The New York Times: Russian ships interfere with US comfort

Increasingly, in our country and abroad, statements about the new Cold War are heard. In addition, there are direct and indirect evidence of these assumptions. The latter usually consist in various unfriendly statements of the parties. Some of these statements are not only aggressive, but at least strange. An excellent example of such statements, leaving a lot of questions, recently published the American edition of The New York Times.

October 25 Edition published an article by Russian Ships Near Data Cables Are Not Too Close for US Comfort (“Russian ships near communication cables interfere with US comfort”) written by David E. Sanger and Eric Schmitt. The authors of this publication raised the most important, as it seems to them, question of the security of the United States. As it turned out, Russia represents a serious threat not only for the United States as a whole, but also for American communications. A number of officials and experts are concerned about Moscow’s possible existence of plans to destroy communication lines.

The article begins with a direct statement of the "facts". It is alleged that Russian submarines and reconnaissance ships are conducting aggressive activities near the most important submarine cables, through which data transmission is ensured. Similar activities of the Russian fleet became a cause for concern among the US military and security forces. They believe that in the event of a conflict, the Russian fleet could strike at underwater communications.

Oceanographic ship "Yantar"

The authors note that this time the question is much more complicated and serious than before. This is not about the technologies of the Cold War, when the intelligence officers of the two countries tried to connect to someone else's cables and obtain the necessary data. Now the question is hypothetical destruction of communication lines. In theory, Russian specialists are able to cut the most important submarine cables of the United States, which is why government, military and civilian structures will be left without communication.

Sanger and Schmitt admit that at the moment Russian saboteurs have not cut a single American cable. However, the very possibility of implementing such plans becomes a cause for concern. The fears of the American military and politicians are growing, they are afraid of expanding the capabilities of Russia and activating its activities in different parts of the world. In addition, the debates in Washington are increasingly showing that the American leadership is prone to Cold War time stamps and examines all of Moscow’s steps through the prism of deep distrust and suspicion.

The Pentagon and US intelligence organizations are in no hurry to publish their data on the state of the Russian navy. This information is classified and its details cannot be discussed publicly. Officials try not to comment on current work in this direction, in particular, plans and methods to counter possible sabotage or repair damaged lines. At the same time, more than a dozen unnamed sources of The New Your Times confirmed that the topic of possible destruction of submarine cables was seriously interested by the US military.

Apparently, anxiety has reached even the highest circles of the Pentagon. D. Sanger and E. Schmitt cite the words of Rear Admiral Frederick J. Regge, commander of the submarine forces of the US Navy Pacific Fleet. The rear admiral asserts that every day he is concerned about what the Russians can do. At the same time, Reggae did not directly comment on the possible existence of Russian plans for the destruction of American communication cables.

Commander William Marx, a representative of the naval forces in Washington, said that the destruction of submarine cables by any country would be a big problem. However, he noted that due to the secrecy inherent in underwater operations, such issues are not widely discussed.

In private conversations, naval commanders and representatives of intelligence structures, however, express different opinions. According to sources from Sanger and Schmitt, in the North Sea, the seas of Northeast Asia and even in close proximity to the shores of North America, an increased activity is observed near the places of laying the main submarine cables. Someone is showing an interest in major well-known cables, vital for global communications and commerce.

Not so long ago, in September of this year, the attention of American specialists was riveted on the Russian “spy ship” (reconnaissance ship) “Yantar”. A “spy ship”, equipped with two deep-water submersibles, passed along the East Coast of the United States and headed for Cuba. At the same time, the ship was located at a small distance from one of the main communication cables that go ashore at the base in Guantanamo Bay. American intelligence constantly accompanied Yantar with satellites, ships, and airplanes. Officials claim that the Russian “ship-spy” has the ability to launch deep-water vehicles that can sink to the bottom and cut the necessary cable.

The unnamed high-ranking European diplomat, commenting on the existing “level of activity” in the areas of communications, argues that he is comparable to that observed during the years of confrontation between the United States and the USSR.

