We drank the fly, friend, and take off the embroidery


I read several articles on this resource about Belarus. Nationalists, then, raise their heads. And dad their "head stroking" instead of tapping. And it means that we all need to start urgently fearing the very “Belarusian nationalism”. Gentlemen, it's funny to me. Honestly, funny, it all looked scary, ominous and threatening at the beginning of 90's, in the era of the “parade of sovereignties” when everyone grabbed as much freedom as the scale of prehensile limbs allowed. Glorious were times ... A lot of water has flowed from that time. To be precise, the golden age of nationalism and nation-states is the century of 19. And the most "glorious" of these states is the German Empire. After the two world wars, the Europeans' outlook seriously changed. Too much had to be buried in the ground of corpses. Millions of them, tens of millions. Including Ukrainian and Belarusian. And after WWII, it was somehow not accepted in Europe (attention, in Europe!) To push the nationalist pedal to the floor.

Too many corpses, too many ruins brought clarification of the question: who is still better - the Germans or the French? After two world meat grinders in any normal country, the idea is to be wary of the national issue. For this question too smells of gunpowder and blood. Europeans are not better, they have become more cautious. Therefore, any “peripheral” politician who declares full European integration and at the same time proudly and defiantly pulls on a patterned embroidery, makes me smile sincerely. War and the Germans, panties and a cross. Nationalism was at the peak of European politics exactly a hundred years ago: before the First World Meat Grinder. And in France, and in Germany, and in Britain, and in Austria-Hungary, and even in Russia.

So those in Russia who are offended by the rigid policy of the state are not quite right in this matter: the question is too explosive. This topic appeals to the darkest and deeper human instincts. Yes, in fact, it is able to bring us back to the era of the caves, when any member of the neighboring tribe was an enemy and potential prey. Do not wake the beast in me (hare) and do not call the people to the ax. This is serious. Any politician who starts broadcasting according to the principle: we are people, and they are not people, they enter a very slippery slope. Basic instincts - it is something dangerous thing. The cultural layer in any person is very, very thin, and there a semi-wild beast sits under it, waiting for its time. Not bad, by the way, there is a book - “Dr. Moreau's Island”. Philosophical. The film is somewhat worse, but not bad either. Who is too lazy to read - at least watch a movie. A gloomy, of course, view of human nature, but it has a place to be.

But there is also a positive moment - people can easily be carried away by this topic, those very instincts work: they are enemies, they oppress us - down with them! And as the ignition in the engine works, the fire of nationalism can also flare up. But, you say, people simply "revive the national culture, traditions." In fact, there really is nothing wrong with the revival of national traditions (such as slavery, for example). The question of exclusivity / inclusion, i.e. if the day of embroidery is for everyone, without looking at the faces (at least for a Jew, at least for a Negro, at least for the Hellenes), then this is positive unconditional. With both hands for. But as we all understand, these holidays are of a completely different political nature. What is the point of arranging it for everyone? Vyshivanka - a kind of marker, designed to distinguish their from others. This is the meaning of this holiday.

I think no one needs to explain how the revival of embroidery in Ukraine ended. And, it seems, well, what could be bad about this? However, somehow there embroidery has become the equivalent of a brown shirt. Why, I do not know who is to blame - either. For some reason, all Western media write about the struggle of the Ukrainian people for freedom, entertaining, of course. The fact that Ukraine is inhabited not only by Ukrainians, no one notices. You know, different things are citizenship and nationality. In principle, embroidery could become a symbol of all citizens of the new Ukraine (including Tatars and Jews), but ... somehow it did not. Other ideas were put into it. Not to unite, but to divide. On their own and others. And inside one "European" country. And then those who started and supported the “embroidery” project, lament for the “united Krajina”. And, sorry, embroidery is for everyone or only for “heroes with bacon”?

Somehow, in fact, there was a situation in the “European” Ukraine, that there are “embroidered Ukrainians” and all the rest who, as it were, have no political rights. Such is the idyll. And it could end only one - the civil war. Actually, she was all over. In principle, Ukraine could firmly separate the eastern regions and engage in national construction in full growth. It was possible to carry out federalization from the 1991 year - also an option for yourself, and after all, smart people would suggest, but who would listen to them. The toughest, most “trash” option was chosen - the single “Ukrainian” Ukraine, where the Russians are incomprehensible. It was clear to any intelligent person that nothing good would come out of this, the option is not working. All multinational states, starting with the empire of Alexander the Great and earlier, faced this problem, and everyone was forced to either seek compromise solutions or fight insurrections. There is no third. But Kiev wise men decided to deceive their fate, it did not work out.

In my opinion, it was embroidery that became a symbol of the collapse of Ukrainian statehood, a symbol of shame, war and disintegration. Because not only everything, few people have the right to wear it with pride ... being a 100% Ukrainian. The funny thing is, the residents of the north-west did not understand what kind of gift they gave Putin, having killed the Ukrainian state in the bud. A rich, united 50-million Ukraine could be a serious factor in European policy. All the political issues in Eastern Europe would have looked quite different if Ukraine had not become a loser state torn apart by civil war. It would be absolutely unreal to take Crimea away from a rich, respected, prosperous country. But residents of Lviv and Ternopil did not let us down. “Ukrainian embroidery” is just a vivid example of how not to build a state. Just an exemplary set of completely wrong decisions.

For some reason, Western propaganda comes from the strange assumption that Ukraine is inhabited mainly by Ukrainians (historically). There was such a huge country that Moscow enslaved, annexed to its imperial possessions. And that there is such a single and homogeneous ethnos in embroidery, which in tens of millions of people inhabit this happy country from Lviv to Kharkov. And there is an evil Putin who interferes with the European happiness of hobbits in embroidered shirts. The same picture can be seen in the Ukrainian media, which is even more fun. If all the peoples of Ukraine were united by a common state idea, then no Putin could have got there. Back in the glorious 2013 year, Putin was further for residents of Donbass than Kiev. Residents of Donbass fought for federalization, and they were offered embroidery as a symbol of division into true Ukrainians and all the rest.

