Third attempt to replace footcloths

Third attempt to replace footcloths

Probably, very few people can now remember this day. Two years ago, in mid-January, 2014, or rather, 16, it was announced that Russian troops would no longer use footcloths, completely switching to wearing socks. This is the third major attempt to get rid of the sisters. The first was made in the time of Peter I, the second in the years of Soviet power, in the 70-s of the last century, and the third - in our days.

For some reason, footcloths have become reckoned throughout the world as an original Russian invention. Although this small canvas was used by the Finnish (the Finns abandoned the footcloths in 1990), the German and other armies.

From various sources you learn that the universal winding appeared in the time of Peter I, and maybe long before it. There is also a version that Roman legionnaires wrapped their feet with pieces of cloth. One of the footcloths is attributed to 79 BC: it was discovered during the construction of the Roman metro station, and then handed over to the memory of the then president of America. Ah, well done, a good hint was made: so that he knew where the Russian spirit was coming from.

Remember: there is the Russian spirit, there Russia smells. By the way by V.I. Dalu, “portyanitsa - well., A piece, cut off part of it (port), especially on footcloths. mn wrappers, onuchi, footwear undercoats, by 1 1 / 2 arsh. on foot".

And yet, some historians say, during the primitive cave age, people came up with the idea of ​​wrapping their legs with pieces of hides from dead animals. So it is possible to get to Adam and Eve: at that time, too, someone was winding up with something. The ancient warriors always looked different from civilians, and they admired the eyes of the old and the small, who saw the fighter. Who was their reliable defender from the numerous enemies attacking the country. In order for a warrior to overcome numerous forced marches, his uniform and clothing must correspond to the fulfillment of these combat missions and not interfere with his way.

The concept of "footcloths" today is a Russian ethnocultural phenomenon, as footcloths began to play an important part of the life of the Russian army, personify a special way of its life and, in the end, is one of its symbols, the birth of which began under Peter I.

Well, very much we love Peter to choose as a starting point. Most likely, the wise king, having seen such an easy and reliable means of clothing for the military, in an orderly manner indicated that it was mandatory to introduce footcloths in the Russian army in order to prevent numerous frostbite, scuffs, and reliably protect soldiers in multi-day crossings. Although there is a completely opposite version: Peter did not want to see his soldiers in peasant footcloths and ordered the opposite - to enter the army in the Dutch style stockings. But this novelty has not taken root because of the numerous injuries and inconveniences associated with hosiery wearing. Therefore, Field Marshal Grigori Potemkin-Tavrichesky in 1786 had already obtained a signature from Catherine the Great on the decree on the return of the footcloths to the army.

"Spacious boots that are narrow and he has to put on shoes or foot wrappers before stockings have the advantage that in the case when the feet get wet or sweat, you can throw them off at the first convenient time, wipe the legs with a legwife and, again, wrap them with a dry end, in speed put on shoes and protect them from dampness and chills ”(G. Potyomkin. Opinion on the uniform of Russian troops. Russian archive. Volume 3, 1888 year).

Even then, the brilliant prince understood that when walking in boots, the sock gets off, the leg “walks”, which causes damage to the leg.

From trifles formed the picture of defeats or victories. Under Paul I, they again tried to put stockings on their feet, but nothing good came of it.

The second time, the idea of ​​a complete replacement of footcloths on socks in Russia returned after more than 200 years, in 70-ies officials of several departments - the Ministry of Health, the Ministry of Economics and the Ministry of Defense - calculated the costs of switching to a new type of uniform and found it economically impractical, as it turned out that one soldier had to give out 20-40 pairs of socks, depending on weather conditions, instead of one pair of footcloths.

Thus, footcloths have been left alone for several decades. They, footcloths, have become an integral part of the ordinary life of a soldier.

Why love footcloths? For their versatility and durability. After all, the fabric from which they were made was of the highest quality and was produced at the best Russian textile mills under a special military order. By the way, consumers liked the flannel so much that it became especially popular and in demand, and Russia took the fifth place in the production of this type of fabric around the middle of the 19 century.

Gradually it became clear that footcloths are better to have two types: for winter - flannel, for summer - cloth. It is Peter I who is credited with the authorship of the obligatory introduction of flannel footcloths in the army. Initially, the fabric was purchased mainly in England, but then the sovereign demanded to reduce the number of purchased foreign cloth and to establish their own production on an industrial scale. This was done in 1698, when the first manufactory appeared in Moscow, first producing coarse cloth for the army, and then mastering the production of other types of fabric.

Flannel got accustomed in the army for a long time because by its qualities it perfectly “coped” with the load that a simple soldier could withstand only thanks to many handy means, which greatly facilitated his camping life. The flannel is pleasant to the touch, perfectly absorbs moisture, the woolen flannel does not burn, but smolders, and retains its thermal qualities for a long time.

During the First World War, the rank and file of the Russian army was supposed to have in its stock three pairs of footcloths. Even then they were distributed in the summer and winter. For the summer, "canvas" were issued, which were made from hemp or linen linen, and from September to February, according to the statute, the soldier had to wear "cloth" footcloths: they were sewn from half-woolen or woolen fabric. Often such a footcloth rubbed her legs and therefore, at first she wore a summer footcloth on her leg, and then a winter footcloth. But it was inconvenient and many soldiers gladly began to wear flannel footcloths.

German soldiers also used footcloths (fußlappen). Also, German, French and English soldiers wore the so-called overhead leather gaiters that reached the middle of the shin, but these devices did not protect the soldier's leg. And the French had to abandon this military ammunition due to the fact that the troops sent numerous complaints of bruises, injuries, high pollution of gaiters that let water and dirt through. War is not a podium. Therefore, the British, who found themselves in Sudan, South Africa and India, were forced to adopt from the local population a new way of winding their legs. In particular, the sepoys actively used "patta", from the translation - "tape". This narrow long fabric was wrapped by Indian warriors around their legs from ankle to knee. By the beginning of the twentieth century, the British had already dressed almost their entire army in this way, albeit modifying the word "patta" in the English manner "puttee". Well, the valiant soldiers of the British Majesty could not leave the word of a hated enemy in their vocabulary. British merchants have made multimillion-dollar profits from military supplies: for example, Fox Brothers & Co Ltd alone produced 12 million pairs of windings.

Often, the soldiers used a footcloth as a winding when they put on their shoes.

The French also used footcloths, calling them "Russian stocking", and the Americans called them "clothes for the legs."

But about this, some foreign historians prefer to remain silent in their current ideological struggle. For example, Englishwoman Catherine Merridale stated that “footcloths are a disgrace to the Russian army” after writing her amazing, simply blatant book about “Ivan.” Such a defiant little book that even she does not want to quote: it is disgusting in its essence, so well-known and ideological clichés that Madame the historian simply stole from other anti-Russian historians, who set themselves the aim of defaming and distorting the truth about the Great Patriotic War, are so blatantly and fiercely recited. And it was the desire of Madame the Historian to kick again, so she clung to the footcloths, excluding from her head the “Delete” button the fact that the British were also actively using footcloths. True, during the Second World War, they did not take many kilometers of marches, did not freeze in the field, and did not drive back the Germans. It didn’t start from them, which is why they are malignant, so neat in English socks made from 100% wool.

