War is more precious than victory

The whole "Ukrainian operation" was conceived to revive the US military-industrial complex

For your 239-year-old history The United States launched 209 wars and armed conflicts. In essence, this is a specific national business, primarily for the largest monopolies and the political elite.

During the Cold War, the so-called permanent military economy developed in many western countries and in the USSR. It reached its highest level of development in the 80s of the last century. The dominant position in the global military-economic activities of the United States. They accounted for more than half of global and roughly 2 / 3 total military spending. The highest level of expenditure of the US Department of Defense reached the 1987 year - 401,7 billion dollars.

War is more precious than victoryIn the third millennium, the trend has continued. According to the Stockholm Peace Research Institute (SIPRI), in 2010, the US spent 668 billion on defense — more than the following 10 countries.

The slowdown and even decline in military spending between 2011 and 2012 over the years has been associated with economic stagnation, economic policies and a reduction in mission in Afghanistan. But even then, the United States had a military budget four times as large as the PRC.

However, in 2013, it was 631 billion, in 2014, 624 billion, and in 2015, 584 billion. All this could not but affect the position of the leading defense companies. That is why many experts believe that Western politicians and media deliberately distort events and create a negative image of Russia in order to rally the transatlantic community and revitalize the US military-industrial complex. Moreover, the entire “Ukrainian operation” was conceived with the aim of luring Russia into a trap, which would make it possible to return to the Cold War containment policy, when the arms race brought fabulous profits unattainable in civilian industries.

Such techniques were repeatedly used in the diplomatic game of the United States (it suffices to recall the test tube with chalk, which became the reason for the invasion of Iraq), sometimes not so much for achieving military or political goals as for business. Therefore, behind the pathos of the US president, when presenting a new national security strategy, the interests of military-industrial capital are hidden in the first place.

The United States does not "win" the war, which lead, because the victory in them - a secondary task, writes the magazine The American Conservative. Victory or defeat is not particularly significant, because the conflicts that incite Washington are not vital for the country. In the process of wars, the United States receives a completely different profit than just a victory over the enemy, the newspaper notes.

In essence, this is a specific national business, primarily for the largest monopolies and the political elite. It is absolutely clear that those who are its main stakeholders, and initiate military preparations, cause hysteria not only in the United States, but also in the world.

Who does not fight, he does not drink champagne

The US military-industrial complex occupies a special place and position both in the country's economy and in political life. The production facilities of the majority of military-industrial concerns are based on factories built with state funds and transferred to corporations for management. This allows them in a short time and without special expenses to expand the production of armaments while raising the situation and eliminates the need to reconstruct the plants at their own expense when they switch to new types of MPP. With minimal capital construction costs (no more than 1% of annual turnover), concerns transfer to the government virtually all expenses related to the expansion and reconstruction of not only rented state, but also their own military factories.

A characteristic trend in the development of the US military-industrial complex in the late XX - early XXI century is the extreme level of monopolization, the formation of a narrow group of holdings such as Boeing, Raytheon, Northrop Grumman, Lockheed Martin and General Dynamics, which divided and subordinated almost the entire defense business. In 1993-2007 alone, the number of general military contractors in the United States fell from 37 to five. The integration went virtually unidirectional, with the exception of a few cases: the acquisition of Pratt & Whitney by Rocketdyne from Boeing in 2005, the sale of a number of Lockheed Martin assets to the British BAE in 2000. In fact, we are talking about a market with oligopolistic competition, which in some cases is fraught with overstating the value of contracts. Therefore, the leading US defense companies feel confident. Military business profitability for 2014 is ahead of the S & P500 index.

Today, among the catalysts for the growth of the sector, we can highlight the recent appeal by the US President to Congress asking for permission to use military force against the Islamic State group, statements by the defense and air forces ministers about the growing threat from Russia. This creates the prerequisites for the growth of the value of large defense industry companies, on which investors can earn. In particular, over the course of 2014, Lockheed Martin's capitalization increased by 31 percent, the price per share reached 200 dollars. At the same time, experts believe that the company's securities are still undervalued and have the potential for growth to 250 dollars. According to 2011, 708 billions of US dollars were invested in the military industry, which is 4,7 percent of GDP for the same year. This figure is huge, many "blue chips" can only envy.

