

"TOMORROW". Robert Leigh, a high ranking official of the Third Reich, bequeathed. “Innovation is your main tool. Under the brand of experiments and borrowing foreign experience, boldly strike with blows. ” For over twenty years in the country there has been a reform of education, who really stands behind it?

Olga CHETVERIKOVA. The more we begin to learn about how our so-called education reform takes place, the more the picture is that this project was prepared very long ago, it was developed in great detail, and both strategically and tactically. And it is not by chance that much of what is happening today is borrowed from the German Ost Plan, an extensive project that also included the education system. We know very well that American intelligence used the groundwork that German intelligence had on the eastern front. Therefore, much of what is being implemented today is very similar to the details of that plan.

"TOMORROW". Based on the development of Gehlen, the CIA appeared.

Olga CHETVERIKOVA. Yes, he was directly involved in the creation of the CIA. Today it is all the more serious and dangerous, because now the newest technologies are involved, which were not there before. Thanks to these technologies, designed to completely disorient a person, technologies often do not even understand what is happening. But we need to talk about how the special services are involved in the reform of our education, or rather, in the abolition of education as such. The consequences of these so-called reforms are so devastating that even people far from politics are already beginning to understand that we are talking about something more serious than just restructuring.

"TOMORROW". But people close to politics for some reason continue to close their eyes to this.

Olga CHETVERIKOVA. And people close to politics either take part in it, or think this new world to themselves. That is, someone participates consciously, knowing full well that we are talking about destruction, and someone is participating, because he thinks that in this way he will join this new world, because this world can only be this and no other.

We need to start with the fact that, firstly, today there are very important processes in the public life of the world community, which are primarily manifested in the United States and without an understanding of which we will not understand what is happening with us. We have repeatedly stressed that this is a total privatization of all spheres of public life, not only property, but also the social sphere. Privatization of the state, which is carried out by transferring the function of the state to private entities, is a very important point, one might say, key. This is done by different methods. The most common is a public-private partnership, a process that is in full swing in the United States somewhere from the end of 90, the beginning of 2000, where the state actually actually turns into a simple tool of transnational corporations, which who previously performed the state apparatus. That is, it has always served corporations before, but today we are talking about the fact that instead of state structures, a branch of corporations is starting to act, which actually means the final erosion of the boundaries between the state and the private sector.

The second very important process that is happening in America is the blurring of the line between the military and civilian sectors. The US military-industrial complex, which we have previously very seriously studied, which today, by the way, is not being done, turns into a single community, a kind of monster, in which the boundaries between the financial, military intelligence and educational spheres of the United States are blurred. Therefore, any corporation works for the national defense of the United States, any corporation can actually become a quasi-state entity, because it is private firms that become government contractors and assume the functions of the state.

The next important moment for us is that American universities are organically incorporated into this intelligence community. In them, the development of fundamental science was carried out before, but today, due to the fact that these principles of the military-industrial complex are changing, they are acquiring an increasingly important role. Because in itself the American system of higher education is seriously different from our system of education, and for the most part American universities are private structures, private corporations that are governed by their own councils, board of trustees, which include rich graduates of these universities. On the one hand, they sell knowledge (diplomas), on the other hand, they do research for the state structures and private corporations for money, for example, by the order of DARPA, the Agency of Advanced Defense Research Projects, which is the Pentagon Agency. And a very large part of the universities work on these orders, that is, on the military intelligence complex. This must be very well understood. Americans emphasized in their development strategies that today the war is occurring in many areas, the most important of which, apart from informational and psychological, they consider the sphere of behavioral confrontation when the values ​​and cultural norms that form at a deep, irrational level change and are laid in the process education.

"TOMORROW". Therefore, the educational sphere is so important for the reforms ...

Olga CHETVERIKOVA. This is an area that they could not fully control. Since the Soviet educational system was deeply rooted in traditional culture, it was extremely difficult to rebuild it so it was gradually rebuilt. It is precisely the field of education and religion that they today pay the key attention to, for them it is the sphere of war, this is the sphere of confrontation. This is our education is perceived as one of the directions of social policy, the Americans do not.

Today we see that in the process of education it is possible to totally rebuild the consciousness of people, young people and actually re-shape the consciousness of children of preschool age. And considering that our preschool education is now included in the process of lifelong education - and these are children from two months to seven years, when they put our education under control, then we perfectly understand that we are actually losing our children. Because one thing is to rebuild the minds of adolescents and young people, who still have some accumulated knowledge about traditional culture through songs, through fairy tales, through literature, through Soviet films, and another thing is pre-school education. What is laid down in two or three years, then it will remain as a matrix.

Therefore, today the field of education is becoming the main field of confrontation. And American universities play a dual role in this. Firstly, it is through the leading American universities that the integration of our universities into the global educational market is carried out; The second mission is a total restructuring of consciousness, and it is in American universities that such programs are developed, which are then implemented using various techniques, here in Russia. That is, the first task is to integrate us into a global educational space, which should work for transnational business, and not for Russia, and the second is to transfer people to a completely different value system, restructuring or shaping a world view. And here we are again entering the sphere of religion, because we are well aware that it is a question of preparing people for the adoption of a global governance system and the world supreme ruler.

And if we talk about the value system being introduced today, about the worldview that underlies the economic and political activities of the “masters” of the world, then we come back to the very thing that we have already spoken with many times - this is transhumanism. Why is it about transhumanism? Because today, the so-called economy of the West, having passed through several stages - the first, second, third, and other technological orders, approached the so-called sixth way. If we try to understand its essence, it turns out to be such a very terrible thing: earlier the development of technology and the economy worked to create favorable living conditions for a person, that is, it was aimed at changing the conditions of human life. Today's technologies are aimed at changing the person himself and his essence. That is, we are talking about changing the physical and spiritual nature of man - for this purpose the newest technologies are used - the NBIC technologies: nano, bio, informational and cognitive. Of course, along the way they create even more comfortable conditions for the lives of the few, but the key direction is the change of a person as such and its transformation into a certain biological object and the main source of profit.

"TOMORROW". And universities are the stepping stones of this education.

Olga CHETVERIKOVA. We are talking about the dismantling of education, because now, instead of education, a system is being introduced to fill a person with certain competencies. Education itself is abolished. All 90-s changed it, gradually eliminating one thing or another. First, they introduced these federal standards, which replaced knowledge with competences, then introduced the USE, then the Bologna system. Then they began to privatize and transfer to paid certain services. All this was done gradually. But the final stage, at which the Russian education should be transferred to the global one, was the documents of recent years. This is, of course, first of all about the “Innovation Development Strategy of the Russian Federation” adopted in 2011 year before 2020, which represents a very important milestone.

Innovation is an update, and the key focus of this update has become the education system.

Education in this document is given the main attention, and in the first version of the "Strategy ..." an entire chapter is devoted to the need to create a renewed person - "Innovation Man". It is said that it is necessary to form a person who must become adaptive to constant changes, be a producer of these changes, have an entrepreneurial spirit, etc., that is, it’s really a matter of forming a new person on new principles, and this should be done from preschool age, from early childhood.

Then it says that our education needs to move to international standards, attract international foreign specialists, use English everywhere and in the same spirit. That is, the international factor is given the main attention.

"TOMORROW". And in teaching, priority is given to the English language.

Olga CHETVERIKOVA. Yes. In universities, the project "2013-5-100" is being implemented since 20, according to which a third of the programs in the depths of universities must be in English, and an effective contract, according to which teachers' pay is related to how actively they use English , write textbooks in a foreign language, read lectures in a foreign language and in foreign universities. In some universities, even the language training of graduate students at a level that was previously given by the Institute of Foreign Languages. The point is that under the program "5-100-20" the status of English is actually the same as that of a language university, in which a foreign language is studied as the main subject. Graduate students in these universities, in order to pass a foreign language exam, must even publish an article in a graduate student collection in a foreign language. That is, his scientific work should be in English, and this condition is for techies and medical professionals.

"TOMORROW". To make it easier for foreign observers to select the right people and their work.

Olga CHETVERIKOVA. It's like that. In accordance with the innovation strategy, the program “Development of Education” was adopted in 2013 – 2020. and the Concept of a target program for the development of education on 2016 – 2020, approved in December of 2014. It says that the main thing is the formation of a competitive human potential, that education should be competitive in the global educational market. And nothing is said about the formation of an educated and developed person serving the Fatherland, about the formation of patriots. There are no such words and concepts. The main tool for actively embedding us in this global market is the project "5-100-20", which provides for the inclusion of five Russian universities in 100 of the best universities in the world in accordance with world rankings. The project is implemented according to a government decree (March 2013), which provided for the creation of a council to carry out the selection of these universities on a competitive basis. I want to emphasize that this is a government decree, and the Duma, the legislators, are very poorly informed about this, if they are generally informed. The government then approves the composition of the Competitiveness Council, which includes six representatives of Russia, including Livanov, Gref, and seven foreigners - among them Skoltech head Edward Crowley, who is a professor at the University of Massachusetts and a member of the NASA advisory committee - close relationship with the Pentagon. In fact, this international body and began to manage the project.

