For secular power

International law does not provide protection against crusades

The socio-political situation in Syria and Iraq raises questions about the effectiveness of the norms and institutions of international law. There is reason to be skeptical about the prospects for finding answers to the challenges of global security in general and the victory of the world community over ISIL in particular.

The problem is not only legal, but also philosophical, one might even say existential. The fact is that for the Muslim world, the clearly secular nature of the processes of globalization and its often atheistic orientation is absolutely unacceptable. Unfortunately, Islamic studies in their present state are unable to help society figure out what to expect as a result of the politicization of the structure-forming elements of Islam.

For secular powerIt should be noted here that secularism is the most important characteristic of a modern democratic state, which recognizes, guarantees and protects the rights and freedoms of a person and citizen. ISIS threatens the most European civilization free from rigid religious determinism. But even from the rostrum of the UN General Assembly from the lips of politicians there was not a single proposal to build a truly secular state in Syria. Although no force cleansing of the criminal regime of ISIL will not change the situation, since the absence of the secular state regime in Syria and Iraq will still lead to another confrontation between Sunnis and Shiites.

Islamist ideology carries the most pronounced charge of socially conservative “medieval” ideological ideas, and regardless of modernist embellishments, its content is inescapable as long as it is based on indisputability for all Koran ideas.

Moreover, both Islamic and our domestic clericalization are of the same berry field, although in the public stereotype they are perceived as something different. The only difference between the current Islamist policy of expansion to secular society and Orthodox is that it is more outspoken, with pronounced religious fundamentalism. Approximately the same as the Christian was in the XI century, when the first Crusades were undertaken. But the fact that this is the last surge in the outgoing forms of religion, the struggle of their paradigms and structures for survival, and they will do anything, today few people think.

In our dynamic time there is no reason for euphoria. The world has become too fragile and dependent on the state of political communication between different states.

Confrontations between the countries of the "Muslim" and "non-Muslim" worlds story failed to soften over the 14 centuries. Thanks to political scientists, these worlds are now called Islamic and Christian civilizations. But can there be such civilizations in principle? Probably not.

Firstly, any civilization moves in the dominant mode of production at a given historical moment, and not a religious ideology, which acts only as a political entourage. Secondly, the modern outbreak of violence by ISIS is a natural result of the West’s misunderstanding of what Islam is for Muslims and the decay of dictatorial regimes that have been blessed for centuries by the name of Allah. The West has said goodbye to the dictates of the Christian church. The East is only awakening from an ideological anabiosis with dozens of centuries of patience of former and modern emirs at the pinnacle of power.

We emphasize once again: civilization has its own objective socio-economic laws of development, which do not coincide with dogmatic ideas and goals of any religion. Therefore, it is impossible to replace with religiously tinged politics really necessary ways of overcoming problems. Such vicious practice can reduce the attempt to resolve social conflicts of a planetary scale only to the emergence of religious antipathies and confrontations that are not of fundamental importance for the fate of mankind. All conflicts must be resolved at the secular level of diplomacy with subordination to international law. Its progressive development is connected with the formation of norms aimed at overcoming religious barriers between people and states. To eliminate threats in the sphere of global security, it is necessary to consolidate the principle of the secularism of a state at the international legal level.
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  1. +15
    28 October 2015 14: 37
    International law does not provide protection against crusades.
    Judging by the events in the world over the past 20 years after the collapse of the USSR, the very concept of the term "international law" has ceased to be a right ... And such a concept as the right of the "strongest" has taken root in the world, and the UN does not dispute such actions. crying
    1. +11
      28 October 2015 14: 50
      I give a couple of lectures on the fundamentals of international law and allow myself to note that international law originated during the collapse of tribal relations and the formation of the first states. Already in the time of ancient people, the experience of intergeneric and tribal relations has accumulated. Customs have formed, that is, a certain set of rules governing these relations! But even from the same ancient times, people have never forgotten about one right - the right of the strong, which has always endowed all players under international law with a certain subjectivity. get away!
      1. +3
        28 October 2015 22: 10
        Quote: Finches
        man has never forgotten yet about one right - the right of the strong, which has always endowed all players within the framework of International Law with a certain subjectivism. And we can not get away from this!

