Enemy blow to the Soviet civilization

Enemy blow to the Soviet civilization

60 years ago, 14 February 1956, began the XX Congress of the CPSU. It N. Khrushchev struck an enemy blow to the Soviet civilization and its future. The report "on the personality cult of Khrushchev" was slandered by Stalin, who saved the peoples of Russia from the Trotskyist internationalists (the "fifth column" of the West), Hitler's hordes and the new Western invasion led by the US using nuclear weapons. The leader who turned Russia-USSR into a superpower, which not only held back the onslaught of the West, but also gave mankind hope for a bright future, the opportunity to escape the slave-owning New World Order. Since that time, active “perestroika-1” began, which destroyed the unity of the people and the government (which was sealed with great blood of the Great Patriotic War), buried the plans to create the Stalinist society of the “golden age” - a society of service and creation, undermined the foundations of a balanced national economy. severe blows to industry and agriculture, the Russian peasantry, the demographics of the Russian people and, in general, predetermined the defeat of the USSR in the Third World War (the “cold war”) and the betrayal of the Soviet tops. Khrushchev's “perestroika-1” predetermined Gorbachev's “perestroika-2” and the geopolitical catastrophe of 1991

In turn, the death of Soviet civilization led to the military dictate of the United States, the only remaining superpower on Earth, and the violation of military-strategic and geopolitical stability on the planet. The United States did not cope with the role of "king of the hill." The planet was gripped by a systemic crisis, which in 2014 led to the start of the Fourth World War, a civilizational war.

Thus, the Twentieth Congress of the CPSU, which took place from 14 to 25 in February of 1956, became a fatal event not only in stories Russia-USSR, but of all mankind. At a private meeting of 25 February, N. S. Khrushchev made a report “On the personality cult and its consequences,” in which he voiced a fake about the personality cult of Joseph Stalin and mass repressions, which inflicted a terrible force on Soviet civilization, which ultimately and bury the USSR. Khrushchev spoke on the last day of the congress and, thus, did not allow discussion of the report. The hordes of almost all of Europe united under Hitler could not crush the Stalinist USSR. And only one well-planned conceptual and ideological operation (the report “on the cult of the personality”) was able to completely undermine the entire powerful building of the Red Empire.

After Stalin’s death (or its liquidation), there was an “evolutionary” de-Stalinization. Interior Minister L.P. Beria and his colleagues were killed, and security forces were reformed. The restoration of the rights and state formations of the deported peoples began, although they were punished in the case, and it was still too early to forgive them. In particular, the Chechen-Ingush Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic was restored in 1957, which became a serious strategic and national mistake of Moscow, if not a crime against the Soviet people. The rights of the Union republics were expanded, which in the future led to major problems and created the basis for the collapse of the Soviet Union. The impact program for the development of virgin lands was carried out with large "excesses", although it was originally wanted to conduct it on a limited scale. If at the beginning they were able to quickly increase grain production and guarantee the food security of the USSR, then major, fundamental problems emerged, such as depopulation and extinction of the Russian countryside, mass transfer of active Russian youth to the southern outskirts (undermining the core and reproduction of the Russian super-ethnos), ecological imbalance and soil erosion, which led to a decrease in the efficiency of cultivation of virgin soil by 65%, etc.

A terrible blow to the army and the fleetwhen the program for creating the ocean fleet was destroyed within the framework of the formally correct post-war demobilization, disruptive projects were ruined, combat commanders were thrown out of the armed forces, combat units with unique experience were disbanded, and a bet was made on nuclear missile forces. That is, only within the framework of the armed forces a powerful blow was inflicted on national security and billions of national money were sent down the drain, which had already gone to the development of the army, navy, aviation and science.

At the XX Congress of the CPSU, there was a radical break with the past. Evolutionary “de-Stalinization” has been replaced by a radical one. Khrushchev's report exposing the personality cult of Stalin dealt a powerful blow to the entire foundation of Soviet civilization and the state. This was the first fundamental step towards the destruction of the USSR and the socialist bloc as a whole. As a result of the Twentieth Congress, a crisis arose that marked the beginning of the liquidation of the communist movement in the European countries of the West. It has lost its conceptual and ideological foundations, its essence and purpose.

After all, Stalin buried the Marxist, Trotsky-international ideology, which led to the death of the Russian civilization and the Russian superethnos in the interests of the owners of the West. Stalin began to build a new civilization and society in the USSR. The Civilization of the Future (“The Beautiful is Far”). The society of service and creation, the society of comprehensive justice. The man of the “golden age” was educated, spiritually, intellectually and physically beautiful. We recall Alice Selezneva from “Guest from the Future”. The girl is beautiful at heart, intelligent, fluent in several languages ​​and has excellent (at the level of the most developed athletes of the 20th century) physical data. That is the future of humanity and the Soviet civilization, of a man seen in the USSR.

And what do Western architects offer us? Usually, this is the world after the apocalypse - technotronic, biological, natural, invading aliens, “zombies”, world war, etc. In this world there are “islands” of high technologies - space stations, megacities, etc., and the rest of the world destroyed or omitted in wildness. At the same time, on the “islands of security” people are also divided into castes, groups. There are super-rich, owners of property and access to high technology ("gods"), room service, including military-police, and "two-legged tools", slaves who degrade spiritually, intellectually and physically. It is a gloomy world, a world without hope and normal, human joys. The world of gentlemen and slaves.

It is clear that the image of the future, which was created in Soviet civilization, aroused hopes in the progressive, active part of humanity. The Stalinist USSR, who defeated the real “evil empire” - the Third Reich (created with the help of the masters of the West), was extremely popular in the world. The Soviet Union showed by its example the dead-end, degenerative material world of the West, the consumer society. The world of the "golden calf" lost to the Soviet civilization, which called to the stars, awakened and released the best qualities of man.

This caused fear among the masters of the West. Terrible fear. They lost the Big Game - the battle for planet Earth. Soviet civilization under Stalin beat them in all respects! The Soviet man turned out to be better and stronger than Hitler’s “blond Aryan scamps”. Although Hitler and the ideologists of the Third Reich were allowed to use secret psychotechnology that allows unleashing the enormous potential of the people and the people. The Soviet national economy demonstrated unprecedented success - the “Soviet miracle”, overtaking the advanced western countries. Soviet science and education were the best in the world, which made it possible to become the first in space and in the development of atomic energy. Moscow created “its humanity” - a socialist bloc independent of the dollar. Military way to crush the Soviet civilization did not work. The Red Empire defeated the hordes of Hitler and established control over half of Europe. With the help of the USSR, huge China emerged from a long crisis and recognized the Stalinist empire as “elder brother”.

The Western masters were simply afraid to unleash the Third World (“hot”) war already during the Second World War or immediately after it, as some hot heads like Churchill suggested. Their analysts predicted that in this case Moscow would simply crush the Anglo-American army and establish control over all of Europe. The West has launched a different type of war - the “cold” information war. The Western masters planned to rely on the remaining hidden Trotskyists in the USSR, the pro-Western intelligentsia (cosmopolitans), to decompose the administrative apparatus and eventually crush the USSR from the inside.

After Stalin’s death, the party and the country were led by a hidden Trotskyite Khrushchev through hidden combinations of Western intelligence services and the half-dead representatives of the “fifth column”. Khrushchev under Stalin created an image of such a silly simpleton. However, the nearness and simplicity were just a cover for the real "enemy of the people." And so skillful that even Stalin Khrushchev was able to convince him that he was a man from a plow who did not understand the subtleties of big politics. He began the first “perestroika”, which cosmopolitans called the “thaw”. In fact, it was a policy of scrapping the Soviet civilization, statehood and the consciousness of the people in all directions. People who were struck by the idea of ​​consumerism, the parasites who, as A. M. Gorky said, only know how to “take in order to eat and eat in order to take”, began to be appointed to leadership positions.

In a report to the Twentieth Congress of the CPSU, and in numerous other speeches, N. S. Khrushchev deliberately distorted the truth, frankly lied. For example, Khrushchev said in a report: "When Stalin died, there were up to 10 million people in the camps." In fact, on 1 in January 1953, the camps contained 1 727 970 prisoners, which Khrushchev was informed by a memorandum. In February, 1954 was presented with a certificate signed by the USSR Attorney General, the Minister of Internal Affairs of the USSR and the Minister of Justice of the USSR containing exact data on the number of convicted persons of all types of judicial bodies from 1921 to 1 in February 1954. However, report XX Congress of the CPSU, and in other speeches, Khrushchev deliberately distorted the truth.

He practiced an important technique of the information war of the West against the USSR. It was necessary to create an image of the “evil empire” in which millions of people were “innocently” repressed and destroyed, while the rest lived in “slavery”. From this point on, the topic of repression became central to the psychological war of the West against the Soviet Union. (part of the Cold War). The Union lost the important support of the liberal and leftist intelligentsia of the West. The turn of the left-liberal intelligentsia of the world community to the side of the opponents of the USSR in the Cold War began. This process was imported into the environment of the Soviet intelligentsia infected by Westernism. Figures like Solzhenitsyn developed the myth of "tens of millions of repressed people", created a black world about the Gulag, "bloody Stalin" ("Stalin, Beria, Gulag"). From this kind of scum in the West created "authorities", clogging millions of heads with garbage. During the years of Gorbachev's perestroika, this “mine” greatly facilitated the collapse of the USSR. Like, why protect and save the "prison of nations" and the "evil empire."

But the main thing was different. As the scientist S. G. Kara-Murza rightly notes, “the most important thing that was achieved by Khrushchev’s actions was the profanation (deprivation of holiness) of the Soviet state, the destruction of his spiritual connection with the people and at the same time the creation of a guilt complex for those who built and defended "(Kara-Murza. Soviet civilization).

In particular, the same Chekists and NKVD fighters who gloriously fought against “enemies of the people”, Basmachis, “Forest Brothers”, ordinary gangsters, etc. in the pre-war years, and defended the USSR during the Great Patriotic War and the first to take on themselves the most terrible blow of the Hitlerite hordes of 22 June 1941, smeared with blood and mud. Turned into monsters and executioners, servants of the "bloody Stalin."

Unfounded accusations were filed against Joseph Stalin. In particular, Khrushchev called the “cult of personality” the people's love for their leader, who organized the protection and preservation of the people during the most difficult period of its development. People sincerely loved the person who helped build a new civilization, statehood and society after the civilizational, geopolitical catastrophe of 1917, to withstand the fight against the West and create a superpower. “Any cult is a secret part of the spiritual world. When this part is pulled out roughly, with dirty paws, as Khrushchev did, they get cynicism and deaf, often unconscious hatred in return, ”S.G. Kara-Murza wrote.

The destruction of the ideological foundations of the state was carried out through the "landing of ideals." Instead of a distant image of fair and brotherly life, the people were given a "Soviet" consumer society. As Kara-Murza notes: “Every ideocratic rationale of the state includes two related things — a utopia (ideal) and a theory (a rational explanation of life and a project for the future). The state ideology of the “thaw” period spoiled both of these components and separated them. ” Utopia was destroyed by its unacceptable approximation (“the current generation of Soviet people will live under communism”) and by debauchery (communism means “free travel in public transport”). As well as leveling. Khrushchev immediately destroyed the principle: "to each according to his work." Throughout the USSR, leveling was introduced. No matter how hard you work, you will not get more of your soldering rates. Under Stalin, it made sense to raise education and professionalism: how much you earned, received so much. Do not forget about the material stimulation not only employees and workers, but the soldier (shot down the enemy's plane - get it, knocked out a tank - except for rewards and gratitude, you will also receive a monetary reward). Therefore, professors and professional workers could receive more than ministers. Khrushchev ruined it all, undermining the foundations of socialism.

The theory was spoiled by the unpredictability of the project and a departure from common sense in the implementation of even reasonable programs: the development of virgin lands, the reduction of the armed forces, the campaign on "the introduction of corn", "the chemicalization of the national economy" and others.

Violation of these foundations destroyed the state of a new type, which was built under Stalin, where the government served the people. The party-bureaucratic nomenclature under Khrushchev began to turn into a new class of exploiters. It is clear that this process is not simultaneous. Therefore, in the end, Khrushchev and removed from the throne, when his policies led to the possibility of disaster. However, the process of decomposition of the Soviet "elite" was launched and eventually led to a new "restructuring" and the 1991 disaster of the year.

Khrushchev socialism began to take the form of state capitalism. Its main feature is the constant increase in prices, and on essential goods, the deterioration of the lives of the masses. If anyone does not know, under Stalin, after the liquidation of military consequences (and in the shortest possible time, which caused great surprise in the West, where they hoped that the Soviet Union would not be restored for more than a decade), prices were regularly reduced - from 1946 to 1953. passed 16 markdowns on essential goods.

In the area of ​​government, an attempt to radical "de-Stalinization" has been reduced to a sharp decentralization and separation of the entire management system. From union to republican jurisdiction in 1954-55 More than 11 thousand enterprises were transferred. Then a radical step was taken: by law from 10 in May 1957, the sectoral management system was replaced by the territorial one. The Supreme Soviets of the republics created 107 economic regions (70 of them in the RSFSR), in which the collegial governing bodies, the Economic Councils, were established. 141 union and republican ministry was eliminated. There were 107 small governments with industry and functional departments. Above them had to build on the republican Economic Councils - in parallel with the remaining Council of Ministers. This led to poor governance.

In 1962, the economic councils were enlarged, and the all-Union Council of Economic Council of the USSR was established. In 1963, the High Council of the National Economy of the USSR was established, to which the State Planning Committee, Gosstroy, and other economic state committees were subordinated. Some recovery of production, caused by decentralization and a surge of local initiative, had a serious negative side - a reduction in the technical level of production. The liquidation of ministries deprived the Soviet system of its most important advantage: the ability of the state to concentrate funds for the development of science and technology, to pursue a single technological policy throughout the country and to distribute the best achievements through all the ministry’s channels to all industries.

To be continued ...
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  1. +36
    15 February 2016 07: 00
    Nikita Sergeevich was still that crest and who they are we now have a wonderful look!
    1. +18
      15 February 2016 09: 30
      Quote: VNP1958PVN
      VNP1958PVN (1) RU Today, 07: 00 New

      Nikita Sergeevich was still that crest and who they are we now have a wonderful look!

      “People like Khrushchev are sleeping right next to us ... Khrushchev began his betrayal from Stalin, and he or his successors will finish this business with the Soviet Union ... His reign will not be long, but the consequences of his reign will affect for decades ...” Mao Zedong

      Khrushchev in his work to destroy the state, which is a civilizational rival of the Anglo-Saxons, did not invent anything new, but simply returned to the origins of the October Revolution, returning to Russia the role that was clearly voiced by professional revolutionaries before the revolution, and from which they are now so aggressively denied:“To be a bundle of brushwood in the flame of a world revolution” - that is, not to be at all.
      1. +23
        15 February 2016 09: 31
        What would happen if Khrushchev and the comrades headed by him had not broken the Khrushchev’s gaining momentum, the foreigners themselves clearly and bluntly said: “US presidential candidate Stevenson assessed the situation in such a way that if production growth rates in Stalinist Russia continued, then by On 1970, the volume of Russian production in 3-4 times exceeds the American one. ”

        In the September issue of National Business magazine for the 1953 year, in an article by Herbert Harris, “Russians are catching up with us,” it was noted that the USSR is ahead of any country in terms of growth in economic power, and that currently the growth rate in the USSR is 2-3 times higher than in the USA.