MIC stimulates the development of many industries, science, and the banking sector. Assessing the huge potentials, coupled with small risks and tangible benefits for the entire economy in the States, it is not surprising that approximately 50 percent of the total federal budget is invested here. The US industry at 65 percent is involved in military orders. In addition, the country's military-industrial complex is the largest employer in the world, feeding more than 3,2 a million people.

Barack Obama wanted to conduct a campaign to reduce federal spending and cut Pentagon funding. It was about 500 billions (71% of today's funding) for five years. What would this mean for the country's economy? Approximately 1,5 – 1,6 million people (according to the most optimistic forecasts) would lose their jobs due to such a reduction. To maintain the level of employment, the government would have to invest significantly large amounts of money (to support private firms, improve the business climate, etc.). This is an extremely difficult task. The load on the social apparatus will increase significantly. Domestic consumption will decrease, leading to a strong fall in GDP. It can no longer be issued for a simple fluctuation or cyclical decline. The reduction in GDP will hit the currency, reducing its attractiveness on the world market, which is catastrophic for the United States at this stage. If measures affect production weapons for export, the trade balance deficit will provoke more state debt to the Fed.

This development of events at one time leads the United States to their already inevitable default. Therefore, the military industrial complex has long become an important macroeconomic tool and regulator, a factor in the prosperity of the American economy.

The export of weapons brings the USA huge means, due to which they are trying to keep afloat. Also, any conflicts stimulate the work of the military industrial complex, and most importantly, they help to introduce the dollar into poor and destroyed countries as a reserve currency. There are plenty of examples of this. The fact that America is funding the rebels, whom in the West they like to call opposition, is a well-known fact, as well as the fact that they are armed with overseas "friends" and other supporters of "democracy."

What will be the end result from the introduction of the dollar - is still unknown, but the fact that they did not miscalculate with the export of weapons and the profits from it is a fact. Only in 2014, the Americans sold their weapons for 34,2 billion dollars and, according to official data, made profits for 30 billions.

In the first weeks of fighting in Iraq, the US military dropped more than 8,7 thousands of bombs and up to three thousand missiles of various classes. Already in the first strike on Baghdad, 36 Tomahawk cruise missiles worth about a million dollars each were used. One downed Apache attack helicopter cost 2003 millions in 22, and Bradley BMPs destroyed 1,2 millions.

It can be stated: the US manufacturing sector is kept from falling mainly due to the military-industrial complex and aircraft industry. At the same time, in other industries the volume of orders is reduced and enterprises working for export are particularly affected.

Therefore, a reduction in defense spending even in the context of fighting the US budget deficit is extremely disadvantageous for the entire economy. If this happens, the production sector of the recovery locomotive may become its brake. Hence the dilemma: either to abandon the savings in military production, or to stimulate domestic consumption and exports. If you choose the second path, the default may be the way: a weak dollar will revive exports.

From the middle of 90, Western states, first of all the USA, began to engage commercial structures that dealt with purely military tasks by civilian forces, many of whom in the past had experience in army service. Individual components of logistics, technical and operational support, combat and operational training began to be transferred to private companies. So at a completely new, almost legal level mercenary revived. Currently there are more than three thousand such companies operating in more than 60 countries around the world.

The activities of PMCs are controlled by Western intelligence agencies, primarily British and American ones. Moreover, since these companies cannot independently resist the enemy, surpassing the level of armaments, they will get the support of military special forces in advance.

The most vividly new processes in the military were manifested in the Balkans. Thus, in 1995, a weak Croatian army unexpectedly conducted a lightning-fast and successful operation to seize the Serbian Krajina. Military observers described the offensive as a classic NATO. Later it turned out that Croatian officers were preparing, developing a plan of operation and acting as advisers to employees of the private American company MPRI (Military Professional Resources Incorporated), consisting of retired generals and officers of the US Armed Forces.

For example, Blackwater PMC, which in February 2009 of the year received the name XE Services, can be cited. It was founded by former American Special Forces E. Prince. This is a small but well-armed private army, consisting of about 21 thousands of people. The success of the company can be judged by the size of annual revenues: if they were no more than a million dollars in 2001, they exceeded a billion in 2007.

