If war comes from Asia

If war comes from Asia

Settling in the land of the Allied and friendly, the ancient Greek military leader Iphicrates, who was considered one of the best Athenian commanders, carefully surrounded him with a moat and tyn. And to the question “what are you afraid of?” He answered: “There is no worse than when the commander says:“ I didn’t expect it! ”

Therefore, even in allied relations with other countries, Russia must always be prepared for the fact that these countries will betray her, which is eloquently talked about historical examples and current events in Syria.


Russia has always had to fend off two enemies - western and eastern. The western enemy came to us from Sweden, Lithuania, Poland, France, England, Germany and other European countries. The eastern enemy came to us first in the guise of the Mongols and Tatars, then the Turks and, finally, the Japanese. At the same time, Russia was never ready for the next looming war and suffered initial failures in order to then win at the cost of unbearably terrible losses.

In order not to pay a high price for victory in the war and not stand on the brink of national survival, the state is obliged to develop behavioral strategies in case of armed confrontation with other countries.

Of course, the imperative of Russia's behavioral strategy towards other countries should be to ensure peace and prevent hostile confrontation. Russia should cooperate with various countries, including unfriendly-minded countries and blocs (partnership for peace), fully support the existing ones (Shanghai Cooperation Organization, BRICS international association) and create new alliances, involving more and more members. Nevertheless, we repeat once again, it should be remembered and be prepared for the fact that both current and future allies of Russia can always violate the allied treaty, go into the camp of enemies, sell and betray Russia.

In the previous article “If there is a war. Moscow's behavioral strategies in the Euro-Atlantic direction ”(“ NVO ”No. 46 for 2015 a year) we talked about how Russia can withstand the countries of the NATO bloc, and this article will discuss Russia's behavioral strategies towards the countries of the Far East.


Common to the behavioral strategies of Russia with the countries of the Far East in the event of armed conflict should be a focus on short-term hostilities. The experience of the Japanese-Chinese (1937 – 1945), Korean (1950 – 1953) and Vietnamese (1957 – 1975) wars, as well as the civil wars in Cambodia (1967 – 1975), Laos (1960 – 1973), Burma (XNXXXXXXX), Lama (XNXX), Laos (1948), Laos (2012), Lao (1972), Lao (1996), Lao (1945), Lao (1949), Lao (1948), Lao (1960) and in the Philippines (XNUMX – XNUMX), as well as the wars of independence in Indonesia (XNUMX – XNUMX) and Malaya (XNUMX – XNUMX), showed that the population of the Far East is ready to bear for a long time. At the same time, partisan formations and other irregular structures can effectively act against the regular armed forces for a number of years, constantly replenishing their ranks with local residents. Therefore, with the outbreak of hostilities, it is necessary to immediately bring down all military might on the country in conflict and, after the short-lived defeat of its regular troops, immediately make peace on terms acceptable to the parties.

Among the armies of the countries of the Far East, the armies of the People’s Republic of China, India, the Republic of Korea, the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, Japan, and Vietnam possess real power. Therefore, let us consider in more detail the behavioral strategies of Russia with these countries.


The People’s Liberation Army of China (PLA) ranks first in terms of numbers (2255 thousand) and third in the ranking of the most powerful armies in the world. In addition, China is a nuclear and missile power.

Although the military budget of China in 10 is less than in the USA, it is still one of the largest in the world. Over the past 10 years, PLA’s annual expenditures have more than tripled, from 200 billion to more than 720 billion yuan.

China's military power also has its own characteristics. The largest army in the world is equipped with outdated or rapidly becoming obsolete weapons.

At present, China is implementing a program to equip the army with modern high-precision weaponsgiving priority to the development of rocket forces, as well as the navy and air force. On the other hand, China’s economic growth has slowed. This is undoubtedly due to the general decline in the global economy, but be that as it may, the slowdown in China’s economic growth has a negative effect on the program to re-equip the Armed Forces with modern weapons and military equipment.

The Vietnam War (1979) revealed, in addition to the lack of modern weapons for the PLA, weak command training and low mobility of units.

As is known, the most numerous armies are far from always the most combat-ready. A lot of time and effort is spent on their deployment, redeployment, management, comprehensive support. Therefore, behavioral strategies in the war with such armies consist of highly maneuverable rapid actions of ground forces brigades, strikes with precision weapons on troop clusters, and conducting air-land-amphibious assault operations.

China’s nuclear forces are not such a deadly threat. For example, Russia is capable of neutralizing them with a preemptive strike with precision weapons. The cybernetic capabilities of China pose a great danger. In cyberwar China is able to resist any country in the world.

China’s military-political potential is eased by existing contradictions and tensions with Japan, Vietnam, Pakistan, India and other countries on territorial issues.

Russia's strategic course in relations with China in the near future is mutually beneficial cooperation and partnership. Of course, China will never defend Russian interests, however, increasing the US power and economic potential in the Asia-Pacific region is forcing China to look for allies to counter US expansion. In this regard, the Russian-Chinese alliance is in the common interest.


Serious force is the army of India. In terms of numbers, the current army of India ranks third (1325 thousand people) in the world, and ranked fourth among the most powerful armies in the world. Since 1974, India is a member of the Nuclear Club.

Currently, there is a rapid increase in Indian military spending. According to the Director of Informational Technologies Department of the PLA, Major General Yin Kyaw, this is due to two main reasons. First, it is the growth of the economy. In the past 15 years, the economy has grown rapidly, although it has somewhat slowed since 2011. In terms of GDP, India is able to overtake the UK and France. Secondly, India is making great efforts to become a permanent member of the UN Security Council. This status makes high demands - it is necessary to have a high diplomatic and economic position, in particular, the country must have the appropriate military capabilities to maintain the status of a great power. India’s local mission is to maintain military superiority over Pakistan. Such factors have led to the fact that over the past 10 years, India has doubled the volume of its military spending.

To increase its military potential, India is trying to buy more modern weapons and equipment from other countries. According to the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute, India has become the world's largest importer of weapons and military equipment since 2006.

As a result, the weak side of the Indian Armed Forces has become their dependence on foreign spare parts for modern weapons and military equipment imported by India.

At present, India is lagging behind in the development of high-tech military production; it lacks highly skilled engineers and workers needed to create a powerful military-industrial complex. Therefore, in the long term, India’s combat capability will depend on the import of modern weapons and military equipment, since independent development of the main types of weapons takes on average 15 years, and high-tech types of weapons and military equipment such as fighters and submarines - 20 and more. Russia needs to make full use of this factor, supplying India with domestic IWT.

