For whom the Bell Tolls


To bear power, if not from God,
Essences of power are separated from God
(Roman 13, 1-3)

Those who were lucky enough to get a higher education in the Soviet system remember well the typology of societies through the definition of Socioeconomic Formations (CEF), where, depending on the types of economic basis, the following formations are distinguished: primitive community, slave, feudal, bourgeois (capitalist). With their individual characteristics, they all have one thing in common - the exploitation by a small group of people of the overwhelming majority of members of society in order to obtain personal advantages and privileges.

Not the name, but the internal content determines the essence and essence of any economic system. The name can only embellish the facade, but not change the essence and internal content. Both feudalism and capitalism are essentially slavery. Slavery is even more cruel, even more sophisticated, than the ancient slavery. Slavery, built on deception and meanness. Slavery, built on the exploitation of man by man. Slavery, which has no justification in the "enlightened" age, which is considered the twenty-first century after the birth of Christ. Slavery of modern human civilization.

Slave system was apparently the most outspoken way of exploiting people. However, in spite of the simplicity and attractiveness for the exploiters, he also had its drawbacks. The owner was forced to take care and maintain the slaves. The deceased slave brought a loss to his slave owner, because additional expenses were required to purchase a new slave in exchange for the deceased.

But the slave system collapsed. The slave was given a temporary use of a piece of land. Allowed him to have a home and family. Allowed to feed themselves and their family from "their" land. Instead, he had to work for the lord, serve his lord, fight for him, give him part of his crop. So arose feudal system.

It was a new ingenious invention of slave owners. For the illusion of freedom, the slave worked hard to feed himself and his family. He did not need to feed. He did not need to build a house. He didn’t have to push him to work, he forced himself to work. He did not need to be guarded, he himself held on to the piece of land that fed him. And all this time he remained a slave. However, feudalism had its drawbacks. The most important thing was that for the feeding of the slave and his family, the feudal lord had to allocate a plot of land from their own possessions.

The world has changed. Changed and production relations. But the very essence of the relationship has not changed. Slavery left. New exploiter class built his new society on the basis of commodity-money relations. Everything has become a commodity. Everything got a price. Money became the universal measure of any values. The main weapons became the financial system. All processes in society are regulated by the so-called financial flows. The direction of financial flows is regulated by the one in whose hands are money, capital.

All of humanity is divided into two unequal parts: a minority (parasites) of those who have capital, and all the rest who have no capital. A person’s lack of capital is equivalent to the position of a slave. If a person has no capital, then he has nothing. He is deprived of everything, including “Human Rights,” just like an ordinary slave. The modern slave does not need to be fed, clothed or sheltered, pushed or guarded. Slave does not need to give land. The slave provides himself with everything he needs: food, clothing, shelter. The slave himself seeks to learn and gain knowledge. A slave himself is looking for a master. The slave works hard and values ​​his slave position. Moreover, he still pays for all this money, taxes, living in the illusions of the virtual world spread by the media. What could be more perfect than this system of slavery?

Only Russia, not knowing what slaves are, fell out of the general scheme of development. The Orthodox monarchy, relying on the tenets of the Orthodox Faith, Orthodox morality and ethics, limited the predatory appetites of the boyars and presumptuous landowners, who were seeking Western tyranny, enabling the creative development of talents of the “lower stratum”. A huge number of outstanding people of Russia were from the lower class and serfs: Lomonosov, Kulibin, Kiprensky, Voronikhin, Tropinin, Batov (Russian Stradivarius), Taras Shevchenko and many others.

Any attempts by the West to destroy Russia from the inside by introducing alien foundations and other morals (the heresy of the Judaizers) were harshly suppressed by sovereigns and great devotees, such as: Metropolitan Gennady Archbishop of Novgorod, Joseph Volotsky, Patriarch Hermogen.

Tsar John IV the Terrible was formidable not only to corrupt boyars, but was a threat to demons and enemies of Russian Orthodoxy. Therefore, until now the enemies of the Orthodox Church and Russia cannot forgive the pious Tsar John that he cleansed Russia of these enemies of the state and the minions of Satan. They still deny its role and importance for the benefit of the Russian Orthodox Church and our Fatherland. But he, unfortunately, did not finish off all the enemies of Russia.

Stalin: “The wisdom of Ivan the Terrible consisted in the fact that he stood on the national point of view and did not allow foreigners into his country, protecting the country from the penetration of foreign influence. ... One of the mistakes of Ivan the Terrible was that he did not finish five boyar families. If he would have destroyed these families, there would be no Time of Troubles at all. ”

Strong was Russia by its Faith. And those preachers who interpreted that any authority from God greatly risked. Since the Church Slavonic text says: “To bear power, if not from God, the creatures of power from God are committed to the essence”which means literally - no power if not from God. Power is not recognized by authority if it is not from God. Genuine authority from God is established! Word real here it means genuine, true, real - compare the old Russian expression "true truth". And the Greek source text has exactly the same meaning, and the exact same form emphasizing the importance of the condition: evenwhat does it mean if.

Consequently, not all power from God and not all power should be submitted, but only the power established by God, Christian, and therefore genuine. And only the opposition to such authorities considers the apostle Paul to be against the command of God. This is the original idea of ​​Orthodoxy about the attitude towards the authorities, and if it were different, the Russians would never defeat the Tatar yoke, the Polish onslaught, the French invasion, or the German invasion. There would be no commanders in Russia who smashed the enemy in ALL battles, such as the Holy Righteous Fyodor Ushakov and the great Orthodox warrior Alexander Suvorov.