        Good and useful material for the lecture.
        That is why we cannot be weak.
    2. 0
      28 October 2015 22: 23
      wassat + this is the right, “THE RIGHT OF THE STRONGEST,” no one ever canceled !!! Only Subjects and RIGHT objects were changed !! - the Americans decided that they grabbed God by the beard !!! wink in vain! they just don’t read the story! or read, as they need !!! insight will be nightmare !!! wink
  2. +8
    28 October 2015 14: 47
    Therefore, it is impossible to replace with a religiously colored policy the really necessary ways to overcome problems.

    Who would argue ... In a popular, public language, it sounded like this a long time ago:
    Who believes in Mohammed, who - in Allah, who - in Jesus,
    Whoever does not believe in anything - even to hell, to spite everyone,
    The Indians came up with a good religion:
    That we, having given ends, do not die for good.
    Your soul strove up
    Born again with a dream
    But if you lived like a pig -
    You will remain a pig.

    1. +5
      28 October 2015 15: 22
      Quote: yuriy55
      Who would argue.

      "It's a shame to live like a parrot, a viper with a long eyelid ...
      Isn't it better to be a decent person in life? "
      V.S. Vysotsky
  3. +6
    28 October 2015 15: 02
    The main mistake is flirting with religion, the state must separate the church from the state ... In the sense that the secular law must be observed in all spheres of life and the rest of the citizens must not be infringed ... But unfortunately, this does not happen so far ... In international law, it is also necessary to prescribe intolerance to inciting religious hatred and provoking conflicts: religious wars, jihadism of any kind, color revolutions, Nazism ... But unfortunately, the United States turned the whole world into Orwell's "Animal Farm" ... And modern technologies allow instantly kindle conflicts, cohorts of revolutionaries, printing houses, propagandists are no longer needed ... All this became remote as freelance, the technology of this business was developed ...
    1. 0
      28 October 2015 23: 13
      Why Obama is not a fighter for a secular state. He is the first president who openly did not listen to their mattressian preacher. I will no longer call other sections of society ardent supporters of secular life. Is there not enough secularism in Russia today. Or do you want to remove shawls from believing girls as recently in France then others appear later and are forbidden to call the boy a boy until he is determined. Europe is already experiencing this.
  4. 0
    28 October 2015 15: 04
    The so-called "international law" does not protect anyone from anything. Since it is observed if and only if it is too fraught to violate it. The same as with domestic laws. Take away the police, the police and the courts, and any of the finest laws can be thrown into the trash.
    From the experience of strategic role-playing, never "international law", even guaranteed by the Mediator (Master, Demiurge), was not a constraining factor for the players. Only a return flurry of fire from main-caliber guns, or enemy troops on firebrands left over from your capital. And the latter is also not always a deterrent. Personally, I had to start a war in a seemingly completely hopeless situation, but if we just stretch it further, it would become even more “hopeless”. And at the same time, the absence of "casus belli" was not an obstacle. If it is not there, then you need to create it.
    By the way, what is interesting, quite modern, civilized and even Russian people committed not only war crimes, but also crimes against civilians. Starting from the explosion of a merchant ship filled with explosives that demolished half of the city, and ending with the development and implementation of the so-called "firestorm" in a completely unprotected enemy city. I understand that this, of course, is a game and real people did not die there. But after all, politicians and military leaders who develop operations that contradict humanity, they also do not see how women and children die in the fiery hell of Dresden or Hiroshima.
  5. +1
    28 October 2015 15: 09
    Like in history, a tribal society, slaveholding and capitalist. If in Muslim countries (Qatar, Turkey, Yemen, Saudi Arabia) a tribal system of government and a little adorned with modern technology. This does not mean that these are developed states, these are states without heavy industry and advanced technologies that pump oil. Turkey does not matter.
  6. 0
    28 October 2015 16: 03
    Soviet power must be established there :-)
    1. kpd
      28 October 2015 18: 50
      Well, now in Ukraine, Soviet power and sense?
  7. +1
    28 October 2015 16: 16
    Whoever argues that the power of religion of any kind can not contribute to the economic prosperity of the state. Religion has a different task, but a secular state is unlikely to be attainable. Since society has no goal of achieving 100% literacy of the population. If secular power begins to limit religious power is already a clash of interests and, in essence, civil strife within the state. So we have to live with faith for a very long time. And then religion is not useless. What will happen to humanity if we all stop following the commandments? In each of us, billions of bacteria live, essentially parasites, but getting rid of them will make us worse!
    1. 0
      28 October 2015 22: 25
      Quote: am808s
      And then religion is not useless. What will happen to humanity if we all stop following the commandments?

