Laser Weapon Development or War in 3D


Weapon, which we want to tell you in our article, as if descended from the pages of comics and fantastic stories by Ray Bradbury. But now that decade fantasy violently embodied in reality, as well as striding into the future by leaps and bounds.

Of course, in the 21st century, as many wish, weapons must perform both defensive and offensive functions. And whatever scientists now say, but an optimal weapon, which would fit in all parameters, still does not exist in nature, no matter how hard scientists struggle with its developments, many of which are still held in top secret conditions. By the way, it is not at all clear why to classify. And what if such biological weapons are created on the sidelines of scientific institutes, which we will learn about only after they are used against us?

But note, the creation of multipurpose weapons is already slowly beginning to come to life thanks to laser weapons, which today is the most powerful of all the weapons of such countries as America and Russia. True, in Russia they still look at laser weapons with great skepticism, and you can even add that there are still a number of myths in the minds of many, unjustified, by the way, that reduce the understanding of the danger of weapons produced. For example, that the power of laser weapons is negligible. Yes, if ... For example, if you take one calculation of the comparison, it turns out that in one minute the laser is able to “throw away” energy comparable to the 14 explosion of a kilogram of explosives. Well, it seems not so bad? Imagine what one-shot shots of several laser guns can do? And what can remain after them, except for the scorched desert? Also, many condemn the developers of laser weapons, arguing that one such shot is worth millions of dollars. However, it is not. If we compare all the costs, a shot from a laser weapon will not exceed ten thousand dollars, but the damage it can cause will include not only a money question, but also a question of life. And even death. And this, mind you, is the worst case scenario when using laser weapons directed towards a person.

Laser weapon. History appearances.

Of course, the weapon of the future, so we will also call it, began to be developed in the United States, after which other "strong" of this world slowly joined them.

Nowadays, when political games often affect the defenseless population, it was necessary to invent such a weapon that would not harm people, but serve only to eliminate possible electronic devices or to calm demonstrations or raging crowds.

The main developer, the Pentagon, calls the laser weapon “non-lethal”, and they are partly right — without the desire to harm it, it will not cause serious injuries. But it also depends on the ultimate goal that the power of this or that country sets for itself, because, nevertheless, this weapon is a breakthrough in man-made science to create defensive systems. And, as you know, any weapon is dangerous, and if it is in the hands of fools, then the Third World peace is provided.

Of course, there are no scanty devices that can shoot and hit the enemy with laser beams, but if you look at the pace of development of this weapon, it becomes strange - and what will happen to the world in twenty years? Perhaps everyone will now walk with laser guns that have tremendous power. In order to give you some insight into the principles of laser weapons, as well as to get acquainted with its most famous "representatives" and samples, in this article we decided to tell you a little about the processes of laser production, as well as several areas of its possible use, in order to In the future, you were not only surprised at the changes taking place in the world, but were also ready to create a new, most powerful weapon on earth, and in space too.

Chemical lasers

Laser weapons began to be developed in the USA at the end of the 20th century.

Laser Weapon Development or War in 3D

The initial task is defensive and military targets. Although after conducting repeated experiments, it turned out that it could also be used for industrial purposes, but with a very large percentage of possible environmental pollution. Also, some time later, it was found that chemical lasers, which include chlorine gas, molecular iodine, hydrogen peroxide solution and potassium hydroxide, are dangerous to humans, so several years after the start of laser development, it was decided to stop further experiments, all the more and the Pentagon staff have now turned their attention to the solid-state laser, calling it the most optimal laser available at the time.

But a completely chemical laser did not come out of military use, although very few people talk about it and distribute such newsAfter all, the development of chemical, as well as biological weapons, should be made public so that people can know what is happening behind the stone walls of scientific institutions.

Solid state laser

According to the idea of ​​their authors, solid-state lasers should be used on tactical fighter class (JSF) F-35.

