"The eternal enemy of the Aryan race"


In Hitler's Reich, racism became not just state policy, but the very foundation of the state, the aim of which was the domination of the “Aryan race”. For the sake of establishing this supremacy and conquering living space for the "superior race" the Nazis unleashed World War II.


To consolidate the "Aryan national community" the Nazis needed the "eternal enemy of the nation," whose role has traditionally been assigned to Jews since the Middle Ages. It is believed that the main goal of Hitler was to create a strong militarized German state - the thousand-year Third Reich, while the destruction of the Jews was assigned an important but supporting role. However, the Nazis considered the Jews the main obstacle to the revival of "Greater Germany". The order in which they solved military-political tasks and the achievement of the goals of the Second World War was the following: firstly, to destroy the Jews, and secondly, to conquer the vital space necessary for the Great German Reich. The Second World War, by definition, the Israeli scholar J. Bauer, was "a war against the Jews in the most serious sense of the word."

Even after losing the Second World War, Hitler, in the “political testament” made on the eve of suicide, called for “to strictly observe racial laws and ruthlessly resist the common poisoner of all nations - international Jewry.”

What was the “Jewish threat” to Germany and what were the Nazi racial laws?


Before 1933, the Jews were full citizens of Germany, fully integrated into all spheres of society. According to the General Directorate of the SS Security Service, in 1933, 672 thousand Jews lived in Germany, of which 515 thousand practiced Judaism. Thus, by the year the Nazis came to power, Jews constituted slightly more than 1% of the German population, which had more than 65 million people. Despite such a small percentage of the population, the Jews, before the Nazis came to power, played a prominent role in the socio-political, business, scientific and cultural life of the country.

Among the most famous Jewish names in Germany and in the world were industrialists R. Gesner and F. Mandel, bankers Oh Wasserman and M. Warburg, philosophers G. Cohen and E. Husserl, sociologist G. Simmel, mathematicians G. Kantor, G. Minkowski, bacteriologist P. Ehrlich, chemist F. Haber, physicists A. Einstein, M. Born, D. Frank, O. Stern, F. Bloch, O. Wigner, G. Bethe, D. Gabor, L. Szilard, E. Teller , physicians B. Khain and G. Krebs, artist M. Lieberman, writers E. Ludwig, L. Feuchtwanger, A. Zweig, directors M. Reinhardt and G. Fuchs. Jews were the leaders of the Social Democrats and Communists: E. Bernstein, V. Adler, G. Haase, E. Toller, K. Eisner, E. Levin. A significant number of them occupied prominent posts in the government of the Weimar Republic and in the governments of the German states: V. Rathenau, G. Landauer, O. Landsberg, G. Preuss.

Discrimination against Jews began immediately after Hitler came to power. In April, the Nazis launched a boycott campaign against Jewish-owned shops and shops in April 1933. In the same month, the “Law on the restoration of professional bureaucracy” was passed, which blocked the “non-Aryans” from accessing the civil service; restrictions on lawyers of Jewish origin were imposed; The expulsion of Jewish professors from higher educational institutions began, and for Jewish students the 5% norm was established. “From 1933, Jews in Germany are subject to state-legal restrictions as non-Aryans,” explained, for example, in the “People's Brockhaus” - a dictionary for school and home.

Over the years, the degree of racial intolerance of the Nazis was growing more and more: Nazi anti-Semitism was not only religious, political or social, but above all racial: Judaism was determined by blood. The Nazis attributed to the Jews not only those whose ancestors in the second generation practiced Judaism or had Jewish ancestors. Thousands of people were deprived of the Jews, or those who had moved from Judaism to another religion, including Catholic priests and nuns, as well as Protestant pastors, whose ancestors in the second generation were Jews.


15 September 1935 racial laws were proclaimed at the NSDAP convention in Nuremberg - “On the nationality of the Reich” and “On the protection of German blood and German honor”, ​​unanimously adopted by the Reichstag session, specially convened in Nuremberg on the occasion of the party congress.

According to the Law on Citizenship of the Reich, a citizen could only be someone who possesses “German or blood related to her and who by her behavior proves the desire and ability to faithfully serve the German people and the Reich.” Such a formulation actually meant the deprivation of German citizenship in the first place Jews and Gypsies.

The Law on the Protection of German Blood and German Honor prohibited the “desecration of the race” - marriage and extra-marital cohabitation between Jews and “citizens of German or kindred blood”, hiring Jewish domestic workers from women of “German or related blood” younger than 45 years, Jews would also hang a national or imperial flag and use fabrics of similar colors. Violation of the law entailed criminal prosecution.

14 November 1935 was adopted an amendment to the law on citizenship, where it was determined who is considered to be a Jew, and categories of persons with Jewish blood were set: “The Jew is the one who had three of his parents' parents were full-blooded Jews ... born in a mixed marriage, a subject of the state, descended from two full-blooded Jewish parents of his parents, if he: a) at the time of the publication of the law belonged to the Jewish community or was adopted into it later; b) at the time of the publication of the law was married to a Jew or entered into such a marriage later; d) is an illegitimate child, one of whose parents was a Jew. ” The descendants of the Jews, who were not considered Jews, were divided into two categories of “mishlings”: first, those with two of their grandparents were Jews, and the second with only one of their grandparents or one of their grandparents .

In the autumn of 1937, a systematic “ariization” began, that is, the seizure of property and property of Jews, and in 1938, the authorities introduced new coercive measures against Jews, imposed “indemnity” on them and banned theater and concert visits, completed the confiscation of “Jewish enterprises”.

