Tactical credo of Marshal Tukhachevsky

Tactical credo of Marshal Tukhachevsky

"He taught people and he learned from them"

The name Marshal of the Soviet Union, Mikhail Nikolayevich Tukhachevsky is usually associated with the concepts of "building the armed forces", "strategy" and "operational art". However, the names of a number of his printed works remind us that Tukhachevsky paid attention to tactics. That is, the art of waging not war (strategy deals with this), not an operation (a set of battles united by a single plan), but a separate battle. He paid and headed in 1925-1928 years. The headquarters of the Red Army, and commanding in 1928-1931. troops of the Leningrad Military District, and being in 1931-1937. Deputy and First Deputy Commissar of Defense (until June 1934, - Commissar for Military and Naval Affairs). In the Leningrad district, he “spent many hours, or even days,” even in such not very large tactical units as companies, “taught people and studied with them” 1; when he was his deputy, he constantly went on tactical exercises - going into battle formations and battalions, and companies, and even platoons ...

The characteristic of Tukhachevsky’s tactical views in their entirety is a subject of special study. We now select the most important thing. That which runs like a red thread through all the work and speeches of Mikhail Nikolayevich devoted to the tactics. This was the main message of tactical activity, based on initiative, courage and decisiveness of commanders, to use any opportunity to move forward through gaps in the enemy’s battle formations, so as to hit him in the most vulnerable places - on the flank and rear.

You do not have to look back to the lagging neighbors from the right and the left; you shouldn’t be equal to them, you shouldn’t “be afraid to break away from your forces”. It is necessary to "boldly, impetuously and initiatively press the enemy"! This will be the best way to interact with your neighbors in modern combat. After all, going out to the rear of the enemy, restraining a neighbor, a unit or part will thereby force this opponent to withdraw - and the neighbor will be able to move forward.

No need to look at the intermediate of those lines, which ordered the unit or unit. If the immediate task is completed, but there is an opportunity to move further, to the line, the achievement of which is envisaged by the further task, then you should not wait for an order from above, you need to move further 2! "Each part must fundamentally (highlighted by me. - A.S.) push ahead and bypass the enemy’s nests in front of her or her neighbors." "The initiative and the desire to crawl through every gap in the enemy’s order of battle should be the basic quality of every commander, especially the junior and middle commander" 3. These formulations (the first of which refers to 1927, and the second to 1935) best express Tukhachevsky’s tactical credo.

"The initiative of the youngest commanders is the basis for victory"

Whatever tactical problems Tukhachevsky could make out, he constantly returned to this idea of ​​tactical activity based on initiative and assertiveness. Yes, and other issues of tactics sought to consider it from this angle. Thus, from the Infantry Combat Regulations (BUP-1927), issued in 27, he primarily expected help in "developing courage and determination, activity, flexibility and the greatest maneuverability of infantry, which is so necessary in modern combat" 4. The tactical training method for the rifle squadron in the same year he demanded to build in such a way that the detached commander understood the task before him. Why? Because without this, "activity, advance, detour, enemy reach, climbing into its rear" 5 ... are impossible.

And in 1929, Tukhachevsky already wrote about tactical training techniques in general, but he wrote the same thing: “Our entire training methodology must be structured so that it develops tactical activity, courage, assertiveness, speed of action and mobility of troops ... By this point of view, I repeat, should be built all the classes "6.

Speaking at 27 in November 1928 at a meeting of the USSR Revolutionary Military Council on the issue of the results of combat training of the army and describing a number of specific problems (including the problem of "increasing the mobility" of troops in battle), Mikhail Nikolayevich returns to the problem at the end most. And it requires the creation in the army of "public opinion based on the statutes, which would force to act actively and decisively" 7. The commander, wrote Tukhachevsky a year earlier, "should understand that behind him, for his bold decision, which he takes at his own risk and risk, is the whole force of army education" 8.

With all the same main problem for him, he begins his speech on December 9, 1935 at a meeting of the Military Council under the People’s Commissar of Defense dedicated to the results of the school year: despite the requirements of BUP-27, “initiative, independence, wedging in the enemy’s flank and rear since then we don’t have as much as it is needed. There is a uniform, equalized movement. They are simply afraid of detachments ... I constantly had to see that the platoon commander was lying idle. Why he was not advancing tanksif the path is cleared before him? "9

A document that can be called the tactical testament of Tukhachevsky - the directive letter of the First Deputy Defense Commissar to the commanders of military districts and the commanders of corps, divisions, regiments, battalions and artillery battalions from 29 June 1936 g. to assign the commanders an equalization along the guiding part. It is the duty of each commander and fighter to move forward independently, a movement for which there is no need to wait for instructions! “After the start of the offensive, and especially during the breakthrough of the enemy’s defensive line,” the Marshal emphasized further, “the initiative of the youngest commanders is the basis of victory.” 10.

