About the roots of the European titular system


The existence of the aristocracy in the classical sense, that is, not just the elite of the state and society, but the hereditary system of the transfer of elite status, always implies a certain structuring and formalization. Therefore, the existence of aristocracy is impossible without the existence of a titular system. In this material, the European traditional titular system will be considered in the most accessible form, namely, its origin and development.

When considering this phenomenon, I do not pretend to complete the scope of the object of study and admit that some points may not be covered in this material. Therefore, traditionally (for myself) I remind you that comments that begin with the words “The author has forgotten about ...” will be an undoubted decoration and functional addition to the material, if, of course, they are formulated on the merits.

The roots of the medieval and modern European aristocracy lie in those ancient and dark times when ancient Germans, Celts and Slavs ran across the endless dark European forests. For simplicity, the consideration of the material in the future will be called the whole of this set of Germans, because Tacitus (the author of the most complete sources on the population of the forests mentioned) did not distinguish between Germans and Slavs; as for the Celts, their contribution to the formation of medieval foundations was objectively less significant than the contribution of the Slavs and the Germans. It was the German (in the Tacitus sense) tribes that later created what is called feudalism and the Medieval society as a whole; in fact, the descendants of these very Germans now inhabit all of Europe and not only. From the preceding Romans and Greeks, the Germans took only a few titles of titles ("Emperor", for example), but the essence of the ancient system of the aristocracy, and, accordingly, the titular system was almost never taken over by the Germans. The reasons for this, we also mention in this material.

Let's start with the axial in the entire titular system of the title - "King".
At the time of Tacitus, the Germans did not have statehood. Before Tacitus, however, too. However, the Germans had already experienced a very primitive communal system; therefore, the main social unit they had was not even a clan (a union of several families), but a tribe. The tribal organization allowed doing two interesting things: firstly, it allowed collecting considerable forces for military needs (the race could not cope with this task), and secondly, it allowed introducing social stratotymic differentiation. That is, in a clan, for example, all of them are relatives to one degree or another, and therefore they can send the head of a clan in a relative and send three letters without special sanctions; but in the tribe this trick no longer rolls.

Naturally, the first function of the leader was economic - it was necessary to ensure the joint extraction by the tribe of grub and other nishtyakov. Experimentally, the Germanic tribes quickly established that in addition to hunting and gathering, as well as more advanced animal husbandry, crop production, food and nishtyaki are very well mined by forced expropriation from their neighbors. So there was a need for military actions, and, accordingly, in people who will carry out these military actions. Initially, of course, the whole tribe went on a campaign: Tacitus records that "all free citizens of the Germans are armed."

Again, by experimental means, the Germans quickly learned that everyone wanted food and nishtyakov, but at the same time they could die to the death. And then opened the scope for the activities of "strong-willed personalities." At the stage of the existence of military democracy as a sociopolitical system and tribal militia as the only form of military organization, the following happened: the most physically strong and mentally freezed citizen spoke to the tribe with a fiery speech in ancient German / Proto-Slavonic, and strenuously beat himself in the chest, promised to lead the tribe to victory by its own efforts, and specifically by the efforts of its own muscles, military luck, and a stone ax (bronze ax / iron sword - depending on the technology the level of development of the tribe or the fact that the Romans passing by lost a year earlier in this forest). From the rest of the tribe, in fact, it was required to cover this citizen in battle, not giving the enemy a chance to meanly punish him in the back with the same stone ax.

An interesting moment arises here. There is a physically strong citizen, but the tribe also has a leader - and this is not one and the same citizen. He is physically strong - he doesn’t know much about agricultural technologies, and he cannot solve the problem of obtaining food on a permanent basis, because for years the young have not seen all the difficulties of life. Accordingly, the leader of the tribe of him, hmm, in general, we do not need such a leader. But the military leader of him is not bad. Therefore, a physically strong citizen was ELECTED (military democracy in the courtyard!) By a tribe at the TIME OF TRAVEL, after which, taking a part of the booty due to him, he again lost his status.

So, what was the name of such a leader? The Romans called them Rex, conferring on them the same title as, for example, the much more civilized Eastern monarchs. Apparently, the barbarians did not really like to have warlords with a dog nickname instead of a title, so they thought about their own title.

The most plausible and justified at the moment is considered to be the hypothesis, according to which the Slavs first came up with their own title of military leader. The title of this title sounded "Knight", because the leader was ritually handed a battle horse, and the suffix "-bye" in Old Slavic is definitely a suffix to be assigned to a certain profession (as in the word "knight"); that is, "Knight" is "one who is on a horse; rider". In the course of time “Konyaz” (much later than the described events - we will return to this point) was transformed into “Prince” (Knyaz). And the Germanic tribes adopted this title in a way that linguists call "tracing", and specifically added their suffix, similar to the Slavic "-lap". As a result, the title “Konung” appeared, which initially fully corresponded to “Konyazya” - an elected temporary military leader. In particular, it has been documented that the “kings” were called the military leaders of the Viking squads, while the king was initially exercising his powers only until the end of the military event; Civil leaders were called "Yarles."

Somewhat later, the following happened. Again, experimentally, it was established that the young hunter Ragnar fights better than the old gardener Einar, and therefore it is too expensive for a tribe to carry with him all the old gardeners on a hike: in war, the old gardeners usually die (and, as a result, there is no one to feed the tribe in the interwar period), and there is very little use in the battles from these gardeners, young hunters do better. And because if you take only young warriors to war, you will be able to fight better. So the first squads appeared. Literally during the lifetime of one generation (within the framework of a specific tribe that switched to the model of professional warriors instead of universal conscription), one more thing became obvious: if a young citizen is taught only to fight, then he will learn nothing more; but it will be good to fight. And because even in adulthood, he still remains a warrior - his garden painfully turns out to be a curve, his sword is somehow better in his performance than a chopper. That is, the profession has become a "lifelong specialization" - went military trail, all her life you will go. It is better for the slave garden to let the slaves work, of which he will earn money for himself, and distribute to the fellow gardeners.

The same principle very quickly spread to military leaders - the king. For the birth of the new "most physically strong" dude in the tribe had to go through another generation. Therefore, it turned out to be a stupid stupidity every time during the new campaign of the king (if, of course, the king himself did not show outright stupidity in the previous campaign), and the same person began to be elected king, still he is the strongest. And if so, then the title was for life.

Meanwhile, military academies in the Germanic forests in the I century BC. there were exactly as many agricultural academies (and others). This circumstance, coupled with the lack of an intelligible writing system (runic writing took shape a little later and carried primarily sacral ritual burden), greatly contributed to the fact that any knowledge in the tribe was transmitted solely on the principle “from father to son, and by example”. What did the tribe member teach his son? To the one that knew how. A hunter is to hunt, a farmer is nyamku to grow, and a warrior is to fight, respectively. Guess from the first attempt, who was the son of a professional warrior?

In short, this is how the warrior system was formed. The profession of a warrior has become hereditary.

The best illustration of who these leaders and their squads were are ordinary bandits trying to control some area by force.