On the night of 9 on 10 on November 1938, the Nazi-organized Jewish pogrom spread throughout Germany. Thousands of Jewish houses, 7500 Jewish department stores, shops and shops were crushed. Jewish cemeteries were outraged, 267 synagogues were burned and looted. 91 people were killed, hundreds committed suicide, or died later from injuries. Thousands of Jews were arrested and sent to concentration camps. The Jewish population of Germany had to pay an “expiatory fine” in the amount of 1 billion Reichsmarks, and restore all that was crushed at their own expense. Before 1 January 1939, the Jews were obliged to sell all their businesses and securities. 30 January 1939, Hitler declared in the Reichstag: “If world Jewish financial capital once again confronts the peoples of Europe in a world war, the result will not be Bolshevization of the world, and thus the victory of Jewry, but the destruction of the Jewish race in Europe.”

In the 1939 year, and especially with the outbreak of World War II, the Nazis moved from the persecution of minorities to their destruction. The mass dispatch to the gypsy concentration camps has unfolded. Already in the 1939 – 1940 years, the National Socialists embarked on deportations and episodic executions of the Jewish population of European countries: ghettoes were created in the territories occupied by Nazi troops, and the authorities developed plans to evict Jews from Europe. Finally, since 1941, after the German attack on the USSR, the systematic mass destruction of the Jewish and Gypsy population unfolded, and at the Vannzeu Conference 20 in January 1942, a plan was adopted to "finally resolve the Jewish question." In total, Nazi racial terror killed up to 6 million Jews and hundreds of thousands of Gypsies.


In the Third Reich, racial questions were handled by the “genealogical bureau” at the personal headquarters of the Reichsführer SS Heinrich Himmler, the racial affairs department under the headquarters of the Nazi Party, the relevant department of the Imperial Security Directorate General, headed by Adolf Eichmann. In total, the central office of the Nazi state, the party and the SS were engaged in the “final solution of the Jewish question” in the 124 units.

In 1943, a former officer of Himmler's personal headquarters, SS Hauptsturmführer Erich Zilke, an expert on "race purity", was captured by the Soviet Union. Fate played a cruel joke on him. The SS man, not devoid of poorly concealed homosexual inclinations, solicited the sexual disposition of the young man, who was the object of his examination. The case went public: Tsilke was stripped of his SS rank, dismissed from all posts and sent to the Eastern Front with the rank of army captain, where he was captured. In the Suzdal POW camp, he was interrogated by Lieutenant Alexander Blank. After the war doctor historical Sciences A.S. Blank became one of the leading Soviet Germanists, from whom the author of this book was fortunate enough to learn.

Professor Blank recalled: “Tsilke served under the leadership of the SS Oberführer, Dr. Walter Wüst, in the“ genealogical bureau ”at the personal headquarters of the Reich SShührer SS and was an expert on racial issues. Its functions were to, in controversial and not sufficiently clear cases, make a final conclusion about the "purity of the race." Under the conditions of Nazi Germany, there were frequent cases when Jews used to get new, “Aryan” documents by hook or by crook, changed their names, tried to save lives, for example, from half-breeds by quarter-bloods, this gave a chance for salvation. In short, many tried to “improve” their ancestry by at least one step. Some have succeeded. But when something aroused suspicion or there was a denunciation to the Gestapo, and there was no documentary evidence of the forgery, in a word, when the case was complicated and complicated, then Erich Tsilke was called for examination. How did Zilke spend his expertise? At first, he “made some kind of lively conversation with the subject. I observed how he laughs, reacts to jokes, gestures, how quickly he comes in contact - in a word, all his behavior during a lively, easy-going and witty conversation without tension. ” This was the first stage of verification. At the second stage, the person being checked was officially called in to the Gestapo, where they measured the distance between the eyes, the height of the forehead, the shape of the nose, the length of the neck, etc. But the most important indicator for Zilke was his eyes. “What-that, and the eyes could never deceive me,” Tsilke argued. “Looking into them, I saw the“ world grief ”of millennia, if it was present there.” According to the “Tsilke formula,” with one-eighth and even one-fourth Jewish blood, “world grief” was not viewed, and with “pure blood” and “half-blood”, certainly. Based on the findings of Zilke, hundreds of people were sent to extermination camps - to gas chambers and crematorium furnaces. ”

The national socialist regime planned a mass extermination of other "non-Aryan" European nations, in particular the Slavs. The Ost master plan envisaged the enslavement, expulsion or destruction of more than 30 million Poles, Russians, Ukrainians, Belarusians and settlement on the lands of the Nazi-era Poland and the European part of the Soviet Union 5 million Germans.

As part of the “racial hygiene” policy, the Nazi regime cracked down on the Germans who, in his opinion, were engaged in “spoiling the race” or “degenerated” - “asocial” elements and mentally ill. Already in the 1933 year, laws were passed on the forced sterilization of "asocial" persons and people who, as the Nazis feared, could give "offspring suffering from hereditary diseases." In the 1935, an abortion was introduced according to genetic and hereditary indications; those who were recognized as sick were forbidden from marrying. In 1937 – 1938, the years of “antisocial” began to be sent en masse to concentration camps. In 1939, the authorities introduced a program of euthanasia for mentally ill and hereditarily sick children, in 1940-m extended it to adults and to "anti-social" elements, and in 1942, prisoners belonging to this latter category were transferred to the SS for "destruction through labor." In total, at the hands of the Nazis killed at least 70 thousand people declared "insane."
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  1. +13
    20 September 2015 06: 23
    About 120 Jews fought in the army of the Hitlerite Reich, some even served in the SS troops (sort of translated as "soldiers of socialism"), for example, the world famous Adolf Eichmann, who was later hanged in Israel, immediately after he converted to Judaism. More than 000 soldiers of them were captured by the Red Army (Kuzmin's book, I don't remember the name, etc.).
    1. -15
      20 September 2015 07: 44
      I just saw the title of the article, I immediately thought that now I was reading disgusting Nazi comments. And venaya, unfortunately, did not let me make a mistake. Thank you for publishing this article. And I hope that modernization will remove Nazi filth from comments in time. Regarding the vile lies about Jews in the ranks of the Wehrmacht: we are talking about people with a Jewish grandfather, whom indeed a certain number served in the Wehrmacht. Regarding Eichmann, of course he didn’t accept any Judaism before execution, it’s just ridiculous, a figment of a sore imagination
      1. +10
        20 September 2015 07: 56
        Quote: anokem
        ... I immediately thought that now I would read disgusting Nazi comments. And venaya, unfortunately, did not let me make a mistake. ...

