From the spontaneous rebellion to the planned change of power

From the spontaneous rebellion to the planned change of power

In the 21st century, the role of the army in the period of preparation for war by the aggressor state against the victim state becomes secondary, giving way to forces destroying the victim of aggression from within. These forces are a part of the society itself, its political and economic elite, whose actions according to a predetermined plan cover all aspects of the life of society and the state - from the military and economic to the state, political, social, humanitarian.


An American political scientist, a professor at the John F. Kennedy Harvard Institute of Public Administration, Joseph Nye Jr., who develops a number of areas within neoliberalism, including the theory of complex interdependence, proposed to the US administration the concept of soft power. It includes a rich set of tools and technologies of confrontation between states without the direct participation of the armed forces.

Nye first used the term “soft power” in 1990, in his book “The Changing Nature of American Power” (Changing Nature of American Power). Subsequently, he developed this concept in the work “Flexible Power. How to succeed in world politics ”(Soft Power. The Means to Success in World Politics), which was translated into Russian.

In the interpretation of Naya, soft power is the ability to obtain the desired result in relations with other states due to the attractiveness of their own culture, values ​​and foreign policy, and not coercion or financial resources.

Another version of this term in Russian translation is defined as the ability to influence another state to achieve its own goal through cooperation in certain areas, aimed at persuasion and the formation of a positive perception.

Recently, in addition to the term “soft power”, the term “smart power” (smart power) is actively used, which is defined as the ability to combine hard (force or economic coercion) and soft power to form a winning strategy.


The tools of soft power in the West include: controlled chaos, in which the main technology is the color revolution; information wars; controlled confrontation; cultural hegemony; financial and economic sanctions, etc., as well as tools and technologies developed in 1973 by an American public figure, Harvard University professor Jean Sharp. He is the founder of the Albert Einstein Institute, funded by the National Endowment for Democracy, the Ford Foundation, the International Republican Institute (Director - Senator John McCain) and has close links with the US Strategic Research Center "Research and Development" (RAND). Gene Sharp is known worldwide for his books on non-violent methods of dealing with an authoritarian regime. In one of them “From dictatorship to democracy. The conceptual basis of the liberation ”, which was translated into Russian, he described in detail the technology of the bloodless change of power. In an appendix to the book, Sharpe lists the 198 methods of non-violent action, which, in essence, are methods of implementing a color revolution, starting with street protests, refusing to pay taxes, to boycott the elections and the general strike. Sharpe believes that, firstly, the strength of the state is based on the cooperation of the authorities with the population and its obedience; secondly, if people stop interacting with the regime, then the latter loses the pillars on which it rests.

In general, the practical scheme of applying the technology of color revolution can be represented as follows:

- The opposition, with the support of the American media and NGOs, is starting a massive information impact on the country's population in order to weaken the existing regime;

- the decisive phase of the operation is planned for the beginning of the electoral cycle, when the political system is in a vulnerable position (presidential or parliamentary elections); the whole mechanism is put into effect after the announcement of the election results, which do not meet the demands of the opposition leader;

- Population groups (on average, from 50 to 100, thousand people, depending on the situation), called by the people in the Western media, take to the streets and start an indefinite rally, demanding the usurper to resign; organized masses block the main transport and communication arteries; the main condition is not to enter into armed struggle with law enforcement agencies, since violent conflict (in which the advantage of the ruling regime) may lead to a violent suppression of the uprising; the whole city is gradually paralyzed, fuel supplies are suspended, a food crisis is brewing;

- The US administration (through the Department of State and other agencies) announces deliberate falsification of elections, supports the "fighters for democracy" and calls on the head of state to resign;

- Anglo-American, other Western TV channels, news agencies, Internet resources, radio and newspapers continue to put pressure on the authorities (the president, the prime minister, the leader of the ruling regime, who in most cases decides to resign, and the parliament, in turn, sets the election date or is limited to “correct” recount);

- The United States announces the "victory of democracy" and provides informational and, if necessary, strong support for the new regime.