The social base of militarism

The US Department of Defense has two government programs to attract small business orders: SBIR (Small Business Innovation Research - “Small Innovative Business”) and STTR (Small Business Technology Transfer - “Technology Transfer by Small Business”). In January, 2012-th Barack Obama reissued the SBIR and STTR annual funding law — about 2,5 a billion dollars over six years. With these programs, US federal agencies help small businesses bring the best innovations to the market. It is the results of rapid implementations that bring the United States to the forefront in the military field, strengthen competitiveness on a global scale.

The SBIR and STTR programs are coordinated by the Government's Small Business Agency (SBA). It focuses extrabudgetary funds with a volume of 2,5 percent of the total planned expenditures of all federal agencies for research with the ability to immediately send grants to entrepreneurs. According to annual reports, more than half of the funds are accounted for by companies where less than 25 people are employed, and a third - by firms with up to 10 people. Thirteen percent of total recipients are new businesses.

State development of small businesses began in the US in 1982, with the adoption of a special law. According to a report by Rep. Sam Graves, there are three main objectives: stimulating technological innovation in this sector, satisfying research and development by the federal government, and commercializing federal investment funds. Now the law is periodically extended by the US Congress.

In 2010, under the SBIR 11 program, US federal ministries and departments, including the Department of Defense, the National Aeronautics and Space Administration, the National Security Agency, provided small businesses with over two billion dollars in grants and contracts for innovation leading to commercialization. After participating in SBIR, companies own their idea as intellectual property and have all rights for subsequent use.

American threat all

The collapse of attempts to issue the surrender of our country's positions through the Minsk format hit Obama, who was never able to achieve a critical weakening of the Russian economy, in order to encourage the Russian elites to change course on the conditions the US insisted on. Right now, the Republicans rightfully say: we must urgently expand the Ukrainian part of the defense budget, in effect strengthening the financial and military involvement of the United States in the conflict, which at this stage is being carried out by those who have lost it.

Therefore, the maximum pressure is put on Obama to shift to more tough opposition scenarios. Of course, in the American military-political establishment, attempts continue to be resolved through diplomatic, compromise means. Recall that the word “war” in such pugals means rather a strengthening of the current hybrid war, and not a direct collision between the American and Russian armed forces, which, due to the factor of nuclear weapons, looks unlikely. Nevertheless, the US Republican Party, which controls both houses of Congress, is pushing for an increase in military spending by cutting back on social items. The House of Representatives has already adopted a resolution on the draft budget for the next year, providing for the allocation to the Pentagon of an additional 40 billions of dollars. The same document provides for a reduction in total expenditure of five trillion dollars over the next ten years due to savings on social items.

The internal security of the United States "worth hundreds of billions" needs a constant threat. No matter where it comes from - from Al-Qaida, ISIS or the Russian Federation. Therefore, maintaining the myth of the Russian threat is an important task of the US intelligence services.

Since 2001, the “war on terror” has officially been one of the priorities of the American administration. In domestic policy, this means expanding the apparatus of violence, restricting civil rights. For a decade and a half, the United States has spent a trillion dollars building an intelligence and law enforcement infrastructure, as well as military operations against elusive terrorists. After the attack on 11 skyscrapers in New York in September, 2001 in the United States created or reorganized 263 government organizations, including the Department of Homeland Security, the National Center for Counter Terrorism and the Transportation Security Administration. Intelligence agencies annually prepare a huge number of reports on these problems. The 51 organization tracks cash flow in extremist networks. Nevertheless, many observers have the impression that the United States does not so much fight terrorism as cooperate with it.

For the US, military business continues to be the core not only of foreign but also of domestic policy, although in many cases the main political goal of a war or unleashed military conflict is not victory, but the hype around it that hides backstage bargaining for commercial gain.

