Putin against the "Sector of the Holy Printer"


They say that there is nothing stronger than “an idea whose time has come”. It turns out that Putin is stronger and that he is able to overcome even the idea that has mastered the broad sectors of the Russian political and economic elite. Roughly speaking, officials, bankers and businessmen want to get access to a ruble printer and scribble freshly printed rubles in their pockets, waving slogans about reviving the economy and freeing the country from the bondage of dollar dependence. Putin did a terrible thing: he clearly stated on the air and in front of the whole country that no one would receive the keys to the money printer, and those who want to get cheap money should not “shake at the Central Bank”, but work to reduce inflation.

The importance of this presidential action is difficult to overestimate, since in recent months the idea of ​​“printing and distributing to anyone should” has captured the minds of various elitist people. In addition to the already analyzed the author of these lines of the “Glazyev report”, the same ideas penetrated not only the joint proposals of the self-proclaimed liberals of the Stolypin Club, but also the program of the “liberal platform of the United Russia party”.

In order to understand what the idea of ​​pumping up the economy with cheap money in the head of the average Russian elitist turns into, Sergei Markov quotewho personally witnessed the discussions in the camp of liberal United Russia:

“I am on the Liberal platform of United Russia. Here a riot is clearly ripe, and this riot against the government is already underway. A group of politicians, industrialists and experts, leaders of the platform, requires a dramatic change in the economic course of the government and a change in its economic bloc. It is openly stated that the government does not allow the economy to develop, but only waits for the price of oil to rise and relations with the West to improve. The essence of the proposed new economic policy is new industrialization. The main change that is being proposed is to print money, a lot of money (so that 3 has more money in the economy of money than it is now) and transfer it directly to the economy, first of all to industry, and especially to modern high-tech companies. A crowded hall of the elite, everyone understands that big changes are ahead, and everyone wants to understand in which direction these changes will go. ”

All clear? The main thing is to print a lot of money. And do not say that Markov and United Russia did not understand something. All of them understood correctly and had already gathered a small group of "elites" in order to understand what kind of "changes" they would have to wait for and where they would stick to the life-giving stream of fresh rubles.

To be honest, the rumors about the unprecedented inspiration of the Russian bureaucracy, which was massively confident that “well, money will begin now and go!” That have been going on in recent weeks, caused a certain emotional strain. There is no such meanness that a bureaucrat or banker would be incapable of, who sees the opportunity to gain access to an endless source of money.

By the way, I would like to ask those who are going to declare that industry is actually supposed to grow, and fresh rubles will be spent on enterprises, not on bankers and officials: please read not a political introduction to the Glazyev report, but concrete measures set out there in the annexes, as well as specific measures, under which Glazyev signed under the report of business ombudsman Titov.

Roughly speaking, the money will not just go to the bankers, but the bankers will also be insured against the opportunity to sit on the bench in case of fraud. Only this can explain the demand of Glazyev and Titov of the urgent "humanization" of the article 159 part 4, according to which the bankers are taking money from the banks to their personal pockets.

With the proposals of Glazyev and the Stolypinsky Club, exactly what your humble servant predicted happened. Sane offers get a move, but no economy will be pumped up with cheap money. Putin live He broke the hopes of the liberal and business elite, which in a narrow circle already shared fresh rubles:

"Question: ... Do you support the monetary policy of the Bank of Russia? Do you consider it necessary to reduce the interest rate?

V. Putin: Stormy prolonged applause for your question.

Naturally, it all worries. And, of course, everyone wants the Central Bank's refinancing rate to be lower, and, as you know, commercial banks are guided by it when issuing loans to economic participants. This, by the way, is not the only factor of interest rates in the commercial sector, but significant, it is true ...

To begin, I will directly answer your question. I support the policy of the Central Bank and the Government to ensure macroeconomic stability. The first.

The second. With all the desire to lower the rate it can not be done administratively, we must proceed from the realities of our economy, from its structure. Of course, I often hear: but there, somewhere over the hill, there are different rates, they are lower. Of course, there are lower rates. So they specifically do it. But there are other problems, and the structure of the economy is completely different. We have a threat of inflation, and there problems, perhaps, deflation, when the manufacturer produces, but cannot sell. That is the problem.

And we have a completely different problem. And we need, in order to lower the rate, not to shake on the Central Bank, as it was done in Soviet times and in a planned economy, but to help the Central Bank and the Government to suppress inflation and reduce devaluation risks and expectations. When we can do both, when we move along this path, then naturally the market will calmly and the Central Bank refinancing rate will decrease. "

It is clear that the reaction in the camp of the patriots was different. The most sane agreed that Putin knew better, or simply rejoiced that the president is highly resistant to the pressure of not very smart, but very greedy segments of bureaucracy and business. A certain part of the “patriots” finally became convinced that “Putin is either a fool or a traitor,” and notified about this discovery of the open spaces of social networks, inducing panic and fear in those around him.

The problem here is this. Macroeconomists are few. Good macroeconomists - even less. There are simply no good macroeconomists who can well explain macroeconomic concepts with human language in a public space. Against this background, the ideas of "The Sacred Printer" look just fine. They are simple, understandable to any blogger, fit in three or four points and bribe their logic. The faith symbol of the Sacred Printer Sect can be summarized in several paragraphs, the fulfillment of which should ensure economic growth, industrialization and, in the long run, an apple tree on Mars:

1. It is necessary to provide massive lending to industrial enterprises in rubles at a low interest rate (no more than 4-5%) and for a long term. For this you need to print a large number of rubles;

2. Foreign exchange earnings should not be accumulated in reserves, but invested in the development of industry (usually this item is explained by the unwillingness to lend our dollars to the US government, so that "our banks then borrow the same currency under 8%");

3. In order for printed rubles not to go to the foreign exchange market, to flow abroad in one form or another, and not to be stolen by government officials and businessmen, law enforcement agencies must follow the entire process. (Usually, the requirement of executions and the execution list is added to this item, without which the economy will not work).

Faced with this universal, logical, understandable and (at first glance) effective list of demands, a man in the street begins to wonder: “Why won't Putin do it? It's so simple!”

Pseudo-patriotic propagandists are ready to explain. They argue that Putin is either a fool or a traitor who works for the US / Rothschilds / reptiloids / Martians (underline the appropriate). To conduct a macroeconomic dispute in this format does not make sense, since theoretical reasoning will not have sufficient convincingness. Let's try to look at the situation from the other side.

So, we have a kind of universal economic doctrine, which is very simple to understand and supposedly guarantees growth if several conditions are met: lending to industry at low interest with printed money, getting rid of the "dollar tribute" and tight control over the targeted use of money by law enforcement agencies . There are many countries on the planet that are in bad relations with the United States and that really need economic growth. Let's see if the “Sects of the Holy Printer” magic method is used somewhere.

1 Example: Venezuela

This example is worth citing lovers of left ideologies. That, it would seem, was Comandante Chávez, there is Comandante Maduro — real leftists, Bolivarians and fighters for people's freedom, world peace, socialism and all the good, against all bad things. Not a single oligarch in the government. Central Bank - manual and obedient. So what?

Supporters of the Sacred Printer Sect are very surprised when they find out that the refinancing rate of the Central Bank of Venezuela is equal to 21% and even during the times of Chavez did not fall below 14%. Venezuela still sells oil for dollars, and while it was possible, its gold and foreign exchange reserves grew, that is, the Kudrinskaya Kapishka also worked there, although Kudrin was not there.

Putin against the "Sector of the Holy Printer"

The schedule of purchase of American bonds by socialists Chavez and Maduro is quite clear:

2 Example: Iran

Iran example beautifulthat Iran was forcefully cut off from the dollar system after the introduction of international sanctions. It would seem that these are ideal conditions for developing the industry, printing the necessary number of rials, and showing the whole world how an economy based on Islamic principles will flourish. The Central Bank of Iran - manual, power structures - the most effective in the region, the death penalty (a favorite fetish of emopatriots) - is practiced.

The rate of Iranian securities is 20% and with 2006 it did not fall below 12%.

About how impatiently the Iranian authorities are waiting for foreign (currency) investments in the Iranian economy after the final lifting of sanctions have already been written by all the media on the planet. Now the same question about the leaders of Iran: are they fools or traitors? Or the button "print" can not be found on the printer? Maybe they still understand something in the economy?

Example 3: Republic of Belarus

Well, in Minsk there can be no obstacles for the application of the precepts of the “Sect of the Holy Printer”. Lukashenko is perceived by many passionate patriots as a kind of relic of the USSR, which has preserved and increased all the good that was in the Union. If we proceed from the economic theory, beloved by emopatriots, then the situation is ideal. The Central Bank is a manual squared, the Belarusian KGB is an ideal control tool, next is a huge Russian market and no obstacles for carrying out any kind of intervention in the economy. The export of capital is very difficult. It would seem that only the presence of a good printing press separates the Republic of Belarus from economic prosperity, and then the dreams of some Russian dreamers that “if Lukashenka goes to Moscow to throw out the oligarchs, he will start from one division, and 40 will reach Moscow” will come true.

This may be a shock for some emotopriots, but refinancing rate Central Bank of the Republic of Belarus - 25% and below 10% over the past 10 years it has not dropped.

If printing Belarusian rubles and pouring them into industry, science and agriculture was a magic wand, Lukashenko would use this tool long ago instead of negotiating with the IMF, which hints at the need to raise the retirement age in exchange for 3 billion dollar credit .

Does Lukashenka have Siluanov and Nabiullina in charge of finance? Or is life a little more complicated than it seems to specialists in monetary policy?

We have to ask the sectarians another time: Lukashenka is a fool or a traitor? Maybe his agents in the US Central Bank wound up? But maybe, after all, he has already conducted all possible emission experiments and exhausted their usefulness?

4 Example: China

The People's Republic of China is a favorite example of adepts of the "Sect of the Holy Printer." Let us take a closer look at it, especially from those angles that do not fall on the pages of the empathic economists.

According to Central Bank of China, the foreign currency debt of China, including public and private debt, is 0,85 trillion dollars.

Moreover, the National Commission for Reform and Development of the People's Republic of China calls on companies involved in the New Silk Road project, as well as the development of Beijing, Tianjin, Hebei and the special economic region of the Yangtze River, to borrow from foreign banks and receive funding in foreign markets:

According to the logic of the sects of the Holy Printer, some dreadful traitors entrenched themselves in the leadership of the People's Republic of China, who, on the one hand, collected more than three trillion dollars of foreign exchange reserves and invested 1,25 trillion dollars in US treasury bonds, while Chinese companies themselves were forced to take foreign currency loans abroad. Moreover, the state even encourages companies involved in key projects, such as the development of the Beijing region, to seek foreign funding. This may surprise some emopatriots, but so far no one has been shot for this Chinese “zradu”.

Adherents of the Sacred Saint Printer often set China as an example, assuming that China has a very high level of monetization of the economy. From the fact that the ratio of M2 to GDP in the PRC is about 180%, and in Russia it is only 60% (World Bank data) they conclude that the Russian economy needs to be urgently pumped up with money. Dear readers, the fetishization of any economic parameter is evil. Evil is unconditional.

Speaking of the Chinese exorbitant ratio of money supply to GDP, printer lovers forget to mention that the PRC leaders themselves consider this high ratio a problem, and this high level of monetization is explained not by the shock work of printing the yuan, but by the fact that the Chinese, instead of buying gadgets credit and dangle in Turkey at the resort for the last money, this money is massively carried on bank deposits.

Chinese savings rate - 50% of GDP.

The ratio of money supply to GDP is generally not related to the quality of the economy and the availability of credit resources for enterprises. Take a few countries that have according to the World Bank the level of monetization of the economy is higher than in Russia:

In addition to the PRC (188%), it is Morocco (112%), Thailand (127%), Mauritius (102%). Have something to envy?

Take a few countries whose monetization level is close to Russian (60%): Sweden (66,9%), Denmark (65,2%), Bhutan (62,7%). Still have a desire to make some global conclusions based on a single macroeconomic parameter? By the way, in Sweden - negative interest rates of the Central Bank, and in Denmark - zero rates, and this does not lead to a noticeable increase in the monetization of the economy. Here is a mystery for believers in the omnipotence of central banks.

I repeat the question: are the leaders of the PRC - are they fools or traitors? Maybe red heirs ancient tangerines know a little more about economics than pique vests who read a couple of postings in social networks and articles in the media?

5 Example: US and their Western World Colleagues

The example of the United States, as well as to some extent the EU and Japan, very clearly points to one uncomfortable fact that supporters of the Sacred Printer Printer prefer not to notice. In order to reduce the rates to zero and rounch the currency printer to its fullest, you must first do the following:

1. Win two world wars, joining them as late as possible and ensuring a situation in which all geopolitical competitors will be as weak as possible. Alternatively - become the closest vassal of this winner.

2. Make your currency the base (or one of the base) currencies of international trade, which will allow to export inflation to other countries

3. Become a welcome haven for private, public and criminal (corruption) capital from around the world

And only after these conditions have been fulfilled, it is possible to keep the economy on "monetary cocaine" for ultra-low rates for some time, and then, catastrophic consequences will inevitably manifest in the future. By the way, in 70 and 80, the US Central Bank rate was often higher than 10% and reached 20%, but this did not prevent America from finishing off the USSR.