Mikhail Tukhachevsky - commander of the Western Front. 1920 g. Photo: RIA News ria.ru
Battle of Krzheshov

As you know, tactics depend on the level of development of military equipment. And, developing his tactical credo, Tukhachevsky took into account the experience of the First World War - which had made the usual weapons infantry light machine gun. Machine guns were too heavy to attach to small tactical units, and with the advent of hand-held automatic weapons, even offices began to be located (9-13 people). Thanks to this sharp increase in firepower, small infantry units became much more capable. Now, being able to outrun the enemy with a shower of lead, they could act in isolation from their neighbors, could independently penetrate the gaps in the enemy’s defenses and hold themselves on the captured line. This personally showed the German spring offensive 1918 in France.

However, Tukhachevsky himself acted in battle as he taught others later, long before 1918, even in the first weeks of the First World War, in September 1914! When the infantry company was even more similar to the company of the times of the Franco-Prussian war 1870-1871. (the only weapon of which were single-shot rifles), than to the company of the 1918-th - with light machine guns, hand grenades, steel helmets and gas masks. We mean the battle of the Life Guards Semenovsky Regiment - a junior officer of the 7 Company, which was then Lieutenant Tukhachevsky - under Krzhov in Xalic 2 (15) of September 1914, at the final stage of the Galician Battle.

Detailed information about the actions of Tukhachevsky in that battle was left by the then commander of the 7 company A.V. Ivanov-Divov 2-y11. This source can be considered quite objective. After all, the memoirist does not keep silent about his miscalculations, but criticizing Tukhachevsky, who is clearly antipathetic to him, like other white emigrants, and describes in detail the situations in which he found himself at the height of the situation. By the way, the accusation of Anatoly Vladimirovich Tukhachevsky for the failure to fulfill the duties of the assistant company commander should be rejected as almost unprovable - in view of the uncertainty of these duties. After all, there was no full-time position of assistant company commander in the Russian army. It is not by chance that the memoirist does not cite specific claims against Tukhachevsky in this regard.

Mikhail Tukhachevsky passes the banner of the 4 Cavalry Division of the Leningrad Military District on the day of its decade. A shot from the documentary "Heroes Do Not Die." Photo: RIA Novosti ria.ru
So, having received an offensive combat mission from Lieutenant Ivanov-Divov of the 2 on that day, Second Lieutenant Tukhachevsky deploys his half-heel into battle order, indicates to her the direction of movement, determines the perebezhe order — in a word, competently controls the unit in battle. And then, moving with the 1 platoon as the vanguard of the company, it acts exactly as demanded then to act from the commanders of the Red Army. Having reached the line indicated to him, seeing the lack of resistance of the enemy and knowing at the same time the general task of the regiment (to seize the bridgehead at Křešov), he, on his own initiative, continues to advance further towards the bridge over the San. His platoon attacks the Austrians departing over the bridge and, joining the 6 company of Captain F.A. Veselago, is involved in the seizure of this important object. However, he forgets to inform about the situation of the commander of his company - because of what the 7-i company is delaying its progress towards the bridge.

Interestingly, in 1927, Mr. Tukhachevsky suggested that commanders should be taught to take the initiative, including the example of their actions under Křeshov. Without specifying that the example was taken from his practice, he advised to give the student the same introductory that the situation prevailing in the section of his platoon near Křeshov: the enemy had no enemy, the neighbors were lagging behind, the overall task of the unit is known12.

In the battle of Krzheshov, of course, Tukhachevsky demonstrated precisely those qualities that his comrades in military schools knew well - not only great abilities, but also “calling for military affairs, zeal for service” and great ambition13. Together, they gave the type of commander to conduct the war of the twentieth century. However, the human material from which it was completed in the 20-x - mid 30-x. the commanders of the Red Army, the commanders of the dream of Tukhachevsky, as a rule, could not give. Not having, for the most part, even incomplete secondary education (and, therefore, sufficient mental work skills, analysis), the majority of the Red Army commanders of the Tukhachevsky times could not assess the situation and make adequate decisions as quickly as the modern battle required. A lack of outlook involuntarily prompted to cling more tightly to the little that has been learned firmly, in other words, to act according to a pattern. The Red Marshal did not wait for the initiative and decisive command personnel of the Red NXX.


