Victory is achieved not only by bombing.

Victory is achieved not only by bombing.

Information war, as a set of interrelated component, includes information support for aggression in peacetime and wartime, as well as information confrontation of the parties in the struggle for information resources and space. At the same time, possession of information resources in future wars will become an indispensable attribute, as in past wars, possession of forces and equipment, weapons, ammunition, transport, etc., and gaining informational confrontation may contribute to the achievement of the strategic goals of war.


The display of great interest in the informational confrontation in modern wars is not accidental, since this is due to the fact that information becomes the same weapon as rockets, bombs, etc. Information confrontation becomes the factor that has a significant impact on the beginning, course and outcome of the war.

One of the most important mechanisms for the birth of modern wars is the current revolution in many countries not only in military affairs, but also information science and technology, which also forms completely new information systems on a global scale. Possession of information resources in modern wars has become as important an attribute as in past wars, possession of forces and means, weapons, transport, etc.

Winning informational confrontation in the course of modern wars can contribute to the achievement of their strategic goals.

The main objective of the information confrontation (information struggle) is to maintain the necessary level of its information security and reduce the level of this security of the enemy. The goal can be achieved by solving a number of interrelated tasks, the most important of which will be the destruction of the information resource and the field of the enemy and the preservation of its information resource and field.

According to Vladimir Slipchenko, author of the “Sixth Generation War”, informational confrontation in contactless wars should be understood as “a new, strategic form of struggle, which uses special methods and means that affect the enemy’s information environment and protect their own in order to achieve strategic goals war.

At the same time, the goal of informational confrontation in information wars is the disruption of the normal functioning of the information space and the defeat of the vital information resources (IR) of the enemy. The dynamics of changes in information confrontation is characterized by logical interrelations between categories: goals and tasks of warfare; forces and means; subject and object of struggle; methods and forms of warfare; space and time of warfare.


In order to gain information superiority over the enemy, the following tasks are put in the forefront: destroying the enemy’s vital information resources (IR) by destroying (distorting) the physical recording of data that are key to the normal functioning of its political, military, economic and scientific and technical structures, as well as by disrupting the work of its software and hardware; the establishment of hidden control over R & D to determine the achieved level of its development, to exert a restraining influence and redistribution in its favor; protection of its own IR from all types of enemy attack (nuclear, fire, electronic, and special software and mathematics); establishing (retaining) control over the most important information resource of the state and, through it, over the resources of all other species subordinate to it.

At the same time, the forces include cadres of specialists in computer engineering and informatics, information systems and technologies, organized in collectives working at IR facilities, both military and those related to enterprises, institutions and organizations of the civilian sector. A characteristic feature of the forces leading the armed struggle in the new conditions is their developing professionalization. In addition, the complication of weapons and military equipment, their integration within the framework of large systems and the use of them in conditions of uncertainty imply a different organization of these forces in more decentralized staff structures.

The role of information means of warfare is increasing. An important feature of all cash assets of warfare (nuclear, conventional, based on new physical principles, as well as reconnaissance equipment, electronic suppression, SAICB, command and control of troops and weapons) becomes their integration in order to carry out an intelligence-targeting-defeat cycle in real or close to him time scale and achieve a synergistic effect when they are used together.


The content of changes in the methods of combat operations in the conduct of armed struggle is the emergence of a new method - the struggle against combat control systems; changing the sequence of combat operations (information operation - aerospace operation - ground operation); implementation of the network-centric principles of warfare.

In particular, the US Armed Forces developed the concept of network-centric warfare, which is implemented in NATO’s Joint Armed Forces, in the UK armed forces; in the Armed Forces of France - the concept of information-centric warfare; in the Swedish Armed Forces - a defense network concept based on the use of communication networks. The essence of network-based concepts is to ensure a stable interaction of troops (forces), aimed at a reliable network of troops (forces) for sharing information, timely allocation and distribution of information, a common knowledge for all, contributing to the effective implementation of tasks. The wide implementation of network technologies in management expands users' access to information, strengthens horizontal communications of participants in hostilities.

An information operation is a set of measures for influencing the human and material resources of an adversary with the aim of making it difficult or impossible for them to make decisions that are adequate to the situation while protecting their information systems.

In information operations, the concept of a battlefield is transformed into a concept of combat space, in which, apart from traditional objects hit by conventional weapons, there are targets in the virtual sphere, emotions, figurative perception of reality, the mind of the enemy, etc. Armed struggle for the conquest and retention of the information space will be deployed in places of concentration of objects of IR. The peculiarity of the information struggle is the widest spatial scope, changing the idea of ​​the distance of targets, their inaccessibility or inaccessibility.

The temporal features of the information warfare are determined by the properties of time — length. The length of the information impact depends on the conditions and types of information impact and the ability to take a transient, prolonged or irreversible nature. The slowdown of scientific, technical, economic, and with them military development can lead to irreversible processes in the sphere of information confrontation.


The information war between the US and NATO against the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia can be divided into four stages: the planning stage of information support for aggression; the stage of informational influence at the political level (the beginning of aggression), the stage of aggression - the defeat of the USA and NATO stage of revenge the United States and NATO.

Information support for the actions of NATO troops (forces) during a military conflict was planned by the leadership of the bloc in the following areas, united by the general concept of “information war”:

- the use of intelligence to provide troops (forces) with the necessary information;

- the use of measures to introduce the enemy into error;

- ensuring operational secrecy;

- carrying out psychological operations;

- the use of combat electronic means with the aim of consistent destruction of the entire information system and personnel;

- gap information flows;

- weakening and destruction of the combat command and control system of the enemy, taking the necessary measures to ensure the protection of its similar system.