      If you think about it, from the point of view of humanity - it is possible. But individually, I don’t think so.
      It is a mistake to consider the lack of morality of an atheist. In a sense, his morality is even higher than religious morality.
  8. +2
    28 October 2015 16: 36
    The author clearly sees the historical process through the prism of Leninist-Trotsky historical materialism.

    "any civilization is driven by the dominant mode of production at a given historical moment, and not by religious ideology"
    In what encyclopedia of omniscience is it written? Grandfather Lenin thinks so or who? Or is Bronstein paired with Karl the great Marx?
    Personally, as a historian, I have a different point of view. I believe that civilization is, first of all, a worldview foundation that unites societies with a single structure of values, which in turn determine and guide the development path of these very societies. And the basis of any worldview, as you know, is precisely religion (including atheism, because it is also a religion). And in this sense I am not an upstart. I just focus on our thinkers from the time of the Empire, and not on the Marxist-Trotskyist ideology, generated, incidentally, by the same West as well, and therefore completely alien to us.
    1. -1
      28 October 2015 17: 11
      Quote: gorgo
      I just focus on our thinkers from the time of the Empire, and not on the Marxist-Trotskyist ideology, generated, incidentally, by the same West as well, and therefore completely alien to us.

      Come on, the empire itself is a product of the same west, the same Romans, for example :-)
      1. +1
        28 October 2015 18: 23
        The Orthodox Empire was developed in Byzantium, which you can’t even name the west. This is the difference between our - Orthodox - Empire and Western empires, which are the heirs of pagan Rome. Pagan Rome is the model of the modern West. Our model is the Orthodox Byzantium. And they differ from each other, like heaven and earth.
    2. 0
      31 October 2015 14: 25
      In my opinion, the author of the article simply does not understand the role that religion plays in shaping the worldview of society as a whole. I am convinced that in the territory of the traditional spread of Christianity, even those who consider themselves atheists look at the world through the prism of Christian perception.
  9. 0
    28 October 2015 17: 13
    Quote: alicante11
    Take the police, the police and the courts, and any of the finest laws can be thrown in the trash.

    So it is so, but it turns out that the laws are mostly enforced by coercion? This is where ideology should come in. Or a religion with the principle "do not steal". At least with its help, forceful enforcement of laws is largely replaced by moral and ethical ones.
  10. -1
    28 October 2015 17: 30
    modern democratic state

    And what, in the author’s opinion, should all modern states be democratic? And its globalist orientation is clearly visible. The article seems to be written in a positive way, it is permeated with a sort of liberalistic soul.
  11. +1
    28 October 2015 17: 33
    International law does not provide protection against crusades. And does Jihad really give, the Americans, at their discretion, turn jihad, arming one jihadist or the other, directing them against each other and using their own internal religious contradictions for this.
  12. -2
    28 October 2015 17: 49
    But religion is false and hypocritical. How can you relate well to those who teach to forgive your enemy, love your neighbor, and at the same time "take offense" at those who associate faith in God with faith in the flat Earth and the "firmament of heaven."
  13. Are
    28 October 2015 19: 12
    Quote: gv2000
    Quote: alicante11
    Take the police, the police and the courts, and any of the finest laws can be thrown in the trash.