1. Nikishev D.Ya. Man of action // Marshal Tukhachevsky. Memories of friends and colleagues. M., 1965. C. 205.
2. Tukhachevsky M.N. Objectives general training. (To the new academic year) // Tukhachevsky M.N. Selected Works. T. 1. M., 1964. C.311-312; He is. Martial art // Tukhachevsky M.N. Selected Works. T. 2. M., 1964. C. 230.
3. Tukhachevsky M.N. Tactics and training // Tukhachevsky M.N. Selected Works. T. 1. C. 290; He is. Martial arts. C. 230.
4. Tukhachevsky M.N. Tactics and training. C. 305.
5. Ibid. C. 286-290.
6. Tukhachevsky M.N. Our educational and tactical tasks // Tukhachevsky M.N. Selected Works. T. 2. C. 73, 107.
7. Reform in the Red Army. Doc and mat. 1923-1928 Prince 2. M., 2006. C. 253.
8. Tukhachevsky M.N. Objectives general training. C. 311.
9. RGVA. F. 4. Op. 16. D. 19. L. 116.
10. RGVA. F. 62. Op. 3. D. 40. L. 90, 90 about.
11. Ivanov-Divov 2. 7-I company of the Life Guards Semenov regiment in Galicia // Military story. 1968. May. N 91. C. 3-7.
12. Tukhachevsky M.N. Objectives general training. C. 309.
13. Unknown about Tukhachevsky // Militaryhistorical magazine. 1990. N 12. S. 88-89.
14. Smirnov A.A. Military training of the Red Army on the eve of the repression of 1937-1938. (1935 is the first half of 1937 of the year). T. 1. M., 2013. C. 197-198, 299-300, 305-308, 371; T. 2. M., 2013. C. 5-10.
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  1. The comment was deleted.
  2. +5
    23 October 2015 10: 32
    However, the human material from which it was assembled in the 20s - mid 30s. the command staff of the Red Army, as a rule, could not give Tukhachevsky's dream commanders. Lacking for the most part even an incomplete secondary education (and therefore sufficient skills in mental work, analysis), the bulk of the command staff of the Red Army during the Tukhachevsky era could not assess the situation and make adequate decisions as quickly as modern combat required. And an insufficient outlook involuntarily prompted us to cling more tightly to the little that was firmly memorized, in other words, to act according to a template. The "red marshal" did not wait for the initiative and decisive command staff

    "human material" - great!
    1. +8
      23 October 2015 11: 00
      Quote: mosquit
      "human material" - great!

      "Tukhachevsky was a talented military leader ..."

      The defeat in the Polish pomp and the abandonment of hundreds of thousands of Red Army soldiers in Polish captivity shows the "greatness" of his "talent" ...
      A pampered voluptuary, a lover of clean linen, antiques and art, suffering from the "Napoleon" complex, who destroyed thousands of Russian peasants, including children, women and the elderly, this scum is worthy of the gallows. And those who praise his "dignity" are nonhumans and enemies of the Russian people!
      1. +5
        23 October 2015 12: 08
        Usually associated with the name of Marshal of the Soviet Union Mikhail Nikolaevich Tukhachevsky ...
        - from an article by Andrey Smirnov

        ... a military conspiracy organized by him.
        The nominee of L. Trotsky, even after his expulsion, he tried to fight the winning line of I.V. Stalin to build socialism in the USSR, with Stalin himself.
  3. +4
    23 October 2015 10: 37
    It’s not a good example. Tukhachevsky, in my opinion, simply existed, but to make a figure of a state scale from him is useless. I even have confidence that if Tukhachevsky commanded longer, the victory of the 45th would have been harder for us.
  4. +5
    23 October 2015 10: 38
    Tukhachevsky is a controversial figure. Brilliant officer in the First World War, 5 orders in 5 operations! Then captive and shoots. Then the Red Army. Everything was there - successes and failures, the failure of the campaign against Warsaw, however, not only through his fault. And then high posts and the rank of Marshal.
    The trouble of Tukhachevsky is his close relationship with the Germans and his entourage. They pushed the marshal into direct betrayal. Stalin until the last did not believe in the treason of the Marshal, and only then was already forced to admit the fact. By the way, E. Prudnikova very well wrote about all this, with the documents cited.
    It’s a pity that everything turned out like this, but now the stories can’t be changed ...
  5. +6
    23 October 2015 10: 41
    When suppressing the Tambov uprising, Tukhachevsky choked the Tambov peasants with gas, shot hostages, and destroyed villages with artillery. Seven concentration camps were built, where more than 50 thousand people were housed, mainly the elderly, women and children. In general, he is still a "hero"
    1. 0
      23 October 2015 21: 36
      Quote: Tim Coconuts
      In general, he is still a "hero"

