Duke from Russian fairy tale

Alexander Danilovich Menshikov is a type of Russian man brought to the highest point of development, who is knee-deep not only seas and oceans, but also the depth of the earth, and it seems the sky itself.

... And they scold, curse Prince Menshikov,
What about the wife and children and grandchildren:
"The thief-dog is seized by our salary,
Aft, annual, our money. "
Cossack song of the XVIII century

Duke from Russian fairy tale

Alexander Danilovich Menshikov

It is precisely these “our people” that the “enlightened” West fears to their senses, whose progressive consciousness, despite the often used myth of “pioneers and pioneers,” is regrettably limited to ideas about the “law”. Russian grace and Russian will allow you to live much more extensively - they allow you to rule over yourself and the rest of the world beyond all these insignificant restrictions.

According to Menshikov, it turned out that with the blood-stained ax of the streltsky executions one can enter into the eminent European drawing rooms, cat-like drooping penetrating eyes, and if shooting them, then in search of trouble-free bribes.

After Alexander Danilovich, the word “thief” in our land began to be pronounced with admiration, and it was not in vain: hitherto secret, shameful, cronyism and self-embarrassment became true poetry in his magic fingers.

Rootless Duke! Moreover - the only one who received the ducal title from the hands of the sovereign himself. Next - only the crown, but the Russian fairy tale, unlike the Russian dream, is deeply realistic and, with all the falsity, hints at real “shores” from which you simply can’t jump out: Kissel.

Truly, this is the best role of Nikolai Eremenko: holding the drunk, excited, shocked by the European charm of Peter, holding on his arm, the omniscient counselor-companion, pimp and trick - a character and superior to the heroes of Spanish roguish novels. Only the bloody era of the Baroque could release on the world stage this magnificent beast, who embodied all the brilliance of the Russian Renaissance.

The immoralism of Alexander Danilovich will still generate admiration of revolutionaries by ushkuynik and terrorists. Clever!

Born in a deaf 1673, a year later Peter, he knocks himself into people through Franz Lefort. 1686 is a year after Christ, a chance meeting: the attention of the lieutenant colonel is attracted by a boy called in from a Moscow pie shop. Kostomarov describes this scene rather briskly, but for the Great Myth, she clearly lacks some kind of interior truth, and, to be honest, dynamism. The affinity of the characters is recognized only in the fact that both of them, in fact, from the bottom and both incredibly lucky.

Peter I and Alexander Menshikov

Pushkin, with some kind of disgust, in the spirit of his class’s snobbish ideas about the happy lot and merit (“my grandfather didn’t sell pancakes, didn’t clean the royal boots”, etc.) rejects the very possibility of “pie start”. According to him, Alexander Danilovich is either “from Lithuanian”, or from “Belarusian noblemen”, which is essentially the same thing.

“He looked around his family estate near Orsha” - a phrase remarkable for its indefinite pledge. Looking for it! Did you find?
Maybe we look for, suddenly found?


Weather Peter became all Menshikov - the father-ancestor, loving brother, closest friend. King friend! - and more than. Body given in sensations. The head, which heads a pair of lecherous hands, is greedy for badly lying ones.

In the mystical visions of the impressionable metropolitan ladies, Menshikov often appeared as a villainous raven sitting on the sovereign’s shoulder. By reducing the pathos, one can imagine his folklore magpie: he was not a regent by nature, did not want and did not think to overshadow himself.

His destiny was to serve, like a dog, to death until the very death, to serve, and in the service to perish. Russia, embodied in Peter, meant everything to him; Peter, he felt even in a dream, every second, and - never lies our language! - was the perfect bed room, according to the old Russian table of ranks.
And is he a Russian ?! "Mensch" is, after all, no more than "man" in German, and in Russian "Menshikov" sounds like "human" or "human."

Portrait of Alexander Menshikov, written in Holland during the Great Embassy. Hood M. van Mussher. 1698 year

Not close, but closest - so much so that even the king takes the wife from him: Martha Skavronskaya, taken by Alexander Danilovich already widow dragoon Kruse, gives birth to the king of Peter and Paul who died early, but then Anna and Elizabeth, who will rule the whole 20 country for years. Oh, the all-seeing feminine eye, which has directed the whole Russian age along its path!


Lefort before Alexashky was a little bit busy, and what could be the case with a non-christ when the soul was torn higher?

In 15 years the batman (I would say, Extremely and Highly Intimate Guarantor for Kukui and Neighborhoods), Menshikov doesn’t regret the belly in amusing fun, perfectly daring what they will lead to. The near army of Preobrazhensky and Semenovsky is the very secret reserve of the Bashibuzuk grids, the close squad that will die but will not give out. The final line of defense, from which the countdown of the future reign proceeds, creeps away into the depth of the mandative structure of the tentacles of hopeful intricacies.

