Valentin Katasonov: “Monopolies are starting to divide the world“ by force ””

Valentin Katasonov: “Monopolies are starting to divide the world“ by force ””- Valentin Yuryevich, next year marks 100 years since the writing of V.I. Lenin's book "Imperialism, as the highest stage of capitalism." This work is widely known. She studied without fail in all universities of the USSR. In her classic stated that at the turn of the XIX - XX centuries. there was a growth of free competition capitalism (described by Karl Marx in Capital) into monopoly capitalism, or imperialism. And he called international cartels one of the economic signs of imperialism, the dominance of which we are seeing today. Moreover, it is becoming more aggressive.

- Actually, Lenin, as we remember, revealed five main economic signs of imperialism: 1. The concentration of production and capital has reached such a high level of development that it has created monopolies that play a decisive role in economic life. 2. The merger of bank capital with industrial capital and the creation, on the basis of this “financial capital”, of a financial oligarchy. 3. The export of capital, in contrast to the export of goods, is of particular importance. 4. Formation of international monopolistic capitalist unions dividing the world. 5. The end of the territorial division of land by the major capitalist powers. "

“And yet, over a hundred years since the writing of the book, imperialism, despite Lenin’s instructions that this is the“ highest ”and“ last ”stage of capitalism, is still alive. But at the same time, certainly undergone major changes. Which ones?

- Each of its five economic signs has changed. But let's take a closer look at the fourth, most relevant feature today - as it turns out, the most unsafe for the world. This feature is devoted to the fifth chapter of the book, which is called "The division of the world between the unions of capitalists." The chapter begins with the following words: “Monopoly capitalist unions, cartels, syndicates, trusts, divide among themselves, first of all, the domestic market, seizing the production of a given country into their own, more or less complete, possession. But the domestic market, under capitalism, is inevitably linked to the external one. Capitalism has long created a world market. And as the export of capital grew and the overseas and colonial ties and “spheres of influence” of the largest monopoly unions expanded in every possible way, the matter “naturally” approached a worldwide agreement between them, the formation of international cartels. ”

So, the fourth economic sign of imperialism is associated with the formation of international cartels. International cartels are monopolies of monopolies, agreements of national monopolies of different countries (trusts, concerns, syndicates) about the economic division of the world. The creation of international cartels is preceded by the formation of cartels at the national level. This is what Lenin writes in the first chapter (“The Concentration of Production and Monopoly”). The first national cartels appear after the 1873 crisis of the year. The economic rise of the end of the XIX century and the economic crisis 1900 – 1903. led to the mass formation of cartels. It was at this time, as Lenin notes, “cartels are becoming one of the foundations of all economic life.” Many international cartels are also being formed at this time.

- What specifically divide the monopolists of different countries in the framework of international cartel agreements?

- First of all, the sales markets for goods are determined by the geographical boundaries of the spheres of operations of individual participants of the international cartel. At the same time, uniform (monopoly high) prices for similar goods and services are almost always set. Sometimes the marginal volumes of production and sales of certain goods are determined. In addition to markets, the section may be subject to sources of raw materials and the sphere of application of capital. There are also purchasing cartels (setting monopolistically low prices for purchased goods and services). It is obvious that international cartels restrict or even make impossible the trading, investment and financial activities of outsiders who have fallen behind the international agreements. Often, cartels “clear out” their “living space” by first carrying out synchronized dumping, and then setting monopoly high prices.

A striking example of the international cartel of the last century is the agreement between the American Electric General Trust and the German AEG corporation. In 1907, an agreement on the division of the world was concluded between these giants of the electrical industry. Competition in the markets for electrical products has been eliminated. Lenin describes in great detail history the creation and functioning of the international electrotechnical cartel. He also gives examples of international cartel agreements on the division of world markets for rails, zinc, and maritime merchant shipping. He describes in detail the competition between the American Rockefeller kerosene trust and the merger of German kerosene companies. At some point in time, competitors were close to forming a world kerosene cartel, but at the last moment the agreement was upset.

Lenin, in disclosing the fourth economic attribute of imperialism, refers to the study of the German economist Robert Liefmann (1874 – 1941), which is called “Cartels and trusts”. According to Lifman, in the 1897 year there were about 40 international cartels with the participation of Germany in the world, and about 1910 by the 100 year. It is noteworthy that at the beginning of the twentieth century almost no international cartel managed without the participation of companies from Germany and the United States who conducted an aggressive takeover of world markets. They "squeezed" the markets of their competitors from England, France, Belgium, Holland.

“But even in the times of Lenin, many countries already had antitrust laws in place that prohibited the creation of cartels. Or, at least, their creation required the consent of the antimonopoly services.

- The fact is that cartels have an advantage over other forms of monopolies (trusts, syndicates, concerns) that they can be created secretly from the state and society. These may be “gentlemen's agreements”. Even if the agreements are written, the documents are safely stored in the vaults of the signatories.

- That is, international cartels can be considered as a shadow economy?

- That's it. Often, cartels are masked by signs of information centers, scientific institutes, business unions, committees, commissions, etc. Companies that enter into a cartel agreement retain their financial, legal, commercial and production independence. True, sometimes cartel members create a joint-stock company of the joint-stock type to perform management functions. Production and market quotas of the cartel participants correspond to their shares in the joint stock company. As an example, an international cartel on nitrogen fertilizers (was created in 1928 year). In 1962, cartel members created the joint-stock company Nitrex (Nitrex AG) with a capital of 1 million Swiss francs (registered in Switzerland, Zurich). Shares were divided between cartel members. In a centralized manner, Nitrex collected all orders for the supply of nitrogen fertilizers and distributed them among the cartel members.

- There is a vast literature showing that international cartels were actively involved in the preparation and unleashing of the Second World War.

