Ukrainian people. It is best not to be included in the Russian Federation, but to create a supranational entity, using, for example, the Union State of Belarus and Russia as a basis. In extreme cases, the damage from a possible divorce (and we must always remember about it, taking into account the history and the mentality of our Ukrainian brothers), both economic, political and psychological, will be much less compared to the secession of the territory from the Russian Federation itself.
    You should think that it is more valuable for us to have Donbass and a number of other territories within the Russian Federation and at the same time to have a weakened and hostile Ukraine as a neighbor. Or have Ukraine as a neighbor that has remained within its borders (of course, without Crimea, this is not discussed) with leaders who declare friendship with Russia and traditionally pursue a “multi-vector policy.” At the same time, 30-40% of the seats in parliament are guaranteed to be held by obvious enemies of the Russian Federation, who will periodically try to return to power. Millions of nationalist-minded Ukrainians are also not going anywhere. As a result, after some time the same thing that we see now will repeat. To be honest, I think that a bird in the hand is better than a pie in the sky. The first option is closer to me. It’s better to have a part of today’s Ukraine as part of the Russian Federation or in an alliance with it (even at the cost of enmity with the rest of Ukraine) than an integral Ukraine, which is neither a friend nor an enemy, but it’s unclear what. Cynically speaking, the question is the size of that part.))
    Although, we must remember that the Russian Federation is not alone on this planet, there are norms of international law, etc. And other players will also try to participate in solving the Ukrainian problem.
    My reasoning, of course, may be chaotic, controversial, incorrect, and superficial. But we must understand that the Ukrainian problem is very complex and difficult to solve unambiguously.
  84. +1
    26 February 2016 03: 58
    In general, the most important mistake of our leaders is to think that a country that has gained independence from the USSR (which was historical Russia) will pursue policies in the interests of the Russian Federation. Any country that has gained independence, no matter how friendly its leadership may be towards the country of which it was a part, will still think about its own interests first. And about the interests of maintaining the existence of a large layer of military men, officials, diplomats, special services, big businessmen, whose very existence is possible only in the conditions of an independent state. It is not a fact that these people would achieve anything in a single or union state.
    Just look at Belarus. Or even to Abkhazia.
    1. -1
      26 February 2016 10: 34
      In general, the most important mistake of our leaders is to think that a country that has gained independence from the USSR (which was historical Russia) will pursue policies in the interests of the Russian Federation. Any country that has gained independence, no matter how friendly its leadership may be towards the country of which it was a part, will still think about its own interests first.

      The trick is that Ukraine had profitably maintain good relations with Russia, as well as Belarus.
      However, both Kyiv and Minsk did not care about the benefits and standard of living of their population, and engaged in political adventures
  85. 0
    26 February 2016 04: 18
    “Putin destroyed the European dreams of this country by starting a hybrid war against it,” this is how the TV presenters will announce it somehow.
    Well, what would it be like without Putin?
  86. +1
    26 February 2016 06: 56
    Of course they lost, to be honest, these admirations for “victory” in Ukraine have recently begun to irritate me. If you look at the situation soberly, we didn’t win - rather, we scored a goal of honor after winning back Crimea while most of Ukraine was taken away from us.
    1. 0
      26 February 2016 10: 30
      while most of Ukraine was taken away from us.

      You reason in Western categories: Return Crimea!