      Without justifying Tukhachevsky, I still note that if he weren’t, these riots would be suppressed by another one, then they didn’t understand much, he popped up against the authorities - the tribunal - the sentence - the execution. Who gave the orders?
  6. SMS
    23 October 2015 10: 41
    Correctly, Joseph Vissarionovich did that he transmitted all this rotten revolutionary! In Soviet times, these heroes of the civil war were promoted, which were done at the beginning of World War II.
    1. +1
      23 October 2015 11: 14
      Quote: SMS
      In Soviet times, these heroes of the civil war were promoted, which were done at the beginning of World War II.

      These po .. (don) .. ki could only fight with the elderly, women and children
  7. +5
    23 October 2015 10: 44
    Thank you, great article. Now even the most stubborn defender of the "military genius of the red Napoleon" will understand its failure.
    A quote that describes the cause of the defeat near Warsaw:
    “There is no need to look back at the intermediate lines that the subunit or unit was ordered to reach. If the immediate task is completed, but there is an opportunity to move further, to the line, the achievement of which is envisaged by the further task, then there is no need to wait for an order from above; “Each unit must in principle (emphasized by me. - AS) push forward and bypass the enemy's nests in front of it or in front of its neighbors.” “Initiative and the desire to crawl into every gap in the enemy’s battle formation should be the main quality of each commander, especially junior and middle commanders "2. These formulations (the first of which refers to 3, and the second to 1927) best of all express the tactical credo of Tukhachevsky."

    He drove the troops without looking back and caught up ... good soldier
  8. +9
    23 October 2015 10: 49
    What is this article about?
    About how second lieutenant Tukhachevsky accidentally shut himself up with Marshall.
    He was a second lieutenant, and so he remained. Otherwise, I would not have written nonsense about crawling into all sorts of holes and slits.
    He escaped when attacking Poland. He crawled into the hole. He climbed into the crack.
    As a result, we spent that war shamefully ... The soldier too. The territory of Western Belarus too, so much so that Poland still licks its lips on these "kresy".
    Wow and dregs.
    The whole army culture, all military units are built on one thing - discipline, order, a sense of elbow, mutual assistance and mutual assistance.
    There is one, Marshall, one who believes that the farther a soldier rolls behind enemy lines alone, the better the whole unit will be, starting with the unit.
    Who was he at all? Infantry, infantry, and thoughts from the demented landing took. Because, the landing, first of all, is grouped after the landing, establishes a connection.
    Seeing from such thoughts and actions, he was captured.
    Damn, they didn’t work. Germans. In the First World War.
  9. +10
    23 October 2015 10: 59
    Tukhachevsky as a commander is absolutely mediocre. A shameful trip to Warsaw in 1920 failed. Through his fault, thousands of Red Army soldiers were killed or captured. He himself was also a prisoner. It was different only with the suppression of peasant uprisings.
    "N 199
    Order of the command of the troops of the Tambov province on the use of suffocating gases against rebels
    N 011b
    Tambov city / ops
    12th of June 1921

    The remains of the broken gangs and individual bandits who escaped from the villages where
    Soviet power was restored, they gather in the forests and from there raid civilians.
    For the immediate cleaning of forests, I order:
    1. Forests where bandits hide are cleaned with poisonous asphyxiating gases,
    accurately calculate that a cloud of suffocating gases spreads completely throughout the forest, destroying everything that was hidden in it.
    2. The artillery inspector shall immediately apply the required
    the number of cylinders with toxic gases and the right specialists.
    3. The commanders of the combat areas persistently and vigorously carry out
    real order.
    4. Report on measures taken.
    Commander Tukhachevsky
    Nashtavoysk of the General Staff Kakurin "
    Or ...