From whom did the military estate develop in the Germanic tribes? Here is konung - the strongest, most insidious and most frostbitten citizen of the tribe. He lives in the tribe itself, he has a lot of social contacts since childhood. Accordingly, when he becomes king, he begins to pull up his friends - these same friends form what is called the “squad”. If you compare a tribe with a community of social animals (wolves, for example), then the leader is an alpha male, and his friends are, respectively, beta males. These same beta males, as applied to a human tribe, make it so that their alpha turns from just “the strongest dude in the tribe” into a real ruler; at the same time, the old government - the elders, who are well versed in matters of civilian life (in particular, in agricultural technologies) are transformed into another authority, called the “council of elders”, “senate” or something else, and often remain behind them advisory and administrative functions.

Accordingly, in Russian the system of military power at this stage is called “Leader” and “Druzhina”, and in Latin - “Rex” and “Comitas”. Moreover, since in the squad serve hereditarily, then the leader also became hereditary. The “leader” - the leader's heir - was brought up not only by the father himself, but also by his friends (warriors), and therefore this leader, reaching the moment of assuming the position (most often as a result of the death of his father during a campaign or under other cheerful circumstances), was sufficiently loyal squad, and therefore, all suit this system.

And since she arranged for everyone and was hereditary, hereditary titles appeared - the leader remained the “king” at first, which was later transformed into “könig” in German and “king” in English - in Russian it would be “king” ; comitas began to be called "graphs".

In Russian, the word "King" comes from Charlemagne (Carolus Magnus). The word "Carolus" was perceived by native speakers of the Slavic language not as a personal name, but as a title.

In this regard, it is interesting that the Russian title “prince” is equal in importance to the European “king”. That is, theoretically, the prince of Mukhosboski is notable for Louis XIV.

Let's return to the graphs. Initially, a graph is a friend or approximate king; The Latin comit is translated “comrade”. Accordingly, when the status of a druzhinnik became hereditary, the title of a graph also became hereditary. In the Slavs, comitas were again called by the name of the profession: "boyars". “-Yar” is the same profession suffix as “yaz”: you make tables — a joiner, play the harps — a guslar, participate in battles — boyars. And the boyar’s son is, respectively, the boyar’s son. Over time, the “son” disappeared, and the hereditary approximate prince began to be called simply “boyar”. That is, the boyar and the count are the same in the Slavic and Germanic traditions, respectively.

And if the count was given a serious allotment of land (“half the kingdom to the bargain”) - the mark, then he became a margrave, or (which is the same thing) the marquis.

There was a small question: the king approached friends, giving them the title of counts; however, the king was also a relative who, with the introduction of the hereditary system of government, could not be equal to some of the columns. Suppose a king had no sons: who should inherit him if the closest relative is a brother? And if the second cousin nephew from the aunt's side of the mother?

So there was a need for a special titling of royals. If for the heir apparent the title “Prince” appeared, then for other persons the title “Duke” was introduced. The duke is in any case the kinship of the king, that is, if the graph can BECOME (the king can bring anyone closer to him), then the duke can only be BORN.

Accordingly, the dukes are higher in status than graphs; moreover, the duke can raise to a count of dignity. And even more than that - anyone can theoretically be elevated to the count's dignity; it is theoretically possible to become a duke by marrying a person of royal blood (and that is desirable on a princess - just the duchess is not always suitable for this). For example, this is how Rollo Pedestrian became the duke - the first duke of Normandy, who used to be a simple Viking (but a relative of Ragnar Lodbroka). Rollo married the only daughter of the then French king - but became, notice, not the heir to the throne of France, but the duke of Normandy. In fact, this marriage and the construction of Rollo in the counts were simply the legalization of the conquest of Normandy by the Vikings and the attempt of the French crown to save face in one bottle.

It must be said that the dukes, although they stood on the feudal ladder above the counts, were often in a losing position compared to them. In the case of a change of dynasty, the graphs usually retained the title (if they had time to flop over time), but the dukes had nowhere to go over - the king was a relative of them. Therefore, when changing the dynasty, the dukes were caught and hanged with particular zeal. Not only that, and the kings themselves periodically repressed the dukes - for they could be claimants to the throne; Earl could not claim the royal place of the word "absolutely."

Over time, a simple system, including only kings, dukes and counts, began to expand, complementing the so-called "junior titles."

The first of the "junior titles" appeared the title of baron.

At present, it is believed that the European title "Baron" was formed from the Russian "boyar". The difference between the baron and the boyar, however, is in fact a whole degree, because the baron is the retainer of the graph. When the kings began to distribute fiefd allotments to their warriors, to protect them, the counts needed their own warriors, who, in fact, were called barons.

A little later, another title appeared - “Knight” (“ritter”, “Chevalier”). These were already vigilant barons. The very word “chevalier” means simply “horseman”, only this title appeared years ago on 800 later than the Slavic “knight”. Initially, the knights were in the lower military class - "Milita", but later became noblemen, and the name of military specialization turned into a title.

In turn, the approximate knights, although they did not have hereditary titles, in some cases had personal titles. So, the knight squire wore a personal (non-inherited) title "Squire".

Subsequently, titles of heirs appeared. The fact is that the inheritance system of feudal property became rather complicated over time (“the father had three sons: one — the mill, the other — the donkey, the third — the cat”), and therefore special titles were needed, denoting the heirs of the “senior titles”.

The heir to the duke is also a duke, the heir to the count is a viscount, the heir to the baron is a baronet, but the heir to the knight is a squire, for lack of a different name.

In addition to the heirs, there were younger children. These were simply called gentlemen. But this is a completely different time period and, accordingly, another story...
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  1. +9
    6 February 2016 06: 58
    Thanks for the article (+). The author touched on a rather interesting topic, the fundamental topic of defining the very concepts of words, without this it is very difficult for us to make any progress in understanding the terms that we often use. I'll start from the beginning: Emperor - a title derived from the Latin Principul - is the first person in the metropolis, in Rome itself. The emperor is the first person in the secondary territory conquered by Rome, that is, a province, for example, Galia, where, for example, Caius Julius Caesar would be the emperor. There were other provinces: Greece, Egypt, etc., which also had their own chiefs (top officials in management), that is, Emperors. In addition to the primary heirs of the princes, there were also secondary heirs - the vincents. I liked very much the absence of a difference between the Slavs and the Germans in the article, the very word duke means the leader of the detachment. The words ger-man and her-tsog have the same root "ger" - something associated with a paramilitary unit. In this case, understanding the meaning of words is simplified.
    1. +1
      6 February 2016 08: 37
      king punisher
      -KNIGHT-KNIGHT -KNIGHT is possible the royal RYNDA -the warrior of the royal guard-squire
      1. +1
        6 February 2016 09: 00
        Variants are always possible, but in relation to "King - Charles" there are variants of pronunciation of this name in other languages: Charles - in French, Charles - in English, Yuri - in Russian. Yuri - ardent - Yarilo - bright - the god Yara, Yara-Ra, just Ra. This name comes from the name of the sun god, it's simple here. When the sun rises, with its first rays the crows shout loudly: kar, kar, kar. Not surprisingly, sometimes human language borrows spoken sounds from living nature. As for "her-tsog" and "ger-mantsa", there is also the word "ger general" - that is, the common leader of all units, so I consider this root synonymous with the word fighter, etc.
        1. +2
          6 February 2016 13: 18
          Well, you give, colleague.
          Yuri is a derivative of the Germanic Euric / Eric / Yorick, which corresponds to the Greek George, but not to the Germanic Karl (French Charles, English Charles). The name "Ra" is not at all involved here.
          The word "Herr" means "lord". "The word" ger hereral "" exists as a phrase only in German, the word "geral" means "main" or "main" in Latin and has nothing to do with military affairs.
          1. +3
            6 February 2016 13: 31
            Well, you give, colleague.