By the way, the work of such a laser, according to the developers, is safer and more environmentally friendly, unlike previous developments of a chemical laser, and besides, solid-state lasers do not require a huge "base", like chemical lasers, which needed carriers such as the Boeing 747, carrying toxic substances in their tanks for “spraying”, which significantly increases the territorial possibilities. At the same time, we do not forget to take into account the speed and maneuverability of the flight of fighters, on which lasers began to be installed, in contrast to large passenger airliners. A solid-state laser is designed to hit air and ground targets during self-defense or the danger of attack.

Thanks to the solid-state laser, you can protect the airspace of the state at short distances up to 10 miles, which is very useful when attacking imaginary or obvious enemies.

By the way, Northrop has already developed a new class of solid-state laser, whose power soon promises to increase to 159 kW, which, of course, will require additional time, but the results will justify the money spent and the time spent on development. Judging by the new developments, such power will be achieved in the shortest possible time for us, and soon we will be convinced of the real power of the laser weapon.

Aviation laser system

For the development of the ABL program, the US government allocates billions of dollars, as well as for military weapons in general.

By the way, the amount of initial development turned out to be several times lower than the funds spent as a result, but this, as well as the desire of the US military and scientists to get a new, most powerful weapon, led them to the desired result.

Boeing YAL-1 - experimental combat aircraft, capable of using a powerful onboard laser to destroy various objects of the enemy. By the way, the advantage of this defense complex is that it is now possible to destroy ballistic missiles even at the start or at its initial part of the flight, which creates an even safer environment and also gives the possibility of complete control over the enemy’s weapons.

Beginning with the 2009, the United States began testing tests on the performance and quality of the on-board laser, which resulted in the scientists, having generated possible situations, destroying ballistic missiles in flight, which showed the correctness of the Pentagon’s military operations.

The operation itself was carried out in several stages:

1. Thanks to the onboard sensors, a target was discovered - a ballistic missile located on a platform at sea.
2. Evaluated the accuracy of hitting after studying the influence of the atmosphere.
3. Shot shot. The megawatt class on-board laser warmed up the launching rocket, and managed to cause irreversible destruction, which led to the destruction of the enemy’s weapons.

The whole operation took no more than two minutes, which confirms the efficiency of the new weapon.

By the way, thanks to new developments and the introduction of high-class technologies, it was possible to achieve a record ABL-1 MW laser power, which also gave rise to all sorts of jokes and stories. They are due to the fact that such power has created enormous difficulties in the operation of the laser, due to overheating of various parts of the aircraft carrier, which is not a positive factor, since some alloys used in the work, such as aluminum, lose their strength already at 150 degrees. What is there to talk about the temperature, which is many times higher than the above?

In addition, thanks to the precise guidance of the laser, an instantaneous possibility of recognizing the class of the rocket, as well as its structural structure, appears, which in the next few moments before the impact will help the laser more precisely adjust the power of the “laser beam”.

Microwave weapon (NRM)

According to the developers of the HPM class microwave weapons, it works through the use of intense radio-frequency waves, whose action can be directed to both military and civilian targets, providing various military formations.

From this concept it becomes clear exactly how this weapon system will work. Due to the electromagnetic field, the laser voltage is induced on the system of opponents - through antennas, domes, doors or openings in the room, which should be “neutralized”, and then disables electronic circuits and possible software, which for a long time interrupts the operation of all electronic systems.

Of course, the final result or harm that can be done with the help of the electronic mode depends on the distance to the target, as well as the possibility of penetration. However, some scientists call four possible levels of impact on the work of the enemy’s systems:

- interference - due to this effect transceiver devices cannot operate normally;

- disinformation - getting false information;

- transitional change - there is a direct impact on the state of electronic components of devices;

- irreparable damage - all devices on which the action of the weapon is directed fail.

Such weapons are used in various directions and are possible for different devices, both ground and air.

Thanks to the PRM you can protect military ships and aircraft, anti-tank systems, as well as suppress enemy air defense systems, from which massive strikes most often begin.