In relations with India, Russia should develop strategic cooperation, which increases the military-political weight of both countries. This cooperation should not be directed against anyone else, but at the same time it is designed to deter any aggressor.

In addition, Russia should make full use of the role of the peace mediator in the difficult relations between India and its neighboring countries, primarily Pakistan, as well as the PRC, Nepal, etc.


In terms of numbers, the current army of the Republic of Korea ranks sixth in the world (650 thousand people), and in number of reserve troops South Korea ranks first (4,5 million people). In the ranking of the strongest armies, the South Korean army ranks ninth.

Tensions with the DPRK prompts South Korea to spend 15% of the budget on the army (11 is the largest defense budget) and to maintain compulsory military service for men. The country ranks second in terms of the number of military personnel per capita in the world after North Korea.

From time to time, South Korea sends its troops abroad, helping the American forces. Since the beginning of 2001, South Korea has deployed 24-thousandth army in the Middle East region to support the war on terrorism, and since 2007, the South Korean military has been deployed to strengthen UN peacekeeping forces in Lebanon.

The United States has a significant contingent of troops in South Korea to defend it in the event of East Asian military conflicts, primarily with North Korea. Currently, approximately 28,5 thousand US troops are deployed in South Korea.

The Republic of Korea is a threat to Russia only in conjunction with the United States. Therefore, Russia should avoid direct armed confrontation with South Korea and wage a proxy war with it by the forces of the DPRK.


Despite the fact that the DPRK army is the fourth largest in the world in terms of numbers (1190 thousand people), in the ranking of the strongest armies in the world it has a “modest” 35 place.

The weak points of the Korean People’s Army (KPA) are: limited fuel resources, which allow fighting to take no longer than a month; the impossibility of prolonged warfare due to insufficient food supplies; archaic weapons and military equipment that is not able to effectively counteract the armed forces of developed countries.

However, KPA is feared all over the world. This is mainly due to its multiplicity: more than 1 million people are ready to defend it, while the other several million can be called up from the reserve in a short time. In the course of the Korean War (1950 – 1953), the DPRK showed itself as a very tough, stubborn, disciplined adversary, insensitive to casualties. In addition, it is assumed that North Korea has from 12 to 15 nuclear charges and various missile carriers to them. True, experts doubt that Pyongyang has mastered the technology, giving him the opportunity to create a small-sized nuclear charge for installation on missiles. For this, in their opinion, it will take him a few more years.

Check the effectiveness of the army of North Korea is possible only in a state of real war. However, this is feared throughout the world. No state, including the United States, does not want to unleash a conflict with Pyongyang.

Russia's behavioral strategy towards the DPRK should be based on non-engagement in confrontation with it, as well as on solving the DPRK nuclear missile issue in the framework of the six-party talks.


The Japanese army has already received the right to conduct combat operations outside the national territory. Reuters Photos

The Japanese army has considerable power, which, despite its relative small size (20 is the largest army in the number of troops - 239 thousand), is 10 in the ranking of the most powerful armies in the world.

Japan’s military spending is legally limited to 1% of GDP, but the country's GDP is so large ($ 6 trillion, three times that of Russia) that 1% of it allowed the creation of an extremely powerful military machine. Especially it concerns fleet, which is one of the five largest naval forces in the world. Initially, almost all the weapons of the Self-Defense Forces of Japan were American-made, but now its increasing share is of national production, the exception is only aviation, and only then.

Of particular danger are the US military bases in Japan. In Japan, 50, thousands of US troops and the 7 fleet of the United States are permanently stationed.

Despite the fact that the area of ​​the territory of Russia in 45 times the area of ​​Japan, in Japan only 20 million people live less than in Russia. Therefore, the reserve of the Self-Defense Forces of Japan is significant. Of the 1, subject to annual conscription, million people join the army up to 100 thousand, the rest fit for military service are trained by an extra-military order (recruit reserve). The militarization of the population through schools, universities, print, etc. increases the stock of military-trained soldiers and officers.

The tradition of the Japanese army was the requirement of the Bushido code - to faithfully serve the lord and give his life for him. In 1944, during World War II, in Japan, the formation of detachments of suicide bombers became widespread in the face of the threat of its occupation. They were created in the air force, the navy, in the paratroopers and ground forces. The actions of suicide bombers were massive, which was due to the cult of self-sacrifice, which dominated the samurai for many centuries. The Kamikazes inflicted heavy losses on the Americans, but ultimately their actions did not affect the course and outcome of the war. Nevertheless, one should pay tribute to the high moral and volitional level of the Japanese soldiers, their readiness for self-sacrifice.

As for command, on the whole, the Japanese officer is well aware of military affairs: he is able to act in field situations, is able to hold his part in his hands and is capable of bold and decisive implementation of the combat order. However, the political development of officers is weak. They are deprived of voting rights, which eliminates them from active external participation in political life.

The weak side of the Japanese army is its “lack of fire”, since after World War II it participated only in peacekeeping operations. Until recently, there was a ban on the conduct of hostilities by the Japan Self-Defense Forces abroad, but this ban has been lifted since 2015.

The disadvantage of the Self-Defense Forces of Japan is also poorly developed transport aircraft, which does not allow them to conduct large landing operations.

At present, there are very tense relations between Japan and the PRC (due to territorial disputes) and the DPRK (due to Japan’s cooperation with the United States and South Korea). Russia should use these tense relations for its own purposes, attaching to the aggressive attacks of Japan on territorial and other issues the necessary vector of development.

Russia's behavioral strategy toward Japan should fully exploit the weaknesses of the Japan Self-Defense Forces, namely, their lack of experience in conducting large-scale hostilities, the inability to quickly deploy troops and their insufficient mobility. In this regard, the General Staff of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation must carefully plan, prepare and, if necessary, conduct large-scale operational and strategic operations against the Self-Defense Forces of Japan, using their advantage in the ability to drop troops and their maneuvering qualities. In addition, it is necessary to envisage how to “neutralize” the American military contingent stationed in Japan.


The Vietnamese People's Army (VNA), although it ranks 10 in number (484 thousand people), but in number of reserve troops is in second place (4 million people), and in the ranking of the most powerful armies in the world is in 23-m .

VNA has a rich experience in military operations, accumulated primarily during the Vietnam War (1964 – 1975), as well as in the first (1946 – 1954), the second (1957 – 1975) and the third (1975 – 1990) Indo-Chinese wars and during the Chinese -Vietnamese armed clashes (1979 – 1990). In these armed conflicts, the Vietnamese soldiers showed a high moral and volitional level, readiness for self-sacrifice.

The weakness of the VNA is its outdated weapons and military equipment, mainly of Soviet and Chinese origin.

