Battle of Forest: Mother of Poltava victory

Battle of Forest: Mother of Poltava victory

How Peter I managed to deprive the Swedish army going to Moscow for the main convoy and dispel the myth of its invincibility

The Northern War, which was transformed from a kingdom into an empire, led Russia to gain access to the Baltic and Western Europe, is best known for the Battle of Poltava. But Peter I himself until the end of his life believed that the success of the Poltava battle was unthinkable without another, much less well-known today won battle.

This is a battle at Lesnaya, which unfolded 28 September (9 October in a new style) 1708 of the year on the shores of Lesnianki, southeast of Mogilev. In the battle, the flying corps, the corolant, under the command and with the personal participation of Peter, succeeded in crushing the Swedish corps of General Adam Ludwig Levengaupt. At the same time, the initial balance of forces was not in favor of the Russians: the corolant numbered only 11 600 people and 30 guns, while the enemy had 16 000 soldiers and officers with 17 guns.

Peter rightly described the victory at Lesnoy as “the first soldiers' test” and “the mother of the Poltava victory”. Despite the fact that several years earlier, Russian troops took control of the entire Neva, laid siege and captured the fortresses Noteburg, Dorpat and Narva, the failure of the Polish campaign and the attack on Russia by the Swedish king Charles XII demanded new victories. They were needed, like air ...

“As soon as a new sovereign is established ...”

The Russian campaign of Charles XII, which contemporaries and later researchers unanimously call an excellent tactician, but a poor politician, was launched with the sole purpose of completely destroying the nascent Russian Empire. The king did not hide his intentions: to overthrow Peter and dismember the country into specific princedoms. He wanted to take away from the Russians all the conquests of the first stage of the Northern War — Ingermanland and the former Swedish fortresses, to push them away from the Neva and not allow St. Petersburg to be built. At the same time, Karl believed that it was necessary to sign a peace treaty in Moscow, "dictating its conditions with the point of his sword."

Karl fully trusted his new advisers from among foreigners who had previously served the Moscow throne, but had fled to Sweden. They guaranteed the inevitability of mass riots in Russia, tormented by Peter's reforms. The riot was seen as an additional guarantee of the success of the campaign, and in order to excite the population, in Amsterdam even printed leaflets in Russian. They frankly said that the Swedish army would free the people from the yoke of the Moscow government, from foreign oppression and torment for the free choice of the legitimate and righteous sovereign instead of Peter. "As soon as a new sovereign is established, the Swedish king will lay down weapon, but will help everyone who is on his side, ”the Swedes admonished potential, as it seemed to them, allies.

However, even without them, the Swedes had good reason not to doubt the success. The Russian army was lucky in the first half of 1700, and in the second half Stockholm managed to turn the situation in its favor. Miraculously avoiding the defeat at Grodno in 1706, Russia was forced to curtail most military operations and start rebuilding and rearming the army literally on the move. And if it were not for the king’s confidence that the Russians would not be able to cope with this task in such a short time, Moscow wouldn’t get her needed respite from 1707 – 1708, when the Swedes slowly crossed Eastern Poland and Western Belarus, getting closer and closer to our borders.

Scorched Land Tactics

But there was a respite, and Peter took advantage of it. It was impossible not to notice the advance of the Swedish army to the east, and it remained to decide where to fight: on Polish soil or within its borders. Peter and his advisers made the decision to move east and fight on their land. And by the decree of the king managed to prepare. Along the Russian border, there appeared a “line of Peter I,” which was a strip of intersections that blocked almost all the main and secondary roads leading to the east, and the shafts that crossed the fields.

To make it impossible for the enemy to supply the army at the expense of requisition, the peasants were ordered to prepare shelters for forage, livestock, and people in advance. The Swedish army that fought in the Baltic could only operate successfully in an uninterrupted supply from the sea, but in Poland, the Swedes, not having a well-established supply, were forced to stay long in place in order to withdraw supplies from the population.

It was to the war with the enemy, deprived of normal supply, that Peter I staked. It was for this purpose that the "Peter Line" was built. That is why the peasants were ordered to shelter supplies and livestock. Precisely in order to force the Swedes to stretch their rear communications and act in conditions of shortage, the Russian army retreated inland. And the most severe blow, from which the army of Charles could not recover even to Poltava, was still ahead ...