      Have you tried to ask the opinion of the population of Ukraine itself?
  87. +1
    26 February 2016 07: 20
    Well, they would send in troops, they would defeat the Ukrainian Armed Forces, they would occupy everything up to Lvov and Ivano-Frankivsk, so what? And they would have screamed, as the author of the article correctly wrote: “They stole freedom and independence!” Insurgents like Udugov would begin to partisan and travel to the EU and the USA to beg for resources and support for the “war of liberation.” And ordinary Ukrainians are so fooled by propaganda and the example of their neighbor “how to hate Russians” that almost everyone who remains, with rare exceptions, “hates Russia, Putin” to the bone, and like drug addicts continue to cherish this hatred by greedily listening to “factual fakes” "Western media and their pocket media. What else can they do? To admit reality is to go crazy and flee the country. But they don't want to run. A Ukrainian is a greater owner than a Russian. For them, “mine” is not like the Russians; until recently it was “ours.”
  88. 0
    26 February 2016 07: 51
    The author does not understand a small nuance: in/in Ukraine all this, in the sense of reforms following the example of Russia, would not have taken place for the simple reason that Ukraine, starting from 1991, in fact, was already under external, State Department control. Let us at least recall such nonsense as the third stage of the elections for Mr. Yushchenko. And psychologically, Ukraine has been prepared for confrontation with Russia since Soviet times. Little by little, according to the recipes of the Overton Windows. Ukraine has been on the hook for a long time, and no one would have allowed it to get off that hook.
    This is war, gentlemen. And this war is to destroy Russia as a state, and Russians as an ethnic group. And it is in full swing. That is why the West is blind to what is happening in the Donbass, and that is why the behavior of Mrs. Merkel and all this “strange” group who are aware of what is happening seems strange. And we have not lost this war yet, and we cannot lose it, if only for the sake of the memory of our ancestors!
  89. -1
    26 February 2016 08: 34
    “There is such a widespread opinion that we lost in Ukraine, that our diplomacy did not work well, that we “lost” this country. .. The fact is that I have a clear opinion here: we could not win in any way. There were no such “winning options”.
    The author’s opinion, although wretched, is understandable. I would like to know what professionals, Churchill, for example, think about this. Do you think he would calmly watch as such a tasty morsel was taken away from under his nose, or would he first order the unprofessional ambassador to be hanged on the yardarm, and then take very effective measures against his bucking neighbor? For example, to carry out measures that have proven themselves to be effective in certain situations, such as propaganda intervention, bribery of elites, activation of agents of influence, coup d'etat, in the end. Just what our sworn friends were doing in Ukraine at a time when Chernomyrdin was not dry from the vodka he had eaten.
    1. 0
      26 February 2016 10: 32
      I would like to know what professionals, Churchill, for example, think about this

      Alas, Winston left us
  90. VP
    26 February 2016 08: 39
    I don’t like political articles on topware, I think that the resource has a different profile, which I have written about more than once.
    But... I reconciled myself and even began to show interest in political articles laughing
    The article is competent, a plus for the author.
    I would add one more point - the problems with anti-Russian hysteria in Ukraine are not only because “the quality of governance in the Russian Federation is better.”
    The problem is simply because the U. as a state has never existed; some kind of basis is required for its creation; administrative boundaries alone are not enough for this. We need some kind of matching mentality, we need some common views and assessments.
    And where can I get all this?
    They tried to instill a “Western” mentality, declaring it the standard of a true Ukrainian.
    With general views, there are generally seams. What common views might a rural Rogul from Rovno and an engineer from Kharkov have? Where can I get them from?
    The solution was found in the fact that it is always easier to consolidate against than to consolidate for. This is what Russia has become against.
    Those. consolidation not on the basis of “we are like this” but on the basis of “we are not like this”
    Remember the “scientific work” of the second Ukrainian president, Kuchma?
    "Ukraine is not Russia."
    Oh how.
    Even the whole president considered it his duty to separately explain this point to the plebs under his charge.
  91. 0
    26 February 2016 14: 26
    Quote: Pereira
    I hope that the cunning grandmaster Surkov, who was going to talk everyone out of it, will someday answer for this

