Ukrainians and we (Part 1)


Ukrainians and we (Part 1)"This man caused me a great offense: he betrayed his brother, like Jude, and deprived me of an honest kind and of posterity on earth."

N.V. Gogol, "terrible revenge."

Three categories of Ukrainians.

Like other sectarians, Ukrainians can be divided into three categories:

1) Honest, but Unknowing. These are the ones that are cheated.

2) Knowledgeable, but dishonest; the vocation of these to deceive the "younger brother."

3) Knowledgeable and honest. This is a maniac split; they are deceiving themselves.

The first two categories sometimes merge into indistinguishability. Sometimes you won’t understand why a person acts like a fool: because he doesn’t know anything, that he is rusticus, as the Romans said, and others deceive him; or because, knowing everything very well, he himself is deceiving the really ignorant.

Much more interesting than pure maniac. They are often quite educated. Sometimes they are honest in their own way. If occasionally leaping on Pegasus lies, it is easy to knock them out of this saddle, appealing to their own knowledge. But the manic idea sits deep in them and, so to speak, quand meme! If you blow up their ideology with bombs of undoubted facts, they exclaim "so much the worse for the facts" and now they are inventing a new argument in support of their mania. However, any evidence for them is only a line of secondary trenches. The citadel is their statement: we want to be Ukrainians! We want nothing more. Let there be no reason for this outside; the base is within us.

- We wish! Will! Sic voleo, sic jubeo ...

They are, in essence, devoted to this article: educated and honest maniacs split. But first, at least casually, let's talk about the deceived and deceivers.

History from Ukrainians.

The main field of activity where knowledgeable people lie, deceiving the ignorant is history. As historians, other Ukrainians argue that not only at the present time the people living from the Carpathians to the Caucasus are the Ukrainian people, but that always, at all times, it was such.

History is usually divided into epochs. In the Ukrainian retelling, depending on the periods, there is also a difference in the method.

In this sense, it is possible to distinguish: the era of one hundred percent nonsense from the era of lies, not so obvious.

Kievan Rus.

One hundred percent writing is usually practiced in the presentation of the Kiev period of Russia.

In 1917, the Ukrainian series of postcards was released. Among them was and such: under the image of Prince Svyatoslav and his squad it was signed: "We will not disgrace the land Ukrainian"It was intended directly for the" younger brother ", in consideration that poor rusticus would believe it.

But to whom is the next message of the Bishop Constantine, favored in Bose, calculated? This prince of the Catholic Church thanks the "highly impassioned pan of Dr. Stepan Grinivetsky, the head otoman of the Sichs, taken up in the powers of America and Canada"; thanks for the fact that this representative of Hetman Pavel Skoropadsky donated a thousand dollars to a Catholic seminar. Thanks in the following expressions:

"Ukrainian State was strong and powerful in those blissful hours when the light of the Catholic faith enlightened its population. We proudly remember the times of princes Vladimir Velikago and Yaroslav Mudrago. The basis of their strength was holiness St. Anthony and Theodosia of Pechersk and other then holy men. There was then a holiness and high stood enlightenment. Appeared then "True", our code of laws and "The Chronicle of Nestor", the basis of our history. Majestic buildings were erected then. The Ukrainian name was famous from edge to edge, and the neighbors looked with envy at the great, mighty Ukrainian state".

Respect for the episcopal rank does not allow me to assume that Bishop Father Konstantin is a conscious deceiver. But then it remains to admit only one thing: dense ignorance! The same quality should be attributed to the retinues of His Majesty, General Skoropadsky, the hetman of all Ukraine, for his Lordship to such writings, ultimately addressed to him, and printed in newspapers (1), did not react at all. If their excellencies and their excellencies, from the camp of Ukrainians, have such historical knowledge, then what can we expect from Ukrainians as “just priests” and “staff captains”?

In the style of the above "Konstantinovsky writing, there is a whole literature. Someone obviously reads it. Therefore, one should never forget that even now, as before, the Ukrainians' stake is on national ignorance. Enlightenment is the same enemy for them as the dawn for evil spirits. On the contrary, our slogan should be: "Long live the sun, let the darkness be hidden!"

Cossack period.

The second period - the Lithuanian-Polish-Cossack. This epoch is a grateful arena for more subtle falsification. The fact is that this part of Russian history in our gymnasiums was taught and taught very poorly. In the view of a normal high school student with the fall of Kiev, Russia moves to Moscow. How she gets there, of course, is not clear. But the fact is that in the end all Russians are in Moscow; and in the place of ancient Russia Poles and Cossacks are operating.

"Poles and Cossacks,

Cossacks and Poles

Packs beat us and packs ... "

(Alexey Tolstoy Sr.)

And besides, these Cossacks do not know what nationality! Such teaching of Russian history in Russian educational institutions gives a full opportunity Ukrainians fill the void, which, as they say, nature itself does not tolerate.

- Kozaki? What nation? Ukrainians, of course!

Therefore, the statement that in the Cossack period no Ukrainians was not, and Bogdan Khmelnitsky all his life fought for "Russian name"raises incredulous questions:

- Oh really? Here, tell me! And I thought ...

What, strictly speaking, a man thought, remains unknown. In fact, he did not think about it at all. For the average Russian intellectual, South Rusians, like people and a tribe, fail somewhere on the day of the destruction of Kiev, Batu, i.e. in 1240 year. From now on - tabula rasa. And so it lasts until the day Nikolai Vasilyevich is born. He writes in Russian, but emerged - it is not known from which people. In any case, Gogol is not entirely Russian, since he is a Ukrainian!