        Excuse me, where did you find the "disgusting Nazi comments" ???
        I don’t see them here under a microscope! Please explain what exactly I am guilty of before you?
        I give only statistics of the period of World War II, and that’s it.
        1. -19
          20 September 2015 08: 04
          The lie is that a Jew and a German who had a Jewish grandfather is a huge difference. Therefore, the first and went into the gas chambers, and the second to the front. And with your lies you insult the memory of the dead. And about your lies about Eichmann, who converted to Judaism - comments are unnecessary
          1. +6
            20 September 2015 08: 52
            Explain to me why you write the surname "Eichmann" with a small letter and not yet in the German (or Yiddish) pronunciation of "ay", but as in English-speaking countries through "hey"?
            And about your lies about Eichmann, who converted to Judaism - comments are unnecessary

            Here the claim is clearly not to me. We apparently use different sources. The greatest respect I have is a book written by the head of the West German atheist Jewish community. Still, he is a doctor of historical sciences, has information from all over the world, and in view of his non-religiosity he is able to soberly, without religious fanatical bias, describe past events.
            And you, in my opinion, have the highest form of religious-fanatical bias and relate to an unfamiliar sect inside the Jew with a pronounced form of religious extremism. In any case, the sweeping allegations of anything obscene, I was stunned.
            I myself like to read the Talmud, as a rule from completely different sources, like any religious literature. There is a publication of the Talmud in 12 volumes of the 1897 edition of the Warsaw publishing house, but in Hebrew, it is inconvenient.
            So your claims, personally to me, I consider frankly unfounded.
            I personally am not a Nazi (if you haven’t understood it yet), but in your posts I see obvious signs of elements of Nazi hatred, which is very sad.
            1. -15
              20 September 2015 09: 29
              Venaya, you write nonsense and lies, and you do it unprovenly and categorically. If you do not understand the difference in the attitude of the Nazi regime towards Jews and Germans, who have a quarter of Jewish blood, then you are a fool. If you pretend you don’t understand, then you are a liar. I don’t know where you read such nonsense about Eichmann (do not blame me, but I write the name of this monster with a small letter). You refer to some doctor. I suggest you familiarize yourself with the materials of the Eichmann process and with the memoirs of its participants. One must not completely understand or pretend to not understand the meaning of Judaism in order to allow the transition of Eichmann to Judaism before execution. And your opus about how the SS is translated deprives the discussion with you of any sense
              1. +8
                20 September 2015 10: 10
                How to recognize the troll, he immediately goes to insults
                You are a fool. If you pretend that you do not understand, then you are a liar. Sends to get acquainted with some fictional materials "that everyone knows"
                I suggest you familiarize yourself with the materials of the Eichmann process and with the memoirs of its participants
                Your answers don't interest him
                You refer to some doctor
                Since he himself is not even able to reset the link, it’s not justifiable to argue. I even doubt that the Jew wrote because these are usually educated people and not as ugly as you laughing Here, prove that you are a Jew. It seems to me that you are just the granddaughter of that same Eichmann, the same hot-tempered one who is ready to send all those who do not agree to the gas chamber.
                1. 0
                  21 September 2015 17: 36
                  Right These lovers to translate from the essence of the question to the person of the interlocutor have long been classified. A flag with 2 triangles is clearly out of place there.
            2. -2
              20 September 2015 16: 57
              Quote: venaya
              I myself love to read the Talmud,

              Quote: venaya
              I myself am not a Nazi

              Still, anokem made you make excuses.
              Here it is the ability to bend everyone under itself!
              1. +2
                20 September 2015 22: 03
                It is good that he was "justified", because we also read it.
        2. +1
          20 September 2015 10: 02
          He simply either did not manage to fade to his historical homeland, or visited there, did not take root, and returned! They can not stand either there or here!
      2. +6
        21 September 2015 01: 52
        Why do you immediately "nazi abomination"? It seems like the Nazis and Zionists were friends .... sometimes)))))
        There is even a medal
    2. +9
      20 September 2015 08: 34
      Quote: venaya
      some even served in the SS (sort of translated as "soldiers of socialism")

      SS - Schutzstaffeln - Security units. Sort of.
      1. 0
        20 September 2015 09: 43
        Quote: anip

        SS - Schutzstaffeln - Security units. Sort of.

        I agree, but this is only one of the options, also familiar to me. The fact is that in Masonic lodges and some totalitarian sects, even one word has dozens of meanings, usually unknown to the lowest degrees in the Masonic hierarchy. And here we are talking about abbreviation, the possibility of manipulating value increases many times. The significance of this abbreviation that I cite here, I took from Academician Nikolai Levashov. His ability to search for information incomparably exceeds my personal capabilities.
        1. +3
          20 September 2015 10: 45
          And can I explain the situation in terms of workers and peasants?
          Those Jews who fell out of the deck of cards called the "Biblical Project" were to be destroyed. In this way, pogroms and holocaust were staged. Because they began to assimilate, dissolve in the people that sheltered them.
          And yet, it was necessary to scare them so that they would gather in one place. Israel appeared. But again they miscalculated. The state appeared where they gathered.
          But after all, according to the "Biblical Project", they must undermine states from within.
          So Kissanger said that by 2020 there will be no stone left from Israel.
          What do poor Jews do? And they have a backup airfield. Crimea (the eternal dream) and Russia, where in the government and at all key posts, they are dear.
          Even the influx of Arabs into Europe, I associate with this.