Once again: you must first become a world hegemon, and then you can turn on the printer. On the contrary - it is impossible. This is understood in Caracas, Tehran, Minsk, Beijing and Moscow, but our emopatriots, who have imagined themselves to be the owners of a perpetual motion engine, do not want to understand this.

The above does not mean that the state should not stimulate the economy. Must. And it does this, as the president said most specifically at a press conference:

... And what does the Central Bank do in addition to keeping the entire financial and banking system of the country in working condition? And we can say that this is how it is today. What else does the central bank do? Together with the Government, for example, it works under the so-called project financing programs, when certain projects are passed through the Government, and the set is quite large, the bill goes to tens of billions of dollars, already, in my opinion, 250, then 500 billions, under different programs. And under these programs, the bank provides funding to our commercial financial institutions for the subsequent financing of these specific programs. This applies to new investment projects, the bank also takes part in them. A whole set of tools the bank uses. I think that is enough for now.
Putin Vladimir Vladimirovich

We must remember that the magic wand does not exist, and for every problem there is a simple, clear and wrong solution. In order for the economy to grow, it is necessary to improve and expand the mechanisms mentioned by the president. We need to increase funding for these programs, but the most important thing is to make officials work better and more actively with them without sacrificing quality, as often happens with government projects. And also, I would like the Central Bank to adopt one good practice from its Iranian counterparts, namely, limiting bank margins. Then the management of the Central Bank will no longer have a reason to complain that it is impossible to force commercial banks to lower interest rates after the Central Bank rate reduction.

Total: there are problems, there are solutions, there is work, there are reasons for optimism too, but there were no “magic wands” and “magic printers”, but there are no “magic wands” and “printers” full coil, do it not out of patriotism, but from quite selfish interests.

Today, our economy is looked at in the same way as they looked at our army in 2010, when Forbes magazine called it the “barnyard”, and our “patriots” in the blozhikah fully agreed with this opinion. Then there was an unexpected surprise. We will definitely wait for positive surprises from the economy, but for this everyone will have to work well.
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  1. -23
    23 December 2015 11: 16
    Maybe we just forget about economic difficulties and print money? Like the Americans. Why isn’t that?

    Turned on the machine and on the road.

    Inflation? Depreciation? - where are they in America? There are of course but within. They just print paper ... and somehow it’s normal.

    Debt 18 trillion .... but they do not blow a mustache.

    Audacity second happiness.
    1. +45
      23 December 2015 11: 24
      One could have done so, but for this a conference on the international system of organizing monetary relations and trade settlements should not have taken place in Bretton Woods, but somewhere in Penza or Tambov.
      1. +4
        23 December 2015 11: 26
        but for this, a conference on the international system of organizing monetary relations and trade settlements was to take place not in Bretton Woods, but somewhere in Penza or Tambov.
        1. +1
          23 December 2015 11: 27
          Maybe we just forget about economic difficulties and print money? Like the Americans.

          If as Americans, then we will print bucks. wassat
          Why, they can and we don’t ??? laughing

          We’ll hold a conference! By all means!
          Everything in Tambov !!!

          And the author in kindergarten with this article !!!
          They will communicate in one language.
          Mutual understanding will be complete. children also love the word du.rak to speak about and without it! laughing

          That's interesting why du.rak can be written in the article but not in the comment? winked
          1. +8
            23 December 2015 13: 15
            Great article! Very clear and intelligible. Many thanks to the author hi
            1. +2
              23 December 2015 17: 31

              But I didn’t get it. And I ask for an explanation with a simple example.


              What does it mean? If you have 100% financing per 100 units of goods. But the bank asks for a return of 110% of the money. So you have to re-produce the goods by 10 units and manage to sell it to someone who does not have money because these 10% of the extra money belongs to the bank. A bank is not a consumer.

              So how then should a high percentage work for the future?

              Please explain.
              1. +2
                23 December 2015 17: 37
                Quote: gladcu2
                how to understand this? If you have 100% financing per 100 units of goods. But the bank asks for a return of 110% of the money. So you have to re-produce the goods by 10 units and manage to sell it to someone who does not have money because these 10% of the extra money belongs to the bank.

                no, you overstate the cost of goods by 10% and pay with the bank, or reduce costs by 10%, the goods come at a 100% price and everyone is happy

                Quote: gladcu2
                A bank is not a consumer

                And why did you decide that the bank needs goods?
                Quote: gladcu2
                So how then should a high percentage work for the future?

                Percentage of what?
                1. +2
                  23 December 2015 18: 37

                  Money should reflect the real price of the goods. If it is overestimated, then the goods will not receive a cash equivalent.

                  The bank acts as a pump, transferring money from industry. At the same time, NOT being a consumer of the product.

                  To raise the price of goods, as you say. Need to print extra money.
          2. +4
            23 December 2015 15: 32
            Quote: Temples
            And the author in kindergarten with this article !!!

            Why in kindergarten?
            Many, for example, are not so strong in fiscal affairs, and the article is written in an accessible language with working examples. To the author for work +!
          3. +7
            23 December 2015 16: 49
            Just printing and distributing it makes no sense - monetary inflation will unfold. This is when someone first received the money - bought up 50% of the product and now for the remaining 5% of the product prices soared dozens of times.

            Industry in Russia is suffocating without money for working capital - foreign companies that took at 3% cannot be taken now because of sanctions. and you can’t take domestic money because the rate is prohibitive.

            The paradox is that there is money.
            Gold reserves - invested in debts of foreign states, i.e. sterilized - withdrawn from our economy. Well let it lie. % are dripping on them and the budget receives a rent.
            But there are still gigantic amounts in rubles !!! And they are called - unspent budget funds.

            Those. the budget included spending on ... well, let's say light bulbs for the State Duma. But they did not burn out! And to steal this money does not work - there is targeted funding. You can first buy these bulbs and then steal the bulbs (write off). But godfather needs light bulbs? To nobody. Well, there are big funds on the r / s of this institution in the amount of the cost of all the bulbs in the building. And such institutions (not only the Duma - any budgetary enterprise or body) - darkness! And the amounts are in the trillions-would be enough for a new industrialization!

            So our trouble is not in the absence of money, but in managing it. As in 1941 there were no problems with the troops, but there were problems with the command ...
            1. 0
              23 December 2015 17: 35

              How to fix the situation? How to manage this budget so flexible that it doesn’t steal and the benefits are?
      2. The comment was deleted.
      3. +2
        23 December 2015 22: 44
        Alternative economics: the Shaimuratovo phenomenon http: //conceptual.rf/alternativaya-ekonomika-fenomen-shaymuratovo Putin there Putin himself, as a leader, he must prevent speculation and theft. First you need to build an appropriate system, but without it, just printing money will come to inflation, because the money lenders will all go away. On the other hand, there will be no money to change carrots for tractors, then the state what for.
        At the beginning of 2012, strange information spread around the Russian media: farmers in the Bashkir village of Shaimuratovo have been printing their own money for more than a year and giving them salaries to employees. This measure allowed them in a few months to completely improve the economy of their economy and the entire district.
    2. +16
      23 December 2015 11: 26
      18 trillion is not a debt, but what the rest of the world (including the Russian Federation) "voluntarily" transferred to the United States to maintain the existing world order.
      1. +8
        23 December 2015 11: 44
        Quote: iouris
        18 trillion is not a debt, but what the rest of the world (including the Russian Federation) "voluntarily" transferred to the United States to maintain the existing world order

        Perhaps, but for the existence of the existing order, a further transfer of the whole world (including the Russian Federation) is necessary, and the world (including the Russian Federation) is thinking aloud to jump off, that’s the problem of the USA.
        1. +1
          23 December 2015 22: 50
          Financial science is built on Kabbalah. Valentin Katasonov http: //conceptual.rf/finansovaya-nauka-stroitsya-na-kabbale-valentin-katasonov So here some people pray for the dollar, why do they need an alternative
    3. The comment was deleted.
    4. +15
      23 December 2015 11: 27
      Quote: DEZINTO
      Maybe we just forget about economic difficulties and print money?

      Start typing right away yourself and maybe you will become rich or poor in prison.

      The author is well done, it’s not too sick to walk along Glazyev, here the whole crowd was for him, and then bam, and he was for the bankers wassat
      For those who bother to read the article, the templates will break laughing
      As before, no one read Glazyev’s report, but almost all fellows supported lol
      1. +13
        23 December 2015 11: 45
        Quote: Alexander Romanov
        As before, no one read Glazyev’s report, but almost all fellows supported

        In Russia, reports and instructions are read in two cases when something has already broken, or sitting in the toilet when there is nothing to read except what is used instead of toilet paper. Hello veteran drinks !
        1. 0
          23 December 2015 12: 25
          Quote: Tersky

          In Russia, reports and instructions are read in two cases when something has already broken, or sitting in the toilet when there is nothing to read except what is used instead of toilet paper.

          Healthy Vitya hi Then one does not agree with you, he is the only one on the site who read the report laughing
          1. +2
            23 December 2015 13: 04
            As before, no one read Glazyev’s report, but almost all fellows supported

            That's just you and read.
            I’m proud of myself to horror !!!
          2. +3
            23 December 2015 15: 26
            Alexander Romanov
            So I put a second minus to Vitya), because as I understood the plus points, only those who did not read Glazyev's report and agree with the statement "In Russia, reports and instructions are read in two cases ..."
            I don’t understand what he wanted to say with this, that he himself didn’t read it, or just piss off once again about the Russian people ???
            And in some places the article is normal like that)) as one of the points of view it’s quite suitable for itself, the narrative style is not very true, as if the author is the only smart and mentally retarded chewing what’s what
      2. +10
        23 December 2015 12: 05
        Quote: Alexander Romanov
        For those who bother to read the article, the templates will break

        Honestly - I'm sitting and scratching turnips ...

        It rarely happens: if you read one thing - it seems to be right ... You read a continuation in the presentation of another - and this one seems to be right ... And then Glazyev was "not on our" side ...

        But still it seems to me that the printer cannot be turned on, although it sounded beautiful: we will saturate the economy and especially the industry with cheap money ...

        Cheap money is stolen at the moment, not allowing them to reach their destination, and the remnants will become so expensive that they never dreamed of ... That is, we get some kind of vicious cycle of money in the Russian financial nature ...

        PS And anyway, the author, it seems to me, is somewhat obscuring and distorting reality ... If the Central Bank rate in Belarus is 25% (and this is for a short term, short money !!!), then, then, commercial loans are issued to enterprises under 35 -40% ??? This can not be, since the company does not make sense to take such loans and drive yourself into bankruptcy ...
        1. +3
          23 December 2015 12: 26
          Quote: veksha50
          But still it seems to me that the printer cannot be turned on, although it sounded beautiful: we will saturate the economy and especially the industry with cheap money ...

          It can be done. with a working economy (as in the states) - when there is industry and it lacks only one thing - money.
          In Russia, everything is much more complicated, nowhere to invest.
          (I can now imagine all the screams - there are some) Well, let's, as an example --- just take into account some things
          1. Technology
          2.Frames (design)
          3. Equipment
          4. Consumables - for the possession of which again all the previous things I have written are needed

          I mean, effectively investing, and most importantly, in Russia there are no US-level economists able to manage and predict macro-models of the economy.
          when there is a lot of dough and no one counts it - everything is simple
          when a lot of dough and everyone and everything sells - the same is simple
          And when there is no money. and buy a dumb one - everything is complicated and very
          And I’ll be back again - sanctions are generally minimal.
          1. Do not give a loan (in the west) - such as do your
          2. Do not sell technology - like develop your
          So how is it ? Cheers patriots seem to have to rejoice at this state of affairs.
          broke away from the West, all their import substitution, More sanctions (yelled at first) - well, a year has passed?
          What do these idiots cry and complain about sanctions?
          1. +7
            23 December 2015 12: 41
            Everything is correct except the last. Patriots do not seem to be against sanctions. Finally, at least we will do our own! Well, like Sobchak, of course, they are outraged. And the rest, in my opinion, are only FOR. Give sanctions!
            1. -1
              23 December 2015 12: 44
              Quote: Region 34
              Everything is correct except the last. Patriots do not seem to mind sanctions

              Well it is known. I'm kind of not against a collective farm, just not in my village
              Quote: Region 34
              Finally, at least we will do our own!

              And who used to interfere
              Quote: Region 34
              You give sanctions

              Is that you to Obama?
              1. +4
                23 December 2015 13: 03
                Quote: atalef
                Well it is known. I'm kind of not against a collective farm, just not in my village
                Quote: 34 region
                Finally, at least we will do our own!

                And who used to interfere

                Competition was excessive; it was not profitable to produce one. Now it’s profitable. By the way, in the building materials market, our building materials have successfully superseded imported materials in many segments, precisely due to production using their own technologies.
                1. 0
                  23 December 2015 16: 16
                  Quote: Altona
                  The competition was redundant

                  There is never too much competition. Competition is always good. I understand that protecting the local industry through duties on competitors in, but removing them altogether is to create a low-quality monopoly.