Virgin brains in this sense are very easy, because of their incompleteness, filled with Ukrainian ersatz science. Ukrainians, it is necessary to give them justice in this, they were not very interested in the Divine Comedy, the Pre-Raphaelites, Gioconda, Queen Margot, Valois and the Bourbons, the Tudors, the Stewarts, Thomas Moore, Erasmus of Rotterdam, Luther, Calvin, i.e. all that the Russian intelligentsia was fond of. Ukrainians they focused their attention on their native land, and some of them know the history of their land well, for they study it for special needs. They seek out in this story all the evidence, conclusively proving that the Russian people lived and suffered in our region. In all these cases, they cross out the word "Russian" and write from above "Ukrainian". And this is not only in the figurative sense, but also literally. And now you can find for example. in Belgrade, in the public Russian library, an essay by Kostomarov, where the hand of an unknown Ukrainians falsifier made "corrections" (2).

In this form, prepared tray Ukrainians the history of the Cossack period to the Russian intellectual; and he, having very little information about Kozaks, believes.

But, as was said above, all this is only in passing.

Maniaki split.

Even Dostoevsky said: "Psychology is a double-edged sword." One can never know when and how the soul will be indignant, if it, the soul, is in general. Have Ukrainians honest maniacs have a soul! After all, it was among the many fanatics and before them. Maniacs must be sharply distinguished from deceivers. They work in the name of a specific goal, which has nothing in common with sentiments; and maniacs have moments when the lie of their fraudulent friends becomes unbearable.

Rise of Chigirin.

This kind of reaction happened not so long ago with one of such maniacs split, calling itself Chigirin. I say "naming" because I do not know if this is the real name of the author of the most interesting book. There is a glorious city Chigirin. And a proud tribe of Chigirins! Of them was the father of Bohdan Khmelnitsky. The Chigirins distinguish themselves from other Ukrainians; look at them even with some disdain. Maybe this happens because for centuries whole villages from under Chigirin went to the Black Sea. And it, the sea, from Chigirin, God knows where. It means that Chigirins are brave enterprising people. Maybe “Chigirin” is a pseudonym? However, it is absolutely unimportant.

Nor does it matter why A. Chigirin published his little book in 1937, under the title "Ukrainian question". He argues with her National Union of New Generationin particular with the outline No. X issued by this Union. Important are the thoughts that the author expresses with great clarity.

And he says about the following.

Only Ukraine is genuine Russia.

There is only one land in the world, which has the right to call itself Rus: this is the land, about which Ukraine is now spoken.

There is only one people who are truly Russian; This people "Ukrainian". And consequently, there is only one language, which is real Russian: it is the Ukrainian language.

With this formulation of the case, naturally, the question now asks for a mouth:

“So why, considering the goodness of A. Chigirin, considering yourself a Ukrainian, aren't you called Russian?”

The explanation of this strange fact is ahead. For now let's see how A. Chigirin proves true Russian origin. Here is what he writes:

Russia is the Kiev region.

The “ancient historical documents” are called “Rus”: firstly, the land of the Polyan tribe, secondly, the state formed in the Dnieper basin, the capital of which was Kiev, the “mother of Russian cities” (pp. 5 and 6).

"... Thus, the above quotations, and they could be quoted a lot more, confirm that Rus' and 'Rus' land" * not only in the 9th-10th centuries, but in XII-XIII Kiev, Chernihiv, Pereyaslav regions and their neighboring territories were called, and not other Slavic lands, and in any case not Suzdal, not Vladimir, not Moscow " (p. 6).

"In full accordance with the given geographical meaning of the name" Rus "is also the ethnographic meaning of this name: the population of Kievan Land was called" Rus ". The population called itself:" people of Ruskaya Zemlya "," Rus ", or" Rusyns "(Treaties Oleg and Igor with the Greeks 911 and 945.). Sometimes in the annals the princes of Novgorod, Smolensk, Suzdal and Moscow are called "Ruski" because they came from the "Russian" Vladimir Saint or Vladimir Monomakh dynasty, but this yet did not mean that nations, inhabited the land, subject to these princes, were "Rus", "Rusinami", "Rusichi". With the decline of the Kievan state in the 13th century, the name "Rus" passed not to the Vladimir-Suzdal principality, but to Galitsko-VolynskyThe name "Rus" and "Rusyns" spread to the blood-related population of Galicia, Volyn and even remote Subcarpathian or Ugrian Russia, where it has survived to the present day. In the Latin transcription "Rus" was written as "Ruthenia", and the people "Rutheni" (p. 6 and ...).

"As for the names:" Little Russia "and" Great Russia ", they are the origin of the Byzantine. The Patriarch of Constantinople, and by his example, the Byzantine emperors, after moving the Kiev metropolitan to Vladimir, then to Moscow (in 1326), began to call the Kiev metropolis "Little Russia", which in Greek meant main Russiaand the Metropolitan of Moscow - "Great Russia", i.e. in Greek, a colony of Rus, a new Rus. Following this, some Galician princes began to call themselves "Princes of Little Russia" (p. 7).

"Kiev Metropolitan Maxim left Kiev for Vladimir on Klyazma in 1299. While living there, he retained his former title:" Metropolitan of Kiev and All Russia. "Prince of Moscow Ivan Kalita in 1326 forcibly forced Maxim's successor, Metropolitan Peter, to move to the residence to Moscow, but in order not to humiliate his grand-ducal dignity, Ivan Kalita and himself conferred the title of “Grand Prince of All Russia.” From that time on, Moscow grand princes and kings began to be written “grand princes of all Russia,” or later “kings of all Russia.” a wiser This title had no real and legal significance, because at that time there was not only “all Russia” in possession of the Moscow Grand Prince, but there was not a single inch of “Russian land” at all (p. 7 and 8 ).

“There was no goal in the big royal title of the Moscow tsars before 1654, except for a while Chernigovsky-Siverskaya land, no area that would belong to Russia or the Russian land. Only after the agreement of Hetman B. Khmelnitsky with the Moscow tsar Alexey Mikhailovich in 1654 in the royal title appear titles: "Great and Small Russia", but the Grand Prince "Kiev" and "Chernigovsky." However, after that for a long time the kingdom of the Moscow Tsar was called "Moscow", in the same way the people , its inhabitant, is called "Moscow". Toll By the end of the 17th and the beginning of the 18th centuries, the names “Great Russian” - for designation of the people and “Russia” - for designation of the state (p. 8).