But the poison of heresy struck Russia. In the words of the holy righteous John of Kronstadt: “The Russians have ceased to understand what Russia is: it is the foot of the Throne of the Lord!” The Russian people betrayed their Tsar, violating the oath of 1613 of the year, allowing ritual murder by foreigners and non-believers of the entire royal family, leaving a Kabbalistic inscription on the wall of the Ipatiev house. Cruel retribution followed inevitably. That Russia without a Tsar, like a man with a severed head, is a stinking corpse (Rev. Anatoly Optinsky).

Who is Stalin in stories Russia can be interpreted to infinity. But it was he who in 1941 opened all the temples, monasteries, seminaries, restoring the Patriarchate in 1943 year. Wasn this not a guarantee of victory in the Great Patriotic War?
In 1948, the Church Conference of the Heads and Representatives of Orthodox Autocephalous Churches took place in Moscow. The meeting was attended by delegations of the churches of Antioch (also represented Alexandria), Greek, Serbian, Romanian, Bulgarian, Georgian, Czechoslovak, Polish, from China, as well as the exarch-patriarch of Ecumenical. The meeting demonstrated “the worldwide triumph of Orthodoxy, which had not been able to accomplish anything like this for hundreds of years.” With Stalin’s death, illusions were scattered.

What now? Built a new society based on commodity-money relations. Everything has become a commodity. Everything got a price. Money became the universal measure of any values. The main thing was the financial system. All processes in society are regulated by the so-called financial flows. The direction of financial flows is regulated by the one in whose hands are money, capital.

Doesn't this remind you of anything? Instead of austerity and love of the highest value declared the achievement of maximum comfort. Abortion — please, civil fornication (marriage) is the norm, prostitution is the norm, arrogance and deceit — the whole business community is built on this, drunkenness is declared the national Russian tradition (silently swallowed). Want to have more 1-2 kids? And try, if you can, or want. Freedom!?
You can sell off the army and navy, the only friends of the Russian state, followed by patriotic frenzy by declaring, under massive applause, their imminent powerful development.

You can break a single nation, declaring the Orthodox people living in Kievan Rus, people of a different nationality (“dill”) and starting an endless fratricidal war with the “Unrecognized Republics”.
You can poizgolyatsya at the altar in the Cathedral of Christ the Savior and the whole artistic beau monde will stand together in defense. Once, before 1917, jesters, clowns, fabulis, buffoons were buried outside the city cemetery along with prostitutes and suicides. Now it is the “elite” of society honoring monuments from Karelian granite. Someone will say, obscurantism has ended, and, in my opinion, the state-forming people are amazed by the virus of tolerance, which makes the body incapable of resisting infection.

The words of John Chrysostom about how to deal with blasphemers are forgotten: “If you hear that someone is at a crossroads or on a square blaspheming God, come and make him a suggestion. And if you want to hit him, do not refuse, hit him on the face, crush your mouth, sanctify your hand with a blow; and if they accuse you, bring you to court, go. And if a judge before a court of law demands an answer, feel free to say that he blasphemed the King of angels, for if one should punish those who bore the earthly king, then much more would offend the King of Heaven.

Let the Jews and the Greeks know that Christians are the guardians, protectors, rulers and teachers of the city; and let the libertines and libertines know the same thing, that they should be afraid of God's servants, so that if they want to say something like that, they look around and thrill even the shadows, fearing that a Christian would overhear, attack and strongly did not beat

And the servants of the Moscow Patriarchate (the chicks of the ecumenical nest of Nicodemus Rotov), ​​who shamefully canonized the murdered Tsar Nicholas II and his family, are not martyrs, but, with fear for the sake of Judea, have a different viewpoint. They will competently interpret the love of neighbors and personal enemies, gently omitting that it is necessary to still crush the enemies of the Fatherland and disdain the enemies of God. And of course, they will explain that obedience to the authorities is necessary, since all authority from God turns out to be, unobtrusively making changes to the liturgical collections. The concept of the Christ-loving army, of the State and the victory over every enemy and adversary has been seized, the concept of the Great Lord and our Father has been introduced (Moscow Pope). Forgotten Rules of the Holy Apostles. Well, since the liturgy conciliar cry "about the ruler and her army", then, as they say, what you ask, you will receive.

So what is the current power? Is it from God or God's allowance? From God or from Satan? There are no halftones here. Yes or no, the rest is from evil. And is it so important in the framework of the current CEF who is appointed by the President of Russia? Remarkable incumbent President Putin, or Pusin, is a president, sweetheart, or Pushin, a white and fluffy president, or Puzin, a president with doubled GDP, or even Pudin, a solid president, member of the G8. From changing the terms of the sum does not change. This is no easier for the Russian people, who were left with only a balalaika in reality.

But not everything is so sad. From the Prophecy of the Monk Abel: “- Where are the Tatars, Your Imperial Majesty? Where are the Poles? And with the yoke of the Jew the same will happen. Don't be sad about that, Father - the Tsar, the Christ-murderers will carry their ... Russian hopes come true. The Orthodox Cross will shine on Sophia, in Constantinople, Holy Russia will fill with the smoke of incense and prayers, and flourish, like a heavenly ... "
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51 comment
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  1. +15
    15 September 2015 05: 47
    What now? A new society is built on the basis of commodity-money relations. Everything has become a commodity. Everything has a price. Money has become the universal measure of all values.