“Poltava victory”, painting by artist Alexander Kotzebue

Carriage for Charles XII

Back in February, 1709, General Lewenhaupt began to carry out the order received from Karl to take up procurement of provisions, fodder, stocks of gunpowder and ammunition and to be ready to launch a campaign to join the main forces. The fact that Levengaupt took up the execution of the royal will, in Moscow, learned almost immediately. There was no way to hide large-scale confiscations of stocks and carts from the infants of the Russian General Rodion Bour, the commander of the cavalry corps standing near Riga. But to establish the exact route by which all this good will go, Russian intelligence failed. It was assumed that the corps of Levengaupta will speak to Narva or to Poland. It became clear that he would go to Belarus to join up with Karl only in early June.

By this time, Karl once again managed to convince himself of the weakness of the Russian army, having won an easy victory over the division of General Anikita Repnin near Golovchin. Forcing the Russians to retreat, Karl decided to wait for the Levengaupt corps: there was not enough food and forage on the ravaged land.

Ironically, both sides — Levengaupt and Peter I — were deluded as to the strength of the enemy. The Swede, having learned about the persecution of the Russians, decided that it was not the corolant who marched against him, but the vanguard of the whole army. That is why Levengaupt and decided to give battle, hoping to win an easy victory and at the same time reduce the number of Russians opposing the main forces of the Swedes. The Russian side was deceived about the size of the enemy in the other direction. As follows from the documents relating to Peter’s personal archive, 7 July 1708, a deserter appeared in the Russian army’s location in Dorpat — an Estonian dragoon mobilized into the cavalry regiment of Major-General Volmar Anton Schlippenbach, who was part of Levengaupt’s corps. He said that at the end of June the entire corps was to move to join up with Karl, adding that Levengaupt had six regiments of infantry and as many cavalry. This made the evaluation of the enemy forces in incomplete 8000 people.

"The importance of the goal did not allow the refusal of the fight"

In fact, Levengaupt’s corps numbered slightly more than 16 000 people. All this mass, forced to equalize the speed of movement with the speed of a cart of 7000 carts, moved slowly. Only 19 September reached the Dnieper and only two days later was able to cross. However, the Russian army was not in a hurry either, having no idea where and how the enemy was heading. In addition, when the corolant was ready to speak, the scout who had been sent by Lewenhaupt managed to confuse his commanders, stating that he knows for sure: the Swedes are planning to cross the Dnieper in Orsha.

That this was misinformation, it became clear only the next day, when the Swedes were already ahead of the Russians on the way to the main forces of their army. Now the Russians were not to prepare for the oncoming battle, but with a quick march to go after the enemy. “This circumstance, however, did not embarrass Peter; - he continues to move closer to the enemy, while remaining firmly intent on attacking the Swedes, - Pavel Andrianov, lieutenant colonel of the General Staff, wrote in 1911 in his work in The Epoch of Peter the Great. - Sending Bour, who was at Cherikov's order to rush to join the light corps, Peter, having occupied the village of Dolgiy Mokh, decided only to wait for Bour for two days, and if he did not arrive during this period, then he would attack the Swedes, despite the inequality of forces. Calculation Peter was completely consistent with the situation. The importance of the goal did not allow refusal from the fight. With the successful outcome of the attack, results of tremendous importance were achieved; in the case of failure, Peter risked little, since Levengaupt, having repelled the Russian attack, but being connected by a huge transport, could not harm the light detachment. ”

"Karl XII in Ystad", painting by artist Johann Heinrich Wedekind

Andrianov continues: “Upon learning of the proximity of the Russians, Levengaupt, first of all, takes measures to rescue ... the vital transport to Karl XII. Under the cover of the 3-thousandth avant-garde, the transport goes to Propoisk in order to quickly cross the Sozh river along the existing ... bridge and quickly put a barrier between the transport and the Russian squad pursuing it. With other forces, wanting to win as much time as possible, Levengaupt stops at a position near the village of Dolgiy Mokh, trying to detain the Russians on the crossing over the marshy river Restu. Peter advanced five guns to the crossing point, and under the cover of artillery fire our troops crossed the stream. Then the Swedes moved several miles and began to prepare for battle near the village of Lesnaya. ”

“This victory may be the first to be called”

Russian troops, marching in two columns, one of which was commanded by Prince Alexander Menshikov, and the other by Peter himself, were forced to enter the battle directly from the march. The vanguard of the Menshikovsky column collided with the Swedes on their way to the battle site on the morning of September 28. Six Swedish battalions were eventually forced to retreat, but allowed the main forces to prepare for repelling the first Russian attack, one of a dozen.

