Cavalier of the two Orders of Victory - number one and number five

The 115 anniversary of the birth of Georgiy Konstantinovich Zhukov (19 November) has come. And today you can meet such disputes between military and civilian historians - Zhukov: a genius or a villain? There are many points of view about Zhukov, about the style of his work and control of the troops: “the butcher” did not spare the soldier, he walked over the corpses; he won all his victories "on the ready-made one", when all the victories were prepared by other military leaders before him; Zhukov's leadership talent is a propaganda myth; Zhukov won the war - this is a lie, it was won by a soldier. Well, and so on. But Zhukov is such a titan that he is not afraid of any, the most ridiculous judgments.


Georgy Konstantinovich was born in the village of Strelkovka, Kaluga region. Three classes of parish school graduated with a certificate of merit. Furning then in Moscow, at the same time graduated from a two-year course of the urban school.

Cavalier of the two Orders of Victory - number one and number fiveFrom 7 August 1915 year in the army. A cavalry non-commissioned officer in the summer of the 1916 of the year enters the South-Western Front in the 10 of the Novgorod Dragoon Regiment. For the seizure of a German officer, he is awarded the St. George Cross of the 4 degree. Contused For being wounded in battle, he gets the St. George Cross of the 3 degree.

The revolution cavalry and the army in general eliminated. Severely ill with typhus, Zhukov returns to his village. But in the summer 1918 of the year enters the Red Army. The following year he became a member of the RCP (b). Red Army soldier George Zhukov fought on the Eastern, Western, Southern fronts against the Ural Cossacks, near Tsaritsyn, with the troops of Denikin and Wrangel.

In the summer of 1919, he participated in battles with Cossacks near Shipovo Station, in battles for Uralsk, for Vladimirovka, for Nikolaevsk. In the fall of 1919, between Zaplavniy and Srednyaya Akhtuba was seriously wounded by grenade fragments. It is treated. He graduated from Ryazan cavalry courses and in the fall of 1920, he was appointed platoon commander, then a squadron. A year later, he participates in the suppression of the peasant uprising in the Tambov region (the so-called “Antonovshchina”).

It is mystical and difficult to comprehend that death could have overtaken Zhukov at any time in six years spent in more than 60 large and small battles. Every fight could be the last. And the further military service of Zhukov is not replete with calm and serenity. Here are its major milestones.

Since May 1923, Zhukov has been in command of the 39 regiment of the 7 th Samara cavalry division. A year later, he graduated from the Higher Cavalry School. Then - courses of the highest commanding staff of the Red Army. In 1930, the 2 brigade of the 7 Samara Cavalry Division, commanded by Rokossovsky, receives. Further, it serves in the Belarusian Military District under the leadership of IP Uborevich.

During the repression of 1937 – 1938, both military leaders will be arrested. Konstantin Konstantinovich will go through all the circles of hell, but he will not break, and Jerome Petrovich will be shot. It was at that time that a meeting of the party organization of the 6 Cavalry Corps was held, at which the statements of some political workers and commanders about the "enemy methods of the commander Zhukov in educating personnel" and that he "was in close relations with the enemies of the people" were examined. However, the partaktiv made the decision: “To confine ourselves to discussing the issue and to take note of the explanation of Comrade Zhukov.”

Fate or Providence seemed to carefully guard their chosen one for some higher purpose. In the summer of 1939, Zhukov defeated the grouping of Japanese troops of General Kamatsubara on Khalkhin-Gol river. For this operation, the com corps was awarded the title Hero of the Soviet Union. A year later, he was already commander of the Kiev Special Military District.

With the attestation of the commanding staff, the Red Army receives the rank of army general. In this capacity, he conducts two brilliant command-and-staff games under the general title “Front Offensive Operation with Breakthrough of Fortified Areas”, demonstrating outstanding operational and tactical skills. What does Stalin nominate for the post of Chief of General Staff?


