Victory in the war must be achieved before the first shot.

Victory in the war must be achieved before the first shot.

The military operation of Russia against the Islamic State (IG) banned in Russia caused a flurry of anti-Russian information-psychological hysteria on the part of Western countries. Using the media and communications, Western countries continue to escalate the atmosphere of hostility towards the leadership of Russia and its policies. Representatives of the domestic “fifth column” joined the anti-Russian choir of the Western countries, by and large conducting subversive sabotage activities inside the country. As a result of the unbridled informational and psychological impact, the international authority of Russia is undermined, protest sentiments are forming inside the country, enormous damage is caused to the state in all spheres of its life activity. In this regard, there is a need for closer attention to the information-psychological confrontation, careful analysis of its characteristics and features.


Information and psychological confrontation has a long history. It arose simultaneously with the emergence of armed confrontation as an integral part of the armed struggle in the form of a psychological means of weakening the enemy’s combat power and raising the morale of its troops.

Currently, the information-psychological confrontation has emerged as an independent form of struggle, which can be waged both without direct use of military violence, and in combination with military force. For many states, the information-psychological confrontation, especially manifested in the most acute and aggressive forms, has become an extremely dangerous phenomenon.

Scientific and technical progress in the field of information and communication technologies, erasing national boundaries, and the successes of social psychology in studying the behavior of the masses force the leadership of leading world powers to revise their military concepts. The practice of purposeful information-psychological pressure, which causes significant damage to the national interests of the opposing states, is being extended.

Currently, the leadership of the United States holding events on the informational and psychological impact on the military-political leadership and public opinion of various countries, on the world community as a whole, is being elevated to the status of the main content of preparation for military actions.

The purpose of the information-psychological confrontation is to control people, forcing the population of the victim country to support the aggressor, acting contrary to their interests, without employing the existing socio-psychological defense mechanisms.

On this occasion, American publicist Robert Green writes: "Influence people so that they draw conclusions that are desirable for you, believing that you have thought of what you are looking for on your own."

According to the staff of the Belarusian Regional Branch of the Academy of Military Sciences of the Russian Federation, Yu.E. Kuleshov, B.B. Zhuddiev and D.A. Fedorov, the goal of information-psychological confrontation is achieved by solving the following tasks:

- the substitution of traditional moral values ​​and orientations of citizens, the creation of an atmosphere of spiritlessness, the destruction of national spiritual and moral traditions and the cultivation of a negative attitude to the cultural heritage of the enemy;

- manipulation of public consciousness and political orientation of social groups of the population of the country to implement the so-called "democratic transformations" in the interests of creating an environment of political tension and chaos;

- disorganization of the public administration system, the creation of obstacles to the functioning of state institutions;

- destabilization of political relations between parties, associations in order to provoke conflicts, forcing an atmosphere of distrust in government bodies;

- intensification of the political struggle, provoking repressions against the opposition - a network of non-governmental organizations (the so-called “democratic forces”) and individual “independent” activists;

- reducing the level of information support of the authorities and management in order to make it difficult to make important decisions;

- Disinformation of the population about the work of state bodies, undermining their authority, and discrediting of management bodies;

- provoking social, political, national and religious clashes;

- mobilization of protest moods and the initiation of strikes, riots and other economic protest actions;

- undermining the international authority of the state, its cooperation with other countries;

- damage to the vital interests of the state in political, economic, defense and other fields.

When information and psychological confrontation, the objects of influence and protection are the population and the personnel of the armed forces of the opposing sides, as well as the system of formation of public opinion and decision-making, which include political and military leadership.

The main means of information and psychological confrontation are information and communication networks, communication networks, military information infrastructure, and the media.

The analysis of the informational-psychological confrontation at the present stage allows us to single out several basic trends in the development of means and methods that will determine its essence and character in the near future.


Social networks are a new modern tool used in the interests of activating protest sentiments, coordinating the actions of protesters, informing the international community about current events.

Information flows from social networks Facebook and Twitter by sending protest actions to e-mail and mobile phones of users allow you to collect a critical mass of people at the right time and place.

According to experts, communication on Facebook or Twitter creates a sense of ownership among people, and putting photos or video clips provides the effect of presence. Thanks to this, millions of people abroad will instantly learn about events, who can join the struggle, demanding from their governments decisive actions in support of one or another of the opposing sides.

Thus, involvement of the population in social virtual networks is a new promising method of manipulating the minds of people, allowing citizens to mobilize for the necessary actions, being far from the epicenter of events.

Currently, the USA has developed a personal management program (Persona Management Software), with which you can create and manage dummy social network accounts to distort the truth and create the impression that there is a generally accepted opinion on controversial issues. The program allows a small number of people to report and promote false information, creating at the same time at the expense of the “army” of fictitious users the impression of their universal acceptance. With the help of the program, you can also follow public opinion and find genuine points of view, so that with the help of “fictitious” people you can carry out dirty campaigns to distort these points of view and discredit “real” people practicing them.

In the modern world, the decomposition of statehood, including Russian, occurs as a result of the activities of transnational media corporations (TNK-media), carrying out cross-border activities through a multi-stage network of branches, subsidiaries, affiliated companies and other resources.

Being interconnected with international political and economic structures, TNC-media contribute to the weakening of the national state through informational influence. To influence decision-making, state and intergovernmental structures of TNK-media use, for example, information pressure or control of the “global political agenda”. To do this, they seek to acquire the most popular Internet resources, social networks and other media. As a result, their “informational strength” increases, by which is meant an endless, but controlled flow of information resources in the sphere of global politics and international relations. The impact of this force can lead to the disintegration of society, the decentralization of state power, the virtualization of life, the asymmetry between the economic and political spheres of society, a revolution in the means of ensuring security.

TNK-media began to penetrate the domestic market in the period of publicity in the second half of the 80-s of the last century and played a significant role in the collapse of the USSR. Currently, foreign TNK-media are paying great attention to various kinds of problems in Russia and, under the guise of protecting the rights of citizens, spread anti-Russian information on their resources. An attempt of the state to resist the information pressure of TNK-media is positioned in foreign sources as a restriction of freedom of speech.

Under these conditions, the development of a program of information countering TNK-media, aimed at exposing unfair and deceitful messages distributed on social networks and Internet resources, minimizing their negative impact on public opinion at home and abroad, as well as on expanding influence of Russian media resources in the international arena. Within the framework of this program, the government of Russia should initiate bills that ensure effective state control over the mass media and limit the influence of TNK-media on the Russian audience.


Modern technologies allow agitators of terrorist organizations to penetrate directly into the mobile devices of citizens. Reuters Photos

The mass media (mass media) include an expanded arsenal of ways to influence the psyche of the individual and the masses in order to introduce psychological attitudes into the subconscious mind and form patterns of behavior in the unconscious psyche. The media includes television, press, radio, cinema, theater, circus, all entertainment events and literature, videos, billboard and public transport advertising, sound recordings and video recordings, etc., which can be used to influence a mass audience.

Of all the media on the highest manipulative effect television stands out.

When watching TV shows of any orientation, the right hemisphere of the brain works mainly in a person. The right hemisphere thinks in images and is responsible for a comprehensive vision of the world, that is, assembles individual frames of what he saw into a single holistic composition. This turns off the work of the left hemisphere with its analytical thinking. Thus, all the information seen through watching TV seamlessly penetrates the subconscious, where it forms the corresponding psychological attitudes and patterns of behavior. As a result, the sponsors of the TV channels program the population of the country to perform the specified actions, practically leaving no chance for the person to resist, using his strength.