        At the same time and at the same time, the Americans noted with horror that raising the standard of living and strengthening the institution of the family in the USSR would inevitably lead to a population explosion, as a result of which by the end of the century the population of 1 / 6 land would be half a billion people.
        1. -11
          15 February 2016 16: 40
          The restoration of the rights and state formations of deported peoples began, although they were punished in the case, and it was too early to forgive them.

          Samsonov Alexander in what case they were punished ???
          And why was it early ???
          And when it was not early ???
          You yourself at least understand what you write ???
          Are you the main forgiveness of peoples ???

          Why are you better than Khrushchev?
          He fought with Stalin for power.
          You are fighting a dead Khrushchev for what purpose?
          1. +5
            16 February 2016 00: 05
            Quote: Temples

            Samsonov Alexander in what case they were punished ???

            Take a trip to Crimea, see a monument to Russian villages that were carved by the Crimean Tatars, as they say locals, they even killed cats so that no memory was left of the Russians. About 200 000 were mobilized from the 20 000 of the Crimean Tatars to the Red Army and they all deserted and the Germans themselves noted in documents that 20 000 of the Crimean Tatars served them. Let it be known that families of Crimean Tatars whose children served in the Red Army were abandoned or returned from deportation, at the request of soldiers of the Red Army. So the Hero of the Soviet Union Amet Khan Sultan returned the family from Kazakhstan. No one was punished in vain.
            1. -2
              16 February 2016 08: 59
              Take a trip to Crimea ...

              You just look around. You don’t need to go anywhere.
              Ask the old people, maybe they will tell.
              But they are mostly silent about it.
              How many Russians were killed by Russians !!!!!!!!
              Because of the revolutionaries.
              Kerensky, Lenin, Trotsky and the rest of the minx who want to control others.
              They pitted people.
              So put your instructions in your ass.
              Found pancake judges of the peoples.
              Soviet civilization!
              You are replacing everything Russian with this "Soviet"!
              Do you even understand this yourself?
              Advised, but not enough. Do you want more blood?
              Does not live peacefully.
              All "Soviet" is the labor and blood of the peoples living in Russia.
              But not the merit of the "leaders".
              These "leaders" have fucked up the country twice in a hundred years.
              1. +1
                16 February 2016 10: 27
                Quote: Temples
                Take a trip to Crimea ...

                You just look around. You don’t need to go anywhere.
                Ask the old people, maybe they will tell.
                But they are mostly silent about it.

                But if you still go to the Crimea? Why you forbid to go to the Crimea? And why should I ask people who, by your admission, will be silent? That is, you succeed: if the witness says, this is an accusation, if the witness is silent, this is again an accusation.
          2. +1
            19 February 2016 18: 43
            how did Khrushchev fight with Stalin for power? while Stalin was alive Khrushchev was afraid to grunt in the corner.
      2. +27
        15 February 2016 09: 33
        But the Japanese billionaire, Herosi Terawama, spoke most precisely of all:

        “You are not talking about the main thing, about your leading role in the world. In 1939, you Russians were smart, and we Japanese were fools. In the 1949 year, you became even smarter, and we were fools so far. And in the 1955 year we got smarter, and you turned into five-year-olds. Our entire economic system is almost completely copied from yours, with the only difference being that we have capitalism, private producers, and we have never achieved more than 15% of growth, while you, with public ownership of the means of production, have reached 30% or more. In all of our firms hang your slogans of the Stalin era ... "
        1. +4
          15 February 2016 10: 14
          Quote: kare
          But the Japanese billionaire, Herosi Terawama, spoke most precisely of all:

          which in nature did not exist ...
          The only billionaire in Japan who was named Herosi was Herosi Yamauchi who gave the world Nintendo, but he didn’t say anything like that.
          1. +1
            15 February 2016 12: 57
            Quote: Mera Joota
            Quote: kare
            But the Japanese billionaire, Herosi Terawama, spoke most precisely of all:

            which in nature did not exist ...
            The only billionaire in Japan who was named Herosi was Herosi Yamauchi who gave the world Nintendo, but he didn’t say anything like that.

            Thank you hi truth above all
        2. +1
          15 February 2016 13: 17
          Stop repeating these fakes of the non-existent Japanese billionaire. Please submit his biography to the studio!
        3. 0
          15 February 2016 22: 47
          after all, but we were able to survive even the genius Gorbachev. If you had such a taxi, where would you be now? .. or what?
      3. avt
        15 February 2016 10: 22
        Quote: kare
        “People like Khrushchev are sleeping beside us ... Khrushchev began his betrayal from Stalin, and he or his successors will finish the matter with the Soviet Union ... His reign will not be long, but the consequences of his reign will affect for decades ...” Mao Zedong

        Yesterday I answered the question, which today is directly in the topic of the article repost
        Quote: Ingvar 72
        She was with us in 1953.
        what Well, as that perhaps yes. It was Khrushchev's return to Leninism and the further striving of the communist elite for a new ideal - "so that we had everything and we had nothing for it" and led to the finale in 1991. They finally purchased and cashed out the administrative resource, not everything, of course, but the most cunning. Yes, the actual Chinese evolutionary path was closed precisely in 1953. No matter how anyone relates to the historical personality - Stalin, he turned out to be extremely perspicacious in his statements about what -
        , with the construction of socialism, the class struggle intensifies and takes on more acute forms, as the doomed remnants of the exploiting classes will make their last desperate attempt to overthrow the Soviet regime. Stalin suggested that class enemies could even infiltrate the Bolshevik party, which is the leading force of the socialist state. Stalin also considered intra-party democracy and the presence of a dissenting opinion that did not coincide with the party’s official line “rotten liberalism”, and believed that such tolerance could weaken the party and lead to its destruction. Therefore, it is necessary to intensify political repressions in order to prevent these attempts, and also periodically "clean" the party of those who disagree.
    2. -8
      15 February 2016 11: 46
      He was Russian.
      1. +4
        15 February 2016 12: 52
        Quote: Sergej1972
        Sergej1972 RU Today, 11: 46 ↑ New

        He was Russian.

        Who! Khrushchov? By all means, Russian, and his name is sonorous Perlmuter ...
    3. 0
      15 February 2016 14: 45
      Quote: VNP1958PVN

      But Georgians did not make out?
    4. +3
      15 February 2016 21: 41
      Khrushchev didn’t let Bandera’s death to finish, when the tornadoes got to the bottom of the ties of the Ussr leadership with Banderlogs, then the khrushchev closed everything, well, and STALIN was gone! and in fact, the Bandera is in their blood, they took up positions in the Komsomol, disguised themselves as best they could, and climbed into power, sort of like Kravchuk from their ideological ones! http: //krasvremya.ru/veteran-smersh-o-banderovcax-palachej- nam-do
      bit-ne-dali /
      1. +1
        16 February 2016 13: 29
        Stalin's resolution on the execution lists submitted by Khrushchev - "Quit !!!"
  2. +17
    15 February 2016 07: 05
    Stalin buried the Marxist, Trotskyist-international ideology, which led to the death of Russian civilization and the Russian superethnos in the interests of the masters of the West.

    It was the care of the country and the peoples living in this country that was Stalin's main task, in contrast to the theoreticians who preceded him. The near Khrushchev, brought up on the ideas of his Trotskyist teachers, managed to a large extent to stop the rapid development of our country.
  3. Fat
    15 February 2016 07: 15
    The article is very hard to read, or rather with a very heavy feeling. The beginning of the decline of the socialist empire. Yeah ... Well, the author is right in many ways and so what ... This is all history and in the past it was the same as the Jacobins and the end of the directory of 18 Brumaire 1799. You need to remember this, but you should not raise it to the flag. What is the Soviet leader com. Party and state did not accept to kick the predecessor?
    1. +8
      15 February 2016 07: 45
      What Soviet leader com. parties and states did not start kicking their predecessor?
      Only Khrushchev, like a true liberal kicked. Stalin did not kick Lenin, Brezhnev did not kick Khrushchev, even Gorbachev secretly destroying everything Soviet did not touch his predecessors. But in the days of Yeltsin-Putin, it is fashionable to throw mud at the Soviet Union and its leaders.
      1. Fat
        15 February 2016 10: 42
        Yah? Terms "Voluntarism", "Stagnation" don't remember already? You poorly followed the materials of the party congresses and plenums of the CPSU Central Committee. ALWAYS and ALL leaders of the CPSU found "warm" words to their predecessors.
        And they tried to change Khrushch more than once, it is bad that in 1957 it did not work ... as a result of the defeat of the group of Molotov, Malenkov, Kaganovich at the Plenum of the Central Committee of the CPSU on June 22, 1957, the wording “anti-party group of Molotov, Malenkov, Kaganovich and Shepilov who joined them was born ". I.A. Serov and G.K. Zhukov then supported Nikita. For which Khrushch them then "thanked" them.
        Throwing mud at the Union became fashionable among the "creative intelligentsia" already at the time of Khrushch, and he introduced this fashion into use. The expression "scoop" did not appear in the 90s.
        1. +6
          15 February 2016 11: 04
          Correctly write. There was a delo. Moreover, all the rot came mainly from Moscow, where they were dragged with might and main from samizdat and chewing gum, as well as the "world forum" of youth and students.
          1. 0
            15 February 2016 11: 25
            Quote: Tambov Wolf
            Moreover, all the rot came mainly from Moscow, where they were dragged with might and main from samizdat and gum, as well as the "world forum" of youth and students.

            Well, in 2017, there will be another festival of youth and students :-) And the USSR has nothing to do with it :-)
            1. 0
              15 February 2016 22: 28
              Quote: sa-ag
              Quote: Tambov Wolf
              Moreover, all the rot came mainly from Moscow, where they were dragged with might and main from samizdat and gum, as well as the "world forum" of youth and students.

              Well, in 2017, there will be another festival of youth and students :-) And the USSR has nothing to do with it :-)

              If we think about the same thing, then I really hope that you are mistaken.
        2. +5
          15 February 2016 11: 48
          L.I. Brezhnev also very actively supported Khrushchev in 1957.
        3. 0
          15 February 2016 22: 27
          Quote: Thick

          This is to Brezhnev. For Khrushchev there was still a very high economic growth.
          Khrushchev's tragedy was that he was able to break Stalinism, but ... he himself created a common kingdom.
        4. +1
          15 February 2016 23: 12
          "The expression" scoop "did not appear in the 90s."
          The term "scoop" was invented by A. Gradskiy somewhere in the 70s in relation to the leaders of music, who themselves were musically illiterate. It is simply stupid to apply this expression to the entire Soviet people.
          Sorry, purely technical amendment.
      2. -2
        15 February 2016 15: 07
        Quote: Gardamir
        What Soviet leader com. parties and states did not start kicking their predecessor?
        Only Khrushchev, like a true liberal kicked. Stalin did not kick Lenin, Brezhnev did not kick Khrushchev, even Gorbachev secretly destroying everything Soviet did not touch his predecessors. But in the days of Yeltsin-Putin, it is fashionable to throw mud at the Soviet Union and its leaders.

        and with what a fright you attributed Putin to Yeltsin !? Putin does not sling mud at the USSR, do not muddy the water, about specific figures who ruled the country in certain periods!
        1. +10
          15 February 2016 17: 40
          and with what a fright you attributed Putin to Yeltsin !? Putin does not sling mud at the USSR, do not muddy the water, about specific figures who ruled the country in certain periods!
          fool Have you heard about the Yeltsin museum built by Putin with national money? In every speech Putin will surely kick the USSR, even from the UN rostrum.
          1. +1
            15 February 2016 22: 30
            Quote: Gardamir
            About Yeltsin Museum built by Putin on people's money heard?

            So what? Under Stalin, Lenin was given a reminder, as the founder of the state, even though his actions led to the Civil War, under Yeltsin, the Yuzi openings opened, despite the 90 crisis
            1. +1
              16 February 2016 00: 36
              Quote: Sukhoy_T-50
              Quote: Gardamir
              About Yeltsin Museum built by Putin on people's money heard?

              So what? Under Stalin, Lenin was given a reminder, as the founder of the state, even though his actions led to the Civil War, under Yeltsin, the Yuzi openings opened, despite the 90 crisis

              There is a different story. The people together hate Yeltsin. This was not the case with Lenin.
      3. 0
        15 February 2016 15: 19
        Stalin did not kick Lenin, he simply locked him in Gorki, surrounded him with his spies and significantly brought his death closer. And since he was definitely not a "liberal", he did not kick all Lenin's comrades-in-arms, but simply shot them! No man, no problem !!
      4. +2
        15 February 2016 23: 52
        Stalin was the leader of a great country. The times were brutal, the methods of leadership were also. And under him the system failed. Both fools and enemies who mowed down like fools came to power. and, hiding behind party mantras, they crushed both science and common sense, and even then, thanks to them, the initiative became punishable. Bureaucratic bureaucrats began to rise. But, most importantly, the overwhelming majority on "beads" was not conducted. And now the question is about the price of beads. And the common people, the current employers, democrats, humanists, "keep" worse than under Stalin. Guard!
        1. +1
          16 February 2016 00: 42
          Quote: tol16
          And fools and enemies, squinting under fools, fell into power. and, hiding behind party mantras, they crushed both science and just common sense, and even then, thanks to them, the initiative became punishable.

          Under Stalin, a great, strong state was created. Ordinary common sense says that this would not have happened if, as you say, "the initiative would have been punishable."
          1. +1
            16 February 2016 00: 53
            Quote: Villon
            Under Stalin, a great, powerful state was created.

            Yes it is.

            Quote: Villon
            Ordinary common sense says that this would not have happened if, as you say, "the initiative would be punishable"

            Here you are - "with two feet, but in a bowl of margarine" (c) Gleb Bobrov, "The Age of the Stillborn."

            Did not read? - I recommend .. contributes to .. enlightenment of the brain, especially among those who have not served ..

            Duc, I’m talking about something .. I don’t know what was under Stalin (although I ate each other like Korolev and Glushko each other - I heard it ... my mom and Korolev worked for my girlfriend later, not last, by the way, they played a stroke in 37 years .. and mom, judging by her friend - a very intelligent woman was ..)

            I'm talking about "later" .. my dad is a professor, DHN, he still works (go nuts .. I would live to see his age!)

            After defending his candidate, a completely healthy guy went to "mental correction" .. something like that. Even then, those who "did not fit in" - ate black.

            And it was in the forgotten 1971 year .. about how request
            1. -1
              16 February 2016 01: 05
              I agree with you that initiative is punishable everywhere and always. However, it is impossible to create something new on the principle of "initiative is punishable".
              1. 0
                16 February 2016 01: 31
                Quote: Villon
                it is impossible to create something new on the principle of "initiative is punishable"

                Perhaps they created it. The same father of mine - at the Grodno chemical plant tried to introduce a new .. catalyst laughing

                Then he said - nafik-nafik .. although everything was there in an adult way, dad .. he didn’t hang up pears, Semenov’s school, chain reactions - says something?
    2. -1
      15 February 2016 13: 56
      60 years have passed, and we all are looking for the guilty. Moreover, as it turns out, it’s not even we who are to blame for the policy pursued by the CPSU, but some external enemies and individual traitors who sold themselves to them, like Khrushchev. There is a Russian proverb: there’s nothing to blame the mirror on the mirror. This is her classic case. And by themselves, such mania is also a classic case, but in the practice of a completely different specialist.
      1. The comment was deleted.
      2. 0
        15 February 2016 15: 04
        Quote: Nikolai K
        60 years have passed, and we all are looking for the guilty. Moreover, as it turns out, it’s not even we who are to blame for the policy pursued by the CPSU, but some external enemies and individual traitors who sold themselves to them, like Khrushchev. There is a Russian proverb: there’s nothing to blame the mirror on the mirror. This is her classic case. And by themselves, such mania is also a classic case, but in the practice of a completely different specialist.

