Why do we fight so much?

Why do we fight so much?

Jacob Kulnev, Major General, the hussar: "Mother Russia is so good that in some place let it fight."

Svetlana Alexievich, the Nobel laureate: "We have fought all the time or were preparing for war."

Two very different people from different epochs, different professions, speaking out on the “peaceful sky over Russia” issue, are surprisingly unanimous. They do not believe in this very "peaceful sky." I want to hit myself in the pockets (do not ring?) And ask - why? Why Russia is all its history forced to fight? What is the root of the problem? Maybe the problem is really in some particular aggressiveness (totalitarianism) of the Russian state? Maybe it, like ancient Assyria, simply cannot live without wars of conquest? Maybe free and prosperous neighbors pose an ideological threat to her?

Russian history is certainly very interesting from the point of view of military campaigns, battles, re-equipment and military-technical innovations. Just a holiday of some kind. But it is precisely this aspect of Russian history that is often subject to serious criticism from many, many authors. As an example, the countries of Eastern Europe are the Czech Republic or even Austria. While, to be honest, very poor and not at all free Russia heroically expanded the frontiers of the empire, architecture, mining, science, painting, and civil society developed in these countries.

And the lag, even at the end of the 19 of the 20th century, was truly enormous. Even when they came to liberate, the Bulgarians, who were moaning loudly under the Turkish oppression, the Russian soldiers and officers were confronted with the amazing fact that the Bulgarian peasant, crushed by the oppression of the Janissaries, lives richer and more prosperous than the Russian liberator.

By the way, the history of the liberated from the Turks in Bulgaria, Serbia and Romania does not give any grounds for optimism, rather, it is an example of political failure. Even the liberated Serbs were politically and economically oriented, oddly enough, to Austria. And in general, the German princes began to rule Bulgaria.

As we all know, in 1945, a Soviet soldier finished off fascists of all colors and liberated Europe. III Reich had a huge military potential, was, perhaps, the most advanced scientific and technical power - it suffices to recall guided bombs and jet bombers. And yet, he was literally wiped off the face of the earth. The Red Army did not leave Hitler any chance.

Theoretically, after that, Russians in Europe, in any case, in its eastern part, should have been looked upon simply as supermen. And in the "western lands" of Poland, Soviet veterans of the Second World should simply feed and treat for free. I would, on the site of Poles living essentially on German soil, paint monuments to Soviet soldiers-liberators with golden paint, invite veterans from Russia every year and give them vodka.

Do not invite and do not pour. And what is most offensive is that the Red Army and the Soviet occupation are exposed in every way (apparently, they smoothly prepare for the return of Danzig). And it's not even about Americans - the whole of Eastern Europe is very negative about the very liberation. Both Estonians and Romanians do not have warm feelings for the Red Army. Sad but true. Why is this so? Why did our soldiers die?

The same Poles and Czechs see liberators in the Americans. Not even in the British, but in the Americans, who did not release them. Funny enough, what brings political correctness. We see it, we take offense at it, but we don’t ask ourselves a question - why is this so? Why even defeated Germans in Eastern Europe are much more respected than Russian winners?

One of the explanations, quite logical that I met - a Russian soldier who liberated Europe from the horrors of Nazism in 1945, was far less free than any European. And it is much poorer than this European, “liberated from the horrors of Nazism”. A clean-shaven, well-fed American came by jeep, dead tired, covered with dust, dirt and worn-out military uniforms looked very different.

This is what is bad, they tell us. Even at the end of 80, the USSR, which had a huge military potential, could not provide its citizens with a set of consumer goods comparable to the European one. The economic, technical, cultural backlog did not allow to see the leader in Russia, did not allow to be guided by it.

The following strategy is insistently proposed: domestic development of Russia, economic growth, infrastructure development, improving living standards, shooting soap operas in industrial quantities, staging performances, but when we pass all of them during the peaceful competition, we will automatically become the leader and the people will reach out to us .

In principle, at least theoretically, this scheme is quite logical. And even pleasant. The standard of living is growing, there are no sharp political conflicts, respect for the Russian state is growing by leaps and bounds. And all is well, and everything is wonderful. The picture is fun. But it will not.

Just look at the situation with Georgia - the standard of living in Russia is much higher than in Sakartvelo. I don’t even speak about technology, the economy as a whole and soap operas. According to this theory, Georgians should reach out to Russia, look at it as a leader, and so on. It seems to be so, but it does not. I understand - return South Ossetia and Abkhazia, then we'll talk.

With Ukraine, in general, the situation is even more interesting - one language, one culture, but two states and two levels of life. The classic situation, as with West Germany and East Germany. Or as with North Korea and South Korea. Back in 2013, when there were tense negotiations in the triangle: Brussels - Kiev - Moscow, it was possible to say with certainty: Russia won the economic competition with Ukraine. Completely and absolutely.

But for some reason this obvious fact did not cause the Ukrainians any desire to unite. The same can be said about Belarus. Even with the Baltics, Russia won economic competition, but there was no love, no respect, no desire to follow Russian standards. Just look at the situation from the outside - the more in Russia a new, good, interesting is created, the higher the degree of hatred from the “Baltic tigers”. Paradox?

Yes, being taken to the extreme by need, they are ready to take “Russian totalitarian money,” pursing their lips in disgust and wearing medical gloves. Even quite reasonable Finland, in which a high standard of living directly depends on trade with Russia, looks at Moscow only as a source of money such as colonial Nigeria, and, of course, a source of problems. Correct me, but even completely sane Finns are politically and culturally oriented towards Brussels and Washington. Russia is a rich, but dangerous and restless Nigeria.

So the "theory of space ice" or the theory of "economy instead tanks" does not work. Before the sanctions, Russia lived extraordinarily richly (if we keep in mind the entire time of its existence). We have never lived so well! Toward the close of this glorious era, the Russian dictator issued a loan for Yanukovych in the amount of fifteen billion dollars and arranged a Coliseum with gladiators in Sochi.

But the democratic leaders ignorantly ignored these “chariot races and the eating of Christian virgins by lions”. And in response they staged (simultaneously with the show in Sochi) a show in Kiev. This is how the "beautiful era" ended. We honestly tried to play by their rules - they sold oil, bought finished products from them and took loans from their banks. What's wrong? We did everything right on the way to this very “cultural-economic” victory on points.

But Angela Merkel did not come to Sochi, and Francois Hollande did not come. Vladimir Putin practically scraped the chests of the imperial treasury to the bottom, arranging this children's matinee for the elect, but the “elect” did not come. They did not want to.

For the sake of interest, I propose to personalize a European in personal communication. To ask him: what, in fact, should Russia do for Europe to recognize in it a leader? That's right, not to accept as a “Polish plumber”, but to recognize the leader? Well, after the third glass of tea, in order not to drive the poor European into the stupor at all.

You see, ignoring the invitation to Sochi and the support of extremists in Kiev was the answer of Europe to the proposal to “compete in the economy”. By the way, if Putin has found money for merrymaking and for helping hapless Yanukovych, then Europe has no money for something like that. Do we really beat them in the economy? Joke.

For the sake of interest, let us assume: the standard of living in Russia is higher than in France, the Russian cosmonauts built a manned station on the moon, Russia makes the best electronics in the world and airplanes ... Well, and so on. Now attention, the question: “Will Europe then recognize the leader in Russia?” The answer, I think, is obvious.

Even today, when we are definitely surpassing the Germans in the field of creating underwater and spacecraft, rocket technology, they look at us like the Zulus. "And we have a Mercedes" - the standard answer. And our possible flight to Mars will not change anything. “Russian savages flew to Mars, but they have no democracy and Mercedes.” The correct emphasis in the word "Mercedes" on the second syllable, the second syllable - "tse".

All this would not be so critical, if the planet Earth would be more. Square more. And minerals. Or if the Germans and I lived on different planets. But we all live together and have to interact. And they do not respect us. At the end of the 19 of the 20th century, the Japanese defeated China and were going to take away from them the interesting pieces of territory. But the European powers, united, prevented this. That is, the Japanese got something, but not as much as they wanted. Cause? "They are not white people."

Here we have the same situation with the Crimea, Kosovo and the United States. Americans, even the president, are white people. Russians are not. Therefore, the "Kosovo Serb Chainsaw Massacre" is a "special case." And in Crimea everything should be according to the laws of Ukraine, otherwise sanctions. You see, one of the reasons for this whole conflict around Ukraine and Syria is the low status of Russians in terms of the West. Russians should pay and repent for the crimes of Stalinism, and not try to pursue geopolitics.