In addition, the "necessary" information is often repeated. In this case, another important principle of hypnosis is applied. Repetition dramatically enhances the power of suggestion, reducing as a result the behavior of many people to the level of ordinary reflexes of the nervous system.

A particular danger is watching television for children. With regard to the manipulative effect aimed at children, it should be said that children, by virtue of age, have not developed a skill of understanding the information that is served by means of television.

Television has no less danger on the psyche of adults.

Television with its huge flow of visual information, a quick change of images does not give the opportunity to go back and once again see insufficiently understood frames, and therefore - to comprehend them.

While watching TV, the viewers' brain connects to a single system, which, using signs and symbols representing the coded signal, forms the corresponding psychological attitudes in the human subconscious. Thus, viewers get a certain code. Being encoded, they begin to think in the algorithms given by the manipulators.

Television is a spiritual drug, as Professor SG once said. Kara-Murza. In his opinion, the impact of television is such that a person loses free will and spends much more time at the screen than his information and entertainment needs require. At the same time, as in the case of drug addiction, a person continues to watch television, even if he understands his harm.

Reportages “from the scene of events” mounted and retouched in special laboratories make it possible to create an atmosphere of mass psychosis, to contribute to destabilization of the situation in the world, to form an appropriate world public opinion.

The main ways of manipulating the information used by the media, according to Yu.E. Kuleshov, B.B. Zhuddiev and D.A. Fedorov are:

- a blatant lie in order to disinform the population of their country and the foreign public;

- hiding critical information;

- immersion of valuable information in an array of information garbage;

- simplification, approval and repetition (suggestion);

- the substitution of terminology: the use of concepts and terms, the meaning of which is not clear or has undergone qualitative changes, which makes it difficult to form a real picture of the event;

- Introduction of taboos on certain types of information and sections News;

- recognition of the image: well-known political figures, representatives of show business can participate in custom-made political actions, thereby exerting a certain influence on the worldview of their fans;

- submission of negative information, which is better perceived by the audience compared with positive news.

Television and other mass media (radio, cinema, newspapers, magazines, etc.) change the habits of people by their activity, introducing into their subconscious new attitudes initiated by the West and their agents of influence. There is a zombie mass consciousness. And coded people act in the interests of their ideological opponents, without even knowing it.

The last decades of our country's life have been marked by an incredible immoral media pressure on society, which is virtually devoid of any means of control in this area. Some media engaged in the imposition of "democracy" in the form of legal nihilism and permissiveness, the cultivation of violence and moral maladjustment, the propaganda of the most unbridled mores and unnatural lifestyle - nudism, homosexuality, feminism, transsexualism. The ill effects of such media are that they form misconceptions about the meaning of human life. Therefore, for their own security in the country, it is necessary to develop a critical attitude towards information disseminated by the media. The disappearance of a stable national-cultural identity, the rejection of the spiritual and moral values ​​of the Russian people is the way to the disappearance of the nation as such.

Unfortunately, the government has little concern for the media situation. This is manifested in inadequate control over the activities of TV channels, publishers, connivance in issuing licenses for television and radio broadcasting, lack of censorship of what is shown on screens of cinemas and televisions, published in books, newspapers and magazines, published on the Internet. All this leads to the spiritual and moral impoverishment and depravity of Russian citizens.

In this regard, I would like to cite as an example Western countries, many of which have passed laws providing for harsh criminal penalties for criticizing the authorities and law enforcement agencies. Long-term imprisonment threatens those who dare to criticize the constitutional order and state policy. You can criticize private companies, banks, stock exchanges, individual politicians and businessmen, but not the power structures.

16 May 1918 The US Congress passed an amendment to the "Spying Act", still in force, according to which those who "speak orally in writing in a disloyal, sordid, rude or insulting tone about the form of government or concerning the Constitution of the United States, or in relation to the armed forces, ”faces up to 20 years in prison.

In the interests of ensuring the security of the state, it would be nice for Russia to learn from the experience of Western countries with regard to the media and its individual representatives.


Neuro-linguistic programming (NLP) is one of the new methods of influencing the brain and mental state of a person.

Everyone has a particular picture of the world (event), which is fixed in his psyche as a definite stereotype. In its depths, this picture consists of the reactions of the brain to certain combinations of sounds, colors, colors, visual images, etc.

By influencing these images and stereotypes with a certain set of sounds, visual images, words and thought constructions (a way of presenting information in a form convenient for the interlocutor, but creating the necessary changes to his previous stereotypes and behavioral constants), one can definitely achieve one’s own definite goals.

Due to the fact that in any management process the most important element is direct communication between decision makers or specialists preparing this decision, NLP can be considered as one of the ways of information-psychological confrontation.

The problem of using NLP is currently more relevant than ever in connection with the growing impact on human consciousness from all parts and spheres of society (politicians, media, advertising, family, corporations, etc.).

To counteract NLP, it is first necessary to exclude the possibility of influencing the brain and mental state of people using media and communication. To do this, it is necessary to tighten censorship on television, radio, on the Internet. It is necessary to put a barrier to the activities of all kinds of “specialists” conducting sessions of mental influence on a mass audience. On the other hand, it is necessary to make great efforts to cultivate the will power of people, reduce their tendency to suggestibility, and develop their critical thinking.


Cognitive weapons, by definition, the Russian scientist S.S. Sulakshina, is the introduction of false scientific theories, paradigms, concepts, and strategies that affect her government in the direction of the weakening of defensively significant national potentials into the intellectual environment of the enemy’s country.

In practical application, false scientific theories, paradigms, concepts, strategies are transformed into weapons of immense destructive power, affecting the national science and education, government, economy, defense.

Sulakshin cites the following examples of the use of cognitive weapons in modern Russia: the theory of post-industrialism; the theory of monetarism; theory of radical liberalism in economics; the concept of advancing productivity in relation to wages (in conditions of low wages); migration topics; topics of reorganization of the contour of education in the Russian Academy of Sciences, etc.

Along with the false theories, the West carried out false information about the trends in the development of modern science in general and military science in particular with the aim of directing scientific research along the wrong path.

For example, at present, the USA is actively introducing the proposition that future wars will, as a rule, be non-contact, using mostly non-nuclear high-precision means. If this point of view becomes dominant, the Russian Armed Forces will prepare for a war in which they will not have a chance to win (programmed defeat).

But if as a “asymmetric response” we prepare a contact war using the entire arsenal of armament and military equipment available in the country, then the character and the final of such a future war will be different.

To counter the cognitive weapon, it is necessary first of all to verify scientific theories, paradigms, concepts, strategies and identify those “pseudo-scientists” and those public and state institutions that are generators of false, dummy, disruptive theories.

For verification of scientific theories, paradigms, concepts, strategies, it is necessary to form a national strategic intellectual scientific expert direction and a national strategic intellectual center under the direct supervision of the Russian government.

Based on verification, the activities of “pseudo-scholars”, public and state institutions, aimed at hitting the cognitive potential of the country, should be stopped, the institutions should be disbanded, and the “pseudo-scholars” should suffer the most severe punishment for undermining the country's defense and treason.

The National Strategic Intellectual Center should develop authentic verified nationally oriented strategies, programs, development theories and projects of state management decisions, promote scientific activities in the interests of national security, and develop methods to counter intellectual sabotage.


The information and psychological confrontation of Russia should be conducted not sporadically and diversely on individual sources and goals, but systematically and simultaneously in all directions.