Norway, a member of NATO, is so concerned about the current situation that it was forced to seek help from the Allies in the Alliance. The Norwegian leadership expects that other countries of the organization will assist him in tracking Russian submarines that may be located near the coast of the country.

An interesting comment was made by Admiral James Stavridis, who previously held leading positions in NATO, and now works in the School of Law and Diplomacy. Fletcher at Tufts University. Admiral believes that the current story the threat to submarine cables is another example of an assertive and aggressive regime (presumably Russia is meant), who decided to return to the tools of the Cold War, even if using modern technologies.

According to The New York Times journalists, hypothetical operations to destroy communication lines correspond to the current Russian concept of the use of armed forces abroad. Earlier, the Russian armed forces carried out operations demonstrating from might in the Crimea, Eastern Ukraine and Syria, and now they are preparing for action off the coast of a potential enemy.

Former director of a joint research project at Harvard University and MIT, Michael Sekrist offers a different perspective on the hypothetical destruction of submarine cables. He believes that any country can break such communications without revealing itself or even possessing special ships with the necessary equipment for cutting.

Moreover, underwater communication lines are damaged all the time. They are hooked by anchors, they are exposed to natural disasters, etc. Similar features of the operation of submarine communication lines were described in the work of Secrist, published in 2012 year. The theme of this work was the sustainability and survivability of underwater communication networks. At that time, the specialist noted that the majority of cable damage occurs at a distance of several miles from the coast, thanks to which the repair lasts no more than a few days.

In this case, the reason for the concern of American commanders may be that Russian specialists are looking for deep-sea cable sections. If the cable is damaged in a remote area at a great depth, repair of the communication line will be difficult.

M. Sekrist notes that the location of most submarine cables is not a secret. Laying routes do not change since the creation of the first lines - from the sixties of the XIX century. The fact is that the operators of communication channels did not want to lay new lines in unfamiliar places.

However, there are various secret lines of communication, the location of which is not subject to disclosure. Such cables were pulled by the military and security forces of the United States to provide communication between various objects. Such cables are not available on public maps and it is quite possible that the task of the Russian ships is precisely the search for such secret military lines.

The authors of the Russian Ships Near Data Cables aren’t close to US Comfort article that remind us that underwater communication cables currently play a special role in the economy. With their help, the global financial system with a turnover of about 10 trillion dollars a day. Every second a huge amount of data about transactions and other information passes through the cables. Any disruption of communication can hit the economy of almost the entire world. In addition, submarine cables account for about 95% other traffic information.

The importance of submarine cables is recognized by the state. For example, the US Department of Homeland Security refers the onshore facilities of cable lines (most of these facilities are located in New York, Miami, and Los Angeles) to the so-called. critical infrastructure.

The authors of The New York Times remind that underwater cable lines are not the first to become the object of interest of law enforcement agencies and special services. So, in October 1971, the crew of a special submarine USS Halibut took part in the operation Ivy Bells. The submarine arrived in the waters of the Sea of ​​Okhotsk and discovered one of the Soviet submarine cables through which communication was carried out between various objects of the Pacific Fleet. A special device for picking up and recording a signal was installed on the cable. In the future, American experts conducted several similar operations on other lines of communication.

In the middle of the last decade, the submarine USS Jimmy Catrer was put into operation, which carries a set of special equipment. The exact composition of the equipment and the construction of the submarine was not announced. According to some reports, it can be used to "listen" underwater communication lines.

D. Sanger and E. Schmitt note that such tasks can be performed not only by submarines. For example, it was suspicion of espionage that caused the Yantar vessel to be constantly accompanied by American intelligence during a recent voyage. At the same time, official Moscow claims that this is an oceanographic vessel without any reconnaissance equipment.

The authors also recall that the existence of a hypothetical possibility of the destruction of submarine cables is only one of many reasons for concern related to the modernization of the Russian Navy.