    What can I say, when the church itself became a commercial structure.
    1. +3
      15 September 2015 08: 01
      Quote: A1L9E4K9S
      What can I say, when the church itself became a commercial structure.

      And therefore, on the subconscious, commerce becomes a religion.
      1. +3
        15 September 2015 08: 28
        Quote: Oleg147741
        And therefore, on the subconscious, commerce becomes a religion.

        Quote: A1L9E4K9S
        What can I say, when the church itself became a commercial structure.

        Again one single question, what is the CHURCH? I doubt that you know the answer.
        And therefore, shove your unrighteous speeches into your bosom, and do not show it to others.
        1. -3
          15 September 2015 10: 16
          Quote: Penzuck
          Again one single question, what is the CHURCH? I doubt that you know the answer.

          Why is there a church? Well, kolis, open the eternal secret.
          Quote: Penzuck
          And therefore, shove your unrighteous speeches into your bosom, and do not show it to others.

          Why show? Probably repentance, obedience, alms, etc. etc.
          1. -1
            15 September 2015 12: 07
            CHURCH is
            Society co-religionists, co-religionists, confessors, one Christian faith and the very confession, faith. The church is conciliar, ecumenical, general Christian, before being divided into confessions.
            B. Dahl.
            The Church is a society of Christians, you are a Christian baptized by the Russian Orthodox Church, then you are a part of the Russian Orthodox Church, then you are a "church". Those. Church leadership and the Church are inalienable.
            Commercial structure is
            Commercial organization - a legal entity pursuing making a profit as a primary goal their activities.
            If you do not have a goal of making profit, accordingly, the Church also does not have the main goal of making profit.
            1. 0
              15 September 2015 13: 48
              If some humanoids didn’t understand, then I’ll explain. Judas (the one that the apostle), if you remember, was the treasurer. The apostles distributed property to relatives and went after Christ. Is there a treasurer, but no money? Where does the money come from? It is known that the apostles lived on alms. Logically, we understand that ALL of its existence the church "earned" money. Those. IS ALWAYS! Looking at the modern Church? There are no changes, everything is the same as before ... So what is the essence of Pocklepa? It turns out that the clergy do not fulfill what they owe? NO. Performed. (Type 1) then what? Do they do it, but profit from their flock? (Type 2) Lead to death (type 3)? or as a false prophet "god Kuzya" ?. But this again speaks only of a part of the church, and not of the whole church. Those. once again labeling the Russian Orthodox Church.
              PS: The Bible describes three types of shepherds. For hominids, I will explain later.
            2. 0
              15 September 2015 14: 17
              Quote: Penzuck
              the Church also does not have the main goal of profit.

              But what about church shops? A store is a store. In Sofrina, it’s several times cheaper. Who needs a sale from the sale?
              As with the rituals: baptism, burial service, wedding? For all the tariffs are set. What can I say, for forty rubles and then the tariff. The earth consecrated in the coffin is thrown, and then it costs money. That's where the gesheft is, so the gesheft. So with your
              Quote: Penzuck
              someone else’s brains, but not me, because you are mine church-goer, I know their kitchen from the very beginning. Since I have been working with them quite tightly and thoroughly for 11 years now.
              Quote: Penzuck
              If some humanoids do not understand what, then I will explain.

              This is what "humus votserkovlenikus" will learn to talk, we will continue the dialogue. "Why," I can do the same.
              1. -1
                15 September 2015 14: 36
                Quote: baltika-18
                Since I have been working with them quite tightly and thoroughly for 11 years.

                Oh you goy, good fellow, rahat lukum my eyes, your honey and the patriarch’s ears, but openly, and not poop on the whole site anonymously. Yes without links, addresses and surnames. Or cognitive dissonance itself helped to commit a crime but did not agree. HERE OF DIE.
                Quote: baltika-18
                "humus votserkovlionikus"

                -This is a clear insult.
                1. Man is homo sapiens. That is Ch_Razumny.
                2. Dad Ch_Razumnogo, Ch_Umely.
                3. NOMO is a man.
                4. The son of man is HOMINID.
                5. Otherwise, you are a creationist. That is a believer. Is it logical?
    2. +1
      15 September 2015 13: 50
      Now, but how to impose loans began, this is generally financial slavery for idiots.
    3. +1
      15 September 2015 14: 17
      At present, conscience has become a "commodity" in our society, but it cannot be bought. Either a person has it, or it never was from birth, especially among politicians stop .....
    4. 0
      15 September 2015 15: 01
      Quote: A1L9E4K9S
      A new society is built on the basis of commodity-money relations. Everything has become a commodity. Everything has a price.

      The legend of how money came about.