            He did not give out anything new. Another nonsense.
            The sun has risen, crows: car-car-car ... and Yura-Ra also carked. laughing
            1. 0
              6 February 2016 23: 37
              Quote: Glot
              The sun has risen, crows: car-car-car ... and Yura-Ra also carked.

              But what, the sun does not rise, the crows do not croak, the tongue has no onomatopoeic basis? Before you call stupidity that you do not understand, you would decide on your own position. Or do you not have it?
              1. +1
                7 February 2016 00: 00
                But what, the sun does not rise, the crows do not croak, the tongue has no onomatopoeic basis? Before you call stupidity that you do not understand, you would decide on your own position. Or do you not have it?

                My position is clear: Wenyaua froze another nonsense. laughing
                Or do you see a direct and logical connection between "the rising of the sun - the croaking of the crows - the name Yuri"? laughing
                Well then, you too, in "ward number 6", to Vienna, Veles and others.
                Is my position clear? wink
                1. +1
                  7 February 2016 10: 20
                  Quote: Glot
                  So my position is clear: Wenyaua froze another nonsense.

                  This is not a position.

                  Quote: Glot
                  Or do you see a direct and logical connection between "the rising of the sun - the croaking of the crows - the name Yuri"?

                  There is a direct connection between these three phenomena. This is the presence of the sound "p" when describing all three phenomena in Russian. Your question implies that a logical connection is always direct, and a direct connection is always logical. This is not true. A direct connection may be obvious, but a logical connection may not be obvious and hidden. And it is up to the scientist to find a logical connection, where it is not obvious and hidden. And when the logical connection is found, then everyone will already see it, and it will become obvious, that is, direct. If all logical connections were "direct", scientists would not be needed. And those who are engaged in research work know this. What you are saying is either manipulation or misunderstanding of the main things, maybe both together.

                  Quote: Glot
                  Well then, you too, in "ward number 6", to Vienna, Veles and others.

                  Dear Glot, I suspect that you have not read Chekhov's "Ward No. 6". Because if you did, you would hardly use this expression in our context. In Chekhov's "Ward No. 6" people who are ignorant and insensitive are destroying people who feel and know. And when Lenin said after reading this work "I had the feeling that all of Russia is ward No. 6," he did not mean at all that there are abnormalities in Russia, but that there are many people in Russia who mock smart people and tries by hook or by crook to present them as abnormal in order to destroy.

                  Quote: Glot
                  Is my position clear? wink

                  Something is clear. But you still tell me, did I understand correctly that your position is characterized by a lack of your own opinion on the issue and hostility towards those who want to explore it?
                  1. +1
                    7 February 2016 10: 48
                    This is not a position.

                    From what ? The most that position is. My opinion.

                    There is a direct connection between these three phenomena. This is the presence of the sound "p" when describing all three phenomena in Russian.

                    Morning-croaking-Yuri yes, have the letter P, so what? Is that all the connection?
                    Do you hear yourself? How many words do we have with the letter P?
                    The rest and commenting does not make sense, a confused set of words, empty.

                    Dear Glot, I suspect that you have not read Chekhov's "Ward No. 6".

                    In this context, "ward No. 6" meant a hypothetical ward in a psychiatric hospital. You try to sound smart and well-read, it doesn't work out well. Since smart and well-read nonsense with word games with permutations of letters are not engaged. For them, there is no connection between the croaking of crows in the morning and the name Yuri. smile
                    Crows croak, frogs croak, dogs bark and cats meow, and so on ... You see what room for games with words and sounds. Let’s identify something else with something. laughing

                    Something is clear. But you still tell me, did I understand correctly that your position is characterized by a lack of your own opinion on the issue and hostility towards those who want to explore it?

                    My opinion is that the name Yuri is derived from George, exactly like Yegor. All of them have one origin from the ancient Greek - Georgios.
                    And the sunrise in the morning with the support of the crowing croak has nothing to do with it. smile
                    And linking all this, at least stupid.
                    Enough, or continue to push the stupidity of "researchers" like this Veniua upside down? laughing
                    1. +1
                      7 February 2016 16: 09
                      Quote: Glot
                      Quote: Villion
                      There is a direct connection between these three phenomena. This is the presence of the sound "p" when describing all three phenomena in Russian.

                      Morning-croaking-Yuri yes, have the letter P, so what?

                      There was a small, seemingly invisible, but important substitution. Here's how you yourself originally described venaya's position:

                      Quote: Glot
                      "The sun has risen (1), ravens: kar-kar-kar (2) ... and Yura-Ra (3)".

                      And now:

                      Quote: Glot
                      "Morning (1) -cawing (2) -Yuri (3)".

                      You have the first element of the triad, the Sun, which is rising, either completely disappeared, or was replaced by "morning", which can, after all, be without the sun. The sun is Ra. And if you remove it, then, indeed, there is nothing to analyze, and the element "Yura" has nothing to compare with.

                      Quote: Glot
                      Is that all the connection?

                      This is enough, but it is not the only one; There are many popular sources confirming the connection of the word "Yura-Yuri" with the word "Yarila". (Yarovit, Ruevit among the Western Slavs, Rugevit or Ruevit among the rug-ruyan)

                      Quote: Glot
                      How many words do we have with the letter P?

                      A lot of. But does this disprove something?

                      Quote: Glot
                      The rest and commenting does not make sense, a confused set of words, empty.

                      If it’s not clear, I’ll say it easier. I use your words so that you don’t say later that I say “confused sets of words”. You asked what is the “direct and logical” connection between these three elements. What do you mean by that? I will try to explain. There is a “direct” connection and there is a “logical” connection. These are different connections. There is already a “direct” connection. In order to find a logical connection, the work of the researcher is required. And for this you need to attract more than one discipline (history, anthropology, psycholinguistics, mathematical linguistics, comparative linguistics, statistics, archeology, political economy, chronology, and not only). It is a mistake to require a connection that is both “direct” and “logical” to be specified

                      Quote: Glot
                      My opinion is that the name Yuri is derived from George, exactly like Yegor. All of them have one origin from the ancient Greek - Georgios.

                      This is one of the versions of the origin of the word "Yura-Yuri." And there is another, no less, and maybe more believable version, according to which "Yura-Yuri" came from the word "Yarila". And by the way. in folk tradition, St. George’s Day coincides with Yarilin’s day.

                      Quote: Glot
                      Enough, or continue to push the stupidity of "researchers" like this Veniua upside down? laughing

                      Why, put the “head on your feet”, if possible, and further.
                      1. +1
                        7 February 2016 17: 22
                        You have the first element of the triad, the Sun, which is rising, either completely disappeared, or was replaced by "morning", which can, after all, be without the sun. The sun is Ra. And if you remove it, then, indeed, there is nothing to analyze, and the element "Yura" has nothing to compare with.

                        I will quote Venio:
                        Charles - in French, Charles - in English, Yuri - in Russian. Yuri - ardent - Yarilo - bright - god Yara, Yara-Ra, just Ra. This name comes from the name of the sun god, here is simple. When the sun rises, the crows shout loudly with its first rays: car, car, car.