        And who do you come to the west? A lawyer ?!
      3. 0
        15 February 2016 16: 02
        Don't you understand? It's easier! One very specific person is responsible for everything and everyone. There is a good king, there is a bad one! The bad is close to the West, far from the people. Good far from the West - close to the people. And the people are always GOOD. He sees everything, knows how that dog is, but he cannot say. That is, it’s not to blame for anything, but the ruler is to blame. Secretly made his way, bought and betrayed. True, the question arises, what was he missing above? But poor people are accustomed to judge by themselves. Here they are sculpting demons for themselves, like children's horror stories, but only at a new level.
    3. 0
      16 February 2016 06: 08
      Quote: Thick
      The article is very hard to read, or rather with a very heavy feeling. The beginning of the decline of the socialist empire. Yeah ... Well, the author is right in many ways and so what ... This is all history and in the past it was the same as the Jacobins and the end of the directory of 18 Brumaire 1799. You need to remember this, but you should not raise it to the flag. What is the Soviet leader com. Party and state did not accept to kick the predecessor?

      Stalin did not kick Vladimir Ilyich.
  4. +6
    15 February 2016 07: 25
    Viper, sneaky grub!
    1. avt
      15 February 2016 12: 58
      Quote: Good cat
      Viper, sneaky grub!

      Snakes and viper in particular with?
      June krushchka (Rhizotrogus solstitialis) is a beetle from the family of lamellae (Lamellicornia s. Scarabaeidae), belonging to the group of charadriiformes (Melolonthidae) and also called non-chafer or chafer-non-chafer. Signs of the genus Rhizotrogas are 9 and 10 times long; th almost the same length; the antennae club consists of 3 segments; the upper lip with a notch; front tibia usually with 4 teeth; long; claws at the base with a long tooth. This genus includes more than 3 species found in the Old World, of which more than 3 species are found in Europe. H. June dark brown; red-breast shield, antennae and legs reddish-yellow; elytra pale yellow, shiny with 130 convex longitudinal lines; the chest is covered with thick, long fluffy whitish hairs; abdomen with short whitish hairs that form 70-sided spots on the sides, and white stripes on the back edge of each ring; antennae 4-segmented; length 3-9 mm. Zhuketot has an extensive geographical distribution, found in most of Europe and in Asian Russia; in the north it reaches Finland, it is often found in St. Petersburg province., is known in the Crimea, the Caucasus, Turkestan .... Larvae feed on the roots of various plants, especially cereals; observed that the larvae sometimes eat each other.
  5. +5
    15 February 2016 07: 25
    I put the article +, although .... Not everything is as simple as it seems ......
  6. +13
    15 February 2016 07: 40
    By his exposing of "black magic" at the 20th Congress, N.S. Khrushchev broke such wood, he made such a mess, we still clean it up ..
    1. +16
      15 February 2016 08: 04
      After the congress, China, Yugoslavia, Albania and other countries oriented toward friendship with the USSR sharply turned away. Sadly .... Not to mention the turning point in the minds of Soviet people.
      1. +3
        15 February 2016 11: 52
        They fell out with Yugoslavia under Stalin in 1948. In 1955 they made peace. At the end of the 50s. again a quarrel, but on a smaller scale, extending to inter-party, not interstate relations. Then, in the early 60s, they reconciled again with the Yugoslavs, but never had such close relations as with members of the police department. The Yugoslavs quarreled with us on completely different grounds than Albania and China. True, since the late 60s. Yugoslavs, Albanians and Chinese, as well as partly Romanians, despite their differences, accused the USSR of hegmonism and interference in the internal affairs of other socialist countries.
      2. +4
        15 February 2016 12: 07
        By the way, the Chinese at the turn of the 50-60s. carried out a thoughtless, adventurous policy of the "Great Leap Forward" that ended in complete failure, and also made a number of ill-considered actions on the world stage. To be honest, Stalin would not have liked such a domestic and foreign policy if he were alive.
  7. -11
    15 February 2016 07: 44
    Oh, these Stalinists ...
    Question to the author. WHOM of Stalin's "comrades-in-arms" do you see as the successor of his work?
    Well, not Khrushchev is understandable. Not Malenkov and not Beria, because the fact that they offered much better than what Khrushchev did was a complete rejection of the building of communism. Who!
    1. +16
      15 February 2016 08: 26
      A lot of them, even Beria could. He is an upscale organizer, a nuclear baton with a shield is his merit.
      1. -16
        15 February 2016 09: 14
        Quote: ImPerts
        A lot of them, even Beria could. He is an upscale organizer, a nuclear baton with a shield is his merit.

        You are joking? Beria was accused of "striving to liquidate the Soviet workers 'and peasants' system, to restore capitalism and restore the rule of the bourgeoisie," which is so. Beria was not interested in communist ideals and wanted to do what Deng Xiaoping did later.
        Therefore, I repeat the question, which of the "faithful Stalinists" wanted to continue his work?
        You can not bother looking for what is not. NONE.
        1. +5
          15 February 2016 10: 09
          Quote: Mera Joota
          "striving to liquidate the Soviet workers 'and peasants' system, to restore capitalism and restore the rule of the bourgeoisie"

          I hope that you do not need to explain why at the dawn of perestroika, Stalin was accused of distorting the ideas of Marxism - Leninism?
          1. -9
            15 February 2016 10: 31
            Quote: ImPerts
            I hope that you do not need to explain why at the dawn of perestroika, Stalin was accused of distorting the ideas of Marxism - Leninism?

            Of course not. Stalin was an ardent follower of Lenin’s ideas (fortunately, he didn’t slip up to Marx), and who could not be suspected of apostasy was Stalin.
            Regarding Lawrence, his plans for the reorganization of the USSR are well known and this is really revisionism and the accusations of his party comrades are quite appropriate.
            The mere curtailment of building socialism in the GDR and the unification of Germany is worth it.
            And the prohibition of torture? So Lavrenty Beria was clearly not a communist, but a typical liberal.

            1. +1
              15 February 2016 11: 47
              Me: "I hope that you do not need to explain why at the dawn of perestroika Stalin was accused of distorting the ideas of Marxism - Leninism?"
              Interlocutor: "Of course not."
              So the question arises, why did the Democrats do this?
              Can you prove with facts and quotes from the source that Stalin did not back one iota from Leninist principles?
              If you are a connoisseur of Leninist and Stalinist works, then please write. This will be an interesting article on VO, rich in discussion opportunities. I will only be for it.
              In the meantime, it's all at the level of conversation.
              Dying in a dream, I often whisper about love
              But believe in love while it's far away
              Loneliness is sleeping on my cool chest
              I lie, I smoke, meditate, I delve into the window.
              Oh pa! Oh pa!
              Oh, where, where are you, Europe?
              I look thoughtfully out the window
              But it is boarded up.
              Hey fire victim! Tighten your annoying light.
              How miserable your cry, how, however, silence is wise.
              You long for freedom, you drink, you crawl after it
              You yearn, darling, but you don’t know how terrible this woman is.
              Oh pa! Oh pa!
              Oh, where, where are you, Europe?
              I look thoughtfully out the window
              But it is boarded up.
              At the word "good" I habitually fall into stress.
              Russia is a beauty, you are darker than the plague.
              I only believe in progress in the cemetery,
              And I see how far you are until spring.
              I know the people, I read everything about him,
              Only enlightenment and juices can change it
              People are waiting for me, but I'm, unfortunately, tired
              Oh, just don’t have to beat me, please.
              Oh pa! Oh pa! Broken glasses.
              Oh pa! Oh pa! Burning with longing
              (c) Yu.L. Shevchuk, 1987 year.
        2. +1
          15 February 2016 10: 25
          Quote: Mera Joota
          You can not bother looking for what is not. NONE.

          And you forgive, before the untimely departure of our respected first president, the list of candidates for his post was drawn up and sealed in an envelope? Can you read it now? Who knows whom Stalin was preparing to replace himself. Do not forget that the repressions against the "Stalinists" began during the lifetime of the Generalissimo. Many promising communists were “snapped out” under various pretexts. Although on the other hand you are right, at the time of the transfer of power there was no one,
          Quote: Mera Joota
          which of the "faithful Stalinists" wanted to continue his work

          They are simply physically eliminated, or put in an appropriate position that does not rock. The coup is a delicate matter.
          1. +4
            15 February 2016 10: 54
            Quote: Avenich
            Although, on the other hand, you are right, there was NO ANYTHING at the time of the transfer of power,

            Already, and Comrade Stalin was very scrupulous about the placement of personnel, he spoke about the importance of staff selection many times. And how did it turn out that the personnel selected by him personally were, to put it mildly, not of that freshness?
            1. +2
              15 February 2016 11: 13
              Quote: Mera Joota
              And how did it turn out that the personnel selected by him personally were, to put it mildly, not of that freshness?

              Do you read what was written above? No one can now reliably say who Stalin prepared for the receivers. This was not necessarily a public figure, not necessarily from the "inner circle". Moreover, the conspirators eliminated possible applicants in advance, or as quickly as possible. Someone managed to escape, but, I repeat, they were placed in such conditions that they could not do anything.
              1. +2
                15 February 2016 14: 07
                Do you read what was written above? No one can now reliably tell who Stalin was preparing for the receiver

                Well, if you can’t, don’t chatter like that, or else you’ve dropped to the level of gossip grandmothers: oh, if you hadn’t betrayed the Stalin’s business, then you’d look if you could find a hero on the Russian land and we would become hoo, not that what now! History does not tolerate the subjunctive mood. If Stalin was the limits of his disciples, then there was a bad teacher. If the USSR collapsed, then there was a bad ideology and a non-viable system. It is necessary to learn from historical mistakes, and not to lament and look for the guilty.
                1. +1
                  15 February 2016 14: 49
                  Excuse me, dear, maybe I, of course, inattentively read my comments and therefore let me point out the use of the "subjunctive mood". There is a fact: a coup ... No different from many others and not only in our country. There are performers, customers, there are victims. Destruction of probable receivers is one of the phases thereof. And there is no need to hide under slogans about teacher-pupils in the style of Confucius, but to urge to learn historical mistakes and I can, let's start with Kampuchea and the "Khmer Rouge" for example.
                  1. -2
                    15 February 2016 16: 08
                    And millions of communists at all levels were also bought by enemies? Or cheated? If the first is generally awful. "Party of the Bribed". If the latter, the "party of fools" is even worse.
                    1. +1
                      15 February 2016 18: 32
                      Quote: kalibr
                      And millions of communists at all levels also bought enemies?

                      I also believe in the exclusivity of the Russian people, but let me ask a counter question? But what about the millions of Iraqi, Libyan, Afghan, Panamanian, Chilean, Spanish -ists. Who bought them and turned the coups in the respective countries? In the end, how did the Ukrainian people allow the coming of power to power ..? They were paid the same by the Ntsug Tugriks, each? Or did it cost a few mummers in colanders?
                      Quote: kalibr
                      Well, yes, "conspiracy theory". All clear!

                      Well, yes, "chaos theory". All clear!
                      1. 0
                        15 February 2016 19: 09
                        You probably have come to the answer: smart people with money will always fool "devotees", but poor and stupid.
                      2. 0
                        15 February 2016 19: 37
                        Quote: kalibr
                        smart people with money will always cheat "devotees", but poor and stupid.

                        Interesting division of people. Smart is rich, poor is stupid. True, the last of the Demidovs did not differ in a special mind, but they still lived in italy richly. Anyway. Moreover, in accordance with your classification, Nikita Sergeevich still had an incentive to seize power, let's say "by criminal means", and therefore he had some plans, had accomplices. He didn't have enough intelligence for something, which means it made sense to turn to more knowledgeable people. Conspiracy, yes. A coup, yes. You have to pay for the services of knowledgeable people, yes. No, not money ... speeches, resolutions, disarmament, distribution of territories, the implementation of utopian "projects", a quarrel with the "eastern neighbor". More "with the money" "fooled" the poor, but stupid.
                    2. 0
                      16 February 2016 00: 56
                      Quote: kalibr
                      And millions of communists at all levels were also bought by enemies? Or cheated? If the first is generally awful. "Party of the Bribed". If the latter, the "party of fools" is even worse.

                      Do you think that those who are deceived are always fools? Often deceived are naive or gullible people. Entire nations turn out to be deceived, And so what do we think that a deceived people is a people of fools? Of course not.
                      1. 0
                        17 February 2016 16: 41
                        No, yes, it is naive too ... Do not flatter yourself!
              2. -1
                15 February 2016 16: 06
                Well, yes, "conspiracy theory". All clear!
                1. +1
                  16 February 2016 01: 31
                  Quote: kalibr
                  Well, yes, "conspiracy theory". All clear!

                  Interesting term. Widely used since the Kennedy assassination. An analysis of the use of this term shows that whenever someone is accused of creating, adhering to or disseminating a conspiracy theory, there is a very high probability that he was able to tell the truth.
            2. +3
              15 February 2016 11: 28
              Quote: Mera Joota
              And how did it turn out that the personnel selected by him personally were, to put it mildly, not of that freshness?

              Well, just like now - according to the principle of personal devotion, how it all ended, takes all the horrors from such historical parallels ...
              1. +1
                15 February 2016 11: 53
                I advise you to read the book by F. Chuev "The Semi-Powerful Lord". Moreover, it is necessary to find a publication where there are no editorial changes and changes that are not agreed with the author and distort the meaning of what has been said.
                If it is interesting, I can give a link. Write in a personal.
              2. 0
                15 February 2016 22: 32
                Quote: sa-ag
                Well, just like now -

                as always.
        3. +3
          15 February 2016 16: 21
          Quote: Mera Joota
          Beria was accused of "striving to liquidate the Soviet workers 'and peasants' system, to restore capitalism and restore the rule of the bourgeoisie," which is so.

          They could blame anything. But why was he shot at arrest? As for capitalism, the elements of capitalism (the means of production in private hands) were also under Stalin. But the maize just eliminated them.
      2. cap
        15 February 2016 11: 59
        Quote: ImPerts
        A lot of them, even Beria could. He is an upscale organizer, a nuclear baton with a shield is his merit.

        It is interesting to read a discussion of history by contemporaries.
        Just thinking.
        The house was built by ancestors, with a good foundation. It still stands. Grandfathers built a stove that heats and walls are strong, how many enemies destroyed, did not break. They left a gun on the wall and a saber to protect the house. Earth does not plow to plow, enough for everyone. let the new build.
        Who does not like one floor, completes the second, third.
        If we break the foundation, this house will collapse and there will simply be nowhere to live.
        If this is your house, look around. Do not like changing something. If you are a guest, the owner’s house is his fortress. Attempts to establish order, intervention in someone else's fortress. What is the situation with the interventionists? As always in Russia. Russia has no other history, there is a future. Its history is the foundation of future generations. Russia has stood and will stand. Revisionists from history try to undermine and destroy the foundation. Remember this when writing or reading about your story, if it is dear to you your future.
        A good parable to what was said about the well, which will have to fall, more than once.
        That something like this. hi
        1. 0
          15 February 2016 16: 10
          A house built on the sand will not stand!
    2. Fat
      15 February 2016 12: 27
      Quote: Mera Joota
      Oh, these Stalinists ...
      Question to the author. WHOM of Stalin's "comrades-in-arms" do you see as the successor of his work?
      Well, not Khrushchev is understandable. Not Malenkov and not Beria, because the fact that they offered much better than what Khrushchev did was a complete rejection of the building of communism. Who!