Here, Menshikov’s talent is in all its fundamental weight: pleasing and silence, in which even experienced clerks could see shining prospects and disastrous threats, he seeks a shaky but inclination of the “apparatus” to the side of the young king against his beloved Sofyushka.


The project of “Golitsynskaya Rus”, on careful consideration, competes with Petrovsky even with some handicap: the same westernism, but more meek, balanced, with an eye to the boyars.

It is thought that the confrontation was resolved by the victory of Peter just because of the fact that the savagery of Sofia was exaggerated by an exclusively Naryshkin party. And the announced night flight to Lavra, so similar to the Egyptian one from Herod, could be nothing more than a ghost, unexpectedly a nightmare, a good fellowship of stagnant youth blood.

They jump into the monastery together, Peter and Alexander, and Peter will never forget these versts in the night.


Bombardier, sergeant, lieutenant, ship apprentice - who else?

Azov campaigns, the Great Embassy, ​​the Northern War, which, despite all hopes, does not bring what it promised. Produced by the war in the generals of the cavalry and the lieutenant colonels of the Life Guards, he suffers marching mischief up to the mysterious period when not a single rear rat would dare to reproach him with a cool quartermaster.

Finally, they beat him and the golden chimes: in 1707, the princely dignity of the Roman Empire favored him, and we should go home, retire, stop, catch your breath at least a year and a half, because you already have what! - but no.

The newly created “luminosity” is compelled to reflect as lordship: more and more lands, and it is precisely on the lands received by hook or by crook that Menshikov's statehood, which is organically combined with theft, will be perfected to perfection.

The Ingrian cavalryman with a saber is cut into the courtyards, making himself into tradesmen. Menshikov doesn’t just grab - his project is much wider and deeper. He plans to create a small private Russia, to sharpen the future on the wheel of capital.

It is understandable why Peter calmly looks at these shameless efforts so far - he is fully dedicated to the servant’s plans and, breaking hundreds, thousands of denunciations of theft, is waiting for the result, fulfilling his dream, favors his humble slave, without which nothing comes true - time .

Is industrial Russia possible?

Yes, a hundred times yes! - believes Menshikov. It floods its settlements with crafts: it’s not enough to grow and gather it, it devoured it - prepare it for future use, know how to store and sell profitably. In parallel, playing with the bowels of the earth: mining begins. Brick and crystal factories, sawmills, distilleries, salt and fishery - all this armada must produce thousands, tens of thousands of percent per annum! Fly!

"Menshikovskaya company" opens in the year of foundation of St. Petersburg. From the point of view of the European corporate law that has been developing for two centuries, the initiative represents a respectable joint-stock monopoly on the trade in traditional products of the northern industry. Thereby - a good idea! - the monopolists of the Moscow Company are being ousted from the North, who invaded us even in Grozny. The Menshikov Paradise model is still barbaric, but effective: slave labor, the release and release of initiative lucky ones.

However, the Peter's mobilization economy, such a marvelously light one, which does not take into account either “those who died from the strain, due to illness or old age”, nevertheless collapses, encountering internal resistance not only Russian citizens, but for years in constant assault and avralshchinu unthinkable.

Sooner or later, grand theft will flow into a massive apathetic sabotage, which devalues ​​any bonds. The same thing happened in part with our magnificent late socialism.

Even the silk manufactory, an exact copy of the Parisian, did not save.


Finally, Alexander Danilovich will return from the battlefields in 1714, the captain-commander, and it is as if this order would send him to fight on the seas, including protecting his allotments: in seven years, for Red Hill and Gangut, he will become vice-admiral. Of course, it is naive to believe that the Northern War was conducted for Menshikov's caps, but there is something in it: Ingermanlandia turned out to be built by the admiral from the very beginnings, and here the greatness of the new myth is felt like nowhere else.

Both gloomy Shlisselburg, and the proud Kronstadt, and the golden-cloth-foamy Peterhof, and St. Petersburg itself were brought by the chief foreman to the feet of Pharaoh. New capital! No time to count the corpses.

Peter and his fortieth did not just send the country to the "Around the World" - they lived with her, as in a pirate brig, and according to the same laws.
No one knew how, like Alexander Danilovich, to put a foot on the masters. They could not flow away to the left - it had to provide the swamps with all its creatures, created by the will of the Tsar, and he, unaware of how, copes, even shamelessly overestimating the prices of sand, which you can even dig in the northern dunes.

The fact that the commissions create damage to him is a private matter of the commissions themselves.


... He was supposed to crumble to dust, but he survived.

Condemned, dismissed - he steals, he overzeals! - he comes to those called to the royal bed. Time to forgive, time ...
On the pillow - beloved, puffy, immensely tired face with bulging eyes.

What? What did you say?
Lord, is the end really?
"Give it all ..."