The relationship of the leader and the commander has never been cloudless. Here is what the Kremlin guard A.T.Rybin writes about this in his book “Next to Stalin”:

“Not a single historian has been able to uncover the secret of their relationship, which, although democratic, was at the same time complex-mysterious. While one of the theorists is able to solve them, we will try to use the experience of a person who knew both of them well. The commandant of the near-dacha Orlov served Stalin from 37 to 53. So, I had the right to note the most important thing in the character of the leader:

- He did not like compromise judgments such as: As you say, we will do so.

In such cases, he usually said:

“I don't need such advisers.”

Having learned this, I sometimes argued with him, defending my point of view, Stalin grumbled, puzzled:

- Well, I'll think about it.

Could not tolerate when he entered, bending or walking forward heels. It was necessary to go to him with a firm step. If necessary - at any time. Cabinet never closed. Now add the following judgment Orlov:

- Stalin respected Zhukov for directness and patriotism. He was the most honored guest of Stalin.

Together with the commanding gift of this, apparently, it was already enough for Stalin to contain his natural anger at Zhukov’s unheard-of trick on December 4, endured the whole day of the fifth and only at midnight on HF cautiously asked:

- Comrade Zhukov, like Moscow?

“Comrade Stalin, we will not surrender Moscow,” Georgy Konstantinovich assured.

- Then I'll go for two hours rest.

- Can...

Yes, Stalin was then able to resist outrage, but he still did not forget the offense. That is why such a commander was awarded only a medal for the most difficult operation of the entire war. ”

And for the first time, Stalin and Zhukov became white-hot already on the seventh day of the war. Here is how Mikoyan recalls the conflict:

“Stalin phoned Marshal Tymoshenko’s Defense Commissariat. However, he was unable to say anything concrete about the situation in the West. Alarmed by this course of action, Stalin invited all of us to go to the People's Commissariat and deal with the situation on the spot. In the office of the People's Commissar were Tymoshenko, Zhukov and Vatutin. Stalin kept calm, asked where the front command was, what was the connection with it. Zhukov reported that the connection was lost and could not be restored all day. About half an hour talked quite calmly. Then Stalin exploded: what kind of General Staff, what kind of chief of General Staff, who was so confused that he had no connection with the troops, did not represent anyone and did not command anyone. Once there is no connection, the General Staff is powerless to lead. Zhukov, of course, no less than Stalin was worried about the state of affairs, and such an cry of Stalin was offensive to him. This courageous man could not resist, burst into tears like a woman, and quickly went into another room. Molotov followed him. We were all in a depressed state. ”

Here it is necessary to make a reservation: the cunning Anastas Ivanovich and the straightforward Georgy Konstantinovich never sympathized with each other, if not to say that they quietly were hostile.

I will cite another testimony of the writer N. A. Zenkovich, who talked on this topic with VM Molotov:

The price of the second stroke of the pen of Marshal Zhukov in accepting the surrender of Germany is a great feat of the people and the army.
"The Great Patriotic War 1941 – 1945. in photographs and film documents. T. 5. M., 1989

“The quarrel broke out hardest, with swearing and threats. Stalin was swearing in Timoshenko, Zhukov and Vatutin, he called them mediators, nonentities, mouthwriting scribes, poryanochnikami. Nervous stress affected the military. Tymoshenko and Zhukov, too, have rashly talked a lot of insult to the leader. It ended with the whitening Zhukov who sent Stalin to his mother and demanded that he immediately leave the office and not interfere with them to study the situation and make decisions. Amazed by such arrogance of the military, Beria tried to intercede for the leader, but Stalin, without saying goodbye to anyone, headed for the exit. ”

It was then that on the steps of the Ministry of Defense Joseph Vissarionovich said his famous: “Lenin left us a great legacy, and we, his heirs, are all about it! ..” Whatever it was, but during the whole of the Great Patriotic War it was Zhukov Stalin who trusts complex, sometimes difficult, if not impossible tasks. And almost never the commander did not disappoint the leader.

Georgy Konstantinovich was a member of the Supreme High Command Headquarters, Deputy Supreme Commander, First Deputy People's Commissar of Defense of the USSR. He commanded the fronts: the Reserve, the Leningrad, the Western (at the same time he was the commander-in-chief of the Western direction), the Ukrainian 1, the Belarusian Belarusian 1. In only one 1942 year, Zhukov personally conducted four major offensive operations: Moscow, Rzhev-Vyazemsky, First and Second Rzhevsky-Sychevskaya.