Moscow is not Russia.

"Based on the above historical facts and documents, every open-minded reader can only draw one correct conclusion, that the Moscow state and the people of Moscow were not "Rus", "Russia", and that they subsequently misappropriated that name to themselves. Foreigners have long called the Moscow state and the Moscow people by their own name "(pp. 8 and 9).

“In ancient times, the Moscow people were not called“ Russian ”and didn’t call themselves that. Most often it was called the“ Moscow people. ”At the same time, the Ukrainian people from the deepest antiquity were called“ Rus ”,“ Russian ”: this is how it is he called it, and so it was called by other nations "(p. 16).

"While the" Russian "people of the chronicles arose from the mixing of Slavic tribes: Polian, Drevlyan, Northerners, Volynyan, Tivertsy, Ulichi and Buzhan (Laurent. Chronicle), the Moscow people were formed in the 12th century from Finnish and Turkic tribes: Chudi, Livi, Vodi, Yami (in the north-west of Russia), Vesi (from Ladoga to Beloozer), Karela, Ugra, Pechera, Samoyadi (in the north), Perm (on Kama), Cheremisov (Vyatskaya, Kazan, Ufa, Nizhny Novgorod and Kostroma lips.), Mordva (on the middle and lower Oka and to the Volga), Meri (on the upper Volga and Klyazma, Murom and Meshchera (Murom, Meshchersk), total thirteen tribes of the Ural race, and a small number of Slavonic "otkhniki" from Novogorod, and from the region of Krivichy, Radimichy and Vyatichi (the last two tribes were, as the chronicle says, "from Lyakh", (in the XI century they were joined by a squad of Russian princes sent to the region by these great princes of Kiev (pp. 16 and 17).

"Thus, the original tribal types of Russia and the Moscow people were different and did not have anything related to each other: in Russia it prevailed Slavic (Adriatic) race, there - in Moscow - Fino-Ural race"(p. 17).

“There are no kurgans of Russians and middle Russians in the Vladimir region. In the barrows of the 11th and 12th centuries there are Kiev things, but there are no Kievans in them” (p. 17).

"The ancient Russian law of the Kiev era, collected in Russkaya Pravda, remains unknown to the Moscow state and law. It is distributed in Galicia, in White Russia, adopted by the laws of the Lithuanian state, but it did not begin in Moscow law" (p. 22) .

"The ancient culture of the Russian princely dynasty gradually gives way to the lifestyle of the Tatar conquerors, so akin to the Finnish-Turkic population of the Moscow state" (p. 23).

“When in 1654, the historical fate brought the Ukrainian and Moscow peoples face to face ... the Ukrainians called themselves the“ Russian people ”, and the Great Russians - the“ Moscow people ”, the Tsar -“ the Moscow Tsar ”(p. 23).

“Letters and letters that were written in Ukraine were translated“ from Belarusian letters ”in Moscow (the 17th century Ukrainian stationery language was so called in Moscow). For the 17th century Ukrainians, the Moscow Tsar was only the“ Eastern King, Orthodox ”(“ Volim under the Tsar of Eastern , Orthodox "), but not" Russian ", for they were" Russian ", the Cossacks, the Zaporozhian army, not Moscow, not the Tsar (pp. 23 and 24).

Chigirinsky Svmvol vvy.

It seems to us that it is just time to interrupt the lingering Chigirin quotes. Moreover, this author has already expressed (with purely Chigirin courage) his thoughts. It does not boil down to two statements:

1) The population now living from the Carpathians to the Caucasus, from deep antiquity to the present day, calls itself Russian; therefore, it is the authentic Russian people.

2) The mixed race that now inhabits the territory from Poland to Vladivostok, in ancient times did not call itself Rus; it adopted the name "Russian people", originally from the Russian dynasty, which moved to Kiev from Kiev; and later from the primordially Russian people who joined the Moscow state on the initiative of Bohdan Khmelnytsky in 1654 year. For this reason, people of this mixed race incorrectly call themselves Russians. They would be more befitting a name. Muscovitesas they have been called for a long time.

These are the first two members of the neo-Chigirin creed. There will be a third, as the conclusion of the first two. But about him it is ahead. In the meantime, let's say two words about mixed race.

Polish tales.

We are not going to refute the theory that proclaimed that the Muscovites are not Russian. Let the Muscovites do it themselves, if they want to. This tale is as old as light; it was put into circulation by the same Poles, who invented the "Ukrainian people". She, like any fairy tale, is entertaining; but is intended for Polish children younger age. Older Polish children no longer believe this fairy tale, and for what reason. In fact, if the Muscovites are not Russian, because they are of the Finno-Ural race; if the people of Kiev are not Russians either, because they are Ukrainians; then we have to ask the question: where is the Russian people?

He, it turns out, if you believe the Polish theories about "Muscovites and Ukrainians", there is absolutely nothing in the world.

Of course, it is very funny and witty that the non-existent people in nature took a sixth of the land and created a powerful state. But you can build theories even more fun. It can be proved that 180 of millions of people occupying a territory from Poland to Japan and from the Finns to the Persians are purebred ... Poles!

And it is very simple.

Nestor said that the tribe that lived around Kiev, at first called itself "Polyana", and then became Rus. Nestor expresses himself in the following way: "Glade, now called-for Russia." However, Nestor does not know the difference between Poles and Glades. Polyakov he also calls Polyany.

"The same word came and came on the Vistula River and was called Lyakhov; and the names of those Lyakhov called Polyana ... It was the same word that came along the Dnieper and called Poliana".

So, according to Nestor, Poliana also lived over the Vistula (more precisely over the Warta) and over the Dnieper. But the Nadvisla Poljany kept their ancient name in the form of "Poles". And the Naddniprovskiye Poliana (“wrongly” if applied to them the methods of Chigirin) became known as Rus. Under this name of the "Russians", the former Poliana extended their power to the Pacific Ocean. But in reality it is "fake Russians." Truly they are - Poliana, i.e. Poles; and therefore Poland must, in all fairness, border ... with China!