- In the period between the two world wars, the process of creating international cartels sharply intensified. By the beginning of the Second World War 1939 – 1945, according to some estimates, the number of international cartels increased almost to 1200; on the eve of the war, international cartels controlled from one third to one half of the total world trade turnover. Mostly these were the agreements of the monopolies of various European countries. The number of international cartels in which both European and American monopolies participated was small. The capitalist countries, which were in a state of protracted economic crisis, began to pursue a differentiated antitrust policy. In their own countries, the authorities nevertheless tried to limit monopolies and stimulate competition. And if international cartels were created that could strengthen the position of national companies in foreign markets, the authorities didn’t create any obstacles. Even on the contrary, they encouraged the creation of cartels.

Some international cartels with the participation of American and German companies did not cease their activities throughout the years of the Second World War.

- A number of accusations against international cartels and their participants were voiced even at the Potsdam Conference of the 1945 of the Year and the Nuremberg Trials.

- In all countries in the post-war years, sentiment against international cartels prevailed. The United Nations (UN) discussed the issue that this new institution should completely ban international cartels or at least control their creation and functioning. In the post-war decades to the 1970's. in the West, antitrust laws were more or less effectively implemented. Including in the part concerning international cartels. By the beginning of the 1970's. the number of such cartels was estimated at 70-80. It is noteworthy that these were predominantly transatlantic cartels, i.e. agreements with the simultaneous participation of European and American monopolies.

In the period from the end of the Second World War to the middle of the 70-ies. The most famous in the world were international cartels in the field of maritime shipping (there were several), for electrical equipment, radio equipment, automobiles, rolling stock. There were international cartels on fertilizers: nitrogen, potash and phosphate. In the field of production of chemical products, cartels created during the period between the two world wars acted: soda, for dyes and for quinine. In the area of ​​non-ferrous metal production, the most famous cartels were for aluminum and copper. In the sphere of the production of ferrous metals, there were cartels for steel, certain types of rolled products, rails, pipes, and tinplate. Naturally, international cartels didn’t advertise their activities, trying to convince the society and state control bodies that they are engaged in “research” activities. For example, the functions of the international potash cartel (before World War II, it included the monopolies of France, Germany, Spain, Poland, Great Britain, the United States and other countries) after the war began to perform three "institutes". This is the International Potash Institute in Bern (Switzerland), representing mainly the interests of Western European companies, as well as two US organizations - the American Potash Institute and the Foundation for International Potassium Research. International cartels in the maritime industry were called "pools" and "conferences".

- As you know, most often for the international cartels used the "roof" of unions of entrepreneurs ...

- Absolutely. For example, the international steel cartel in 1967 created such a “roof” in the form of the International Iron and Steel Institute (ICHA). The creation of the ICP, as it was officially announced, is aimed at strengthening contacts between the steelmakers of various capitalist countries and the exchange of information regarding the situation on the ferrous metals market. In 1970, the IDF incorporated more than 100 metallurgy companies 24 in capitalist countries that produced about 95% of steel in the capitalist world. The exact number of international business unions is difficult to name. They can have a variety of names: chambers of commerce and industry, stock exchange committees, industry institutes, associations, commissions, etc.

- And the patent cartels, which in the post-war period began to play a large role, what were they?

“In the conditions of the unfolding scientific and technological revolution in international trade, the share of manufacturing goods, especially its knowledge-intensive industries, has sharply increased. The positions of corporations operating in such industries began to be actively defended using a tool such as patents (the right to exclusive use of technical innovation) and licenses (permission to use technical innovation to other companies for licensing fees, participation in capital or obtaining other rights). Many authors were quick to declare that under the NTR conditions the traditional international cartels “ordered to live long”, were replaced by patent cartels based on the exchange of patents and licenses within a narrow circle of companies from different countries. Moreover, these patent cartels did not hide, moreover, they were protected by patent and other services that protect the intellectual property of big business.

- Please tell us about the "cartel blockade" of the Soviet Union and Russia, which you have repeatedly mentioned in your speeches, because today it is very relevant.

- Surprisingly, so far our economists, political scientists and historians have absolutely not touched on this most important aspect of Soviet economic history. The point is that throughout all the 70 years of its existence, the USSR was in a tight circle of international cartels. There was a cartel blockade of our country. Soviet foreign trade organizations negotiated and concluded contracts with companies that were part of various international cartels. Soviet trade with companies that were not part of the cartels was extremely difficult. That is why we could trade with the West, only consistently pursuing the policy of the state monopoly of foreign trade. Without such a monopoly, international cartels could plunder us mercilessly, setting monopolistically high prices for goods imported by the Soviet Union, and monopolistically low for goods that we deliver to the West. Until the end of the USSR, it was not possible to overcome the “cartel blockade” factor, its action only softened. That is why the fundamental principles of the Soviet economic policy were self-reliance, as well as the priority development of trade and economic relations with the countries of the socialist community.

- After the collapse of the USSR and the creation of the Russian Federation, was the “cartel blockade” against our country somehow weakened?

- It is naive to think so. Thank God, our Federal Antimonopoly Service (FAS) realized this in time. The key activity of the FAS since 2014 has been the investigation of cartel activities involving foreign companies. True, the FAS has repeatedly stated that the fight against international cartels in Russia is very difficult. The main reason is the absence of an international act regulating joint inspections of the FAS with foreign antitrust authorities, as well as allowing for the exchange of confidential information with them.

But back to the 70 of the last century, when the patent cartels came to the fore. Of course, traditional cartels covering raw materials and semi-finished markets continued to exist. Some of them have completely gone into the “shadow”, others have changed their status. They acquired the form of interstate agreements on the protection of markets for certain goods. Such international commodity agreements (MTS) became widespread in the first two or three post-war decades. These are agreements on zinc, tin, and some other metals, grains, jute, coffee, bananas, and other commodities. The most well-known agreement on oil, called OPEC. It was believed that these agreements are designed to protect developing countries from the unequal exchange of poor countries of the “south” with countries of the rich “north” exporting industrial products (the so-called “price scissors”). However, one should keep in mind that the signs of developing countries often hid transnational corporations (TNCs) that operated in these countries and were interested in such cartel agreements of interstate type. A bright example is OPEC. This is an organization of countries - exporters of oil. Founded in 1960 by a number of countries (Algeria, Ecuador, Indonesia, Iraq, Iran, Kuwait, Libya, Nigeria, Saudi Arabia, etc.) to coordinate actions in terms of sales and pricing of crude oil. Due to the fact that OPEC controls about half of the world oil trade (estimated at the beginning of this century), it can significantly influence the level of world prices.