    Well, why are they blaming everything on Surkov? What does he even do, who is he? What the f... super gray cardinal is this?))))
  92. 0
    27 February 2016 18: 43
    The article is very good, in my opinion. What is the reason for the mass hatred towards our kindred people? Either the machinations of the pale-faced, or the small-town elite, or the oversight of the Russian authorities. Everyone has their own answer. I personally believe that the process is objective, whatever the reasons. There are a lot of them in Moscow and they are strong. And here is a reason for us to think. The temptation is strong. Why do we need to preserve this Russian civilization, suffer again, be malnourished, tolerate the officials of thieves, when here they are - a barrel of jam and a box of cookies. You just need to renounce. Much has changed since the Maidan. An extremely short period of time, but an era has passed. Great Rome ended with the construction of Hadrian’s Wall, we have always restrained the expansion of the West. And suddenly.. The West is building walls against new barbarians, their scribblers squeal about aggressive Russian propaganda. We are winning the information war against them for the FIRST TIME in history. and again I’m proud that I’m Russian. It’s okay, let’s be patient, we’ll persevere. It’s worth it
  93. 0
    28 February 2016 08: 22
    There is no need to talk about what has NOT been done since 1991... new history will remember THIS UNDER-STATE as another SLAVE COLONY of Germany, France, Great Britain and the states... let's call a spade a spade... let's say goodbye to THEM...
  94. 0
    28 February 2016 09: 57
    I think that the girl with the poster hopes mainly for lace panties. And in Germany, for example, the majority of women are scary. Maybe even this female will be successful...
  95. 0
    28 February 2016 11: 03
    The loss of Ukraine began in August 1991, as a result of the incompetent policies of the Yeltsin government and others like them. That our rulers were so blind that they couldn’t see what was going on with their neighbors? We saw, but still helped all these Kravchuks, Kuchmas, Yushchenkos and other Poroshenkos by giving opportunities and benefits for vital resources. Why did even later Russian governments send such mediocrities as Chernomyrdin and Zurab as ambassadors? In principle, everything was redeemed by the return of Crimea, but, probably, if desired and the appropriate policy, most of Ukraine could be returned, and now we have education on our borders. very similar to Germany 1933 model. What then will we again disentangle everything with the blood of our children and grandchildren? I do not want it. Well, to illustrate the above:


  96. VB
    28 February 2016 11: 17
    I watched the Shuster show from 26.02. I saw People's Artist of Russia Vladimir Nazarov, Borovoy and others like them. I wonder if these enemies of the Russian people are citizens of Russia? And all the supposedly Russian rabble there are also citizens of Russia, calling for the overthrow of the existing system, including by military means? And the Russian prosecutor's office is not looking for them? What does the Chaika prosecutor’s office do other than line their pockets? Isn’t it possible to bring them to Russia using the Israeli method? My personal opinion is that the current president is in the wrong place
  97. lel
    28 February 2016 11: 26
    I'll put in my penny ... I'm Russian myself, I live in Ukraine, or rather in the occupation ... the partition of the USSR was beneficial to the elites, now it was possible to rob openly, without looking back at the commission from Moscow ... no more "cotton cases" ... We should always have a tsar on the throne, and next to them, below the Duma (from the boyars), the boyars of the tsar were removed themselves (nevertheless, in the 17th coup, the generals did not the Bolsheviks), this system passed to us ... Duma (Rada) and derail the state. Of course, it is not profitable for them to have some kind of control bodies from above .... therefore, the shout is worth the glory to Ukraine and about their independence ... there were relatives from Kazakhstan who say if it were not for the dictatorship of Nazarbayev. then the local beys would have torn the state to shreds long ago, into their districts and lands ... they did not need Russian parties in Ukraine, it goes without saying, and yet there was an opportunity to organize them ... here I disagree with the author ... how did they conduct a survey of the population during Yushchenko - are there any who want to join Russia, there were only 450% of them, including me ... very few ... my sister, as a joke, said, if only Russia here in ukraine it organized its own party (pro-Russian, that would have been understandable) and these "members" were given discounts on gas, on food and goods from Russia, on MTS mobile communications, then all Galicians signed up for it, not to mention the rest ... But this is true and it made sense, perhaps at first ardent nationalists, svidomye were also recorded, but after all, brainwashing does its job, they will not miss their profit ... brainwashing is not a weak thing ... while driving through the territory of Bulgaria and Serbia I saw there are many mosques in villages and cities and Muslim Slavs go there ... at first they were forcibly converted and but now no one bothers them to leave Islam .... they do not come out ... there was a chance right after their victory of the Maidan, at the end of February 3, I was driving from the Dnieper to the Crimea, 14 km ... 500 cars met all along the way ... 7 !!! complete silence, I really hoped to meet Russian troops on the road, and the Ukropov media screamed that they had seen Russian armored personnel carriers near Zaporozhye ... they had a panic ... Berkut and Cossacks were standing at Chongar. and the Crimea was already Russian ... it was possible to put (tie) Yanukovych on an armored personnel carrier, change our clothes into the uniform of a golden eagle and into Kiev ... arrest the junta and declare martial law in the country ... how many lives could be saved ... about morality ... like the writer Rasputin read a question to his hero of the story, where is the line that distinguishes morality and immorality in relation to the enemy ... and so the old hunter answered, everything is very simple, the wolf is always wrong and the wolfhound is always right .. . I think understood ... good luck to everyone ...
  98. 0
    28 February 2016 12: 06
    By the way, where is this mediocrity from the photograph? He's hanging out in hated Russia.
  99. 0
    28 February 2016 13: 10
    A very harmful, biased and dangerous article.
    I’ll start in the order of presentation in this opus:

    Why we could not win in Kiev

    Implies some kind of “war-struggle-victory”.
    Who is it and why should it have carried out these actions in Kyiv in order to ultimately “win or lose”?
    The author points out that this is “we" We, they say, did not win.
    Sorry, for example, I had no intention of “fighting and winning” with anyone in Kyiv.
    I believe that millions of people in Russia also did not participate in this great “struggle.”
    All the pathos applies only to the ruling elite of the Russian elite.
    And if so, then the article is an attempt to justify the failure of the policy of our elite.

    “We” could not win in Kyiv, in fact, just as we were defeated in the summer of 1941 or the summer of 1942. This is our modern Kyiv cauldron!
    (Let the heroes who fell then and today not judge me! The dead have no shame.
    This is on the conscience of completely different people)

    The author spreads responsibility onto everyone.

    Victory has many relatives, but defeat is an orphan.
    It is possible to justify and substantiate, but the blame lies not with “WE”, but with very specific and well-known individuals.

    2. Immediately after the title there is a photo that is already known throughout the world.
    A young and stupid girl wants lace panties! Yes God bless her!
    You can smile and look at your “unreasonable” daughters, and some wives - they all want beautiful panties.
    Not punishable!
    It’s as if during perestroika someone came out with a poster: “I want to use toilet paper and not blow the whistle!”
    Funny... but also a little offensive.
    Yes, in Ukraine they are looking closely at Russia.
    Have you forgotten that literally before these events in Kyiv, our valiant Russian State Duma enthusiastically discussed the ban on the sale of these very women's lace panties to the whole country (it seems to the whole world)?
    I don’t remember whether it was banned or not yet (I personally am indifferent to such things), but realistically, there are no more serious issues in the country anymore?
    While this girl stood on the Maidan, nothing threatened the local oligophrenic oligarchs.
    They would give her a pair of panties, like Nuland a pair of pennies.
    And all the short time!
    But the Ukrainian authorities are not like that - they do not intend to share with anyone.
    No, my God!
    All for your family and even a 3 billion loan from Russia into your personal pockets.
    Who would doubt that!
    However, our dear home-grown “oligophrenics” are also not particularly noticed in charity.
    Let's remember the billion-dollar tranche from the IMF in 1998 and the immediate default after it.
    Where is the IMF money, Zin?
    I heard that this same girl in the photo is now working in Moscow. Anyone willing (and able) should inquire about the availability of such lingerie accessories.

    The “exposure” will continue.
  100. 0
    28 February 2016 13: 17
    Quote: Pravdarm
    Why we could not win in Kiev
    Because Do not underestimate the unpredictability of DUAL !!!
    - x / f "Sleep ... whether! (" Big jackpot "in translation" Full PE ")

    I recommend watching "Canadian Bacon". When I watched it fifteen years ago, I thought it was just a stupid comedy. But two years ago this stupid scenario went off with a bang in reality in Ukraine. Another proof that the world is getting dumber.