This technology, originally tested in Serbia, has been successfully applied in Georgia and Ukraine. Each color revolution that has taken place in these states has general patterns that reveal external influence. Associate Professor of the Department of Humanities of the Russian Academy of National Economy and Public Administration under the President of the Russian Federation, candidate historical Sergey Bespalov in his work "Two projects for the post-Soviet space: forced democratization or stabilization of existing regimes?" names eight basic patterns:

- the existence of a clear plan of action by opposition forces, initially providing for the possibility of going beyond the constitutional framework. In accordance with this plan, the opposition proceeds to mass protest actions the day before, during and immediately after the parliamentary or presidential elections. The opposition refuses to acknowledge the results of the upcoming elections, declaring the inevitable large-scale falsification of the voting results. The basis for such a statement was really serious violations of the democratic procedure of the election process. However, they fit into the framework of previous election campaigns of previous years, which opposition politicians did not consider it possible to use as a basis for decisive actions, realizing that without large-scale support from abroad, such actions will not only be doomed to failure, but also discredit their organizers politicians who went beyond the law;

- international recognition of the new, revolutionary power and, accordingly, delegitimization of the former power;

- foreign assistance in the organizational, financial and ideological preparation of the revolution using soft power mechanisms through non-governmental, non-profit organizations, public funds, volunteer organizations, initiative groups of citizens, and other public structures;

- the presence of opposition leaders from among the political elite - retired or current politicians of the first rank. According to Sergey Bespalov and other political analysts, it was largely due to this circumstance that Georgia and Ukraine managed to ensure a split among the leaders of power structures, up to the open transition of some of them to the side of the opposition. Michael McFaul, a well-known American political scientist and diplomat, wrote about this in more detail in his work “Transitions from postcommunism”;

- support of revolutionary leaders by a significant part of the national business, dissatisfied with the nature of the economic policy pursued by the former government, primarily the results of privatization of the most attractive objects of the national economy. The key sponsors of the opposition in Georgia and Ukraine were entrepreneurs, who sought not so much to fundamentally change the nature of the interaction between government and business, as to obtain economic benefits and create more comfortable conditions for doing business. In this regard, one can speak of opposition leaders also as representatives of financial-bureaucratic clans deprived of their previous power;

- pronounced populism of ideology that has a nationalistic tint;

- use for delegitimizing the election results of the opinions and conclusions of foreign observers, primarily representatives of the OSCE. This situation becomes possible primarily because of the existing practice in the OSCE of financing the activities of observers of this organization and determining the personal composition of the mission of observers at the elections not of the OSCE itself, but of the participating States willing to finance their work during the elections. In addition, within the framework of the same OSCE, no clear criteria have yet been worked out, on the basis of which an impartial judgment could be made regarding the legitimacy and democratic nature of certain elections;

- To top it off, Western leaders warn the authorities of the country where mass protests are organized about the inadmissibility of using force against the opposition, at the same time do not condemn the actions of the opposition itself, which are unconstitutional - blocking government facilities, obstructing the legitimate activities of state bodies and representatives, etc .d


Beginning with the 2010 year, a legal foundation is being formed in the United States for the application of soft power tools and technology in foreign policy. The founding documents include the directive of the US President of 22 September 2010 on global development issues. The directive indicates the main activities of the federal authorities in the use of non-governmental organizations in the field of economic, humanitarian, financial and other assistance to foreign countries in the interests of maintaining global leadership, improving the international image of Washington and increasing the attractiveness of the American lifestyle.

The document specified the directions and main forms of involvement of soft power elements by state and private structures of the USA. In particular, to effectively promote the interests of the United States, it was prescribed to develop a “Four-Year Review of Diplomacy and Development” (for the period 2011 – 2014), to form an interdepartmental committee on global development under the US National Security Council, to create a national council on global development from representatives of federal and non-state actors, on a regular basis (every four years) to refine the national strategy for global development.

In December 2010, for the first time, the US State Department and the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) prepared and presented to the President and Congress the concept paper “Four Year Review of Diplomacy and Development - 2010” (Quadrennial Diplomacy and Development Review 2010 - QDDR-2010). It was fully dedicated to the problem of Washington using soft power as one of the key components of the implementation of US foreign policy.

According to the document, the main efforts of Washington were focused on four main areas:

- the formation of a new international architecture of the United States, the intensification of public diplomacy with respect to non-governmental and public organizations, informal associations, commercial structures and national diasporas, taking into account their growing role in shaping the foreign and domestic policies of the countries of the world;

- adjustment of the practice of providing direct gratuitous assistance to foreign countries in the direction of its greater linkage with issues of trade, economic and credit and investment policy;

- expanding the scope of the US Agency for International Development and increasing its role as one of the main channels for spreading American influence in the world, establishing a sustainable dialogue with problem countries through the provision of diverse economic, social and humanitarian assistance;

- improving the quality of interaction between the State Department and the Pentagon abroad, primarily in the context of post-conflict and post-crisis rehabilitation, in the interests of ensuring the dominant American influence on regional processes.