Russia had serious interests in Ukraine (I will not list), and openly stated this. Honest and dignified position. But from the point of view of the West, she did not have the right to this, she has not and should not have it. Therefore, Russia's interests were ignored, and an armed conflict erupted in Ukraine. That is, Russia was not “authoritative” enough to be considered at the negotiating table with its opinion, but it was able to declare those “selfish interests” with force actions.

That, in turn, caused a storm of hatred from the “global community” or a group of particularly arrogant politicians who declared themselves demiurgists of this location. You see, they are trying to conduct politics as if no Russian state is on the map. “Passengers of the bus are wondering - there is emptiness, they rush there, and there my portfolio, it makes them terribly angry.”

For “1-e message of Western civilization to Muscovites” says: “Get out of our planet!” In this section, the ideas of Tsiolkovsky become very relevant.

If anyone does not remember, World War I began with the fact that Austria-Hungary decided to "punish" Serbia, which was under the supreme protection of the Russian tsar. Russia tried to just ignore. Yes, there were many more different reasons, but this is the essence. The world was very close to war, no one argues with this, but the "spark of ignition" was the reluctance of Kaiser Willy II to reckon with Russia's interests. Fundamental reluctance.

World War II. You will laugh, but it was precisely after Hitler invaded Yugoslavia and Bulgaria that the relationship between him and Stalin deteriorated sharply. Hitler simply decided not to take into account the geopolitical interests of the USSR. This made the war inevitable. Déjà vu, aren't you?

It hurts me to talk about it, but when NATO bombed Yugoslavia in 1999, from the birth of Christ, the conflict with Russia became inevitable. But you will agree how easy it was to avoid conflict, given the interests of Russia in this small Balkan country. Imagine someone in a half-empty bus puts on your leg a heavy suitcase, while genuinely smiling at a “Hollywood” smile. Then a conflict arises, on the basis of a “sudden personal dislike”.

It was absolutely clear that Russia cannot but respond to the situation in Serbia, Armenia, and Ukraine. For one quite simple and understandable reason - these countries are very close to us, and practice shows that it is impossible to hide behind the pillars. Plus, these countries are very closely connected with us historically, which is often actively denied by their politicians.

Russia's response was immediately followed by high-profile accusations of "imperial ambitions." The circle is closed, the trap is shut. I think some readers have had a similar situation in life when they are frankly trampled into the dirt, and having received a tough response in response, they are accused of “lack of culture” and “bad manners”. That is, in this case, the case is in the hierarchy of human society. You get kicked and you have to smile. And thank "for science."

We, gentlemen, have fallen into a rather strange situation: Russia is the largest and richest country in the world, Russia has the second most powerful armed forces on the planet. Russia is a country of ballet, rockets, sudden Greek amphoras and thermonuclear weapons own development. But they treat us in the West a little worse than Romanian Gypsies. Their human rights, at least in Romania, nobody calls into question. The Russians in old Russian Narva are second-rate people.

That is, the Gypsies from glorious Romania are one thing, and the Russians from Narva are something else. What do you think we need to do in order for Russians from Narva to be recognized as full-fledged Homo Sapiens? To tell the truth, I do not know and can not even imagine. For example, what percentage of the EU population should be lost? What am I talking about? Oh sad. About sore.

I am not educated enough to understand whether Russia can change its status at all - without a big war or even with a big war. No more Spanish Empire, British Empire, French Empire. The last two flourished before World War II, but they are no longer there. But the Russian Empire (a country with a territory in 17 with more than millions of square kilometers can only be an empire) remained, albeit in a stripped-down form.

From us it will not turn out small and cultural Czechia. You can not even try. But Romanian Roma, undemanding to social status, of us also fail.

The problem of Russia, from my point of view, is not in “excessive aggressiveness”, but in not very successful wars of the second half of 19, the first half of 20, centuries. Recall the Crimean War, the last Russian-Turkish, Russian-Japanese, World War I, civil war, World War II. Feel what I'm getting at? The empire in these wars suffered losses and suffered defeats. Tsushima and the surrender of Port Arthur provided the empire with a revolution. Heavy losses and inept top management during the war with the Kaiser, exploded the second and third Russian revolutions. The war with Hitler did without revolutions, but it was insanely expensive.

We can not live in peace, but we can not even afford such a defeat. That is, do not be afraid of accusations of militarism and the desire to intimidate everyone. We must be afraid of failure in the combat capability of the army. Such failures cost Russia very dearly. The version of history, where Russia defended Sevastopol in 1854, and Admiral Rozhestvensky defeated Admiral Togo, would have been completely different.

It's not about stupid kings and talented revolutionaries. The inability of the empire to “project” its power inevitably calls into question the viability of such an empire. When the Anglo-French could not repel Suez from Egypt, two great empires ended at once. Sic transit gloria mundi. The empire does not hold shy.

That is, the tragedy of Russia 17 of the year we owe not so much to Ulyanov-Lenin, but to the military leadership of the empire, who did not supply an army with shells either in Manchuria or in Galicia, and who lost millions of soldiers. Do not make Lenin a superhero, he was not, I beg. With the not so critical level of nepotism, insanity and corruption in the empire, October and February of 17 would have remained just months in the calendar. Perhaps marked by the success of Russian weapons.

I apologize for the evil sarcasm, but the preservation and especially the expansion of the empire means "small victorious wars." By the way, after the Cold War, even the vast Czechoslovakia, the Americans broke into two occupation zones. In Russia there would be much more.
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71 comment
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  1. +15
    17 October 2015 05: 54
    "We fought all the time or prepared for war."

    Something the author confused here. Unfortunately, it was not Russia that fought, but it was Russia that they fought, and they continue to do this every minute. Let me remind you that the Rurikovichs came from the west, from Russia, only on the other. It was from there that war always came to us.
    1. +4
      17 October 2015 06: 13
      Russia has only two allies: its army and navy. During the reign of a man who spoke like that, not a single state attacked Russia. hi
      1. +2
        17 October 2015 12: 56
        Now also the videoconferencing!
      2. +16
        17 October 2015 12: 58
        He supported the article, but disagreed on some points. In the world there are many countries that fight no less than ours, for example, the same United States. But they want to be friends with them, but not in dreams. What's the matter? And in my opinion, here's the thing. It is no secret (and no offense be said, with all due respect to other nationalities), Russians in the USSR, and later in Russia, are the dominant nation in many respects, except for one. The Russians are not selfish and have never been so. In terms of practicality, pragmatism i.e. the ability to extract money from everything, we are much inferior to many nationalities close to us by blood (not to mention Europe and especially America). Understand, I'm talking about the majority, and not about individual representatives. For us Russians, the most important thing is to win Trueand money, as we say, is a business. Here is the answer! They don’t want to love us for this, to be friends with us - because they don’t understand how you can fight for pure justice and truth! They are afraid of us because they do not understand! And it will always be so, as long as the Russian family is alive. Just a Russian kind. Without big words.
        1. -11
          17 October 2015 15: 48
          Quote: Dembel 77
          For us Russians, the most important thing is for Pravda to win.

          But who needs it?

          Quote: Dembel 77
          and money - as we say - is a business.

          Something just doesn’t make money. From that and the ruble collapsed.
          1. +6
            17 October 2015 18: 21
            Quote: anip
            For us Russians, the most important thing is that Truth triumphs!
            But who needs it?

            The basis of the article is Russia and Russians as a state-forming nation.
            The author asks:
            "Russians are second-class people.
            What do you think we need to do to make the Russians from Narva recognized as full-fledged Homo Sapiens? "
            And he replies: "To tell you the truth, I don't know and I can't even imagine."
            It doesn’t even occur to him that what relation to Russians inside Russia is also outside.
            And his assertion that the Bulgarian peasant, crushed by the oppression of the Janissaries, lived richer and more prosperous than the Russian liberator, in general stupidity.
            The desire to wash unwashed Europe and once again make us a role model? Since 1990, slurp a full spoon.
            1. 0
              17 October 2015 20: 56
              Quote from Mari33
              It doesn’t even occur to him that what relation to Russians inside Russia is also outside.

        2. +2
          18 October 2015 05: 56
          Therefore - let them be afraid. Do not be shy about your complexes. Missile there and others. Squeezed and accepted as is. soldier
      3. -2
        18 October 2015 10: 08
        "Russia has only two allies: its army and navy. During the rule of the man who spoke this way, no state attacked Russia." Quote.