When planning and putting into practice the information-psychological confrontation, it is necessary to be guided by the following, established by Yu.E. Kuleshov, B. B. Zhuddiev and D.A. Fedorov, principles:

- continuity and flexibility of information and psychological impact;

- efficiency and flexibility of the events of information and psychological confrontation;

- offensive, aggressive and initiative;

- concreteness;

- ideological and political orientation.

The system of information and psychological confrontation of Russia can be formed in this form:

- State Council on the information and psychological confrontation under the President of the Russian Federation;

- regional councils for information and psychological confrontation with plenipotentiary representatives of the President of Russia in federal districts;

- Advisor to the President of Russia on information and psychological confrontation;

- national strategic intellectual center under the government of the Russian Federation;

- Coordination councils on information and psychological confrontation at the federal ministries of the Russian Federation;

- interdepartmental coordination center for information and psychological confrontation;

- advisory commission on legislative counteraction to the operations of information-psychological struggle against the leadership and the population of Russia;

- State Committee for the Control of Social Networks and Internet Resources;

- State Committee for the Control of Mass Media;

- management of military censorship of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation;

- management of information and psychological security of Russia.

Such a system is capable of effectively counteracting the threats to the information and psychological security of Russia both now and in the future.
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  1. +11
    17 January 2016 19: 00
    Well then, again, a lot of letters.
    1. +15
      17 January 2016 19: 06
      I threw the TV out of the balcony.
      1. +5
        17 January 2016 19: 48
        then you need a computer from the balcony)
        1. +29
          17 January 2016 20: 05
          Quote: Million
          then you need a computer from the balcony)

          Yesterday I watched reviews of lawn mowers on YouTube - the pop-up advertisements "how to FAST convert to Islam", "how to make a pilgrimage" and so on got bogged down. And a neat link to a Muslim website on every video.

          Who is blocking extremist sites there? Cuba leaving the money allocated for this lock? What do they get paid for?

          With Varvara Karaulova, the noise was raised, but who will think about the other thousands?

          I don’t care, I looked at the lawn mowers, and even the attitude to ANY religion even 50 years ago formed for myself - nothing. And young growth in 15-20 years? But if all this is multiplied by modern infantilism and the narrowness of erudition, combined with a drop in the level of education? CAP-CAP ...
          1. +7
            17 January 2016 20: 16
            From the text of the article
            The problem of using NLP is currently more relevant than ever in connection with the growing impact on human consciousness from all parts and spheres of society (politicians, media, advertising, family, corporations, etc.).
            And in education too.
            To counteract NLP, it is necessary first of all to exclude the possibility of affecting the brain and the mental state of people ...
            And in education too.
            For this ( ..), tremendous efforts must be made to cultivate the willpower of people, to reduce their tendency to suggestibility, developing their critical thinking.

            Right! Remove the psycho-diarrheal and mindlessly-cramming USE in schools!
            1. +13
              17 January 2016 20: 36
              Quote: Tatiana
              That's right! Remove in schools psycho-diarrheal and thoughtless-cramming USE!

              Kill!!!! (I apologize for the harshness)
              Minister? (education?)
              Those who "type (o)" invented, advised and continues the work of red-haired inventors, advisers, etc. from ........ in!
              mini strov
              (.... CULTURES?),
              (.... ZDRA ...
              1. +2
                18 January 2016 09: 52
                Quote: Baikonur
                To kill !!!! (I apologize for the harshness)
                Minister? (education?)
                Those who "type (o)" invented, advised and continues the work of red-haired inventors, advisers, etc. from ........ in!
                mini strov
                (.... CULTURES?),
                (.... ZDRA ...

                We need to start with the financial and economic sectors. Shooting for them would be too soft a measure. They must be sent in pea jackets to construction sites of the century for ten years without the right of correspondence. Let them restore what they destroyed. It is necessary to plow wild land and rebuild plants.
            2. +1
              18 January 2016 03: 50
              Quote: Tatiana
              Right! Remove the psycho-diarrheal and mindlessly-cramming USE in schools!

              C'mon, not everything is hopeless. Compared with previous generations, our young animals are dumb, but their hereditary criticality of the mind is clogged up on the disk, it doesn’t go away at all. And let all the Fursen women puff, and then they go, they go somewhere.
              1. +5
                18 January 2016 05: 56
                C'mon, not everything is hopeless

                Dear iliitchitch! You just do not know. The Bologna system in the collapse of the quality of education in the Russian Federation is already making itself felt.

                It should be noted that the Bologna education system with its Unified State Examination works by and large against Russia. The Unified State Exam passing system orientates future applicants not to understanding the knowledge system itself and the scientific methodologies themselves by which this knowledge is obtained, but to primitive cramming of the information that already exists.
                Such a Bologna formation is similar to the behavior of a pack of wolves driven to shoot, which hunters overlaid with red flags and who can’t guess what kind of flags can be released. As a result, all driven wolves are shot.
                Recently, I was at a scientific and practical conference, at which a report was presented on how society interprets what is happening in the country and the world for different age groups. And it turned out that a critical understanding of what is happening in people of the age group up to 35 years ALREADY does not currently depend on whether they have a higher education or not. Both think in the same way - stereotyped primitively - without going beyond the framework of information and educational school programs. Studies show that people with higher education, like people with secondary education, do not have their own productively analytical and critical ideas and that they simply have a larger set of empirical information that they do not know how to use. Therefore, they are all easy to manipulate, they do not notice it.
                But for older people, everything is different. Older people who received higher education in the Soviet era, when assessing what is happening, think completely differently depending on the level of their education. The higher their educational level, the more difficult it is to manipulate them - they think outside the box, demonstrate good analytical thinking and a more creative approach to solving specific practical problems, they more adequately assess the situation in the country and abroad and draw the right conclusions.
                Here are the "fruits" of the Bologna educational system in comparison with the Soviet one. And this is just one of many negative indicators of the consequences of the transition of education to the system of admission to universities based on the results of only passing the Unified State Exam.
                1. +4
                  18 January 2016 10: 09
                  Quote: Tatiana
                  The Unified State Exam passing system orientates future applicants not to understanding the knowledge system itself and the scientific methodologies themselves by which this knowledge is obtained, but to primitive cramming of the information that already exists.

                  Faced this literally for the weekend, when my grandson screwed brains on algebra. In his opinion, - (2x-3y) = 3y-2x not because - (2x-3y) = - 1 * (2x-3y = - 1 * 2x - (- 1x * 3x + -X = 2у + 3х. But because just to get rid of the minus in front of the brackets, you need to swap the numbers with variables in brackets. Feel the difference? The investigation was explained to them, having saved their tender, not touched by intellect brains, understanding of the reason. I'm not talking about multiplying kilometers by liters - if only the answer was like at the end of the textbook ...
                  In the subject laughing

                  -How many will 6 multiply by 7?
                  - Actually, 42 ...
                  -Well, I rounded ...
                  As a result, their entire algebra turns into either a guessing game and poking the solution to the answer, or using absolutely incorrect formulas. Otherwise, it cannot be without understanding. And not only in algebra.

                  The most horrifying thing is that my grandson does not study in the worst school and is far from the worst. "Fours" - "Five" wears. Apparently when the answer is right. Do not guess - "threefold". Panic involuntarily arises - if he is not the most stupid in the class and does not know the elementary, then what are the rest? ...