      The Leningrad group is definitely! Zhdanov (was the second person after Stalin in the secretariat of the Central Committee), Voznesensky, Kuznetsov. After Zhdanov's death in 1948. All "Leningraders" were multiplied by 0 by the Leningrad affair in 1949 by the supporters of the Beria-Malenkov group ... Khrushchev also nailed to Beria and Malenkov.
    3. -1
      15 February 2016 16: 18
      Quote: Mera Joota
      Not Malenkov and not Beria, because the fact that they offered much better than what Khrushchev did was a complete rejection of the building of communism. Who!
      IMHO, just Beria would be the ideal candidate for Stalin's place. That is why the maize operator quickly got rid of him, shooting him upon arrest, and then playing a comedy with a "repentant criminal."

      There are two films on the topic.

      The first on TV will never (at least in the near future) be shown

      But the second one was shown on ORT.

  8. +2
    15 February 2016 07: 46
    In 1963, the Supreme Council of the National Economy of the USSR was created, to which the Gosplan, Gosstroy, and other economic state committees were subordinate.

    Alexander, doesn’t it seem to you that just such a structure would be appropriate now? I am so sure of that.
  9. -15
    15 February 2016 08: 02
    After the death of Stalin, Khrushchev and Co. adopted a country whose population lived mainly in barracks, the construction of housing for the proletariat for the rights of which all communists fought. Stalin did not bother. Stalin also left behind an army of 5 people and clearly did not plan to reduce it. Stalin also left behind an industry that could produce nothing more than weapons. Khrushchev had a choice to continue Stalin’s business further, or to think about people. He chose both of them, well, Khrushchev, what should he take from him ...
    I would like to hear the opinion of the author, what would Stalin do by eating a pill of immortality?
    1. -1
      15 February 2016 08: 34
      Here already on the site it was somehow:
      1. -11
        15 February 2016 09: 08
        Quote: ImPerts
        Here already on the site it was somehow:

        The author offered to equate handicraft with an industrial enterprise. Do not blind an elephant from a fly ...
        1. +7
          15 February 2016 10: 06
          Since artisans made TVs, these are good artisans.
    2. +6
      15 February 2016 10: 38
      After the death of Stalin, Khrushchev and Co. adopted a country whose population lived mainly in barracks,
      After the leader’s death, Khrushchev took over a country with a developed network of artels, where 70% of household goods were produced for the population. Where the peasant had his own farm and could sell the surplus. For barracks, you need to ask Besnovaty, who destroyed 60% of the housing stock. For a short time, this unfinished kakel closed all the cooperatives, depriving all disabled war workers of income, overturned all the cows up to a private goat, and forced the collective farmers to cut down all the apple trees. .
      1. +2
        15 February 2016 12: 01
        Well, actually, the taxation of household plots, the introduction of mandatory supplies of meat, milk, etc. from personal farmsteads, taxes on fruit villages were introduced under Stalin. Read Ovechkin. By the way, his essays were published in the Pravda newspaper. Under Malenkov and Khrushchev, the policy in this regard was significantly relaxed, and these supplies and taxes were eventually canceled. Khrushchev really launched an offensive on household farms in the early 60s, but here a lot depended on the local authorities. By the way, basically there was a struggle against the breeding of cows in regional centers and cities, it was believed that this did not correspond to the urban way of life. My grandmothers always had cows, including in the last years of Khrushchev's rule.
    3. The comment was deleted.
    4. 0
      15 February 2016 12: 57
      Quote: Mera Joota
      After the death of Stalin, Khrushchev and Co. took over the country

      So for objectivity, with Khrushche we flew into space
      1. +4
        15 February 2016 13: 25
        That is, the whole industry was created from scratch in 4 of the year?
        And where to put it?
        On 13 of May 1946 of the year, Decree of the Council of Ministers of the USSR No. 1017-419ss “Issues of Jet Arms” appeared, S. P. Korolev was not explicitly mentioned in the text of the Resolution, but in accordance with this document he was assigned to a new place of work. In August 1946, he was appointed Chief Designer of the Special Design Bureau No. 1 (OKB-1), created in Kaliningrad near Moscow, for the development of long-range ballistic missiles, and head of the department No. 3 NII-88 for their development. Almost immediately, the Council of Chief Designers appeared.
    5. +3
      15 February 2016 16: 30
      Quote: Mera Joota
      The construction of housing for the proletariat for the rights of which all communists fought Stalin did not bother.
      It was under Stalin that the projects of those very massive buildings for the population were created, which the corn-maker abruptly overturned and turned into Khrushchev. As for housing under Stalin, read the article on mortgages at 1% per annum - http://burckina-faso.livejournal.com/207726.html

      Quote: Mera Joota
      Stalin also left behind an army of 5 people and clearly did not plan to reduce it.

      Even the liberal wiki disagrees with you https://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/Советская_армия

      Also, in the period 1946-1948, the Soviet Armed Forces were reduced - from 11,3 million people to about 2,8 million people.

      Stalin also left behind an industry that could produce nothing more than weapons.
      What are you saying? Take a look at least on the wiki before hitting the keys - https://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/Промышленность_СССР
  10. -5
    15 February 2016 08: 17
    "dealt strong blows to industry and agriculture, the Russian peasantry, the demography of the Russian people" - Did not demography sag under Stalin?
    1. +8
      15 February 2016 08: 22
      Of course sagged, the war was. And this is an objective reason. But the formation of a subsidized model for the existence of union republics due to the GRP of the RSFSR is already different.
      1. -2
        15 February 2016 08: 46
        It's not even about the war, but about the period of the 30s.
        1. +1
          15 February 2016 10: 16
          The population of the RSFSR in 1920 was 93.107.746, in 1937, 103.967.924.
          1. -2
            15 February 2016 11: 54
            According to your data, for 17 years the population of the RSFSR increased by 11.6%
            But Poland from 27150 thousand in 1921 to 34923 thousand in 1938, or 28.6%.
            But objectively, it is better to compare the period 1928-1937. That the RSFSR 1.6%, and Poland 13.5%. Even taking into account the internal displacement, such a decline in population growth should not have happened.
            1. +2
              15 February 2016 12: 05
              Here the change in borders must be taken into account. In 1937, in the RSFSR, unlike 1928, there was no longer Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, and Karakalpakstan. And if compared with 1921, then there was no longer a significant part of the abolished Turkestan Republic and a number of territories included in the Byelorussian SSR.
              1. -3
                15 February 2016 12: 23
                Good. For the USSR (according to the Central Statistical Bureau of the USSR) from 1928 to 1938 an increase of 11.2, for Poland 13.51.
                1. +5
                  15 February 2016 13: 01
                  To begin with, that growth would be, this discussion can end. And then in the end we will find out in which area they had previously lost their virginity and what is better for birth control - an abortion or a condom.
                  And your interest is about this. I am the owner of 100 machines and in a year I acquired 2, an increase of 2%. You had 1 and became 2, an increase of 200%. The question is, who is cooler?
    2. 0
      15 February 2016 16: 32
      Quote: Nsk 54
      Wasn't demography slipping under Stalin?
      Google it to understand that the population of the USSR under Stalin grew even during the war and "mass repressions".
      1. +1
        15 February 2016 17: 51
        Quote: sdv68
        Google to understand that the population of the USSR under Stalin grew even during the war

        Yes, men mostly die at the front, and the population is growing, wonderful things are your Lord :-)
  11. +16
    15 February 2016 08: 20
    1) Article "+";
    2) My grandmother, the kingdom of heaven, born on 1914, survived all the leaders of the USSR, as well as the collapse and evacuation to Russia from the once fraternal socialist republic, which gained identity through the humiliation of the Russian-speaking population, spoke of Khrushchev only rogue;
    3) Khrushchev was the first in the village, making it clear to the party nomenclature, which guarantees them immunity in exchange for loyalty;
    4) Khrushchev destroyed the economy under Stalin by starting throwing from one extreme to another;
    5) Having destroyed the prevailing economic model, splashed out dirt and outright lies at the 20 congress, Khrushchev laid the foundation for the destruction of the Soviet Union due to the growth of the shadow economy, with its subsequent legalization during the perestroika period, because you can not worry about going under the wing of an unchallenged party leader .
    1. +1
      15 February 2016 12: 12
      My rural relatives spoke warmly about Malenkov, Khrushchev and Brezhnev. And the rule of Stalin in the early 50s was considered a very difficult time for the village. Jokes were told about Khrushchev, talked about his eccentricities in the last years of his reign. But it was noted that at the end of his reign they undoubtedly lived better than in the early 50s. Life really began to improve. An even greater improvement was under Brezhnev in the late 60s and early 70s.
  12. +4
    15 February 2016 08: 29
    I notice from the author of the article sometimes in exactly the opposite direction and I wonder how so many things get along peacefully in one person :-)
    1. -6
      15 February 2016 09: 06
      And I wonder to another how talented the author was able to draw us an image of a truly demonic personality: for so many years he disguised himself as a decent person, passed all the filters, got to the very top and never gave himself away! What kind of person had the talent, self-control and endurance to pretend like this? And after all, no one suspected him of anything! What an example, however, to follow: go to "structures", "make a fool", follow all orders, and as soon as you are upstairs - then do what you want! Earlier, I remember, this is how Trotsky was demonized. Now it has come to Khrushchev ...
      1. +1
        16 February 2016 01: 47
        Quote: kalibr
        And I wonder to another how talented the author was able to draw us an image of a truly demonic personality: for so many years he disguised himself as a decent person, passed all the filters, got to the very top and never gave himself away! What kind of person had the talent, self-control and endurance to pretend like this? And after all, no one suspected him of anything! What an example, however, to follow: go to "structures", "make a fool", follow all orders, and as soon as you are upstairs - then do what you want! Earlier, I remember, this is how Trotsky was demonized. Now it has come to Khrushchev ...

        Khrushchev was never decent. Under Stalin, the role of the jester was openly played. And conspirators from the party chose him not for decency, but for his ability to betray.
        About Trotsky. He, what do you think was an angel?
        1. 0
          16 February 2016 12: 49
          He was not an angel, neither in my opinion nor at all. You do not understand the words? It was not and they disguised these different concepts. But it is strange to read, including from you, that the buffoon decides the fate of a great country. And no one sees this and everyone is happy, and the top of the party (where did it come from Mars?) Are solid conspirators! Isn’t it funny for you to read this? You worked in the archives of the Central Committee of the CPSU, the Central Committee of the Komsomol, other party archives, or so - the OBS agency works?
  13. -4
    15 February 2016 09: 11
    Who the author guessed after the first paragraph. In my opinion, the author is too categorical.
  14. -10
    15 February 2016 09: 29
    Yesterday I watched documents, according to National Geographic, about the recollections of contemporaries about how Hitler and Goebbels rejoiced every time when they received new information about the mass shootings of Soviet senior officers in the NKVD of the USSR, under Yezhov and Beria. The German special services, then, helped a lot. During the period from 1937 to 38, about 140 soldiers of the Red Army were shot, as a consequence of the failure in the Finnish War of 000-1939 and the mediocre death in 40 of the best cadre units of the SA, which is why the Nazis then ended up near Moscow. read Comrade Stalin - "Mein Kampf". It clearly says -Germany is heading to the East. Stalin, with all the "Non-aggression Pacts".
    The author characterizes N. Khrushchev very one-sidedly. In this spirit, it is possible to suspect the KGB of the USSR that the committee was an underground anti-Soviet organization.
    1. +2
      15 February 2016 10: 26
      Quote: Aitvaras
      During the period from 1937 to 38, approx. 140 000 soldiers of the Red Army were shot

      Are you so sure about these numbers?
      Quote: Aitvaras
      .As a consequence, the failure in the Finnish war of 1939 -40 and the mediocre death in 1941 of the best personnel parts of the SA

      Oh and
      Quote: Aitvaras
      Failures in the Finnish War 1939 -40

      did the Germans have other problems near Stalingrad?

      Quote: Aitvaras
      mediocre death in 1941 of the best personnel parts of SA

      I hasten to disappoint you, knowing the capabilities of the Wehrmacht, the leadership prepared in advance for a retreat. The question was to which settlement. Of the worst, it was before the Urals.
      1. -7
        15 February 2016 11: 15
        I took the information from the reference Gen. USSR Prosecutor R. Rudenko, dated February 2, 1954 A strange preparation for retreat if heavy weapons were removed deep in the rear from Stalin’s line. Approximately the forces of Germany and the USSR, on the confrontation line were then equal. To the Red Army, in 1941, 595 KV and 1225 T-34 tanks had already arrived. Here, the first doomed tank counterattacks of the SA, with several forces, were described at the VO. The tank divisions near Kedainiai in Lithuania on 23/06/1241, as they were almost without fuel and armor-piercing shells, were all destroyed by the Germans. This was the result of Stalinist repressions and the result of mediocre command, which Hitler was so happy about in 1938.
        1. +4
          15 February 2016 12: 52
          Quote: Aitvaras
          About the forces of Germany and the USSR, on the line of opposition then were equal

          I wonder how it turns out ?! But do not tell me, why did they lose to Napoleon under Austerlitz? After all, was there an advantage? And the losses are huge?
          But for example, under Klyastitsy? It’s the opposite.
          Quote: Aitvaras
          I took from the reference Gen. USSR Prosecutor R. Rudenko, from February 2 to 1954

          Which one and where? Could attach a scan, your colleague manages.
          Quote: Aitvaras
          During the period from 1937 to 38, approx. 140 000 soldiers of the Red Army were shot.

          For example, D. A. Volkogonov writes that 40.000. Yakovlev is already about 70 thousand. A certain V. S. Koval what everyone!
          You guys will agree among themselves there.
        2. +2
          15 February 2016 16: 44
          Quote: Aitvaras
          I took the information from the reference Gen. USSR Prosecutor R. Rudenko, dated February 2, 1954
          If you are about this help Then there is not a word about the 140 thousand executed by the Red Army. M. b. you have some other "help". I do not know. Google only gives out the one I posted.
          Quote: Aitvaras
          About the forces of Germany and the USSR, on the line of opposition then were equal.
          The number of the Wehrmacht on June 41st was about 7 million people. The number of the Red Army is about 5 million, but they were scattered throughout the USSR. Including and in the far east.

          Quote: Aitvaras
          . In the Red Army, in 1941 595 KV and 1225 T -34 tanks had already arrived

          In fact, the number (although in it, if you mean June 41st, you lied) is not determined by the effectiveness of use. Google on the largest tank battle of the Second World War. And you will understand that the number determines not everything.
      2. The comment was deleted.
    2. -1
      15 February 2016 11: 32
      Quote: Aitvaras
      that the committee was an underground anti-Soviet organization.

      As Agent Fox Mulder would say, "The truth is somewhere nearby" :-)
    3. +2
      15 February 2016 16: 36
      Quote: Aitvaras
      During the period from 1937 to 38, approx. 140 000 soldiers of the Red Army were shot.
      Oh, those liberal tales and storytellers. Before you write nonsense, google at least to find out that in 37-38 years about 40 thousand people were Dismissed from the army, for various reasons, and less than 6.5 thousand of them got "under a political article". Even fewer of them were shot. But how many of them are innocent is a big question.
    4. +1
      15 February 2016 18: 07
      "... in this spirit, one can even suspect the KGB of the USSR that the committee was an underground anti-Soviet organization." Ha ha ha, why SUSPECT him ??? !!! 1991, 1993, WHAT IS THE QUESTION? Where is our 1/6 of the Earth, where is the state gathered for centuries? Dumb, kids changed trash cans for Merciers. I'm exaggerating, of course. But. These actions are called betrayal. Betrayal. They are TRAITORS.
    5. +1
      15 February 2016 22: 35
      Quote: Aitvaras
      I read Comrade Stalin - "Mein Kampf". There it is clearly written -Germany is going to the East. Subtly outplayed, Hitler with Ribbentrop, comrade. Stalin, with all the "Non-aggression Pacts".