                  Quote: Altona
                  By the way, in the building materials market, our building materials have successfully replaced imported

                  it would be surprising if imported bricks, sawlogs or concrete were imported to Russia
                  Quote: Altona
                  it is due to the production at their technology.

                  But from now on in more detail.
                  1. 0
                    23 December 2015 17: 59

                    The claim that competition is well is extremely controversial.

                    Competition primarily leads to killing. Competition is synonymous with war.

                    To remove competition, monopolies will appear. High prices with high profits. Therefore, it is always necessary to have a strong state machine on guard, which would put competition in the correct framework of the law.
                  2. 0
                    23 December 2015 19: 22
                    Quote: atalef
                    But from now on in more detail.

                    Ceramic tiles, finishing plaster mixes, polymer sealants and foam, windows and doors - plastic, metal. Covering tapes, linoleum, drywall, plastic and metal tiles, clinker bricks, foam blocks, high-strength concrete and concrete mixes, plastic and metal fittings, plastic pipes. Well, all that.
          2. 0
            23 December 2015 13: 00
            Quote: atalef
            1. Do not give a loan (in the west) - such as do your
            2. Do not sell technology - like develop your
            So how is it ? Cheers patriots seem to have to rejoice at this state of affairs.
            broke away from the West, all their import substitution, More sanctions (yelled at first) - well, a year has passed?
            What do these idiots cry and complain about sanctions?

            No one complains. Sanctions are generally good, it will also protect the market. Regarding technologies, they are purchased, at least Siemens did not curtail cooperation and a number of other companies. And if new equipment is expensive for some companies, then you can still buy it, and it’s good for the Germans.
            1. +1
              23 December 2015 16: 20
              Quote: Altona
              No one complains. Sanctions are generally good, it will also protect the market

              Sanctions are bad, the domestic market can be protected by duties and buy what you need.
              Under the conditions of sanctions, conditions are set for you, not you
              1. 0
                23 December 2015 18: 03

                To protect the domestic market with duties, you must have something to protect. Namely, the production itself and only because of its non-competitiveness, if productivity is not high.

                Money itself is paper if it is not provided with goods. For only the material has value.
              2. 0
                23 December 2015 19: 23
                Quote: atalef
                Sanctions are bad, the domestic market can be protected by duties and buy what you need.
                Under the conditions of sanctions, conditions are set for you, not you

                The sanctions are mainly financial, on an external cheap loan. WTO fees cannot be applied indiscriminately.
          3. +1
            23 December 2015 13: 16
            Quote: atalef
            I mean, effectively investing, and most importantly, in Russia there are no US-level economists able to manage and predict macro-models of the economy.

            Thanks and no need, these specialists predicted.
          4. +1
            23 December 2015 13: 22
            Quote: atalef
            And I'll be back again - sanctions are generally minimal.
            1. Do not give a loan (in the west) - like do your
            2. Do not sell technology - type develop your

            I completely agree....
          5. 0
            23 December 2015 17: 53

            The problem of lack of personnel is a serious but not fatal thing. Frames can be obtained pretty quickly. It would be a matter, but learning to do is not difficult.

            At the expense of Western economists, the identity is controversial. What is good for the USA is death for Upper Volta.
            1. 0
              23 December 2015 21: 25
              Quote: gladcu2
              Frames can be obtained pretty quickly.
              - Ho ho .. smile
          6. 0
            27 December 2015 00: 29
            it may seem strange, but I am for sanctions and cheap oil, I explain, while there was expensive oil - everything suited everyone, but now you want it or not, but it will either have to modernize the economy or finally bend down to the west, but judging by recent years, the deflection is decreasing, respectively the government of the Russian Federation simply has no other choice but the economic model, but how each should look like it appears in its own way, so we will not see the result in the near future
        2. The comment was deleted.
        3. +1
          23 December 2015 12: 27
          Quote: veksha50
          But still it seems to me that the printer cannot be turned on, although it sounded beautiful: we will saturate the economy and especially the industry with cheap money ...

          Yes, immediately print money and give everyone 100 millions, everyone will become rich fellow
          Quote: veksha50
          This can not be, because the company does not make sense to take such loans and drive yourself into bankruptcy ...

          They don’t just take it and that's it. In our early 90s, loans were taken either by crazy or scammers
          1. +4
            23 December 2015 12: 31
            Quote: Alexander Romanov
            Yes, immediately print money and give everyone 100 millions, everyone will become rich

            Sasha, do not voice the dreams of a certain part of the country's population 404, the disease "getting rich overnight" is transient. laughing
          2. +1
            23 December 2015 13: 28
            Quote: Alexander Romanov
            Yes, immediately print money and give everyone 100 millions, everyone will become rich

            I did not say this, this thought and idea are not mine, but from the article ... It was suggested there by someone from EP (Sergey Markov), posing as allegedly for the good ...

            Well, about loans ... we are talking about today's time, and not about the 90s ... We are talking about the key rate at which the Central Bank gives CB short (!!!) money, which is why the CB sculpts crazy interest on long-term loans ...

            The Central Bank recently issued recommendations on interest rates, above which the CB cannot raise the bar ... Thus, it limited the speculative margin received by the CB, and they still (!!!) exceed the bar of this rate (see the Central Bank letter yourself and, accordingly , to choose - interest rates on loans to legal entities in the CB) ... It turns out that the Central Bank does not regulate the process, then to hell with these manipulations ???
          3. 0
            23 December 2015 15: 39
            Quote: Alexander Romanov
            Yes, immediately print money and give everyone 100 millions, everyone will become rich

            Nope. Everyone will remain poor, they’ll just go for bread with a bag of money. It was already passed.

            I support your opinion about the inadmissibility of frantic inclusion of the printing press.
        4. +1
          23 December 2015 15: 31
          "It rarely happens: you read one thing - it seems to be right ... You read a continuation in the presentation of another - and this one seems to be right ... And then there was Glazyev" not on our "side ..."

          Yes, to some extent, both are right)
          And what rarely happens that really good and smart ideas turned into a complete collapse ???
          After all, any idea must be properly implemented, and this is where, as our bureaucrats like to say, “forks” begin, and in which direction they will lead and into whose pocket they will bring cash flows, is it a big question !?
        5. +1
          23 December 2015 17: 48
          veksha 50

          There is such a thing.

          Well, I could be wrong too. But I’ll try to answer you a question, as it’s exactly how you get lost in logic.

          In Belarus, such a high percentage can only be commercial. Commerce is a short-term loan of money for speculative profits. Remember the USSR when speculation was illegal? This is the same only money will have to be paid back.

          But in Belarus, the share of state assets and production owned by the state is very high. Therefore, such a rate is an alternative taxation system. Money then goes back to the state. A private enterprise with its long-term investments will certainly lose in profit. But the state also returns this money back, with orders for the construction of the same apartments and the construction of infrastructure of roads, pensions, etc.

          Those. thus the role of the state, statehood is growing. Which of course is positive.

          It seems so.
          1. 0
            23 December 2015 22: 26
            Quote: gladcu2
            In Belarus, such a high percentage can only be commercial.

            Well, I then took the data from the article ... And I understand where the legs grow at lending rates in commercial banks provided by at least physical, even legal entities ...

            If we consider such a mechanism, as you disclose, both the Central Bank of YOUR (and not the Fed) and the enterprises are STATE, then this is another matter ... The state simply regulates the flow of money ...

            But here the state does not regulate the cash flows of commercial banks ...
        6. 0
          23 December 2015 19: 20

          Car loan
          The loan is provided for the purchase of new and used 1 vehicles, from the date of issue of which no more than ten years have passed on the date of the decision to grant a loan) by the institution of the Bank, from legal entities (including those acquired by the Borrowers with the condition of offsetting the cost of existing cars against the cost of purchased cars) and individuals.
          Payment of a loan by making equal installments during the repayment period (application of an international annuity)
          Many convenient ways to repay the loan (including in the bank's information kiosks, through the Internet and M systems - banking, Auto payment)
          Making a loan to citizens receiving wages (pensions) at bank institutions is possible without providing a statement of income
          Interest rate: - up to 7 years - 2-times refinancing rate of NB RB2 - 8 p.p.
          - up to 5 years - 2-times refinancing rate of NB RB2 - 10 p.p.
          Method of providing a loan: by bank transfer to third party accounts
          Interest payment procedure: in accordance with the loan repayment schedule and interest calculated on the basis of the outstanding balance on the first day of each month
          Loan amount: within the limits of the applicant's solvency, taking into account the cost of the car
          Collateral: guarantee of individuals, pledge of immovable or movable property, and other methods provided for by the legislation of the Republic of Belarus, except for forfeit
          1. -1
            23 December 2015 21: 01
            There are few such dollarized countries as Belarus on the planet. Money has different functions, one of them is a means of accumulation. Making long-term savings in Belarusian rubles is a futile task. From 1991 to 2011, the currency of the Republic of Belarus depreciated 50 million times. Two denominations threw a total of 4 zeros, and against this background, the average salary today is 6 million rubles. Apartments, cars are all sold and bought for dollars. Talking about purchases for goods larger than everyday is usually conducted only in currency. This is the norm if the question of how much they spent on vacation, they will answer you $ 700, or how much is the wheel bearing, hear 30 bucks. There is even a joke about three types of lack of money, this is when there is no money, there is no money at all, and there is no money we are going to change dollars. smile
          2. -1
            23 December 2015 22: 34
            Quote: your1970
            Car loan

            Here we are mainly concerned about loans and financing of the real sector of the economy ... It is one thing to take a car (not a passenger, of course) for production activities, another thing is for personal use ...

            There are different percentages and terms, and the very essence of lending ...

            That's just the growth of the money supply will primarily affect the fact that everyone will buy cars for themselves ... Then what ???

            And the proposals to introduce non-cash payment of large purchases for enterprises is also a good thing (for the state, at least), as it will allow controlling cash flows, levy taxes and, in theory, reduce corruption kickbacks ...

            That's something like ...
      3. 0
        24 December 2015 07: 27
        Quote: Alexander Romanov
        The author is well done, it wasn’t sickly walking along Glazyev, here the whole crowd was for him, and then bam, and he was for bankers wassat

        and from what does this follow ???
    5. The comment was deleted.
      1. The comment was deleted.
      2. jjj
        23 December 2015 11: 35
        Meanwhile, rubles in our economy are just not enough. In Soviet times, a quote from Ilyich was placed under any "initiative". Now it is beneficial for Putin to hide behind
        1. +5
          23 December 2015 11: 42
          In the eighth year, the dough was already thrown. They just went to all sorts of speculative games. Maybe as in the Union, introduce a cashless ruble? Although bankers seem to offer to conduct everything through cards. Can banks limit interest rates? Or make only one bank? Why a stepwise system of banks when the Central Bank gives to other banks? And why should enterprises give interest? You just can’t allocate for development?
          1. +4
            23 December 2015 12: 15
            Quote: Region 34
            Or make only one bank?

            Well, not one, but like in the USSR - 5-6 large banks, each of which is engaged in its own direction ...
            Still, their activities will be easier to control ...

            PS Actually, mind you, for the second year almost every week, licenses from commercial banks have been revoked ... Everything is already going to reduce their number ...
            1. 0
              23 December 2015 19: 22
              "Well, not one, but like in the USSR - 5-6 large banks,"
              Please tell me the names of at least three if not difficult .....
              1. 0
                23 December 2015 22: 22
                Quote: your1970
                Please tell me the names of at least three if not difficult.

                I don’t remember everything, but Sberbank, Vneshtorgbank, Stroybank, Svyazbank were ...

                Moreover, just all foreign exchange operations were carried out precisely through Vneshtorgbank ...

                The Russian Agricultural Bank must also be left — I don’t remember whether he was in the USSR or not ...

                PS Or did you mean "name at least three" - deprived of a license ??? So there is a sea of ​​them, read the news feed, every week almost 2-3 banks are deprived of their licenses ... Or go to the website of the Central Bank - there you will get comprehensive information ...

                We now have about 800 commercial banks ... Putin expressed his opinion that the country will have enough of 200 (again I need a link - so I don’t have it, I didn’t think I needed to store a database of all the information) ...

                But even 200 - this is purely in my subjective opinion - a lot, there is no way to manage them (just do not need to talk about freedom of enterprise), there is no way to control speculative and other transactions ...

                The banking system MUST and MUST ensure the normal functioning of the national economy, the real sector of the economy, and not make money from the air and not transfer it to offshore ...
                1. 0
                  25 December 2015 08: 14
                  In the USSR, besides Sberbank and Vneshtorgbank, there were NO other banks .. no connection, no system, no others. And the Sberbank became a bank in 90 - before that it was a savings bank.
          2. +7
            23 December 2015 12: 24
            Quote: 34 region
            In the eighth year, the dough was already thrown. They just left for all kinds of speculative games. Maybe as in the Union, introduce a cashless ruble? Though bankers seem to offer to conduct everything through cards. Can banks limit interest rates? Or make only one bank? Why a stepwise system of banks when the Central Bank gives to other banks? And why should enterprises give interest? You just can’t allocate for development?