In addition to the operational activities of Commander Zhukov, according to the version put forward by him and Alexander Mikhailovich Vasilevsky in his memoirs, he also co-authored (along with Vasilevsky) the key Soviet military plan 1942 of the year - the plan of the strategic operation Uranus to destroy the German forces near Stalingrad. True, this plan, on which, according to the memoirs of Zhukov and Vasilevsky, stand by them and the signature of Stalin, has not yet been published, despite the expiration of the statute of limitations.

And here is the time to recognize the great commander:

“War is an extremely difficult ordeal for all the people. These are mass casualties, blood, disability for life. This is a heavy psychological impact on all people who carry the war. This gold is for those who trade weapons of war. In the war there are no absolute heroes, absolutely courageous military leaders. The heroes are those who, in moments of dire situation, managed to pull themselves together, to overcome fear and not to succumb to panic. Our business will have to continue to young people. It is very important that they learn from our mistakes and our successes. The science of winning is not a simple science. But the one who learns, who strives for victory, who fights for a cause that he believes is right, will always win. I became convinced of this in many lessons of my own life. ”

Revelation is well worth it. In any case, it sheds a certain light on the desire of Georgy Konstantinovich to give out for reality many of his good wishes, left to us in his main work “Memories and reflections”. The simplest example. Zhukov writes:

“In the morning of June 22, People’s Commissar S.K. Timoshenko, N.F. Vatutin and I were in the office of the People’s Commissar of Defense. At 3 hours 07 minutes the commander of the Black Sea called me on the HF fleet Admiral F.S.Octyabrsky and said: The fleet's airborne navigation system reports on the approach from the sea of ​​a large number of unknown aircraft. At 3 hours 30 minutes, the chief of staff of the Western District, General V.E. Klimovskikh, reported on the German raid aviation to the cities of Belarus. About three minutes later, the chief of staff of the Kiev district, General M.A. Purkaev, reported on an air raid on the cities of Ukraine. The People's Commissar ordered me to call I.V. Stalin. I'm calling. No one answers the phone. I call continuously. Finally, I hear the sleepy voice of the duty guard general on duty:

- Who is talking?

- Chief of General Staff Zhukov. I ask you to urgently connect me with Comrade Stalin.

- What? Now? - the security chief was amazed. - Comrade Stalin is sleeping.

- Wake up immediately, the Germans are bombing our cities!

Three minutes later, JV Stalin approached the apparatus. I reported on the situation and asked for permission to start fighting back. ”

In this long quotation from the memories of the greatest commander, only geographical names and surnames of people are accurate. Everything else is a tragic lie, with the warlord's light hand, which became the basis for all further distortions and frank insinuations in the description of the beginning of the war.

Even at 18 hours 27 minutes on June 21, 1941, Vyacheslav Molotov delivered to the Kremlin absolutely accurate information about the exact time of the Hitlerite attack! It is now undeniable historical fact! As well as the fact that in his memoirs Georgy Konstantinovich circumvented almost all his failures, miscalculations, imperfections, including an assault on the forehead of the famous Zeelovsky heights, leaving only personal take-offs and victories, which, of course, were the vast majority.

During 1943, Zhukov coordinated the actions of the fronts in Operation Iskra during the breakthrough of the Leningrad blockade. 18 January he was awarded the title of Marshal of the Soviet Union - the first marshal of the USSR since the beginning of the war. From 17 March, Zhukov is on the Belgorod direction of the emerging Kursk Bulge. Since July 5 coordinates the activities of the Western, Bryansk, Steppe and Voronezh fronts. After the death of Vatutin, Stalin ordered Zhukov to lead the 1 of the Ukrainian Front. In March-April, 1944, George Konstantinovich conducted an offensive Proskurov-Chernivtsi operation and went to the foothills of the Carpathians.