Admiral Mark Ferguson

In October, Admiral Mark Ferguson, commander of US naval forces in Europe, delivered a report in Washington. He stated that the professionalism and operational readiness of the submarine forces of the Russian fleet is constantly growing.

Referring to public statements by the commander-in-chief of the Russian Navy, Admiral Viktor Chirkov, M. Ferguson said that over the past year the intensity of underwater patrols has increased by 50%. Current growth exceeds the last decade. Ferguson also noted the modernization program of the Black Sea Fleet with a total value of about 2,4 billion US dollars, as well as the development of groups in the Arctic. All this shows that Russia intends to develop military infrastructure on the flanks.

There is also information on the development of a promising unmanned underwater vehicle that can carry nuclear weapons. Such a device can be used to attack coastal targets, including naval bases.

Admiral Ferguson drew the attention of listeners to the features of the emerging Russian military doctrine. In his opinion, Moscow intends to use the methods of the so-called. hybrid warfare. To achieve their goals, the armed forces, special operations forces, and various technical means specific to the current time will be used. The concept of a hybrid war involves the use of real space, as well as information systems, etc. In particular, at sea, attempts will be made to break the existing links between the structures.


It seems that the current discussion of the hypothetical possibility of the Russian fleet to destroy submarine communication cables is a direct continuation of the recent history of the campaign of the oceanographic vessel "Yantar". Recall, the Russian sailors were at some distance from the shores of North America, but still attracted the attention of the American military, analysts and journalists. One of the results of this campaign was a wave of publications with attempts to guess the targets of the ship. Among other things, Yantar was accused of espionage, but acceptable evidence of this was not presented.

The idea expressed by the publication of The New York Times about the possible destruction of submarine cables is of particular interest. Indeed, serious damage or the complete disrepair of such a means of communication can cause great damage to the economy, industry, the media and even ordinary people. It is for this reason that even a fictional threat to communications can be a cause for panic or, at least, for increased interest from the press and the public.

However, in the context of such an attack of communications, only the oceanographic vessel Yantar is mentioned, which, as far as is known, simply does not have the ability to cut protected submarine cables. This feature of the “sensation” can be the reason for serious doubts in the realism of the described situation. As a result, the picture proposed by D. Sanger and E. Schmitt raises a lot of questions and can hardly be considered plausible. From this we can draw the appropriate conclusions. Apparently, The New York Times not only raised the issue of the security of communications in their country, but also “spiced up” this topic with a complex political situation and the confrontation between the United States and Russia.

Article by Ships Near Data Cables Russian Ships Close for US Comfort:
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  1. +7
    29 October 2015 06: 24
    Game theory of Karl Jaspers. the states played spies and are happy to catch any reason to play this exciting game, and all the other fans (not countries - people) are happy to watch and comment
    1. +10
      29 October 2015 06: 39
      Quote: Gani
      Game theory of Karl Jaspers. the states have played spies and are happy to catch any reason to play this exciting game

      And if all this is multiplied by the 007 agent, crossed with some kind of computer shooter, it’s absolutely fascinating. But the United States does not understand with its little undeveloped cerebellum that this game can cost a lot to the whole planet. And the United States - in particular, and maybe - in the first place.

      In no case do I repeat Zadornov about how stupid Americans are. Just the three five-year plans of the entire history of the country, made up, moreover, of speculation, banditry and theft - do impose a seal on thinking ...
      1. +6
        29 October 2015 08: 21
        Before that, everything was a "security threat" .., but here they are already "interfering with COMFORT" - they are quite snickering, and who is comfortable nowadays !?
        .. and in general, in neutral waters, wherever we want, we go there, especially "Yantar" is not a combat ship. I want to watch - gawk, but there is nothing to yell!
    2. +5
      29 October 2015 10: 55
      Quote: Gani
      the states were playing spies