                        Actually, everything went with this phrase.
                        Let’s not touch with what reason this Wenaua linked the names Charles-Charles-Yuri, this is a separate issue. But YURI and the final - RA ... YURI - YARILO is very tense. No ? Well, I replaced Yu with I, I also changed the ending, it seems like something has grown together, something ... But this is stupid. So replacing, replacing and removing letters, you can expand any name and agree to hell knows what.
                        Not ?
                        Then, as he said, ward number 6. laughing

                        This is one of the versions of the origin of the word "Yura-Yuri." And there is another, no less, and maybe more believable version, according to which "Yura-Yuri" came from the word "Yarila". And by the way. in folk tradition, St. George’s Day coincides with Yarilin’s day.

                        This is the most believable version.
                        That the name Yuri is derived from George, in fact, like Yegor, and it came from the Greek Georgios.
                        Yes, and note.
                        The so-called "St. George's Day" is the end of November, the end of the autumn work. Read Tatishchev, Dyakonov, Klyuchevsky.
                        And supposedly "Yarilin's Day" is the end of May, the beginning of June. The departure of spring is the arrival of summer.
                        So then, you are either not up to date, or trying to pull one to the other. And this is not good. This is a forgery. Scam.

                        Why, put the “head on your feet”, if possible, and further.

                        Yes, I put it. And without much labor. Since the knowledge of the ignoramus is zero. laughing
                        Look, you have already burst higher with "St. George's Day". laughing laughing laughing
                        Not even interesting ... It’s boring even.
                      2. +1
                        7 February 2016 23: 05
                        Quote: Glot
                        Quote: Villon

                        This is one of the versions of the origin of the word "Yura-Yuri." And there is another, no less, and maybe more believable version, according to which "Yura-Yuri" came from the word "Yarila". And by the way. in folk tradition, St. George’s Day coincides with Yarilin’s day.

                        This is the most believable version.
                        That the name Yuri is derived from George, in fact, like Yegor, and it came from the Greek Georgios.
                        Yes, and note.
                        The so-called "St. George's Day" is the end of November, the end of the autumn work. Read Tatishchev, Dyakonov, Klyuchevsky.
                        And supposedly "Yarilin's Day" is the end of May, the beginning of June. The departure of spring is the arrival of summer.
                        So then, you are either not up to date, or trying to pull one to the other. And this is not good. This is a forgery. Scam.

                        The fact that your version is the most believable is just what you need to show. A simple statement of the fact that you are convinced of this, unfortunately, is not evidence.
                        Regarding St. George's Day:
                        You have provided incomplete information. St. George's days are not one, but two, in the spring, May 6, and in the fall, November 26. Not to be unfounded, "Wikipelia to help":

                        Quote: Wikipedia
                        St. George's Day, or Memorial Day of the Great Martyr George the Victorious, is the day of veneration of St. George the Victorious in Christianity, celebrated on April 23 (May 6), November 26 (December 9).
                        It is celebrated in the spring by Orthodox Christians on April 23 according to the Julian calendar (May 6 according to the new style) and April 23 according to the Gregorian calendar by Catholics, as well as Orthodox in local churches that switched to the New Julian calendar. Also in memory of the consecration of the church in honor of St. George the Victorious in Kiev on November 26, 1051 (1054), another day was commemorated in the Russian Orthodox Church in memory of the Great Martyr George. This day has become a pan-Russian holiday: the legend says that Yaroslav the Wise "commandment in all Russia to create the feast of St. George."

                      3. +1
                        8 February 2016 00: 02
                        Quote: Glot
                        But YURI and the final - RA ... YURI - YARILO is very tense.

                        Well, you know that the sound "l" and "r" are easily replaced, because the mechanism of their production in a sound-producing apparatus has approximately the same localization. In other words, the "l" sound is the same "r" sound, only lateral, when the ear passes along both sides of the tongue, raised to the upper palate as in the "p" sound. Sorry for the scientific style. The Japanese are generally unable to distinguish "p" from "l" by ear. So the suffixes "el", "silt" and "op", "ar" mean the same thing, the one who performs the action expressed by the verb to the root of which they are attached. For example, in the words "sower", "manager", "caller", "organizer", "transformer", "kobzar" or "kobzar" (singer). Now suppose that in the word "yarilo" "silt" is not a part of the root, but a suffix. Then "yarilo" will mean the one who is "furious" And what is the verb "rage"? It is with the root "yar". Can you guess? Here is a series of single-root words with the root "yar": "rage", "furious", "bright", "angry", "nimble" (the distorted root "yar"), "whirligig" (again the distorted root "yar"), "yur" (in Bulgarian means rage, as well as lust), "spring" (in Russian dialect dialects means spring). Who is the brightest in our country? Ra. The sun. All words from this series have a connection with the sun. That is, "yarilo" reads as the one who generates the sun, the one who "rages". Assuming the origin of the word "Yura" from the words "yarilo" or "Ra" is the next step, but I will stop there.
              2. 0
                4 November 2016 12: 24
                You would have decided on your own position.
                Before you have a position, you must have knowledge. In such matters - very extensive. And then, everyone who is not lazy has a position, despite the fact that he understands in the voiced issues less than the unforgettable pig in oranges.
          2. +1
            6 February 2016 20: 58
            Quote: Lanista
            Well, you give, colleague.

            How do you explain this: the German language itself is quite young, its phonetic and alphabetic writing appeared only in the XNUMXth century, the situation with the Greek language is similar, it is also relatively young. So to produce proper names from the Germanic and Greek languages ​​is not entirely competent. Another thing is the Russian language, we have the opportunity to know the exact phonetics of pronunciation of names over a rather long period of time. Therefore, reliably producing Russian-speaking names from German is simply impossible in principle.
      2. +1
        6 February 2016 13: 34
        king punisher
        -KNIGHT-KNIGHT -KNIGHT is possible the royal RYNDA -the warrior of the royal guard-squire

        Wow ...
        Kings - punish, dukes - prank, Chevalier - mumble and knights work as squires for kings-kings-punishers. laughing laughing
        Sun-Ra has risen ... car-car-car ... laughing
        1. 0
          7 February 2016 10: 58
          Quote: Glot
          Kings punish, dukes prank Chevalier - they are and knights work as squires for kings-kings-punishers. laughing laughing

          Horse in French is "cheval" (read "cheval"), and the French word "chevalier" (read "chevalier") literally means horseman. So I don't see anything to laugh at. Or are you laughing at the French language?
          1. 0
            7 February 2016 13: 58
            Horse in French is "cheval" (read "cheval"), and the French word "chevalier" (read "chevalier") literally means horseman. So I don't see anything to laugh at. Or are you laughing at the French language?

            And where am I arguing the opposite? Where? laughing
            1. +1
              7 February 2016 20: 01
              Quote: Glot
              Horse in French is "cheval" (read "cheval"), and the French word "chevalier" (read "chevalier") literally means horseman. So I don't see anything to laugh at. Or are you laughing at the French language?