The review paid special attention to the need to introduce new forms and methods of work in diplomatic practice, primarily the expansion of so-called non-governmental activities outside the official framework of embassies and consulates. Among specific measures, it was proposed to assign to USAID questions of a humanitarian and technical response to a non-political crisis (natural disaster, man-made disaster, pandemics, etc.), and for the State Department - the tasks of a comprehensive response to political crises that threaten the interests of the United States.

In many cases, soft power is not enough, and then militants and mercenaries go into action. Reuters Photos

In February, 2014 was appointed Richard Stengel, former chief editor of Time magazine, former chief executive officer of the US National Constitution Center, to the position of deputy secretary of state for public diplomacy and public relations. This appointment, in the opinion of Mikhail Shabalov, head of the geopolitical information department of the Analytical Center for Strategic Studies Sokol, testifies to the intention to continue to impose on the world community, primarily through the media, universal values ​​(as well as Western values) forces to promote American interests in other countries through non-state and public structures at the expense of the budget funds allocated by the US State Department and other departments.

In April of 2014, the preparation of the next Four-Year Review of Diplomacy and Development - 2015 was started. 22 April 2014 Secretary of State John Kerry drew the attention of developers to the need to further enhance the strategic and innovative approach to the proposed tools and technologies of soft power, the search for new methods and means to achieve the desired result.

The US Congress 4 December 2014 almost unanimously adopted Resolution No. 758, in which Russia is characterized as the aggressor and lists a number of measures for the political, economic and military weakening of the Russian Federation. A number of observers, including American ones, note that the document adopted by Congress actually introduces the norms of the Cold War in relations between Russia and the Western world and can even be considered as an interim step from the Cold War to the beginning of the armed struggle. So, according to Canadian experts, the Senate and the House of Representatives in Washington are discussing draft laws that ensure the legitimacy of waging a US war against Russia.

President Barack Obama 18 December 2014 of the year signed an act “On supporting freedom in Ukraine”, which allows him to take additional restrictive measures against Russia. This document provides the US administration with new powers that can be used depending on the current situation. The act also points to the need for the United States to cooperate with allies and partners in Europe and the world and to take joint action to respond to developments in Ukraine.


QDDR-2015 was released in the first quarter of 2015. It contains a preface, three chapters: “Strategic priorities and recommendations”, “Creating active organizations to solve problems in the future”, “Investing in clever and experienced personnel” and the application “Review and update QDDR-2010”.

In an introductory article, Secretary of State John Kerry wrote: "Everywhere that we have a presence, we are leading." (“Wherever we are present, we are in the lead.”) The objects of the spread of American democracy, the American dream, American values ​​in the foreign policy activities of the State Department and the USAID have become almost all countries of the world. Russia occupies a special place in this list. In the review it is mentioned five times, and in three cases, on a par with the IG, in a strongly negative context.

The review outlines a huge area of ​​transnational problems that require an innovative approach to cooperation with other governments and non-governmental organizations. This concerns the resolution of a number of problems in the Asia-Pacific region, Europe and the Middle East. The goal of creating a broad coalition in the report called the victory over the IG in the Middle East and the confrontation of "Russian aggression against Ukraine." And the ultimate goal of American diplomacy is through the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) and the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (T-TIP) "to put the United States in the center of a free trade zone covering two-thirds of the global economy" .

Partnership with NATO members and with other treaty organizations, including those created by the United States through strengthening ties with government agencies, public organizations, business communities of different countries and even with individuals, is mentioned as a tool to achieve this goal.

QDDR-2015 focuses on improving the efficiency, professionalism and enhancing the innovative spirit of American diplomacy, which should guarantee the implementation of the “National Security Strategy - 2015”. The new review is based on QDDR-2010. It contains four cross-cutting (enterprise) topics.

The first theme is the development of partnerships with other countries and the involvement of their people in cooperation with the United States across national borders. US diplomats and development professionals should focus on building partnerships with civil society, community organizations and movements, their leaders, religious leaders, entrepreneurs, and all who share American values.