The tragedy of the peoples of Ukraine is that their elites lagged behind Europe by a hundred, or even two hundred. Or maybe they do not even correspond to the level of the Ancient World. It’s just that if the national idea were to incite the inhabitants of Ukraine against Poland, it would be stupid, but would unite the country, and the idea of ​​inciting Ukrainians inside the country against Russians would be suicidal. The country could not survive this anyway. Sooner or later, the bomb was supposed to explode, and it exploded. Once again, a nation-nation is a fiery idea of ​​the 19th century, which led to the trenches of the First World War. The countries of Europe have drawn some conclusions from this and the national question in state building is not used very much, it’s more expensive. We got to the full "multi-stump." And here on historical Ukraine appeared on the stage, just like "hello, we are from the past." And Ukraine got a unique chance - to take an accelerated course in European politics. For this, tens of thousands of Ukrainian conscripts died.

Forgive me, of course, gentlemen, but for me embroidery today is a sign of savagery, backwardness and cave fascism: those who are from our cave are people, the rest are nonhumans. Or am I misunderstanding something? Correct me, but in Ukraine it turned out that way. Who said that in Belarus will be different? Nationalism is a dangerous thing, like a forest fire. A man in his “natural state” is not a “noble savage”, but something terrible, smelly and bloodthirsty. And when someone starts playing such games with a sweet smile, the result is rather predictable. And in the South Caucasus and Central Asia, the national revival was expressed only in one thing: in the inter-ethnic massacre. What we recently observed in the Donbas. The path to political popularity is very simple - hit the aliens! And that's it - the beast inside will do its work. Therefore, this technique is loved by third-rate politicians.

So I'm trying to understand, why does Alexander Rygorych connect to this topic? What is he looking for in a distant land that he threw in his native land? Somehow, the former head of the collective farm, smoothly and painlessly, jumped from the “Indian summer of socialism” to the morning of “national revival”. And against whom, I'm sorry, is he going to “revive”? Who are the oppressors of the Belarusian people? In principle, this technology is logical within the framework of the empire. And only in this framework. Mahatma Gandhi was actively engaged in this. Hindus are oppressed, down with the empire. William Wallace too. Thousands of them! But this technology is rational within the “evil empire”. In the framework of "their" independent state - this is insanity. This is the work of its destruction. Ukrainians intelligently and carefully began to fight for independence AFTER its gain. When it became patriotic and safe, before that they made party careers and did not even remember embroidered shirts. I am wrong? Tell me about the national heroes of Ukraine of the Brezhnev era. And chest on machine guns? And boldly shout in the face of the KGB executioners: “Glory to Ukraine! Glory to the heroes! ”And relish spit in the arrogant KGB muzzles! As in bad French comedy: the struggle for the independence of Ukraine unfolded after gaining it and led to the loss of the aforementioned independence. Ukrainians are such Ukrainians. Do not give them sovereignty - or they will be cut, or broken.

The Old Man went even further - he began to revive the nation a quarter of a century after the bloodless acquisition of sovereignty and through 20 years of personal presidency. What is it, huh? Where was he actually before? Why not fought before? Money stopped giving and the struggle for "sovereignty" began? In general, what kind of anti-Russian sentiment in a friendly and independent country? And everything is quite simple: the technology of retention in power. Transfer people's anger for failures in the economy to someone else. Although how the permanent president of an independent state can do this, I don’t understand everything completely. In this case, Russia is also an independent country, which owes nothing to Belarus by definition. Any complaints about her look rather strange.

In general, all the troubles and problems of the country of Belarus from the fact that Mr. Lukashenko is not a professional politician, besides, he is a proud person, emotional and vindictive (just like me!). Therefore, he takes the very important decisions on which the fate of Belarus and the Belarusian people depends: first, “on emotions” - he was offended, underestimated, not respected; secondly, according to the Soviet nomenklatura habit, he believes that ultimately all problems should be solved by Moscow. And when Moscow refuses to do this, then, from his point of view, this is a violation of the “contract”. And in the opposite direction? Run teams from Moscow? And in the opposite direction - complete "independence". In response, the Belarusians clearly state: “Respect our sovereignty!”. It is approximately as if, under Brezhnev, the Ryazan region had its own secretary-general, its own foreign ministry, its own KJB, its passports ... But it would be fully funded from Moscow. Where you, forgive, such miracles saw?

Belarus is a “relic” of the outgoing post-Soviet era, and it has no chance to preserve its socio-economic model. Problems will only grow. Times have changed a lot over the past 25 years, and dad is the same. By the way, I can explain why he needed "The Day of Embroidery" and why it made me laugh so much. Everything is quite simple: the dad does not know much about politics and does not go into details. But he - well done! If during the collapse of the USSR, someone privatized factories and factories for themselves, then dad privatized an entire republic for themselves. And he is not going to give it to anyone. And democracy is a stupid social term for him. So this is how he saw the “return of the Crimea”: Moscow “stole” its inalienable property from the local prince. Those. the territory of the Crimea, and the people who inhabit it, from the point of view of Lukashenko, and from the point of view of Kiev and Brussels, is a property complex. This is serious and not childish. And there was an illegitimate withdrawal of this property. And the message of Brussels is quite clear: "Return the lackeys back!". And the old man, by the way, also felt class feudal solidarity: “Slaves stealing is not good! It is not fair, the prince! ”

By the way, this is exactly how Mr. Lukashenko views Belarus and Belarusians: as a property complex. And he felt threatened. He was afraid that the “Kremlin wise men” would also scam him from the throne (How can you! Best of Belarusians!). He really believed that Russia would want to "attach" his land. And he began to act, to fight the looming threat from the east. Which, by the way, proves his complete ignorance in matters of economics. In the fat zero, when a sort of union with Belarus was in full swing, smart economists asked an unexpected question: “Can we afford it?” As everyone understands, Russia would have to pay for the union. And it would cost extremely expensive. And even before the crisis, 2008 and before the sanctions it looked enough, let's say, “ambitious”. Now? Here and now to attach the Republic of Belarus to the Russian Federation ?? Sorry, gentlemen, but the time for such a bold experiment hopelessly missed. Well, this is not in the style of the Mongol / Teutonic invasion: they burned everything and cut them all. Well, this is how much dough it is necessary to tumble ... By the way, this is why the fears of Ukraine regarding the weaning of sovereignty look even more funny. In principle, Russia was not able to add all of Ukraine to zero. Absolute economic fiction.