            Highlighted by me
            all kinds of speculative games - this is exactly what the bankers are fighting for, plaintively asking the Central Bank to "print denyuzhkov" feelbecause The Central Bank in determining the money supply is based on at least some objective reality (gold reserves).
            bankers seem to offer to conduct everything through cards - non-cash money in the Union and non-cash payments by cards are two big differences. Union money could not be converted into "cash", and their movement was tightly controlled. By printing money, new bankers will receive uncontrolled resources that simply will not enter the industry. Failures in state programs are also associated with this - bureaucrats try to steal from the state on a large scale (small things are done slowly), and whoever does not, "methodically" falls under distribution.
            You just can’t allocate for development? - you can't. When the "unshakable" right of private property was declared, the concept of "theft of state property" disappeared at once, which means that it is practically impossible to punish for the "wrong" spending of someone's money.

            The problem of finding money, rather, in the heads and desire take here and today. The RAO EU management, since its inception, has grown 2,5 times (directly), and the entire structure of the service staff is distribution companies, etc. N times. The same trends are observed in Gazprom, Russian Railways and other companies with state participation. But the state does not have the right to regulate the commercial activities of the company. So they sailed.
          3. +1
            23 December 2015 13: 05
            Quote: Region 34
            Or make only one bank? Why a stepwise system of banks when the Central Bank gives to other banks? And why should enterprises give interest? You just can’t allocate for development?

            It was so in the USSR. The State Bank directly financed the economy and enterprises. It was possible to obtain financing by providing a report, a percentage of the work performed.
        2. +5
          23 December 2015 12: 29
          Quote: jjj
          Meanwhile, the rubles in our economy are just not enough

          Of course, no one asked, but where did the grandmothers received over the past 15 years go?
          And this is almost 2 trillion - only for oil.
          1. +1
            23 December 2015 13: 28
            "Where" is a question for the Accounts Chamber.
            But it's good that at least part of it "got" into the ROCKETS, for example ... bully

            1. +1
              23 December 2015 22: 41
              Quote: Thor
              "Where" is a question for the Accounts Chamber.

              Hmm ... Stepashin tried to fight - broke ...

              There was talk, about the creation of financial counterintelligence in the FSB structure - everything was left in words and paper ...

              There is no main thing - the desire at the top to put an end to embezzlement and other crap ...

              It seems to me (I’m not even crossing myself) that as long as budget money goes down from Moscow to the direct recipients of this money, at least half will be stolen ...

              And the binoculars are all looking for how to plug holes in the budget ... It's very simple - do not steal, and there should be enough money for everything, even with the model of the economy that we have today ...
      3. +6
        23 December 2015 11: 35
        We will definitely wait for positive surprises from the economy, but for this everyone will have to work hard.

        But unfortunately, many people have a different opinion: they think that prosperity in our economy will come by itself or a good uncle will take care of it.
        1. +9
          23 December 2015 11: 46
          Nothing will happen by itself. People simply infuriate the lack of movement for the better. Prices, tariffs, inflation, grass, trees, everything is growing! We all want to live well today and now, and not in the afterlife.
    6. +12
      23 December 2015 11: 34
      Quote: DEZINTO
      Debt 18 trillion .... but they do not blow a mustache.

      For a simple reason. This debt will be distributed for everyone green paper lovers.
      Ai in order to print the ruble, it is advisable to make others stand in line with the ruble in hand for Russian goods. IMHO
      1. +7
        23 December 2015 12: 11
        Quote: Hedgehog
        Quote: DEZINTO
        Debt 18 trillion .... but they do not blow a mustache.

        For a simple reason. This debt will be distributed for everyone green paper lovers.
        And in order to print the ruble it is advisable to make others stand in line with the ruble in hand for Russian goods. IMHO

        I can’t understand it myself, I’m probably of age, but they will not accept it at the HSE - I didn’t go out with a snout, so I don’t understand Why TOMORROW can’t gas, for example, be sold for rubles? What great lovers of rubles will then become, for example, the Germans! And for rubles they will come to the MICEX, where they will buy ONE ruble for 75,874 euros. Or for 7587,4 euros. How will the illiberal part of the Russian leadership have a mood ...

        And if the day after tomorrow to demand debts from America? And if there is also China pulling up? Yes, the Germans again hint about their gold? America will forget a lot of things on this planet, and on others too ...

        And as the number of lovers of green papers decreases .... And lovers of rubles will increase. I’ve lived two-thirds of my life in Soviet rubles — and I knew that there was 16 kopecks yesterday and tomorrow, and the day after tomorrow. And how can I not love those old rubles after that? And since, after all, the West needs us more than they need us, then let them try to love the ruble. Nothing, it only hurts at first, and then it’s even pleasant ....

        And what will they do in return? Will the sanctions be tightened? So, thank God, capitalism is not at the stage of imperialism (you don’t understand what at all - it’s a managed market), we will live without economic expansion. What should we live for the first time in isolation or something ...

        After what our country has experienced at least one twentieth century - show me how they can scare us? What we have not seen, what did not spit on and who did not beat?
        1. +2
          23 December 2015 12: 46
          Quote: Zoldat_A
          Why TOMORROW can’t gas, for example, be sold for rubles?

          Why not? Can. But, unfortunately, the ruble was late. It was no accident that Stalin refused to make the dollar the base currency for settlements. But today it is necessary to fight for a place in the sun. With a flick of the wrist you can do it. It seems that a start has been made. China, Iran. But this is not enough. It would be necessary to force Europe. But she doesn’t buy much from Russia. Yes, and not just refuse her the dollar. Amerikosy crush, do not miss your benefit!
        2. 0
          23 December 2015 13: 14
          Quote: Zoldat_A
          After what our country has experienced at least one twentieth century - show me how they can scare us? What we have not seen, what did not spit on and who did not beat?

          This is a shame ... Over one twentieth century, our people have experienced so much, but they still live poorly (relative to Europeans), and the same Germans, having unleashed and lost the 2nd World War, live in chocolate. Let everyone draw conclusions himself.
      2. +1
        23 December 2015 13: 08
        Quote: Hedgehog
        Ai in order to print the ruble, it is advisable to make others stand in line with the ruble in hand for Russian goods. IMHO

        To do this, it is necessary to oust some manufacturers from the market. And moreover, from the international market. However, China has successfully done this.
        1. +1
          23 December 2015 14: 29
          Quote: Altona
          oust some manufacturers from the market

          So I hinted about it. Otherwise, it’s impossible. However, the patenting system greatly complicates this task. No matter how you get into the patents, everything is patented that you can and not even really do. The main thing is patented! I still remember this from the USSR. When we did the inkjet print head for the printer. And that was in 1984-1989. And even a little earlier.
    7. +2
      23 December 2015 11: 35
      You can’t get far on one machine. Why take bucks? When the whole world was ravaged, only America produced goods. To give their goods, they gave loans. That's why bucks are appreciated. Is the crisis today? It's good! Again, the whole world in ruin, and then again loans.
    8. +5
      23 December 2015 11: 37
      Quote: DEZINTO
      Maybe we just forget about economic difficulties and print money? Like the Americans. Why isn’t that?

      If it is sarcasm, then +. I don’t put any cons from the principle. Everyone can be mistaken and mistaken.
    9. +6
      23 December 2015 11: 39
      Quote: DEZINTO

      Inflation? Depreciation? - where are they in America? There are of course but within. They just print paper ... and somehow it’s normal.

      And the fact that the U.S. gold and foreign currency reserves fell from 448,9 billions to 119 billions in almost an incomplete year (almost four times) doesn’t mean anything, not .. No. ...
    10. +2
      23 December 2015 12: 02
      Quote: DEZINTO
      Turned on the machine and on the road.

      Inflation? Depreciation? - where are they in America? There are of course but within. They just print paper ... and somehow it’s normal.
      - Yes, everything is fine, only you confuse banknotes (for circulation within the USA) and dollars in the form of injections into the economies of other countries.
      "Turning on the press" does not mean that all these trillions are being printed on paper. Not a lot is printed - the rest is zeros in computers.

      But the main focus is not to print the currency, but to dispose of it. The USA has such an instrument - treasurer. Printed, or more correctly - issued dollars are then deposited in the form of a public debt, mainly in these same triggers.

      So, an attempt to copy US financial behavior will not lead to anything good.
      1. +3
        23 December 2015 12: 21
        Quote: iConst
        "Turning on the press" does not mean that all these trillions are being printed on paper. Not a lot is printed - the rest is zeros in computers.

        But the main focus is not to print the currency, but to dispose of it. The USA has such an instrument - treasurer. Printed, or more correctly - issued dollars are then deposited in the form of a public debt, mainly in these same triggers.

        And the most nishtyak - that these triches can be somehow ... Kudrin boil for a small share and in America itself they will not. And if there is no inside America, there is no inflation. Our machine was already turned on in the 90s - it was only necessary to export the extra rubles to America and force the FRS to buy them - everything was done according to their "recipes". The dollar is twice as expensive every month, the ruble "printer" overheated from work - so you got that you go to work - a pack of cigarettes costs 6000 rubles. You go from work - already 6100 ...
      2. 0
        23 December 2015 13: 01
        So, an attempt to copy US financial behavior will not lead to anything good.

        IMHO, we already had it - the GKO pyramid. The problem is that in order for our "Treasuries" to become interesting to someone, they must give awesome profitability. And if it does, then the game in Treasuries will end very quickly, just as the GKO pyramid ended, because the interest is paid from the newly sold Treasuries.

        Nevertheless, I don’t understand why investing unsecured bucks in our enterprises is kosher, and unsecured rubles are not kosher. IMHO, the solution of this problem by capitalist methods is in principle impossible. We need a command and administrative economy.
    11. +2
      23 December 2015 12: 15
      Think about how this piece of paper is provided and what we will provide our pieces of paper with.
    12. +4
      23 December 2015 12: 15
      Quote: DEZINTO
      Debt 18 trillion .... and they do not blow into the mustache. Impudence is the second happiness.

      Debt does not play a role, by the way, by the end (or mid-2016), articles are being shown in Russia that the presence of a public debt is not a problem, America has it, China has it. in Europe - even worse than in America --- why?
      Because, besides resorting to loans from Russia, there will be nowhere to take money from (NWF and Stab Fund will end)
      And it's true - having debt is not a problem. (If you are able to service it) - the problem is different, if the Fed issues its obligations at (in my opinion) 0.25% per annum and there is a queue behind them, then the Central Bank of the Russian Federation (due to the garbage rating ) will have to borrow at a much higher interest.
      There will be an interesting situation of 82 billion bucks (invested by the Central Bank of the Russian Federation at 025% per annum _, and will borrow at 2-3, or maybe more% per annum.
      At the same time, you can rest assured that nobody will pull the money out of the Fed, since after the embezzlement of the National Welfare Fund - American liabilities will be the basis of Russia's gold and foreign exchange reserves - this is an interesting alignment.
      1. 0
        23 December 2015 13: 41
        Quote: atalef
        The debt does not play a role, by the way, by the end (or mid-2016), articles are hiding in Russia that the existence of a public debt is not a problem
        - Yes, he doesn’t play until his (duty) has been presented ... But there have already been articles.
        Quote: atalef
        Because, besides resorting to loans from Russia, there will be nowhere to take money from (NWF and Stab Fund will end)
        - I will develop your thought: To get to the store there is no other way to raise your ass and transfer it to that same store.
        Or, to be clean, there is no other way to pour water on yourself, apply a detergent and rub your skin!
        Byad! laughing
        Everything is upside down: everyone takes loans. The only question is where and on what conditions.
        Quote: atalef
        then the Central Bank of the Russian Federation (due to the garbage rating) will have to borrow at much higher interest rates.
        - Yeah, we know who those ratings are. And for what. China sent everyone already - for objectivity ... laughing
        Quote: atalef
        At the same time, you can rest assured that nobody will pull the money out of the Fed, since after the embezzlement of the National Welfare Fund - American liabilities will be the basis of Russia's gold and foreign exchange reserves - this is an interesting alignment.
        - That's right! They will stay there forever .... laughing
        States will forgive everyone - business for some reason. This is the most likely scenario.

        And the alignment is such that History shows that no empire escaped sunset. People over the past three millennia have not become smarter.

        And ... tired of your demagoguery ...
      2. 0
        23 December 2015 14: 04
        Quote: atalef
        if the Fed issues its obligations under (in my opinion) 0.25% per annum and there is a queue behind them
        - Oops! And why would they have pulled themselves for so long, for a long time .. tail ???
        How many times have they discussed and not accepted?

        It's simple: this line is only in your brain. It was to increase liquidity that the treasury raised the rate.

        Raising the rate is an increase in the cost of servicing debts. Not very good for a debtor. Not??? smile

        Not so chocolate, right, atalef?
        1. +1
          23 December 2015 16: 31
          Quote: iConst
          Oops! And why would they have pulled themselves for so long, for a long time .. tail ???
          How many times have they discussed and not accepted?

          It's simple: this line is only in your brain.

          Give me an example when, when the Fed was unable to place its bonds?