Since the Cold War, the composition of the military business’s shareholders has changed significantly: while in 70 it was a closed elite club, now the widest range of participants is observed - almost the 2 / 3 industry, one way or another connected with the execution of Pentagon orders, and a mass of various kinds of large and small military contractors, and a wide range of university scholars, not only American ones, and near-political forces that support national militarism and constitute the social and public base go lobby, and numerous media, faithfully working out the money of the military-industrial capital, including supranational. In essence, the distribution of the Pentagon’s money has become a separate kind of profitable business, to which the widest masses of the population are connected, if not directly, then as a social base for building up militaristic sentiments in society, creating favorable conditions for military commerce.

At the same time, there is a sharp increase in centralization and monopolization in the military-industrial complex: if in the past, thousands of enterprises were tough to compete with each other, now there are only a few who have divided the existing markets.

Everything is becoming the circle of national elites that determine the foreign policy of Washington, while the overall position on preserving and increasing the militarization of the economy remains virtually unchanged. At the same time, it is the main pivot of the national strategy for achieving global leadership at any cost.

The main macroeconomic problems of the United States (gigantic public debt, instability of the financial system, etc.) are directly related to constantly generated aggressive policies, the desire for a force scenario in relations with other countries, causing military hysteria and the growth of military production, in fact, not increasing GDP, but reducing.

On the other hand, the analysis shows that it is precisely the developed military production that is the main locomotive of the American economy and it is unlikely that it will be possible to solve economic and social problems in the country without his participation. Thus, it turns out that one of the key sources of Washington’s aggressive policy, and, accordingly, tensions in the world, is currently the American military business.

To build up military preparations, to invigorate militaristic propaganda, the widest range of not only proven, but also new tools is used: permanent information war, primarily against Russia - an old and habitual source of threats for “white and fluffy” Americans; economic war as a way to make Moscow play by the rules of Washington; “Color revolutions”, mainly against the Russian world, narrowing and undermining the influence of our country as much as possible, provoking it to retaliate power moves, which will immediately be exposed as aggression, which they “warned”.

Hence the conclusion: exposing the predatory, anti-human nature of the military business, in every way strengthening the partnership with the peace-loving forces, we should not allow ourselves to be dragged into a new arms race. An adequate response to emerging threats should be given in less costly ways. For this, it is necessary not only to complete the import substitution programs in the military-industrial complex as quickly as possible, but also to create a reserve for the future that ensures the country's military-technical security.
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  1. +21
    20 August 2015 14: 35
    Destroy your country so that the US military-industrial complex could eat three throats. Fabulous for ...
    I’ll add a joke, I heard yesterday
    Dear radio station, I’m in a bad mood, put on me a song about a dead dog.
    Remind me what the song is.
    Puppy died ...
    1. The comment was deleted.
      1. +2
        20 August 2015 14: 43
        Forgive me for what country, I'm talking about Ukrainians.
        1. -73
          20 August 2015 15: 12
          To be honest, I always try to be honest, then in the modern hybrid war it was the green men who opened the confrontation between the Russian Federation and Ukraine and it does not matter why they ended up in Crimea, where they blocked Ukrainian military units and other important objects. that the Russian Federation did not declare war on Ukraine, or Ukraine-the Russian Federation, it doesn’t matter that economic and political relations are maintained between these states. It is important that the Russian Federation and Ukraine are at war, a hybrid war. It doesn’t matter if the Russian Federation is related to the outbreak of the crisis in the Donbas, the Donbass is a consequence of the events in the Crimea, and the Russian Federation should be responsible for those whom it tamed, whom it instilled hope in Russian patriots, and therefore the Russian Federation is responsible. Did the Russian Federation do the right thing, was there a need to return Crimea to the Russian Federation? I believe that the next president of the Russian Federation will have a difficult task to resolve the issue of Crimea, because in the current geopolitical situation, leaving Crimea as part of the Russian Federation is a big mistake. then the people of Crimea will hold a referendum where they decide their fate and create an independent and sovereign republic of Crimea. Of course, this will not solve the problems in terms of confrontation between West and Russia, but it will obviously reduce the degree of tension, will allow the dialogue to move into a more constructive channel and, most importantly, the war between RF and Ukraine.
          1. +46
            20 August 2015 15: 38
            To be honest, I always try to be honest, then in the modern hybrid war it was the green men who opened the confrontation between Russia and Ukraine

            To be honest: fifteen graduations of the Ukrainian military at the NATO school of special forces near Prague, almost the same number of years of scout training in Lithuania and Estonia. The Ukrainians volunteered (and not only) fought against Russian volunteers in Yugoslavia (full texture of the broadcast). In Transnistria, on the side of the Romanians. Should we remember the Chechen wars? About the Georgian war? "Relationship" reminds of such a picture, a huge Russian Vanya, with kind eyes, stands, and a small, frail and smelly Andriy, with angry tears hammers him with weak fists where he reaches, muttering under the Vanya: - Well, he is small, unreasonable ...