Space-based laser (SBL)

These lasers were created specifically to protect the territory from the guidance of ballistic missiles from space. By the way, this occurrence is due to two factors: ballistic missiles are more susceptible to laser shocks, and the possibility of destroying the missiles appears even at take-off, which greatly simplifies the work of the country's defense complex.

According to the developers, the range of such laser devices reaches 5 thousands of kilometers. At different intensity levels, the end result is also different. For example, the average intensity of the laser only slightly burn through the skin of the rocket. And already more powerful - it will destroy its accelerators, which will lead to a complete breakdown of the ballistic attacks.

Only through the use of a special material, it is possible to increase the protection of a ballistic missile from a laser strike several times, but it will not be possible to repel a completely powerful blow in this way.

It also turned out that the SBL system would consist of a constellation of satellites (approximately 20 units) flying in low-Earth orbit. Of course, data such as the type of orbit and the optimum height of the satellites will depend on the possible threat, as well as on the radius of the possible destruction.

According to the latest information, more than 6 billions of dollars have already been invested in the development of such weapons, and the experimental platform should appear in Earth orbit as early as 2012 year.

Aerospace defense lasers

By the way, danger can wait not only on the earth, but also in space, and, as you know, satellites are more vulnerable to the impacts of laser carriers than any other device. Recall that the operation of the satellite depends on the maintained optimal temperature, and the laser will significantly change this parameter with its effect, which will lead to irreversible consequences.

It is for these purposes that an ASAT-class laser weapon was created. It is placed on the aircraft supervising the operation of the protected satellite. You can, of course, place laser weapons on ground-based devices, but this makes it impossible to respond quickly, such weapons still need to detect a satellite. However, the possibility of using an onboard laser as an anti-satellite weapon was also considered, but the problem of using this technique was the not entirely correct operation of tracking and aiming the laser at the target, which required an increase in costs and time to study the likely consequences.

Mobile Tactical High Energy Laser (MTHEL)

This laser was created through the joint work of American and Israeli scientists. The laser itself consists of three components - directly two laser installations, as well as a radar system capable of tracking and tracking targets. The principle of operation is indistinguishable from other laser installations — the radar detected the target to be destroyed, after finding it, the laser automatically began its work, and within a few minutes the “laser beam” continued to strike, which destroyed the device’s operation completely.

The first versions of such weapons had a very big minus - there was no mobility of laser equipment, which greatly influenced the territorial capabilities of the defense with it, however, in the 2007 year, thanks to a large investment by the Israeli authorities, the laser “gun” was brought to mind.

Liquid target rockets

Development of liquid target rockets began in the 2003 year at the request of the US military. And the project itself was carefully encrypted, and after a while it even became clear why and for what purpose it happened. It turns out that when opening a “military secret”, scientists pointed out understated data and results obtained during the experiment. It seems that some American warriors have decided not to dwell on the theme of their weapons, which could be a threat to the neighbors and enemies of the country.

Of course, as we said above, so far in the heads of people laser weapons are only fantasies of various science fiction writers, but unfortunately, this is already a reality today. The XNUMXst century presupposes the development of high-class equipment and high-tech devices both for the defense of the native country and for the conquest of others. By the way, the Russian military forces are still more likely to rely on older, more familiar weapons - these are military equipment, anti-aircraft missile systems, and armored vehicles with tanks.

Unfortunately, technology developed by scientists at a pace and with such financial investments, as it happens in the United States, will soon create the most powerful weapon that, due to its damage power, will be able to exceed even biological weapons, and thanks to the targeting distance by pressing one red button through A few seconds will be destroyed Government House somewhere on the other side of the Earth.

What is a laser?

If you recall one of the science fiction novels, then even the most ignorant and incomprehensible all the work and the defense process thanks to laser weapons will become quite understandable: “... A narrow, needle-like beam cutting the pipes of huge factories, cutting like battleships ... ".