              And where am I arguing the opposite? Where? laughing

              And where did I say that you state the opposite of what is written?
          2. The comment was deleted.
  2. +1
    6 February 2016 09: 26
    dukes became kings by right of succession. and if the dynasty ceased. then there were no dukes and the count founded the new dynasty.
    1. 0
      4 November 2016 12: 32
      and if the dynasty ceased. then there were no dukes and the count founded the new dynasty.
      Not always ... Far from always ... Someone Karl Martell did not wait until the Merovingians die out as a species.
  3. +2
    6 February 2016 10: 09
    It is intelligently written: simply, intelligibly and with humor.
  4. +2
    6 February 2016 11: 03
    Simply, with humor and most importantly, the author is right. Of course, there are not many who can distort the style of presentation, but this is particular.
  5. +5
    6 February 2016 11: 04
    Thanks for the article! Fun, sensible! good I don't even know what I liked more, the content, or the form. Probably, after all, the form, from the heart, laughed at the "most mentally frostbitten citizen", the absence of military and other agricultural "academies" in the German forests of the 1st century BC. yes a lot of other things! “And here the scope for the activity of“ strong-willed individuals ”opened up. At the stage of existence of military democracy as a socio-political system and tribal militia as the only form of military organization, something like the following happened: the most physically strong and mentally frostbitten citizen spoke before the tribe with a fiery speech in ancient German / Proto-Slavonic, and, beating himself hard with his heel in the chest, promised to lead the tribe to victory by his own efforts "- something very similar to the events of 2 years ago in one neighboring territorial entity belay In general, the article is a plus! Fun, from the heart! good
    1. +2
      6 February 2016 20: 38
      Quote: Vladislav 73
      spoke to the tribe with a fiery speech in Old German / Proto-Slavic

      In the article, Lanista makes an interesting clarification:
      "Tacitus (...) did not distinguish between Germans and Slavs"
      The truth later really clarifies as you noticed: "with a fiery speech in Old German / Proto-Slavic". Here it is interesting: All Nieszhnaya Germany, founded in 1871, has the name of its villages, cities, rivers, lakes, localities, 95% Russian-language names, but written German appeared only in the XNUMXth century with the release of a translation Bible made by the Protestant Martin Luther. Here the question arises: How is it known about the existence of a certain ancient Germanic or even Proto-Slavonic language? After all, Caesar himself fought in Galia with the inhabitants of Vendée, that is, the Vendées, who had their own developed civilization, their own senate etc. Here one should not forget about the Veneti, who also built quite a few of their cities. ”There is a natural distrust of the very existence of such languages ​​as the ancient Germanic and the ambiguity about the name - Proto-Slavonic.
  6. +2
    6 February 2016 12: 21
    Yes, the article is interesting. I like it. Plus to the author. But here are some details. Initially, German and Slavic titling is considered. Then, at the end of the article, hereditary titles appear. Chevalier and baronets come out. The former are yes, similar to knights, but exclusively in pre-revolutionary France, and the latter are used to raise money in England under King James I. ... Squire - or Esq. - a baronet. If the title itself appeared at the beginning of the 17th century ...

    I repeat, the author plus for the article. But the small accessories of titles in different countries would be interesting to know. When all these dukes, marquises, counts (with a subset of land and marc) barons appeared in different countries. And in time periods. If we take, for example, Russia, then only under the empire did the counts and barons appear, the latter being barons. And about the mention of landgraves and margraves, I read already during the reign of Charlemagne.

    But still interesting, but the subtleties are also interesting :) Thanks to the author.
  7. +1
    6 February 2016 12: 28
    Quote: Vladislav 73
    The heir to the duke is also the duke, the heir to the count is the Viscount, the heir to the baron is the baronet,

    This is not quite the case - if you take the modern title system in the same UK where it has been preserved in its most complete form.
    By analogy with dwelling in Russia, where there was both hereditary nobility and personal nobility - in Great Britain there are hereditary peers and lifelong peers - both of them sit in the House of Lords.
    So - the heir to the duke - the duke, the heir to the count - the title is inherited - the count and his wife also become countess after the wedding, etc. - all these titles are hereditary, otherwise the aristocrats would gradually have remained ...
    The hereditary Lords have five steps - the Duke, Marquis, Viscount, Count and Baron. The queen elevated to knightly dignity is not considered a lord.
    And for life peers, the title, of course, is not inherited, just as the personal nobility in Russia was not inherited, unlike the hereditary, however, the count and princely titles were inherited ...
    Like that.
    1. +3
      6 February 2016 13: 09
      heir of the count - title is inherited - count

      The heir of the count will become the count when the count the father dies. Until the Count Father died, his successor is the Viscount.
      1. +1
        6 February 2016 13: 51
        Correctly. In other words, the Viscount is the count's eldest son. The Marquis is originally the eldest son of the Duke. The king, in my mind, corresponds not to the prince but to the Grand Duke. Konung is a king and not a military leader. And the jarl is like a boyar. Or count (current English confirms this).
        1. 0
          6 February 2016 17: 30
          Quote: KBR109
          Marquis - originally the eldest son of the Duke

          Marquis is originally an economic term. The Marquis in Rome fenced off (marked) a large plot of land, latifundia, bought slaves and hired security, that is, he was engaged in economic activities. When the vandals invaded, they interrupted the guards, killed the marquise, freed the slaves, armed the willing slaves with weapons of guards for further campaigns, and moved on.
          As for the Tsar: there is such a city, it was called Tsargrad after ours. From there this title, through the niece of the last Byzantine tsar, passed to Muscovy to Vasily III, who married her, and subsequently to his descendants, heirs to the throne, as well as the "chosen" rulers of the Romanov dynasty.
  8. -1
    6 February 2016 14: 10
    Many distortions in the style of Zadornov, especially about the boyars.
    IMHO the best selection about noble titles http://oyenmortimer.livejournal.com/71246.html
  9. 0
    6 February 2016 15: 33
    Quote: Lanista
    The roots of the medieval and modern European aristocracy lie in those ancient and dark times, when ancient Germans, Celts and Slavs ran through endless dark European forests. For simplicity of consideration of the material, in the future we will call this whole set the Germans, because Tacitus (the author of the most complete sources about the population of the mentioned forests) did not distinguish between Germans and Slavs.

    And how could it hurt the "ease of consideration of the material" if we called this whole set of Slavs?
    1. 0
      4 November 2016 12: 39
      And how could it hurt the "ease of consideration of the material" if we called this whole set of Slavs?
      No way. From a change of terminology, in this case, delusionality does not suffer. Can be replaced by hyperboreans or Aryans. A matter of taste. In content, however, it is completely monopenic, however ...
  10. 0
    6 February 2016 15: 44
    In short, everyone always wanted to rule and eat for free, so now they have been dominated by the oligarchs and the "golden billion".
  11. +1
    6 February 2016 15: 54
    Popular articles are good for reading diagonally, but still the best "selection" is G. Murashev "Titles, ranks, awards" (St. Petersburg, 2002)!
  12. +1
    6 February 2016 19: 49
    Another nonsense on the topic "Russians are the first". Without reading the comments, I put a minus.
    1. 0
      7 February 2016 09: 23
      Quote: Atygay
      Another nonsense on the topic "Russians are the first". Without reading the comments, I put a minus.