            Green men say .... and what, it is necessary to give their compatriots to be torn to pieces by the Nazis? Yes, my relatives, non-Russians, live in different parts of Ukraine. If it were my will, only a DBS in Kiev, and throw all this scum out of the Rada’s windows, and those who grow forelocks would eat this with joy, for the Andrians only respect power, they worship it and pray for it.
            1. +9
              20 August 2015 16: 26
              Quote: Knight
              in a modern hybrid war, it was the green men who opened the confrontation between the Russian Federation and Ukraine and it does not matter the reason why they ended up in Crimea

              If you are about hybrid war, then you messed up the reporting point. And she is even earlier than the Maidan. Ours simply applied the military component at the stage when it became necessary.
              1. -22
                20 August 2015 16: 42
                Quote: Yuri Ya.
                If you are talking about a hybrid war, then you have messed up the reporting points. And she is even earlier than the Maidan. Ours simply applied the military component at the stage when it became necessary
                You interpret this concept too broadly, so you can say that everyone with everyone is in a state of hybrid war. Any war begins with power operations, including a hybrid one, which we have in Crimea.
                1. +4
                  20 August 2015 17: 33
                  Quote: Knight
                  You interpret this concept too broadly

                  And you are too narrow.
                  In the editorial preface of the Military Balance 2015 handbook, “hybrid war” is interpreted as “the use of military and non-military tools in an integrated campaign aimed at achieving surprise, seizing initiative and gaining psychological advantages that use diplomatic opportunities; large-scale and rapid information, electronic and cyber operations; cover and concealment of military and intelligence operations; combined with economic pressure ”[

                  Military force was not used against the USSR. And this war is not with Ukraine but with the United States.
                  1. -10
                    20 August 2015 17: 40
                    Can you read? "Using military and non-military tools ..." Well, what do you see?
                    Quote: Knight
                    Any war begins with power operations, including a hybrid one, which we have in the Crimea.
                    Your quote only confirms what I said above and refutes your own words.
                    1. +3
                      20 August 2015 17: 45
                      And the fact that perhaps some non-military tools.
                      Quote: Yuri Ya.
                      Military force was not used against the USSR. And this war is not with Ukraine but with the United States.

                      And the beginning of the war is not necessarily the use of force (in hybrid).
                      1. -7
                        20 August 2015 17: 56
                        Quote: Yuri Ya.
                        And the fact that perhaps some non-military tools.
                        Stop writing all kinds of bullshit how many more faces you have to poke like a kitten. You quoted a statement stating that a hybrid war is only hybrid when both military and non-military methods and actions are used, i.e. if only non-military actions are used, then there is no hybrid war.
                      2. +4
                        20 August 2015 18: 17
                        Quote: Knight
                        Any war begins with power operations

                        But the quote does not say which of these methods are applied first. By elementary logic, to begin with, it is necessary to weaken the enemy. The actions of the USA in Ukraine are very similar to this, regardless of who is involved.
                      3. -6
                        20 August 2015 18: 49
                        Quote: Yuri Ya.
                        But the quote does not say which of these methods are applied first.
                        am What does it matter ??? If there are only both factors, the conflict is considered a hybrid war.
                      4. +1
                        20 August 2015 19: 26
                        Quote: Knight
                        What does it matter???