In relations with Vietnam, Russia should develop a strategic partnership in accordance with the Declaration, signed in March 2001. It is necessary to deepen its influence, which in Soviet times was quite large. In this regard, the restoration of the military base in Cam Ranh contributes to the strengthening of military-political cooperation, on the one hand, and strengthening the defense capability of the two countries, on the other.


Finishing the conversation about Russia's behavioral strategies with respect to other countries, it should be noted that the main threat for Russia comes not from them, but from internal enemies. The great Russian military historian Anton Kersnovsky wrote about this, analyzing the causes of the Russian catastrophe in February 1917: “You can and should talk about the machinations of the enemies of Russia. It is important that these intrigues found too favorable soil. The intrigues were English, the gold was German, Jewish ... but the insignificance and traitors were their own, Russian. Without them, Russia would not be afraid of all the gold in the world and all the machinations of the netherworld. ”

At the same time, it should be noted that during the Great Patriotic War, despite the hardest, catastrophic defeats at the front in its initial period, the “fifth column” in the Soviet rear did not arise. One reason for this, oddly enough, was the repression of 1937, which destroyed all potential leaders of any resistance to the Stalinist regime.

On this occasion, Stalin’s closest ally Vyacheslav Molotov told the writer Felix Chuev: “The 1937 year was necessary ... the remnants of enemies from different directions existed and in the face of imminent danger of fascist aggression could unite. We owe our thirty-seventh year that during the war we did not have a “fifth column”.

Recent history of Russia has confirmed the validity of these words. The whole country could observe how the “human rights activist” Sergey Kovalev helped Chechen bandits, urging Russian soldiers to lay down their arms. How were the meetings at which our army, which fought in Chechnya, poured mud. How false reports were published about the atrocities of federal forces against civilians. Like other public and political figures of the Russian Federation, they spoke at international forums, branding shame on their homeland, leading a bloody struggle against illegal armed groups. The result is the defeat in the first Chechen campaign, the shame of the Khasavyurt agreements, tens of thousands of civilians killed and driven into slavery into “independent Ichkeria”, the attack of Chechen fighters on Dagestan in 1999 and the outbreak of the second Chechen war.

Unfortunately, even now the “fifth column” is trying to influence society, suggesting the senselessness and inexpediency of the fulfillment of the constitutional duty to defend the fatherland. The result of this impact is impressive. For example, according to the General Staff, there are more than 230 thousand people in the country who evade conscription - that is, almost as many as in a year they are called up for military service.

Moreover, there are quite a few potential deserters among the servicemen of the Russian army. Maxim Glikin, editor of the policy department of the Vedomosti newspaper, frankly said this, recalling his service in the army: “If foreign aggressors appeared, we would abandon the machine guns and change into a citizen at the far approaches of the enemy to our military unit”.

How many glycines are now in the Russian army is unknown. This can be found only in a large-scale war. And so that this does not turn out to be a catastrophe, the government of the country must take all measures to eradicate the negative attitude of society towards the Armed Forces, which has been imposed since Yeltsin's times.

To do this, you can use foreign experience ("and the enemy is allowed to learn"). For example, on May 16 of 1918, the United States Congress passed an amendment to the Spying Act, which is still in force, according to which, those who "speak orally or in writing in an unloyal, sordid, rude or offensive tone about the form of government or the United States Constitution, or the Armed Forces "faces up to 20 years in prison.


In the modern world, only he is worthy of respect, who has the power.

“They love the strong in the world,” says Sergey Valtsev, a candidate of psychological sciences. - The United States dropped a bomb on Japan, hundreds of thousands of civilians were killed. Russia condemned this step as the brutal extermination of civilians. Years have passed. Japan is the most loyal ally of the United States in the East, and Japan refuses to sign a peace treaty with Russia, still being formally at war. It seems that if Russia dropped a nuclear bomb on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, then Japan would have been an ally of Russia. ”

In the modern world there are no moral rules, laws. There is only the right to force. “Who created the Russian Empire, turning the semi-Asiatic kingdom into the most influential, most dominant, great European power? Only army bayonet strength. Not before our culture, not before our bureaucratic church, not before our wealth and prosperity, the light bowed. He admired our strength, ”the former Chairman of the Council of Ministers of Czarist Russia, Count Sergei Witte, claimed in his memoirs.

Russia's strategy was successful only when there were two main ally behind it - the army and the navy. Therefore, the speeches of some domestic politicians, as well as the activities of various political non-governmental non-profit organizations funded from abroad and advocating for the abolition of military recruitment and the disbanding of the Russian Armed Forces, can be equated with sabotage activities in our country.

“We want to survive and fight ... - or do we want our skin hung on the wall? We have a choice here, ”said Russian President Vladimir Putin frankly.


Russia has always been hated for its power and sovereignty. “We are not loved for our vastness,” said Emperor Alexander III about relations between Russia and the world. And if Russia does not become one day, it will be the most pleasant world news, especially since many countries of the world are eagerly looking at our natural resources.

Plans for the destruction of Russia existed and there are many. “We have destroyed the Soviet Union, we will also destroy Russia. You have no chances, ”said Zbigniew Brzezinski, the leading ideologue of US foreign policy, frankly.

At the same time, despite the failures of Napoleon, Hitler and others, foreign countries do not leave hopes for the destruction of Russia by military means. This is evidenced by declassified military plans of the United States and Britain.

How other countries will wage war against us can be found in the book of Italian General Giulio Douai, “Dominance in the Air”, whose work and doctrine are studied in all higher military educational institutions of developed foreign countries:

“War is a serious matter, especially now. In it on the map is the fate of entire countries. To win is to be able to impose your will on the enemy. For this, it is necessary to break all his material and moral forces of resistance. This can be achieved only by causing the enemy such a sum of damage, which he is no longer able to withstand.

The material and moral resistance of a nation is enormous. The amount of damage that must be inflicted on her in order to be victorious must also be huge. And if this is so, then the difference between permissible and unauthorized damage, between human and inhuman, between civilized and wild is pure scholasticism ... To achieve victory, any means is good, legal, allowed, fair. "

To these statements of Douai, you can add the recent revelation of the commander of US land forces in Europe, Lieutenant General Frederick Hodges: "We are not interested in a fair fight with anyone."