      I read the article, I did not put a plus. After seeing your comment, I returned to the beginning and put a plus.
  13. +3
    6 February 2016 20: 35
    And for me - a great article, simple and clear))
  14. +1
    7 February 2016 00: 32
    Nice style. Bright literary talent)))
  15. +2
    7 February 2016 07: 02
    Kon, Prince, Konung, Book (etymology)
    Kon (St.-Slav. Kan) - these are the foundations, traditions, rules created by us.
    K - how (association of structures);
    B - created;
    N is ours.
    Those. Kon - “as created by us,” is what we have created, created, and what we have preserved. Suppose, if we built a house (mansions), they are created, and our goal, since we created - to save. Also, KAN - foundations, rules that are collected, created by our Ancestors, and they are preserved for posterity.
    ZA-con - if you add the Earth (З) and the Gods living on the Earth (Az), you get the LAW - i.e. some foundations (Con), which were created by our Ancestors, and left to us.
    IS-con is when Kon comes from antiquity. They still say: "the original Russian tradition."
    IS-PO-con - when Kon comes from antiquity and to our time ("from time immemorial"). Where "IP" is the original word, "PO" is repose of the Fathers, i.e. saved to our time.

    Prince and Konung
    The prince (prince) is the keeper of the Kohn, the person who was appointed to watch the traditions, the observance of the Kohn in the lands (Z), where he was chosen.
    Konung (kanung) - a designated person who was entrusted with the transfer of this Wisdom (Kon) to the new earth. Those. The prince is constantly on the land where he is elected, and Konung transfers to another territory to tell others.

    KN - as it were, “a collection of traditions”;
    U - call, message;
    N is ours;
    G is a verb.

    Those. Konung is the “Law” that is sent by us to tell others - to speak.
    Konun (kenun) - The law that ours brought, but has not yet told.
  16. 0
    7 February 2016 07: 09
    And the horse, in the sense of which the horse was called Komon
    1. +1
      7 February 2016 10: 07
      And the horse, in the sense of which the horse was called Komon

      In terms of playing words in the spirit of the jester Zadornov, rearranging the letters or completely replacing and removing them, it is necessary to clearly and clearly realize that the words change and transform over time.
      And what now sounds and is written in the form we are used to, say five hundred years ago, was written and pronounced a little differently, and sometimes not at all. And a thousand years ago, I am completely silent.
      If you are now casting into Russia during the Middle Ages, you will hardly understand what people are talking about, and reading any texts will have the same story.
      So all these games with words, stupidity.
      Here is such a "lump" ...
      1. +1
        7 February 2016 12: 35
        Quote: Glot
        it is necessary to clearly and clearly realize that, words change and transform over time. And what now sounds and is written in the form we are used to, about five hundred years ago, was written and pronounced a bit wrong, and sometimes not at all

        I agree. It is precisely because we clearly realize that words change and transform over time, and we explore the ways in which words change and transform. One way is to replace or drop a vowel inside a syllable. Another way is to change the spelling order.

        Quote: Glot
        If you are now casting into Russia during the Middle Ages, you will hardly understand what people are talking about, and reading any texts will have the same story.

        Here you exaggerate. If you drop me into another country with a different language, after some time, and not a very big time, I will understand what people are talking about. Especially in the case of medieval Russia.

        Quote: Glot
        So all these games with words, stupidity.

        Maybe this is a position, but not a scientific one.

        Quote: Glot
        And the horse, in the sense of which the horse was called Komon

        Here is such a "lump" ...

        Someone in the word "lump" sees "horse", and who just "lump". To each his own.
        1. +1
          7 February 2016 13: 50
          I agree. It is precisely because we clearly realize that words change and transform over time, and we explore the ways in which words change and transform. One way is to replace or drop a vowel inside a syllable. Another way is to change the spelling order.

          Alas, you misunderstood what I was trying to say ...
          The point is to replace the letters in modern words and look under this supposedly ancient (old) roots. Take the ancient word, and on its basis try to draw conclusions.
          And to play with modern words, adjusting them to a certain antiquity, and even more so by changing the letters in them or removing them altogether as it is convenient to adjust them to the version, this is ... this is fiction, forgery and falsehood. That's what it is, not "research".

          Here you exaggerate. If you drop me into another country with a different language, after some time, and not a very big time, I will understand what people are talking about. Especially in the case of medieval Russia.

          And the monkey in the circus can be taught to ride a motorcycle after some time.
          And in medieval Russia you cannot immediately understand what you are told to understand or read texts. SPECIALISTS sometimes fight over written sources that have reached us for years, although of course they spend weeks on some, but here ... No, you won’t be able to understand anything right away. Since these are not words and letters to redraw, this is SCIENCE.

          Maybe this is a position, but not a scientific one.

          Absolutely agree. This word game in the spirit of Zadornovsky humor is not a science, nor a scientific approach!
          If you want science, go to the Department of Historical and Philological Sciences of the Russian Academy of Sciences. There, I think you should explain for one or two times that there are such games with words and what they stand for.
          1. +1
            7 February 2016 19: 39
            Quote: Glot
            Quote: Villon
            I agree. It is precisely because we clearly realize that words change and transform over time, and we explore the ways in which words change and transform. One way is to replace or drop a vowel inside a syllable. Another way is to change the spelling order.

            Alas, you misunderstood what I was trying to say ...
            The point is to replace the letters in modern words and look under this supposedly ancient (old) roots. Take the ancient word, and on its basis try to draw conclusions.
            And to play with modern words, adjusting them to a certain antiquity, and even more so by changing the letters in them or removing them altogether as it is convenient to adjust them to the version, this is ... this is fiction, forgery and falsehood. That's what it is, not "research".

            In general, there are two methods in science. In the first method, they take the cause and look at what it gives rise to the consequences. In the second method, on the contrary, they take an effect and look at what causes it to be generated. The first method is called the deductive method, the second - the inductive method. Both of them are equally widely used in science. Moreover, one can even say that science can come close to the knowledge of truth only because both approaches are used. They seem to complement each other.

            Suppose that in linguistics the reason is an ancient word. Corollary is a modern word. You can go from the first to the second, and from the second to the first. And you, by the way, suggest using only the deductive method in linguistics, go from the ancient word to the modern one, and forbid you to use the inductive method, that is, go from the modern word to the ancient. But do not you think that you are thereby terribly impoverishing the tools of scientific knowledge in linguistics? And thereby linguistics itself, and with it history and all related sciences?
          2. +1
            7 February 2016 19: 42
            Quote: Glot
            Quote: Villon
            Here you exaggerate. If you drop me into another country with a different language, after some time, and not a very big time, I will understand what people are talking about. Especially in the case of medieval Russia.

            And the monkey in the circus can be taught to ride a motorcycle after some time.
            And in medieval Russia you cannot immediately understand what you are told to understand or read texts. SPECIALISTS sometimes fight over written sources that have reached us for years, although of course they spend weeks on some, but here ... No, you won’t be able to understand anything right away. Since these are not words and letters to redraw, this is SCIENCE.