Guys, well, it’s still worth the money, and the accession of the GDR to the Federal Republic of Germany has long hiccuped. Want to talk about the reconstruction of the USSR? This is down the hall. But Alexander Rygorych did not know such subtleties, and he took the threat of a “sudden Anschluss” quite seriously. He wakes up, then on a Sunday morning, and on the streets of Minsk there are Russians Tanks and the second round of the referendum on voluntary accession is already underway ... And the treacherous Minsk residents with joyful smiles run to vote “FOR”. Goosebumps, to drizzle. Man stubbornly does not want to understand what democracy and the opinion of the people are. Only noble landlords and their two-legged property. And if you think of the feudal criteria, then yes, why not? The Sineokoider raider capture, such a raider ... But, by the way, does he trust the Belarusians at all? How much Or is he afraid that, following Yanukovych’s example, his compatriots may hand over Putin for a bag of mint gingerbread and that only the Praetorian guard in embroidered shirts can prevent this incident? If not, then why all this jazz? By the way, as history shows, it’s the Praetorians who love freestanding gingerbreads the most! It is among the inner circle, among the most "embroidered" that one must seek treason! (A decent person simply will not participate in all this crazy circus tent with painted shirts). If Alexander Lukashenko can no longer trust ordinary Belarusians, how will the situation be changed by a change in the style and colors of shirts? How can the color of the shirt affect the moral qualities of its owner? How can the choice of a spoken language affect the loyalty and devotion of the one who speaks it?

Nationalism is relevant in the preparation of attacks on neighbors, as, for example, in the second / third Reich. Or, as already mentioned, in preparing the national uprising of the proud Scots. In Ukraine, it was a preparation for ethnic cleansing and the collapse of the state (unexpectedly!). What is Lukashenko preparing for? Does he want to capture Warsaw? But is there NATO? Perhaps, to return the Belarusian Vilnius? What kind of empire is he going to throw off? Maybe Holy Roman?

I know that many Ukrainians and Belarusians will say in response: but you also have fascists / nationalists there who organize marches and attack Tajiks. There is, how not to be, there are fascists, and ultras, and just scumbags. But there is a fundamental difference: the Russian state has not flirted with them, is not flirting and is not going to flirt. For him, it is either criminals or potential criminals. Underground, in short. Feel the difference. In a free society, which, of course, is modern Russia, there are a variety of social / anti-social movements. Or do you want to ban everything and give everyone the same pants? The point is not in the presence of such extremists, but in a hostile attitude towards them from the official authorities of the Russian Federation. They will never be "their" for Russian officials. Their lot is the lot of the marginals. The Nashists were anyone but nationalists. When they were. There is a difference in the social structure: a resident of Ukraine or Belarus thinks that any organized political group should be supported / receive permission “from the very top”. They have no other way. Gentlemen, alas, here in Russia is "different." And if you see a column of demonstrators marching through the streets of Moscow, for example, with imperial flags, this does not mean that Putin gave the go-ahead. This is the same freedom to her.

Belarus should seriously prepare for an economic storm. But it is not interesting to anyone there, people are doing something incomprehensible. It seems that Alexander Lukashenko still does not believe in the sovereignty of his country. Maybe it still seems to him that this is all “make-believe”? 12 strikes hours, and the magic will shatter, and the “Cinderella” will be sent to the “Summit Potatoes”? The bitter truth is that Russia is not going to either “seize” Belarus or solve its economic problems. Although, for example, many "patriots of Ukraine" are still waiting for the Russian special forces in Boryspil ... And then, after all, as with the chances of Poroshenko to meet a tyrannosaur on Khreshchatyk: he will either meet or not meet fifty to fifty. Chances are equal. But I put on a tyrannosaur.

We drank the fly, friend, and take off the embroidery
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  1. +30
    10 February 2016 09: 05
    cutting down a fly and removing an embroidered shirt is not a problem ... it’s more difficult to remove a bullet from your head

    Yes, and then through a hole then what cockroaches can get into your head ..
    1. +3
      10 February 2016 09: 14
      The article is very provocative and is itself an incitement to nationalism, but you must keep an eye out ... Belarusians are yours to do ... the transformation of Belarus into Ukraine.
      1. +4
        10 February 2016 12: 49
        They saw the fly, friend, and take off the embroidered shirt ...
        Good day to all.
        For a long time I read this resource, like many others, including comments on various articles. The resources are different, I try to read those that are in tune with my own thoughts, and those on which I am ready to dispute articles and comments on them.
        Each person should have his own view on the difference in the events that take place. I want to share my vision of the situation. I never wrote comments on articles before, but there was a need to express myself all the same. I express an absolutely subjective point of view. I chose an article by chance, and it’s not the article that matters to me at the moment.
        Reading various materials and comments on them, I constantly catch myself thinking about understatement, about something that was missed, not revealed. I think, and for myself I definitely think that this is due to the fact that the written discussion discusses the consequences of actions and situations that have developed over time. The diversity of opinions loses the main meaning of the serious events that are taking place. I will try to offer my explanation.
        In fact, neither the names of politicians, nor personal ambitions, even many of the issues discussed, are important in what is happening on earth, each in itself is insignificant, meaningfulness is acquired only in the totality of the processes under consideration. In my opinion, everything is much simpler and more complicated, mankind has entered the stage, probably the final stage of the eternal struggle, the struggle between Good and Evil. And this struggle, decision-making is a purely individual matter, like any point of view.
        Why I decided to write this comment, apparently because I see how various events that have been discussed and sucked in. And nowhere do I find a comprehensive analysis of what is happening.
        PS According to the article itself, I think it’s rather provocative, but at the same time alarming.

