Bolsheviks saved the Russian civilization

Bolsheviks saved the Russian civilization

Every year on November 7 in Russia is a memorable date - the Day of the October Revolution 1917 of the year. Until 1991, 7 November was the main holiday of the USSR and was called the Day of the Great October Socialist Revolution.

Throughout the existence of the Soviet Union (celebrated since 1918), November 7 was a “red calendar day”, that is, a public holiday. On this day, demonstrations of workers and military parades were held on Red Square in Moscow, as well as in the regional and regional centers of the USSR. The last military parade on Red Square in Moscow to commemorate the anniversary of the October Revolution was held in 1990 year. The celebration of November 7 as one of the most important public holidays was preserved in Russia until 2004, while from 1992, only one day was considered as a holiday - November 7 (in the USSR November was considered a holiday).

In 1995, the Day of Military Glory was established - the Day of the military parade on Red Square in Moscow to mark the twenty-fourth anniversary of the Great October Socialist Revolution (1941 year). In 1996, by decree of the President of the Russian Federation “in order to mitigate opposition and reconciliation of various segments of Russian society” was renamed the Day of Accord and Reconciliation. Since 2005, due to the establishment of a new national holiday - National Unity Day - November 7 has ceased to be a day off.

November 7 ceased to be a holiday, but was included in the list of memorable dates. Indeed, this day cannot be crossed out. stories Russia, since the uprising in Petrograd 25 — October 26 (7 — 8 November in a new style) led not only to the overthrow of the bourgeois Provisional Government, but also predetermined all further development of both Russia and all of humanity.

It must be remembered that by the fall of 1917, the liberal-bourgeois Provisional Government - the “Februaryists” who destroyed the Russian empire (although for some reason they like to call the Bolsheviks the culprits of this event) brought the Russian civilization and statehood to the brink of disaster. Not only national margins, but also regions within Russia themselves, such as Cossack autonomies, refused from the Russian state. The meager number of nationalists claimed power in Kiev and Little Russia. An autonomous government appeared in Siberia. The armed forces collapsed long before the Bolshevik coup and could not continue fighting. The army and navy from the pillars of order themselves have become sources of distemper and anarchy. The soldiers deserted thousands, carried off weapon (including machine guns and guns!). The front was falling apart, and the German army was no one to stop. Russia could not fulfill its duty to the Allies on the Entente. Finance and economics were disorganized, a single economic space was falling apart. Problems began with the supply of cities, harbingers of famine. The government, during the Russian Empire, began to conduct surplus transactions (again, the Bolsheviks were then accused of them).

The peasants saw that there was no power! For the peasants, the power was the anointed of God - the king and his support - the army. They began to self-seize the land and "revenge", manor estates burned hundreds. External open enemies and former "partners" began the division and seizure of Russian territories. At the same time, England, France and the United States claimed the most tasty morsels. In particular, the Americans with the help of Czechoslovak bayonets planned to stake out virtually all of Siberia and the Far East. The interim government, instead of proposing a goal, a program, and rescue a power by active and decisive action, postponed the decision of fundamental issues until the Constituent Assembly was convened.

It was a disaster! Russia in front of her eyes ceased to exist, turning into an ethnographic territory that they were going to “master” and completely solve the “Russian question”.

The country was covered by a wave of chaos, both controlled and spontaneous. Autocracy, which was the core of the empire, was crushed by the inner “fifth column”. "Fevralistami" - the great princes, degenerated aristocracy, generals, masons, Duma leaders, liberals, bankers and industrialists. In exchange, the inhabitants of the empire received "freedom." People felt free from all taxes, duties and laws. The Provisional Government, whose policies were determined by leaders of the liberal and left-wing sense, could not establish a viable order, moreover, their actions deepened chaos. It turned out that the figures oriented to the west (most of them were masons who obeyed the “elder brothers” from the West) continued to destroy Russia. In words, everything was beautiful and smooth, in fact - they were destroyers or “impotent” people who could only speak beautifully. Suffice it to recall the "democratization" of the army during the war (Order No. 1).

Liberal Democratic Petrograd de facto lost control of the country. The further power of the liberals led to the collapse of Russia into specific princedoms, with a mass of “independent” presidents, hetmans, atamans, khans and princes with their own talking parliaments, micro-armies and the administrative apparatus. All of these “states” inevitably fell under the authority of external forces — Britain, France, the USA, Japan, Turkey, etc. At the same time, many neighbors dug in on Russian lands. In particular, the Finnish radicals dreamed of "Great Finland" with the inclusion of Russian Karelia, the Kola Peninsula, and, with luck, lands up to the Northern Urals. Russian civilization and the people were threatened with complete destruction and disappearance from history.

However, there was a force that could take power and offer the people a viable project. These were the Bolsheviks. Until the summer of 1917, they were not considered a serious political force, yielding in popularity and strength to the cadets and the Social Revolutionaries. But by the fall of 1917, their popularity had grown. Their program was clear and understandable to the masses. The power in this period could take virtually any force that showed political will. This force became the Bolsheviks.

In August 1917, the Bolsheviks headed for an armed uprising and a socialist revolution. This happened at the VI Congress of the RSDLP (b). However, then the Bolshevik party was actually in the underground. The most revolutionary regiments of the Petrograd garrison were disbanded, and workers sympathizing with the Bolsheviks were disarmed. The opportunity to recreate armed structures appeared only during the Kornilov revolt. The plan for the uprising in the capital had to be postponed. Only 10 (23) October 1917. The Central Committee adopted a resolution on the preparation of an uprising. The 16 (29) of October, an enlarged meeting of the Central Committee, in which representatives of the districts took part, confirmed the earlier decision.

12 (25) in October 1917 of the year, the Petrograd Military Revolutionary Committee was established to defend the revolution from the “openly preparing attack of the military and civilian Kornilov” on the initiative of Petrograd Chairman of the Council of the Soviet Union Lev Trotsky. Not only the Bolsheviks, but also some left-wing Social Revolutionaries and anarchists entered the WRC. In fact, this body and coordinated the preparation of an armed uprising. He was formally headed by Pavel Lazimir, a left SR, but almost all decisions were made by the Bolsheviks Leo Trotsky, Nikolai Podvoisky and Vladimir Antonov-Ovseenko.

With the help of the WRC, the Bolsheviks established close ties with the soldiers' committees of the Petrograd garrison formations. In fact, the left forces restored the dual power in the city and began to establish their control over the military forces. When the Provisional Government decided to send the revolutionary regiments to the front, the Petrograd Soviet appointed an order check and decided that the order was dictated not by strategic, but by political motives. The regiments were ordered to remain in Petrograd. The commander of the military district prohibited issuing weapons to workers from the arsenals of the city and suburbs, but the Council issued warrants and issued weapons. The Petrograd Soviet also stopped the Provisional Government’s attempt to arm its supporters with the help of the Peter and Paul Fortress arsenal. Parts of the Petrograd garrison declared disobedience to the Provisional Government. October 21 held a meeting of representatives of the regiments of the garrison, who recognized the Petrograd Soviet as the sole legitimate authority in the city. From that moment on, the Military Revolutionary Committee began to appoint its commissars to military units, replacing commissars of the Provisional Government.

On the night of October 22, the Military Command requested the headquarters of the Petrograd Military District to recognize the authority of their commissars, and 22 declared its subordination to the garrison. October 23 The WRC obtained the right to create an advisory body at the headquarters of the Petrograd district. On the same day, Trotsky personally conducted an agitation in the Peter and Paul Fortress, where they still doubted which side to take. By October 24, the WRC appointed his commissars to the troops, as well as to arsenals, armories, railway stations and factories. In fact, by the beginning of the uprising, left forces had established military control over the capital. The Provisional Government was incapacitated and could not respond decisively.

Therefore, there was no serious clash and much blood, the Bolsheviks simply took power. The guards of the Provisional Government and the units loyal to them almost everywhere surrendered and went home. Shed their blood for the "temporary" no one wanted. From October 24, the units of the Petrograd Military Revolutionary Committee occupied all the key points of the city. The armed men simply occupied the key objects of the capital, and all this was done without a single shot, calmly and methodically. When the head of the Provisional Government, Kerensky ordered the arrest of members of the WRC, there was no one to execute the order of arrest. The interim government almost without a fight passed the country, although even before the revolution it had every opportunity to deal with active members of the Bolshevik Party. The fact that they haven’t even done anything to protect their last stronghold, the Winter Palace, speaks about the complete lack of talent and incompetence of the temporary worker: there were no combat-ready units, no ammunition or food was prepared.

By the morning of October 25 (November 7) the Interim Government in Petrograd had only the Winter Palace. By the end of the day, he was "defended" by the 200 women from the women's shock battalion, the 2-3 companies of bezusyh junkers and several dozen disabled people - St. George's knights. Protection began to disperse even before the assault. The Cossacks were the first to leave, then left on the orders of their chief junker of the Mikhailovsky Artillery School. So the defense of the Winter Palace lost its artillery. A part of the cadets of the Oranienbaum school is also gone. Therefore, the footage of the famous storming of the Winter Palace is a beautiful myth. The guards of the palace went home for the most part. The whole assault consisted in a flaccid exchange of fire. Its scale can be understood by casualties: six soldiers and one drummer were killed. At 2 in the morning of October 26 (November 8), members of the Provisional Government were arrested. Kerensky himself escaped in advance, drove away accompanied by the car of the American ambassador under the American flag (he was saved by overseas patrons).

It must be said that the Bolsheviks won almost the “shadow”. Later, a myth was created about the brilliant operation and the “heroic struggle” against the bourgeois. The main reason for the victory was the complete lack of talent and passivity of the Provisional Government. Almost all liberal figures could only speak beautifully. Decisive Kornilov, who was trying to establish at least some order, had already been eliminated. If a decisive dictator of the Suvorov or Napoleon type, with several attack units from the front, were in place of Kerensky, he would have easily dispersed the decomposed parts of the Petrograd garrison and the red partisan units.

In the evening of October 25, the II All-Russian Congress of Soviets opened in Smolny, which proclaimed the transfer of all power to the Soviets. October 26 The Council adopted a Decree on Peace. All belligerent countries were asked to begin negotiations on the conclusion of a universal democratic peace. The decree on the land passed landowner land to the peasants. All bowels, forests and waters nationalized. At the same time, a government was formed - the Council of People's Commissars headed by Vladimir Lenin.

Simultaneously with the uprising in Petrograd, the Moscow Council Revolutionary Committee took key points of the city under its control. It didn't go so smoothly here. The Public Security Committee under the chairman of the city duma Vadim Rudnev, with the support of the junkers and Cossacks, began military actions against the Council. The fighting continued until November 3, when the Public Security Committee capitulated.

In general, the Soviet government was established in the country easily and without much blood. The revolution was immediately supported in the Central Industrial District, where local Soviets of Workers' Deputies were actually in control of the situation. In the Baltics and Byelorussia, Soviet power was established in October - November 1917 of the year, and in the Central Chernozem region, the Volga region and Siberia - until the end of January 1918 of the year. These events are called "the triumphal march of the Soviet government." The process of the predominantly peaceful establishment of Soviet power throughout Russia was yet another proof of the complete degradation of the Provisional Government and the need to rescue the country with active and program-like force.

Subsequent events confirmed the correctness of the Bolsheviks. Russia was on the verge of death. The old project was destroyed, and only a new project could save Russia. He was given and the Bolsheviks. They did not destroy the "old Russia". The “fevralists” killed the Russian empire: the grand dukes, part of the generals, top dignitaries, aristocrats, bankers, industrialists, representatives of the liberal-democratic parties, many of whom were members of Masonic lodges, most of the intelligentsia who hated the “prison of nations.” In general, most of the "elite" of Russia with their own hands and destroyed the empire. It was these people who killed the “old Russia”.

The Bolsheviks did not save the "old Russia", it was doomed and fought in agony. They suggested that the people create a new reality, a civilization - a Soviet, more equitable one, where there will be no classes parasitizing the people. The Bolsheviks had all three necessary elements for the formation of a new reality, a project: an image of the future, a bright world; political will and energy, faith in one's victory (overpassionality); and organization.

The image of the future came to the liking of the greater part of the common people, since communism was inherent in Russian civilization, the people. Not for nothing, long before the revolution, many Russian, Christian-minded thinkers were at the same time supporters of socialism. Only socialism could be an alternative to parasitic capitalism (and at present, to a non-slave, neo-feudal system). Communism was on the priority of creation, labor and was against the exploitation of the people, parasitism. All this corresponded to the Russian "matrix". The Bolsheviks had the political will, energy and faith. They had an organization.

Modern liberals are trying to convince the people that October has become the "curse of Russia." They say that Russia has again moved away from Europe, and the history of the USSR is a complete disaster. In reality, the Bolsheviks were the only force that, after the death of the “old Russia” - the project of the Romanovs, tried to save the state and the people, create a new reality. The project, which will preserve the best that was in the past (Pushkin, Dostoevsky, Tolstoy, Alexander Nevsky, Dmitry Donskoy, Suvorov, Nakhimov, Kutuzov), and at the same time will be a breakthrough into the future, into a different fair, sunny civilization, without slavery and oppression, parasitism and obscurantism. If not for the Bolsheviks, the Russian civilization, most likely, would simply have died.

It is clear that not everything was smooth with the Bolsheviks. They had to act tough, even cruel. A significant part of the revolutionaries were internationalists (supporters of Trotsky and Sverdlov). Many of them were agents of Western influence. They were supposed to launch a “second wave” to destroy the Russian super-ethnos (Russian civilization). The “first wave” was the Februarylists-Masons. They viewed Russia as a sacrifice, a feeding trough, a base for the world revolution, which would lead to the establishment of the New World Order, the owners of which would be the “world backstage” (the “world international”). "World backstage" started a world war and organized a revolution in Russia. The owners of the United States and Britain planned to establish a global world order based on Marxism - a kind of global totalitarian concentration camp. Their weapons were revolutionary internationalists, Trotskyists.

First, they “cleared the field” - destroyed the old monarchical empire. The Russian, German, Austro-Hungarian and Ottoman empires fell as planned. Then they planned to conduct a series of "socialist" revolutions. Russia was planning to make the base of the world revolution, to use all its resources, the energy of the people, to sacrifice. The goal is a new world order based on phony communism (Marxism).

Therefore, part of the Bolshevik Party acted as an enemy of the Russian people. However, in Russia he gained a deeply popular, Russian component - the Bolshevik-Stalinists. It was they who showed such basic values ​​for the Russian "matrix" as justice, primacy of truth over the law, of the spiritual principle over the material, in general over the particular. Their victory led to the construction of a separate "Russian socialism", the physical elimination of most of the "fifth column" (the Trotskyists-internationalists) and the unprecedented success of Soviet civilization.

Stalin and his associates dealt a terrible blow to the plans for building the New World Order (slavery on the basis of Marxism). The masters of the West had to rely on national socialism and fascism, create the project “Third Reich - Hitler”, setting it on the Red Empire, which built a new, sunny civilization, a society of creation and ministry. However, this is another story ...
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  1. +118
    7 November 2015 06: 56
    Happy holiday, comrades!
    Happy Great Revolution!
    1. +100
      7 November 2015 07: 04
      Happy Holidays!
      1. +86
        7 November 2015 07: 54
        On the occasion of the Great October Socialist Revolution, comrades!

        It was an event! An event that turned world history upside down.

        I am for the return of the holiday on November 7th. Why is France celebrating the anniversary of the Great French Revolution on July 14? And we have...
        1. The comment was deleted.
        2. +102
          7 November 2015 08: 42
          Moreover, the capture of the Bastille was a real farce even in comparison with the "storm" of the Winter Palace. However, this does not prevent the French from being proud of their national holiday and singing the Marseillaise as their national anthem.
          Whatever goal the Bolsheviks pursued in October 1917, picking up power in the country (yes, picking it up, because the Provisional Government ruled, but ruled, leaving everything to the mercy of fate and the Western allies of the Entente): world revolution, building socialism (communism ) in one particular country, in fact they maintained the integrity of the country, albeit shrinking in the territory (which they then gradually returned back), carried out (albeit with blood and anguish) its industrialization, creating a Power, making an attempt (which failed achey and the collapse of the country) the creation of the first state of social justice in the world.
          All who consider November 7th as a holiday, congratulations! drinks
          I have the honor.
          1. +10
            7 November 2015 20: 26
            Thank! Happy holiday! I do not agree with all points, but this is our story and we grew up in it.
            1. -11
              7 November 2015 22: 46
              Happy holiday, dear comrades!
              1. +30
                8 November 2015 04: 06
                Quote: Astrey
                Happy holiday, dear comrades!
                Happy holiday dear comrade! smile

              2. +2
                8 November 2015 12: 13
                Quote: Astrey
                Happy holiday, dear comrades!
          2. +2
            8 November 2015 12: 44
            Quote: Alexander72
            Moreover, the capture of the Bastille was a real farce even in comparison with the "storm" of the Winter Palace.

            there was no storming; -Dybenko entered the meeting of the Duma and said- "the guard is tired, I ask everyone to leave the room ....."
            1. 0
              9 November 2015 15: 41
              The guard was tired - a catch phrase, said during the dispersal of the Constituent Assembly in Russia 6 (19) January 1918. The author of the phrase is sailor Anatoly Grigorievich Zheleznyakov (1895-1919).
              Deputies stayed late. At 4: 20 at night, the head of security, Zheleznyakov, went to the meeting chairman Chernov and said:
              - I received instructions to bring to your notice that all those present left the meeting room, because the guard was tired.
              In response, the voices of the deputies were heard “we do not need a guard”, “That's right! Down with the bourgeoisie! Chernov asked:
              - What instruction? From whom?
              To which Zheleznyakov answered:
              - I am the head of the guard of the Tauride Palace and I have an instruction from the commissioner Dybenki.
              Chernov answered:
              - All members of the Constituent Assembly are also very tired, but no fatigue can interrupt the announcement of the land law, which Russia is waiting for. The constituent assembly can disperse only if the power is used ...
              At this time, in the meeting room, he makes a fuss, shouts of "Down with Chernov!"
              - I ask you to leave the meeting room immediately.
        3. +7
          7 November 2015 11: 06
          It is called Bastille Day. But this does not change the essence. Although in France, power changed back and forth. And about farce, Alexander72 is right. Sorry for the commandant of the Bastille.
      2. +16
        7 November 2015 12: 57
        HOLIDAY !!!!! HAPPY GREAT OCTOBER SOCIALIST REVOLUTION !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HURRY COMRADES !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
        How to make it nationwide again, instead of the 4th ...............
        1. +29
          7 November 2015 14: 12

          One of the last evenings, when the red flag flutters over the Kremlin, Saturday evening December 21 1991. And we voted for the preservation of the USSR.

          Written in 1991 year

          Fatal sentence, terrible pay.
          The traitors sat on the throne in the Kremlin.
          Moved into the Faceted Chamber
          And there housewarming is celebrated.

          They wheeled my country.
          A terrible execution of a terrible vision.
          Bloody stumps scattered
          Ravens and dogs to eat.

          1. +39
            7 November 2015 14: 17

        2. +28
          7 November 2015 14: 19
          Quote: I am
          How to make it nationwide again, instead of the 4th ...............

          Repeat the 17th and restore Soviet power!
          Whatever the "warlocks" say, but there was no fairer and more humane Soviet power on the planet Earth during the Soviet era.
          Happy Holidays, comrades!
          1. +14
            7 November 2015 16: 41
            Quote: Stroporez
            Whatever the "warlocks" say, but there was no fairer and more humane Soviet power in the days of the USSR on the planet Earth

          2. +1
            8 November 2015 20: 01
            Quote: Stroporez
            Happy Holidays, comrades!

            Stroporez, and who is this tramp in a budenovka with a machete and a gun on your avatar?
            1. -2
              8 November 2015 22: 32
              Quote: RUSS
              who is this tramp in a budenovka with a machete and a gun

              Malchish Kibalchish. Have you heard of this?
              1. -2
                9 November 2015 21: 11
                Quote: Villain
                Malchish Kibalchish. Have you heard of this?

                Kibalchish? Strange surname, where did this young man come from?
                1. -2
                  9 November 2015 21: 38
                  Quote: RUSS

                  MB Kibalchich?

                  Nikolai Ivanovich Kibalchich (October 19 [31], 1853, Chernihiv Province - April 3 [15], 1881, St. Petersburg) - Russian revolutionary, Narodovolets, inventor, participant in the assassination attempt on Alexander II.
            2. +6
              9 November 2015 07: 03
              Quote: RUSS
              Stroporez, and who is this tramp in a budenovka with a machete and a gun on your avatar?

              This is a positive literary character, invented by a man who helps to destroy the remnants of the Russian Empire and whose grandson helped to destroy the USSR and robbed the people of Russia in the nineties of the last century, and whose great-granddaughter spits poison on Russia, having left for Georgia to go to war criminal.
        3. DPN
          8 November 2015 19: 45
          Very simply down with the gentlemen and the bourgeoisie, this is why the whites were hiding the mausoleum and were smarter than the peasant community.
          Today in the news, Kiselyov spoke so delightfully about Voikov as if he were holding a candle. While the media will obsess the SOVIET period, nothing good will be in Russia.
          1. 0
            9 November 2015 00: 18
            For DPN. I just talked about this with my wife! So it became disgusting! I understand everything, and Kisilev, and Solovyov, and Babayan, these are our guys leading the information war! BUT, why such a vyser about Voikov ?! You kind of made November 4 the Day of National Unity, so come to terms with your story already! I would like to ask Kisilev what you wanted to say with your vyser about Voikov ?! YES, he is a regicide, YES, not many would be able to kill children, BUT WHAT HAPPEN WITH RUSSIA DON'T DO IT THIS ?! How many MILLION more lives would we have lost ?!

            I was recently asked the question, "could you kill children (meaning the royal family) ?! I honestly said that I could not! Only now I understand that my neatness would have cost the country a couple of tens of MILLION killed fellow citizens, in the name of the tsar! I said and say that Nicholas the Bloody, is worthy of contempt, but not canonization! The ROC canonized the KILLER of millions of citizens of the Russian Empire! It was a weak tsar, about ***** his country, who exchanged his people for love of to your family! You must love your people, first of all, and only then your family, and if not, then leave power voluntarily!

            COMRADE, all on the occasion of the Great October Socialist Revolution! And also my birthday is November 7th and I'm proud of it!
            1. 0
              9 November 2015 21: 14
              Quote: Varyag_1973
              COMRADE, all on the occasion of the Great October Socialist Revolution! And also my birthday is November 7th and I'm proud of it!

              Then remove the Andreevsky flag from the avatar, the red-bellied unbeaten.
            2. -2
              9 November 2015 23: 17
              Let’s comrade Varyag, we’ll reconcile with the sadist Gaidar (Golikov) with the murderer of the royal family, including Voikov’s children, with Gleb Bokim, who drank human blood, and Jacob Peters who took to shoot the bourgeois with his shots to shoot! Let's reconcile with the pathological sadists and murderers Rosalia Zalkind, all sorts of Wichmanns, Rimovers, who assured us that they shot thousands of people, all sorts of Dora specializing in executing officers, and having initially beaten their eggs! Let's reconcile with the red priestess of sexual licentiousness Alexandra Kollontai and all sorts of Bolsheviks who created in St. Petersburg a distribution center for sexual comfort with boys, through which several hundreds of Petrograd street children passed, as we wrote Pitirim Sorokin! Rosenfeld, Radomyslsky, Sverdlov, Rappoporti, Messing, fieldman, Yehuda and others !! Of course, let's reconcile, because it was they who came to save the Russian people! Saved it! True, then this people missed several tens of millions, and if calculated according to Mendeleev, then several hundred millions! But this is nonsense, the main thing is that they saved us and raised us to such a height that back in the 50s peasants worked all day for 100 grams of grain !!! but it's all the little things, right?)))))
      3. 0
        8 November 2015 18: 05
        No matter how well we live, be that revolution. How many people put in? Was it worth it?
        1. +4
          8 November 2015 18: 23
          Quote: Pilot
          No matter how well we live, be that revolution.

          My grandfather was a "low-powered MEDIUM". There was such a definition at one time. The whole family wore homespun clothes and homemade shoes. I read with a grin about the decent incomes of the working people. How WELL they lived!
          1. +3
            8 November 2015 18: 55
            Quote: Was Mammoth
            Quote: Pilot
            No matter how well we live, be that revolution.

            My grandfather was a "low-powered MEDIUM". There was such a definition at one time. The whole family wore homespun clothes and homemade shoes. I read with a grin about the decent incomes of the working people. How WELL they lived!

            I do not write about incomes and about the middle peasants. I regret the millions of lost lives and the contribution that they could make to our welfare today.
            1. -4
              8 November 2015 19: 37
              And did they have the opportunity to contribute something to the development of Russia? Based on history, they basically had only one opportunity, to starve in the villages, because of the unresolved land issue, and the unwillingness to solve it, but to work in factories without any rights. That now 20% of Russian citizens live in the labor of 80% of the rest, which is then. And if now, someone will propose a real state idea, a program and will be ready to promote it by force, I am ready to participate and fight for it. A pack of Kremlin jackals, already got it.
            2. The comment was deleted.
            3. -2
              8 November 2015 20: 01
              Quote: Pilot
              I regret the millions of lost lives and the contribution that they could make to our welfare today.

              Only a mentally ill maniac can rejoice in the killings. Most people do not belong to this category.
              But the killing of people who were guilty only because they wanted a better life were commonplace in Russia at the beginning of the XNUMXth century. Remember the Lena execution, "Bloody Sunday", the suppression of peasant revolts .... In Russia there are still many commemorative plaques with inscriptions like "Here the punishers shot an engineer, driver, worker, employee ...."
              Yesterday was the anniversary of an event that did not affect unless in some places the remaining primitive tribe in the Amazon forests. I consider the slander and slander of some comments to be at least dishonorable. I do not like the fictitious holiday on November 4. But I do not allow myself to write about it that day.
              PS Silence is also from the same category. In Rambler, they wrote about the remains of a giant lizard, but the anniversary of the revolution went unnoticed.
              1. -4
                9 November 2015 23: 28
                Do you seem to study the history of Soviet textbooks?))))) Lensky remembered the shooting, but did you know that the shooting was at the gold mines of the American company Lena Gold, on the orders of their manager, and after the revolution, the Bolsheviks who had a lot of capital in this execution surrendered to concession of the same LeneGold same mines?))) And how many people were shot by commies you know, Or there were no such signs? Do you know how Chinese punitive battalions sawed people? Do you know? And how many people were missed by Russia as a result of the civil war unleashed by the Bolsheviks and the famine that followed them (only them !!!), TIFA, how many died during dispossession, as a result of the stupid command in WWII? Do you know?
          2. The comment was deleted.
          3. -2
            9 November 2015 23: 21
            And under the Soviet regime, they healed happily, receiving 100-200 grams of grain per workday?))))) My father said that before the army, white bread was seen only when relatives from Moscow came with bagels!
        2. -5
          8 November 2015 21: 59
          Quote: Pilot
          No matter how good we live now, be that revolution
          Yeah - like India.

          I pity millions of lost lives
          Well, compassionate you ours, have pity on the children of whom only one third survived to the age of 18 in the pre-revolutionary period
        3. -1
          9 November 2015 18: 19
          Yes, yes, revolution of various kinds of pro-Americans brought nothing good to anyone. The October Revolution can only be welcomed because, as a result, Stalin became the leader and cleaned up those then shit. It is time to return to the power of the Soviets and public property. By the way, various fragments of the Russian Empire are subject to purification from traitors.
        4. 0
          10 November 2015 01: 17
          It would be bad if they lived, the Provisional Government did not care before the fate of Russia.
      4. +2
        9 November 2015 14: 04
        I want it to be like on a postcard!
    2. +26
      7 November 2015 07: 12
      What to celebrate? What power is the bourgeois government again? Many journalists have expensive watches in their hands, and they have millions in their declarations, but somewhere the old people can’t get gas or the veterans live their lives in shacks, I don’t feel a holiday.
      1. -99
        7 November 2015 07: 22
        Quote: Igor39
        What to celebrate?

        Celebrate rebellion during the war, that is, treacherous actions against their country.

        The result of the seventy years of activity of the Communists was the dismemberment of the great country into 15 parts, the destruction of CMEA and the Warsaw Treaty, whose countries joined the orderly ranks of NATO, moving it close to our borders.
        1. +58
          7 November 2015 07: 40
          Quote: VseDoFeNi
          Result seventy years of communist activity appeared ...

          During 40 years unfinished Trotskyists starting with 53 yearsfinished off the country.
          And we celebrate the victory of the working people over the exploiters.
          1. -35
            7 November 2015 07: 54
            Quote: Boris55
            And we celebrate the victory of the working people over the exploiters.

            And whom did you (you) defeat?
            1. +23
              7 November 2015 08: 06
              Quote: Alexander Romanov
              And whom did you (you) defeat?

              Yes, all those who on white motor ships were scrambling from the country with their tails tucked in.
              1. -18
                7 November 2015 08: 12
                Quote: Boris55
                Yes, all those who on white motor ships were scrambling from the country, tail tails

                You forgot that they were Russians! Rejoicing further on how the Russian Russians were killed.
                1. +36
                  7 November 2015 08: 38
                  Quote: Alexander Romanov
                  You forgot that they were Russians! Rejoicing further on how the Russian Russians were killed.

                  It makes no difference to me what nationality the thief robbed me.
                  1. -31
                    7 November 2015 09: 31
                    Quote: Boris55
                    It makes no difference to me what nationality the thief robbed me.

                    Che for the people, sitting at home on the couch and yelling, they robbed me. robbed go to the police and write declare.
                    1. +67
                      7 November 2015 13: 26
                      Without options
                      1. -6
                        7 November 2015 15: 32
                        Quote: bubla5
                        Without options

                        What, for the third time in a hundred years, want to destroy your country?
                        And even the experience of Ukraine does not add anything to you.
                      2. +16
                        7 November 2015 20: 16
                        Quote: VseDoFeNi
                        What, for the third time in a hundred years, want to destroy your country? And even the experience of Ukraine does not add anything to you.

                        Why "destroy"? Reformat and restore the good that was. And so that it does not work, as in Ukraine, to look who is at the head of the process, and what the program and goal are. And not to believe that the oligarchs will fight against the oligarchy for the happiness of the people
                      3. MrK
                        8 November 2015 01: 13
                        Quote: revnagan
                        Why "destroy"? Reformat and restore that good

                        Thanks revnagan. The main thing is to remove from politics liberalists with an atrophied brain. Type - VseDoFeNi
                      4. -16
                        8 November 2015 06: 07
                        Quote: mrark
                        The main thing is to remove from politics liberalists with an atrophied brain. Type - VseDoFeNi

                        Yes, yes, and also I am a Jew? fool laughing

                        You are no better than the modern maydanut Ukrainians who have chosen the traitor and bandit Bandera as their idol, you have chosen the traitor Lenin and Co. fool

                        And the lousiest thing is that it doesn’t reach you, even crack it!

                        That liberal, that the communist rabble is equally disgusting to me. And you poke equally in the negative, like Pavlov’s dogs, salivating to irritant. bully
                      5. -6
                        8 November 2015 13: 00
                        Quote: VseDoFeNi
                        You are no better than the modern maydanut Ukrainians who have chosen the traitor and bandit Bandera as their idol, you have chosen the traitor Lenin and Co.

                        I agree with you on all your statements, but my "+", unfortunately, do not do the "weather". A question for miners (VseDoFeNi). Citizens, and you are ready to undergo food development, dispossession (after all, many of you have a car and a dacha, you will have to pay a pension), red and white terror, civil war, and then hunger, fatherlessness and neglect, decossackization and class extermination, execution troikas and then if you stay alive maybe a "good" life will come. There were many glorious and heroic deeds in the history of the Soviet state, but I remember in 91 years the screaming crowds "down with the damned commies", "down with the party nomenklatura", miners, conversion and the country in ruins. 25 years have passed, and again? give us back the communists? And this after we had at least some sovereign state? Oh yes! corrupt officials! Destroy the country on a h.r.t.! Old fart Zyuganov and "fighter" Navalny to the Provisional Government!
                      6. +8
                        8 November 2015 15: 55
                        Enough dirty juggle and scare people. There is a law and before the law, as all liberalists say, everyone is equal. So here THIEF SHOULD SIT !!! THIS IS CLEAR? Or do we have double standards in Europe and the USA? It's good that YOU remember 91 years, but just remembering this is not enough. We must still draw the right conclusions !!! But no one mentioned Zyuganov and Navalny, for some reason you are promoting them. Not weird??? hi
                      7. +5
                        8 November 2015 18: 00
                        Why, creating a new one, taking into account perfect mistakes, dance on the old rake like dill! We must not repeat, but move on! Today, there has been a rollback to oligarchic capitalism, but you may not understand this. And who betrayed whom in 91 if everything was done not in accordance with the will of the people expressed by referendum ?! It is Gorbachev, Yeltsin and you!
                      8. +3
                        8 November 2015 21: 45
                        Quote: Vlad5307
                        And who betrayed whom in 91 if everything was done not in accordance with the will of the people expressed by referendum ?! It is Gorbachev, Yeltsin and you!

                        Who could I betray? I went to school in grade 91 at 9!
                      9. +4
                        8 November 2015 22: 23
                        Quote: Vlad5307
                        Today, there has been a rollback to oligarchic capitalism, but you may not understand this.

                        Well, I understand where I am. But only I will tell you that modern Russian oligarchic capitalism is similar to Soviet party-nomenclature socialism, and even earlier there was palace favoritism, all the same, there is no way to build a state of absolute justice on earth, unfortunately this is utopia. I follow myself, I do not steal and do not deceive, but I do not want blood and revolution.
                      10. +2
                        8 November 2015 19: 34
                        Quote: Bijo
                        I agree with you on all your statements, but my "+" unfortunately "weather" does not

                        Yes to me their minuses to a damn ... One thing saddens that there are too many of them.

                        Quote: Bijo
                        Question to minus signers (VseDoFeNi).

                        Zombies will not answer you.

                        Quote: Bijo
                        Citizens and you are ready to go through a re-scan,

                        They are ready ... to carry out surplus appropriation, dispossession and further on the list.
                      11. -2
                        9 November 2015 23: 44
                        There are many more of them because they don’t read books, don’t know the story, they only, and it’s true how Pavlov’s dogs can poke a finger in the red! They judge the Soviet regime mainly by 70-80 years old, and what happened there before it was Soviet cinema that told them! They don’t understand and probably won’t understand that the Russian people, according to their conscience Valentin Rasputin, digested this cannibalistic Russophobic power at the cost of millions of losses !!!!
                      12. +5
                        8 November 2015 22: 42
                        Quote: Bijo
                        . Question to minus signers (VseDoFeNi). Citizens and you are ready to go through a re-development, dispossession

                        Well, that merged in an anti-Soviet orgasm, Mr. "Oh." and "mr" ah " fellow
                        It is even difficult to imagine the degree of delight you get from your "truthful" mentions about the "bloody Bolsheviks", about "raised on red bayonets" great-grandfathers, about the grandmother who was shot 15 times in a row by the Chekists, and then served 125 years in the gulag for 3 collective farm ears crying
                        About the horrors of industrialization and collectivization, about the bloody detachments of the NKVD and certainly about the "brainless commies who dismembered the USSR"
                        and at the same time, you sing trills from the gap about a prosperous RF, which, with its prosperity by education, medecine and standard of living, occupies the last places in the world tables, and the first ones in corruption ...
                        are you jesting, or are the masahists, or is it autumn? laughing
                      13. +2
                        9 November 2015 00: 40
                        Quote: Stroporez
                        Well, that merged in an anti-Soviet orgasm, Mr. "Oh." and "mr" ah "

                        As they said in 91, "Where were you on August 21st?" Why did they not go to a "mortal battle" with the destroyers of the country and those who ignored the results of the referendum? It is you "Ohaet" and "Ahaete" for a lost country, I am not an anti-Soviet, but after a fight they do not wave their fists, the collapse of the Union is a natural political evolution of the state.
                      14. +5
                        9 November 2015 01: 23
                        Quote: Bijo
                        As they said in 91, "Where were you on August 21st?"

                        At the factory, the defenses of the Motherland were strengthened, the eldest was 3 months old, and it was vomiting to watch weapons after the army for a long time wink
                        I do not idealize the USSR and I understand perfectly well that there is no Ideal Peace, but in comparison with the current cesspool, the Union takes ideal shape, and even then the party nomenclature is just angels relative to the current Yes
                        Something like this..... hi
                      15. +1
                        9 November 2015 00: 44
                        Quote: Bijo
                        It is even difficult to imagine the degree of delight you get from your "truthful" mentions about the "bloody Bolsheviks", about "raised on red bayonets" great-grandfathers, about the grandmother who was shot 15 times in a row by the Chekists, and then served 125 years in the gulag for 3 collective farm ears
                        About the horrors of industrialization and collectivization, about the bloody detachments of the NKVD and certainly about the "brainless commies who dismembered the USSR"

                        Who mentioned this? Why lie and invent?
                      16. The comment was deleted.
                      17. +2
                        8 November 2015 15: 49
                        Yes, you are just a provocateur.
                      18. +2
                        8 November 2015 15: 51
                        Quote: Lenin
                        Yes, you are just a provocateur.

                        Comrade, you flatter them, these are ordinary trolls laughing
                      19. +1
                        8 November 2015 15: 58
                        I understood. But why is it dirty to lie? Since childhood, I can not stand the lie !!!
                      20. +3
                        8 November 2015 16: 11
                        Quote: Lenin
                        I understood. But why is it dirty to lie? Since childhood, I can not stand

                        But can the liberal democrats have the truth? belay Well these are the real followers of Dr. Goebbels
                      21. +7
                        8 November 2015 17: 07
                        I agree. I at one time did not believe in the revival of fascism ... The wounds of the people were too fresh and deep. But no, during my life all this shushara - Bandera, forest brothers, terrorists and other evil spirits were revived and strengthened. And until the 90s, I could not even imagine this. I could not imagine that my great country would lose the Cold War and would be destroyed from the inside for cheap clothes and a low-grade low-quality crap ....
                      22. +2
                        8 November 2015 19: 14
                        No wonder he wrote. If minus, then not all bad boys have been translated. laughing
                      23. 0
                        8 November 2015 17: 56
                        The answer must be reasoned, otherwise you, like Pavlov’s dog, have one reflection unproven in response, as in modern Khokhloukropiya! hi
                      24. +1
                        8 November 2015 19: 19
                        Quote: Vlad5307
                        Answer must be reasoned

                        Much more ??? Was there a riot during the war? It was. Were more than ten million civil war victims? There were ...
                      25. +1
                        10 November 2015 02: 57
                        So who committed the rebellion and for what ???
                        Immediately in the article it is written that the coup in Russia was made by the interim government - the bourgeois and liberals !!!
                        During the war, as you say.
                        And the king was removed from power.
                        Turn on the brain.
                        And civilian officers fought by the Entente to further weaken the country.
                        Where was this white officer when the interim government threw off the king ??
                      26. -4
                        10 November 2015 07: 22
                        Quote: Anatoli_kz
                        So who committed the rebellion and for what ???

                        To carry out a coup d'etat and refuse the results of victory in the First World ... For foreign money and in foreign interests. So it became easier?

                        Quote: Anatoli_kz
                        Immediately in the article it is written that the coup in Russia was made by the interim government - the bourgeois and liberals !!!
                        It is strange why then they celebrated the Great October Revolution?

                        Quote: Anatoli_kz
                        During the war, as you say.

                        Not "as you say", but as it really was.

                        Quote: Anatoli_kz
                        And the king was removed from power.

                        The Bolsheviks made a lot of efforts to undermine the situation in the country in wartime. And this is a sub-firing case.

                        Quote: Anatoli_kz
                        Turn on the brain.

                        So turn on what you washed.

                        Quote: Anatoli_kz
                        And civilian officers fought by the Entente to further weaken the country.

                        Firstly, it was not necessary to betray the country during the war.

                        It was canceled by the All-Russian Central Executive Committee of the RSFSR in November of the same year. The Brest peace is extremely unequal for Russia, humiliating and “obscene” (V. Lenin).
                        We will not describe in detail all the articles of the Brest Treaty. Most of them are military and political in nature. But there were articles of a territorial nature, they dealt with the annexations of Russian territories. Privislinsky rejected from Russia
                        provinces, Ukraine, provinces with a predominantly Belarusian population, Estland, Courland and Livonia provinces, Grand Duchy of Finland. Most of these territories were to become German protectorates or become part of Germany. In the Caucasus, Russia was inferior to the Kars and Batumi regions. Russia also pledged to recognize the independence of Ukraine in the person of the Government of the Ukrainian People’s Republic (UNR) 57.
                        Such annexations created enormous economic damage to the RSFSR. A territory of 780 thousand square meters was torn away from Soviet Russia. kilometers with a population of 56 million people (a third of the population of the Russian Empire). Before the revolution, this territory accounted for (% of all Russia):
                        - cultivated agricultural land - 27;
                        - railway network - 26;
                        - textile industry - 33;
                        - smelting of iron and steel - 73;
                        - mining of coal - 89;
                        - sugar production - 90.
                        There were 918 textile factories, 574 breweries, 133 tobacco factories, 1685 distilleries, 244 chemical factories, 615 pulp mills, 1073 machine-building factories and 40% of industrial workers on the seized territory.

                        The Brest Treaty reinstated the 1904 customs tariffs extremely disadvantageous for Russia with Germany. In addition, when the Bolsheviks refused tsarist debts (which occurred in January 1918), Russia was forced to confirm all debts with the "Central
                        Powers ”and resume payments on them.
                        After the conclusion of the Brest Peace, the situation in Russia became even more difficult - the Civil War and the Entente intervention began.
                      27. The comment was deleted.
                      28. +2
                        9 November 2015 12: 37
                        The Russian analogue of Bandera is not Lenin, but Vlasov, as it is not good to mislead people.
                      29. -1
                        9 November 2015 16: 56
                        Quote: revnagan
                        Quote: VseDoFeNi
                        What, for the third time in a hundred years, want to destroy your country? And even the experience of Ukraine does not add anything to you.

                        Why "destroy"? Reformat and restore the good that was. And so that it does not work, as in Ukraine, to look who is at the head of the process, and what the program and goal are. And not to believe that the oligarchs will fight against the oligarchy for the happiness of the people

                        Again, who was nothing, that will become everything.
                      30. -2
                        9 November 2015 23: 37
                        What naive you are not by age!))) Do you have confidence that you will not be used, and then not thrown away as a used condom?))))) Will you watch ??? Lord, how many idiots in the world and their history does not teach anything !!!
                      31. +13
                        8 November 2015 01: 47
                        Quote: VseDoFeNi
                        What, for the third time in a hundred years, want to destroy your country?

                        And what - are they not destroying it now? .. It is necessary to save it, and not to defend what the "upper classes" lead us to - their goal is their own, not the state's welfare!
                      32. +5
                        8 November 2015 07: 41
                        Quote: avia1991
                        And what - now do not they destroy it ?.

                        Young man, if this passed you by, I will tell you that Putin, by creating a vertical of power, prevented the final collapse of Russia, ready for this collapse.

                        Quote: avia1991
                        It is necessary to save it, and not to defend what the "upper classes" are leading us to - their goal is their own, not the state's welfare!

                        You are not at all able to understand that if our leadership had set the task of destroying Russia, Russia in its current form would NOT have existed, moreover, ten years, at least. And not even a spaceport, rearmament of the army, restoration of industry, and so on and so forth, was even out of the question ...

                        Russia today is the only country in the world directly opposing the West. It was Russia today that the West declared an economic war, calling it sanctions.

                        You, like your co-goods, look for it, this is great material for swamp and other Maidan under any sauce, since you don’t know how to think in principle and you don’t want to learn to think, considering yourself smarter than everyone else. fool

                        And after reading these words, you. as usual, do not ponder over them, but stupidly poke at "minus". With which I congratulate you, citizens degenerates. good
                      33. +8
                        8 November 2015 09: 20
                        so, it’s not about the president, besides him, how many bureaucrats should he be? and half should be shot to death, and the second should be dispossessed, because our bureaucrats are the boyars who spit on the mob and don’t put it in anything.
                      34. -5
                        8 November 2015 09: 58
                        Quote: free
                        so, it’s not about the president, besides him, how many bureaucrats should he be? and half should be shot to death, and the second should be dispossessed, because our bureaucrats are the boyars who spit on the mob and don’t put it in anything.

                        ordinary envy no more ....
                      35. +1
                        8 November 2015 17: 57
                        Quote: free
                        so it's not about the president

                        This is for you personally, maybe not in it, but letting Joe sleep and see how to remove Putin. And the West longs for the same, and liberalism and other riffraff also.

                        Quote: free
                        besides him, how many bureaucrats?

                        For the hundredth time I say - this trash appeared as a result of the dismemberment of the USSR by corrupt brainless communists. The West has created and supports corruption, creating conditions for the withdrawal and storage of resources withdrawn from Russia to corrupt officials. This is clear?
                        The same applies to the oligarchs, whose hands bought up our significant media, enterprises and so on. Is that clear too?

                        And this will "hiccup" us for more than one year. Is that clear too?

                        And if it’s understandable, then we must not whine, but help, or at least not interfere, to change the country for the better.

                        And do not forget that the West ANNOUNCED an economic war against us, calling it sanctions. That is, now we have a war.
                      36. +5
                        8 November 2015 19: 24
                        How much noise. The Communists are to blame ... Let the current government make the life of the people better than under the Communists, then dear I agree with you. In the meantime, what are you saying, excuse the usual art whistle and nothing more. hi
                        P/S I would love to screw a jar of army Soviet stew, but apparently the Communists are to blame, they ate everything, and they stole the recipe according to GOST ... Here are the heaps ... laughing
                      37. -1
                        8 November 2015 19: 55
                        Three times laughing ... When there are no arguments, it remains only in powerless malice to quietly minus. Again laughing и hi
                      38. +3
                        8 November 2015 21: 52

                        Dear V.I. What vseDoFeni is talking about makes sense. But to bring this meaning to a common understanding is quite difficult.

                        In modern conditions of progress, bringing a country to the level of a socialist society, a society of justice in the Russian Federation is a matter of time of several years. Absolutely bloodless, because the government understands and recognizes this.

                        But the problem is that behind this or during this transition, the whole world will receive a third world war.

                        You recently read an article by V. Ishchenko.

                        It is written in black and white that they are trying to come to an agreement with the main bearer of the liberal idea of ​​the United States on reforming the global financial system.

                        And for this, GDP requires a country that is perceived as equal to itself. With the same device. The RF device, like two drops of water, does not seem to be a US device.

                        Therefore, the question is posed. Give the opportunity to work GDP.

                        He does everything right. Progress has been outlined. In the USA, there is already an internal struggle between consonants and opponents. It takes more time until the opponents realize the need for reform. According to Ishchenko, several years remain for them.
                      39. The comment was deleted.
                      40. 0
                        8 November 2015 22: 12
                        Either we speak different languages ​​and live in different states, or someone deliberately misleads the people in pursuit of their selfish goals and blaming the Communists for all the ills. Better watch the video at the link:
                        As for several years, the line of Nekrasov comes to my mind:
                        "It's a pity - to live in this wonderful time
                        You won't have to - neither me, nor you. "
                        A generation will simply be replaced and young people with brainwashed examinations will succeed.
                      41. +1
                        9 November 2015 00: 24

                        Socialism in a single country is not possible, as it will entail disintegration from the global system of relationships.


                        Changes, reform of the global financial system will give impetus to the evolutionary development of social systems throughout the world. Without revision and relocation of property.

                        Work on reform is ongoing.
                      42. 0
                        10 November 2015 03: 21
                        I can not argue. The world cannot be unipolar; it will cease to develop. By the way, apparent degradation occurred after the collapse of the USSR. As truth is born in a dispute, so the world develops and progresses due to contradictions. And what kind of contradictions can there be in a unipolar capitalist world? Therefore, we definitely need socialism. hi
                      43. 0
                        10 November 2015 17: 47
                        Changes, reform of the global financial system will give impetus to the evolutionary development of social systems throughout the world. Without revision and relocation of property.