                  Glory to the Bologna system - USE glory? negative negative negative
                  1. +2
                    18 January 2016 22: 30
                    Dear Zoldat_A! Thank you for your support and understanding!
                    The system of methodological knowledge is laid in the first grade. As laid down by some teachers, I will give an example. She herself was a witness.
                    Children passed the number 10. The young teacher tells the students:
                    - Well, children, we have passed all the numbers in mathematics. There are only nine of them (?!), And he begins to list them, - one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine - and that’s all!
                    And where is her zero? This is the first.
                    And the second is that the numbers in mathematics are not called what she said, but: unit, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, eight, nine and zero. And the teacher did not list the numbers in mathematics, but the name of the numbers. This is a gross methodological error in mathematics, which then leads the child to difficulties in understanding him of the whole system of constructing numbers from even to 20, and even more so. There can be an infinite number of numbers, but they are written using 10 numbers, like a lot of different words from all 33 letters. The child does not understand the system, but memorizes it. All mathematics flies at him somersault, then he begins to hate her.

                    I wanted to ask her: “What did you have at your math school if you still don’t know the difference between a number and a number and, most importantly, don’t understand ?!”
                    This is how they teach, and parents or tutors then correct, retrain - it's good if on time. The teacher then hangs on the child the label "incapable of mathematics" - "humanist!
          2. 0
            17 January 2016 22: 11
            Hmm .... Interesting. Or were you looking at some Uber-Lawnmowers or it wasn’t YouTube laughing Where this world is heading for, earlier it was suggested to pump up bitsuhu well or to increase something there .... and now Islam belay survived laughing
          3. +1
            18 January 2016 02: 30
            Quote: Zoldat_A
            Yesterday I watched reviews of lawn mowers on YouTube - the pop-up advertisements "how to FAST convert to Islam", "how to make a pilgrimage" and so on got bogged down. And a neat link to a Muslim website on each video

            Given how contextual advertising is selected, the question is what the author was looking for.
            1. +3
              18 January 2016 09: 47
              Quote: FinnTroll
              Hmm .... Interesting. Or were you looking at some Uber-Lawnmowers or it wasn’t YouTube
              Given how contextual advertising is selected, the question is what the author was looking for.

              The author of this search lawn mower, and the advertisement is not a DIRECT, but the one that YouTube overlays on top of the video. Regardless of the browser search history. In the directorate, as it should be in accordance with search queries, advertising lawn mowers.

              The author of TODAY gave too many years of his life to the Soviet Army and spent in Muslim countries to be interested in how to "quickly convert to Islam". I think those recruiters would hardly have a desire to recruit me if they could get acquainted with my personal file ... am

              How is the advertising theme formed in the browser - Wikipedia to help you ...
        2. The comment was deleted.
        3. +1
          17 January 2016 23: 21
          Quote: Million
          then you need a computer from the balcony)

          BETWEEN THAT, as required to prove -
          There are no miracles, as you know, 3,14
          1 i-stage Falcon 9 hard landing on a floating platform

          The landing landing gear was broken during the landing. Landing took place at a calculated location on a floating platform in the Pacific Ocean after the launch of the Jason 3 satellite.

          РИА Новости
      2. +5
        17 January 2016 20: 02
        Quote: PHANTOM-AS
        I threw the TV out of the balcony.

        Barbaric disposal. Do not pollute the environment! hi
      3. +3
        17 January 2016 21: 09
        Well, maybe it’s not necessary so dramatically ... At least TNT should not be included (all these vomit-Dom2, Univers, etc.) .. It seems that it is profitable to TOP to show it. No matter how much they write, complained, it's all to no avail ..
        Quote: PHANTOM-AS
        I threw the TV out of the balcony.
    2. +12
      17 January 2016 19: 19
      I read it, I felt flawed, I drank a skate, it didn’t work! Something from the category of political information for fighters from rural settlements, Schaub was imbued with a sense of their own insignificance. The author is arson, I'll go bang! negative
      1. +10
        17 January 2016 19: 23
        Quote: Major Yurik
        I'll go bang again!

        Tomorrow is Monday! am
        PS crying
      2. +11
        17 January 2016 19: 38
        Quote: Major Yurik
        I'll go bang again! negative

        And for you, comrades Voshniki! drinks And to work tomorrow, and still, For you! smile
        1. +10
          17 January 2016 19: 42
          Quote: Sid.74
          And for you, comrades Voshniki! And to work tomorrow, and still, For you!

          .. support .. drinks .. but only a beer .. work even tomorrow .. hi
          1. +4
            17 January 2016 19: 48
            Quote: Inok10
            . but only a beer ..

            what Sorry, comrade ... I can go for a beer, but ... but it’s not worth it ... I already ... rum ... waved .... wassat
            1. +7
              17 January 2016 19: 56
              Quote: Sid.74
              Sorry, comrade ... I can go for a beer, but ... but it’s not worth it ... I already ... rum ... waved ....

              .. yes, to your health ..! .. a mustache, do not flood, the moderator does not sleep .. he drinks with everyone together .. laughing
            2. +6
              17 January 2016 20: 51
              Oh, compatriots, it would be nice to pack up and really bang! They don’t sell it at VO, but with many of you I would drink it for indifference and faith in the Fatherland, for decency! God give you good luck, health and sanity! Well, for Monday, although I'm on vacation! drinks hi soldier
        2. +9
          17 January 2016 20: 03
          Quote: Sid.74
          Quote: Major Yurik
          I'll go bang again! negative

          And for you, comrades Voshniki! drinks And to work tomorrow, and still, For you! smile

          No need for us! We ourselves ...
        3. +4
          17 January 2016 20: 28
          sid. 74, Major Yurik thank you, but Ingvar72... offer public censure ... drinks
      3. +13
        17 January 2016 19: 54
        Quote: Major Yurik
        I'll go bang again!

        Comrade Major Yuri, I join you, otherwise the head will simply explode. drinks
        1. +7
          17 January 2016 19: 57
          Quote: Major Yurik
          I'll go bang again!

          Quote: Sid.74
          anyway, For you!

          Quote: Inok10
          support .. .. but only a beer

          Some kind of society of anonymous alcoholics. laughing
          1. +8
            17 January 2016 19: 59
            Quote: Vladimirets
            Some kind of society of anonymous alcoholics.

            .. nor any anonymity .. nor any alcoholism .. for VO! .. and, you, my friend, not a drinker for an hour? .. is suspicious .. laughing
            1. +4
              17 January 2016 20: 02
              Quote: Inok10
              a, you Daddy an hour, not a drinker an hour

              Yes I, this ..., also, as if now
              Quote: Inok10
              just a beer .. work even tomorrow

              1. +3
                17 January 2016 21: 16
                laughing laughing laughing good
                Anonymous? From society? good I support everyone, but only tea drinks Tomorrow on the hunt. And you work hard! tongue
      4. +5
        17 January 2016 19: 58
        About the Author:
        About the author: Vasily Yuryevich Mikryukov - Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Candidate of Technical Sciences, Corresponding Member of the Academy of Military Sciences, SNA, specializing in “Operational art in general and by types of armed forces, combat arms, and special forces”.
        To whom it is not interesting, do not read - but comments like:
        iliitchitch (1) RU Today, 19:00 New
        Well then, again, a lot of letters.
        Major Yurik (2) SU Today, 19: 19 ↑ New
        I read it, I felt flawed, I drank a skate, it didn’t work! H

        Quote: vv3
        vv3 Today, 19:02 New
        Deputy politician at a military forum. The author did not mix up anything. Complete nonsense, but in fact let him get feedback in other Internet resources.

        in fact, they are not. Clearly, reading is not for everyone.
        1. +4
          17 January 2016 20: 17
          Quote: Dembel 77
          About the author: Vasily Yuryevich Mikryukov - Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Candidate of Technical Sciences, Corresponding Member of the Academy of Military Sciences, SNA, specializing in “Operational art in general and by types of armed forces, combat arms, and special forces”.