The second topic concerns the improvement of governance in the development of pluralism in various countries, the transparency of power and democracy, and the expansion of the struggle for human rights. The United States will develop partnerships with nations and their representatives who are involved in the hard work of building strong, democratic governance in compliance with international norms and standards. From the review it follows that such construction implies in different countries the struggle of civil society against corruption, bureaucratic arbitrariness and other negative phenomena in the system of government.

The third topic focuses on a balanced combination of advancing American interests and security. Recognizing that the United States cannot cope with all threats, the State Department and USAID intend to constantly consult with Congress, partners, interdepartmental organizations, and other interested parties in order to optimize their work and increase their flexibility in dangerous conditions.

Finally, the fourth topic is advanced technologies, in particular, knowledge management technology. To expand information capabilities, the State Department is planning to create a multi-level hub (center) for analyzing, studying, developing strategies and managing data.

The review highlighted four global political priorities in the work of the State Department and USAID: preventing and mitigating the effects of conflicts and manifestations of extremism; promoting an open, resilient and democratic society; promoting inclusive economic growth; mitigation and adaptation to climate change.

QDDR-2015 quite frankly and in detail reveals the contents of these priorities. Thus, promoting the creation of an open, resilient and democratic society means continuing to invest in democracy, human rights and governance initiatives. “We will build on successful initiatives, such as open government and ensuring transparency in the extractive industries,” the document says.

The State Department and USAID intend to expand their activities to implement anti-corruption initiatives. To this end, in cooperation with the Department of Justice and Internal Security departments of the State Department, establish partnerships with other countries to improve their ability to eliminate targeted corruption, bribery and fight those who profit from corrupt transactions. Within this framework, it is planned to strengthen the support of civil society and the protection of the open Internet.

One of the objectives of promoting the idea of ​​inclusive economic growth is the increase in the size of the middle class throughout the world. According to the authors of the review, this increases the accountability of the government, including through the international system of rules (presumably established by the USA), which successfully competes with alternative, less open models.


These initiatives and reforms in these four areas are linked in the document to the empowerment of the State Department and USAID to implement the “National Security Strategy - 2015” in the Western Hemisphere and to defend America’s interests both at home and abroad.

The method of implementing these ideas is at the first stage in the ideological processing of the most active part of the national elite of the country in order to ensure its pro-Western orientation. Then the country is offered financial assistance to solve economic and social problems. In this case, the role of donors is usually performed by the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank, which are controlled by the United States. Assistance is provided in the form of tied loans.

In the arsenal of Western countries, notes the head of the geopolitical information department of the analytical center for strategic research "Falcon" Mikhail Shabalov, actively used tools and technologies to discredit the national unity of countries and promote ethnic separatism.

Three methods are actively used;

- information processing of the population of the national state and first of all its national elite in order to discredit the traditional system of values ​​and national culture. Special attention is paid to the part of the national elite that is able to actively influence the adoption of the most important decisions, as well as the dissemination within the country of the ideas and principles of neo-globalism;

- economic and financial expansion, the introduction of sanctions instruments aimed at the destruction of the national economy, the disruption of production and the domestic market, the establishment of the country's dependence on foreign investment and loans;

- Encouragement of manifestations of national separatism, which is immediately declared the struggle of the people for their independence and democratic human rights, allegedly violated by the dictatorship of the national state.

Similar methods were actively used during the Ukrainian crisis of the end of 2013 - the beginning of 2014 of the year. According to Mikhail Shabanov, the United States used Euromaidan and the retaliatory actions of Russia and the pro-Russian forces in Ukraine to achieve the following goals:

- the creation of a conflict zone on the borders of the Russian Federation with the participation of the Russian and Ukrainian population of the two countries, which should guarantee maximum involvement of the Kremlin in this conflict and a decrease in its activity in other areas of international politics, including in the Middle East;

- lowering the level of independence of decision-making in politics and economics by European countries;

- to discredit Russia in the international arena;

- growing tension in relations between Russia and Europe, in order to bind the latter even more closely to the format of “Atlantic solidarity”;

- stopping the process of rapprochement between Russia and China;

- disruption of the Eurasian integration process in the post-Soviet space;

- activization of the “Ukrainian factor” in the external and internal political life of Russia with a view to its destabilization with a possible parallel activation of the “Caucasian factor” and the “Islamic factor”;

- causing unacceptable economic damage to Russia, diverting a significant part of its resources from solving problems of socio-economic modernization and development, and strengthening the country's defense capability.