        And penguins have only one ally - penguins. Enough, as in delirium, to repeat the obvious stupidity of the alcoholic king. Even Britain, the mistress of the world in the 19th century, had allies! Especially in the war with Napoleon. (Recall Waterloo). Above all, however, they placed the interests of the crown. And the lack of allies in countries claiming leading roles in world politics is not even a crime, but a MISTAKE (Talleyrand). This is confirmed by the whole history of the struggle for dominance in the world, both by military and peaceful means.
    2. +7
      17 October 2015 12: 44
      Quote: venaya
      "We fought all the time or prepared for war."
      Something the author confused here.

      Read carefully. The author did not confuse anything. He quoted Svetlana Aleksievich (the newly minted Nobel laureate).
      Quote: venaya
      Let me remind you that the Rurikovichs came from the west, from Russia, only on the other. It was from there that war always came to us.

      And from the south and east (the Khazars, Pechenegs, Polovtsy, Horde, Turks, etc.), apparently, only humanitarian aid came to us.
      We cannot make a small and cultured Czech Republic.

      That is the point! What kind of interest in some small European principality? And if such an interest arises, then what danger can it (this principality) pose for someone who wants to satisfy his interest? And Russia doesn’t want to join this cohort of small principalities and become a satisfaction of someone’s interest. So we are fighting.
      1. +3
        17 October 2015 14: 05
        N. Ya Danilevsky in my work "Russia and Europe" (published in 1871), in my opinion, gave an answer why we are so hated. Russia is a huge country in terms of territory and resources, we have created a different culture (better or worse than the European one, I will not judge), faith, our mentality is different from the European one, we are different and will never become like the Germans, Swedes ... If you believe Gumilyov , to the author of "Ancient Russia and the Great Steppe", we are a nation 500 years younger than the main European ones and we still have a lot ahead of us. For some reason I believe that the time will come and they will start fleeing to us from Europe.
        1. +6
          17 October 2015 15: 28
          Yes, we have a geopolitical position - a "courtyard" in all directions. How not to fight here. This is not England for you, like a rat huddled in a corner on its island and "spoiling" on the continent and not the USA-Canada, which in its time stuck poor Mexico and dictates conditions to the whole world from across two oceans. So we have no other choice. One fact remains only unchanged, not a single nation that found itself in the sphere of influence of Russia was ever destroyed, was not forcibly assimilated or "re-baptized". Therefore, we still live together and fight against enemies together.
    3. +2
      17 October 2015 19: 05
      Something the author messed up here. Unfortunately, not Russia fought, but it fought with Russia, and they continue to do this every minute.

      There is a very popular saying in English - "it takes two to dance tango"
      Our love of peace is not interesting to anyone.
  2. +3
    17 October 2015 06: 03
    A good article, but the questions are just excellent. Relatively recently I asked a question in the commentary - "if we are so good, why are the nearest satellites running away from us" .. received 100500 minuses, not answers .. although now history may repeat itself ..
    1. +3
      17 October 2015 06: 41
      Well, not everyone is running. A few days ago in Astana gathered those who swore friendship.
      1. 0
        17 October 2015 06: 59
        Quote: Barboskin
        Well, not everyone is running

        Well, even if you remove them then it’s completely a matter of seams
        1. +14
          17 October 2015 08: 43
          And I would not rely on any allies. They will sell it anyway. And in vain does the author speak of us as "gypsies". During the Soviet Union, the West feared and respected us. Half of the world was looking for our patronage!
          Today it is customary to talk idioticly about the military budget of America and the Russian Federation. I laugh in the face! If you contain an even larger number of bases, then this budget will not be enough! But is there a lot of sense besides job creation? Under the Union, they pissed under themselves even when Gromyko frowned from a draft, and not that of their awkward word!
          And today the situation is no better!
          If our power does not sell us, then Russia will always remain Russia! And trying to please someone is a sure way to a contemptuous smirk, even from a ragged man!
          I am for state egoism! Enough of the internationals!
          And for every dead Russian (Russian) soldier to burn to the ground the village or city of the enemy!
          Look then, how love for Russia is born!
          1. +5
            17 October 2015 14: 43
            "I am for state egoism! Enough internationals!
            And for every dead Russian (Russian) soldier to burn to the ground the village or city of the enemy!
            Look then how love for Russia is born! "---- I am also for Western egoism, in the future (God forbid) carpet bombing is the most sensible and effective, America's people are very much respected for this and, oddly enough, they love, erased cities the very thing.
          2. 0
            17 October 2015 15: 50
            Quote: Polovec
            If our power does not sell us,

            Duck sells ... That's why all the "allies", that is, parasites, sell.
      2. +6
        17 October 2015 07: 06
        Quote: Barboskin
        A few days ago in Astana gathered those who swore friendship.

        Oh, we know these vows ... "
        "Whoever has never sworn an oath of loyalty will never break it." Paid.
        1. +4
          17 October 2015 07: 17
          In any case, one must adhere to de Gaulle's tactics, be prepared against everyone.
      3. +5
        17 October 2015 12: 21
        Quote: Barboskin
        Well, not everyone is running. A few days ago in Astana gathered those who swore friendship.

        According to the article itself, I’m kind of like that, I don’t need anyone's recognition ... I already communicate with people from Europe and the USA, Africa and Asia, and we successfully find a common language, and I don’t talk to them about politics ... Although some people constantly write to me that they wish happiness and kindness to Russie and Mon President Monsieur Poutin (Mon President Monsieur Putin) ... Well and all that, good luck to our avions de chasse (Avignon du Chass) in the fight against ISIS ... So don’t just bother, be yourself ... Demand recognition is still from the area that we haven’t grown up in something ... You just need to demand respect for ourselves and respect others, but hard ...
      4. +1
        18 October 2015 02: 29
        Quote: Barboskin
        those who swore friendship.

        HERE IS NOW, they swore ... But, unfortunately, not everyone HURDS to follow their oath ... The Tsarqov divorced a lot and they really want to be appreciated by the most white leaders of the Western countries - the USA, France, Germany and all sorts of others ...
    2. 0
      17 October 2015 09: 15
      Quote: afdjhbn67
      "if we are so good, why are the nearest satellites running away from us?
      A "strong unnamed guest" came to your house and began to establish his own rules, and how will you treat him? You will obey! But the hope that the "guest" will leave or you will be able to expel him will remain. Even the union republics "fled" from the USSR when Moscow's power weakened.
    3. +10
      17 October 2015 11: 46
      Quote: afdjhbn67
      A good article, but the questions are just excellent. Relatively recently I asked a question in the commentary - "if we are so good, why are the nearest satellites running away from us" .. received 100500 minuses, not answers .. although now history may repeat itself ..

      Need an answer? Apparently, the author of the article also needs this answer. Well, such an answer can be given.
      The author is not entirely right, considering that Europeans and Americans "do not respect" us and consider us second-class people. This is absolutely not the case. They SAY that we are not respected. Have we not been convinced by long and bitter experience that Europeans and Anglo-Saxons never tell the truth? Even if they say that the snow is white, they are still talking about something!
      It's just that the Russians have a reputation. We are, you see, "savages". But in fact, the damned Russians are too powerful to reckon with these same Europeans! We can play diligently by their rules (as if an athlete diligently sculpts Easter cakes in a children's sandbox) or we can get up, dust ourselves off and go wherever we please, laughing.
      No one else on the planet can do anything like this. Either you play according to Western rules, or you do not define anything, but are the soil for Western dances. Asian "tigers" are allowed because they play hard in the West and are allowed to make huge profits for the West. And we ... And we do not what we can, but what we want. And none of them is capable of preventing us from doing so! How can you not salivate from rabies ?! The only thing that remains is to harass us with "mesedes" on petty matters.
      If we want to be recognized as leaders, then we do not need to look for some kind of "recognition" in Europe. It's just an anecdote that Europe understands this indisputable fact very well, and almost no one understands here. You need to bark - we are the leaders here! Come to the LEG! And Europe will obediently flop to the foot. Even today. Tomorrow. Anytime! Europe is tired of waiting for this, absolutely not understanding what kind of angel we are picking up something incomprehensible, instead of simply pulling it over with an arapnik and ordering it to sit still.
      We are not just respected. We are afraid of tantrums. It’s just that Russians somehow don’t understand the connection between respect and fear, for us these are completely different concepts. But for Anglo-Saxon and generally European, respect and fear are one and the same! In our opinion, this is shameful, but in their natural way. So we make mistake after mistake ...
      1. +4
        17 October 2015 12: 18
        Quote: Mikhail3
        We are not just respected. We are afraid of tantrums. It’s just that Russians somehow don’t understand the connection between respect and fear, for us these are completely different concepts

        Aha! "Beats, it means he loves!" (Ancient wisdom) Well, with the west it is necessary. wassat
      2. +1
        17 October 2015 15: 54
        Quote: Mikhail3
        If we want to be recognized as leaders, then we do not need to look for some kind of "recognition" in Europe. It's just an anecdote that Europe understands this indisputable fact very well, and almost no one understands here. You need to bark - we are the leaders here!