The most attention in the plans was paid to the implementation of the following main methods of information warfare:

- the use of heavy weapons for the complete destruction of the headquarters, command posts and combat control centers of the troops (forces) of the Yugoslav Army;

- the use of appropriate electronic means and electromagnetic weapons to suppress and neutralize the work of information collection centers in Yugoslavia, to disable its communications equipment and radar;

- misleading the Yugoslav authorities responsible for collecting, processing and analyzing intelligence information about the enemy by simulating the preparation and conduct of offensive actions;

- ensuring operational secrecy through strict observance of the secrecy regime and obstruction of the adversary’s access to his information;

- carrying out psychological operations, especially with the use of television, radio, and press, to undermine the morale of the troops and the population of the FRY.

When implementing the above methods of information warfare, the most important forms of informational influence were information and propaganda actions, electronic warfare, and disinformation. Specially developed techniques and new technologies for database destruction, disruption of the work of Yugoslav computer networks were also used.

The Voice of America radio station has become one of the most powerful outreach resources for the NATO military operation in Yugoslavia. Photo of Sarah Stirch

In preparing the aggression against the FRY in NATO, great importance was attached to its information support. The military-political leadership of the bloc proceeded from the fact that the skillful and effective implementation of information and psychological pressure will largely determine the level of international support for NATO-led power actions and will significantly affect the moral and psychological stability of the Armed Forces and the leadership of the FRY.

When planning an aggression, the main efforts of the information structures of the block were directed at solving the following tasks:

- the formation of a negative perception of the military-political leadership of the FRY as a source of crisis and the main cause of the humanitarian catastrophe in Kosovo and Metohija, the destruction of the moral and ethical values ​​of the Serbian people and the aggravation of an unfavorable psychological climate in relations with various political forces of the FRY;

- the creation and maintenance of the CDF of the FRY to contain the fear of NATO power actions, including by emphasizing the feasibility of the declared threats, publicizing the high efficiency of the existing facilities and the potential capabilities of the united forces of the unit;

- shaping the reputation of the US and NATO foreign policy leaders as being very hard in their decisions and consistent in their actions;

- targeted information processing of key figures in the leadership of the FRY on the basis of taking into account their psychological characteristics, political and other orientations, propaganda and introduction of forms of social behavior that reduce the moral potential of the nation.

Simultaneously with the solution of these tasks, a whole series of measures were planned to affect the information infrastructure of the FRY, since, according to the Americans, the partial or complete loss of control over the situation by the institutions of power due to the violation of information infrastructure is important in the development of political crises.


American experts have identified the objects of influence as follows: at the political level, these are broad sections of the population of the NATO countries and the world community, at the strategic level - the government, the people and the armed forces of Yugoslavia. All activities were planned in two stages.

At this stage (the beginning of the aggression) informational impact was provided at the political level. Its main objects were: the general public of NATO countries, other European countries, including Russia, the population of the Near and Middle East, Asia. The main goals set at this stage were to provide international support for the US and its NATO allies with regard to the FRY, to convince the world community that the rights of Albanians are being violated in Yugoslavia, and to justify the need to use military force.

The main tasks in the information war in the United States were performed by the State Department; Information Agency (USIA) with its divisions (international satellite networks, Voice of America, Svoboda, Free Europe radio stations); The Central Intelligence Agency and psychologists from the Pentagon.

The USIA structural subdivisions sent their broadcasts to the address of thousands of radio stations in many countries of the world free of charge; they published various newsletters. Great importance in the activities of USIA was given to the sale of American materials in the foreign press.

An integral part of the information aggression was the deployment of directional and intensive broadcasting to the territory of Yugoslavia of the Voice of America radio station, the destruction of television and radio centers in order to ensure control over public opinion of the population. So, after the destruction of television centers in Pristina and Belgrade, local residents were forced to be in the information field of the media only NATO countries.

Moreover, as part of information and propaganda campaigns, radio broadcasting to Yugoslavia was planned from the territories of neighboring countries, as well as scattering of leaflets, whereas for disruption of the work of Yugoslav computer networks, New York University developed software packages for viruses into computer databases.


At the stage (the beginning of the aggression), emphasis was placed on the conduct of the information confrontation at the strategic level. The main objects of influence on the territory of the FRY were its government, the personnel of the armed forces and the population. The ultimate goal of all informational interventions at this stage is the unconditional surrender of the FRY under the terms of the United States and NATO.

The role of the main agitator and propagandist, designed to defend the position of the United States and NATO, was assigned to US President Bill Clinton and his team. Clinton in his address to compatriots popularly explained the reasons for the use of military force against a sovereign state. Then, Secretary of Defense William Cohen joined in as the defender of the US and NATO positions. On the first day of the bombardment, he spoke immediately in eight television programs, in five morning issues News major television channels and the three most popular evening informational and analytical programs. Cohen was assisted by Assistant President for National Security Samuel Berger and Secretary of State Madeleine Albright.

A series of customized programs was launched on CNN's television channel, during which military experts actively promoted NATO action. Psychological operations and misinformation were carried out, and the American specialists chose the introduction of a complete economic blockade against Yugoslavia as the additional methods for exerting psychological pressure on the “intractable” Yugoslavs; staging (provoking) civil disobedience, rallies and demonstrations of protest; illegal subversive and terrorist actions.

Information impact in the NATO operation "Allied force" was conducted using a streamlined mechanism that was successfully tested during the preparation and conduct of military operations of the US military in 90-s ("Desert Storm" in Iraq, "Supporting Democracy" in Haiti, peacekeeping the IFOR – SFOR operation in Bosnia and Herzegovina, etc.) The main efforts in the struggle for information between the NATO and Yugoslav armed forces were concentrated in the information-psychological and information-technical fields.