Of course, he reached for the crown. His authority, which could not be undermined by any “commissions”, is unshakeable: if anything, under the white ruchenki, and even in its own, and not the prince of Caesar, the basement, very easily.

The plan is simple and trouble-free: Katka on the throne, Masha for Petka (daughter for the grandson of Peter, Alexei of the executed son), and into the ladies.

The 1726 focus of the year with the state (!) Coin, on which the imperial monogram IE intertwined with some kind of Y from which it was taken, which gave M in reflection (he, Menshikov!), Succeeded. Amused, disgraced, but who?

Catherine survives her husband for only two years, and after her death no jokes of the favorite will be saved.




He never thought to run.

With his means, he could become the second Kurbsky and long from any Amsterdam to brand usurpers, or even gather an army and take Peter in a fair fight, start a second Trouble, from which the country would get out as bloody and perplexed as the first .

He could do anything, but he did not do it.

Life without Peter turned out to be meaningless to him, internally he burned out the way the Supernova Zvezda should burn out - both in the sky of the Russian nobility and in the sky of Eternity.

Menshikov in Berezov. Hood Vasily Surikov. 1883 year

Taking a convoy from Ranenburg to Birch, he dreams of Transformation and seeks it. With an ax in his hands, letting go of the beard, he builds in the exiled town - well, of course, the Church of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary with the chapel of St. Elijah the Prophet, and sings in it, and calls it, and dies in 56 years, like his master .

A wife, a daughter dies ... Of the entire exiled family, his son Sasha gets back to Petersburg and rises to the chief-general. Strong root!
The grave of the lightest is no longer to be found: washed away. He disappeared from the ground completely, along with his burned-out church and his favorite arbor with her. That's gone, so gone.


Lucky Peter! For all the transcendent cosmicism, as if Gulliver in the country of bearded Lilliputians, he was shone with the love of two burning hearts, Annushkin (Mons) and Alexashkin. Whose more could he not have been able to say. But, if a woman gives a man the right to hope for salvation, a man tries illegally, even on earth, this is the right to approve.
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  1. +5
    26 December 2015 07: 31
    Some kind of nonsense, Peter's closest associate did a lot for the Russian State. He stuck to his hands, and who doesn’t have temptations? I personally have no doubts about its significance in the accomplishments of Peter the Great. Yes, many testify to the desire of the brightest for money-grubbing and even theft, but there are others who speak of his greatness, the talents of a politician and a brave military leader.
    1. +2
      26 December 2015 15: 22
      Another question: how did it stick? Corruption is also different: you can steal not only in order to live well, but also use the stolen goods for the good of the state. I will not argue, but Menshikov probably used personal funds for purposes that eventually turned out to be a blessing for the empire: the purchase of cultural property, the opening of factories, etc. Peter did not always give money from the treasury. But in order to turn around and remain necessary for the tsar, it was necessary to do business, money was needed for any business ...
  2. +4
    26 December 2015 07: 56
    The author wrote an article in an unusual style .. not accepted at VO, the material might be liked .. but nonetheless, thanks ... for the submission ...
    1. +1
      26 December 2015 22: 32
      internally, it burned out as the Supernova should burn out

      But what kind of person, but not unambiguous, but his merits, however, as bribe-taking arouses respect. And in my opinion, he was interested in money only as a tool, i.e. I think he is not a huckster like the current ones (he also communized to the Cayman Islands).
  3. 0
    26 December 2015 08: 08
    The nestling of Petrov's nest.
    1. 0
      26 December 2015 15: 14
      rather a member of the circle and the most beloved, and also from Moscow
  4. +1
    26 December 2015 09: 08
    It's a fairy tale, really. A commoner boy made it to the "elite" thanks to his abilities. This is how social elevators worked under Great Peter! Yeah. There is only one caveat. Menshikov's father was the royal groom. At that time, it was quite a high position. Boris Godunov began as a quiver under Ivan the Terrible - he brought arrows to the tsar while hunting. It was impossible not to notice the lively Aleksashka, because he traded on the territory of the Kremlin. I think they didn’t let him trade there either. “I don’t mind people - women are still giving birth” - this is what the brilliant commander enriched military science with. Who will we admire next?
    1. 0
      26 December 2015 22: 36
      A commoner boy made it to the "elite" thanks to his abilities.