          Well, for the doctor! drinks
    3. +2
      17 January 2016 19: 21
      Nlp is a very curious thing! First you need to bring the country out of binge and drug addiction, then you can treat your head!)
      1. +1
        17 January 2016 19: 34
        Nlp is a very curious thing! First you need to bring the country out of binge and drug addiction, and then you can treat your head!) ................................. .......................................
        .................................................. ..............................
        ........................................ Quite right, alcohol and drug addiction are the main enemy of Russia!
        1. +5
          17 January 2016 19: 48
          Quote: Pirogov
          Quite right, alcohol and drug addiction are Russia's main enemy!

          I agree, Yeltsin, not sparing his health and life, proved this to us and to the world as a whole, especially when when still in the language for the deaf-mute, standing in front of the orchestra.
        2. Erg
          17 January 2016 21: 04
          Pirogov. Complete nonsense, sorry. I have only seen one drunk in the last months. Outside. To convince the Russians that alcoholism and drug addiction are their main problem - that is, propaganda. Just an article on the topic ... Obama, over there, does not drink, does not smoke ... So what? Does he lead a "healthy" lifestyle? Leaving millions of destroyed lives around the world? .. In my opinion, a healthy lifestyle is to carry love and creativity. And then they came up with it, you see ... Stalin smoked, but Lenin did not ... I don't need to make my brain.
    4. +6
      17 January 2016 19: 57
      iliitchitch (1) RU Today, 19:00 New
      But what is it, again a lot of letters. "
      ..the same thought before the Patriotic War .... "The German proletarian will not shoot at the Russian worker"
      1. +6
        17 January 2016 20: 05
        Quote: 222222
        ..the same thought before the Patriotic War .... "The German proletarian will not shoot at the Russian worker"

        .. and during Perestroika, that Americans are Friends and Brothers to us .. the result of such thoughts is now before our eyes .. hi
    5. 0
      17 January 2016 20: 25
      The article is crappy ... the idea that the author is trying to convey is corrupted by excessive verbiage and claims to be scientific ... in the end, you read like rubbish ... but the meaning, alas, eludes ... I agree with you, iliitchitchzelo many beeches .... Reminds the next parliamentary hearings ... blah blah blah ... and all such clever people .... We are quick to understand ... crying
      1. +3
        17 January 2016 20: 45
        Quote: vsoltan
        . We are quick to understand crying

        Vyacheslav, I completely agree with you, maybe it makes sense to reduce our thought by a third?
        1. +4
          17 January 2016 20: 54
          Quote: Sid.74
          maybe it makes sense to reduce our thought by a third?

          But what about the average salary in the country, it will be reduced by two then. belay
      2. +3
        17 January 2016 21: 22
        Quote: vsoltan
        The article is crappy ... the idea that the author is trying to convey is corrupted by excessive verbiage and claims to be scientific ... in the end, you read like rubbish ... but the meaning, alas, eludes ... I agree with you, iliitchitchzelo many beeches .... Reminds the next parliamentary hearings ... blah blah blah ... and all such clever people .... We are quick to understand ... crying

        Here and figs! An intelligent person should convey the idea to the listener or reader intelligibly! And without the possibility of misinterpretation.
        Everything could be briefly expressed ...
        There are only enemies around, be vigilant, we will fight, we will win!
        Well, unless you pay for the number of lines ...
      3. -3
        17 January 2016 22: 54
        We are quick to understand ...

        Well, here you have to think, but you have already forgotten how! On such thoughtless propoganda and is calculated - than "many letters" to read, it is better to see "Dom-2" or "Nasha Russia". The brain does not strain there ... stop fool negative
        1. +4
          18 January 2016 00: 42
          No doubt you are only reading financial analysis ... with mathematical calculations ... :-)
    6. +1
      18 January 2016 01: 09
      Kadyrov spoke somewhat bluntly, in his own style, about the same thing. Time does not tolerate. It is necessary to firmly wage a struggle against the information-psychological propaganda unleashed by the West.
      No jokes here.
  2. +9
    17 January 2016 19: 00
    Currently, the leadership of the United States holding events on the informational and psychological impact on the military-political leadership and public opinion of various countries, on the world community as a whole, is being elevated to the status of the main content of preparation for military actions.

    The purpose of the information-psychological confrontation is to control people, forcing the population of the victim country to support the aggressor, acting contrary to their interests, without employing the existing socio-psychological defense mechanisms.

    On this occasion, American publicist Robert Green writes: "Influence people so that they draw conclusions that are desirable for you, believing that you have thought of what you are looking for on your own."
    .. absolutely true .. what exactly do we observe and read on a daily basis, including on VO .. hi
  3. vv3
    17 January 2016 19: 02
    Deputy politician at a military forum. The author did not mix up anything. Complete nonsense, but in fact let him get feedback in other Internet resources.
    1. +3
      17 January 2016 19: 34
      Right To offer the reader in the 21 century more than 100 words in one text, will reckon not to respect him. Decent people bring important information exclusively in the form of a comic strip.
    2. +11
      17 January 2016 20: 02
      Quote: vv3
      Deputy politician at a military forum. The author did not confuse anything.
      In vain, so indiscriminately, lightly approach the problem!
      These are all stages of the information war.
      To palm off on the enemy a false idea of ​​an object means to doom it to incorrect, inadequate action situations. And the mindset?
      Remember the civil war in Russia, Odessa, the ships of the interventionists, and how the French squadron was "promoted" by the Bolsheviks, which turned out to be incapable of combat. The command of the Entente was forced to take her home so as not to get revolutionary riots on the ships.
      And I am reminded of the pacifist crap about whether the commander of the RPKSN will press the SLBM launch button or whether he realizes that he is unleashing World War 3 and the whole of humanity "kirdyk".
      This is where the "front line" runs today, not where the author thinks.
  4. BAT
    17 January 2016 19: 10
    Damn, well, just a secret instruction for the middle and junior command staff of ideological troops !!! Honestly, I did not finish reading the rookery, I did not master it.
    1. +5
      17 January 2016 20: 08
      Quote: sichevik
      Honestly, I did not finish reading the rookery, I did not master it.
      Me too ... Truth diagonally ran to the end. Typical lecture on ideological confrontation. Academism, t.s. untreated, unsuitable for human consumption without special education ...
      Moderators! Make those who post such things on the site at least "comb" the material in the applied version for tactical level warriors ... Otherwise, no one will finish reading to the end. Learn the freshness and originality of the presentation of the material from O. Kaptsov!
      Best regards, hi
  5. +3
    17 January 2016 19: 15
    On this occasion, the American publicist Robert Green writes ....
    According to the staff of the Belarusian regional branch of the Academy of Military Sciences of the Russian Federation, Yu.E. Kuleshov, B.B. Zhutdieva and D.A. Fedorova ....
    And our, Russian fighters of the information war, what do they think?
    1. +14
      17 January 2016 20: 42
      Quote: svp67
      And our, Russian fighters of the information war, what do they think?

      And they don’t think, they conduct Gaidar forums. hi
    2. +1
      17 January 2016 21: 21
      Quote: svp67
      And our, Russian fighters of the information war, what do they think?