28 September 2015 of the year, speaking at the anniversary 70 of the UN General Assembly, Vladimir Putin, in particular, regarding countries that have created a conflict in the Middle East, said: “Aggressive external interference led to the fact that instead of reforms, state institutions, and the very way of life was simply unceremoniously destroyed. Instead of the triumph of democracy and progress - violence, poverty, social catastrophe, and human rights, including the right to life, are not put into anything. I just want to ask those who created such a situation: do you at least understand now what you have done? ”

I would like to ask domestic pacifists: do you at least understand what they can do?
61 comment
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  1. +22
    24 January 2016 09: 04
    Russia has always received a stab in the back from "internal enemies", and the West is our enemy and will always remain so, no matter how hard we tried.
    1. +23
      24 January 2016 09: 26
      The intrigues were English, the gold was German, Jewish ... but the jerks and traitors were their own, Russian. If not for them, Russia would not be afraid of all the gold of the world and all the machinations of the underworld. ”

      How relevant these words are now.
      I would like to ask domestic pacifists: do you at least understand what they can do?

      They do not understand this, they do not understand, they will first of all think about their own pocket of the consumed.
      1. +8
        24 January 2016 12: 22
        Do we want to survive and fight ... - or do we want our skin to be hung on the wall? Here we have a choice
        Actually, here it is today's international reality.
      2. +13
        24 January 2016 12: 35
        Even in comparison with EBN, Alyoshka is a bug, with a rating, well, where there are bugs and a place, i.e. under the skirting board. The opposition in the Russian Federation is caricatured and more like clowns. However, the grant-eaters so convinced the West of their importance that they severely broke off and forever missed the revival of the Russian Armed Forces, and, accordingly, Russia itself. Why this liberal bloc, unable to pass the percentage barrier in the State Duma, was able to convince Western sponsors that the GDP regime is doomed, is the fact that until the last moment the media scratched their version and nobody (specially) touched them for outright lies. Now "Nightingale" croaked as it should and Kiselev showed up. Literally before the onset of the point of no return, and this was the adoption of Yars and Bulava, Bolotnaya took place (apparently deliberately by the regime) and the analysts of the CIA and Mi-6, who began to doubt, calmed down again, and when they were taken by complete doubt, they brought a sacred sacrifice to conscience the nation - Borukh Nemtsov, but the wave of the people's righteous anger did not overwhelm the urine. Those. competent use of the fifth column allowed them to inflict monstrous damage on their sponsors, and indeed to put the New Order on the brink of existence. Now the bubble is trying to harm us with sanctions and oil dumping (there are no other methods) and apparently will burst itself.
        1. +7
          24 January 2016 12: 55
          Due to the shortcomings and advantages of the armies, the author forgot to mention the features of geography. If Vietnam has a half-million army, then it’s also mountainous terrain and the jungle, where the Americans and even the Chinese grabbed. Also, the DPRK, unlike the South Caucasus, is a mountainous region and here the army of more than a million, albeit not with modern, but not the worst weapons, is a terrible force. And the fact that the fuel reserves are not enough, then the distances there are not great, but the enemy will not pass along the goat’s paths, on foot and on donkeys, but here the quantity matters. The same trouble is with Iran, where it’s not like in Iraq - desert safaris, there are bunkers in the mountains and where, in particular, aviation is not very effective. It was not for nothing that Iran and the DPRK found NATO too tough when the Russian Federation was in a coma and the World was redone. And if Iraq was dared successfully, then in Afghanistan, in the mountains they got bogged down, and there is no regular army there, and the clan gangs, albeit with a virtual control center. Also, color revolutions do not affect either Iran, the DPRK, or the Russian Federation, which is connected with the unconditional support of the people of their leaders, where there is blind faith and where there is a reasonable analysis and vaccination against liberalism from the dashing 90s.
          1. +1
            24 January 2016 23: 44

            They said that they won’t get off with tomatoes ...
          2. +2
            25 January 2016 11: 33
            Quote: hrych
            It was not for nothing that Iran and the DPRK found NATO too tough when the Russian Federation was in a coma

            I agree very much - exactly said. When the USSR did not become and while the Russian Federation was in a coma, it is surprising that the West did not deal with Iran and the DPRK. Well, it's okay with the DPRK - China is also a roof there. But they had to "kill" Iran then. Blinked - it seems like a mistake.

            I disagree on the article only on one point - on the DPRK. What does the Russian Federation mean not to get involved in a conflict with it? What can be the conflict between the unspoken patron and the dependent party. Just as long as the west is strong. both China and the Russian Federation do not dare to openly "throw the glove" - ​​but in fact, we all understand that Cuba and North Korea and Iran and Belarus (who else are outcasts from the West) are all under the roof of Russia or China
    2. +10
      24 January 2016 09: 38
      Note that in all these countries there are no Kasyanovs, Caspars, Dogs and others like them constantly aching about the need to reduce defense spending because in their opinion this hinders the development of the country ... Is it time for our Guarantor to once and for all discourage the hunt of these goofies to rant about the good Homeland? The game of democracy did not lead to results in the development of the country, only problems multiplied ..
      1. +2
        24 January 2016 11: 39
        Of course not, in these countries such people have their own national names.
      2. +3
        24 January 2016 15: 10
        These are a very good indicator of the correctness of the actions of the Russian state! The more they whine, blaspheme and spit, the more correct things the Russians do, and the other way round, as soon as they praise it, it's time to start a serious test!
      3. The comment was deleted.
    3. +8
      24 January 2016 10: 18
      Quote: avvg
      Russia has always received a stab in the back from "internal enemies", and the West is our enemy and will always remain so, no matter how hard we tried.

      It is not for nothing that there is an old Russian proverb: "God save me from my" werewolf friends ", but I will get rid of them myself."
    4. -12
      24 January 2016 11: 44
      I understand that in academies and in the General Staff, guys are sitting and working on all sorts of plans - they have such a quiet, cabinet work. But why the heck all this to the people to splash out, as we pass an iron boot in all sorts of India and Vietnam. Moreover, I can say with confidence that, if you rummage around, there are both about Belarus and Kazakhstan - since there is a provision for TB. So, now we need to paint how we will bomb Minsk?
    5. +3
      24 January 2016 13: 44
      Russia must always be prepared for the fact that these countries will betray her, as eloquent historical examples speak
      I have always spoken about this. All have betrayed, and will betray. Therefore, cooperation should be from the interests of the country, and with the ways of "retreat". there is no friendship, and will not be with anyone, the "selfish" question is always at the forefront.
    6. 0
      24 January 2016 13: 55
      Do not worry about China, they are not to attack Russia, because Russia's nuclear potential is 5 times more powerful than the Chinese.
  2. +22
    24 January 2016 09: 07
    For me, none of the listed countries will go into a direct clash with Russia. And the enemy is rather sitting inside the country and gnawing its defenses. There are also our singers living on Western grants and officials who do not disdain direct theft and fraud. There is another third party the problems are our production owners. As a rule, they live abroad, families, at home, everything is exported, and talking about patriotism with them is ridiculous.
    1. +5
      24 January 2016 09: 46
      For me, none of the listed countries will go into a direct clash with Russia.