The worst thing is that in a few years some insane scientist will come up with the idea of ​​creating a laser beam, thanks to which people can be controlled. After all, similar actions were already carried out in America, and after that they were transferred to other countries. A laser is a radiation of thermal energy, which so far is directed only at the destruction of military facilities, or at radio frequencies to create interference in the transmission of information.

So, it is not a secret to anyone that the Californian company HSV Technologies has already created a non-lethal laser that affects muscle function, or rather, causes spasms, which subsequently immobilizes the person to whom this beam was directed. It is also known that, thanks to Motorola, a laser-based device was developed that is capable of distinguishing between “our own” and “outsiders” in combat - this device is called CIDDS. One part of it is mounted on the helmet of a soldier, the second - on the weapon. When a contact occurs between two beams, the CIDDS module sends a radio signal to the military signaling the detection of its own. Moreover, the identification process itself takes no more than a second.

Therefore, the period of creating a laser influence on a person, as well as melee weapons, which will work along the same lines, is quite realistic and, even more I want to say, is expected soon. So, perhaps, the creators of "Star Wars" and were not so far from what is happening in the world today.

And before you judge about how impossible and fantastic this is, study the more and more often emerging materials about the development of a laser weapon, which so far, by the way, is used only to defend against possible attacks. And looking at how military scientists massively research and create weapons of the century, which in the future will probably be the only acting force and power, one might think that some countries are preparing for a new war, in scale with which no wars of past centuries can compare. .
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  1. 0
    9 November 2011 13: 19
    But what about domestic A-60s, the Skif project? Why is it so one-sided?

    Glory to the Russian drunks. With this approach, not only planes drink, but also the state (remember BENYA (s)), as well as numerous accidents on the roads.
    (Of. I have not seen versions, so I quote from the text on the link above).
    The plane burned down like this (this is about the A-60). He stood in the evening fully fueled and prepared for the morning work. Before dawn, the technicians went inside to drain some alcohol for themselves, but a number of systems were energized, a short circuit occurred and a fire started. Technicians, so that they would not get hit, immediately jumped out, closed and sealed the car, and the internal fire (smoke was already visible) began to fuss and extinguish outside in every possible way. The firefighters who arrived in time were without permission to work inside the secret facility, so while they received permission, tongues of flame began to burst out, and the command "Run from the car!" A few seconds later, an explosion followed, in which one person died, who did not hear the command (he was on the other side of the plane).
    1. +1
      9 November 2011 14: 59
      Someone write about our lasers!
  2. arkhip2020
    9 November 2011 15: 08
    The so-called Star Wars program has long been a thing of the past, since its implementation and effective use is not possible, due to the lack of energy sources for such a laser.
  3. dred
    11 November 2011 16: 53
    What star wars are there.
  4. 0
    14 November 2014 19: 47
    Even the Americans with their billions are still very far from real laser weapons. Not to mention other countries.

"Right Sector" (banned in Russia), "Ukrainian Insurgent Army" (UPA) (banned in Russia), ISIS (banned in Russia), "Jabhat Fatah al-Sham" formerly "Jabhat al-Nusra" (banned in Russia) , Taliban (banned in Russia), Al-Qaeda (banned in Russia), Anti-Corruption Foundation (banned in Russia), Navalny Headquarters (banned in Russia), Facebook (banned in Russia), Instagram (banned in Russia), Meta (banned in Russia), Misanthropic Division (banned in Russia), Azov (banned in Russia), Muslim Brotherhood (banned in Russia), Aum Shinrikyo (banned in Russia), AUE (banned in Russia), UNA-UNSO (banned in Russia), Mejlis of the Crimean Tatar people (banned in Russia), Legion “Freedom of Russia” (armed formation, recognized as terrorist in the Russian Federation and banned), Kirill Budanov (included to the Rosfinmonitoring list of terrorists and extremists)

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