I still think why they hate everything Russian so much, why does the hysterics about Russia continue in one format or another from year to year? Why? The answer is obvious: maybe because you write a little about yourself. Would write to Madame the historian about Churchill, that he was a dictator and destroyed his soldiers in the war: after all, he also gave orders, and the British died on numerous fronts. But no, I did not write. The book would not have released it for any money, but about Russia - please write as much as you like. Footcloths she did not like! And I like footcloths. I always watched with interest as my uncle was going to work in the cold Siberian winter and was sure to put neatly washed poryanochka dried and dried over the stove over socks, wrapping their legs like a dolly.

Many Russian women have a lot of associations with the word "footcloth" and the expression "Russian peasant in the house smelled." But socks with an admixture of chemical fibers do not warm the leg, rubbing it, and during the war years, when it was impossible to accurately find the right size, footcloths helped to fit the boot to the leg, did not rub it to calluses.

In fairness it should be noted that in the Russian army there was no unanimity on this issue.

During the First World War, footcloths became a symbol of social stratification between privates and officers. If during the Great Patriotic War it was said that “Everyone is equal before the bathhouse broom and footcloth”, while reading the excerpt from George Dumbadze’s “Portyanka” of the First World War, there is an acute difference between soldiers and officers: “Footcloths put indelible things on my whole life impression. The first time I found out about their existence was when I saw rectangular pieces of matter with brown spots with which my father’s batman was very artistically wrapping his legs. Private Bronislav Yakubovsky, really, was a master of his craft. My father even asked Bronislava to demonstrate his art in front of his father’s friend, Colonel Kostevich. ” And then the author describes how deeply he was shaken by the process of winding and wearing footcloths: some noblemen were squeamish about this type of ammunition, considering it shameful to wear footcloths, although in the Cadet youth they were forced to do so.

However, as soon as the hostilities began, these most squeamish Russian noblemen appreciated the puttee.

This was recognized by foreigners who worked during the First World War in Russia. One of them, an American surgeon Malcolm Grow, recalled: “When the feet were wet, the soldiers would rewind footcloths so that the wet part fell on the calf and the dry part fell on the foot. And their feet were dry and warm again. ” Thousands of soldiers avoided the so-called trench foot syndrome, which occurs "with prolonged exposure to cold and damp; this kind of frostbite occurs at temperatures above 0 ° C. It was first described during the 1 of World War 1914-1918. the soldiers with a long stay in their raw trenches. In mild cases, painful numbness, swelling, redness of the skin of the feet appear; in cases of moderate severity - serous bloody bubbles; in severe form, deep tissue necrosis with the addition of infection. "

In the years of the Great Patriotic War, the footcloth became an integral part of the uniform of Soviet soldiers. And although today it is not uncommon to see on the forums that footcloth is a purely Russian invention, and the Germans wore woolen socks, this is not true. The Germans wore footcloths, wool or flannel. Moreover, if you look at the list of uniforms of German soldiers, it turns out that along with suspenders (nosträger), sports T-shirts with stripes (Wehrmacht eagle or police eagle, sporthemd), black sateen cowards (unterhose), statutory socks (strumpfen) and other outfits, footcloths (fußlappen) stand at 13-th place.

The main distinguishing feature of the German footcloths was that they had the shape of a square (40 x 40 cm), in contrast to the rectangular Russian footcloth.

The Germans even issued a special form-instruction “How to wear footcloths,” which said that the footcloth should not have any seams, they should be made of wool or cotton flannels.

Footcloths, by the way, were very popular among German infantrymen, who called footcloths “leg rag”, “Indian foot”.

This form was used to instruct recruits on how to make correct foot winding. If this is done incorrectly, it can lead “to a general discomfort or pinch the leg,” the statement says. Many say that the windings were most often used by old soldiers who had gone through the First World War. But young soldiers used them the same way. Although some of them lacked patience.

When asked to describe the winding process itself, Karl Wegner (a former prisoner of war, soldier of the 352 division) said that he didn’t like to waste time wrapping up his leg with a coaster, although many old people wore them, especially when kilometer marches were coming.

But not every German thought like Wegner. Hans Melker, the grenadier of the 68th Infantry Division, recalled:

“Footcloths! (Laughs) Oh, yes, I forgot about them. You wrap your legs in them like this (shows). I didn’t wear long socks because they quickly wore out and I didn’t have the patience to darn them all the time. My mother sent me a sewing kit from home, but I also decided to give it to my friend. I always changed my nice household socks for tobacco, food, magazines and other things I needed. I still feel bad at the memories of this. my mother knitted socks for me and even embroidered my name on all the things that she sent me to the front. Seeing this for bot, many of my comrades envied me and said that they would also like so much to receive such care from their mothers. I remember one case when I gave the next pair of household socks to my friend, and his head was torn off and wounded in the chest. When he was found “His legs were wrapped in mother’s socks with my name on them. The commander decided that I was killed and came to us to find out. But I was alive. In the summer I wore footcloths instead of socks.” They did not wear out for a long time. There is one secret. It was necessary for each winding to place the heel not in the same place, but in different parts of the footcloth. We called the windings cabbage because they smelled bad when they were not washed for a long time. ”

Especially the Germans rescued footcloths in the summer when socks wore out. And some Luftwaffe pilots also wore footcloths.

Another soldier of defeated Germany, Alfred Becker, of the 326 Infantry Division, when asked that he was wearing windings or socks, replied that during the Russian winter, he wore a pair of foot socks over his socks for additional heat.

By the way, you can still find ads on some German websites for the sale of 1944 footcloths of the year of release.

The Germans dealt brutally with the Soviet prisoners of war, who tried to make themselves resemble trays from the remnants of paper bags - they were mercilessly beaten for such attempts.

The size of the soldier footcloth was gradually determined. And again I will say that the size of the footcloths was different, although some people still believe that their size is 45 x 90. Far from it. In different years, there were state standards for the manufacture of footwear.

In 1978 footcloths, summer harsh bleaching twigs, article 4820, 4821,4827 were made according to TU 17-65-9010-78. The density of the fabric under such specifications was not less than 254-6 / 210-6, tensile strength not less than 39-4 / 88-8. The size of one semi-pair - 35x90 cm.

In 1983, there were changes: for example, summer footcloths plants were made according to TU 17 RSFSR 6.7739-83, according to which the size of the finished pair was 50 x75 centimeters.

In the 1990 year (note - restructuring, the market) the width of the footcloths decreased by 15 centimeters: from 50 to 35 centimeters, and the quality of the fabric deteriorated. For example, if you read TU 17-19-76-96-90 on footcloths, winter woolen cloth made from woolen cloth art. 6947, 6940, 6902,6903, it turns out that their composition will be different: 87% wool, 13% nylon. The density of the fabric is not less than 94-3 / 93-5, the tensile strength is not less than 35-4 / 31-3, and the size of one semi-pair is 35 XX75 centimeters.

Today on some sites you can find ads for the sale of footcloths, where other dimensions are indicated. As a rule, the authors propose to make their own foot wrappers themselves need size, cutting them into two parts. Here is one of these announcements: “180 canvas cm x 57 cm. The canvas is cut into two pieces the size of 90 cm x 57 cm independently. Such large sizes of the canvas were made to create more air pockets to keep warm in the shoes of a soldier. Bike (flannel), 100% cotton. Very soft, well absorb moisture. New. Made in USSR".