However, one should not forget that transnational corporations are behind the OPEC screen. Back in the 1960s, everyone had the international oil cartel, known as the "seven sisters." The history of the oil cartel began 87 years ago. 17 September 1928 was an informal agreement between Royal Dutch Shell, the Anglo-Persian Oil Company (future British Petroleum) and Standard Oil of New Jersey (future Exxon) in Scottish town Akhnakarri. It was designed to remove the tough competition between these giants of the oil business. For which it envisaged the reduction of oil production in accordance with the trends in demand for it and the preservation of the existing proportion between mining companies. Already by 1932, the Ahnacarri cartel included all seven major Anglo-American companies, which later created a “consortium for Iran”. It is noteworthy that the US antitrust services "blessed" the creation of the oil cartel, because it strengthened the position of American corporations on the world oil market.

- Today, almost nothing is heard about the international oil cartel. But in the media they talk a lot about OPEC.

- Thanks to some journalists, this organization was even called the “anti-cartel”, meaning that it was created to confront the “seven sisters”. Nothing of the sort: the oil cartel continues to exist. The “sisters” that are part of it have already managed to change their “maiden” names more than once. And most importantly - they are hidden behind the OPEC organization screen, which they learned to use as a kind of “Trojan horse”. As an example, we can recall the energy crisis of the year 1973, when the price of "black gold" for four months increased four times. Then the OPEC countries were accused of everything. However, the main "beneficiaries" of the "price revolution" were the same "seven sisters" (and several other oil corporations that joined them), as well as Western banks, where tens of billions of petrodollars from OPEC countries began to flow.

Yes, of course, in the world of oil in the 70-80-s of the last century, there were great advances. Formally, many third world countries have announced the nationalization of the oil industry. But oil buyers remain the same Western oil corporations. The members of the international oil cartel hold monopoly positions in oil refining, transportation and sale of petroleum products.

“And 1970's are also called the decline of the gold-dollar standard and the beginning of the“ golden age ”of international cartels.

- Right. Since the end of 1970's. the topic of international cartels is gradually disappearing from the economic literature, the media, the agenda of meetings of international organizations. In later years, if there are publications on the subject of international cartels, they contain materials and figures relating to previous years. It seems that the era of international cartels is over. But it is an illusion. Cartels were previously in the shadows. They still remain in the shadows. Earlier, antimonopoly services periodically made a fuss about international cartels, but now they prefer not to look and not to notice. An explanation of this phenomenon should be sought in the general weakening (and even dismantling) of the antitrust function of the modern capitalist state. And this weakening, in turn, is due to the fact that there has been a rather radical change in the global monetary and financial system. In the 70 years of the last century, there was a transition from the gold dollar standard (Bretton Woods monetary and financial system) to the paper dollar standard (Jamaica monetary and financial system).

- What is the essence of this transition?

- The fact that before the world currency was the US dollar, which was issued by the US Federal Reserve, but the issue was limited to US gold reserves. After the Jamaican Monetary and Financial Conference (January 1976), the dollar was pegged to gold. Figuratively speaking, the “golden brake” was removed from the “printing press” of the Fed. The owners of the “printing press” of the Fed found almost complete freedom. However, there was one and very serious limitation - the demand for the products of the “printing press” of the Fed - dollars. The topic of how the "owners of money" created and continue to create a very broad demand for dollars is beyond the scope of this conversation. But the first thing that occurred to the "owners of money" was to remove control over the prices of everything and everyone. The energy crisis is the first and very vivid manifestation of this new policy (as we noted, the price of “black gold” soared four times in 1973 over several months). In the light of new financial and currency realities, international cartels are very much needed by the “money masters”. On the one hand, the global financial oligarchy in every possible way assists in the creation of international cartels. On the other hand, she, controlling most of the media, is doing everything possible to ensure that the topic of international cartels does not “pop up” at all. It has an unspoken taboo.

Returning to Lenin's work “Imperialism, as the highest stage of capitalism,” I want to draw attention to the fact that the “classic” avoided one very important aspect of the theme of international cartels. Yes, he listed many industries and industries that were cartelized by the beginning of the First World War internationally (electrical industry, maritime trade, rail production, etc.).

- Is it possible, so to speak, to cartelize not only the production and sale of goods, but also banking?

- The topic of banking cartels is generally taboo. We emphasize once again that the cartel is first of all an agreement on prices. In the banking sector, it is not money that is produced, but money, which also has a price. It is expressed as interest on active (credit) and passive (deposit) operations. Banks (both at the national and international levels) can agree on uniform interest rates, as well as share credit and deposit markets. In the work “Imperialism as the Highest Stage of Capitalism” the second section of the work is devoted exclusively to banks (“Banks and their new role”). But in it, we also find no mention of banking cartels. Here is about banking trusts in America, Lenin writes: “Between the few banks that, by virtue of the process of concentration, remain at the head of the entire capitalist economy, the desire for a monopolistic agreement, a trust of banks, is becoming increasingly common. In America, not nine, but the two largest banks, the billionaires Rockefeller and Morgan, dominate over the capital of 11 billion marks. ” But a bank trust arises from the merger or acquisition of some banks by others. ”

However, one giant banking cartel arose two years before Lenin began to write his work. We are talking about the US Federal Reserve. Surprisingly, Lenin did not pay attention to such an event as the adoption by the US Congress of the law on the Federal Reserve in the last days of 1913. What is surprising that even many Americans have not shown interest in some little-understood “Federal Reserve System”.

- Meanwhile, the creation of the Fed has become a key event not only in American but also in world history.