But we repeat, let the Muscovites themselves, if they wish, refute the Poles and their podgoloskov, like A. Chigirin. We will indicate the latter only on page 11 of his own book. It says the following:

Self-affirmation of the people.

"Every nation has the right to call itself the way it wants and only the name that the people call themselves has value."

If so, then A. Chigirin has no right to reproach the Chud, the Mereu, the Ves, the Mordvu and the Cheremis, in a word to all fifteen peoples of the Finnish-Ural race, that they call themselves Russians. Want and call! Call with exactly the same right as true-russian A. Chigirin calls himself for some reason Ukrainian.

Break with antiquity.

Why then ...

Indeed, why are you doing this, goodness A. Chigirin!

Considerations Chudi and others do not interest us at this time. But why A. Chigirin has conceived, it is very curious. Moreover, we make a reservation in advance: we are not withdrawing the right from Chigirin and his associates to be called anyone, at least as badges. But we are interested in the question: what reasons made a person give a damn to the eyes of his father and mother, to put it figuratively? For how can one call this renunciation on behalf of fathers and grandfathers, the name of a glorious one for the whole world, if not a complete break with all honest antiquity?

Glorious "ancestors" of the Father Bohdan and A. Chigirin.

Bogdan Khmelnitsky, he felt differently. He was proud above all his Russian name. Starting an uprising against the Poles in 1648, he recalled "these ancient Russ, our ancestors," who, under the leadership of the Odonotser (Odoacer), during the 14 years owned Rome itself!

Let the old man Bogdan intercepted a little in this case, claiming that our glorious ancestors had already surpassed the Mussolini laurels already in the V century. But how much doubt national pride in this somewhat dubious statement! In any case, Khmelnitsky and the head could not come to renounce his Russian name. And kind-hearted Chigirin, proving in black and white that his ancestors were "glorious Rusy", unexpectedly concludes this: being a Russian from a Russian, I will still be called Ukrainian!

"Brothers, for what ?!" - I want to exclaim, being present at such an amazing bend.

To find out what it is for, you need to learn the third member of the neo-Chigirin creed, which says:

Muscovites stole our Russian name.

3) Damned Muscovites stole our ancient Russian name! Because we had to look for another name; and we, thanks to the Lord, found him: from now on we will Ukrainians.

A. Chigirin expresses it like this:

In the old days, the Ukrainian people called themselves "Russia", "Rusins", "Rusichs", but the post of how these names were disfranchised by the Moscow government, the Ukrainian people to distinguish themselves from the false "Russians" from Moscow, assimilated to themselves their other, not less ancient name, "Ukraine" (p. 14).

That means what's the matter! The person was offended by Chud, All, and Merya, Mordvu and Cheremis. And so offended that he applied Chinese revenge to them: he went and hanged himself on the "Finno-Ural" threshold.


Well, yes, hanged himself, that is, he committed suicide. In the form, as Chigirin and neo-Chigirins have done and are doing this, such a change of name is a denial of themselves, i.e. suicide. Since the current Chigirins proclaimed themselves Ukrainians, they, in spite of the old Chigirins Khmelnitsky, "persecute everything Russian." But who is being driven? Yourselves, your own flesh and your own blood. And how much of their blood they have already shed! What did they do, at least in Galicia, which had become the "Piemonte of Ukraine" - by the hands of Austria. Their Galician brothers only because they wanted to preserve their thousand-year Russian name, tortured, tormented in prisons and dungeons, were executed on gallows by thousands!

"An Austrian parliamentary deputy, a Pole in the city of Dashinsky (Russian deputies were sentenced to death) said at one of the meetings that around 60.000 innocent victims were killed by gunmen and gallows at the foot of the Carpathians." (Vremennik, Scientific and Literary Notes of Lviv Stavropigion on 1935 g, p. 68 and 69).

Why did these people die? Were they really innocent? About this we can learn from the speech of the engineer Hilyak, a representative of the Galician-Russian youth:

<> "... Talerhof, scorching torment and suffering, frontal bust, the calvary of the Russian people and the thick crosses" under the pines ", and in them they are our fathers and our mothers, our brothers and our sisters, who laid their heads there Innocent! But truly innocent? Nm, they are guilty, gravely guilty. For they served their people well, they wished them good, happiness and a better life, they did not break their fathers, they confessed the great idea of ​​the unity of the Russian people. Isn't that a crime? However, the most terrible, the most exciting, the most tragic in this martyrdom of the Russian people was that the brother betrayed his brother for torture, brother against brother falsely witnessed, brother sold brother for a penny, brother to brother Cain was. Could there be a tragedy greater and more terrible than this? Reconsider the history of all the peoples of the world, and you will not find such a phenomenon. When the best representatives of the people "languished in prisons raw, in selfless love for the people," at that time, the second part of it created a "strong" secession of the gunmen and shoulder to shoulder with the executioner we - as a rotator of his people, voluntarily and willingly defended the integrity and inviolability of the borders of the Austrian Empire. Where is the honor, where is the people's conscience? This is what the hatred for Russia has brought to, instilled in the continuation of long years, like the poison of the people's soul. The traitor has forgotten his history, threw away traditions, denounced his historical name, trampled upon the laws of the fathers ... "(Ibid., Pp. 84 and 85).

With the same force, he testifies to us about the glorious deeds of the neo-Chigirins in Galicia, Foma Dyakov, a peasant from the village of Verbzh from Lviv. He was sentenced to death in 1915, but Emperor Franz Joseph gave him, and some others, life.