      Yes, gambling addiction is a dangerous thing. One of these players has already leapt out of the window with a yell: "RUSSIANS are coming ...". bully
    3. +2
      29 October 2015 14: 03
      Quote: Gani
      the states played spies and are happy to catch any reason to play this exciting game, and all the other fans (not countries - people) are happy to watch and comment

      States generally played too. I love how their "shitty" media treat their audience like they are full of vegetables. They sell any nonsense under the pretext of a sensation, and seeing and hearing vegetables listen to this nonsense, imbued with the importance of the problem. Of course, in the event of a conflict, communication cables will be destroyed (by both sides), and it is easier to do this with guided torpedoes and depth charges. Gullible Americans sincerely believe that the Russians will do this with a saw and wire cutters, and for this they will send divers in a submarine (nuclear). Of course, an oceanographic ship is engaged in reconnaissance (espionage), especially off the coast of sworn friends, but the Americans do not know that oceanography and exploration are related concepts. Moreover, if the average American is shown the statistics of flights of American (NATO) reconnaissance aircraft and UAVs in violation of the airspace of other countries, then this is an average American and any representative of the State Department will sincerely prove that this is for the benefit of peace and security. But on any assumptions, conjectures and even complete delirium they react as an accomplished evil.
      1. +1
        30 October 2015 16: 33
        Quote: avdkrd
        Of course, in the event of a conflict, the communication cables will be destroyed (by both sides), and it is easier to do this with guided torpedoes and depth charges

        fellow what drinks crying nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
  2. +7
    29 October 2015 06: 36
    How can this be? Either the Russian fleet = one and a half rusty tubs, then the Russian fleet interferes and threatens.
    1. +2
      29 October 2015 11: 30
      this is called pluralism in the head
  3. +8
    29 October 2015 06: 39
    Gentlemen, Americans, thinking about their exclusivity and God's chosenness, have already forgotten to think about reckless Russian fishing seiners with strange antennas, so the appearance of the Russian HS in the "home" waters caused an avalanche of panic and hysteria. Now, for this business, they will ask for a bunch of attendants to fill their cables with reinforced concrete, while half of the cement will dissolve in the water, and most of the reinforcement will be washed away by a huge wave right during loading. But still, Russian corruption is the most corrupt in the world, and in the US there is no corruption at all !!!!!
    1. +3
      29 October 2015 07: 25
      But still, Russian corruption is the most corrupt in the world, and in the USA there is no corruption at all !!!!!
      Dear colleague, I really want to ask you about this statement. To regard the exclamation mark as a question or a convinced point of view? Because carefully reading articles from various resources, I understand that corruption is also present in America, a country of miracles and gays.
      1. +3
        29 October 2015 07: 51
        But still, Russian corruption is the most corrupt in the world, and in the USA there is no corruption at all !!!!!
        - Good day, I also have a question - How did you manage to not see the irony in it based on the above quote?
      2. +3
        29 October 2015 09: 13
        Quote: Tankman55
        To regard the exclamation mark as a question or a convinced point of view?

        Dear colleague, I want to answer
        Quote: Serg65
        Now, under this business, a bunch of attendants will be asked to fill their cables with reinforced concrete, while half of the cement will dissolve in water, and a huge wave will wash off most of the fittings right during loading.

        + to this, the construction of the F-35 fighter, the Zamvolt destroyer, and a laser cannon is just theft in especially large bully but not corruption !!! Corruption is present only in such undemocratic countries as Russia. Thought, Marat, catch it? Aesopian language unfortunately already dying what
        1. +1
          29 October 2015 16: 35
          and there was also an epic with the refueling of US warships only from certain suppliers — moreover, the officers who steered the supplies took trips to the restaurant and the girls — apparently no more imagination .....
          1. +1
            29 October 2015 16: 53
            Quote: your1970
            officers taxiing supplies took trips to the restaurant and the girls, for more imagination was probably not enough .....

            They did not read about greyhound puppies in a book at school, otherwise they would have taken puppies ... laughing
      3. +2
        29 October 2015 16: 51
        Quote: Tankman55
        I understand that corruption is also present in America, a country of miracles and gays.