The competition was held, 15 universities were selected (and these are the best, mainly technical universities of strategic importance), which began to receive government support due to their transition to international standards, in which the main indicator is a certain percentage of foreign specialists and foreign students who meet programs, organization and management system, etc. So began the total restructuring of our universities, and the last meeting of the Council on Competitiveness, held in October, just confirmed that we are talking about changing the Russian mentality. So, Council Member Michael Crow, president of the University of Arizona, who spoke there, said that "it’s good that universities, even those who are just participating in the competition, change their thinking, regardless of whether they win or not." Because in order to participate in this competition, it is necessary to make changes in accordance with the criteria of ratings. Further the same said Livanov. “Those who work in these universities change markedly, they speak another language, they make other decisions. This is not for ratings. We are talking about more important institutional changes.” And the deputy chairman of the board, Andrei Volkov, said: "Obviously, the 5-100 project is becoming more visible and interest from universities is growing."

That is, for them, the project should become a model according to which other universities will be transformed. In October, 2015 of the year, six more universities entered the project, and it seems that the matter is that others will join it, and the others that do not fit into the standards will simply be abolished. This is done by combining regional universities into supporting universities, whereby they are completely reorganized, eliminating entire areas, reducing faculty, etc. According to comments from representatives of the Higher School of Economics (Higher School of Economics) who participated in the development of the Concept Program for the Development of Education on 2016 –2020, 40% of universities and 80% of branches of universities will be abolished. Further, it was said that a whole network of innovation centers for a comprehensive school would appear, and 95% of preschool education teachers should switch to a new teaching methodology. And who will not meet the new requirements - he will leave.

Then we see the following: in the year 2014, on the initiative of HSE, universities from the 5-100 project create the Global Universities Association, which adopted its charter, which says that it is an NPO that does not aim to make a profit, but can business activities. This non-profit organization is governed by a council elected by the assembly, and the head of this council is the rector of the Higher School of Economics Kuzminov. In addition, the board may include representatives of four ministries: the Ministry of Education, Finance, Labor, Economic Development and the FMS. How all this is justified from a legal point of view is, of course, lawyers need to sort out, but it turns out that all this was created without any involvement of the legislature, which is very poorly informed about this. And this, I repeat, is about the best universities, that is, those that should provide training for our military-industrial complex.

"TOMORROW". Which tomorrow will ensure the competitiveness of the military-industrial complex itself ...

Olga CHETVERIKOVA. This includes strategic universities, which, being in the Association "Global Universities", are integrated into the global market for educational services. Each university has its own international department or department for international cooperation. And if before such a department existed in the Ministry of Education, now this function is transferred to the institutions themselves, coordinated from a single center, which should unify everything. A single center for the recruitment of foreign students has now been created, by 2020, the program provides that at least 10% of teachers will be foreigners, 15% of students will also be from abroad. For example, I was told that already at the Far Eastern University some faculties have been eliminated, instead of which research institutes have been created, where a third of the programs are taught in a foreign language. To reduce the percentage of students coming from Russia, the requirements for the USE results are too high, which is why a growing number of foreign students: Mongols, Chinese and others. In some universities, the rector chooses an international council ...

"TOMORROW". If a certain international council chooses a rector in a Russian state university, then, in essence, the definition of research directions is taken under international control through funding.

Olga CHETVERIKOVA. Yes, private and corporate funds, international aid agencies, bilateral and international organizations are increasingly involved in financing these universities. That is, a certain transnational educational business structure is being created, which turns into a channel for transferring our brains and our technologies to the West. This whole process is supervised by three structures: the HSE, Skolkovo and the Agency for Strategic Initiatives (ASI). In Skolkovo, the Moscow School of Management Skolkovo, created in 2006, deals directly with this project. Just go to her site to see what programs they are already implementing. For example, in the framework of the 2030 Education foresight project, new professions should be created by 2020 - energy auditors, network doctors, GMO agronomists, IT genetics, bioethics, network lawyers, virtual world designer, virtual architects, interface designer, IT Preachers, designer of the world of interfaces, organizer of online communities, expert of the image of the future child, child safety specialist, architect of transmedia products. In the field of education: moderator, tutor, igromaster, mentor startups, developer of tools for teaching states of consciousness, coordinator of online educational platforms. Financial sector: manager of a fund for direct investment in talented people, a multi-currency translator, an intellectual property appraiser, and so on ...

"TOMORROW". GMO agronomists are announced, which means that the ban on GMOs in our country will be lifted in the future.

Olga CHETVERIKOVA. I don’t know if the GMO geneticist diploma will be written, but this competency has been approved. This foresight project "Education 2030" deals specifically with ASI. Dmitry Peskov, one of its active participants, used to work in the firm Metaver, which developed the projects for the education of the future. And in one of the interviews that appeared before the creation of ASI (created in 2011), Peskov says: "This is not a classical education, it is a form of barcamps." That is, this is an informal conference, when those who want to gather themselves, then all this is laid out on the Internet, that is, it is done as invented in Silicon Valley. Then he says: "This is similar to what Serdyukov does in the army." Back then, Serdyukov was a minister and destroyed our military education, and Peskov welcomed it, because, as he put it, “What has rotted must be removed.” According to their plans, the whole education system itself should change. Universities will operate on the principle of venture funds. Instead of teachers there will be preachers, examinations will be replaced by metagames, diploma protection will be in the form of presentations, and the diploma itself as a document should not exist, since a student card is issued for life. That is, a person starts this education and can further choose a university and study where it is needed, because he studies throughout his life. The main thing is to bring together a student and a business investor so that the project that the student has developed can be realized in some kind of business. Education will become asynchronous, the university will be received by teams, they will develop a project, protect it, then the investor will buy it and everything - you can go to another university. Such a model exists in the Institute of Singularity, created by Google and NASA and implementing transhumanist projects.

"TOMORROW". They "sharpened" education strictly under the creation and selection of economically justified inventions; there is no place for world outlook in this education.

Olga CHETVERIKOVA. Exactly. This was frankly stated by the professor of the Moscow School of Management "Skolkovo" Pavel Luksha during the official opening of the foresight "Global Future Education". "Classical education does not meet the needs of a post-industrial society ... there is a growing demand for not a set of general knowledge and skills, but strictly defined skills." That is, everything that does not generate income, as our humanitarian, historical education, for example, is simply not necessary. Hence this attitude to the Russian language, in which they left school two hours a week. Naturally, history is not needed, humanitarian objects are not needed that teach to think and form the consciousness of a person, his worldview. Only through historical thinking and through historical education can we realize who we are, understand ourselves, understand society itself, the meaning and content of social processes. Instead, transhumanism is being imposed on us, which aims to change human nature, bodily and spiritual, which forms post-humans, cyborgs. At this stage, everything closes, the abolition of education is a transhumanist project.
I think it is extremely important to emphasize here that online learning is one of the key mechanisms for the restructuring of consciousness and the dismantling of our education as such. When discussing the concept of distance education in 2014, they explained that if distance education was introduced, many universities would be abolished. That is, we remove the classical universities, instead we introduce this distance learning. And Sands, by the way, said a very important thing. He said that education in the future will be of two kinds - distance and human. The remote will be cheap, and the human will be expensive. That is, it means that the elite retains a classical education, a human one, and for gray biomass they will introduce distance learning.

But the most important thing is different. Recently, Eric Schmidt, the head of Google, said such a thing, not very clear that the Internet will soon die. That is, the Internet is no longer effective for communicating between specific people, and the task is to create a neuronet. What it is? If the Internet allows you to connect people with laptops, smartphones and everything else, then a neuronet is a direct connection between the brain of one person and the brain of another person. The chip is implanted and this chip enables people to communicate directly, even on an emotional level. Next, a whole network is created, controlled from one center, which makes it possible to directly and completely control the consciousness of this or that person. The creation and implementation of a neuronette involves a program of measures developed in Russia to form fundamentally new markets called the National Technology Initiative (NTI). Participates in its development, I want to emphasize this, the Ministry of Education and Science. Neuronet is one of the most actively promoted programs that will be primarily used on our children, as it is emphasized that it is very effective for use in the learning process, and, of course, we are talking about distance learning. This is the latest achievement, which puts an end to any classical education and, in general, to education as such, because instead of education, a tool is created to control consciousness through chipping, that is, to prepare a person for adopting a world e-state and a world ruler, speaking the language geopolitics.

"TOMORROW". Let's return to the plan "Ost" as a result. The Soviet Union was not defeated by force weapons, and, let's say, by cognitive means, and what is happening now is their next modification, in which a social group is chosen - children, an instrument is chosen - education. Then you just need to calmly “educate” them for ten years, and when people trained through neuronet grow up, the country will be deprived of its sovereignty bloodlessly, naturally, through training and a change in the ideological paradigm, only the next generation will not allow it to change, because the program establishes not only communication between people, but also control over this communication from a single transnational center.
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  1. +39
    27 November 2015 19: 15
    "TOMORROW". Let's return to the Ost plan as a summary. The Soviet Union was defeated not by force of arms, but, let's say, by cognitive means, and what is happening now is their next modification, in which a social group is chosen - children, an instrument is chosen - education.