      Once, the pharaoh turned to his priests, pointing to the long lines of slaves chained in chains, which carried one stone:
      - You see, these are slaves guarded by a large number of soldiers. We have always believed that the more slaves, the better it is for the state. But the more slaves, the more dangerous, since they can rebel. For this we need more soldiers. And we also need to feed the slaves well so that they have the strength to do the hard work. But, despite all this, the slaves remain lazy, move slowly and even the guard is lazy to push them with whips.
      “But what to do, great Pharaoh?” - the priests spoke.
      “We will make the slaves move faster and they will not need a guard.” The soldiers themselves will become slaves of their own free will. To do this, order that the heralds before sunset send my decree, which will say: “With the first rays of the sun of tomorrow, I will give all slaves complete freedom. And also I will give each free person one coin for one stone brought to the city. Coins can be exchanged for clothing, housing, and, of course, food. You will be free people tomorrow. ”
      The next morning, the pharaoh and the priests climbed the elevated platform and saw a picture that struck the most daring imagination.
      Thousands of liberated people dragged the same stones as yesterday, only competing who is bigger. Some carried two stones, sweating with sweat. Whoever had one stone, he fled to have time to bring as many stones as possible. Many soldiers also began to wear stones.
      Despite the fact that people finally got freedom, they still wore stones - they tried to get as many desired coins as possible in order to earn their happy life.
      For several months Pharaoh went up the hill to watch with great pleasure what was happening below.
      And below everything changed tremendously. Some slaves united in small groups, made carts, loaded them with stones to the brim, and, sweating with sweat, pushed them.
      Pharaoh thought to himself:
      - Yes, they will invent a lot of new things. I’ve already thought of internal services, such as peddlers of food and water. Very soon they will appoint their own chiefs, judges. But they consider themselves free people, so let them choose, but the essence has not changed, no matter how they call themselves, they, as before, carry stones ...

      I don’t know the author.
  2. The comment was deleted.
  3. +9
    15 September 2015 06: 16
    The most bitter thing is that it is precisely all spiritual values ​​that have become goods.
    It is hard and disgusting to live in a society where truth, justice, honesty, silence, love, respect are bought and sold ... No.
    1. +4
      15 September 2015 08: 36
      Quote: yuriy55
      exactly all spiritual values

      true? - Come on, buy a lie.
      justice? - an unjust court is bought.
      honesty? - also not for sale.
      silence? - (in the context of your phrase) silence on the truth? - somehow crooked ...
      love? - FORM WHAT DO YOU LOVE? Which is for sale?
      respect? - "spiritual value"? is there reverence for elders (including chiefs) and parents? However, again you can't buy it!
      Quote: yuriy55
      It's hard and disgusting to live in a society

      And who is easy now?
  4. +12
    15 September 2015 06: 20
    The author is right that there is no spirituality in people. The golden calf rules the ball.
    1. +2
      15 September 2015 08: 38
      Quote from Uncle Lee
      The author is right that there is no spirituality in people. The golden calf rules the ball.

      Maybe you read the article in the wrong place? Even the author did not notice "lack of spirituality in people". The article is not about that at all. I agree with myself? - A rarity these days.
      1. +6
        15 September 2015 13: 06
        Money has become the universal measure of all values. This is from the article. I did not invent anything and there is nothing to build a know-it-all out of myself and teach. There are eyes and ears and gray matter to analyze the situation. hi
  5. +9
    15 September 2015 06: 37
    "Those who were fortunate enough to get a higher education in the Soviet system remember well the typology of societies through the definition of socio-economic formations ..."

    Why higher? Or the author missed a great time in school for social studies and history. They learned about formations at school ...
    1. +3
      15 September 2015 07: 40
      From the very little boy they hammered in, at school, the army at the institute only deepened and expanded. And atheism was very widely hammered. I still endured one good truth: "Trust in God, but do not make a mistake yourself."
  6. +13
    15 September 2015 06: 49
    The article is harmful even for the Russian Orthodox Church. As Anna Andreevna wrote in her "I had a voice ..." "And harsh Byzantine spirit flew away from the Russian Church ... "
    There is no "Harsh Spirit", imperial, fighting spirit in the article. "Byzantine Orthodox" went to die (and kill) "For the Russian land, for the Orthodox faith." And we had the "Spirit of Byzantineism" up to and including Ivan the Terrible. And then came the "foolish tsars" Mishka Romanov, whom Pope-Patriarch Filaret whipped to death and Alyoshka Romanov from whom Nikon made ropes. And under the "Quiet" (this nickname is solely for the drain of foreign policy) Alexei Mikhailich, only the schismatics were executed 100 and 000k for criminal offenses. When under Ioann-30 Rurikovich 4 were mostly oligarchs. And they began to die for the Faith, then for the Tsar, and thirdly for the fatherland, instead of "For the Russian Land, for the Orthodox Faith."
    Apart from the fact that from a religious point of view, this is heresy. Although Franciscan among the Latins, even though "non-acquisitive" among us. The Lord Christ said "To Caesar - what is Caesar's." Otherwise, without the state, neither the people nor the faith will survive. Moreover, the origins of true Christianity are millennia deeper than the Gospel. And they go into the ancient Egyptian Confession of Denial of 42x (72x) sins, which is 7-10 years old, according to various estimates, where for the first time, besides I did not kill, I did not steal, it is said - I did not sodomy, I did not lighten my weights and there is a lot of things that the Jews due to stupidity and stinginess, they could not plagiarize.
    And so, under Stolypin, if a peasant bought fertilizers and small agricultural machinery, taking off not five himself, but fifty himself, all the "primitive communes" raced at him and said: "Not from God, from a man" - although heresy with point of view of the Russian Orthodox Church.
    Therefore, I somehow along the way with the Rurikovichs, with the Byzants and the Pharaohs. Everything to love your enemy is provided by Rosoboronexport.
    It is not necessary at least to discredit the ROC and the Imperial Russian Idea with the "slave-Orthodox" "They did not live well, it’s not hard to start."
    1. +3
      15 September 2015 07: 48
      Great comment! No words I read with pleasure and that’s it!
      1. 0
        15 September 2015 08: 11
        Quote: Thronekeeper
        It is not necessary at least to discredit the ROC and the Imperial Russian Idea with the "slave-Orthodox" "They did not live well, it’s not hard to start."