From the very beginning of the development of the acute phase of the Ukrainian crisis, the plan of Western planners was to destabilize the situation in Russia. To this end, the West, under the influence of the United States, by imposing sanctions seeks to economically weaken Russia, which should lead to a deterioration of the economic situation of the Russian people and an increase in discontent with Vladimir Putin’s policies within the country. Thus, as Washington hopes, favorable conditions will be created for the further integrated use of soft power technology.
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  1. +4
    10 October 2015 14: 16
    Nye first used the term “soft power” in 1990, in his book “The Changing Nature of American Power” (Changing Nature of American Power). Subsequently, he developed this concept in the work “Flexible Power. How to succeed in world politics ”(Soft Power. The Means to Success in World Politics), which was translated into Russian.

    It would be possible to call the article interesting, if not for some of its "obsolescence". winked hi
    1. +5
      10 October 2015 14: 25
      Quote: Vladimir 1964
      It would be possible to call the article interesting, if not for some of its "obsolescence"

      Now there will be something new in the world .. Russia is coming to the fore in world politics! I really hope that this time will do without a world war!
      1. +10
        10 October 2015 14: 46
        In general, everything is about the same. Destroy the enemy from within, discredit his ideals, bribe the elite, and form a "fifth column". This art is ancient, now it's just much easier to do in the age of information technology. Forewarned is forearmed. soldier
      2. +3
        10 October 2015 16: 01
        Quote: MIKHALYCHXNNX
        I really hope that this time will do without a world war!

        It cannot be by definition! Since a world war can be between large, strong states (everything else is local conflicts). And in a war between strong states at the present time, the use of nuclear weapons is mandatory, and the use of nuclear weapons is a loss of both sides (suicide)! And proceeding from the fact that capital "rules" in large countries, and suicide does not bring profit, then there can be no global (world) war!
      3. +6
        10 October 2015 16: 03
        This technology, originally tested in Serbia, has been successfully applied in Georgia and Ukraine. Each color revolution that has occurred in these states has common patterns that reveal external influence.
        - from an article by Lyudmila Gundarova

        For some reason, the author did not mention that this technology of "soft power" and "controlled chaos" was first applied in the USSR and Russia.
        With its help, they destroyed the USSR in 1991, and carried out a coup in Russia in 1993.
      4. +8
        10 October 2015 17: 25
        Vladimir 1964
        The article could be called interesting, if not for some of its "obsolescence".

        Dear Vladimir 1964! Your comment is somewhat incorrect!
        Please note that On the VO website, there is a constant connection of ever new age-diverse and diverse professional groups of readers, as well as an increase in the number of forum users themselves - with the growing popularity of the Military Review site itself.
        Moreover, for some, the content of the article is really “Repetition - as the mother of learning!” for others, this is brand new, important, and useful information.
        Therefore, both the article and the fact of its publication on the VO website with the possibility of discussion I personally approve.
        1. 0
          10 October 2015 18: 29
          Quote: Tatiana
          Dear Vladimir 1964! Your comment is somewhat incorrect!
          It should be borne in mind that on the VO site there is a constant connection of ever new age-diverse and diverse professional groups of readers, as well as an increase in the number of members of the forum themselves - with the growing popularity of the Military Review site itself.
          At the same time, for some, the content of the article is really “Repetition - as the mother of learning!”, While for others it is absolutely new, important and useful information.
          Therefore, both the article and the fact of its publication on the VO website with the possibility of its discussion, I personally approve.

          Dear Tatyana, did I call the article bad or not interesting, I expressed my own, absolutely subjective point of view. hi
          1. -1
            10 October 2015 21: 59
            Vladimir 1964 (2)
            Dear Tatyana, did I call the article bad or not interesting?

            Dear Vladimir 1964 (2)!
            Firstly you said
            It could be name an article interesting
            And secondly, you said about some, in your opinion, lack of article
            if not some her "obsolete".

            Hence my answer to you on your opinion - and only only about your statement about "obsolete" Article. smile
      5. 412
        11 October 2015 11: 30
        World war is already underway, new methods of warfare. Now another maneuver is being conducted to divert attention to Europe, the Middle East, Central Asia, although the goal is Siberia.
    2. 0
      10 October 2015 15: 23
      Quote: Vladimir 1964
      Nye first used the term “soft power” in 1990, in his book “The Changing Nature of American Power” (Changing Nature of American Power). Subsequently, he developed this concept in the work “Flexible Power. How to succeed in world politics ”(Soft Power. The Means to Success in World Politics), which was translated into Russian.