          Quote: iConst
          . It was to increase liquidity that the treasury raised the rate

          What suddenly?
          The US economy has come out of the crisis, the Fed has decided - stop pumping the economy with cheap money, this can accelerate inflation.
          Quote: iConst
          Raising the rate is an increase in the cost of servicing debts. Not very good for a debtor. Not?

          Of course, only the US economy is in such a position that it can afford. Inflation Is More Dangerous
          Quote: iConst
          Not so chocolate, right, atalef?

          In general, not everything is chocolate in the world, but in comparison with Europe - America is really in chocolate.
          Well, I can’t compare it with Russia, you understand why.
          1. +1
            23 December 2015 21: 21
            Quote: atalef
            What suddenly?
            The US economy has come out of the crisis, the Fed has decided - stop pumping the economy with cheap money, this can accelerate inflation.
            - What does investment and treasurer have to do with it?

            Trizheriz is what the Americans "ate".

            Regarding the "pumping" - why were they crying just now that the injections went mainly to speculation, and not to the real sectors of the economy?
      3. +1
        23 December 2015 15: 47
        Because, besides resorting to loans from Russia, there will be nowhere to take money from (NWF and Stab Fund will end)

        Oh, come on, already this year they promised that they would end, now next year. And so every year will end.

        At the same time, you can rest assured that nobody will pull the money out of the Fed, since after the embezzlement of the National Welfare Fund - American liabilities will be the basis of Russia's gold and foreign exchange reserves - this is an interesting alignment.

        And then how to waste the NWF, if not pulled out?
        1. 0
          23 December 2015 16: 34
          Quote: alicante11
          Oh, come on, already this year they promised that they would end

          This year they did not promise (frankly they said that it would not end at all) because oil prices could not drop below 60 bucks. So don't tell tales
          Quote: alicante11
          And so every year will end.

          While maintaining the oil price in the region of 35 bucks - enough until the end of the year, with 30-ty, for half a year.
          Unless of course they cut the budget
          Quote: alicante11
          And then how to waste the NWF, if not pulled out?

          do you understand the difference between the bonds of the Fed - which are gold reserves of Russia and the NWF (National Welfare Fund)?
          1. 0
            24 December 2015 13: 01
            This year they didn’t promise (frankly they said that it wouldn’t end at all) because oil prices cannot fall below 60 bucks.

            Come on, fairy tales are your part. Then your Assad leaves, then the NWF ends.

            So don't tell tales

            Ham s.

            While maintaining the oil price in the region of 35 bucks - enough until the end of the year, with 30-ty, for half a year.
            Unless of course they cut the budget

            Can you confirm with numbers?

            do you understand the difference between the bonds of the Fed - which are gold reserves of Russia and the NWF (National Welfare Fund)?

            Then I don’t see any problems at all. Well, we lived before without the NWF and, if that, and now we will live.
      4. 0
        23 December 2015 22: 43
        Quote: atalef
        Here is such an interesting alignment.

        Foul layout ... But, unfortunately, you are right ...
    13. 0
      23 December 2015 12: 15
      Quote: DEZINTO
      Debt 18 trillion .... and they do not blow into the mustache. Impudence is the second happiness.

      Debt does not play a role, by the way, by the end (or mid-2016), articles are being shown in Russia that the presence of a public debt is not a problem, America has it, China has it. in Europe - even worse than in America --- why?
      Because, besides resorting to loans from Russia, there will be nowhere to take money from (NWF and Stab Fund will end)
      And it's true - having debt is not a problem. (If you are able to service it) - the problem is different, if the Fed issues its obligations at (in my opinion) 0.25% per annum and there is a queue behind them, then the Central Bank of the Russian Federation (due to the garbage rating ) will have to borrow at a much higher interest.
      There will be an interesting situation of 82 billion bucks (invested by the Central Bank of the Russian Federation at 025% per annum _, and will borrow at 2-3, or maybe more% per annum.
      At the same time, you can rest assured that nobody will pull the money out of the Fed, since after the embezzlement of the National Welfare Fund - American liabilities will be the basis of Russia's gold and foreign exchange reserves - this is an interesting alignment.
    14. +3
      23 December 2015 12: 36
      The whole problem is in the CAPITALIST system itself! She does not work without robbery! Does not work! The US has someone to rob us NO! That's all the reasoning. The author cited examples very peculiar, the tasks that Iran, Venezuela face, and we are very different, as are the needs. The author did not mention the possibilities that Venezuela can do and what we can do. the difference is huge! Venezuela is forced to buy it because it can’t do it, we can do it, but NO MONEY! Belarus is a very similar picture, give dad 10% of what we get from oil and gas (our sources) and this was the second Norway, then that the Russian market is nearby, but let's not forget that there are the same sharks of oligarchism as in everything else the world is only bolder and more greedy. In China it’s quite interesting, today China is so full of money that they simply have nowhere to put it and they put it into what they give, namely American pieces of paper. they wanted to invest in projects around the world, but the Anglo-Saxon world tries to stick out everywhere they read about how Chinese money disappeared in Africa, Asia, BV, about European projects .. But we really do not have money in the country they sit and wait .. Of course, the fact that the money received is stolen is of great concern, but it is the state’s task to monitor where they went. and as long as it’s itself interested in the theft of this money, it’s not worth talking about any successful development. Today, the stalemate situation leading to the collapse, to raise the economy you need money, but they are afraid to give it because they will plunder .. There is not a desire to restore order, but a desire to continue to do nothing and catch fish in troubled waters, hoping for a life-giving barrel.
    15. The comment was deleted.
    16. 0
      23 December 2015 19: 06
      Quote: DEZINTO
      Maybe we just forget about economic difficulties and print money?

      Have you read the article? Or be the first to mark the end in itself?
  2. The comment was deleted.
    1. +5
      23 December 2015 11: 30
      Quote: DEZINTO
      Unreasonable minus is funny.

      Still justifiably for
      Quote: CAPRAL
      It’s sometimes useful to read the article to the end, and only then to comment
      1. +6
        23 December 2015 11: 33
        Yes I understand! I read it already. laughing hi
        1. +1
          23 December 2015 11: 47
          And what is your opinion after reading? smile
      2. +2
        23 December 2015 12: 04
        Quote: CAPRAL
        It is sometimes useful to read an article to the end.

        Quote: 34 region
        And what is your opinion after reading?

        There are simply no good macroeconomists who can well explain macroeconomic concepts in human language in public space.
        Further, the article could not be read. The author himself passed a sentence. wassat
        1. 0
          23 December 2015 16: 36
          Everyone has the right to their opinion. But for fraud - no.
          In addition to the PRC (188%), it is Morocco (112%), Thailand (127%), Mauritius (102%). Have something to envy?

          Of course, there is nothing special to envy. And why aren’t other countries more successful and having a monetization of the economy more than 100%: Australia, Austria, New Zealand, Canada, Portugal (which we strive to overtake and overtake), Great Britain, Germany, Belgium, Ireland, Spain?
          Apparently, it does not fit the views of the author.
        2. The comment was deleted.
    2. 0
      23 December 2015 16: 01
      Don't worry about the minus. They don't have 18 trillion. debt and somewhere 64, if you count with corporations. And this debt must be serviced. At a zero rate (or close to "0"), the cost of debt service is also close to "0". And how much is one percent of 18 trillion? 180 billion! This is a lot. So a rate hike is a double-edged dagger. And in order not to repay debts, the hegemon is ready to plunge the whole world into chaos. This is what he has been doing for the last 10 years.
      1. +2
        23 December 2015 16: 42
        Quote: Mountain Shooter
        Don't worry about the minus. They don't have 18 trillion. debt and somewhere 64, if you count with corporations. And this debt must be serviced. At zero rate (or close to "0"), the cost of debt service is also close to "0"

        Two to you, Eugene.
        Fed bonds have a constant percentage rather than floating and dependent on the Fed rate.
        Quote: Mountain Shooter
        And how much is one percent of 18 trillion? 180 mlr! This is a lot.

        in general, what can you argue on this topic, maybe you should just get acquainted with basic knowledge?
        Coupon yield - 0,25% per annum
        Investment return - 0,342% per annum

        Eugene, do not take it for work, read it. You will discover many interesting things.
        Quote: Mountain Shooter
        And in order not to repay debts, the hegemon is ready to plunge the whole world into chaos. What has been the last 10 years.

        I understand that you have completed this sentence, all your logically non-matching opus.
        Read about the constant percentage of bonds, and what it is, and who places it and how it matures, etc. etc.
        Knowledge is Power, Eugene hi
  3. +14
    23 December 2015 11: 26
    It's simple! I moved to live in a remote village, I gradually buy livestock. I feed, I sing, but then she will feed me. And I don't care whether the "machine" works or not. I hope you understand what I mean ...
    1. jjj
      23 December 2015 11: 38
      In parallel, engage in crop production. In order to feed their cattle, and potatoes onions, beets, carrots for their borscht were found. And immediately start marketing
      1. +1
        23 December 2015 12: 13
        "... I read Adam Smith, and was a learned economist, that is, he knew how to judge how the state gets richer and how it lives, and why it doesn't need gold when it has a" simple product "."
        A.S. Pushkin
      2. 0
        23 December 2015 14: 12
        That's the problem with sales!
    2. +4
      23 December 2015 12: 20
      Quote: RosUkrBel
      I hope you understand what I mean ...

      That is, subsistence farming does not require a ruble or a dollar ???
      The words "buy, feed, sing", when sold, also require candy wrappers with purchasing power ...
    3. 0
      23 December 2015 13: 07
      It's simple! I moved to live in a remote village, gradually I buy some cattle. I feed, I sing, but then she will feed me. And I don't care whether the "machine" works or not.

      In-in, and you will dress in skins of "cattle", sandals, ride a cart, plow the land with a plow on the same "cattle". Probably, soon you will no longer be able to get out in and out, because "cattle" and "garden crops" will neither help you buy a computer, nor pay your provider. And then from the nearest town, devastated by the crisis, a gang of gopniks will arrive and all your "cattle" will be eaten for a snack under your own moonshine.
      1. 0
        23 December 2015 21: 40
        I’ll definitely live in a crisis. That's what you will eat ... I’ll figure it out with a gopop, not the first time. And I'm not a drinker.
  4. +12
    23 December 2015 11: 27
    In order for the economy to grow, it is necessary to improve and expand the mechanisms mentioned by the president.
    Can you be more specific and understandable? And then such a detailed anti-Glazyev analysis, but I did not understand how to raise my industry from the author’s article. Well, in addition to general words, such as work. Comparison with the army in 2010 also has nothing to do with it, except for the very fact of the army’s assessment in 2010. As for us, the Minister of Defense changed
    1. +8
      23 December 2015 11: 33
      Quote: Stirbjorn
      Can you be more specific and understandable?

      This is the whole snag. The main goal of the article is not to analyze the situation in detail, but to frighten the reader with not very clear terminology. There are problems, but it is not clear from the article exactly how to solve them.
      1. +5
        23 December 2015 11: 51
        Why is it incomprehensible? The recipe is given. Work hard and not think about money. Only fools think about money, and normal people only work. In my opinion the article’s message is this. Although others may have understood differently.
        1. cap
          23 December 2015 12: 21
          Quote: 34 region
          Why is it incomprehensible? The recipe is given. Work hard and not think about money. Only fools think about money, and normal people only work. In my opinion the article’s message is this. Although others may have understood differently.

          And those who are already on "undeserved rest" and have lost half of their purchasing power will die out themselves. The rest will work better. That's the whole message. The crisis is for everyone. What does real consumption have to do with it?
          According to Ulyukaev, inflation is 3,5%, in February 4% will be added to pension, I still stay wassat
          I will not postpone it. On February 23, I will be buzzing for 500 rubles.
      2. +1
        23 December 2015 12: 40
        Quote: venaya
        Quote: Stirbjorn
        Can you be more specific and understandable?

        This is the whole snag. The main goal of the article is not to analyze the situation in detail, but to frighten the reader with not very clear terminology. There are problems, but it is not clear from the article exactly how to solve them.

        Clearly from the speeches of the President.
        Any economic model needs performers. Under socialism, these were workers and officials, and under modern capitalism, businessmen and officials. It remains to solve a few "trifles":
        - To teach officials and oligarchs to love their homeland, not yachts and villas over the hill.
        - To teach businessmen not to sell "rotten stuff" in all forms.
        - Learn to learn and value a person not for "success", but for their deeds.
        But in general, an ideology arises, which, as a principle, is prohibited by the constitution.
    2. 0
      23 December 2015 13: 29
      Quote: Stirbjorn
      In order for the economy to grow, it is necessary to improve and expand the mechanisms mentioned by the president.
      Can you be more specific and understandable? And then such a detailed anti-Glazyev analysis, but I did not understand how to raise my industry from the author’s article. Well, in addition to general words, such as work.

      In order for the economy to grow it is necessary to improve and expand the mechanisms mentioned by the president. We need to increase funding for these programs, but the most important thing is to make officials work better and more actively with themwithout sacrificing quality, as is often the case with government projects. And also, I would like the Central Bank to adopt one positive practice from its Iranian counterparts, namely limitation of bank margin.