10 April 1944, the Marshal was awarded the highest military award - the Order of "Victory" with the number 1. In the summer of 1944, Zhukov coordinates the actions of the 1 and the 2 of the Belarusian fronts in Operation Bagration. At the final stage of the war, the 1 Belorussian Front, led by Marshal Zhukov, conducted, jointly with the 1 Ukraine, under the command of Ivan Stepanovich Konev, the Vistula-Oder operation, during which the Soviet troops liberated Warsaw, defeating Army A’s General A with a dissecting blow. Harpe and Field Marshal F. Scherner. For this, Zhukov received the second Order of "Victory" with the number 5.

1 Belarusian Front (1 million 28 thousand 900 people) lost 77 thousand 342 people (7,5%), at the same time 1 Ukrainian (1 million 83 thousand 800 people) lost 115 thousand 783 person (10,7%). So Zhukov didn’t always “have not spared a soldier”. 8 May 1945 in Karlshorst (Berlin) Georgy Konstantinovich received from Hitler's Field Marshal Wilhelm von Keitel the unconditional surrender of Nazi Germany and was appointed commander of a group of Soviet troops in Germany.

However, the greatest trust placed on the leader of the first Soviet commander was the reception of the Victory Parade of the Soviet Union over Germany in the Great Patriotic War, which took place in Red Square in Moscow. Marshal Konstantin Rokossovsky commanded the parade. This is not even a royal or royal gift - this is the record on the tablets of Eternity. Such actions are only great leaders on the shoulder.

Military exercises 1940 year. Georgy Zhukov in 60 battles has already been formed as a commander.

7 September 1945 of the year in Berlin at the Brandenburg Gate was held the Victory Parade of the allied forces in World War II. From the Soviet Union, the parade was received by Marshal Zhukov. And these were the most important of his commanding heights.


In the peaceful life of Georgiy Konstantinovich, many and quite complex problems appeared at once. Accustomed during the long 1418 days of the war to be everywhere “a king, god, and chief military commander,” the marshal did not immediately fit into the court coordinates of the Kremlin. So, in the summer of 1946, a meeting of the Main Military Council was held, which dealt with “the case of Marshal Zhukov based on the interrogation of A. A. Novikov”.

From the statement of the Chief Air Marshal A.Novikov, written in the name of I.V. Stalin:

“Touching Zhukov, I first of all want to say that he is an extremely power-hungry and narcissist, he loves glory, honor and servility to him and cannot tolerate objections. Zhukov loves to know everything newswhat is being done at the top, and at his request, when Zhukov was at the front, I, as I was able to find out, supplied him with relevant information about what was being done at Headquarters. In this meanness in front of you, I am aware of my grave guilt. So, there were cases when, after visiting Stakes, I told Zhukov about Stalin's moods, when and for what Stalin scolded me and others, what I heard there, and so on. Zhukov, very cunningly, subtly and in a cautious manner, in conversations with me and also with other persons tried to diminish the leading role in the war of the Supreme Command, and at the same time, Zhukov, not hesitating, sticks out his role in the war as a commander and even declares that all the basic plans of military operations developed by him. "

Georgy Konstantinovich was accused of swelling his “triumphant achievements”. Stalin personally formulated claims to "his own right hand":

"I assumed the development of operations to which I had nothing to do."

Evidence was given in excess. However, it should be noted: at that meeting, all the top military leaders, with the exception of the Chief of Staff, F. I. Golikov, expressed support for Zhukov. Nevertheless, members of the Politburo unanimously accused the “Marshal of Victory” of “Bonapartism”. It is possible that the highest party bosses thus "paid off" for the marshal's obstinacy and personal disrespect for them.

In June, 1946 of the year, an investigation was launched into the so-called “trophy case of Zhukov”. It was based on the denunciation of the adjutant Zhukov Semochkin. Ostensibly Zhukov was hostile to Comrade Stalin. Nonpartisan spoke to the allies in Frankfurt. Sold the car to the writer Slavin. He was greedy and appropriated trophy values: furs, paintings, carpets, chandeliers, gold, jewelry, sets, etc. Spent many thousands of public money for personal needs. Gathered a large collection of hunting rifles. Never personally paid party fees.