“Damn it not guinea nikol memory of our innocent thousands of Russian people, our best and dear fathers and mothers, brothers and sisters, who died in terrible throes died from sacks, bagnets and on avstromagyarskih shibenitsa, scantly thicker our whole land covered our land. terror in svtovoy history recorded in bloody letters, and I vryu, schto that memory of the martyrs will be utter. Our descendants, grandchildren, great-grandchildren and thousands of descendants will remember them and bless them for, in terrible, deadly agony and suffering they didn’t express their great Slavic RU With the name of the people and the idea of ​​the Russian people they sacrificed themselves to the blood. Ganba will give us letters to the memory of the letters and tell the lies to our native brothers, who were singled out to the servants, who became the father, and the servants, who were our father, and the servants. of the people and the Russian Slavic land for the Austrian and German okhlapy! " (Ibid., P. 76).

And here is the speech of another peasant, Vasily Kurovets, from the village of Batyatich, from under Kaminki Strumilova.

"Sumy in history of Russia, 1914 rock! I thought Austria, with fire and sword, plucked the Russian soul from the chest of our people, and Nmechina thought to scoop up the productive, black-earth land from the Carpathians to the Caucasus. If that was the plan for the Russian bayonets “Nymetska hydra became avenging on an innocent Galician-Russian people. O Russia, holy mother of mine! Help forget that cruel torment, that offense, I will inflict on our deprived people. Sumna and terrible pogadaty: thousands of graves have spread, we have otschin, and thousands of graves under the pines in Talergof. Huu night chuti their groan and bitter sobbing and tugu after the native land ... Say, sob, brothers and sisters, we will not forget them, and we will remember them according to the law of our fathers and in such a way we will pass on their names to our future generations Here I can solemnly declare, just, if I could tell lies in vain that their ideas were denied, that is, Holy Russia, Selyansk's soul is well held fast, because the idea is sanctified by the blood of our fathers and mothers "(Ibid 78).

Who are these Judas traitors who renounced the thousand-year-old Russian name and led their brothers to the terrible Golgotha ​​of Talerhof? We can learn about this from the speech of the father Iosif Yavorsky, from the village of Lyashkov, a deputy to the Sejm in Warsaw.

"Dear Russian family and honest guests! Back in 1911 - 1912, many representatives of the Ukrainian Club in the Austrian Parliament, more than Vasilko and Kost Levitsky, tried to prove to the Austro-Nmetsk government that they were the supporters of the Avto-Nmtz government and the protectors of the Avto-Nmetsk government. and the Russian organization and society, the greatest enemies of the Austrian state. This loyalty of the Ukrainians in view of Austria gave rise to blood, torment, tolerance of the Russian people and Talerhof. Vsem, who knows the Austrian parliamentary system, because it is so called My delegation from the Austrian and Ugrian parliament gathered either in the military camp or in Budapest. Galichin there are many "Russophile" Bursa for students, whose students acquire the rights of free volunteers and reach the officer's degree in the army? What are the views on the success of the war, if in the army, among the officers there are so many enemies, the “Russophiles”? Is your eccentre known that among the Galician population there are many “Russophile” spies, which are teeming with, and the rubles are rolling into the people? What should we do in case of a war, in order to defend ourselves before the “Russophile” work, which is spreading like this among our people? ”The minister said that he would take warning messages so that unreliable elements, that is, students-Russophiles, were not made officers and in case of war Kostya Levitskago will be rendered harmless to the "Russophiles". The consequences of this request are deprived of many students of Slavic officer rights. The administrative authorities drew up the lists and, on the basis of their Russians, were arrested. The Army received instructions and maps from with red pencils in the villages that cast their votes to the Russian candidates for the Austrian parliament. And the red dash on the cards was left by the bloody victims in these villages even before Talelhof. You yourself remember that when the officer came to the village, he spoke pleasantly, but asking for the name of the village and I saw a red dash on the cart, instantly turned into a hangman. And shouted a nmets or a Magyar “You are Russian? And our unfortunate man answered:“ Yes, Ruthenian, I beg your sir. And already the finished rope hung on his she! ” So multiplied the victims of the Austro-Magyar arbitrariness. But there were not enough visors, snooks, because there were too many Russian people. For the survivors, the Austrian authorities have prepared a hell, and his name is Talerhof! If someone hadn’t taken my words that Talerhof was prepared by the Ukrainians mentioned above, let him look at the verbatim notes of the delegates ”(Ibid., P. 1912 and 86).

So, this is what the Chinese revenge led to. Ukrainians, offended by Chud, Meryu, All, Mordvu and Cheremis. How to call all this differently than physical and spiritual suicide of the people?

Where is the logic?

Forget about these bloody pages for a while. Let us try again to talk with Ukrainians in a calm tone. So, the reason for the above suicide of the Russian people is that the Finno-Urals under the name of Muscovites appropriated the Russian name for themselves.

As you wish, gentlemen, but to her, this reason is strange.

I, say, wear the name of Ivanov. And then there was some Petrov, who also declared himself Ivanov. Is this really a sufficient reason for me, Ivanov, to call myself ... Sidorov? Where is the logic here?

One out of two. Petrov, that he began to call himself by my name, i.e. Ivanov, I do not cause any loss of moral or material. Then, to hell with him, with this Petrov, let him call himself Ivanov, if he likes that. But maybe Petrov, calling his name, Ivanov, violates some of my rights and advantages? Then what will I do? I will draw him to the answer; I will argue that he falsely calls himself Ivanov; I will say that he is Petrov; and Ivanov is only one in the world: it is me!

But what will help me if I present what I did to this malicious thief of my name, and I myself, more subdued than a sheep, will go and call myself Sidorov? She also God, this goodness and humility completely incomprehensible. And all the more incomprehensible that Ukrainians all the time they say they are fighting for their people. How do they fight when the very thing that the people have valuable, its historical name, took and gave Chudi, Vesi, Mary, Mordva and Cheremis.


(1) The letter of Bishop Konstantin Stefan Grinivetsky was also published in February by 1927 in the newspaper Sich, published in Chicago.

(2) The volume I accidentally bumped into is 31, 117 / 2: X. On page 292, 293, I discovered the following. Printed: "Grand Duchy of Russkago". Crossed out "Russkago", written on top of "Ukrainian".

Printed: "The Grand Duchy of Russia." Crossed out "Russian", written on top of "Ukrainian".