      But they don’t think. They read, did not understand, and decided to plump with grief.
      In short, the article is informative and to the point. But! Our fighters of the information warfare need clear and understandable instructions.
      1. +1
        17 January 2016 23: 32
        We all know this and we can not worse, but better. There are children - candidates for admission to the university - give them to us for a specialty in public relations and advertising at PSU in Penza. Let's make of them ... oh, people who see through everything, know and know how! Checked! from 1995 we teach such years, with 2000 we release. Twice were the best department in the Russian Federation! And there are state budget places!
  6. +7
    17 January 2016 19: 15
    "In this regard, I would like to cite as an example the Western countries, many of which have passed laws providing for severe criminal punishment for criticism of government agencies and law enforcement agencies."

    I would like to ask the author in which Western countries such laws are adopted? what
    1. +8
      17 January 2016 19: 24
      Quote: Vladimirets
      I would like to ask the author in which Western countries such laws are adopted?

      Well, in what ..., laughing Is Urkain a country? Western? For criticism spread rot? The only truth is that it is a state of lawlessness. Well, here's an example ... laughing Eugene, drinks ! What about the article, as they say, "Some proportions are better seen in a curved mirror" ...
      1. +2
        17 January 2016 19: 33
        Quote: Tersky
        Urkaina country?

        "Here, the question, you are hitting me with this question!" (c) "The meeting place cannot be changed" laughing
        Quote: Tersky
        Well, here's an example ...

        I found the same thing, an example. smile Hey. hi
        Quote: shooter18
        if any public servant (official) publicly criticizes the usa and their policies from the rostrum

        We also forbade a civil servant to criticize the actions of his superiors.
        Quote: shooter18
        and in the Baltic, it seems, the Russian TV channels were canceled

        Well, there are no official laws in this regard. wink
    2. +2
      17 January 2016 19: 25
      I think that everything works there a little differently, if some kind of public servant (official) publicly criticizes the United States and their policies from the rostrum, then he doesn’t have time to get home and the whole Internet will be full of news that will discredit him .. this is a grave for careers ... well, in the Baltic, it seems, the Russian TV channels were canceled
      1. +3
        17 January 2016 19: 55
        Can Senator McCain be considered a civil servant? Oh, he rinses Obama, be healthy, in a sailor’s way fellow ! Here's from the last: McCain: "Obama will be tried for the senseless death of Ukrainians ************ McCain condemned Barack Obama for his plans to meet with Russian leader Vladimir Putin at the 70th session of the UN General Assembly." The decision to hold such a meeting is wrong. It plays into the hands of Russia, undermines US policy and legitimizes Putin's destabilizing behavior, "McCain said. **************** Senator McCain: Obama is surrendering to Putin whatever he wants! *************** McCain: In Alaska, Obama overlooked the "Russian threat" again *************

  7. +2
    17 January 2016 19: 26
    Well, in principle, I think everything is right. If there is any possibility of influencing the enemy, then this effect will appear. And we have them either the first or the third threat (encrypted). In this regard, in my opinion, little attention is paid to the Ministry of Education.
    1. +5
      17 January 2016 20: 31
      Quote: Yuri Ya.
      In this regard, in my opinion, little attention is paid to the Ministry of Education.
      In this regard, we generally do not have a state policy of patriotic education! From the kindergarten pot to the construction teams! And Putin’s attempt to be the father of the people (oligarch + unemployed), it is basically not consistent: because you need to rely on the social layer, whose interests you express and protect. So far this is clearly not a working class, as was the case with the commie! Middle class? So now they rub it on blooming ... Then who?
      So it turns out that one needs to turn to the people, not in words, but in deeds.
      And the "neo-Garvardians" should be sent back to where they got such "scientists" from, and even together with our neo-monetary "banking". And it is high time to invest funds in the real sector of the economy, and not pour them into banks, which convert them into "sad raccoons" and drive them offshore!
      And what, none of those in power sees this?
      Then the question is: Do they even look there? And isn't it time for them to turn their heads to their heels, in the sense of 180 * !? So that they finally pay attention to ordinary workers, people, ts. - in whose interests they swore to work tirelessly!
  8. +1
    17 January 2016 19: 28
    Speaking of information wars. Did you notice that elevators with people started to fall sharply? It was not, it was not, and then how it began! The wave has gone, the people are in a panic.
    1. +3
      17 January 2016 21: 33
      There was not a single cable break and the lift did not fall. In the first case, the car went to the call with the doors open - the sin of the maintenance mechanic. In the second, the counterweight crumbled, jumping out of the guides, and cast iron ingots from a huge height smashed the car and broke the floor. Here, most likely. a sharp settlement of the building or cracks in the bearing wall, which led the counterweight guides (an I-beam or a corner, which is more likely). But for some reason, journalists need panic. Why?
  9. +3
    17 January 2016 19: 30
    "... discrediting the governing bodies" - so watch the video where the policeman does not let the ambulance pass with the signals on, for the sake of a motorcade with some kind of servant of the People. And there is no need for someone else's interference. Many are already on their nerves. For three days now I have an arsenal on an armchair near my computer, for some reason, I am reviewing the supplies for it several times a day - maybe what premonition?
  10. +4
    17 January 2016 19: 32
    But the author did not say anything new — how subversive work was carried out against us in the days of the USSR, and is now being carried out, only the methods of destroying the objective perception of reality have become more perfect, and the results are more predictable.
    1. +2
      17 January 2016 21: 24
      Quote: Great-grandfather of Zeus
      , only methods of destroying the objective perception of reality

      Only reality is objective. Perception of reality is always subjective.
  11. +5
    17 January 2016 19: 39
    There are accounts on Twitter, Facebook and somewhere else .... I honestly tried to understand what this is for. I know that the Social Networks project is a British military project, the result of which has exceeded all imaginable expectations. But I don’t understand - for what? And even more so, how can you hang around there for days? Himself kind of an adult, advanced, in a certain way an IT person. I can fix it from the socket to the computer. I watch TV for entertainment, no no, not entertainment programs, namely for entertainment, there are so many clowns. I have my own point of view and move me away from it - you need to try hard.
    NLP, well, well, we have pretzels that have mastered a couple of tricks from NLP - they imagine themselves to be overlords of the mind. A couple of these, the other day, told (vparivala) about **** pension fund (the name is specially omitted). Say, we give as much as 16,5%, they say otherwise they will throw you and so on and so forth. And all this was accompanied by the techniques (mediocre and inept) of NLP. As a result, from the question: Where did they get such altruism and a wild desire to make me happy for the gift? - fell into a stupor. Finished the question: And where is the money from you, I'm very interested. Already whole 16,5 percent? We began to slowly move to the exit. In pursuit I asked, and 16.5% of what, they accelerated the pace.
    There is a good expression: If a person wants to be deceived, they will deceive him. Lottery scam at stations is an example of this.
    1. +1
      17 January 2016 22: 11
      There are accounts on Twitter, Facebook and somewhere else .... I honestly tried to understand why this is necessary. I know that the Social Networks project is a British military project, the result of which has exceeded all imaginable expectations. But I don’t understand - for what?
      For espionage and intelligence, a social study of the state of mood in the enemy’s society. Especially before the election.
      And even more so, how can one hang around there for days?
      And there everything is on the machine. Recording for special services is included for certain words (for example, "Putin", "England", "pension", etc.) in a conversation or correspondence, if you are not constantly monitored by the special services.
  12. -8
    17 January 2016 19: 50
    blah blah blah forbid everyone to hang the lights turn off blah blah
    I would not have forgotten the foil hat ...
    well, seriously, what did they expect by invading the zone of interests of the USA and allies? Stormy applause?
    1. +3
      17 January 2016 20: 47
      Is the USA and the Allies not too big a zone of interests? Will they crack anything?
  13. +3
    17 January 2016 19: 55
    so much stuff has been printed for today, but there is only one conclusion to the campaign — we must prepare for war!
  14. +4
    17 January 2016 20: 02
    The author writes everything correctly, I.V. Stalin before the war. And propaganda, and neurolinguistic programming, and suggestion, and everything else. And he suppressed such actions on the part of the enemy in relation to his citizens. In the end, he brought up a super generation that did not break after the most serious defeats and was able to turn the tide of the war and restore the destroyed economy.
    At present, such actions of the enemy (psychological warfare) are not suppressed, but on the contrary are encouraged by our government: education is falling apart, there is continuous entertainment "below the belt" on TV, there is no sports work with children, there are no children's technical circles and clubs, not to mention the military sports camps and games ...
    The author writes a lot: the government must, the government is obliged. First we need to change our government. With this government we will go back to the 90s.
    1. Erg
      17 January 2016 21: 08
      To whom will we change? In the 17th already changed ...
  15. +4
    17 January 2016 20: 16
    The author raised a good topic, but does not own it.
    Do you know who was the most difficult person under investigation at the NKVD? From whom did the scouts hang themselves, for they could not achieve anything?
    For they did not try to discuss, evaluate something logically and somehow justify their position. These people cannot be manipulated.
    Therefore, you do not need to strain your brain, trying to resist NLP and other techniques. You can just say - I do not like it. If you say this sincerely, you are right.
    And everything else is an attempt to seem smart. This, by the way, is a bad scenario.
  16. +7
    17 January 2016 20: 27
    To become of course such that without 100 grams it is difficult to read to the end. In principle, everything is correct, but all this is aimed mainly at young people, but let's say the youth of the Soviet era was much more competent and knew how to separate the grain from the chaff. I do not deny, of course, that state propaganda was strong, but still the level of development and the intellectual level were much higher. Now look, you can hammer into their empty heads, anything ..PS
    1. +3
      17 January 2016 21: 27
      Quote: arsenks
      but let's say the youth of the Soviet era was much more literate and knew how to separate the grain from the chaff