        Yes ... I reread my writing, I wanted to delete it, I probably ran out of steam while writing :-). But I decided to leave the sample all the same :-).
      2. +2
        10 February 2016 13: 44
        You can’t be silent! Timely article. The collective farmer will play out, the Belarusians will tear his eggs.
      3. 0
        10 February 2016 17: 01
        That is, according to the author, the embroidered shirt (in particular, its ornament, which has a certain sacred meaning) will soon be turned into a Nazi symbol, like a swastika in its time?
        Does the author go too far?
        And will Russian embroidery be a symbol of Nazism / fascism along with its Belarusian and Ukrainian counterparts?
        PS a Jew in an embroidered shirt, with all due respect, this is not kosher. )))
    2. The comment was deleted.
    3. +7
      10 February 2016 10: 18
      How much you can hang on your ears, that capitalism is much more progressive than socialism, it bred so that the poor do not rock the boat, dare not the capitalists and build socialism.
      1. 0
        10 February 2016 11: 49
        Quote: shtanko.49
        How much can you hang noodles on your ears that capitalism is much more progressive than socialism, it bred

        Have ripened?
    4. 0
      10 February 2016 16: 28
      Quote: vorobey
      cutting down a fly and removing an embroidered shirt is not a problem ... it’s more difficult to remove a bullet from your head

      What kind of bullet is there, there is a whole shell sticking out.
      Instead of an embroidered shirt ... a striped robe plus you can also a quilted jacket ... and tumble down a forest
  2. +2
    10 February 2016 09: 09
    Nationalism is relevant in preparing an attack on neighbors, as, for example, in the second / third Reich.

    Controversial issue ...
    What guided the US attacking other countries ??? ... well, not nationalism.
    And the fate of the Belarusians is in their own hands, they want to live in peace, choose sane rulers (at least poorly Lukashevich does not allow BELARUS to slide into the abyss) ... do not want to put YANUKOVICH, YAYTSENYUK, TURCHINOV on the neck ... the US State Department will help in this.
    1. +8
      10 February 2016 09: 42
      Controversial issue ...
      What guided the US attacking other countries ??? ... well, not nationalism.

      1 was meant that nationalism is a means (not an end)
      2 Obama spoke quite to himself about "special missions of America. "And more than once.
    2. +8
      10 February 2016 09: 46
      What guided the US attacking other countries ??? ... well, not nationalism.

      I do not agree. Pin @ owls nationalism is still what. They formed the nation of Americans, where the SGA is above all. And they achieved results in this, especially among the population of the SGA. Do you think singing a hymn with a boobs handle is insincere? Very sincerely and the imposition of their will is the nationalism of Ping @ these.
  3. +12
    10 February 2016 09: 09
    All answers have long been given. One has only to carefully listen to the words, not forgetting the actual actions.

    And as for friends - only its own army and navy.
    1. -2
      10 February 2016 09: 46
      . And as for friends - only its own army and navy

      Off the coast of Belarus. (c) Jane Psaki.
      1. 0
        11 February 2016 00: 47
        I see with humor in VO everything is as bad as always
  4. +4
    10 February 2016 09: 13
    there are fascists, and ultras, and just scumbags. But there is a fundamental difference: the Russian state does not flirt with them, does not flirt and is not going to flirt

    What about the covered crimes committed by "persons of Caucasian ethnicity"?
    1. +9
      10 February 2016 09: 34
      Quote: Flinky
      What about the covered crimes committed by "persons of Caucasian ethnicity"?

      do not confuse corrupt law enforcement officers with state policy
      1. 0
        10 February 2016 12: 09
        Quote: Lukich
        do not confuse corrupt law enforcement officers with state policy

        And who recommended / (ordered?) Not to name the criminals from the Caucasus Georgians, Chechens, Armenians, etc.? Not a state?
        1. +4
          10 February 2016 12: 23
          Quote: evge-malyshev
          And who recommended / (ordered?) Not to name the criminals from the Caucasus Georgians, Chechens, Armenians, etc.? Not a state?

          Is crime a nationality? and who cares who the criminal is? you answered your own question
  5. +14
    10 February 2016 09: 14
    The experience of recent decades teaches that no matter how "good" people were in the former Soviet republic, a corrupt elite comes to power in it with the help of financial support from the United States, which clearly follows instructions from the "Fashington" regional committee (which I do not want Belarus). And the people are fraternal everywhere, to whom the Russian Federation very often helps at the expense of its own! Capitalism is originally built on two of the worst human traits - greed and envy! And where the "democratic" escape sprouted everything is bought and sold. If Alexander Rygorievich understands how the sale for 30 pieces of silver ends, then all his flirting with the West is just blackmailing the Russian Federation about preferences.
  6. +3
    10 February 2016 09: 16
    In short, the next cut chunk, nothing good will come out of Belarus. Who remembers how, several years ago, our television began to stigmatize Lukashenko in every possible way? He and the tyrant, and the despot, and some sort of correspondent almost personally killed in the dungeons of the Belarusian KGB. And then once - and all the negativity as cut off, apparently agreed to something. And it was necessary to crush this collective farm chairman and unite countries. And now the question would not be.
    1. +5
      10 February 2016 10: 11
      Push ?? Do you propose another civil war? He’s the president of an independent state, among other things, at such a pace it’s possible to get into such a mess that it will not get out later and so will dill have problems to her throat and for years the problem is our enemy, NATO and the United States are now half of the fooled Ukraine with Turkey, pshaks and crazy balts. Old Man, he’s just by nature a sort of cunning peasant man at the auction, but he holds his collective farm tightly because he is going to pass it on to his children, and therefore he will have to send everyone to the KGB without hesitation and even let him go to the expense, taking into account the crisis, he arranges another auction for without the Russian economy its krants.
  7. +1
    10 February 2016 09: 23
    (C) Because not only everything, few people have the right to proudly wear it ... being one hundred percent Ukrainian. (C)

    It is interesting to think those who first introduced it into use, having learned who their descendants want to become (Ukrainians), hiding behind an embroidered shirt?
    1. +7
      10 February 2016 09: 29
      In general, historically, embroidery has both Russians and Belarusians and Ukrainians ...
      But someone puts in this garment the wrong meaning.
      Persistently invests so ...
      1. The comment was deleted.
      2. +7
        10 February 2016 09: 33
        Quote: Olezhek
        In general, historically, embroidery has both Russians and Belarusians and Ukrainians ...