          And, as Zhirik put it, they will make candy out of the country. But the Russian people will have an inheritance, in wartime, cannon fodder, and in peacetime, a slug-carpenter.
          The last sentence is not Zhirik, but mine.
          1. 0
            20 September 2015 22: 07
            You know, I often now began to listen to Zhirinovsky. It says a lot of real things, as it looks into the water.
            1. 0
              21 September 2015 20: 40

              Zhirik is not a true liberal. Sometimes things tell you if you don’t get into silly stories.
          2. +3
            21 September 2015 00: 36
            I would like to add about the project of building the state of Israel in Argentina. there were two attacks against this project. one to the Israeli embassy in Argentina, the other to a public organization.
            1. +2
              21 September 2015 07: 32
              Quote: venaya
              Strange things are happening. There is a quote. There is no acoustics. It is not even visible that the comments are deleted. Ratings are reset. There was no polemic, as it were. what
              1. +1
                21 September 2015 07: 43
                Quote: Babr
                Quote: venaya
                Strange things are happening. There is a quote. There is no acoustics. It is not even visible that the comments are deleted. Ratings are reset. There was no polemic, as it were.

                He drove you in an emergency
                1. The comment was deleted.
                2. +2
                  21 September 2015 10: 48
                  Quote: Alexander Romanov
                  He drove you in an emergency

                  Yes, I don’t seem to offend him. Even minuses. what
                  Am I so scary? what
  2. The comment was deleted.
  3. +11
    20 September 2015 07: 49
    Anyway, it is believed that in the territory of modern Russia (namely, in the Urals) the ancient Aryan state of Hairat really existed, first the North, then the South (that is, the ancient Aryans moved from the North).
    The scientific data obtained as a result of excavations in the Karagan valley near Magnitogorsk confirm this. About 4000 years ago, near the place of Arkaim there was a city (now it is called by the same name), and it was built according to a single plan, as suggested, in the form of a map of the starry sky. It's obvious that
    Arkaim is both a city, a temple and an observatory. Around Arkaim, ruins of 25 other cities were discovered on 400 square at 400 km, which obviously had a different purpose.

    Many secrets of this place have not yet been unraveled, but scientists recognize it is possible that it was here more than 3000 years ago, in the Riphean, that is, the Ural mountains, to the Daiti river (the modern Urals) and Lake Vouurukarta (now the Caspian Sea)
    the time of king Vishtaspa, the prophet Zarathushtra came. Then, already in later times, the Aryans settled throughout Europe, part of them moved south, on the territory of modern Iran and Afghanistan, the other part reached India. And in that case
    the legend contained in ancient Persian and Indian texts that the ancestral home of these peoples is a certain distant northern country is quite understandable.

    So the Germans did not have to cling to the "true Aryans"!
    Here from the real descendants of the Aryan-Russians and received! tongue
    1. +5
      20 September 2015 08: 38
      from real descendants of the Aryan-Russians

      Oh how. So we are one people with Iranians and Indians?
      1. +7
        20 September 2015 09: 58
        Quote: razgildyay
        Oh how. So we are one people with Iranians and Indians?

        Does it bother you? Maybe not just one, but the roots come out that are common.
        1. +1
          20 September 2015 10: 00
          Does it bother you? Maybe not just one, but the roots come out that are common.

          Yeah, then we all have one root - upright monkeys.
          1. +2
            20 September 2015 10: 24
            Sanskrit Pts is similar to Russian; some Indians consider Sanskrit an ancestor of their language
            mother mother
            wife janib
            1. 0
              20 September 2015 10: 53
              Uh-huh, and the Etruscans living on the Apennine Peninsula - "These are Russians", yes, we know, we know.
          2. +4
            20 September 2015 16: 28
            Quote: razgildyay
            Yeah, then we all have one root - upright monkeys.

            It is unlikely. Rather, monkeys descended from humans. There are many examples of wild people, and the wisdom of monkeys is visible only in science fiction films.
            According to the article -
            The "Law on the Restoration of Professional Bureaucracy", which barred "non-Aryans" access to public service
            The law is generally correct, although it has been reduced to absurdity. What is wrong if one nation tries to maintain its identity? I am with two hands for the introduction of such a law in Russiaprohibiting citizenship of non-indigenous nationalities of Russia. Such restrictions exist both in the Baltic states and in the countries of the Middle East (UAE, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait). And no one is killing there. Just if you are not a root Saudit, you will never become a citizen. You can work, but not everywhere. Indigenous in priority. A company can only be opened if two of your co-founders are Saudis. This is normal!
            But Hitler brought sensible thoughts on protecting the identity of the nation to an absurdity, and now when you mention the protection of the interests of indigenous peoples, you will be branded an anti-Semite.
            A similar story with the swastika - the oldest solar symbol became the personification of fascism. At this rate, the rainbow in the sky will be associated with buggers. It is necessary to separate the grain from the chaff. hi
            1. 0
              21 September 2015 18: 37
              As for "indigenous / non-indigenous" citizens, the issue is complex, slippery and dangerous. Easily leading to snag like "Hitlerism". The Saudis are not a good example. For the rest, I agree.
      2. 0
        21 September 2015 14: 39
        Quote: razgildyay
        Oh how. So we are one people with Iranians and Indians?