      I'm plus
      Quote: Aitvaras
      that the committee was an underground anti-Soviet organization.

      Traitors, there are only traitors around! (C)
    6. +1
      16 February 2016 02: 00
      Quote: Aitvaras
      In this spirit, the KGB of the USSR can be suspected that the committee was an underground anti-Soviet organization.

      It reminds me of a scene from the Diamond Arm.
      "- What, what should I have thought?
      - just NOT THIS! "
      The researcher always considers all possible options.
    7. 0
      16 February 2016 02: 00
      Quote: Aitvaras
      Inattentively read Comrade. Stalin - "Mein Kampf". It clearly says -Germany goes to the East.

      Can you tell me the page where it is written?
  15. -6
    15 February 2016 10: 17
    In reality, as of January 1, 1953, the camps contained 1 prisoners, about which Khrushchev was informed by a memorandum.

    Total 1 prisoners? Well, that's another matter entirely. Yosya Dzhugashvili turns out to be a real mother Teresa. Samsonov Alexander, and if among these 727 prisoners there were your father and whose mother, according to the denunciation, would be ranked as "the fifth column" of the West ". Of course, they themselves would have confessed that they worked for British and American intelligence and were preparing an attempt on the life of "Stalin's beloved comrade." If they were lucky, they would return from the camps and then you would suddenly have a chance to be born. Because God forbid you would have been born before they were planted. Then you, as the son of enemies of the people, would have been brought up with all "proletarian love" in an orphanage. You would be taught there day and night to love the Motherland. Here's what I can guarantee you is that you would never have written such an article.
    And by the way, my family was lucky. No one was repressed, although denunciations were constantly written to my grandfather, the chairman of the collective farm.
    1. +2
      15 February 2016 10: 42
      And by the way, my family was lucky. No one was repressed, although denunciations were constantly written to my grandfather, the chairman of the collective farm.
      Professor, you’re contradicting yourself. Does it turn out that you didn’t row everyone indiscriminately? And rowing is only on business?
      1. -3
        15 February 2016 10: 55
        Quote: guzik007
        Professor, you’re contradicting yourself. Does it turn out that you didn’t row everyone indiscriminately? And rowing is only on business?

        No, not the case. My grandfather was not imprisoned since he was a front-line soldier, disabled person (he fought in the Finnish and Great Patriotic War until September 1945) and the chairman of the district executive committee also did not let the denunciations go.
        In those days, millions were repressed. All about the case? And all those shot also in the case? Korolev, for example, sat in the case?
        Did the author miss the "bright" times? North Korea at your side. Suitcase, train station, Pyongyang. Let him only write a will, if of course there is something and to whom to bequeath.

        Khrushchev, of course, did not shine with a special mind, and the sea did stupid things. And he was not an angel, he signed the shooting lists when Dzhugashvili was at the helm. Only during the fool Khrushchev wasn’t taken away at night and wasn’t shot by denunciations. For this he is honored and praised.
        1. 0
          15 February 2016 12: 14
          Here you are also somewhat categorical. Khrushchev was undoubtedly an intelligent man, but poorly educated.
          1. -1
            15 February 2016 13: 59
            Quote: Sergej1972
            Khrushchev was undoubtedly an intelligent man, but poorly educated.

            I do not agree. An intelligent person will not promise communism by 1980.

            Quote: RUSS
            During the trip, on the train, I met an American diplomat traveling to Vladivostok to meet a business delegation

            ... and in the case of July 4, 1938, was arrested on charges of espionage and sentenced to 5 years in forced labor camps? Acquaintance with a diplomat is already espionage and 5 years in Kolyma?

            Quote: Cook
            And you provide a certificate of those convicted of counter-revolutionary acts for 35 years, from 1918 to 1953.

            For what period are you interested in?
            1. The comment was deleted.
            2. +4
              15 February 2016 14: 10
              Quote: professor
              and in the case of July 4, 1938, was arrested on charges of espionage and sentenced to 5 years in forced labor camps? Acquaintance with a diplomat is already espionage and 5 years in Kolyma?

              You misinterpreted my comment; on the contrary, I agree with you on the fact that many, many were convicted and repressed on far-fetched charges, and as an example I gave a delusional arrest with the further beating of actor George Zhzhenov in the camp.
            3. +2
              15 February 2016 16: 57
              Quote: professor
              For what period are you interested in?

              Those. it turns out that less than 1 million people were convicted during the "bloodiest" period. And this is from almost 190 million inhabitants of the USSR. Moreover, your numbers (apparently) show the total population of the Gulag. But there is only one fact, which for some reason the vampires forget. "Political" among the entire population of the Gulag was less than 20% for the entire Stalinist period. The rest are ordinary criminals. So consider it.
              1. -4
                15 February 2016 19: 55
                Quote: sdv68
                Moreover, your numbers (apparently) show the total population of the Gulag.

                You are not careful. Only victims on the graph political repression.

                Quote: activator
                Well, I’m looking at the village where I came from to the neighboring village where I went to school and I don’t know how it was where the people got to? It turns out that all of Israel emigrated to Canada and other overseas countries. In 1980, I went to school in my class there were 20 people, the average indicator for the school of 17 people was about 600 people in total. In 1990 the average class was 12 people, now 7 how many people are in the village I don’t know. The indicators are depressing although there is no famine or executions, but it’s impossible to live, they die a lot.

                But you yourself do not live in your native village. Where did the kids come from, and in the city five children are hard to raise. How many brothers do you have? How many children did your grandfather have? How many children do you have? Again Obama is to blame.

                Quote: sdv68
                On the case or not, you can understand only by reading their case, and nothing else.

                And what do you understand by reading? There are 99% confessions in espionage, sabotage, sabotage, terrorism, treason and theft.

                Quote: sdv68
                Here is what Vladimir Startsev, senior assistant to the prosecutor of the Leningrad Region, writes about this -

                The prosecutor shuts off his colleagues. Let him better tell you how many then acquittals were passed, why the party was not judged, and how it all happened in general.

                Quote: sdv68
                As far as I know in the case.

                It turns out you are the father of Kosmovatiki criminal and thief? request
                1. 0
                  15 February 2016 20: 35
                  Quote: professor

                  But you yourself do not live in your native village. Where did the kids come from, and in the city five children are hard to raise. How many brothers do you have? How many children did your grandfather have? How many children do you have? Again Obama is to blame.

                  So you also rushed to Israel from Nenko laughing maybe you will return will raise science and demography. fellow We have democracy and freedom, the police kill them right on the street even in the dungeons, now they don’t need to hide. Yes, we now have power in front of the Jews, by the way, we can fit you the protector of the oppressed and the best president in the world, a song how's your. He will carry out the reforms with the support of the IMF good , and we’ll give Yatsenyuk, otherwise the IMF will not give money without him, because everyone respects him there, in any case, he says that to everyone. lol And Putin is to blame for everything.
                  1. -1
                    15 February 2016 21: 47
                    Quote: activator
                    So you, too, have rushed to Israel from Nenko, maybe you will return and you will raise science and demography.

                    No thanks. I'm raising demographics here.

                    Quote: activator
                    Yes, no persecution of Jews, they are now in power by the way, we can match you with the protector of the oppressed and the best president in the world, a pet who seems to be yours.

                    I heard such a theory. Not ours. Ours are not baptized.

                    Quote: activator
                    And Putin is to blame for everything.

                    Obama schmo. This is known to all. And yet, how many children do you have? wink And why so few?
                    1. +1
                      15 February 2016 22: 57
                      Quote: professor
                      I heard such a theory. Not ours. Ours are not baptized.

                      Well, if for very large grandmas? Moreover, the country in addition to it, of course, Ukraine is not Switzerland, but still ...
                      Quote: professor
                      Obama schmo.

                      Bravo professor! Can you write on the rear window too? Also try this: I’ll buy Obama’s skin, an entrepreneurial people can sell you well, but in Russia they will pay well for such goods. laughing
                      Quote: professor
                      And yet, how many children do you have? And why so few?

                      A child alone is now a trend in Ukraine, and you don’t even know how to raise one, and you need some sort of a hut in the future. For example, in Ukraine, I don’t see the future. The idea that it’s necessary to blame is more frequent. Who is to blame? It was definitely not without world hegemon. Well and, accordingly, our home-grown boobies who believe that as soon as we join the European Union, we will immediately receive pensions of apiece of euro. We just need to repeat more often that Ukraine is Europe.
                      1. +1
                        16 February 2016 09: 10
                        Quote: activator
                        Well, if for very large grandmas? Moreover, the country in addition to it, of course, Ukraine is not Switzerland, but still ...

                        Your president was not a poor person even before the election. IMHO, he just lost.

                        Quote: activator
                        Bravo professor! Can you write on the rear window too?

                        I’ll hurry to upset you. It’s not customary for us to cling to such a glass and they don’t blame us for all their troubles. They will blame their government and periodically change it. And yesterday, in general, the prime minister was sent to prison. Well, you don’t understand this. By the way, it’s customary to glue here such glass (as in America),

                        but I have it.

                        Quote: activator
                        Baby alone

                        Why am I not surprised? request

                        Quote: activator
                        Who is to blame?

                        Well, here are two options, either Obama or the Jews. wink
                  2. 0
                    16 February 2016 11: 10
                    Quote: activator
                    maybe you will return will raise science and demography.

                    What are you belay we must be glad that people like him left us, and the fewer such people in Russia, the better for all our people and our country.
                2. 0
                  16 February 2016 10: 30
                  Quote: professor
                  The prosecutor shuts off his colleagues.
                  Do not make me laugh. Now only the lazy did not throw a stone in the Stalin era.
                  Quote: professor
                  Let him better tell you how many acquittals were passed, why the party was not judged and how it all happened.
                  You will still laugh, but in the Stalin era, the number of acquittals in court was an order of magnitude greater than today.
                  Quote: professor
                  It turns out you are the father of Kosmovatiki criminal and thief?
                  Where did I write this? You have something wrong with your eyes. Isn't it time to look at the ophthalmologist. "Misappropriation of public funds" is just some modern analogue of what was then attributed to Korolev. Another thing is that today people are not imprisoned for this. By the way, indirectly, the fact that he was left behind bars even after the review of the case in the 39th speaks about his real guilt. Those. then, when they have already begun to rehabilitate the innocent repressed.
                  1. +1
                    16 February 2016 10: 33
                    Quote: sdv68
                    Now only the lazy did not throw a stone in the Stalin era.

                    Deserved it.

                    Quote: sdv68
                    You will still laugh, but in the Stalin era, the number of acquittals in court was an order of magnitude greater than today.

                    How many?

                    Quote: sdv68
                    "Misappropriation of public funds" is just some modern analogue of what was then attributed to Korolev.

                    I read everything well. He was judged for your case by criminal article. So he criminal or the father of space and a national hero? Or how?
        2. +2
          15 February 2016 13: 06
          Quote: professor
          In those days, millions were repressed. All about the case?

          A simple example is
          During the filming of the painting "Komsomolsk" (1938) Georgy Zhzhenov took the train to Komsomolsk-on-Amur. During the trip, on the train, I met an American diplomat who was traveling to Vladivostok to meet a business delegation. This acquaintance was noticed by film workers, which served as the reason for his accusation of espionage activities. On July 4, 1938, he was arrested on charges of espionage and sentenced to 5 years in forced labor camps. Staged at Kolyma on November 5, 1939.
          1. 0
            15 February 2016 17: 00
            Quote: RUSS
            During the trip, on the train, I met an American diplomat who was traveling to Vladivostok to meet a business delegation.
            In fact, in order to understand whether the accusation was fair or not, you still need to read the criminal case (see above my kament about Dvorzhetsky). It is no secret to anyone that in those years, most diplomats (both ours and theirs) were ordinary spies under diplomatic immunity.
        3. +3
          15 February 2016 15: 32
          Quote: professor
          the front-line soldier also did not let the denunciations go.
          In those days, millions were repressed. All about the case? And all those shot also in the case? Korolev, for example, sat in the case?
          Did the author miss the "bright" times? North Korea at your side. Suitcase, train station, Pyongyang. Let him only write the will, if of course there is something to

          When Yushchenko was president on TV, they showed a film about the Holodomor, and in the end they said that 70 million people were killed in the USSR during 20 years of Soviet power. At the time of 000, the population of Ukraine was reduced to 000 million from 2005 million in 45. Tyran Stalin smokes a pipe.
          1. 0
            15 February 2016 15: 42
            Quote: activator
            At the time of 2005, the population of Ukraine was reduced to 45 million from 52 million in 1991. Tyran Stalin smokes a pipe.

            You brought me to the number of executed or tortured? wink I once lived in Ukraine, but now I don’t live there. That's only in Stalin's time, population decline was not associated with emigration. Well, no way.

            Further. The demographic pit happened long before independence. My grandfather had 4 children, the other 5. My parents had only two children. In my class, only one guy had two brothers (that is, three children in the family), and basically either one brother or sister, or in general he was the only child in the family. And this is in the full stagnant years. Who's guilty? Of course, Obama. lol
            1. +2
              15 February 2016 16: 17
              Quote: professor
              Ukraine, but now I don’t live there. That's only in Stalin's time, population decline was not associated with emigration. Well, no way.

              Well, I’m looking at the village where I came from to the neighboring village where I went to school and I don’t know how it was where the people got to? It turns out that all of Israel emigrated to Canada and other overseas countries. In 1980, I went to school in my class there were 20 people, the average indicator for the school of 17 people was about 600 people in total. In 1990 the average class was 12 people, now 7 how many people are in the village I don’t know. The indicators are depressing although there is no famine or executions, but it’s impossible to live, they die a lot.
          2. 0
            15 February 2016 15: 56
            Quote: activator
            . At the time of 2005, the population of Ukraine was reduced to 45 million from 52 million in 1991. Tyran Stalin smokes a pipe.

            Fertility has fallen, and not only in Ukraine ....
          3. The comment was deleted.
        4. 0
          15 February 2016 16: 51
          Quote: professor
          In those days, millions were repressed. All about the case?
          On the case or not, you can understand only by reading their case, and nothing else. Here, for example, why was Vaclav Dvorzhetsky, rehabilitated, by the way -

        5. 0
          16 February 2016 02: 10
          Quote: professor
          Khrushchev, of course, did not shine with a special mind. And he was not an angel, he signed the shooting lists when Dzhugashvili was at the helm.

          Khrushchev did not sign them, he composed them.
    2. +1
      15 February 2016 16: 48
      Quote: professor
      and if among these 1 prisoners were your father and whose mother, according to the denunciation, would be ranked as "the fifth column" of the West ".