        I think that corruption is not present in the USA. She lives and thrives there. And we are up to it, with all our Serdyukovs and Vasilyevs, as on foot along the gas pipeline to China.

        The very same Nuland - for it, the kindling of wars and the supply of arms contracts to the American military-industrial complex is a family business. Otherwise, why would she have fallen on the edge of the world with cookies ....
    2. +1
      29 October 2015 16: 43
      Quote: Serg65
      The Americans, in their thoughts about their exclusivity and God's chosenness, already forgot to think about reckless Russian fishing seiners with strange antennas

      What, however, are the strange two cone antennas he has! Such hundreds of analysts in the United States are capable of depriving sleep. And on the deck, most likely, rectangular deep-seated bombs were stacked to undermine American cables. laughing laughing

      For reference. Fine, fine to reassure analysts. In the photo - a Soviet fishing seiner off the island of Kizyl-Su on the Caspian Sea. Turkmenistan 1975 year.
      1. +1
        30 October 2015 06: 37
        Quote: Zoldat_A
        For reference. Fine, fine to reassure analysts. In the photo - a Soviet fishing seiner off the island of Kizyl-Su on the Caspian Sea. Turkmenistan 1975 year.

        In the photo there is a "fishing seiner" of the RC "Vertical" assigned to the 159th brigade OSNAZ of the Northern Fleet in the village of Goryachy Ruchyi. soldier
  4. +5
    29 October 2015 06: 43
    Not well, the "crystal" tenderness behind the puddle of those sitting amazes ... They have made a mess all over the world, but we are supposed to approach a couple of cables to work on the integrity of those in the case of WHAT ... request laughing
  5. +6
    29 October 2015 07: 03
    Even the most sophisticated satellites do not see them, they are not even reliably known to even the most ubiquitous intelligence of the world, even the most sophisticated analysts cannot calculate them. But everyone knows for sure what they are and you can expect everything from them. Which means that is what they are doing. They do everything. They are occupying Ukraine, sharpening a tooth on the Baltic, threatening Europe, destroying the harmless Syrian opposition. And already close to the United States itself.
    The United States has not looked so deeply into itself, perhaps since May 22, 1949, when its notorious General James Forrestal discovered only one window of opportunity. On the 16th floor of a military hospital. But then everything was on the surface with him. And now it has almost reached the bottom. The Russians are not only walking. They swim up. To the holy of holies. For information. The Pentagon saw the "aggressive activity" of Russian submarines near important underwater communications, which, according to the New York Times, "provide almost the entire world with the Internet," and the United States with telephone communications.

    Details on RIA Novosti
  6. +3
    29 October 2015 07: 22
    And what did they want ??? In the event of the war they so want to unleash, retaliation must be inevitable and 100% effective laughing
  7. +3
    29 October 2015 08: 00
    (“Russian ships near communication cables interfere with US comfort”)

    Don't throw your "cables" around where our ships sail!
  8. +2
    29 October 2015 08: 10
    They can cut it. they can’t .. Yes, who admits that to you? If they can, then very good. No, yes, okay. Yes, even if we pass on a rubber boat there, the Americans will scream. Dogs bark, the caravan is coming.
    1. +1
      29 October 2015 09: 08
      And what have we got to do with it ?! These sperm whales take the cable for the tentacles of giant squid - their food.
    2. avt
      29 October 2015 09: 14
      However, in the context of such a communications attack, only the Yantar oceanographic vessel is mentioned, which, as far as is known, simply cannot cut protected submarine cables.
      Quote: lewerlin53rus
      They can cut it. they can’t .. Yes, who admits that to you?

      Especially from the GUGI laughing We piss because they know, of course they piss not because of what they are talking about - no one naturally cuts the cable. Maybe the admiral got up from the fact that he knew that somewhere "Losharik" was wandering around, but could not find it. laughing
      1. +2
        29 October 2015 09: 19
        Quote: avt
        nobody enti a cable naturally cuts.