Footcloths made in the USSR are in particular demand, since the fabric from which they are made differs in quality - the way of interlacing the threads was then different, allowing for the production of more dense material. “Real summer army footcloths. 90 canvas cm x 70 cm. The canvas is cut into two pieces the size of 90 cm x 35 cm independently. 100% cotton. Very dense fabric, well absorbs moisture. Different from the Russian - the way weave threads and, the main difference - the density of the fabric. New. Made in USSR".

After the army demobilization, many generations of Russian peasants firmly and permanently introduced the wearing of footcloths into their life cycle.

Footcloths have become a hot commodity for many other groups of the population that are not directly related to military service. Hunters, who cross the kilometer stretches, value footcloths for their unpretentiousness, tourists who do not lie on their side, but make their way in the woods, understand that boots and footcloths are a great combination for overcoming obstacles.

At one of the selling sites of footcloths in 2014, they cost from 49 to 170 rubles per pair, in 2015, the price for footcloths was the lowest - around 50 rubles. The highest price - 147 rubles for one pair of footcloths was offered by dealers of textile companies in August 2013.

One of the chairmen of the council of veterans in the Lipetsk region proposed to erect a monument to a Russian footcloth. And in the Tula region, during the reconstruction of hostilities, veterans taught schoolchildren how to wind footcloths.

Will we forget about the clothe? Hardly. Here they refused from the footcloths in 2008 in the Ukrainian army, and what happened?

True or not, time will tell, but there is no definite positive reaction to this accomplished fact. And many will support me, saying that the footcloth is a kind of symbol of military life that has been preserved for centuries stories development of military affairs. And so it is impossible to get rid of it: anyway, experienced fighters, hunters, tourists and other people who understand all the subtleties of their work will put on footcloths and teach this seemingly uncomplicated business, their sons.
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  1. +20
    13 January 2016 06: 47
    If you wear boots there is no alternative to footcloths. I would like to listen to the people who served and ran crosses in berets, are they more convenient than boots?
    1. +15
      13 January 2016 07: 02
      I would like to listen to the people who served and ran crosses in berets, are they more convenient than boots?

      He ran in boots and boots. More in boots, as it was more convenient. Personally for me.
      1. Riv
        13 January 2016 08: 18
        For berets, the best you can think of is woolen socks. In any weather, in winter and summer. Socks live in boots for one or two days, no matter what.

        The footcloth under the boots is wound in the same way as under the boots. It can be done in the "German" way, as in the illustration, but it is still better to wind the end of the footcloth under the foot. Otherwise, the end of the footcloth crawls out and dangles. It doesn't get in the way, but it looks funny. :)

        In general, it is more a matter of habit. Kirzachs, if separated, can be dragged without a foot. Well, you scored snow for the shafts, it melted, footcloths wet through. Or scooped up water with the same result. What to do? He took them off, wrapped himself under a padded jacket, and pulled on his boots like that. While you are running, your legs will not freeze. And after a couple of kilometers both the boots are dry and the footcloths.
        1. Riv
          13 January 2016 08: 47
          Little know-how. Buy a bottle of Johnson Baby Oil. Its main component is vaseline oil. If you lubricate new boots or ankle boots with them, the skin becomes soft and the boots do not chafe feet.
        2. +11
          13 January 2016 08: 51
          I agree 100%. He wore boots and boots. In berets in any weather - only a purely woolen sock. Even on a 40-degree heat, the foot is comfortable. But berets get wet in the puddles in winter. Boots are preferable here. And in the boot - only a footcloth.
          1. +5
            13 January 2016 10: 09
            We berets soaked in goose fat. You walk on water like in swamps.
            1. +3
              13 January 2016 11: 36
              And we didn’t get wet with the fat from the cans of stew.
            2. 0
              13 January 2016 16: 20
              Quote: Batia
              We berets soaked in goose fat.

              Cool, where did you get so much? To my father, after his face was burned, the grandmother from the village sent this fat, and it didn't seem to be like that.
          2. +1
            13 January 2016 10: 57
            Quote: vch62388
            I agree 100%. He wore boots and boots. In berets in any weather - only a purely woolen sock. Even on a 40-degree heat, the foot is comfortable. But berets get wet in the puddles in winter. Here

            I do not know. For 3 years in a row I conducted field classes on fields along waves (puddles) and are still alive - have not yet been erased, they are lying on a shelf
            Simple soldier's rough berets, either pigskin or bovine skin. Of course, cremated periodically, sometimes smeared with fat ...
            They were very comfortable.
            Now I see some too "gentle" of thin and soft skin, in my opinion for a year no more
          3. 0
            14 January 2016 22: 28
            The boots were always wet. In winter and rain. Gutalin penetrated through the boot.

            But it is not important. It is difficult to say that footcloths are the top of comfort, but there were no complaints.

            My call did not teach how to become a princess. The first cross killed everyone’s legs. But people dressed in tapi 5. Everyone else was embarrassed to complain
          4. +1
            4 June 2017 21: 19
            Quote: vch62388
            on 100%.

            A footcloth, a universal sock, both for ankle boots and for a boot. You just need to pick up shoes, and a sock, even a sock woolen in a sock, after three to four days of walking in the woods turns into a very dangerous foot remedy! At that moment, even if the wet footcloths can be rewound, lowering the dry part at the ankle down, and you again have dry shoes!
        3. +7
          13 January 2016 16: 17
          Quote: Riv
          and pulled the boots like that. While you are running, your legs will not freeze. And after a couple of kilometers both the boots are dry and the footcloths.