- This is a topic of special conversation. Now we are interested in the Fed as a banking cartel. And the Fed was just a cartel, uniting under its control the lion’s share of all US banks. And it was a legal cartel, whose status was determined by the law of 1913 of the year. The fact that the Fed is a bank cartel is, unfortunately, not many people pay attention.

Formally, the Federal Reserve was the national banking cartel that operated within the United States. But it must be borne in mind that among the main shareholders of the Fed as a private corporation were bankers not only from New World, but also from Europe. Among them, first of all, the Rothschilds. About this back in the early 50-s of the last century, the American researcher Eustace Mullins told readers in his book “Secrets of the Federal Reserve”. Therefore, it is reasonable to believe that the Fed from the very beginning was an international banking cartel.

“But for some reason, Lenin did not even mention him in his work ...”

- And by the way, it was the largest members of the international cartel “FRS” that became the main beneficiaries of the First World War, since during the war years they gave out military loans to belligerent countries (above all, Great Britain and France) worth many billions of dollars. American economist Murray Rothbard wrote:

“The creation of the Federal Reserve System successfully coincided with the beginning of the First World War in Europe. There is a generally accepted opinion that only thanks to the new system the United States was able to enter the war and not only finance its own military needs, but also provide significant loans to the allies. During the war, the Federal Reserve approximately doubled the money supply in the United States and, accordingly, prices also increased 2 times. For those who believe that the US entry into World War I was one of the most terrible events of the twentieth century, which had disastrous consequences for both the US and Europe, the possibility of the US entering the war is hardly a convincing argument in favor of the Federal War. reserve. "

- But after all, the banking systems of most countries of the world are arranged according to the cartel principle.

“At the same time, the“ head ”of such cartels are the central banks, which determine the“ rules of the game ”for private commercial banks and monitor their observance of these rules. Still, these are predominantly national banking cartels. But in the period between the two wars, the building of a truly global banking cartel began. This is the Bank for International Settlements (BIS) in Basel, which was established in 1930 year. Originally it was intended for the organization of reparation payments by Germany in favor of the winning countries. However, after some time, its main function was to coordinate the activities of the largest Western banks. After World War II, the BIS officially began to coordinate the activities of central banks. Often, the BIS is called the “central bank of central banks,” or “the club of central banks.” In fact, this is the "head" of the world banking cartel. It is known that this international banking supercartel played an important role in the preparation and unleashing of the Second World War, and during the war years coordinated the actions of the bankers of the opposing countries. At the conference in Bretton Woods, the question was raised about the criminal activity of the BIS, it was (albeit with great difficulty) decided to liquidate this banking supercartel. However, the conference decision was never implemented. The international cartel of usurers with the "head" in the Swiss city of Basel still continues to manage the global money market. And through the money market - the entire world economy. Of course, the two world cartels - the Federal Reserve and the Bank for International Settlements closely interact with each other. They can be compared with the two heads of a single world hydra.

Let us return to the work “Imperialism, as the highest stage of capitalism”. In it, the “classic” constantly talks about the law of uneven economic and political development under capitalism. By this “unevenness” Lenin means the constant change in the balance of forces in the world arena of individual capitalist states, as well as the largest companies in the domestic and world markets. This “unevenness”, in particular, gives rise to the instability of international cartels. Many cartel agreements are made for a period, but often fall apart much earlier than the agreed date. Some participants of international cartels are increasing (for example, as a result of the support of their states), while others, on the contrary, are weakening. This inevitably causes the temptation to revise the original agreements by the strengthened monopolies. In some cases, they manage to achieve a revision. In others it is not. Then the cartels collapse. There are cases when it is not possible to agree on the creation of an international cartel at all.

“So are international cartels an illusion of universal peace or a real threat of world war?”

“Perhaps the most important political conclusion that Lenin’s analysis of the fourth economic attribute of imperialism is that international cartels pose a threat to peace, are sources of war. The conclusion, at first glance, is paradoxical. After all, it seems that cartel agreements provide for the termination of competitive wars between monopolies for markets, sources of raw materials and the sphere of capital investment. And at the beginning of the twentieth century, some economists and politicians concluded that an offensive on the earth was "perpetual peace", which is brought to humanity by monopolies and the internationalization of economic life. In his work, Lenin, by the way, sharply criticizes Karl Kautsky for the belief of this German in that the cartels carry the world to humanity.

In the final part of the fifth section of the book, Lenin writes: “The capitalists do not divide the world according to their special malice, but because the stage of concentration that has been achieved forces them to take this path for profit; at the same time they divide it “according to capital”, “according to force” - there can be no other way of sharing in the system of commodity production and capitalism. The strength varies with economic and political development. ”

- And how would you comment on this in the light of today?

- Well, monopolies for the redistribution of the world use their own power capabilities as much as they can (for example, they rely on private military companies). But they are clearly not enough. Therefore, their main power resource is a state with armed forces ready to participate in military operations anywhere in the world. The division of the world "by force" makes it inevitable to transform private monopoly capitalism into state-monopoly capitalism (MMC).

Analyzing the history of the creation and development of international cartels, we must learn from the history of the twentieth century. And do not fall into those illusions and utopias of the "eternal peace" that were common among the "academic public" at the beginning of the last century. The era when transnational corporations and transnational banks divided the world "in capital" is close to its end. We are entering an era when extensive world exploration by monopolies (called globalization) is no longer possible. Monopolies are beginning to divide the world "by force." Today's events in the Near and Middle East are a clear confirmation of this.
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  1. +4
    10 November 2015 15: 11
    Who has a lot of money, he orders music on a global scale. Nothing changes.
    1. The comment was deleted.
    2. +2
      10 November 2015 15: 28
      The Golden Rule of Money: Whoever has the money - that's the rule!
      1. +1
        10 November 2015 15: 49
        Coconut Tima
        Golden Rule

        ... but not all money is gold, and not all gold is money .... and then establishes the rules ..... who can establish them .... and not the one .... who wants ... how something like that hi
      2. BMW
        10 November 2015 15: 50
        All right, Katasonov says. Everything that can bring income (while large) is increasingly concentrated in the hands of a narrow circle of people. I disagree with only one:
        We are entering an era when the extensive development of the world by monopolies (called “globalization”) is no longer possible.