      Yes, the same youth was as it is now. Only before brains were composted by Marx, and now liberalism.
  17. +1
    17 January 2016 20: 44
    Communicate with children and grandchildren more then the debility of their brains will not be able to spoil.
  18. 0
    17 January 2016 20: 45
    The "demonization" of NLP is especially touching. Already this moment shows that the author is poorly versed, at least in NLP.
    If we write about the methodology of influencing the psyche, then it is worth recalling the methods developed by the late Igor Viktorovich Smirnov (1951-2004)
    Academician Igor Viktorovich Smirnov recalled - “For me, the seventy-ninth year was a milestone, because it was then that we decided to apply for the opening. It was called so: "The property of higher organisms to distant interactions." What it is? It turns out that when there is a group of living objects, they are “boiled” in one information field. They pinched the tail of one rat - and for five thousand kilometers the other's heart stopped at that time. I will not exaggerate. So it was. We tried rabbits in Moscow and Samarkand. No doubt we have discovered an experimental weapon model! ”

    At least, it is Igor Viktorovich Smirnov that the Americans consider the creator of psychotronic weapons.
    It is worth noting that Igor Viktorovich's father was Viktor Semenovich Abakumov (April 11 (24), 1908, Moscow - December 19, 1954, Leningrad) - Soviet statesman, Colonel General (09.07.1945/XNUMX/XNUMX, Commissar of the Second Rank GB).

    Deputy Commissar of Defense and Head of the Main Directorate of Counterintelligence "SMERSH" of the People’s Commissariat of Defense of the USSR (1943-1946), Minister of State Security of the USSR (1946-1951).
  19. cap
    17 January 2016 20: 45
    I read the article completely. I agree with most of the comments. I would like to note to the author that the target audience is not exactly chosen. Although it’s interesting to read scientific manuals for specialists at VO, it seems to me that it should just become a desktop brochure for the Academy of Television reading. Otherwise, it turns out a theory without practice. Shooting idle.
    For those who are at sea! drinks
  20. +2
    17 January 2016 20: 46
    Serious article. Of course I knew that there were enemies around, but that there were so many .... :)
  21. +6
    17 January 2016 21: 08
    Quote: arsenks
    To become of course such that without 100 grams it is difficult to read to the end. In principle, everything is correct, but all this is aimed mainly at young people, but let's say the youth of the Soviet era was much more competent and knew how to separate the grain from the chaff. I do not deny, of course, that state propaganda was strong, but still the level of development and the intellectual level were much higher. Now look, you can hammer into their empty heads, anything ..PS

    Moreover, a failure in knowledge, some kind of sharp colleague of mine, born in 88 recently asked me who Hitler is and what kind of victory we celebrate every day of victory (to be honest, I barely refrained from letting her bream weigh) and she is also a mother of 2 children !! That's what she will teach them. Xs.
    When I briefly explained to her what she was very surprised at .... and there are millions in the country with a virgin brain that you can pour anything into. But fortunately, not the majority, the majority of the population of generation 80 still retained an understanding about your country.
    1. -1
      17 January 2016 21: 15
      And the most interesting thing is that in the "Picture of the Day" section there is an article called "Sovetskaya Experimental Airborne Transport Amphibian ZIL-135P". Pay attention to the word "SOVETSKAYA"! Again, the US and the State Department are harming Russia, enemies!
    2. Erg
      17 January 2016 21: 23
      That is why I think it is correct that "the order is first carried out and then discussed." Everyone performs their task at their site. Vyaknul on power - to bring down trees. Since there should be appropriate services (SMERSH). The herd (and we are) is controlled by the whip, for their own good. Leading the way, minus - that's exactly how it is in the United States. And in the USSR, under Stalin, it was so. Otherwise it's a mess and chaos. Which we, to some extent, are now seeing in Russia. I hope during my lifetime to catch the moment when a service will be created in Russia for which a traitor's tight wallet will not matter soldier
      1. -4
        17 January 2016 21: 40
        Somehow contradict yourself. Only the authorities have a tight wallet. And if the special service, protikoselkova, blathers on a purse or on the power, it, this special service will send the trees to bring down?
        And why are you, people in slavery, to your chosen ones, urge you to go? Will it get better?
        It is a pity that you think the people of the Russian herd and that you wish him. Do you want Stalin? For God's sake! Just look around you. Modern states even without Stalin (or maybe just without Stalin) rose after 1945. Some earlier, some later, are those that were first forced to pray by Stalin.
        1. Erg
          17 January 2016 22: 52
          No, my friend. For millennia, nothing has changed. Strong rules. Rules the flock (in fact). And the worst thing for "society" is if the "reins" are weakened. Trust me. They just start eating each other. That now, I observe with deep sorrow, and is happening ... You still did not understand that honor is above all money. hi
        2. +2
          18 January 2016 06: 27
          Quote: hrad
          Modern states even without Stalin (or maybe just without Stalin) rose after 1945. Some earlier, some later, are those that were first forced to pray by Stalin.

          The ones that are "later" are China, apparently? winked

          One country "rose", but only its main grandmother is held tightly by the legs so that she can stomp wherever the owners need.