The main component of the information confrontation of the NATO armed forces during the aggression against the FRY was the massive ideological and psychological impact of the largest Western media outlets and the psychological warfare forces of the US military on the population and personnel of the Yugoslav armed forces, North Atlantic blocs, and the world community. To ensure a positive global public opinion about NATO’s actions in the operation “Allied Force”, the countries of the bloc conducted a powerful and active propaganda campaign aimed at creating an image of the enemy, against which it is not only possible but necessary to use weapons. At the same time, traditional methods of influencing the public consciousness were actively used: reporting on events; a description of the genocide of the Albanian population of Kosovo and Metohija; demonstration of the strength and demonstration of the capabilities of modern weapons of the US Armed Forces and other countries of the alliance, the results of rocket-bombing attacks on Yugoslavia; comments of opinion polls related to events in the Balkans.

At the same time, the combat losses of the bloc were underestimated everywhere, the information about miscalculations of the NATO leadership, the death of the civilian population, and the statements of the world public against the escalation of hostilities was ignored. Thus, the main purpose of the information-psychological impact of the United States and the NATO leadership on the population and the armed forces of the countries participating in the armed conflict was to form such public opinion that would largely justify the aggression of the Allied Forces against a sovereign state.

However, the tendentious, aggressive nature of the information impact carried out by NATO in the framework of the operation that has begun, for the first time, caused active opposition from Belgrade. An analysis of events shows that the leadership of the United States and NATO at this stage of the operation was not fully prepared for such a response action by the FRY. This is confirmed not only by the negative results of sociological polls for NATO, but also by the specific actions of the alliance that have already been taken in the course of the operation in order to regain the lost initiative in the information confrontation.

Using all the possibilities of the media, the military-political leadership of Yugoslavia managed to temporarily seize the initiative in the information-psychological confrontation. The Yugoslav media involved in the propaganda campaign successfully used the facts of the victims among the civil Serbian and Albanian population of Kosovo and Metohija, violations by the NATO Supreme Command of the main provisions of the Geneva Conventions and additional protocols to them, as well as support for political, religious and public figures of Russia, Ukraine, Belarus and other states.

The conducted countermeasures caused a surge of patriotic feelings among the population of Yugoslavia and the rise of the moral and psychological state of the servicemen of the Armed Forces of the FRY. By restricting the movement of foreign journalists and imposing bans on the dissemination of certain information, the leadership of the FRY achieved a reduction in the number of negative media reports about its policies.

Thus, timely measures taken by the political and military leadership of the FRY at this stage of Operation Allied Force prevented the United States and the NATO bloc from convincing the world community of the adequacy of the methods and methods of conducting a military operation in Yugoslavia and the fairness of its goals and objectives. As a result, there was a certain split in world public opinion regarding the policy of the United States and NATO in the Balkans.


The temporary failures of the US and its allies in the Western alliance in the information-psychological confrontation with Yugoslavia were also caused by numerous mistakes that were made by the NATO leadership in the field of public relations. Thus, the real failure occurred when NATO leaders interpreted the fact of an air strike on a column of refugees in Kosovo and Metohija on April 14 of 1999. It took the Alliance press service five days to present its own more or less clear version of what happened.

The inconsistency in the actions of the leaders of the bloc and its press service was also observed when justifying aviation OVVS strikes on the building of the Chinese Embassy in Belgrade on May 8, vehicles (April 12, May 1, 3, 5, 30) and residential areas in the cities of Aleksina (April 5), Pristina (April 9), Surdulica (April 27, May 31) ), Nis (May 7), Krusevac (May 30), Novi Pazar (May 31) and other objects.

The frequent failures and omissions in the work of the NATO press service led to the fact that during the operation at the headquarters of the bloc in Brussels there was a serious reorganization of the NATO information and propaganda apparatus. The press service has been reinforced by experienced public relations specialists, including the organizers of election campaigns in the United States and the United Kingdom.

To restore the superiority lost in the information confrontation, NATO has taken a number of drastic measures.

First, a number of leading world radio stations (Voice of America, Deutsche Welle, BBC, and others) significantly increased the intensity of VHF broadcasting to the countries of the Balkan region in Albanian, Serbo-Croat and Macedonian. At the same time, radio stations were used by American transmitters, which were urgently installed on the borders with Serbia. Information and psychological programs from outside the airspace of the FRY were transmitted by the aviation group 193 of the air wing of the special operations of the National Guard of the US Air Force from EC-130E / RR aircraft.

Secondly, in order to undermine the propaganda potential of Yugoslavia, the NATO SIDF launched rocket and bombing attacks on television and radio stations, studios and repeaters, and editors of the media, most of which were destroyed, which in fact meant the elimination of the broadcasting system of the FRY.

Third, at the end of the second month of armed conflict under pressure from NATO, the board of directors of the European television company EUTELSAT decided to ban Radio and Television of Serbia from broadcasting via satellite. As a result, the Serbian state television lost its last opportunity to broadcast programs to European countries, as well as to a significant part of the territory of its republic.

Fourthly, psychological forces of the US Armed Forces over the territory of Yugoslavia scattered over 22 million leaflets calling for the Serbs to speak out against President S. Milosevic and to facilitate the rapid completion of the operation of the combined forces of NATO.

Fifth, for the first time, powerful information support for a major NATO military operation was deployed on the Internet. The vast majority of these sites were created directly or with the assistance of American specialists in computer technology, which, of course, increased the effectiveness of the NATO propaganda campaign.

As a result, despite some failures, the NATO leadership was able to reverse the situation in the information-psychological confrontation with Yugoslavia and to win supremacy. The propaganda apparatus of the alliance fulfilled the tasks assigned to it, promptly made adjustments to its activities and applied new forms and methods of information and psychological influence on the enemy. Another component of the information confrontation in the operation "Allied Force" was the information and technical confrontation between NATO and the FRY armed forces.