        This process is only gaining momentum. A forceful decision is a way to kill two birds with one stone: redistribute spheres of influence in their favor and make big money on it. In addition, the power version is sometimes simpler, more productive and more predictable.
        1. 0
          11 November 2015 12: 08
          Great article! And Lenin is again more alive than all the living!
        2. 0
          12 November 2015 04: 41
          This process is only gaining momentum

          The fact of the matter is that there is no ... globalization .... slow down .... I mean of course ... one-sided absorption by the west ..... east bully
      3. +11
        10 November 2015 15: 53
        The article is super. The point is, as I understand it, that the world has entered the last phase of its development - the dismantling of states and the replacement of their functions by corporations, trusts and cartels. Democracy has gradually led the world to its original state - a rich, insignificant part that has all the goods and the rest of the slaves serving the interests of the former. Just before - this was done through direct deprivation of rights and violence, now through manipulating the financial capabilities of the latter, i.e. opposed the system and you were kicked out of work, deprived of the source of income as a consequence of the opportunity to study, heal, eat, pay for housing. In fact, they turn you into an outcast and try to bring you to suicide. I think the next stage of development should be the individualistic arrangement of the economy, i.e. back to the barter. In the future, the development of robotics means the release of a large number of workers, and deprived of sources of income, they themselves will decide on birth control - as a result, a reduction in the world's population. But weren't the bonuses of the Club of Rome dreaming about it?
        1. 0
          10 November 2015 17: 40
          Quote: Maxom75
          The point is, as I understand it, that the world has entered the last phase of its development - the dismantling of states and the replacement of their functions by corporations, trusts and cartels.

          Every 5-10-15 years, the world enters somewhere, especially against the background of technological re-equipment.
        2. 0
          10 November 2015 19: 23

          The world has entered a situation where states create punitive measures against cartels.

          Punishers cannot exist separately from the state. This is the paradox. To rob, you need to have someone to rob, otherwise you have to rob each other.
          1. +3
            10 November 2015 21: 36
            It is easy to rob another cartel without paying attention to the state. There is an oil producing and processing cartel that easily and naturally robs the metallurgical cartel by raising prices for energy resources, which in turn is mechanical engineering and further along the chain. Then agreements are adopted prohibiting the cultivation of food on their land and eating it and selling it. It is only possible that a couple of global companies will grow, this is precisely what caused the butting of the transatlantic agreement between the US and the EU. Then they will tell you - we have cheaper products in our company (Monsanta), and then it will be like in India. To Indian farmers, Monsanta sold cotton seeds at a 25% higher price, citing high yields, banks funded loans. farmers grew a large crop, sold and paid interest, and when they decided to plant these seeds the next year they received 3% of the seedlings. They came to Monsant, and they said the seeds are now not 25% more expensive, but 250%. The farmers decided to plant what they planted before, but the bad luck is that cotton is growing, not ripening. They began to sort it out, but it turned out that Monsant seeds pollinated the plants and made them barren. Farmers hung up in batches, and cotton production dipped in India for 5 years. Now imagine the same with grain, soybeans, corn, and here you have a hunger. Do you want to eat? vote as we say. do not want? die bastard .. What apocalypse does not resemble?
      4. +7
        10 November 2015 15: 57
        Quote: Tim Coconuts
        : Who has money - that's the rule!

        Gold and damask
        “Everything is mine,” said gold;
        “Everything is mine,” said damask steel.
        “I’ll buy everything,” said gold;
        “I'll take it all,” said damask.
        A.S. Pushkin wink
    3. +1
      10 November 2015 15: 42
      - Well, monopolies for the redivision of the world use their own power capabilities, as they can (for example, rely on private military companies)
      He mastered it. Often they pushed him into VO. And when the PMC supporters will extol this, I will rely on Katasonov’s opinion. The rest must be digested. Morning is even wiser than the evening.
      1. +1
        10 November 2015 19: 29

        I will help you again.

        Latvia buys military equipment. What kind of shisha?

        This is a redeployment of the US Army. USA, as a state, has lost control. And acts as a tool in the hands of other parties.

        Therefore, it is not right to simply take and blame the United States for preparing the war. It is necessary to determine the real enemy.

        There is deep hope and strong belief that the GDP is being negotiated with such an adversary. And indirect factors that the US government works to help GDP.
    4. +1
      10 November 2015 15: 56
      Quote: avvg
      Who has a lot of money, he orders music on a global scale

      I do not know.
      Such a huge text to justify the small last paragraph? The moderators are wrong, allowing this undoubtedly interesting text to this resource.
  2. 0
    10 November 2015 15: 20
    Monopolies begin to divide the world "in strength." Today's events in the Middle East are a vivid confirmation of this.

    Wow, a lot of bukaf.

    In the meantime, the gray cardinals still rule.
    1. BMW
      10 November 2015 15: 38
      Quote: SAM 5
      Wow, a lot of bukaf.