      And you know a lot of sons (namely, the royal groom) who were among the first to rise to the enemy bastion (they are fed quite well without them). A phrase
      "It's not a pity for people - women still give birth"

      whoever was not credited with, including the "Marshal of Victory".
  5. -3
    26 December 2015 12: 22
    I do not accept Peter as the emperor, who only by sheer chance became what he became. To leave for Europe in order to get drunk in the distance to the bestial state. And what could not be learned in carpentry in Russia? Mining business? Blacksmithing? Of course, Peter is not Mikhailo Lomonosov. It’s not a royal thing to study at universities! Here’s to rebuild a fleet of raw wood that has safely decayed near the mooring wall without the slightest benefit or rebuild a new capital in dead swamps, ditching a third of the country's population this is royal, and it was unknown to the tsar that Russian merchants long before he was considered the usual thing to go on their ships with goods to Persia in the Caspian Sea, or to Svalbard (Grumant, it seems). And Peter could not be built with such victims, for 2 million gold Efimks he bought from the Swedes the whole Baltic States along with its inhabitants and lands under the Ninstad Treaty. Expand Riga, a Russian city with an ice-free seaport!
    1. +3
      26 December 2015 12: 45
      Of course, you would only roll on the stove and scratch your belly. And during breaks Domostroy to read from boredom. And that this Persia surrendered to Russia - at that time a backward, morbid country. What could be taken from them? Write some nonsense. And how many Russians lived in Riga when Peter joined her?
      1. +1
        26 December 2015 14: 52
        In the last 750 years no one has been able to conquer Persia.
        Riga was backward - "that a Latvian ... yes a soul, a louse on a lasso and a flea on a leash", an old Russian proverb. laughing
    2. The comment was deleted.
    3. +1
      26 December 2015 14: 12
      Quote: user3970
      And what could not be learned in carpentry in Russia? Mining business? Blacksmithing? To leave for Europe in order to get drunk to the bestial state

      And in order to "get drunk," all the more, it was not necessary to leave Russia Yes
      1. -1
        26 December 2015 14: 47
        Imagine - you had to whip for it
        1. 0
          26 December 2015 15: 06
          minus you or don’t minus but for this they flogged them, and then they began to flog too, when the peak of the Petrine reforms passed bully
          And in the Cossacks where they didn’t reach, they always flogged, even in the Don Army
    4. 0
      26 December 2015 14: 47
      In the Mediterranean, trade and redemption of slaves went from the White Sea

      Already two Limitrophic non-Russians have noted bully
      lying on the stove and scratching your belly to Alaska, Manchuria and the Caucasus will not reach
    5. +1
      26 December 2015 15: 45
      "... Efimok is the Russian name for the Western European silver thaler ..."
  6. +3
    26 December 2015 15: 36
    It seems that the article is a nasty quotation from a much deeper work. Yes

    And Menshikov, you can't say better than Pushkin: And happiness, darling, rootless Poluderzhavny lord!
  7. +2
    26 December 2015 20: 58
    Judging by the minus, one of the minusarii has a different interpretation of the word "Efimok". Be so kind as to enlighten the lost ...
    1. +1
      27 December 2015 00: 31
      I didn’t minus you, but I agree that Yefimok is a teller.
      1. +1
        27 December 2015 12: 31
        And I have no complaints in this regard. Everyone has the right to express their opinion. But something else surprises me and even puts me in sincere bewilderment. And here are the disadvantages for the obvious? Every little bit literate person knows that thaler (efimok) is a SILVER coin. Is there a minus for knowledge from an ignoramus, from a "no-brainer"?
        It is clear that when people have different views of the position on what is being discussed, the reaction is understandable, but for the "multiplication table" ... This is not even funny, but very, very sad.
  8. +2
    26 December 2015 22: 44
    it’s written well, but almost everything is debatable.

"Right Sector" (banned in Russia), "Ukrainian Insurgent Army" (UPA) (banned in Russia), ISIS (banned in Russia), "Jabhat Fatah al-Sham" formerly "Jabhat al-Nusra" (banned in Russia) , Taliban (banned in Russia), Al-Qaeda (banned in Russia), Anti-Corruption Foundation (banned in Russia), Navalny Headquarters (banned in Russia), Facebook (banned in Russia), Instagram (banned in Russia), Meta (banned in Russia), Misanthropic Division (banned in Russia), Azov (banned in Russia), Muslim Brotherhood (banned in Russia), Aum Shinrikyo (banned in Russia), AUE (banned in Russia), UNA-UNSO (banned in Russia), Mejlis of the Crimean Tatar People (banned in Russia), Legion “Freedom of Russia” (armed formation, recognized as terrorist in the Russian Federation and banned)

“Non-profit organizations, unregistered public associations or individuals performing the functions of a foreign agent,” as well as media outlets performing the functions of a foreign agent: “Medusa”; "Voice of America"; "Realities"; "Present time"; "Radio Freedom"; Ponomarev Lev; Ponomarev Ilya; Savitskaya; Markelov; Kamalyagin; Apakhonchich; Makarevich; Dud; Gordon; Zhdanov; Medvedev; Fedorov; Mikhail Kasyanov; "Owl"; "Alliance of Doctors"; "RKK" "Levada Center"; "Memorial"; "Voice"; "Person and law"; "Rain"; "Mediazone"; "Deutsche Welle"; QMS "Caucasian Knot"; "Insider"; "New Newspaper"