          I can’t imagine how to run a couple of kilometers barefoot in boots, legs will be knocked down at one moment. Well, the fact that the footcloths for boots are irreplaceable is nothing to think about.
    2. +35
      13 January 2016 08: 21
      I studied at a military school 89-93 they constantly wore kirzachs and footcloths, I had no idea at all before the school - what it was, on the first day, as soon as they changed into a uniform, my fellow countrywoman had already finished 1 course, taught me how to wind footcloths, and gave a roll of plaster, said as soon as a little mazolik appears, immediately glue it with a plaster, but I almost didn't have to use a plaster because He taught me to reel excellently, not a leg but a "doll". A footcloth toe will give 100 points ahead, in the field, when living conditions are at a minimum. Always, after marches, tactical exercises, or in the course of many kilometers of crossings on halts, they tried to rewind the footcloths, after rewinding the legs felt an indescribable thrill.
      1. +12
        13 January 2016 12: 00 100%
        Especially about the buzz after rewinding!
      2. +6
        13 January 2016 14: 30
        If not a secret, what kind of school is it, where the cadets wore "kirzachi"? In military schools, "kirzachi" were worn by soldiers of support units, and cadets were wearing yalovy (yuft) boots.
        1. +4
          13 January 2016 18: 19
          I exchanged my yuft clothes for kirzachs from the "partisans" for field training. Yuftevye after getting wet shrank and did not climb on my "fragile" leg. I know nothing better than a tarpaulin. And in the heat, and in the cold, and in the slush.
          1. +1
            17 October 2016 20: 02
            I agree that kirzachi are much more comfortable with yuft boots, lighter and softer, I also always tried to go to field exercises in tarpaulin boots, although sometimes I received comments and catch up with my boss, like, that, the most intelligent one, you break the uniform of your clothes.
        2. +1
          14 January 2016 06: 02
          it’s no secret, the Tolyatinsky VVSKU, I made a slight inaccuracy, on admission, it was 1989, they really gave us yuft (they have 1 year socks), but after 1 course we were changed to tarpaulin (they have 8 months for me) , it was already 1990, and after that only the tarpaulins received, the general deficit of the last Soviet years apparently affected. But if you compare, tarpaulin is much lighter in weight, especially this affected the PHIZO - indicators have improved significantly
        3. +1
          15 January 2016 14: 41
          By pleasure, tarpaulin boots were issued.
          The command turned a blind eye to the wearing of cowhide.
          On the 4th year, dudes climbed into chrome, but in the field they still changed their shoes to yal.
          Cunningly cadets were mercilessly pursued, to whom relatives delivered various versions of insulated / lightweight, etc. boot.
        4. +1
          22 June 2017 22: 53
          KVTIU the end of the eighties, the beginning of the nineties - the first three months of the Yuft, then the rest of the kirzachi then. Just before the release, the transition to "berets" began.
      3. +1
        12 June 2017 20: 32
        Footcloth sock will give 100 points forward. Always after march-throws, tactical exercises, or in the course of many kilometers of transitions at halts, we tried to rewind footcloths. After rewinding, the legs felt an indescribable buzz.
    3. +9
      13 January 2016 10: 07
      I have been in footcloths since I was 74, and I wore socks in berets in the 90s. But footcloths and boots are still more convenient for me. The footcloth in the field is still much more practical than socks, plus it is still multifunctional (dressing, rope, cloak, etc.)
      1. Riv
        13 January 2016 10: 29
        ... handkerchief... :)))
        1. +7
          13 January 2016 12: 00
          .. you can and as a gag, but - of course the enemy .. =))
    4. 0
      13 January 2016 11: 15
      New berets are good, you can carry around in a civilian city, he went to them from summer to frost. But the sock is better not disposable synthetics. Old berets are worse, boots being a good alternative.
  2. +5
    13 January 2016 06: 53
    Interestingly, for some reason, footcloths began to be considered throughout the world to be an original Russian invention.

    Well, in the 45th, the whole of Europe saw enough of our soldiers in footcloths, and that was postponed. smile

    One of the footcloths dates back to 79 BC: it was discovered during the construction of the Roman metro station, and then passed on to the then President of America. Ah, well done, they made a good hint: to know where the Russian spirit comes from.

    Remember, there is a Russian spirit, there it smells of Rus.

    And what does Russia have to do with it?
    And what, "Russian spirit" is the smell of footcloths by the author?

    Will we forget the footcloth?

    While they will wear boots, there will be footcloths. And I think they will always wear boots. smile
    1. +18
      13 January 2016 07: 10
      Quote: Glot
      Remember, there is a Russian spirit, there it smells of Rus.
      And what does Russia have to do with it?
      And what, "Russian spirit" is the smell of footcloths by the author?

      Used footcloths smell completely different from dirty socks. Not so pungent and nasty smell. Especially if you have to wear several days without washing or changing.
      He wore them for two years. Soviet flannel - generally weight good Very warm and pleasant to the touch, soft, smooth. It’s a pity that the Russians are different now.
      And socks ... In the army, everyone who started wearing them quickly showed up.

      By the way, the square shape is really uncomfortable. Probably not very well accepted because of the usual Germans rationality in terms of saving tissue
      1. +5
        13 January 2016 13: 23
        Quote: qwert
        Used footcloths smell completely different from dirty socks. Not so pungent and nasty smell. Especially if you have to wear several days without washing or changing.

        Yeah, when the company on duty in the morning you go into the bedroom, especially in winter, when the windows are closed, such an indescribable mmmm ARRROMAT wassatwho served knows. Eh, footcloths, footcloths. "Such things are never forgotten" (c) And to this day, fishing in the autumn in the "bogs" woolen sock, and on top of the footcloth. good
        1. +9
          13 January 2016 15: 22
          You need to wash your legs before hanging up! Stink will not be!
          1. +7
            13 January 2016 18: 11
            Quote: uizik
            You need to wash your legs before hanging up! Stink will not be!

            Yes. And footcloths to wash before hanging up, but rinse with air conditioning. And inside the boots deodorant for shoes generously spray! laughing
            Yes, and use the statutory means of one established brand, so that the smell in the entire barracks is as even as the strips on the blankets!

            PS But you still need to wash your legs before hanging out.
            1. +1
              14 January 2016 22: 35

              Wash your feet? Luxury. Become and just sleep.

              Bathing day from 3 a.m. to 5.
      2. 0
        14 January 2016 22: 33
        The platyanka thrown on the battery will wake the whole company after the cross.
    2. +12
      13 January 2016 08: 33
      Quote: Glot

      While they will wear boots, there will be footcloths. And I think they will always wear boots. smile

      Gold words! In addition to the advantages mentioned in the article, footcloths have the main advantage over socks - SIMPLICITY. This also applies to manufacturing and operation (a pompous word of course). And nature always strives for simplicity to functionality, and the mentality of a Russian person is such that he lives according to the laws of nature. So, footcloths together with a quilted jacket can be safely called "Kalash" in the world of textiles. Indirectly, they killed enemies no less than the legendary machine gun.
    3. +23
      13 January 2016 10: 52
      Quote: Glot
      And what has Russia to do with it? And what, "Russian spirit" is the smell of footcloths by the author?

      Hunting experience - 30 years. Once I happened to take an Irishman from Dublin to the forest. The nearest hut is 15 km away. At that time, there were no household p / stations and in the forest we contacted our partner by using the barrel of a gun as a bugle, which led the Irishman into indescribable delight. Eagerly, we reached the hut, there was no drizzle of game, and the dogs only worked 2 squirrels. The failure was compensated by dinner. As usual, we sat up to the level of mutual understanding without translation at the level of gestures, fought off the bainki, and in the morning, seeing how we were winding up footcloths, the guest asked - What is this? Since there is no translation of the word "footcloth" into English, we explained to him that these were military socks "military sox". He, poor fellow, by the way, pulled his legs in socks and asked for something similar, which they made him out of a towel. We took a couple of hazel grouse and kosach in the return line. Then at home they asked him what he liked about hunting? - to which he replied that he had discovered "a means of communication through a gun" and, most importantly, "military sox", because he got there comfortably.
      PS - a small touch - they went there, he categorically refused to drink raw water from the river. Only boiled. We drank all our lives and never relaxed, but for him it was wild. He walked back, drank like a pump directly from the river, could not get drunk)))
      1. +20
        13 January 2016 12: 58
        Was on the hunt in Misenbanch (Austrian o / y, tracking together with my son took 2 roe deer). So, they sat down to rewind (only a footcloth under the albotten), the jagmaster saw him smiling: "Oooh! Gut! Ivanen Lappen!" Raised his thumb. When asked why he was so happy, he immediately took off his shoe and showed that he was also in footcloths. It turned out that his grandfather had brought Ivanen Lappen (Ivan's rag, Ivan's rag) from the Eastern front. And over time, local hunters appreciated, now they are worn by many.
        After this incident, he drove us to his home, there under the schnapps, they talked for a long time about everything. In short, became friends. So the footcloth turns out to be drawing together.
        1. +2
          13 January 2016 21: 21
          2 years in footcloths, and even after the army dress I always wear if in boots.
          While fishing, hunting, mushrooms, and in the garden, boots and necessarily footcloths.
        2. The comment was deleted.
      2. +2
        13 January 2016 16: 25
        Quote: Nyrobsky
        He walked back, drank like a pump directly from the river, could not get drunk)