      In order to get "back to the USSR", there must be many of them. We are straining the "organ" of the gentlemen.
  3. +7
    10 November 2015 15: 34
    Not a fan of Katasonov, but the article is quite competent. There is the so-called world elite - large campaigns, old capitals, international corporations. It is they who rule our world. They quarrel, compete, agree, enter into cartel conspiracies. put their presidents and so on. And with all the squabbles, they unite if they feel a threat from the outside. Here everyone runs into Obama, but I feel sorry for him. He came as a romantic, made many promises, he was even called a communist in the media. I thought. probably that the world will make happy now. But it turned out that he is a doll and they control him through the hand, which he has in z-tse. He still somehow advanced the reform of medical insurance, although after his departure it can be canceled. But he wanted to close the base in Guantanamo, and he - the figs. He positioned himself as a peacemaker. and they explained to him that it would not be he who would bomb and who didn’t decide. request And then there is the GDP, which does what it considers necessary, and they will say something to it. It seems that the president of the strongest power is Obama, but he is not the focus of attention. So he freaks out from any comparison with Volodka and tries to show that he is cooler. tongue
    Bush was much easier. maybe he himself is from this world aristocracy. His family has enemies, there are friends and allies. He always had support and he knew the limits of his authority. Before leaving, he quickly signed several laws that allowed his family and oil companies to pay less attention to the requirements of environmental organizations in oil production. By the way, this facilitated the shale boom, which hit the ecology quite strongly. That is, he always took into account the interests of his part of the elite. And it is quite possible that sooner or later his brother will be put in a chair - it all depends on the internal layouts.
    1. 0
      10 November 2015 15: 55
      sooner or later they’ll sit in a chair

      .... maybe but not a fact maybe only on a chair ... electric laughing
    2. -1
      10 November 2015 20: 24

      Obama, pride hurt. He had to work with GDP. Although he missed the moment of the beginning of cooperation. No one assumed that GDP would raise its rating above Obama. However, pride does not allow to descend.
  4. +5
    10 November 2015 15: 58
    An excellent analysis, it is a pity that these works are not studied at universities. This would be very useful for current leaders. After all, we studied and had a GDP growth rate of more than 10% (I’m talking about enterprises under the jurisdiction of the GU, which led 12 for years).
    I recalled an incident that happened to me in Kolyma (there we had to evaluate the quality of one of the airfields). I am with General V.I.Denisov. went into the office of one of the local leaders and saw portraits of V.I. Lenin and I.V. Stalin. The leader was surprised that I looked at portraits for a long time. Then he said: "Chukchi". Why: I asked. “Smart, however,” the local leader answered me. I have the honor.
    1. +4
      10 November 2015 20: 37

      Indeed, the distinguished professor Katasonov again raised his attention to the works of V.I. Lenin. In this regard, I will focus on the following.

      The classics are consciously forgotten. The point is to hide the real causes of the cyclical crisis of capitalism.

      A series of films featuring the economist Glazyev appeared on YouTube. Unfortunately, I do not remember all the titles of a respected, undoubtedly brilliant person. But!!!

      In his economic calculations and explanations of the regression of the economy, he refers to the influence of the technological revolution. What causes doubts in all his economic theories. The pivot point is chosen, according to the claims of the classics is not true.

      All the ugliness and non-stability in the world is explained from the perspective of Katasonov, with an emphasis on the classics.
  5. 0
    10 November 2015 16: 03
    Monopoly capitalism has dominated our planet for over 130 years, and, unfortunately, there is no alternative to it yet. The only way out, in my opinion, is to oppose it with our own monopolies (Gazprom, RAO UES, MIC, etc.). Alone, however, this war cannot be pulled out. There is a way out in an alliance with the Chinese "comrades", but there is a doubt that at the most crucial moment we will be trivially "thrown", as has happened more than once. And I very much doubt the loyalty of the leadership of the mega corporations of Russia and their consideration of the interests of our citizens. In general, this is a difficult question, and anyone who can solve the problem of confrontation between an individual state and global monopolies can safely be awarded the Nobel Prize. Another thing is that the alleged author will either not live to see the publication of his thoughts, or such a clever person will be stupidly bought. In short, "everything is lost, chief, everything is lost!"
  6. -1
    10 November 2015 16: 03
    Quote: Ingvar 72
    Quote: Tim Coconuts
    : Who has money - that's the rule!

    Gold and damask
    “Everything is mine,” said gold;
    “Everything is mine,” said damask steel.
    “I’ll buy everything,” said gold;
    “I'll take it all,” said damask.
    A.S. Pushkin wink

    That's for sure, but in order to have damask steel in modern times it takes a lot of gold and a long time.
    This will tell you everyone who deals with this damask.

    So the first is still golden ...

    And so "you can have chairs in the evening - but money in advance!"
    1. +1
      10 November 2015 16: 36
      Quote: Abrekkos
      So the first is still golden ...

      This is if you play according to existing rules. In reality, damask steel does not require gold, but iron ore, coal and a pair of hands. The economy. All the great statesmen used either damask steel (external enemies) or the executioner's ax (internal). Grozny, Petruha and Stalin did not possess gold, but they raised the country. hi
  7. 0
    10 November 2015 16: 05
    Katasonov is certainly right, but "you won't go far in a carriage of the past."
    1. +1
      10 November 2015 20: 41

      From the carriage of the past in the present, the wheels did not become rounder.
    2. 0
      11 November 2015 16: 15
      Where are we from? From the bright future or what? "The legs of the future grow from the past" ...
  8. +1
    10 November 2015 16: 06
    Quote: g1v2
    But it turned out that he is a doll and they control him through the hand, which he has in z-tse.

    It always has been and will be, but Russia has always opposed this and was like a bone in the throat of world capital, and it seems they don’t really want to put up with this state of affairs.
  9. +2
    10 November 2015 16: 11
    Everything is old as the world. Any new war is a redistribution of spheres of influence. Question: Still, who is Russia in modern conflicts, a full-fledged independent player or a bargaining chip?
    1. BMW
      10 November 2015 16: 42
      What is not clear?
      Domestic national corporations, led by Putin, grappled with Western ones for the right to independent existence. This struggle for the sovereignty of not only corporations, but also of the state, because all this is spliced ​​together. It seems to be with us, but the end of this brawl is a big question. The first problem is that forelocks will crack with us. The second problem, corporations in the case of gaining independence and independence from the West, according to the laws of capitalism will spread rot to their people. So, we will not live well anyway. The only way out is to go along the socialist path, the question is what form this path should clothe. We need a clear ideological base and its beginnings, it remains to give shape and put into practice. The problem is still in the lead.
      1. +2
        10 November 2015 18: 54
        Plus. I'm glad that reasonable people have not gone extinct.
      2. +1
        10 November 2015 20: 51

        It is not clear EVERYTHING.