        Who should bark? And what are the reasons for this? The country is cruelly dependent on the sale of resources and the purchase of imported industrial products.
      3. 0
        20 October 2015 00: 12
        Michael, but an interesting thought! Something similar came to me in my thoughts. Plus!
    4. +1
      17 October 2015 21: 57
      Marshals and generals here - "scary, already horror"
      Relatively recently, I asked a question in the commentary - "if we are so good, why are the nearest satellites running away from us" .. received 100500 minuses, not answers .. although now history may repeat itself ..

      The answer will be simple - and it is natural, natural to flee from others (alien or alien). If the escape succeeds, and they choose the right moment, then there will be all sorts of nishtyaki (nice bonuses).
      Once again, satellite flight is a natural process. And they hold the satellites using a variety of lethal and non-lethal, but very unpleasant methods. Other methods are useless. How many satellites do not feed, anyway, he looks into the forest.
  3. +1
    17 October 2015 06: 14
    Our country is large, somewhere and in touch with some villains.
    1. +3
      17 October 2015 06: 17
      Quote: PlotnikoffDD
      touch some rascals.

      I would even say with envious villains.
      1. +31
        17 October 2015 07: 20
        I would even say with envious villains.
        The feeling that the rest of the world feels for Russians is, in my opinion, more diverse than envy, but at the base it certainly contains it. This is a person’s fear of everything unknown. For example, imagine a geography lesson at a school in any country in the world. From lesson to lesson, it is motley on the physical, or something, on the political map of the world - IT, this is a huge spot, our Russia. Containing the cloud of Bangladesh and even several of the United States, with arrogant minerals. Children from geographic dwarfs and geographic giants unconsciously postpone a common question. How? How is it possible? How did they do it? In the process of cognizing the world, they fragmentary and fragmentary still learn the face of a resident of this country, and someone can get to the inner world. And another question will arise. Who! Did this hapless-home-made creature do all this? Bloodlessly, honestly stepped from the Ocean to the Ocean? Where the lights of democracy were forced to commit a bunch of atrocities and indecencies? Unclear! Fearfully! And ... enviously!
        1. +4
          17 October 2015 09: 26
          Wow said) Class) +
  4. +18
    17 October 2015 06: 15
    A clean-shaven, well-fed American came in a jeep, deadly tired, covered in dust, dirt and a worn-out military uniform, the Russians looked completely different.

    It is possible that our soldier did not look like a parade, but he was still the winner. And this victory was imprinted by his sweat, dirt and blood. And the liberated Europe gravitated towards the Americans not as winners, but as carriers of a well-fed life from a country on which not a single bomb fell and which only profited from that war. The fact that now by all crooks they want to erase the memory of the Russian soldier, as the liberators will still turn these "erasers" into a very slanting side.
    1. +5
      17 October 2015 09: 28
      Quote: rotmistr60
      liberated Europe was drawn to the Americans not as victors, but as carriers of a well-fed life
      Are you sure that people in Europe and Japan understand that the United States has occupied them? and continues the occupation by placing its military bases in new territories. But the whole "trick" is that the United States has created the illusion of independence for these countries. They are allowed everything, BUT only as long as it does not contradict the interests of the United States.
    2. The comment was deleted.
  5. +2
    17 October 2015 06: 15
    Now, we are not in a fight
  6. +1
    17 October 2015 06: 25
    No matter how hard it was, you should always be ready to defend yourself! Russia has such a fate, and Russia has always been an empire, as the author said: even in a truncated form.
  7. +1
    17 October 2015 06: 29
    Sadly, but because of our geopolitical position, Russia will always be forced to fight or prepare for war. Precisely because we are the largest and richest in resources country in the world. Anyone who does not understand this or is afraid can crawl into the camp of liberals who want to make Russia a "small cozy European country"!
    1. BMW
      17 October 2015 07: 10
      Quote: Kurdalagon
      can crawl into the camp of liberals who want to make Russia "a small cozy European country"!

      And why is it necessarily small and European, why not big Russian but very cozy and adored to unconsciousness? So the patriot in your opinion is the one who shouts the URA loudest, hits the mugs of neighbors (because, like dirty tricks and envious people), then eats up unconscious, pukes and crap, but is very proud of himself?
      So, this is a liberal. The one who shouts the loudest about patriotism, but walks past someone else's misfortune with a "patriot" head proudly raised. Who, out of envy, will do nasty things to his neighbor, tk. he is better, instead of becoming better himself. Who will take the last piece of bread from the poor in order to throw him a penny with a proud look of a benefactor. Those who are afraid will answer for their actions, hiding behind their weakness or illness or their children. Those who, for the sake of a little sweetness for themselves, are ready to sell and betray everything and everyone. After reading this, answer for yourself according to your conscience, who you are, of course, if this conscience exists.
      1. +3
        17 October 2015 09: 56
        Quote: bmw
        And why necessarily small and European, why not large Russian
        This question torments me too. Natural resources, vast territories, hardworking, smart people and a standard of living as in "Honduras" Or maybe Russia is "milked" by our businessmen who do not want to create normal living conditions in it? And a "toothless" government that is afraid to "offend business." At the same time, both of them buy real estate and keep their money not in Russia. And if during the crisis the government helps business and bankers, and saves on state employees and pensioners, what good can ordinary people expect from such a government? hi
      2. The comment was deleted.
    2. +1
      17 October 2015 09: 48
      And to fight or prepare for war is the destiny of any state ... independent!
      There is an option to kneel in front of the mattresses, and then spitting ... screaming how democratic we are ...
      To my joy, Russia will never be able to NEVER!
      No matter how liberals try
    3. The comment was deleted.
    4. +1
      17 October 2015 10: 05
      Quote: Kurdalagon
      Whoever does not understand this or is afraid can crawl into the camp of liberals who want to turn Russia into a "small cozy European country"!
      I would be glad if Russia was like a "small cozy European country" and at the same time was a strong independent state. And which "camp" should I run to?
  8. +3
    17 October 2015 06: 35
    Turbid water in the oblast ... The author is too simplistic. It’s understandable, it’s long and difficult to study history; And here, I came up with a simplified theory, and you can even sprinkle an article. About nothing.
    1. +5
      17 October 2015 09: 49
      Rather, squeeze out of my studies of the history of Russia 19-20 centuries.
      Look I agree, specific.
      Article in brief: Russia-Empire. Empire contraindicated military weakness.
      External defeats of the empire lead to great internal problems.
  9. +27
    17 October 2015 06: 44
    Envy! Banal envy at all times! There is a lot of land, the land is rich! Moreover, they allow themselves not to use all its resources! Ltd! The "proprietors" would break in here - they would squeeze every drop out of this land! And this incomprehensible generosity and desire for justice! How is it? How can a person who is essentially poor himself share everything that he has, and even give the last, just to help? They are beggars in SPIRIT! And they subconsciously understand this perfectly! Well, who is pleased to admit that you are worse than the Russians? That is why they do not recognize it! To recognize is to sign that all these nourishing countries are many steps lower, despite all their prosperity. So is it worth seeking recognition from them? You need to LIVE, you need to restore order in your country, to strive for the PEOPLE to live better, and if you need to give every mongrel in the teeth ... then as one hero said, "I am a simple and kind man. Whoever came to us with a sword, the knee eggs and face against the wall, so as not to swing stupid pieces of iron. "
    1. +16
      17 October 2015 07: 09
      I noticed that even at the household level, the more modest a person lives, the kinder and more responsive he is. He can help out in debt until payday, and help in something. Try to borrow from those who are wealthier. Or there is no money, you understand everything in circulation, goods, etc., or at interest. Well, how should money "work". Redneck is. It's bad that this rot began to seep to us. Consumer Society.
  10. +8
    17 October 2015 06: 45
    Russia in the Crimean War lost only the South side of Sevastopol where the Malakhov Kurgan was. The army retreated to the North side in order and could still fight. Do not forget other theaters of war. Attack by the coalition of Kronstadt, Arkhangelsk, Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky, successful military operations in Russia Turkey, the aggressive policy of Austria, which forced Russia to keep a large army in the western direction. The defeat of Russia is more on the diplomatic front than on the military, with all the military-technical lag behind the West.
    1. BMW
      17 October 2015 08: 10
      Quote: andrewkor
      The defeat of Russia is more on the diplomatic front than on the military