        Dear shark, do not be denied! Points of reception meta. no one has yet closed laughing and there lead from one running meter a couple of kilos will definitely be drinks
  9. +1
    29 October 2015 08: 30
    We are doing everything right, more often it is necessary to grease the staff under the tail with a little pigtail laughing
  10. +5
    29 October 2015 08: 35
    Quote: name
    Not well, the "crystal" tenderness behind the puddle of those sitting amazes ... They have made a mess all over the world, but we are supposed to approach a couple of cables to work on the integrity of those in the case of WHAT ... request laughing

    They are exceptional, you can’t touch them ... and they think that everyone will not argue with this, and bowing their heads, they will step aside.
  11. +1
    29 October 2015 09: 10
    And what, fascists-USA, want to carry out their terrorist activities also with comfort?
  12. +1
    29 October 2015 09: 18
    Another delirium, but the goal is just like Goebbels': the more monstrous and absurd the fabrications, the faster they will believe in them! And then, as in a joke: "either Ivanov stole a fur coat, or it was stolen from him," but in general - he is guilty!
  13. +1
    29 October 2015 09: 19
    that in the event of a conflict, the Russian fleet could strike at underwater communications.

    So do not bring matters to conflict and live in peace. But the United States can’t live quietly and therefore they jerk and will jerk even more.
  14. +2
    29 October 2015 09: 42
    And the title of the article is "soulful" .... !!! And nothing that the United States interferes with the comfort of almost the entire planet? .....
  15. +1
    29 October 2015 10: 43
    The USA makes noise out of everything, even from scratch. and the chest opens simple. Yankees and NATO deploy their troops only in their countries and then there will be no military threat to other countries.
    1. 0
      29 October 2015 14: 12
      Developing the thought I will give advice for the Yankees, let's generally not rattle with weapons and not build up formidable warriors not in our (eastern) hemisphere. And it would be time for their NATO allies to grow wiser. If you are not SKRebut, do not turn your back and do not become ambiguous poses.
  16. +1
    29 October 2015 12: 03
    The fears of the American military and politicians are growing, they are afraid of the expansion of Russia's capabilities and the intensification of its activities in different parts of the world.

    So it is necessary that in a dream they censored - they are afraid, then they respect! And not any concessions, just a drag.
  17. 0
    29 October 2015 14: 15
    Quote: avdkrd
    Quote: Gani
    the states played spies and are happy to catch any reason to play this exciting game, and all the other fans (not countries - people) are happy to watch and comment

    States generally played too. I love how their "shitty" media treats their audience as full of vegetables. They sell any nonsense under the pretext of a sensation, and seeing and hearing vegetables listen to this nonsense, imbued with the importance of the problem. Of course, in the event of a conflict, communication cables will be destroyed (by both sides), and it is easier to do this with guided torpedoes and depth charges.

    Sorry, but an interesting way to destroy the cable - offer this know-how to the military.
    But in fact, there is a usual information war-25 years ago, we already passed it.
  18. 0
    29 October 2015 14: 18
    And what's the point of cutting the cable altogether if everyone has satellites now? Yes, and it's easier to connect to it and throw lies.
    1. 0
      29 October 2015 22: 27
      And what's the point of cutting the cable altogether if everyone has satellites now? Yes, and it's easier to connect to it and throw lies

      Well, in case of war, the satellites will not fly for very long, both ours and all of them. Yes, and through the satellite such a stream of information can not be transmitted, as a meter (in diameter) fiber optic cable. So the quality horror story smile Or maybe not a horror story, but a threat? laughing
  19. 0
    29 October 2015 15: 22
    Paranoia American, a new type of disease. Acquired a pandemic, the risk group includes political and not only leaders of countries allied with the United States. The method of treatment is amputation of the head !!!
  20. +2
    29 October 2015 18: 04
    Russian fleet may strike underwater communications.

    This one can be expected of everything. wink