        I’ll say more - there are Finnish-Ugric peoples and Romanians and Moldavians.
        1. +2
          10 February 2016 10: 13
          Yes, but not all nations, when dressing, start jumping and drooling, some people have a national costume as a memory of their ancestors, and dill has a reason to jump and shout
        2. +9
          10 February 2016 10: 48
          I like Chukchi "embroidered shirts" more
          1. +3
            10 February 2016 12: 26
            Quote: Vorchun
            I like Chukchi "embroidered shirts" more

            As for embroidered shirts, so that this question does not pedal. In general, embroidered shirts were most developed in Chuvashia, here it is a whole ethnic layer. Women's dresses, men's shirts, sometimes it looks caricatured when a homegrown entertainer of Chuvashia goes out to sing in such a "national costume." Of course, this is developed among the Mari, Udmurts, Mordovians, plus a female headdress made of coins. In general, I somehow feel allergic to embroidered shirts because of the redundancy of this attribute in emphasizing "national identity".
            About Ukraine and Belarus. The homegrown "ilita" of Ukraine and Belarus remembers that the dismemberment of the USSR according to the Belovezhskaya agreements was illegal and contradicted both the referendum on the preservation of the USSR and the legislation in force at that time. And the consciousness of Russians has grown a little since then. And these temporary "ilitarians" are afraid that the Russians will come back and demand to restore the status quo. So they are sitting, afraid for their ass, inventing "idyntichnost" for themselves, raising "pocket" Nazis, playing in a multi-vector approach, afraid of genuine integration of the common Russian space.
          2. +2
            10 February 2016 12: 53
            Look at the photo! I liked the hare there most of all ..... laughing good drinks True, the "embroidered shirts" of the Chukchi are also cool !!! Yes
          3. The comment was deleted.
          4. +1
            10 February 2016 14: 31
            Quote: Vorchun
            I like Chukchi "embroidered shirts" more

            Native American Embroidery laughing
  8. +4
    10 February 2016 09: 26
    An interesting photo for the article! Since when did the butt of the AKS-74 begin to take shape to the right? laughing
  9. +2
    10 February 2016 09: 30
    Hitler defamed the swastika, and Ukrainians embroidered.
    1. +2
      10 February 2016 10: 46
      Quote: AdekvatNICK
      Hitler defamed the swastika

      Rather, Hitler tried to use the Aryan Vedic symbol to exalt his beloved German nation carnally, and without having historical rights to do so. After the defeat of Nazi Germany, the right-handed SWASTIKA, used by Hitler, was anathematized by the "chosen people", at the same time "cutting off" part of the history of the Slavs, on whose clothes this symbol, called KOLOVRAT, was present.
  10. +5
    10 February 2016 09: 30
    Moscow "stole" from the local prince his inalienable property. Those. and the territory of Crimea, and the people who inhabit it, from the point of view of Lukashenko, and from the point of view of Kiev and Brussels, are a complex of property. This is serious and not childish. And there was an illegitimate seizure of this property. And the Brussels message is quite understandable: “Bring back the slaves back!” And Old Man, by the way, also felt class feudal solidarity: “It is not good to steal slaves! This is dishonest, prince! ”

    all these princes ruined the outskirts. dad really felt uneasy. otherwise you can’t explain his nationalism. this had not been observed before.
  11. +2
    10 February 2016 09: 31
    An interesting article and an unusual look at some questions on the topic. There is something to think about, then +.
  12. +2
    10 February 2016 09: 37
    ... And it means we all need ...
    It does not appear and therefore. We all need not to distort the Great and the Mighty, especially in the articles.
    1. +4
      10 February 2016 09: 39
      Russian has a lot of quite literary options. For the transfer of semantic shades.
  13. +1
    10 February 2016 09: 38
    Who remembers the anecdote about "saw flies"?
    1. 0
      10 February 2016 09: 47
      Who remembers the "elusive Joe" joke? belay
      1. 0
        10 February 2016 10: 35
        And who remembers the joke about "bend your finger"?
  14. The comment was deleted.
  15. +5
    10 February 2016 09: 42
    the embroidered shirt turned into the equivalent of a brown shirt
    Nationalism and Nazism go hand in hand! People, be vigilant!
    1. +4
      10 February 2016 10: 32
      Quote: Uncle Lee
      the embroidered shirt turned into the equivalent of a brown shirt
      Nationalism and Nazism go hand in hand! People, be vigilant!

      This, by the way, is the national flag of Belarus. Do you see an embroidery? So are we nationalists or already Nazis?
      1. +3
        10 February 2016 10: 41
        Before Hitler, the swastika was just a harmless symbol of the sun, a symbol of good luck, etc.
        But ...
        Brown shirts were originally intended for the German colonial troops in Africa (but the colonies were taken away)
        and then the Fuhrer bought them for nothing (shirts, not colonies), and everything started to turn out ...

        What is important is not the symbol itself, but the fact that they invest in it.
      2. +4
        10 February 2016 14: 05
        Quote: Eragon
        It is not the symbol itself that matters, but the fact that they put it into it

        You have already been answered! hi
      3. The comment was deleted.
      4. +1
        10 February 2016 17: 36
        Quote: Eragon
        Quote: Uncle Lee
        the embroidered shirt turned into the equivalent of a brown shirt
        Nationalism and Nazism go hand in hand! People, be vigilant!

        This, by the way, is the national flag of Belarus. Do you see an embroidery? So are we nationalists or already Nazis?

        If there is such a pattern with a "sun symbol" then surely nationalists laughing
    2. The comment was deleted.
    3. The comment was deleted.
      1. +4
        10 February 2016 14: 08
        I don’t understand something, is this a VO site or a "Censor"? Not by nightfall will be remembered!
        1. -1
          10 February 2016 21: 17
          Quote from Uncle Lee
          I don’t understand something, is it a VO site or a "Censor"?

          And how long has your memory gone?
          1. +4
            11 February 2016 04: 25
            Quote: V.ic
            And how long has your memory gone?