                        You have one contrary to the other. What you are talking about is more like another temptation for the people in the hope that the people will swallow it and will continue to endure. Not a ride, the patience of the people is not infinite.
                      44. +2
                        8 November 2015 23: 09
                        Quote: Lenin
                        I would love to screw a can of army Soviet stew

                        Itself was not averse, she was good, "brainless communists", despite the profitability of the business, they made her from some hangover from MEAT, and did not use soy. hi
                      45. -3
                        9 November 2015 23: 51
                        would you screw a can of army stew?))))) I served in the army in the beginning of the 80s when the Soviet regime was already over 60 years old, so we were fed with fish and fish after which the whole part was lined up in the toilet at night . For 2 years I have NEVER SEEN THIS MOST STEWEN !!! AND THIS AFTER 60 YEARS OF BLESSED SOVIET AUTHORITY. which even its soldiers could not feed not only the people !!!
                      46. +2
                        10 November 2015 03: 28
                        Who offended you that you are so angry? Is it because the stews did not go? So now it’s not a problem of chemical grubs in stores, you eat as much as you like. For what you fought, then get it. hi
                      47. 0
                        8 November 2015 17: 00
                        Quote: VseDoFeNi
                        Putin, creating a vertical of power, prevented the final collapse of Russia, ready for this collapse
                        Oh, I can’t! laughing

                        Russia in the late 80s - early 90s went through a parade of sovereignty, and did not fall apart.
                        Russia in the first half of the 90s passed through the small-town semi-separatism of Siberia, and did not fall apart.
                        Russia went through a referendum on the sovereignty of Tatarstan and the war with Chechnya, and did not fall apart.

                        But only Putin and his power vertical, consisting of bears, kudrins, grefs, Serdyukov and other Petersburg-Gazprom brothers, prevented final collapse of Russia wassat

                        You are not at all able to understand that if our leadership had set the task of destroying Russia, Russia in its current form would ALREADY not be
                        But it is no longer in its previous form.

                        Yeltsin inherited the state after unconstitutional privatization with a weak, but working, economy, and still social - with a mass of state guarantees from the Soviet period.

                        With the advent of Putin, the policy of privatization, integration into the world economy, attracting foreign investment (the sale of foreign economic sectors to foreigners) and protecting the interests of big capital was continued, but the destruction of social guarantees was added to it: under the guise of increasing DD to military personnel, they simply monetized benefits, and it’s good if they simply didn’t lose anything (in fact, they lost - for example, a disabled military pensioner was given an annual trip to a holiday home, and she was replaced with 500 rubles, while the trip for St. oh account 40000 worth)

                        So one should not "confuse" the destruction of Russia as a country (on the basis of the rejection of territories) with the destruction of Russia as a state (on political and socio-economic grounds)
                      48. +1
                        8 November 2015 17: 04
                        Quote: Uncle Joe
                        Russia went through a referendum on the sovereignty of Tatarstan and the war with Chechnya, and did not fall apart
                        And who led the country when Basayev invaded Dagestan?
                      49. 0
                        8 November 2015 23: 05
                        Quote: Dart2027
                        And who led the country when Basayev invaded Dagestan?
                        Boris Nikolaevich.

                        And who was the director of the FSB (whose tasks include, among other things, counterintelligence, the fight against terrorism, the fight against especially dangerous forms of crime, intelligence and border activities) when Basayev invaded Dagestan?

                        Who broke the invasion?
                      50. +1
                        8 November 2015 17: 24
                        Quote: Uncle Joe
                        integration into the world economy, attracting foreign investment (the essence is the sale of economic sectors to foreigners)

                        yes yes yes everything is bad! ))))
                        But what exactly is bad about this integration itself?
                        And what is wrong with the investment?
                        What is wrong with them, that our citizens under Putin massively buy new auto-new equipment (including your computer) and this is not imported from abroad, as under Yeltsin, but was produced by Russian people in Russia ?!
                      51. +1
                        8 November 2015 22: 03
                        Duan House

                        You asked a question which in itself explains that the creation of socialism in a single country will not allow integration into the world system.

                        There will be contradictions that will require limiting integration at best. And in the worst they will cause a situation of the third world. How it was done during I.V. Stalin. Who absolutely knew that it was a matter of world war. But the choice fell on this path of development.
                      52. 0
                        8 November 2015 22: 14
                        Quote: gladcu2
                        the creation of socialism in a single country will not allow integration into the world system.

                        Oh well, the USSR traded well with the whole world, and bought and sold it itself, and the presence of the Communist Party at the helm of the state didn’t interfere with it in the same way as it does now with China.
                        The contradictions that took place were caused not by disagreements in ideologies (to any normal person, in general, in parallel with the ideology of the ruling party in another country), but by the clash of two US-USSR world hegemons.
                        That is, it was not a war of ideas, as you think, it was a war of influence of 2 superpowers for control of the world.
                      53. 0
                        8 November 2015 22: 21
                        Quote: Down House
                        yes yes yes everything is bad!
                        No, no, no, all is well ...

                        But what exactly is bad about this integration itself?
                        But what's good about it is that the Russian Federation is integrating as a fuel cell, which is beneficial exclusively to large capital?

                        And what is wrong with the investment?
                        If the goal is to sell itself to the West on its terms solely in the interests of the bourgeoisie and the oligarchy, then it is.

                        What is bad with them, that our citizens under Putin massively buy new auto-new equipment (including your computer) and this is not imported from abroad, as under Yeltsin, but was produced by Russian people in Russia ?!
                        What about ?! belay
                      54. 0
                        8 November 2015 23: 58
                        Quote: Uncle Joe
                        But what's good about it is that the Russian Federation is integrating as a fuel cell, which is beneficial exclusively to large capital?

                        Yes, yes, yes, of course, the share of natural resources extraction is 10% of GDP, with only education-healthcare 7%.
                        Quote: Uncle Joe
                        If the goal is to sell itself to the West on its terms solely in the interests of the bourgeoisie and the oligarchy, then it is.

                        The bourgeoisie? Are you sure you live in 2015?
                        Something I don’t see, that someone is especially sold here, for example, including the same Ukraine.
                        Quote: Uncle Joe
                        What about ?!

                        Perhaps yes, I suppose laughing
                        Import is 6 times less than GDP, almost all consumed in the Russian Federation in Russia is produced, something (for example, Hyundai cars) is even exported.
                      55. -1
                        9 November 2015 01: 47
                        Quote: Down House
                        the share of natural resources extraction is 10% of GDP, with only education-healthcare 7%
                        Let me translate into Russian.

                        So - the share of natural resources in the total market value 10% of goods and services reaching the end consumer in the Russian Federation, and 7% of education-healthcare ...

                        And what? lol

                        The bourgeoisie? Are you sure you live in 2015?
                        And you definitely graduated from school?

                        The bourgeoisie - (French bourgeoisie - city dwellers) - a public class of capital owners who receive income from trade, industrial, credit and financial and other business activities ...
                        The modern bourgeoisie in developed countries includes: the large financial and industrial bourgeoisie, which adjoins the upper stratum of managers; a significant layer of the middle bourgeoisie combining ownership of capital and entrepreneurial functions; petty bourgeoisie. In developing countries, the formation of different layers of the bourgeoisie is associated with the process of modernization of society ...
                        (Encyclopedic Dictionary)

                        Something does not suit you? smile

                        Something I don’t see, that someone is especially for sale with us
                        The blinkers are probably of high quality ...

                        What is investment, how is investment made, and what is foreign investment (about which Putin has been buzzing all his ears for 15 years)?

                        Imports are 6 times less than GDP
                        And GNP is 4-5 times less than GDP - then what?

                        almost everything consumed in the territory of the Russian Federation in the Russian Federation is produced
                        Approximately 50%, despite the fact that residents produced no more than 25% of the consumed in the Russian Federation.
                      56. 0
                        9 November 2015 12: 52
                        Quote: Uncle Joe
                        And what?

                        And what is incomprehensible?
                        You, as a consumer, consume much more than "energy resources" are sold to the West.
                        The question is, where did it all come from ?! fellow
                        Quote: Uncle Joe
                        And you definitely graduated from school?

                        Yes. Already in the XNUMXs. Marxism is no longer taught at school as the only true doctrine of society, but is taught in institutes as one of the private theories of TGL, and this is correct, as a scientist-observer Marx did a really serious work, but as a philosopher-politician he does not stand up to criticism - his conclusions from the "observed" are fundamentally wrong - do you understand what I mean or explain?
                        Quote: Uncle Joe
                        And GNP is 4-5 times less than GDP - then what?

                        So what? And PPP GDP is 2 times larger than GDP.
                        Quote: Uncle Joe
                        Approximately 50%, despite the fact that residents produced no more than 25% of the consumed in the Russian Federation.

                        And how did these 50% calculate?
                        And what does a resident mean? Here I have an apartment, for example, it was built by a domestic company, and the owner of this domestic company in Cyprus is the residents of the Russian Federation, or what if the owners of the company in Cyprus have Russian citizenship? fellow
                      57. 0
                        9 November 2015 17: 22
                        Quote: Down House
                        You, as a consumer, consume much more than "energy resources" are sold to the West.
                        So what does it mean in your opinion?
                        Maybe you know at least one country in the world whose imports would exceed its GDP?

                        You are trying to prove something by comparing warm with soft.

                        Yes. Already in the XNUMXs. Marxism is no longer taught at school as the only true doctrine of society, but is taught in institutes as one of the private theories of TGL and this is correct, as a scientist-observer Marx did a really serious work, but as a philosopher-politician he does not stand up to criticism - his conclusions from "observable"

                        Marxism fully confirms itself, but this is a separate issue.
                        We are talking about terminology (the term bourgeoisie), and in this matter, the formation of zero shows itself in all its glory.

                        So what? And PPP GDP is 2 times more than GDP
                        And what does the purchasing power of currencies have to do with the factors of production of goods and services (purely domestic / using foreign factors)?

                        What does the low value of the ruble that PPP GDP shows us have to do with the fact that using purely domestic factors of production, goods and services, a maximum of 25% of GDP is produced, as the comparison between GNP and GDP shows?

                        And how did these 50% calculate?
                        I figured on the structure of imports.

                        And what does a resident mean? Here I have an apartment, for example, it was built by a domestic company, and the owner of this domestic company in Cyprus is the residents of the Russian Federation, or what if the owners of the company in Cyprus have Russian citizenship?
                        If the owner is one, and he is a foreigner, then the legal entity is non-resident and the company is not domestic.

                      58. +1
                        9 November 2015 05: 18
                        Down House
                        But what exactly is bad about this integration itself?
                        And what is wrong with the investment?
                        What is wrong with them, that our citizens under Putin massively buy new cars - new equipment including your computer) and this is not imported from abroad, as under Yeltsin, but was produced by Russian people in Russia ?!
                        Dear Down House! There is indeed a bad nuance and it poses a threat to the national security of the Russian Federation. It consists of the following.
                        In fact, foreign enterprises, such as assembly shops of the same foreign cars, computers, etc. in the economy are called: 1) enterprises of "screwdriver assembly" and 2) enterprises - "swallows".
                        1. Enterprises of the “screwdriver assembly”, because they are organized as import-dependent on components from abroad.
                        2. Such enterprises are called “swallows” because at any time, depending on the international political and economic situation, foreign owners of such enterprises can close their production, for example, in the Russian Federation, so that they cease to supply components for the production of products. As a result, there was production - and there was no production! There is no need to talk about the sovereignty of the country's “screwdriver assembly” economy. Therefore, in order to maintain their colonial dependence, the foreign owners of such enterprises try 1) not to take out the full production cycle abroad and 2) not to concentrate it in one place.
                        The Chinese, for example, in such cases act more farsightedly. In such cases, they are not without reason trying to take advantage of such “swallow" enterprises in their own country in order to secretly "rip off" foreigners for themselves copies of all design developments and technological documentation for such high-tech products and then pass them off as minor changes their.
                      59. +1
                        9 November 2015 09: 09
                        Thanks Tatyana, you are smart. I immediately remembered the example of Poland. How did the US bring Poland to its knees? They built enterprises with state-owned technologies and planted them on their raw materials. At first, everything was beautiful, and then bargaining began. No raw materials all enterprises are standing. So Poland has become docile for the United States. hi
                      60. 0
                        9 November 2015 13: 14
                        Quote: Tatiana
                        1. Enterprises of the “screwdriver assembly”, because they are organized as import-dependent on components from abroad.

                        True, but not all.
                        Localization of some brands reaches 80%.
                        For example, GM had very low localization and it left our market, and for example, Ford is now putting domestic engines on some of its cars.
                        But in general, of course, localization must be increased, and the depreciation of the ruble strangely helps in this.
                        Quote: Tatiana
                        The Chinese, for example, in such cases act more farsightedly.

                        Of course, the Chinese are great.
                        I will say more, almost all the enterprises in their country operate as Joint Ventures - but this is China, it can dictate its terms, we unfortunately apparently do not.
                      61. -1
                        9 November 2015 19: 25
                        Down house
                        Of course, the Chinese are great.
                        I will say more, almost all the enterprises in their country operate as Joint Ventures - but this is China, it can dictate its terms, we unfortunately apparently do not.
                        Dear Down House! Indeed, it all depends on the policies of the government economic bloc of each country. However, in China, Joint Ventures (JVs) are allowed into the country for several years and preferably with a full production cycle inside China itself, after which they should become the property of China or so.
                        But the policy of the colonialists is always such that this does not happen. Therefore, after the passage of the years indicated by the agreement, the foreign owners of the joint venture, leaving the “colony”, one way or another destroy their part of the property in their “colony”, closing the production itself there.
                        Therefore, for example, China’s policy regarding the dollar has changed - and what do we see? Namely, the recent series of explosions in China at several chemical joint ventures that practically destroyed production on them! You think it just happened? Nothing like this! This is what I draw your attention to when explaining the hidden policies of the neo-colonialists with their construction of joint ventures in the countries they colonize.
                      62. -1
                        9 November 2015 11: 34
                        Quote: Uncle Joe
                        Oh, I can’t! laughing

                        "Drink purgen, it helps." Maxim Shevchenko.
                      63. +2
                        8 November 2015 20: 54
                        Quote: VseDoFeNi
                        Young man,

                        laughing !!! Thank! hi
                        Quote: VseDoFeNi
                        if this passed you by then I will tell you that Putin, having created a vertical of power, prevented the final collapse of Russia, ready for this collapse.

                        Do I challenge the past merits of our President? I'm talking about today! And I judge by the results in the development of the country's economy that we have!
                        I do not think that many will object to the fact that in the XNUMXs Putin's role was very positive - suffice it to recall that it is thanks to him that we have such a low external public debt.
                        In addition, I can personally say: somewhere in 2004 or early 2005, I suddenly found myself thinking that I began to feel confident in the future: stability in the country, a pretty decent salary, which was not only enough for products .. people began to smile more smile

                        All this WAS. But to rule "by inertia", only in the glow of past merits, is deadly for a politician. To show obvious non-independence, as it was in May last year, after the visit of Didio Burkhalter (on the issue of Donbass) - ALSO.

                        Now about the "vertical of power". If you remember, Mr. Serdyukov is also from this vertical. And also gentlemen governors, mayors, who miraculously got into the field of sight of law enforcement officers .. AND HOW MUCH HAVE YOU GOT ?! What was revealed on Sakhalin, in Nizhny, in Komi - in any subject of the Russian Federation, this is the generally accepted procedure! Local authorities "row" everything for themselves, and their "patriotism" is the essence of defending their right to "be at the trough"!
                        The same happens with industry, mineral resources, forests: thanks to "attracting foreign investment", some enterprises simply "go" into the ownership of foreigners, some - the lion's share of profits are taken abroad, and some simply go bankrupt - in particular, to eliminate competition. And this is in those conditions when the development of OWN industry is needed like air!
                        Quote: VseDoFeNi
                        You, like your co-goods, look for it, this is great material for swamp and other Maidan under any sauce, since you don’t know how to think in principle and you don’t want to learn to think, considering yourself smarter than everyone else.
                        For this - for rudeness, and an attempt to "think for someone else" - I'll give you a minus. Although I usually do not minus, I prefer to argue my disagreement. But open disregard makes me quite adequate reaction. You, apparently, think that you are the only patriot, and everyone who thinks differently is “material for Bolotnaya”? You may be surprised: I have never been to such events, and if I went, it would be on the other side, with the police. But to be a patriot, sir - does not mean to be blind and deaf!
                        I have the honor!
                      64. -2
                        9 November 2015 10: 28
                        Quote: avia1991
                        And I judge by the results in the development of the country's economy that we have!

                        For example.
                        Exports fell in October by 3,6% versus 3,7% in September, which turned out to be worse than analysts had predicted to drop by 3,2%.

                        In general, China's foreign trade in October fell by 9% - a drop recorded for the eighth consecutive month. P

                        Judge further ...

                        Quote: avia1991
                        And this is in those conditions when the development of OWN industry is necessary, like air!

                        Do not go to the cherished anti-Russian resources, but here, for example - You look and again there will be a reason for smiles. Yes

                        Quote: avia1991
                        For this - for rudeness, and an attempt to "think for someone else" - I'll give you a minus.

                        With goose water ... If I needed pluses, I would write other comments. But Russia is dear to me, which some, by design, some by thoughtlessness, are trying to destroy for the third time in the last hundred years.

                        Quote: avia1991
                        But outright neglect causes me a quite adequate reaction.

                        It's a shame not to those who are offended, but to those who consider themselves offended. hi

                        Quote: avia1991
                        I have the honor!

                        It is good and commendable. But the question arises of intelligence and conscience ... (see previous phrase)
                      65. +7
                        8 November 2015 15: 45
                        Stop manipulating. No one is going to destroy the country. But it is vitally important to restore order and restore justice, without this there will be no economic growth in the country. Already since the 90s we hear blah-blah nothing, but in fact there is a plunder of what was created by the people of the USSR under the communists. If you continue to leave the crap in power, then liberalism will finally bring the economy and people of the country to complete impoverishment. And don't fight, let's be honest, with the same honest methods as the shitcrats seized power in 90, only without the help of the United States. Why do we have such "friends", let our current government be friends with them, they are Westerners .... Or gentlemen are you against? Are you afraid of double European standards. Do not be afraid, we will try to do everything within the law, to be honest, so to speak. But the thief still has to sit, and not give numerous interviews and not write pictures and memoirs ... hi
                      66. -1
                        9 November 2015 23: 12
                        Quote: VseDoFeNi
                        Quote: bubla5
                        Without options

                        What, for the third time in a hundred years, want to destroy your country?
                        And even the experience of Ukraine does not add anything to you.

                        And to these people of Holod only rob and yes to mock the crowd over those who can’t fight back! And learning to work is not better on the couch with beer nostalgic for the time about which you know nothing!
                      67. +6
                        7 November 2015 22: 35
                        Quote: bubla5
                        Without options

                        Let's just do without the "scientists" - there was already such a rocking boat, called Sakharov.
                      68. +1
                        8 November 2015 20: 11
                        Nevertheless, this man honestly worked for the state. And by the way, remember what he wanted to do with the most democratic country in the world. Sakharov can be respected only because he was honest and principled and did not change his beliefs like a weather vane.
                      69. 0
                        8 November 2015 22: 20
                        Quote: Lenin
                        Sakharov can be respected only because he was honest and principled and did not change his beliefs

                        But this is not important in this case, it is only important that, despite his talents and achievements in the field of science, he was completely incompetent in matters of politics.
                        And this is the problem of so many famous people who have achieved success in their field and who start self-confidently flattery in those areas where they do not understand anything.
                        PS. And do you know they say that the man was completely dependent on the opinion of his wife, so the question of his principle is whether you know that another question.
                      70. -2
                        8 November 2015 22: 35
                        Everything is important in life. And do not be cunning, be honest in everything and do not play with half the truth.
                      71. 0
                        8 November 2015 23: 13
                        Quote: Down House
                        And do you know they say that the man was completely dependent on the opinion of his wife,

                        And they say that Putin has an affair with Kabaeva! tongue Believe in rumors less: it is very easy to confuse dependence with trustful marital relations, and respect for each other's interests.
                      72. 0
                        9 November 2015 00: 02
                        Quote: avia1991
                        And they say that Putin

                        That's just Putin is a man of the real world, and Sakharov is a genius-scientist, as a rule in the real world they may not remember where they have a refrigerator at home or that they did not cut their nails for 10 years (an example of the great Russian mathematician Perelman).
                        Therefore, I would not be at all surprised if Sakharov's wife "turned" them as she wanted, especially since she was an ambitious lady.
                      73. +1
                        9 November 2015 08: 53
                        And don't lead me into temptation
                        But deliver me from the evil one
                      74. 0
                        9 November 2015 09: 25
                        So Ukraine stood on the same rake.

                        11/08/2015, Kiev, Vladimir Raichenko
                        Demography, Ukraine, Collapse Economics
                        30 million Ukrainians must die or migrate for Abromavicius reforms to succeed

                        The Ukrainian government, which has embarked on the deindustrialization of the country, is under the illusion that medium and small businesses will pull Ukraine out.

                        Subscribe to the PolitNavigator – Kiev news on Facebook, Odnoklassniki or Vkontakte

                        Such an opinion in an interview with the Kiev magazine "New time was expressed by Oleg Boyarin, owner of the car assembly company" Eurocar ".

                        “Industry is of no interest to anyone,” he emphasizes. - There is an active de-industrialization: the country is being transformed, in fact, into an agrarian, raw-material appendage for the whole world. But Ukraine must be industrial. A country with a population of 40 million, engaged exclusively in agribusiness, will not be able to survive. She is doomed to poverty. ”

                        The journalist of the publication, in turn, recalled the words of the Ukrainian Minister of Economics Abromavicius, who said that it is better to develop small and medium-sized businesses, and the production in Ukraine should be destroyed due to their inefficiency.

                        “In 2013, 4,8 million people in Ukraine were involved in the real sector,” Boyarin objected in absentia to a polemic with the Minister of Economics. - These are the people who produced something. In 2014, their number amounted to 2 million. Of these, no more than 1 million are actually engaged in production. This is for the 40 millionth country. I don’t know what Mr. Abromavicius said, but I think that he is very far from understanding what the consequences for the economy are for this situation. ”

                        “Because for the agricultural environment, the country's population should be no more than 10 million people,” the source said. “The remaining 30 million must die or migrate.” I think that the Minister of Economics is not at all worried about this. He has some kind of illusory idea that small and medium-sized businesses will fill this niche. ”
                      75. +1
                        8 November 2015 15: 30
                        I respect you. It is a pity that such people become smaller every year.
                      76. 0
                        9 November 2015 18: 35
                        He put a plus for beautiful words, but thought and decided that the whole beauty of the call not to pay taxes to the insane army of officials is not worthy of one fat and huge MINUS. Since ancient times, a rule has been known about a people who do not want to feed their army. However, there will be a new state with a new army, if only Russia would live.
                      77. -3
                        9 November 2015 23: 34
                        These are the Alferov’s Jews and before the age of 17 they cleaned the brains of our people, and as a result of the revolution, the country was thrown back many years ago, the deaths of several tens of millions, and they are in power until the age of 37!
                    2. +2
                      7 November 2015 20: 13
                      ... and the policeman (policeman) receives a salary from the thief who robbed me. And the "gray cattle" will be ordered and will shoot at the worker. No, nafig such police and "justice".
                    3. -10
                      7 November 2015 21: 31
                      Quote: Alexander Romanov
                      Che for the people, sitting at home on the couch and yelling, they robbed me. robbed go to the police and write declare.

                      But these sing, they robbed.
                    4. 0
                      9 November 2015 10: 09
                      And who do the cops work for?
                  2. +52
                    7 November 2015 09: 35
                    Quote: Boris55
                    Quote: Alexander Romanov
                    You forgot that they were Russians! Rejoicing further on how the Russian Russians were killed.

                    It makes no difference to me what nationality the thief robbed me.

                    It's a pity I can’t slam Romanov into a minus, ignores ...
                    "Long live the Great October Socialist Revolution"
                    How many years, and wonderful years, I have lived with this slogan ...

                    We must watch a couple of revolutionary films.
                    1. +50
                      7 November 2015 10: 16
                      One of my elderly acquaintances, who by age refers to the "children of war", somehow bitterly remarked: "But we lived under Communism and did not even notice !!!!"
                      1. +3
                        8 November 2015 11: 24
                        My mom and aunt said so in the 90s ... Right now I'm afraid mom will say that again ...
                    2. -32
                      7 November 2015 10: 54
                      Quote: sabakina
                      It's a pity I can’t slam Romanov into a minus, ignores ...

                      Scold, I do not ignore ... for now. hi

                      1. Workers. The average wage of a worker in Russia was 37.5 rubles. We multiply this amount by 1282,29 (the ratio of the tsar to the modern ruble) and get the amount of 48085 thousand rubles for modern conversion.
                      2. Janitor 18 rubles or 23081 p. on modern money
                      3. Second lieutenant (modern analogue - lieutenant) 70 p. or 89 760 p. for modern money
                      4. The town (ordinary police officer) 20, 5 p. or 26 287 p. on modern money
                      5. Workers (Petersburg). It is interesting that the average salary in St. Petersburg was less and amounted to 1914 rubles 22 kopecks by 53. Multiply this amount by 1282,29 and get 28890 Russian rubles.
                      6.Kuharka 5 - 8 p. or 6.5.-10 thousand for modern money
                      7. Elementary school teacher 25 p. or 32050 p. on modern money
                      8. The teacher of the gymnasium 108 970 p. for modern money
                      9. Senior janitor 40 p. or 51 297 p. for modern money
                      10. The round-the-guard (modern analogue-section) 50 p. or 64 for modern money
                      11. Paramedic 40 p. or 51280 p.
                      12. Colonel 325 p. or 416 744 p. for modern money
                      13. College assessor (middle class official) 62 p. or 79 502 p. for modern money
                      14. Privy Councilor (official of the highest class) 500 or 641 145 for modern money. The same amount received by the army general

                      And how much, you ask, then cost products? A pound of meat in 1914 cost 19 kopecks. Russian pound weighed gram 0,40951241. It means that a kilogram, if it were a measure of weight, would have cost 46,39 kopecks - 0,359 gram of gold, that is, in current money, 551 ruble 14 kopecks. Thus, a worker could buy a kilogram of meat for his salary 48,6, if he wanted to, of course.
                      Wheat flour 0,08 p. (8 kopecks) = 1 pound (0,4 kg)
                      Figure pound 0,12 p. = 1 pound (0,4 kg)
                      Biscuit 0,60 p. = 1 pound (0,4 kg)
                      Milk 0,08 r. = 1 bottle
                      Tomatoes 0,22 p. = 1 pound
                      Fish (pike perch) 0,25 p. = 1 pound
                      Grapes (raisins) 0,16 p. = 1 pound
                      Apples 0,03 p. = 1 pound

                      And think about a simple question - WHY did the Bolsheviks destroy the Russian fleet?
                      1. +55
                        7 November 2015 11: 05
                        And think about a simple question - WHY did the Bolsheviks destroy the Russian fleet?

                        Maybe for this:
                        1. Right to an eight-hour work day. For the first time in the world in the history of mankind.
                        2. The right to annual paid leave. For the first time in the history of mankind.
                        3. The impossibility of dismissing an employee on the initiative of the administration or the owner without the consent of the trade union and party organization.
                        4. The right to work. Moreover, graduates of special vocational schools had the right to compulsory employment in the labor direction with the provision of housing in the form of a hostel or apartment.
                        5. The right to free general and vocational education. Moreover, both secondary vocational education and higher education.
                        6. The right to free use of kindergartens: kindergartens, kindergartens, pioneer camps
                        7. The right to free medical care.
                        8. The right to free spa treatment.
                        9. The right to free housing.
                        10. The right to freely express one’s views on all the problems of modern life in the country.
                        11. The right to protect the state from the arbitrariness of local bosses and officials.
                        12. The right to free travel to the place of work or study under an individual travel document paid by the state.
                      2. +8
                        7 November 2015 11: 23
                        And where does the fleet?
                      3. +15
                        7 November 2015 11: 26
                        I don’t know. But in any case, the fleet of tsarist Russia did not fit the fleet of the USSR
                      4. -5
                        7 November 2015 14: 12
                        Quote: onix757
                        In any case, the tsarist fleet of the USSR fleet was not suitable for soles

                        You walk wide, as if your pants are not torn ... Read about the Battle of Moonsund, or at least watch the old film "Baltic Glory", read the book by V.S. Pikul "Moonzund", and, perhaps, belatedly you will realize that you got excited about your statement ...
                      5. +8
                        7 November 2015 20: 43
                        Quote: V.ic
                        belatedly understand that got excited with your statement ...

                        Where did your opponent get excited? How many Bayerns did the Kaiser have at Moonsund (even at Pikul?) And what could the Russian fleet oppose them? Where was the brigade of battleships (4pcs)? "Glory" and "Citizen" honorably performed their debt, but these were morally obsolete ships, they could not even close to fight the Fritzes on equal terms!
                      6. -1
                        8 November 2015 08: 00
                        Quote: revnagan
                        What did your opponent get excited about?

                        Point me to the battle of RKKF and Kriegsmarine comparable to Moonsund and I will be grateful to you. If you are embarrassed to share wisdom on this thread, then unsubscribe "in a personal". hi
                      7. +2
                        8 November 2015 09: 23
                        and you remember Tsushima!
                      8. +1
                        8 November 2015 19: 54
                        Quote: free
                        and you remember Tsushima!
                        And do not forget about the Sinope battle, the Tendra battle, the battle at Cape Gangut, etc.
                      9. 0
                        7 November 2015 17: 07
                        Quote: onix757
                        I don't know.

                        That is the question.
                        Quote: onix757
                        Tsarist navy fleet of the USSR was not suitable for soles

                        Watching for what period.
                      10. +2
                        7 November 2015 12: 02
                        How? In the garden elderberry, and in Kiev uncle!
                      11. +31
                        7 November 2015 11: 16
                        Judging by your arguments, there was Utopia in Russia. And think about a simple question- WHO organized the February Revolution? The Bolsheviks did not smell there. And after February 1917, the same liberals began to destroy the country. They wanted to cut down the easy money and sell everything. And mind you. Almost everyone who participated in this quickly escaped from the country.
                      12. -3
                        7 November 2015 23: 27
                        Quote: bandabas
                        Judging by your arguments, there was Utopia in Russia.

                        In tsarist Russia there were definitely advantages, but only supporters of it always forget (or basically do not want to remember) that there were MUCH more minuses!
                      13. +2
                        8 November 2015 11: 47
                        Quote: Down House
                        In tsarist Russia there were definitely advantages, but only supporters of it always forget (or basically do not want to remember) that there were MUCH more minuses!

                        Did the Bolsheviks tell you this?
                      14. -5
                        8 November 2015 14: 40
                        Quote: saturn.mmm
                        Did the Bolsheviks tell you this?

                        This is the real state of things.
                        I will sketch you a little fact.
                        1. In the total industrial production of the five leading powers of the planet, the share of Russia of the 1913 model was, according to various estimates, 4-5%.
                        2. In 1917, the country had 70 kilometers of railways. In the USA already in 260 there were 1890 kilometers. In addition, most railways were single-track
                        3. In the USA by 1920 there were 20 thousand tractors, while in Russia by 1917 there were only 1500, only 11% of which were domestically produced.
                        4. In 1912, there were 100 free beds, 000 doctors, 158 paramedics and 13 midwives per 17 people. In 17, 1916% of those who died from cholera died from typhus - all 45%.
                        5. The main revenue item of the tsarist budget from 1906 to 1913 was a monopoly on vodka hi
                      15. -1
                        8 November 2015 11: 46
                        Quote: bandabas
                        The Bolsheviks did not smell there.

                        Did it really stink?
                        What, the Bolsheviks decided to blame everything on Kerinsky? All in th .. outside and are they in white?
                      16. +10
                        7 November 2015 11: 57
                        Well yes. Only one small touch: Russia at that time was a country AGRARIAN. So, the listed 14 points are completely not indicative and characterize the situation at that time no more than the average temperature in the hospital ...
                      17. +2
                        7 November 2015 23: 31
                        Quote: BMP-2
                        Well yes. Only one small touch: Russia at that time was a country AGRARIAN.

                        Namely, there were very few professional workers in the Russian Federation, almost an insignificant amount.
                        And the bulk of the workers were "non-professionals" and earned amounts that were clearly not named by them, otherwise whole families, including children, would not have stood at the machines.
                      18. +1
                        7 November 2015 12: 00
                        In Soviet times, one man measured his passport with a ruler in all respects (length, width, diagonal) and, to his amazement, found that these values ​​correlate with the parameters of the Cheops pyramid!
                        I just didn’t take into account, poor fellow, that during the construction of the pyramids in Egypt there was still no metric system!
                      19. +1
                        7 November 2015 13: 48
                        Quote: Vladimir Pozlnyakov
                        I just didn’t take into account, poor fellow, that during the construction of the pyramids in Egypt there was still no metric system!

                        This is where - what kind of crap?
                      20. -1
                        7 November 2015 14: 15
                        Quote: Vladimir Pozlnyakov
                        these values ​​correspond with the parameters of the Cheops pyramid!

                        Therefore = monumental! What did you want?
                      21. 0
                        8 November 2015 11: 49
                        Quote: Vladimir Pozlnyakov
                        I just didn’t take into account, poor fellow, that during the construction of the pyramids in Egypt there was still no metric system!

                        In the United States, England, it is still not there; everything measures it in inches and miles.
                      22. +6
                        7 November 2015 13: 30
                        You yourself are sculpting a hunchbacked here, it was all in the capital, and now in Moskvobod there are roughly such salaries, and in the regions everything is average according to the salary of the minister + yours and all this in half
                      23. +11
                        7 November 2015 13: 39
                        [quote = VseDoFeNi]
                        1. Workers. The average wage of a worker in Russia was 37.5 rubles. We multiply this amount by 1282,29 (the ratio of the tsar to the modern ruble) and get the amount of 48085 thousand rubles for modern conversion.
                        2. Janitor 18 rubles or 23081 p. for modern money ....... and other bullshit [quote]

                        Well, so you gentleman think, what did people give bourgeois benefactors in the ass from such a luxurious and rich life?
                      24. +2
                        7 November 2015 23: 33
                        Quote: larand
                        Well, so you gentleman think, what did people give bourgeois benefactors in the ass from such a luxurious and rich life?

                        Because these are not calculations, but crap!
                        There is such a thing - as an index of purchasing power, so it’s necessary to compare it, and not transfer the tsar’s ruble to the Russian one according to FIG understand what fictitious rate fellow
                      25. -1
                        7 November 2015 14: 15
                        Another lover of French rolls. Where are you all climbing from?
                        This mantra has long been sucked and thrown away
                      26. 0
                        8 November 2015 10: 02
                        Quote: Darkness
                        Another lover of french bread

                        Do you often mention this baking, but you yourself know what these things are? And by the way, can you tell me the address where they are baked? I'll try at least. laughing
                      27. +17
                        7 November 2015 15: 11
                        Quote: VseDoFeNi
                        And think about a simple question.

                        In truth, the figures of the welfare of the people with the king are not very impressed. The salary of workers in our factory is really lower than with the king, the average 34 sput. But here the prices you quoted for the familiar 1 kg are impressive. Meat - 600р, flour - 256р, apples - 96р, rice - 384р. Just come from the store. I bought: in Arianthe a shovel without bone in 229р, in Dixie apples in 49,9р, milk in 35р per liter, in Magnet steamed rice in 52р, flour in / s in 40,7р per package 2кг.
                        So it seems then rebelled knowingly.
                      28. -1
                        8 November 2015 06: 21
                        Quote: Centurion
                        But the prices you quoted for the usual 1 kg are impressive. Meat - 600 rubles, flour - 256 rubles, apples - 96 rubles, rice - 384 rubles. Just came from the store. Bought: in Ariant, a boneless shoulder blade at 229 rubles, in Dixie apples at 49,9 rubles, milk at 35 rubles per liter, rice steamed in Magnet at 52 rubles, premium flour at 40,7 rubles for a package of 2 kg.

                        So I say.
                        “Today, under Putin, people in Russia live as RICH as they never lived in the foreseeable past. Vivid evidence of this is the courtyards of Russian cities, clogged with cars, many of which were bought with overpayment on credit. This indicates that people have money to overpay and the lack of intelligence, so as not to overpay.
                        And I will repeat it as long as there are those who do not understand this. ”© VseDoFeNi

                        Quote: Centurion
                        So it seems then rebelled knowingly.

                        Riot during the war. it is a betrayal of their country and their people, which resulted in ten and a half million victims of the Civil War. You then add Vlasov, Shukhevych and Bandera to your idols. They also betrayed their people. fool fool fool
                      29. 0
                        8 November 2015 11: 55
                        Quote: Centurion
                        So it seems then rebelled knowingly.

                        It would be like in your country capitalism which the Bolsheviks overthrew.
                        It was fun to read your comment.
                      30. +22
                        7 November 2015 16: 13
                        Strange ... I currently have a salary of 50000 r with the cost of meat in our market 380 r. - beef. Only I work in the family, as in the family of a simple worker before the revolution. It happened. family of 3 people. Meat flour is good, but you still have to pay rent, dress, pay for additional / education of the child. In general, everything is as before the revolution.
                        And the same as then: irregular working hours, lack of trade unions, vacation is not guaranteed, there is a constant probability of reduction, there is no guarantee that another job can be expected, because it is not with a decent salary, pay for tuition, pay for treatment, pay, resort sanatorium treatment - well, if only at your own expense, free housing - what are you talking about ?, personal safety is a fairy tale, free travel is a fairy tale even for pensioners and heroes of labor and war!
                        Now it’s clear why it happened, what happened.
                      31. +2
                        8 November 2015 01: 59
                        Quote: mark2
                        In general, everything is as before the revolution.
                        And the same as then: irregular working hours, the absence of trade unions, vacation is not guaranteed, there is a constant probability of reduction, there is no guarantee that another job will come.

                        In general, an obvious analogy can be traced .. which means that the logical conclusion is obvious:
                        Quote: Stroporez
                        Repeat the 17th and restore Soviet power!
                        The question is, WHO is ready to become "Bolsheviks" today? There seems to be no such thing among the acting political forces .. what
                      32. +1
                        8 November 2015 07: 17
                        Quote: avia1991
                        The question is, WHO is ready to become "Bolsheviks" today?

                        And destroy another ten million Russians? That's just the Anglo-Saxons with the Chinese and Japanese rejoice !!! fool
                      33. +1
                        8 November 2015 13: 15
                        Well, 30 million will die out. They did not fit into the market. Authorship is attributed to Chubais. After the year 91-93, how many people did we lose?
                      34. 0
                        8 November 2015 21: 00
                        Quote: VseDoFeNi
                        And destroy another ten million Russians?

                        But did this number die in civilian life? You didn’t confuse it with the First World War?
                        In addition, our "partners" - the British, Germans, Americans and others like them, provided active "assistance" in the destruction of the Red Army. So do not blame your sore head on a healthy one!
                      35. 0
                        9 November 2015 12: 12
                        Lost population growth of the Russian Federation for 1990 - 2013 40 million people
                        Vladimir Efimov wrote November 29, 2011, 23:20
                        0 ratings, 13471 views Discuss (27)
                        Let’s evaluate the results of the government’s activities - the demographic situation in the Russian Federation.
                        Compared with the RSFSR for 1960 - 1989, the lost natural population growth of the Russian Federation for 1990 - 2013 was approximately 40 million people.
                        Lost population growth in the Russian Federation

                        According to the first calculation method for 1990 - September 2014

                        If we compare the change in the population of the Russian Federation and the United States of America since January 1, 1990, the lost population growth of the Russian Federation amounted to approximately 47,3 million people.
                        The US population was: as of 01.01.1990, 248737000 people (, 02.10.2014 316,801 million people ( / United_States_of_America_ (USA) /), that is, increased by 68,064 million people, which is 27,36%. Natives of other countries make up 12% of the US resident population (
                        The permanent population of the Russian Federation was: as of 01.01.1990, 147665081 people (, as of 02.10.2014, 143,872 million people (http : // That is, over 24 years and 9 months it decreased by 3,793 million people, which is 2,57%.
                        If in the Russian Federation from 01.01.1990/02.10.2014/188 an increase in the population would be the same percentage as in the United States, then on 24, the permanent population of the Russian Federation would be 9 million people. Compared to the United States, the lost population growth of the Russian Federation over 44,2 years and XNUMX months is XNUMX million people.
                      36. 0
                        9 November 2015 12: 18
                        According to the second calculation method for 1990 - 2013

                        The population of the Russian Federation as of 01.01.1990 was 147665081 people. From January 1, 1990 to December 31, 2013, over 24 people died more than were born in 12919515 years. That is, as of December 31, 2013, from 147665081 people remained 134745566 people. Of these, approximately five million people have moved to other countries. Therefore, from 134745566 people in the Russian Federation, perhaps 130 million people remained. These are those residents of the Russian Federation who lived in the Russian Federation on January 1, 1990, and their descendants. The remaining permanent residents of the Russian Federation are migrants who moved to the Russian Federation after January 1, 1990.
                        The number of permanent population of the Russian Federation as of 01.01.2014 was 143657134 people.
                        During the reign of Vladimir Putin from January 1, 2000 to December 31, 2013, over 14 more people died than were born in 7484458 years.
                        Among those born, there are children of migrants. But their calculation is difficult to take into account.
                        Between 1960 and 1989, the population of the Russian Federation at the expense of those born and died on average increased by 0,7104% per year. If for 1990 - 2013 the increase in the population of the Russian Federation on average was 0,7104% annually, then by December 31, 2013 the population would be approximately 175 million people. (Calculation: 147665081 x 1,007104 in 24 degrees = 147665081 x 1,18518 = 175). Compared with the RSFSR, the lost natural population growth of the Russian Federation for 1990 - 2013 was approximately 40 million people. (175-134,7 = 40,3).
                        This method does not take into account the migration change in population.
                        The calculations were made according to Rosstat.
                        The 2010 census showed that seven major indigenous peoples of the Russian Federation were dying out: the Udmurts, Chuvashs, Mordovians, Mari, Bashkirs, Tatars, Russians. Pay attention - the indigenous peoples of the republics located in one locality nearby died out. All peoples live in one country, some peoples die out, and others multiply rapidly. So, there are reasons that lead to the extinction of these seven peoples.
                        In the RSFSR and the Russian Federation in 1992, for the first time, the number of deaths exceeded the number of births. Exceeding the number of deceased the number of births could only be in 1941 - 1944 during the war. Even in 1945, the natural increase was 365,7 thousand people.
                        Natural population growth
                      37. -1
                        9 November 2015 12: 20
                        The definition of Rosstat: "The natural population growth is equal to the difference in the numbers of births and deaths." This definition does not at all reflect the essence of the ongoing processes; on the contrary, it is deceiving. Rosstat agreed to the fact that in the Russian Federation a natural population decline. Exceeding the number of dead people born is never natural. It is only natural that the number of people born exceeds the number of deaths.
                        In my opinion, the country's population growth should be considered natural only when there is no war, people do not use contraceptives, women do not have abortions, the rulers of the country do not pursue a policy of genocide, people who have attained the age of 18 have normal housing for themselves and their future children, there is no unemployment in the country, people earn so much as to ensure normal living conditions for themselves and their children, good working conditions, quality medical care.
                        Wikipedia List of countries by natural population growth

                        As of 2014, out of 224 countries, the natural increase for the year was:
                        in 50 countries from 2 to 3,34%,
                        in 73 countries from 1 to 2%,
                        in 33 countries from 0,5 to 1%,
                        in 42 countries from 0 to 0,5%.
                        In 26 countries, the population has decreased from 0 to 0,631%.
                        In the list, Russia ranks 198th out of 224 countries - an increase of 0,02%, according to the CIA in 211st places - a decrease of 0,196%.
                        In 2010, the natural increase was: in 55 countries from 2 to 3,66%, in 72 countries from 1 to 2%.
                        In my opinion, it is natural to consider the increase in the country's population by 2 - 3,5% per year. If the natural increase is less than 2%, then the activities of the rulers should be considered not in accordance with the interests of the people.
                        The natural increase in the population of the Russian Federation should be 2 - 3,5% per year. This is 3 - 5 million people a year. In the Russian Federation, the natural population growth should be at least 1,5 million people per year.

                        In my opinion, the following main reasons led to a demographic catastrophe in the Russian Federation: a sharp deterioration in the living standards of the working people, a significant decrease in housing construction after 1991, inaccessibility of housing for most residents of the Russian Federation due to low incomes, poor organization of medical institutions, payment system the work of doctors, which does not stimulate the conscientious work of doctors, the lack of proper control over the work of doctors and paid medical care.
                      38. +4
                        8 November 2015 09: 26
                        no revolution is needed, but the restoration of the TIPS is necessary!
                      39. 0
                        8 November 2015 13: 17
                        There is a Council of the European Union, but no Soviet Union. It turns out we refused, the Europeans took over.
                      40. +2
                        8 November 2015 17: 08
                        Quote: free
                        no revolution is needed, but the restoration of the TIPS is necessary!
                        So such a restoration will be a revolution laughing

                        Revolution - (from late Lat. Revolutio - turn - coup), deep quality changes in the development of any phenomena of nature, society or knowledge.
                      41. +13
                        7 November 2015 20: 39
                        Quote: VseDoFeNi
                        And think about a simple question - WHY did the Bolsheviks destroy the Russian fleet?

                        Don’t lose your nonsense. You might think that at the time of your beloved SELF-KEEPER, the Russian fleet gained priority in development over the army. Remember when it was equal in power to at least the Gochseeflotte, not to mention the Grandfleet? installations, machines, optics and becoming obsolete even on slipways, because there is no money for completion, but there are diamonds for lovers.
                        After the revolution of 17 years, the new government did not have trivial means to build an ocean fleet. Yes, and why was it needed then? The military doctrine believed that war was to be waged on land theaters of the airborne forces, and the armies had to abut the Baltic and Black Seas, where they had to SUPPORT them fleet. And by the way, in the 80s of the 20th century the USSR had an ocean fleet. And if it weren’t for the betrayal of the liberals and the hunchback, who knows, maybe aircraft carriers would fly across the ocean under a red (Soviet, not Chinese) flag.
                      42. +1
                        8 November 2015 05: 18
                        Additional - "Novik" pride of the RIF-German design and machines, "Izmail" could not be completed - some of the mechanisms (for example balls in the towers) were ordered in Austria-Hungary, etc.
                      43. MrK
                        8 November 2015 01: 22
                        Yeah. Everyone was absolutely full and satisfied.
                        The liberals continuously put into the minds of Russian citizens the idea that the Orthodox were oppressed, or even starved, mainly only in the Soviet Union. And all that was before and after socialism is God's Grace. Millions of Russian peasants who died of starvation during droughts and crop failures, which occurred in tsarist Russia with unenviable constancy, apparently do not count.
                        Hunger in Russia is a disease that cannot be cured, at least from October 31 to 1765. It was then that Empress Catherine II signed, perhaps, her most historical paper. In it, she set the task of finally finding measures to "fix agriculture".
                        In the nineteenth century, Russia experienced 40 periods of famine. In the XX century were hungry: 1901-1902 gg., 1905; 1906; 1907; 1908 g .; 1911-1912 years. In the 1901-1902 years, the 49 provinces were starving, in the 1905; 1906; 1907; 1908 starved from 19 to 29 provinces, in 1911-1912 years. for two years, the famine swept 60 provinces. 48 million people were on the brink of death.
                        So, for example, in a memo addressed to Alexander the Third, dated 1882 year, the following was said: “Losses alone amounted to two million Orthodox souls.».
                        From a report to Nicholas II in 1901: “In the winter 1900-1901 years. 42 million people were starving, of which 3 million 813 thousand Orthodox souls died».
                        From the report of Stolypin to Nicholas II in 1911: “Starving 32 million, losses 3 million 235 thousand people". Modestly, as about something ordinary.
                        According to various estimates in 1901-1912 years. more than 12 million people died from hunger and its consequences.
                        Quote from Alexander Kurlandchik’s book “Cursed Soviet Power” and reforms in Russia, on Prose. RU.
                      44. 0
                        8 November 2015 09: 22
                        Now tell me how you calculated these amounts?
                      45. 0
                        8 November 2015 11: 21
                        Well, + from the principle ... The man gave specific numbers ... If not true, prove and minus ... But numbers - in mathematics, they are numbers ...
                      46. +3
                        8 November 2015 14: 17
                        Quote: VseDoFeNi
                        And think about a simple question - WHY did the Bolsheviks destroy the Russian fleet?

                        For a long time already thought and understood.
                        The Germans hunted for the fleet.
                        This is the result of the collapse of the army ...
                        I foresee the screams - This is the Bolsheviks ruined ....
                        I want to add: the Ural Mountains too?

                        In order not to go into the little things.
                        The whites and the revisionists tried to ruin the Red Army. - White fell apart ...

                        Hitler and others like him were breaking up the Red Army too. Tried right up to May 9, 1945. - The result is a monument to the Soviet soldier in Berlin.

                        Even the Soviet army in 1991 cannot be considered ruined - the country fell apart, and the Soviet army was controlled and was ready to fulfill any order. And if this order was ... The history of the 21st century would be less bloody and sad.