In total, the battle lasted half a day. It was not until seven in the evening, “when the soldiers on both sides were so tired that it was no longer possible to fight, and then the enemy was at his own convoy, while our soldiers sat down at a fighting place and rested with pleasure”.

Only gunners continued their military business: an artillery duel between Russians standing in the field and retreating to Wagengen (a fortified camp, which was based on the Swedes assembled in a circle and covered with board shields), went until ten in the evening. And under the cover of night, having set fire to part of the wagons and leaving all the sick and wounded in the wagenburg, Levengaupt most secretly brought out the main body of the hull and quickly retreated. In the Russian camp it was discovered the next morning. All night our troops stood in positions, preparing for a new battle, but instead had to again chase. We managed to catch up with the enemy in Propoisk, where the corps of Levengaupt was hastily crossed over Sozh. The crossing cost the Swedes dearly: only 16 people survived from the 6300-thousand corps, who reached Karl, but without a convoy, without gunpowder and ammunition, which they managed to take out of Wagenburg, but had to be drowned in Soge, in order not to leave the Russians.

The losses of the Swedes at Forest were 6397 people killed and wounded, of which 45 officers and about 700 soldiers were captured. The Russians, according to official figures, have lost 1111 people killed and 2856 wounded. “This is our first victory that can be called first, it has never happened like this to a regular army, moreover, by a much smaller number, being before the enemy, and ... making it the fault of all the prosperous followings of Russia,” Peter wrote later. was ... and the mother of the Poltava battle ... "
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  1. +3
    6 December 2015 07: 28
    This is how the "chicks of Petrov's nest" passed the exams to the "Swedish teachers". And then they themselves became professors.
    1. +2
      6 December 2015 09: 23
      YOU are right. The Swedes taught the Russian army how to conduct a modern war in the 18th century.
  2. +2
    6 December 2015 09: 39
    Oh, these blitzkriegs, and in 1700, and in 1812, and in 1941. The harmful Russians turn a well-planned war into a "long-term construction", where General Moroz, Colonel Rasputitsa, and Major Zaraza already support the Russians more, as they are more accustomed to them.
    1. +1
      6 December 2015 11: 42
      Quote: igordok
      Oh, these blitzkriegs, and in 1700, and in 1812, and in 1941. The harmful Russians turn a well-planned war into a "long-term construction", where General Moroz, Colonel Rasputitsa, and Major Zaraza already support the Russians more, as they are more accustomed to them.

      after all, Karl then had almost the same European Union as Napoleon and Hitler, and the features of which can be seen even now, at that moment, as the Ottoman Empire continued to crumble, and the Russian one was not yet strong and did not even gain a little those sizes that were before the turmoil of the beginning of the 17th century, and which I gained later ...
      1. +2
        6 December 2015 13: 57
        What is the Euro Union. Sweden fought alone against the coalition of Russia, Denmark and Poland / Saxony.
  3. 0
    6 December 2015 10: 25
    Beat the "yellow-throated" and nice!
    1. +1
      6 December 2015 10: 44
      Usually, young are novice, chicks. Sun Sweden I would not call yellow-handed. Maybe by the colors of the flag - yellow-black.
  4. +2
    6 December 2015 10: 27
    Strategic victory and the growth of combat skill of the Russian army. These are the determinants of our victory near Lesnaya.
  5. +3
    6 December 2015 11: 31
    In addition to the victory near Lesnoy, Alexander Menshikov at the same time, in November 1708, took the attack on the capital of Mazepa Baturin, where the huge food supplies and weapons that Mazepa had accumulated for Karl were also destroyed. It was another brick of future victory.
    1. +4
      6 December 2015 16: 22
      Quote: Aleksander
      In addition to the victory near Lesnoy, Alexander Menshikov at the same time, in November 1708, took the attack on the capital of Mazepa Baturin, where the huge food supplies and weapons that Mazepa had accumulated for Karl were also destroyed.