    It is really very dangerous and urgently needs to resist the creeping, but true war against us.
    1. +12
      27 November 2015 19: 22
      At such a pace, serfdom is at hand.
      1. +45
        27 November 2015 19: 42
        Serfdom has not been canceled by anyone. People today are slaves of employers and banks ... And there is NO way out of economic slavery within the framework of liberal capitalism.
        1. +7
          28 November 2015 03: 53
          Only a change in the economic system will save RUSSIA!
          1. +3
            28 November 2015 09: 26
            Quote: sergnow
            Only a change in the economic system will save RUSSIA!

            The economic system and course can only change if the state system changes ... And this is not expected ... More precisely, the white-collar workers are trying to change it to an even worse for the people (but supposedly for its good) side ... Here's how- then ....
            1. +1
              28 November 2015 10: 44
              Philosopher Plato: "Heraclitus says that everything moves and costs nothing, and, likening things to the course of the river, he adds that it is impossible to enter the same river twice." But let's make a meaningful choice of the vector of movement, suppressing narrow self-interest and selfishness.
              1. 0
                28 November 2015 22: 18
                Man by nature is selfish and everyone strives to hit the jackpot. He will grab God by the beard and will command others. We have failed the education of man. There were two ways - to moderate your indefatigable consumption, to make high-quality products that would serve as long as possible and to direct resources to the benefit of an increasing number of people, naturally, through education, forcing them to work worthily. But we chose the second way, indefatigable consumption, of course, there will not be enough resources for everyone, trash dumps are growing, and the problem arose of a sharp reduction in the number of people. Few should own everything. But this must not be realized, without rejection by the majority, so landfills are growing.
          2. 0
            28 November 2015 22: 00
            Only the army can carry out a counter revolution, but we have not accepted it and it has already been bought, so that a bright future is lost for the majority. But it will not hurt and imperceptibly.
            1. 0
              28 November 2015 22: 10
              Quote: varov14
              Only the army can carry out a counter revolution

              And what, there was some kind of not such a revolution? As far as I remember, the last revolution was in February 1917. And the last counter-revolution in January 1918. Am I apparently missing something? Or are you in trouble with the terms?
        2. -2
          28 November 2015 08: 48
          Serfdom has not been canceled by anyone. People today are slaves of employers and banks ... And there is NO way out of economic slavery within the framework of liberal capitalism.
          Today we have at least some kind of property — which cannot be said about the peasants of that serfdom to which we are rapidly moving.
          1. -1
            28 November 2015 18: 44
            The serf had the same property. Have you heard about "capitalist peasants"?
            1. 0
              28 November 2015 19: 32
              Quote: dr. sem
              The serf had the same property.

              And the Soviet serfs had it. And the post-Soviet ones do. And the slaves of Ancient Rome, too. This is personal property. Although the illiterate fool in the post-Soviet period considers such property "a clear sign of capitalism."
              1. 0
                28 November 2015 22: 35
                Where did you come from, didn’t you pull on Hochma, and there were somehow fewer fools in Soviet times.
                1. 0
                  29 November 2015 09: 48
                  Quote: varov14
                  and there were somehow fewer fools in Soviet times.

                  You still forgot to add that they did not log in under the varov14 login in the internet.
                  PS. No need to call me a friend.
                2. The comment was deleted.
            2. The comment was deleted.
          2. 0
            28 November 2015 22: 31
            "property" will always remain, it can not be canceled in principle, At least the cup from which yours and my descendants will sip gruel, Well, if we do not become biorobots first, and then just robots, although we need an individual outlet.
        3. -1
          28 November 2015 18: 12
          Quote: dr. sem
          Serfdom has not been canceled by anyone. People today are slaves of employers and banks ... And there is NO way out of economic slavery within the framework of liberal capitalism.

          You know, someone very smart said - Want to be free, be it.
          And how do I think that if it seems to you that you are not the master of your life, then this does not seem to you))
          1. -1
            28 November 2015 18: 46
            It is said about inner freedom, freedom of spirit ...
            Have you tried to live without "grub" (a complex concept) free?
          2. +1
            28 November 2015 22: 45
            Once they had already done an experiment with the people - empty shelves, but at the same time, furious propaganda in all the media - if only there was no communism. The experience was very successful. Now we have conducted the following experiment on you, with plenty in stores, they put you on a credit needle, an even more brilliant experience - you are in bondage, you are already ready slaves, although you are making yourself successful people.
            1. 0
              29 November 2015 09: 54
              Quote: varov14
              Once they have already done an experiment with the people - empty shelves, but at the same time furious propaganda in all media

              Do you describe the end of the 80s, the beginning of the 90s in the USSR? Very similar.
              Quote: varov14
              if only there was no communism.

              Communism in the late USSR was no longer discussed. The question was simpler; what for is this socialism necessary, if there is nothing to eat. And there’s nothing to cover up with.
              Quote: varov14
              you are in bondage, you are already finished slaves,

              And what were the slaves? Not ready? Also ready. But also hungry and poorly dressed.
      2. +6
        27 November 2015 23: 15
        Take a look at your life "from the outside" - this is actually it.
      3. +16
        27 November 2015 23: 36
        And since the 91st we have feudalism with all its attributes in the yard. We are just afraid to open our eyes and see clearly.
        1. +13
          28 November 2015 00: 03
          Not the first time I read articles and I want to say Thanks to Olga CHETVERIKOVA for her firm position!
          1. +6
            28 November 2015 09: 27
            Quote: ANTI.KORR.
            Thanks to Olga CHETVERIKOVA for her firm position!

            If all of us in the Ministry of Defense had such people as Chetverikova, then for the formation of the current and future generation, and, therefore, for the fate of Russia, we would not have to worry ...
        2. -3
          28 November 2015 10: 28
          Quote: NordUral
          from the 91st we have feudalism in the courtyard with all its attributes

          And before 91g, what happened? Not feudalism? The same feudalism, but in a pseudo-religious form (socialism). And until 17g. years, there was also feudalism. But in the form of an absolute monarchy (tsarism).
          Forms are changing, but OEF is not. Because capitalism (this is the next OEF) still needs to be expensive. The level of consciousness (by the brain), basically.
          1. -1
            28 November 2015 18: 50
            You are young. You are excusable. Stay in the dark for more ...
            1. 0
              28 November 2015 19: 29
              Quote: dr. sem
              You are young.

              Are you asking for an "old fool"? Will not work. I'm not young anymore. Therefore, I write taking into account the past years and existing life experience.
              Quote: dr. sem
              Stay in the dark for more ...

              I feel sorry for you. Apparently you are not able to understand the true state of things.
          2. +1
            28 November 2015 22: 58
            Capitalism, especially corporate capitalism, is the highest stage of feudalism, your brains have dried up, you don’t understand the essence of things.
            1. 0
              29 November 2015 09: 58
              Quote: varov14
              Capitalism, especially corporate, is the highest stage of feudalism.

              Have you even graduated from high school? And then the level of reasoning is somewhere between the initial and the unfinished middle.
          3. -1
            28 November 2015 23: 03
            I apologize inattentively read.
        3. -1
          28 November 2015 18: 48
          And princes, tyrants, tyrants and so on ... Everything is there.
    2. +19
      27 November 2015 19: 27
      Quote: cniza
      this is their next modification, in which a social group is chosen - children, an instrument - education is selected.

      Yes FIG! ...
      "Letters of Memory" went to the theater recently. Goosebumps were going (pre-war, wartime, the artists expressed movements and dances ..) In the hall, high school students were mostly ... I was shocked! STANDING APLODED !!!! Nobody forced them or controlled them .... hi The normal generation is growing men ...! Russia is alive ...!
      1. +14
        27 November 2015 19: 33
        Well, if so. And not like us during the Soviet Union, they drove classes to whatever it was. Because the tickets remained and the plan for educational work was not fulfilled. And you know, I personally HELPED. smile And thanks to my country!
      2. +13
        27 November 2015 20: 22
        Quote: MIKHAN
        Yes FIG! ...

        These are emotions, nothing more. The theater is good that such performances are going on, even better, and the reaction of the audience is generally beyond praise. Now about the sad thing, the turn of society in one direction or another depends not on a qualitative minority, but on a quantitative majority. Question: Do we have more people who go to the theater or school? The danger of brainwashing lies in the mass and methodical nature. A good example is neo-Nazi Ukraine, how many believed 25 years ago that it could become Bandera's? Then they would just laugh and advise to see a psychiatrist for paranoia. Now it depends on US ALL whether "Letters of Memory" will be a mass phenomenon or will remain almost unknown in the "margins" of public opinion and public demands.
        1. +4
          27 November 2015 22: 10
          No, not emotions ... I often talk with young people. Normal, smart guys. All the same, the truth is absorbed from the environment. Of course the young energy beats over the edge ... Let everyone remember themselves smile Sea knee-deep, mountains on the shoulder fellow
          I will say responsibly, in my opinion, there will be more patriots among young people now than in the 90s. That's when I took the longing. But after all, they broke through! angry And then, arguing, who the hell will stop.
          1. 0
            28 November 2015 18: 56
            Blessed is he who believes ...
      3. -15
        27 November 2015 20: 29
        Well then this? Every day, this article is about the collapse of education. Our education is normal and normal children are growing. It's a shame just, honestly! And ehe to the place, and everything else. Our school, built in 1975, is being repaired without a single overhaul. I know what I'm saying, all the same 24 years of training. Well, all sorts of dirt, so it was enough at all times.
        1. +8
          27 November 2015 23: 05
          Oh you: Saratov schoolchildren decided to raise money for a "personalized" plane that will replace a Russian bomber shot down by a Turkish fighter.
          Pupils who are members of the school military-patriotic club plan to raise funds through social networks or organize a special website for this.