      At this particular moment, maybe not. But the world has changed very rapidly in recent years, few people believe in the war in the Donbas 5 years ago.

      It doesn’t seem to me that war from the United States or NATO is just like a war, but rather just various mischief.

      But for Asians who sleep standing in their countries, a direct neighborhood with a large and sparsely populated Russia, .... in general, it is quite understandable. And they have more and more strength every day.

      Russia needs to be ready for anything!
  3. +1
    24 January 2016 09: 15
    Only China in the struggle for territory can pose a real threat to Russia in the east. In the West, Kaliningrad will be the first to be hit in the conversations of the NATO military lately the "Suwalki corridor" has been increasingly heard.
    1. +8
      24 January 2016 09: 32
      Quote: raid14
      The real threat to Russia in the east can only be China in the struggle for territory

      Have you been to the Far East yourself? Show me the place on the map where the military can live. I want to see. And especially explain how the Chinese military will languidly attack through the Chinese pass lol
      Quote: raid14
      . In the West, Kaliningrad will be the first to be hit

      AU, today is not 1941, the first blow today is applied across the entire country.
      1. +4
        24 January 2016 09: 53
        Quote: Alexander Romanov
        Have you been to the Far East yourself? Show me the place on the map where the military can live. I want to see. And especially explain how the Chinese military will languidly attack through the Chinese pass

        Verb Truth Yes ... For many people (no offense), those who have never been there, the Far East is associated with such a fabulous place, where the sea, rivers, hills and the green sea of ​​the taiga. A sort of idyll of nature and landscape. But just with the landscape, this is a catch. In this endless and green sea of ​​taiga, you can easily "drown" without a trace. I was there on the Malkinskaya river (and not only), I saw it, I know not by hearsay.
        1. +3
          24 January 2016 10: 14
          Quote: Averias
          A kind of idyll of nature and landscape.

          We have it like this: at the bottom there is a swamp, at the top there is a swamp, and a bog will suck up on the clone of the hill and will not find any traces. It was in the area where the drilling rig refused, not in roaming, in an L-1 suit it reached him 200 meters 2 hours before it.
          1. 0
            24 January 2016 10: 40
            Quote: Amurets
            We have this: at the bottom there is a swamp, at the top there is a swamp, and a bog will suck up on the clone of the hill and will not find any traces.

            Well, it’s not a swamp, but a swamp, but is it easier on that? We rode on 131 Zile, crawled with four winches from a winch. And we had to travel only 19 kilometers to the winter laughing In some places, a meter-long track, if you put such a video, lovers of China threats will freeze.

            Raon Nezhino in Primorye, so there are generally hills there, when I saw them, I realized that I hadn’t seen hills in my life yet. As long as you climb one, I want to return home.
      2. 0
        24 January 2016 10: 00
        Quote: Alexander Romanov
        Have you been to the Far East yourself? Show me the place on the map where the military can live. I want to see. And especially explain how the Chinese military will languidly attack through the Chinese pass

        Bravo! Romanov! Well, why are we always frightened by the Chinese threat? Http: //te-el.livejournal.com/164664.html
        This is a link to the events of 115 years ago. Romanov is a plus for you.
        1. +2
          24 January 2016 10: 10
          Quote: Amurets
          Why are we always frightened by the Chinese threat?

          Fear those who do not live here and have a very figurative idea of ​​what the Far East is.
        2. +3
          24 January 2016 12: 32
          Quote: Amurets
          Why are we always frightened by the Chinese threat?

          Because they dream to play with China.
      3. Alf
        24 January 2016 10: 00
        Quote: Alexander Romanov
        through the Chinese pass, the Chinese military will languidly attack
        Quote: raid14
        . In the West, Kaliningrad will be the first to be hit
        AU, today is not 1941, the first blow today is applied across the entire country.

        Not all. Now more and more there are plans for the conduct of 3MV without nuclear weapons. Too fraught. Without the United States, NATO alone will not go to war, the wrong forces and determination. If the United States enters the war, the first thing they will have to do is transfer troops and supply them to Europe. And Kaliningrad in this case becomes a cork in a bottle. Recently, there was an article about this recently, the American commander in Europe said. I also met several times the mention that in the event of a major NON-NUCLEAR war, Russia would strike a hole on the North Face with an electronic warfare and mass launch of the X-101 and capture Keflavik in Iceland by forces of the Airborne Forces, after which the States would have to forget.
        1. +2
          24 January 2016 10: 41
          Quote: Alf
          . Now more and more there are plans for the conduct of 3MV without nuclear weapons.

          And often do you sit in the Pentagon when drawing up military plans?
  4. +5
    24 January 2016 09: 15
    I would like to ask domestic pacifists: do you at least understand what they can do?

    In the analysis of the article, serious statements are simply unacceptable. Asking pacifists about a possible (???) war from the south is like asking officials about the fight against corruption ...
    There will be, as always, an adequate answer to any "thief" ... At least this (anecdote from the times of "cold" relations between the USSR and China):
    “The beginning of the war. The Chinese dropped a nuclear bomb on Russia, killing 3 million people. In response, the Russians dropped a rubber bomb on China.
    The next day, an alarming message appeared in Chinese newspapers: "5 million people died from the Russian rubber bomb ... The bomb continues to jump." laughing

    Our neighbors are not so stupid to understand that the neighborhood of countries is, first of all, cooperation and good relations. The time is different now ...
  5. The comment was deleted.
  6. +11
    24 January 2016 09: 20
    Our country will only then try to attack external enemies when the internal disintegrate Russia to pieces.
  7. +17
    24 January 2016 09: 20
    The collapse of the USSR, the destruction of the army without firing a shot, cutting rockets, ships, airplanes into metal, state property was stolen and illegally transferred to private hands, homeless people appeared, drug addicts, crime increased significantly, we learned what terrorist attacks are, heaps of illiterate migrant criminals are filled big cities, ugly medicine and education, and a lot of other interesting things happened through the fault of the characters who were in power in the Kremlin. Personally, I am more afraid of getting a stab in the back not from NATO or China, but from my rights ments tongue
    1. +1
      24 January 2016 10: 10
      illegally passed into private hands
      the trouble is that all this is still in power and our taxes are spent on enriching them and not on developing the country ... already all political scientists (Mikheev Soloviev Kulikov Delyagin ... etc ..) say that the government has rotted (except for the president who doesn’t notice this type) the question is from here .. for a long time our president will play blind .. ???
      1. 0
        24 January 2016 10: 42
        Quote: Coco
        the trouble is that all this is still in power and our taxes go to their enrichment