Printed: "with clerical work in Russian". Crossed out "Russian", written by hand "Ukrainian".

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  1. +11
    28 November 2011 07: 51
    The author, in presenting his material, raised the issue of current education and for this - a big thanks from me - to him! This site is not "educational", but the question of the current administrators of education concerns everyone! If these bastards give the green light to idiotic interpretations of History, wean them off their native language and drum into the heads of OUR people WESTERN "fife-o-clocks" - our people will lose their History, and the ability to think, and their language, in the end! This is where the fifth column, filthy, sits! Mr. Shulgin, thank you!
    1. vadimus
      28 November 2011 09: 38
      It has been 20 years since a wedge between our peoples was driven. We must look for a way out, otherwise we will lose a lot ... This is not Africa. This is Kiev, but Russia
      1. +1
        1 December 2011 11: 12
        Yes, not 20 years, but in the 1917 year.
    2. itr
      28 November 2011 12: 45
      Yesaul, it’s no offense that when you write from your own words you masturbate what kind of educational article. History is being rewritten before our eyes. This is our Russian land, and we gave it to the goats to be torn to pieces. We’ll temporarily return it.
      1. 0
        28 November 2011 17: 09
        Engineering, Well ...! I see that you, pimpled O_NA_NIST, are true to yourself - you can’t write without dirty tricks. bully And figs with you! Thank you! Thanks to you, I remembered a line from Vysotsky's song: "... And if you are stupid like a tree, then you will be a Baobab! And you will be a Bobab for a thousand years until you die!"
    3. Hutsul
      28 November 2011 21: 00
      A person studies history using similar texts! No comment.
  2. Hutsul
    28 November 2011 08: 35
    Chud, Meru, Vesu, Mordva and Cheremisov, in a word all fifteen peoples of the Finnish-Ural race, that they call themselves Russian.
    Nikolay Svet Vasilievich. He writes in Russian, but emerged - it is not known from which nation. In any case, Gogol is not entirely Russian, since he is a crest
    Russians are Finno-Ugric, Ukrainians are Russian. Gogol is a crest (such a new nation?) Author kill yourself!
    1. Don
      28 November 2011 18: 10
      Quote: Hutsul
      Russians are Finno-Ugric, Ukrainians are Russian. Gogol is a crest (such a new nation?) Author kill yourself!

      Hutsul, of course, I don’t agree with the author in everything, but how do you nationalists get sick of writing who is who. According to the results of studies of Y-chromosomal markers, two groups of Russian populations are distinguished. In the northern group (Mezen, Pinega, Krasnoborsk), proximity to neighboring Finno-Ugric and Baltic populations was revealed, which can be explained by a common substrate. The south-central group, which includes the vast majority of Russian populations, is part of a common cluster with Belarusians, Ukrainians and Poles. According to the results of the study of mtDNA markers, as well as autosomal markers, Russians are similar to other populations of Central and Eastern Europe. High unity was revealed by autosomal markers of East Slavic populations and their significant differences from neighboring Finno-Ugric, Turkic and North Caucasian peoples.
      Ukrainians, along with Russians and Belarusians belong to the Eastern Slavs. Ukrainians also include Polesie ethnographic groups: (Polishchuk) a number of Western Ukrainian ethnographic groups (strikers, Hutsuls, Lemki, Rusyns, and some representatives of the latter group identify themselves as separate from the Ukrainian people). Belarusians, as well as the Russians of the center and south of Russia show the closest likeness, forming a close group; the Poles are in close proximity to this group. In the study of population differences in NRY polymorphism within nine European nations, a common cluster was formed by populations of Poles, Ukrainians, and Russians in central and southern Russia, indicating their common origin.
      1. Hutsul
        28 November 2011 18: 23
        Dear, before you read anyone's comments, take the trouble to first read the text itself. Why did you decide that I am a nationalist? Because the author calls the CLASSICS OF RUSSIAN LITERATURE Gogol a crest? Yes, I strongly disagree with that! Or did you not like my saying "kill the author"! You know, I'm not against chromosomes, I don't deny kinship. How did you decide that I am a bearer of chauvinistic views? Or did you think that I am the very author Shulgin V.V.? Which "compose who is who." So what I emphasized was taken by me from the text of that same Shulgin.
        I look at the book, I see a fig, once again I will draw your attention to the text, first read this nonsense, then make a claim.
        1. Don
          28 November 2011 18: 59
          Sorry Gutsul that I called you a nationalist from Garech, but I read the text.
          Quote: Hutsul
          CLASSICS OF RUSSIAN LITERATURE Gogol Khokhlom? Yes, I strongly disagree with this!