            My memory has not lost. And if you are so zealous in defending the Natsiks, then obviously from the "Censor" you have arrived here. And one more thing: Believing in prejudice is a bad omen. wassat
      2. +4
        10 February 2016 14: 13
        Quote: AdekvatNICK
        Hitler defamed the swastika, and Ukrainians embroidered.

        I agree ! hi
  16. +8
    10 February 2016 09: 43
    Yanukovych also flirted with the right sector and pretended that these "lads" were just "patriots" ...
    How it ended for Yanyk everybody remembers - he was scolding from the patriots, having forgotten the golden loaf with the toilet in the residence. He pack pravosekov on the bunks, at the beginning of his presidential career, everything could be different.
    So Father, in order to avoid trouble, it will not be superfluous to take a closer look at the "experience" of his Ukrainian colleague.
    1. +1
      10 February 2016 10: 16
      Yanyka flirted more with the geyropa, but only there the players were stronger than him and turned in as soon as they needed.
  17. +11
    10 February 2016 09: 49
    As a Belarusian - I agree with the author of the article! The situation is real: the Nazis and other riffraff in a deep day, people just spit on their activities and there is no and will not be real support, but the Nimudrayshiy and Popularly elected ones with their henchmen began to rock the boat. Lukashenko no longer has any options to sit on the throne - the economy is completely failed, there is no respect among the people, no one takes politics into account with him. Surrounded by a handful of servants thus trying to survive .... recourse How tired of all this!
    1. +4
      10 February 2016 10: 34
      By the good - here for these cases and need democracy / abdication from the throne.
      He would leave for good.
      Yes, even five years ago.
      "Thanks to everybody, you're free..."
      And so - the plug is full, neither in Europe nor in Russia they are holding onto it.
      It bothers everyone, but you cannot get away from it.
      It's not about mind. request
  18. +6
    10 February 2016 09: 51
    Thanks! The absence of the Concept of Development of the Limitrophe Countries is very correctly noted here. The pseudo-Idea of ​​Ukraine - the ukrov empire against "her", the pseudo-idea of ​​Belarus - the "national" empire against whom, obviously. False goals were thrown in by the Freemasons at the beginning of the 20th century, when in Vilna the figures of the Lithuanian, Belarusian and other "revival" between reading poetry and playing music agreed on how to pull pieces of the Russian Empire. In Lwow, the figures of the Polish and Ukrainian Renaissance Austria and Russia. Destroy destroyed. And they have been walking in circles for over a hundred years with the feeble mind of the idea of ​​"national revival". This information virus, penetrating the "masses", destroys state organisms, intercepting the management of territories and slaves into the hands of its creators. In the 90s A. Lukashenko was verbally on the side of the "slaves". Where has the royal Belarusian family gone today? Really in the camp of the "elite"? Does Milosevic's fate remind him of nothing? Not worried about the sign of Gaddaffe? Where does this desire to play geopolitical roulette come from? What jackpot does the "civilized world" promise him?
  19. +7
    10 February 2016 09: 51
    Sorry, aren’t the EU member states formed on a national basis? And didn’t they divide Czechoslovakia into the Czech Republic and Slovakia? Is Yugoslavia divided according to national attributes? Isn’t it because of this that Russian and Russian-speaking people are not declared citizens in the Baltic countries?
    In my opinion, European nationalism is on the face, is not it?
  20. +6
    10 February 2016 09: 54
    Zadolbali this nationalism! We must remember and love our own and respect the culture of others. People are all born the same, small, and understanding nothing! And then they poison the brain with this nationalism!
  21. +8
    10 February 2016 09: 58
    It's great that I'm Russian. And I did not want to go anywhere from my country and I do not want to leave. The poor are the young people whom their mothers raised so much that their home is like a prison.
  22. 0
    10 February 2016 10: 04
    The funny thing is, the inhabitants of the north-west did not understand what gift they gave Putin, having killed the Ukrainian state in the bud.

    The author is sure that Putin dreamed of such a gift ?! The article is clearly provocative.
    1. +5
      10 February 2016 10: 17
      what they gave Putin a gift, killing the Ukrainian state in the bud.
      The author is confident that Putin dreamed of such a gift ?!

      Evil irony is present - Ukraine was killed by the most svidomye Ukrainians ... bully
  23. +7
    10 February 2016 10: 04
    But father tsar:

    "Belarus has closed the border with Ukraine and will build additional engineering structures to ensure the country's security," said President of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko during a trip to the city of Zhlobin, BelTA informs.
    Lukashenko said that the republic is able to put up a reliable barrier to the penetration of banditry into its territory and pointed out the existence of problems that emanate from Ukraine, which the Belarusian authorities are forced to fight by strengthening border security.
    "I'm not talking about drugs ... Weapons, machine guns, ammunition are brought in, they themselves go here. We are strengthening the borders. We have completely closed it, and now we will erect engineering structures so that the mouse does not crawl. We will ensure the security of our country," he stressed Belarusian leader.
    Earlier Lukashenka stated that “Belarus has already done a lot to bring peace to the Ukrainian land”. "And we are ready to do even more for this - everything that will be required to stop this war," he stressed. According to the president, "if we, the Slavs, do not come to an agreement ourselves, do not decide ourselves what to do, then no one else will help us."
    1. +2
      10 February 2016 11: 57
      Quote: akims
      According to the president, “if we, the Slavs, do not come to an agreement ourselves, do not decide ourselves what to do, then no one else will help us