                        So do not regret the year 1913.
                        You didn’t live then, and you don’t know how difficult it was - to live in St. Petersburg for 650 rubles a year.
                        This is me specifically about my great-grandfather.
                        He began as a young man in Turkish in the Guards Crew - both specialist ferries on the Danube.
                        I went to the "Rynda" in the Pacific Ocean for almost 3 years. Trained as a medical assistant. From this post he retired. had a family with 7 children. Retirement was accompanied by the assignment of the next rank, so the great-grandfather entered the 9th grade (lieutenant) and received a personal nobility.
                        His pension is 650 rubles per year - checked by orders of the Maritime Department.
                        They didn’t live on the chic, most importantly - they lived with the carriage - you can say in the barracks. Now it is Decembrists Avenue.
                        I would like to listen to his great three-story building, about how he lived richly.

                        And, most importantly, you count, please, those peasants who did not receive salaries or salaries, but lived by selling what you so sweetly listed as cheap food.

                        My second half is from the Kalinin village.
                        Their mothers about a happy life - it would be a poem.
                      47. +1
                        9 November 2015 17: 27
                        Thank. My great-grandmother was not from the poor, great-great was a merchant, lived in St. Petersburg in those days, from her words it was not so sweet, even the saying was Peter, Peter - wiped all sides. The bars were different, both good and bad, but it was they, the bars, that led to the emergence of a revolutionary situation. The people actually suffered from a difficult life, and the bars mostly fooled from well-fed, for which they were punished in 1917. And that situation in 1917 is somewhat reminiscent of the current one. hi
                    3. -1
                      7 November 2015 13: 29
                      Quote: sabakina
                      We must watch a couple of revolutionary films.

                      "heroes" should be known by sight - belay
                      as I understand it arrowman comrades ??? what
                      1. -2
                        7 November 2015 18: 14
                        Quote: Dryuya2
                        "heroes" should be known by sight -
                        as I understand it arrowman comrades ???

                        everything is exactly the same as in Ukraine they say and spoke before the Maidan!
                        They also shouted down with the oligarchs, and after the Maidan the oligarchs settled in the chairs of ministers, presidents, governors, etc. This once again proves that Strelkov with his "Russian world" is the same "Euromaidan" only in Russia, in this video people say the words "Maidan", respectively, people from the West are behind them!
                      2. -3
                        7 November 2015 19: 14
                        Quote: YARS
                        Shooters with their "Russian world" are the same "Euromaidan" only in Russia, in this video people say the words "Maidan", respectively, behind them are people from the West!

                        I agree 100%
                      3. +1
                        8 November 2015 16: 32
                        Quote: YARS
                        This once again proves that Strelkov with his "Russian world" is the same "Euromaidan" only in Russia, in this video people say the words "Maidan", respectively, people from the West are behind them!

                        I DO NOT THINK EVERYTHING IS SO SIMPLE.
                        1. Shooters fought for a just cause. And it justifies a lot in his actions. At least personally I do not presume to blame him.
                        2. Strelkov reconstructor is a patriotic, useful business, ... and again a positive characteristic.
                        3. I do not know how he got into the White Guards, but this is his right: everyone wants to think about their personal ancestors, even one whose ancestors served in the White Guard units or earned lackeys from the bourgeoisie.
                        4. The surrender of Slavyansk, and as a result of a significant part of the DPR, this is a very big failure. It’s still not clear to me exactly why this happened ... According to the reports that the whole world differed from Strelkov, it could be concluded that he was waiting for personal support almost personally from Putin, and to a lesser extent I do not agree ... That is, then, indefatigable ambition began to appear, but simply careerism and, perhaps, even leaderism.
                        This was especially noticeable against the background of the behavior of the true leader - A. Brain. Although he did not hold Lysychansk ...
                        5. Personally, I believe that nobody bought Strelkov, that he does not want to serve the West.
                        But his actions, and, most importantly, words from Moscow, very smoothly fit into the general outline of the anti-Putin campaign.
                        And here Strelkov is wrong.
                        This is not to the point that V.V. Putin is doing the right thing in everything ... But in a bourgeois state, when in any situation whoever you choose, the authorities will always have money bags or their proxies, V.V. Putin maneuvers with some reverence to the people, which in the long run leaves a chance to create a truly people's state.
                    4. +8
                      7 November 2015 18: 12
                      "7 November - Day of something very big, Soviet such"This is what two elderly aunts from" Burnt by the Sun "called some holiday. And, probably, the new generation perceives November 7 in the same way today.

                      And in our time it was one of the best holidays. Many liked him, especially the children. And the point is not in the October plot, it was just the least remembered at the table, but in that very feeling of real unity, which we now don’t feel fully.

                      It was rather family day, when all the relatives got together, rejoiced at each other, gave gifts, sang absolutely non-revolutionary songs and danced. Of all the loudspeakers in the country, in spite of November, "Moscow May" was rushing and the mood was the same.

                      Yes, red prevailed. Large paper carnations, flags, balls, ribbons. But it is in the streets, during processions. And at home, the TV was black and white, it was not symbolic, all the news was good, the films were good, the music was happy.

                      Now there are no such holidays.
                    5. -2
                      8 November 2015 11: 36
                      Quote: sabakina
                      We must watch a couple of revolutionary films.

                      So why didn’t they live on?
                      1. +2
                        8 November 2015 16: 42
                        Quote: saturn.mmm
                        Quote: sabakina
                        We must watch a couple of revolutionary films.

                        So why didn’t they live on?

                        Why, personally, I try to maintain a lifestyle in the USSR.
                        And in terms of films, my favorite revolutionary - "We are from Kronstadt", I watch about every year.
                        And even more often than others I revise "Seven Brave", "Height", "My Love", "Tractor Drivers", "Shore Leave" ...
                        Maybe that's why I didn’t run wild ....
                    6. +1
                      8 November 2015 20: 15
                      You probably mean not high salaries, but stability.
                      You could plan your budget and not be afraid of a sharp increase in prices.
                    7. +1
                      9 November 2015 12: 52
                      Given that the salary was sixty rubles - nothing good.
                  3. -16
                    7 November 2015 16: 12
                    nobles, intelligentsia, teaching, engineers, professors who didn’t have time to physically destroy everyone left the ships, the tsar’s family was destroyed, everything was destroyed, the country was mired in barbarism and robberies, how many peasants were rotten, destroyed agriculture and this was all covered by tall and beautiful slogans, Yes, and they could not rob you, firstly serfdom was not there then, and secondly you were not born then
                    1. +10
                      7 November 2015 18: 36
                      Quote: hedgehog in the fog
                      hedgehog in the fog

                      Yes, and they could not rob you, firstly serfdom was then no longer

                      Well, damn it ... I suggest you "get out of the twilight", because you are really "in the fog" .. Liberal .. I can not judge what is there, in the "saintly", but in Russia there really was a "rollback" to the "pre-October" state state. And even according to the "historical information" kindly provided by Mr. Romanov, and by the intensity of literally the "war" imposed on their own country by the New Liberals, but at the expense of "they could not rob you"- but now what are they doing (doing) ????? As before! And about"firstly serfdom was no longer then"- that's why they and the" Prokhorovs "(with liberoids, together), to" justify ", accept and introduce! And what do you think, for the" power "ONE are stuck ??? wassat "Don't tell my sneakers" (c) .. There is a concern for the "purse" .. Well, "secondly you were not born then"- so we have" live "in this" exciting, interesting "time ..
                      1. -11
                        7 November 2015 19: 09
                        how can you compare the current liberal riffraff, with the nobility of the Russian empire ??? why are you cheating? and for the Bolsheviks I will say in the words of my great-grandmother, told to my mother, where your Lenin came, they went Balsheviks, they took away karou, they took out the whiskers of the hut, dzeda and the barn pastavili, they didn’t spread the ice, I’m fist too long work, and the peacock tipper on the usla aglaedau is better than work. and how many people were shot, how many rotted in the camps, the end justifies the means ?? damn the Bolsheviks who brought grief to millions of people, do not equal Russia and the Bolsheviks, it should be the successor of the morals and traditions of Tsarist Russia.
                      2. +12
                        7 November 2015 20: 10
                        Quote: hedgehog in the fog
                        how can you compare the current liberal riffraff, with the nobility of the Russian empire ???

                        Oh-oh-oh-oh-oh! Why so get excited then .. Just imagine, I'm a pancake, with noble roots. According to the father. So what ?! Remember Volodya. Well, "Lenin" who. Not a "nobleman" ?? Remember the surnames (and the "red" commanders-army commanders) - nothing is there "blue blood" is remembered? Completeness. It was in the "Bolsheviks" you did not like, and in the "Februaryists" and in the then "liberal riffraff" oh .. what a "number" number of "mentioned" by you ... Troubles does not divide into "estates", it gives birth chaos . But when in chaos someone starts "tidying up", then organizes all according to their preferences (in this version, excuse me of course, according to the chosen ideological model). "History has no subjunctive mood" (c). Yes, one of my great-grandfathers was "impaired." Another was deprived of a strong (very) economy. You can torment yourself with all sorts of "if only ...", but except for paranoia it will bring nothing. Whatever my ancestors experienced (and, believe me, their life was oh, how "not sweet"), they did not convey to me either hatred of the "Bolsheviks" or hostility to the USSR. I was born in this country, and by “spirit” I stayed in it, no matter how muddy it was lately. It's just that the USSR was more than even now Russia. You can debate as much as you like now, but it was an attempt to make the world a better place. And in some way at that time she was successful. But then ... "There are few real violent (ideological) ones ..." (c). Something like this ..
                      3. +5
                        8 November 2015 00: 01
                        Quote: skifd
                        Just imagine, I'm a pancake, with noble roots.

                        Imagine me too.
                        And although I have every "moral right" to feel nostalgic for the monarchy and the rolls, I will not.
                        Because to deny the fact: that the tsar-rag brought the country to the handle, that the "aristocracy" from the color of the nation degenerated into the devil, and the Bolsheviks turned out to be the only force that could save the country in all this mess and build an advanced and the first state in history aimed at the good of the common man - only the insane can deny!
                      4. +2
                        8 November 2015 13: 28
                        Well, you give a hedgehog! All the workers were shot, and the speakers were left! And who then raised the country? Talking?
                      5. 0
                        10 November 2015 03: 46
                        Hedgehog is not out of fog, our hedgehog is a campaign from western Ukraine.
                    2. +7
                      7 November 2015 23: 41
                      Quote: hedgehog in the fog
                      steamers left the nobles, intelligentsia, doctrine, engineers, professors who did not have time to physically destroyed everyone

                      Engineers and professors are perfectly settled under the Soviet regime - remember the same Tsiolkovsky.
                      As for the rest of the "intelligentsia", those who departed by the "legendary steamer" found themselves in European countries, for the most part, as dishwashers and janitors, which, in general, does not need comments.
                      1. 0
                        8 November 2015 07: 27
                        where noblemen do not spit, nada, well then I’m a descendant of Prince Potemkin
                      2. +7
                        8 November 2015 07: 53
                        Quote: hedgehog in the fog
                        where noblemen do not spit, nada, well then I’m a descendant of Prince Potemkin

                        Take higher, colleague, Prophetic Oleg !!! laughing

                      3. +3
                        8 November 2015 09: 32
                        Quote: hedgehog in the fog
                        where noblemen do not spit, nada, well then I’m a descendant of Prince Potemkin

                        What's so funny? Nobody says that the princes gathered here laughing
                        Initially, there is nothing "particularly outstanding" about the nobility.
                        For example, in the army, personal nobility was given to officers, hereditary nobility was given for a "colonel" or if you were a third officer in the family and had an order.
                        And in this very idea of ​​the estate state, by the way, there was nothing wrong - for respect it was not enough to become a "nouveau riche" - it was assumed that in order to receive "benefits" (the same privileged upbringing of noble children), a family should devote not a single generation to serving the State and the Motherland, and this is the transfer of "combat experience" from father to son and, accordingly, a completely different upbringing and culture and attitude towards business in the child and the future officer.
                        And it is quite another matter that this very "nobility" (mostly titled) in its bulk has degenerated, and the ordinary people who remained "outboard" lived in frankly bestial conditions.
                        They would give ordinary people a normal living wage, normal social elevators and everything would be smooth, because ordinary people weren’t worried that the children of the officers were taught separately from the children of the peasants (and they demanded by the way much more), and that it was commonplace for these peasants to eat there was nothing!
                      4. 0
                        8 November 2015 20: 28
                        As mentioned above, according to the census of 1897, there were 1 hereditary nobles in the Russian Empire.
                        As you know, Russian law knows several sources of noble nobility, and the main one of them, or, as prof. Korkunov, the “normal” way of acquiring it is public service⁵ *. The vast majority of the now existing nobles are former officials or their descendants and, in general, people who have been in the public service, civil or military. According to the law, the rank of a real state adviser (IV class), and even for the colonel and captain of the 1st rank in the military and naval departments, give hereditary nobility.
                        But next to the extinction of the nobility of the patrimonial and especially titled and in the opposite direction, the process of reproduction of the hereditary nobility through the official and military environment was and is ongoing.

                        It is necessary to distinguish between tribal and hereditary nobility. And then arguing without understanding who and what means or implies is pointless.
                        That is, first understand what kind of nobility in question. Ufff ...
                        Quote from an interesting site ---
                        I think that this site will interest you.
                      5. 0
                        8 November 2015 22: 27
                        Quote: Turkir
                        And then arguing without understanding who and what means or implies is pointless.

                        Are you talking to me?))
                        I understand that the bulk of people think that the nobles are necessarily "counts" of Abramovich's level - but this is not so, I wrote that.
                        And what exactly did you want to tell me, I did not quite understand, I was wrong in something in your opinion?
                  4. -6
                    8 November 2015 11: 33
                    Quote: Boris55
                    It makes no difference to me what nationality the thief robbed me.

                    Those who were plundered by the Bolsheviks for the most part created their fortunes by labor and mind, then the Bolsheviks fooled people for 70 years and at the end robbed their people, they became capitalists. From the revolution, one harm to the Russian people, in St. Petersburg, manufacturers for workers built houses so the workers still live there.
                    Who robbed you Putilov or Morozov?
                2. +7
                  7 November 2015 10: 14
                  mostly Jews
                  1. +12
                    7 November 2015 11: 13
                    What kind of country was the Russian Empire if it was destroyed by a LOT of Jews ???
                    1. +7
                      7 November 2015 12: 20
                      Long before the revolutions in Russia at the World Zionist Congress, the chairman of the congress, ZHOLONDKOVSKY, proposed a resolution unanimously supported by delegates.
                      The meaning of the resolution was that in order to create a Jewish state it is necessary to select a European country with the maximum possible development of a revolutionary situation! Unfortunately, Russia turned out to be such a country! For the same purpose, a wave of unsuccessful revolutions swept across Germany, Hungary ... Since the defeat of Khazarat by the Russians, it was only in Israel that the "cherished dream" was realized! It's a pity I didn't have time!
                      There is a bike that before the death of I.V. Stalin, after asking the Jewish delegation to allocate the Crimea and the Kuban in order to fulfill the "cherished dream", asked how many of the USSR had sheltered these refugees from Hitler from Europe. After the answer was about 350 thousand. I told them to make lists and give them a NEW LAND!
                    2. -5
                      7 November 2015 12: 30
                      Quote: Turkestan
                      What kind of country was the Russian Empire if it was destroyed by a LOT of Jews ???

                      What kind of country was such a USSR if a bunch of Jews ruined it ???
                    3. -3
                      7 November 2015 14: 26
                      Quote: Turkestan
                      if it collapsed a LOT of Jews ???

                      Dear, Kyrla Myrla (with a beard) in his immortal writing "The Manifesto of the Communist Party" wisely said: "capital is an international power" ... He knew that, because was of the "Levi" clan.
                      1. erg
                        7 November 2015 17: 46
                        Do not trend. The manifesto says that capital is not personal, but social power, as it is a product of collective activity and can only be activated by joint actions of many members of society.
                      2. +2
                        7 November 2015 20: 24
                        Quote: erg
                        Do not trend.

                        A trend is something else in comparison with your trend.
                        Quote: erg
                        Do not trend.

                        Are you going against the classic? Well, here are a few quotes for you, refute the health of yourself and your loved ones:
                        "I. Bourgeois and proletarians
                        ... The bourgeoisie, through the exploitation of the world market, has made the production and consumption of all countries cosmopolitan ...
                        ... The bourgeoisie by the rapid improvement of all the instruments of production and the endless relief of means of communication involves all, even the most barbaric, nations in civilization. The cheap prices of her goods - this is the heavy artillery with which she destroys all the Chinese walls and forces her to surrender the most stubborn hatred of barbarians against foreigners. Under pain of death, it forces all nations to accept the bourgeois mode of production, forces them to introduce the so-called civilization, that is, to become a bourgeois. In a word, she creates herself a world in her image and likeness ...
                        ... The bourgeoisie is destroying more and more the fragmentation of the means of production, property and population ... ".
                      3. erg
                        7 November 2015 21: 54
                        My quote from Chapter 2 of the Manifesto of the Communist Party is the Proletarians and Communists. The quote you quoted indicates the consequences of the spread of capitalist production, primarily on the old way of life. In my quote, the definition of capital as a social force is given. Apparently beyond the first chapter you have not advanced.
                      4. -1
                        8 November 2015 08: 17
                        Quote: erg
                        My quote from chapter 2 of the Communist Manifesto

                        Damn nn ... hi , yours quote in chapter 2 "MCP"? Claim the copyright and all the communists of the world will carry a living classic in their arms and Mr. Zyuganov will resign ...
                        Quote: erg
                        Apparently beyond the first chapter you have not advanced.

                        Yes, stupid and stupid compared to you, who mastered chapter 2 of the "ITUC" ... However, as our "eternally alive" would say: "You do not stand on Marxism, you sit, even lie on it." laughing
                      5. erg
                        8 November 2015 09: 47
                        I don't understand your sarcasm. I quoted a quote from the same source as you. Thus, making it clear that I am not talking about gag. But this apparently does not matter. To paraphrase a quote from Anton Pavlovich Chekhov - even though you are a pensioner (data from your profile), but ..... The end of the phrase can be found in the story of the above-mentioned author "Complaints Book".
                      6. 0
                        8 November 2015 13: 29
                        [quote = erg] I quoted from the same source as you. [/ quote]
                        The Russian language is rich, which some are tricked into and use ... quote = erg] My quote [/ quote]
                        [quote = erg] even though you are a senior citizen [/ quote]
                        I didn’t drink with you at the Brudershaft!
                        Continue further to "rape" your dear Marxism. Antosha Chekhonte, of course, was a suitable "padding" of the "productive forces" and "production relations" in R.I. late 19th century. You would still dig and find something suitable from I. Flavius ​​...
                      7. erg
                        8 November 2015 14: 07
                        The quote from Chekhov applies only to you, without any attachment to Marxism.
                      8. +4
                        8 November 2015 00: 08
                        Quote: V.ic
                        Are you against the classic?

                        Do not argue, he honorably wrote his name in history, and for example in such an object as TGP, having carried out titanic work to study the institution of property as one of the most important institutions of the state.
                        Therefore, it is studied, including in capitalist countries, the understanding of "Marxism" is an integral part of understanding the whole world as a whole.
                    4. -1
                      8 November 2015 15: 20
                      Quote: Turkestan
                      What kind of country was the Russian Empire if it was destroyed by a LOT of Jews ???

                      These "Jews" and the USSR destroyed, I hope it is not necessary to tell what kind of country it was?
                  2. -2
                    7 November 2015 14: 22
                    Quote: Russian Uzbek
                    mostly Jews

                    So Jesus himself and his assistants (apostles) were from the people you mentioned.
                    1. +8
                      7 November 2015 19: 56
                      Quote: V.ic
                      So Jesus himself and his assistants (apostles) were from the people you mentioned.

                      Therefore, I often ask the question - why should Russian people believe in Jewish folk tales?
                      1. 0
                        7 November 2015 20: 35
                        Quote: VseDoFeNi
                        I often ask the question - why should Russian people believe in Jewish folk tales?

                        Using the word "folkyy", You should also use the word" Russianand I".
                        Answer: for some reason, it has been the case since the time of Vladimir Svyatoslavich.
                      2. -1
                        9 November 2015 00: 32
                        So no one believes for a long time ... just a business, however ... but a pity))
                  3. 0
                    8 November 2015 17: 34
                    Does Mr. Sholomov bother you? Then a question for the administration!
                3. +19
                  7 November 2015 10: 29
                  These "Russians" first overthrew the tsar, though he deserved it, then they began to tear the country apart at the behest of the Western masters, and it was they who started the civil war. Learn history, not fairy tales for the mentally retarded, edited by the CIA.
                4. Erg
                  7 November 2015 11: 50
                  Alexander Romanov, so you can lose "shoulder straps". In the fight against the "Bolsheviks" laughing I fully support you. Many people simply do not bother themselves with a very simple question - where does the money for the "revolution" come from? ..
                  1. +40
                    7 November 2015 12: 18
                    Quote: Erg
                    Alexander Romanov, so you can lose "shoulder straps". In the fight against the "Bolsheviks" laughing I fully support you. Many simply don’t bother with a very simple question - where is the money for the "revolution"? ..

                    Well, yes, yes ... from Germany to Japan ... For some reason, the current was only given to the revolution ...
                    But do not tell me, you’re the smartest of ours, that there the Entente exported echelons from the Far East? ... Che? Nothing more to cover? am
                    I was born in the USSR!
                    1. Erg
                      7 November 2015 12: 51
                      You use forbidden techniques in polemics. I was also born in the USSR, and I consider the Union a great country and am proud of its achievements. But one must understand that there were several stages in the history of the country of the Soviets, and each subsequent one followed from the previous one. All this is history. The very first stage, the "revolution", was the most tragic in it. Millions of human tragedies, the sale and robbery of Russia by transnational corporations ... This coup was being prepared by our Western "partners" for over ten years. And they won ... Have you ever wondered why Stalin shot the entire Leninist team? Because he knew and understood everything. Glory to the great Leader!
                      1. +3
                        7 November 2015 23: 03
                        Quote: Erg
                        The very first stage, the "revolution", was the most tragic in it
                        Revolution - (from late Lat. Revolutio - turn - coup), profound qualitative changes in the development of any phenomena of nature, society or knowledge.

                        For example, the maternity leave introduced by the SNK decree in the 19th year, still called maternity leave - well, it’s very tragic crying

                    2. +1
                      7 November 2015 21: 53
                      Thanks for the video! ... I, too, from there =)
                      1. 0
                        8 November 2015 21: 45
                        there was tension with the Russian language, apparently :) Stalin himself was still that Zionist, if you, Yermak, forgot, and the quote is without a reference ...
                  2. +10
                    7 November 2015 12: 50
                    The main thing is not money in the revolution, but moods and driving forces.
                    Money is needed mainly to bribe the loyalty of officials.

                    If you affirm something, of which you are convinced in your comment, then try to detail and concretize the expression "money for revolution", which you give out almost as the root cause of events.
                    1. Erg
                      7 November 2015 13: 01
                      Dear, in my opinion you are deeply mistaken. The main thing is money. "Let me manage the country's money, and I don't care who will write the laws there." I hope you don’t think Rothschild is a fool? I cannot physically present the entire course of history here. I have already advised some of my friends to watch the documentary "Russia of the 20th century". To start.hi
                      1. +8
                        7 November 2015 13: 15
                        God with you! What does “money for revolution” and the financial apparatus (financial system) of the state have to do with it?
                        The target audience, you know, does not match the tasks.
                      2. Erg
                        7 November 2015 13: 26
                        The thing is that the only way to achieve power in the modern world is money. Well, if you do not take into account African tribes ...
                      3. +1
                        7 November 2015 23: 09
                        Quote: Erg
                        The thing is that the only way to achieve power in the modern world is money. Well, if you do not take into account African tribes ...
                        Putzin ... The most influential politician ... lol
                      4. +2
                        8 November 2015 05: 36
                        The main thing is not money, but the concept of people's worldview; everything else is derivative.
                      5. +2
                        8 November 2015 20: 39
                        The main thing is not money, but the concept of the worldview of people

                        Well, K. Marx also wrote the following, I will convey the meaning from memory:
                        "If a person receives one pound sterling a week, then he does not understand anything, if he receives a hundred pounds a week he begins to understand politics, if a thousand, then he already understands everything, in politics, in science, in music, in painting, in history and literature ".
                        Marx would not agree with you. smile
                      6. -2
                        7 November 2015 18: 30
                        Quote: Erg
                        Dear, in my opinion you are deeply mistaken. The main thing is money.

                        you know dear, I do not agree with you. probably you will answer the question. who managed the money of Russia after October? did they have an incentive to make a revolution? gold wandered around the country? and is it really difficult to come up with your own money? or maybe you answer the question for the money the Communists fought, or for hope then snatch? I think you will answer as best you can, no way and minuses.
                      7. Erg
                        7 November 2015 21: 07
                        Precisely because Stalin did not agree to a deal with the Fed, where the dollar was the main reserve currency, further tragic events of history took place. However, the FRS became after them (the first and the second ones) several times "thicker" ...
                      8. Erg
                        7 November 2015 22: 10
                        I blurted it out. After the Second World War, Stalin's refusal to accept the rules of the Fed game led to a global confrontation.
                      9. +3
                        7 November 2015 23: 12
                        Quote: Erg
                        Something blurted out

                        After the Second World War, Stalin's refusal to accept the rules of the Fed game led to a global confrontation.
                        Stalin’s quote that the Fed is deciding something, please go to the studio ...
                      10. 0
                        8 November 2015 13: 43
                        But what about the Operation Unthinkable? There was still a war.
                      11. +2
                        7 November 2015 23: 07
                        Quote: Erg
                        I hope you do not consider Rothschild a fool?
                        I hope you are able to confirm that any of the Rothschilds said this? lol

                        Otherwise, you will not only look, but also are one hundred percent sucker.
                    2. -1
                      7 November 2015 13: 15
                      Quote: SibSlavRus
                      The main thing is not money in the revolution, but moods and driving forces.

                      and the "mood" and subsequently the driving forces are created by the media! As in Ukraine, for example, before the Maidan, because everything is thanks to the media and so-called talk shows like Savik Shuster! It all cost a lot of money and they do not spare their lives or human lives to achieve their goals!
                    3. +25
                      7 November 2015 13: 24
                      Nicholas II, who got a very strong state, managed to steal everything.
                      The struggle for real Soviet power continued for a very long time, until I. Stalin conquered it. People deserved Soviet socialist power with great blood. So much so that in the West they fought fiercely with the popular ideas of socialism and communism, which swept the whole world.
                      The Soviet period is an unprecedented period in the history of not only the country, but also the world. Humanity has not yet come up with a better socialism and the ideas of communism.
                      Compare the conceptual apparatus of socialism and capitalism! Nobody has advocated capitalism so voluntarily and massively. This is a revolution from below, which is why its conquests were valuable.
                      No one can ever clearly explain to us the loss of socialist gains and that deception with the seizure of power in 1991-93.
                      On the achievements of the Soviet state, present-day Russia and another 14 republics (as well as half the world) live by inertia without straining, at the Soviet expense the oligarchy feeds, even until the end they can’t complete the privatization, bastards. That's because the wealth of the people were !!!
                      1. Erg
                        7 November 2015 13: 52
                        The loss of socialist gains ... It's simple, friend. The country was sold. Sold by the government of the USSR. I have already raised this topic. Why do many people simply do not want to compare dates and events in order to understand this ... It all began long before the 91st ...
                      2. +14
                        7 November 2015 15: 16
                        This is where (from the moment of preparation (many agree that since the mid-1980s) the main events of the 1991-93 coup d'etat and, as a consequence of the collapse of the country), I have to agree with "money for the revolution." This is where the "cadres" and the target audience were trained (concentration of authorities and Muscovites, so that they were empty!). Beneficiaries appeared almost immediately on the wave of privatization. Study materials on economics and market relations - all Western - from the early 1990s to the present. Conclusions? Here. Such a lethal technique is the purchase of decision-makers and the environment of leaders - the format of the consciousness of the active part of the population - the rest of the sea of ​​alcohol and personal freedom (without any individual obligations), and that's it, it's not necessary to fight. Foreign policy activity is reduced to minus zero.
                        They miraculously escaped a full-fledged civil war, but got local conflicts around the perimeter of the borders of the former Union and in the zones of its influence abroad.
                      3. Erg
                        7 November 2015 15: 45
                        The whole problem of mankind is that, for the most part, it is deeply flawed ... The origins of what is happening must be sought in the very essence of man ... hi
                      4. -3
                        7 November 2015 17: 12
                        Quote: Erg
                        The loss of socialist gains ... It's simple, friend. The country was sold. Sold by the government of the USSR. I have already raised this topic. Why do many people simply do not want to compare dates and events in order to understand this ... It all began long before the 91st ...

                        That's what I mean by saying that they destroyed the USSR in 1991 by corrupt brainless communists, tied the RUBLE to the DOLLAR, deprived our enterprises of work and financing ...

                        The Communists began with a betrayal of their country and ended with a betrayal.
                      5. Erg
                        7 November 2015 22: 13
                        It's not about the Communists, friend. Evil often has different guises ...
                      6. 0
                        8 November 2015 13: 46
                        And where did the liberals start? With betrayal or sale?
                    4. +1
                      7 November 2015 16: 30
                      Quote: SibSlavRus
                      The main thing is not money in the revolution, but moods and driving forces.

                      Tell this to the maydanites of Kiev, they absolutely know this for sure. And about cookies from Baba Vicki, too.
                      For the evergreens tuned and moved.
                  3. -1
                    7 November 2015 13: 55
                    Quote: Erg
                    Many people simply do not bother themselves with a very simple question - where does the money for the "revolution" come from? ..

                    That is the right question! That year I asked him many times - grabbed the cons - I didn’t get an answer ...
                    1. Erg
                      7 November 2015 15: 50
                      Yes to hell with them, with minuses. About 10 years ago I was also in blinders. Nothing ... Tempora mutantur, at nos mutantur in illis ...
                      1. +4
                        7 November 2015 16: 15
                        Quote: Erg
                        Yes to hell with them, with minuses. About 10 years ago I was also in blinders.

                        That's right. The main thing is to preserve and strengthen Russia without revolutions. She will not stand the third time.
                      2. +1
                        7 November 2015 23: 36
                        Quote: VseDoFeNi
                        The main thing is to preserve and strengthen Russia without revolutions. She will not stand the third time.
                        The movement has a twofold form: evolutionary and revolutionary.
                        The movement is evolutionary when progressive elements spontaneously continue their daily work and make small, quantitative, changes to the old orders.
                        The movement is revolutionary, when the same elements are united, imbued with a single idea and rush against the enemy camp in order to fundamentally destroy the old order and bring into life qualitative changes and establish new orders.
                        Evolution prepares the revolution and creates the ground for it, and the revolution completes the evolution and contributes to its further work..
                        The same processes take place in the life of nature.
                        I. Stalin T.1 s.300
                      3. +1
                        8 November 2015 13: 50
                        Yes! Read Stalin then Nostradamus there and do not smoke. So many years! And thoughts are just like about today!
                    2. -1
                      10 November 2015 04: 02
                      And on Perestroika? And why does Humpback live abroad?
                  4. +4
                    7 November 2015 14: 31
                    [quote = Erg] Many simply do not bother themselves with a very simple question - where does the money for the "revolution" come from? ..
                    An even simpler question to you, dear, where SUDDENLY there was a bunch of gravediggers of the Russian Empire, and question number 2 for February-March: who "ran ahead of the locomotive", overthrowing "hated tsarism"?
                  5. +3
                    7 November 2015 16: 27
                    Maybe enough about the money that the Bolsheviks were given to everyone and sundry from Paris to Tokyo? Power by October 1917 did not exist. The Bolsheviks simply picked her up, because none of the other political movements wanted to take her. everyone was afraid to answer for their actions. Everyone, like sheep, insisted on continuing the war to a victorious end, thereby defending the interests of big capital. No one imagined how to proceed further. There was no single development plan. And Lenin had: End the war, factory workers, land for the peasants. And what were the opponents: the war to the bitter end, Russia is a world power, a parliamentary republic, private ownership of land and means of production. Those. they proposed to leave everything as is but without the king.
                    And after the seizure of power, the Bolsheviks simply began to rob the loot - that’s the money.
                    1. +2
                      8 November 2015 09: 49
                      Quote: mark2
                      Maybe enough about the money that the Bolsheviks were given to everyone and sundry from Paris to Tokyo?

                      Actually, yes, all political parties had money, this issue does not matter.
                      The only thing that matters is that the common people benefited first of all from the activities of the Bolsheviks, they were their main "creditor" - supporting them in the civil war and intervention.
                  6. 0
                    8 November 2015 09: 37
                    Quote: Erg
                    so you can lose the "shoulder straps". In the fight against the "Bolsheviks"

                    Us the main thing is once again not to lose the country. In the fight against idiocy. And new epaulets will grow back.
                  7. 0
                    10 November 2015 03: 57
                    And where to Perestroika?
                5. +18
                  7 November 2015 12: 27
                  Mr. ROMANOV, not only Russians lived in the Russian Empire. And the civil war was not only between the Russians.
                  As information.

                  According to the census of 1897 (during which the question was asked not about nationality, but about the native language), Great Russians made up 44,35% of the population (55,667 million people), Little Russians - 17,81% of the population (22,381 million people), Belarusians - 4,69% (5,886 million people). All of them were officially considered "Russian", the number of which, thus, amounted to 83,934 million people. or 66,81%. Together, the Slavs (East Slavic peoples, as well as Poles, Bulgarians and others) made up about 75% of the population of the empire. Jews were a significant national group - 5,2 million people (4,1%)

                  And another revolution is impossible in a country where they do not want it. No matter how strong financial adventures and theories of international conspiracy were, the Russian people were the main participants in the revolution. Desertion from the front, dissatisfaction with the monarchy, revolutionary moods ripening among the people — these factors played a decisive role in the success of the October Revolution.
                  1. 0
                    7 November 2015 12: 42
                    Why did Prussia do without a revolution and civil?
                    1. Erg
                      7 November 2015 13: 39
                      Morrow belay And the Weimar Republic? Bremen Soviet Republic? Yes there were a lot of these revolutions. If Britain had not invested in the Fuhrer, the Germans' mess could have led to anything ... Don’t you find it strange that money flowed into Germany immediately after it became clear to the bourgeoisie that Stalin had finally covered the concession shop and took an independent course. ..
                      1. -1
                        7 November 2015 14: 38
                        This is a consequence of the defeat in the Great War. Before the war, Germany managed to solve all the problems.
                      2. Erg
                        7 November 2015 15: 54
                        Before the war, there was no Fed. 1913, if you remember ...
                    2. +2
                      8 November 2015 09: 51
                      Quote: Morrrow
                      Why did Prussia do without a revolution and civil?

                      What else is Prussia ?! find me her on the world map laughing
                  2. +5
                    7 November 2015 12: 58
                    Quote: Turkestan
                    The Russian people were the main participants in the revolution.

                    The Russian people are now deeply fond of it. If only they would not touch him and let him sit in his garden. Not without reason, he supported both Gorbachev and Yeltsin — he loves to believe in fairy tales. Most deserters, by the way, went home and not to defend their homeland.
                6. +9
                  7 November 2015 15: 56
                  You forgot that they were Russians! Rejoicing further on how the Russian Russians were killed.

                  And in France, the French killed the French, and in England - the British English. This is a REVOLUTION. There are always those who cannot live in the old way, and others in the new. The civil war begins. By the time of the October Revolution (or coup, as you like), Russia was in the ass. She was in the ass by 1905, when the first revolution happened. The autocracy had to understand and respond to what is happening in the country and change the way of life. And they changed. But within the framework of the existing one.
                  And what was there? There was an absolute monarchy entirely based on 2% of the population - the nobility and the clergy. These estates had any rights and privileges and fully supported the Tsar. The abolition of serfdom in 1861 freed the peasants not from serfdom, but from the land. Well, that was the way it was then. England did the same in due time.
                  The revolution of 1905 - 1907 occurred due to unresolved social problems, the preservation of landownership, remnants of serfdom, overpopulation of the agrarian center and the "successful" Russian-Japanese war, which showed the backwardness of the tsarist system.
                  After that, it was necessary to change something, but they tried to change it cosmetically. Not a single problem that caused the first revolution was eliminated.
                  By the way, the first revolution was considered capitalist. It ended in failure.
                  The second, the February Revolution arose for the same reasons as the first, and, as it became clear, the autocracy has completely outlived itself. Weak king, slurred successes in the World War with huge losses, rampant corruption, falling living standards of an already impoverished people, nepotism in the ruling circles, no results of democratic reforms - not all classes were presented in the State Duma and the decisions of the Duma did not affect the decisions The king. This revolution was also bourgeois. As they say now, liberals have come to power.
                  The October Revolution put an end to the history of the nobility, and the history of capitalism in Russia interrupted for a long time. The reasons were a losing war, hyperinflation, the same corruption, the colossal social stratification of society and the inability of the new government to agree on what to do with the war and what kind of action plan to develop the state.
                  And this revolution was really popular. Many went after the Bolsheviks. Everything happened with the tacit connivance of the people or even approval. In fact, the people got nobles, insatiable priests, greedy capitalists. But there were no fewer opponents — nobles, capitalists, the church — all those who somehow lost all that they had overnight. What began has begun - the civil war.
                  The part of the population that was ready to move forward won, the part that sought to restore the old system lost. In the old system everyone already lived. Did not like. The future seemed vague, but encouraging. Wrong? No?
                  It’s hard to judge. but thanks to that very revolution we can choose socialism and capitalism.
                  1. +2
                    8 November 2015 10: 12
                    Quote: mark2
                    The autocracy had to understand and respond to what is happening in the country and change the way of life. And they changed. But within the framework of the existing one.

                    They didn’t really change anything, the lifestyle itself was more than satisfied with the main population, and the main problems were economic.
                    People had nothing to eat, there was nowhere to learn, there was nowhere to be treated.
                    Politics and freedom issues is already the tenth matter, the tsar-rag stupidly cut higher education to the root, excluding honors students for reading capital and flogging for absenteeism in church services, imposed space repairs instead of capital mess!
                    Quote: mark2
                    There was an absolute monarchy entirely based on 2% of the population - the nobility and the clergy. These estates had any rights and privileges and fully supported the Tsar.

                    The "privileged" estates were about 15% in the country (we take into account, first of all, the agrarian nature of the economy), but they may have been supporters of the monarchy, but even the most convinced monarchists did not support the tsar-rag.
                    Quote: mark2
                    But there were no fewer opponents — nobles, capitalists, the church — all those who somehow lost all that they had overnight.

                    Yes, not only they, it is more and more difficult, among the peasants, artisans, merchants and servicemen, there were also well-to-do people who did not want "communism".
                    Quote: mark2
                    And this revolution was really popular. Many went after the Bolsheviks.

                    That is why we won, but also because, in comparison with the organizational and intellectual abilities of Comrade Lenin and the company, the rest of the leaders simply "faded" and I sincerely doubt that any "Kerenskys" there could have defeated Hitler in the future.
                7. +7
                  7 November 2015 16: 36
                  You forgot that they were Russians! Rejoicing further on how the Russian Russians were killed.

                  And you will remember who cut out entire villages in Siberia under the command of Kolchak, Who raged under the command of Petlyura, Denikin ... They were Russians!
                8. +7
                  7 November 2015 18: 19
                  Quote: Alexander Romanov
                  Quote: Boris55
                  Yes, all those who on white motor ships were scrambling from the country, tail tails

                  You forgot that they were Russians! Rejoicing further on how the Russian Russians were killed.

                  1. I share the mournful feelings about many personal tragedies in the crucial years ... It's a pity even for the escaped White Guards.
                  2. Belogvardeytsev feel sorry ... How is it possible to feel sorry for a stupid child that he reached for a candy. but grabbed the hot iron ...

                  Accustomed to live in a lordly way ... due to the fact that ordinary people lived in terrible conditions.
                  And it was that they, decently living, about 4% of the population of "Great" Russia. The nobility by that time had already degenerated so much that among the Volga barge haulers, statistics showed 4% of the nobility.
                  For a long time I did not perceive the literature of A.M. Gorky as an Encyclopedia of Russian Life. But after studying the history of technology, mainly Russian technology, I perceive the play "At the Bottom" as a document of the era.
                  And also family legends about a happy life in the pre-collective farm period, when children after 10 years of age no longer studied, but worked for 12-14 hours in a field, yard or on firewood ... This happiness was real for people, and I just I could not understand how this can be rejoiced, until they told how they lived in the war ...
                9. +3
                  7 November 2015 22: 37
                  Quote: Alexander Romanov
                  You forgot that they were Russians! Rejoicing further on how the Russian Russians were killed.

                  And no one is happy, you just need to clearly understand that it was NOT the Bolsheviks who started it all.
                10. -6
                  8 November 2015 09: 53
                  the article is a fat minus and to all commies of the rudd also !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
                11. +1
                  8 November 2015 13: 39
                  Quote: Alexander Romanov
                  You forgot that they were Russians! Rejoicing further on how the Russian Russians were killed.
                  This is one of your few statements with which I agree. The Bolshevik Russia project is closed. Unfortunately, greed, profit, theft, betrayal, meanness are inherent in man, and this cannot be corrected with slogans and appeals. hi
                12. +2
                  8 November 2015 15: 27
                  Most of them are not Russians, but opportunists. They run to where it’s good. And how can I call the Russian people the enemies who organized Perestroika and the great genocide of the peoples of the USSR? hi
                  1. +1
                    8 November 2015 20: 44
                    And how can I call the Russian people the enemies who organized Perestroika and the great genocide of the peoples of the USSR

                    And rightly so, I also do not call them Russian. The most interesting thing is that these opportunists, too, do not call themselves Russian.
                    They are citizens of the world.
                13. 0
                  9 November 2015 14: 38
                  This really was scary. That the Russians killed the Russians. But, otherwise, apparently, it was impossible.
                14. -1
                  9 November 2015 23: 32
                  Yes, and not the Russians killed the Russians, it would have gone nowhere, anything can happen! We were killed by Jews, Poles, Latvians, Chinese, Hungarians, Germans and Austrians! There were not so many Russians there in the initial period, But these fools rejoice that foreigners killed our compatriots! HAPPY !!!
              2. -3
                7 November 2015 13: 24
                Quote: Boris55
                Quote: Alexander Romanov
                And whom did you (you) defeat?

                Yes, all those who on white motor ships were scrambling from the country with their tails tucked in.

                Dear Borisov, answer a couple of questions please:
                1. Why did the nationalities enter after the October Revolution?
                2. Why divided Russia into many Soviet republics?
                3. Why did the first government of the USSR which Lenin headed at 85% consisted of Jews,
                leadership of the NKVD 61 people 48 of them Jews, the leaders of the Gulag 100% Jews ?!
                1. +3
                  7 November 2015 16: 46
                  1. Why did the nationalities enter after the October Revolution?

                  And why was there a separation of religion before the revolution? This was indicated in the documents.

                  2. Why divided Russia into many Soviet republics?

                  And why was there a division into governor generals in the Russian Empire?

                  3. Why did the first government of the USSR which Lenin headed at 85% consisted of Jews,
                  leadership of the NKVD 61 people 48 of them Jews, the leaders of the Gulag 100% Jews ?!

                  Well, here they are - Jews ... they only know how to attach themselves.
                  1. -1
                    7 November 2015 18: 27
                    Quote: mark2
                    And why was there a separation of religion before the revolution?

                    Religion is not difficult to change, but nationality is another matter.
                    Quote: mark2
                    And why was there a division into governor generals in the Russian Empire?

                    Which did not have the right to exit and were not considered union republics.
                    1. +2
                      8 November 2015 10: 17
                      Quote: Dart2027
                      Which did not have the right to exit and were not considered union republics.

                      Are you talking about Poland-Finland now?
                      Or want to say, with papers you could at least someday keep separatism?
                      1. -1
                        8 November 2015 14: 47
                        Quote: Down House
                        Are you talking about Poland-Finland now?

                        No in 1917.
                        Quote: Down House
                        pieces of paper could at least someday hold separatism

                        Maybe it was not necessary to support him?
                      2. +1
                        8 November 2015 15: 40
                        Quote: Dart2027
                        Maybe it was not necessary to support him?

                        Whom and why?
                        RI itself was cracking at the seams - the provinces (that is, the regions) were separated from the Capital, there was nothing to say about national regions!
                        And if it were not for the Bolsheviks, now they would be discussing on the forums how the "nation of Bryansk" differs from the "Perm residents"!
                      3. 0
                        8 November 2015 16: 17
                        Quote: Down House
                        RI itself cracked at the seams

                        Cracked. That's just the efforts of all kinds of fighters against backward tsarism. And the Bolsheviks signed the relevant documents. Hoping for a world revolution.
                      4. 0
                        8 November 2015 17: 27
                        Quote: Dart2027
                        Cracked. That's just the efforts of all kinds of fighters against backward tsarism.

                        It cracked, because tsarism was really backward, or, more precisely, a mentally retarded tsar, who "at his leisure" shot cats.
                      5. 0
                        8 November 2015 18: 57
                        Quote: Down House
                        who "at his leisure" shot cats.

                        There are millions of hunters all over the world. The king was an ordinary man, and hunted like most of those who had such an opportunity. As for the cats, a lot of people hunted with him, and who killed them is another matter. His diary on the killing of cats says very little - mostly ordinary game, so it’s not worth it to expose him as a maniac. In addition, they usually forget the fact that it was not about ordinary domestic cats, but about wild forest cats.
                      6. 0
                        8 November 2015 22: 30
                        Quote: Dart2027
                        The king was an ordinary man, and hunted like most of those who had such an opportunity

                        So I’d go to the taiga to hunt for the devil, what kind of rationalism is it for killing livestock, only schoolchildren with an injured psyche do it!
                      7. 0
                        8 November 2015 22: 49
                        Quote: Down House
                        So I would go to the taiga to hunt

                        In fact, the king can’t leave in the middle of nowhere. I remind you that at that time there were no modern airplanes and telephones.
                        Quote: Down House
                        what kind of animal husbandry is it reasonable to kill pets

                        Homework? In the woods?
                        Quote: Dart2027
                        In addition, they usually forget the fact that it was not about ordinary domestic cats, but about wild forest cats
                      8. 0
                        9 November 2015 00: 06
                        Quote: Dart2027
                        In addition, they usually forget the fact that it was not about ordinary domestic cats, but about wild forest cats

                        Well, you take such a kitten to your home, and your whole life will love you - infa 100% smile
                        And by your logic, you can shoot dogs, if they are without a master ....
                        Quote: Dart2027
                        In fact, the king can’t leave in the middle of nowhere.

                        And yes, ask how many "residences" he had - he traveled around the country enough.
                  2. +4
                    7 November 2015 21: 24
                    [quote = mark2] 3. Why was the first government of the USSR headed by Lenin 85% composed of Jews, the NKVD leadership 61 people 48 of them Jews, the leaders of the Gulag 100% Jews ?!
                    Yes, hammer into the search engine "how many Jews were in the first Soviet government." And read. And do not write nonsense.
                    1. The comment was deleted.
                    2. -2
                      7 November 2015 23: 59
                      [quote = revnagan] [quote = mark2] 3. Why the first government of the USSR which Lenin headed at 85% consisted of Jews, the leadership of the NKVD 61 people 48 of them Jews, the leaders of the GULAGs 100% Jews ?!
                      Yes, hammer into the search engine "how many Jews were in the first Soviet government." And read. And do not write nonsense. [/ Quote]

                      Council of People's Commissars (Council of People's Commissars, SNK) 1918 g .:

                      Lenin - Chairman
                      Chicherin - foreign affairs, Russian;
                      Lunacharsky - enlightenment, Jew;
                      Dzhugashvili (Stalin) - nationalities, Georgians;
                      Protian - agriculture, Armenian;
                      Larin (Lurie) - Economic Council, Jew;
                      Schlichter - supply, Jew;
                      Trotsky (Bronstein) - army and navy, Jew;
                      Lander - state control, Jew;
                      Kaufman - state property, Jew;
                      V. Schmidt - work, Jew;
                      Lilina (Knigissen) - public health, Jewish woman;
                      Svalbard - cults, Jew;
                      Zinoviev (Apfelbaum) - internal affairs, Jew;
                      Anvelt - hygiene, Jew;
                      Isidor Gukovsky - finance, Jew;
                      Volodarsky - seal, Jew; Uritsky — elections, Jew;
                      I. Steinberg - justice, Jew;
                      Fengstein - refugees, Jew.
                      1. +3
                        8 November 2015 00: 12
                        This lie is no longer original.
                        And, actually, it’s worth reading at least all the comments. You will find true data. Minus well-deserved.
                        Already wrote, a lie is the main weapon of anti-communists.
                        [quote = YaRS] And do not write nonsense. [/ quote]
                        [/ Quote]
                2. +5
                  7 November 2015 23: 53
                  Quote: YARS
                  1. Why did the nationalities enter after the October Revolution?
                  Where have you entered?