        ))) You do not know)) Your kind of relatives of Hannibal ...
        1. 0
          21 September 2015 17: 24
          Well, thank God that it is not Genghis Khan.
      3. 0
        21 September 2015 18: 01
        No wonder. The predominance of the R1a haplogroup (above 50% of the population) is characteristic of the link "East Germany / Czech Republic - Poland - Belarus - West Russia / North Ukraine - North Russia / Center Russia - Volga region / Tatarstan". This is the so-called Indo-European, also known as the Aryan haplogroup. But the maximum content of this genetic code was recorded in Mountain Tajiks (about 80% of the population and more). This is already a trace of the "Iranian route" (the ancient name is Ariana). Genetics cannot be fooled. By the way, Western Europe is inhabited for the most part by carriers of the R1b haplogroup, the so-called "Celtic". This separation from the once common carriers of the haplogroup R1 corresponds to different (in time and routes) "waves" of settlement in Central and Western Europe. Most likely from the South Urals / South Siberia region. Hence the conclusion: the so-called "Germanism" is a myth generated by the stupid classification of Italics. It can be used only as an identification of ethnic groups that have exchanged their native dialects for corrupted Latin, which in turn is a corrupted Etruscan / Rassen dialect, which nevertheless has taken the right to be considered "classical".
      4. +1
        21 September 2015 18: 32
        Open results of modern genetic research: 1) Haplogroup R1a is widespread (more than 50% of the population) along the "axis" East Germany / Czech Republic - Poland / Belarus - west Russia / north and north-east of Ukraine - north of Russia / center of Russia - Volga region / Tatarstan. This is the so-called "Indo-European", also known as the Aryan haplogroup. The most striking reflection of the southern "Iranian-Indian" distribution route is the presence of R1a in mountain Tajiks (Gorny Badakhshan) - more than 80%. Here are the true "Aryans". Iran in ancient times was called Ariana. As for the "Indea", there is an autochthonous population - Negroid; the descendants of the Aryan conquerors - the higher castes and Sikhs as an integral ethnic group. 2) In western Europe, the "Celtic" haplogroup R1b prevails. 3) The division of a single haplogroup R1 into 2 branches corresponds to different waves and routes of settlement of Europe from the territory of the South Urals / South Siberia (Asia - the country of Ases). Languages ​​change quickly. "Germanism" in fact reflects only a stupid classification of Italics. and later - the replacement of native dialects with spoiled Latin. But genetics is difficult to "drink".
    2. +1
      21 September 2015 20: 43

      Autumn has little faith in all these pseudo-stories. It looks logical but feels the same.

      As experienced Ukrainians say, "the story unfolds."
  4. +6
    20 September 2015 09: 12
    I recommend that everyone who is interested in this topic type in the search bar, “conspiracy of Zionists and Nazis” you will find a lot of shocking material, especially about the activities of the Zionists in the Third Reich. Here is an example of only one excerpt from the article “Zionists and Nazis - Brothers Forever”: In the Third Reich, the Zionist movement acted completely legally: ideologies are kindred, especially among Zionist and National Socialists in Germany. Even wasIn particular, the Zionists concealed their plans for the extermination of Jews by the Nazis. Indeed, the Zionists, on the one hand, presented their political point of view as the opinion of the entire Jewish people and acted as plenipotentiaries of all the Jews of the globe. On the other hand, the real Jewish people were disagreeable and not close to them, and they did not even think about taking care of it. A medal was minted, bearing the six-pointed star of David on the one hand and the swastika on the other. As a sign of eternal friendship between the Zionists and the Nazis.

    Hitler banned all Jewish organizations and the press, but the Zionist Union of Germany and the newspaper Yudishe Rundschau operated until 1943.
  5. +7
    20 September 2015 09: 16
    The National Socialist regime planned the mass extermination of other "non-Aryan" European peoples.... In the exposition of Diorama-Sevastopol, there is a very interesting document. Very unprepossessing in appearance, but capacious in content - a pocket atlas "Great Germany" with the "Barbarossa" plan. On all its pages, the territory of the former Soviet Union is designated as a territory free from the population, intended for the distribution of estates, the extraction of natural resources and the construction of industries. The surviving population (according to their plans, it is about 6 million, against the fact that according to the 1941 census there were 196 people) were assigned a place of residence beyond the Urals. 716 million Soviet people were to be exterminated. Of course, there were not only Slavs among them. But it seems to me that this is already enough to recognize what is happening on the territory of the USSR as genocide. Why don't they? The great poet answered the question: "... it means that someone needs it." I believe that yes, it was genocide. Slavs Hitler and others like him were not considered people.
  6. +5
    20 September 2015 09: 47
    Quote: razgildyay
    from real descendants of the Aryan-Russians

    Oh how. So we are one people with Iranians and Indians?

    The ancestors were common, lived together, then the ancestors of the Hindus and Iranians went east, and the ancestors of the Russians remained in place.
    1. +2
      20 September 2015 11: 31
      Quote: timyr

      The ancestors were common, lived together, then the ancestors of the Hindus and Iranians went east, and the ancestors of the Russians remained in place.

      Here with the direction of movement of peoples a little bit wrong.
      If we turn to meteorology, it turns out that 200 years ago, the temperature, now, of the Arctic Ocean was at 000 degrees Celsius (determined from cores, and what was in Africa? - apparently under a hundred). Fern forests grew around, countless herds of mammoths walked (confirmed back in the 23th century), drawings and statues of animals very similar to a crocodile were found, but the inscriptions on them are different, and in Russian letters (what does Kiril have to do with it, because the information appear in the press about Cyril only after 1901?). And the inscription is strange, it is written that it is "corcodil", apparently it had a thick crust instead of soft leather. Well, we still use the word "dil", in the expression "bite the bit". Something to do with the horse.
      So it seems that people lived there, and even owned written language, and even spoke in very ancient Russian.
      No wonder Academician Mikhail Lomonosov at a meeting of the Academy of Sciences talked about the ancient calendar, which is 399 years old. It’s a pity they didn’t let me finish, and his whole library disappeared without a trace.
      That's why I strongly doubt that people with changing weather (cooling) moved in directions from west to east, I most likely traveled from north to south.
  7. +7
    20 September 2015 10: 18
    How smartly the Israeli reacted to the comment. Completely noting that the Jews of Europe fought in the ranks of the Nazi army, a fact that is impossible to hide. How much effort is spent trying to justify or somehow explain the service of European Jews to the Nazis. It was the SOVIET Jews that were immediately destroyed by the most savage methods of the Germans and their accomplices, including European Jews. Now the Zionists have new masters, but the tone and frenzy in propaganda has even increased.
  8. +1
    20 September 2015 10: 20
    Absolutely tendentious article by Mr. Khavkin - or say a word about "poor Jewry". Any state, even with a very bad government, cannot exist in only one negative manifestation. And the technical, scientific, social and cultural achievements of Germany during that period were also a manifestation of "racism". Germany of that era, the liberal media are constantly pouring one black paint, completely bypassing a number of phenomena that then manifested themselves with extraordinary force in German society in the social, economic and spiritual spheres. It's good to blame everything on the one who no longer exists. The Western world has succeeded in this.
  9. +2
    20 September 2015 11: 02
    Quote: razgildyay
    Uh-huh, and the Etruscans living on the Apennine Peninsula - "These are Russians", yes, we know, we know.