        Well, sushnyak-znamo case. Thank you for your story.
    4. +3
      13 January 2016 15: 39
      In this regard, I also met another point of view, incidentally published on this site -
      Footcloths were first used more than 30 thousand years ago in the western part of Eurasia. This fact was able to prove the American historian Eric Trinokaus. Around this time, people began to make shoes from animal skins, wrapping them around their legs like a modern footcloth. Moreover, the first insoles made of grass were also used in such shoes. Also, primitive footcloths were discovered by archaeologists during archaeological excavations on the territory of the Roman Empire. Scientists dated their find 79 BC Roman footcloths were made of fabric and, like Russian soldiers, legionaries also wrapped their legs around them. In addition, it is known for certain that Peter I brought footcloths to Russia, borrowing them from the Dutch.

      For me, it’s better than the combination of boots with footcloths for the army has not yet been invented (I had a sergeant-conscript, I had tall boots — I simply couldn’t find kirszach in my 40th size). Boots with high berets made of rather rough even looking leather were given to me only under the most demobilization in late spring. I wore them with the same footcloth. And nothing - convenient. Only at first it was difficult to learn to wrap a footcloth so that its end would not stick out of the berets - not to say that it was inconvenient, just ugly.
      I have the honor.
      1. +7
        13 January 2016 16: 26
        Quote: Alexander72
        Footcloths were first used more than 30 thousand years ago in the western part of Eurasia

        We bet that these were ancient Ukrainians?
        1. +1
          14 January 2016 06: 12
          To argue is knowingly losing the argument, but it’s interesting what happened before: did you come up with a footcloth or dug up the Black Sea?
          1. 0
            14 January 2016 08: 47
            Mabud, at the same time! Moreover, the footcloths of the ancient Ukrainians were already a universal object - and their legs were wrapped and the soil dug from the future Black Sea was carried in footcloths (for lack of a stretcher). Ancient banderlogs - they are so creative!
            I have the honor.
        2. 0
          15 January 2016 09: 44
          But yak :-) Boots are also their invention
  3. +12
    13 January 2016 06: 58
    Footwear for tarpaulin boots is the first thing, you can’t walk in socks for a long time
  4. +3
    13 January 2016 07: 06
    Truly a universal thing! good
    I still use it on occasion.
    But the seaman do not know tongue wink (or met in school?)
    1. +2
      13 January 2016 07: 33
      Quote: Corporal
      or met in school

      Nope, just socks. And I can hardly imagine how to put a footcloth in a boot. smile
      1. +2
        13 January 2016 08: 23
        And who makes you? In the SA, basically, they wore boots, and therefore footcloths. On leave, they wore a dress-dress uniform, which included boots and socks.
        1. +2
          13 January 2016 14: 47
          Quote: Nikolaevich I
          And who makes you?

          Do you only read some words?
          A colleague asked:
          Quote: Corporal
          But the Mooreans do not know (or met in school?)

          I replied that only the socks of the moroman knew and wore only boots: front and work. And about a footcloth in a boot joked. For the gifted, even put a smiley face.
          1. +1
            13 January 2016 17: 59
            I served as a sailor and indeed we did not have footcloths, as well as, of course, boots. There were everyday tarpaulin "bastards" and ceremonial "lamers" with laces.
            They were perverted with insoles and woolen socks at the gangway on duty, when it was very cold with felt boots.
    2. +1
      13 January 2016 13: 48
      There were no footcloths in the trainings, just like a boot!
    3. +3
      13 January 2016 19: 55
      In training shoes, shoes with laces (bastards) and ship shoes without laces (burnouts), leather sole, heel rubber. And how can you, like seafarers, wear two pairs of simple socks for a year? No longer allowed by the norms. (1976-1979)
  5. +3
    13 January 2016 07: 44
    When I was at the training camp in 1992, then we were given Soviet footcloths with normal length / width 50x75, they were very comfortable, the foot in the boot sat like a glove.
    In 2002 the same year, when he was again at the training camp, the quartermasters began to cheat, giving half the footcloths for the whole. They immediately got off and unwound, walking, and even more so running, became impossible. Fortunately, the fees were sloppy, so most of the time in slippers passed.
    1. +2
      13 January 2016 11: 31
      ".. In 2002, when he was again at the training camp, the quartermasters began to cheat, giving out half of the footcloths for a whole .."
      The quartermasters always cheated. At the beginning of the 80s he served in school, issued footcloths .... the size is slightly larger than a handkerchief and not a flannel, but some kind of thin cotton. And in this state in the winter they kicked us out into the field exit. Now I don’t remember already, either someone complained to the training commander, or he noticed a change of shoes, it doesn’t matter ... It’s important that he ordered several soldiers to take off his shoes .. looked and sent everyone to the barracks. In the evening we got normal footcloths.
  6. +4
    13 January 2016 07: 47
    I don’t remember where the phrase came from ... What smells like that to you? I’m drying socks .. they’re standing by the stove ...
    1. Riv
      13 January 2016 08: 51
      Chapaev is walking through the forest. Grace, the birds are singing, the sky is blue, the lake is shining with purity ... Scored mushrooms, returns. What happened?! The sky is in gray clouds, the lake is a dirty puddle, the stench stands ...
      On the shore of the lake sits Petka. Chapaev him:
      - What are you doing?
      - Well, Vasily Ivanovich, I washed the footcloth here. I think: whether to wash the second?
      1. +1
        13 January 2016 09: 22
        Quote: Riv
        Chapaev is walking through the forest

        Petka runs to Chapaev. Vasily Ivanovich, I'm going to Anka to get married, give my footcloths! Yes, you take them Petka, stand in the corner by the stove.
        1. +7
          13 January 2016 09: 49
          -Vasily Ivanovich! Not recognized whitewash!
          -And you tortured him?
          -Tried, Vasily Ivanovich!
          -And gave a footcloth to smell?
          -Well, you are a sadyuga, Vasily Ivanovich!
      2. The comment was deleted.
      3. +3
        13 January 2016 09: 37
        Well, I'll tell you a bearded man.
        - Petka, why did you interrogate a prisoner?
        - Yes, Vasily Ivanovich. The infection is not pricked!
        - Put on the rack?
        - Yes.
        - Needles under the nails?
        - Yes, thrust it! Is silent!
        - Maybe the footcloths give their sniff ?!
        - Well, what are we, Vasily Ivanovich, fiends or something !?
        1. +6
          13 January 2016 13: 34
          Quote: blizart
          Well, I'll tell you a bearded man.