Of course, Zhukov, in a letter to the Central Committee of the CPSU (b) and to Comrade A.A. Zhdanov, rejects most of these slanderous statements. He's writing:

“I ask the Central Committee to take into account the fact that I made some mistakes during the war without malicious intent, and in fact I have never been a bad servant of the party, the Motherland and the great Stalin. I always honestly and conscientiously carried out all the orders Comrade. Stalin. I plead very guilty that I did not pass all this unnecessary junk to me somewhere in the warehouse, hoping that nobody needs it. I give the Bolshevik a strong oath not to allow such mistakes and stupidities. I am sure that I will still be needed by the Motherland, the great leader Comrade. Stalin and the party. Please leave me in the party. I will correct the mistakes made and will not let the high rank of a member of the All-Union Communist Party of the Bolsheviks mess up. 12.01.1948 of the year. Member of the CPSU (b) Zhukov.

Removed from the post of Commander-in-Chief of the Ground Forces, Zhukov for some time commanded the troops of Odessa, then the Urals military districts. His every step was followed. On the New Year's Eve, General Vladimir Kryukov, his wife Lydia Ruslanova, and General Konstantin Telegin and his wife came to the disgraced George Konstantinovich. The singer, crossing the threshold of the captain's house, took out the two black grouse shot out of the bag and said loudly:

"I wish you, our Great Conqueror, that all your enemies look exactly the same as these two birds."

And the whole evening spared no legs and voices. Led with marshal and his guests all sorts of reckless conversations. And in the morning she and her husband were arrested.

After the death of Stalin, Beria did everything so that the disgraced marshal would become the first deputy minister of defense Nikolai Bulganin. They say that Georgy Konstantinovich warned his benefactor that he would soon be “tied up,” but Lavrenty Pavlovich was too sure of his strength. In the group that arrested Beria, was Zhukov.

Zhukov could not stand among the elite royal generals, because all his life he was not surrounded by highly educated officers, but in a faceless mass of obedient, ready to betray, slander and condemn the party at the first call. But Zhukov was and will remain the greatest commander of all times and peoples, and no revelations, present or future, can diminish his contribution to the achievement of Victory. But this is precisely why I cannot understand and forgive the really great Zhukov that he (in the last days, the hours of war) took Zeelov Heights in the forehead - the most powerful knot of resistance built by the Germans, putting hundreds of thousands of our soldiers there.

In 1954, Zhukov personally conducted an atomic exercise weapons on the Totsk ground. At least 45 thousand soldiers were exposed to strong radiation. How many civilians suffered - nobody knows. And when he became Minister of Defense, Georgy Konstantinovich, almost by the first order, increased the pay of soldiers. For the "suppression of the Hungarian fascist insurrection" and in connection with the 60 anniversary of his birth, he was awarded the fourth Gold Star medal. But a year later, the “maize” sent the “Marshal of the Victory” into retirement.

In the already mentioned memoirs, Zhukov still managed to make a very awkward curtsy of L. I. Brezhnev, thereby creating a barrage of stinging anecdotes, such as:

- Comrade Stalin, it's time to start the operation "Bagration"!

- Wait, Comrade Zhukov, you will need to consult with Comrade Brezhnev!

Fate presented the author of these lines friendly relations with Army General Beloborodov.

“Afanasy Pavlantevich, tell us about Zhukov. Is it true that the generals and marshals considered him Stalin's favorite?

- Maybe someone thought so, like the same Konev, all his life trying to compete with his savior. After all, if Zhukov had not taken Konev as his deputy, Stalin would have definitely slapped Ivan. No, Stalin had no pets. He simply appreciated people according to their deserts. And Zhukov, whatever they may say about him now, has always been the first among equals. I can not put anyone next to him. Everything was present in him: talent, cruelty, and a fierce lust for power. There were no others like that in our army. Perhaps never was. Yes, and never again. ”

The only marshal four times Hero of the Soviet Union, the only cavalier of the two orders of Victory, the only Russian commander who has the largest number of military awards, whose name is immortalized most, he adequately closes the row: Macedonian, Hannibal, Caesar, Genghis Khan, Tamerlane, Napoleon, Suvorov, Kutuzov. In any case, the 20th century does not know another commander of this magnitude. And God willing, such military talents will never be needed anymore.
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  1. kotliarenko.v
    26 November 2011 09: 52
    Stalin, Vasilevsky and Zhukov were twice awarded the Order of Victory
  2. +7
    26 November 2011 10: 22
    Attention! You do not have permission to view hidden text.