      It would be possible to call the article interesting, if not for some of its "obsolescence". winked hi

      Similarly, Vladimir began to read, understand, deja vu, and a lot of letters ..
      1. 0
        10 October 2015 18: 31
        Quote: afdjhbn67
        Similarly, Vladimir began to read, understand, deja vu, and a lot of letters ..

        Nicholas, it is deja vu. hi
    3. The comment was deleted.
    4. +4
      10 October 2015 18: 07
      US Consul Marcus Mikkeli meets with Ural agents
      10-OKT-2015, 16: 560320
      Kamrad morozov66 has prepared a wonderful and detailed material with many beautiful photos: "Stars and Stripes" Yekaterinburg

      The US Consul General in Yekaterinburg, Marcus Miqueli, appointed in August this year, has an extremely busy schedule. In less than two months, he managed to hold a reception in honor of his arrival in the Urals and began to distribute instructions to the faithful dogs of America - local ardent oppositionists, who value everything exclusively in terms of dollars.

      The first meeting was held last Friday, October 2, on the fourth floor of the Hyatt Restaurant. Here, at the table of the Cucina restaurant, a fan of backstage meetings with American politicians, deputy of the Yekaterinburg City Duma Konstantin Kiselev, State Department Specialist Markus Mikeli and two of his assistants were seen. The company sat for a little over an hour, after which K. Kiselev jumped up, quickly walked to the elevator and ran out of the hotel, heading towards the Drama Theater. The remaining three did not come out immediately.

      photo iliabelous

      What Kiselev talked with the Americans for more than an hour, one can only speculate. Given that he is considered a lobbyist for the interests of the US Consulate General and an American informant on socio-political issues, the subject of the meeting can be discussed for a long time. A year ago, he organized a conference on the Orange Revolutions with the participation of agents of the Security Service of Ukraine, and in January of this year it became known about his agreement to organize a teleconference with the leader of the banned Right Sector in Russia, Dmitry Yarosh.

      Konstantin Kiselev for Americans is one of the means of shattering the situation in Russia. He is the link between the head of the city Eugene Roizman and the US Consulate General. Now that America is losing ground in the Middle East, and Russia has a difficult economic situation, Kiselyov and the company can organize a company to destabilize using various options: from street rallies to provocations using the most heinous methods used previously in Ukraine.

      In addition to the above, the question arises - why did the deputy of the City Duma of the Ural capital need to meet with the Americans in a restaurant? Why this could not be done at the city hall, where parliamentarians have offices or at the US Consulate General? The answer is obvious - the meeting was of a private rather than business nature. Private character between the people's representative and the representative of the US Department of State. How is this possible? Perhaps these ties have been developed by them for years.

      Mr. Marcus Mikeli, meanwhile, fell into a scandal over arms supplies to Ukraine. He became a victim of telephone prankster hooligans who called him on behalf of the head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine Arsen Avakov. In the conversation, Mikeli promised to continue providing assistance to Ukraine and spoke about the allocation of $ 46 million to the National Guard and the Armed Forces. The conversation became known only now, although they played the American a year ago, when he oversaw affairs in Eastern Europe in general and in Ukraine in particular. And here again the figure of Konstantin Kiselyov emerges, who at that time, in October 2014, organized a conference on the Orange Revolutions with the involvement of Ukrainian special services. It is possible that the event was personally supervised by Marcus Mikeli, who appreciated the experience of Kiselyov and decided to use it, becoming the US Consul General in Yekaterinburg.

      I can supplement this information only with details about these characters:

      Working methods of Marcus Mikkeli:
      Looks at the US Consul:
      Marcus Mikkeli promises money to Avakov:

      Summary information on Konstantin Kiselev:
  2. +6
    10 October 2015 14: 17
    It seems that the brazen Saxons were too clever with the concept of "controlled chaos". And soon they will receive this "controlled chaos" at home. wassat
    In general, the concept of information warfare was developed not today and not yesterday.

    The basic principles of war propaganda were outlined by the British diplomat Lord Ponsonby in Lies in War (1928). The essence of these principles boils down to the following:

    1) We do not want war.
    The main thing is to convince people that the “bad guys” hate “us” and have already begun (or are ready to start) first.