            Even if you teach a monkey to ride a motorcycle, it will still be unusual for her. This is not her species. At the same time, the use of the second signaling system, language, is characteristic of man as a species. Moreover, this is one of the most outstanding features that distinguish a person as a species from other species - the use of a second signal system, language. I didn’t teach monkeys, but I think that to teach her to ride a motorcycle, you need to spend six months, maybe one or even two. A person can learn any language to the degree of almost fluency in two months. In the case of medieval Russia and medieval Russian, in a month.
            You say that over written sources that have reached us, experts have been fighting for years. Correctly. Because they do not learn Old Russian, but are engaged in its decoding. Sources come with gaps, spaces, both spatial and temporal. But if you were in Medieval Russia, where everyone speaks Old Russian, and everyone writes in Old Russian, then you would understand literally three days later. Three days is for acclimatization. (Note that in Medieval Russia you will always have the opportunity to ask what this or that incomprehensible word or expression means, and also immediately apply what you learned, in your speech and depending on the reaction of people, to understand whether you did it right or not. And the human psyche is perfectly adapted to this task.)
            What you call self-study of the language of science sounds beautiful. But then it turns out that all people are engaged in science at the age of 0 to 3 years. Because any child in perfection, with all its logic, grammar and almost immense vocabulary, learns his native language up to 3 years. And if we all were engaged in science and achieved such great successes in it, why do you persistently divide people into “scientists” and “unlearned”.
          3. +1
            7 February 2016 19: 44
            Quote: Glot
            This word game in the spirit of Zadornovsky humor is not a science, nor a scientific approach!
            If you want science, go to the Department of Historical and Philological Sciences of the Russian Academy of Sciences. There, I think you should explain for one or two times that there are such games with words and what they stand for.

            I will try to explain with an example. If Maxim Galkin imitates the methods of speech of V.V. Putin, this does not mean that the speech of V.V. Putin's are some kind of “Galkovskie humor”, just like this is not “Shenderovskie humor”. Shenderovsky also worked in this field. We will be consistent. A similar situation occurs in the case of Zadornov. Zadornov expresses or parodies what was said before him by scientists. The closest to him is the linguist A.N. Dragunkin. Yes, Zadornov then appeared immediately after the works of A.N. Dragunkin were published, gaining unprecedented demand. But in his "modesty," Zadornov never once mentioned the authors of the ideas that he parodies or preaches, more, of course, parodies. Well, the “modest” is so cute and cute.
            If you think that RAS employees have some kind of common official position, then this is wrong. Each scientist from the Russian Academy of Sciences has his own opinion, which may or may not coincide with your views. And according to these views, they themselves are very different. A common official unified view is developed only at special meetings and special commissions. As is the case with torsion fields, which they decided to officially consider an unscientific direction. But this decision only affects financing, and each scientist still has his own view. Remember Galileo with his "But still she spins."
            1. +1
              7 February 2016 20: 48
              I will try to explain with an example.

              My friend, do not beg you.
              You are there higher, already burst with "St. George's Day". And this is elementary.
              Therefore, you should not paint long texts, trying to clothe them in a certain allegedly scientific shell, as they say: the Court is clear.
              I already wrote above that it’s just boring. Skukoten right word these your support theories and thoughts of your friend veniois. And his thoughts are emptiness, and your support too ...
              In general, that's it with this topic. request
              1. +1
                8 February 2016 01: 10
                Quote: Glot
                You are there higher, already burst with "St. George's Day". And this is elementary.

                I already had a chance to draw your attention there, above, that there is not one autumn day, as you stated there, but two Yurya days, in spring and autumn. So with the "burst" you were in a hurry. In case you did not read it there, above, I am sending a link to information from the Wiki again here:

                Quote: Glot
                Therefore, you should not paint long texts, trying to clothe them in some supposedly scientific shell, as they say: the Court is clear.

                It would be curious to know what the "supposedly scientific" nature of some "certain" shell is. I assure you, it is not there, and attempts to clothe in it too. Everyone has the right to speak here as he sees fit. In human, not scientific (sic!) Language, I tried to explain what I thought about this issue. And please don't arrogate to yourself the functions of the court. There are already many judges here.

                Quote: Glot
                I already wrote above that it’s just boring. Skukoten right word these your support theories and thoughts of your friend veniois. And his thoughts are emptiness, and your support too ...
                In general, that's it with this topic. request

                I understand and sympathize. However, judging by the number of laughing, squinting, smiling emoticons, you had fun. Or was it just a way to hide from others, or from yourself, that you are bored?
                1. 0
                  8 February 2016 06: 45
                  I already had a chance to draw your attention there, above, that there is not one autumn day, as you stated there, but two Yurya days, in spring and autumn. So with the "burst" you were in a hurry. In case you did not read it there, above, I am sending a link to information from the Wiki again here:

                  We have a good saying in Russia:
                  I look in the book, I see a fig. laughing
                  Actually, you have already burst again. May be enough ?
                  Not only that the second "St. George's Day" indicated by you falls a month earlier than the so-called "Yarilin's Day", but it is also the day of the veneration of St. George.
                  See what I wrote above: Georgios-George-Yuri-Yegor.
                  In general, you again tried to drag certain dates when defending an insolvent version venioisbut again everything came out sewn with white thread. lol

                  However, judging by the number of laughing, squinting, smiling emoticons, you had fun.

                  And then. The circus is always fun. laughing

                  And, please, do not appropriate the functions of the court. There are so many judges here.

                  I, trial ?! Fear God ...
                  I am simply expressing my personal opinion on those or other issues. Well, without hesitation, I say to my eyes that I think about those or other characters of this virtual space and no more. I have a full right to note this.
                  And to judge ... This is not for me. Others will do it. laughing
                  1. +1
                    9 February 2016 00: 03
                    Quote: Glot
                    Not only that the second "St. George's Day" indicated by you falls a month earlier than the so-called "Yarilin's Day", but it is also the day of the veneration of St. George.

                    Why do you say that Yarilin is a month earlier than Yuryev’s day? Here are the dates to compare:

                    - April 23 is the day of veneration of St. George. (St. George's Day)
                    - November 26 is the day of consecration of the Church of the Great Martyr George in Kiev. (St. George's Day)
                    - April 23 - Yarilin day.

                    Please understand that we are talking about two traditions that overlap. Complaints that St. George's Day falls on the day of the veneration of St. George sounds strange to say the least. How strange it is to complain about the facts. But from the fact that St. George's day falls on the day of the veneration of St. George, it does not follow that the name "Yura-Yuri" came from the name "George". You just need to understand what happened before, St. George's day or the day of the veneration of St. George. For example, from the fact that Georgia is now called Georgia (Georgia) in English, it does not follow that it was not called Georgia before it was called Georgia.

                    Quote: Glot
                    I am simply expressing my personal opinion on those or other issues. Well, without hesitation, I say to my eyes that I think about those or other characters of this virtual space and no more. I have a full right to note this.
                    And to judge ... This is not for me. Others will do it.

                    I acknowledge and respect your right to express a personal opinion. I acknowledge and respect your right to speak in person about certain characters of the virtual space, if this right does not contradict the rules of ethics or does not go beyond them. It's nice to hear that you are not taking on the role of judge.
                    But tell me, how did I feel about your recent statement addressed to me personally:

                    Quote: Glot
                    Therefore, you should not paint long texts, trying to clothe them in some supposedly scientific shell, as they say: the Court is clear.
                    1. 0
                      9 February 2016 06: 16
                      I do not like to procrastinate old topics, but well, I will answer.
                      Last time.

                      - April 23 is the day of veneration of St. George. (St. George's Day)
                      - November 26 is the day of consecration of the Church of the Great Martyr George in Kiev. (St. George's Day)
                      - April 23 - Yarilin day.

                      Yes ?
                      And here:
                      The so-called "Yarilin's Day" is celebrated on June 5 (May 22).
                      And here:
                      March 24 ...
                      These "neo-pagans" do not even know when to celebrate their holidays ... Everyone when he wants, then he does. laughing
                      And where is the truth? Even reluctant to discuss, since all these "dances with tambourines", kindergarten.