                        If there weren’t in Crimea there wouldn’t be any green men. According to Clausewitz, “war is the continuation of politics by other, violent means.” The use of an army with hostilities is just a war. The use of any other violent means can be considered the beginning hybrid war, when the army may not be needed if they are successful.
                        By the way, "-" your post above was not slapped by me, apparently for incorrect behavior.
                      5. -8
                        20 August 2015 20: 41
                        Quote: Yuri Ya.
                        If there weren’t in Crimea there wouldn’t be any green men.
                        I perfectly understand that it makes no sense to have a dialogue with inadequate people. Tell me there is something, so I’ll answer so that all sorts of balls are not relaxed. Whatever happens before the green men were introduced is not part of the hybrid war. Similarly, the fight starts first the one who insults, and the one who strikes first. The war began only with the blocking of Ukrainian facilities in Crimea by Russian troops.
                        Quote: Yuri Ya.
                        According to Clausewitz, “war is the continuation of politics by other, violent means”
                        This quote is generally what, what does it matter in the context of your post? Yes, the right thing I ask, would anyone ask ...
                        Quote: Yuri Ya.
                        The use of any other violent means can be considered the beginning of a hybrid war, when the army may not be needed if they are successful.
                        Ale, the garage, DO NOT READ. Whose quote I ask?
                        Quote: Yuri Ya.
                        use of military and non-military tools in an integrated campaign
                        Do you understand the word integration? The simultaneous use of military and non-military methods is a sign of hybrid warfare.
                        Quote: Yuri Ya.
                        apparently for not correct behavior.
                        For the wrong behavior, put the minuses of the forum trolls, their posts consist only of slander, insults and perverted interpretations of my judgments. Not a single sound argument and position from which it was possible to debate was and is not.
                      6. +2
                        20 August 2015 18: 27
                        Napoleon also spoke partly about a hybrid war: two warring newspaper editions are worse than a ten-thousandth army.
            2. -9
              20 August 2015 16: 38
              As usual, you have to explain the obvious things, as when communicating with children.
              Quote: Asadullah
              To be honest: fifteen graduations of the Ukrainian military at the NATO school
              All this is not directly related to the outbreak of conflict in Crimea and the Donbas by Russia, and even more so to honesty (Ukrainian nationalists helped Transnistria in Transnistria). The Russian Federation may not have returned Crimea, it was enough to act as a guarantor of the security of the people of Crimea and provide the people with the opportunity to resolve their own fate
              Quote: Asadullah
              .and that, it is necessary to give their compatriots to be torn to pieces by the Nazis?
              This is slander. You are lying. I have not claimed anything like this and cannot follow from what I have said.
              Quote: Asadullah
              Be my will, only DBB in Kiev, and throw all this scum out of the windows of the Rada,
              And how do you intend to do all this? Do you think that the return of Crimea is a step in this direction? No! He only consolidated the west in his support by the Nazi junta.
              1. +5
                20 August 2015 17: 15
                I am not saying anything dear, but I am reacting to your post, which can be understood very broadly. Widely in the negative direction. There is no "people of Crimea" or "people of Novorosii", there are only people of the Russian world and those who are against. Whoever is against, they compose history for themselves in comics and become unconditional allies of Russia's historical enemies. The rest do not "choose their destiny", they have already chosen it.

                As for the details of the overthrow of the junta, the time has already been lost, this should have been done in parallel with the events in the Crimea. The same disappointment in the consolidation of the West against the Russian Federation does not make any sense, because it was perfect a long time ago, each element in its place, as in the table Mendeleev, and it is precisely known who and how will react with what.
                1. -8
                  20 August 2015 17: 36
                  Quote: Asadullah
                  I say nothing dear
                  Are you lying again, aren't you tired? Your statements:
                  Quote: Asadullah
                  In Transnistria, on the side of the Romanians.

                  Quote: Asadullah
                  .and that, it is necessary to give their compatriots to be torn to pieces by the Nazis?