    Indo-European languages ​​heard or how. It was just a common ancestor and one common language. And scientists say the ancestors of the Hindus and Iranians lived in the Urals and the East European plain.
  10. +2
    20 September 2015 11: 16
    Zionists believed that there are right Jews worthy of Israel and wrong, infected by communism, and they must be destroyed.
  11. The comment was deleted.
    1. The comment was deleted.
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      1. +3
        20 September 2015 16: 34
        Quote: Aleksander
        You can’t talk like that about people, this is disgusting.

        I agree, but with a reservation. According to the Torah, Goys are not considered people, and are worthy of contempt and death (I can give you a bunch of excerpts from their religious literature). Those. the official religion of the Jews does not consider us people. How to deal with this? request
        1. +1
          20 September 2015 19: 54
          Quote: Ingvar 72
          Those. the official religion of the Jews does not consider us people. How to deal with this?

          To me personallydon't give a damn, and the interpretations are a whole cloud and contradictory. About people in general - so obscene-talk-NOT (IMHO).
          1. +2
            20 September 2015 22: 16
            It turns out that when people are treated like goys, with subsequent humiliation, you do not care. But call a Jew, in no case.
        2. The comment was deleted.
  12. -2
    20 September 2015 12: 17
    The Jew means "immigrant". Any immigrant Jewish. Europe is a country (from the side) of Jews, that is, immigrants.

    After WWII, a study was carried out in Germany, which revealed that among the so-called Jews, there were more blond and blue-eyed Jews, as a percentage, than among the so-called Germans.

    Another study gave the following result: Russians, Germans and Poles are genetically one nation.

    The typical type of Jews accepted by the townsfolk is actually the "Armenian type".

    Shlomo Zand, a professor at Tel Aviv University, wrote the book Who Invented the Jewish People. Conclusion of the book: an artificial people appeared as a result of proletarianism.

    Jew-translated as "ideological". Mount Ida (Romeian, Roman Empire, "Byzantium" - modern Beykos (Turkey).

    Israelite-translated "From Rai the flyer (who flew)", one of the four lands where the ancestors of the white race came from was called Rai.

    Zh.i.d.- from a play on words: seed-translated as a merchant, and zhid-the name of the genital organ of a male.

    The conversion to the people began during the Reformation, this civil war of the old empire, from the merchant class. No wonder, the so-called "ghettos" were located in the best parts of the cities.

    Nazism, like Bolshevism, a product of synarchism, is one of the options for finding the ideal world order in the "New World Order". Both Germany and the USSR were fed from the same financial source.
    1. +2
      20 September 2015 16: 37
      Quote: ignoto
      Zh.i.d.- from a play on words: seed-translated as a merchant, and zhid-the name of the genital organ of a male.

      Wrong. Judas-Jude. Zh.i.d is a Slavic form of Latin judaei hi
      P.S. The minus is not mine. laughing
      1. 0
        21 September 2015 21: 43
        Ingvar 72

        zhd from the word to expect. Wait. Waiting.

        The Jews themselves interpret this. YouTube to help.
  13. +9
    20 September 2015 12: 49
    For some reason, everyone remembers about Nazi crimes against Jews, including the West. Yes, the long-suffering people, but the Nazis killed no less than people for political reasons. And according to racial theories, not only Jews were destroyed. We must remember about everyone, and not about whom it is profitable or convenient. It’s better to see where the majority of Nazi criminals later settled, whom they served after the war, and whom they serve now.
    1. +5
      20 September 2015 18: 28
      In general, "Kristallnacht" in Germany had a "pretext" so to speak and was created by a Jew:
      The reason for the start of the Jewish pogroms was the murder of November 7, 1938 in Paris, 17-year-old Polish Jew Herschel Grinshpanom adviser to the German embassy Ernst vom Rath.
      There is, as it were, such an opinion that in those years the same thing happened as now in Ukraine - the fascists, under the control of some persons of Jewish nationality, are going to "kill" the Russians.
      And after you remember that the main role in the "collapse and plundering" of the USSR was also played by persons of Jewish nationality, you begin to believe in it.
      And when you look at some citizens from Israel and read their comments about our country that literally exude hatred, you begin to believe in it even more.
      Fortunately, they are not all like that, and among them there are decent and honest people who have done a lot for our country. It looks like it's all about the theory of racial and intellectual superiority over the rest of the people with which they are stuffed.
      1. +3
        20 September 2015 22: 20
        By the way, yes. The higher and noble the Jew, the more he hates precisely Russians and Orthodoxy. And everywhere, in all countries of the world.
  14. The comment was deleted.
  15. +4
    20 September 2015 19: 05
    Good source of wisdom, huh!
    Quote: venaya
    from academician Nikolai Levashov

    Levashov Nikolai Viktorovich is another star in rewriting the history of the Slavs and discovering to the public that “how it really was”, a typical representative of occult pseudoscience. For greater importance, I pretended to be a great Russian scientist, academician, researcher, Grand Duke, psychic, healer, artist and space hierarch in addition. In the appendage, he scribbled a dozen anti-scientific books.
    1. +3
      21 September 2015 08: 00
      Quote: delvin-fil

      ... Nikolay Viktorovich Levashov is another star in rewriting the history of the Slavs and discovering to the public that “how everything was really”, a typical representative of occult pseudoscience. ...