                  2. Why divided Russia into many Soviet republics?
                  Ask the Provisional Government.

                  3. Why the first Soviet government headed by Lenin was 85% Jewish
                  Why are you so illiterate?

                  1. Chairman - Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov (Lenin) (26.10.1917 - 21.01.1924) - Great Russian

                  2. People's Commissariat of Internal Affairs:
                  Alexey Ivanovich Rykov (26.10. - 4.11.1917) - Great Russian

                  3. People's Commissariat of Agriculture
                  Vladimir Pavlovich Milyutin (October 26.10 - November 4.11.1917, XNUMX) - Great Russian

                  4. The People's Commissariat of Labor
                  Alexander Gavrilovich Shlyapnikov (26.10.1917 - 8.10.1918) - Great Russian

                  5. Committee on Naval Affairs (26.10. - 8.11.1917)
                  Vladimir Alexandrovich Antonov-Ovseenko - maloros
                  Pavel Efimovich Dybenko - Little Russian
                  Nikolay Vasilievich Krylenko - Great Russian

                  6. People's Commissariat of Trade and Industry
                  Victor Pavlovich Nogin (26.10. - 4.11.1917) - Great Russian

                  7. People's Commissar of Education
                  Anatoly Vasilievich Lunacharsky (family member for the present father - Antonov) (26.10.1917/12.09.1929/XNUMX - XNUMX/XNUMX/XNUMX) - Great Russian

                  8. People's Commissariat of Finance
                  Ivan Ivanovich Skvortsov-Stepanov (26.10.1917 - 20.01.1918) - Great Russian

                  9. People's Commissariat of Foreign Affairs:
                  Lev Davidovich Trotsky (Bronstein) (26.10.1917 - 8.04.1918) - Jew

                  10. People's Commissariat of Justice
                  Georgy Ippolitovich Lomov-Oppokov (26.10 - 9.12.1917) - Great Russian

                  11. People's Commissariat of Food
                  Ivan Adolfovich Teodorovich (26.10 - 4.11.1917) - Pole

                  12. The People's Commissar of Posts and Telegraphs
                  Nikolai Pavlovich Glebov (Avilov) (26.10 - 9.12.1917) - Great Russian

                  13. People’s Commissariat for Nationalities (People’s Commissariat) of the RSFSR (1917-1923)
                  Joseph Vissarionovich Dzhugashvili (Stalin) - Ossetian

                  14. The People’s Commissariat for Railway Affairs (26.10.1917 - 24.02.1918)
                  Mark Timofeevich Elizarov (8.11.1917/7.01.1918/XNUMX - XNUMX/XNUMX/XNUMX) - Russian

                  15. The People’s Commissariat of State Charity (8.11.1917/20.03.1918/XNUMX - XNUMX/XNUMX/XNUMX)
                  Alexandra Mikhailovna Kollontai (30.10.1917 - 17.03.1918) - Malorosska

                  16. The Supreme Council of the National Economy (VSNH)
                  Valerian Valerianovich Osinsky (Obolensky) (December 1.12.1917, 22.03.1918 - March XNUMX, XNUMX) - Great Russian

                  Result: Russians - 15 (83%), 1 Jew, 1 Pole, 1 Ossetian.

                  leadership of the NKVD 61 people 48 of them Jews, the leaders of the Gulag 100% Jews ?!
                  So you answer - why did you get this? lol
                3. +2
                  8 November 2015 10: 16
                  Quote: YARS
                  3. Why did the first government of the USSR which Lenin headed at 85% consisted of Jews,
                  leadership of the NKVD 61 people 48 of them Jews, the leaders of the Gulag 100% Jews ?!

                  1. This is a myth and clearly overstated figures.
                  2. Even all the Jews of Russia would not have been enough for the complete leadership of the state, the overwhelming majority of "party" people were still Russian by nationality.
                  3. Jews before the revolution were the most oppressed nationality, so even such a large number of them in opposition parties should not confuse anyone and seem surprising.
              3. 0
                9 November 2015 16: 51
                Quote: Alexander Romanov
                Yes, all those who on white motor ships were scrambling from the country with their tails tucked in.

                Have you seen enough Soviet films?
            2. +28
              7 November 2015 11: 12
              Quote: Alexander Romanov
              And whom did you (you) defeat?

              We may not be anyone (although I don’t know if it wasn’t good or bad). But my grandfather defeated Nazism, became a wonderful teacher (Makarenko silver medal number 5) and the school principal. And without the October Revolution, most likely, he would have died a powerless serf in the Kirovograd region. So today I personally celebrate this victory over the snickering landowners and capitalists: I have a red flag waving in front of my house - let the liberoids burst with anger ...
            3. +5
              7 November 2015 11: 21
              Understand the revolution was inevitable, as the government gave too many trump cards to the opponents, which they used. Well, then, as elsewhere, blood, civil war, devastation, Stalin comes, stability and emergency work appear, because you have to "run 50 years in 10".

              About the same thing happened in the late USSR, a weak leader, stupid ministers, a bunch of traitors, and, of course, anti-state propaganda, all the same as in 1916-1917. The result is devastation again, civil war, lost territory, devastation again, Putin comes, stability appears.
              1. +11
                7 November 2015 14: 40
                Quote: Turkestan
                Putin comes, stability appears.

                Well, well ... I.V.S. for a similar period of time, he has already completed TWO five-year plans, turning the USSR into an industrial power, which made it possible to break the back of the fascist beast. Our current "owners" are simply stupidly trying to protect, under the leadership of V.V.P. "acquired by back-breaking labor", placed in offshore.
              2. BMW
                7 November 2015 16: 31
                Quote: Turkestan
                Putin comes, stability appears.

                With the beginning of the school year, school teachers were cut salaries by a total of 25-30%, nifigovoy stability. Many teachers are already thinking about leaving, hellish labor, payment with a fig dule. Schooling is starting to die. hi
            4. +1
              7 November 2015 22: 20
              Quote: Alexander Romanov
              And whom did you (you) defeat?

              Degraded "aristocracy" in the first place, which was an abscess on the body of the Empire!
          2. 0
            7 November 2015 08: 01
            Quote: Boris55
            And we celebrate the victory of the working people over the exploiters.

            Yes, land to peasants ...

            Who were the communists who made the revolution in Russia?
            And who were those fists who tried to fend for themselves during the peasant uprising?

            Oct 1, 2012 at 9:51

            PART 1.

            Who were the communists who made the revolution in Russia?
            And who were those fists who tried to fend for themselves during the peasant uprising?


            We see here only Jewish surnames.
            As they say, comment is unnecessary ...

            However, I still want to say something about this:

            PART 2.
            This short Internet publication played the role of a stone thrown into the water. The circles, of course, did not go on the world network, but the discussion about it flared up hotly.

            As always, it was not without the intervention of Jews.
            Someone Boris Margulis drew up and immediately threw his stone at the Internet: “Didn’t you understand that this picture is nonsense? Well, think it yourself, Anton! Food detachment consisting of only Jews? Is that possible. The Jews do all their nasty things just around the corner and, mind you, with the wrong hands. So this is an ordinary fake, which, however, stupid anti-Semites will respond with a joyful howl ... "

            Other readers came to my aid.
            It was instantly proved that the photograph from the monument to the murdered Communist Jews was not a fake. This monument is real.

            A site was also indicated on which you can read a detailed historical account of how things were going back in 1921, and why these communists were killed.

            This is what the Russian historian Pyotr Alyoshkin told me.
            In 1921 there was a drought, famine in the Saratov province. The three districts of the Tambov region, which were adjacent to the Saratov province, were also severely affected by the drought, and the surplus appraisal was laid on them terrible. Among the peasants there were many soldiers who returned home from the war. They then faced the farmers and farmers then the choice: either to die of hunger, or to resist the new government, which took away food, leaving no chance of survival. These demobilized soldiers were the first to raise an uprising then, and a little later this case was headed by Alexander Stepanovich Antonov. He literally created a peasant state within Russia, which lasted almost a year.

            Resistance to the Bolshevik communists in the lands of the Tambov region became in fact a large-scale war in which the Bolsheviks, under the general military leadership of M.N. In one of his orders, Tukhachevsky wrote: “I ORDER:
            1. Forests where bandits are hiding, cleaned with poisonous gases, accurately calculated so that a cloud of suffocating gases spread throughout the forest, destroying everything that was hidden in it.
            2. The Artillery Inspector shall immediately submit the required number of poisonous gas cylinders and the necessary specialists to the field.
            3. The chief of the combat areas is persistently and vigorously fulfilling this order.
            4. Report on measures taken.
            Commander Tukhachevsky, chief of staff of the General Staff Kakurin.
            But the main weapon of the Bolshevik Communists was the hostage system, that is, the terror of the civilian population. How it was carried out is also known.

            1. +16
              7 November 2015 08: 31
              the struggle was long and hard. and that kolchak denikin yungern were saints ??? Kolchak state reserve of gold squandered ent norms ??? gold to the people the owner of the builder and the defender did not pass did not save. on cartridges and tobacco changed.
            2. +5
              7 November 2015 08: 52
              Who were the communists who made the revolution in Russia?

              Those were digested by the Soviet government and spat out. But today these "comrades" are digesting the people.
              1. +2
                7 November 2015 20: 38
                Quote: onix757
                But today these "comrades" are digesting the people.

                How much can you carry nonsense?
                Comrades are over ....
                25 years have passed since the USSR.
                In fact, two generations have changed according to the educational information principle or more than one full generation according to the demographic principle.
                So today's authorities have nothing to do with the Communists.
                And if we consider that in the last decade of the USSR, an egoistic, stupid faction of "pragmatists-defeatists" has grown in the CPSU, which in fact has nothing to do with the communists, but whose representatives have climbed to the administrative heights, then the communists themselves have no direct relation to the collapse of the USSR either. have.
                That is, now the Communists regret that they didn’t clean the party from grabbers and demagogues on time, that they didn’t stop Gorbachev, that they stupefied for a moment with the EBN and didn’t slam this garbage pit.
            3. +9
              7 November 2015 10: 39
              You'd better read about the White Terror and maybe then you will understand why all of Siberia and the Far East suddenly went to the partisans, as, for example, the grandfather of one of my acquaintances from a very prosperous family (as he recalled, there were separate horses only for going "to the people".) it was the peasants who had no idea of ​​Marxism who became red partisans.
            4. +10
              7 November 2015 10: 51
              What truth is the peasants talking about if the basis of the Tambov rebellion is the desire to get a market price for excess grain in conditions of total hunger? Not all peasants had an excess of grain at that time, moreover, only a small part of the peasants, above all the kulaks, had an excess of grain, for which it was worth not just going into the woods, but cruelly killing food pickers for the hungry. Of course, a variety of people took up arms, however, without this - the economic interest of the kulaks - rebellion would have been impossible.

              What kind of truth is the peasants talking about if the author himself points to combustible material - "a huge mass of deserters"?

              What truth is the Bolsheviks talking about if the Tambov rebellion was suppressed by the interests of a single state, the country's population as a whole, just the interests of getting out of the civil war and further development? Is it possible that a respected king, in whom the peasants were publicly flogged only for an unspoken desire to move, would act differently? Really, the dear king didn’t conduct the pro-development mission in a much more favorable situation (as the author himself speaks about)?

              The Tambov uprising is a rebellion of a private landlord who is unable to think of anything but his own profit and the remnants of the defeated opponents of the Bolsheviks. Rebellion against a single state and people. There is neither truth of the Bolsheviks, nor truth of the peasants in this rebellion.
              1. -18
                7 November 2015 11: 03
                Quote: Turkestan
                The Tambov uprising is a rebellion of a private landlord who is unable to think of anything but his own profit and the remnants of the defeated opponents of the Bolsheviks.

                Oh how. That is, the communists, who betrayed their country and "threw" their allies, plunged Russia into hunger and cold, are they all dartanians?
                But doesn't it seem strange to you that during World War I there were no cards in Russia, was it normal with the products?
                1. +4
                  7 November 2015 11: 33
                  Where was it ok?
                2. +15
                  7 November 2015 11: 49
                  What kind of "allies" the Bolsheviks threw - weren't they the ones who organized the Tsar's abdication and were already counting the profits from the collapse of the empire and the colonization of the wreckage? But the misfortune of Stalin and the Bolsheviks crushed their creatures, including the Whites and Trotskyists, and recreated the empire on a new level. Unfortunately, in 1991, they still succeeded in something that did not work out in 1917.
                  1. The comment was deleted.
                  2. The comment was deleted.
                  3. +4
                    7 November 2015 12: 40
                    it was normal with prod

                    Perhaps that is why in 1917, Provisional Prospect introduced an additional reconnaissance?
                  4. -3
                    7 November 2015 18: 10
                    Quote: dvg79
                    What "allies" the Bolsheviks threw

                    This is the Entente, leaving the war. This is a quote from Katasonov's book "The Genoese Conference", in which the author generally praises Russia / USSR in terms of refusing tsarist debts.
                    Such annexations created enormous economic damage to the RSFSR. A territory of 780 thousand square meters was torn away from Soviet Russia. kilometers with a population of 56 million people (a third of the population of the Russian Empire). Before the revolution, this territory accounted for (% of all Russia):

                    - cultivated agricultural land - 27;
                    - railway network - 26;
                    - textile industry - 33;
                    - smelting of iron and steel - 73;
                    - mining of coal - 89;
                    - sugar production - 90.

                    There were 918 textile factories, 574 breweries, 133 tobacco factories, 1685 distilleries, 244 chemical factories, 615 pulp mills, 1073 machine-building factories and 40% of industrial workers on the seized territory.

                    In the annex to the Treaty, the special economic status of Germany in Soviet Russia was guaranteed. Citizens and corporations of the Central Powers were exempted from the Bolshevik decrees on nationalization, and those who had already lost property were reinstated. Thus, German citizens were allowed to engage in private enterprise in Russia against the background of the general nationalization of the economy at that time. This state of affairs for some time created for Russian owners of enterprises or securities the opportunity to escape from nationalization by selling their assets to the Germans.

                    The Brest Treaty reinstated the 1904 customs tariffs extremely disadvantageous for Russia with Germany. In addition, when the Bolsheviks refused tsarist debts (which occurred in January 1918), Russia was forced to confirm all the debts to the Central Powers and resume payments on them.

                    ПAfter the conclusion of the Brest Peace, the situation in Russia became even more difficult - the Civil War and the Entente intervention began. At the same time, there were all the signs of the defeat of the Second Reich in the war. Nevertheless, Germany managed to impose additional agreements on the Brest Peace Treaty to the Soviet government. On August 27, 1918, in Berlin, in the strictest secrecy, the Russo-German Supplementary Agreement to the Brest Peace and the Russo-German Financial Agreement were concluded.
                    1. +2
                      8 November 2015 05: 56
                      The thrown Entente is from the category "The Molotov-Ribentropp Pact was the cause of WWII."
                3. +8
                  7 November 2015 12: 42
                  Quote: VseDoFeNi
                  That is, the communists, who betrayed their country and "threw" their allies, plunged Russia into hunger and cold, are they all dartanians?

                  An excellent example of betraying your faith. D'Artagnan - was born in the Huguenot (Protestant) part of France. However, he himself, for the sake of Paris, turned out to be a Catholic.
                  1. -1
                    7 November 2015 14: 48
                    Quote: Алексей_К
                    D'Artagnan - was born in the Huguenot (Protestant) part of France.

                    Something "questioned the bar" that the Basque was a Protestant. Unlike you, I trust A. Bushkov more.
                  2. -13
                    7 November 2015 15: 58
                    Quote: Алексей_К

                    Dartanyans, this is a figure of speech when he is on a white horse, and the rest are around buggers. In fact, the Communists always behave this way.
                    Quote: Alexander Romanov
                    Quote: VseDoFeNi

                    That is, the Communists did not conduct subversive activities along with enemies of all stripes?

                    Everything good is ours, and everything bad is nothing to do with us. That was always the case with them. Zyuganov now says the same thing, everything that happens in the country of good things, he immediately ascribes to himself, criticizes the rest. Their whole ideology is such, lying to the last point.
                    1. 0
                      8 November 2015 14: 09
                      But how do liberals and capitalists behave?
                4. +6
                  7 November 2015 21: 29
                  Quote: VseDoFeNi
                  But doesn't it seem strange to you that during World War I there were no cards in Russia, was it normal with the products?

                  Yeah, it’s so normal that in 1916 PROTORDS went through the villages and villages (yes, in 1916, that’s all right), an extra surplus was introduced, and the lines for bread were taken in the evening. Although, of course, if your ancestors could afford Eclairs then, what the hell hunger gentlemen?
                5. +6
                  8 November 2015 00: 19
                  Quote: VseDoFeNi
                  But doesn't it seem strange to you that during World War I there were no cards in Russia, it was ok with the products?
                  You better about the "quotes" of the Rothschilds. and how Putin "cannot" stop bills, tell wassat

                  Menshikov Mikhail Osipovich. "From letters to neighbors," 1915.

                  Stop, gentlemen, deceive yourself and cheat with reality! Do such purely zoological circumstances as a lack of food, clothing, fuel and elementary culture mean nothing among the Russian common people? But they are reflected very expressively in the impoverishment of the human type in Great Russia, Belarus and Little Russia. It is precisely the zoological unit - the Russian people in many places, gripped by fragmentation and degeneration, which made us lower the rate twice in our memory when recruiting recruits for service. A little over a hundred years ago, the tallest army in Europe (Suvorov's "miracle-bogatyrs"), the present Russian army is already the shortest, and a terrifying percentage of recruits have to be rejected for service. Doesn't this "zoological" fact mean anything? Does our shameful infant mortality, which is not met anywhere in the world, mean nothing, in which the vast majority of the living mass of the people does not live up to a third of the human century?
                6. +3
                  8 November 2015 05: 51
                  They began to introduce the surplus apportionment under the tsar, just like all undertakings were done slowly and ineffectively with him.
            5. +6
              7 November 2015 10: 55
              You'd better read about the White Terror and maybe then you will understand why all of Siberia and the Far East suddenly went to the partisans, as, for example, the grandfather of one of my acquaintances from a very prosperous family (as he recalled, there were separate horses only for going "to the people".) it was the peasants who had no idea of ​​Marxism who became red partisans.
            6. +4
              7 November 2015 16: 02
              Quote: VseDoFeNi

              this "button accordion" has a beard to the floor laughing
            7. The comment was deleted.
            8. +6
              8 November 2015 00: 06
              Quote: VseDoFeNi
              who were those fists who tried to fend for themselves during the peasant uprising?
              Dahl's Dictionary.


              The miser, the miser, the Jews (the soulless miser, the terrible miser), flint (the ruthless; the mean), the strong (stubborn, the miser);

              reseller, reseller (speculator), maclac (broker for small transactions, trader of used items), prasol (wholesale purchaser of livestock and various supplies - meat, fish, agricultural raw materials - for resale), clerk (broker for financial, trading, etc.) n. transactions; broker) in the grain trade, in bazaars and marinas, he himself is non-monetary, lives by deceit, miscalculation, measurement;

              lighthouse (rogue, deceiver, re-trader; obyachit - deceive, hold on sale or purchase) eagle. eagle, tarhan (Small merchant, buyer, traveling around the villages, prasol) tamb. Varangian (the buyer of things in the villages) Mosk. shopkeeper with small money, travels around the villages buying up canvas, yarn, linen, hemp, merlushka, bristles, oil, etc., dust (prasol), money lad (reseller, deceiver, crook, crook), gurtovschik (the one who sells cattle), a buyer and cattle driver;

              A fist without God will be pierced, but without God it cannot survive.

              Kulaks, kulachism -. Wed occupation, hunting for a fist, embassy, ​​overbought, young lady.
          3. The comment was deleted.
          4. -13
            7 November 2015 09: 58
            Do you think that the Soviet state exploited the peasants less than the landowners? Yes, as the peasant did not have land, it did not, on the contrary, the Bolsheviks took the latter. Previously, the peasant worked for the master, and then worked for himself. And the Bolsheviks first took away all the grain cleanly, millions of people were removed from hunger, and then forced to work in collective farms for workdays without the right to leave for the city, and those who did not want to be shot or poured into Siberia and Northern Kazakhstan. Even the tsarist regime did not allow such cruelty.
            1. +2
              7 November 2015 11: 36
              Which ancestors did you belong to?
              1. +12
                7 November 2015 12: 53
                - without the right to travel to the city
                And who then became workers during the years of industrialization? Americans or freemasons ???
                - and those who did not want
                Who did not want to ask what ???
                Here, in the village of my parents, NOBODY was shot or deported to Siberia. Apparently, the Soviet peasants did not read your comment.
                But in tsarist Russia, peasant riots were indeed a frequent occurrence, and their participants went not to the steppes of Northern Kazakhstan, but to taiga penal servitude.
                - hunger relief millions of people
                In tsarist Russia, hunger was generally a regular and universal occurrence.
                The Bolsheviks ended their hunger.

                As for collective farms: only large farms could ensure the country's food security.
                In addition, the chairman of the collective farm was elected by the peasants, collective farm property was public.
                The collective farms put an end to the landless peasantry, lack of work in the countryside, and regular and massive hunger.

                Don't like workdays? Well, the Bolsheviks did not forbid anyone to sell their products to peasants in the regional markets. So in 30, peasants began to appear money, and the Russian village began to get out of hopeless poverty, where it was before the revolution.
                If there had been no war, it is still unknown what economic results the Bolsheviks would have achieved.
                1. -9
                  7 November 2015 16: 09
                  At first, peasants were free to move around the country, since the abolition of serfdom. But after the start of collectivization, restrictions began to be imposed on the free movement of peasants, because someone had to cultivate the land. Under late Stalin, collective farmers were simply not given passports or the passport was kept by the chairman. And without documents about the move, one could not have thought. Local authorities gave permission to leave based on the need for human strength. My grandfather with his family was able to leave for the nearest city only at the beginning of the 60's. I dug a dugout for myself, where I lived with my family until he and my father built a house of adobe (bricks made of clay and straw dried in the sun). I was born in this house. Thanks to the Soviet authorities.
                  1. +3
                    8 November 2015 06: 02
                    My great-grandmother and grandmother without passports each year went to sell seeds in the closed city of Komsomolsk on the Amur.
                  2. +2
                    8 November 2015 10: 26
                    Quote: Nikolai K
                    At first, peasants were free to move around the country, since the abolition of serfdom.

                    Yeah, without money and food you can’t even walk around the country laughing
                2. -4
                  7 November 2015 17: 09
                  With the landowners and the lack of mechanization, Russia was the largest exporter of bread. And with collective farms, a huge number of tractors and combines in the era of developed socialism, the USSR bought bread from its potential opponents. Here is such food security.
                  1. +4
                    7 November 2015 21: 36
                    Quote: Nikolai K
                    With the landowners and the lack of mechanization, Russia was the largest exporter of bread.

                    Let's not play demagoguery. WHAT bread? Fodder! Bread that is not suitable for human consumption. Yes, and as Leo Tolstoy wrote, "in Russia, famine is not when the bread is not ugly, but when the quinoa is not ugly." Most of the peasant guys first tried meat after being drafted into the army. Hunger overwhelmed Tsarist Russia every 3-4 years.
                    1. -4
                      7 November 2015 22: 26
                      Quote: revnagan
                      and then, when the quinoa is not ugly "

                      Do you know many dishes of Russian folk cuisine from quinoa?
              2. -1
                7 November 2015 15: 58
                Peasants and artisans
          5. +21
            7 November 2015 10: 09
            Lenin, calling the liberal intelligentsia "g .... m", sent this audience overseas and to Europe by steamers! The remnants of this corrupt evil spirits had a hand in the collapse of the USSR and are still stirring up their ideological "g .... m" in Russia!
            For me, November 7 in honor of 1917 is a hundred times more important than November 4, 1612!
            1. 0
              7 November 2015 12: 00
              Among them were: Markov, Sikorsky, Zvorykin - people who made modern civilization.
              1. +10
                7 November 2015 12: 29
                Dear, Sikorsky and Zvorykin left Russia before the end of the Civil War, when it was not clear who would win. And they left it not because they had any views on politics, but the fact is that in the conditions of war, they did not have the means and the ability to do research. In addition, the same Zvorykin came to the USSR by the American delegation in the 30s. And on the ships sailed philosophers, political scientists, writers with very ambiguous views. There were enough monarchists and nationalists, who later glorified Hitler. There was a very heterogeneous audience.
                1. +1
                  7 November 2015 14: 16
                  Why didn’t they return to the USSR before or after the war?
                  1. +5
                    8 November 2015 00: 26
                    Quote: Cap.Morgan
                    Why didn’t they return to the USSR before or after the war?
                    Put their selfish interests above Russian spirituality and collectivism smile
              2. +4
                7 November 2015 14: 57
                And how could we survive without them?
              3. +2
                8 November 2015 00: 24
                Quote: Morrrow
                Among them were: Markov, Sikorsky, Zvorykin - people who made modern civilization.
              4. MrK
                8 November 2015 01: 52
                Quote: Morrrow
                Among them were: Markov, Sikorsky, Zvorykin - people who made modern civilization.

                There was only one steamboat. And the ear of the order of 60 families, somewhere 200 people with children. Well, they did not want to live under the Soviet regime. Well, go through the forest.

                But in the USSR there was no civilization. No helicopters (Sikorsky). No television (Zvorykin). No mathematics (Markov). I am ashamed to read these liberals.
            2. +2
              7 November 2015 18: 57
              The fact is that in tsarist Russia the festive day was precisely November 7, and November 4 was a church holiday of the Kazan Mother of God, because on this day, this icon was used to bless the militia before the battle with the invaders, and by November 7 the Poles, realizing that their cause had been lost, surrendered. But then the command was given to remove on November 7 and dodged calling the priests for help. So, they didn’t have a very good holiday. celebrate not before the battle, but after, if naturally won. But the "historians" of the liberals must be removed on November 7th. Really g ... but a nation.
            3. +1
              7 November 2015 18: 57
              The fact is that in tsarist Russia the festive day was precisely November 7, and November 4 was a church holiday of the Kazan Mother of God, because on this day, this icon was used to bless the militia before the battle with the invaders, and by November 7 the Poles, realizing that their cause had been lost, surrendered. But then the command was given to remove on November 7 and dodged calling the priests for help. So, they didn’t have a very good holiday. celebrate not before the battle, but after, if naturally won. But the "historians" of the liberals must be removed on November 7th. Really g ... but a nation.
          6. +3
            7 November 2015 22: 19
            Quote: Boris55
            For 40 years, the uninhabited Trotskyists, starting at age 53, have finished off the country.

            Yes, this is how it all started, especially read about the "Lieberman-Kosygin reform" - this was the first knockdown of the Stalinist economy.
          7. 0
            9 November 2015 07: 32
            Mao's prophecy: after the betrayal of Stalin by Soviet revisionists, the USSR is doomed.
            Statement: after the assassination of Stalin and Beria, the USSR was destroyed by the uninhabited Trotskyists.

            The Trotskyists are Jewish fascists.
            The inventors of fascism are Jews,
            the distributors are Germans,
            the main carriers are Anglo-Saxons.
        2. -16
          7 November 2015 07: 54
          Quote: VseDoFeNi
          Celebrate riot during the war

          Yes, let them celebrate is their only day. Also pour five drops without clinking glasses lol
          1. -5
            7 November 2015 08: 03
            Quote: Alexander Romanov
            Also pour five drops without clinking glasses lol

            Drinking is not patriotic, namesake.
            1. -14
              7 November 2015 08: 15
              Quote: VseDoFeNi

              Drinking is not patriotic, namesake.

              You can drink for everyone who died in a fratricidal warrior. This is a holiday only for those who rejoice in spilled blood, but they can only be touched.
              1. +33
                7 November 2015 08: 24
                Quote: Alexander Romanov
                This is a holiday only for those who rejoice in spilled blood.

                Only "radish" can rejoice at this.
                For the first time, the people threw off the yoke from their shoulders and proved to the whole world that the "cook" is also capable of running the state and that the too high price of the gentlemen for their managerial work is in no way justified.

                1. -21
                  7 November 2015 08: 44
                  For the first time, the people threw off the yoke from their shoulders and proved to the whole world that the "cook" is also capable of running the state and that the too high price of the gentlemen for their managerial work is in no way justified.

                  Well, yes, I threw off the yoke to put on a saddle. Well, how justified the high price for managerial work can be judged by the level of economic status of the population. For example, the GDR and the FRG.
                  1. +19
                    7 November 2015 10: 41
                    But you compare how many cities and villages were destroyed in the GDR and how many in the same Germany. Allies deliberately destroyed the cities and towns that were supposed to enter the Soviet occupation zone. Remember Dresden, destroyed by Anglo-American aircraft, although there were no military units there. And one must not forget that the GDR and the USSR developed under the conditions of a complete economic blockade by the West. Nevertheless, most of the German Democratic Republic recalls the socialist homeland with nostalgia.
                    1. -9
                      7 November 2015 14: 26
                      Nostalgia - longing for the past, nothing more. But in fact they were ready to jump over the Berlin wall like baboons. And why should I remember under what blockade the USSR and the GDR developed. The blockade is always mutual. According to objective indicators, the USSR is the richest state in the world. And in terms of natural resources and intellectual and cultural - moral. But precisely because the so-called socialism completely kills the desire for initiative (after all, it is punishable) we found ourselves in a deep ass. Remember how the party leaders spoke about genetics? what about cybernetics? And whose power broke the Russians into three "different" peoples. What the Poles, Austrians and Germans dreamed of was realized by the Bolsheviks. It still regurgitates. What's the matter with you all. The author spat in our faces with his headline, and you swam under the hood.
                2. -17
                  7 November 2015 08: 48
                  Quote: Boris55
                  and proved to the whole world that the "cook" is also capable of running the state

                  A cook will always remain a cook, especially if the cook received money from the Germans.
                  write, you are all lying wassat
                  1. +16
                    7 November 2015 09: 22
                    Quote: Alexander Romanov
                    A cook will always remain a cook ...

                    "Cook" proved its viability in the war with the united bourgeois Europe 41-45 years. That is why they have a symbol of reconciliation of some bourgeoisie with others - red poppies, and we have a St. George ribbon, a symbol of the victory of the workers' peasant army over the bourgeoisie, and there will never be reconciliation between us and them.

                    Sharikov, as a symbol of the Russian people, was born by liberals and was horrified by what they had done, but unlike the film, the story has no reverse. A people who have mastered knowledge cannot be turned back into an animal.
                    1. -13
                      7 November 2015 12: 02
                      The USA and England are also winners, but they have not buried tens of millions of their citizens.
                      1. +3
                        8 November 2015 10: 30
                        Quote: Morrrow
                        The USA and England are also winners, but they have not buried tens of millions of their citizens.

                        And what, fascist tanks traveled to their lands and occupied cities with civilians? belay
                    2. +3
                      7 November 2015 14: 38
                      we have the St. George ribbon, a symbol of the victory of the workers of the peasant army over the bourgeoisie.

                      And then George hto - the most important commissar, or a set of three jacks of Russophobes Marx-Engels-Blank. The Bolshevik Party was born in London, in a country in which labor unrest was suppressed by naval artillery. But for friendly Russia, England does not feel sorry for anything. Is not it.
                    3. 0
                      7 November 2015 19: 26
                      Quote: Boris55
                      A people who have mastered knowledge cannot be turned back into an animal.

                      You think so? But what about de maidan, where they burned people alive, and how do you like Odessa, where they burned people alive? And how do you like the Donbass, where innocent women and children are killed?
                      1. +3
                        8 November 2015 01: 04
                        Quote: VseDoFeNi
                        But what about de maidan, where they burned people alive, and how do you like Odessa, where they burned people alive? And how do you like the Donbass, where innocent women and children are killed?
                        Well, the Vlasovites do not fight with Bandera ...

                        Happy holiday.
                  2. -15
                    7 November 2015 11: 15
                    What did the October Revolution bring to the common people?

                    - Previously, gentlemen entered the store from the front door, and the common people from black, and now the common people enter stores from the front door, and gentlemen from the black.
                    1. +4
                      8 November 2015 01: 07
                      Quote: Turkestan
                      What did the October Revolution bring to the common people?

                      A simple example: Was your spouse on maternity leave?

                      Guess why this vacation was called maternity smile
                  3. The comment was deleted.
                3. -3
                  7 November 2015 17: 18
                  What a naivety. There was a change in the ruling elites, who found out who is stronger with the help of weapons. Instead, the landowner exploited, whose ancestors once entered the princely or tsarist squad and received land for their military service, came other exploiters of the party nomenclature elite, who likewise took the land and bread by force of arms. Tales of social justice are tales for adults. As soon as a person gains power, he is tempted to use it for personal gain. And most succumb to this temptation.
                  1. +6
                    8 November 2015 01: 09
                    Quote: Nikolai K
                    There was a change in the ruling elites
              2. +5
                8 November 2015 00: 40
                Quote: Alexander Romanov
                You can drink for everyone who died in a fratricidal warrior
                For these brothers ...
          2. +8
            7 November 2015 08: 42
            and what holidays do you have ????
            1. -22
              7 November 2015 08: 49
              Quote: kumaxa
              and what holidays do you have ????

              You don’t celebrate holidays in Russia. It’s exactly like November 7, the rest of the 364-365 days in mourning. Please accept my condolences and say hello to Zyuganov crying
              1. +10
                7 November 2015 12: 53
                Quote: Alexander Romanov
                Quote: kumaxa
                and what holidays do you have ????

                You don’t celebrate holidays in Russia. It’s exactly like November 7, the rest of the 364-365 days in mourning. Please accept my condolences and say hello to Zyuganov crying

                So after all, Independence Day, 12 of June, is only one day. The rest (363-364) days are the black days of the American enslavement of Russia. Clinton and Obama are always happy with the Russian EBN-am and HMS-am (EBN - Boris Yeltsin, GMS - Mikhail Sergeyevich Gorbachev).
        3. +15
          7 November 2015 08: 46

          The result of seventy years of communist activity was the dismemberment of the great country into 15 parts, the destruction of the CMEA and the Warsaw Treaty

          But CMEA and the Warsaw Pact were thanks to the communists.
          whose countries have replenished the orderly ranks of NATO, moving it close to our borders.

          Here you are, have you personally done anything to prevent this from happening?
          1. -17
            7 November 2015 08: 59
            Quote: razgildyay
            But the CMEA and the Warsaw Pact were thanks to the Communists.

            I gave birth to you, and I will kill you. (Bulba Taras)

            Quote: razgildyay
            Here you are, have you personally done anything to prevent this from happening?

            Personally, we served in the Soviet Army. good
        4. -19
          7 November 2015 09: 45
          I agree. With good intentions the road to hell is paved. They fought for social justice, and after 80 of years they got a ruined empire, poor old people and a state that was corrupt through and through. All revolutions are conceived by idealists, but cynics like Trotsky and Stalin embody. In Ukraine, they also talk about the great Maidan, which people came out against corruption and for freedom, but in the end they got a war, the collapse of the economy and the state. Such is the October Revolution in miniature. The Bolsheviks deceived their people by not fulfilling their main promises. They promised peace and an end to the war, and pulled the country into a new civil war, even more destructive and bloody. They promised the land to the peasants, and in the end they even took the one that the people had, and drove the peasants under the affairs of the Mausers into collective farms. Alas, even such smart people as Lenin did not understand (although at the end of his life he probably understood his mistakes and introduced the NEP) elementary: everything has its time. It is impossible to force people to drive to happiness and justice, that needs to evolve, and any revolution is a short way, but leading through a swamp. You just need to be just wiser.
          1. +3
            8 November 2015 11: 36
            Sorry - no minuses, no emotions - and you think that the pin ... sorry, maydaunas are Bolsheviks ??? And they fought on maydaun for what ??? - and they didn’t get it in 80 years ... By the way, here the Mauser bases are preparing a law on the free sale of land - after all, there’s nothing to sell ... I would advise Russia to adopt a law on slaves so that we can ensure our rights at the legislative level ... In Euzhu ... excuse me, they won’t let anyone go anyway - the faith is not the same, and the muzzle is not smeared with wax ... And prostitutes do not take everyone. And Lenin is the greatest Ukrainian - because only the great rulers can double the territory, the population four times - but the blasphemy doesn’t even understand this ... So NIKOLAI, evolve by n success and justice, and good luck to you on this difficult path ...
          2. +1
            9 November 2015 19: 46
            At the end of his existence, Lenin fell into a stupor and he could not realize anything. These are such tales about the red bull ...
        5. -7
          7 November 2015 09: 55
          Totally agree!
        6. -1
          7 November 2015 09: 55
          Totally agree!
        7. +12
          7 November 2015 14: 06
          Quote: VseDoFeNi
          The result of the seventy years of activity of the Communists was the division of the great country into 15 parts,

          The dismemberment of the country into 15 parts is not entirely correct - not all republics left the USSR, but the most important thing is that the collapse of the USSR was the result of the activities not of communists, but of compradors led by Gorbachev. Again, the communists are too vague a concept - under Lenin with his military communism aimed at banal retention of power, there were only communists, under Stalin who restored the country's economic power, first after the Civil War, then after the Patriotic War, (which in turn won) there were completely different communists ... Khrushchev who actually destroyed the Stalinist reforms and made an impetus for the degeneration of the party into what it turned into under the Marked Judas. Unfortunately, Stalin did not have time to introduce mechanisms guaranteeing self-regulation of the party's purity (he was preparing, but apparently for this he was killed). After Khrushchev took the Central Committee and, in general, party functionaries out of control by the MGB / KGB, putting the organs under party control, the degradation of the CPSU was a foregone conclusion. Those who destroyed the USSR were not communists, but snickering officials, who lost their shores from impunity and sold for a basket of cookies and a jar of jam. The ossified ideology did not allow the rare sane to change the system. If after Brezhnev came a strong leader who would be able to implement Stalin's plans, we would live in another country. The socialist system itself is an order of magnitude better and more honest than the cannibalistic system that dominates the earth, but is bursting at all the seams. Capitalism as an economic model cannot exist without "donors", which are not enough for everyone ... as a result of the war for resources and markets. Celebrating November 7 is a reminder that you can live differently. I really hope that sooner or later we will realize (correct mistakes) the potential inherent in this idea.
          P / S: In the West, the experience of the USSR has long been adopted - state regulation is present in the banking sector, with varying degrees of success, attempts are made to bring everyone to a common denominator by introducing 90% tax on superprofits, subsidies on agricultural products, total control of ideology, strengthening state control over strategic industries etc
        8. +8
          7 November 2015 14: 18
          Quote: VseDoFeNi
          The result of the seventy years of activity of the Communists was the division of the great country into 15 parts

          And who created this great country? And the result of the influence of whom she was dismembered? Here you can see that you give a damn about everything, at least you have learned to think.
          Quote: Alexander Romanov
          And whom did you (you) defeat?

          Just do not associate yourself with Alexander I, according to your comments, it catches the eye.
          The article is controversial but has the right to be. And history should not be rewritten and crap around those who fought for a decent life for the whole people and not for a handful of robbers, officials and lovers of Western "democracy".
          1. -1
            9 November 2015 19: 43
            The country was created by the people. And the Lord never left Russia. And people like you killed her, and she, well, didn’t get killed in any way. I personally understand your obsession.
        9. +3
          7 November 2015 22: 16
          Quote: VseDoFeNi
          The result of the seventy years of activity of the Communists was the division of the great country into 15 parts

          Yeah, all as one ruined the "country" for 70 years, which in 1917 ALREADY lay in ruins and the Germans ruled on its land laughing
          At the same time, 2 times these Germans were kicked out for some reason (they probably prevented them from falling apart), they taught everyone "for some reason" to read and write - they all had some wrong ideas about how to destroy the country laughing
        10. 0
          9 November 2015 18: 27
          No need for illness, they rebelled in February 1917 during the war and betrayed to their homeland exactly the same maidanut pro-American lovers of freedom and democracy. Since the time of Khrushchev, the Communists have generally degenerated into the same freaks with pluralism and other charms that were not satisfied with the ability to steal little and not show it modestly. How can anyone seriously consider the communists to be nationalists who have bred on the outskirts of the country and other nasty things. In short, having a membership card and even paying dues and even fiery speeches is not a sign of a communist.
      2. +29
        7 November 2015 07: 31
        Quote: Igor39
        What power is the bourgeois government again? ...

        Is not it so? Medvedev and K 'defends the interests of the bourgeoisie. It is necessary to celebrate so that they remember that their age is not long and that we would not forget how our ancestors acted with the bourgeoisie.

        All the holiday!
        1. -28
          7 November 2015 07: 53
          Quote: Boris55
          It is necessary to celebrate so that they remember that their age is not long and that we do not forget how our ancestors acted with the bourgeois.

          Only you do not forget about the more than ten million people who died in the civil war. They were far from all bourgeois.

          And you celebrate a riot and a coup during the war, which was to be punished by execution or a fine battalion on the front line. And which led to unprecedented casualties among our population.
          1. +27
            7 November 2015 07: 59
            Quote: VseDoFeNi
            And you celebrate a riot and a coup during the war, which was to be punished by execution or a fine battalion on the front line

            This, my friend, to the liberals. It was they who during the war removed the top (tsar) from power, and not the Bolsheviks ...
            Only the Bolsheviks, in those difficult days, dared to take full responsibility for the country.
            1. -24
              7 November 2015 08: 05
              Quote: Boris55
              It was they who during the war removed the top (tsar) from power, and not the Bolsheviks ...

              That is, the Communists did not conduct subversive activities along with enemies of all stripes?

              By the way, here in VO there is an article about the destruction by the Bolsheviks of the Black Sea Fleet, it is so patriotic ...
              1. +14
                7 November 2015 08: 11
                Quote: VseDoFeNi
                That is, the Communists did not conduct subversive activities along with enemies of all stripes?

                A flame will ignite from the Iskra!
                Subversive activities against exploiters - no doubt!
                1. -17
                  7 November 2015 08: 27
                  Quote: Boris55
                  Subversive activities against exploiters - no doubt!

                  So pay off work ...
                  Why support the exploiters - atu them, atu ...
                  1. +11
                    7 November 2015 08: 35
                    Quote: VseDoFeNi
                    So pay off work ...
                    Why support the exploiters - atu them, atu ...

                    I am a military pensioner since 1998.
              2. -18
                7 November 2015 08: 18
                Quote: VseDoFeNi

                That is, the Communists did not conduct subversive activities along with enemies of all stripes?

                Everything good is ours, and we have nothing to do with anything bad. It has always been like that with them. Zyuganov now says the same thing, everything that happens in the country is good, he immediately ascribes to himself, criticizes the rest. They have such an ideology, lying to the last points.
                1. -17
                  7 November 2015 08: 26
                  Golden words, namesake.
                2. +7
                  7 November 2015 09: 31
                  Everything good is ours, and everything bad is nothing to do with us.

                  Apparently because after our good-yours did not wait
                3. +6
                  7 November 2015 14: 36
                  Quote: Alexander Romanov
                  Their whole ideology is such, lying to the last point.

                  Everything was in order with the ideology. The trouble lies elsewhere - too many of the elite reached out for "Western values".
                4. +3
                  7 November 2015 21: 01
                  Quote: Alexander Romanov
                  Their whole ideology is such, lying to the last point.

                  In principle, I agree. But with reservations.
                  1. Any ideology expresses a dream - in fact unattainable, and for this very reason it becomes possible for hypocrites and demagogues to ignore the essence and declare reality false.
                  2. K. Marx is studied in all major universities in the world. His theory of capitalism is universally recognized by experts. But, this is bad luck, the conclusions from this scientific work are deadly for capitalism. For this reason, it is easier to destroy classical education, or rather, to make education accessible only through a property barrier, and then a semi-literate people will lose the ability to critically analyze and integrate synthesis. And then black is declared white, .... and the Communists - yes even traitors to the people ... Fools will believe ...
                  3. What is the past bones ???
                  One must think how to live on.
                  And I really want people to be citizens, help each other, work for the good of the Motherland, the children will be protected by the state, which means appropriate state guarantees for living conditions, medicine, education ...
                  So that pensioners are not beggars, at least those who worked for the good of the Motherland, even if they are nurses or laboratory assistants, someone must work in these positions.

                  For me personally, from life experience, all the good that humanity worked out acquired real meaning precisely under socialism.

                  And I continue to dream about communism.
                  And do not scoff, it’s useless, I’m not a beggar, I live calmly, I don’t envy anyone ... it’s a shame for the state.
                5. -2
                  9 November 2015 19: 40
                  It is interesting that these Bolshevik renegades dug in here and minus those who have a conscience and common sense? We won’t defeat the enemy with the Bolsheviks !!!
              3. +14
                7 November 2015 08: 23
                One of the problems of post-revolutionary Russia was the determination of the form of government and the political regime in Russia. If at the first stage it was a republican form of government with the continued possibility of restoration of the monarchy in constitutional form and with strong executive power, then later the political regime began to lean towards the presidential republic and Bonapartism of the Provisional Government. At the same time, the Provisional Government ignored the question of the form of government and repeatedly postponed the convening of the Constituent Assembly.

                According to the authors of the Black Book of Communism, the three members of the Provisional Government, replacing each other, “showed his complete inability to solve the problems inherited from the old regime: the economic crisis, the continuation of the war, labor and land issues. The liberals from the party of constitutional democrats who prevailed in the first two cabinet ministers, just like the Mensheviks and socialist revolutionaries, who constituted the majority in the third, belonged entirely to the urban cultural elite, to those circles of intelligentsia that combined a naive and blind faith in “People” and fear of the “dark mass” surrounding them, which, however, they knew very poorly. For the most part, they believed (at least in the first months of the revolution, which struck them with their peaceful character) that it was necessary to give full play to the democratic flow, freed first by the crisis, and then by the fall of the old regime. To turn Russia into the “freest country in the world” - such was the dream of beautiful-hearted idealists like Prince Lvov, chairman of the first two post-February governments.
                And then the Bolsheviks came, drove out all the invaders and began to restore order, only without the bourgeoisie, the bourgeois grieved abroad about the lost property.
            2. 0
              7 November 2015 12: 04
              And they signed a unique Brest peace.
              1. +12
                7 November 2015 12: 37
                Quote: Morrrow
                And they signed a unique Brest peace.

                And what? What did Comrade Lenin say then? ... "We need a respite now like air, otherwise they will be crushed!"
                Germans gave Ukraine? Give it away! Returned? Returned! What is the problem?
                1. +2
                  7 November 2015 13: 02
                  The problem is that there was no Ukraine. There was a Little Russian province of a single Russian people. Brest legitimized the gang of the UPR, which no one supported. Then the Ukrainianization of the Russian population was made. And only after that they did the USSR, in the constitution of which the secession from the republics was prescribed at any time, i.e. the union was temporary. You don’t understand where was the key mistake? The legitimization of bandits and separatists, Ukrainization (i.e. the creation of the Ukrainian people as opposed to the Russian) and, as a final, the legal withdrawal of the USSR from the Union, which was not Russia and was temporary.
                2. -10
                  7 November 2015 17: 31
                  Lenin said that it was important for him to maintain power at ANY PRICE. What will happen to the state and people is the tenth matter. Just think of the best land given to the Germans, let go of the Baltic states, Finland and Poland.
                  1. +4
                    7 November 2015 18: 47
                    What? Power at all costs? belay when you read Lenin all the volumes, then we'll talk ...
                    And finally, are you for the Bolsheviks or for the Communists? ... wink
                    1. -1
                      7 November 2015 19: 37
                      I am for common sense and against utopias.
                    2. The comment was deleted.
                  2. +1
                    8 November 2015 01: 30
                    Quote: Nikolai K
                    Lenin spoke
                    Either a quote with reference to the source, or you yourself know who you are laughing
                3. -8
                  7 November 2015 18: 13
                  Quote: sabakina
                  And what?

                  Quote: dvg79
                  What "allies" the Bolsheviks threw

                  This is the Entente, leaving the war. This is a quote from Katasonov's book "The Genoese Conference", in which the author generally praises Russia / USSR in terms of refusing tsarist debts.
                  Such annexations created enormous economic damage to the RSFSR. A territory of 780 thousand square meters was torn away from Soviet Russia. kilometers with a population of 56 million people (a third of the population of the Russian Empire). Before the revolution, this territory accounted for (% of all Russia):

                  - cultivated agricultural land - 27;
                  - railway network - 26;
                  - textile industry - 33;
                  - smelting of iron and steel - 73;
                  - mining of coal - 89;
                  - sugar production - 90.