          According to the teacher, the children were inspired by such examples of history when the citizens of our country transferred their savings for the purchase of military equipment for the front during the Great Patriotic War.
          Published on the website of "Rossiyskaya Gazeta" November 27, 2015
          1. +2
            28 November 2015 09: 36
            Quote: marsel1524
            Oh you: Saratov schoolchildren decided to raise money for a "personalized" plane that will replace a Russian bomber shot down by a Turkish fighter.

            Um ... It's just great ...

            However, you, with 24 years of teacher training, for some reason focused on the patriotic act of schoolchildren, BUT not on the collapse of education ...

            My parents, who have not been around for a long time, have been teachers in high school all their lives (father - physicist, mother - Russian language and literature), but even in the late 70s (!!!) they began to spit towards those who had already begun changes in the education system ...

            When I came to them on vacation, they just showed me new textbooks, and I myself wondered why it was necessary to introduce all sorts of insane equivocations ...

            If you are a teacher of labor training or physical education, then new trends, including the collapse of education, for all 24 years could pass by your attention ...
            1. 0
              28 November 2015 18: 57
              I understand you perfectly ... Himself in this to the ears ...
        2. +9
          27 November 2015 23: 40
          So now is the time for Soviet education to return to school and universities. And to criticism, especially since it is completely justified, we must adequately respond.
          1. +3
            27 November 2015 23: 57
            Quote: NordUral
            So now is the time for Soviet education to return to school and universities.

            And you do not see the contradictions between the Soviet entity and the oligarchic-bourgeois RF?
            This is not compatible.
            1. +1
              28 November 2015 09: 42
              Quote: ANTI.KORR.
              And you do not see the contradictions between the Soviet entity and the oligarchic-bourgeois RF?
              This is not compatible.

              I do not agree ...

              To remove political economics, the history of the CPSU, Marxist-Leninist philosophy and scientific communism from the Soviet program, to "adjust" the history of Russia and social science a little in the modern sense - the rest will be completely returned, and will only serve the benefit of national education ...

              PS Maybe I lost sight of some of the objects ...
        3. +2
          28 November 2015 01: 48
          Dear, you are obviously not teaching Russian! If I made a mistake, then - trouble.
        4. +3
          28 November 2015 09: 29
          Quote: marsel1524
          I know what I'm saying, all the same 24 years of training.

          Mdaaaa ... So, mimicry was successful ...

          I would not want my grandchildren to fall into your hands ...
        5. 0
          28 November 2015 19: 49
          Quote: marsel1524
          We have a normal education

          Another grant-eater, or hoping for "Europe from Lisbon to the Urals," or they are now swinging more - to Vladivostok. These are the "victims" of the Bologna system "educate" our children, simultaneously ripping off their parents with all kinds of extortions. "Tutoring" from the first grade in a regular school, an hour - 500 rubles. During the day they teach lessons in one class, and in the evening they change and "kalymyat". Scum can only break the matrix, they don't build.
      4. +2
        27 November 2015 20: 43
        Quote: MIKHAN
        Yes FIG! ...

        While in Russia there is still the Orthodox Faith (not to be confused with the Moscow Patriarchate), no matter how they uprooted it from 1917 to the present, all their attempts will be temporary success.
        Monk Abel: "And where are the Tatars, Your Imperial Majesty? Where are the Poles? And it will be the same with the yoke of the Jews. Do not worry about that, Father Tsar, the murderers of Christ will carry their ...".
        1. +3
          27 November 2015 22: 13
          It seems to me alone that the bass player in this group stands out a bit from the general view ... laughing
      5. +13
        27 November 2015 20: 53
        Quote: MIKHAN
        The normal generation is growing men ...! Russia is alive ...!

        Washes and normal. But none of them will tell you the principles of radio communications, much less how mobile phones and electric motors work. They will not answer what is a carrier, and what is a harmonica. Many do not know what a two-stroke engine is, or what a four-stroke engine is. And it’s scary to ask about Wankel. To the question: - who is a Diesel - the answer is: - he is standing on a tractor! So much for the USE-GORUSHKO RUSSIA!
        1. +1
          27 November 2015 21: 12
          Quote: Tol100v
          Quote: MIKHAN
          The normal generation is growing men ...! Russia is alive ...!

          Washes and normal. But none of them will tell you the principles of radio communications, much less how mobile phones and electric motors work. They will not answer what is a carrier, and what is a harmonica. Many do not know what a two-stroke engine is, or what a four-stroke engine is. And it’s scary to ask about Wankel. To the question: - who is a Diesel - the answer is: - he is standing on a tractor! So much for the USE-GORUSHKO RUSSIA!

          They are different! The main thing is remembered by our grandfathers and great-grandfathers ... They find everything in interest and more than we did in books at the time! The normal generation is growing ... They will put the whole planet in cancer! No need to bother them with notations! bully
          1. +11
            27 November 2015 23: 46
            You read the article carefully. Maybe change your me. And look at the Outskirts, how the Russians became dill there. And they were processed using simple methods.
            But from an early age. And this is the whole essence of the trouble approaching our country.
            1. +3
              27 November 2015 23: 53
              Quote: NordUral
              But from an early age. And this is the whole essence of the trouble approaching our country.

              I agree with you and plus.
              But can you explain how We differ from Them?
            2. The comment was deleted.
          2. 0
            28 November 2015 19: 03
            Do you have any children?
        2. -1
          28 November 2015 10: 02
          Quote: Tol100v
          Quote: MIKHAN
          The normal generation is growing men ...! Russia is alive ...!

          Washes and normal. But none of them will tell you the principles of radio communications, much less how mobile phones and electric motors work. They will not answer what is a carrier, and what is a harmonica. Many do not know what a two-stroke engine is, or what a four-stroke engine is. And it’s scary to ask about Wankel. To the question: - who is a Diesel - the answer is: - he is standing on a tractor! So much for the USE-GORUSHKO RUSSIA!

          The one listed is not taught at school. To answer what a harmonic is, you need to know the expansion of the function in Fourier series. And about Soviet education, I can say this: ideally, it was the best, but no one will remember to ask anyone who studied in 1960-1970 what Mendel's law says, what is "homozygote", "allele" ... And this is from biology.
      6. +5
        27 November 2015 22: 22
        It's in the same theater. And in the whole country? And "Calm" with monsters and cyborgs? Toys? and a lot of everything from mattress covers to children's heads.
      7. 0
        27 November 2015 23: 38
        Do not flatter yourself.
      8. 0
        28 November 2015 09: 36
        Do not try to pass private as pervasive.
        This is from the area "is there life beyond the Moscow Ring Road?"
        It is enough to look at the school curriculum of education, what and how our children are taught now.
        And you will not be able to consider this issue privately, as well as "I myself will teach my child everything I need." Man is a social being and is morally nourished by the society and environment in which he is. And if his (correct in your opinion) knowledge, skills and views diverge from those that he sees around him, what he is shown, told, taught, with those how his society lives, his ecosystem - this will cause a clear dissonance in his mind.

        Now many people laugh at the "scoop" and our past, but then in the minds of society there were such concepts as morality, spirit, homeland, society, etc. , and now look globally at the current society? Man-to-man wolf. Each is closed in its own shell. And we look at people who are open and benevolent as at aliens ...

        I consider the issue of education paramount in the framework of the country's exit from the crisis. We are losing generations. And we’re not just losing, but losing for the sake of the West. And I consider the crimes that are happening in the education system much worse and harder than any economic tricks, Vasilyevs and others, because on the scale are not just some billions of rubles or dollars, but the future of the Russian world (fig. laughing )
      9. 0
        28 November 2015 18: 52
        And in that theater there were a lot of villagers, poor teachers and doctors of provincial settlements, the unemployed, drug addicts and drunks?
        Such an audience does not go to theaters, and such a considerable percentage in the country is a product of a liberal economy ...
    3. +5
      27 November 2015 19: 30
      Recently, Eric Schmidt, the head of Google, said such a thing, it is not very clear that the Internet will die soon

      I also think that the Internet in the worst sense of the word - as a tool for fooling and as a means of total listening, should disappear.

      I propose to discuss this in the “Castle of the Guardian of the Perimeter” (it is also possible in the projection to Ukraine), where for a long time I made a nest for myself radically different point of view.
    4. +8
      27 November 2015 19: 46
      Quote: cniza
      It is really very dangerous and urgently needs to resist the creeping, but true war against us

      Hmm ... how ???
      There is only one way - to return the Soviet school and science, more precisely - at least what is left of them ...

      So who will give that ???
      1. +3
        27 November 2015 20: 46
        Quote: veksha50

        Hmm ... how ???
        There is only one way - to return the Soviet school and science, more precisely - at least what is left of them ...