      What are you talking about ??? What is it: "the star of the rewriting of the history of the Slavs" and "a typical representative of the occult pseudoscience." - Do you represent true science here? As far as I know, Levashov has nothing to do with either history or even TORA (a religious book, the forerunner of the "Old Testament", judging by the language used, is of African origin), but was engaged in the origin of the past of all mankind within a time frame of at least tens of millions of years, based primarily on archaeological research and other poorly researched sources. Where then could the "Slavs" come from, or as in Latin "sklaveni" (the original word) - that is, SLAVES, in our opinion. Check the dictionary if you don't believe it. By the way, this word also got into the English language in the XNUMXth century as "slave" - ​​a slave. True, before that in English, the word "thrall" was used - with the same meaning (as it strongly resembles the familiar word "trawl" in Russian, now this "trawl" is either dragged or pushed in front of it, like a slave).
      And where did you find the history of the mythical Slavs here? The word itself could not have arisen before the emergence of the Latin language, it is alien, and the "Latins" themselves are simply immigrants from Africa.
      It is today's "history" that is an occult pseudo-science created by religious fanatics for the sake of the interests of their masters, that is, it is not at all not a science at all, but simply one of the occult-religious movements.
      1. 0
        25 September 2015 21: 07
        Short biography:

        It was born in February 1961 in Kislovodsk. Grew and developed as an ordinary youth. From his own words, he even overpowered the university department, at the end of which he stepped up to “trample the Kirzachs”. After the army under Suze during the period of the occult boom he was engaged in hypnosis and healing sessions typical of that time, where his second wife, who was known as Andromeda Mzia Solomonia, who was now known as Andromeda, turned into assistants, who, incidentally, suffered many troubles since the lady turned out to be Jewish blood.

        After some time I met my princess Svetlana, and make sure ... In 1991 he emigrated to the United States, where he earned money with his sessions, writing, and later speaking on radio and TV programs. He also had a chance to take pictures with his uncle millionaire Rockefeller. Among other things, he dissuaded two people with cancer from being treated at the hospital, claiming that he had eliminated the disease telepathically. As a result, they died safely and unexpectedly (one - within a month). After filing lawsuits by their relatives in 2006, he decided to change his place of work and returned to Russia, where, on the increased wave of patriotism, he again began to fool the heads of the unfortunate.

        Member of the five fake academies: The International Academy of Informatization (since 1998), the International Academy of Energy and Information Sciences (since 1999), the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences, the International Academy of Integrated Security Sciences (since 2006) and the International Academy of Family Medicine, alternative and natural methods of treatment.

        He published and distributed many pseudoscientific books based on the "new age" and abstract spirituality, periodically falling into the money box for meetings with readers. He contributed to pseudo-paganism by the book “Russia in Curved Mirrors” (2007) in two parts, in which he outlined his view on the laws of development of human society and earthly civilization (it is not recommended to read). Most of his statements related to the history of the Slavs, Levashov took from the work of Akhinevich, “Slavic-Aryan Vedas”, asserting that he does not know any Akhinevich, but read the “primary sources” himself, and that he even has some “ dedication. " In 2010, the writings were recognized as extremist material.

        The charlatan posed as a descendant of the Russian noble and count clan of the Levashovs, however, he cannot provide evidence of genealogical ties with this clan. He advertised that he managed to marry a certain Svetlana Seryogina, in fact, a lost princess of the Rogans family, about which she learned from her cousin Prince Pierre de Rogan-Brissac. However, there are no princes in France at the moment, and the genealogy of the Rogans house is well known, and there are no Pierre de Rogans-Brissacs in it. In addition, when skeptically considering all the data about Svetlana, there is a version that no Svetlana exists at all. According to Levashov, 13.10.2010/XNUMX/XNUMX Svetlana was killed by vile, cowardly enemies - “social parasites,” who were unable to defeat him personally. They killed the poor fellow with a phone call that emitted deadly frequencies for the two-legged.
  16. +8
    20 September 2015 22: 45
    Personally, I suspect that the Germans, after the defeat of Germany in World War I, were infuriated by the Jewish way of life. When they were in poverty, and the Jews were rich in their suffering.
    1. 0
      21 September 2015 18: 43
      Well, such a bookmark was not without reason, in relation to the defeated yesterday's monarchies of Europe. The question was where to create a "battering ram" to achieve goals: in the Trotskyist "former Russia", or in humiliated and trampled down Germany.
  17. -7
    20 September 2015 22: 57
    The article is interesting, objective. Respect to the author. But the comments of anti-Semitic losers (justifying their z.o.p.o.krug and meekness of the world Zionist conspiracy) should not be paid attention. This is an eternal story.
    1. +3
      21 September 2015 10: 43
      Quote: Pushkar
      But the comments of anti-Semitic losers (justifying their z.o.p.o.krug and meekness of the world Zionist conspiracy) should not be paid attention.

      Well tell us then again a fairy tale about how "white and fluffy" you are and how everyone in the world, especially Russian anti-Semites, offends you innocent and extremely defenseless smile
  18. +2
    21 September 2015 07: 48
    It’s normal when a person monitors the cleanliness of his dog’s breed in order to maintain a perfect scent or ability to run fast, but when a person wants to monitor the purity of his nation this is akin to a crime, it’s strange somehow. Cultural diversity is good, but mixing people is bad, and the Jews are sideways. They think that the stars are brighter in the dark sky, and therefore they mix Europeans with blacks and Arabs, because the religion itself clearly spells out a ban on incest with other nations. Hitler’s expansionist plans spoiled everything, if they were removed from the politics of the Reich, Europe would not be tormented by its tolerance now, and we would not suffer from the irreparable loss of 27 million of our best people.
  19. 0
    21 September 2015 08: 49
    I repeat for the military: J.I.D. - from a pun. Latin is an artificial language created on the basis of the Slavic alphabet by Stepan Perm (in the Western tradition, Stefan of Parma).