          Just Gogol was Ukrainian, but he is a classic of Russian literature. That is what does not fit into the heads of Ukrainian Natsiks. Our cultures are interconnected.
          I just don’t agree with the author in everything, but you called the Russian Finno-Finns, and with this I partially agree, because. only a small part of Russians can be classified as Finno-Finns.
          1. Hutsul
            28 November 2011 20: 34
            I took this quote from the text of this author "Chud, Meryu, Vesya, Mordva and Cheremisov, in a word, all fifteen peoples of the Finnish-Ural race that they call themselves Russians." Well, read it carefully. The dispute is not worth a damn, for one simple reason: the author of this text can cause only contempt of any literate person.
            I had only one insult, I emphasize once again, the GREAT RUSSIAN CLASSIC NIKOLAY VASILIEVICH GOGOL, so as not to read further this heresy. Read "Taras Bulba" you will not find a more patriotic, more Russian work in our literature. And you and I are discussing the text of a man who was only smart enough to call Gogol a crest. And we are discussing this, disgusting!
        2. +1
          28 November 2011 23: 09
          Dear Gutsul, the author in no way calls the great Russian (Ukrainian, if you like) writer N.V. Gogol "khokhlom", at least he in no way invests in this term negative, derogatory meaning. The author tries to convey the semantic mess that existed in the head of the Central Russian intellectual during the period of N.V. Gogol in Russia, associated with the perception of the personality of N.V. Gogol. Read the paragraph again and you will understand. No offense. Best regards To you and to all South Russians or Ukrainians .. (now I’m confused myself), in general, everyone understood ...
  3. Odessa
    28 November 2011 11: 03
    Is it possible that all these currents have appeared at present? Ukrainians, etc. With such success, it is possible for everyone who voted in a referendum for the independence of Ukraine, i.e. Separations from Russia are called Ukrainians. The truth, then they realized what they had done, but it was already postno. And initially these national pseudo-patriots appeared somewhere in the Western Polish regions. And during the campaign for the referendum, the same questions were raised, Ukraine for the Ukrainians, Muscovites Geth and other anti-Russian calls. And under these calls, the figures also went, how many resources in Ukraine and in general Ukraine are superpower. Many tricks were bought by these, but in reality, it’s not so. A people who speak almost the same language, whose common centuries-old history of Kievan Rus begins to share because of such Ukrainians Russophobes. Only because of the poverty of mind can you hate entire nations, what primitive you need to be to not only see a person from - for nationality or religion. Then tell me who I am, who appeared as a result of a mixed marriage, Ukrainian-Russian, and if you take into account the fact that genetically Russians are not different from Ukrainians, then try to say a word to me about my nationality, as I’m primarily a person. And I can live at any geographical latitude, and learn more languages, change religions, etc., but from this I will not stop staying with zag addictive Russian soul.
    1. ZHORA
      28 November 2011 11: 50
      "True, then they realized what they had done, but it was already late."

      Who is it? Vitrenko and her followers?
      1. Sobibor
        28 November 2011 12: 33
        Yes, she is!
        Vitrenko and her 0,3% of voters of Ukraine
        1. Odessa
          28 November 2011 12: 45
          Who is Vitrenko? The presentation was about voting on disconnecting from Russia, and then biting her elbows. Of 0,3%, Ukraine would never have disconnected. But why write about it, it's been 20 years already, what's the use of that? .A Russians and Ukrainians are of the same blood.
          1. Sobibor
            28 November 2011 13: 16
            "High Jew, high lyakh - Abi is not a Moskal" (c)
            This popular proverb is over 400 years old. Maybe you are of the same blood, but I have nothing to do with the Russians
            1. Don
              28 November 2011 18: 12
              Most Ukrainians and Russians are actually one people.
              Quote: Sobibor
              "High Jew, high lyakh - Abi is not a Moskal"

              Or maybe 1000 years? This garbage was invented by your friends Bendera during the Second World War.
            2. Charon
              28 November 2011 19: 20
              Maybe you are of the same blood, but I have nothing to do with the Russians

              Not surprised. Not only Ukrainians live in Ukraine. You, dear, Tatar? Polovtsian?
            3. NUT
              29 November 2011 09: 42
              belay So here he is, the most grateful descendant of Vladimir the Great, Yaroslav the Wise, Princess Olga - the Great Russian Princes!
              Or Sobibor Pan Heil Jew, Heil Lyah, Heil the one with whom we do not drink?
            4. 0
              29 November 2011 16: 17
              Do not promise, unfortunate COLLECTION! You can’t know your gene lol tree! There may be more Russian in you than you think! It's funny, she-she! That's why the Poles did not consider Ukrainians for the people ... Ask about the origin of the word "cattle"
  4. stalker
    28 November 2011 14: 20
    Another author decided to kill the dough on hohlosrache. Tired of, by golly, give more articles about equipment and the army!
  5. Kudrev
    28 November 2011 14: 38
    If we ignore the author’s gag and focus on quotes, this is a very, very useful article. I would like to read the quoted book entirely and without stupid comments ...
    1. Hutsul
      28 November 2011 20: 36
      Read better Ukrainian Gogol, which is mentioned in this text. I assure you, you will draw a lot more from his works.
  6. German
    28 November 2011 14: 46
    some insanity .... Ukraine as a state did not exist until 17g! and such a nation has never happened ....
  7. Artemka
    28 November 2011 15: 11
    Yes, only now there are many nationalists.
  8. +3
    28 November 2011 16: 03
    I would really like for the united people of Russia to reunite - Russia, Ukraine, Belarus. But who knows whether these dreams will come true? Too many opponents of this, and especially in Pindos and allied countries.
    The dreams of Hitler and Bismarck came true - many of the three parts of the Russian people hate each other.
    I think that many have read these statements of famous people, but still repeat.

    We will then defeat Russia when Ukrainians and Belarusians believe that they are not Russian. A. Hitler.

    The power of Russia can only be undermined by the separation of Ukraine from it. For those who want to make such a separation, it will be necessary not only to tear off, but also to oppose Ukraine to Russia, to pit two parts of a single people and watch how a brother will kill his brother. To do this, you only need to find and nurture traitors among the national elite and, with their help, change the identity of one part of the great people to such an extent that they will hate everything Russian, hate their kind, without realizing it. Everything else is a matter of time.
    Otto von Bismarck
  9. karnics
    28 November 2011 16: 59
    I am Ukrainian, the blood of my ancestors of the Rus flows in me! We (Russians, Ukrainians, Belarusians) are the children of the mother of Russia, We are brothers, We are relatives, let us acknowledge this in our hearts ... and on the basis of these postulates we will build our relations! And there the map will fall!
    1. Odessa
      28 November 2011 17: 35
      Let's earn one more minus from the Natsik patients.
    2. Don
      28 November 2011 18: 15
      Quote: karnics
      I am Ukrainian, the blood of my ancestors of the Rus flows in me! We (Russians, Ukrainians, Belarusians) are the children of the mother of Russia, We are brothers, We are relatives, let us acknowledge this in our hearts ... and on the basis of these postulates we will build our relations! And there the map will fall!