      Here is what Vladimir Startsev, senior assistant to the prosecutor of the Leningrad Region, writes about this - http://www.fontanka.ru/2006/05/08/164208/ (the article, although the 2006th, but this does not change the essence)

      In recent years, a wave of appeals from children of repressed citizens has gone. They ask that their parents be recognized as rehabilitated, as they can receive social benefits - about 800 rubles of a monthly payment. We pick up cases from the archives and in many cases we face the fact that the repressed in Soviet times were shot or did not sit in the camps for nothing - someone received a sentence for robbery and theft, someone served as a headman under the Germans ... Children will find out about the past of their parents for the first time! For some, this is a real shock.
    3. 0
      16 February 2016 19: 33
      That is, people were unfairly thrown into jail on denunciations, but your grandfather was not even sent to prison with the help of constant denunciations? So maybe all the same lawlessness did not happen then
  16. +7
    15 February 2016 10: 24
    I read the article as if I had walked on a parade march in a "box" of 10 people, under deafening slogans and calls.
    Yes and no.
    One thing is for sure - a very lively feather by Alexander Samsonov.
    All these sins of Khrushchev - virgin land, army, etc. etc. - nothing compared with the removal of the nomenclature from the control of internal organs, state security.
    After the "caste of the untouchables" has appeared (or will appear), you can put an end to the country.
    What actually do we see now.
    1. +1
      15 February 2016 12: 17
      In fact, even under Stalin, state security organs were under tight party control. How many chiefs of different levels were removed from their posts by decision of the Central Committee of the CPSU (B.). Yes, and Yezhov, Beria, Ignatiev were primarily party and Soviet leaders.
      1. +1
        15 February 2016 13: 10
        Nobody argues with this. But the 1 secretaries and further, republican, provincial, regional and further, party committees were under vigilant control by the state security organs. And for the sake of power, Khrushchev gave them a carefree life. Any procedural action in relation to the party employee should have been coordinated with the higher. And here is the instinct of self-preservation. And corruption began to spread throughout the body of party organs.
  17. 0
    15 February 2016 11: 02
    Here's what's interesting. The same author, five years ago, admired LP Beria, describing what reforms he planned to carry out after Stalin's death: "The black myth of the" bloody "Beria"
    The described reforms of Beria were actually de-Sovietization of the USSR, which aroused admiration for the author:
    A number of Beria's events seem controversial, but their general positive orientation cannot be denied.

    At the same time, the author attracts a pier
    when Stalin was gone, Beria tried to continue his work and begin reforming the system.

    How this relates to the following is not clear:
    In foreign policy, Beria was going to improve relations with the West. In the countries of Eastern Europe it was proposed to stop building socialism according to the "Soviet model", a more flexible model was needed, taking into account local characteristics.

    For this alone I.V. Stalin without any delay would have prescribed Lavrentiya a place on Kommunarka ...
    1. 0
      15 February 2016 16: 15
      First he wrote one thing, then in five years he forgot. And so it happened!
  18. +3
    15 February 2016 11: 05
    Quote: professor
    A total of 1 prisoners? Well this is a completely different matter

    And how many ZeKs in modern Russia (well, a little less), but in the USA (and there are already more)? Well. is it also the gulag or the norm?
    1. 0
      15 February 2016 11: 23
      Quote: chenia
      And how many ZeKs in modern Russia (well, a little less), but in the USA (and there are already more)? Well. is it also the gulag or the norm?

      A total of 1 prisoners is a reprise of the author. Historians give very different figures.

      In February 1954, a note was prepared in the name of N. S. Khrushchev, signed by the Prosecutor General of the USSR R. Rudenko, the Minister of Internal Affairs of the USSR S. Kruglov and the Minister of Justice of the USSR K. Gorshenin, in which convicted of counter-revolutionary crimes for the period from 1921 to February 1, 1954 According to the certificate, in all during this period, 3 people were sentenced to death by the OGPU Board, the NIKVD Troika, the Special Conference, the Military College, the courts and military tribunals. executions of 777 people, to detention in camps and prisons for a term of 380 years and below - 642 people, to exile and deportation - 980 people

      In total, in 1918-1953, according to the analysis of statistics of the regional departments of the KGB of the USSR, carried out in 1988, 4 people were arrested by the bodies of the Cheka-GPU-OGPU-NKVD-NKGB-MGB, of which 308 were shot.

      How many political prisoners are there in Russia now?

      Quote: chenia
      What are you? but I thought you were smart.

      And to me it is monopensional that you thought of me there. 4 308 487 is it millions or not?

      Quote: chenia
      Bad example

      Korolev sat on business?
      1. +6
        15 February 2016 12: 25
        The article writes about the number of prisoners held in the camps on January 1, 1953. And you provide a certificate of convicts for counter-revolutionary acts for 35 years, from 1918 to 1953. And you lose sight of the fact that among the convicts there were those who were convicted by the Special Conference, the Military Collegium and the military tribunals, that is, including for military crimes. In the period from 1918 to 1953, our state survived the Civil and Great Patriotic War, not counting several smaller conflicts. Well, and in what country of the world, when the socio-political formation changed, was it not without political repression, mistakes and excesses?
      2. +6
        15 February 2016 12: 55
        Maybe this is fake, but:
        Speech by Arseny Roginsky, Chairman of the Management Board of the International Memorial Society, at the round table “The Historian - Between Reality and Memory,” which took place on May 25 and 2012 in Dnepropetrovsk as part of the Literary Expedition.

        "... In the early 90s, I was doing quite a lot of statistics of the Soviet terror. I studied a huge number of reporting" sheets "about the terror for all the years, from different regions of the Soviet Union. Statistics in our country begin in earnest from 1921 to 1921. only scattered scraps have survived. And since 1921 - huge folders. In 1994, I studied everything, wrote and folded everything. Then I had to publish. I looked at my numbers ...

        There are people around me in the outside world whose opinion is important to me: there is a traditional intelligent public opinion, and, most importantly, the opinion of former prisoners, who in 1994 were still very much alive. And they measured our victims in the entire history of terror with some completely unthinkable numbers, tens of millions.

        And according to my calculations in the entire history of the Soviet regime, from 1918 to 1987 (the last arrests were at the beginning of the 1987), according to the surviving documents, it turned out that there were 7 million 100 thousand people arrested by security agencies throughout the country. Moreover, among them were arrested not only for political articles. And quite a lot. Yes, they were arrested by security agencies, but security agencies were arrested in different years for banditry, smuggling, counterfeiting. And in many other "general" articles.

        Under all these numbers there are folders with documents. In the annual reports of the security agencies it appears: those involved - so many, including with arrest, including without arrest. Then begins the table of the movement of those arrested. It took place on completed investigative cases - so many, including transferred to a special meeting - so many, transferred to the courts and tribunals - so many. To non-judicial bodies - so many. Ran, died - all statistics. By the way, there were very few shoots.

        And here is the final figure - 7 million. This is in the entire history of Soviet power. What to do with it? And public opinion says that we have almost 12 millions of people arrested only for 1937-1939. And I belong to this society, I live among these people, I am part of them. Not a part of the Soviet regime, not Russian democracy, but these people. I just knew for sure that, firstly, they would not believe. And, secondly, for the circle to which I consider myself to belong, this would mean that everything that we were told about the numbers until now is quite respected by us people, not true.

        And I put all my calculations aside. For a long time. And then (after years) it seemed like it was already possible to publish, but there was no time. While..."
      3. +3
        15 February 2016 17: 04
        Quote: professor
        Korolev sat on business?
        As far as I know in the case. If you google on his case, you will find out that, according to modern concepts, he sat down "for the misuse of state funds." In those years, every penny was counted. And if the penny spent on you (or rather, millions of rubles) did not give a return, then they could solder the article. This version, by the way, was confirmed by the workers of his memorial house-museum in Moscow. On my last trip to the capital, I went to the museum and specifically asked this question. Now, I don't want to steal, and nothing will happen to you. Remind us about Stouretkin and Vasilyeva with her 19 kg of brulikov.
    2. 0
      16 February 2016 02: 12
      Quote: chenia
      And how many ZeKs in modern Russia (well, a little less), but in the USA (and there are already more)? Well. is it also the gulag or the norm?

      You vainly compare the Gulag with the FSIN or American prisons. GULAG is more appropriate to compare with German labor concentration camps. Or with imperial hard labor.
  19. +5
    15 February 2016 11: 14
    Quote: professor
    In those days, millions were repressed

    What are you? but I thought you were smart.

    Quote: professor
    Korolev, for example, sat in the case?

    An unsuccessful example, Korolev and Glushko scribbled at each other accusing them of embezzling folk remedies in all stations (this happens in a creative environment).
    Tupalev also slightly thrust his hand into the state pocket. Well, what can you do, a person is weak.
    1. +2
      15 February 2016 12: 20
      So it was necessary to judge by economic articles, to punish the facts of corruption. Even if someone put his hand in his state pocket or committed abuses, or morally decomposed, why did he have to drag espionage in favor of foreign intelligence and anti-Soviet propaganda and agitation? Is it smart?
      1. +1
        15 February 2016 13: 12
        This was sometimes done due to imperfect legislation. Rape of a woman is the term 1 or 2 (I don’t remember. You can dig into it and find it), and rape of a Komsomol member or a communist is an assault and was punished more severely. In this scenario, the investigators also worked.
  20. +5
    15 February 2016 11: 56
    While living in Turukhansk, I did not hear anything bad about Stalin, but here alone, an eternally burrowing people, left a foul smelling memory about itself.
  21. +1
    15 February 2016 12: 07
    Do not you think that Stalin executed more Russian people than all the other rulers of Russia starting from Rurik and most of them are either innocent or not executed
    1. +5
      15 February 2016 12: 50
      Quote: Cartalon
      How do you not count Stalin executed more Russian people than all the other rulers of Russia

      Not yours.
      From the work of Vadim Kozhinov, a very decent and scrupulous man, "The Truth of Stalinist Repressions" (M. Algorithm, 2008): "... victims of 1918-1922 (about 12% of the population) and victims of 1937-1938 (0,4% population) are truly incomparable. "
      That is, Trotsky, destroying entire strata (classes) of the Russian population (noblemen, priests, merchants, Cossacks, working peasants), driving them (from old men to babies) into flooded barges, shooting or poisoning them with combat gases, destroyed 30 times more people than Stalin.
      But about him for some, I absolutely incomprehensible, the reason everyone keeps the tongues deep in the anus.
      By the way: Stalin, having inherited such terror, really could not stop him at once, since he himself would have been immediately destroyed by him.
      He did the only thing that was possible then: he reduced the repressions 30 times and launched the organizers of the Trotskyists in a meat grinder of terror.
      For which he thanks a lot. At least from me personally.
      1. +1
        15 February 2016 13: 13
        Good book.
      2. +1
        15 February 2016 18: 12
        Quote: kosopuz
        For which he thanks a lot. At least from me personally.

        You should express this gratitude to you living at that time, although who knows if such gratitude would then be, it’s good to be like that now at a safe distance in time
        1. 0
          15 February 2016 18: 38
          Quote: sa-ag
          although who knows if such gratitude would have been

          I am sure of one thing: if Stalin would not have been in power at that time, then Russia would not have been at all and I would not have had the opportunity to express my gratitude to him today.
        2. The comment was deleted.
      3. 0
        16 February 2016 02: 24
        Quote: kosopuz
        He did the only thing that was possible then: he reduced the repressions 30 times and launched the organizers of the Trotskyists in a meat grinder of terror.

        That was later. And in 1932-33, after the capture of the sole power in the country, many millions of people were starved to death. And a huge amount was plunged into a bestial state, there was cannibalism. But all potential resistance of Dzhugashvili’s personal power was broken. Nobody simply had the strength to resist.
        Quote: kosopuz
        For which he thanks a lot. At least from me personally.

        Now, if Dzhugashvili had been "thrown into the meat grinder of terror by someone else for his deeds, that would have been the case. And gratitude. And so, a larger wolf was devoured by a smaller wolf. Why rejoice? The wolf did not diminish from this."
        1. -1
          16 February 2016 02: 52
          Quote: carbine
          after seizing the sole power in the country, many millions of people were starved to death by hunger

          Stop .. and before that there was what is called the Civil War .. what is there - with millions?

          Quote: carbine
          And a huge amount was plunged into a bestial state, there was cannibalism

          Yeah .. before that - this never happened .. and with cannibalism - be careful .. it’s not accepted here, somehow.

          Quote: carbine
          a larger wolf gobbled up a smaller wolf. Why rejoice? The wolf is no less

          Even according to your model, the wolf has become smaller. And the rest - went astray and .. OH HOW !! built the USSR ..

          Fig se .. belay
          1. +1
            16 February 2016 17: 27
            Quote: Cat Man Null
            and before that was what was called the Civil War.

            What, right before the late 20s, early 30s was? After the Civil War, there was a fairly long period of peacetime when the Bolsheviks (not Stalinists) ruled. Many people recall those years with breath and emotion. Because then, after the seizure of power by the Stalinists, life in the country rushed downhill. In all areas. Of course, under fake reports about "incredible successes in industry and agriculture." It all ended sadly enough, before the war the economy in general, and industry in particular, lay in ruins. Therefore, since 1943. had to industrialize the USSR. Not the fake one, but the real one. Women, old men and children, here they are, real Soviet industrializers. Because even Dzhugashvili realized that crushing everything inside the country was not enough for absolute power. Uncle can come from behind a garrison on a tank and poke a muzzle in the de ** mo. Along the way, hanging by the neck on a lamp post. Therefore, it was necessary to move. He started. At the end of 1942.
            Quote: Cat Man Null
            and with cannibalism - be careful .. it’s not accepted here, somehow.

            There are documented facts. Photos. Horrible. Nightmarish. On Wikipedia, in particular, in a thematic article there is. I will not drag here, too terrible.
            Quote: Cat Man Null
            And the rest - went astray and .. OH HOW !! built the USSR ..

            Can you tell me what exactly was the "construction of the USSR" by them? What is this action so great and accessible to few? If you seize power in a state (any), and then call it differently, replacing classical absolutism with pseudo-religious (pseudo-religion Marxism-Leninism), is this called "building a state"? At the same time, these leaders still had the audacity to call themselves atheists and spread rot on traditional religions. Because saw them as competitors. The sect would probably be more correct. An ordinary totalitarian sect on a national scale. The sectarian state, apparently, will be more correctly formulated. This is nonsense, not construction. Actually, not for long. Sects do not last long, so the end of the USSR is quite natural.
    2. The comment was deleted.
  22. +1
    15 February 2016 12: 11
    What happened, then passed, another thing is interesting, why not use the experience of building a new society now, because Stalin showed us how to develop in the conditions of ruin without Western investors, without modern effective managers. After all, it is clear that along the path of Western development, capitalism, they will not let us go further than a raw material colony. Our elites are trembling so much for their stolen capital that they are ready to ditch the country. Yes, they do not recognize you, rich, but rootless, for your own, it is here that you can splurge on us, and for the world elite you are thieves.
    1. -3
      15 February 2016 12: 29
      Quote: Alex66
      Stalin showed us the ways how to develop without Western investors, without modern efficient managers in the conditions of devastation.

      Really? And who bought gold turnkey plants from hated bourgeoisie for gold? Who invited experts from the capitalist countries? Who sent their to study with the bourgeois? Investments in Stalinist style: you take grain from your starving people, sell it to the bourgeois, and industrialize it with the money you make. And the people ... And what the people. Well, a couple of millions will die out in the Volga region or Ukraine. Women still give birth. But Yosya is an effective manager and Alexander Samsonov writes about him commendable articles.
      1. +3
        15 February 2016 13: 14
        And what about the national composition of the Soviet government, maybe that is why it did not spare the Russians, since most of them had Jewish roots.
        1. 0
          15 February 2016 14: 12
          Quote: Alex66
          And what about the national composition of the Soviet government, maybe that is why it did not spare the Russians, since most of them had Jewish roots.