          So "modern states without Stalin" have to pay for everything. Including - to climb into the furnace when ordered!
    3. The comment was deleted.
  22. +2
    17 January 2016 21: 33
    You can trust only one person - yourself. For from their own actions and decisions, OWN results are obtained: expected consequences, or "life experience".
  23. +2
    17 January 2016 22: 35
    Quote: Tatiana
    From the text of the article
    The problem of using NLP is currently more relevant than ever in connection with the growing impact on human consciousness from all parts and spheres of society (politicians, media, advertising, family, corporations, etc.).
    And in education too.
    To counteract NLP, it is necessary first of all to exclude the possibility of affecting the brain and the mental state of people ...
    And in education too.
    For this ( ..), tremendous efforts must be made to cultivate the willpower of people, to reduce their tendency to suggestibility, developing their critical thinking.

    Right! Remove the psycho-diarrheal and mindlessly-cramming USE in schools!

    For a long time it was time to go all pro-Western out of school, and at the same time Mr. Livanov.
  24. -2
    18 January 2016 00: 04
    the author contradicts himself.

    propaganda of the most unbridled mores of an unnatural way of life - nudism, feminism

    according to the author, it must be assumed that the natives of the tropics are simply obliged to walk in fur coats and felt boots, to walk naked for them unnaturally.
    and women are required to wear the veil and it is necessary to prohibit the celebration of March 8
    Constitution Article 19
    3. A man and a woman have equal rights and freedoms and equal opportunities for their realization.

    the lack of censorship for what is shown on the screens of movie theaters and TVs, printed in books, newspapers and magazines, published on the Internet. All this leads to spiritual and moral impoverishment and corruption of Russian citizens.

    Article 29 of the Constitution states
    2. Propaganda or agitation that incite social, racial, national or religious hatred and enmity is not allowed. Propagation of social, racial, national, religious or linguistic superiority is prohibited.
    5. Freedom of the media is guaranteed. Censorship is prohibited.

    it will be right to return to the Stone Age there were no moral decaying elements all together went for a mammoth

    Criminal punishment for criticizing the authorities and law enforcement agencies Long-term imprisonment threatens those who dare to criticize the constitutional system and state policy.

    it would not be bad for the author himself to look into the constitution of articles 17., 18. 19. 28.29. 30. 31. 32. 45.
    it is probably necessary to prohibit criticism of any government, not only of Stalin and Putin, but also of Khrushchev Gorbachev Yeltsin. Beria Yezhov and Yagoda announce lambs.
  25. +1
    18 January 2016 00: 53
    According to the staff of the Belarusian Regional Branch of the Academy of Military Sciences of the Russian Federation, Yu.E. Kuleshov, B.B. Zhuddiev and D.A. Fedorov, the goal of information-psychological confrontation is achieved by solving the following tasks:
    - Disinformation of the population about the work of state bodies, undermining their authority, and discrediting of management bodies;

    I drew attention to this paragraph in the article, the information on the corporate party of Aeroflot for 65 million immediately "surfaced" in my memory, posted on the website of state purchases. The information was passed today on almost all information sites. So in this way, the authority of state structures does not need to be undermined, they themselves will do everything for their enemies. Although GDP seems to be quite clear about its opinion on corporate events at the budget expense, and Aeroflot is a state company. Something like this, colleagues, the Chubais campaign, Aeroflot and others like that, quite in good faith play the role of some kind of column. hi
  26. 0
    18 January 2016 00: 58
    Russia will drop the oil price below the baseboard and will sell its cheap oil for rubles and bury the petrodollar
  27. 0
    18 January 2016 01: 20
    To strangle the petrodollar, it is necessary that the Yemen of the Saudis get patted and ISIS must be pulled out of Syria, as well as that Iran helps Yemen against Saudi Arabia. And petrodollar amba.
  28. 0
    18 January 2016 05: 00
    "Neuro-linguistic programming (NLP) is one of the new methods of influencing the brain and mental state of a person."
    NLP is not a reliable technique. U.S. Army training experiments using NLP were not effective.
    Erickson hypnosis - works. And NLP supposedly created on its basis is somehow not very.
    At the moment, NLP is not testing methods of classical science.
    Therefore, scare her - about how to scare 25 overs
  29. 0
    18 January 2016 05: 23
    At the end of the article: "The system of information-psychological confrontation between Russia can be formed in the following form:"
    And further listed are 11 (!) Councils, committees, administrations ... Hmm.

    So after all it is clearly stated above that cognitive weapon "Is the introduction into the intellectual environment of the enemy's country false scientific theories, paradigms, concepts, strategies influencing its public administration towards weakening ... "

    In my opinion, that same case smile Dissonance? laughing
  30. 0
    18 January 2016 05: 43
    Quote: Inok10
    Quote: Vladimirets
    Some kind of society of anonymous alcoholics.

    .. nor any anonymity .. nor any alcoholism .. for VO! .. and, you, my friend, not a drinker for an hour? .. is suspicious .. laughing

    Today you don’t drink with us, and tomorrow will you sell your homeland?
  31. 0
    18 January 2016 05: 55
    In general, I put the article plus, BUT
    Everything is simpler: "What are we taught, so to speak, family and school? "Classic VSV!
    Lying is bad! What are the motives and goals of a liar? To learn to distinguish lies from the truth from early childhood, roughly speaking.
    However, Soviet people (even high school students) knew how to read newspapers between the lines, and if they had a strong need to learn an alternative point of view on events, they listened to radios through the noise of interference, read Samizdat, etc.
    Yes, with such a school, who will deceive us? !!

    But the Western "user" is easy! What they, uk, and use!

    And what about the "Ukrainians"? Here is another classic: "Oh, it's not difficult to deceive me, I myself am glad to be deceived!" smile
  32. +1
    18 January 2016 09: 24
    Whatever shitty power we have and have, it is a guarantee of stability, but they will try to convince us of the opposite if they look at Ukraine or if they want radical changes, let this fifth column go to Syria or Iraq, something changes every day there. We’ll somehow live under this power, without prompts.
  33. Erg
    18 January 2016 09: 45
    The Chinese pointed to our most important mistake - we began to carry out reforms, ruining the power. The result is the 90s.

"Right Sector" (banned in Russia), "Ukrainian Insurgent Army" (UPA) (banned in Russia), ISIS (banned in Russia), "Jabhat Fatah al-Sham" formerly "Jabhat al-Nusra" (banned in Russia) , Taliban (banned in Russia), Al-Qaeda (banned in Russia), Anti-Corruption Foundation (banned in Russia), Navalny Headquarters (banned in Russia), Facebook (banned in Russia), Instagram (banned in Russia), Meta (banned in Russia), Misanthropic Division (banned in Russia), Azov (banned in Russia), Muslim Brotherhood (banned in Russia), Aum Shinrikyo (banned in Russia), AUE (banned in Russia), UNA-UNSO (banned in Russia), Mejlis of the Crimean Tatar people (banned in Russia), Legion “Freedom of Russia” (armed formation, recognized as terrorist in the Russian Federation and banned), Kirill Budanov (included to the Rosfinmonitoring list of terrorists and extremists)

“Non-profit organizations, unregistered public associations or individuals performing the functions of a foreign agent,” as well as media outlets performing the functions of a foreign agent: “Medusa”; "Voice of America"; "Realities"; "Present time"; "Radio Freedom"; Ponomarev Lev; Ponomarev Ilya; Savitskaya; Markelov; Kamalyagin; Apakhonchich; Makarevich; Dud; Gordon; Zhdanov; Medvedev; Fedorov; Mikhail Kasyanov; "Owl"; "Alliance of Doctors"; "RKK" "Levada Center"; "Memorial"; "Voice"; "Person and law"; "Rain"; "Mediazone"; "Deutsche Welle"; QMS "Caucasian Knot"; "Insider"; "New Newspaper"