      The army and navy, there is a pillar and both hands of politics, there is no normal army and navy, there is no politics, in the sense there is none.
  11. +4
    17 October 2015 06: 53
    Russia never showed aggressiveness and always looked for contacts for joint interaction, even in tsarist times. Moreover, Russia tried to ensure reliable security in Europe, without prejudice to its interests, of course .. And Russia does not start a war. Here, I clearly disagree with the Author. And participation in military conflicts is for the security of the country. To summarize: In the article there are many conclusions with which I do not agree, it is believed that the article is superficial, without serious analysis. I just didn’t evaluate it.
  12. +11
    17 October 2015 06: 55
    For “1-e message of Western civilization to Muscovites” says: “Get out of our planet!” In this section, the ideas of Tsiolkovsky become very relevant.
    That is the point. This is the pink dream of the West - for the Russians to simply disappear from the face of the Earth, and to them the lands and resources. We have no friends or partners on that side. Now, in connection with the sanctions, it would be nice to again lower the iron curtain and restore, restore industry and agriculture. And no Western investors.
    1. BMW
      17 October 2015 07: 42
      Quote: EvgNik
      And no Western investors.

      How so? The brightest navel blew up, looking for foreign investments, but that it was a taboo to invest his hard-earned money with us, invested in his own country.
      Well, my friend, you are not a liberal by chance, since your opinion is contrary to the opinion of the Most Holy? laughing
      1. BMW
        17 October 2015 08: 12
        Quote: bmw
        Well, my friend, you are not a liberal by chance, since your opinion is contrary to the opinion of the Most Holy?

        - Bambarbia, kerguda.
        - A joke.
  13. +2
    17 October 2015 06: 56
    I apologize for the evil sarcasm, but the preservation and the more so the expansion of the empire means "small victorious wars."

    I discovered a world map in Google. I’m sitting in the morning, looking at her and thinking: Well, which country would we conquer so quickly victoriously? I haven’t chosen yet.
    1. -2
      17 October 2015 07: 02
      Quote: Kos_kalinki9
      I discovered a world map in Google.

      What about Syria? laughing just don’t bother to write that we are there .. etc., etc. .. laughing
      1. +1
        17 October 2015 07: 12
        Why so. I will work. That's just interesting to know. Syria will then enter the Russian Federation as a region or a republic? hi
        1. +1
          17 October 2015 08: 33
          Quote: Kos_kalinki9
          . Syria will then enter the Russian Federation as a region or a republic?

          laughing laughing laughing
        2. 0
          17 October 2015 08: 48
          Quote: Kos_kalinki9
          . Syria will then enter the Russian Federation as a region or a republic?

          As for Syria, we need to find out from Putin, and Damascus will be a city of federal significance .... laughing
          1. BMW
            17 October 2015 11: 13
            Quote: afdjhbn67
            and Damascus will be a city of federal significance.

            I thought that only Kremlin dreamers are. tongue
            Here on the site they say that there is no replacement for GDP and is not expected. But no, here are two candidates for president and prime minister. Yes, I ..., yes, we ..., yes, for you, we will tear any mattresses around the world like a hot-water bottle. wassat
            1. -2
              17 October 2015 11: 18
              Quote: bmw
              I thought that only Kremlin dreamers are.

              We were born to make a fairy tale come true .. laughing
              But Putin’s task is now to get down from Syria without image losses .. because the war is there for a long time ..
              1. BMW
                17 October 2015 15: 37
                Quote: afdjhbn67
                ..because the war is there for a long time.

                That for a long time, that's for sure. I look at you radishes.
                Here recently, ATALEF said reasonable things about this war, so they got it.
                Honestly, I am shocked that people are so happy about the war. Moreover, the war is not ours, but for the interests of the aligarchs, and it will come to us like sideways. And if you want to show off so much, you would be pressed into the street and strangers, but they will link in.
                Quote: afdjhbn67
                But Putin’s task is now to get out of Syria without image losses.

                Nope, it won’t work out. The bonus will be only upon victory, and it is possible only with a ground sweep from the Mediterranean to the Indian, which is impossible in principle. And so, if only a freebie (favorable circumstances) rolls up.
                1. -1
                  17 October 2015 16: 17
                  Quote: bmw
                  Honestly, I am shocked that people are so happy about the war. Moreover, the war is not ours, but for the interests of the aligarchs, and it will come to us like sideways

                  Americans made themselves feel like Americans - they showed the war live - beautifully, spectacularly, without dirt and blood, so they are happy as children ,, hi
                  As for the minuses, if you were interested in something, I would be a marshal in the second round, and since I like to boil the blood of the patriots periodically, I’m used to the minuses
                  they won’t make me calm down that evil is punished laughing
                  1. BMW
                    18 October 2015 02: 19
                    Quote: afdjhbn67
                    and since I like to periodically boil the blood of the patriots

                    Fun of course, but empty.
                    I think that soon it will begin to do without us and in reality.
                    If these "patriots" had watched the criminal chronicle, then the head would start working, everything goes to bloodletting, the law enforcement apparatus began to slip and very much.
                    I noticed here that some are bending one topic intensely, and when there is nothing rude to cover and the topic is translated, it is simply noticeable, especially on sensitive issues.
    2. +2
      17 October 2015 07: 05
      Today is Saturday. There is simply no time to save the world. Since Monday I have been thinking somewhere in Africa ... After all, there is the American "Democracy and Peace" from which people suffer.
    3. 0
      17 October 2015 11: 02
      Quote: Kos_kalinki9
      I’m sitting in the morning, looking at her and thinking: well, which country would we conquer so quickly victoriously?
      I would have your problems laughing Minhausen you are ours.
      1. 0
        17 October 2015 14: 46
        Quote from article 11
        Quote: fif21
        I apologize for the evil sarcasm, but the preservation and the more expansion of the empire means "small victorious wars"

        Quote: fif21
        Quote: Kos_kalinki9
        I’m sitting in the morning, looking at her and thinking: well, which country would we conquer so quickly victoriously?
        I would have your problems laughing Minhausen you are ours.

        So what kind of baron am I am Munchausen if I just laughed at the content of the article. You read it by the way, or so, Comments?
        1. 0
          17 October 2015 16: 27
          Quote: Kos_kalinki9
          if you just laughed at the content of the article
          Well, I made fun of your "malicious sarcasm" I read the article carefully, a serious question - an attempt to understand "myself", so to speak, Tyutchev's refutation "Russia cannot be understood with the mind."
        2. The comment was deleted.
  14. +1
    17 October 2015 07: 25
    [quote = rotmistr60] [quote] A clean-shaven, well-fed American came in a jeep, deadly tired, covered with dust, dirt and a worn-out military uniform, the Russians looked completely different. [/ quote]

    How much Russia has lost its sons and how many clean-shaven Americans (who have gone through Europe with almost no fight, Italy and France practically without strong battles - exactly) the USA?
  15. +3
    17 October 2015 07: 43
    Good article? negative The author in the "medok" out of the sly a lot of spoons of g .... planted, this was his intention, to make you swallow him. stop angry
  16. +4
    17 October 2015 07: 52
    The owner’s hand, that’s the main question! Completely different principles of building civilization! To seize
    enslave and exploit, on the one hand, and build, teach and enable development, with
    other! The author confuses the principles somewhat. We are not sparse, home-made wild slaves! Because, from the old
    times, all the "owners" who come to us get unambiguously on the forehead, or on the forehead! The enlightened west,
    in such cases, seeks to kiss the hand of the owner, and become a "beloved wife", or a dog!
    They cannot forgive us for this! This our special freedom, morality, the possibility of choice!
    They cannot forgive our lifestyle, our thoughts, our aspirations!
    We live differently, and that’s it!
    1. 0
      17 October 2015 16: 40
      Quote: AlNikolaich
      to enslave and exploit, on the one hand, and build, teach and give the opportunity to develop, on the other! The author confuses the principles somewhat
      West and USSR-Yes! West and Russia-? We tried to return to the "wolf pack" and it has its own rules! hi Now we are trying to create "our own flock", and if the interests of the "flock" enter into insurmountable contradictions.
    2. The comment was deleted.
  17. +4
    17 October 2015 08: 16
    Why do we need to prove anything at all? We must do our job and the point.
    1. 0
      17 October 2015 16: 30
      "Without a theory, we have death, death, death! .." - JV Stalin.
  18. +4
    17 October 2015 08: 29
    I don’t know, maybe I didn’t catch sarcasm in the article ?! the main question in the article is what would we do to respect us in the West, and in Eastern Europe we are more loved than Western Europe, and the question is, why is all this ?! lack of self-sufficiency and self-esteem? this is the same as doing everything for a person who just uses you, while everything is fine, he sits on your neck with his legs dangling, as soon as problems arise, he throws you and pours mud on him. For me it’s time to stop such a meaningless practice.
    1. +4
      17 October 2015 08: 38
      Quote: Alekst
      the question is why all this ?! lack of self-sufficiency and self-esteem?