          -If you, Petka, once again crack nuts with my socks, then I will break your footcloths! wink
  7. +6
    13 January 2016 08: 12
    boots with footcloths - our military secret !!! and without any sarcasm - convenient - practical thing!
  8. +9
    13 January 2016 08: 32
    When wearing boots, there really is NO replacement for footcloths.
    Yes, and foot boots - the cutest thing.
    With proper skill, the leg "rests" in the footcloth.
    When rubbing - rewind.
    When wet, four rewinds.
    There is a quick way (for alarms) when a footcloth is thrown along the boot.
    In general - a MIRACLE.)))
    I still use them in the woods or put on boots somewhere else.

    For shoes - of course socks. There, with problems, there is only one way - to turn them inside out, that's all.

    So yes, when in 90 they reduced the width ... it was really bad, I had to wind it up very tightly, and it was rarely possible to close the whole leg, especially the fingers. They went astray quickly.
    And after washing ... finally the pipe was with them.
    Fighters, if they managed to get (get out) the old Soviet footcloths, tried not to hand them over with dirty linen but to wash them themselves with laundry soap. Take care of them))).
    Eheh, memory, radish ................

    Thanks for the good article, Polina.
    1. +6
      13 January 2016 08: 56
      Quote: Aleks tv
      For shoes - of course socks.

      Although I myself sometimes wear footcloths with boots, if I go for a long time. There are NO alternatives to footcloths either, try walking in the socks all day in the woods ... what the fuck is this, when are there footcloths and all sorts of stumps for rewinding?
      Here are my (still Soviet) kakadavs, with 90's, damn it ... I can’t carry them)))
      I dress with them.
      I don’t post photos of acting footcloths according to ... technical and aesthetic imaginations, otherwise children can read us.
    2. +10
      13 January 2016 09: 16
      Quote: Aleks tv
      Yes, and foot boots - the cutest thing.
      I’ll reveal another secret, a foot-cloth flannel-wonderful diapers! And son and daughter, one might say from birth in footcloths good laughing
      1. +2
        13 January 2016 15: 52
        Quote: fif21
        - Flannel cloth - Remarkable diapers

        You are a genius!!! good
      2. +1
        14 January 2016 15: 06
        Quote: fif21
        And son and daughter, one might say from birth in footcloths

        Right! I removed all the remaining flannel diapers from the footcloths. For field conditions, there is no better footcloth. Sock in a couple of days mushroom plantation. Yes, and wiped quickly.
    3. The comment was deleted.
    4. +4
      13 January 2016 13: 31
      Quote: Aleks tv
      Fighters, if they managed to get (get out) the old Soviet footcloths, tried not to hand them over with dirty linen but to wash them themselves with laundry soap. Take care of them))).

      "You see these lovely guys, headed by senior sergeant Lavrov, they are not supposed to wash their feet due to their service life. Therefore, you will wash their footcloths with baby soap. Dembel is afraid of germs" (c) c / f "DMB" laughing
  9. +5
    13 January 2016 08: 47
    On my first business trip to the "plasticine mountain" I managed to catch "trench disease" at the age of 23. I did not climb out of the ankle boots, and there was simply no time to dry them. Got boots and footcloths and the problem went away.
  10. +6
    13 January 2016 08: 50
    I've been in them for over 20 years. My former company commander in "Tajik" is now the major general in command of the district, recently called me, I went in, and he was rewinding footcloths in his rest room.
  11. +4
    13 January 2016 09: 51
    in our Kamenetz-Podolsk Higher Engineering Command School named after Marshal V. Kharchenko, everyone wore footcloths. In the year 1989, being a 4th year student, I was appointed as the head of the car that was carrying the officers' wives to pick mushrooms. It was pretty chilly and the cold wind was blowing, we lit a fire so that the ladies could warm up. When they started returning from the forest and took off their shoes, many were footcloths. Moreover, they are wrapped in a very unusual way, as the wife of St. Melnik said "in the Polish manir"
  12. +4
    13 January 2016 09: 58
    He stomped on 2g.8months in the footcloths, and put on socks on the demobilization and while getting home (for almost three days) there were holes on the heels. smile There are no alternatives to footcloths.
    My father was a career officer and during exercises he was always dressed in footcloths and long boots, I remember how he taught and taught me before the army.
  13. +17
    13 January 2016 10: 06
    Probably you can argue about the need to use footcloths ad infinitum, most likely you first need to talk about shoes, then everything by itself falls into place.
    In the Soviet army, a soldier was 99% of his time in boots (we are not touching the fleet yet). For boots, especially ours, sewn by crooks in the zone according to patterns not from Gucci at all, only footcloths are suitable. They make it possible to eliminate unnecessary backlashes at the points of contact between the legs and the boot and, most importantly, allow the legs to create the most comfortable conditions when wearing this far from model shoe. And the most important principle of it, unless of course the footcloth of the right size - dries on top, gets wet on the bottom. You can always rewind the dry part onto the foot, while the wet part dries up at the top. With socks it does not roll.
    For berets and sneakers, of course, footcloth is of little use, although in the case of berets, it would be better to use it. The command simply does not like the fact that when wearing berets, a footcloth can stick out and spoil the appearance of a soldier. Because of this, all the cheese is boron. The staffs shuffling through the corridors of the Ministry of Defense in the tailoring, of course, will do without footcloths, they will only put on their chrome boots for fishing ... How can they understand what footcloth is? So they decided to abandon it - for asphalt, offices and limousines, it certainly does not fit.
    As for the sneakers, it would be nice to have tall, thick, dense, wear-resistant socks, and of course without synthetics. But sneakers shoes, although very useful, are of very limited use for field use, both seasonally and purely in landscape conditions. Therefore, putting them in the head is not worth it.
    My advice is MO - return the footcloth and apologize to it, you will save the legs of many fighters.
    1. 0
      13 January 2016 20: 23
      I don’t know how it is now, in the 80s, for each size there were three kinds of width or something (narrow medium and wide) I always took U. The snow doesn’t fall into the NARROW SHIN, especially in Kamchatka it was actual, the edges are snowy . But in the north he took a special guard on duty, and there some kirzachi almost from cardboard, brought the real ones to the next shift from the house, barely found it by the way. The wife was still surprised she could not understand the difference, she was tormented to explain. and he took flannel diapers on the footcloths of which the grandson grew .... the song is fellow
  14. +3
    13 January 2016 10: 44
    The footcloth has one (in my opinion the main thing) hygienic advantage over socks - it is easy to dry and ventilate - in conditions where you don’t take off your shoes for days and there is no way to stretch or at least rinse the same socks, this advantage is priceless.
  15. +5
    13 January 2016 10: 51
    Why is a footcloth convenient? The fact that you can do it yourself, from any piece of fabric. Suppose socks to the holes, and without them trouble, what to do? Cutting the tunic into footcloths, since it is also hb (if flora), it is clear what they will insert (if they notice), but you can always "give birth" to a new tunic, but your legs will heal for a long time.
  16. +9
    13 January 2016 10: 52
    "Vasily Terkin" Twardowski:

    And they sit fraternally
    At the table, shoulder to shoulder.
    The conversation is soldier’s,
    Argue, hotly.
    Grandfather is boiling:
    Let me, comrade.
    What do you praise me for boots?
    Allow me to report.
    Are good Where to dry?
    Do not dry them in the dugout,
    No, give me your boot
    Yes cloth footcloths
    Give me - then I am a god!
  17. +6
    13 January 2016 10: 55
    I did not serve, but I wore boots and watched the kina. Therefore, everything is simple for me. Let's take it sensibly. Any special forces, for "racing" them - ankle boots. Motorized riflemen - boots. For weekly raids with an intense load on the ankle, the ankle boots are more comfortable and lighter. And how is the attitude to the elite: what will you please? Everything is tailored, natural products, leather, wool. After completing the task, go to the rear to rest, to restore strength and health. But in the field, in the trench, but on the roads, knee-deep in water, for days in the snow you are naughty! Only a boot. Without boots, we will lose more than half of the army without enemies.
    In an article about the reform of the 1970s, it was estimated 40 pairs of socks to replace a pair of footcloths. From here legs grow. All because of BUTTERFLY.
  18. +1
    13 January 2016 11: 21
    Eh, footbags! I am not a cadet, but when the officer wore only footcloths
  19. +3
    13 January 2016 11: 24
    Not so long ago in VO there was an article about kirsachs. But during the discussion it was impossible to ignore the footcloths. There were a lot of opinions: about socks, foot-socks, kirzach-berets ... Thank you to the author for a separate article about foot-socks.