    A Jew is only IDEAS, and a Jew is a MOVER, an Israeli is from RAI LETYANIN.

    During WWII, the so-called Jews fought in the Nazi army and in Red. In the number of Heroes of the Soviet Union, Jews are in fourth place, and as a percentage of those who fought in first place, especially among those who received the posthumous rank.
    1. -1
      21 September 2015 09: 12
      in English - jew
      in french - juif
      in German - jude
      in Polish - zyd
      And in what language is the pun? In latin?
      The first line of the Wikipedia page "g and d" fully explains everything, there is no smell of puns. In addition, there is a google-translator into Latin, try to enter the word "merchant", not at all like "judaeus".
  20. -5
    21 September 2015 09: 48
    How many linguists and Talmud experts are on the site! And the history of the Slavs is known at the level of comedian Zadornov! It is bitter and ridiculous to look at how a small, ever-persecuted people is declared the source of universal ills. Even the Ukrainian leadership is not blamed for the collapse of the country, but for Jewish origin. Maybe we will not look for the reasons for our bad luck outside? Or are we not Russia?
    1. +1
      21 September 2015 10: 41
      Well, it’s clear that self-criticism is useful, but even though this eternally persecuted people are small, for some reason over the last century they very often found themselves at the helm of states after revolutions. Do not underestimate them http://censor.net.ua/forum/636426/edinstvennaya_tsel_suschestvovaniya_goev_sluji

      A truly Jewish origin often implies Jewish culture, including their religion, which in turn can act as an autonomous state. Therefore, they are suspicious of Jewish origin.
      1. 0
        21 September 2015 10: 47
        Well, let's throw them off, put them in gazovki and stoves and heal happily (like the Third Reich).
        1. 0
          21 September 2015 11: 14
          Pfft, "Smart." In addition, there are no more opportunities. A previously failed ideology cannot be reused successfully, at least with such a short break.
          And indeed now the need for this has disappeared, they have their own state appeared.
          But the Jewish question reminds us that the people should have their own immunity in order to reduce the influence of foreign bodies on the fate of the people, that you need to learn as well as they do, know a bunch of languages ​​and uphold the interests of your people first of all.
  21. -1
    21 September 2015 16: 51
    There are no opportunities, that's for sure - the Third Reich is defeated. But the case of Aloizych is alive and well, so the "Jewish question" has surfaced. Or maybe really try to "study as well as they do, know a bunch of languages ​​and defend the interests of your people, first of all"? Only instead of the last point - try to work? Then there will be something to defend.
    1. 0
      21 September 2015 18: 47
      "Only instead of the last point - try to work?" - Is this an argument like "du cancer itself"? - Familiar music. Indeed, the cause of those who "led and directed" Aloizych is flourishing.
  22. 0
    21 September 2015 17: 44
    German National Socialism is Zionism, wrapped in a wrapper of "German exclusivity," intended for the use of the "goy-Germans" in the destruction of the "goy-slavs" (sorry, I use the terminology of the "customer"), as well as for the final defamation of the real Aryan (Tolerasts are called "Indo-European") culture and historical tradition. The project was launched as soon as the defeat of the Trotskyists in the USSR became obvious. The bet from the chestnut horse was abruptly transferred to the black one. Only business.
    1. -3
      21 September 2015 18: 01
      And who is the customer of this Aryan delirium?
      1. 0
        22 September 2015 12: 51
        Resurrect Hitler, and ask "Who is the customer." You won't accept anything else, analysis / conclusions don't count, "Qui prodest" (who benefits) will not surprise you either. So ask the first person what is named.
  23. 0
    24 September 2015 13: 43
    I found a filmets on the topic, echoes the article.

"Right Sector" (banned in Russia), "Ukrainian Insurgent Army" (UPA) (banned in Russia), ISIS (banned in Russia), "Jabhat Fatah al-Sham" formerly "Jabhat al-Nusra" (banned in Russia) , Taliban (banned in Russia), Al-Qaeda (banned in Russia), Anti-Corruption Foundation (banned in Russia), Navalny Headquarters (banned in Russia), Facebook (banned in Russia), Instagram (banned in Russia), Meta (banned in Russia), Misanthropic Division (banned in Russia), Azov (banned in Russia), Muslim Brotherhood (banned in Russia), Aum Shinrikyo (banned in Russia), AUE (banned in Russia), UNA-UNSO (banned in Russia), Mejlis of the Crimean Tatar people (banned in Russia), Legion “Freedom of Russia” (armed formation, recognized as terrorist in the Russian Federation and banned), Kirill Budanov (included to the Rosfinmonitoring list of terrorists and extremists)

“Non-profit organizations, unregistered public associations or individuals performing the functions of a foreign agent,” as well as media outlets performing the functions of a foreign agent: “Medusa”; "Voice of America"; "Realities"; "Present time"; "Radio Freedom"; Ponomarev Lev; Ponomarev Ilya; Savitskaya; Markelov; Kamalyagin; Apakhonchich; Makarevich; Dud; Gordon; Zhdanov; Medvedev; Fedorov; Mikhail Kasyanov; "Owl"; "Alliance of Doctors"; "RKK" "Levada Center"; "Memorial"; "Voice"; "Person and law"; "Rain"; "Mediazone"; "Deutsche Welle"; QMS "Caucasian Knot"; "Insider"; "New Newspaper"