      It seems like that! We all listen and take a closer look at who looked at us and said what. And there’s no time to do all this and their daily affairs. hi
    2. +1
      17 October 2015 09: 53
      The main question in the article is - what would we do in such a way that in the West we would be respected, and in Eastern Europe we were more loved

      No, not the main one. Generally a little about that.
  19. +1
    17 October 2015 08: 46
    The opinion of the Russophobic creature Alekseevich proceeds from a desire to harm Russia - why is it given as "authoritative" at the beginning of the article?
    It seems to me that it gives the article a completely different meaning than the author wanted to say. I hope I understood him correctly. Neither plus nor minus.
  20. +1
    17 October 2015 09: 01
    Semolina. Where are the findings. what does the author see a way out of the above? Give cheap loans for economic development, change the constitution, you need to live for the country, not for world law, and raise the welfare of the people. Then the West respects.
    1. +3
      17 October 2015 09: 55
      Give cheap loans for economic development, change the constitution, you need to live for the country, not for world law and raise the welfare of the people. Then the West respects

      Does not respect.
  21. +3
    17 October 2015 09: 09
    You can’t bring Kulnev, the hero of the war, and the magazine into one pile. There are too different figures in the history of Russia.
    1. 0
      17 October 2015 09: 56
      It is always useful to have two different points of view, do you not find?
    2. +2
      17 October 2015 13: 32
      Yes, and the general was simply bragging when he uttered his famous phrase. What about a hussar without it? The author puts on a par the necessary courage of the brave hussar and the stomping of a grandmother - well, this is a strange assessment of events in the history of our country! (to put it mildly)
  22. +2
    17 October 2015 09: 15
    Answer: because Russia is a rich country, and there is always some figure, such as Albright (Siberia should belong to all mankind), who considers it unjust and tries to "fix it."

    Answer: because Russia is strong in faith, which enlightened Western countries actively hate.

    Answer: because Russia stands on the shoulders of giants (Kurchatov, Korolev, Gagarin, Landau, Vavilov, Stakhanov, Stalin and so on), which gives rise to envy and the desire to destroy the object of envy.

    Answer: because Russia always rises, no matter how much you beat it, and do not drop it.

    Answer: because Russia is always faithful to friends, and let the enemies beware.

    Answer: because Russia is strong in unity.
  23. +6
    17 October 2015 09: 27
    Svetlana Alexievich, the Nobel laureate: "We have fought all the time or were preparing for war."

    "..When Hitler found out that the USSR had attacked him, having previously blown up all its cities and shot its population, Zhukov was already running to him. Hitler decided not to risk it and burned himself ...
    - ... And also, I remember ... Here the Swedes plow peacefully for themselves ... near Poltava ... And then m.osk.a.s.L. Peter 1 ka-aa-ak will attack Nenka ! Well, at the same time, the peaceful Swedes near Poltava got ..
    And there also Alexander Nevsky attacked the German knights peacefully fishing on Lake Peipsi ...
    And Mamai collected herbarium on the Kulikovo Field, caught butterflies, and here Dmitry Donskoy with a squad, and in the face, in the face for poaching
    Tourist Napoleon from Paris himself pounced on the Kremlin to see ... and Kutuzov first burned Moscow, and then Napoleon was sent back to the house on foot in the frost through snowdrifts ..
    That's how they are ... Russian sadists! ... "
  24. +3
    17 October 2015 09: 30
    Why doesn’t the whole world like us? Not even Europe, America overseas. We freed some of them, because of this envy with anger. .
  25. +2
    17 October 2015 09: 34
    "Everything is messed up in the house ..." Well, if not in the house, then the author of the article has it for sure! How much can you confuse "God's gift" with scrambled eggs? And let's finally begin to separate "flies from cutlets", otherwise, with the current education, by the way, imposed on us by the West, many can believe in the truth of the author's reasoning! Of course, in many respects he is right, but emotions and rearrangement of facts from one place to another lead to an incorrect interpretation of the entire World History! And the bottom line is that today only Russia, with its Spiritual and Moral Values, opposes the plans of "World domination" nurtured by the great "democratizers"! And only because of this, the West will always and everywhere fight, fight and only fight with Russia, as with the main obstacle in its path. The words of one of our Great ancestors do not come to your mind that "... Russia is the third Rome, and there will be no Fourth ..."! I think no one needs to explain the meaning of what was said? That is the whole point of the question, otherwise they love or dislike, etc. etc.! The destruction of all moral and ethical norms is one of the main ways to enslavement!
  26. +1
    17 October 2015 09: 50
    Quote: BLOND
    And to fight or prepare for war is the destiny of any state ... independent!
    There is an option to kneel in front of the mattresses, and then spitting ... screaming how democratic we are ...
    To my joy, Russia will never be able to NEVER!
    No matter how liberals try

    (and the article is NOT GOOD, the censor did not miss another word)
  27. +4
    17 October 2015 09: 57
    The author, using historical data, confused everything, I think it is not accidental. Rejecting everything that the author "brought out" here I will say briefly. Russia fought a lot and always began to fight on its territory when the enemy came to its land. In my opinion, this is the main historical and strategic mistake of Russia over the centuries. The enemy must be identified and "wet" on the way, and better and even earlier. And the defeated enemy does not need to be forgiven generously, it is necessary to act with him so that he does not rise again. Otherwise, everything will go in a circle. Relations with Europe are an example of this, I do not single out Germany, France, Sweden, etc. intentionally. With the right approach, all of Europe would have been pro-Russian already a couple of hundred years ago.
  28. 0
    17 October 2015 10: 26
    The author of the article either did not listen to liberals of all stripes, or he himself is. I do not want to even discuss with the liberal-jackal ideology.
  29. +1
    17 October 2015 11: 14
    So you see this author - a liberal stingray sits and sadly fingers his fingers on the clave, simultaneously picking out a verbal muddy stream of consciousness from his nose. That's why VO prints such anti-Russian articles? And the author in the furnace - it’s a pity that it’s not 1939 now — the liberals' brains on the logging are starting to grow by leaps and bounds.
  30. +4
    17 October 2015 11: 30
    They do not like Russians because they, with their sense of heightened justice, do not allow any scum to bullshit. Specifically, for this (you can't say it better than in the epic): "... And the Russian vigilantes went to Semender on the Khvalynskoye sea, to Trebizond by the Russian sea and to Constantinople of the Greek Empire. And everywhere they carried the will to the slaves, and everywhere they carried death to their rapists ... "
  31. 0
    17 October 2015 12: 49
    In general, I agree with the article. But I do not agree with this:
    That is, the tragedy of Russia 17 of the year we owe not so much to Ulyanov-Lenin, but to the military leadership of the empire, who did not supply an army with shells either in Manchuria or in Galicia, and who lost millions of soldiers. Do not make Lenin a superhero, he was not, I beg. With the not so critical level of nepotism, insanity and corruption in the empire, October and February of 17 would have remained just months in the calendar. Perhaps marked by the success of Russian weapons.