      In particular, Karl was left without Cossack artillery, which, with his cannon hunger near Poltava, did not lead to victory in any way. In general, victories are won not only by the ability to build troops - strategic calculation also means a lot.
  6. +4
    6 December 2015 12: 19
    It is sad to read many of the comments. It is strange that the majority thinks that before Peter the Russians didn’t know how to fight.
    1. +1
      6 December 2015 13: 40
      Quote: Ivan Ivanovich
      It is strange that the majority thinks that before Peter the Russians didn’t know how to fight.

      Who said that? They could, otherwise Russia would not have such a territory, but at some point missed a new one in the development of military affairs, and here, this new one had to be learned from the Swedes, as they were the ones who not only invented this new, but also became very actively apply. You just look at the map of Sweden at that moment and you will understand a lot. By the way, we must also take into account that the Swedes did not have a numerical advantage, all due to tactics and strategy, as well as systematic training of troops
  7. +4
    6 December 2015 14: 00
    In fact, many of Peter's reforms were begun before Peter.
    Half of the army, for example, has already been formed according to a new model.
  8. -4
    6 December 2015 16: 31
    Yes, Peter 1 won the first victory on our, Belarusian land. There are even written testimonies about the specific assistance of our population to the Moscow army. But we, Belarusians, need to remember that Peter 1 “cut windows to Europe” through our lands. On the territory of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania, during the Northern War between Muscovy and Sweden, 30% of the population died for various reasons (approximate figures were established by historians based on the results of an analysis of the censuses in the Grand Duchy of Lithuania of the urban population and gentry maents carried out in the period from 1720 to 1726). The northern and central lands - Vilenshchina, Polochchina, Menshchina, Mogilevshchina - suffered especially. Although even the cities in the southwestern part of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania were burned.
    1. +2
      6 December 2015 17: 24
      But you also had considerable benefits. Your cities stood on trade routes - between Russia and the Baltic states, Poland, Germany. So, as they burned, they rebuilt it.
      1. 0
        7 December 2015 14: 11
        And for what benefit we had - what would you come and burn everything? Or did you rebuild them, our cities, after you burned them down? And you also returned the population killed to us in "good health"?
        Russia did not yet exist, as well as the term "Baltic". The southern "Baltic" - that is, Zhamoitia or Zhmudz, was our land as part of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania since 1413 after the defeat of the Teutonic Order near Grunwald in 1410 and the signing of the Torun Peace Treaty. Prior to that, Zhmudz "dangled" between the Grand Duchy of Lithuania and German orders. Therefore, even if we traded, it was not with the "Baltic", but with Livonia - then they simply called "traded with Riga."
        Zhmudz is a modern "Lithuania" without the southern part - historically our cities Vilna, Kovna, Troki, etc., which were founded by the Slavs Krivichi - those who founded Polatsk, Vitsebsk, Smolensk, Navagarodak, Grodno, etc. These lands of our Litvin-Belarusians were presented by Stalin to the Lietuvis-Zhamoits in October 1939.
        According to the last census of the Russian Empire in 1914, the so-called "Belarusian" population in the Vilensk region accounted for more than 60%, then Jews, Poles, Russians came in descending proportion, only then the Zhamoyts-Lietuvis, Baltic Germans, etc.
    2. +1
      6 December 2015 19: 07
      What kind of Muscovy?
      1. +1
        7 December 2015 13: 54
        Muscovy - as your state was OFFICIALLY called before the adoption of Peter the Great Imperial Crown. In the international correspondence of Western states, in historical chronicles, it is written specifically Muscovy, Tsar of Muscovy, Muscovite troops, Muscovite land. Also used was the term Moscow kingdom, Tsar of Moscow. Before that, there was the Grand Duchy of Moscow - by analogy with our state - the Grand Duchy of Lithuania, Russian and Zhamoit. In everyday speech, this name of the state was used until the last quarter of the 1th century (it finally came out of speech and correspondence during the reign of Catherine 18).
        In the Soviet films Young Russia, At the Beginning of Glorious Things, and others, this term is often used in dialogues.
        By the way, he is not looking for a catch here. In those days, states or titles of "leaders" were often called by the name of the central city or by the historically established name of a certain area.
        By the way, most of the population of Belarus (then VKLRZH) died during the next war of 1654-1667 between the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth (a confederate state formation between Poland and VKLRZH) and the Moscow Kingdom. This war took EVERY SECOND resident of Belarus - for comparison, every third died in World War II. The war of 1654-1667 caused Belarus the worst human losses and material damage, after which the state’s economy was almost destroyed. The fact that even such distant cities as Brest, Pinsk, Kobrin, Grodno, and many settlements in Volyn was burned about the scale of the losses.
        So, "Orthodox brothers from the east" - read the story, there you will find a lot of interesting things. Your professional historians also know about this, but they prefer to write covertly, so abstracted ...
  9. 0
    6 December 2015 16: 44
    Quote: Ivan Ivanovich
    It is strange that the majority thinks that before Peter the Russians didn’t know how to fight.