    2) The war is waged only through the fault of the enemy
    These are “others”, “they” started the war, or dream of starting it any day. "We" are forced to defend themselves.

    3) The leader of the warring country is a real devil
    It is not necessary to make all people hate. - It is necessary to personify the image of the enemy, to show your population that the head, the leader of the “others” is a mentally ill, crazy, corrupt person.

    4) We fight for a just cause, not for our interests
    It should be kept silent that in every war economic goals are primarily pursued, emphasizing only humanitarian reasons.

    5) The enemy deliberately commits atrocities, we are only by chance
    It is necessary as quickly as possible to disseminate information about the atrocities committed by the enemy, explaining that such actions are peculiar to him.

    6) The enemy uses forbidden weapons

    7) Our losses are negligible, the losses of the enemy are huge
    During the war, losses in manpower and equipment are called not actual, but guided by their own benefit.

    8) Representatives of culture, art and intellectuals support our cause.

    9) Our mission is sacred

    10) Anyone who doubts our propaganda is a traitor
    1. +4
      10 October 2015 15: 24
      In Ukraine, this manual was clearly read! laughing But, it’s bad luck, the enemy didn’t come to the war, but nothing was written about it! wassat
  3. 0
    10 October 2015 14: 24
    It is urgent to disperse the fifth column, and this is a large part of the iPhone government and cover all NPOs. To register all participants in these organizations, and to dismiss government officials who collaborated with them. In fact, the best of all is on Solovki, as Stalin did. Several thousand freaks will disappear, but most of the country will live normally. It is a pity that our GDP is thin for this gut.
  4. +1
    10 October 2015 14: 25
    Could you tell me if there is such a work to counter this "soft power"?
    We must somehow give up and rebuff these "soft forces", the consequences of it are too devastating.
  5. +3
    10 October 2015 14: 26
    Particular attention is paid to that part of the national elite that is able to actively influence the adoption of the most important decisions, as well as the dissemination within the country of the ideas and principles of neoglobalism;

    Andrei Ilyich Fursov spoke well on the topics of the domestic elite.

    It is a very good warning that the "fifth column" has not gone anywhere from Russia; it may have quieted down for a while and is waiting for a convenient moment.
    1. +2
      10 October 2015 16: 46
      VIDEO. A. Fursov: how not to lose the Cold War-2?

      Dear Alexander1959! Thank you very much for a great post!
      A. Fursov’s speech really contains the most important and very valuable brief explanatory political and technological information on the essence of the state and opposition of Russian society in the world community from the time of Stalin to the present.
      Moreover, it was presented at a SCIENTIFIC-PRACTICAL conference, where not everyone can get.

      I also recommend the forum users this video for viewing.
      Alesandra1959 from me big +
      1. 0
        11 October 2015 22: 31
        Thanks for the compliment! A couple of years ago, having discovered Andrei Ilyich Fursov for myself, now I watch and listen to all his new performances with great pleasure. On You Tube there are, in my opinion, two of his channels and two groups in VKontakte.
        In "Vkontakte" groups are called ( "Andrey Fursov recommends", ( Andrey Fursov / Discussion club, ( / club30769860)) "Andrey Fursov".
        It’s easier to find on You Tube by search queries. Highly recommend. For those who are interested in History, there are Fursov’s video lectures on the history of Russia. For those who are interested in modern politics, a video with the speeches of Andrei Ilyich will bring undeniable benefits.
  6. +1
    10 October 2015 14: 34
    It is necessary to print and each member of the Government and the security forces on the table! And make me read every morning. And then they bred all kinds of NCOs! am
    1. +2
      10 October 2015 15: 54
      So it seems already banned? NPO.
      1. +3
        10 October 2015 17: 32
        Quote: Kos_kalinki9
        So it seems already banned? NPO

        Not. Not banned. Forced to register as enemies of the people foreign agents wink
        1. +1
          10 October 2015 17: 58
          Quote: Cat Man Null
          Quote: Kos_kalinki9
          So it seems already banned? NPO

          Not. Not banned. Forced to register as enemies of the people foreign agents wink

          Well, horseradish radish is not sweeter.
  7. +4
    10 October 2015 14: 35
    When the chair under the marked one staggered, the Americans ordered their mongrel under Yeltsin’s leadership to overthrow the power, and then continue to destroy what Gorbachev started
  8. 0
    10 October 2015 14: 55
    Ah, everyone has a good article, all the author took into account and presented in an understandable way how the Americanoids plan and implement their ideas for further global control.