The struggle for information dominance has developed primarily in the field of electronic intelligence, processing and dissemination of information of the Allied Powers of NATO with the active use of modern means and systems of intelligence, communications, radio navigation and target designation. In this regard, the relevant NATO divisions conducted large-scale actions to defeat the most important control points of the FRY armed forces, other elements of the state and military information infrastructure of Yugoslavia, as well as the suppression of the radio communications and radar intelligence systems used by the Yugoslav army.

In the course of air strikes against the information infrastructure facilities of the Alliance's airborne forces, the following types of new weapons were used: JDAM guided bombs with GPS guidance from the United States (radionavigation system); UAB JSOW and WCMD; aerial bombs for disabling radar facilities (the so-called "And" bombs that have the ability to generate powerful electromagnetic pulses in the radio frequency band).

The complete disorganization of the control system of the Armed Forces of Yugoslavia was avoided only through the integrated use of protective measures, including operational camouflage, electronic protection and counter-intelligence of the enemy. Creatively using the experience of the Iraqi Armed Forces in fighting the MNF during the Persian Gulf War, the Armed Forces of the FRY succeeded in repelling most of the strikes with intelligent weapons, retaining most of their weapons and military equipment, including radio communications, radio engineering and radar reconnaissance.

Great importance for maintaining the combat capability of the army was: timely transfer of the control system of the groupings of the troops (forces) of the Armed Forces of Yugoslavia to field command posts; periodic redeployment of units and divisions; camouflage weapons and military equipment; making false positions, including using inflatable mock-ups; the introduction of regime restrictions on the operation of radio electronic means. Another major component of the information and technical confrontation was the struggle for information in computing systems. Yugoslav hackers have repeatedly tried to penetrate the Internet to the local area networks used at NATO headquarters. Mass requests for servers of these networks in certain periods of time hampered the functioning of e-mail. And although the actions of hackers were sporadic, the use of information weapons should be considered a promising area of ​​information confrontation.

Of course, the United States and NATO, which have more advanced methods and means of informational confrontation, achieved overwhelming superiority in the information sphere during the military conflict. At the same time, the active actions of the military-political leadership of Yugoslavia to neutralize the informational and psychological influences from NATO allowed to weaken the information onslaught on the personnel of the Armed Forces of the FRY and the population of the country, and at one stage even seize the initiative in this confrontation.

The strategy of defensive military operations of the Armed Forces of Yugoslavia, the limited means of electronic warfare, the lack of an information weapon application methodology did not allow them to carry out a set of measures for active information and technical impact on the enemy’s management, reconnaissance and navigation systems. This led to the defeat of the Armed Forces of the FRY in the information confrontation with NATO allied forces.

It can be stated that the informational confrontation in the operation "Allied Force" occupied a significant place in the actions of the opposing sides. The experience gained, as well as the prospects for technical development, give grounds to single out this type of confrontation in the framework of warfare into a separate area of ​​confrontation between states or unions of states.
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  1. +8
    31 January 2016 06: 20
    ... there seems to be nothing more to write about ... tired of common truths taking up space and taking time ... why won't there be news or just the whole world decided to relax? what
    1. +1
      31 January 2016 06: 33
      +, strategic thoughts about anything ..
      1. +6
        31 January 2016 09: 09
        Quote: Tjeck
        what, there will be no news

        The fight between the WBA (Super), WBO (Super) and IBF light heavyweight champion, 32-year-old Russian Sergei Kovalev (link is external), and the former world champion in the same weight, 33-year-old Canadian, has just ended in Montreal Jean Pascal
    2. PKK
      31 January 2016 09: 28
      And you read all this? Kashmar is so much. I did not read. I thought that the article was about tactics, but I was mistaken.
  2. +4
    31 January 2016 06: 37
    Quote: 2C5
    ... there seems to be nothing more to write about ... tired of common truths taking up space and taking time ... why won't there be news or just the whole world decided to relax?

    Sunday tea. I, too, wrote such abstracts sometimes, for the sake of the "charm".
  3. +9
    31 January 2016 06: 55
    A good, cursory analysis of the Yugoslav events! I just forgot to add actual examples. One of them is when Yeltsin invited the "government" to his place and theatrically on TV ordered to bring a map of Europe to see "what can be done in the FRY to help?" True to whom, it is unknown. After that, it became clear that we had abandoned Yugoslavia.
    1. +7
      31 January 2016 19: 54
      Remember also at Pikul in Expansion - to spit what was really there, the truth will be what the housewife sees on TV while washing the dishes.
      I very much agree with you. Do not underestimate the ability of American workers to "put pressure on their brains", they have vast experience. Even their vassals are offered a program for training specialists in psychological operations, this infection is spread like a virus. Those who disagree with the Americans should be ready to oppose the echeloned information war. Sometimes it seems that Russia needs to more actively oppose brainwashing, both in the world and at home. Zakharova is a beauty of course ..
  4. +1
    31 January 2016 07: 04
    So it is clear that first it is necessary to suppress all emitting means, and then bomb, bomb and, in addition, "smart" missiles (in a military conflict without the use of nuclear weapons). At the same time, provide yourself with a powerful information cover so that the world understands that we are right in this situation.
    1. +2
      31 January 2016 07: 19
      Unfortunately, the "world" doesn't care who is right. "Mir" respects those who bomb harder, but he likes it, he doesn't like it ... In modern politics, the principle is clearly visible, forcibly sweet - WILL! Will you be, where are you going ..? They first assess the ability of the client to give a snot, and then start negotiations. As always, in general, they have not learned anything ... And then they will appoint those who are wrong, according to the results, so to speak ...
  5. +3
    31 January 2016 07: 15
    Information psychological confrontation, the most important component for the minds of people. The total zombification of people in such a large country as Ukraine is a clear confirmation of this! Another vivid example, the formation of an image for the Soviet people, about the advantages of the Western way of life, as a result of which, the giant of the USSR collapsed by itself. "Voice of America" ​​in the USSR was a very popular radio station in spite of the ban, and the Soviet authorities could not do anything about it. Now the situation has changed like a mirror! Now the United States has a bone in its throat with our international TV channel RT with Margarita Simonyan, which is a ray of truth in the kingdom of lies in the information space of America.
    1. +2
      31 January 2016 17: 01
      Why did the USSR fall apart by itself? Hundreds of billions of dollars have been spent on its collapse. And bribing members of the government? Is this, of course?
      1. 0
        31 January 2016 21: 45
        The Americans could not even dream that the USSR would collapse.
        The USSR itself, in its structure, was not viable. It could exist only in the framework of rigid totalitarianism.
  6. +2
    31 January 2016 08: 07
    Quote: Observer 33
    Unfortunately, the "world" doesn't care who is right. "Mir" respects those who bomb harder, but he likes it, he doesn't like it ... In modern politics, the principle is clearly visible, forcibly sweet - WILL! Will you be, where are you going ..? They first assess the ability of the client to give a snot, and then start negotiations. As always, in general, they have not learned anything ... And the right and wrong will then be appointed, according to the results, so to speak ...