    By the way, I did not know that the Germans wore footcloths, was convinced that they only carried socks.
  20. +2
    13 January 2016 11: 45
    He left the whole service in footcloths. Being "young" I dreamed of those times when it would be possible to "change shoes" into socks, and when the time came, I already understood that there was nothing better than footcloths in boots.
  21. +3
    13 January 2016 12: 03
    I thought I'd serve it, forget about the footcloths, went to the mine, and reeled it up for about 15 years, practically, even with rubber boots (we didn’t have to use tarpaulin). It’s practical, got wet from the bottom, rewound it again! good hi
  22. +3
    13 January 2016 12: 22
    With KMB and all five years of high school I have never rubbed my legs. Yuft boots are a size larger, good footcloths and good winding. That in the winter, that in the summer, that the parade ground, that the march 50 km - the legs are in order. Footcloths are a great thing.
    1. 0
      14 January 2016 06: 44
      I do not agree with you, I wear size 42, the first boots took size in size, the boots were carried, they had an insole made of thick cardboard, as it quickly crawled away and had to be kicked out, and the foot in the boot began to dangle, after I always took 41 the size, the insole was immediately thrown away, for several days, of course, it was uncomfortable, but then everything was nishtyak.
  23. +2
    13 January 2016 12: 38
    Boots with footcloths are a thousand-year-old, useful experience of ancestors in wearing shoes in the climatic conditions of Russia. Footcloths, like all ingenious - simple, appropriate and functional. All military uniforms must meet these criteria. By the way, I still can’t understand why you need ties and scarves?
  24. +1
    13 January 2016 12: 48
    In tracking boots, of course, I do not wind footcloths, but rubber boots only with footcloths.
  25. erg
    13 January 2016 13: 14
    The article is full of myths about the place of footcloths in the Russian army. Firstly, no one ever forbade footcloths in the army (we are talking about the 18th century). Until the time of Peter the Great, they didn’t bother about such things at all, for the color of outer clothing, and possibly shoes, was regulated at best. And all other things were purchased at their discretion and for which there was enough money. In the privileged units with supplies it was better, but even in them the upper dress was uniform. Stockings or footcloths (onuchi) - everyone decided what to wear. After Peter, throughout the 18th century, footcloths were not included in the list of ammunition items, but were not prohibited. Together with such things as short fur coats, mittens, sheepskin coats, felt boots, they belonged, in the modern language, to overalls, which it was recommended to have in units. Often a soldier himself had to purchase with his own money. When and how, what to wear, was determined by urgent necessity (weather conditions, etc.) This also applied to footcloths or onuyas, as they were often called, including in documents. There was no mythical decree of Catherine on the return of footcloths to the army (how can one return what was never forbidden, but was not officially established). Potyomkin’s thoughts are not a decree, but merely recommendations. The commanders of the units and the army, if necessary, could recommend these or other things to wear. Only in the 19th century, under Alexander 1, footcloths began to be issued along with stockings. And only since 1826, under Nicholas 1, in the established list of things established by the highest decree, footcloths were supposed for the lower ranks, and stockings disappeared.
    And yet, the author apparently does not know that woolen cloth is called cloth. A flannel fabric is a woolen or cotton fabric with a pile. Cotton in the documents was called linen. Footcloths in the documents mentioned either linen or cloth. I did not see the documents of that era where the name of the flannel footcloths was present. Considering that any woolen fabric was simply called cloth, the phrase about issuing flannel footcloths for the winter, and cloth for the summer is stupid.
  26. +2
    13 January 2016 13: 16
    Quote: Taoist
    The footcloth has one (in my opinion the main thing) hygienic advantage over socks - it is easy to dry and ventilate - in conditions where you don’t take off your shoes for days and there is no way to stretch or at least rinse the same socks, this advantage is priceless.

    I would say differently: socks have only one advantage - they fit the foot.
    Even this alone advantage you bring puts footcloths above socks in terms of readiness for war (and this is the main thing in the army - readiness for the database) ..
    By the way, what if I sketch a table? - What advantages and disadvantages do you think socks and footcloths have?
    From ease of manufacture and cost to hygiene.
    1. 0
      16 June 2017 08: 27
      Quote: Leader
      socks have only one advantage - they fit the foot.

      this advantage is if you do not know how to wind footcloths
  27. +2
    13 January 2016 13: 51
    730 days in boots across the MPR (Mongolian People's Republic) in the winter in the Yuft with cloth (such as overcoat) footcloth, in the summer with tarpaulin with canvas (cotton) and no corns, no fungus. A fungus appeared in the company, so I got my footcloths he washed himself, did not give in general washing. In general, THING! good
  28. +4
    13 January 2016 14: 23
    Some of the dear readers very aptly compared boots and footcloths in them in our famous "Kalash" - I absolutely agree!
    Just! Practical! Functionally !! In the second year of the school they tried to wear socks (like they are no longer a "minus" powerless, but have seen life for themselves). In boots, the socks "died" in 3-4 days. Moreover, they got confused constantly. Throwing march in socks and spogues is a torment of martyrdom. Only a second thick woolen sock on top of a simple one will save. Running in ankle boots, of course, is more pleasant than jumping on dry land or jumping along an obstacle course, but again - only in a woolen sock. For field trips or march through fields, forests, swamps - definitely boots and footcloths!
    Well and the last - and try with berets on alarm in 45 seconds to keep within !! But with boots and footcloths - it worked perfectly !!
  29. +3
    13 January 2016 15: 45
    My appeal was probably the first on which the transition to a new form of clothing was carried out. This is 69-71 years. Trousers, boots and cotton jackets appeared. So I, like many of our call, did not change the gymnast with a stand-up collar for this "vest"! Well, how could it be beautifully hemmed? Yes, in principle, impossible! And if also with a wire ... And "under the belt"? Went to the end in a gymnast. And there were many of us. So he demobilized in the old uniform, in breeches and boots.
    And the concept of a pair of boots / footcloths comes already in quarantine in the second week. Even morning exercises were enough for the not very understanding. We quickly learned to wind.
    1. 0
      13 January 2016 23: 23
      During my service they wore what you called "razpashonki" with a turn-down collar. And somehow there were no problems with the filing. But ... In summer, my tunic had a turn-down collar. But with the onset of cold weather, it somehow happened that the turn-down collar gradually turned into a standing collar - each next hemming made it two millimeters higher. And then the hook was changed. We liked it outwardly and closed our throat better. The commanders fought with such "desecration of the uniform", however not very actively and without much success.