        I began to read, I liked it at the beginning. After reading - it caused bewilderment. With all the shortcomings of the church and the state, they do not deserve such derogatory epithets. Staying true to the ideas of Russia since the Rurik dynasty - now this is nothing more than sectarianism.
        1. +1
          15 September 2015 10: 13
          Quote: andj61
          Staying true to the ideas of Russia since the Rurik dynasty - now this is nothing more than sectarianism.

          It is still necessary to think! Count the number of saints from the tribe of Rurik and compare with the number (?) Of saints from the Romanov clan.
  7. +1
    15 September 2015 07: 09
    The article is so-so, people mixed up in a bunch of horses.
    1. -5
      15 September 2015 07: 26
      100%, the author does not know the story at all! writes -Russia did not know slavery! and serfdom what in his opinion?
      1. +4
        15 September 2015 07: 35
        Quote: Wheels
        serfdom what in his opinion

        About 40 minutes ago I wrote about it - we did not miss it.
        1. -1
          15 September 2015 10: 33
          Quote: EvgNik
          100%, the author does not know the story at all! writes -Russia did not know slavery! and serfdom what in his opinion?

          1. Read it again. "serfdom" is a product of the feudal formation, hence the exploitation of man by man, hence slavery.
          2. The author does not contradict himself saying that Russia did not know slavery in the form that was in the west or east. Those. the feudal lords of the Franks ruled over the local "French" (Gauls), the Younger children of the "aristocracy" (that is, the Franks, became priests, and including carried out military functions, not to mention the Pope's legates, during the crusades. hence the knights- " monks "," half-brothers. "Moreover, the infantry (Gauls) were not considered military losses, they usually talked about" noble ", hence the" noble "origin. + Remember that the peasants were forbidden to arm themselves and build" bridges "against the Vikings on their own. Example Book Barthélemy "Knights" In the same place about the British, the same scheme.
          3. Russia was originally a less densely populated country - and therefore we did not make sense to build a castle every 5 km. And the Rurikovich drafted by the ETERNAL REPUBLIC - NOVGOROD by force captured the same EYE REPUBLIC - Kiev, where they suppressed the uprising of the Kiev boyars. And only in 1497 was St. George's Day introduced. Ivan III. THOSE. FORMALLY, WE HAD NO SLAVERY. NOT looking at monarchy and feudalism.
          4. The free people of Russia were not conquered. And therefore there was no such attitude towards the peasants as in the West. "RIGHT OF THE FIRST NIGHT", for example. The priests were mainly formed from the environment of the people of the century. and "aristocracy", which was not cut off from the people, and was its continuation. Patriarch Nikon was born into a peasant family. example.
          5. One of the reasons for the beginning of "serfdom" - the depletion of the land. Those. crisis of science and technology. When the demand is higher than the technical capabilities to meet the demand. Plus, the foreign policy situation is not easy for Muscovy. The peasants became "slaves" after several centuries of "Westernism". Minin and Pozharsky are clearly not peasants. And almost all Zemsky Sobors took place almost without the peasantry.
  8. +4
    15 September 2015 07: 47
    Russia, as it was not sadly followed the Western path, and this, as it is now evident, is a road to nowhere, into a crisis, the way out of which is world war. Because of a handful of parasites that have enriched themselves in privatization, which we believed in the 90s, which we did not legitimate, we left our way. You can return to your path only through universal spiritual rebirth. Neither any programs, nor any laws will help us, the human mind is quirky and will find a loophole. Cadres decide everything.
  9. +5
    15 September 2015 08: 27
    I wanted to go to Tserkov, the time is about 6 pm, there is a sign on the gate (exactly like this): "Opening hours 8.00-17.00. Is this a shop?
    1. 0
      15 September 2015 08: 57
      This is show business, actors also need to relax.
    2. 0
      15 September 2015 12: 13
      Right! there should be three shepherds of human souls in robes of three shifts of the liturgy to conduct! And without interruptions. laughing
  10. -4
    15 September 2015 08: 48
    Quote "Who is Stalin in the history of Russia can be interpreted indefinitely. But it was he who in 1941 opened all the churches, monasteries, theological seminaries, restoring the Patriarchate in 1943. Was this not the guarantee of victory in the Great Patriotic War?"

    Let me think, let me think .... mmmmm .... mmmm ..... NO, NOT THIS!

    As one character put it: "Humanism, it must rely on Konev's tank divisions, otherwise it becomes delusional."
    How much would the USSR have fought relying on merciful, long-maned priests?
    1. +7
      15 September 2015 09: 15
      Quote: Oladushkin
      As one character put it: "Humanism, it must rely on Konev's tank divisions, otherwise it becomes delusional."
      How much would the USSR have fought relying on merciful, long-maned priests?

      Another "character" said: "There are no atheists among the attackers!"
  11. 0
    15 September 2015 08: 57
    The slave system was, is and will be, no matter how it is called, and no matter how the methods and principles of using free labor of some people by others change. As long as there are at least two people on the planet, one will always try to subjugate the other.
    "Only Russia, not knowing what slaves were, dropped out of the general scheme of development." - Russia just knew very well what slaves are, (and now knows) read the story CAREFULLY.
    1. 0
      15 September 2015 09: 35
      Quote: shershen
      The slave system was, is and will be, no matter how it is called, and no matter how the methods and principles of using free labor of some people by others change. As long as there are at least two people on the planet, one will always try to subjugate the other.
      "Only Russia, not knowing what slaves were, dropped out of the general scheme of development." - Russia just knew very well what slaves are, (and now knows) read the story CAREFULLY.