    "Winners are not judged" is an old popular saying, or how the strong act, and there is no one to judge them.
  7. +1
    31 January 2016 08: 22
    blah blah blah, as soon as the information is inactive in any case, the automaton immediately starts acting.
  8. +6
    31 January 2016 08: 44
    But Yugoslavia will not be forgotten and not forgiven. Cyki, they ruined such a country, razderbanili.
    1. +2
      31 January 2016 11: 35
      Quote: Mikhail Krapivin
      such a country was ravaged, torn.

      What is quoted can equally well be said with reference to Russia. Only we were torn apart without any bombing, because in the country there is not one, I emphasize, not a single large company owned by the Russians. Almost everyone is commanded by foreigners.
  9. +1
    31 January 2016 10: 33
    Victory or defeat arises first in the head, and then materially realized. Sometimes you have to resort to the bombardment in order to direct thoughts on the path of truth.
  10. +3
    31 January 2016 11: 08
    As for ukrov, it is probably difficult to find in Europe a dumber (even half) herd of stubborn cattle. Many relatives, friends, acquaintances quarreled, and indeed dill turns into a cesspool.
    1. +2
      31 January 2016 17: 26
      Quote: scud
      Many relatives, friends, acquaintances quarreled,

      That is, the fact that they quarreled, and indicates that there are still sane people in / in Ukraine. But this is by and large the nonsense that they quarreled with. I can’t imagine what will begin there when normal, loyal to Russia will prevail. After all, it will be necessary to carry out compulsory de-enderologization and denazification, and a complete excommunication from the civil service for a generation at least. So, namesake?
  11. 0
    31 January 2016 11: 51
    Recently, at the end of last year, NATO countries conducted exercises, which also worked out tactics for communicating with the local population on foreign territory, as well as the media work of NATO countries.
  12. +2
    31 January 2016 12: 41
    Nothing new. Propaganda is called.
    Previously, it was conducted in newspapers and at rallies, then radio, cinema and television appeared, then computer networks ...
    Hollywood puts a good paw here. There Russian forever mafiosi, terrorists, smugglers ....
    It seems unobtrusive, but a simple American has a negative attitude towards Russia since childhood.
    1. +1
      31 January 2016 17: 08
      Here is how. This means it affects a person from birth and throughout life. This is how long a program should be.
  13. +2
    31 January 2016 16: 23
    The site "Military Review" - with a great contribution for our VICTORY !!!
  14. +2
    31 January 2016 17: 32
    Quote: Cap.Morgan
    Hollywood puts a good paw here. There Russian forever mafiosi, terrorists, smugglers ....
    It seems unobtrusive, but a simple American has a negative attitude towards Russia since childhood.

    And our state television channels show us this guano and thereby help pindos reformat our minds to Western standards. Our government, through educational and social reforms, contributes to the enslavement and destruction of the Slavs as an ethnic group. With such rulers, enemies are not necessary.
  15. 0
    31 January 2016 19: 58
    Victory is achieved not only by bombing.

    I remembered the film "The Dawns Here Are Quiet" (C) ... not the fake that was recently released,
    and also a Soviet-era film. Remember? "wins the war not the one who shoots the enemy,
    and the one who changes their minds"... (I can't vouch for the accuracy, I only convey the essence)
  16. +1
    31 January 2016 20: 50
    Quote: Ros 56
    Quote: scud
    Many relatives, friends, acquaintances quarreled,

    That is, the fact that they quarreled, and indicates that there are still sane people in / in Ukraine. But this is by and large the nonsense that they quarreled with. I can’t imagine what will begin there when normal, loyal to Russia will prevail. After all, it will be necessary to carry out compulsory de-enderologization and denazification, and a complete excommunication from the civil service for a generation at least. So, namesake?

    The fact that the maydanutyes carried out their "lustration" is simply out of stupid impunity and think that people have forgotten all the humiliation and bullying. They sowed so much malice that when she comes out, no one will be spared, especially since they do not hide their names or their actions. How dumb you have to be so as not to understand that all this will come back to haunt, and in the near future. And while Stevenson says: "And the living will envy the dead." Sow the wind, reap the storm.
  17. 0
    31 January 2016 20: 55
    Quote: Cap.Morgan
    Nothing new. Propaganda is called.
    Previously, it was conducted in newspapers and at rallies, then radio, cinema and television appeared, then computer networks ...
    Hollywood puts a good paw here. There Russian forever mafiosi, terrorists, smugglers ....
    It seems unobtrusive, but a simple American has a negative attitude towards Russia since childhood.