    A lot of +++ to the author.

    They fulfill all foreign policy tasks from the point of view of the US national interests, use the theory of chaos, "soft" power, hidden influence and other tricks.

    But they do this only on the basis of their economic, financial, scientific, technological and military power while providing education, medicine, pensions and, in general, the high living standards of their citizens.

    Only having these types of power, one can seriously resort to "soft" power, to diplomatic maneuvers, to chaos and hidden influence, etc. in the external world.

    Then everything together will work, as intended, in their interests.

    That is, between the potentials of the external force and the internal power of the state there must be a certain correspondence, the proportionality of one component to another, which gives confidence in actions, both within the country and abroad.

    And without which long-term success in a global clearing is impossible.

    Here is someone who would describe the actions of Russia in this way on a given site, citing as a guarantee of all our victories in an external theater of affairs the state of our internal affairs in terms of economic, financial, scientific, technological and military power, providing education, medicine, pensions and, in general, high living standards of their citizens.

    Prices would not have such a publication. Maybe the author, Lyudmila Gundarova, will write about it next time.
  9. hartlend
    10 October 2015 15: 37
    Joseph Nye, if read in normal language, Joseph Noah. The biblical name, further comments are superfluous.
  10. 0
    10 October 2015 15: 38
    Sweaty feet in their mouths, absolutely bylionys lost their fear !!!
  11. -4
    10 October 2015 15: 43
    Quote: Alexander1959
    Particular attention is paid to that part of the national elite that is able to actively influence the adoption of the most important decisions, as well as the dissemination within the country of the ideas and principles of neoglobalism;

    Andrei Ilyich Fursov spoke well on the topics of the domestic elite.

    It is a very good warning that the "fifth column" has not gone anywhere from Russia; it may have quieted down for a while and is waiting for a convenient moment.

    Yes, what does he drive ... does he call again (once again) to bend down ??? yes this zadolbala 5 I'm a column of nada with them like Stalin ... to the wall of all .. and we will think with a stick wassat
  12. +2
    10 October 2015 16: 25
    Surprising is a relaxed and loyal attitude to the Western media in the presence of a real threat. They pat their heads and say that it’s not good to do this. And they must beat the provocateurs with all their might with a tight fist.
  13. 0
    10 October 2015 17: 07
    Vladimir Slipchenko has a book "Sixth Generation Wars" And so there is about what is happening now. Wouldn't lie in 2006 it was written.
    And one moment. We are fighting, including in Syria, with supporters "Caliphate", but we simply do not reach the directors of this idea. It's like an advertisement for anti-cold remedies - "instantly relieves symptoms", but it doesn't cure a cold in any way. And these are by no means overseas friends. The directors are much closer, not far from Syria, by the way.
  14. -7
    10 October 2015 17: 27
    The article is not mastered. Mnogabukaf.
  15. 0
    10 October 2015 19: 55
    Quote: Vladimir 1964
    It would be possible to call the article interesting, if not for some of its "obsolescence"

    Now there will be something new in the world .. Russia is coming to the fore in world politics! I really hope that this time will do without a world war!

    hardly the last president of america, according to Wange
  16. 0
    10 October 2015 19: 57
    And when the government works for the US State Department and enacts laws such that the people clench their fists and teeth, and the president approves the government’s actions — how do you understand this and how to deal with it? With corruption and bureaucratic arbitrariness in your country? Who is stopping Russia from building factories, opening production, raising potatoes and cabbage, cows and pigs? US State Department? The regional governors (appointed by the president !!!) are carrying out the final looting of the lands entrusted to them! In Russia, we don’t need any State Departments — their rulers cope with 5+ — it collapses, which has not yet been destroyed. It is stolen by sovereign people !!! And the West will be very easy to act in such conditions. Our rulers fertilize the soil ...
  17. 0
    10 October 2015 20: 11
    A bit late, long, boring, but true ...
  18. +1
    10 October 2015 21: 24
    Once we have already asked ... and a great country. If we do not make practical conclusions and continue to observe how outright enemies, the opposition, the fifth column and how worms destroy the state from the inside (almost with impunity) for the sake of the exceptional - then another such mess Russia cannot stand it. Impunity and gentleness have never led to anything good.
  19. 0
    10 October 2015 22: 22
    Choke sooner or later, too big a piece ...