      Somewhere in the comments there was a mention of the smell in the barracks, faintly reminiscent of the fragrance in the garden .. It happened, you won’t erase the words from the song, but not only the footcloths were the culprit ... other sources were also enough.
      And then he remembered ... If the foreman was present at the end and he noticed that someone had a footcloth not wrapped (or poorly wrapped) around the shaft (for drying), he could easily raise the whole company.
  30. +1
    13 January 2016 16: 12
    Even before the army, my grandfather saw how I put on my socks in rubber boots, gave out footcloths and taught how to reel. In the army, with boots, it somehow did not grow together. But even after the service in boots exclusively footcloths. Even without options.
  31. +1
    13 January 2016 16: 32
    flannel footcloth is a thing. One ensign who served all the terms told that his children, and he had three of them, did not know their diapers, as their dad, who had access to a brand new flannel, wrapped them exclusively in it. And it's not about the Soviet deficit. Rosley would say grandchildren nearby and they would be wrapped laughing
  32. +4
    13 January 2016 18: 11
    And I lived in the village with my father for 4 years. He got yuft boots, footcloths, beauty. In general, my father taught me about 6 years old to wrap footcloths and walk in boots. True, boots with footcloths have one subtlety. On a visit to go.
  33. +1
    13 January 2016 20: 27
    The cadet on the first charge into the blood rubbed, neglected when wrapping. The foreman gave 1 day of exemption from charging and advised to wash his feet with cold water before the end of the call. Healed in an instant, although they didn’t stink compared to some .30 years have passed, and if I don’t wash or sleep in the snow, I’m not a man.
  34. +1
    13 January 2016 22: 41
    When it starts, everyone will understand everything about footcloths. They will quickly learn to wind, so that they don’t stay without legs. There is no alternative for the field yet.
  35. 0
    13 January 2016 23: 32
    Already wrote an ode to the footcloth, but I can not resist an additional comment. Before the army, the kirzachi were ordinary shoes for me, incl. kirzachi did not surprise me. But for the first time I met a footcloth in the army. And he was always surprised at individuals who could not normally wind it. Science is not tricky - the sergeant showed one or two times and that’s all ... enough.
  36. 0
    14 January 2016 04: 22
    Bertsa cannot be clothed quickly with alarm, and soldier's boots are the same boots, only truncated both in height and in volume, and the leg, like in a dermantine golf stocking, does not breathe, hence the foot fogging is faster, ulcers, etc. It’s just that with the cancellation of the breeches, boots and steel were not needed, and jumping was not only from the horse, but also from a higher transport and from the plane, and there the boots can just fly off — with the USSR there was side lacing on the paratroopers, tried to acquire such boots. During the war, the light industry could be destroyed and footcloths would again come into use in the Armed Forces, as when there were windings on soldiers, when they switched to riding breeches with boots, there weren’t enough boots, and in today's wars the toe will not be enough .
  37. 0
    14 January 2016 05: 26
    well! motanut. footcloths on combat. Ent exactly the whole science. as one of the greats said. all ingenious is simple. I’ll add from myself. It is easy and convenient to use. I used it myself. Current in working life. in kirzacs and in summer you don’t have enough socks. Then they began to issue shoes. there with socks it’s more convenient. but in a boot, even in a tarpaulin, even in a soap cloth, it’s much more convenient and practical. why the author did not mention in the article about summer boots. by the way kirsa. Entent for ordinary and mlcom composition. winked
  38. 0
    14 January 2016 08: 16
    I went in berets and socks for the first 2 weeks of service ... an indescribable sensation ... washed up to meat ... they could not stand two hours of intense socks ... they were wet .. with all the consequences ... and footcloths ... day easily worn ... and the berets in them, most importantly, sit tight ... and nothing comes out, as they say .. I have, at least. The only thing you need to be able to reel them. In the sled I have seen enough of such ... almost everyone who was problematic in their socks. I don’t know how it is in winter ... but in summer it is not an option.
  39. 0
    14 January 2016 14: 10
    He hardly wore boots. Bertsa combined the first period of service with footcloths, the second - with socks. Footcloths are a more universal thing of course. When the shoe size is not chosen correctly and it hangs on the foot, the toe will not help at all, but the footcloth is very good. So it was in the first period. On the second, they gave me berets just the size of their legs, and they sent me good socks to them, 1 pair of which I dragged to the demobilization, without any problems either in winter or in heat. Under socks, berets should be of good quality, which do not rub even at the very beginning of use.

    Now I don’t see any sense in footcloths for civilians, except perhaps nostalgic about army days. Moreover, the shops are full of good trekking shoes.
    1. 0
      15 January 2016 21: 43
      Yes, about the size. The quarantine immediately said take a size larger. In summer, the insole is thicker and more beautiful!
  40. +1
    15 January 2016 21: 41
    At the dacha he soaked the kirzachi with mutton fat ... The footwear and through the forests! Home '' beauty '' - a wet end wound on caviar for an hour and dry!
  41. 0
    17 January 2016 21: 52
    Wore it, darling, from 1978 to 1983. And then, when I became a lieutenant, I thought I'd give it up. Yeah. How is it. Better not and will not be for our "field" conditions. We need a monument to this piece of cloth that saved the feet of millions of fighters.
  42. +3
    20 January 2016 17: 04
    In the 13th year, in a campaign in the Northern Urals, an involuntary comparative analysis was carried out: I walked in berets with woolen socks, and a comrade in boots with footcloths. The result in favor of footcloths :)
  43. +2
    17 October 2016 19: 47
    Dear Author !!!! You are a big PLUS !!!!
  44. +2
    17 October 2016 20: 46
    And it seems to me that they in vain gave up on boots and footcloths, well, yes, somewhere in the mountains or in the desert, probably ankle boots are better, but for the Central Russian strip, especially in the off-season, in muddy roads, when the mud is knee-deep, wet snow, puddles of boots and footcloths are an irreplaceable thing, I can judge from my own experience of being on field exercises. And in the summertime, the problem could be solved by boots shortened with a variable toe width, they allow the leg to "breathe" better, however, I did not have to wear these in military service, they appeared later, but now, when it happens to get out into nature, even though and not often, these are exactly what I put on with a footcloth, any weather in such footwear is not scary, in the summer a cotton footcloth on the toe, and in the winter a real army cloth, old stocks.
  45. 0
    5 June 2017 21: 46
    What to wear with berets is a separate conversation, but for long movement in boots somewhere in difficult natural conditions: in the field, in the mountains, in the forest (and in war too!) - ONLY THE GRAVERS!
  46. 0
    21 May 2020 21: 10
    He began to wear footcloths in the eighth grade in 1978 when he lived in Siberia with his grandmother and grandfather, his father was a military man. Then he entered the Poltava Higher Anti-aircraft
    Rocket Command Red Banner College named after Army General N. Vatutin and was ready to wear footcloths. He served 25,5 years and all the time in the kit form were footcloths like NZ. They have been retired for a long time and they remain with me to this day. A unique invention, you can’t imagine a better leg for a boot.