    I dare disagree with you. This is in the Kremlin "Putin's propaganda", and in the "enlightened" West, the formation of "public opinion". And the fact that it is by an order of magnitude superior in efficiency to all "Russian propaganda" is not said about it. What can you do, Russians are not used to lying, all the more so brazenly.
    1. +1
      31 January 2016 21: 53
      Uv. Orionvit.
      In my deep conviction, the most important thing is that we ourselves, Russian people, do not become victims of manipulation when we are united and do not start turmoil in our own country, no matter how it is called - is it a revolution, are democratic changes, we are invincible, and we only need what that time to become a prosperous power. The most important thing for us now is not to fall into the abyss of internal conflict. Although it’s hard for many now, someone has lost their jobs, someone is overwhelming with loans and mortgages ... We have been shown how it happens with the example of Ukraine.
  18. 0
    April 27 2021 15: 21
    Military Review analysts presented a fundamental, comprehensively worked out article that - "Victory is achieved not only by bombing."
    And this is understandable: a hybrid war has been unleashed against our Motherland, the main direction, means and methods of which are informational and ideological. Therefore, at the suggestion of sponsors who fought the Cold War against the USSR, the liberals focused on the war in the information and ideological sphere, which was backed up by economic, scientific, technical, etc. means and methods, including repression, censorship, etc. At the same time, we will cite the admission of the leaders of the fifth column, who boasted that they hated socialism and Soviet power almost from birth, and therefore fought against them with all available means and methods. Therefore, having got into the leadership of the country, destroying their opponents, decomposing the population, without much effort, they almost completely fulfilled the fascist plans. But to consolidate the victory, they proclaimed a complete rejection of ideology, as well as censorship designed to protect society from the pernicious influence of Western, and in fact fascist, ideology. And in order not to be accused of lying, etc., I will cite more than once quoted opus of a certain messenger of God, who reveals his true purpose, positioning himself as a Jewish fascist and super-fascist, in comparison with which Hitler is a stupid boy who, destroying people, did not achieve that, what they have achieved - Jewish fascists and super-fascists. And since the information and ideological topic is raised in the article, then we use this opus to understand the need for such publications and their broad discussion. Here is a link and quotes, after each of which I will give a comment.
    What kind of character and the essence of this opus are revealed in the preamble to it, which I give in the form of a quotation: “In 1992, the Chabad sect recognized M.M. Schneerson Moshiach - God's messenger on Earth. A speech by the Jewish rabbi, leader of the Chabad sect, Schneerson, was made in 1994. Official publication of the text in the newspaper "Slavyanin", N-4 (32), 2001, Volgograd.
    After the publication in Russia, the Jews submitted an application to the Ministry of Internal Affairs and tried to condemn the editor of the newspaper V.F. Popov for anti-Semitism (Article 282 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation). The court considered, heard witnesses and specialists - Russian scientists, Academician Yu.K. Begunov and Doctor of Law O. G. Korotaev. The court denied the accusation, and the text of Schneerson's speech was recognized as true. "
    That is, this character made a speech in 1994, which indicates that perestroika and glasnost were not a spontaneous expression of the will of the liberals under the leadership of Gorbachev, but also worked out in detail in the depths of the forces that waged the "cold war" against the USSR. And since the war was not hot, then its basis was the information and ideological basis, after reading which you will understand: who conceived everything, and how everything will go, and where it will lead. This is exactly what the introductory line to this opus sets up: "Schneerson publicly pronounced the plans of the Jews against the Slavs and Russians, we read the text:"
    “A Slav, a Russian, can be destroyed, but never conquered. That is why this seed is subject to elimination, and at first - to a sharp reduction in its numbers. "
    Involuntarily, one recalls the propaganda pearls of Goebbels, and of the same Hitler. Even these criminals against humanity, recognized by the Nuremberg Tribunal, did not express themselves so frankly and did not put such cannibalistic goals on public display. This understanding prompted the Jews to go to court after the publication on the assumption that they would also win, as they won the case over the "Protocols of the Elders of Zion." This parallel suggests itself after reading the first line. And there will be a lot of them. Another quote:
    To be continued.
  19. 0
    April 27 2021 15: 23
    Read more.
    “2. Our methods of struggle will be by no means military, but ideological and economic with the use of power structures equipped with the most modern types of weapons for the physical suppression of the rioters with even greater cruelty than was done in October 1993 during the shooting of the Supreme Soviet of Russia. First of all, we will dismember all the Slavic peoples (there are 300 million of them, half of them are Russians) into small, weakened countries with interrupted ties. Here we will use our old method: divide and conquer. We will try to pit these countries against each other. Draw them into internecine wars with the aim of mutual destruction. "
    Now turn to the war against Yugoslavia - everything is done in accordance with the quote, but in relation not to Russia, but to Yugoslavia - a kind of training and development of technologies? And the quote says about Russia, so the enemy is preparing and waiting for the moment?
    We read further: “The Ukrainian will think that he is fighting against the expansionist Russia, is fighting for his independence, he will think that he has finally found his freedom, while completely falling into dependence on us. The Russians will think the same, as if they are defending their national interests, returning the lands "illegally" taken from them, and so on. We will do all this under the pretext of different sovereignty, the struggle for our national ideals. At that time, we will not allow any of the parties to self-determine based on national values ​​and traditions.
    In this war of fools, the Slavic will weaken itself and strengthen us, the main conductors of the turmoil, allegedly standing on the sidelines and not only not participating in bloody events, but also not interfering in them. Moreover, we will completely protect ourselves. "
    And this is happening in Ukraine. I involuntarily want to ask those who imagine themselves to be ancient ukram: have you been deprived of your mind? Is it not enough for you what has already been done in fulfillment of this opus? And at the final point, we will reach it: the restoration of the great Khazaria for some and a reservation for others.
    As you can see, the main weapon for achieving these goals is ideological and economic weapons. So remember the liberals under Gorbachev (or Gorbachev under the liberals?) During perestroika and glasnost. And how they sang, what trills did not give out. And here is our source of these trills. But let's continue.
    The main thing in this aggressive attack, read the article carefully, to deprive the population of respect for power and, moreover, the desire to free themselves from this power. And what did the liberals do with their party membership cards? They opened, no matter how you remember the Bible, windows and doors through which they made a flood, flooding the consciousness of citizens with streams of lies, etc., which surpassed the masterpieces of Goebbels' propaganda. And if Goebbels, under the auspices of Hitler, accused the communists of barbarism and bloodthirstiness with a call to protect Europe from communism, then the liberals under the auspices of Gorbachev broadcast about the same. As a result, the deceived people gladly did what they were programmed to do. And those who did not give in - to use weapons “for the physical suppression of the rioters with even greater cruelty than was done in October 1993 during the execution of the Supreme Soviet of Russia. Here is the policy of the civilized, democratic and tolerant West in relation to those whom it has identified for enslavement.
    And to reinforce them, let's remember the discussions about a single history textbook and the closure of 50% of universities. Where is it from? Yes, all from the same filthy source. Don't believe me? Here's a quote:
    "four. We will deprive the numerous population of Slavs of the national elite, which determines the development of events, the progress of the country, and, ultimately, the entire course of history. To do this, we will lower their educational level - in the next 4 years we will close half of their institutions, and in the other half we will study. Let us also let Armenians, Chechens, Gypsies and the like there. We will strive to ensure that the governments of the Slavic countries have as few representatives of indigenous peoples as possible, who will be replaced by our Jewish elite. In the media - on radio, television, the press, in art, literature, theater, cinema, we will gradually oust the national cadres, replacing them with ours or, in extreme cases, with cosmopolitan ones.
    Humanization of education will be carried out, as a result of which objects that structure the thinking of the left and right hemispheres of the brain will be reduced and destroyed:
    a) language and literature,
    6) physics and mathematics.