      Nikolai did not expect that there are people like you in Vinnitsa. Eh, there would be more such people in Ukraine, you look and our country would leave this ass * into which its nationalists drove.
  10. Tyumen
    28 November 2011 18: 29
    I doubt that one of the above-mentioned (I, too) was able to read this hash completely.
    1. oper66
      29 November 2011 01: 15
      35 strain read and think if there is anything
      1. Tyumen
        30 November 2011 17: 35
        Quote: oper66
        strain read

        But it doesn’t interest me. I have my own opinion. This is for you, the demoniac sufferer - the next * trump cards * in srach.
  11. oper66
    29 November 2011 00: 32
    Friends, maybe there will be enough quarrels and reproaches, maybe our lost relatives will not liken themselves to those Ukrainians who created stories - we are one people, we are different, but all in a single case, but all the same, RUSSIAN well, not for the sub-Polish
  12. +1
    29 November 2011 00: 55
    Well it burst you, well it burst !!!!! Let me remind you about the imposition by the Soviet state of the theory of the separate Moldovan people and language, which is being actively continued by modern Ukraine and Russia. How would you like to teach classics of "Moldavian" literature who lived in Romania at school? etc. etc. Although I know that for you, Romanians = gypsies, and Moldovans in the mouths of Ukrainian parliamentarians are like Chukchi in Russian jokes. I ask you not to minus, but to reflect.
  13. NUT
    29 November 2011 01: 55
    but as for me, the most scientific and indisputable proof that modern Ukrainians, Russians and Belarusians are one people is that we and only we thought it over:

    "to tint cars to calmly pick your nose.
    This is OUR women invented to do hair removal, jumping over a fire.
    Only we know what the upper side wall is near the toilet in the Tuapse-Vladivostok train ....
    After all, we are the friendliest nation, and whoever doubts this will be tryndets!
    It was we who invented to sniff vodka with the head of a comrade.
    This is our army, which everyone is afraid of. All guys are under 27 years old.
    It is our women who paint their nails before riding on potatoes.
    We are hammering it against the wall so that everyone shuts up on the hell.
    We are proud of OUR great Russian language and express respect to him.
    It is in OUR houses that towels and slippers from Turkish hotels are stored.
    This we stop drinking at the age at which the whole world is just beginning.
    This is OUR women can stop the minibus.
    This we occupy the first place in the world in the stock of fleece pants.
    This is OUR football players playing something else ...
    We respect our economic partners: Americans, Italians and Chinas.
    Only in OUR metro you can get a diploma of higher education!
    It is in our trams that future wrestling champions are brought up.
    OUR mega-people live in OUR hyper-cities ...
    After all, this song helps us to build and live, and therefore we sing shitty and live so-so ...
    That we are 80% drinkable!
    It was we who shoeed a flea and pierced the caterpillar.
    These are OUR nesting dolls symbolizing the phrase "can you see everyone?"
    Only we know how to live with ten in a one-room apartment ...
    It is we who produce garbage bags that are still torn in the corridors.
    We always take condoms to the sauna.
    It was we who invented weapons of mass destruction and ride on it.
    We know firsthand what warm beer and an ice toilet are.
    It is our unique culture with more than three million obscene ditties.
    It is we who open the wine with our finger, and the beer with a lighter.
    We saved this from the ruin of the manufacturers of hawthorn tinctures.
    This is OUR girls can be painted for an hour before taking out the bin.
    This is what we read the newspaper on the toilet to be ready for any surprises.
    These are OUR gateways are the darkest, and the corners are the wettest!
    It was we who invented to dial on a cell phone number and reset so as not to waste money.
    It is we who use the language of Pushkin and Dostoevsky to describe the boobs of Pamela Anderson and the ass Jennifer Lopez.
    This is OUR Mendeleev invented the table and vodka so that children suffer from one, and adults from the other.
    We came up with this to swim in the fountains and wipe ourselves on the curtain.
    We shout the loudest "bitter" and "busy".
    These are three holy icons in our cars instead of airbags ... "
    because it’s for any (Our Russia)
  14. +4
    29 November 2011 02: 14
    I don’t know, Sic volo, sic jubeo - we do this ... When only the una-upa began to raise its head and recruit supporters - they arranged bathing in a pond with a muddy bottom, without releasing them until the morning (some had overcooling). ..
    I think this: He who is not with us is against us. You just need to seize the moment and brush so that you couldn’t recover, and then take away the factories and lands ... Ukraine has long been balancing on the brink: not yours yet, but we’ll sell cheaply ... IMHO ...

"Right Sector" (banned in Russia), "Ukrainian Insurgent Army" (UPA) (banned in Russia), ISIS (banned in Russia), "Jabhat Fatah al-Sham" formerly "Jabhat al-Nusra" (banned in Russia) , Taliban (banned in Russia), Al-Qaeda (banned in Russia), Anti-Corruption Foundation (banned in Russia), Navalny Headquarters (banned in Russia), Facebook (banned in Russia), Instagram (banned in Russia), Meta (banned in Russia), Misanthropic Division (banned in Russia), Azov (banned in Russia), Muslim Brotherhood (banned in Russia), Aum Shinrikyo (banned in Russia), AUE (banned in Russia), UNA-UNSO (banned in Russia), Mejlis of the Crimean Tatar people (banned in Russia), Legion “Freedom of Russia” (armed formation, recognized as terrorist in the Russian Federation and banned), Kirill Budanov (included to the Rosfinmonitoring list of terrorists and extremists)

“Non-profit organizations, unregistered public associations or individuals performing the functions of a foreign agent,” as well as media outlets performing the functions of a foreign agent: “Medusa”; "Voice of America"; "Realities"; "Present time"; "Radio Freedom"; Ponomarev Lev; Ponomarev Ilya; Savitskaya; Markelov; Kamalyagin; Apakhonchich; Makarevich; Dud; Gordon; Zhdanov; Medvedev; Fedorov; Mikhail Kasyanov; "Owl"; "Alliance of Doctors"; "RKK" "Levada Center"; "Memorial"; "Voice"; "Person and law"; "Rain"; "Mediazone"; "Deutsche Welle"; QMS "Caucasian Knot"; "Insider"; "New Newspaper"