    Of course they knew how, only there was a break, it was very large and the rifle army, in essence, was outdated. The regiments of the "new" order and the system of their manning were really necessary for the Russian army.
  10. 0
    8 December 2015 20: 27
    There is such an opinion
    ... the main victories in the war were won not by the new army and navy, but by the old. The victory at Lesnaya, the “mother of Poltava Victoria” was won by the regiments of the “old system”, and the main naval victories over the Swedes were won not by the sailing but the rowing fleet ...

    Fursov Andrei Ilyich - An Oprichina in Russian History - a Memory of the Future
  11. +1
    11 December 2015 14: 11
    Quote: igordok
    Oh, these blitzkriegs, and in 1700
    Rather, the blitzkrieg was started by Peter I, who was the aggressor (along with Denmark and Saxony and Poland) against Sweden; these countries really treacherously attacked her. Another thing is that no one expected the talent of a military genius from young Karl.

    Quote: Alex
    with his cannon hunger near Poltava, victory did not follow in any way.
    Sorry, but you do not understand either the Swedish tactics of that era, or during the Battle of Poltava. The Swedes did not need (or almost did not need) artillery for field battles.

    Quote: Ivan Ivanovich
    It is strange that the majority thinks that before Peter the Russians didn’t know how to fight.
    Well, read about Prince Golitsyin’s Crimean campaigns and the First Azov campaign — when the huge hordes of Russians in the 100-160 000 soldiers could not do anything even with some Crimean Tatars and second-rate Turks. Peter I didn’t just want to create a new army ...

    Quote: kvs207
    The regiments of the "new" order and the system of their manning were really necessary for the Russian army.
    The regiments of the "new order" have already been in Russia since the 1630s - and have shown themselves to be extremely mediocre in all wars. Peter created a qualitatively new army, taking precisely modern models - and he succeeded only on the third (!!!!!!) attempt. But he was stubborn ...

    Well, and most importantly, under Lesnaya, the elite Russian regiments (including all the Guards and Ingermanland - "Menshikov's Guards"), having also a large numerical superiority (the numbers traditionally cited are biased), did not defeat, but pushed aside rather mediocre regiments "Baltic Army" Levengaup, which was also constrained by a huge baggage train. As a result, the battles of the parties dispersed to the camps, Peter did not dare to attack him in Wagenburg. But Levengaup at night decided to abandon the train, put all the soldiers on horses and go to the main army.

    And in terms of losses - in reality they were also very large among the Russian army, although they usually don’t write about it (Levengaup was still one of the best commanders of Sweden and won several victories in the Baltic with enormous numerical superiority of opponents). The Swedish general himself, together with Russian officers, being in Moscow captivity, having a lot of free time and considerable personal freedom, conducted an investigation in which, based on the list of regiments participating in the battle, according to the collected data, it turned out that the Russians had lost somewhere from 6 000 to 9000 person i.e. in reality, at least comparable to the Swedes, and even much more. For many, this sounds surprising, but these are facts.