      Words are good ... But words are words, but deeds are deeds ...
  24. +4
    10 February 2016 10: 06
    The toughest, most “trashy” option was chosen - a single “Ukrainian” Ukraine, where the Russians are not clear who. Any intelligent person could understand that nothing good would come of it, the option was not working.
    Well, in the Baltic states it turned out the same. So the "smart" people suggested that: It will be like their citizens and non-citizens. Let us recall their rhetoric in the post-Maid hysteria (even before the start of the war). Russians in the southeast were practically declared cattle, slaves.
  25. +3
    10 February 2016 10: 09
    Article of August 23, 2004:
    For the first time, the United States has officially announced its plans to seek the removal of the authoritarian Belarusian leader Alexander Lukashenko from power. “We will fight for Belarus to free itself from tyranny,” US Senator John McCain said at the end of last week.
    The US position is tantamount to a verdict for Lukashenka, writes Kommersant. Moreover, Russia, with which the President of Belarus has seriously spoiled relations, is unlikely to save him.
    John McCain is one of the authors of the draft "Act on Democracy in Belarus", which provides for the allocation of financial assistance to the Belarusian opposition and the introduction of sanctions against President Lukashenko and his entourage. The senator made his loud statement on Saturday at a press conference in Riga, where a US Senate delegation is on a working visit.
    Having publicly announced the plans of Washington, John McCain clarified: "The change of the regime of President Lukashenko in Belarus is planned not with weapons and military actions, but with the help of international pressure."
    Latvian Foreign Minister Artis Pabriks, who was present at the press conference, assured the American guests that Latvia "will do everything possible to support the fight against Lukashenka's regime."
    And the representative of the Belarusian opposition, MP Vitaly Frolov, who was also there, expressed confidence that "the change of power in Belarus is a matter of the next two years."
    With a very good set of circumstances, this may happen this fall, but no later than the 2006 (presidential) elections, "he explained.
    Senator McCain was supposed to visit Belarus the other day, where he planned to meet both with representatives of the Belarusian opposition and with President Lukashenko. And then the loud statement of the senator might have sounded on the territory of Belarus, Kommersant notes.
    However, his visit to Minsk did not take place - McCain and three of his colleagues in the Senate did not receive visas. "Mr. Lukashenko refused us a visa and did not allow us to enter the country because he was afraid that we might criticize his totalitarian rule," the senator said at the time.
  26. 0
    10 February 2016 10: 10
    some kind of ejection of porridge from the head ...
  27. +4
    10 February 2016 10: 12
    they drank a fly a baby)))

  28. +1
    10 February 2016 10: 14
    Alas! Natsiks have been in Belarus for a long time! I saw myself gathering in the park of Gomel, or the "White Guard", or some other league? True, the forces of law and order quickly dispersed them (this was in the late 90s of the last century). Judging by the speeches of the Nobel witch Alekseevich, is the situation with the Nazis only getting stronger and tacitly supported by the authorities?
  29. +4
    10 February 2016 10: 16
    "We will then defeat Russia when the Ukrainians and Belarusians believe that they are not Russians." So one well-known figure of the Third Reich spoke and ended badly, because we were together. We are one people in one Russian civilization. And diseases of the head, depending on the case, are treated either medically or promptly.
  30. +2
    10 February 2016 10: 28
    Quote: article
    Embroidery - a kind of marker, designed to distinguish their own from strangers.

    But what then to speak of such an ancient method of difference, as circumcision of the end flesh in boys? After all, it was not without purpose that God ordered that this be done a week after birth. There must be at least some difference! He took off the embroidery and no difference, but with circumcision forever together.
    1. 0
      10 February 2016 11: 27
      Embroidery removed and no difference, but with circumcision forever together.

      Why, plastic surgery works wonders today ...
      1. 0
        10 February 2016 13: 42
        Quote: Olezhek
        plastic surgery works wonders today

        On the face, yes. I do not argue. But I have never had the chance to hear that because of religious contradictions, someone restored a cut off end flesh to himself.
  31. +4
    10 February 2016 10: 32
    "the struggle for independence of Ukraine unfolded after gaining thereof and led to the loss of the aforementioned independence. ..... Do not give them sovereignty - or cut themselves, or break"...

    Hmm ... Well noted by the author ...
  32. -1
    10 February 2016 10: 33
    The article is large with a large number of beeches, but not clear from the point of view of what the author wanted.
    Still, most importantly, Europe is now meeting millions of black people and accommodating them in nice houses and hotels, promising to feed and give money for living until they adapt to normal conditions, demonstrating miracles of tolerance. And those will adapt for a very long time, creating their own enclaves, where the police will be afraid to go. At the same time, the Balts declared Russians "non-citizens" almost 20 years ago, and "tolerant" Europe did not notice this. Do not see at close range. And this was when everyone was "friends" with Russia and there was no Putin. The author somehow did not notice this.
    I still do not understand why such an emphasis is on embroidery. Almost all European nations, including Russia, go to embroidered shirts. Moreover, in each region, experts used to know where the man came from in their patterns and ornaments. Romanians, not Slavs, even wear embroidered shirts. Beautiful clothes, especially for women. Due to the fact that fascist Ukrainian stamps were stuck on embroidered shirts, now they will not be worn in Russia either. Although national clothes.
    1. +2
      10 February 2016 12: 35
      Contradict yourself.
      Quote: indifferent
      I still do not understand why such an emphasis is on embroidery.

      Quote: indifferent
      Due to the fact that fascist Ukrainian stamps were stuck on embroidered shirts, they will not be worn in Russia either.

      And what is not clear here. Radical nationalism is the collapse or degradation of the state.
    2. 0
      10 February 2016 13: 39
      Yet most importantly, Europe is now meeting millions of black people.

      The topic is definitely valid, but I'm not talking about ...

      At the same time, the Balts declared Russians "non-citizens" almost 20 years ago and "tolerant" Europe did not notice this.
      I still do not understand why such emphasis is on embroidery
      = answer
  33. +3
    10 February 2016 10: 33
    And I am touched by the dresscode of the xoxlov, for example - an embroidered shirt. Imagine the deputies of the parliament of Ghana - a loincloth, tortoiseshell and tuxedo. And the conversation is short - you vote against - gobble up your liver. Here's how.
  34. +4
    10 February 2016 10: 42
    In Russia, several thousand people are robbed and several tens of thousands of people are stolen from the state. budget, in Ukraine they steal from the state and rob people who have at least a small opportunity (the rest are trying to get this opportunity at any cost), in Belarus only Mr. Lukashenko and about a hundred people close to him steal .... that's basically my opinion and all the difference.
    1. +1
      10 February 2016 10: 51
      Quote: mik6403
      .... that’s basically the difference in my opinion.