    So it is so, but it turns out that the laws are mostly enforced by coercion? This is where ideology should come in. Or a religion with the principle "do not steal". At least with its help, forceful enforcement of laws is largely replaced by moral and ethical ones.

    Not certainly in that way. The first is enforcement of the laws with the inevitability of punishment.
    The second is the creation of an ideology that it is necessary to fulfill the Law consciously, otherwise - see "First"
    The other is not yet fully operational. drinks
  14. 0
    28 October 2015 22: 54
    a bit of history. where did the idea of ​​a secular state (not pagan) originated? We didn’t have in the 90s a secular state with a chapter which, in order to please everyone and was baptized, and distributed vodka and freedom. Putin came and immediately cleaned separate the church from the state .... The USSR was a state with a religion-ATEISM.
    I think it is necessary to judge by the fruits. When it was better for someone. Now you can’t introduce one thing in our country. But as an option, if each city had areas or quarters with a recommendation to settle a particular group. It sounds like it’s not so, but it’s easier to resolve conflicts if you live together, then someone doesn’t like that in a scarf a neighbor went to the church or to a mosque and to others that she’s in a miniskirt and it always wakes up
  15. -1
    28 October 2015 23: 08
    God, if I have committed great sins,
    Then I destroyed my soul and body!
    I am firmly convinced of your mercy -
    He came with repentance ... and again sinned!
  16. 0
    29 October 2015 14: 54
    For Soviet Power!
  17. 0
    29 October 2015 17: 28
    You know the article put a minus, I read it, and the first time I did not quite understand the author’s thought. But the conclusion was such, the article was written with only one purpose for the sake of this phrase
    Moreover, both Islamic and our domestic clericalization are of the same berry field, although in the social stereotype they are perceived as something different. The only difference between the current Islamist policy of expansion into secular society from the Orthodox one is that it is more open, with pronounced religious fundamentalism.

    In translation, it sounds so that we and the IGilovites judge the same thing, only whiter and fluffier.

"Right Sector" (banned in Russia), "Ukrainian Insurgent Army" (UPA) (banned in Russia), ISIS (banned in Russia), "Jabhat Fatah al-Sham" formerly "Jabhat al-Nusra" (banned in Russia) , Taliban (banned in Russia), Al-Qaeda (banned in Russia), Anti-Corruption Foundation (banned in Russia), Navalny Headquarters (banned in Russia), Facebook (banned in Russia), Instagram (banned in Russia), Meta (banned in Russia), Misanthropic Division (banned in Russia), Azov (banned in Russia), Muslim Brotherhood (banned in Russia), Aum Shinrikyo (banned in Russia), AUE (banned in Russia), UNA-UNSO (banned in Russia), Mejlis of the Crimean Tatar People (banned in Russia), Legion “Freedom of Russia” (armed formation, recognized as terrorist in the Russian Federation and banned)

“Non-profit organizations, unregistered public associations or individuals performing the functions of a foreign agent,” as well as media outlets performing the functions of a foreign agent: “Medusa”; "Voice of America"; "Realities"; "Present time"; "Radio Freedom"; Ponomarev Lev; Ponomarev Ilya; Savitskaya; Markelov; Kamalyagin; Apakhonchich; Makarevich; Dud; Gordon; Zhdanov; Medvedev; Fedorov; Mikhail Kasyanov; "Owl"; "Alliance of Doctors"; "RKK" "Levada Center"; "Memorial"; "Voice"; "Person and law"; "Rain"; "Mediazone"; "Deutsche Welle"; QMS "Caucasian Knot"; "Insider"; "New Newspaper"