      What else does the Central Bank do? Together with the Government, it works, for example, on the so-called project financing programs, when certain projects go through the Government, and the recruitment is quite large, the bill goes to tens of billions of dollars, in my opinion, 250, then 500 billions, for various programs. And under these programs, the bank provides funding to our commercial financial institutions for the subsequent financing of these specific programs. This applies to new investment projects, the bank also takes part in them. The bank uses a whole set of tools. I think this is enough for now.
      Putin Vladimir Vladimirovich

      Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of October 11 2014 N 1044
      "On approval of the Program for Support of Investment Projects Implemented in the Territory of the Russian Federation on the Basis of Project Financing"

      c) the interest rate for the person to whom the loan is granted for the implementation of the investment project selected for participation in this Program (hereinafter referred to as the ultimate borrower) should not exceed the level of the interest rate established by the Central Bank of the Russian Federation when providing loans to authorized banks in for the purpose of refinancing loans issued by authorized banks to final borrowers, plus 2,5 percent per annum;

      e) the loan is targeted and can only be used to finance an investment project selected for participation in this Program.
      1. +1
        23 December 2015 13: 44
        Well, everything is clear - the mechanisms need to be improved and expanded (what kind of mechanisms ?! where to expand?). Then officials are forced to work with them - well, at all times an argument. Only Stalin and Peter I, how do their methods for the effectiveness of working with officials come to mind, and also Ivan the Terrible. What else is there - Program !!! what a word, and even with a capital letter. What kind of objects are there and how are things with them? Or the main interest rate on the loan and intended use
        Well, in general, you’ve put everything straight on the shelves, now everything has become clear wassat
  5. +13
    23 December 2015 11: 32
    Remind me, when was the last time large-scale military operations took place in the FSA with the destruction of cities, industry, and infrastructure?
    Who restored the industry of eastern Europe and their own after World War II?
    If you break the machine printing bucks. what will happen to the FSA economy and the state itself, this question interests me very much.
    Under the conditions of sanctions and the current economic crisis, maintaining the state budget-forming industries is my recipe for Russia.
    Do businessmen complain all the time that they are being offended, the state does not care about them? And who takes the capital abroad, having cut off from the budget by hook or by crook, bankrupt himself, transferring assets to one-day daughters? State-owned enterprises or businessmen? Although I am not an economist, I am a taxpayer.
    1. -1
      23 December 2015 11: 59
      Their military operations have been replaced by natural disasters. And they also seem to cause some sort of damage. Constantly crises run through. And during city crises, they seem to be empty (Detroit for example). If you compare the crisis with the war, then the largest war was 1929-39. And the Union with its orders helped America survive. And then the world war and already America saved the whole world! Now here they are again trying to scroll through the same scenario. In the sense of America saves the world!
      1. +1
        23 December 2015 12: 58
        Quote: Region 34
        And then the world war and already America saved the whole world!

        Are you seriously?!
    2. 0
      23 December 2015 12: 34
      Remember Ocean’s 12 friends? Or maybe turn off Grego? Just unplug the cord from the outlet? Maybe so for us? Just pull out the cord or break the machine? Well there, pour sand into the gears.
    3. 0
      23 December 2015 12: 59
      Balu, today ALL economies of the world are sitting on the bucks.
  6. Riv
    23 December 2015 11: 35
    Suitable, correct article. Glazyev must first practice on cats.

    However, there is an opportunity to ensure the effectiveness of his proposals. This is a transition to socialism, and an extremely tough type at that. If not Stalinist, then very close to it. Forced separation into cash and non-cash money. Then you can lend to the industry as much as you like. By bank transfer. But there is a nuance: the entire current United Russia will then put on quilted jackets and go to blame the taiga for ten years. "Ten to the teeth, five to the horns" - and they will consider that they are very lucky.

    I'm afraid that Kudrin and Glazyev will head the column ...
    1. 0
      23 December 2015 12: 53
      It would be great! Kudrin, Glazyev and DAM at the head of the column of fellers of the forest.
  7. The comment was deleted.
    1. 0
      23 December 2015 12: 02
      Yes, how much you can plant it already! How many seats have already sat! Maybe it's time to wet?
  8. 0
    23 December 2015 11: 37
    In general, it’s time in the country to introduce a double system of monetary funds, for the population in the literal sense, so to speak, for the purchase of goods necessary for life, and for large enterprises and firms differently, to create something on the basis of securities with which they could realize their products to the state, and then in turn to those enterprises that need it, or directly among themselves.
    1. 0
      23 December 2015 12: 59
      When, at the dawn of perestroika, my late uncle talked to the chief restructuring engineer, he said: "If you want a market, let there be a market, but ... do not touch Gossnab for several years." Gorbachev listened and ... a few days later liquidated Gossnab. And ... barter began. As my friend used to say: "Through f ... in the mouth with a foot!"
  9. +1
    23 December 2015 11: 38
    Some kind of dregs. Well, he cited three factors from our EP liberties, and he did not specifically point out his proposals, although he tried to chew something.
  10. +2
    23 December 2015 11: 40
    As for the high interest rate in Belarus, I confirm. From 2008 (or 2009, I don’t remember exactly) from 52% (there was such a thing) to 20%. Now a little lies in the bank under 25%.
  11. +6
    23 December 2015 11: 43
    “I did not know what the economy is. I was attracted by the unknown. ” - Elvira Nabiullina, former Minister of Economic Development, Chairman of the Central Bank of Russia.


    May I also be a minister? I can do that too. Even better! Sometimes I will read books on economics.

    And it is stable to issue such pearls - "money is getting cheaper because it has depreciated, thank you all, the meeting is over."

    1. +1
      23 December 2015 12: 08
      Naibulina esche not so can wait a while the time will come she will show herself Julia with a bagel, too, something like this started)
    2. +4
      23 December 2015 12: 09
      Well then, you can continue this thought. Our prices are not rising. In dollars, they fall. And our prices are not high, these are low salaries.
      1. cap
        23 December 2015 12: 45
        Quote: 34 region
        Well then, you can continue this thought. Our prices are not rising. In dollars, they fall. And our prices are not high, these are low salaries.

        "Does Abram's salary suit you?
        -What suggestions?
        -If possible, make a month not 30 but 15 days ... " wassat
      2. cap
        23 December 2015 13: 00
        The end of the 70s. Odessa from the carpet in the organs.
        "Aram! What are you writing to Israel that when imported a chicken cost 10 rubles, write: when imported, elephants are sold for 5 rubles."
        Abram writes: "Dear Yasha! I still live in Odessa, I buy as before on delivery. Yesterday they brought an elephant for 5 rubles. Why do I need an elephant? I will add another 5 rubles and buy a chicken ..." laughing
    3. +3
      23 December 2015 12: 21
      He laughed until hiccups, that's how jokes are born. - "money is getting cheaper because it has depreciated, thank you all the meeting is over."
      ha, and I and I want, I am also attracted)) "unknown"
    4. 0
      23 December 2015 12: 46
      What about not so? Do we have prices in dollars? The budget of the country in dollars?
      Not ... it’s all ruble .. And if she cares, so that we can buy more in rubles ..
      Well ... well ... can say anything. And she will be right.
  12. +3
    23 December 2015 11: 43
    We will definitely wait for positive surprises from the economy.

    Well, we are no stranger to waiting. But still, I really want the ministers to be "big-headed" and rightfully occupy their seats.
    1. 0
      23 December 2015 13: 03
      In the chairs are those with a smaller head, and the part of which they think it’s bigger and is in the chair.
  13. +5
    23 December 2015 11: 43
    Quote: DEZINTO
    Maybe we just forget about economic difficulties and print money? Like the Americans. Why isn’t that?

    Turned on the machine and on the road.

    Inflation? Depreciation? - where are they in America? There are of course but within. They just print paper ... and somehow it’s normal.

    Debt 18 trillion .... but they do not blow a mustache.

    Audacity second happiness.

    The difference is that the mattress printer works for the whole world, and the ruble printer will work for the Russian Federation mainly. Therefore, the mattress lives well at the expense of the rest of the world. Remove international payments in bucks and the mattress will begin to have difficulties. Therefore, there is international demand for their bucks, and there will be no demand for our rubles, and there will be so many of them in the domestic economy that prices will again become cosmic and hyperinflation will devour everyone. Passed already.
    1. +3
      23 December 2015 12: 13
      Demand for dollars is also not just. Today the Middle East will be ravaged. They will have nothing. They will give them a loan to buy amerskih goods. And we will give a ruble loan. What goods can we offer for rubles? West American?
  14. +4
    23 December 2015 11: 51
    We will definitely wait from the economy for positive surprises,...I would like to.. but for this everyone will have to work hard... I would like everyone to understand this .. But they don’t understand ... A simple example .. a state-owned enterprise .. we provide services .. a serious debtor .. A shipowner with an agent is in conspiracy .. They try to earn more for themselves, pay less for the company. .a you don’t have to pay at all .. But at the same time they beat ourselves in the chest, with our feet .. We are transporting cargo for the Crimea .. Type, provide us with services for free ..
    1. +2
      23 December 2015 12: 16
      What's the problem? After all, in the private business there is probably no criminal code? Only administrative responsibility? After all, it all depends on how you look at the question. On the one hand, this is fraud, on the other, business. Where to draw the line?
  15. +4
    23 December 2015 12: 05
    You can throw slippers at me, but where are the sentences in the article? The whole article is saturated with sarcasm and poddevki, this is not a constructive approach. The three-point model is not refuted, but vague examples of countries where it is not currently applied are given. Isn't that a hoax? Where you saw the proof of the theorem built on examples where this theorem cannot be applied is absurd. Consider one example from the list:
    China in a period of rapid growth:
    1. Tight currency legislation - printed money didn’t go anywhere
    2. the author forgot to say that during the growth period, the ratio of M2 to GDP in the PRC jumped from 24% to 180% thanks to the printing press
    3. during this period of industry, money was distributed free of charge!
    4. now in China 6% - loan
    5. shadow banking is another goodies invented by China, and there are many problems with it - but it supports economic growth, and the rest is secondary for the country.
    6. Not recognition of patents of other countries.
    1. cap
      23 December 2015 12: 35
      Quote: HollyGremlin
      HollyGremlin RU Today, 12:05 PM New

      You can throw slippers at me, but where are the sentences in the article? The whole article is saturated with sarcasm and poddevki, this is not a constructive approach. The three-point model is not refuted, but vague examples of countries where it is not currently applied are given. Isn't that a hoax? Where you saw the proof of the theorem built on examples where this theorem cannot be applied - is absurd

      + + + hi
    2. 0
      23 December 2015 13: 12
      The example of China, it seems to me, is incorrect
      Yuan is not a freely convertible currency.
      1. As far as I know, having sold something to China for dollars, for example, no one will get dollars from there. It is necessary to export Chinese goods from China for this amount. It was.
      2. Yes, because in a closed economy such games take place, but you need to look at salary levels in RMB then and now, for example.
      3. We had such an example. In the 90-e years money was distributed at not very high interest rates of various kinds of peasant-farm enterprises. Those dumber farmers began to buy seeds, tractors, and various cattle. Those who are smarter, began to buy stores and carry goods from China. And the laziest just transferred this money to another bank at a higher percentage. Now only the second and part of the third are afloat .. Well, the banks through which agriculture was credited, very, very warm hands.
      4. 6% loan is good. And no deductions to the PF, Sotsstrakh, FMS, personal income tax for workers.
      1. 0
        23 December 2015 14: 44
        No one argues that any idea can be buried. And they will carry it to the bank and you can open a Chinese store, so you need to control it, why are we then holding such a horde of lawmakers and economists? And if you always rely on crooks, it’s easier to crawl right away to the cemetery, they will find a loophole everywhere.
        Such games are not held in a closed economy, but cunningly tuned for this game. Glazyev also offers to play by his own rules, but there is a risk of losing. But now we play by the rules of the United States and we can’t win in principle.
        I repeat Glazyev, perhaps he is mistaken in many ways, but he makes proposals that are not completely contradictory, what is the alternative: to work by preserving problems?
  16. +2
    23 December 2015 12: 08
    ha again we will be millionaires - at one time I worked as a simple hard worker and got a million - happiness did not last long - the prices, too, for some reason were not ice.
  17. +6
    23 December 2015 12: 12
    Quote: DEZINTO
    Turned on the machine and on the road.

    Well, the country does not need extra money, we will be tired of rewriting the price tags every day. And we need to redistribute funds, And then some have pens in diamonds and billions in the "stash", others do not have enough money for food. Some salaries per day (LEGALLY) are millions , others paid for the communal apartment and the teeth on the shelf. And where is social justice?
    Does the government really not notice that a revolutionary situation is being created. Now total propaganda is saving, but soon people will spit on the TV screen and go to the streets. hi PC- DEZINTO minus is not mine. hi
    1. +1
      23 December 2015 13: 05
      Quote: fa2998
      people will spit on the TV screen and go to the streets

      People’s going to the streets must be organized, it is fraught with costs. Where is the money, Zin? (in the sense, from whom to borrow? From foreign NPOs?) negative Not our way to trade the Motherland.
      In an unorganized way, people will go not to the streets, but to crime, which was successfully proved in the 90s of the last century. Also not a very good option. what
      1. +2
        23 December 2015 16: 45
        Everyone has a problem ... Some have stale bread, while others have small diamonds.
  18. The comment was deleted.
  19. +1
    23 December 2015 12: 17
    Quote: DEZINTO
    Maybe we just forget about economic difficulties and print money? Like the Americans. Why isn’t that?