    Plenipotentiary Commission
    All-Russian Central Executive Committee # 181.
    24th of June 1921

    The experience of the combat site shows great suitability for the quick cleansing of known areas from banditry by the following cleaning method. Particularly gangster-minded volosts are outlined, and representatives of the county political commission, special department, military tribunal and command departments, along with units intended for cleaning, go there. Upon arrival at the place, the volost is cordoned off, 100 of the most prominent persons are taken as hostages and a state of siege is introduced. Departure and entry into the volost should be prohibited during the operation. After this, a complete volost gathering is gathered, on which orders of the Plenipotentiary Commission # 130 and 171 and a written verdict for this volost are read. Residents are given 2 hours to extradite bandits and weapons, as well as gangster families, and the population is informed that in case of refusal to provide the above information, the hostages will be shot in 2 hours. If the population of bandits and weapons is not indicated after a two-hour period, the gathering is collected a second time and the hostages taken are shot before the eyes of the population, after which new hostages are taken and the assembled gathering is invited to give out bandits and weapons again. Those who want to do this become separate, are divided into hundreds, and each hundred is passed for questioning through the polling commission (representatives of the special department and the Military Tribunal). Everyone should testify, not being dissuaded by ignorance. In case of persistence, new executions are carried out, etc. For the development of the material obtained from the polls, expeditionary units are created with the obligatory participation in them of those who have provided information, and other local residents and are sent to catch bandits. At the end of the purge, the state of siege is lifted, it is put up with a roar and the police are imposed.

    This Plenipotentiary Commission of the All-Russian Central Executive Committee orders to accept for steady execution.

    Chairman of the Plenipotentiary Commission

    Troop commander
    What the hell is a commander. He is an executioner. Stalin correctly shot him.
    1. +2
      23 October 2015 11: 06
      Quote: Arseny

      Plenipotentiary Commission
      All-Russian Central Executive Committee # 181.
      24th of June 1921

      The experience of the combat site shows great suitability for the quick cleansing of known areas from banditry by the following cleaning method. Particularly gangster-minded volosts are outlined, and representatives of the county political commission, special department, military tribunal and command departments, along with units intended for cleaning, go there. Upon arrival at the place, the volost is cordoned off, 100 of the most prominent persons are taken as hostages and a state of siege is introduced. Departure and entry into the volost should be prohibited during the operation. After this, a complete volost gathering is gathered, on which orders of the Plenipotentiary Commission # 130 and 171 and a written verdict for this volost are read. Residents are given 2 hours to extradite bandits and weapons, as well as gangster families, and the population is informed that in case of refusal to provide the above information, the hostages will be shot in 2 hours. If the population of bandits and weapons is not indicated after a two-hour period, the gathering is collected a second time and the hostages taken are shot before the eyes of the population, after which new hostages are taken and the assembled gathering is invited to give out bandits and weapons again. Those who want to do this become separate, are divided into hundreds, and each hundred is passed for questioning through the polling commission (representatives of the special department and the Military Tribunal). Everyone should testify, not being dissuaded by ignorance. In case of persistence, new executions are carried out, etc. For the development of the material obtained from the polls, expeditionary units are created with the obligatory participation in them of those who have provided information, and other local residents and are sent to catch bandits. At the end of the purge, the state of siege is lifted, it is put up with a roar and the police are imposed.

      This Plenipotentiary Commission of the All-Russian Central Executive Committee orders to accept for steady execution.

      Chairman of the Plenipotentiary Commission

      Troop commander
      What the hell is a commander. He is an executioner.

      This so-called "personality" is mra .. (zi) .. on, he and his associates acted worse than the Nazis. They are the real fascists, and the Russian people should never forgive them and their descendants extermination, genocide!
      In blood to write in the memorial books the names of the executioners of the Slavic people ...
  10. +5
    23 October 2015 11: 03
    found about whom to post an article about a geek who strangled his people with chlorine
    1. +5
      23 October 2015 11: 17
      Quote: snifer
      found about whom to post an article about a geek who strangled his people with chlorine

      Unfortunately, he did not poison his people. This ... I do not even know what to call it, poisoned the gas and artillery bombed the Slavic people, to which it has nothing to do
  11. +5
    23 October 2015 11: 39
    Tukhachevsky! The figure is not unique. I read somehow his opuses. And did not know roofing felts toli laughing. It seems that everything starts logically, but the further the more delusional! In general, the theoretician, he was a nonsense, one can even say a science fiction ... All his tactics and strategy came down to one thing!
    1. +6
      23 October 2015 12: 25
      Quote: Nehist
      Tukhachevsky! The figure is not unique. I read somehow his opuses. And did not know roofing felts toli laughing. It seems that everything starts logically, but the further the more delusional! In general, the theoretician, he was a nonsense, one can even say a science fiction ... All his tactics and strategy came down to one thing!