        True, but can an example where my taxes went to enrich someone else?
      2. +5
        24 January 2016 10: 56
        Quote: Coco
        the trouble is that all this is still in power and our taxes are used to enrich them and not to develop the country ...

        belay Yes not really? FSE ...., I’m going to write a refusal to the tax ... For interest, follow this link, there are just my and your taxes- Made by us
  8. +14
    24 January 2016 09: 31
    why go far to Syria. The same Belarusians will sell and betray like homeless glass containers. It is worth the EU to talk Luka gingerbread, that flight will merge the Russian Federation. There are plenty of examples: not recognizing South Ossetia and Abkhazia, there was no official support for the 2008 war and condemnation of Georgian aggression, and there is also silence about Crimea. On Russia, sanctions, this rear-wheel drive immediately organized re-export. And with all this, in words we are the first brother and regularly requires money.
    The army and navy - these are the only ones who will not betray
    1. 0
      24 January 2016 12: 52
      Quote: Ragnarek

      The army and navy - these are the only ones who will not betray

      what do you mean pieces of iron or people? If there is a piece of iron, yes, it seems like there is such a cunning system that can independently bang all nuclear weapons if there are not even people left to press the buttons of the "nuclear suitcase", but this already means out to the country and possibly life on Earth. If you mean people in uniform, then 1917 and 1991 are historical examples for you when the army and the navy were sitting exactly on the bottom when they destroyed the Republic of Ingushetia and the USSR.
  9. +10
    24 January 2016 09: 32
    Through the mouth of Professor Preobrazhensky, Mikhail Afansievich Bulshakov said: "... ruin is not in the closets, but in the heads." An internal enemy, and, in addition, owning "domestic" media is more dangerous than all the opponents described in the article combined.
  10. +3
    24 January 2016 09: 41
    And to the question "what are you afraid of?" he replied: “There is no worse than when the commander says:“ I did not expect this! ”

    Here! Gold words! Well, if you're really a commander, and not just a cheater. Immediately remembered our guys on the Su-24 ....
    1. 0
      24 January 2016 11: 46
      In the story of the Su-24, beaten by the Turks, the only surprise was the death of the pilot.
      1. +1
        24 January 2016 13: 13
        Quote: KaPToC
        In the story of the Su-24, beaten by the Turks, the only surprise was the death of the pilot.

        why surprise? when those who bomb, if possible, want to kill those who bombed.
        Quote: Jovanni
        And to the question "what are you afraid of?" he replied: “There is no worse than when the commander says:“ I did not expect this! ”

        It turns out that the Ukrainian military is not "generals" at all, as they constantly say that they did not expect this. When they were blocked at Crimean bases, when they set up a "voentorg" on Dombas, when they smashed four brigades in the gut along the border with art, when the "north wind" blew.
  11. +8
    24 January 2016 09: 45
    A full-scale war between a country that possesses strategic nuclear weapons and a country that does not possess it, is somehow poorly understood. Why will our guys die if "theirs" can die en masse? Therefore, the article is about nothing. The gunpowder must be kept dry, the "fifth column" must be uprooted with meat so that there are no roots left, there is no need to save on the army and the military-industrial complex ... Patriotic education and the deepest possible education will not be superfluous either.
    1. +3
      24 January 2016 10: 34
      Quote: Mountain Shooter
      The full-scale war of a country possessing an NWF with a country not possessing it, as it is poorly understood.
      Well, remember the war with Georgia. Asian armies are more numerous and less sensitive to losses. In addition, the American strategy of the 21st century will be to control the bottlenecks of the straits around the world and limit the spread of Chinese influence across the Ocean to the South . and L. Americas, Africa, B. Vostok. It would be beneficial for the United States to expand Chinese expansion deep into Eurasia: Siberia, Far East, Middle Asia. There is a high probability that in the event of aggravation in Central Asia, the Chinese will still "yell" there early or later, to protect their investments, the Silk Road and to seize resources. Afghanistan is well prepared for the meeting of "dear guests": in the rock, civilian American civil engineers and army personnel create a network of storage facilities and bunkers buried in the rock. And more ... Let me repeat myself. Tonight, something did not sleep and I wrote a post. Although it is not about Asian threats, but about threats to have a combined arms war in Europe. So ... night thoughts)))
      1. +6
        24 January 2016 10: 36
        Dear, Vadim. Of course, everyone understands perfectly well that we inherited one magic thing from the USSR. This is a "nuclear sword". It was not cut or sold, but on the contrary (our Russian knight is holding his kladenets in his right hand on the ground, in the skies and at sea) But in the left there should be a strong scarlet shield - this is our own Red Army (... tanks, infantry, artillery fire ... (c)). Yes, at the present time a direct armed clash with NATO divisions seems out of the realm of fantasy. But it is also a surprise, that the attacker feels safe until the last moment. Remember how quickly and unexpectedly we returned Crimea! Not a single political scientist and analyst in the eve of this operation did not even hint that such a "Victoria" would be done by our little men with machine guns and human beings with large shoulder straps and with academic badges on their uniforms. The enemy is no more stupid than us. It is foolish to think that it is more stupid. To think so is to give him a head start ... In a month, six months, a year - what will be the situation inside the country, how many rubles will we pay for a buck, how many rubles for a loaf? No one knows how the situation will develop on our western border. What if the Albanians, together with IS troops, will attack the Serbs and there will the massacre begin? And to bring up the artillery to the border. Fantastic, tell me! By no means, the European Union just collapsed and NATO got rid of the Youngonatos (though it left military bases). It all started with Germany. The migrants got them, people took to the streets. Merkel ordered to open fire on the demonstrators, but the police supported the protesters. And then Poroshenko drove his soldiers into battle, Tajikistan burst into flames, during the joint Azerbaijani_Turkish exercises, from the Karabakh border between the Turkish infantry and the Armenian border guards, a firefight ensues and develops into an oncoming battle. Japanese boat is in distress in the Kuril region. A Japanese rescuer and 5 helicopter carriers with a landing force and light artillery on board come to the rescue. A series of strange man-made catastrophes of a major In Moscow, a football fan is killed and pogroms begin, and in the first ranks there are nationalists and they put forward political demands And all these events take place discretely throughout the week. Maybe I'm exaggerating? May God grant that the western border is quiet. In all other directions. this silence sounded louder and more piercingly for those who in Europe and the Americas conjure over headquarters maps on the western border now 2 new divisions will stand. So that there are no surprises. That will be all peace and happiness smile
        1. 0
          25 January 2016 05: 29
          Quote: Thunderbolt
          In Moscow, a football fan is killed and pogroms begin, and in the first rows nationalists and they put forward political demands

          I agree that Russia is currently in great danger as it is not paradoxical-Russian nationalism.
  12. The comment was deleted.
  13. +2
    24 January 2016 10: 00
    The SCO must be given military functions. Since NATO does not want to be liquidated, a counterweight is needed. The CSTO, unfortunately, is not powerful enough for this.