    Turned on the machine and on the road.

    Inflation? Depreciation? - where are they in America? There are of course but within. They just print paper ... and somehow it’s normal.

    It would be nice, but even in paperwork they prefer to use Finnish paper rather than domestic

    how many wolves do not feed, but the elephant has a genital organ ... thicker (from the diary of a young naturalist)
  20. +1
    23 December 2015 12: 18


    So, for reference, a couple of interesting charts about global inflation BEFORE and AFTER the Fed
  21. 0
    23 December 2015 12: 21
    It is necessary to ban dollars in the country. My opinion.
    1. -1
      23 December 2015 13: 12
      I agree. But ... what will the Central Bank of the Russian Federation speculate on?
  22. +2
    23 December 2015 12: 27
    "International community"recognizes only the dollar as money. Although in reality money is only gold and other real material values ​​(gold is most convenient). Money can be that which is physically limited. As history shows, the number of dollars is practically, and even theoretically, not limited nothing.

    Therefore, in order to successfully print anything other than the dollar, one must miraculously bomb the United States and not be harmed; or that the United States self-destruct as a result of the Yellowstone eruption, real state separatism, or a black revolution. To my great regret, there are no prospects for implementing these scenarios.. The second option is to have something that everyone needs, and that no one else has; moreover, not technologies that can be stolen, but something again material. This is an even more fantastic option - there is no and can not be any turbine, delithium and other inventions.

    Therefore, the stamp of rubles = wild inflation. Why? Because those who advocate for this - these very liberoids - will be the first to grab the printed rubles and run to buy up - what? - That's right, the dollar. The course will jump wildly. Other liberoids, citing a depreciation, will raise prices for Russian goods; it is such a national sport. We grow potatoes ourselves, in Russia; we fertilize it with Russian fertilizers; we dig on the Russian diesel fuel, but when setting the price for it, for some reason we look at the dollar exchange rate.
    1. The comment was deleted.
    2. +1
      23 December 2015 12: 32
      Quote: Gormengast
      The international community "recognizes only the dollar as money, although in reality money is only gold and other real material values ​​(gold is the most convenient).

      Well, firstly - not only the dollar, and secondly, why is gold the most convenient?
      And how does platinum differ from it? palladium or copper?
      Quote: Gormengast
      Money may be physically limited

      Everything in this world is physically limited - except for stupidity.
      The amount of air is the same physically limited, let's make money out of air
      Quote: Gormengast
      Therefore, in order to successfully print anything other than the dollar, you need to miraculously bomb the United States and not be harmed

      Indeed - the amount of stupidity is endless.
      Good luck.
      1. +2
        23 December 2015 12: 53
        Quote: Gormengast
        Therefore, in order to successfully print anything other than the dollar, one must miraculously bomb the United States and not be harmed; or that the United States self-destruct as a result of the Yellowstone eruption, real state separatism, or a black revolution.

        New economic strategy? Bomb the States and the economy will rise. wassat
        1. 0
          23 December 2015 13: 18
          New economic strategy? Bomb the States and the economy will rise.

          I do not urge to bomb - it's more expensive for myself. smile

          But if something bad happens to the USA for some reason; then oil will start trading - for what? - Why not for rubles; Is production in Russia huge (as well as reserves)? Accordingly, everyone will be forced to buy rubles, and they can be "imprint".
        2. 0
          23 December 2015 13: 33
          Quote: Hello
          New economic strategy? Bomb the States and the economy will rise. wassat

          This strategy is not frail:
          Do not borrow money, Kerry has already registered in Moscow - this is how, why?
          America, in order to continue its sanctions policy, is ready to trade Canadian crude oil. Does anyone have a raw materials appendage?
          What do ordinary American banks do? Sell ​​money.
          To whom?
          The Chinese, Israeli and German environments are oversaturated, they have abandoned the Russian market. invest in Ukrainian - a dumb bad.
          Simple question. Where does the banker go?
      2. +1
        23 December 2015 13: 14
        Well, firstly - not only the dollar, and secondly, why is gold the most convenient?
        And how does platinum differ from it? palladium or copper?

        Dollar and gold are named for abbreviated text. Platinum, copper and palladium - in fact, the same "gold", that is, physical substance, the amount of which on earth is limited, and from somewhere else will not come for another 100500 years.

        All other supposedly world currencies are derived from the dollar. Oil is traded almost exclusively for the dollar. Euro, no matter how puffed up, I can not put on a par with the dollar. Why is the United States fines European banks for trade with Iran and Somalia, and they do not flutter? And how can they fine them? Because supposedly European banks use the dollar, and in this regard, are branches of the Fed.

        Everything in this world is physically limited - except for stupidity.
        The amount of air is the same physically limited, let's make money out of air

        The dollar is not limited. The dollar is a paper, the amount of which does not correlate with the size of the national wealth of the United States itself. It cannot be that the quantity of paper doubles, for example, and the size of national wealth is only 10 percent, while the price of paper remains the same.
        In the future, when the above platinum, gold and copper will be mined on asteroids, it is undeniable that air will become the domestic currency of the miners. laughing

        Indeed - the amount of stupidity is endless.

        I am far from calls to bomb the USA. My position is that Americans spend exactly as much as they really earned. That is, it is necessary for each family to cut their income by half (which is a loan from the whole world that threatens to become irrevocable). And the second half - to withdraw to repay previously accumulated debts. laughing This is true; quite democratic; there was nothing to elect the presidents who occupied and spent on aggressive wars around the world, on the unjustified maintenance of a high standard of living and other social populism, which is a sign of fascism.
      3. -1
        23 December 2015 14: 21
        Quote: atalef
        The amount of air is the same physically limited, let's make money out of air

        The idea is very interesting. It is enough to throw shells that produce hydrogen sulfide in large quantities into Israel and in Israel will begin to sell clean air. Think about this business and the Arabs will be happy and the money will flow.
        1. 0
          23 December 2015 16: 45
          Quote: Алексей_К
          The idea is very interesting. It is enough to throw shells that produce hydrogen sulfide in large quantities into Israel and in Israel will begin to sell clean air. Think about this business and the Arabs will be happy and the money will flow.

          We have such a small country that hydrogen sulfide will inevitably bring to your beloved Palestinians, but since we are still a little richer and smarter, we will spend money on the purchase of gas masks and calmly wait until you poison your friends.
          Best regards wink ,Alexey.
          Think about it.
          1. 0
            23 December 2015 21: 11
            Quote: atalef
            Quote: Алексей_К
            The idea is very interesting. It is enough to throw shells that produce hydrogen sulfide in large quantities into Israel and in Israel will begin to sell clean air. Think about this business and the Arabs will be happy and the money will flow.

            We have such a small country that hydrogen sulfide will inevitably bring to your beloved Palestinians, but since we are still a little richer and smarter, we will spend money on the purchase of gas masks and calmly wait until you poison your friends.
            Best regards wink ,Alexey.
            Think about it.

            Don't be offended by me, just black humor and not entirely successful. The Palestinians are not my favorites, although I feel sorry for them, a "country" that cannot stand up for its integrity can only evoke pity.
    3. 0
      23 December 2015 12: 50
      Quote: Gormengast
      stamp of rubles = wild inflation. Why? because
      , dear general Evidence that inflation is actually an increase in the money supply (including through the issue of money). And the rise in prices is a rise in prices; that is exactly what it is called. hi
      1. +2
        23 December 2015 13: 00
        Quote: Castor
        Quote: Gormengast
        stamp of rubles = wild inflation. Why? because
        , dear general Evidence that inflation is actually an increase in the money supply (including through the issue of money). And the rise in prices is a rise in prices; that is exactly what it is called. hi

        Sorry admiral evidence
        Inflation is the ratio of the money supply to the value of goods and services in the range of this money supply
        Price increases are the first sign of inflation
        1. 0
          23 December 2015 14: 44
          hi Dear atalef, I will try to explain it intelligibly. The term "inflation" comes from the Latin "bloat, swell", i.e. it is a process taking place in time, a phenomenon, and by no means some economic indicator or the result of arithmetic operations. For example, rain is the relation of what to what? smile
          Quote: atalef
          Price increases are the first sign of inflation

          I agree with that. And for all that, the sign of the phenomenon should not be confused with the phenomenon itself. smile
          1. +1
            23 December 2015 16: 51
            Quote: Castor
            Dear atalef, I will try to explain it intelligibly. The term "inflation" comes from the Latin "bloat, swell", i.e.

            Of course, the swelling of what? That's right, money supply. When maintaining the same level of goods and services, what do we get? Exceeding the mass of money, the rise in price of goods (due to stupid competition - there is more money than goods, whoever pays more - that and slippers, remember the market).
            The reverse process, the amount of money supply is preserved (the machine is not included), but businesses are closing as a result of the crisis, what do we get? The decrease in goods and services while maintaining the money supply is the result --- inflation.
            Explain to you how to deal with this, or for example, as a result of which there is a difflation, which is no less a problem?

            Quote: Castor
            I agree with that. And for all that, the sign of the phenomenon should not be confused with the phenomenon itself

            One cannot exist without the other.
  23. +5
    23 December 2015 12: 31
    We will definitely wait for positive surprises from the economy, but for this everyone will have to work hard.

    For 2 years after the famous events, my whole family has been waiting and working, working and waiting. In the evenings we watch the news in which they say how bad the whole world is, and how good it is in our country. We are sincerely glad how our country is respected, how our army has "grown", how good it is with import substitution. And you know what spoils this barrel of honey? When from the same news you learn how Usmanov is measuring a yacht with Abramovich, how somewhere another official celebrates his anniversary at the expense of the budget, at a time when you are deprived of all possible bonuses and allowances, like some 19-year-old boy, part-time the son of an oligarch, he kills his mother while high, and in the meantime you are looking for a piano tuner as cheap as possible to adjust the instrument for your child's lessons. And a bunch of similar spoons with tar spoil the whole picture.

    Do not think that I am complaining, we have dealt with it before and now we will handle it. Another thing is depressing: when you break through the walls with your forehead and make yourself another hemorrhoid, someone upstairs buys another diamond pen or lighter. Agree that these "victims" are not equivalent
    1. The comment was deleted.
    2. +1
      23 December 2015 12: 40
      Quote: EvaFerrari
      For 2 years after the events, my whole family has been waiting and working, working and waiting

      Our fathers and grandfathers waited longer
      Quote: EvaFerrari
      We are sincerely happy about how our country is respected, how our army has "grown", how good it is with import substitution. And you know what spoils this barrel of honey?

      When you look out the window and go outside
      Quote: EvaFerrari
      When from the same news you learn how Usmanov is measured by a yacht with Abramovich

      And before, did it bother you?
      Quote: EvaFerrari
      Don't think I'm complaining

      why not complain? maybe they behave this way precisely because no one complains, and the GDP rating is growing - what conclusion can be drawn from this?
      Quote: EvaFerrari
      Another thing is depressing: when you break through the walls with your forehead and make another hemorrhoids, someone upstairs buys another diamond pen or lighter.

      And you continue to make hemorrhoids - you don’t complain
      1. 0
        24 December 2015 10: 06
        Dear atalef, judging by the flag, it will be difficult for you to understand why Russian people almost never complain about anything. It is a kind of national pride
    3. 0
      23 December 2015 14: 12
      Quote: EvaFerrari
      We will definitely wait for positive surprises from the economy, but for this everyone will have to work hard.

      For the 2 years after the events, my whole family has been waiting and working, working and waiting.