    About never will be - it is unlikely. Just time must pass. Russia has survived more than one troubled time, it will survive and coming out updated with new people.
    1. Anatoly
      27 November 2011 18: 08
      Good words ... God grant!
  3. +4
    26 November 2011 13: 17
  4. -1
    26 November 2011 16: 18
    I don't know, I don't know ... V. Suvorov (Rezun) writes extremely negatively about him. And about "Memories and Reflections" of different editions, he is right (we have 3 editions out of ten).
    My grandfather told me that there was a sign: if Zhukov arrived, then there would be an offensive and everyone would die. And when near Rzhev in 1942 (it seems, the Rzhev-Vyazemskaya operation? - I'm not sure) they went on the attack, then only the grandfathers' tank returned (the mine broke the track, stood all night, put a new track, then, as they put it, went ... The grandfather also said: "We hit once with a sledgehammer and fall - the Germans from machine guns once, once, once for ten minutes"). And when they returned, the entire crew was immediately put to trial: why did they return and everyone was alive? Fortunately, the lieutenant of the NKVD, who was in charge of their case, even though he tortured them with interrogations, I couldn't find the corpus delicti, so they were not shot. Then they were sent to re-form ...
    So his grandfather's attitude towards Zhukov was more likely negative, and not only with him. And this is generally consistent with what Rezun wrote.
    1. +2
      26 November 2011 17: 58
      What the traitor of the Motherland wrote cannot be true! Rezun writes half-truths, and half-truths, as you know, are worse than lies!
      Zhukov is a great man! To not write about him. Great commander, but also a great power lover, and a cruel leader. Our shortcomings are the continuation of our advantages, and if the advantages are great, then the disadvantages are not small. Dialectics.
    2. +2
      26 November 2011 20: 13
      Did your grandfather read the rezuna? He would respond about him in such a way that this could not be written.
      To mention the opinion of the "historian" Rezun is bad manners.
      1. 0
        27 November 2011 23: 45
        I read, but only "Aquarium". The rest - did not have time and could not. I guess I would really spit.
    3. J_silver
      26 November 2011 21: 59
      You know, maybe it was, as you wrote, but more like a late fairy tale! My grandfather sat in the trenches near Rzhev all the period, he told a lot of things in his time, he did not have much love for the workers of the "organs" all his life, but did not say anything like that - you know, according to my observations, this is the late folklore of Khrushchev's times, even a song known about "the political department, where they ask: What are you, s..ka in the tank did not burn?"
      1. 0
        26 November 2011 22: 55
        Again, I do not argue, everyone has their own truth ... But our family remembers a lot (we are all a little "wrapped" in our ancestors, this is a tradition), and what this ... type wrote, in many ways (although not in everything, and in addition we have our own interpretations of events) corresponds to the very family legends. And my grandfather went through the war as a tank driver from February 1942 to August 1945. And his stories, recorded on reels in the 80s, have survived. There is much there that will not be written openly; he expounded this, "taking it on his chest" well, but on a sober head and did not want to remember. About that situation: there was an order from Zhukov about deserters, so the crew of the grandfather's tank just fell under the provisions of this order, and therefore they got into SMERSH (I mistakenly wrote the NKVD above, I apologize, this is a slip of the tongue / slip).
        And Rzhev operations, it seems, there were three? - I’m not sure for sure, I’ll take a look now.
    4. valedol
      27 November 2011 20: 29
      If we refer to the work of biographers of great people, then just not to the scribbles of scum and bastards. they (scum) by their nature can not understand, do not explain the deeds of great people. I can only advise you to read books about Zhukov really honored man - V. Karpov.
    5. 0
      28 November 2011 01: 47
      And what do you think a soldier should do during a battle?
      Fight or chew snot when your country is torn to pieces?
      As for the personality that you give as an example .... Do not make me think badly about you!
      My grandfather died, apparently he was defending his homeland, and did not reflect on signs.
  5. GGP
    26 November 2011 18: 37
    Yeah! "Rezun - Zhukov's biographer" Yes, Rezun, just a talented businessman, and an original writer. In order to make money, I used the old common truth - "The more incredible a lie, the more they believe in it." But I think he himself did not pretend to be a historian. After all, he does not give the impression of a stupid person. The so-called half-truth is written by Stadnyuk and Pikul. Suvorov can be compared with Herbert Wells or the Strugatsky brothers.