        Have you seen "The meeting place cannot be changed"? Have seen. Because everyone has seen.

        What is the plot built on?

        The gang needs to be determined. Find out who the bandit is. Then discover and destroy.

        Cartels are criminal communities outside of state law. They also need to be discovered, identified and something needs to be done with them. At least agree, if possible.

        The media are not talking about this. Therefore, we all sit and wonder what and how. The war will begin or not.
      3. 0
        10 November 2015 22: 50
        A reasonable thought. I vote with both hands "for"
    2. +1
      10 November 2015 20: 43

      You have raised a good question.

      In my opinion, Russia is an independent player with a good sense of common sense.
    3. 0
      11 November 2015 00: 33
      Quote: Lenin
      Question: Still, who is Russia in modern conflicts, a full-fledged independent player or a bargaining chip?
      The question is in whose interests does the player play or the pawn moves.
  10. +2
    10 November 2015 16: 32
    Industrial boom in China overcame everything in a few years
    American and European cartel agreements.
    China literally overwhelmed the world with cheap goods.
    And no super-monopolies could protect themselves from this.
    They had to urgently transfer production to China to avoid
    bankruptcy. And recognize that China is becoming the Number 2 Force in the world.
    So corporations and banks are not omnipotent. To the market
    new players come out - now India, for example. And no
    American reserve, neither Swiss banks nor legendary
    the Rothschild-Rockefeller villains cannot stop it.
    If the country has the right products for sale and the economy is effective
    and competitive, no one can stop her.
    And the inevitable arbitration in disputes leads the WTO. Newly tiny
    Costa Rica won an arbitration against the US giant as part of the WTO. and got
    compensation from them. Fighting one-on-one, she would definitely stay with her nose.
    1. +3
      10 November 2015 17: 09
      "Costa Rica wins WTO arbitration against US giant"
      When a master of sports holds a simultaneous game of chess, for example, with schoolchildren, he usually ends a game in a draw or loses. Usually the master chooses a smart little boy.
      The theory presented in the article is rather a theory, as elsewhere - it has white spots, but the idea is quite interesting.
    2. 0
      11 November 2015 02: 50
      Quote: voyaka uh
      . And no
      American reserve, neither Swiss banks nor legendary
      the Rothschild-Rockefeller villains cannot stop it.

      Why bother? You need to move there. An unwanted process does not have to be destroyed. You need to lead it. There are a lot of examples in history. Even the events of 17 years can be viewed from this position.
  11. +8
    10 November 2015 16: 33
    The article is good, but a little naive.
    After World War II, the power of monopolists has already become absolute. By the way, that is why Stalin did not celebrate Victory Day, the main enemy was never defeated. And from that moment, states did not try to fight the monopolies, but were used as a tool to eliminate the remaining competitors. The result of the stripping was the rejection of the gold security of the buck.

    And PMCs are not an attempt at a military solution)))) Yes, the First World War, like the Second, was already organized and conducted under their full control. And now all of them are, so small piles of mercenaries are enough to solve any issue.

    And do not build illusions about Russian missiles and the armed forces, as long as the ruble is dependent on the dollar, these are their missiles and their army. All our military fuss will, at best, give a more satisfying ration. They don't care who kills whom)))) Wherever there is McDonald's, they are the owners. And our elite is completely satisfied with this system. They just want to take a place at the gathering not at the bucket ... which is actually not bad either)))

    Honestly, I do not see any prerequisites for states to be able to become subjects of politics again. The world will still be global and in the foreseeable future not democratic, in the original sense of the word.
    1. 0
      10 November 2015 20: 57

      Think good.
  12. 0
    10 November 2015 18: 09
    The article is of course informative, especially for those who do not read "primers"))). Many things become clear in a broader context (let's say). And the behavior of Stalin, and the behavior of Putin, and why they want to throw him abroad, and where did the thoughts of a world revolution come from, etc.
  13. +3
    10 November 2015 18: 42
    VALENTIN KATASONOV: "...... the fundamental principles of the Soviet Economic Policy were RELIEF ON OWN FORCES, as well as the priority development of trade and economic relations with the countries of the socialist community." (CMEA) .- KEY WORDS OF THE ARTICLE. That is, THAT to which We must return in the Economy, namely, in Reliance on Our Own Production Forces, and That on which the same DPRK relies (SUPPORT on Own strength + the strength of Friends: China)
  14. +2
    10 November 2015 19: 34
    Correctly. And the work of Vladimir Ilyich is brilliant. But I think the third postulate is currently the priority for Russia: Capital export! Remember how recently Vladimir Vladimirovich became nervous when he was asked a question about this? So very relevant. Understands. And there are only two answers. Either he is interested, or so far he cannot interfere ...
    1. +3
      11 November 2015 08: 08
      On the account of the export of capital, Putin recently said clearly that the export of capital will be unlimited! Thus, they are allegedly trying to attract investors from abroad, although if you look at the picture, the money is exported from the country many times more. If, at least not a lot to suspend the export of money, then we look and investors will not be needed. Your money, the sea! Just not about us. I am convinced that Putin defends the interests of the elite and our oligarchs in the first place.
      1. 0
        11 November 2015 16: 17
        If "the retinue is not fed, the retinue will replace the king" ....
  15. 0
    10 November 2015 20: 17
    In the light of the article, so to speak, I would like to clarify with the uryakalok when the dollar will collapse. In the meantime, the GDP with the LADY "feed" the transnational imperialists with our state assets.
    “Regardless of the poor situation, the Federal Property Management Agency is ready for sales if the president supports privatization. We are talking about such large public companies as Rosneft, RusHydro, Alrosa, Aeroflot. ”
    1. -2
      10 November 2015 21: 01

      In the foreseeable future, the dollar will last for several generations. And everyone is interested in this, even if you do not want to be aware.
      1. -2
        10 November 2015 21: 21
        I have no doubt about that. Doubts are among the authors who publish articles on the site with headings like "Dying Dollar" dated September 28, 2015
      2. 0
        11 November 2015 16: 18
        The dollar is a matter of faith in it, but faith can be changed. If desired, of course.
  16. -4
    10 November 2015 20: 25
    I read it. I was surprised how Vladimir Ilyich was, in 1913 he ignored the creation of the FRS, it turns out that the old man was not so infallible in the financial and economic field. In general, Katasonov certainly debunked the "bright image" of the leader as a beacon of knowledge. Before, for about thirty years it would have upset me and caused a panic in my soul. Now it does not touch. And about the cartels, of course, it is interesting, but somewhat reminiscent of the feelings after watching the "Military Secret" program or when you listen to Chapman. what
  17. -1
    10 November 2015 21: 58
    Quote: Ingvar 72
    Grozny, Petruha and Stalin did not possess gold, but they raised the country.