    Unfortunately, this is difficult. The SCO consists of sovereign countries that differ in many respects and have opposing interests. But in NATO everyone is looking into the mouth of the United States; all are uniform, have no sovereignty and national characteristics (ant capitalism). laughing
  14. +5
    24 January 2016 10: 08
    The article is normal: only the army is being prepared for war, but for some reason they are not preparing the economy and people and they are not seriously engaged in the fifth column. There are a lot of economists, managers, and just a huckster-pond, and techies and production workers are only two times over and educated very. It seems not the way we are going.
  15. BAT
    24 January 2016 10: 16
    I don’t agree with the author about all the glycines there. Let there be deserters, if God forbid something happens. They were in the Second World War. And there were a lot of them. But not as massively as the author has just presented us. There was an Afghan war, there were Chechen wars, and so what? The desertion of our guys was strongly developed. Something I didn’t really hear about it. That's right here, many comrades say - you should not be afraid of desertion, and not the Chinese and Americans (although you should not forget about them in any case), but you need to be afraid of your internal enemies, the fifth column. All these rains, matzoh ears and the like had to be closed for a long time. And rightly Kadyrov called all this opposition to the enemies of the people. I fully support him in this matter.
  16. +1
    24 January 2016 10: 26
    It would be nice to return the Soviet bases slowly. Vietnam, Cuba, Angola. In South America, stir up a couple of bases, the United States is at hand. And it would be more interesting for us to live, and the USA would not get bored :)
  17. +7
    24 January 2016 10: 33
    I do not understand the meaning of such articles. Capsulely evaluate the aircraft of other countries with a gamut, having neither material nor clear criteria. Do you understand ?! I’ll say all my life in the army — the civilian population of the country, the condition of my native army is not able to assess, I’ll say even more now — the leadership of the army is not able to fully assess the condition of their troops and their combat effectiveness in a real conflict. Do you think the failures of the initial period of the Second World War were a revelation only to the population? Of course not! The entire Red Army from top to bottom was shocked by the scale of the setbacks. The proverb about the military preparing for past wars was not born from scratch. In armed confrontations, there are too many unknown variables for even a brilliant mind to predict the development of conflict. This, by the way, is the guarantee of my firm confidence in the Russian army, for not a single nation is so sure of the truth that you cannot foresee everything.
    1. 0
      24 January 2016 11: 49
      I especially liked the vyser about the "most experienced" Vietnamese army.
  18. +5
    24 January 2016 11: 31
    For us, now only the army of our pro-Western "law-defendants" and thieving officials is scary.
    For some reason, these enemies are not taken seriously.
    Or they are preparing to destroy in one fell swoop during the onset of a difficult time.
    But until that time they still have time to do business.
    And the external enemy ...
    We are able to simply erase aggressor countries from the map.
    The only multinational organization like ISIS.
    Here there is a sweep on the far frontiers, this is the norm.
  19. +2
    24 January 2016 11: 52
    If you want peace, prepare for war.
    1. +1
      24 January 2016 14: 00
      Already ready - you can relax and do everyday activities.
  20. +3
    24 January 2016 11: 57
    Quote: Ragnarek
    The army and navy - these are the only ones who will not betray

    The tsar’s army betrayed when the soldiers didn’t attack and spit on officers during World War I, at the same time part of the military units went over to the side of the Communists changing their oath. The second time our army betrayed the Soviet Union, having sided with the traitor Yeltsin, the army did nothing to protect the USSR, to which the soldiers took the oath. It is received in a short historical period, and this is less than a hundred years, our army twice changed the oath and betrayed the country. This is a fact and there’s no getting anywhere wink
  21. +8
    24 January 2016 12: 23
    If anyone will defend Russia, then these are simple hard workers living from paycheck to paycheck. Although they scold the government, they will tear any foreigner. He who has accumulated a small capital, and especially a large one, will sell everything with giblets and will run away at the slightest danger.
    1. +1
      24 January 2016 13: 57
      Naturally, those who have money will go abroad, a rabble from the republics of the former union will go to their homeland. Surely many will run away from the army, now there is no ideology, as in the 41st, volunteers will not go massively, they will be caught by the police. And those who worked for a penny, who were considered cattle, who survived in modern realities, as you wrote from paycheck to paycheck will remain to defend the country.
  22. +1
    24 January 2016 13: 17
    indeed. at the moment, the devastation in the human brain leads to the destruction of the state where he was born and lives. and in order to prevent this, there must be a struggle for the human brain in a good sense. and in Russia only the struggle for the “golden calves” in the eyes of the systematic destruction of the common people by distorting education, healthcare, etc.a especially in indulging theft in the upper echelons of power.
  23. +3
    24 January 2016 13: 31
    Excerpt from the article: I would like to ask Russian pacifists: do you even understand what they can do?
    I’m not a pacifist, that’s why the house has a safe with a certain number of weapons and ammunition. I periodically take my wife and now my daughter to the shooting range. The main thing is that the acquired skills would never be useful in my life.
    (License and hunting ticket available)))
  24. +3
    24 January 2016 15: 59
    Quote: Vadim237
    Do not worry about China, they are not to attack Russia, because Russia's nuclear potential is 5 times more powerful than the Chinese.

    It’s you in a hurry ... China is the only potential opponent of Russia in the East at the moment.
    You can’t deal a nuclear strike on each regiment, and China has countless such regiments and divisions.
    China has an acute shortage of natural resources and an oversupply of population.
    China is our very likely enemy in the near future.

    Here are both Koreas and Vietnam, which are dragged into the article? - absolutely do not intersect.
    1. 0
      24 January 2016 16: 08
      China has more than 1680 vryatli regiments - we have so many warheads and strategic cruise missiles armed with nuclear weapons - the arrival time is at least 7-8 minutes, China is the first country in the world in terms of reserves of rare earth metals, and we supply them with wood and gas.
  25. +5
    24 January 2016 16: 09
    Quote: Yak28
    The tsar’s army betrayed when the soldiers didn’t attack and spit on officers during World War I, at the same time part of the military units went over to the side of the Communists changing their oath. The second time our army betrayed the Soviet Union, having sided with the traitor Yeltsin, the army did nothing to protect the USSR, to which the soldiers took the oath. It is received in a short historical period, and this is less than a hundred years, our army twice changed the oath and betrayed the country. This is a fact

    And now for what to fight? There are no ideological foundations, there is no national idea, moral obstacles are destroyed ...
    For the Russian bourgeois - Rotenberg, Gazprom and other Abramovich? - yeah, right now!
    For faith, the "king" and his homies from the Lake Cooperative? - also.