  6. Dervish
    26 November 2011 19: 50
    Georgy Konstantinovich is an ordinary near-Kremlin Jewess: arrogant, arrogant, short-sighted, cowardly and greedy, like all ethnic Lebanese gypsies.
    1. +2
      26 November 2011 20: 02
      Well, you drive !!!!!!!!!
    2. 0
      26 November 2011 21: 51
      No matter what kind of blood he had, he was a Russian for me, if he fought for Russia all his adult life and shed blood, yes, by the way, he was born in it.
    3. +1
      26 November 2011 22: 58
      What the hell is a Jew ?! No need to juggle it! I do not like (let us say so) Zhukov for the butcher’s manners in relation to the soldiers, but what you wrote is definitely not the same!
      Who protected the soldier, so Rokossovsky ... Maslennikov fought very carefully, his losses were very low.
    4. 0
      28 November 2011 01: 56
      Dervish, there is such a "sign"
      How do you respond about someone, so you correspond to this.
      Just did not understand what kind of terrible insult: OH.
      But vseravno take note (maybe come in handy!).
    26 November 2011 20: 01
    It’s not for us to judge such people, Zhukov, Stalin ...
    To whom - a butcher, to whom - a hero.
    History is generally an interesting discipline. Everyone lies in their own interests and from the situation.
    They say - "winners are not judged."
    They probably say it right.
    1. 0
      26 November 2011 23: 00
      Wow ... Winners are not judged. The soldiers are only sorry - only the Zeelovsky heights are worth what ... I understand that the article and the conversation are not about him, but if we compare Zhukov with Rokossovsky ... That was harder for him, and the tasks were no less difficult, and there were less losses.
      1. 0
        28 November 2011 02: 01
        Enough to smear the snot, "sorry for the soldiers!"
        It was a war, not a chatter about this!
        If he (ZhUKOV) pitied every soldier, who would have fought then?
  8. GGP
    26 November 2011 20: 04
    Dervish, I see that you are not a Jew, much less an ethnic Lebanese cygan. Yes, the trouble is, the god did not give the horns to a vigorous cow, and you’re wow ....
    1. Dervish
      26 November 2011 20: 40
      Gave, Goga, gave - do not worry so
  9. dobry-ork
    26 November 2011 22: 51
    Zhukov was at the right time at the right place, he is really a great man. But I hope that the history of our great country does not end and there will be many more such great people like Zhukov!
  10. soldat1945
    26 November 2011 23: 34
    Zhukov is a great man and commander, with shortcomings and miscalculations but also with great deeds, it is not known how the events of the Great Patriotic War would develop if Zhukov did not take responsibility both for operations, and unfortunately for those huge losses when a strategic plan is written a lot depends during its execution, and from the tactical link, and here too, everyone was not perfect. And for those who want to denigrate Zhukov, watch a film of two years ago on YouTube on his TV - 3, so it was shot there, even Russian historians were not involved in the filming. There types like rezun and German scribblers.
  11. 0
    27 November 2011 00: 36
    Zhukov was a really talented person. In tsarist times, talent meant almost nothing. And under the Soviet regime, Zhukov, in just 25 years, traveled the path to Marshal. He is the mastermind behind many offensive operations. After all, the Germans knew: where Zhukov, there is death. But the one who does nothing is not mistaken. Zhukov is also a man, but his achievements were paid for with great blood. I have great respect for Marshal of the Soviet Union Georgy Konstantinovich Zhukov
  12. Archer
    27 November 2011 12: 36
    The figure is complex and ambiguous. You can’t treat him like a villain, but apart from him there were outstanding military leaders
  13. Guns
    27 November 2011 13: 00
    people of such a hummingbird should be judged only by their peers, and not by experts in igruha like "confrontation"
    I would also like to know the opinion of the committee of soldiers' mothers on this issue
    1. 0
      28 November 2011 02: 03
      What about mothers is such a joke ??????????????????
  14. Anatoly
    27 November 2011 18: 13
    A vivid example, the service is precisely the homeland. Zhukov can be compared with officers of the tsarist Army, where honor and service to the Fatherland were in the first place.
    The modern state itself has trampled the honor and faith of our officers. And the service has turned into survival.
  15. mind1954
    28 November 2011 03: 45
    There are no irreplaceable people, but there are unique ones!
    Time required to come to the forefront of such people,
    like I.V. Stalin and he picked up and put the same people everywhere!