      It’s not a matter of knowing history! but in economics ...
      There has NEVER existed a single state whose economy was based on slavery! Slaves - were and are, slave owners - too; but slave labor - especially in our days - cannot be the basis of the economy! And serfs were not slaves, but "serfs" - people assigned to a nobleman! And he - a nobleman - was obliged to protect them, while being himself a vassal of the supreme nobleman - king, tsar, king ... As Athos said in Dumas: "Yes, the king is the FIRST of the nobles! But - FROM the nobles ..."
      So - a serf without a nobleman is nothing, a "free Cossack"; and a nobleman without a serf is no one who "dwells in rank" (it is the nobility with accompanying privileges - and was given by the tsar or king for merits, say, military ones - to a commoner, but without the right of inheritance; therefore, there is nothing to inherit, neither land nor people on it).
      So, one should figure out: how and why serfs and vassals, nobles and kings arose ... and the relationship between them ... And with the "Cossacks" and - if we take it more broadly - with the yeoman or someone else (free people on whom , in fact, the economy of the feudal states, and earlier - of the "slave-owning" states - city-states, more precisely!), you need to figure it out for yourself better! And not to follow the cliches of the institute "history of history" ...
      Another would have remembered about matriarchy ... or about the "cave age", when people lived for thousands of years in caves! People NEVER! didn't live in caves! Temples, temples, warehouses, shelters and te peh - yes! But live ... Try it yourself (even in the basement ...)! Go crazy with claustrophobia ... Physiology will not allow ...
  12. +4
    15 September 2015 08: 58
    It is difficult to understand an article with such a famous name for whom the bell tolls.

    But at the end of the publication it is said quite clearly.

    From the Prophecy of Monk Abel: “- And where are the Tatars, Your Imperial Majesty? Where are the poles? And the same will be with the yoke of the Jews. Don’t be sad about that, Father - the Tsar, Christ-murderers will bear their ... Russian hopes will be fulfilled.

    That is, everything will come, to those who are waiting ... Wait, sir ... Wait someday ...

    It is a pity that I will not have to live in this wonderful time either for me or for you, as Nekrasov said.

    It remains to recall the original J. Donna.

    “There is no person who would be like an Island, in itself, each person is part of the Mainland, part of Sushi; and if the Wave blows the cliff into the sea, Europe will become smaller, and also if it rinses off the edge of the Cape or destroys your Castle or your friend; the death of every Man belittles me too, because I am one with all of Humanity, and therefore never ask who the Bell tolls on: it rings on You ”..
  13. +1
    15 September 2015 09: 15
    A lot of "destroyed socialism" will have to be returned
  14. dmb
    15 September 2015 09: 16
    Something reminded me of that. Oh yes, Shura Balaganov's monotonous presentation of a brochure about the uprising at Ochakovo. True, the author managed to connect Balaganov with Bender and bloomed the country's history with details that have clearly escaped historians, both professionals and amateurs. It turns out comrade. I. Grozny was not a representative of the class of feudal lords and the builder of the absolutist state, but exclusively a "proletarian of mental labor." With the same success in such "proletarians" then it is necessary to enroll Louis IV, or Bismarck. Fantastic ignorance.
    1. 0
      15 September 2015 09: 48
      In some ways I absolutely agree with you. It is even surprising that a lot of comments on such material, somehow even about the god Kuzyu, which was recently mentioned for fraud, were remembered. Why is this confusion so attractive?
      I'll just try to isolate the rational and the rational from it. The beginning is certainly a good one, no matter what professional historians say, the division into feudalism and slavery is only a division according to forms, we are also exploited, albeit in a more "democratic" and civilized manner. Torques. So? Well, then the author approaches the question - why is Vera, especially in the conditions of modern times, is being reborn into a religious philosophy? Completely unconscious. Since, in principle, he is not able to formulate it due to his insufficient erudition and spiritual immaturity. And it turns out exactly confusion, appeals and slogans.
      I, therefore, about the sadness. I can now give a detailed material on religion in our modern life, sane and interesting, so Chuvakin will not miss it, Nilsa is nicer to him.

      And so all the pros for diligence, raising the topic. Although the Labuda is still that.
  15. +1
    15 September 2015 09: 35
    "And neither the church, nor the tavern - Nothing is sacred! No, guys, it's not like that, It's not like that, guys!" (C)
    1. 0
      15 September 2015 10: 21
      Quote: Million
      "And neither the church, nor the tavern - Nothing is sacred!

      "If only the slope is covered with ivy,
      I would be glad
      If only something else ...
      It's not all right! "
  16. -4
    15 September 2015 10: 11
    Any attempts of the West to destroy Russia from within by introducing alien foundations and other morals (heresy of the Judaizers) were severely suppressed by the sovereigns and great ascetics ...