    No matter how a surprise happens to many ... I am quite seriously saying: more than once in the smoking rooms I heard "I have nothing to fight for - I have nothing and will not have anything."
    If there is no 100% appeal and social justice in the country, then you can’t especially count on the children of workers and peasants ...
    Eyes open! - why fight to death? For the further sweet life of the Russian capitalists?

    It would be interesting to read: how many percent of Russian citizens own the wealth of Russia ... 5-10 percent? And the rest is poverty without any prospects.
    So, think about it ... There, there were 17 million Communists (all officers!) - which of them came out to defend the Soviet regime?
    And they swore an oath ... They swore an oath of fidelity and love ... The most "loving" are political officers ...
    Something I do not recall a single feat in defense of the USSR in 1991 ...
    What makes you think that after 25 troubled years of lawlessness and shameless plundering of the country by "confidants" something will change for the better?
  26. +2
    24 January 2016 16: 25
    Quote: Vadim237
    Vryatli regiments of China more than 1680 ... and oil, we supply them with wood and gas.

    With my own eyes on the urgent "83-85" I saw physical education lessons in Chinese villages across the border - when children practice bayonet strikes in the yard with sticks in their hands.
    And I saw how, according to commands from the reproducers in each village, residents quickly line up and with songs go to the field to harvest. This is a finished unit - in every village no less than a platoon-company!
    Mao's motto at one time was "700 million Chinese - 700 million soldiers."
    In the border zone of China in every village, to this day, there is an arsenal with SKS army carbines and a supply of food for all residents of the village.
    Their mobilization reserve is equal to the total population of Russia! - 140 million soldiers!
    There is nothing worse than underestimating the enemy ...

    We supply them for money. And they have a thought: "Why pay when you can take it for free?"
    Are you aware that the governor of Primorsky Krai several years ago said that the number of working Chinese in Primorye is already greater than the number of local people?
    Do you know that young Chinese pay for fictitious marriages in order to obtain Russian citizenship - moreover, local Russian women willingly "earn extra money", getting "married" 3-5 times?
    1. +1
      24 January 2016 19: 58
      After delivering a massive nuclear strike, the Chinese will no longer have a bayonet.
  27. +1
    24 January 2016 17: 27
    Quote: Leader
    And now for what to fight? There are no ideological foundations, there is no national idea, moral obstacles are destroyed ...
    For the Russian bourgeois - Rotenberg, Gazprom and other Abramovich? - yeah, right now!
    For faith, the "king" and his homies from the Lake Cooperative? - also.

    It turns out that there’s really nothing to fight for. Many will say for the Motherland, but what has it given to hard workers who honestly work and pay taxes, Motherland? Pauper wages, wretched medicine, a constant rise in price for everything that is possible, and complete disempowerment. It is hard to believe that today's children actors, singers, politicians, directors, speculators
    Yantov businessmen, they will go to fight for their homeland. Who brought the country to such a state that NATO troops at our borders let them fight and work hard at factories.
  28. +1
    24 January 2016 22: 08
    Quote: Vadim237
    After delivering a massive nuclear strike, the Chinese will no longer have a bayonet.

    Tomorrow, the Chinese will send troops to Primorye under the pretext of protecting their citizens - and we will find ourselves in ... well!
    Will there be a "massive nuclear strike" on its territory? fool
    Yeah, right now! Moreover, the entire world community with a squeal will support the Chinese. And they will threaten the Russian oligarchs with new sanctions.
    And it will be like with the Outskirts and Crimea - silently wipe off ...
    The Chinese military are not Europeans for you ... (which I do not consider for serious soldiers and do not put anything in anything).
    1. +1
      24 January 2016 23: 11
      As they introduce and ransack it, our intelligence does not sleep, and you can’t hide preparations for the deployment of troops — we’ve already thought about this at the Moscow Defense Ministry — the Chinese are not stupid to commit collective suicide — otherwise, two hundred million Chinese citizens will reach temperatures of 10000 degrees in one second, within a few minutes, while the attack is going on, another two hundred million will die from fires and blockages, in the first month after the attack another 300 million will die from radiation and chemical damage - and then the slow and painful death of the entire Asian region - and the guys who invaded the Primorsky Territory will understand that they have no where to return.
  29. +3
    25 January 2016 00: 09
    In assessments of China, the author is clearly stuck in the 1980-1990x years, greatly underestimates it.

    "On the other hand, China's economic growth has slowed down ... be that as it may, the slowdown in China's economic growth has a negative impact on the program of re-equipping the armed forces with modern weapons and military equipment."

    We have not seen such economic growth since the days of the USSR, and this fact does not prevent China from rearming.

    "The Vietnam War (1979) revealed, in addition to the PLA's lack of modern weapons, poor training of command personnel and low mobility of units."
    What was, was. How many years have passed? China is no longer that peasant country with a peasant army.

    "As you know, the most numerous armies are not always the most combat-ready. Much time and effort is spent on their deployment, redeployment, command and control, and all-round support."
    Previously, yes, messengers on horseback. In the age of digital technology and high-speed landing vehicles - there is nothing to hope for a long deployment.

    "China's nuclear forces are not such a deadly threat."
    No one knows for sure the composition and quantity of China's nuclear forces. And anyway, how can one underestimate nuclear weapons? Even a pair of Chinese bombs is enough to destroy an industrial center
    1. 0
      25 January 2016 10: 59
      China will not attack anyone - it will continue to carry out peaceful expansion.
  30. 0
    25 January 2016 19: 25
    China has historically waged defensive wars and is not arming itself for a war with us, the main enemy of Russia at this point in time is the US government and the elite behind them. A hybrid war is already underway with us, the events in Ukraine, (officially recognized 5 billion dollars The United States on the preparation of the "Maidan"), sanctions are the main beneficiary of the United States, oil falling to a minimum and who drops it - I have already seen this when the USSR collapsed. years, during this time to hold a referendum on the Constitution - on the powers of the President, state ideology, the status of the Central Bank. And there and on TV they will begin to tell the truth, whose advisers sit in all ministries and who and for what writes the laws.