      Well, the pupil and favorite of Trotsky ...
      What kind of teacher and student
  12. 0
    23 October 2015 13: 15
    What does human material have to do with it? From commanders of the department-company level, knowledge of the Charter, instruction, command practice in posts is much more common than independence is required, but they could not provide this practice, since in the mid-30s 45% of the rifle troops were territorial-militia.
  13. +4
    23 October 2015 13: 18
    The author very "correctly" referred to the memoirs of Ivanov-Divov II. However, conclusions about personality? Quote. "The grave was dug near the hut, where the dressing station was located. All the officers gathered with the regiment commander at the head. Volbort and I drew attention to the absence of Tukhachevsky. After the funeral, when the battalion was being built, I asked Tukhachevsky why he was not at the funeral of the people of our company. He told me: “If you want to keep a good military officer, I ask you to save me from these sentimental ceremonies.” I was so confused then that I did not even find words for an answer. From this moment between Tukhachevsky and me, all friendly relations were interrupted".
  14. +5
    23 October 2015 14: 45
    So the author is trying to find at least something in the deeds and * works * of Tukhachevsky, the selection * of achievements * is somehow miserable, apparently everything else is even worse, or cause unpleasant questions, and nothing about his attempt at a military coup. Few people try to challenge the verdict of the tribunal; all the accused sat in the hall and testified, perhaps this stops * the critics *. Although Khrushchev’s leaders made such attempts, they just didn’t cope with the facts and declared all the repressions, and even posts in the number of * victims * cheated.
  15. +5
    23 October 2015 15: 54
    As has been said by many historians, in the construction of the army of Tukhachevsky it was impossible to admit to artillery.
    Only his stupidity with a passion for dynamo-jet cannons brought huge material damage, did not give any benefit, valuable time was lost ..

    In the photo - the destroyer "Engels", type "Novik", pre-revolutionary construction (photo - Wikipedia). This is a test of a dynamo-rocket cannon of 305 mm caliber (battleship caliber) in 1934. It was planned to equip the fleet with such cannons, if possible. Everything is fine, the caliber is huge, there is almost no recoil, but ... the gun is loaded from the muzzle, with the help of hoists. Increased supply of gunpowder. It cannot shoot at the stern, because the jet from the nozzle will hit the superstructures. Combat efficiency is zero.

    At the DRP, it was planned to rearm the entire army (including tank and anti-aircraft units), the Air Force, and the Navy.

    Clearly, the experiments are good, but in this case, excessive enthusiasm for them brought only harm ..

    Best regards, hi
    1. +6
      23 October 2015 16: 20
      As people remember Kurchkvtsy or Dyrenkov, the fact that Tukhachevsky was "repressed alive" is immediately replaced in the brain with justly punished.
      1. +2
        23 October 2015 19: 11
        Quote: samoletil18
        As people remember Kurchkvtsy or Dyrenkov, the fact that Tukhachevsky was "repressed alive" is immediately replaced in the brain with justly punished.

        He did not understand the technique. He too trusted in self-taught adventurers. Well, he liked all the new trends of design thought! Only for some reason, except for expensive toys, nothing came of these ideas.
        Thank you, good man! I finally reached the first star!))
    2. The comment was deleted.
  16. +4
    23 October 2015 17: 01
    If he is such a genius, why did he not take Warsaw in 1920? Builder and re-engineer. Expensive in 1941. cost his "tactical testament". Almost the entire cadre army was lost, about 5 million were captured, 50% survived. All as one participants write - "I had to learn to fight anew, I learned only by 1943", I had to rewrite the statutes, change the state of the formations, "legacy" damn it.
  17. Riv
    23 October 2015 17: 02
    Tukhachevsky? I don’t understand shit varieties ...
    Those interested can google the collection of works of this "great commander". I doubt that you will master at least three pages about world fires.
  18. 0
    24 October 2015 18: 07
    Quote: Vladimir73
    Thank you, great article. Now even the most stubborn defender of the "military genius of the red Napoleon" will understand its failure.

    I absolutely agree with you, but I put a minus on the article, they are serving it under the wrong "sauce". In the quote you quoted, Tukhachevsky drives "his" troops into a classical encirclement, for example it was with the 33rd army of Efremov in the 42nd, it was the same near Kharkov and in many other operations, apparently "taught".

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