    The passage about suppression of heresies by sovereigns was very touched. Supporters of the heresy of the Judaizers (the first mention in 1470) found patronage precisely with the great Prince Ivan III. Because they advocated the strengthening of state power to the detriment of the power of the church. And the church was then a state in a state. With its own economy and jurisdiction. Actually because Joseph Volotsky (great ascetic laughing ), who belonged to the church group of "money-grubbers" (that is, those who defended the financial and land privileges of the church, as opposed to the non-possessors led by Nil Sorsky) and fought so actively against these heretics :) Grand Duke Ivan III agreed, in 1504 (heresy flourished at court already 34 years old !!!) to the execution of heretics only for two reasons. First, the alignment at the prince's court changed. Secondly, his goals were achieved. Joseph Volotsky, who fought for a long time against the power of the Grand Duke over the church, finally surrendered and recognized the control of the church by the princely power. This was the "suppression of heresies by the sovereigns" am

    Further, the author says:
    Tsar John IV the Terrible was threatened not only by corrupt boyars, but was a thunderstorm for demons and enemies of Russian Orthodoxy. Therefore, until now, the enemies of the Orthodox Church and Russia cannot forgive the pious Tsar John that he cleansed Russia from these enemies of the state and the minions of Satan.
    Stalin: "The wisdom of Ivan the Terrible was that he stood on the national point of view and did not let foreigners into his country, protecting the country from the penetration of foreign influence ..."

    History is a stubborn thing, because it was Ivan the Terrible who allowed the construction of the first two Lutheran churches in Moscow. That is, there were so many foreigners with him that they could not fit into one church!
    1. 0
      15 September 2015 12: 20
      Here you should draw a date. And it’s not clear, before the psycho-disorder he built it or afterwards.
  17. +4
    15 September 2015 10: 15
    Once, until 1917, jesters, clowners, lycees, buffoons were buried outside the city cemetery along with prostitutes and suicides. Now - this is the "elite" of society, honoring monuments from Karelian granite

    As you know, slaves need bread and circuses, here we are secondly assiduously treated
  18. 3vs
    15 September 2015 10: 50
    "On Sophia, in Constantinople, the Orthodox Cross will shine, Holy Russia will be filled with the smoke of incense and prayers and it will prosper, like the heavenly crin ..."
    Only Constantinople will give it to their rightful masters - the Greeks.

    People in general in their essence do not change in time.
    Somehow they gave to read the pre-revolutionary issue with the message of the preaching of John Chrysostom (born 349 - see 14.09.407).
    So you read sermons and catch yourself thinking - a man says about us today,
    nothing changes in this world.
    Passion rules the world.
  19. +2
    15 September 2015 10: 51
    Walruses must be tamed tightly and pointed to their place. Then the rest will be easier. And then the Jewish demons have completely unbelted. From where only in such quantity climbed out.
    What program on TV you will not include - there 90% of Morzhov’s faces looms!
    There is no worse trend ...
  20. -2
    15 September 2015 10: 59
    The epigraph about power is good, so that the clergy are barking at the divine manifestation AND IN STALIN. Pray for the saint and the * martyr * AND IN STALIN the direct duty of the church, * power from God *, and not to dare to criticize God's providence. In the scriptures there is a lot of things, for all cases, you just have to look, or even come up with.
    1. -1
      15 September 2015 12: 25
      Quote: Vasily50
      so what do churchmen bark at the divine manifestation AND IN STALIN.

      Burn Basil! belay
      Quote: Vasily50
      to pour for the saint and the * martyr * AND IN STALIN the direct duty of the church,
      Church of the Stalinists? laughing
      Quote: Vasily50
      * power from God *, and not dare to criticize God's providence.

      Has the epigraph mastered the current? A article to read?
      Quote: Vasily50
      The epigraph about power is good

      Quote: Vasily50
      In the scriptures there is a lot of things, for all cases, you just have to look, or even come up with.

      Well, my friend, you’ll be the first inventor .... Have you come from school?
    2. -1
      15 September 2015 23: 24
      * There are many * holy * scriptures and stupidity in them is immeasurable. I clung to the stupidity of the scripture, and immediately suspected illiteracy. It seems only I could read this very quote. And as for holiness, this directly follows from the epigraph taken from the * scripture *. True believers know everything, though it is not clear where they come from, because they simply believe what is written or said. So they are simply obliged to write not about knowledge, but about what they believe in everything that is prescribed or told to them.
  21. +5
    15 September 2015 11: 27
    Apparently, all societies are roughly divided into two groups: conditionally "family" and conditionally "gang". "Family": a successful family forms a clan, a clan - a tribe, a tribe - a tribal union, etc., up to a "language family": hierarchy, caste, power vertical, rank-worship, development of despotism are characteristic, in general - slavery is not typical. A classic example: China, Korea, Indo-Aryans - most peoples and societies. Characterized by growing lawlessness, the separation of the "top" from the "bottom", a catastrophe from external causes against the background of a long decay, then a relatively easy restoration of the almost unchanged former structure. "The gang": immigrants to a new place, daredevils who fled from childbirth, fled from danger to uninhabited places. Initially - equal, there are no elders "by definition", so as not to interrupt each other, you have to negotiate. This is how democracy and civil society are formed. Immanently, inextricably linked with slavery, no civil society without slaves, i.e. there are no people who receive a much smaller share of the social product, this is impossible. First - prisoners, then debtors, then ruined peasants, labor migrants, natives in colonies - no matter what the name is, as long as they receive five to ten times less "full rights". Examples: Athens under Theseus, Rome, USA, many Germanic peoples that arose during the "Great Migration". "Allemans", for example - "all kinds of people." What used to be called "bastard". Societies tend to be aggressive and expansionist to the limit. The catastrophe from the exhaustion of the sources of slaves manifests itself in the form of a sudden decrease in the standard of living, the collapse of "democracy", then a military catastrophe, most often irreversible. Replaced with new societies that inherit elements but not foundations. The development of justice, laws, courts, etc. is characteristic.
  22. +1
    15 September 2015 11: 35
    “If you hear that someone is at a crossroads or on a square blaspheming God, come and make him a suggestion. And if you want to hit him, do not refuse, hit him on the face, crush your mouth, sanctify your hand with a blow; and if they accuse you, bring you to court, go. And if a judge before a court of law demands an answer, feel free to say that he blasphemed the King of angels, for if one should punish those who bore the earthly king, then much more would offend the King of Heaven.