    And I also think that they do not forgive us that Russia and the Russians (generally speaking all the peoples of the empire (whether tsarist, Soviet) never gave up, which is very insulting to the proud Europeans who so gloriously slaughtered unarmed natives around the world.
  32. +5
    17 October 2015 12: 50
    Because having defeated the enemy, it is not necessary to give him liberties to the constitution, but to take off the last pants of the school and to build hospitals, but to organize systematic robbery and ruin, extermination of the elite and slavery of the people, as all normal countries have been doing for the last five thousand years. ... "Vae victis" - "woe to the vanquished", if there is no "grief", who will believe that he was defeated? After the defeat of Napoleon, we had every right to burn Paris for the burned-out Moscow, or at least take the Louvre away under a clean one, as compensation. Take away all French colonies and demand an indemnity from each French citizen personally, so that he would remember the hard way - a war with Russia is an extremely dangerous and most importantly extremely unprofitable action. Instead, they staged a circus with all debts paid off! from Vorontsov's personal funds, and even proud of it. How, in principle, a victorious army can have DEBTS! in a losing country, if, according to the rules of war, everything belongs to the winners, including the lives of the lost citizens? Looking at what and how we arrange for the defeated, they have long ceased to fear us. For the last two hundred years, being an adversary to Russia is pleasant and profitable, even if you lose nothing changes, you will rather become richer, but if you do win, then something simply mind-blowing begins. So they climb and participate with pleasure.
    1. +1
      17 October 2015 13: 07

      So, by the way, they remarkably explain to various adherents of a certain "exceptional spirituality" and "a special way of Russia" how all this verbiage looks in the eyes of ordinary, normal people.
    2. 0
      17 October 2015 16: 59
      Quote: chunga-changa
      After the defeat of Napoleon, we had every right to burn Paris for the burned Moscow, or at least take the Louvre to a clean one, as compensation.
      So could only do evil, cowardly people. The trouble of Russia is that the West perceives our kindness as weakness, and from time to time we have to prove that we are strong and kind. It is possible that we will become different, but then we will need to change our faith and moral principles request
      1. +2
        17 October 2015 17: 37
        Quote: fif21
        It is possible that we will become different, but then we will need to change our faith and moral principles

        And now we have them, these moral principles? In relation to all kinds of peoples - it seems to be there, but in relation to his own?
      2. +1
        17 October 2015 19: 40
        Quote: fif21
        the West perceives our kindness as weakness, and from time to time we have to prove that we are strong and kind

        If we have to prove the same thing from time to time with the same thing, then can we prove something wrong or wrong to them? It may be worth proving once, but so that questions would never again arise? And the fact that the defeated, the humiliated and the robbed will call me evil and cowardly, it’s all for me a damn, the patience is constantly muttering something like that.
        1. +1
          17 October 2015 21: 12
          Quote: chunga-changa
          If one and the same, from time to time it is necessary to prove the same thing

          France in World War I was an ally of Russia, in World War II it was captured by the Germans. And the fact that the Germans after the 1st World War were "terpily" led the whole world to the second. The British and the French also imposed an indemnity on the Germans, and the colonies were taken away. After 2, the Japanese did not attack the USSR either, but moved their troops to China and attacked the United States. There is an example of the seizure of the territory of the Indians in America by the Spaniards, the British, the French and the formation of the USA, Canada ... But Hitler was recognized as a war criminal for a similar plan against the Slavs.
          Quote: chunga-changa
          And the fact that the defeated, the humiliated and the robbed will call me evil and cowardly, it’s all for me a damn, the patience is constantly muttering something like that.

          Well, in court, the defendants are also constantly muttering something, like I won’t be anymore, he first started ...
        2. 0
          18 October 2015 20: 27
          on the one hand, I agree - that one day we had to get to Brest (French) and thoroughly clean all of this and stay there so that they would not mind again. Right now, Russia would have been from the ocean to the ocean and the natives of Europe would have died out long ago. But you can’t fall to their level and turn into ...
    3. The comment was deleted.
    4. +1
      17 October 2015 17: 38
      Quote: chunga-changa
      Because having defeated the enemy, it is not necessary to give him liberties to the constitution, but to take off the last pants of the school and to build hospitals, but to organize systematic robbery and ruin, extermination of the elite and slavery of the people, as all normal countries have been doing for the last five thousand years. ... "Vae victis" - "woe to the vanquished", if there is no "grief", who will believe that he was defeated?

  33. +3
    17 October 2015 13: 15
    Very objective and interesting stats! Respect to the author! hi Such materials rarely appear, containing a deep and meaningful analysis of the facts!
  34. +4
    17 October 2015 14: 02
    Black and evil envy of the peoples and territory occupied by Russia by small peoples who do not know how to defend their interests, bending under anyone who gives a crust of bread or a kick in the ass. As long as Russia has mastered vast territories, gathered the Empire, worthless fooling around, bending under An empire is always a powerful, well-armed, large and independent state that has the ability to repulse and destroy any enemy from the face of the earth. This is where all dwarf dwarf dwarfs are angry. And for other empires like the USA, China- we are natural competitors on this planet and will always be in the interest. And this will continue until there is only one left. Therefore, we must arm ourselves from head to toe, strengthen the economy, put people in the country who put the interests of the country above all else. And most importantly, they’re not afraid to use force where it is to our advantage and corresponds to our interests. They are afraid, it means respect. It was, is and will be.
  35. +2
    17 October 2015 14: 42
    In one author I support unconditionally
    The empire cannot be shy.

    Tired of the fact that Russia often stands in a pose of making excuses, listening to far-fetched and simply false accusations.
    It is very good that the sense of self-esteem is being revived and Russia's position has begun to change.

    Still, the Foreign Ministry’s vocabulary could be brought closer to normal Russian, so that bandits marching around Ukraine with a swastika would not be shy to call neo-Nazis, denying this fact Europeans — scoundrels, bombing other countries at will, aggressors, no matter what striped flags they covered.
  36. 0
    17 October 2015 15: 13
    Quote: captain
    N. Ya Danilevsky in my work "Russia and Europe" (published in 1871), in my opinion, gave an answer why we are so hated. Russia is a huge country in terms of territory and resources, we have created a different culture (better or worse than the European one, I will not judge), faith, our mentality is different from the European one, we are different and will never become like the Germans, Swedes ... If you believe Gumilyov , to the author of "Ancient Russia and the Great Steppe", we are a nation 500 years younger than the main European ones and we still have a lot ahead of us. For some reason I believe that the time will come and they will start fleeing to us from Europe.

    rather, the main European on 500 or more, younger.
  37. +1
    17 October 2015 15: 42
    Before the sanctions, Russia lived extraordinarily richly (if we keep in mind the whole time of its existence). We have never lived so well!

    Did I miss something? Or does "we" not apply to ordinary people?

    We did everything right on the way to this very "cultural-economic" victory on points.

    Continue to do everything "right" further: write off debts, make discounts on gas, keep silent about various attacks and demarches, not forgetting to compensate for all losses at the expense of your people.

    Or if the Germans and I lived on different planets. But we all live nearby and are forced to interact. And they do not respect us.

    Right. But the Germans are respected by everyone. Because they have "Mercedes", and because during the conquests they showed everywhere and everywhere who was the "boss". In 1945, they would have cut out the floor of Germany and Hungary, you see, now they would be respected, or at least they really were afraid and puffed into two holes, and not "twitched" against.

    You, gentlemen, we are in a rather strange situation: Russia is the largest and richest country in the world, Russia has the second most powerful armed forces on the planet. Russia is a country of ballet, rockets, sudden Greek amphoras and thermonuclear weapons of its own design.

    Indeed, a strange situation, the country is rich, and the people are poor.

    But the West treats us a little worse than the Romanian gypsies. Nobody calls into question their human rights, at least in Romania. Russians in the old Russian Narva are second-class people.

    Yes, because the Russian authorities all in a row care about human rights, even in their own country, these people have more human rights than Russians. so what do you want from other countries?
    And because the Russian authorities themselves act on the principle:
    They kick you, and you have to smile. And to thank "for science."

    after Hitler invaded Yugoslavia and Bulgaria

    Hitler invaded Bulgaria ???

    The failure of the empire to "project" its power inevitably calls into question the viability of such an empire.

    But what, nafig, "projection" of power, when the guarantor is worn with someone else to sell gas, and even at a discount? To all sorts of Ukrainians, Chinese, Turks. Isn't he disgusted by himself?
    1. BMW
      17 October 2015 16: 02
      Quote: anip
      Doesn’t he disgust himself?

      He does not work out.
      1. 0
        17 October 2015 16: 37
        Did I miss something? Or does "we" not apply to ordinary people?
        Continue to do everything "right" further: write off debts, make discounts on gas, keep silent about various attacks and demarches, not forgetting to compensate for all losses at the expense of your people.
        Indeed, a strange situation, the richest country, and the poor people

        Colleague - I strongly recommend a trip to rich Germany or rich Japan
        and see how ordinary people live in the province ..
        In general, I recommend that you study the issue of "Western prosperity" in more detail - everything is not "so simple"
        In general, Russian-speaking Komrad in Germany - like mud - talk ... you will be surprised ..