                  There were 918 textile factories, 574 breweries, 133 tobacco factories, 1685 distilleries, 244 chemical factories, 615 pulp mills, 1073 machine-building factories and 40% of industrial workers on the seized territory.

                  In the annex to the Treaty, the special economic status of Germany in Soviet Russia was guaranteed. Citizens and corporations of the Central Powers were exempted from the Bolshevik decrees on nationalization, and those who had already lost property were reinstated. Thus, German citizens were allowed to engage in private enterprise in Russia against the background of the general nationalization of the economy at that time. This state of affairs for some time created for Russian owners of enterprises or securities the opportunity to escape from nationalization by selling their assets to the Germans.

                  The Brest Treaty reinstated the 1904 customs tariffs extremely disadvantageous for Russia with Germany. In addition, when the Bolsheviks refused tsarist debts (which occurred in January 1918), Russia was forced to confirm all the debts to the Central Powers and resume payments on them.

                  ПAfter the conclusion of the Brest Peace, the situation in Russia became even more difficult - the Civil War and the Entente intervention began. At the same time, there were all the signs of the defeat of the Second Reich in the war. Nevertheless, Germany managed to impose additional agreements on the Brest Peace Treaty to the Soviet government. On August 27, 1918, in Berlin, in the strictest secrecy, the Russo-German Supplementary Agreement to the Brest Peace and the Russo-German Financial Agreement were concluded.
                  1. +7
                    7 November 2015 20: 03
                    Quote: VseDoFeNi
                    Quote: dvg79
                    What "allies" the Bolsheviks threw
                    This is the Entente, leaving the war. This is a quote from Katasonov's book "The Genoese Conference", in which the author generally praises Russia / USSR in terms of refusing tsarist debts.

                    1. The Bolsheviks and the Entente did not conclude any treaties, so they were not any allies to them.

                    2. The Bolsheviks did not proclaim themselves the successors of the Russian Empire in any way, so they do not bear any obligations, whether political, economic or financial, de jure to them.
                    1. -4
                      7 November 2015 20: 20
                      Quote: Alex
                      The Bolsheviks and the Entente did not conclude any agreements, so they were not any allies.

                      The Bolsheviks betrayed and destroyed their country, adding ten and a half million civilians to the two million victims of the World !!! And you yell that this is a great blessing and the conquests of October. If it were not for Stalin, you would have been the fire of the world revolution to the last Russian. fool
                      1. +8
                        7 November 2015 21: 43
                        Actually, I don’t answer to comments like those in your video title (my many years of experience as a teacher say that such definitions are usually given by those who belong to this category of people), but still I will answer. Finishing Russia's participation in the world massacre into which the not-so-smart king got into because he owed France an astronomical sum was necessary two years ago (look, and the empire would have survived). The fact that no millions of Russian lives solved any tasks vital to Russia did not solve Newton’s binom too. As it’s not a secret that all the promises of England - whether written or oral (this is especially common - the Anglo-Saxons never wanted to take official promises, then to refuse them is not very convenient) - cost exactly as much as the paper on which they are written or air, which at the same time hesitated. And if there hadn’t been a revolution, it is not yet known how many millions of Russian lives would have been set aside for the salvation of France and the English expeditionary force.

                        Now about the Civil War. It was not the Bolsheviks who unleashed it, but the Czechoslovak corps. Whose military unit and with whose money he launched this rebellion is also well known. As well as whose money and whose weapons the White Guard was supplied with. So only all people in the same category as Uncle Petya can hang all dogs on the Bolsheviks.
                      2. MrK
                        8 November 2015 02: 06
                        Quote: VseDoFeNi
                        The Bolsheviks betrayed and destroyed their country, adding ten and a half million civilians to the two million victims of the World !!! And you yell that this is a great blessing and the conquests of October.

                        Dear God, Well, where else to find such a de..bila
                      3. +2
                        8 November 2015 10: 28
                        In addition to the civil war, there was also an intervention - To / Britain, France, USA, Germany, Japan ... is that humanitarian aid?
                  2. MrK
                    8 November 2015 02: 03
                    Che you- VseDoFeNi - all about the Brest world. He acted for only half a year, before the revolution in Germany. Even the gold sent to Germany (98 tons) has returned.
              2. -1
                8 November 2015 10: 06
                Quote: Morrrow
                And they signed a unique Brest peace.
            3. 0
              9 November 2015 19: 41
              No need to lie to yourself ... Or maybe you sincerely believe in madness. Well, that happens too.
          2. +13
            7 November 2015 08: 14
            But did the Russian peasants need war? The king decided to go to war to help the French and put a couple of million men for a free France?
            1. -10
              7 November 2015 08: 22
              Quote: Igor39
              But did the Russian peasants need war? The king decided to go to war to help the French and put a couple of million men for a free France?

              Putin will begin to curse soon
              1. +15
                7 November 2015 08: 31
                Putin and? if you want to answer, answer essentially, and do not pull everything and everyone by the ass.
                1. -16
                  7 November 2015 08: 36
                  Quote: Igor39
                  if you want to answer, answer essentially

                  You can essentially put only a minus.
                  And I will essentially say the following - there will never be more power than you! And even zaminusuyusya from anger. From your minuses, only a smile, because putting a minus is the only thing the Communists are capable of and it makes me even more fun.
                  I just live and enjoy smile
                  1. +19
                    7 November 2015 08: 44
                    Siluanov, Dvorkovich, Medvedev, Surkov, Serdyuko
                    c, and others rule the country, well, many people know who their relatives and friends are. By the way, I don’t belong to the Communists either, but I think that if you can’t cope with the situation, resign as an honest person, and don’t promise that everything will be fine, as they have been doing for many years.

                    P.S. I did not speak for the power of the Communists, but for the fact that Russia needed a war in 1914, it led Russia to disaster, and not the Bolsheviks.
                    1. +7
                      7 November 2015 08: 52
                      Quote: Igor39
                      Siluanov, Dvorkovich, Medvedev, Surkov, Serdyukov, and others rule the country,

                      And Putin, where is Putin? He who ? He does not control?
                      The composition of the Communists in 1918 is a blunder wassat
                      • People's Commissar of Foreign Affairs - Chicherin (by Meyendorf's mother) - Jew
                      • People's Commissar of Agriculture - Proshyan - Jew
                      • People's Commissar of the Army and Navy - Bronstein (Trotsky) - Jew
                      • Chairman of the Supreme Economic Council - Lurie-Larin - Jew
                      • People's Commissar for Reconstruction - Schlichter - Jew
                      • People's Commissar of the State Land - Kaufman - Jew
                      • People's Commissar of State Control - Lander - Jew
                      • People's Commissar for Public Works - Schmidt - Jew
                      • People's Commissar of Social Charity - Lilina-Knigissen - Jew
                      • People's Commissar of Education - Lunacharsky (Mendelstam-Bailikh) - Jew
                      • People's Commissar of Religions - Svalbard - Jew
                      • People's Commissar of Public Hygiene - Anvelt - Jew
                      • People's Commissar of Internal Affairs - Apfelbaum (Zinoviev) - a Jew.
                      • People's Commissar of Finance o Gukovsky - Jew
                      • People's Commissar for Press - Volodarsky (Kogan) - a Jew.
                      • People's Commissar for Electoral Affairs - Uritsky - a Jew
                      • People's Justice - Steinberg - Jew
                      • People's Commissar for Evacuation - Sheginshtein - a Jew.
                      1. +4
                        7 November 2015 08: 59
                        Well, these people are not peasants and not soldiers, but from merchants, philistines and nobility, this monarchy raised them, they are friends of liberals and the so-called elite, which brought Russia the most misfortunes because of their shortsightedness.
                      2. +2
                        7 November 2015 09: 10
                        Quote: Igor39
                        Well, these people are not peasants and soldiers

                        I do not understand the old man, why are you happy? The fact that a miserable bunch of Jews came to power in Russia?
                        The slogans can be different, beautiful and not very. But when I see that a Jew is telling me in my country, how I should live and what is right, I don’t perceive it.

                        Bottom line: Jews came to power in Russia and pitted Russians with Russians, brainwashing. What are we celebrating?
                      3. +9
                        7 November 2015 09: 25
                        Did I express my joy about this? In tsarist Russia, there was a very large social gap, changes had to come sooner or later, and if these changes could not be correctly carried out by the provisional and liberal governments (I quoted the post above) then all sorts of crooks and marginals took advantage of this situation, under the sauce of popular discontent, which it really was and required reforms, the people wanted changes and it wasn’t his fault that the authorities were so ridiculous. And if the people didn’t take up arms and drive away those invited and volunteering to help the white invaders, Russia wouldn’t it wouldn’t be within its current borders. The revolution did not happen through the fault of the people, but through the fault of the authorities, the elites showed their failure and this led to the tragedy of the whole people.
                      4. 0
                        7 November 2015 09: 40
                        Quote: Igor39
                        Did I express my joy about this?

                        Then sorry, what about a holiday today? Jews were eager for power on the bones of the Russians and they succeeded. I want to understand the essence.
                        And it turns out how on Maidan-Yanukovych robbed us-Get, and they came to power, they are the children of Israel. And again the nations were poisoned.
                        Quote: Igor39
                        In tsarist Russia there was a very large social gap,

                        Quote: Igor39
                        In tsarist Russia there was a very large social gap,

                        Now he is, too, topple?
                        Quote: Igor39
                        , and if these changes could not competently hold interim and liberal governments

                        Honestly, the Ukrainians also write about competent changes on the Censor, but there is a gulf between the simple and those who come to power after a completely different war result!
                        Quote: Igor39
                        And if the people didn’t take up arms and drive away the guests

                        Wait a minute, but the people took weapons under the slogans of the Jews. Who is the newcomer? And the whites were just Russian.
                        Quote: Igor39
                        Russia would not be within its current borders. The revolution did not happen through the fault of the people, but through the fault of the authorities,

                        The Russian empire was larger and trying to write what would be, and what was not, it doesn’t make sense, because now you can’t understand that the Jews came to power and pitted people in Russia.
                        As for the people, if the people betray their government for the slogans of the Jews, then the people deserve to be beaten.
                      5. +9
                        7 November 2015 09: 55
                        So where were the Russian officers, nobles and intellectuals? Why did they allow this, if the Jews came to power, then the Jews or us are to blame?
                      6. -2
                        7 November 2015 10: 08
                        Quote: Igor39
                        Why did they allow this, if the Jews came to power, then the Jews or us are to blame?

                        People are guilty, who, having hung their ears, believed the Jews.
                      7. +1
                        7 November 2015 10: 11
                        But why did people believe Jews, but not Russians?
                      8. +6
                        7 November 2015 10: 40
                        Quote: Igor39
                        But why did people believe Jews, but not Russians?

                        And now why in the 90s all billionaires became Jews? Because Jews know how to deceive and profit at the expense of others. Therefore, the axiom is to obey the Jews and do the opposite. That we would not later kill each other for their slogans hi
                      9. +3
                        7 November 2015 10: 53
                        The Jews tidied up a lot just because they were allowed to do it, under Yeltsin liberals and thieves were in power 95 percent, at that time they tidied up, only after Putin came they pushed them back a little and then too little and too softly treated some, but the fact that the privatization they won’t reconsider, it also says that the authorities have grown together with the oligarchs and do not want to quarrel among themselves, they are already exploiting the people and bowels so normally hi
                      10. -1
                        7 November 2015 12: 21
                        Quote: Igor39
                        vrei tidied up a lot just because they let them do it

                        It turns out that the Jews who occupied all the highest posts in Russia in 1918, too. They were allowed to, but who am I sorry?
                        Quote: Igor39
                        after Putin came

                        I understand, holy laughing
                        Quote: Igor39
                        they don’t want to quarrel among themselves, they are already exploiting people and bowels

                        Each company pays taxes, organizes jobs and other things. Is it bad?
                      11. +4
                        7 November 2015 12: 51
                        They pay taxes, organize jobs, it’s good, and the bulk of the profits go to offshore zones, instead of staying at home, billions of money withdrawn from the country increase annually, they exploit people and bowels, and store them there.
                      12. +5
                        7 November 2015 12: 17
                        Quote: Alexander Romanov
                        Jews were eager for power on the bones of the Russians and they succeeded.

                        Quote: Alexander Romanov
                        Yanukovych robbed-get, and they came to power, the same children of Israel

                        Quote: Alexander Romanov
                        As for the people, if the people betray their government for the slogans of the Jews

                        Quote: Alexander Romanov
                        The fact that a miserable bunch of Jews came to power in Russia?

                        Quote: Alexander Romanov
                        Jews came to power in Russia and pitted the Russians with the Russians, brainwashing.

                        It’s interesting that a quilted jacket is what he doesn’t always always accused of - anti-Semitism lol
                        And it turns out that the "main" anti-state in our country is Alexander Romanov. wink
                      13. +4
                        7 November 2015 12: 19
                        Quote: quilted jacket

                        It’s interesting that a quilted jacket is what he doesn’t always always accused of - anti-Semitism

                        So Vatnik, Israel has nothing to do with all the events described above. Jews inside the country are a problem, but in Israel they live and Russia does not interfere.
                      14. +3
                        7 November 2015 14: 10
                        Quote: Alexander Romanov
                        Israel has nothing to do with all the events described above.

                        An anti-Semite is not someone who "condemns" Israel - but someone who "condemns" Jews.
                        Quote: Alexander Romanov
                        Jews domestic problem

                        ?? belay
                      15. -1
                        7 November 2015 18: 26
                        Quote: quilted jacket
                        An anti-Semite is not someone who "condemns" Israel - but someone who "condemns" Jews.

                        Why did the guests come in large numbers?
                        Among the Semitic peoples include Arabs, Jews, Maltese, descendants of the ancient representatives of the southern subgroup of southern Semites in South Arabia (Mahri, Shahri, inhabitants of Socotra Island, etc.), Amhara, tiger and several other ethnic groups of Ethiopia, Assyrians
                      16. +7
                        7 November 2015 14: 33
                        Jew to Jew discord. Among the people living here are many good scientists, doctors, engineers (and in the USSR there were much more). Many Russians in the country are no less, and given the size, a much bigger problem. They steal only the way. The last cowards are pulled and will not turn red. And it did not start yesterday. And have you seen a lot of Jewish alcoholics? So here it is. Again, we look for a speck in the eye of a neighbor, not noticing the logs in their own.
                      17. +4
                        8 November 2015 02: 02
                        Quote: Garris199
                        Jew to Jew
                        Boris Aleksandrovich Shteifon (December 6, 1881, Kharkov - April 30, 1945) is a Russian general, a prominent figure in the White movement in southern Russia. During the Second World War, commanded the Russian Security Corps. Prominent legitimate monarchist.
                        Born in Kharkov. Father, Alexander Konstantinovich Shteifon, workshop master, of baptized Jews, who later became a merchant of the 3rd guild. Mother is the daughter of a deacon.

                        Israel Solomonovich Beskin (1895-1964), participant in World War II, commander of artillery of the 70th army of the 2nd Belorussian Front, Hero of the Soviet Union, lieutenant general of artillery.
                        Born on November 25, 1895 in the city of Vitebsk (now the regional center of the Vitebsk region of Belarus), in a working class family. Jew. Member of the CPSU (b) / CPSU since 1939. In military service since 1915. Member of the First World War and Civil War.
                        In the Red Army since 1918. In 1920 he graduated from the Moscow Heavy Artillery Courses of the Workers 'and Peasants' Red Army (RKKA), the Higher Artillery School in 1925, and the Military Academy named after Frunze in 1936. He participated in battles against the White Guards and interventionists in the Far East, in the Soviet-Fnn war of 1939-40.

                        But Roman Shteifon is dearer ...
                      18. -1
                        7 November 2015 18: 45
                        Quote: Alexander Romanov
                        Jews domestic problem

                        Not all, either. Vaughn Lazerson, quite a cook for himself, has never been a Jew, and eats lard and drinks vodka.

                      19. -2
                        7 November 2015 12: 10
                        In fact, change must be based on consensus. Such consensus was planned at the Constituent Assembly.
                      20. +2
                        7 November 2015 21: 46
                        Quote: Morrrow
                        Such consensus was planned at the Constituent Assembly.

                        Only no one asked the opinion of the population. The same peasants, of whom there were 70% Yes, working percent 20 ...
                      21. -8
                        7 November 2015 17: 45
                        The current guardians of the great October are very reminiscent of the Janissaries, whom the Turks took from their Christian parents as a child, converted to Islam, and then received fierce and loyal servants who fought with their former fellow tribesmen.
                      22. +3
                        8 November 2015 02: 09
                        Quote: Nikolai K
                        The current guardians of the great October are very reminiscent of the Janissaries
                        Please tell me - should it be so?

                      23. 0
                        8 November 2015 11: 40
                        Quote: Uncle Joe
                        Please tell me - should it be so?

                        To begin with, this does not happen.
                        Your "1 + 1 equation" in the picture of the kindergarten level, in life everything is 100500 times more complicated, starting at least with the fact that the "equipment" is produced by scientists-engineers, and the "teacher" teaches to work on the "equipment" - and this quite a "intelligentsia" including the owner of the enterprise, without whom the 100500 people working at his enterprise would NEVER in this life agree on work!
                      24. +1
                        8 November 2015 17: 38
                        Quote: Down House
                        Let's start with the fact that "just like that" does not happen
                        That is exactly so - the picture shows the quintessence of capitalism in its simplified and accessible way, its very essence.

                        All that is 100500 times more complicated are the details that are the result of the essence.

                        including the owner of the enterprise, without which 100500 people working at his enterprise would NEVER coordinate work in this life!
                        In modern conditions, the owner (s) of an enterprise as a rule have nothing to do with managing it, and for 70 years there have been no private owners at all (all means of production were in collective ownership), but they somehow managed to cope with the coordination and continue to cope.
                      25. 0
                        8 November 2015 18: 33
                        Quote: Uncle Joe
                        That is exactly so - the picture shows the quintessence of capitalism in its simplified and accessible way, its very essence.

                        The picture is not the essence, but a bill for the kindergarten.
                        Are you generally capable of differentiating the contribution to the production of specialists of various levels, for example, the contribution of the civil engineer who designed the building and the worker laying bricks on its construction?
                        Quote: Uncle Joe
                        All that is 100500 times more complicated are the details that are the result of the essence

                        Everything that is 100500 times more complicated is the essence, but you stubbornly avoid it - because you do not have the correct "differentiation of the contribution of specialists of different levels to production".
                        Quote: Uncle Joe
                        In modern conditions, the owner (owners) of the enterprise as a rule have no relation to its management

                        Even as they have, in the case of small and medium-sized businesses, they have 100% and management and knowledge of all "production processes".
                      26. -1
                        8 November 2015 18: 42
                        Quote: Uncle Joe
                        and for 70 years there were no private owners at all (all the means of production were in collective ownership)

                        You would have remembered the times of the king of peas, and it is better to remember about "intellectual property", otherwise you forget about it all the time!
                        Therefore, you do not see that the "capitalist", apart from material property, also has intellectual property on his product, because it is primarily the result of his managerial activity.
                        Quote: Uncle Joe
                        but somehow coordinated the work and continue to cope.

                        At the time of your beloved pea king? ))))
                        People are physically able to come to an agreement only in the case of personal knowledge of all parties to the "agreement".
                        Do you even know how many people work in the production of your very same computer?
                        And what do they work in different countries?
                        And what do they sell it in different countries?
                        How do you think they will "negotiate" if 99.9% of employees simply do not know how the processor or production technology works?
                      27. +1
                        8 November 2015 22: 43
                        Quote: Down House
                        You are generally capable of differentiating input
                        Am I able to differentiate my contribution? wassat

                        Let me formulate the question in the correct form.

                        Everything that is 100500 times more complicated is just the essence
                        The essence is the alienation of the fruits of labor.
                        And then, in what form it takes place - whether in the form of theft, robbery, robbery, extortion, the use of slave labor, legislatively forced labor to the benefit of the owner, or else - these are particular manifestations of such alienation, details, consequences of the phenomenon.

                        Even as they have, in the case of small-medium-sized businesses, they have 100% management
                        Gd ...

                        You would still remember the time of the king of peas
                        There will be a reason - I will remember.

                        and it is better to remember about "intellectual property", otherwise you forget about it all the time!
                        So realize it in splendid isolation, and there will be no complaints - what problems? lol

                        Therefore, you do not see that the "capitalist", in addition to material property, also has intellectual property on his product
                        I see this - I do not observe differences between tangible and non-tangible goods, but you probably think that there is such a difference.

                        At the time of your beloved pea king?
                        Yours - you remember him all the time.

                        How do you think they will "negotiate" if 99.9% of employees simply do not know how the processor or production technology works?
                        And what does this have to do with the fact that theft is precisely theft (even if the one who was robbed does not suspect about this)?
                      28. 0
                        9 November 2015 01: 43
                        Quote: Uncle Joe
                        The essence is the alienation of the fruits of labor.

                        Namely, only the most primary labor and the most primary in value property is intellectual.
                        A worker is only a performer of a process producer; he is not the owner of either the idea or consequently the produced goods as a result of production processes.
                        And so that the workers do not "steal" too many of them are massively replaced by robots.
                        Quote: Uncle Joe
                        Am I able to differentiate my contribution?

                        Apparently poorly, if they did not understand the main thing in Marx's "teaching" - the institution of private property - this is one of the main institutions of society and the state as its consequence - it is impossible to defeat it.
                      29. 0
                        9 November 2015 02: 26
                        Quote: Down House
                        Namely, only the most primary labor and the most primary in value property is intellectual
                        And this "primary" work (if it is work) must certainly be paid, BUT.

                        Intellectual Property Remains personal property until the moment of its physical embodiment, after which it takes the form of either private property or collective.

                        Moreover, under capitalism, without the means for physical realization, the owner of intellectual property is forced to either bury his idea or sell it for a penny to uncles who are not sick of it (an example of Billy, who is Gates) - so what is the difference between the alienation of the fruits of intellectual labor and the alienation of the fruits of physical labor?

                        Worker is only a performer
                        Without which no one will create anything.
                        Moreover, a worker never realizes an idea without a generator of this idea, and an idea generator can never realize his ideas without a worker - both the worker and the generator of ideas are equivalent.


                        And so that the workers do not "steal" too many of them are massively replaced by robots.
                        If the worker is replaced by a robot, then he will not have the means to pay for the goods produced by the robot, and the owner of the production will not receive income, because due to lack of funds the laid-off workers will have no one to buy the produced goods - then capitalism and kirdyk laughing

                        the institution of private property - this is one of the most important institutions of society and the state as its consequence - it is not possible to defeat it.
                        Where did you "read" such nonsense "from Marx"? smile
                      30. 0
                        9 November 2015 13: 44
                        Quote: Uncle Joe
                        Intellectual property remains personal property until its physical embodiment, after which it takes the form of either private property or collective.

                        You would first familiarize yourself with the basics of international law what "intellectual property" is and understand that your utopian worldviews have nothing to do with objective reality hi
                        Quote: Uncle Joe
                        so what is the difference between the alienation of the fruits of intellectual labor and the alienation of the fruits of physical labor?

                        In the cost and importance of this work.
                        Quote: Uncle Joe
                        both the worker and the idea generator are equivalent.

                        Once again: the capitalist (scientist, engineer, etc.) is the owner of both the ideas and technologies of the "business process" - a consequence of this business process is the "product of labor".
                        The capitalist (scientist) here is primary, the tool of production is secondary, the operator of the tool of production is tertiary.
                        This is called "labor differentiation" - even a pancake from the USSR, the scientific directors earned much more workers, what are we talking about now ?! laughing
                        Quote: Uncle Joe
                        If the worker is replaced by a robot, then he will not have the means to pay for the goods produced by the robot, and the owner of the production will not receive income, because due to lack of funds the laid-off workers will have no one to buy the produced goods - then capitalism and kirdyk

                        And communism will come laughing
                        But the workers will not be there, they will die, only the owners of "intellectual property" will remain.
                        And this, by the way, does not contradict Marxism, if we draw the right conclusions from it. laughing
                        Quote: Uncle Joe
                        Where did you "read" such nonsense "from Marx"?

                        I read that, you probably read it badly, since you do not see the difference between Marx "scientist-observer" and Marx "scientist-philosopher".
                        Therefore, it is urgent to read for his greater understanding and other scientists: the same Ratzel and Chellen for example.
                        Why? Because the world is a "mosaic" and Marxism is only an integral part of it in the form of a private theory of society and the state, and you pass it off as a general hi
                      31. 0
                        9 November 2015 17: 57
                        Quote: Down House
                        You would first familiarize yourself with the basics of international law, what is "intellectual property"
                        I strongly suspect that I am familiar with this subject much better than you.

                        In the cost and importance of this work
                        The cost of one and the same labor is determined by the form of political and socio-economic relations in a particular society, and does not exist by itself as something unshakable.
                        The importance of labor, as applied to the context of the conversation, is determined by the ability to obtain the fruits of labor solely on their own - without the help of workers, for example.

                        the capitalist (scientist, engineer, etc.) is the owner of both the ideas and technologies of the "business process"
                        Exactly as far as the political system allows him.
                        Moreover, any idea and technology without embodying it in physical reality is just an idea, of which there are many.

                        what are we talking about now ?!
                        About the property and the importance of individual elements of the production process, but you are moving more and more to salaries.

                        But the workers will not be there, they will die, only the owners of "intellectual property" will remain.
                        I watch someone rendovskogo Atlanta re-read laughing

                        I read it
                        So give a link to the source, otherwise it's all a la la la la lol
                      32. MrK
                        8 November 2015 02: 28
                        Quote: Alexander Romanov
                        Jews came to power in Russia and pitted the Russians with the Russians, brainwashing. What are we celebrating?

                        And today you look at the Russian government, so there are only Russians. Here are just socks smell matzo.
                      33. +6
                        7 November 2015 09: 04
                        And on the site I’m not for the pros and cons, I’m here for the fascinating world of military equipment and weapons, for the fascinating world of reading and dialogue. I am Russian and the problems of my people are my problems!
                      34. +10
                        7 November 2015 09: 31
                        So you, my friend, a notorious anti-Semite? Maybe Frunze is a Jew too? And Chapaev and Kotovsky? And Voroshilov with Budyonny?
                      35. -7
                        7 November 2015 10: 18
                        Quote: Comrade Bender
                        So you, my friend, a notorious anti-Semite?

                        Come on, ask Vatnik - he will confirm that I sold myself to the Jews, like a past Bolshevik wassat
                        Quote: Comrade Bender
                        Maybe Frunze is a Jew too? And Chapaev and Kotovsky? And Voroshilov with Budyonny?

                        Well Poroshenko at first glance is also a crest wink Well, this is how I look at you. And in fact, members of the Bolshevik father-in-law, what to answer? Or maybe you yourself are a Jew and my attitude disturbs you. Well, in this case, I'm sorry, I'm Russian and Russia is my country. Move to Israel.
                      36. +15
                        7 November 2015 11: 32
                        The Bolsheviks did not sell to Jews, my dear. My country is the USSR and I am Russian, but you are a warlike anti-Semite looking for the guilty among the Jews. Ukrozandia would suit you, the mentality with the Ukrainians is the same. Have you forgotten how many heroes of the Soviet Union among Jews or are they all the same to you? But Hitler believed that it was necessary to destroy Soviet Jews, and European to resettle in Palestine. So there is a difference in the Jews. There are Jews and there are w .. who do not have a nationality. Go to the pharmacy and buy glasses for myopia.
                      37. +1
                        7 November 2015 14: 15
                        Quote: Comrade Bender
                        Bolsheviks did not sell to Jews, my dear ...

                        And all because they themselves were them.
                      38. +8
                        7 November 2015 15: 24
                        Not every Jew is a Bolshevik, like not every Bolshevik is a Jew. Do not be like narrow-minded Svidomo.
                      39. +3
                        8 November 2015 11: 17
                        My grandfather has been at the fronts since 1918 ... Since 1919 - a communist ... He believed in God until the end of his life (I envy him and my grandmother, like Yesenin) - and by nationality - half-Belarusian, half-... whether Italian or Greek ... Great-grandmother died after childbirth, but my aunt mothers did not really ask ... Well ... Jews did not smell ... But he was a communist to the depths of conviction ... Even grandmother could not convince him? or argue ... In 1937 he changed his surname and changed his age for a couple of years - a friend helped, with whom they fought with the Basmachi in the 20s, and who was shot, but his grandfather did not surrender ... But he always said to her criticism - YOU NOT UNDERSTAND EVERYTHING. WITH CHILDREN-GRANDS - SHUT UP ... We lived together for almost half a century ... This is about the fact that not every Bolshevik is a Jew ...
                      40. 0
                        8 November 2015 02: 14
                        Quote: rrrj
                        Quote: Comrade Bender
                        Bolsheviks did not sell to Jews, my dear ...

                        And all because they themselves were them.
                        And so the intervention against Jewish Soviet authorities sponsored exclusively anti-Semites laughing
                      41. 0
                        7 November 2015 16: 30
                        Quote: Comrade Bender
                        Bolsheviks were not for sale to Jews

                        Hahahah, Trotsky is now laughing in hell with all the members of the Bolshevik government. Jews were driven by Jews laughing
                      42. +2
                        8 November 2015 02: 17
                        Quote: Alexander Romanov
                        Trotsky is now laughing in hell with all the members of the Bolshevik government. Jews were driven by Jews
                        Now - how else ...
                      43. +3
                        7 November 2015 18: 35
                        Well, how many Chechens were the heroes of the USSR ... For the pharmacy - right, but it will not save either near or far ... I have friends, as the rabbi said about Medvedev - both mother and grandmother .. We ask - Vova, Petya (real names) you don’t eat in your homeland ????? -ATTWETT !!!!!!!!! - Who will I be there ??? AND WHO AM I HERE !!! After all, call me ... a muzzle of some passing x-lo, so you first got it from ... kick it off ... I found out about Jews after 16 ... See the damned Sovdep past ... Before that I didn’t know about nationalities (classmates, classmates) - and didn’t look, we thought it ... Sorry.
                      44. Erg
                        7 November 2015 21: 43
                        13th knee. Destroyed by Hitler. How many knees are there? Not thirteen ... For some reason, Hitler did not destroy the Scandinavian Jews. Have you ever wondered why? And they did not think that "Viking" is six kings. VI king. Where did they come from? And how, after the exodus from Canaan? If you don't know, then Hitler knew perfectly well.
                      45. +7
                        7 November 2015 14: 40
                        Quote: Alexander Romanov
                        I am Russian and Russia is my country. Move to Israel.

                        Nothing that in Russia is a multinational state? As soon as most Russians begin to count as you, our state will cease to exist.
                      46. +3
                        7 November 2015 10: 29
                        I completely agree with the list of "Lenin's guards" from a sealed carriage, whom Iosif Vissarionovich DESTROYED in the GULAGs drenched in tears by Solzhenitsyn and liberalists! The most surprising thing is that practically all the GULAGs of the "Stalinist" years were led by the same Jews, who soon suffered the same fate as the "Leninist Guard"!
                      47. 0
                        8 November 2015 02: 32
                        Quote: Vladimir Pozlnyakov
                        I completely agree with the list of the "Leninist Guard" from a sealed carriage

                        Список -
                        0% BD
                      48. +5
                        7 November 2015 14: 40
                        Quote: Alexander Romanov
                        The composition of the Communists in 1918 is a blunder

                        And where did they all end up under Stalin? No need to distort the cards.
                      49. -6
                        7 November 2015 16: 31
                        Quote: EvgNik
                        No need to distort the cards.

                        A Jew came to power? -Yes!
                        You are not happy with something, go and celebrate, eat matzah, read the torus.
                      50. -3
                        7 November 2015 17: 38
                        Jews overthrew the Russian hands of the Russian exploiters and replaced themselves. And people still believe in a bright communist future.
                      51. +1
                        7 November 2015 20: 44
                        And how many of them survived to the 40 year;)
                      52. +1
                        8 November 2015 01: 40
                        Quote: Alexander Romanov
                        The composition of the Communists in 1918 is a blunder
                        • People's Commissar of Foreign Affairs - Chicherin (by Meyendorf's mother) - Jew
                        • People's Commissar of Agriculture - Proshyan - Jew
                        History count has already earned laughing

                        COMPOSITION OF THE FIRST SOVNARKOM (18 people):

                        1. Chairman - Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov (Lenin) (26.10.1917 - 21.01.1924) - Great Russian

                        2. People's Commissariat of Internal Affairs:
                        Alexey Ivanovich Rykov (26.10. - 4.11.1917) - Great Russian

                        3. People's Commissariat of Agriculture
                        Vladimir Pavlovich Milyutin (October 26.10 - November 4.11.1917, XNUMX) - Great Russian

                        4. The People's Commissariat of Labor
                        Alexander Gavrilovich Shlyapnikov (26.10.1917 - 8.10.1918) - Great Russian

                        5. Committee on Naval Affairs (26.10. - 8.11.1917)
                        Vladimir Alexandrovich Antonov-Ovseenko - maloros
                        Pavel Efimovich Dybenko - Little Russian
                        Nikolay Vasilievich Krylenko - Great Russian

                        6. People's Commissariat of Trade and Industry
                        Victor Pavlovich Nogin (26.10. - 4.11.1917) - Great Russian

                        7. People's Commissar of Education
                        Anatoly Vasilievich Lunacharsky (family member for the present father - Antonov) (26.10.1917/12.09.1929/XNUMX - XNUMX/XNUMX/XNUMX) - Great Russian

                        8. People's Commissariat of Finance
                        Ivan Ivanovich Skvortsov-Stepanov (26.10.1917 - 20.01.1918) - Great Russian

                        9. People's Commissariat of Foreign Affairs:
                        Lev Davidovich Trotsky (Bronstein) (26.10.1917 - 8.04.1918) - Jew

                        10. People's Commissariat of Justice
                        Georgy Ippolitovich Lomov-Oppokov (26.10 - 9.12.1917) - Great Russian

                        11. People's Commissariat of Food
                        Ivan Adolfovich Teodorovich (26.10 - 4.11.1917) - Pole

                        12. The People's Commissar of Posts and Telegraphs
                        Nikolai Pavlovich Glebov (Avilov) (26.10 - 9.12.1917) - Great Russian

                        13. People’s Commissariat for Nationalities (People’s Commissariat) of the RSFSR (1917-1923)
                        Joseph Vissarionovich Dzhugashvili (Stalin) - Ossetian

                        14. The People’s Commissariat for Railway Affairs (26.10.1917 - 24.02.1918)
                        Mark Timofeevich Elizarov (8.11.1917/7.01.1918/XNUMX - XNUMX/XNUMX/XNUMX) - Russian

                        15. The People’s Commissariat of State Charity (8.11.1917/20.03.1918/XNUMX - XNUMX/XNUMX/XNUMX)
                        Alexandra Mikhailovna Kollontai (30.10.1917 - 17.03.1918) - Malorosska

                        16. The Supreme Council of the National Economy (VSNH)
                        Valerian Valerianovich Osinsky (Obolensky) (December 1.12.1917, 22.03.1918 - March XNUMX, XNUMX) - Great Russian

                        Result: Russians - 15 (83%), 1 Jew, 1 Pole, 1 Ossetian.
                    2. 0
                      7 November 2015 12: 08
                      If you are declared war, then what will you do?
                  2. +15
                    7 November 2015 09: 27
                    What is your power? The power of parasites, thieves and robbers? Glorifying bankers, managers and other speculators, not workers and peasants. So you yourself will bring the country to another revolution (God forbid).
                    1. -3
                      7 November 2015 09: 42
                      Quote: Comrade Bender
                      not workers and peasants.

                      Tell me a country in which once power belonged to ordinary people wink
                      1. +8
                        7 November 2015 09: 47
                        When factories and collective farms did not belong to the state and not to dormoids with villas in Switzerland.
                      2. -6
                        7 November 2015 10: 11
                        Quote: onix757
                        When factories and collective farms did not belong to the state

                        I did not understand which state, but what about the factories of the workers and the land of the peasants?
                      3. +12
                        7 November 2015 10: 47
                        Approved by the Extraordinary VIII Congress of Soviets of the USSR
                        5 декабря 1936 года
                        (with subsequent changes and additions)
                        Article 6. Land, its bowels, waters, forests, factories, factories,
                        mines, mines, railway, water and air transport, banks, communications, state-organized large agricultural enterprises (state farms, machine and tractor stations, etc.), as well as utilities and the main housing stock in cities and industrial centers are state property, that is, the public domain.
                      4. -9
                        7 November 2015 11: 53
                        Quote: onix757
                        are state property, that is, public property.

                        Well for the sucker laughing
                      5. +1
                        8 November 2015 02: 36
                        Quote: Alexander Romanov
                        Well for the sucker
                        What - collective property does not like?

                        But what about the world, traditional Russian collectivism and other bonds?
                      6. Erg
                        7 November 2015 21: 53
                        Thank you, onix, sincerely charged laughing
                      7. 0
                        8 November 2015 00: 27
                        It is important who manages the property on behalf of the state. And here the story will come up about the leading and guiding role of the CPSU. And it turns out that the state was not governed by a cook, but by a party nomenclature, which declared itself a new elite. You will remember where we made decisions in the city party committee / regional committee, and not in the executive committee. Deputies elected by the people had a purely declarative power. The head of state was considered the Secretary General of the CPSU, and not the chairman of the Presidium of the Supreme Council. So much for the SOVIET power, where the soviets did not decide anything, but there was a DICTATURE of the military-political elite, new Varangians. Its only difference from the noble elite is that power was not inherited, although everything went to that. In fact, the system of government in the USSR resembled the Mameluke management system in Egypt, which had arisen many centuries before. So what is the progressiveness and justice of the Soviet system, if the vast majority of the population was not only virtually removed from real power, but also deprived of ownership of the means of production and even often housing.
                      8. +9
                        7 November 2015 11: 13
                        So, in your opinion, is it better when the plants, land and its bowels belong to the oligarchs in their personal interests? Oh well. In the USSR, land belonged to collective farms and state farms, and factories belonged to trade unions. If you certainly remember those times.
                      9. -3
                        7 November 2015 11: 54
                        Quote: Comrade Bender
                        In the USSR, land belonged to collective farms and state farms, and factories belonged to trade unions.

                        In other words, the state or factories and collective farms were private?
                      10. +3
                        7 November 2015 11: 44
                        The state was workers and peasants, if cho.
                      11. +1
                        7 November 2015 11: 54
                        Quote: Darkness
                        if cho.

                        Well, if yes laughing
                      12. 0
                        7 November 2015 13: 03
                        Not true. It was a state of nomenclature.
                      13. -1
                        8 November 2015 10: 08
                        Quote: Alexander Romanov
                        Quote: Comrade Bender
                        not workers and peasants.

                        Tell me a country in which once power belonged to ordinary people wink

                        It seems like in ancient Greece. laughing
                  3. +4
                    7 November 2015 21: 14
                    Quote: Alexander Romanov
                    You can essentially put only a minus.
                    And I will essentially say the following - there will never be more power than you! And even zaminusuyusya from anger. From your minuses, only a smile, because putting a minus is the only thing the Communists are capable of and it makes me even more fun.
                    I just live and enjoy

                    Live and rejoice Mr. Berkutov. Of course, you can do a lot on this site, but others are not easy to sew. We also know how to rejoice and work, truly, on the network.
                  4. Erg
                    7 November 2015 21: 30
                    Alexander Romanov, you’re just like Danko. smile Congratulations on the minus record. It has been a long time since a blizzard? Well, there were times of Giordano Bruno ... Long time ago, thank God. But let's look positively - the number of pluses suggests that people are gradually beginning to see and think. It was a glorious hunt ... good
                  5. The comment was deleted.
                  6. MrK
                    8 November 2015 02: 20
                    Quote: Alexander Romanov
                    There will be no more power, never! And even zaminusuyusya from anger.

                    You are mistaken. Everything has its time. After all, it is not the Communists who are preparing the revolution. A revolution is being prepared by people like you.

                    In the meantime, one consolation remains: God is not a fraer, he sees the whole truth, although he will not say it soon. Still old man’s tears will pour out for you, and impoverished men ’curses are powerless, and prayers not heard by all homeless, unemployed and destitute, while you have stolen your billions.
                    Hatred is a material power. Faith and hatred move mountains. Faith and hatred obliterated huge states. The people hate you. And the belief that you will die will not go anywhere. Russian revolutions are not velvet. If anything, the knife and barrel will still come out. Only a serious crisis is needed. And he is not far off. Read, all read the story of 1917 of the year!
                    How amicably you will fly across the border in your planes, drinking and smiling at your wives: well, okay, everything worked out, we are starting a new life! And how they will shoot you at your azure-marble villas - in the back of the head, through optics!
                    Nothing. Let's wait a bit.
              2. +2
                7 November 2015 11: 55
                For its liberal nature in the form of the Medvedev government, the monetization of benefits, the absorption of the workforce of villages into the parasitic nature of million-plus cities, etc. maybe they will be with time. So far, for the foreign policy of building the Army and trying to free itself from the guardianship of the Naglasaks, one can put the plus, which shows 90% support.
                1. 0
                  8 November 2015 02: 42
                  Quote: Dog1965
                  For its liberal nature in the form of the Medvedev government, the monetization of benefits, the absorption of the workforce of villages into the parasitic nature of million-plus cities, etc. maybe they will be with time. So far, for the foreign policy of building the Army and trying to free itself from the guardianship of the Naglasaks, one can put the plus, which shows 90% support.
              3. +3
                7 November 2015 20: 42
                Today, Russia really needs Putin, because no one who is more sensible is visible up there. But it’s not a secret to anyone that it is he who protects the thieves and therefore he is only a temporary companion.
              4. +2
                8 November 2015 01: 37
                Quote: Alexander Romanov
                Putin begin to curse
                Do not hesitate - they will begin, and you will be in the forefront of the beginners.
            2. +1
              7 November 2015 11: 12
              But did the Russian peasants need war? The king decided to go to war to help the French and put a couple of million men for a free France?

              .... well, straight ... it was ... the Kaiser decided .... to give land ... to the German peasants ....... previously owned by ... Russian peasants .... in order for the German men .... could take laborers .... Russian men ..... hi
            3. 0
              7 November 2015 12: 07
              Nobody needs war except the Germans. But if they announced it to us, then be so kind as to protect your home. Moreover, the war was successful, the Germans were losing. The main front was in the West.
            4. -1
              7 November 2015 14: 19
              Stalin didn’t enter the war with the Poles and the French.
              He waited until Hitler himself came to him.
              1. +6
                7 November 2015 21: 54
                Quote: Cap.Morgan
                Stalin didn’t enter the war with the Poles and the French.

                Exactly, it was. Only Stalin offered to help the Czechs against Hitler. The Poles said they wouldn’t miss help. He offered Poland help in the event of an attack by Germany, the Poles haughtily rejected. He proposed to conclude a military treaty of mutual assistance between Great Britain, France and the USSR - "allies" let the conversation go on the brakes ... But yes, you are almost telling the truth ...
            5. -1
              7 November 2015 17: 34
              The peasants did not need war. Therefore, they believed the Leninist slogan about the end of the war, and in the end the empire was pros .... for the sake of war they got internecine war, on which both white and red men drove the men at gunpoint.
              1. 0
                8 November 2015 13: 37
                .... in principle it is true .... out in the country of fools ..... solved many problems by war ... 1. wrote off the protest (extremely lumpen-maydanutyh) electorate .... 2. wrote off all their "weakness" ... for a war with a nuclear power ..... 3. mobilized public opinion ......... 4. hung on themselves the "halo" of the victims-But it is necessary to take into account ... that the Entente then ... ran ... also to collect ... "gingerbread" ... and here, alas ... we got away from the world war ... and got into the civil and expansion of the Entente ... hi
          3. +9
            7 November 2015 08: 26
            HERE you respected sales of such a nickname. the Bolsheviks, as you already know, did not overthrow the tsar from the throne! the king was overthrown by generals who then repented before their homeland all their remaining lives. and many served the new government. non-Communists killed officers in 17. and liberals Kerensky.
            1. -13
              7 November 2015 08: 29
              Quote: kumaxa
              the Bolsheviks, as you already know, did not overthrow the tsar from the throne!

              yes yes
              Quote: kumaxa
              non-Communists killed officers in 17. and liberals Kerensky

              And the Communists did not blow up the temples, they themselves exploded.
              In general, the Communists did not kill anyone, Nikolai’s family shot herself.
              1. +4
                7 November 2015 09: 39
                This is how people had to be brought
                1. +2
                  7 November 2015 11: 08
                  ... to increase the people's "enthusiasm" and attract ... a sniper ... on the Maidans ... bully
              2. +2
                7 November 2015 11: 45
                Temples were blown up by former Orthodox, churched citizens of the Republic of Ingushetia, after they were allowed to no longer believe in TNB.
          4. +11
            7 November 2015 09: 22
            Do not cast a shadow over the wattle fence. The riot was in February, when the king voluntarily ... ruled his power in favor of the impostors.
            1. -11
              7 November 2015 09: 43
              Quote: Comrade Bender
              The riot was in February, when the king voluntarily asked.

              Well, what do you call him bloody then? it turns out he did not use weapons, because the people followed the liberals, or am I confusing something?
              1. +9
                7 November 2015 10: 06
                Quote: Alexander Romanov
                Quote: Comrade Bender
                The riot was in February, when the king voluntarily asked.

                Well, what do you call him bloody then? it turns out he did not use weapons, because the people followed the liberals, or am I confusing something?

                The Tsar became bloody after the revolution of the 1905-1907 years! Do not confuse!
                1. -6
                  7 November 2015 10: 12
                  Quote: AlNikolaich

                  The Tsar became bloody after the revolution of the 1905-1907 years! Do not confuse!

                  And he understood, and who stirred up the revolution in 1905-1907 and why didn’t he use weapons against the liberals after?
                  1. +7
                    7 November 2015 10: 33
                    Quote: Alexander Romanov
                    Quote: AlNikolaich

                    The Tsar became bloody after the revolution of the 1905-1907 years! Do not confuse!

                    And he understood, and who stirred up the revolution in 1905-1907 and why didn’t he use weapons against the liberals after?

                    The king became one with the liberals, lost the support of the army and society. The problems are ripe
                    which cannot be resolved within the framework of the autocracy. The head is rotten! And away we go!
                    1. -1
                      7 November 2015 10: 43
                      Quote: AlNikolaich
                      The king became one with the liberals,

                      From then he was, and I thought the liberals were against him.
                      Quote: AlNikolaich
                      . The head is rotten! And away we go!

                      No, the head can rot for a long time, until someone for whose money leads the process. Who sponsored the Bolsheviks?
                      1. +10
                        7 November 2015 11: 24
                        The Bolsheviks were sponsored by many, in particular the Russian capitalists. That's just the Bolsheviks threw foreign sponsors, because they did not want to go against the country.
                      2. -4
                        7 November 2015 11: 55
                        Quote: Comrade Bender
                        That's just the Bolsheviks threw foreign sponsors, because they did not want to go against the country.

                        Excuse me, against whom did the Jews not want to go?
                      3. 0
                        7 November 2015 23: 24
                        That's just the Bolsheviks threw foreign sponsors, because they did not want to go against the country.

                        They threw it - such a polysemous word ... that you won’t understand at once.
                        Ahh, you wanted to say that the Bolsheviks did not return the money to their sponsors, these damned bourgeois and stuck figs under their nose.
                        I only remember that the Bolsheviks "threw" the Russian elite too, ugh, I wanted to write the bourgeoisie.

                    2. 0
                      7 November 2015 12: 34
                      Why did Prussia solve the problems, but Russia did not?
                  2. +6
                    7 November 2015 11: 21
                    And after 1905-7gg the king used prisons, exile and hard labor, so he did not need to use weapons. And your liberals wrote congratulatory letters and telegrams in 1905 congratulating the Mikado on its victory in the war against Russia.
                2. +4
                  7 November 2015 10: 50
                  The Tsar became "bloody" after the shooting of the peaceful demonstration on January 9, 1905, which was one of the reasons for the first Russian revolution.
                  1. +2
                    7 November 2015 18: 54
                    Quote: Nina Czerny
                    The Tsar became "bloody" after the shooting of the peaceful demonstration on January 9, 1905, which was one of the reasons for the first Russian revolution.

                    Well, yes, the Khodynsky field at the coronation also organized the Zsuls!
                    And finally, there was no sex in the USSR! .... damn it, mom found me in the cabbage ... I still believe ..........
                  2. Erg
                    7 November 2015 22: 05
                    If in 1905 Nikolai had "Nulland", then the date of the revolution would have been 1905 wassat
                3. +2
                  7 November 2015 21: 56
                  Quote: AlNikolaich
                  The Tsar became bloody after the revolution of the 1905-1907 years! Do not confuse!