        So who will give that ???

        The Soviet school, yes, but there is Finland where our system is old Russian, there is an elite system, we need to find ours, in today's conditions, and we can do it.
      2. The comment was deleted.
      3. +5
        27 November 2015 21: 14
        Quote: veksha50
        So who will give that ???

        To harmonize education with the reality of Russian life, programs in Russian universities should introduce programs for two more subjects: cooking hamburgers and pizza delivery.
        1. +1
          28 November 2015 09: 47
          Quote: Shveps
          In the programs of Russian universities it is necessary to introduce programs in two more subjects: the preparation of hamburgers and pizza delivery.

          You know, but the irony is not appropriate here ... There is a conversation about the present and future of education in Russia, and more simply, about the future of Russia ...
      4. +14
        27 November 2015 22: 24
        So who will give that ???

        They definitely won’t give ...
        1. 0
          28 November 2015 19: 08
          They need "competent consumers" and those who will "dig the earth" ...
      5. +2
        28 November 2015 00: 05
        Quote: veksha50
        So who will give that ???

        Does anyone really need this permission? wink
        1. 0
          28 November 2015 09: 49
          Quote: ANTI.KORR.
          Does anyone really need this permission?

          Hmm ... And how to answer your question ???

          If the return of Soviet education is not problematic, and no one needs to ask permission, then return it to at least one of the schools in your city or district ...

          Just do not forget to unsubscribe about the results of such an action ...
        2. 0
          28 November 2015 19: 09
          Stupid question. Not being discussed.
      6. The comment was deleted.
    5. -2
      27 November 2015 20: 49
      Fu - from empty to empty. Disappointed in the resource. not only that you are late with the news, you still impose and there’s nothing to choose from; I GET AWAY, -Although I acknowledge - THE CHICKEN IS NOT A BIRD
      1. +7
        27 November 2015 20: 54
        Quote: ehomenkov
        Fu - from empty to empty. Disappointed in the resource. not only that you are late with the news, you still impose and there’s nothing to choose from; I GET AWAY, -Although I acknowledge - THE CHICKEN IS NOT A BIRD

        Goodbye! Good luck on other resources ... hi
      2. +3
        28 November 2015 03: 35
        Quote: ehomenkov
        Fu - from empty to empty. Disappointed in the resource. not only that you are late with the news, you still impose and there’s nothing to choose from; I GET AWAY, -Although I acknowledge - THE CHICKEN IS NOT A BIRD

        You're cool wrong. You can always find what the soul reaches for and despite the pros and cons, you can always put your opinion in the comments and not get insulted. For news there are news sites and there is a radio where you can get the latest information, and here you can lay out what’s boiling up in your soul and they will understand and support you. And they will give an answer or a link where you can turn for advice. This is your right to stay on the site or leave, but I would not advise.
      3. 0
        28 November 2015 19: 10
        And who is bored, can measure his aikyu ...
    6. +1
      28 November 2015 04: 40
      On the forum thread under the topic "American source: Israel has 115 nuclear warheads" (Yesterday, 16:41), it is just some kind of rampant of the Jewish kaganate.
      The number of activated Jews on the forum thread is off the charts. Some kind of depressing atmosphere is formed by them.
      Support the Russians!
  2. The comment was deleted.
  3. +13
    27 November 2015 19: 24
    This was openly stated by the professor of the Moscow School of Management "Skolkovo" Pavel Luksha during the official opening of the foresight "Global Future Education". "Classical education does not meet the needs of the post-industrial society ... there is a growing demand for obtaining not a set of general knowledge and skills, but strictly defined skills."

    To each his own stall? Is that what you need to understand?
    1. +4
      27 November 2015 19: 45
      It is SO ... For the horns and the stall ... There is no freedom even in the grave ...
  4. -2
    27 November 2015 19: 24
    The article, of course, reveals the main problems, but they are already in plain sight. There are no facts about the Ost plan, which means that this theory is nothing more than fiction. The general sense of the reform is that it is necessary for the education system to meet the goals and objectives facing the state (if the education system is financed from the state budget). You cannot train lawyers alone, just as you cannot train only engineers or programmers. There should be a clear correspondence between the tasks of the state and the quality of graduates. How to solve it? It's very simple, first, as in technology - to build a model (you can simulate) - needs, provision of qualified personnel and resources (including schools, universities, colleges, etc.), the budget allocated for education, as well as the demand from the private sector (if such it is planned to leave) sectors. Further, it is determined whether it is possible to enter your wishes into the allocated budget. And then the adjustment is made. So at least the numbers will be reasonable, otherwise we poke like blind kittens. The Hamiltonian system is bad, but the Bologna system is good. We want to be in the best universities in the world. And why is it necessary, it is not clear ...
    1. +4
      27 November 2015 20: 43
      Quote: Stena
      The article, of course, reveals the main problems, but they are already in plain sight. There are no facts about the Ost plan, which means that this theory is nothing more than fiction.

      Published in November 2009 by the Bundesarchive

      1. -1
        28 November 2015 13: 48
        Quote: perepilka
        Published in November 2009 by the Bundesarchive

        Very funny. The connection between the existing situation and this plan is no matter how proved in the article. I can also write about the fact that everything has been reformed in accordance with the 1978 issue of Murzilka magazine and a link to it. There is no evidence. Therefore, the entire article is utter rubbish. And about what I wrote - if there are not enough brains for anything, except reading and substantiating our condition with pieces of paper defeated to smithereens by our ancestors of the Nazis, then we will never be able to do anything sensible with such justifications.
        1. 0
          28 November 2015 22: 40
          Quote: Stena
          Very funny. The connection between the existing situation and this plan is no matter how proved in the article.

          This article is not interesting to me. Heaps of them, read and forget. Once I went to a parent meeting at school. Now the eldest, daughter, works as a paramedic in an ambulance, in the city of St. Petersburg, Bekhterevka graduated. The younger, after the first year of the Arkhangelsk forestry specialist, specializing in "Operative maintenance of electrical installations" and having driven the year Ural-4320, on a call, in RA, at the Rogachevo airfield, Novaya Zemlya, said that he would not sit on my neck, and despite our desires, transferred to correspondence and went to SevMash, a turner's apprentice, accepted, they remember their father-in-law.
          At the expense of education, when the daughter found out everything, she issued a verdict: "And it wasn't figs to bring us up like that!" Well, cho, for four, four military cards, the wife is also a paramedic. At the expense of education.
          But ost, I didn’t put any pluses or minuses at the expense of the General Plan, I just gave out information that it was digitized and published in November 2009, since then it has been disassembled and analyzed repeatedly, An de stand? Et, so that next time, with such statements, a beard should not be wound in a hole, good luck drinks
          1. 0
            29 November 2015 01: 24
            Quote: perepilka
            But ost, I didn’t put any pluses or minuses at the expense of the General Plan, I just gave out information that it was digitized and published in November 2009, since then it has been disassembled and analyzed repeatedly, An de stand? Et, so that next time, with such statements, a beard should not be wound in a hole, good luck

            So what is the relationship between this plan and existing reality? Their fershte zi niht. Nothing is clear ... From your words - I undestand almost next to nothing. In what place, from your point of view, is it proved with numbers in the form of justification that the current state of affairs in our education is the result of the implementation of the OST plan?
            You know, I understand in this education (sorry for the ugly statement), but more of yours. Saw and know. I know who key decisions are made and how, unfortunately. And in reality, there is absolutely no connection between some tattered plan of tattered Fritz, whom our grandfathers are in the tail and in the mane, and the current state of affairs ...
            And why put the cons (not you, probably) in a place where it is proposed to link existing and future needs with the budget - this is a huge question. Apparently, someone (including the author of the article) is again profitable to fish in troubled waters ...
  5. +9
    27 November 2015 19: 25
    Only through historical thinking and through historical education can we realize who we are, understand ourselves, understand society itself, the meaning and content of social processes

    Who controls the past, that controls the future - this thesis has been tested by time and is fair in what it is possible to verify practically every day. Because of this, strangers spend huge amounts of money on propaganda in the media and educational programs. To paraphrase: he who does not want to spend on his education will lose his country altogether.
    1. -2
      28 November 2015 13: 56
      Quote: venaya
      Who controls the past, that controls the future - this thesis is time-tested and is fair in what it is possible to verify practically every day

      Give an example, please. I live in the present time, so I can now take action and change the current state of affairs. I can’t change the past - since I can’t go back in time. It is possible to correct the mistakes of the past, but this is not a change and control of the past. I can not control the future, due to the fact that it has not yet come and even if I do a lot of things that determine the result in the future, no one can guarantee that I will get exactly what I wanted. It is necessary to control the present. The past must be remembered and honored. And the future - it is not known to any of the people. Therefore, thinking should not be historical, but modern. But denigrate their history Nizya. That's all...
  6. +15
    27 November 2015 19: 25
    "- And Peskov, by the way, said a very important thing. He said that education in the future will be of two types - distance education and human education. Distance education will be cheap, but human education will be expensive. That is, it means that the elite retains classical education, human, and distance learning will be introduced for gray biomass. "
    - Actually, what Peskov spoke about has long been carried out. It was possible in the USSR to study at the same school with the children of the secretary of the district committee and the director of the plant. Now they are not like in another school, in other countries studying.