    Let both Jews and Greeks recognize that Christians are guardians, protectors, rulers and teachers of the city; and let the libertines and libertines find out the same thing, that they should be afraid of God's servants, so that if they want to say something like that, they look around and tremble even shadows, fearing that the Christian would not overhear, attack and not beaten. " These words highlighted in the article are the basis. We are urged not to be Tolstoyans, substituting either the right or left cheeks, but to be aggressive defenders of Vera. To respond to every attack of the enemy so that the enemy no longer dreams of new intrigues. And if we go from The Aesopian language, even in life, does not follow, and give not only surrender, but also suppress all sorts of enemy creeps in the bud. Here you can completely agree with the author.
  23. -1
    15 September 2015 12: 06
    Who is Stalin in the history of Russia can be interpreted indefinitely. But it was he who in 1941 opened all the temples, monasteries, theological seminaries,

    Before the revolution, there were approximately 48000 temples in Russia. Did Stalin open them all?
    And precisely in 1941? He probably had no other worries that year.
    "- from 1941 to 1948, no more than 1500 churches were opened in the non-occupied territories"
    According to other sources, only 700.
    The author himself does not know what he is writing about.
    (I'm an atheist)
  24. 0
    15 September 2015 13: 02
    Niels' next lying scribble - well, the 9th commandment is not written for him smile
  25. AAF
    19 September 2015 14: 13
    Only Russia, not knowing what slaves are, fell out of the general scheme of development.////
    Gon. Many countries converted to feudalism bypassing slavery.

    Tsar John IV of Grozny was threatened not only by corrupt boyars, but was a thunderstorm for demons and enemies of Russian Orthodoxy. ////
    You tell this strangled patriarch. And the Novgorodians.

    Stalin: “The wisdom of Ivan the Terrible was that he stood on the national point of view and did not let foreigners into his country, protecting the country from the penetration of foreign influence ./////
    Gon. See Privateer Flotilla, for example. And Stalin himself turned to foreigners and Western experience for help. And Peter I. There is nothing new or bad in this.

    admitting a ritual murder by foreigners and Gentiles of the entire Royal family /////
    Before that, Tsar himself betrayed Russia, surrendering it "as a company." I'm sorry for the children, a fact.

    Who is Stalin in the history of Russia can be interpreted indefinitely. But it was he who in 1941 opened all the churches, monasteries, theological seminaries, restoring the Patriarchate in 1943. Is this not the guarantee of victory in the Great Patriotic War? /////
    But not the stop-watch tanks, the genius of Stalin himself, the commander’s gift of Zhukov and the heroism of the Communist Komsomol members? At least - debatable.

    You can break the united people by declaring the Orthodox people living in the territory of Kievan Rus, people of a different nationality ("dill") /////
    Who than what when stood ??? Who is the doctor on the Maydaunas, if they loved the puppies from the State Department, Chorny Sovereign and other pederast values ​​so much? .. And they called for genetic slag from the whole ex-Union ...

"Right Sector" (banned in Russia), "Ukrainian Insurgent Army" (UPA) (banned in Russia), ISIS (banned in Russia), "Jabhat Fatah al-Sham" formerly "Jabhat al-Nusra" (banned in Russia) , Taliban (banned in Russia), Al-Qaeda (banned in Russia), Anti-Corruption Foundation (banned in Russia), Navalny Headquarters (banned in Russia), Facebook (banned in Russia), Instagram (banned in Russia), Meta (banned in Russia), Misanthropic Division (banned in Russia), Azov (banned in Russia), Muslim Brotherhood (banned in Russia), Aum Shinrikyo (banned in Russia), AUE (banned in Russia), UNA-UNSO (banned in Russia), Mejlis of the Crimean Tatar people (banned in Russia), Legion “Freedom of Russia” (armed formation, recognized as terrorist in the Russian Federation and banned), Kirill Budanov (included to the Rosfinmonitoring list of terrorists and extremists)

“Non-profit organizations, unregistered public associations or individuals performing the functions of a foreign agent,” as well as media outlets performing the functions of a foreign agent: “Medusa”; "Voice of America"; "Realities"; "Present time"; "Radio Freedom"; Ponomarev Lev; Ponomarev Ilya; Savitskaya; Markelov; Kamalyagin; Apakhonchich; Makarevich; Dud; Gordon; Zhdanov; Medvedev; Fedorov; Mikhail Kasyanov; "Owl"; "Alliance of Doctors"; "RKK" "Levada Center"; "Memorial"; "Voice"; "Person and law"; "Rain"; "Mediazone"; "Deutsche Welle"; QMS "Caucasian Knot"; "Insider"; "New Newspaper"