    There is nothing to say about history. We will give the cattle our view of history, where we will show that all human evolution was moving towards the recognition of the God-chosen nation of Jews as masters over the whole world. In return for national values, we will give you the patriotism of balalaika and drunken tears. And here our goal is to replace the red-brown elite with ours.
    We will not allow the development of science in these countries. And the core of scientists (Academy of Sciences) will consist of our people. We will not allow any high technology, which will lead to a complete decline in industry, which will be reduced to the production of basic necessities for a limited contingent of slaves who extract raw materials for us. "
    After that, take a calendar and correlate the time when the speech-opus was announced, and when the discussion about the textbook began. And again it leads to the understanding that everything was conceived, planned and ordered in advance. Therefore, if an information-ideological war is going on, then you need to know its origins. And the origins and even the form and direction are given in this opus. Here is a quote: “We know very well that nationalism strengthens the nation, makes it strong. The slogan of "internationalism" is outdated and no longer works as before, we will replace it with "universal human values", which is one and the same. We will not allow any nationalism to rise, and those nationalist movements that seek to lead the people out of our dictatorship, we will destroy with fire and sword, as is done in Georgia, Armenia, Serbia. But we will ensure the full prosperity of our nationalism - Zionism, or rather: Jewish fascism, which in its secrecy and power is super-fascism. It was not for nothing that the UN General Assembly adopted a resolution in 1975, in which it defined Zionism as the most notorious "form of racism and racial discrimination", but due to our victorious march on the whole planet, in 1992 canceled this decision. We have made this international body a weapon of our aspirations to seize power over "all kingdoms and peoples."
    At the same time, they did not forget the UN, which they are trying to transform into their weapon against humanity. And inevitably, I remember the fascist Fuhrer, who was broadcasting something like that. But we all know, and the Great Victory Day on May 9 reminds us of what this leads to. It's time to remind!
    But we will continue to quote the opus so that there is no doubt. The next quote: “Spread the youth - and you will defeat the nation! This is our motto. We will deprive your society of youth by corrupting it with sex, rock, violence, alcohol, smoking, drugs, that is, we will deprive your society of the future. We will hit the family, destroy it, and reduce childbearing. Hitler was a stupid boy. He acted directly, openly. And I had to do an incredibly big job - burn millions, shoot, bury and the like. He left bloody footprints. We are more cunning: we will not have traces.
    Reducing childbearing by at least half means annihilating 2-3 million Russians a year without any physical expenditure. No need for stoves, cartridges, graves. And there are no traces. Was not born. There are no guilty ones either. "
    So much has been said in this relatively short quotation that it is probably necessary to clarify. So. Many have probably heard of the Holocaust, which was denied by law and prosecuted. And here is a Jew for you, the messenger of God on earth, does not express claims and does not shower curses on this representative of hell, but only uses it to show the superiority of his informational and ideological activities over his physical animal and cannibalistic activities. The means and methods are different, but the result is the same - the reduction of those who were considered unnecessary and dangerous. And Hitler did not hide the fact that he took a lot for the Nuremberg laws, etc. from Jewish books. And this indicates a commonality of ideologies. Therefore, if the fascist was banned, then is it not time to think about this? Or maybe someone thinks that this is far-fetched? Then here's the following quote:
    "five. These daunting tasks will be accomplished in several stages. Already, 5% of the shelf of the Arctic Ocean has ended up (wide circles of the population are not yet aware of this) in our hands, thanks to the confusing and not explained to the people of the treaties concluded under Gorbachev and Yeltsin. Already now, one and a half million Armenians live in the lands of the south of Russia - this is our outpost. At first, in order to deceive, we will declare the Armenian Republic in the Kuban, then, having expelled the Cossacks, we will transform it into Khazaria - Israel. It will help us that the Cossacks are constantly drunk, love power and are ready to fight each other on this basis. True, there is one more structured organization - the Orthodox clergy. We will send our Jewish representatives there as priests, who, according to the Talmud, are allowed to outwardly perform the rituals of other religions, preserving their faith in Judaism in their souls. We'll bribe the rest. And we will destroy those who do not give in. The Russians no longer have more or less organized structures, and they are not able to unite and create them, because the Russian has already become drunk and degraded and is not capable of structuring. "
    It is clear about the shelf. It is enough to turn to the agreements to understand: how is the legalization of the appropriation of aboriginal lands going. Regarding the south, we also see - it is planned and done as they, and not us, it is necessary. Regarding the church - here is a direct informational and ideological aggression designed to enslave the aborigines spiritually. And who will not succeed, remember the fascists, to destroy. Here is the bestial essence of this people, whose messenger is clearly not from God, but from the devil, provided us with the opportunity to get acquainted with this opus. Well, what about the end? For the end is the crown of the work. Here's a quote:
    To be continued.
  20. 0
    April 27 2021 15: 24
    Read more.
    "6. To carry out all these events of paramount importance to us, under the guise of "democratic reforms" we will give the Slavic cattle a monarchy. Each is a puppet president. And more shine, noise, pomp! Monarchism is good because it directs all the energy of the masses to the whistle. It distracts from our secret active work of structuring the population in the pattern we need. The president is a screen, kind of elected by the people (and we will forge electoral procedures so that everything seems legal), because of which we will manage all the necessary processes. The President will be endowed with unlimited powers. He will put our people at the head of them by reshuffling the cadres in the highest posts of the power structures. The army, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the FSB and all kinds of special forces will be directly subordinate to the president. And that means - to us. We will only have in our hands the ropes that go to the hands of the president. And we will pull these strings as needed to implement the grandiose plan of conquering all tribes and kingdoms, subordinating them to our supra-people, chosen by the God of Israel.
    7. But the main thing is money. They do everything. They are power. They are strength. Whoever has money has a weapon. Ultramodern. That one has a mercenary army. Money owns the media fooled by billions of human cattle. Bribe the people we need. They remove the recalcitrant. Resisting fans - Iraqis, Serbs, and in the future - Russians are being bombed. Everything is decided by capital and the seizure of power. We have been practicing the accumulation of capital and the seizure of power for more than three millennia, and no one can compare with us in this matter. You have no money of your own. The authorities too. You don't have them, and you won't! We will not give it! We hate you immensely! This hatred gives strength to smile sweetly in your face, to take root in you and guide you, showing you “care” for you and your children, future grandchildren and great-grandchildren who will not actually appear. You are doomed. And until you understand this simple truth, as long as you twitch, until then you will be beaten more than you should. If you are obedient, there will be 65-70 million of you, otherwise - 40-45. The main thing now is to hold out for at least another 2-3 years. "
    It seems that we are people - representatives of the species Homo sapiens - HUMAN SANE, and therefore we have a mind both to read and understand the need for ideological enlightenment, unification and the beginning of the struggle for our interests and needs, for our Motherland and the future of offspring. Otherwise, we already have it planned, quote:
    ". If we recall history, then we must admit that these lands are the original lands of the ancient Jewish Khazaria, that is, Israel, captured by Kievan Rus in the XNUMXth century. The Slavs are temporary guests and are subject to eviction.
    We will return this territory and create on these fertile lands the Great Khazaria - a Jewish state, as we created Israel 50 years ago, pushing the Palestinians out. Some of the Israelis will move here, and we will drive the Slavic far north, beyond Moscow. There will be a small northern territory - a reservation with a compact population, a reservation similar to the Indians in America. "
    Well, if this beast remembered history, then, as they say, God-reason himself told us to remember history - the history of his long-suffering Motherland and numerous crusades and other campaigns that led to tears, troubles and blood on the part of those whose father, as expressed Jesus, which is reflected in the Bible, since it is divinely inspired, the devil, and who even managed to distort the Bible and use it for the destruction and conquest of mankind, the seizure of power and everything that the earth is rich in.
    What do you think? Are you worthy of the title of Homo sapiens - SANE MAN, or, as these animals are expressed - goyim, etc.? This beast expected to stay for 2-3 years, but got more. This led to the Russian cross, and the perspective - the reservation. Everyone has a choice. Take your pick!