    But this is not a reason for Maidan, it is a reason for reforming the education system and throwing out agents of influence from it, starting with the ministry.
    1. +9
      27 November 2015 20: 22
      Quote: USSR 1971
      this is an occasion for reforming the education system and throwing out agents of influence from it, starting with the ministry.

      And who will do this if it is introduced without encountering any opposition from people to whom the people living in the country have delegated authority?
    2. +8
      27 November 2015 20: 47
      Quote: USSR 1971
      But this is not a reason for Maidan, it is a reason for reforming the education system and throwing out agents of influence from it, starting with the ministry.

      Only the change of the gangster regime to the socialist course of development of society will help Russia.
      1. 0
        28 November 2015 17: 31
        In the last 25-30 years, when the word "reform" is used, the hand starts automatically looking for a holster ...
    3. +5
      27 November 2015 21: 53
      Quote: USSR 1971
      But this is not a reason for Maidan, it is a reason for reforming the education system and throwing out agents of influence from it, starting with the ministry.

      I want to note that the Maidan, like all the revolutions that have occurred, is the result of the contradictions in society that have accumulated and reached their climax. The nobles oppress the peasants, the peasants at some point get it and the head of Louis flies. The bourgeois drink the blood of workers and the head of Nicholas flies. The oligarchs tyrannize people and kicks out Yanukovych. Contradictions will accumulate, I will be in Russia and we will have a revolution, and not a single exhortation will help, because the Gordian knot will be cut.
      1. -1
        27 November 2015 22: 18
        So, that, it is. But. The contradiction under Ivan the Terrible was not enough, and people lived differently. And it was quiet, no Maidan. Heads mostly flew, those who needed. Then Godunov came. And now, the infection, it all started. Troubles, Shuysky. And, behind them, historians say, the money of some states. Yes, there are plenty of other examples in history. There are no spontaneous revolutions. They are always paid by someone, beneficial to someone. Organize a crowd, direct it correctly. Pay for cookies, transport, dry closets. It seems to me that way.
      2. 0
        28 November 2015 00: 18
        Quote: tomket
        Contradictions will accumulate, I will be in Russia and we will have a revolution, and not a single exhortation will help, because the Gordian knot will be cut.

        Your words, yes to God’s ears! +++++
  7. +7
    27 November 2015 19: 25
    Very serious article. And I’m already very not serious for Friday night and so many letters and meaning.

    ... plin drinks

    1. +4
      27 November 2015 20: 49
      And in the photo it seems you can see the boys have already implanted the chip.
  8. -7
    27 November 2015 19: 26
    Half of the article is pure nonsense. "Tomorrow" is a diagnosis, regardless of Prokhanov's charisma. Having fished out the rational grain, the workers of the newspaper immediately begin to suck it and roll it out so that Tymchuk and Butusov strangle themselves with envy, considering themselves suckers and careless students.
    1. -5
      27 November 2015 20: 18
      Quote: inkass_98
      Half of the article is pure nonsense. "Tomorrow" is the diagnosis

      That's it.

      And most of the comments are from the series "before, the sky was blue, and the grass .. tastier" laughing

      It just so happened - every new generation is worse than the previous one, from the point of view of this same .. previous one.

      Distance learning is actually quite a good thing, although training with a live teacher is certainly not a substitute. IMHO the base should still be given by a human teacher, and to expand this base - each one himself at will (to his or her parents - it doesn’t matter), including through distance learning.

      About "chipping" and "mind control" - IMHO just nonsense.

      Somehow Yes

      PS: Those who want to poke my nose with the Amer flag - all questions to VO, where do they get the ip from. I haven’t had such IPs belay
      1. +5
        27 November 2015 20: 27
        You are already a secret agent - just do not know about it.
        1. +3
          27 November 2015 20: 44
          Quote: Vadim237
          You are already a secret agent - just do not know about it

          Yep, exactly. And alternately - it’s mattress, then geyrosoyuz, then someone incomprehensible with a cross on a blue background laughing
    2. GAF
      27 November 2015 22: 58
      Quote: inkass_98
      Half of the article is pure nonsense.

      How would you not characterize the article, but you have to work really in a BREDA environment in reality. You can trust me. I work in the so-called. the "chosen" university. The general line of the Ministry of Education is being implemented, the main goal of which is to provide educational services to students - consumers thereof, with all the ensuing consequences ... The main strategy of the University is to train graduates with a set of competencies (I want to put it this way) that allow them to be competitive on the international labor market. Your own does not count. By increasing the hours for learning English, the hours for natural science and special disciplines have been significantly reduced. Instead of real engineering projects - master's theses, in which the so-called. scientific novelty. Tens and hundreds of thousands of graduation works should be with this "novelty". We will not be ahead of the whole planet from this. And the moral damage from such a substitution is not going anywhere. A lot of bullshit to increase your rating, etc. etc.
      1. 0
        28 November 2015 14: 49
        Quote: GAF
        I work in the so-called. the "chosen" university. The general line of the Ministry of Education is being implemented, the main goal of which is to provide educational services to students - consumers thereof, with all the ensuing consequences ...

        It is very easy to do. You write in pieces of paper (Plans, GEF programs, calendar plans, etc.) one thing (which is required by the Ministry of Education and Science), and in fact you teach what is necessary if the physicist is a theoretician — theories of physics, if the applied man — to applied aspects.
        What's so complicated? The problem is that you yourself (I don’t specifically mean you) in practice did not work anywhere except for the university, therefore you cannot explain to the student how and what works and how and what can and should be changed. That’s the whole program of action.
  9. +5
    27 November 2015 19: 26
    Damn, heavy text. I’ll be thinking for three days. I'll be back - I'll write.
    1. +3
      28 November 2015 00: 24
      Quote: lexx2038
      Damn, heavy text. I’ll be thinking for three days. I'll be back - I'll write.

      after three days, it will be worse, checked wink laughing
    2. +3
      28 November 2015 01: 43
      Quote: lexx2038
      Damn, heavy text. I’ll be thinking for three days.

      The article is just about those who are hard to read and think for too long))) in general about education ...
  10. +9
    27 November 2015 19: 28
    The article is twofold - that the dominance of "Western values" begins to prevail in education - it has long been known - only the reactions of the government "0" - all kinds of grants from the West were as they were and the law on NGOs has not changed anything - it looks like the government is either complete amateurs or traitors.
    1. +5
      27 November 2015 19: 42
      in my second! I have been writing here for a long time and not only in this forum: guys, with such an education, we will lose the country! but to the point .... request
      1. +7
        27 November 2015 20: 13
        Until the complete loss of the country, there are no more than 3-5 graduations of the next parties of MANAGERS from schools and universities ...
        For several years now, it’s just scary to go to a “young specialist” (even to a polyclinic, anywhere).
    2. 0
      28 November 2015 02: 17
      Both that and another at the same time, without any OR!
    3. 0
      28 November 2015 12: 43
      Not amateurs, but traitors, thieves, power-hungry, abrasive ...
    4. 0
      1 December 2015 04: 43
      And what do you think in the government there are no agents of influence? ... After all, everything from there begins and affirms precisely there.
  11. +9
    27 November 2015 19: 34
    "new professions should be created - energy auditors, network doctors, GMO agronomists, IT genetics, bioethics, network lawyers, virtual world designer, virtual world architects, interface designer, IT preachers, interface world designer, Internet community organizer, image expert unborn child, child safety specialist, transmedia product architect In the field of education: moderator, tutor, game master, mentor of startups, developer of state of mind learning tools, coordinator of online educational platforms Financial sector: manager of a private equity fund in talented people, multicurrency translator , an intellectual property appraiser and so on ... "

    Only i count it delirious or do skis not ride on asphalt?
    1. +6
      27 November 2015 19: 47
      No, not skiing. He also forgot about managers for straightening brain gyrus. I think that our Ministry of Education and Science, led by New Lunacharsky, will correct this oversight.
    2. +2
      27 November 2015 20: 39
      Quote: Koshak
      But I think this is nonsense or do skis not ride on asphalt?