    In Moscow there are two monuments to G.K.Zhukov and, alas, are very unsuccessful.
    And the monument at the Historical Museum must be removed.
    It stands absolutely out of place and is, simply,
    mocking caricature of a monument to Yuri Dolgoruky.

    In 1969, the "MOSFILM" premiered
    first film "Liberation".
    All the generals and G.K.Zhukov attended.
    His image, created in the film by M. Ulyanov, he liked.
  16. Guns
    28 November 2011 06: 45
    what jokes? climb to someone without hitting with their opinion who to attack, who to cover. who in the screen to the last to stand. remember the movie "battalions ask for fire"? they also "senseless" died, but ensured a successful offensive. that's why he wrote that only those who are equal to him and who were in his shoes can judge him, but such, it seems to me, are not here
    you can talk about mistakes, miscalculations, but to talk about pathological cruelty and just the same hatred of Zhukov is stupid
  17. Gur
    28 November 2011 12: 01
    Lord ... Close your mouth, who are you to discuss the affairs of such people. What can you compare the supratative of Zhukov’s affairs? What great have you done ... to judge such a HUMAN man so easily. He then at least collected pieces of the army into a fist, forced to fight and won .. but not one, but the people fought. But in Russia, until all you can get rid of cancer, there will be no movement. And miscalculations, victims happen in the war .. not only we have brains .. the enemy is also not a fool and led his game. But there were many bastards and all sorts of things, and at that time there were a lot now ... and such people, with their zeal, did poor service not only to Zhukov ... but the country suffered from them.
  18. Gur
    28 November 2011 12: 25
    I didn’t finish writing ... So for such people .. like Zhukov, the scales are not the same as for every soldier .. Mediocre commanders should think about it .. And he and people like him create an operational environment and set tasks that according to them the plan should be decided, but how they will be solved is the problem of the lower command staff. Do you want to die do not want to die .. think but complete the task. I read it earlier .. left a platoon to cover the retreat. They should stop tanks with grenades, somewhere in the Donbas .. and so the commander .. hit the spot .. they covered 2 km of the road with slag .. and the star came to the tanks .. and completed the task and saved the people. So do not bother.
  19. 0
    7 February 2012 16: 08
    Tellingly, Zhukov did not have any fundamental military education (general - three classes of a parish school and two classes of a real school, this is approximately the same as primary education today), except for a non-commissioned officer school, all kinds of courses are not counted, and nevertheless he won the German generals and field marshals who had an academic education, but stubbornly studied independently and achieved excellence in military affairs. He was needed when it was necessary to fight, after the victory due to intrigues his place was again taken by the "court" shakuns, pushing him to secondary or tertiary roles. Nobody liked his habit of telling the truth straight into the eyes, and he was sent to "vegetate" at the dacha. And such a person could bring a lot of benefits to our Motherland and our Army in peacetime. How now we lack such a person and how different are modern Russian multi-educated generals who shamefully slept through the achievements of such as Zhukov!
  20. 0
    14 February 2012 17: 52
    Thanks to the author for this article.
    Thank God that Russia has someone to be proud of! The memory of the heroes must be kept and the youth must be instructed.

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