                  The Tsar became "bloody" from Khodynka, from the Lena execution, from the execution of the PEACE demonstration on January 9, 1905.
                4. Erg
                  7 November 2015 22: 01
                  AlNikolaich. 905th is an attempt (or rehearsal). The same snipers who shot at the crowd and at the soldiers, the same organizers, the same sponsors ... Kindergarten ...
                  1. +1
                    8 November 2015 02: 47
                    Quote: Erg
                    AlNikolaich. 905th is an attempt (or rehearsal). The same snipers who shot at the crowd and at the soldiers
                    Either give facts on snipers, or you yourself know who you are. smile
              2. +3
                7 November 2015 11: 17
                This is what kind of people followed the liberals, aren't they generals? Good people!
            2. Erg
              7 November 2015 21: 58
              Bender, turn off the fool. Chief of Staff Alekseev (for the grandmother of the West) betrayed the Tsar. Arrested, if it does not reach. It was a military coup. Or the junta, in our opinion. But that was only the beginning...
          5. +7
            7 November 2015 14: 33
            Quote: VseDoFeNi
            Do you celebrate rebellion and coup d'etat during the war

            Did the liberals sing this to you? Nicholas abdicated. There was anarchy. The Bolsheviks picked up the fact that no one else could digest them. And do not have big words about rebellion and coup. This is a Western view of what happened. Nobody overthrew the king! He was not on the throne.
          6. +5
            7 November 2015 19: 49
            Quote: VseDoFeNi
            Only you do not forget about the more than ten million people who died in the civil war. They were far from all bourgeois.

            These people died due to the fact that the tsarist officers (nobles and former slave owners) began the first riots and hostilities against the Soviet regime. Have you forgotten, or do you want to hang up a lie specifically on the Bolsheviks?
            Found here suckers, the defender of the thieves-oligarchs.
            1. -2
              7 November 2015 20: 08
              Quote: Алексей_К
              These people died because the royal officer

              These people died due to the betrayal of their country by the Bolsheviks.
              Once again ... Revolt in wartime, this is a betrayal of their country, their people.
              Brest peace: additional losses of Russia
              In order to have a complete picture of the balance of mutual requirements and obligations of Russia and Germany at the time of the Genoa Conference, we also need to take into account the damage that Soviet Russia suffered as a result of the so-called Brest Peace. This separate international peace treaty, signed on March 3, 1918 in Brest-Litovsk by representatives of Soviet Russia, on the one hand, and representatives of the “Central Powers” ​​(Germany, Austria-Hungary, the Ottoman Empire and the Bulgarian kingdom), on the other [56], marked Russia's exit from the First World War. It was ratified by the Extraordinary IV All-Russian Congress of Soviets on March 15, 2/3 of the votes and the German Emperor Wilhelm II - March 26, 1918. It was canceled by the All-Russian Central Executive Committee of the RSFSR in November of the same year. The Brest peace is extremely unequal for Russia, humiliating and “obscene” (V. Lenin).

              We will not describe in detail all the articles of the Brest Treaty. Most of them are military and political in nature. But there were articles of a territorial nature, they dealt with the annexations of Russian territories. The Privislinsky provinces, Ukraine, the provinces with the predominant Belarusian population, the Estland, Courland and Livonia provinces, and the Grand Duchy of Finland were torn away from Russia. Most of these territories were to become German protectorates or become part of Germany. In the Caucasus, Russia was inferior to the Kars and Batumi regions. Russia also pledged to recognize the independence of Ukraine in the person of the government of the Ukrainian People’s Republic (UNR) [57].

              Such annexations created enormous economic damage to the RSFSR. A territory of 780 thousand square meters was torn away from Soviet Russia. kilometers with a population of 56 million people (a third of the population of the Russian Empire). Before the revolution, this territory accounted for (% of all Russia):

              - cultivated agricultural land - 27;
              - railway network - 26;
              - textile industry - 33;
              - smelting of iron and steel - 73;
              - mining of coal - 89;
              - sugar production - 90.

              There were 918 textile factories, 574 breweries, 133 tobacco factories, 1685 distilleries, 244 chemical factories, 615 pulp mills, 1073 machine-building factories and 40% of industrial workers on the seized territory.

              And then after that, like complete degenerates, mutter that this is a great blessing. fool
            2. -1
              7 November 2015 20: 08
              Quote: Алексей_К
              These people died because the royal officer

              These people died due to the betrayal of their country by the Bolsheviks.
              Once again ... Revolt in wartime, this is a betrayal of their country, their people.
              Brest peace: additional losses of Russia
              In order to have a complete picture of the balance of mutual requirements and obligations of Russia and Germany at the time of the Genoa Conference, we also need to take into account the damage that Soviet Russia suffered as a result of the so-called Brest Peace. This separate international peace treaty, signed on March 3, 1918 in Brest-Litovsk by representatives of Soviet Russia, on the one hand, and representatives of the “Central Powers” ​​(Germany, Austria-Hungary, the Ottoman Empire and the Bulgarian kingdom), on the other [56], marked Russia's exit from the First World War. It was ratified by the Extraordinary IV All-Russian Congress of Soviets on March 15, 2/3 of the votes and the German Emperor Wilhelm II - March 26, 1918. It was canceled by the All-Russian Central Executive Committee of the RSFSR in November of the same year. The Brest peace is extremely unequal for Russia, humiliating and “obscene” (V. Lenin).

              We will not describe in detail all the articles of the Brest Treaty. Most of them are military and political in nature. But there were articles of a territorial nature, they dealt with the annexations of Russian territories. The Privislinsky provinces, Ukraine, the provinces with the predominant Belarusian population, the Estland, Courland and Livonia provinces, and the Grand Duchy of Finland were torn away from Russia. Most of these territories were to become German protectorates or become part of Germany. In the Caucasus, Russia was inferior to the Kars and Batumi regions. Russia also pledged to recognize the independence of Ukraine in the person of the government of the Ukrainian People’s Republic (UNR) [57].

              Such annexations created enormous economic damage to the RSFSR. A territory of 780 thousand square meters was torn away from Soviet Russia. kilometers with a population of 56 million people (a third of the population of the Russian Empire). Before the revolution, this territory accounted for (% of all Russia):

              - cultivated agricultural land - 27;
              - railway network - 26;
              - textile industry - 33;
              - smelting of iron and steel - 73;
              - mining of coal - 89;
              - sugar production - 90.

              There were 918 textile factories, 574 breweries, 133 tobacco factories, 1685 distilleries, 244 chemical factories, 615 pulp mills, 1073 machine-building factories and 40% of industrial workers on the seized territory.

              And then after that, like complete degenerates, mutter that this is a great blessing. fool
          7. +1
            8 November 2015 01: 22
            Quote: VseDoFeNi
            Only you do not forget about the more than ten million people who died in the civil war. They were not all bourgeois.
            Naturally - 950 thousand Red Army soldiers, 300 thousand annihilated by the White Terror, and 6 million who were ashamed of the natural (for the realities of Russia at that time) were not bourgeois.

            Do you celebrate rebellion and coup d'etat during the war
            Successful rebellion against thieves, rapists and murderers during the war, waged by thieves, rapists and murderers for the interests of thieves, rapists and murderers. smile
        2. 0
          7 November 2015 17: 25
          Of course the bourgeois. And the question is, was it worth it to ruin so many people, a powerful state collapsed, if in the end they returned on the same road?
      3. +2
        7 November 2015 13: 20
        Quote: Igor39
        but somewhere old people cannot get gas or veterans live their life in shacks, I don’t feel a holiday.

        belay in Romania gas problems? wassat
      4. DPN
        8 November 2015 19: 54
        Like that - the revival of capitalism and a 12-hour working day is otherwise fucking and not a salary.
    3. The comment was deleted.
    4. -12
      7 November 2015 10: 13
      You are celebrating the Russian Maidan (by analogy with the modern Ukrainian one). There are more than enough similarities: 1. Financing from abroad. 2. The Jews are at the head. 2. Blood by the river. 3. The slogans of the coup do not correspond to the results and policies of both juntas. 4. Both juntas suffered a military defeat (in other words, crap). 5. Persecution and murder of dissidents. 6. Insane number of immigrants. 7. Brought incalculable suffering to their people. You can go on for a very long time .... And the article, in my opinion, is taken from the textbook "HISTORY of the CPSU for technical schools." Rave.
      1. +5
        7 November 2015 12: 04
        The coup is a change of power. The revolution is a change in the economic structure. Therefore, what happened in February 1917 and February 2014 is a coup, and what happened in October 1917 and October 1993 is a revolution.
        1. -2
          7 November 2015 15: 16
          A masterpiece .... that is, it turns out in the 90s in Russia with a change in the economic structure there was a revolution? Yes, my friend, you can develop a little thought and you can sit right behind a doctoral dissertation ... Good luck. Just do not mix the concepts of politics and economics into a heap — they will laugh.
    5. +2
      7 November 2015 17: 13
      Socialism (and even more so communism) is a product of evolution, not revolution. Socialism implies the high personal, moral qualities of the average citizen. Capitalism operates with the basic aspirations of personal enrichment and unlimited consumption inherent in almost everyone. The experiment started in 1917 with some success ended in complete collapse, as soon as the reins were weakened by Soviet society. In pursuit of colored rags and the benefits of developed socialism, the USSR project was closed in a short time to applause and hooting. Enough gentlemen (comrades) with us experiments and even more so revolutions. You need a calm, steady development and evolution will do everything by itself. Everything has its time.
      1. 0
        7 November 2015 18: 22
        Made a reservation
        * in pursuit of the benefits of developed capitalism.
      2. -1
        8 November 2015 00: 35
        So then you first bring up high moral concepts in people, and then move on to socialism, and even more so to communism. But somehow it does not work to bring up moral concepts at gunpoint. People increasingly strive to return to their petty-bourgeois essence.
    6. +1
      7 November 2015 18: 53
      "All people, young and old
      Celebrating freedom ... "
    7. 0
      8 November 2015 12: 14
      Quote: My address
      Happy holiday, comrades!
      Happy Great Revolution!
      1. 0
        9 November 2015 19: 31
        It is a pity that the editorship of this resource sinks to the level of Bolshevism in its most exaggerated form. In October 1917, the Bolsheviks seized power in Russia. Everyone knows this from the look of the "great October socialist revolution." Lenin's gang arranged a bloodbath in the country. During the civil war, about 8 million people died.
        If you understand who died, it was first of all the color of the nation: officers and generals of the Tsarist Army, not related to politics, Cossacks - whole families - were exterminated with the active support of Sverdlov, tens of thousands of priests and monks were exterminated in the most savage way. The fact that people ate each other during the civil war will not surprise anyone.
        In 1918, the imperial family was executed: the Holy Tsar-Martyr Nicholas II and the Holy Queen-Martyr Alexander. The children were killed and, in full confidence, were stabbed with bayonets. Or do not know, Do not touch My anointed. (Ps. 104: 15)
        But the Tsar-Martyr was dismembered, and his head was placed in a vessel and sent to Moscow in evidence of the murder. Lenin rejoiced ... And what is this if not a fanaticism ?! And these terrible things were done by the scum devoted to the cause of the revolution !! No matter how sweet the song about the petrel is, but the reality is that the revolution was accompanied by murders, desecration of shrines, the extermination of entire estates and millions of civilians!
        It is a pity that this Internet resource writes about terrible cursed days with such pathos. Is memory really so short ?!
        Comrades, and those who share the idea of ​​revolution, those who support those mass extermination of the people, you stand on one level with those who did not save Russia and who destroyed it.
        And the country survived thanks to the people who loved their homeland more than the gentlemen-"comrades". No wonder the honest emigrants of the first wave supported the USSR in the struggle against fascism with all they could. But this did not in the least reconcile them with those who were guilty of such a terrible course of History.
        There is no repentance in the murder of the Imperial family - get the Second World War and further troubles!
        OSR Day is not only a feast of November 7 with a snack, but also the memory of the bloody bathhouse that the Trotsky, Sverdlov, Lenin and Voikovs made ...
      2. 0
        13 November 2015 14: 59
        Quote: RUSS
        Quote: My address
        Happy holiday, comrades!
        Happy Great Revolution!
    8. 0
      8 November 2015 12: 41
      Quote: My address
      Happy holiday, comrades!
      Happy Great Revolution!

      and we will return to her conquests, and most likely in the near future
    9. 0
      9 November 2015 14: 35
      Hooray! Hooray! Hooray!
  2. +27
    7 November 2015 07: 07
    Whatever they say, we are all from the USSR! Happy holiday!
  3. +13
    7 November 2015 07: 12
    Further events confirmed the correctness of the Bolsheviks. Russia was on the verge of death

    Yes, a holiday today, and a very large holiday.
    It is useful for young people to explain what exactly happened in those days: why instead of a US citizen L. Trotsky (the New York Times already published it on October 25 as the new head of Russia), V.I.Ulyanov (Lenin) was at the head of the government. I am afraid that very few know this even now.
    1. +3
      7 November 2015 10: 40
      But now the GLOGS are celebrating the victory and salute the THREE JEWS appointed by them to rule and destroy the Slavs in the outskirts in the civil war! The story repeats itself with minor variations!
  4. +16
    7 November 2015 07: 13
    It’s as if someone didn’t say anything, but now we know what socialism-communism is in practice, and this is an invaluable experience, good and bad. For one beaten, two unbeaten give.
    1. +4
      7 November 2015 07: 28
      ..... experience ... of course with blood ...... but how many ..... there were nonsense and empty chimes ??? .. but even experience is not what .. DOESN'T TEACH ... ..the country of Fools ... with their revolution of hymnity (in which all the nonsense is at the top ...) ..... and how many times the world was told .... sad
      1. +12
        7 November 2015 07: 52
        Quote: EGOrkka
        ..... experience ... of course with blood .....

        At the moment, new technologies have gone far ahead, the population of our country is being destroyed almost without blood, so to speak "culturally". I don’t understand, what difference does it make to me: they will kill me with blood or bloodlessly with all my relatives, the final result is more important. The fact that ultimately the population in the USSR was growing is an indisputable fact, and the fact that its number is currently decreasing is not heard in the media, but it is very noticeable in practice and in life.
        1. -9
          7 November 2015 11: 02
          The fact that ultimately the population in the USSR grew is an indisputable fact

          ....... if you take by periods .... you will be somewhat surprised ... alas, not always. Modern statistics ... just say ... about an increase in the birth rate .... and an increase in the age of life. And if we talk about the standard of living .... then the USSR is far behind .... just do not tell tales that in the USSR .... in every family there were ... automatic washing machines .... winked
          1. +3
            7 November 2015 12: 09
            Quote: EGOrkka
            ... if we talk about the standard of living .... then the USSR is far behind .... just do not tell tales that in the USSR .... in every family there were ... automatic washing machines ....

            Standard of living? And what was he called for? From the very beginning, the country was torn apart. At first, I organized the train. You don’t remember who organized it? During the war, organized and paid a bunch of coups. Remember who did all this. They put at the head of the US citizen L. Trotsky, but this is not a task, he did not take root. In some incredible way, an inconspicuous Lenin became the head of the country. And then it began: no one recognized the coup if the head was not the one who had already been appointed and prepared. What to do? Intervention: Americans and Japanese land in Vladivostok and kill civilians and non-civilians there. In Arkhangelsk, the British also destroy the local population, having organized for the first time in the territory of Russia a special death camp on Solovki. And naturally the republic is not recognized at the diplomatic level. After a short respite, preparations again begin for another war, already a World Thief. Again they do not give breathing. After the destruction of the war economy, there is no respite; the next arms race, already nuclear, begins. And the country after the post-war devastation. And how did you survive? They still can’t leave us alone, they come up with something and come up with something to keep us in poverty and to prevent the population from multiplying. By the way: the lowest population growth is precisely in modern Germany, and after all, there are direct relatives of Russians living there. Maybe you will understand that we are constantly and continuously driven into a state of poverty. And who needs it? Guessed ?.
            1. -1
              7 November 2015 14: 07
              Maybe you will understand that we are constantly and continuously driven into a state of poverty ...

              .... and forbidden cybernetics and genetics? But the nomenclature and desks soldering? who drove you there? maybe you stop nodding at all ... and honestly tell yourself .... the communists seized power ... snickered and swam .... in complacency and self-praise .... without normal ....... competition. .... in the end, the country collapsed !!! hi
              1. +3
                7 November 2015 15: 41
                Quote: EGOrkka
                .... and forbidden cybernetics and genetics? But the nomenclature and desks soldering?

                Yes, I see you are a complete man at all. Serious work has been done on you in the NLP style, that is, full of zombies. Where do you get your false information from? I remind you: Genetics is still the work of Ac. Lysenko, with the theory of "Wave genetics" are the most advanced. Cybernetics: Until the end of the 60s, the USSR was at the forefront, in many ways ahead of other countries. This is the activity of the Trotskyist-Zionist bloc, represented by Khrushchev and his followers, they managed to raspy and destroy everything. Dr. Buteyko's works on domestic computers are an example for you. No one in the world has achieved such results as he did, his laboratory was destroyed in the late 60s. As for the rations: this is how your Rothschilds pay their haluyam well, not a couple of desks. rations, which, incidentally, were also introduced by the Trotskyists. Didn't you know about this?
                1. -4
                  7 November 2015 16: 31
                  Yes, I see you completely finished man.

                  .... yes you made me laugh .... not childish !!!! .... your true Lysenko Michurintsi have thrown agricultural science of the USSR for 50 years! not to mention cybernetics ...... you're out of luck .... and I am familiar with all these "arts" ..... not in words ..... Trotskyists ... during Brezhnev and Gorbachev? ??? ... insanity ... cannot be cured! laughing laughing laughing
                  1. +3
                    7 November 2015 21: 37
                    Quote: EGOrkka
                    ... and I am familiar with all these "arts" ..... not in words ..... Trotskyists ... during Brezhnev and Gorbachev ????

                    I am glad for you that you are familiar with the achievements of Soviet science and technology! You were probably convinced of the correctness of the conclusions of the great scientist Academician Lysenko, the founder of the theory, on your personal tactics "Wave genetics", which explained the amazing phenomena discovered by scientists back in the XNUMXth century. Personally, I observed the correctness of this theoretical proposition in my practice. And you probably personally used world's first computer (electronic-keyboard computing machine) with a domestic designed to it very convenient, Russian-language softwaredeveloped in our country and all this all long before similar developments in other countries, even in the 60s. So you are a happy person, you have known and tried everything in your life. I sincerely congratulate you on this. And as for the Trotskyists, so who still does not know that Gorbachev - a pure Trotskyist, sorry you didn’t notice it. Mistakes must be cured.
                    1. -3
                      8 November 2015 04: 17
                      .. illusions are mainly in young ...... in old senility. This is a selective sense of memory ...... and sclerosis. Usually not treated .... Maybe you and Kravchuk and Farian ... take ... responsibility ... or your responsibility ... is also selective ... ???
        2. 0
          8 November 2015 00: 38
          Under tsarism, Russia's population grew much faster than under Soviet rule. So, based on your logic, was the monarchy more progressive?
          1. 0
            8 November 2015 11: 43
            Quote: Nikolai K
            Under tsarism, Russia's population grew much faster than under Soviet rule. So, based on your logic, was the monarchy more progressive?

            Something I don't understand you in principle: The use of Latin terminology usually confuses the very essence of thought. What does more progressive mean? Or how is it more regressive there? It is unpleasant to use vague expressions. According to my data, in 1917 the population growth in Ingushetia was by 3 people a year, in the USSR in 000 and 000 there were 1937 people each, so the numbers converge. Then you just need to count everything over the years and only then draw conclusions. So what is "more progressive" there, what "regressive" is more suitable only with a careful consideration of this issue. At the moment, this indicator can be regarded as a catastrophic landslide. But what "monarchy" is, there were many options, including those that were not hereditary, that is, elective. This topic is so unusual here on the site that I am afraid to disclose it now.
  5. +31
    7 November 2015 07: 20
    I congratulate all Soviet officers and true Soviet citizens throughout the USSR on the Great October Socialist Revolution Day! Happy holiday comrades! Eternal memory to all those who died for the cause of socialism and for their homeland, for Stalin in the Great Wars. Workers of all countries of the former USSR unite.
  6. +22
    7 November 2015 07: 26
    This day will remain in the history of Russia without a doubt. If only because the emerging country showed the world the correctness of the ideas of socialist development. Let a lot of mistakes be made. Let our enemies say anything, but the socialism of the USSR was, and it brought the world more than US capitalism.
    1. +5
      7 November 2015 12: 46
      I fully subscribe!
      1. +2
        7 November 2015 14: 10
        ... well, music then ... it was possible and ... in accordance with the ska ... written (for example, a swing from the movie "Adventure of Electronics) wink
        1. 0
          7 November 2015 18: 26
          I agree. And then they stuck to the video Scorpions - Gorbachev's favorites. Not at all in Feng Shui wink
  7. +28
    7 November 2015 07: 31
    An amazing country was the USSR. In the Soviet Union, the utopian idea of ​​fraternity, equality, the rule of the people, and prosperity of life was probably the most successful.
    Were: absolutely accessible to everyone medicine, education, work, housing, public transport, scientific and technical achievements.
    There were no homeless people, embezzlers, corruption scandals, and "I don't know whose officials they will be."
    1. +17
      7 November 2015 10: 42
      And after death, STALIN had worn-out boots, two service jackets, an overcoat and a short fur coat from his property!
      1. +7
        7 November 2015 11: 22
        Quote: Vladimir Pozlnyakov
        And STALIN

        The problem is that there are very few such people.
        1. +6
          7 November 2015 12: 18
          The problem is that there are very few such people.

          The problem is that such people were pushed into the background, removed from the opportunity to influence life in the country. But, in defiance of some opinions, I will say that Stalin did not strive to "heat up" for a rainy day, and although his children were not angels, they did not wander abroad, did not live there, looking at the "mouse fuss" from above. He lived in the country, did everything for the country to prosper.
          After his death, the country's gold reserve was 2 tons !!!

          1. 0
            7 November 2015 17: 17
            Quote: yuriy55
            The problem is that such people have been pushed into the background,

            The problem is that the one who manages to eliminate all competitors will break through to power. And such people are by no means the embodiment of all virtues. You can much theorize, but such are the realities of life, and Stalin himself had to intrigue for years against Trotsky himself.
        2. +4
          8 November 2015 02: 54
          Quote: Dart2027
          The problem is that there are very few such people.
          The problem is that the majority is going to continue to massage the ass with a sofa, learning the story on TV and being afraid of the Maidan.

          The liberal bourgeois gentlemen will be "very happy" if freedom of speech, press and association is given, if only the freedom to strike is limited. That is why they talk so much "about human and civil rights", while they do not say anything intelligible about the freedom of strikes, besides the fact that they are pharisaically babbling about some "economic reforms."
          I. Stalin vol. 1 p. 180-181

          Does not the history of the revolutionary movement show that the parliamentary struggle is only a school and a support for organizing the extra-parliamentary struggle of the proletariat, that the main issues of the labor movement under capitalism are resolved by force, by the direct struggle of the proletarian masses, their general strike, their revolt?
          I. Stalin T.6 s.84
          1. 0
            8 November 2015 07: 47
            Quote: Uncle Joe
            The problem is that the majority is going to continue to massage the ass with a sofa, learning the story on TV and being afraid of the Maidan.
            Do you personally have abilities that will allow you to manage the state? Personally, I'm not, and I'm sure that the vast majority of people, too.
            1. +1
              8 November 2015 17: 44
              Quote: Dart2027
              Do you personally have abilities that will allow you to manage the state? Personally, I'm not, and I'm sure that the vast majority of people, too.
              And I possess, and you possess, and the vast majority of people possess (another thing is that not everyone has enough knowledge at the moment) - you simply get confused in the meanings and do not understand this.

              We are not utopians. We know that any laborer and any cook are not capable of immediately taking control of the state. In this we agree with the Cadets, and with Breshkovskaya, and with Tsereteli. But we differ from these citizens in that we demand an immediate break with the prejudice that it is to run the state, to carry out the everyday, daily work of the administration, only rich or from wealthy families officials can take. We demand that training in public administration be given by conscious workers and soldiers, and that it be started immediately, that is, all workers, the whole poor, immediately begin to be involved in this training.
              V. Lenin.
              1. 0
                8 November 2015 18: 41
                Quote: Uncle Joe
                And I possess, and you possess, and the vast majority of people possess

                The ability to perform any kind of mental activity (including governing a country) is in one way or another common to everyone, this is so. But, abilities vary greatly. For example, everyone can master mathematics in the volume of an elementary school, but can everyone become a professor who has made several discoveries of world significance?
                1. +1
                  8 November 2015 22: 58
                  Quote: Dart2027
                  But, abilities vary greatly. For example, everyone can master mathematics in the volume of an elementary school, but can everyone become a professor who has made several discoveries of world significance?
                  Not every.

                  But firstly, this kind of management is a collective activity, and the results of this activity almost entirely depend on the goal, and not on the abilities of specific people.

                  And secondly - what's the difference?
                  Such a clarification would make sense if, when appointing / choosing the most important ones, candidates for the main ones would undergo some kind of testing to check the level of relevant abilities, however, since the advent of such an instrument as the state, no checks of this kind have ever been made, and foreseeable future is not expected.
              2. 0
                9 November 2015 03: 21
                Uncle Joe
                And I possess ....

                ..... yes you are an optimist ...... considering your throwing from candy wrappers ... to illusions .... just do not have such properties ... well, who ???? .... from normal ... will follow ... the "weather vane" laughing
    2. -5
      7 November 2015 12: 14
      And still there was no sausage, butter and toilet paper (all were wiped with the newspaper Pravda)
      1. +3
        7 November 2015 15: 04
        Why are you lying?
  8. +9
    7 November 2015 07: 47
    Christ's attempt to lead people to a just life also ended on Friday.
    But arose Vera!
    Happy Holidays!
  9. +11
    7 November 2015 07: 50
    ... On November 7-8, 1917, the New World was born and they tried to destroy this world during its existence .. In all ways .. Hindered .. and now the memory of him is disturbing ..
    in an ash vase
    tape languages:
    - And in theirs
    Europe and Asia
    nap and chains? -
    In the world
    violence and money
    and vitya loops -
    great shadows
    go around
    and leading.
    1. +5
      7 November 2015 09: 36
      Quote: parusnik
      new world was born

      It was not a birth, it was a change of facade.
      And Russia both existed and continues to exist contrary to all kinds of seven-boyars, seminar and seven-bankers.
      1. +4
        7 November 2015 12: 08
        The New World was born as an economic structure, as a relationship between people. Of course, the "Kingdom of God" cannot be built on earth, but such an attempt was made. And this world was born in Russia, which existed before and exists now.
      2. 0
        8 November 2015 03: 00
        Quote: ALEA IACTA EST
        And Russia both existed and continues to exist
        What is Russia?
        1. 0
          9 November 2015 03: 23
          Uncle Joe
          What is Russia?

          ..... Russia is .... a galaxy ... winked
  10. +1
    7 November 2015 07: 51
    I totally agree.
  11. +14
    7 November 2015 07: 51
    Happy Great October Socialist Revolution !!! :-)
    1. -11
      7 November 2015 09: 01
      Quote: sa-ag
      Happy Great October Socialist Revolution !!! :-)

      Cool trolle-voshche offset good
  12. +12
    7 November 2015 07: 53
    I am sorry for the empire, but thank God that the Bolsheviks defeated
    1. -5
      7 November 2015 11: 05
      ... and the Bolsheviks were defeated by the Stalinists ..... and the Stalinists were defeated ... the Khrushchevites ..... and the Khrushchevites were defeated by Brezhnevtsi ..... hi
  13. +17
    7 November 2015 07: 58
    I completely agree with the author, but only in the sense that if you trace the real path of many countries, then often the value of certain events becomes clear only after a certain time, especially in Russia. Even despite the ambiguous assessment of the events of 17, the arrival of Bolshevism saved the country! Against the background of the increasingly emerging superiority of the industrial west over Russia, after a while we would be so lagging behind that the tsarist regime would be unable to radically change anything. Therefore, those who are watching us from above and turned the USSR project, thanks to which the country became industrial, was able to resist Fascism, flew first into space, became a counterweight to the arrogant and aggressive West in the second half of the 20th century. Yes, for this I had to become atheists, to make other sacrifices. Who said everything is perfect? Only now, having given during this period what tsarism would not have given, we have returned the opportunity to believe in ourselves again, only from the spiritual side. And we are again becoming a counterweight to the impudent West with its already tolerant, godless, complete loss of ordinary moral values ​​(one "Charlie" is worth something).
    We always stood apart. Therefore, we are strong. And we can resist Europe, which ALWAYS tried to destroy us, while remaining human ...
    This is my personal opinion and it consists in the fact that everything that happens has its own reason for implementation. We only need to take advantage of the opportunities provided and believe in ourselves hi
    Even the very sanction that has been imposed on us is good for us. So, not in vain wink
    1. 0
      7 November 2015 12: 19
      In the Republic of Ingushetia there was a large Donbass basin, large industrial centers - Petrograd, Riga, Vilno, Warsaw, Kharkov. So do not have fairy tales.
  14. The comment was deleted.
  15. -7
    7 November 2015 08: 17
    Evil was defeated by evil, which six months later died at the hands of another evil ...
    1. The comment was deleted.
  16. +20
    7 November 2015 08: 43
    A completely incomprehensible decision of our government to stop celebrating the Day of the Great Russian Revolution on November 7! They try to forget the event, which had a huge, one might say, pivotal significance for the whole World. And, most importantly, who? Descendants of these same "Bolsheviks", commissars, red commanders and soldiers. Thank God that our youth have some insight about those events and there is a hope that they will not be able to be deceived. It's time to take your head out of the Egyptian sand and publicly declare that November 7 is the holiday of the victory of our Revolution. The fact that then the Civil War, the intervention began, millions of people, Russian people died, this is not a consequence of that revolution, but the struggle against it by counter-revolution of all stripes. (All this was very similar to what is happening now. And if it were not for the Stalinist atomic bomb, it is not yet known whether the American troops would have landed in Vladivostok, say, in 2012, or not. And Ukraine, torn apart by parasites ... It hurts .)
    And which of the historians will answer "yes" to the question: "Is it possible that there would have been fewer victims if the country then in 1917 fell apart, into specific principalities, uluses, etc.?" Before our eyes there was a "collapse" of the USSR, very consonant with the events of February 17th. At the cost of the betrayal of the leaders of the rulers, who were bought or through thoughtlessness lost power and destroyed with their own hands what was paid for by millions of people's lives. This should not happen again! Therefore, it is necessary to celebrate November 7, as the day of the Great Russian Revolution, so as not to forget what can be done and what cannot be done!
    With the holiday in general, and in general the same thing!
    1. +1
      7 November 2015 12: 21
      They try to forget the event, which had a huge, one might say, pivotal significance for the whole World. And, most importantly, who? Descendants of these same "Bolsheviks", commissars, red commanders and soldiers.

    2. +7
      7 November 2015 12: 55
      This is not me, this is the American said ...
      “The Ten Days That Shook the World” is a book by American journalist John Reed about the October Revolution of 1917 in Russia, which he himself witnessed.
  17. -12
    7 November 2015 08: 44
    The arrival of the Bolsheviks saved the country?
    A completely wrong understanding of events.

    Both the so-called February and the so-called October revolutions are the links of one chain.
    Other links are: the creation of the Fed in 1913, the First World War, and later on, the creation of the Third Reich, World War II, the Cold War, the destruction of the Soviet Union.

    Both the February Bolsheviks and the Octobrists were financed and led by the same owners.
    Another question is that the synarchist movement (the movement of money bags for establishing a NEW WORLD ORDER) does not have a permanent geographical registration.
    First UK, then USA; noted in France, during the Great Homosexual Revolution.

    Synarchism is constantly looking for new ways and mechanisms to establish the New World Order.
    Both German national fascism and Soviet international fascism were created as experimental forms of social formations. Options for the future society of the New World Order.
    The Third Reich was fostering as a mechanism for the destruction of Europe, which was underdeveloped after the WWII.
    But the USSR was pumped up by the USA. Even after Stalin's victory over Trotsky, nothing has changed. The pre-war potential of the USSR was created under the full control of overseas cartridges, as a backup option for the destruction of Europe. In fact, WWII is a war between the USA and Great Britain, in which Germany was framed and sacrificed, and the USSR helped the USA destroy the British Empire.
    The divorce took place after Stalin refused to recognize the Fed as a reserve currency. Which cost him his life.
    1. +9
      7 November 2015 11: 02
      Would be ashamed to write such nonsense.
    2. +3
      7 November 2015 11: 05
      What the hell are you writing.
    3. +1
      8 November 2015 03: 10
      Quote: ignoto
      The arrival of the Bolsheviks saved the country?
      A completely wrong understanding of events.

      Both the so-called February and the so-called October revolutions are the links of one chain.
      Other links are: the creation of the Fed in 1913
      You reptilians do not press? lol
  18. -17
    7 November 2015 08: 57
    Jewish revolution day.
    1. -17
      7 November 2015 09: 02
      Quote: rustyle_nvrsk
      Jewish revolution day.

      Mutually and you with the same day hi
      1. +6
        7 November 2015 14: 09
        According to the Bible, all nations are descended from the sons of Noah. So all Jews and we are blood brothers? So you are Mr. Romanov, also a Jew by blood, the only difference is I CIRCULATED YOU BAPTIZED. Therefore, let me congratulate YOU on the occasion of the GREAT OCTOBER SOCIALIST REVOLUTION (Jewish)
    2. +5
      7 November 2015 11: 02
      And 1991, whose?
      1. -12
        7 November 2015 11: 56
        Quote: Nina Cerny
        And 1991, whose?

        The end of Bolshevism
  19. +5
    7 November 2015 08: 58
    We are strong in ideology that no other court party in the country has. All these edry and others like them keep on the money of the members of the "circle". The Communist Party of the Russian Federation does not rest on money, and even less on Zyuganov, but on an idea understandable to people.
    1. -1
      7 November 2015 09: 04
      Quote: onix757
      . The Communist Party does not rest on money, much less on Zyuganov, but on the idea that people understand.

      Zyuganov is a saint. Truth dines every day in his favorite restaurant, where an average lunch costs 700 bucks. Excuse me, but what’s the matter with him in the canteen of the State Duma?
      1. +13
        7 November 2015 09: 13
        Zyuganov is a saint.

        I will repeat myself. The idea is not strong for Zyuganov. Today Zyuganov, tomorrow another leader and the idea is eternal. But what can you suggest besides the thesis "Putin is a good-economic bloc enemies"?
        1. -8
          7 November 2015 09: 46
          Quote: onix757
          Autra is another leader and the idea is eternal.

          If leaders replace each other, and the idea does not materialize, then this is an idea of ​​utopia!
          Quote: onix757
          But what can you suggest besides the thesis "Putin is a good-economic bloc of enemies"?

          I do not propose destroying a country for the sake of someone’s utopian idea. For the sake of someone’s desire to gain power and get to the feeding trough. They are all smeared in one world.
          1. +4
            7 November 2015 12: 45
            So what is the offer? Create a monarchy? But this is politics. And what builds is the economy. The Communist Party and the SR have an economic program and political principles. Apart from the slogan “Russians forward!” (Good, but not enough), the nationalists have nothing. Whose will you be? onix757 apparently asks about this.
          2. +5
            7 November 2015 14: 52
            Quote: Alexander Romanov
            I do not propose destroying a country for the sake of someone's utopian idea

            And not for the sake of the utopian idea of ​​making the USSR a capitalist country, Mechenny began perestroika? Her mother is in the drawbar.
      2. +15
        7 November 2015 09: 22
        Hello, hello The fact that you are never a communist, we understand.
        Only now, instead of putting things in order on the forum, you help srach!
        Ah ah ah! lol
        1. -9
          7 November 2015 09: 48
          Quote: AlNikolaich
          Only now, instead of putting things in order on the forum, you help srach!

          It’s really srach, in shaggy years, when there was a gang of marshals, then there were srachi, and now ...... well, there’s a showdown in the sandbox.
        2. +4
          7 November 2015 12: 43
          And not only! Carefully monitors its "minus" and as far as possible, the moderator "makes happy" of them with warnings!
          1. +5
            7 November 2015 19: 31
            Greetings to all members of the forum with a holiday VOSR!

            This article and the polemic on it very accurately highlighted the positions and worldviews of ALL members of the forum ...

            I cannot but leave without comment the advice from Vladimir to the administrator "Alexander the liberal-anti-Soviet":

            Vladimir Pozlnyakov (11) SU Today, 12:43 ↑

            And not only! Carefully monitors its "minus" and as far as possible, the moderator "makes happy" of them with warnings!

            And then that Alexander Romanov, using the power of the drunk from the power and impunity of the Admin, from **** racify all members of the forum who HAVE the audacity to have and publish VIEWS and STATEMENTS, different from the opinion of "one of the great ADMINS" !?

            Maybe you Vladimir with Alexander, revive here on the site in the style and methods of the Great and Holy Inquisition from the Middle Ages?

            Or maybe it is just worth for all of us when EXCHANGE OF OPINIONS, after all, to remain with the SUBJECT OF THE ARTICLE and not be like drunk users from "virtual impunity" to users (not users) of the Russian-speaking INETA?

            Once again, I congratulate all SOVIET CITIZENS on the day of the October Revolution!

            Michael, Smolensk / Chita.
      3. +1
        8 November 2015 03: 12
        Quote: Alexander Romanov
        Zyuganov is a saint. Truth dines every day in his favorite restaurant, where an average lunch costs 700 bucks.
        he knows this for sure, since he dines with Zu laughing
  20. +10
    7 November 2015 09: 06
    Quote: VseDoFeNi
    ... here in VO there is an article about the destruction by the Bolsheviks of the Black Sea Fleet, it is so patriotic ...

    Well, yes, the Bolsheviks got excited. And Stalin "got excited" when he ordered the destruction of food supplies, equipment, bridges and communications so that they would not fall to the advancing fascists. Apparently, according to the liberals, it was better to give everything to the enemy safe and sound.
    1. +9
      7 November 2015 11: 05
      And how do our anti-Soviet people evaluate the actions of the authorities and the people during the war of 1812? Then, after all, even Moscow was dumped so that the enemy would not get it.
  21. +12
    7 November 2015 09: 14
    Dear ones, it's not about the holiday, but about the attitude to those times, the history of our country, we scold the Poles, Bulgarians, Ukrainians, and we ourselves are trying to rewrite history at the state level, to elevate some, forgetting and blaming others, the question is why? All this is our history, our property, we exalt the king, has already been made a saint, and Stalin is a tyrant and a murderer, if we have already started a new history of Russia, let's preserve what we inherited, despite all the "new trends", including the holiday of November 7
  22. -21
    7 November 2015 09: 20
    Red-bellied killed about 12 million only in the civilian OTHER compatriots !!!! then they pacified the peasantry, then the rebellious army, then the gulag and the Holodomor, then the loss of the Second World War .... amazing boys ... and who needed this crap? this monstrous experiment on his own people .. and let the empire prosralize with all this ...
    1. +8
      7 November 2015 09: 41
      Quote: BagnoNew
      Red-bellied killed about 12 million only in the civilian OTHER compatriots !!!!

      Here Stalin banged these sadists in the 37 - 38th years.
      Glory to the great Stalin!
      1. -13
        7 November 2015 09: 46
        I why the hell did you need that revolution if you paid such a price ... it would be better to live on ... if I would live somehow, I think .. and moreover, much happier as for me ...
        1. +6
          7 November 2015 09: 58
          Quote: BagnoNew
          I why the hell needed that revolution if they paid such a price for it ...

          Who are you talking to? Who exactly from the locals in any country organizes and pays for all these revolutions? You don’t think it’s time to stop "punishing the innocent and punishing the uninvolved." At first, it is better to figure out "who, what, where and why", and only after that draw any conclusions.
        2. +10
          7 November 2015 11: 08
          It is a pity that you will not be able to do this. They would live happily for 35 years, a maximum of 40, if they were a worker or a peasant, with a 12-hour working day, with 4 classes of a parish school and without doctors. It would be wonderful to live, although, with the current government and the president, you might still have time to enjoy such a life.
          1. +7
            7 November 2015 11: 58
            And we have practically returned to this. As the Soviet reserve in the economy, culture, education was not huge, it was not endless, and the liberals had very little time left before the return of "the country we lost."
          2. 0
            7 November 2015 12: 26
            This is a myth. The Prussians dispensed with fratricide.
        3. +9
          7 November 2015 11: 11
          Yes Yes Yes. And Leningrad in vain defended, and Stalingrad. And collectivization with industrialization was in vain. Your relatives constantly howl about it.
          It seems that not everyone was loaded onto philosophical ships, not all.
    2. +15
      7 November 2015 09: 50
      Then remember those killed by the White and the interventionists from their submission! And killed by the Vlasovites and
      Bendera, all sorts of fascists ... Or the same fine kiddies?
      What is the experiment? The fact that they built a new state, on the ruins of an empire?
      The fact that Stalin took the country with a light bulb Ilyich, and left the descendants with a nuclear bomb?
      Or, in your opinion, the white with the interventionists should have won, and made Russia modern
      1. The comment was deleted.
      2. -9
        7 November 2015 10: 06
        Quote: AlNikolaich
        Then remember those killed by the White and the interventionists from their submission!

        When the Ententes proposed to Denikin the country that Russia was divided, he refused. I did not collect it in order to divide it. This was later done by the Bolsheviks.
        And he and Denikin - It’s not worth rewarding soldiers who kill their compatriots.
        This man understood that the Russians were killing the Russians. Although the Red Army handed out awards to the left and right for the killing of the Russians. There is a difference yes wink
        Quote: AlNikolaich
        And killed by the Vlasovites and
        Bendera, all sorts of fascists ..

        And a traitor always remains a traitor. By the way, soldiers who refuse to fulfill their duty or who have switched over to the enemy’s side are who?
        Quote: AlNikolaich
        The fact that they built a new state, on the ruins of an empire?
        Show the borders of the empire before 1917 on the map, I want to look at the ruins
        Quote: AlNikolaich
        Or do you think that White with the interventionists should have won
        So we already defeated you, after 70 years. With the victory of the Bolshevik Jews
        1. +8
          7 November 2015 11: 13
          The anti-Soviet is always Russophobe. Whatever mask he performed.
          1. -7
            7 November 2015 11: 38
            this is nonsense ... I have always been and will be for Russia ... but communism was a tumor on the body of the state and it has died successfully and burying the empire, which in turn was torn by the red-bellied idiots and cannibals ...
            1. +2
              7 November 2015 12: 12
              Bulk also for Russia. But Russophobe.
              1. 0
                7 November 2015 15: 49
                Quote: Darkness
                Bulk also for Russia. But Russophobe.

                Bulk loot from the arrogant Saxons took, like the leader of the world proletariat.
            2. +1
              8 November 2015 03: 27
              Quote: BagnoNew
              communism this tumor was on the body of the state
              On the body of a semi-feudal capitalist cannibalistic state - yes, it was.
          2. -1
            7 November 2015 12: 27
            Monarchists, Republicans - are Russophobes?
            1. +2
              7 November 2015 15: 06
              If anti-Soviet, then yes.
            2. +1
              8 November 2015 03: 35
              Quote: Morrrow
              Monarchists, Republicans - are Russophobes?
              If you are for it -

              - So you Russophobe and cannibal.

              If against - it means you are a latent communist laughing

              The only question is: bourgeois or socialist ideology. There is no middle way here (because no "third" ideology has been developed by humanity, and indeed in a society torn apart by class contradictions, there can never be an extra-class or supra-class ideology). Therefore, any belittling of socialist ideology, any detachment from it means thereby strengthening the bourgeois ideology. "
              V. Lenin vol. 6 p. 39-40

              Ideology - a system of political, legal, moral, religious, aesthetic and philosophical views and ideas in which people's attitudes to reality are realized and evaluated (encyclopedic dictionary)
          3. +3
            7 November 2015 15: 31
            Not always. There are just Russian people with a different opinion. Civil war is always a misfortune.
            Land to the peasants, the factory workers! Do you remember?
            It would be nice today to remember the promises that love to feed the Russian people.
            And we must treat each other with respect, especially in difficult times.
          4. The comment was deleted.
        2. +11
          7 November 2015 11: 25
          Show the borders of the empire before 1917 on the map, I want to look at the ruins

          Taking into account the territories occupied by the Germans, the territory of the USSR in 1945 was slightly inferior to the territory of the Republic of Ingushetia in 1917.
          So we already defeated you, after 70 years. With the victory of the Bolshevik Jews

          That's right!
          With a victory over completely free medicine and additional education, with a victory over social guarantees for every worker, with a victory over national ownership of the means of production, with a victory over economic growth 10-15% per year, with a victory over science and civil aviation ...
          With the victory of you, Alexander!
          1. -11
            7 November 2015 11: 58
            Quote: Marxist
            , with a victory over economic growth of 10-15% per year

            If the USSR had such economic growth, the United States would have torn on rags. Although the communists are not the first to paint
            1. +11
              7 November 2015 12: 29
              GOELRO, VAZ, KAMAZ, GAZ, SAZ, KAZ, NEFAZ, PAZ, BAM, BELAZ, MAZ, ZAZ, LIAZ, ERAZ, LAZ, BAZ, dozens of nuclear power plants throughout the country, industrial authorship, machine tool building, instrument making and the radio-electronic industry, nuclear and the rocket and space industry - nifiga yourself! Until now, the authorities of the post-Soviet space cannot get rid of this "totalitarian heritage of the scoop", no matter how hard they try!
            2. MrK
              8 November 2015 11: 07
              Quote: Alexander Romanov
              If the USSR had such economic growth, the United States would have torn to rags. Although the communists are not the first to paint

              So the Soviet Union and vomited before the arrival of Khrushchev.
              The successes of the USSR of that time were seriously alarmed by the capitalist countries, and especially the United States. In the September issue of National Business magazine for 1953 in an article by Herbert Harris, “Russians are catching up with us,” that the USSR is ahead of any country in terms of growth in economic power, and that at present the growth rate in the USSR is 2-3 times higher than in the USA. US presidential candidate Stevenson assessed the situation in such a way that if production rates in Stalinist Russia continued, then by 1970 the volume of Russian production in 3-4 times would exceed the American one. And if this happens, the consequences for capital countries (and especially for the United States) will be at least formidable, and even terrible. A. Hurst, the king of the American press, after visiting the USSR, proposed and even demanded the creation of a permanent planning council in the United States.
              What postscripts are needed here, and where are they?
              Quote from Alexander Kurlandchik’s book “Cursed Soviet Power” and reforms in Russia, on Prose. RU. This book is on hearing today. Read Shurik novels. Perhaps the brains inside are washed out of anti-Soviet. She's contagious. Sincerely.
          2. 0
            7 November 2015 12: 28
            The USSR is Russia. It must be compared with the RSFSR
    3. +6
      7 November 2015 11: 06
      And how many white? So talk about reconciliation with bastards like you.
    4. 0
      8 November 2015 03: 15
      Quote: BagnoNew
      Red-bellied killed about 12 million only in the civilian OTHER compatriots !!!!
      How did you, the witness of this, survive?
  23. +2
    7 November 2015 09: 26
    The naive still want happiness. Experienced already agree on stability ..
    1. 0
      7 November 2015 09: 46
      it’s like we have a squirrel ... let there be a king and we are in a ha .. not .. there was no war anyway ....
  24. The comment was deleted.
  25. +1
    7 November 2015 09: 41
    Article is a big minus !!!! The Bolsheviks are not guilty! Nobody knew the Bolsheviks! The Bolsheviks saved Russia! Nonsense of the "new communists" who want to argue I will suggest reading "History of the CPSU (b) Short Course", start with Chapter III and ask about the number of deputies from the RSDLP (b) in the State Duma of the 4th convocation. In the article, the author praises the Bolsheviks, but at the end unexpectedly distances himself from the Bolshevik-Leninists PARADOX !!!
    How many of those praising communism in the above written comments have met real communists ???? For my 50 years, I can call only two communists; The head of the Political Department of the 16th brigade of the UVF Black Sea Fleet of the cautorang Polyakov and my uncle, Umrikhin I.K. chief engineer of the Ferghana cotton mill.
    In my understanding, communism ended with the death of Lenin, it was Stalin, who understood the entire utopianism of communism, and began to build socialism. Yes, it was hard, but I had to step over many lives and destinies, but Stalin revived a great country! Whatever they say about Brezhnev, but he continued the work of Stalin and under him the USSR became one of the leading world powers! The USSR was the best country in the world! WAS! But oddly enough, the communists themselves destroyed it !!!! Time inevitably goes forward and no one has yet been able to turn it back, is it bad, but Russia survived in the scrapes and would very much like November 7 to become the day of reconciliation! "We will destroy the whole world of violence to the ground .." this has already happened and it is not worth starting it again hi
    1. +14
      7 November 2015 11: 12
      There can be NO reconciliation between those who receive 1 million rubles a month and tenmi, who have a salary of 5-10 thousand. Between pensioners with 10 pensions and penionary deputies and members of the government with pensions of at least 300 rubles. Between those who constantly insult their compatriots with the words "scoops" and "" and the people who endure everything and feed these "creatives" and "managers" who only know how to appropriate someone else's work.
      1. +1
        7 November 2015 12: 48
        Quote: Nina Cerny
        There can be no reconciliation between those who receive 1 million rubles a month and tenm who have a salary of 5-10 thousand.

        smile Well Nina, if I understand you correctly, then my grandmother is a collective farm pensioner with a pension of 30 rubles, my mother, a head nurse with a salary of 110 rubles (1,5 rates), my father, a 5th grade sharpener with a salary RUB 180 had to take up arms in 1980 and go to the barricades, because the collective farm chairman received a pension of 250 rubles, the chief physician of the salary of 205 rubles, the director of the plant 420 rubles ????? And what kind of shisha did the first secretary of the district committee go to Gagra and Karlovy Vary, and his son on the 24th Volga with his drinking companions rode? Is it equal, Nina, did the workers, collective farmers and the party nomenklatura live in the USSR? Why did the ship's commander go to the Zaporozhets, and the warrant officer-battalier (chief product officer) to 7 Zhiguli? What shishi did the General Secretary of the CPSU Central Committee open a foundation named after himself? Which party members became the presidents of the newly independent states? What party did the newly minted Democrats belong to before? Were the oligarchs you hated so much in the ranks of the CPSU? Or were they close relatives of the highest ranks of the party? ..... Yes, Nina, I am always tormented by one question ... besieged Leningrad, people from hunger eat their own kind and comrade. Zhdanov suffered from obesity and continued to suffer, why ??? Can you tell me, Nina, why is a graduate of the Military-Political Academy named after V.I. Lenin, the captain of the 3rd rank, the political officer of the Sentinel ship, Sablin, raised an uprising on his ship back in 1975?
        Quote: Nina Cerny
        people who endure everything and feed these "creatives" and "managers" who only know how to appropriate someone else's work.