          Right A handful of Jews, led by Yosei, set cancer throughout the country. Superman pancake. Do you think the rest means a herd? wink
          1. +1
            15 February 2016 18: 47
            "A handful of Jews, led by Yosei, gave cancer to the entire country." Nope, this is Yoska (as his grandfather called him) with a handful of like-minded people, gently tilted the intern. Khazariads, and then (with music and songs) moved to the rocky and waterless land "promised" for the purpose of in-depth study of the Old Testament. Because malacholny, there is no place among decent people. And not one of the Aido-Budenovites from Israel will not release. Get medical treatment. Cure yourself, return to the family of nations. Yes, and to the west of the Crimea and to the east, nothing will break off. Nobody waits, neither white nor red. So good luck for long, long years (centuries)! crying
      2. +2
        15 February 2016 13: 16
        We are talking about foreign investment and production managers, and you are talking about invited engineers. For example, I’m far from convinced that Stalin posed the question as follows: let's starve three million peasants with hunger to build several giants of heavy industry. You understand very well that in the wake of revolutions a huge number of unbalanced people, upstarts, gorlopans and zealous fools make upstairs. Until they are calmed down, they manage to make a large number of mistakes
        1. +1
          15 February 2016 13: 52
          It is believed that against the backdrop of drought and possible hunger, Western democracies abruptly inflamed with love for grains and agreed to sell anything only for bread.
          Well, to starvation, Stalin and the press:
      3. +2
        15 February 2016 16: 38
        You shouldn’t be so, if there weren’t industrialization we would have lost the war. And having lost, your parents would be the first to be put into the oven (ours, probably, too, but later). So people would be lost unmeasured.
    2. 0
      15 February 2016 16: 25
      Alexander, and the factories built by the Americans are "without the West", and the sale of bread, timber, leather, icons is not an investment? Tanks from the 30s ... where did we get it? "45-heel" - where? Tu-4 ... GAZ-A, AA, AAA ... Well, everything else? Name yours? I will tell you: the technology of synthetic rubber artificial, a direct-flow steam boiler and ... a safety device against double loading of a mortar! Everything else is either bought or ... borrowed without the owners' demand!
      1. -1
        15 February 2016 23: 56
        Quote: kalibr
        Everything else is either bought or ... borrowed without the demand of the owners!

        And you still remember the engine, who bought from whom or who received the first patent. Such a time - either you will survive, or they will eat you.

        Threat 19 years - the period between the end of the Civil) officially) and the beginning of the Patriotic.

        Maybe you need to be proud that you won? And not contrary, but thanks !!!!!!

        ZYZY Russia's first two-cylinder vacuum steam engine was designed by a mechanic I.I. Polzunov in 1763 and built in 1764 in Barnaul. James Watt, who was a member of the commission for the adoption of Polzunov’s invention, receives a patent for a steam engine in London in April 1784 and is considered to be its inventor!
        1. 0
          17 February 2016 16: 52
          And who made the car to Polzunov and Watt?
    3. +1
      16 February 2016 03: 32
      Quote: Alex66
      Stalin showed us how to develop in the conditions of devastation without Western investors, without modern effective managers

      A naive boy ... tomorrow your refrigerator will disappear .. yes, practical, everything .. stand it? And your neighbors - too - will stand ??

      Give them Stalin .. there is no material .. human .. for the new Stalin ..

      Uhhhh ... damn it ..


      Quote: Alex66
      Our elites are trembling so much for their stolen capital that they are ready to ditch the country. Yes, they do not recognize you, the rich, but rootless, for your own, it is here that you can throw dust in our eyes, and for the world elite you are thieves

      Right now, it's cool that on top of these "elites" there is a super-elite .. headed by the same GDP .. which equates this "elite" .. whenever possible, essno .. and does at least something in the interests of a country called Russia.

      IMHA, yes.
  23. +5
    15 February 2016 12: 14
    Quote: Aitvaras
    the mass executions of Soviet senior officers in the NKVD of the USSR, under Yezhov and Beria.

    Is it not, it was under Beria that mass shootings and arrests stopped, moving on to "selective" cases.
    1. +5
      15 February 2016 12: 24
      But who writes this - mass shootings - they don’t care at all for information and history.
      Someone wrote massive, then massive.
      I can directly imagine - so, Lavrenty Palych, how many were shot yesterday? Forty thousand generals. comrade Stalin.
      Okay, Lavrentiy, how much today? - twenty eight thousand, comrade Stalin ...
      Consider Lavrentiy, if tomorrow you do not make up for the shortcoming, you will go yourself. - We’ll double it, Comrade Stalin. And along with the admirals, we’ll knock about 12 thousand.
      Bullshit, some kind.
      And people are being massacred.
      Where to get a lot of performers? That will be silent - en masse.
      Or them too - massively ....
      Quote - "... Stalin executed more Russian people than all the other rulers of Russia from Rurik, and most of them are either innocent or not executed for anything."
      And from the films about detectives we know - "Mind you, Sharapov, there is no punishment without guilt ...."
      Another thing is whether it’s possible to date the fault .... and all matters.
  24. 0
    15 February 2016 12: 24
    It is difficult to find a more disgusting character than Khrushchev - small, bald, tongue-tied, semi-literate, cowardly - everything that is negative is embodied in himself.
    It is amazing how such nonhumans generally fell into the CPSU, and even more so into the leadership of such a Power ?! Well this is direct surrealism in reality! Someone upstairs with a great sense of humor pulls the strings and his goal is muddy.
    1. +1
      15 February 2016 16: 29
      Quote: Volzhanin
      It is amazing how such nonhumans generally fell into the CPSU, and even more so into the leadership of such a Power ?! Well this is direct surrealism in reality! Someone upstairs with a great sense of humor pulls the strings and his goal is muddy.

      In-of! How really? And Everyone saw and approved. Even those who really had troops in their hands!
  25. +2
    15 February 2016 12: 29
    In 1963, the economic councils were not abolished, they were enlarged. Each union republic had its own economic council. At the level of the Union, there were the USSR CHX and the USSR Supreme Economic Council. The economic councils were abolished in 1965. By the way, not all branch ministries were liquidated. The aerospace, shipbuilding, nuclear industries, and a number of other sectors of strategic and defense importance were managed on a sectoral basis through ministries or sectoral state committees. The economic councils mainly obeyed civilian industry and construction. By the way, agriculture was subject to them nominally. And in the early 60s. Agriculture was the only sphere of the economy that was directly controlled by party bodies at the district and oblast levels. In contrast to industry and construction, in contrast to the army, the scientific sphere and the education sphere, which were controlled by the party, nevertheless, mainly through government agencies. In agriculture, the district and oblast agricultural departments in the last years of Khrushchev’s reign were of little importance.
  26. -2
    15 February 2016 12: 31
    Still, by and large: the army in 1964 was stronger than in 1953 (despite all the reductions and not always well-thought-out decisions), the standard of living of people was also higher. Housing was also better.
    1. +1
      15 February 2016 17: 07
      Quote: Sergej1972
      Still, by and large: the army in 1964 was stronger than in 1953.
      And why is she d. weaker? That's just the merit of the maize only in the fact that he did not steal the missile theme, which began its development under Stalin. Rocket P5, if not mistaken, was ready by the beginning of the 53rd.
  27. +4
    15 February 2016 12: 36
    Quote: professor
    In total, in 1918-1953, according to the analysis of statistics of regional departments of the KGB of the USSR, carried out in 1988, the bodies of the Cheka-GPU-OGPU-NKVD-NKGB-MGB

    If you take for 35 years the number of prisoners in prisons in modern Russia and the USA, there will be more of them than for the indicated period in the USSR.

    Further, there is no punishment without guilt. The fact that for everyday life sometimes dragged a political article happened.

    The time was such when bossy theft (the current term is not the targeted use of funds) was given as a betrayal of the homeland.

    And what kind of officials are there in case of impunity, we see (and most importantly how many of them).
  28. +3
    15 February 2016 12: 52
    Quote: professor
    And the people ... And what the people. Well, a couple of millions will die out in the Volga region or Ukraine. Women still give birth. But Yosya is an effective manager and Alexander Samsonov writes about him commendable articles.

    For the period (1918 - 1959), all losses amount to 70 million people. (of which 40 million. World War II).
    If we take away from the remaining (30 million) who were not born from losses (7-8 million), emigration (4,5 million). pandemic - Spanish (3.5 million) then the remaining (14 million are losses for all famines, repressions, civil war, typhoid, etc.).

    And now about the present. Losses of countries belonging to the USSR for 25 years (1991-2016) -70 million people. And the completely destroyed industry, science, moral sphere.

    Gentlemen, the liberals will ask for a loss structure to explain.
  29. +4
    15 February 2016 13: 10
    The thirst for personal power is very insidious. Stalin, too, did not have an angelic biography, but nevertheless having received power, he began to build a COUNTRY, and not to fill his own pocket and think how it would remain in history. Yes, during the construction process there were excesses and this is quite natural. The main thing is to learn the right lessons from them and then not repeat the mistakes. But the Khrushchev began to rush around, pretending to be the devil that ruined the ocean fleet, believing that we would cover the whole world with rockets, and it’s not worth talking about attempts with corn and other nonsense. Yes, the standard of living in 1964 was higher than in 1953, but when was the basis laid? That's the same ...
  30. +2
    15 February 2016 13: 10
    I do not mind of course .., but there will be no more second Stalin or USSR-2. The Soviet Union collapsed precisely those who shout today - we need Stalin, precisely those who respect foreigners more - Germans, French, etc., than their fellow citizens!
    1. -3
      15 February 2016 14: 51
      Quote: prishelec
      The Soviet Union collapsed precisely those who shout today-we need Stalin ...

      stop Not yours!
      The USSR was destroyed by corrupt communists who had seen enough of the "delights" of capitalist life. They wanted to drink whiskey, wear jeans, drive foreign cars and rustle "checks" in "Birches". They were the first to appreciate what it means to be rich. In the USSR, a mere mortal had to go to the cap. country, visit the country of the social camp ...
      They, who destroyed the USSR, did not shout anything about Stalin. They shouted: "Glory to the KPSS!", "Give perestroika!", "Boris, you are right!" ... And their names are known to everyone, because they have achieved what they wanted ...
      But they can’t ruin Russia! No.
  31. -2
    15 February 2016 14: 14
    Unlike everyone else, Khrushchev was the only one who did not give a single square meter of his land.
    1. The comment was deleted.
    2. +4
      15 February 2016 14: 40
      Quote: Captain Nemo
      Unlike everyone else, Khrushchev was the only one who did not give a single square meter of his land.

      Well, what can I say .... I gave Crimea to Ukraine, transferred 2 southern regions of the Stavropol Territory to the Chechen-Ingush Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic.
      1. 0
        15 February 2016 14: 53
        Well, how can I say .... Crimea gave Ukraine

        Did Putin tell you this again?
        - Your Putin lies to you because of his mediocrity and stupidity, for which you have voted many times - Khrushchev did not give Crimea to Ukraine either in 1953 or in 1991.
        And about the Stavropol Territory, there’s nothing to say, because according to the Russian constitution, the former Chechen-Ingush Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic does not have the right to leave Russia.
        1. 0
          15 February 2016 15: 01
          Quote: Captain Nemo
          Your Putin is lying to you, Khrushchev did not give either Crimea in Ukraine in 1953 or 1991.

          Well, tell us the truth, how did Crimea become part of the Ukrainian SSR?
          1. 0
            15 February 2016 15: 08
            Quote: RUSS
            Well, tell us the truth, how did Crimea become part of the Ukrainian SSR?

            As part of the Ukrainian SSR, Crimea turned out to be a transfer from the RSFSR to the Ukrainian SSR in 1953.
            Fu, relieved, otherwise I thought you would ask me how Crimea turned out to be not in the Ukrainian SSR, but in Ukraine in 1991.
          2. 0
            16 February 2016 01: 46
            Quote: RUSS
            tell us the truth how Crimea was part of the Ukrainian SSR?

            Mandatory. Only you answer first:
            1. How did Novorossiya and part of the lands of the Don Cossacks become part of Ukraine? Don't bother, it was Lenin who handed them over to Little Russia. Calling it all together the word "Ukraine". And he didn't ask anyone.
            2. How did the lands of Volyn Litvin, Galician and Transcarpathian Rusyns, Bessarabian Bulgarians, as well as Sev. Bukovina? Do not strain, it is Stalin who gave them to them. And he did not consult with anyone.
            3. How did the Vilnius region with the city of Vilno and the Memel region with the city of Memel turn out to be part of Lithuania? Did the Lithuanians rename them to Vilnius and Klaipeda, respectively? Do not strain, it is Stalin who passed them to them. And he did not consult with anyone.
            The same Stalin, who, according to the Stalinists, is a great Russian patriot.
    3. 0
      15 February 2016 14: 55
      Quote: Captain Nemo
      who did not give a single square meter of their land ...

      Of course! He just took and presented the Russian Crimea, soaked in the blood of Russian patriots of the Ukrainian SSR ... He simply attributed ...
      1. -3
        15 February 2016 14: 58
        He just took and presented the Russian Crimea, soaked in the blood of Russian patriots

        And you and Putin can prove that Khrushchev "gave" Crimea to Ukraine, but did not lease it to the Ukrainian SSR?
        1. The comment was deleted.
        2. +2
          15 February 2016 15: 03
          Quote: Captain Nemo
          Will you be able to document it that Khrushchev "gave" Crimea to Ukraine, and did not lease it to the Ukrainian SSR?

          The transfer of the Crimean region from the RSFSR to the Ukrainian SSR (also the “Transfer of Crimea to Ukraine”) is a decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Council of the USSR of February 19, 1954 (approved by the law of the USSR of April 26 of the same year), according to which the Crimean region from the RSFSR was transferred in the Ukrainian SSR
          1. -4
            15 February 2016 15: 14
            Quote: RUSS
            according to which the Crimean region from the RSFSR was transferred to the Ukrainian SSR

            Well, what does it give you and Putin, because it was not connected with the right of the nation to self-determination.
            In 1954 they transferred, on December 1, 1991, according to the Ukrainian nation, to self-determination and the law on the withdrawal of the Union Republic from the USSR - they were given de jure. And in fact, it would not be worth your Putin breaking through a closed window if the door to the Crimea had been open since 1991.
            1. -2
              15 February 2016 19: 10
              I don’t understand anything on topvar. So many minuses for the fact that no one can refute, but I still go to corporals in the morning!
              You see the guys as well as VV Putin after the "Legal Crimean referendum" in the spring of 2014, the problem of Alaska has become urgent and urgent, than the Donbass referendum?
          2. The comment was deleted.
  32. +1
    15 February 2016 14: 44
    Quote: RUSS
    Quote: Captain Nemo
    Unlike everyone else, Khrushchev was the only one who did not give a single square meter of his land.

    Well, what can I say .... I gave Crimea to Ukraine, transferred 2 southern regions of the Stavropol Territory to the Chechen-Ingush Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic.
    . Without the opinion of citizens, he took and redrawn the administrative boundaries, it is clear that it was inside the country, but what it has poured into now is not necessary to explain ...., and the fact that the Union gave away a couple of islands on the Amur River to China is not because they were needed by the Chinese, but because we didn’t need them .... well, if it is for simple reasons ..
    1. -2
      15 February 2016 15: 35
      Quote: RUSS
      and the fact that in the Union they gave a couple of islands on the Amur River to China was not because the Chinese needed them, but because we did not need them .... well, if it’s simple

      Well, with the same success and peace of mind, VV Putin can say that we didn’t give Crimea in 1954, but in 1991 we gave it away not because Ukraine needed it, but we just don’t need it.
    2. The comment was deleted.
  33. +2
    15 February 2016 14: 46
    Quote: VNP1958PVN
    Nikita Sergeevich was still that crest and who they are we now have a wonderful look!