"Right Sector" (banned in Russia), "Ukrainian Insurgent Army" (UPA) (banned in Russia), ISIS (banned in Russia), "Jabhat Fatah al-Sham" formerly "Jabhat al-Nusra" (banned in Russia) , Taliban (banned in Russia), Al-Qaeda (banned in Russia), Anti-Corruption Foundation (banned in Russia), Navalny Headquarters (banned in Russia), Facebook (banned in Russia), Instagram (banned in Russia), Meta (banned in Russia), Misanthropic Division (banned in Russia), Azov (banned in Russia), Muslim Brotherhood (banned in Russia), Aum Shinrikyo (banned in Russia), AUE (banned in Russia), UNA-UNSO (banned in Russia), Mejlis of the Crimean Tatar People (banned in Russia), Legion “Freedom of Russia” (armed formation, recognized as terrorist in the Russian Federation and banned)

“Non-profit organizations, unregistered public associations or individuals performing the functions of a foreign agent,” as well as media outlets performing the functions of a foreign agent: “Medusa”; "Voice of America"; "Realities"; "Present time"; "Radio Freedom"; Ponomarev Lev; Ponomarev Ilya; Savitskaya; Markelov; Kamalyagin; Apakhonchich; Makarevich; Dud; Gordon; Zhdanov; Medvedev; Fedorov; Mikhail Kasyanov; "Owl"; "Alliance of Doctors"; "RKK" "Levada Center"; "Memorial"; "Voice"; "Person and law"; "Rain"; "Mediazone"; "Deutsche Welle"; QMS "Caucasian Knot"; "Insider"; "New Newspaper"