        Why are you all hiding behind the people ??? If you love your people so much, then give half of your salary to a retired grandmother who could not raise her children and these children do not give a damn about their mother, help her!
        I look forward to Nina, your answers to my questions.
        1. +5
          7 November 2015 19: 50
          The more lies, the more you think the more they will believe you? I don’t ask why you are talking about the 1980 barricades. The barricades were in 1991 and 1993. Something with your memory, sir ...
          1. What is the pension of 250 rubles. the director and the collective farm? The highest pay was 132 rubles. Above, only pensions for three categories of pensioners could be:
          1. Local value - 140 rubles.
          2. Republican - 160 rubles.
          3. The Union - 250 rubles. Maybe your collective farm chairman was a pensioner of national importance? The same applies to the rest of your numbers. Either you write about salaries, or, as they say, for the sake of a red word ... Specify.
          2. Not only secretaries went to Karlovy Vary, but also ordinary trade union vouchers for free, and not only to Karlovy Vary.
          3. Nowhere and never will everyone have the same salaries. However, for example, miners in the USSR received as directors of factories and academics 400-500 rubles each. per month
          4. "Why did the commander of the ship went to the Zaporozhets, and the warrant officer-battalier (chief product officer) to 7 Zhiguli?" Probably because one stole and the other served. Or is the Soviet government also to blame for this?
          5. "... besieged Leningrad, people eat their own kind because of hunger and comrade Zhdanov suffered from obesity and continued to suffer, why ???" Your ignorance is even greater than your anger - Zhdanov was a diabetic, and he did not gorge himself on cakes, as your fellow gentlemen like to write.
          6. "Can you tell me, Nina, why a graduate of the Military-Political Academy named after VI Lenin, captain of the 3rd rank, political officer of the Sentinel Sentinel Sablin raised an uprising on his ship back in 1975" A naive idealist, most likely. He also decided, apparently, that capitalism is wonderful, like our people in 1991. But now many have seen the light.
          Or a harbinger of the current demshiz, for which all their own is disgusting, and someone else's is chocolate.
          1. +1
            8 November 2015 09: 13
            Quote: Nina Cerny
            . But now many have seen.

            Dear Nina, I am not going to enter into polemics with you, all the more it is useless. If you really want to return the supremacy of the Communist Party, then you should not shout about strikes, gallows, executions and camps for the bourgeoisie. just tell the new generation the whole truth, but there were excesses, but there were victims, but we had to go through devastation, hunger and wars! But we managed to build an excellent state! It’s not the time to prove your case with foaming at the mouth and scare the proletariat with punishment! Prove by deeds, show everyone that the ideas of world equality are not dead! I work for the "bourgeois", and so this "bourgeois" for pensioners makes additional payments to pensions that exceed the state payment by 300%, on May 9 gathers nearby veterans for a concert followed by a banquet.
            "Bourgeois" Kozitsyn opened a free museum of military equipment of the USSR. What can the Communist Party or another Communist Party boast of? Just do not use holidays and free dinners as an example, this is the lot of singles and not parties. hi
            1. MrK
              8 November 2015 11: 19
              Quote: Serg65
              "Bourgeois" Kozitsyn opened a free museum of military equipment of the USSR. What can the Communist Party or another Communist Party boast of? Just do not use holidays and free dinners as an example, this is the lot of singles and not parties.

              If all the bourgeoisie were like Kozitsin. And at our ZhBK repair of any conveyor is at the expense of the workers. If the repair takes more than 30 minutes, then the salary is halved.

              If all the bourgeoisie were Kozitsin, then we would not live in the Russian Federation, but in the country of the elves.
    2. +2
      8 November 2015 03: 39
      Quote: Serg65
      Article is a big minus !!!! The Bolsheviks are not guilty! Nobody knew the Bolsheviks! The Bolsheviks saved Russia! Nonsense of the "new communists", those who wish to argue, I will suggest reading "History of the CPSU
      1. +1
        8 November 2015 09: 17
        Uncle Joe You can write anything under this photo. You ask the old people in Central Asia and the Caucasus about Lenin's national policy, they will tell you a lot of interesting things!
        1. 0
          8 November 2015 17: 47
          Quote: Serg65
          You ask the old people in Central Asia and the Caucasus about Lenin's national policy, they will tell you a lot of interesting things!
          You better tell me this interesting - with reference to the underlying facts.
    3. MrK
      8 November 2015 11: 10
      Quote: Serg65
      I would really like for November 7 to become a day of reconciliation

      How to try on a bandit and his victim? Teach.
      1. +2
        8 November 2015 13: 21
        Quote: mrark
        How to try on a bandit and his victim? Teach.

        And live with joy in the soul, do not envy others, do not live at the expense of others, learn to be content with the small, the big will come to you.
        Now about the bandits and their victims, Mavrodi seems to be a bandit, but it seems there is no .... the victims themselves brought him money in the hope of profiting from unearned income.
        I repeat once again, the Soviet Union was the best state in the world !!!!! And who stole my country from me ????? Who deprived me and my children of happiness ???
        Abramovich? Berezovsky? No, not them! General Secretary of the CPSU Central Committee Gorbachev, First Secretary of the Moscow City Committee of the CPSU Yeltsin, member of the Politburo of the CPSU Central Committee Shevardnadze, member of the Politburo of the CPSU Central Committee Yakovlev, head of the department of the CPSU Central Committee magazine "Kommunist" Gaidar, candidate for membership in the Politburo of the CPSU Central Committee Kravchuk. In my understanding, they are bandits, but among them there is not a single oligarch, they are all worthy communists who faithfully served their people! So understand who is the bandint and who is the victim ???
  26. -10
    7 November 2015 09: 43
    Saved Russian civilization (and not only Russian) a simple Georgian man who successfully pitted these Bolsheviks together, and then finished off the rest ...
    1. +3
      7 November 2015 11: 15
      And who was Stalin? Is it a Menshevik or a Social Revolutionary?
      1. +2
        7 November 2015 13: 03
        Quote: Darkness
        And who was Stalin? Is it a Menshevik or a Social Revolutionary?

        I apologize, but did Trotsky, Zinoviev, Kamenev, Bukharin, Rykov, Dybenko, Peters, Antonov-Ovseenko, Bubnov, Tomsky really be Mensheviks or Socialist-Revolutionaries?
        1. +3
          7 November 2015 14: 35
          You simply don’t know or don’t want to know that almost all of these, including Trotsky, did not create a * party of Bolsheviks * they joined an already prepared party from other parties or * co-opted * like * Bundists *. And they were strictly asked for all the pseudo-revolutionary tricks.
          1. +1
            7 November 2015 15: 32
            Quote: Vasily50
            You simply do not know or do not want to know, almost all of these, including Trotsky, did not create a * party of Bolsheviks *

            Vasily, I did not begin to study the history of the CPSU in the distant 20 year (1975 summer institute) belay ETOGES how much time has passed!). From school, I know that Zinoviev Evsey Aronovich is a member of the RSDLP since the 1901 of the year, Kamenev Lev Borisovich is a member of the RSDLP from the 1901 of the year, Bukharin N.I. member of the RSDLP since 1906, Rykov A.I. member of the RSDLP since 1900, Peters Y.X member of the RSDLP since 1904, Antonov-Ovseenko V.A. member of the RSDLP since 1902, A. Bubnov member of the RSDLP since 1903, Tomsky M.P. from 1904 year. And finally, Lev Davidovich Bronshtein, a member of the RSDLP from the 1897 of the year, very much reminded himself of a smart and beautiful monkey who did not know whom to join, but in the end who understood who the power was laughing
            And so Vasily, who of the above did not create a party of Bolsheviks?
          2. +1
            7 November 2015 23: 41
            including Trotsky, did not create a * party of Bolsheviks *

            Do not write about what you do not understand.
            If there is any doubt about the information, the whole runet is at your service.
            Read - time to lose? And to write?
        2. The comment was deleted.
        3. +1
          8 November 2015 03: 42
          Quote: Serg65
          I'm sorry, but Trotsky
          Definitely a Menshevik opportunist
          1. +1
            8 November 2015 09: 21
            Quote: Uncle Joe
            Quote: Serg65
            I'm sorry, but Trotsky
            Definitely a Menshevik opportunist

            However, a young man! So when it was necessary to drive the whites, to put things in order in the rear, then Trotsky was the second person of the party after Lenin, and when the power to share so immediately
            Quote: Uncle Joe
            Definitely a Menshevik opportunist

            It is not for nothing that our enemies say "there is no more terrible enemy for the Russians than the Russians themselves"
            1. 0
              8 November 2015 17: 59
              Quote: Serg65
              So when it was necessary to drive the whites, to put things in order in the rear, then Trotsky was the second person of the party after Lenin
              Who told you that? lol

              Trotsky unites everyone who cares about any ideological decay; everyone who does not care about the defense of Marxism; all the townsfolk who do not understand why the struggle is and do not want to learn, think, seek out the ideological roots of the divergence "
              V. Lenin T.20 p .46

              Trotsky knows perfectly well that the liquidators in legal publications precisely combine the slogan “freedom of coalitions” with the slogan: Down with the illegal party, down with the struggle for the republic. Trotsky’s task is to cover up liquidationism by throwing sand in the eyes of the workers.
              Trotsky cannot be argued on the merits, for he has no views. One can and must argue with convinced liquidators and otzovists, but they don’t argue with a person who plays in the guise of mistakes and both: they expose him as a ... diplomat of the smallest test.
              V. Lenin T.21 p .31

              Trotsky arrived, and this scoundrel immediately sniffed with the right wing of the Novy Mir against the left Zimmerwaldists !! So that!! That's Trotsky !! Always equal to himself = wagging, cheating, posing like the left, helping the right while he can ...
              V. Lenin T.49 p .390
  27. +8
    7 November 2015 09: 48
    My opinion (which was formed after familiarizing myself with many different opinions of eminent people), at the Great Crossroads of the History of Russia (under different names, but the essence is One - Russia, Russia) there always turned out to be a certain force that served as a cementing compound to preserve the huge Temple Building under the name of Russia. In 1917-1921 it turned out to be the Bolsheviks - the CPSU (b). They had an IDEA, a Great Idea (unlike whites and the like), this Idea found a response and understanding and perception among millions of Russians and Russians in the territory of the Russian Empire. It's not about methods (and victims). Then the question was whether Russia is or will not be. Therefore, they did not look at the methods. And the Bolsheviks excellently, brilliantly coped with the preservation, and moreover, the exaltation of Russia. No matter how blasphemous it sounds, they grabbed the banner of Russia from the hands of a rusted, rotten Romanov dynasty (recall the pro-Western dynasty) and carried it with dignity, as far as they were allowed by a certain Historical Force or, let's say, the conveyor of History, to the place of the next Crossroads. So I believe the Bolsheviks deserve a Memory of themselves for eternal times. For the fact that they expelled the interventionists from the territory of Russia-USSR (they already then continued to fight with those with whom Russia now have to fight, let's be honest), because they broke the Nazi war machine during World War II, and for breaking (and quite successfully) the car of the world oligarchy, which (under different names and at different times) has always been directed against Russian civilization. And with the restoration of the Russian Orthodox Church (although I am a supporter of the true Russian Gods) they redeemed Guilt, which, probably, nevertheless, perhaps, was present. Although I do not think so. They, the Bolsheviks, simply returned to the USSR-Russia that which had been hidden for some time in the depths of the Russian people. All of the above is my personal opinion. And there were always funerals in the families of Russians and Russians. Maybe this is our fate? Glory to Russia!!
  28. The comment was deleted.
    1. -8
      7 November 2015 11: 59
      Quote: sa-ag
      And they also came up with some kind of holiday of national unity

      Sit in your Kazakhstan and do not meddle in the affairs of Russia.
      1. +3
        8 November 2015 10: 46
        And this is rudeness
  29. -15
    7 November 2015 09: 58
    Happy Jewish Revolution !!! Glory to the heroes! After 100 years, the brothers stepped on the same rake from the outskirts!
    1. The comment was deleted.
  30. +7
    7 November 2015 10: 08
    France marks Bastille Day as a public holiday. Although at that time on the guillotine a lot of goals flew. But in Russia everyone strives to forget his story.
    1. +7
      7 November 2015 10: 14
      Quote: kuz363
      But in Russia everyone strives to forget his story.

      People forgetting or trying to forget the past will one day perceive it as a new, well-forgotten old
    2. -15
      7 November 2015 10: 17
      We are not France ... We need to know and remember history so as not to make the same mistakes again. I just don’t understand those who celebrate, jump for this Jewish holiday. In 17 Russia fell from a blow in the back, so many people died, of course it is necessary All the same thing is happening now in 404. Come on, then we will also be happy for the brothers from the outskirts!
      1. +9
        7 November 2015 10: 39
        Quote: jagdmesser
        for this Jewish holiday.

        For you, this is a Jewish holiday, for others it is the embodiment of the communist idea, thanks to which a powerful industrial country was built, many here on the site were born thanks to this embodiment, coincidence, the mixing of peoples allowed the ancestors to meet and give offspring that are now spat on the past, including the affairs of their ancestors
        1. MrK
          8 November 2015 11: 42
          Thanks sa-ag. I will supplement it.
          Regarding the Bolsheviks, Grand Duke Alexander Mikhailovich said well, the man whose Bolsheviks killed two siblings and forced him to die in poverty on the Cote d'Azur: “No matter how ironic it seems, the unity of the Russian state has to be defended by the participants of the Third International, the Bolsheviks. The fact remains that from that very day the Soviets pursue a purely national policy, which is nothing but a centuries-old policy begun by Ivan the Terrible, framed by Peter the Great and reached the peak under Nicholas I: to defend the borders of the state at all costs and step by step to natural borders in the west! Now I’m sure that even my sons will see the day when the end will come not only of the absurd independence of the Baltic republics, but also of Bessarabia ... [b] I wholeheartedly wished for the victory of the Red Army [/ b][b]. "
      2. The comment was deleted.
      3. 0
        7 November 2015 11: 16
        Do not confuse a coup with a revolution.
    3. +2
      7 November 2015 12: 00
      Quote: kuz363
      France marks Bastille Day as a public holiday

      Do you want to be like the French? -Me not hi
  31. +16
    7 November 2015 10: 35
    Day of the seventh of November, the red day of the calendar! Happy holiday comrades !!!
    1. -14
      7 November 2015 10: 38
      Of course, glory to the heroes!
      1. +8
        7 November 2015 12: 59
        Here is a Bandera member registered to mock the holiday! Shoot the "Apostrophe"! There you and the Heroes of SALA and crumbs of cookies from Sarah Nuland!
        1. -4
          7 November 2015 13: 53
          Wonderful logic! Who doesn’t think about you-Bandera))). Or maybe you yourself Bandera? Not? Do you honor the Judas of Lenin, the revolution, the collapse of the country and all that, they tear the ass for revolution by 404 and jump the country collapse ... I think you will get more Bandera,
          than with me.
  32. +9
    7 November 2015 10: 38
    Quote: VseDoFeNi
    Quote: Boris55
    It is necessary to celebrate so that they remember that their age is not long and that we do not forget how our ancestors acted with the bourgeois.

    Only you do not forget about the more than ten million people who died in the civil war. They were far from all bourgeois.

    And you celebrate a riot and a coup during the war, which was to be punished by execution or a fine battalion on the front line. And which led to unprecedented casualties among our population.

    What kind of nonsense? The empire collapsed BEFORE the Bolsheviks, with a coup in February. The Bolsheviks came in October and saved Russia by recreating it within the framework of the USSR. And the White War started the Civil War, under the strict guidance of the Entente.
    1. +3
      7 November 2015 11: 17
      And how do you separate the victims of the red from the victims of the white? Or do you attribute everything to those who you like less? Very scientific approach.
      1. 0
        8 November 2015 19: 02
        Quote: Nina Czerny
        And how do you separate the victims of the red from the victims of the white? Or do you attribute everything to those who you like less? Very scientific approach.

        Elementary, madame - everything is good, they are red, they are Bolsheviks, they are communists. And everything bad is white, liberals, etc. This is schizophrenia. And they say they go crazy alone ...
    2. +3
      7 November 2015 11: 17
      But children and Russophobes of all stripes do not understand this.
  33. +4
    7 November 2015 10: 40
    Quote: jagdmesser
    Happy Jewish Revolution !!! Glory to the heroes! After 100 years, the brothers stepped on the same rake from the outskirts!

    Not tired of repeating nonsense?
    1. -10
      7 November 2015 10: 45
      Are you tired of living in delirium?
  34. +12
    7 November 2015 10: 49
    Quote: Alexander Romanov

    When the Ententes proposed to Denikin the country that Russia was divided, he refused. I did not collect it in order to divide it. This was later done by the Bolsheviks.
    And he and Denikin - It’s not worth rewarding soldiers who kill their compatriots.
    This man understood that the Russians were killing the Russians. Although the Red Army handed out awards to the left and right for the killing of the Russians. There is a difference yes wink

    Your beloved whites started this very Civil War, entered into agreements humiliating for Russia with the Entente, and essentially agreed to territorial concessions.
    Quote: Alexander Romanov
    So we already defeated you, after 70 years. With the victory of the Bolshevik Jews
    Another "winner" celebrating the collapse of the country, the slide of the population into poverty, the collapse of industry, predatory reforms, shock therapy, collapse of prices. Well, well, let's write it down - an accomplice of the traitors - the comprador Jewish liberation.
    1. -10
      7 November 2015 11: 02
      It’s interesting, it turns out that for some reason you can’t see the logs in your eye. Aren't you now celebrating the very collapse of the country? With the only difference being that it was ~ 100 years ago?
  35. +9
    7 November 2015 11: 02
    White - just the current Chubais-Gaidar-Sobchaki. I - would be a Bolshevik. Long live the October Socialist Russian Revolution! Happy holiday, friends! Dumb people do not understand - the Great Milestone in the History of Russia was made by the hands of the Jews! Clever Jews understood - stupid in the furnace of History!
    1. 0
      7 November 2015 13: 06
      If Russian, then why the Soviet Union? Was General Drozdovsky a businessman?
      1. +2
        8 November 2015 03: 55
        Quote: Morrrow
        Was General Drozdovsky a businessman?
        We live in terrible times of brutality, depreciation of life. Heart, be silent, and be tempered, will, for only one law is recognized and respected by these wild, unbridled hooligans - “an eye for an eye”, and I will say: “two eyes for an eye, all teeth for a tooth”,“ Who raised the sword ... ”(entry in Drozdovsky's diary of March 15, 1918)

  36. +13
    7 November 2015 11: 11
    Quote: jagdmesser
    It’s interesting, it turns out that for some reason you can’t see the logs in your eye. Aren't you now celebrating the very collapse of the country? With the only difference being that it was ~ 100 years ago?

    We celebrate not a crash. For it, as was noted more than once, happened in February, even before the Bolsheviks, when General Kornilov arrested the tsar and the Empire ceased to exist. We celebrate the great achievements and social gains that our people achieved precisely thanks to October, when the Bolsheviks dispersed the mediocre, treacherous and liberal temporary government that ruined the country.
    1. -15
      7 November 2015 11: 24
      The people would have made great achievements even without October, and perhaps much more. Here, there is no merit of October and other things, the matter lies in our people themselves! Now, without October, we are defending, we are also going uphill, and with all this, at the top of liberals and traitors, they did not clean up properly and they did not change the American constitution after the collapse of the USSR. They also like red, black, blacken. All that bad happened after 17 was not done by the Bolsheviks, someone there, who anything, but not them. For me, the 17th year, the 91st and now what is happening in 404 odi What are the ... This is the death of the motherland, the state, the country's ...
      1. +7
        7 November 2015 12: 16
        Of course. And in World War II they won despite.
  37. +4
    7 November 2015 11: 13
    The article leaves a woeful feeling. The Bolsheviks rescued Russian civilization ??? I would like to remind you that civilization is not only and not so much a territory as, first of all, people who are carriers of the culture and values ​​of this civilization. The Bolsheviks, having taken power, began to systematically destroy or squeeze out of the country people who were the carriers of the civilization code - aristocracy, merchants, officers, intelligentsia (by which I mean not liberal pseudo-thinkers, but doctors, engineers, writers, artists, scientists) , the peasantry also fell under the ideological pressure, since collectivization destroyed most of the culture and traditions of the village. That is why I resolutely cannot understand how one can call the saviors of Russia those who called for defeat in the war against an external enemy in the First World War, those who killed people for standing up to defend the Motherland in the difficult hour of the war, a person received officer's shoulder straps, for the fact that a person honestly worked as a university professor or was simply born into a "family of a class enemy." So there can be no talk of any salvation of civilization.
    1. +5
      7 November 2015 12: 18
      90% of scientists and teachers, doctors and engineers remained in the USSR and worked for the good of the country.
  38. +6
    7 November 2015 11: 22
    Quote: Lieutenant Teterin
    The article leaves a woeful feeling. The Bolsheviks rescued Russian civilization ??? I would like to remind you that civilization is not only and not so much a territory as, first of all, people who are carriers of the culture and values ​​of this civilization. The Bolsheviks, having taken power, began to systematically destroy or squeeze out of the country people who were the carriers of the civilization code - aristocracy, merchants, officers, intelligentsia (by which I mean not liberal pseudo-thinkers, but doctors, engineers, writers, artists, scientists) , the peasantry also fell under the ideological pressure, since collectivization destroyed most of the culture and traditions of the village. That is why I resolutely cannot understand how one can call the saviors of Russia those who called for defeat in the war against an external enemy in the First World War, those who killed people for standing up to defend the Motherland in the difficult hour of the war, a person received officer's shoulder straps, for the fact that a person honestly worked as a university professor or was simply born into a "family of a class enemy." So there can be no talk of any salvation of civilization.

    Nobody squeezed anyone out. Those who wanted it themselves left. Those who left, as a rule, were enemies of the new state system, where the "cattle" were given the same rights as they were. The main backbone of engineers, officers, scientists and even generals remained in Russia and they helped to rebuild the country. Something that I don't hear your crying about those who have left the country and are still leaving since the 90s?

  39. +3
    7 November 2015 11: 30
    G-da, dobroe vremia sutok.
    Kone4no g-da, v Vashej Velikoj Istorij bili Velikie i (budut, jze est !!!), bili drami, bili i tragedii, bez-uslovno odnozna4no priniat 4eyto storonu slojno.
    Ved bratushki ubivat bratushka, na moi vzgliad zdes ne dolzen pobeditel en pobezdenij.
    No bez uslovno odno, ja spesial tak pisat.
    Narot RUSSLAND sozdal ne menee Velikij Land USSR
    Kotorij vergal v shok i trepet nato!
    G-da, gordites svoej istorij ona bez-uslovno velikij.
    G-da, nakonec primirites vremia ne to 4to-bi predjav kidat drug druga bratushki.

    PS ne k odnoj land in world pr ...... ka istorija ne bil tak jestok kak RUSSLAND !!!

    Ne k odnomu narod in world sudba ne bil tak jestok kak RUSSISCHE Narot.
    Budte stoiki, God posilat ispitani Velikim ...... hi
  40. +8
    7 November 2015 11: 31
    Quote: jagdmesser
    The people would have made great achievements even without October, and perhaps much more. Here, there is no merit of October and other things, the matter lies in our people themselves! Now, without October, we are defending, we are also going uphill, and with all this, at the top of liberals and traitors, they did not clean up properly and they did not change the American constitution after the collapse of the USSR. They also like red, black, blacken. All that bad happened after 17 was not done by the Bolsheviks, someone there, who anything, but not them. For me, the 17th year, the 91st and now what is happening in 404 odi What are the ... This is the death of the motherland, the state, the country's ...

    I would not have achieved it. Especially in the power of those who then settled in the government. In record time, the Bolsheviks achieved what the tsarist government did not achieve in the last 100 years. What accomplishments are you talking about when the people were in a slave position. What are the achievements of 80% of the illiterate people with backward industry? And after the collapse of the monarchy, Russia generally fell into chaos and the arms of the Entente have already begun to divide it into spheres of influence.
    1. -1
      7 November 2015 12: 18
      I see you are very well versed in alternative history, if you wouldn’t have achieved ... In your opinion, the Russian people themselves are not strong, they can’t do anything, but only under the red idea we become supermen and uber-soldiers ... It’s clear that You only read one-sided historical literature. Under the reds, everything was clear, under the empire and kings the Stone Age. At least we looked at the borders of the then RI for example and would delve into how people lived then, in more detail ... I don’t understand the hypocrisy of many here. So like everyone who rode on the wreckage of the USSR-p The publishers who are now jumping on the wreckage of the broken 404 are also traitors, but those who were jumping and jumping on the wreckage of the country of the 17th year PATRIOTS kapets what ...
    2. -2
      7 November 2015 14: 03
      In 1913, Russia was a country with an AVERAGE industry development, producing textiles, metallurgy products, steam locomotives, weapons, mining industry, shipbuilding were developed ... The pace of industrial development was the highest in the world.
      Agriculture was worthily represented.
      There was a developed financial system.
      And all this worked perfectly at the end of 1916.
      1. +4
        7 November 2015 15: 08
        Why are you lying?
  41. -7
    7 November 2015 12: 01
    After the next coup of the Bolsheviks in Khokhlostan, which we all saw, I doubt very much that the Leninist Bolsheviks in 1917 saved anyone except their own pocket ... The only thing that the USSR was lucky with Stalin, who prepared all these "revolutionary liberals" for the land in in its best form and from which these very "revolutionary liberals" with their foreign masters did not expect such a setup ...
    1. +4
      7 November 2015 12: 20
      What are the Bolsheviks in Khokhlostan? Are you healthy?
      1. +1
        7 November 2015 13: 12
        It is the real and zealous Bolsheviks, of the same spill as in 1917 and in 1993 ... Even the owners and customers are the same as the motivators ...
      2. 0
        7 November 2015 23: 11
        Taki carefully read historical documents about the creation of the party of the RSDLP.
        In the beginning there was the Jewish party of the BUND, which was recognized as terrorist - for its methods and goals.
        After their self-dissolution, the Bundists organized a party of the RSDLP and almost the entire composition of the first government of the Bolshevik country consisted of Jews (By the way, they have a nationality on the female side, and party chases are like a second skin). Poroshenko, after all, like Waltzman.
        1. MrK
          9 November 2015 00: 04
          Pilot. On the forecastle footcloths burn. And you are talking nonsense.
  42. Erg
    7 November 2015 12: 04
    The Ukrainian Maidan is before the eyes of people. All technology is "revolution". Was it really different in 17? And yet - everything connected with the great achievements of the USSR is Stalin! Don't mix everything up.
    1. +4
      7 November 2015 13: 15
      Was she really different in the 17th?
      Was she really different at 91 when they destroyed the country with Western money!
      1. 0
        8 November 2015 09: 54
        Quote: Gardamir
        Was she really different at 91 when they destroyed the country with Western money!

        Revolution is not a holiday; do not present black with white.
  43. +4
    7 November 2015 12: 30
    The Russian Empire was killed by the “Februaryists”: the Grand Dukes, part of the generals, high dignitaries, aristocrats,

    The Soviet Union was destroyed by the highest party elite, led by the Secretary General, and who could well profit from it.
  44. -6
    7 November 2015 12: 49
    Quote: jagdmesser
    I see you are very well versed in alternative history, if you wouldn’t have achieved ... In your opinion, the Russian people themselves are not strong, they can’t do anything, but only under the red idea we become supermen and uber-soldiers ... It’s clear that You only read one-sided historical literature. Under the reds, everything was clear, under the empire and kings the Stone Age. At least we looked at the borders of the then RI for example and would delve into how people lived then, in more detail ... I don’t understand the hypocrisy of many here. So like everyone who rode on the wreckage of the USSR-p The publishers who are now jumping on the wreckage of the broken 404 are also traitors, but those who were jumping and jumping on the wreckage of the country of the 17th year PATRIOTS kapets what ...

    The fact is that most of our fellow citizens registered in the VO were born and raised during the Soviet era, and accordingly, their moral and ethical guidelines were laid in accordance with the foundations of the Soviet state. Not the worst, of course, especially since they were based, first of all, on the Christian religion. But I've always been wondering, are citizens who praise Judas Ulyanov and yearn to return to the USSR, are they really ready to "take and share everything" again? Or, maybe, start blowing up churches again and hanging up priests? Again dispossession of wealthy citizens? To breed sodomy and deny the conservative moral foundations of Russian society? (Yes, yes, this is exactly what happened during the formation of Soviet power, Ulyanov and the Bolsheviks initially denied moral principles and welcomed everything for which we now blame Europe) Yes, Dzhugashvili, having come to power, neutralized these dubious "achievements." But at the same time he put a lot of fellow citizens, launching a flywheel of repression and murder throughout the state.
    1. -6
      7 November 2015 13: 03
      I already realized that the majority of those registered here are those who were brought up on those ideas that then hammered into their heads. They even put minuses out of powerlessness, but that's all they can do now))). Although I'm trying to get an answer from them what is the difference between the 17th and the 91st year? And since this is our land, then 404 is also suitable here, now there is the best and at the same time sad example of what happened in the 17th year ... The bold came to power, to select and share, objectionable and dissenters to the wall! The same slogans. Only a coat of a different color, there is a red Hail, now brown. Why celebrate it? Why this rejoice?
      1. +3
        7 November 2015 13: 18
        Pimp came to power, take away and share
        Are you talking about 91years?
        1. 0
          7 November 2015 13: 32
          Do not pretend to be insane. About 3 times said.
    2. MrK
      9 November 2015 00: 15
      Quote: Monarchist25
      Yes, Dzhugashvili, having come to power, neutralized these dubious "achievements". But at the same time he put a lot of fellow citizens, launching a flywheel of repression and murder throughout the state.

      And then in 1991 the liberals came and did this to the Russian people that he himself began to die out at a rate of a million a year. Over the 10 years of your filthy rule from 1992 to 2003, almost 12 million healthy, strong Russian men have lost their lives from hopelessness. Yes, Stalin can only be blamed for the fact that he did not destroy your seed to the seventh generation. Stalinist repression compared with the repression of liberal childish pranks compared with the actions of bandits.
  45. +5
    7 November 2015 12: 52
    There were many "kulaks" in my family, and many were killed by "friends". Do not idealize the communists in everything! As for the murdered "oppressors" .... my great-uncle was a teacher in the men's gymnasium and his entire family (including children) was killed during this revolution. What did he do wrong? After the war, the local chairman tried to put another great-grandfather in jail (he was one of 9 brothers of whom only 3 remained at that time and they were not killed by the Nazis), and so he tried to put him in prison ... you know why? for the fact that after the war he raised the richest economy with his own hands and built the largest house in the district ... he was accused of theft, since the court sorted it out normally and let him go, and if it had been until the 41st, most likely no one would have seen him. Everything was a lot ...
  46. +4
    7 November 2015 13: 12
    the truth is always alone
    1. -1
      8 November 2015 12: 04
      Quote: Gardamir
      the truth is always alone

      Semin with NTV thrown, agree and with VGTRK trample.
  47. -4
    7 November 2015 13: 17
    Quote: jagdmesser
    I already realized that the majority of those registered here are those who were brought up on those ideas that then hammered into their heads. They even put minuses out of powerlessness, but that's all they can do now))). Although I'm trying to get an answer from them what is the difference between the 17th and the 91st year? And since this is our land, then 404 is also suitable here, now there is the best and at the same time sad example of what happened in the 17th year ... The bold came to power, to select and share, objectionable and dissenters to the wall! The same slogans. Only a coat of a different color, there is a red Hail, now brown. Why celebrate it? Why this rejoice?

    I think that the biblical approach of the exodus of the Jews from Egypt should operate here. Moses led the Jews through the desert for many years in order to end their lives for those who remembered Egyptian slavery. So in our country, as long as the Soviet generation lives and rules, there will be no qualitative changes in the state. In addition, this is exactly the generation of "ideological" Komsomol members and communists who changed their shoes into liberal clothes in the 90s, and are successfully sawing the budget to this day. Yes, dear Soviet patriots, it was your former "party comrades" who caused all the devastation that was in the 90s and are slowly stealing it now. Everything is according to the precepts of Judas Ulyanov.
    1. -3
      7 November 2015 13: 37
      About Moses and the Jews you very sensibly noticed ... As they were rebellious and stubborn, so did I. I completely agree. I think when the society ripens in order to bury this ghoul from the mausoleum, then enlightenment will come in our country. Although my will, I wouldn’t bury it. It was a stuffed animal loaded into a rocket and shot into space, there’s nothing to poison the earth.
  48. alt
    7 November 2015 13: 38
    Quote: Alexander Romanov
    The composition of the Communists in 1918 is a blunder
    • People's Commissar of Foreign Affairs - Chicherin (by Meyendorf's mother) - Jew
    • People's Commissar of Agriculture - Proshyan - Jew
    • People's Commissar of the Army and Navy - Bronstein (Trotsky) - Jew
    • Chairman of the Supreme Economic Council - Lurie-Larin - Jew
    • People's Commissar for Reconstruction - Schlichter - Jew
    • People's Commissar of the State Land - Kaufman - Jew
    • People's Commissar of State Control - Lander - Jew
    • People's Commissar for Public Works - Schmidt - Jew
    • People's Commissar of Social Charity - Lilina-Knigissen - Jew
    • People's Commissar of Education - Lunacharsky (Mendelstam-Bailikh) - Jew
    • People's Commissar of Religions - Svalbard - Jew
    • People's Commissar of Public Hygiene - Anvelt - Jew
    • People's Commissar of Internal Affairs - Apfelbaum (Zinoviev) - a Jew.
    • People's Commissar of Finance o Gukovsky - Jew
    • People's Commissar for Press - Volodarsky (Kogan) - a Jew.
    • People's Commissar for Electoral Affairs - Uritsky - a Jew
    • People's Justice - Steinberg - Jew
    • People's Commissar for Evacuation - Sheginshtein - a Jew.

    The first composition of the Council of People's Commissars of Soviet Russia

    Chairman of the Council of People's Commissars - Vladimir Ulyanov (Lenin)
    People's Commissar for Internal Affairs - A. I. Rykov
    People's Commissar of Agriculture - V.P. Milyutin
    People's Commissar of Labor - A. G. Shlyapnikov
    People’s Commissariat for Military and Naval Affairs - Committee, composed of: V. A. Ovseenko (Antonov) (in the text of the Decree on the formation of the Council of People's Commissars - Avseenko), N. V. Krylenko and P. E. Dybenko
    People's Commissar for Trade and Industry - V.P. Nogin
    People's Commissar of Education - A. V. Lunacharsky
    People's Commissar of Finance - I. I. Skvortsov (Stepanov)
    People's Commissar for Foreign Affairs - L. D. Bronstein (Trotsky)
    People's Commissar of Justice - G. I. Oppokov (Lomov)
    People's Commissar for Food - I. A. Teodorovich
    People's Commissar of Posts and Telegraphs - N.P. Avilov (Glebov)
    People's Commissar for Nationalities - I. V. Dzhugashvili (Stalin)
    The post of People's Commissar for Rail Affairs remained temporarily not replaced.

    Mr. Alexander Romanov, you are a vivid example of how, in the post-Soviet space, Nazis of various stripes are raising their heads.
    1. Erg
      7 November 2015 13: 56
      YOU, sir, it seems that the oak fell. Think what you write.
      1. alt
        7 November 2015 14: 17
        Quote: Erg
        YOU, sir, it seems that the oak fell. Think what you write.

        They rewrite history in order to continue to fall apart on national, religious, etc. etc. Nothing new "divide, rule"
        “No, we are doing the right thing to punish nationalists of all stripes and colors so severely. They are the best helpers of our enemies and the worst enemies of their own peoples. After all, the cherished dream of nationalists is to split the Soviet Union into separate “national” states, and then it will become an easy prey for enemies. The peoples inhabiting the Soviet Union, for the most part, will be physically exterminated, the rest will turn into dumb and miserable slaves of the conquerors ... "JV Stalin, Complete Works. Volume 15," Conversation with AS Yakovlev 26 March 1941 ", p. 17
        1. Erg
          7 November 2015 22: 20
          Yes, everything is true Vissarionich writes. But I'm talking about the "combat Cheburashka". A person is just trying to convey the true meaning and causes of historical events. Where is Nazism here?
  49. +4
    7 November 2015 13: 48
    Quote: jagdmesser
    I already realized that the majority of those registered here are those who were brought up on those ideas that then hammered into their heads. They even put minuses out of powerlessness, but that's all they can do now))). Although I'm trying to get an answer from them what is the difference between the 17th and the 91st year? And since this is our land, then 404 is also suitable here, now there is the best and at the same time sad example of what happened in the 17th year ... The bold came to power, to select and share, objectionable and dissenters to the wall! The same slogans. Only a coat of a different color, there is a red Hail, now brown. Why celebrate it? Why this rejoice?

    The difference between 17 and 91 is obvious. In 1917, after the collapse of the monarchy, the patriots came to power, who brought the country to new peaks that were not reached before. In 1991, or rather earlier, in the person of Gorbachev and his accomplices, traitors came to power who not only did not improve the situation in the country, but on the contrary brought the country to impoverishment and collapse.
    1. +1
      7 November 2015 13: 55
      The whole question is price.
      He reached the heights of the USSR, having paid tens of millions of lives and broken destinies for these peaks.
      As I see, such a price suits you quite well.
      1. +1
        8 November 2015 04: 01
        Quote: Cap.Morgan
        Came to the heights of the USSR, paying tens of millions of lives for these peaks
        Solzhenitsyn forever laughing
    2. +1
      7 November 2015 14: 02
      ))))))))))))). In the year 17, PATRIOTS came! Bingo !!! That's the whole difference. Is there any sense whatsoever here further, what to say? From what then is Grandfather Stalin on the 41st year and after that, did Lenin’s-patriotic guard shoot and clean everything? True, with these bogeys and tares he ditched a lot of good wheat. Wonderful patriots came to power with the slogans to take and share. Do not robbers do that?
      1. +2
        8 November 2015 12: 52
        In general, they will argue about October 1917 for a very long time, everyone will argue: both historians and ordinary people. Was it good or evil? We are all used to measuring from our current point of view, and then, people, speaking the modern language, had different priorities, had different aspirations and incentives. We do not realize, but often we can’t understand the people, our compatriots, who lived just recently, only 100 years ago.
    3. +3
      8 November 2015 20: 51
      Duck still the descendants of the temporary houses destroyed everything that is possible in the 90s, put young boys in the First Chechnya.
  50. +2
    7 November 2015 13: 52
    Among the memorable dates in Russia, 4 of November (Unity Day) and 7 of November (Day of the 1941 parade) are celebrated.
    There is no such date as October Revolution Day in Russia.
    1. MrK
      9 November 2015 00: 20
      Quote: Cap.Morgan
      There is no such date as October Revolution Day in Russia.

      Well it will be so. You better tell people how many fur stores built for yourself, how much money stolen from the people?
  51. +1
    7 November 2015 13: 54
    Quote: Gardamir
    Was she really different in the 17th?
    Was she really different at 91 when they destroyed the country with Western money!

    Agree. With some nuances. In 1917, and before it, the country was destroyed, including with foreign money. But it was not the Bolsheviks who did this. And the liberals are in the government and the tsar’s entourage. General Ruzsky, Alekseev, Kornilov. Such as Kerensky, etc. In February 1917 they destroyed the country. But in October, the Bolsheviks came and dispersed these scum. This in no way fits with the situation in Ukraine. Because there was no revolution there. For a revolution is a change in a social formation or state structure. In Ukraine, neither one nor the other happened.
  52. +4
    7 November 2015 13: 54
    Quote: alkt
    Quote: Alexander Romanov
    The composition of the Communists in 1918 is a blunder
    • People's Commissar of Foreign Affairs - Chicherin (by Meyendorf's mother) - Jew
    • People's Commissar of Agriculture - Proshyan - Jew
    • People's Commissar of the Army and Navy - Bronstein (Trotsky) - Jew
    • Chairman of the Supreme Economic Council - Lurie-Larin - Jew
    • People's Commissar for Reconstruction - Schlichter - Jew
    • People's Commissar of the State Land - Kaufman - Jew
    • People's Commissar of State Control - Lander - Jew
    • People's Commissar for Public Works - Schmidt - Jew
    • People's Commissar of Social Charity - Lilina-Knigissen - Jew
    • People's Commissar of Education - Lunacharsky (Mendelstam-Bailikh) - Jew
    • People's Commissar of Religions - Svalbard - Jew
    • People's Commissar of Public Hygiene - Anvelt - Jew
    • People's Commissar of Internal Affairs - Apfelbaum (Zinoviev) - a Jew.
    • People's Commissar of Finance o Gukovsky - Jew
    • People's Commissar for Press - Volodarsky (Kogan) - a Jew.
    • People's Commissar for Electoral Affairs - Uritsky - a Jew
    • People's Justice - Steinberg - Jew
    • People's Commissar for Evacuation - Sheginshtein - a Jew.

    The first composition of the Council of People's Commissars of Soviet Russia

    Chairman of the Council of People's Commissars - Vladimir Ulyanov (Lenin)
    People's Commissar for Internal Affairs - A. I. Rykov
    People's Commissar of Agriculture - V.P. Milyutin
    People's Commissar of Labor - A. G. Shlyapnikov
    People’s Commissariat for Military and Naval Affairs - Committee, composed of: V. A. Ovseenko (Antonov) (in the text of the Decree on the formation of the Council of People's Commissars - Avseenko), N. V. Krylenko and P. E. Dybenko
    People's Commissar for Trade and Industry - V.P. Nogin
    People's Commissar of Education - A. V. Lunacharsky
    People's Commissar of Finance - I. I. Skvortsov (Stepanov)
    People's Commissar for Foreign Affairs - L. D. Bronstein (Trotsky)
    People's Commissar of Justice - G. I. Oppokov (Lomov)
    People's Commissar for Food - I. A. Teodorovich
    People's Commissar of Posts and Telegraphs - N.P. Avilov (Glebov)
    People's Commissar for Nationalities - I. V. Dzhugashvili (Stalin)
    The post of People's Commissar for Rail Affairs remained temporarily not replaced.

    Mr. Alexander Romanov, you are a vivid example of how, in the post-Soviet space, Nazis of various stripes are raising their heads.

    What do the Nazis have to do with it? Is he calling for some kind of unconstitutional action? Or to mass murders? Or to the purity of the Aryan race? There is no need to throw around clichéd slogans and propaganda.
    And the data that Alexander cited allows us to clearly see that the country of the Soviets was conceived as a Zionist project, actively financed in the West, but then, by the will of God, it lost control and lost its original, cannibalistic essence in relation to the Russian people, and in fact, turned into a red reincarnation of RI. Therefore, the collapse of the Union is a tragedy for all great powers, even those who do not adhere to communist views. Therefore, once again his comrades from the ranks of the main biblical people, but dressed up in the clothes of liberal democrats, ruined him. And these Judases are worse than even the original Ulyanov lads.
    “If anyone destroys Russia, it will not be communists, not anarchists, but damned liberals” F. M. Dostoevsky.
    1. +1
      7 November 2015 15: 01
      Quote: Monarchist25
      Therefore, once again his comrades from the ranks of the main biblical people, but dressed up in the clothes of liberal democrats, ruined him

      Absolutely right, I agree with both you and Dostoevsky.
  53. +2
    7 November 2015 14: 01
    Quote: jagdmesser
    I see you are very well versed in alternative history, if you wouldn’t have achieved ... In your opinion, the Russian people themselves are not strong, they can’t do anything, but only under the red idea we become supermen and uber-soldiers ... It’s clear that You only read one-sided historical literature. Under the reds, everything was clear, under the empire and kings the Stone Age. At least we looked at the borders of the then RI for example and would delve into how people lived then, in more detail ... I don’t understand the hypocrisy of many here. So like everyone who rode on the wreckage of the USSR-p The publishers who are now jumping on the wreckage of the broken 404 are also traitors, but those who were jumping and jumping on the wreckage of the country of the 17th year PATRIOTS kapets what ...

    I'm just a realist. The Russian people are strong and strong only when the country and people are led by competent, skillful people. One is inseparable from the other. Why did the people under Nicholas 2 frail and become poor, were 80% uneducated and lived without any rights? Why did Yeltsin impoverish the people, education was destroyed and is being destroyed to this day?
    Yes, once again, for those in the tank: I WAS DESTROYED BEFORE THE BOLSHEVIKS. Stop talking nonsense about the ruins of the country. Finally, get acquainted with the trivial facts before entering into a discussion.
    1. +1
      7 November 2015 14: 30
      It’s the same thing, and I can tell you, stop talking nonsense that under Nicholas 2 the people grew weaker, poorer blah blah blah...Who is stopping you from getting acquainted with the facts, I don’t understand? Why do you think that then it was once drilled into you right? Why can’t you think? Draw information from different sources, analyze, compare, so as not to be one-sided... The country was destroyed by the Bolsheviks and the hedgehog with them! Any revolution is evil! And in 17 it was the worst, the country was at war, and then these ghouls with a burry ghoul drove a knife into the back of their country...
  54. +2
    7 November 2015 14: 04
    “When they tell me that Russia was ruined by the Bolsheviks, I resolutely protest. Russia was ruined by others. The Bolsheviks are just filthy worms that have bred in the abscesses of its body.” Anton Pavlovich Denikin. And on my own behalf I will say that Lewis’s Nasties Milyukov Guchkov and the fagot Kerensky were replaced by natural Screwtape Ulyanov-Blank-Lenin Trotsky-Bronstein Sverdlov-Aptekman Uritsky and good uncle Yankel Khaimovich Yurovsky, who shot the royal family and slaughtered the princesses with a bayonet. These “saviors” killed Russia and in its place they created a kind of Frankenstein who, with all his strength, is controlled by others because he has no brains. So let the red-bellied people celebrate this “festival”. In your cramped red-bellied little world. Let the pgoletariat unite and march sexually towards a bright future. Somewhere to Novaya Zemlya or even further away. But for normal people, this is the date when the extermination of the intelligentsia of the priesthood and officers began. Instead of wonderful Russian people in power, they became the scourges of synagogue committees and other devils. Say hello, comrades. But my great-grandfather, whom the red bastard raised with bayonets for not retreating from the oath, would not have agreed with your promises at all. Your experiment with building a socialist paradise failed miserably, leaving in place of Russia the drunkard Elkin in the ruins of the state. You can downvote here there are enough stars. I will congratulate you with a funny video))))
    1. 0
      7 November 2015 14: 33
      Quote: Black Hundreds
      But my great-grandfather, whom the red bastard raised with bayonets for not retreating from the oath, would not have agreed at all with your promises

      And you, I’m embarrassed to ask, from what class according to the royal classification?
    2. +1
      7 November 2015 14: 34
      brother took it off his tongue)))
  55. alt
    7 November 2015 14: 04
    Quote: Monarchist25
    What do the Nazis have to do with it? Is he calling for some kind of unconstitutional action? Or to mass murders? Or to the purity of the Aryan race? There is no need to throw around clichéd slogans and propaganda.
    And the data that Alexander cited makes it possible to clearly see that the country of the Soviets was conceived as a Zionist project, actively financed in the West

    Yes, yes, this is harmless propaganda, a little fraud) We see very well what this leads to. An example of harmless descendants of the UPA in Ukraine. The grandfathers of whom the Soviet government pitied and even paid pensions, and now they are heroes, and their grandchildren are apparently proud of the great victories of “Babi Yar”, “Volyn Massacre”...
  56. +4
    7 November 2015 14: 05
    Quote: Eugene30
    Quote: jagdmesser
    I already realized that the majority of those registered here are those who were brought up on those ideas that then hammered into their heads. They even put minuses out of powerlessness, but that's all they can do now))). Although I'm trying to get an answer from them what is the difference between the 17th and the 91st year? And since this is our land, then 404 is also suitable here, now there is the best and at the same time sad example of what happened in the 17th year ... The bold came to power, to select and share, objectionable and dissenters to the wall! The same slogans. Only a coat of a different color, there is a red Hail, now brown. Why celebrate it? Why this rejoice?