                      Complaints that St. George's Day falls on the day of the veneration of St. George, at least sound strange.

                      And who, and where complains?

                      But from the fact that St. George's day falls on the day of the veneration of St. George, it does not follow that the name "Yura-Yuri" came from the name "George".

                      And someone, I suppose, says so?
                      Me not !
                      It’s you, having played around with words, replacing letters and other things, you decided at the end to bind the name Yuri (by the way, Yuri should not be reduced to Yura, trying to deduce from this - RA. laughing ) to a certain "yarilin day". Which is even celebrated on different dates. But I mentioned this above.
                      So ... Alas, you are too smart.

                      For example, from the fact that Georgia is now called Georgia (Georgia) in English, it does not follow that it was not called Georgia before it was called Georgia.

                      This example is why?
                      And Russia in English is Russia, so what?
                      An indistinct example ...

                      And finally. Everything is clear about the "court."
                      This is not a literal, figurative expression. laughing
                      Forgive me on this, but I close this topic for myself. Since this urine is already bored.
                      I have not heard any logical arguments or intelligible versions. One water ...
                      All !
                      1. +1
                        9 February 2016 14: 33
                        Quote: Glot
                        These "neo-pagans" do not even know when to celebrate their holidays ... Everyone when he wants, then he does.

                        Alas, they know. April 23 - spring Yarila; June 4 - Yarila is wet. There is a similar duplication of holidays in the Orthodox tradition. For example, in Russia, the memory of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker is celebrated for two days - May 22 and December 19. And the memory of St. George the Victorious is revered for several days, more than two. Here is a list of all Slavic holidays:


                        Quote: Glot
                        Yuri, by the way, should not be reduced to Yura,

                        And who said that Yura is a diminutive of Yuri? Is Alex a diminutive from Alexei, and George from George?

                        Quote: Glot
                        And Russia in English is Russia, so what?

                        Just imagine: Russia will be renamed Rush, and the Russians will be Rash. I assure you, there will be "historical-philologists" who will argue that the word Russia is a distorted Rush and arose later. And "ross" is a diminutive for Rushen.

                        Quote: Glot
                        I have not heard any logical arguments or intelligible versions.

                        But what about the original version of venaya, that the word "Yura" came from the word "Yarila"? In my opinion, a very intelligible version. Another thing is that a person hears what he wants to hear.
                        But with your version that "Yura-Yuri" is an abbreviation for "Georgiy", there really are problems. I read the explanations for this version. They say that a Russian person could not pronounce the sound "g", and therefore George transformed into Yuri over time. I would like to ask, how can this be, if the Russian language has a huge number of primordial Russian words with "g"? For example, "city", "city", "fence", "vegetable garden", "Svarog", "burn", "grief". "walk", etc. to infinity. And the sound "g" does not disappear in them.
                  2. 0
                    4 November 2016 12: 46
                    And to judge ... This is not for me. Others will do it.
                    There are long-established instances for this: the jury and the council. For this case, the second instance is more likely. wassat
  17. 0
    7 February 2016 10: 13
    Everything would be fine, but the verbal balancing act in the Zadornov style is somehow not very good.
  18. 0
    7 February 2016 13: 30
    Quote: anodonta
    Formally, the Russian princes, beginning with the baptism of Russia and until the fall of the Roman Empire in 1453, were considered the stewards of the Greek tsar.

    And you can get acquainted with sources where this thesis is revealed (confirmed).
  19. 0
    7 February 2016 13: 53
    m yes, but in the 100th century of our history! were all bastards!
  20. +1
    7 February 2016 14: 35
    Elite Theory Again! I advise you to read Marx, this is more useful.
  21. The comment was deleted.
  22. +1
    8 February 2016 10: 25
    Kindergarten sad
  23. 0
    4 November 2016 12: 20
    The author touched upon an interesting topic, but somehow it was very chaotic and the topic never "woke up".

    Passages like:
    Currently, it is believed that the European title "Baron" was formed from the Russian "Boyar"
    are highly doubtful for serious discussion. Who is considered? Where is that written? By whom?
    The most plausible and justified at the moment is the hypothesis according to which the Slavs were the first to invent their own military leader title. The name of this title sounded "Horse", because the leader of this ritually handed over a war horse
    Is this, in the opinion of the author, or is there a hypothesis more or less recognized by the scientific community? I would like more detail with the involvement of sources. Just not Zadornov, please. And some of the linguists and historians specializing in this topic ...
    Or, about the "ritter-knight-chevalier":
    only this title appeared about 800 years later than the Slavic "horse".
    No less controversial statement. I would like to hear a detailed, reasoned and supported by sources explanation of this.
    Experimentally, Germanic tribes quickly established that in addition to hunting and gathering, as well as more advanced livestock-crop production, grub and nishtyaki are very well obtained by forcible expropriation from neighbors.
    Apparently, the author pressed several tens of thousands of years of human history into one sentence. At least from the time of still living Neanderthals and mammoths that flourished in the north to the early Middle Ages, inclusive. Only where does the Germans selectively, the author did not bother to explain.
    At the time of Tacitus, the Germans did not have statehood.
    A controversial statement that requires very solid argumentation. And not only from Tacitus. Starting from the definition of what a state is. Then consider the types of government. And ending with a comparison of statehood (or lack thereof) among the Germans and their more developed neighbors (perhaps more developed, or maybe not). And so, to throw a slogan to the masses is worthless.
    If interested, you can continue "debriefing".
  24. 0
    13 December 2016 23: 46
    Thank. The article is brilliant, written in concise living language and very accessible.

"Right Sector" (banned in Russia), "Ukrainian Insurgent Army" (UPA) (banned in Russia), ISIS (banned in Russia), "Jabhat Fatah al-Sham" formerly "Jabhat al-Nusra" (banned in Russia) , Taliban (banned in Russia), Al-Qaeda (banned in Russia), Anti-Corruption Foundation (banned in Russia), Navalny Headquarters (banned in Russia), Facebook (banned in Russia), Instagram (banned in Russia), Meta (banned in Russia), Misanthropic Division (banned in Russia), Azov (banned in Russia), Muslim Brotherhood (banned in Russia), Aum Shinrikyo (banned in Russia), AUE (banned in Russia), UNA-UNSO (banned in Russia), Mejlis of the Crimean Tatar people (banned in Russia), Legion “Freedom of Russia” (armed formation, recognized as terrorist in the Russian Federation and banned), Kirill Budanov (included to the Rosfinmonitoring list of terrorists and extremists)

“Non-profit organizations, unregistered public associations or individuals performing the functions of a foreign agent,” as well as media outlets performing the functions of a foreign agent: “Medusa”; "Voice of America"; "Realities"; "Present time"; "Radio Freedom"; Ponomarev Lev; Ponomarev Ilya; Savitskaya; Markelov; Kamalyagin; Apakhonchich; Makarevich; Dud; Gordon; Zhdanov; Medvedev; Fedorov; Mikhail Kasyanov; "Owl"; "Alliance of Doctors"; "RKK" "Levada Center"; "Memorial"; "Voice"; "Person and law"; "Rain"; "Mediazone"; "Deutsche Welle"; QMS "Caucasian Knot"; "Insider"; "New Newspaper"