    Well, by "gold" I meant money backed up by the real economy.

    But Grozny and Petrukh, and especially Stalin, were spending huge amounts of money, including a lot of gold to the new economy. Although formidable is not particularly successful. But Stalin, for example, sold a very large amount of gold to the west. All that he inherited from the old regime and from the common population he upheld decently.

    So, none of them could manage without "gold" on a huge scale even more difficult at present to pull themselves out of the swamp by their hair.

    But what distinguished all three of them was their lack of personal greed and intolerance towards him in their environment. That is why they collected this "gold", did not spread it themselves, and did not allow others to take away a lot and directed it to the development of the country.

    In a word, they thought about their homeland and then about themselves and their crowds.

    But now the opposite ...

    Therefore, neither gold will help nor damask will be a jerk.

    There will be only stupid propaganda that our planes are the most aircraft in the world. And the guns are the most furry.
    1. +1
      10 November 2015 23: 04
      As Winston Cherchel said: Stalin got the country in bast shoes and with wooden plow, and he left it with the atomic bomb and jet aircraft. Which, by the way, is saving us now. The country was in complete devastation after two wars of wars (World War I and Civil). The bulk of the gold was captured and taken out by Kolchak.
  18. 0
    11 November 2015 00: 29
    Judging by the first comments. in 15.11, I was already far away, citing this literate thought .. in 10.40.
    Fans of a sofa for Lenin and his book, which no one had really read before, clamored me there ...
    And here (15.11), too, no one paid attention to where you poke your nose ..: why the Leader did not dash off an epilogue about Banks ..
    (Mona did not want to let slip ..)?
  19. -2
    11 November 2015 02: 12
    It is obvious that international cartels restrict or even make impossible the trading, investment and financial activities of outsiders who are overboard of international agreements. Often, cartels “clear” their “living space” by first carrying out synchronized dumping, and then setting monopolistically high prices
    And who suffers from this? The middle and petty bourgeoisie suffer.

    For example, there was a bourgeois's shop, which allowed milking both its employees and the end consumer, as a result of which the bourgeois could rest in Greece, buy clothes in Italy, and real estate in Montenegro. But the network came, squeezed the bourgeois from the market, and began to milk not only the workers and the end consumer, but already the former bourgeois himself.

    That’s what worries Katasonov, that's why he pays so much attention to this sign of imperialism, in fact, under the guise of a lot of words and conspiracy theories, lobbying in the mass consciousness for the interests of the bourgeoisie which is not monopolistic (in the same way, Glazyev lobbying for conversations about domestic production interests of production capital as opposed to raw capital)

    That is why we could trade with the West, only consistently pursuing the policy of the state monopoly of foreign trade
    Lying; the monopoly of foreign trade was dictated by the socialist model of the economy — the prohibition of private ownership of the means of production arising from the task of destroying exploitation (alienation of the fruits of labor)

    Thank God, our Federal Antimonopoly Service (FAS) realized this in time
    Why does Glazyev praise FAS?

    05.10.15/2182597/XNUMX FAS representatives intend to appeal to the president with a request to split Gazprom.

    But the first thing that occurred to the "owners of money"
    Who are these owners, and what facts confirm their economic situation? About this silence.
    1. -3
      11 November 2015 02: 12
      It's about the US Federal Reserve. Surprisingly, Lenin did not pay attention to such an event.
      Lenin did not convert, Stalin did not convert, and Katasonov converted laughing

      Moreover, it was a legal cartel, the status of which was determined by the law of 1913
      The calculation seems to be that no one will look for the law mentioned by Katasonov, whose text completely shatters Katason’s nonsense about the Fed.

      It is known that this international banking supercartel played an important role in the preparation and unleashing of World War II, and during the war years it coordinated the actions of bankers of warring countries
      Where are the facts? Again silence.

      Well, monopolies for redivision of the world use their own power capabilities (as they can) (for example, rely on private military companies)
      The feeling that this phrase was given by a schoolboy, judging the work of PMCs on the "Bond" and "irrepressible."
      In general, complete nonsense, especially since “by capital” and “by force” Lenin’s are enclosed in quotation marks, separated by commas, that is, they are figurative expressions and words synonyms meaning the same way of division.

      In short, Katasonov’s next letter is the revisionism of opportunist Marxism, carried out in the interests of non-monopoly layers of the bourgeoisie.

      The national struggle under conditions of rising capitalism is a struggle of the bourgeois classes among themselves. Sometimes the bourgeoisie succeeds in drawing the proletariat into the national movement, and then the national struggle in appearance takes on a "nationwide" character, but this is only in appearance. In its essence, it always remains bourgeois, advantageous and pleasing mainly to the bourgeoisie.
      I. Stalin T.2 s.308
  20. 0
    11 November 2015 08: 03
    Finally, they deigned to lay out an article of a true professional in the economy of V. Katasonov, he had been waiting for a long time. Although familiar with his books, articles and interviews is not the first year.
  21. 0
    11 November 2015 10: 34
    The article would be more interesting provided that parallels are drawn using modern realities as an example; in other words, it would be nice to consolidate the theory with practical examples.