    In fact, Khrushchev is a native of the Kursk region.
    1. +1
      15 February 2016 15: 03
      Until the age of 14 he lived in Russia, and then ??? Yuzovka ...
      In 1938, N. S. Khrushchev became the first secretary CC CP (b) of Ukraine and a candidate member of the Politburo, and a year later a member of the Politburo of the Central Committee of the CPSU (b).
      Also that "TC" ... Yes
  34. +1
    15 February 2016 14: 57
    Khrushchev called the “cult of personality” the love of the people for their leader, "/////

    When the body of Stalin was taken out of the Mausoleum, the people did not protest. Did not have
    no popular unrest in support of Stalin and after the revelations of Khrushchev.
    "Love with your leader" was short. As soon as he died, she
    has disappeared.

    The German people loved their leader even more - to tantrums and fainting, women cried from
    happiness and ended during the speeches of the Fuhrer. Kids wrote poems and odes about him.
    And also - after Nuremberg - no regrets and tears. Loved and forgotten.
    1. +1
      15 February 2016 15: 16
      Quote: voyaka uh
      When Stalin's body was taken out of the Mausoleum, the people did not protest. There were no popular unrest in support of Stalin after Khrushchev's exposure. "Love with your leader" was short. As soon as he died, she disappeared.

      I agree with you, and I’ll add on my own that I don’t need to let all the dogs down on Khrushchev and make him a tyrant, there was a lot of positive things in the “Khrushchev Thaw”, many are simply not interested, others don’t remember, others don’t want to accept all the good things that it was under Khrushchev because of his de-Stalinization.
    2. The comment was deleted.
    3. 0
      15 February 2016 15: 21
      Did the people know?
      This is the first. Maybe buzil, we don’t know about it.
      There is a "cult of truth" in the USA. Bin Laden was needed, they wrote laudatory articles, taught him, sponsored him. And then he organized the fall of the towers and? Who was outraged that he was raised at one time, nurtured so to speak.
      Noriega was needed, he was his son of a bitch. Stopped and just became a son of a bitch.
      Stalin needed one thing, stopped - another.
      1. 0
        15 February 2016 16: 41
        If you do not know something, it does not mean that this did not happen or was. There are archives. A lot of them! Of these, it is clear - I did not buss!
    4. 0
      15 February 2016 16: 37
      Such is the "people" loving. I recall an excerpt from the novel by B. Prus (he is also in the film) "Pharaoh". One priest tells the senior priest Herhor that they say the people are against us ... And he replies: "The people are like grass! Creeps in the wind!" "An army is against us!" "What army will not bow before Osiris ?!" And that's what happened. And they killed Pharaoh, and the army did nothing, and the people bowed down. If you do everything in a smart way, there is no other way!
      1. 0
        15 February 2016 19: 31
        The people voted against the collapse of the USSR.
      2. 0
        15 February 2016 19: 42
        Vyacheslav, what do you want to give out wishful thinking?
        Prus wrote, those who read it began to act according to their thoughts ...
        And so it turns out. There are those who read Prus, Bakunin and Kafka. And based on their impressions, they retrogradely decide.
        Quote: kalibr
        If you do not know something, it does not mean that this did not happen or was. There are archives. A lot of them! Of these, it is clear - I did not buss!

        Archives, archives ...
        Why did a tyrant monument remain in Gori?
        So buzili ...
        Why do pseudo-historians, relying on those archives, induce 140.000 of those executed in the Red Army? Why?
        1. 0
          17 February 2016 16: 57
          I never "give out" anything, because I am based only on facts.
          Quote: ImPerts
          Why did a tyrant monument remain in Gori?
          Nationalism amuse!
  35. +1
    15 February 2016 15: 20
    From wikipedia
    Mastering virgin soil.
    Fighting the Stalin personality cult:
    report at the XX Congress of the CPSU, condemning the "cult of personality" [24],
    Massive de-Stalinization
    the removal of Stalin's body from the Mausoleum in 1961 [25] [26],
    renaming of cities named after Stalin,
    demolition and destruction of monuments to Stalin (except for the monument in Gori, which was dismantled by the Georgian authorities only in 2010 [27] [28]).
    Rehabilitation of the victims of Stalinist repression.
    Transfer of the Crimean region from the RSFSR to the Ukrainian SSR (1954).
    Force dispersal of rallies in Tbilisi, triggered by a report by Khrushchev at the XX Congress of the CPSU (1956).
    Powerful suppression of the uprising in Hungary (1956).
    World Festival of Youth and Students in Moscow (1957).
    Full or partial rehabilitation of a number of repressed peoples (except for Crimean Tatars, Germans, Koreans), restoration of the Kabardino-Balkarian, Kalmyk, Chechen-Ingush ASSR in 1957.
    The abolition of sectoral ministries, the creation of economic councils (1957).
    Gradual transition to the principle of “irremovability of personnel”, increased independence of the heads of the Union republics.
    The first successes of the space program were the launch of the first artificial Earth satellite and the first manned flight into space (1961).
    The erection of the Berlin Wall (1961).
    Novocherkassk shooting (1962).
    The deployment of nuclear missiles in Cuba (1962, led to the Caribbean crisis).
    Reform of the administrative-territorial division (1962), which included
    division of regional committees into industrial and agricultural (1962) [29].
    Meeting with US Vice President Richard Nixon in Iowa.
    Anti-Religious Campaign 1954-1964.
    The lifting of prohibitions on abortion.
    1. 0
      15 February 2016 17: 32
      I will add: "Khrushchevs", cheap mass construction for workers.

      Although they were small and miserable, but these were separate apartments with
      all amenities. Before that, workers - in the Great Stalinist Time! -
      lived or in communal rooms with a family room
      and one toilet and bathroom for all (sometimes for 15-20 families), or in barracks
      (corridor and on both sides of the room, at the end there is a shared kitchen and a toilet).
      Such barracks were still being built in the early 50s.
      And the magnificent Stalinist houses were built only for the nomenclature -
      great Soviet bosses. For them there were also closed dispensers of things
      and foreign exchange stores (Khrushchev didn’t invent all this, but Stalin back in the 30s).
      1. -1
        3 March 2016 11: 37
        At least sometimes you give yourself the right to think. The post-war Union of Stalin's time destroyed by the war and restored by the people and Stalin to the 60s, with a powerful economy and prosperity. And what did this ubl_yudok Khrushchev do? He destroyed everything and led our country into a dead end, and deliberately, Trotsky’s scum.
        Yes, and "Khrushchevs" were conceived during Stalin's time, but then the country still lacked the strength.
        1. +1
          3 March 2016 12: 48
          Quote: NordUral
          The post-war Union of Stalin's time destroyed by war

          And who, having made a coup d'etat and seized the sole power in the country, prepared the country for war so that it passed through a fire rink first from the Neman to the Volga, and then back? 2 times underwent total destruction. Who is to blame? If he seized the sole power, then he must answer alone.
          Quote: NordUral
          and restored by the people and Stalin to the 60s, with a powerful economy and prosperity.

          In fact, Dzhugashvili died in 1953. And no prosperity by 1953. in the country was not observed.
          Quote: NordUral
          Trotsky scum

          In fact, Trotsky made the Bolshevik coup in October 1917 - January 1918. And then he organized and led the defense of this coup. While Dzhugashvili was shifting the papers in the office. Without Trotsky, Dzhugashvili would have remained a petty and uninteresting bipod. Therefore, he owed everything to Trotsky. And Bukharin and Rykov. And to Kamenev and Zinoviev. And many others. But he basically shot them all afterwards. Do you understand what is the subtlety of the moment? He did not fight them, he sat down on them. And at a convenient moment he stabbed him in the back. Good man. Open. Honest. Soulful. You can be proud of that. A certain category of "proud", of course.
          1. 0
            3 March 2016 13: 34
            My friend, you should be glad that Trotsky’s ice ax has overtaken. If this ambitious man had power, then you would be marching now in a military settlement, if you were at all.
            1. 0
              3 March 2016 14: 12
              Quote: NordUral
              My friend, you should be glad that Trotsky’s ice ax has overtaken.

              My friend, what about me? To me Trotsky and the entire company listed above are completely in one place.
              Quote: NordUral
              If this ambitious man had power, then you would be marching now in a military settlement, if you were at all.

              Who told you this? Dzhugashvili? But he did not tell you that Trotsky ate people? For lunch? No? It’s strange. He could tell everything he needed.
              In addition, until 1927, before the Dzhugashvili coup, there were no military settlements in the USSR. The usual state capitalism was in the yard. It appeared only later, under the autocracy of Dzhugashvili. As well as "passions" about Trotsky and the bunch. Although they were not without grounds, the Bolsheviks were still ...
              PS. By the way. And why did you decide that marching in the military settlement of Dzhugashvili was somehow more pleasant than in the alleged (and DALECO completely optional) military settlement of Trotsky?
  36. 0
    15 February 2016 15: 27
    The fact that after the assassination of Marshal of the Soviet Union, Deputy Chairman of the Council of Ministers of the USSR, Minister of Internal Affairs of the USSR Lavrenty Pavlovich Beria, the power structures were allegedly "reformed" - this is too mildly said. For example, after the formation of the KGB of the USSR (in fact, the separation of the state security organs from the unified system of the Ministry of Internal Affairs), the Ministry of Internal Affairs ceased to exist. Functions of governing bodies of int. cases were transferred to the republican ministries, which called MOOP. Only after the re-establishment in 1966 of the union MOOP and the appointment of N.A. Shchelokova, the Ministry of Internal Affairs slowly began to acquire the look to which we are all accustomed. The name "Ministry of the Interior" was returned only in 1968.
  37. +3
    15 February 2016 15: 38
    Himself (Khrushch) issued such plans for repression in Ukraine and in other regions. Where did he find so many enemies of the people! And then he got scared and let's blame everything on the dead. The figures are also in the archives and have already been published in a number of modern studies (N .: Yu. Zhukov "Other Stalin")
  38. +2
    15 February 2016 16: 18
    Compared to Lenin, Khrushchev laid a much more powerful bomb under the foundation of the state than Lenin, which is a fact. And looking at modern Ukraine, there is a feeling that Ukrainians put in leadership positions is dangerous.
  39. +5
    15 February 2016 17: 23
    Wonderful, however - today in the states FOUR of the total number of prisoners of the PLANET are sitting and no one, for some reason, does not shout about mass repressions ...
  40. 0
    15 February 2016 18: 23
    Bravo Alexander, Bravo Samsonov! hi
  41. The comment was deleted.
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  44. 0
    15 February 2016 19: 56
    Here is another look at those times
  45. +2
    15 February 2016 21: 26
    Like article! Fine! :-))
  46. 0
    15 February 2016 22: 40
    In general, it is impossible tak.Hrushchev shedding mud at Stalin, we throw mud at Khrushchev. What now is different from Khrushchev?
    1. 0
      3 March 2016 11: 33
      This Khrushchev lied and poured mud, and we, unfortunately, being late, we return the truth about that time.
  47. +2
    15 February 2016 23: 00
    Whatever you say, personalities make history ...
  48. +2
    16 February 2016 01: 01
    Quote: Samsonov Alexander
    February 14, 1956, began the XX Congress of the CPSU. On it N. Khrushchev dealt an enemy blow to Soviet civilization and its future. In the report “on the cult of personality” of Khrushchev, Stalin was slandered, saving the peoples of Russia from the Trotskyists-internationalists (the “fifth column” of the West),

    Amazing. The USSR existed in various forms for 75 years. But the Stalinists reduce his entire history to only those 25 years when Dzhugashvili made a coup and seized absolute power in the country into their own hands. The other 50 years do not exist for them. All are enemies for them, everything is the "fifth column" for them. Even the Bolsheviks (before Dzhugashvili) and the Communists (after Dzhugashvili). All are ready "into camp dust". Some Stalinists will remain at large. The rest should be guarded so that they work well and do not eat much. Striking ghouls.
    1. +1
      16 February 2016 02: 46
      Quote: carbine
      All are enemies for them, all for them is the "fifth column"

      Quote: carbine
      Some Stalinists will remain free

      Quote: carbine
      Keep the rest to work well, and do not eat much

      Marvelous analysis (without beating, yeah) good

      Quote: carbine
      Striking ghouls

    2. -1
      3 March 2016 11: 31
      Do not distort, my friend.
  49. +1
    16 February 2016 07: 02
    Not without reason, when Ben Gurion got acquainted with the materials of the 20th Congress of the CPSU, the Congress of Khrushchev's triumph, he said that the Soviet Union had been inflicted death blow, and that in 30 years the USSR will not be. True, he was a little mistaken; after the 20th Congress of the USSR, he officially existed for 35 years, but 5 years for such a global event, the mistake is small.
    The collapse of the USSR was laid by the First Secretary of the CPSU Central Committee, Chairman of the Council of Ministers of the USSR Khrushchev.
    And the rest of the general secretaries Brezhnev, Andropov, Gorbachev already finished off. Under Gorbachev, the USSR was already almost collapsed, Gorbachev finished off it with his feet and issued the death of the USSR officially.
    The main destroyer of the Soviet country, the first workers' state in the world, is the First Secretary of the Central Committee of the CPSU, Chairman of the Council of Ministers of the USSR Khrushchev.
  50. The comment was deleted.
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  52. 0
    17 February 2016 22: 05
    To the content of the article, but also to most of the comments
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  54. 0
    3 March 2016 11: 29
    We are lucky to have bastards in power. After Stalin, not a single person worthy of our country.

"Right Sector" (banned in Russia), "Ukrainian Insurgent Army" (UPA) (banned in Russia), ISIS (banned in Russia), "Jabhat Fatah al-Sham" formerly "Jabhat al-Nusra" (banned in Russia) , Taliban (banned in Russia), Al-Qaeda (banned in Russia), Anti-Corruption Foundation (banned in Russia), Navalny Headquarters (banned in Russia), Facebook (banned in Russia), Instagram (banned in Russia), Meta (banned in Russia), Misanthropic Division (banned in Russia), Azov (banned in Russia), Muslim Brotherhood (banned in Russia), Aum Shinrikyo (banned in Russia), AUE (banned in Russia), UNA-UNSO (banned in Russia), Mejlis of the Crimean Tatar people (banned in Russia), Legion “Freedom of Russia” (armed formation, recognized as terrorist in the Russian Federation and banned), Kirill Budanov (included to the Rosfinmonitoring list of terrorists and extremists)

“Non-profit organizations, unregistered public associations or individuals performing the functions of a foreign agent,” as well as media outlets performing the functions of a foreign agent: “Medusa”; "Voice of America"; "Realities"; "Present time"; "Radio Freedom"; Ponomarev Lev; Ponomarev Ilya; Savitskaya; Markelov; Kamalyagin; Apakhonchich; Makarevich; Dud; Gordon; Zhdanov; Medvedev; Fedorov; Mikhail Kasyanov; "Owl"; "Alliance of Doctors"; "RKK" "Levada Center"; "Memorial"; "Voice"; "Person and law"; "Rain"; "Mediazone"; "Deutsche Welle"; QMS "Caucasian Knot"; "Insider"; "New Newspaper"