      You see how wrong you are. HE says "We" will wait - he says about himself, and "everyone" to work - this is HE talking about you and your family and mine.
  24. 0
    23 December 2015 12: 32
    In the United States, uncles are seated who can strangle everyone with their dollars.
  25. +1
    23 December 2015 12: 36
    The author himself got confused: then money is needed for the economy to develop (or just be), but you need to take it (or you can) only abroad in the form of investments (in the case of Russia, this is your own money from the NWF and SF) and then not only to return back on a call, and even with interest, but your money is the same as foreign investors to place - pipes, this is an unskilled sect.
    I, too, am not a supporter of frantic abuse of the government, but much of what they do is puzzling.
    But the problems there are different, and the structure of the economy is completely different. We have a threat of inflation, and there are problems, possibly deflation, when the producer produces and cannot sell.
    This is the point, we even have something to produce, a feat. In addition to organizational, technological, logistic and other purely production problems, it is necessary to overcome the legislative ban on the production of something in Russia and the resistance of officials.
  26. +1
    23 December 2015 12: 41
    In order to raise the economy, it is necessary to abandon the calculations in "candy wrappers-FRS dollars". A private joint stock company called the US Federal Reserve got its hands on a press for printing unsecured money. Since 1913, this company has achieved world economic dominance through the recognition of the "wrapper-dollar FRS" as the world currency. For this, PJSC "US FRS" organized two world wars and destroyed the USSR. Today the entire world economy is in the hands of the leaders of the PJSC "US FRS". They also appoint leaders in many countries around the world. Russia is a self-sufficient country and may well do without the participation of "wrapper" in its economy. Our "sworn friends" also understand this, so they will do everything so that Russia does not break out of the "dollar trap". If today the whole world realizes that the FRS dollar is just waste paper, the world economic and political domination of the leaders of the PJSC "US FRS" will collapse, and with it the specter of the wealth of all dollar billionaires and millionaires will collapse. Therefore, Russia has only one way - a complete rejection of the "wrapper", exit from all financial institutions created by PJSC "US FRS" (IMF, IBRD, EBRD, etc.). And shifts in this direction are observed (transition to trade in national currencies, purchase of gold, etc., etc.). But you yourself understand that these guys won't give up their positions just like that, that's why they're stirring up all over the world (ISIS and other bandits). Here's something like this, in short.
  27. +1
    23 December 2015 12: 43
    Well, since the author has convincingly proved that inflation does not depend on the amount of money in the economy .. let's figure out why it depends. Obviously ... inflation rises 1) when buyers can spend more money than there are goods (purchasing power significantly exceeds the "selling"))), 2.) The buyer is forced to spend his constant income. On a higher price for the same product. (I.e. .e regulated inflation)
    The first is treated just by the rise in price of money .., which was done for banks a year ago. But we live in the second case .. The prices of goods are rising because energy prices are rising regularly every year .. YES .. their price on the market is falling, but in our retail it is growing .. Here are the manufacturers and raise the price of their products. In addition .. monopolies .. legislatively, they can increase prices every year, by inflation last year.
    And this is being treated just by increasing the purchasing power of the population.
    And what should the government choose?
    Will die of ardor of currency fraud of banks or increase the purchasing power of the people?
    If it concerns us, a stupid injection of money will not help at all. It’s all simple .. Increase income and reduce costs. But how to do it ... the question is very variable ..
    Let's see .. although one step to the side was taken ..
  28. 0
    23 December 2015 13: 11
    Like it or not, but Glazyev is smarter than the author of the article, I watched the presentation of the report, I completely agree with his position, explained the risks on the fingers, etc.
    The author is bold minus
  29. 0
    23 December 2015 13: 18
    I quote: the government does not allow the economy to develop, but only waits for the price of oil to rise and relations with the West to improve. And what is wrong? What does the government allow the economy to develop? I quote: In order for the economy to grow, it is necessary to improve and expand the mechanisms mentioned by the president. It is necessary to increase funding for these programs, but the most important thing is to make officials work better and more actively with them without sacrificing quality, as is often the case with government projects. And also, I would like the Central Bank to adopt one positive practice from its Iranian colleagues, namely, limiting the banking margin. Then the leadership of the Central Bank will no longer have a reason to complain that it does not work to get commercial banks to lower rates in the wake of lowering the Central Bank rate. For 15 years we have been hearing "you need this, you need this". Get off the oil needle, curb corruption. Are you down? Restrained? One thing is said for sure "there is no magic wand", so we are waiting, sir. Meanwhile ... the situation of the people is deteriorating, the oligarchs are getting fat "Putin's friends and partners" are introducing new sanctions. And you, gentlemen, propose to act "with a slow step, a timid zigzag", gentlemen will you have enough time?
  30. 0
    23 December 2015 13: 25
    Quote: DEZINTO
    Maybe we just forget about economic difficulties and print money? Like the Americans. Why isn’t that?

    Turned on the machine and on the road.

    Inflation? Depreciation? - where are they in America? There are of course but within. They just print paper ... and somehow it’s normal.

    Debt 18 trillion .... but they do not blow a mustache.

    Audacity second happiness.

    America prints money and keeps from the fact that the whole world has invested money in them, and Russia will not succeed with all its desire, because so much has not been invested in us. Do not touch the printer!
  31. +2
    23 December 2015 13: 27
    "We will definitely wait for positive surprises from the economy, but everyone will have to do well for that."

    Yes, I’ve been working well all my life, I’m trying, and h. And to the point !!!!!!
  32. +2
    23 December 2015 13: 35
    I strongly disagree with the author. With his light hand, any white can be made black and vice versa. Maybe that's why there is no economic miracle because in these countries the rate is crazy? The author may deliberately confuse cause and effect and, as a result, draws the wrong conclusions. And Glazyev did not need to involve him at all, because he wrote really smart things. To put it quite simply, he suggested directly to enterprises to draw up a business plan with an economic justification for which money is allocated, their spending is strictly controlled by the law enforcement agencies. That is, officials as an element are removed from the chain, they cannot be "played" or spent inappropriately, they will not have an impact on inflation, since they will not be in circulation. In my opinion, brilliant. A fund has already been created for such purposes, but there is clearly not enough money in it, so they need to be printed.
    1. 0
      23 December 2015 16: 33
      all right, inflation from a shortage of goods of their own production
      1. 0
        23 December 2015 21: 31
        Quote: Vorodis_vA
        all right, inflation from a shortage of goods of their own production

        Well, you said without thinking. That's what, and you eat gas in the country with at least one place. And the prices for it are still rising. His gasoline, no one brings it to us because of the mound.
        Last year, the dollar began to rise in Russia, the ruble depreciated. And why suddenly? Our ruble does not play any role in the West, on the contrary, in Russia all transfers to the West in dollars. The explanation is simple - the collapse of international oil prices and the oligarchs, of course, urgently needed to maintain their profits, at least in the ruble zone. Every day I buy in the store products not American or European, but Russian. How to strip off an extra ruble from me, so raising fuel prices. Which is what happened.
        That’s the whole story of inflation.
        Really forgot?
  33. 0
    23 December 2015 14: 21
    And can a fantastically stupid question (well, I do not understand the economy beyond ordinary households)? If suddenly, right tomorrow the whole world will switch to the dollar, according to the rate of its currency - what will happen?
    1. 0
      23 December 2015 14: 28
      Quote: housewife
      if all of a sudden, right tomorrow the whole world will go over to the dollar, according to the rate of its currency - what will happen?

      In the economy, nothing will change. All changes will be in politics .. rather, it will not ..
    2. 0
      23 December 2015 16: 29
      it will become better because inflation of the dollar is lower than other currencies, we simply print rubles for each dollar at the exchange rate - this is a policy of full reservation, if the dollars run out, we don’t have the right to print the ruble, this is the problem. and so we printed rubles at the exchange rate of the dollar, and the Central Bank took them and devalued them a bit, this time two and a half times. but it’s better to sit on your own currency, for this whole wars were waged between Novgorod and Moscow, for example. You print little by little and the economy is catching up, only currency control from speculators is needed, otherwise they will begin to manipulate
    3. 0
      23 December 2015 21: 46
      Quote: housewife
      And can a fantastically stupid question (well, I do not understand the economy beyond ordinary households)? If suddenly, right tomorrow the whole world will switch to the dollar, according to the rate of its currency - what will happen?

      The ruble will rise, as the ruble will become a rarity, everyone will urgently exchange it for dollars, and numismatists (money collectors) will inflate prices on Russian currency sky high.
      But seriously, it will be bad. Russia does not have the right to print dollars, which means that by imposing sanctions on Russian dollar transactions in US banks, Russia will soon be left without money. But if you lick one place in America, then everything will be fine, approximately, as in America. There will be practically no inflation. Loans will be cheap. But the money pyramids in lending and the collapse of banks will remain. When quitting with a loan, you will find yourself on the street and become a homeless person. In America and in the West, if profit growth begins to decline to a certain level (although there is still profit), the owner simply closes the enterprise and dismisses everyone. He himself worked in a joint venture and experienced this miracle of the economy on himself. Well, at least I didn’t have a loan then.
  34. +3
    23 December 2015 15: 00
    If you don’t have the basics of the concepts of what he’s talking about and writes like cattle under a pseudonym, he’s confusing everything. So you’d like to ask whose will you be? .
  35. +2
    23 December 2015 15: 33
    I haven’t commented on anything for a hundred years, but I can’t resist it. He writes complete nonsense.
    Just liberals do not want to print, Kudrin and Shuvalov and Siluans and all the others said that it is impossible.
    But Glazyev and Fedorov and many others consider this a way out. No one has ever offered to simply print and distribute, the question is to replace foreign loans with ours, that is, refinancing our business for 45 trillion rubles and their enterprises will be pledged with us, and not with foreign enterprises, just at one point all these enterprises they will not be required to register abroad. The money supply will not change, just people will take loans in the same volumes only with us. Why is their paper better than ours? just for this it will be necessary to say goodbye to the stabilization fund, but it will return very quickly, as soon as our enterprises return loans and return with profit, plus thousands of new enterprises will grow, we can produce everything that we can do !. Inflation depends not only on the amount of money, but also on the amount of their goods. Therefore, the printing press is switched on gradually and only on bail or a financial guarantee. The quantity of goods and demand begin to grow exponentially. Just according to the rules of the IMF it is forbidden to print money in any form and in any quantities, but only on the security of bucks (((
  36. +1
    23 December 2015 15: 38
    Quote: Riv
    Suitable, correct article. Glazyev must first practice on cats.

    However, there is an opportunity to ensure the effectiveness of his proposals. it transition to socialism, with an extremely hard type... If not Stalinist, then very close to it. Forced separation into cash and non-cash money. Then you can lend to the industry as much as you like. By bank transfer. But there is a nuance: the entire current United Russia will then put on quilted jackets and go to blame the taiga for ten years. "Ten to the teeth, five to the horns" - and they will consider that they are very lucky.

    I'm afraid that Kudrin and Glazyev will head the column ...


    And then, all of a sudden, it turns out that no greedy foreign grabber, shamefacedly referred to as "investors", is ... not needed.

    All that is needed - we will do it ourselves. What we do not have time - we will "distort" from the West and, again, we will do at home. Flush all the "copyright" down the toilet, following the example of China.

    An "open" economy in our climatic conditions cannot be competitive, just in principle: workshops need to be stupidly heated, at least seven (!) Months a year.

    And - not only workshops: the entire residential infrastructure also needs heating. Therefore, when “from above” they talk about the need to bring internal prices for energy resources “to the global level,” I am laughing.

    Bo, "the whole world" lives in slightly different climatic conditions. Even the Scandinavians are warmer, the Gulf Stream warms them.
  37. 0
    23 December 2015 18: 48
    The author of the sharpie, takes out only those cards that are beneficial to him. We had two people, Primakov and Gerashchenko, provided industry growth of 20% in 8 months. This is not a word. But the situation is approximately similar.
  38. 0
    23 December 2015 19: 21
    There are few macroeconomists. There are even fewer good macroeconomists. There are simply no good macroeconomists who can well explain macroeconomic concepts in human language in public space.

    I’ve never been a macroeconomist, and in economics I don’t have a snout, and I don’t perceive Medvedev as a prime minister on a purely visual-intuitive level, but I treat the United Russia as a combat officer to the party commission under the political department. But one thing I know for sure, that any revolutionary transformation (in anything) first brings a decrease in the level of anything. Everything is positive only through time. This is not the time for withdrawal. The key word is "now".

    Maybe, most likely, the conversion needed to be done earlier. But without all the information, who can say that this was possible? AND now, in order for such an opportunity to come, it is first necessary to "stall" all external "partners" and put the internal environment. And preferably without cataclysms.
  39. 0
    23 December 2015 20: 10
    The author of Glazyev here spreads and gives examples, but does not agree that the corresponding legislative initiatives are applied in the Glazyev program! Without them, of course, there will be no exhaust. This is clear. Well, who's stopping them from being accepted?
    In general, he fools his head so that he blindly follows the desired course and does not get upset.
    There are a lot of reverse examples too, by the way ...
  40. 0
    23 December 2015 21: 01
    Did Kudrin write an article ???
    So many words and obvious distortions in their favor, in the calculation, people are still stupid and showing a couple of graphs will get completely confused. But unconvincingly, Glazyev and Katasonov are much more convincing.
  41. 0
    23 December 2015 22: 08
    Dear Readers! We have read the article by the author "Crimson alter". There is no such person. It is a nickname. Who is he? Why is this economic nonsense writing for Russia? Since he does not disclose his profile on the Internet, I believe that he is a provocateur who, with a set of partially truthful phrases, is trying to impose on us a false understanding of the events taking place in our economy.
    A separate question - why does he hide information about himself?
    To begin with, the Internet is a very transparent system for special services. If someone writes not what any country needs, then information about this person immediately becomes known to the special services. Since he supports our oligarchic capitalism in his article, he most likely serves the West. Our officials are not allowed to so rant on the Internet, with the exception of an order from the government, but then no one hides his face and openly supports the president’s line. Somehow I wanted to get a civil servant, then there are very strict rules in this regard, they showed me a document that I can and that I can not on the Internet. Therefore, they can also fire, because our special services know everything who writes what. Even special programs confusing the IP address, etc. they will not save the writer for a long time.
    So - this is a pure provocateur.
  42. 0
    24 December 2015 15: 09
    It is necessary to print and refinance external debt. That's all.