      No, you are just hopelessly outdated ...
      You read while looking at the tablet with the built-in 4G while sitting in the mountains with a smile and remember ridiculous stories about how in ancient times a village grandfather drove the electric demons GOELRO with an ax and Novikov Tsushima's stories about galvanders with their rheostats, which sailing admirals called animals that always burn. ..)))
      1. +1
        27 November 2015 20: 43
        Quote: SPACE
        Read you looking at a tablet with built-in 4G sitting in the mountains

        C'mon, there’s no 4G in the mountains, it has less coverage
      2. 0
        28 November 2015 05: 19
        The examples are impressive. laughing Of course, you can train cleaning managers, etc. But, in addition to consulting a network doctor, you need the opportunity to see an ordinary doctor (appendicitis and much more). In addition to the "experts of the image of the unborn child", real children will need to change their diapers. feel Yes, the utopian picture of replacing humans with smart machines is tempting, but not worked out even in science fiction. SF heroes operate on other, as a rule, uncomfortable planets, even with super-tablets ... And here's the question: if machines do everything for a person - what dystopia will this lead to? And the so-called. the division of labor "white work is done by white, black work is done by black" is already creating problems. I may have outdated views, but I believe that without a real economy, medicine, education, not only skis, but also a supercar will not roll. Something like this...
    3. +2
      27 November 2015 21: 34
      Пwhy don't they go? They go, you just need to buy a ski ointment on the asphalt in the store. wassat
  12. +4
    27 November 2015 19: 41
    Lies. And juggling. The teacher teaches, and a real teacher in any program will teach everything that is needed. My physics teacher (who graduated from the Faculty of Psychology, however) gave physics to me in such a way that I then two years at Univer, studying at the physics department, only leafed through textbooks. Here is such a teacher. And what does the exam have to do with it? And the internet. The Internet - as access to the right information - is a cool resource. Garbage is the sea, so analyze it.
    No, crazy article. If the author is not able to simply and intelligibly express his thoughts, he himself does not understand the subject he is writing about.
    1. +7
      27 November 2015 20: 53
      I can not agree with you, I raised and raised two children and more than once I came across the teachers of the new formation. And for the old teachers, I agree, there was a good school, which is secondary and higher.
      1. +2
        28 November 2015 07: 24
        Quote: Wolverine
        And for the old teachers, I agree, there was a good school, which is secondary and higher.

        The Soviet school taught to think, modern cramming. I looked at my grandson for textbooks for fifth grade, dullness and stupidity.
  13. +10
    27 November 2015 19: 44
    Mdaaaa ... You read this, and you don’t want to live ... And after all, consciously the leadership drives the country into a garbage pit, from which it will never be possible to get out ...

    All the more proud of my Soviet higher education ... And primary too ...
  14. +12
    27 November 2015 19: 47
    In the USSR, besides rockets and ballet, there were two more wonderful things: medicine and education!
    No need to reinvent the wheel, bring back what it was! am
    1. +14
      27 November 2015 20: 04
      Quote: avva2012
      In the USSR, besides rockets and ballet, there were two more wonderful things: medicine and education!
      No need to reinvent the wheel, bring back what it was! am

      How do you want to return to the past
      Go through the time barrier
      Return then golden time
      Suddenly wake up in the USSR
      To return everything to the heart dear
      Actors, holidays, movies
      It was all like a native
      Life was so simple and easy
      Three pennies "soda"
      In the cinema "popsicle"
      Those jokes about Vovka
      That "cervelat" and "milk"
      Parades, songs, Komsomol members
      "Afonya", Shurik, Moscow ...
      Those birthdays, feasts
      All that human kindness
      How pulls, sometimes, the past
      That security and peace
      Like childhood, warm, dear
      Forever in human memory
      Forgive me, modern age
      Your interior is not to your liking
      'Cause I'm so ordinary
      I was born in the USSR.
      1. +5
        27 November 2015 20: 17
        Damn, already a tear ran.
        Thank! And whose verses?
        1. +2
          27 November 2015 20: 20
          Quote: avva2012
          Damn, already a tear ran.
          Thank! And whose verses?

          Poems walk on the Internet, author unknown
          1. +2
            27 November 2015 20: 27
            It’s a pity a good person wrote them.
    2. -1
      28 November 2015 00: 28
      Quote: avva2012
      In the USSR, besides rockets and ballet, there were two more wonderful things: medicine and education!
      No need to reinvent the wheel, bring back what it was!

      Return is possible only with the reincarnation of the USSR.
    3. The comment was deleted.
  15. +7
    27 November 2015 19: 47
    Education riots the State Department through its agent Lifanov. I declare this to you as the teacher’s husband.
  16. +1
    27 November 2015 19: 53
    Yes, a delusional article. I myself have worked in the higher education system for over 12 years, I can say that modern students are even more skeptical of the West than my generation "born in the era of dear Leonid Ilyich." My own children perceive the outside world not so much through the prism of what is being told there at school - college, but rely more on their (partly my) views, which I gradually, but constantly instill in them since childhood. And you need to know English well - after all, the language of a "potential enemy", again on tour. trips come in handy)))
    In short, the conclusion is this: study with your children, talk with them about everything, and they will be normal people.
  17. +14
    27 November 2015 19: 55
    damn it, they pissed me off ... After school I went to vocational school, teachers persuaded after vocational school to go to an agricultural institute (now an academy) ... I chose the "steering wheel" ...
    1. +9
      27 November 2015 20: 13
      I can not put another video ...
      1. +10
        27 November 2015 20: 26
        This is just some kind of holiday! It’s a good, big country, where the uncle the policeman walked without a pistol in a holster, and on summer evenings, the neighbors played lotto and dominoes while sitting on the benches in training, where they went to visit each other, and laid the keys to the apartment under the rug ...
        My kids are out of luck. It’s sad. I hope the devil Gorbachev will pay for everything.
      2. +3
        27 November 2015 23: 49
        Thank you, reminded.
        Judging by the stockings on the boys, this photograph is from earlier years.
        1. +1
          28 November 2015 00: 01
          Anyway, great!
    2. +11
      27 November 2015 20: 22
      Quote: sabakina
      damn, scattered the soul ..

      Oh, thank you, as if he had returned to his happy childhood, he already wept.
      1. +5
        27 November 2015 20: 34
        If at least part of this returns, I will assume that I lived not in vain ...
        Quote: vovanpain
        Quote: sabakina
        damn, scattered the soul ..

        Oh, thank you, as if he had returned to his happy childhood, he already wept.
        1. +11
          27 November 2015 20: 46
          Quote: sabakina
          If at least part of this returns, I will assume that I lived not in vain ...

          Oh, how I believe in it, now your videos were watched by the whole family, mother with father, yes, my wife and I shed tears at all, what time was it, now I dream that at least grandchildren would live with this, the children are adults, the daughter when the USSR collapsed was a year old and the son was born after the collapse. Thank you again. drinks
          1. +2
            27 November 2015 21: 16
            We will be alive, we will not die, but we will die, so we will dance! drinks
    3. +2
      28 November 2015 00: 36
      Quote: sabakina

      Everything was just like that! Thanks for the extraordinary memories!
      It seems only a hand reach out ... and here it is .. happiness, kindness, childhood ... good
      Only the Mouzon of Scorpions is not to the village ....
  18. +1
    27 November 2015 20: 03
    More action, less words! What is bad to know English? The question is different, that in schools and universities there are not enough teachers and teachers who can teach, give the key to gaining knowledge, to finding new things in science. Educational institutions have been turned into factories for the provision of educational services, and teachers look at students as a source of enrichment. Who imposed such a system? Americans? Perhaps they are adversaries!
    1. +3
      27 November 2015 20: 19
      Quote: 1536
      More action, less words! What is bad to know English?

      As Zadornov said ....
      French was taught in the 19th century. Heaped Napoleon oh-e-e-e-e ...
      At 20, they studied German. Heaped up Hitler-opa opa opa ...
      In the 21st century ... Yes! Learn English!
  19. +2
    27 November 2015 20: 19
    Quote: dr. sem
    . People today are slaves of employers and banks ...

    here too there is slavery of money
  20. 0
    27 November 2015 20: 28
    Quote: viktor561
    The article is twofold - that the dominance of "Western values" begins to prevail in education - it has long been known - only the reactions of the government "0" - all kinds of grants from the West were as they were and the law on NGOs has not changed anything - it looks like the government is either complete amateurs or traitors.

    Quote: viktor561
    The article is twofold - that the dominance of "Western values" begins to prevail in education - it has long been known - only the reactions of the government "0" - all kinds of grants from the West were as they were and the law on NGOs has not changed anything - it looks like the government is either complete amateurs or traitors.
    Quote: viktor561
    The article is twofold - that the dominance of "Western values" begins to prevail in education - it has long been known - only the reactions of the government "0" - all kinds of grants from the West were as they were and the law on NGOs has not changed anything - it looks like the government is either complete amateurs or traitors.
    Traitors: They want a warm place in the new world, and we are in the toilet.
  21. +3
    27 November 2015 20: 32
    You know, in the light of this problem, I want to raise the question - where are the parents looking? And the parents do not look - they work like horses, and when you come home you have neither the strength nor the desire to control your child. My parents beat my ass for bad grades, kept abreast of all my problems and successes in school. Yes, I did not finish school with honors, but I can say that in 10 years I have not had a single C in any quarter. All this is due to "home education".
    All this is why it is possible to blame the system of today's education, the Internet, etc. parents should control the educational process, should help teachers with a belt or carrot, I don’t know, but they should.
    1. +1
      28 November 2015 17: 43
      I agree! So it was in the bright past. It is the parents who are responsible for those who have given birth. They gave birth to whom? To the teacher? To the teacher? To the headmaster? MYSELF for support in old age.
      Unfortunately, a lot of current parents of schoolchildren (aged 30 to 40) consider the school a "locker" for their children and nothing more, and they themselves "work like horses" (excuses). That, in the USSR, people dressed for nothing, ate, cooperatives bought ... They plowed no less ...
  22. +2
    27 November 2015 20: 39
    We have repeatedly emphasized that we are talking about the total privatization of all spheres of public life, not only property, but also the social sphere

    Moreover, together with the population as an appendage
    1. 0
      28 November 2015 17: 45
      By itself. The population is also subject to privatization. It has already been privatized by banks (a plastic card is a slave tag). Well, then ... How will it go ...
  23. +1
    27 November 2015 20: 40
    Quote: ava09
    Quote: MIKHAN
    Yes FIG! ...