        Hitler invaded Bulgaria ???

        He entered the troops there, not agreeing with Stalin
        1. +4
          17 October 2015 17: 35
          Colleague - I strongly recommend a trip to rich Germany or rich Japan
          and see how ordinary people live in the province ..

          Sorry, I can’t, sir ... There are no such money. All his life he worked, worked and did not even earn a trip to Germany or the States. It’s true that I’ve only heard in the past 25 years that we need to work better, and judging by the salaries, everything is better and better, only the bosses and all the top managers do. But there are some acquaintances who have been living for 20-25 years in Germany and the United States, and something none of them live worse than in Russia and are not even going to think about it.

          Quote: Olezhek
          He entered the troops there, not agreeing with Stalin

          He agreed with the king Boris.
          1. 0
            17 October 2015 18: 29
            He agreed with the king Boris.

            They sort of divided Eastern Europe with Stalin ...
            Not Tsar Boris.
  38. +3
    17 October 2015 20: 23
    Quote: Mikhail3

    Need an answer? Apparently, the author of the article also needs this answer. Well, such an answer can be given.
    The author is not entirely right, considering that Europeans and Americans "do not respect" us and consider us second-class people. This is absolutely not the case. They SAY that we are not respected. Have we not been convinced by long and bitter experience that Europeans and Anglo-Saxons never tell the truth? Even if they say that the snow is white, they are still talking about something!
    It's just that the Russians have a reputation. We are, you see, "savages". But in fact, the damned Russians are too powerful to reckon with these same Europeans! We can play diligently by their rules (as if an athlete diligently sculpts Easter cakes in a children's sandbox) or we can get up, dust ourselves off and go wherever we please, laughing.
    No one else on the planet can do anything like this. Either you play according to Western rules, or you do not define anything, but are the soil for Western dances. Asian "tigers" are allowed because they play hard in the West and are allowed to make huge profits for the West. And we ... And we do not what we can, but what we want. And none of them is capable of preventing us from doing so! How can you not salivate from rabies ?! The only thing that remains is to harass us with "mesedes" on petty matters.

    Great answer to the article
    I would like to share my thoughts on the article thesis:
    1 Each nation has its own mission. If the Indians of North America fulfilled their mission and did not compromise with the Anglo-Saxons, the fate of their people and the entire planet would have developed differently. And if WE are Russians, we will not fulfill our mission to protect the territory in which we live, then Russia will be plundered, and we will die out on reserves.
    The Anglo-Saxons have one approach to all.
    2 Bible - Deuteronomy. Moses entreated GOD and God gave the 10 commandments with the EXPRESS CONDITION:
    Fulfills Your people screw up - live and multiply, Doesn't fulfill - I will destroy it. "
    And the meaning of the whole Old Testament - the Jews forgot to ask God - wars and pestilence begin. They remember and start asking for a petition .. live on, etc.
    Why Muslims inhabit the whole WEST - Yes, they live according to God's commandments, and therefore they multiply.
    And in the west, a woman without cesarean section cannot give birth, because she wants equal rights with a man, and she must be HUSBAND. And those nations that do not fulfill the commandments are degenerating.
    The West already lives both Garden and Gomor.
    And you want to take an example from them? Or expect respect and recognition from them?
    Look in the annals of how Western guests describe Russia. Europe - it was a garbage dump and a poor man. Plague and Epidemics.
    And Russia had a CULT-URA (cult of the Sun) back in pagan times.
    3 Always a person in the earthly incarnation faces a choice, which is more important - material or spiritual.
    And the phrase "to sell your soul to the devil" means to exchange your spirituality for material gain.
    And even with the realization of one fatal mistake, nothing can be corrected - only through suffering.
    And then again a check for rottenness.
    As they say, "It's not scary to die - it's scary to ruin your soul."
    Something like that.
  39. +1
    17 October 2015 20: 37
    And we are fighting so much because there are so many MISSIONS burrowing at the wealth of our planet,
    And Our mission is to protect these Wealths for the sake of life on the Planet EARTH.
    And if we lose, we will perish with the Planet.
    And for those who like to live at someone else's expense - we are like a bone in the throat, because we often act as advocates
    weak and oppressed. In our vocabulary there are the words TRUTH and JUSTICE.
  40. +1
    18 October 2015 13: 40
    [quote] If you believe Gumilev, the author of "Ancient Russia and the Great Steppe", we are a nation 500 years younger than the main European ones and we still have a lot ahead of us. [x / quote]
    Gumilev, I think, is wrong here. If Europeans are older than us and with the best technology, then why didn’t they reach the Pacific Ocean over these 500 years? And they already went with us to conquer other territories. This suggests that Russia was both ancient and more technologically advanced. Remember the Tsar Bell and the Tsar Cannon. In Europe, they could not do this. Well, etc. You can write for a long time. By the way, because of their powerlessness before us, they hate us so much.
  41. +1
    18 October 2015 16: 35
    the whole problem is that when Russia helped its neighbors and freed them from oppression, it withdrew and left the "elites" to rule the territory on their own. Russia did not engage in terror and the destruction of all dissenting people and did not engage in intimidation so that after no one would have a desire to climb in the direction of Russia. They would have cut out all the Crimean Turks in due time, right now there would be no problems. Just like the Chechens would not have had to be pacified for the umpteenth time for ten years if they were still slaughtered under Ermolov. Came under Napoleon to Paris, it was necessary for all the capitals of his administration to deliver and turn Europeans in Colonial Nigeria, which would work on the Kremlin ... Here then they are feared and respected. The Bulgarians are, in fact, a Turkic people with a Slavic language, and saving them we simply stupidly exterminated our people, without receiving any gesheft in return.
  42. 0
    18 October 2015 22: 41
    "For the sake of interest, I propose to troll a European in personal communication. Ask him: what, in fact, should Russia do for Europe to recognize a leader in it?"

    And these pi ***** s must probably be put about pa ** shi? do they only understand the power of the dominant male?
  43. 0
    24 July 2017 17: 00
    With a not so critical level of nepotism, insanity and corruption in the empire, October and February of the 17 would simply remain months on the calendar. Maybe marked by the successes of Russian weapons.

    The success of a weapon without success in the rear is impossible. However, if the country resolved the peasant question in the 18th century, if the country switched to a more developed capitalism, and not the peripheral one that had developed by the beginning of the 20th century, there might not have been a WWII. Would not dare to fight with us. Or maybe vice versa, where the thread would clash in 1880. After all, Germany was on the rise, but it was not allowed into the first positions in the world. She tried to push forward, pushing the Britons with the French, but failed. After the second time, it didn’t happen that in the coming years 100 didn’t shine for her at all. The same could be with us with an unknown result. The moral coincides with the author’s, if you rose, then sooner or later it will come to a fight, and either you will go forward, like the USSR, which won the WWII, or, like Germany, will be discarded.

"Right Sector" (banned in Russia), "Ukrainian Insurgent Army" (UPA) (banned in Russia), ISIS (banned in Russia), "Jabhat Fatah al-Sham" formerly "Jabhat al-Nusra" (banned in Russia) , Taliban (banned in Russia), Al-Qaeda (banned in Russia), Anti-Corruption Foundation (banned in Russia), Navalny Headquarters (banned in Russia), Facebook (banned in Russia), Instagram (banned in Russia), Meta (banned in Russia), Misanthropic Division (banned in Russia), Azov (banned in Russia), Muslim Brotherhood (banned in Russia), Aum Shinrikyo (banned in Russia), AUE (banned in Russia), UNA-UNSO (banned in Russia), Mejlis of the Crimean Tatar People (banned in Russia), Legion “Freedom of Russia” (armed formation, recognized as terrorist in the Russian Federation and banned)

“Non-profit organizations, unregistered public associations or individuals performing the functions of a foreign agent,” as well as media outlets performing the functions of a foreign agent: “Medusa”; "Voice of America"; "Realities"; "Present time"; "Radio Freedom"; Ponomarev Lev; Ponomarev Ilya; Savitskaya; Markelov; Kamalyagin; Apakhonchich; Makarevich; Dud; Gordon; Zhdanov; Medvedev; Fedorov; Mikhail Kasyanov; "Owl"; "Alliance of Doctors"; "RKK" "Levada Center"; "Memorial"; "Voice"; "Person and law"; "Rain"; "Mediazone"; "Deutsche Welle"; QMS "Caucasian Knot"; "Insider"; "New Newspaper"