    The difference between 17 and 91 is obvious. In 1917, after the collapse of the monarchy, the patriots came to power, who brought the country to new peaks that were not reached before. In 1991, or rather earlier, in the person of Gorbachev and his accomplices, traitors came to power who not only did not improve the situation in the country, but on the contrary brought the country to impoverishment and collapse.

    Well, yes, patriots. In your opinion, patriots, are these the people who are ready to plunge their homeland into the furnace to incite a world revolution? Or maybe these are the people who revered the teachings of the Russophobes-Germans and the no less Russophobe Ulyanov? Your interpretation of the word “patriots” is interesting, dear.
  57. -1
    7 November 2015 14: 06
    Quote: Monarchist25

    The fact is that the majority of our fellow citizens registered for VO were born and raised under Soviet rule; accordingly, their moral guidelines are laid down in accordance with the foundations of the Soviet state.
    I was the same idiot and believed in what you are writing now. It’s not a matter of who was born when and how they were raised, but of the educational level, excuse me. In my youth, I was the same liberal, I cursed the Bolsheviks, dreamed of the Empire and admired the white movement. But as I delved deeper into history, as I studied the facts, I realized that this is all nonsense imposed by the authorities today.
    1. +1
      7 November 2015 14: 39
      Well, I see your educational level is at the highest level, it’s so easy and simple to call a person an idiot and even a liberal...
  58. +2
    7 November 2015 14: 11
    Quote: alkt
    Quote: Monarchist25
    What do the Nazis have to do with it? Is he calling for some kind of unconstitutional action? Or to mass murders? Or to the purity of the Aryan race? There is no need to throw around clichéd slogans and propaganda.
    And the data that Alexander cited makes it possible to clearly see that the country of the Soviets was conceived as a Zionist project, actively financed in the West

    Yes, yes, this is harmless propaganda, a little fraud) We see very well what this leads to. An example of harmless descendants of the UPA in Ukraine. The grandfathers of whom the Soviet government pitied and even paid pensions, and now they are heroes, and their grandchildren are apparently proud of the great victories of “Babi Yar”, “Volyn Massacre”...

    Excuse me, dear, so what, in your opinion, should the obvious role of the Jewish people in the establishment of Soviet power be hushed up? You are proposing the same rewriting of history with which we are so unhappy in Little Russia.
    God be with them, these representatives of the people of Israel, these events are already part of history. But you shouldn’t forget about this in order to avoid even more trouble in the future. As they say - “A people that does not remember its history has no future”
  59. +2
    7 November 2015 14: 12
    Quote: Cap.Morgan
    The whole question is price.
    He reached the heights of the USSR, having paid tens of millions of lives and broken destinies for these peaks.
    As I see, such a price suits you quite well.

    Please enlighten us about the billions of innocents?
    What are we discussing anyway? Solzhenitsyn or a specific historical fact called Revolution?

    Somehow we can’t hear any snot about Peter 1, who killed 25% of the population of Russia, built St. Petersburg on bones and “filled the Swedes with corpses.” Somehow we can’t hear any cries about, for example, Catherine, who consolidated the powerless status of the peasants and “occupied” Crimea. Somehow you can’t hear the squeals about the bloody tyrant Nicholas 2, who got involved in an unnecessary war, killed millions of soldiers, and fucked up the Empire. We haven’t even heard of the “tyrant” Alexander 1, under whom, as under other tsars, instead of the “GULAG” there was penal servitude, where people were brutally beaten, forced to work, build railroads “to nowhere,” etc.
  60. +1
    7 November 2015 14: 14
    Whatever one may say, the king could not retain power - he abdicated. The surrounding liberal elite had a hand in this and was ready to sell out Russia. The provisional “government” had no power at all, either in the army or in the country. Yes, the Bolsheviks - communists raised an ownerless government. Then they kicked out first the interventionists and then the white movement, which, at the expense of future “goodies” for its sponsors, tried to regain some kind of power. The question is - for whom? Royal gold - where is it? The Bolsheviks received an empty treasury. When Stalin died, the USSR's gold reserves were about 2400 tons. This is after the war! Starting with Khrushchev, the country lived on this gold. If I remember correctly, as of 1996 or 2000. the gold reserve was only about 400 tons. Now it is about 2200 tons. And there is no need to talk about “bloody terror” in the USSR. It is enough to study the real history of the USA and Europe, which they carefully hide, and it will become clear where rivers of blood flowed, camps were built and entire nations were destroyed!

  61. 0
    7 November 2015 14: 19
    Quote: jagdmesser
    ))))))))))))). In the year 17, PATRIOTS came! Bingo !!! That's the whole difference. Is there any sense whatsoever here further, what to say? From what then is Grandfather Stalin on the 41st year and after that, did Lenin’s-patriotic guard shoot and clean everything? True, with these bogeys and tares he ditched a lot of good wheat. Wonderful patriots came to power with the slogans to take and share. Do not robbers do that?

    That's right. The backbone was precisely patriotic, because (according to some historians), the General Staff of the Russian Empire relied specifically on the Bolsheviks.
    As for the “shooting”, well, of course, it couldn’t be done without selfish people, foreign agents and others. They exist at all times, and they basically became the end of the Empire, because Nikolai 2 did not bother to get rid of all the Alekseevs, Kerenskys, etc.
    Do you regret that the factories were taken away from two percent of the population and they began to work not for a separate wallet, but for the benefit of the whole society? That the worker received social guarantees, an 8-hour working day, a guaranteed pension, etc. and didn’t continue to work 12 hours a day for pennies without any social rights?
  62. +2
    7 November 2015 14: 20
    Quote: Eugene30
    Quote: Monarchist25

    The fact is that the majority of our fellow citizens registered for VO were born and raised under Soviet rule; accordingly, their moral guidelines are laid down in accordance with the foundations of the Soviet state.
    I was the same idiot and believed in what you are writing now. It’s not a matter of who was born when and how they were raised, but of the educational level, excuse me. In my youth, I was the same liberal, I cursed the Bolsheviks, dreamed of the Empire and admired the white movement. But as I delved deeper into history, as I studied the facts, I realized that this is all nonsense imposed by the authorities today.

    God be with you, Evgeniy! What kind of liberal am I? For me, this word is generally akin to a curse word, I ask you not to use it again in my direction, in conjunction with the word “idiot”, I did not deserve such a description from a stranger.
    As for the white movement, it is impossible to admire the white movement and dream of the Empire, because the whites for the most part, in particular the leaders, were supporters of the damned liberalism and no less damned democracy, and they can only evoke any sympathy from an adequate and competent sovereign monarchist like fragments of old Russia. I personally do not admire either one or the other. I admire the heroes of the Great Patriotic War, the heroes of the First World War, the heroes of the Patriotic War of 1812. And choosing between red and white is like choosing the lesser of two evils. And who the hell knows what kind of white power it would have ended up being.
    1. -1
      7 November 2015 16: 06
      I admire the heroes of the Great Patriotic War, the heroes of the First World War, the heroes of the Patriotic War of 1812. And choosing between red and white is like choosing the lesser of two evils. And who the hell knows what kind of white power it would have ended up being.

      Forgive me generously for the fact that after reading these sentences I could not contain my curiosity:
      “I can’t remember the names of the heroes of the First World War, who with great pleasure crushed their Russian brother during the Civil War for the glory of the White Army... what
      I also don’t remember the names of the heroes of the Great Patriotic War who decided to destroy the USSR and join the ranks of the Gorbachev-Yeltsin government... request

      I can tell you with reasonable probability that none of the combatants would have taken the helm. The puppet cannot control the puppeteer...
  63. alt
    7 November 2015 14: 22
    Quote: Monarchist25
    Excuse me, dear, so what, in your opinion, should the obvious role of the Jewish people in the establishment of Soviet power be hushed up?

    There is no need to engage in machinations and rewrite history. There is no need to measure people based on their nationality. They already measured some skulls.
    1. 0
      7 November 2015 16: 12
      Quote: Monarchist25
      Excuse me, dear, so what do you think? should the obvious role of the Jewish people in the establishment of Soviet power be hushed up?

      It is necessary to deeply analyze the clear role of the Jewish people in using the fact of the establishment of Soviet power to their advantage and not repeat mistakes in the future. IMHO
  64. -4
    7 November 2015 14: 22
    Quote: Monarchist25
    Quote: Eugene30
    Quote: jagdmesser
    I already realized that the majority of those registered here are those who were brought up on those ideas that then hammered into their heads. They even put minuses out of powerlessness, but that's all they can do now))). Although I'm trying to get an answer from them what is the difference between the 17th and the 91st year? And since this is our land, then 404 is also suitable here, now there is the best and at the same time sad example of what happened in the 17th year ... The bold came to power, to select and share, objectionable and dissenters to the wall! The same slogans. Only a coat of a different color, there is a red Hail, now brown. Why celebrate it? Why this rejoice?

    The difference between 17 and 91 is obvious. In 1917, after the collapse of the monarchy, the patriots came to power, who brought the country to new peaks that were not reached before. In 1991, or rather earlier, in the person of Gorbachev and his accomplices, traitors came to power who not only did not improve the situation in the country, but on the contrary brought the country to impoverishment and collapse.

    Well, yes, patriots. In your opinion, patriots, are these the people who are ready to plunge their homeland into the furnace to incite a world revolution? Or maybe these are the people who revered the teachings of the Russophobes-Germans and the no less Russophobe Ulyanov? Your interpretation of the word “patriots” is interesting, dear.

    Well, were they thrown in or not? Judge them by their deeds, and not by the slogans of some traitors. It was the Bolsheviks who pulled Russia out of the same asshole that the monarchy had led to in 100 years.
  65. +7
    7 November 2015 14: 27
    Quote: Cap.Morgan
    Among the memorable dates in Russia, 4 of November (Unity Day) and 7 of November (Day of the 1941 parade) are celebrated.
    There is no such date as October Revolution Day in Russia.

    They made me laugh. The day of so-called unity has been made up out of thin air in order to be consigned to oblivion on November 7th. There is no unity in society and is not expected. Especially in light of the slinging of mud at our Soviet past. So it’s not clear to me what you’re “celebrating.” As for the parade, I think you are aware that the notorious parade in 1941 was dedicated to the Day of the Great October Socialist Revolution. Again, liberals in the government are trying to distort the true meaning of November 7 and silence the reason for which the parade was held in 1941.
  66. 0
    7 November 2015 14: 29
    Quote: alkt
    Quote: Monarchist25
    Excuse me, dear, so what, in your opinion, should the obvious role of the Jewish people in the establishment of Soviet power be hushed up?

    There is no need to engage in machinations and rewrite history. There is no need to measure people based on their nationality. They already measured some skulls.

    As for machinations and rewriting history, where did you see it in my words? In your opinion, are historically established acts on the personalities and nationalities of the leaders of the revolution a fraud?
    And regarding national characteristics, in this case, I suggest you, using your own logic, begin to justify the Germans for the Second World War.
  67. +2
    7 November 2015 14: 33
    I think the article and comments are superficial. For me, the February revolution and the October revolution are stabs in the back. Color revolutions in the conditions of that time. It is necessary to take into account the geopolitical situation of that era. We must not forget who and where “invented” Marxism, who benefited from the Russo-Japanese War and the First World War. Under what conditions did the Russian revolutions take place? How the First World War ended - its political results. What role did the Bolsheviks play in this? What sacrifices did our people have to endure? For me, the main result of these revolutions is that the Russians killed the Russians. The power of the USSR was achieved not thanks to, but in spite of the communists. Our people filled the idea of ​​communism with the Russian mentality. There were many and different communists, I almost swore. Communists who lived according to their conscience (deceived people) built the USSR and made this idea attractive. But there were also outright enemies from the very beginning. Trotsky, Lunacharsky, Sverdlov. And the communist of modern China is different from comrades Budyonny and Stakhanov. Others are Chinese and Mozambican comrades, and Chechen and Tajik ones. Thank God for the Georgians, Stalin prevailed in the party battle against the Jew Trotsky, and after that he acted like a king. By the way, Stalin disbanded the last International, so to speak, and before that he abandoned the world revolution. What happened, happened. Our people are the heirs of both the Russian Empire and the USSR. There are no illusions in this regard throughout the world; we were and remain Russian. I have the honor.
    1. -1
      7 November 2015 16: 19
      Our people are the heirs of both the Russian Empire and the USSR. There are no illusions in this regard throughout the world; we were and remain Russian.

      But it remains unclear to me why, if the heir is our people, some scum constantly shoves “fake” wills in their faces and claims these people’s rights?
  68. alt
    7 November 2015 14: 35
    Quote: Monarchist25
    As for machinations and rewriting history, where did you see it in my words?

    Well, do you obviously like the obvious misinformation of Mr. Alexander Romanov or what?
    I understand) For you, these are “historically established acts on the personalities and nationalities of the leaders of the revolution”
  69. +1
    7 November 2015 14: 35
    Quote: Eugene30
    Quote: Monarchist25
    Quote: Eugene30
    Quote: jagdmesser
    I already realized that the majority of those registered here are those who were brought up on those ideas that then hammered into their heads. They even put minuses out of powerlessness, but that's all they can do now))). Although I'm trying to get an answer from them what is the difference between the 17th and the 91st year? And since this is our land, then 404 is also suitable here, now there is the best and at the same time sad example of what happened in the 17th year ... The bold came to power, to select and share, objectionable and dissenters to the wall! The same slogans. Only a coat of a different color, there is a red Hail, now brown. Why celebrate it? Why this rejoice?

    The difference between 17 and 91 is obvious. In 1917, after the collapse of the monarchy, the patriots came to power, who brought the country to new peaks that were not reached before. In 1991, or rather earlier, in the person of Gorbachev and his accomplices, traitors came to power who not only did not improve the situation in the country, but on the contrary brought the country to impoverishment and collapse.

    Well, yes, patriots. In your opinion, patriots, are these the people who are ready to plunge their homeland into the furnace to incite a world revolution? Or maybe these are the people who revered the teachings of the Russophobes-Germans and the no less Russophobe Ulyanov? Your interpretation of the word “patriots” is interesting, dear.

    Well, were they thrown in or not? Judge them by their deeds, and not by the slogans of some traitors. It was the Bolsheviks who pulled Russia out of the same asshole that the monarchy had led to in 100 years.

    That is, you don’t deny their original, completely unpatriotic essence? )
    But they didn’t overthrow it precisely because of the death of Judas Ulyanov and the coming to power of Comrade. Dzhugashvili, who realized that you can’t go far with such an ideology. As they correctly wrote above, “Grandfather Stalin, right up to 41 and even after that, shot and cleaned out the Leninist-patriotic guard. True, with these bogeys and chaff, he ruined a lot of good wheat.”
    1. +2
      7 November 2015 14: 45
      We must pay tribute to our grandfathers, grandmothers, fathers, mothers, many of whom were communists, and it was under the leadership of the CPSU that they built at least the second most powerful power in the world. And it is still unknown how some citizens would live and “sing” now if we had not had the revolution of 1917.
      1. 0
        7 November 2015 14: 57
        And happy Jewish holiday to you! With the destruction of the country! Glory to the heroes! Why did all the crests from the censor run here?! Who let them in?!
  70. +2
    7 November 2015 14: 39
    Quote: alkt
    Quote: Monarchist25
    As for machinations and rewriting history, where did you see it in my words?

    Well, do you obviously like the obvious misinformation of Mr. Alexander Romanov or what?
    I understand) For you, these are “historically established acts on the personalities and nationalities of the leaders of the revolution”

    Why do you think this is misleading? What is your opinion based on?
    Mr. Romanov’s information diverges from the truth in only a few areas. All the rest correspond, this is the first thing. Secondly, we must not forget that many comrades with purely Russian surnames like Sverdlov were in fact ethnic Jews.
    1. +1
      7 November 2015 21: 58
      Under pseudonyms, Emelyan Yaroslavsky (real name and surname Miney Izrailevich Gubelman), Karl Radek (Sobelson), the first head of the main political department of the Red Army, Sergei Ivanovich Gusev (real name and surname Yakov Davidovich Drabkin), the organizer of the murder of the Tsar, entered our history. families in Yekaterinburg Filipp Isaevich Goloshchekin (present, first and last name Shaya Isaakovich Weinstein) and many other Bolsheviks. In open party literature, it is usually difficult to find the real names of revolutionaries. Therefore, in other sources you can find several surnames belonging to one or another revolutionary, which are considered real. Some consider Moisei Markovich Volodarsky's real name to be Kogan, others - Goldstein. Zinoviev has Radomyslsky and Apfelbaum.
  71. +3
    7 November 2015 14: 42
    Quote: Monarchist25
    Quote: Eugene30
    Quote: Monarchist25

    The fact is that the majority of our fellow citizens registered for VO were born and raised under Soviet rule; accordingly, their moral guidelines are laid down in accordance with the foundations of the Soviet state.
    I was the same idiot and believed in what you are writing now. It’s not a matter of who was born when and how they were raised, but of the educational level, excuse me. In my youth, I was the same liberal, I cursed the Bolsheviks, dreamed of the Empire and admired the white movement. But as I delved deeper into history, as I studied the facts, I realized that this is all nonsense imposed by the authorities today.

    God be with you, Evgeniy! What kind of liberal am I? For me, this word is generally akin to a curse word, I ask you not to use it again in my direction, in conjunction with the word “idiot”, I did not deserve such a description from a stranger.
    As for the white movement, it is impossible to admire the white movement and dream of the Empire, because the whites for the most part, in particular the leaders, were supporters of the damned liberalism and no less damned democracy, and they can only evoke any sympathy from an adequate and competent sovereign monarchist like fragments of old Russia. I personally do not admire either one or the other. I admire the heroes of the Great Patriotic War, the heroes of the First World War, the heroes of the Patriotic War of 1812. And choosing between red and white is like choosing the lesser of two evils. And who the hell knows what kind of white power it would have ended up being.
    Well, we are already approaching a more constructive level. For me, as for you, our entire history is worthy of respect. Undoubtedly, pre-revolutionary Russia had its successes and achievements. But still, there is no need to deny the real facts. Namely: Nicholas 2 failed in his duties. Surrounded by him were the very traitors and self-dealers who overthrew him and plunged the country into chaos. Agree that there was no smell of Bolsheviks there. In February 1917, the Judases came to power and proceeded to destroy the Empire. And then, in October, those same Bolsheviks came to power, among whom, of course, there were Judases and scum, but mostly there were sensible people (the backbone of these same revolutionaries were, by the way, nobles), who, not without some struggle within themselves, still made those gigantic transformations that raised Russia to a new level, hitherto unattainable.
    Why don't the French shed crocodile tears for their revolution? Because this is a historical fact and it changed people's lives. We, not without problems (and where and when not), but the coming to power of the Bolsheviks also changed the lives of millions for the better. This is an educational program and an industrialization program and mechanization, social rights, etc.
    1. 0
      7 November 2015 22: 02
      Quote: Eugene30
      We, not without problems (and where and when not), but the coming to power of the Bolsheviks also changed the lives of millions for the better.

      The arrival of true patriots from the Maidan to power in a united Ukraine changed the lives of millions for the better!!!
      In both cases, the question is - millions of Russian people or Jewish...?!
  72. alt
    7 November 2015 14: 42
    Quote: Monarchist25
    Why do you think this is misleading? What is your opinion based on?

    The “Jewish” character of the Council of People’s Commissars was obtained through machinations: not the first composition of the Council of People’s Commissars, published in the decree of the Second Congress of Soviets, was mentioned, and from the many times changed compositions of the Council of People’s Commissars, only those people’s commissariats headed by ever there were Jews.
    But the most important thing is to raise the national issue itself
  73. 0
    7 November 2015 14: 50
    Quote: Eugene30
    Quote: Monarchist25
    Quote: Eugene30
    Quote: Monarchist25

    The fact is that the majority of our fellow citizens registered for VO were born and raised under Soviet rule; accordingly, their moral guidelines are laid down in accordance with the foundations of the Soviet state.
    I was the same idiot and believed in what you are writing now. It’s not a matter of who was born when and how they were raised, but of the educational level, excuse me. In my youth, I was the same liberal, I cursed the Bolsheviks, dreamed of the Empire and admired the white movement. But as I delved deeper into history, as I studied the facts, I realized that this is all nonsense imposed by the authorities today.

    God be with you, Evgeniy! What kind of liberal am I? For me, this word is generally akin to a curse word, I ask you not to use it again in my direction, in conjunction with the word “idiot”, I did not deserve such a description from a stranger.
    As for the white movement, it is impossible to admire the white movement and dream of the Empire, because the whites for the most part, in particular the leaders, were supporters of the damned liberalism and no less damned democracy, and they can only evoke any sympathy from an adequate and competent sovereign monarchist like fragments of old Russia. I personally do not admire either one or the other. I admire the heroes of the Great Patriotic War, the heroes of the First World War, the heroes of the Patriotic War of 1812. And choosing between red and white is like choosing the lesser of two evils. And who the hell knows what kind of white power it would have ended up being.
    Well, we are already approaching a more constructive level. For me, as for you, our entire history is worthy of respect. Undoubtedly, pre-revolutionary Russia had its successes and achievements. But still, there is no need to deny the real facts. Namely: Nicholas 2 failed in his duties. Surrounded by him were the very traitors and self-dealers who overthrew him and plunged the country into chaos. Agree that there was no smell of Bolsheviks there. In February 1917, the Judases came to power and proceeded to destroy the Empire. And then, in October, those same Bolsheviks came to power, among whom, of course, there were Judases and scum, but mostly there were sensible people (the backbone of these same revolutionaries were, by the way, nobles), who, not without some struggle within themselves, still made those gigantic transformations that raised Russia to a new level, hitherto unattainable.
    Why don't the French shed crocodile tears for their revolution? Because this is a historical fact and it changed people's lives. We, not without problems (and where and when not), but the coming to power of the Bolsheviks also changed the lives of millions for the better. This is an educational program and an industrialization program and mechanization, social rights, etc.

    Essentially, you and I share the same opinion. The only difference is that you clearly support the communists and are a supporter of ideology in general. I prefer “armed neutrality” with a bias toward conservatism.
  74. +1
    7 November 2015 15: 07
    Quote: jagdmesser
    It’s the same thing, and I can tell you, stop talking nonsense that under Nicholas 2 the people grew sicker, poorer blah blah blah... I don’t understand who’s stopping you from familiarizing yourself with the facts?

    I just got acquainted with the facts and was very disappointed, because my hitherto beloved Nicholas 2 appeared in a completely different light. So it doesn’t hurt you to get acquainted with the facts. At least pre-revolutionary ones. For example, the 1907 publication "The Dying Village". I recommend.

    Quote: jagdmesser
    Why do you think that what was once drilled into your head was correct? Why can’t you think? Draw information from different sources, analyze, compare, so as not to be one-sided...
    It was drilled into my head, like yours, that the Bolsheviks were evil, and Stalin ate babies. By studying the facts, I got rid of this idiocy. Apparently, you blame me for your sins.

    Quote: jagdmesser
    The country was destroyed by the Bolsheviks and the hedgehog with them! Any revolution is evil! And in 17 it was the worst, the country was at war, and then these ghouls with a burry ghoul drove a knife into their country’s back...
    I have already told you more than once that when the Bolsheviks came, the Empire no longer existed. You apparently still cannot comprehend the fact that in Russia there have been as many as 3 (!) revolutions in a row (if you count from 1905). So which one do you think destroyed Russia, and why were it the Bolsheviks? Justify please!
    Of course, revolution is bad, the main thing is what comes after it! Russia was not destroyed by the Bolsheviks, it was destroyed during the second revolution in February 1917, when nits like Kerensky came to power.
    1. 0
      7 November 2015 15: 29
      I don’t remember speaking badly about Stalin here. The argument can be simplified, or even reduced to nothing. Initially, why am I making fun of the jumping communists here? Because hypocrites, and for example, are no different from the current crests on 404! For me, 17 -th, like the 91st tragedy, pain, destruction of the country. For you, the type of patriots, the 17th year is such a great event, some even pee in boiling water. How are you different now from those who support all sorts of revolutions on 404 and others who Now they want to destroy our country too?
  75. 0
    7 November 2015 15: 10
    Quote: Monarchist25
    Quote: Eugene30
    Quote: Monarchist25
    Quote: Eugene30
    Quote: jagdmesser
    I already realized that the majority of those registered here are those who were brought up on those ideas that then hammered into their heads. They even put minuses out of powerlessness, but that's all they can do now))). Although I'm trying to get an answer from them what is the difference between the 17th and the 91st year? And since this is our land, then 404 is also suitable here, now there is the best and at the same time sad example of what happened in the 17th year ... The bold came to power, to select and share, objectionable and dissenters to the wall! The same slogans. Only a coat of a different color, there is a red Hail, now brown. Why celebrate it? Why this rejoice?

    The difference between 17 and 91 is obvious. In 1917, after the collapse of the monarchy, the patriots came to power, who brought the country to new peaks that were not reached before. In 1991, or rather earlier, in the person of Gorbachev and his accomplices, traitors came to power who not only did not improve the situation in the country, but on the contrary brought the country to impoverishment and collapse.

    Well, yes, patriots. In your opinion, patriots, are these the people who are ready to plunge their homeland into the furnace to incite a world revolution? Or maybe these are the people who revered the teachings of the Russophobes-Germans and the no less Russophobe Ulyanov? Your interpretation of the word “patriots” is interesting, dear.

    Well, were they thrown in or not? Judge them by their deeds, and not by the slogans of some traitors. It was the Bolsheviks who pulled Russia out of the same asshole that the monarchy had led to in 100 years.

    That is, you don’t deny their original, completely unpatriotic essence? )
    But they didn’t overthrow it precisely because of the death of Judas Ulyanov and the coming to power of Comrade. Dzhugashvili, who realized that you can’t go far with such an ideology. As they correctly wrote above, “Grandfather Stalin, right up to 41 and even after that, shot and cleaned out the Leninist-patriotic guard. True, with these bogeys and chaff, he ruined a lot of good wheat.”

    I deny. There were several movements there; if you are not aware, Trotsky ended his days with an ice pick in his head. Therefore, there is no need to paint everyone with the same brush. I seem to have clearly expressed my thoughts that the main backbone is the partisans, and that is why they led the country into creation.
    1. +1
      7 November 2015 22: 09
      Quote: Eugene30
      . I seem to have clearly expressed my thoughts that the main backbone is the partisans, and that is why they led the country into creation.

      Over the corpses of Russian people, and working exclusively with revolvers or tongues. And the nameless Ivans and Vasilys created...
  76. -1
    7 November 2015 15: 15
    Quote: jagdmesser
    Well, I see your educational level is at the highest level, it’s so easy and simple to call a person an idiot and even a liberal...

    My educational level allows me to mock my opponent, in the context of myself. And even more so, it allows you to smash your unsubstantiated arguments into dust.
    1. +1
      7 November 2015 15: 22
      You are truly a great person, I don’t care...)))
  77. -2
    7 November 2015 15: 39
    Quote: jagdmesser
    You are truly a great person, I don’t care...)))

    All people are the same. I’m not a bourgeois to divide people into masters and slaves. :-)
  78. +1
    7 November 2015 15: 43
    Now liberals are actively rewriting history. And what our great-grandchildren will think about the times of the USSR - only God (or the devil) knows. And I can’t believe it anymore (after reading the current comments) that they will know the truth about the XNUMXth century. But the people will live on the verge of extinction. I don’t see any prospects, especially if pro-Western creatures remain in power.
  79. +1
    7 November 2015 15: 53
    Good afternoon, VO readers. I’ve been reading the news and other sections of the site along with your comments for a month now, but after reading this article, I can’t remain silent any longer.

    You stand up so much for Soviet Power, but it’s not clear to me - What do you want to return?
    -Collectivization? collective farms?
    - “3 spikelets”?
    - cards?
    -Lines in stores / and empty counters?
    - Equalization of wages?
    - Help to Third World Countries? (although this is an element of any foreign policy)
    - Afghanistan, Vietnam, etc.
    - Gulag and what half the country did?

    or your own confidence in the future, the prestige of your work?

    You will, of course, excuse me, but it seems that most of you who call yourself “Patriots” do not care deeply about the country; you are offended for yourself, and not for the State. You are offended that, having given half your life to the army, you are now left without pensions (which in my opinion is deceit), the prestige of the army has fallen, although now it is rising again, that many of you did not receive apartments (although I know examples when servicemen refused apartments in order to get a large area and somewhere in the center of Moscow) that you can’t find a high-paying job anywhere, that’s why you’re hating the country.

    They steal in all countries, but society sets the limits of what is permitted. What we are is like society, there is no need to say that I am me, and I have nothing to do with this society. And if you consider that the majority of those holding power are people over 40 years old, excuse me, but it turns out that it was the Soviet Union that raised them this way, all these pioneers, Komsomol members and other party members, so they break away, which means that the Power of the People was unable to educate its own people and instill in them a sense of proportion.

    I do not praise or fully support the current government; their actions are like a bone in my throat. I simply urge that, Lord, let us be objective, at any time and under any power, there is good and there is bad.
  80. 0
    7 November 2015 15: 57
    November 7, 1917 (new style) - the tragedy of the Russian people! The French Revolution - millions of the best citizens were slaughtered - and this abomination is celebrated! As the classic said, DEMONS ran rampant throughout Russia!
  81. -2
    7 November 2015 15: 58
    I would tell my friend.

    Russian civilization escaped from the Bolsheviks and saved the Bolsheviks themselves.

    The Bolsheviks, at least while they were Bolsheviks and did not become communists, were Internationalists and sought to at least replace everything Russian.
    1. 0
      7 November 2015 22: 11
      That is why the citizens became Soviet instead of Russian.
  82. Erg
    7 November 2015 16: 20
    How many people cleverly decided that the king was bad. And the revolution was a legal action. It gave the right to lawlessness and destruction of tens of millions. Are you not so ardent in your support of the Maidan in Ukraine? Although Yanukovych is bad, that means the Maidan is in law... Power to the people! You've gone completely crazy! The “revolution” of 1917 was an anti-state coup organized from outside. Any lawyer will tell you this.
    1. -2
      7 November 2015 16: 33
      So I’ve been writing to our comrades for a long time now that you, my friend, are HYPOCRITES! Like the Pharisees. 91 is evil for them with the Maidans, and the same evil of 17, or even worse, is not evil at all for them. They are running amok with this burry ghoul It’s good that now they can’t do anything other than minus and get angry)).
    2. 0
      7 November 2015 16: 47
      Quote: Erg
      The 1917 revolution was an anti-state coup organized from outside. Any lawyer will tell you this.

      What will a lawyer say, for example, about Spartak? Terrorist! After all, he was striving for freedom illegally and undemocratically.
      1. Erg
        7 November 2015 17: 53
        Don’t you think that everyone has their own “freedom”. Roman freedom - establishing one's own rules. The Nazis have their own... The slaves have their own. But, having destroyed his masters, the slave becomes the same master, only more cruel... Not my thoughts. I just agree with them. hi
  83. +4
    7 November 2015 16: 32
    Happy holiday of the Great October Socialist Revolution, comrades!
    Ideas of justice will always be in demand. Yes. The Soviet Union was killed by traitors. But his experience will still be useful.
    Gentlemen!wink "Alexander Romanov, Give a damn, Monarchist, Black Sotinian..." Good company! wink .How much your nicknames can tell. Even without commentswink
    Lenin, Stalin, Sailors, Gastello, Gagarin... and millions of communist heroes.
    These are not your heroes.
    You can lie, slander, spray saliva and poison, keep silent,..., but you can’t kill the memory.
    1. -1
      7 November 2015 16: 37
      Glory to the heroes, comrades! With the collapse of the country! There is no need to confuse the names of heroes with the names of traitors like the burry ghoul...
      1. 0
        7 November 2015 16: 50
        Quote: jagdmesser
        with the names of traitors like a burry ghoul...

        Did you mean bald?
        Which of the ones I named is not a communist? A real communist!
  84. 0
    7 November 2015 16: 38
    Quote: Alexander Romanov
    Quote: Boris55
    And we celebrate the victory of the working people over the exploiters.

    And whom did you (you) defeat?

    they defeated the people. They just drowned him in blood. there is something to be proud of.
    1. +1
      7 November 2015 16: 45
      And now they congratulate each other on this... Get out of here evil crests, with your revolutions! In a paradox! Our burring ghoul drowned the country in blood, they erected monuments to him, they also congratulate each other))) and this same bloody the ghoul essentially created Land, in theory they should honor him there more than Bandera, but no, for some reason they break monuments to him there.
  85. +1
    7 November 2015 16: 40
    Quote: jagdmesser
    So I’ve been writing to our comrades for a long time now that you, my friend, are HYPOCRITES! Like the Pharisees. 91 is evil for them with the Maidans, and the same evil of 17, or even worse, is not evil at all for them. They are running amok with this burry ghoul It’s good that now they can’t do anything other than minus and get angry)).

    They've already explained the difference to you, but it's all God's dew pissing in your eyes...
    1. +2
      7 November 2015 17: 40
      What did you explain to me? I haven’t received a sensible answer yet. I’ll ask in general terms. For you, is any revolution good or bad? And if, in your opinion, patriots came to power in 17, then who did Stalin shoot almost until the end of his life? I am hinting at Lenin’s guard of patriots and the hedgehog with them, although they also chopped up a lot of ordinary people.
      1. +1
        7 November 2015 22: 36
        Any business is judged by its consequences. Some believe that the USSR had more advantages, others believe that it had more disadvantages.
  86. +1
    7 November 2015 16: 47
    Quote: Andrey Sh
    Good afternoon, VO readers. I’ve been reading the news and other sections of the site along with your comments for a month now, but after reading this article, I can’t remain silent any longer.

    You stand up so much for Soviet Power, but it’s not clear to me - What do you want to return?
    -Collectivization? collective farms?
    - “3 spikelets”?
    - cards?
    -Lines in stores / and empty counters?
    - Equalization of wages?
    - Help to Third World Countries? (although this is an element of any foreign policy)
    - Afghanistan, Vietnam, etc.
    - Gulag and what half the country did?

    or your own confidence in the future, the prestige of your work?

    You will, of course, excuse me, but it seems that most of you who call yourself “Patriots” do not care deeply about the country; you are offended for yourself, and not for the State. You are offended that, having given half your life to the army, you are now left without pensions (which in my opinion is deceit), the prestige of the army has fallen, although now it is rising again, that many of you did not receive apartments (although I know examples when servicemen refused apartments in order to get a large area and somewhere in the center of Moscow) that you can’t find a high-paying job anywhere, that’s why you’re hating the country.

    They steal in all countries, but society sets the limits of what is permitted. What we are is like society, there is no need to say that I am me, and I have nothing to do with this society. And if you consider that the majority of those holding power are people over 40 years old, excuse me, but it turns out that it was the Soviet Union that raised them this way, all these pioneers, Komsomol members and other party members, so they break away, which means that the Power of the People was unable to educate its own people and instill in them a sense of proportion.

    I do not praise or fully support the current government; their actions are like a bone in my throat. I simply urge that, Lord, let us be objective, at any time and under any power, there is good and there is bad.

    What's this mess in your head? You are supposedly for objectivism, but in fact you have no objectivism. Some Solzhenitsyn-Svanidze cliches. Collectivization was necessary. No one in England is shouting about fencing. Or would you like our country to follow the English path of poperization? Drive the peasants off their land, and then hang one half for vagrancy, and the other for the navy?
    Once again: People are not celebrating the end of the Empire, people are celebrating an event that changed the life of the country for the better, when our country reached unprecedented heights. We don’t talk about what happened after Stalin, what Gorbachev did. These are completely different eras.
  87. +1
    7 November 2015 16: 48
    There is no need to go into details, because now, few people will understand the current situation, especially in the circumstances that occurred many decades ago. THE SOVIET AUTHORITY gave our country enormous prestige and a foundation for many decades. I am very glad that many current politicians and leaders of various ranks appreciated the essence of the Soviet system. It will take many more years before humanity understands the destructiveness of capital (Card Game), which has centuries of experience.
    1. Erg
      7 November 2015 18: 01
      Ugh... According to your logic, the “great Maidan” gave freedom to the east of Ukraine... And if in a year this region blossoms, it will be necessary to make everything monuments to the “heavenly hundred”. fool
  88. +1
    7 November 2015 16: 49
    Quote: Denis-Skiff
    Quote: Alexander Romanov
    Quote: Boris55
    And we celebrate the victory of the working people over the exploiters.

    And whom did you (you) defeat?

    they defeated the people. They just drowned him in blood. there is something to be proud of.

    Nicholas 2 and those who arrested him in February drowned the people in blood, poverty and hopelessness. Reading Solzhenitsyns and Svanidzes.....
  89. 0
    7 November 2015 16: 53
    Quote: Alexander Romanov
    Quote: AlNikolaich
    Then remember those killed by the White and the interventionists from their submission!

    When the Ententes proposed to Denikin the country that Russia was divided, he refused. I did not collect it in order to divide it. This was later done by the Bolsheviks.
    And he and Denikin - It’s not worth rewarding soldiers who kill their compatriots.
    This man understood that the Russians were killing the Russians. Although the Red Army handed out awards to the left and right for the killing of the Russians. There is a difference yes wink
    Quote: AlNikolaich
    And killed by the Vlasovites and
    Bendera, all sorts of fascists ..

    And a traitor always remains a traitor. By the way, soldiers who refuse to fulfill their duty or who have switched over to the enemy’s side are who?
    Quote: AlNikolaich
    The fact that they built a new state, on the ruins of an empire?
    Show the borders of the empire before 1917 on the map, I want to look at the ruins
    Quote: AlNikolaich
    Or do you think that White with the interventionists should have won
    So we already defeated you, after 70 years. With the victory of the Bolshevik Jews
    VO was surprised by so many revolutionaries. Now it’s clear he’s hanging out here.
  90. 0
    7 November 2015 16: 53
    Quote: jagdmesser
    It’s good that now they can’t do anything else except downvote and get angry)).

    Look who's Talking. laughing
    1. +2
      7 November 2015 17: 44
      Why should I be angry and downvote? I wanted to rely on the ratings here, as elsewhere, there are no communists in power now and those false ideas, there are, of course, other troubles, but not the ones we are talking about now
  91. +1
    7 November 2015 16: 58
    This is not a holiday, but a day of mourning
    1. +1
      7 November 2015 17: 22
      This doesn't matter in their heads. and there is no point. they have a holy faith. just like the dinosaurs, this faith will soon disappear along with the Antichrist Lenen.
      1. -2
        7 November 2015 17: 34
        You just have to wait until these dinosaurs go to another world, and then maybe things will change. After so many years of brainwashing with a one-sided history, it’s unlikely that anything will change.
        1. 0
          8 November 2015 14: 29
          Do your parents share your views? Or do they also belong to dinosaurs?
    2. 0
      7 November 2015 22: 16
      Quote: GUSAR
      This is not a holiday, but a day of mourning

      Whoever remembers the old is out of sight.
  92. +1
    7 November 2015 17: 13
    Quote: Denis-Skiff
    VO was surprised by so many revolutionaries. Now it’s clear he’s hanging out here.

    What does this have to do with revolutionaries? We are also surprised that people in Ukraine are zombified. Apparently things are no better here. For how to explain so many “monarchists” and other lovers of French rolls and admirers of Nicholas II. Have you seen enough TV? November 2 celebrates not the revolution as such, but those social gains, industrial growth, educational attainment and other achievements that came with the Bolsheviks. Well, how much can you explain banal things? For example, that the Empire was destroyed before the Bolsheviks, but it was they who brought the country out of chaos. That's what people celebrate. According to your logic, there is no need to celebrate May 7, because this holiday was preceded by a tragedy, millions of victims, etc. The October Revolution was also preceded by a tragedy, but not through the fault of the Bolsheviks, but through the fault of the liberals surrounded by the tsar, who actually arrested him. And it was whites who started the Civil War.
    1. 0
      7 November 2015 22: 30
      Quote: Eugene30
      November 7 celebrates not the revolution as such, but those social gains, industrial growth, educational attainment and other achievements that came with the Bolsheviks

      “After does not mean in consequence” And about social achievements, you can go into more detail, executions and prison sentences for being late or absenteeism, the liquidation of personal property among the entire people, the dentistry of which scared children, record alcoholism... of course, not everything was bad, but it’s time to take off the rose-colored glasses . The country was plunged into chaos by professional “revolutionaries”, only in order to intercept the “feeding trough” from the Romanovs, and themselves become parasites in their place. And by the way, the “revolutionaries” preferred to live in Switzerland in comfortable mansions, closer to reliable and anonymous deposits, describing the suffering of the people under the yoke of tsarism in comfortable chairs with hot coffee.
  93. +1
    7 November 2015 17: 17
    Quote: GUSAR
    This is not a holiday, but a day of mourning

    Yeah, the people got social guarantees, educational programs, and powerful education, social elevators started working, a pension appeared for everyone, an 8-hour working day. Tragedy, yes. Go to your boss and correct this tragedy by working 12-14 hours for him. Give up the state pension and other benefits that you still use today, although in a very reduced form. Correct the tragedy and mistake of your ancestors.
  94. +2
    7 November 2015 17: 17
    By and large, Stalin saved Russia from Bolshevism and its extreme manifestation - Trotskyism. A priori: in the “party of workers and peasants” there were neither workers nor peasants in the leadership. There were dropout students and Jews embittered after the pogroms in Ukraine, Jewish Poles and other “reformers” without a nation or homeland, puzzled by “revenge” against the EMPIRE. The Bolsheviks simply raised power like an ownerless, walking fallen woman. (I apologize for the floridness of the presentation. Calling a spade a spade, I will be banned again for swearing). The Bolsheviks simply took power like a homeless woman walking around. Moreover, on the advice of those who kept Lenin in Switzerland from 1905 to 1917... And they brought this “catalyst” in a German sealed carriage to the then Russian mess. It’s good that Stalin took power and destroyed the “Bolshevik-Trotskyist” guards as professional terrorists!
  95. +2
    7 November 2015 17: 26
    But no one is embarrassed that Lenin let Finland and Poland go, and Stalin then cut the Russian Empire, a unitary state, into 15 republics. Drawing the borders along which the country later disintegrated.
  96. 0
    7 November 2015 17: 30
    Quote: Denis-Skiff
    This doesn't matter in their heads. and there is no point. they have a holy faith. just like the dinosaurs, this faith will soon disappear along with the Antichrist Lenen.

    Learn Russian. Fortunately, the Bolsheviks gave you this opportunity. smile
    1. +2
      7 November 2015 17: 48
      I noticed that when your opponent has nothing to say, he will poke you into something personal, for example, illiteracy))
  97. 0
    7 November 2015 17: 38
    Quote: jagdmesser
    You just have to wait until these dinosaurs go to another world, and then maybe things will change. After so many years of brainwashing with a one-sided history, it’s unlikely that anything will change.

    Well you described yourself. :-)
    1. +1
      7 November 2015 17: 46
      It’s good to throw an arrow when you have nothing to say))
  98. +1
    7 November 2015 17: 46
    Quote: Watchman
    But no one is embarrassed that Lenin let Finland and Poland go, and Stalin then cut the Russian Empire, a unitary state, into 15 republics. Drawing the borders along which the country later disintegrated.

    Something from the realm of fairy tales. Lenin essentially consolidated what had developed de facto. Do you think that during the war there were forces capable of bringing back the breakaway entities? There was neither energy nor time for this. Have you ever wondered why Putin doesn’t simply take over and return the countries of the former USSR not only to the borders of the Russian Federation, but to the borders of the Eurasian state? Maybe because they don't really want to? So why do you think that at that time, the territories, having sensed the taste of independence, could be simply and bloodlessly returned to the borders of a unitary state? That is why the country was recreated within the framework of the Union State, and even then, it was necessary to fight off uprisings, including those organized by the British. The same Basmachi in Turkestan, for example.
    1. +1
      7 November 2015 18: 00
      Yes, if it weren’t for your Lenin, you wouldn’t have had to consolidate anything at all, the war had already begun to be won at that moment, when you got a stab in the back from your good Lenin. The same thing with the Cold War, everything was going to the point that the Ovish system would collapse, and here another revolutionary appeared, marked, again the same rake. And again the Western world lives and feasts on our plunder. Our trouble is that we conquer ourselves, and no one is from outside. This someone from outside then comes and He uses everything we have, feasting on our corpses. Putin, by the way, did a great job for not breaking anything abruptly, but gradually. It’s better that there is something to redo, add, rebuild, than to break everything to the ground. All your revolutions are harm to the country !horses
    2. +2
      8 November 2015 15: 57
      The Kazakh SSR was formed in 1936 and had no statehood. The remaining republics, except Ukraine and Belarus, were formed in the 20s after the victory of Soviet power. Novorossiya, and then Crimea, were transferred to the Ukrainian SSR. The Kazakhs received the north, inhabited by Russians. As a result, the USSR created 15 states, with all state bodies. authorities, all that remained was to declare independence, which is what we saw in 91.
  99. 0
    7 November 2015 17: 51
    Quote: jagdmesser
    It’s good to throw an arrow when you have nothing to say))

    I’ve already said a lot of things, but you don’t have any arguments other than repeating the same cliches.
  100. 0
    7 November 2015 17: 53
    Quote: jagdmesser
    I noticed that when your opponent has nothing to say, he will poke you into something personal, for example, illiteracy))

    I repeat: I have already said a lot, but I don’t see any counter-arguments from you. From this I draw a conclusion about your education.
    1. +1
      7 November 2015 18: 22
      You didn’t give me any arguments, other than personal beliefs and personal perception of something you read... And to my question above you still avoid answering... Well, of course I won’t draw any conclusions))), why))

"Right Sector" (banned in Russia), "Ukrainian Insurgent Army" (UPA) (banned in Russia), ISIS (banned in Russia), "Jabhat Fatah al-Sham" formerly "Jabhat al-Nusra" (banned in Russia) , Taliban (banned in Russia), Al-Qaeda (banned in Russia), Anti-Corruption Foundation (banned in Russia), Navalny Headquarters (banned in Russia), Facebook (banned in Russia), Instagram (banned in Russia), Meta (banned in Russia), Misanthropic Division (banned in Russia), Azov (banned in Russia), Muslim Brotherhood (banned in Russia), Aum Shinrikyo (banned in Russia), AUE (banned in Russia), UNA-UNSO (banned in Russia), Mejlis of the Crimean Tatar people (banned in Russia), Legion “Freedom of Russia” (armed formation, recognized as terrorist in the Russian Federation and banned), Kirill Budanov (included to the Rosfinmonitoring list of terrorists and extremists)

“Non-profit organizations, unregistered public associations or individuals performing the functions of a foreign agent,” as well as media outlets performing the functions of a foreign agent: “Medusa”; "Voice of America"; "Realities"; "Present time"; "Radio Freedom"; Ponomarev Lev; Ponomarev Ilya; Savitskaya; Markelov; Kamalyagin; Apakhonchich; Makarevich; Dud; Gordon; Zhdanov; Medvedev; Fedorov; Mikhail Kasyanov; "Owl"; "Alliance of Doctors"; "RKK" "Levada Center"; "Memorial"; "Voice"; "Person and law"; "Rain"; "Mediazone"; "Deutsche Welle"; QMS "Caucasian Knot"; "Insider"; "New Newspaper"