    These are emotions, nothing more. The theater is good that such performances are going on, even better, and the reaction of the audience is generally beyond praise. Now about the sad thing, the turn of society in one direction or another depends not on a qualitative minority, but on a quantitative majority. Question: Do we have more people who go to the theater or school? The danger of brainwashing lies in the mass and methodical nature. A good example is neo-Nazi Ukraine, how many believed 25 years ago that it could become Bandera's? Then they would just laugh and advise to see a psychiatrist for paranoia. Now it depends on US ALL whether "Letters of Memory" will be a mass phenomenon or will remain almost unknown in the "margins" of public opinion and public demands.

    You're lying ... I saw everything in reality! Youth sincerely applauded! Before the performance they warned to turn off the mobile phones (I thought to myself, well, now flashing and calls will begin ..) IT WASN’T AT ALL! I got goosebumps from this union of the hall and the stage!
    1. +1
      27 November 2015 21: 39
      Quote: MIKHAN
      You're lying ... I saw everything in reality! Youth sincerely applauded!

      "Meal'n'Real". In Rome, it happened, and gladiators sincerely applauded, and how did it all end?
      Theater is hypocrisy, actor-popularity, director-authority, producer-money, all with variations laughing The same business, find a niche and remove loot, first. request
  24. +3
    27 November 2015 20: 42
    Quote: Dr. Bormental
    And the parents don’t look — they work like horses, and when you come home you don’t have the strength or desire to control your child.

    You yourself answered.
    At a time when there was dad and priest, dad worked the prescribed time with two days off. He always came at the same time, because the bus brought from work. Dad did not run with his tongue out, "where else to find work!" And now, after three rates, but not always with a standardized working day .. And, moreover, just to get dressed and eat normally. And then, for example, the combination is removed from us, "a person cannot combine 100 percent without loss of quality." They tell us. I would have printed something obscene, but it is impossible.
  25. +1
    27 November 2015 20: 46
    Wow Thanks to the authors !! Already demolishes the tower! And where else can you read this ??
  26. +2
    27 November 2015 20: 49
    The country has begun the process of reducing budget funds for education - public universities are being reduced, merged or destroyed in all cases with a reduction in teachers and students. And this means that the dissatisfied intelligentsia thrown onto the street will join the ranks of smart opponents of the government, and the most dangerous for it. It was the undergraduate students who were the core of the Leninist guard in 17 and ruled it until Stalin came to power, completely destroying the country's economy with their mediocrity. The progressive stupidity of the bureaucracy surrounding even the most talented leader will ultimately lead to the collapse of the entire system, because no genius can overcome mass stupidity.
  27. 0
    27 November 2015 21: 21
    Greetings Dear! Long time no comment. But I want to ask Olga (author) - You have a magnificent Man - A. M. Anisin, I really want to know his opinion on this issue!
  28. 0
    27 November 2015 21: 37
    Question to administrators, why is my flag of the wrong state? Where is my correct flag?
  29. +1
    27 November 2015 21: 46
    We are undergoing reforms in education, in medicine, in the pension system. but it gets worse and worse. Question: for whom are the reforms? who is behind them? Our state is positioned as social, but why live worse and worse ?!
  30. +2
    27 November 2015 21: 53
    The purpose of this article is the psychological suppression of citizens. Introduction to regressive hypnosis, exacerbation of a depressed state. There is nothing new in this material. But the repeated repetition of the signal of impending danger is the suggestion of a depressed state. A new form of bullying (!)

    Chetverikova never talks about how people can get out of such a difficult situation.
  31. +2
    27 November 2015 22: 17
    "... Again about the sea ..." - with a heavy sigh, "Signor Robinson", Italy, 19 a curvy year.
    And now about the article.
    Well, spruce .... if everyone knows so well that learning is light, EGE is poison .... then why doesn’t anyone do anything?
    From year to year, from season to season, the same publications.
    And nothing has changed.
    Who is this talking room for?
    For whom Ivashov gives an interview about the interests of big business?
    For a big business?
    Then it’s better to be silent.
  32. +1
    27 November 2015 23: 03
    Can you imagine if all the American dreams come true, then the TREND will come to the whole world. Only such teachers need to be strangled both among them and ours, first of all. am
  33. 0
    27 November 2015 23: 27
    "And he compels all people - small and great, rich and poor, free and slaves - to take a sign on their right hand or on their forehead, so that no one can buy or sell, besides, who has a sign-the name of the beast or a number his name. " (Rev. 13:16)
  34. +2
    27 November 2015 23: 34
    And we still think naive. that our government is sitting in the Kremlin. It is necessary either to fight this policy, and in all areas, or simply to dutifully wait for our grandchildren to become slaves of others. And if Russia surrenders, then the global Anglo-Saxon fascism of the post-industrial era is coming.
    And thanks to the authors for raising this topic, but this is not enough. It is necessary to shout to those who are deceived in power, and there are such people before us, the people of Russia.
    1. +1
      28 November 2015 00: 51
      Quote: NordUral

      That’s cool. You said everything! ++++
    2. The comment was deleted.
  35. +1
    28 November 2015 00: 30
    Quote: marsel1524
    Well then this? Every day, this article is about the collapse of education. Our education is normal and normal children are growing. It's a shame just, honestly! And ehe to the place, and everything else. Our school, built in 1975, is being repaired without a single overhaul. I know what I'm saying, all the same 24 years of training. Well, all sorts of dirt, so it was enough at all times.

    So you started your pedagogical activity in 1991? Then your assessment of the current education is clear, and your position!
  36. +1
    28 November 2015 11: 24
    Return the Soviet system of education. And the ideology in the country is needed
  37. +2
    28 November 2015 13: 27
    Quote: ANTI.KORR.
    Quote: NordUral
    So now is the time for Soviet education to return to school and universities.

    And you do not see the contradictions between the Soviet entity and the oligarchic-bourgeois RF?
    This is not compatible.

    In my humble opinion, not only Soviet education, but also health care, the army, the law enforcement system, etc. are not compatible with the current Russian Federation. Therefore, it seems to me that all the reformers remain afloat. Look: health care - Zurabov, the Ministry of Internal Affairs - Nurgaliev, the army - Serdyukov, education - Fursenko. These reformers come and break the system that developed during the Soviet era and become "scapegoats". And then other ministers come and return a little bit of the old one, and they are all on horseback.
  38. 0
    28 November 2015 22: 42
    It's time to introduce articles of sabotage and aiding the enemy. To whom it is not yet clear that there is a war going on and it is time to restore order. Our "elite" have played so much with our "partners", better enemies, that they have gone crazy from their clumsy attempts to get into the world elite. She will never be allowed there. who is not clear. In Ukraine, the shooting of all kinds of Russian people from MLRS showed that the fate that Hitler was preparing for the RUSSIAN PEOPLE did not leave the plans of the West. When our 5th column is thrown out of power. To endure it when a war of destruction is declared on us, betrayal.
  39. 0
    29 November 2015 09: 17
    The article is written according to the standard scheme of manipulating public opinion: 40% of the truth covers outright nonsense aimed at destabilizing society.

"Right Sector" (banned in Russia), "Ukrainian Insurgent Army" (UPA) (banned in Russia), ISIS (banned in Russia), "Jabhat Fatah al-Sham" formerly "Jabhat al-Nusra" (banned in Russia) , Taliban (banned in Russia), Al-Qaeda (banned in Russia), Anti-Corruption Foundation (banned in Russia), Navalny Headquarters (banned in Russia), Facebook (banned in Russia), Instagram (banned in Russia), Meta (banned in Russia), Misanthropic Division (banned in Russia), Azov (banned in Russia), Muslim Brotherhood (banned in Russia), Aum Shinrikyo (banned in Russia), AUE (banned in Russia), UNA-UNSO (banned in Russia), Mejlis of the Crimean Tatar people (banned in Russia), Legion “Freedom of Russia” (armed formation, recognized as terrorist in the Russian Federation and banned), Kirill Budanov (included to the Rosfinmonitoring list of terrorists and extremists)

“Non-profit organizations, unregistered public associations or individuals performing the functions of a foreign agent,” as well as media outlets performing the functions of a foreign agent: “Medusa”; "Voice of America"; "Realities"; "Present time"; "Radio Freedom"; Ponomarev Lev; Ponomarev Ilya; Savitskaya; Markelov; Kamalyagin; Apakhonchich; Makarevich; Dud; Gordon; Zhdanov; Medvedev; Fedorov; Mikhail Kasyanov; "Owl"; "Alliance of Doctors"; "RKK" "Levada Center"; "Memorial"; "Voice"; "Person and law"; "Rain"; "Mediazone"; "Deutsche Welle"; QMS "Caucasian Knot"; "Insider"; "New Newspaper"