      If you omit the nuances, then in general terms it is)
  35. +4
    10 February 2016 11: 12
    Our GDP needs to talk with the Old Man in an adult way. If there wasn’t such a conversation yet. He behaves strangely: he sways it to the right, then to the left, like a drunk. We must already decide who you are with.
  36. +5
    10 February 2016 11: 21
    The problem of all these new countries that came out of the USSR is that there are no worthy elites capable of leading their peoples not to a carrot beyond which to abyss, but to a brighter future. Unfortunately, this also applies to Lukashenko, who wants to sell Russia and milk it at the same time. says: “Look, I’m my own, bourgeois”, and comes to Russia: “We will stand back to back and shoot back.” This does not happen. And the taxi driver is this ordinary Belarusian representative of the Ragul suburb of whom the sea is all around. Putin is to blame for everything. he and people like him.
  37. +6
    10 February 2016 11: 48
    Quote: ohtsistem
    about the mentality like "we will wait until we become EUROBELORUSIA".

    Oh well. In Euro Ukraine, it also began with this - another 25-30 years ago. Let father But Lukashenko continue to play games ... Really, the fate of Yanukovych (at best) and Hussein and Gaddafi did not teach anything ...
  38. bad
    10 February 2016 12: 42
    And it means that we all need to start urgently afraid of that very “Belarusian nationalism”. Gentlemen, I'm funny. By golly funny
    ..and I’m not funny .. Natsik from Belarus are fighting on the side of ukrov ..
    1. 0
      10 February 2016 13: 01
      And I laugh at the consequences of this nationalism for Belarus

      There was no concern ...
  39. +1
    10 February 2016 13: 09
    after a series of libels about Belarus, less and less want to read such "opinions"
    and the comments - you will swing: both the Maidan on the nose, and the dad in an embroidered shirt in the Washington regional committee are waiting for a reception, and they had to be added for a long time, and the Baltic capital bought up all the supermarkets and the Nazis march around Minsk shouting "heil bulba" - a circus and nothing more
    it is noteworthy that they write mainly people who have not been to Belarus, who are not interested in news from the country, but who make up their minds about pieces of information from tourists offended in Belarus, and similar articles
    the article is once again provocative, promoting both the incitement of nationalism in Belarus (you tell a bunch of Natsiks that they are the fundamental political force in the country - that’s what they believe), and driving a wedge into the historical fraternal relations between Russia and Belarus
    I don’t know who needs it, but such libel will not bring benefits to any of the countries
    I have the honor
    1. +3
      10 February 2016 14: 16
      after a series of libel about Belarus is less

      and here I will ask simple questions straight off: the Russian Federation and the Republic of Belarus are theoretically allies
      Russian Space Forces conduct operation in Syria against ISIS
      Belarusians on whose side?
      Was there at least one rally in support of Russia?
      Почему нет?
      Bagatovector policy Lukashenko?
      After the murder of Oleg Peshkov was an anti-Turkish rally in Minsk?
      Почему нет?
      You, forgive, on whose side?
      Pink ponies?
      1. 0
        10 February 2016 16: 44
        and dad in an embroidered shirt in the Washington regional committee is waiting for a reception, and they had to be joined for a long time, and the Baltic capital bought up all the supermarkets and the Nazis march around Minsk shouting "heil bulba" - a circus and nothing more

        No need to juggle, dear, only the facts are written here. And really, WHO ARE YOU?
  40. 0
    10 February 2016 15: 42
    Quote: Olezhek
    Russian Space Forces conduct operation in Syria against ISIS
    Belarusians on whose side?

    after this, sorry, stupid question, I ask the facts about the rallies in support of ISIS held in Belarus wassat

    Quote: Olezhek
    After the murder of Oleg Peshkov, there was an anti-Turkish rally in Minsk? Why not?

    perverted logic, the expression of support and solidarity with Russia at different official levels is not enough? We now all Turks to catch and cut the whole country owe?

    and in general, it happens like this: "The whole world mourns for those who died in a plane crash in Egypt. Belarusians also do not stay away from the tragedy. People bring flowers, candles and toys to the Russian embassy. On November 2, a book of condolences was opened in the diplomatic mission building. Records with words common people and government officials leave sorrows here. "

    it happens like this: On Saturday, Muscovites held several single pickets outside the building of the Embassy of Belarus and laid flowers in memory of the executed organizers of the terrorist attack in the Minsk metro
    Dmitry Konovalov and Vladislav Kovaleva, a law enforcement source told Interfax.
    He said that late in the evening people gathered at the embassy of Belarus who laid flowers and lit funeral candles.
    "About 40 people gathered in front of the embassy building on Maroseyka street 17/6 and held a rally in memory of those executed in Belarus," the source added.
    so with an expression of solidarity and you don’t really ...
    1. +1
      10 February 2016 19: 00
      after this, sorry, stupid question, I ask the facts about the rallies in support of ISIS held in Belarus

      And if the Belarusians are on the side of the Russian Aerospace Force, then why not hold a rally in support ???
      What's the problem?
      I'll tell you what: this will prevent the authorities of the Republic of Belarus from playing according to the principle "both ours and yours"
      Russian unofficially, you can say one thing, the Saudis more ...
      And Minsk dwellers are all purple.
      There were no solidarity rallies, and Lukashenko did not speak out in support of this operation.
      Excuse me, where does the fact that in this case the Belarusians are on our side? Why should we play the guessing game in a critical situation?

      perverted logic, the expression of support and solidarity with Russia at different official levels is not enough? We now all Turks to catch and cut the whole country owe?

      1 As it was already said by the Republic of Belarus, at no level was the operation of the RF AFR in Syria supported. If I'm wrong, correct it with a specific link.
      2 Belarus did NOT condemn Peshkov's murder. Where does your "solidarity" come from ??
      3 It was about a peaceful and civilized anti-Turkish demonstration, which was not and will not be, since officially in this case Lukashenka is NEUTRAL.
      And the murder of the Russian pilot does not give way to Belarusians.
    2. 0
      10 February 2016 19: 11
      about the executed organizers of the terrorist attack in the Minsk metro
      Dmitry Konovalov and Vladislav Kovaleva, a law enforcement source told Interfax.
      He said that late in the evening to the building of the Belarusian Embassy,

      And it is not clear who they were ... And in general in this case a lot of incomprehensible
      And it somehow does not pull on external aggression ...