                  Quote: Asadullah
                  I respond to your post, which can be understood very widely. Widely in the negative direction.
                  You should only understand my post literally. Your interpretations of my post are false and slanderous.
                  Quote: Asadullah
                  There is no "people of Crimea" or "people of Novorosii", there are only people of the Russian world and those who are against
                  You are confused in elementary issues. I will tell you a secret: the people of Crimea exist. The people of Crimea are part of the Russian world.
                  Quote: Asadullah
                  this had to be done in parallel with the events in the Crimea.
                  This had to be done before the events in the Crimea, and not to sleep, as the Kremlin did. In the Kremlin, it was considered enough to give dough to Kiev and everything would settle down, but as usual they got into a puddle from which they frantically got out, making a serious mistake by joining the Crimea.
                  Quote: Asadullah
                  .No same disappointment in the consolidation of the West against the Russian Federation does not make any sense
                  It makes sense, no need to lie.
              2. +4
                20 August 2015 21: 55
                Quote: Knight
                All this is not directly related to the outbreak of conflict in Crimea and the Donbas by Russia, and even more so to honesty (Ukrainian nationalists helped Transnistria in Transnistria). The Russian Federation may not have returned Crimea, it was enough to act as a guarantor of the security of the people of Crimea and provide the people with the opportunity to resolve their own fate
                - Distort, dear. Let me remind you - it’s not Russian green men who dragged Crimea into Russia, but namely their presence
                Quote: Knight
                gave people the opportunity to decide their own fate
                in a safe environment. The matter was on the way to a referendum, the people of Crimea were going to "decide their own fate." They never felt like Ukrainians there, they were not going to worship the Shukhevychs and Bandera, in addition, the illegality of the transfer of Crimea to Ukraine by the voluntaristic decision of the "maize" is obvious ... holding. Yarosh began to prepare "trains of friendship", and Putin (he is a FSB officer, do not forget about it) probably had reliable intelligence that the Ukrainian military units had already received an order to prevent the referendum by military means. There was a choice - either to give up the Crimeans to be devoured, or to block the Ukrainian military units. Your proposal for
                Quote: Knight
                it was enough to act as a guarantor of the security of the people of Crimea

                - It sounds beautiful, but very silly. What would give guarantees? What would the Ukrainian military not shoot? Or would the Turchins not give an order? Yes, they wanted to spit on Russian guarantees, where does Russia deal with its citizens + the political roof of Amers? And then what? Ukrovoyaki would start shooting at Crimeans who came to the referendum, the Russians who had given guarantees would have to shoot at these ukrovoyak ... A full-fledged war, moreover, a direct war between the Ukrovskys and the Russian army! Not, of course, the Turchins could have been frightened by the Russians, there is such a possibility, but might not have been frightened, but then why such risks? And then ukrovoyak was blocked, and without a single shot gave the Crimeans the opportunity to choose their fate, I repeat for the gifted - Crimeans themselves chose their fate !.
                So distort, distort ...
                1. -4
                  20 August 2015 22: 33
                  Quote: aksakal
                  distort, dear. Let me remind you - it’s not Russian green men who dragged Crimea into Russia, but namely their presence
                  Complete nonsense. You will remind grandmothers at the bazaar. The government of the Russian Federation has taken Crimea to the Russian Federation.
                  Quote: aksakal
                  There was a choice - either to give the Crimeans to be eaten, or to block the Ukrainian military units. Your suggestion
                  I already wrote that as a result of the Kremlin’s negligence, a Nazi junta came to power in Kiev. In such a situation, the introduction of troops into the Crimea was the right step, however, the adoption of Crimea into the Russian Federation was a mistake. It was enough for the Russian army to act as a guarantor of the security of the Crimean people and their freedom of expression.
                  Quote: aksakal
                  It sounds beautiful, but quite silly.

                  Quote: aksakal
                  What would the Ukrainian military not shoot? Or would the Turchins not give an order? Yes, they wanted to spit on Russian guarantees
                  You write stupidity. You are confused about the time and stages of events. The first-maidan stage has been accomplished. The second-Russian Federation is bringing troops into the Crimea, and this step, as I said, is correct. The third stage is the accession of Crimea to the Russian Federation-this stage was wrong. It was necessary create the Republic of Crimea or better Nvorossia and provide guarantees for the security of the Russian Federation. Now Ukrainians shoot in the Crimea? No. And why? Because in the Crimea the Russian army, which acts as a guarantor of stability and peace on the peninsula. The exact same situation would be if Crimea was sovereign republic.
            3. +7
              20 August 2015 17: 40
              Quote: Asadullah
              To be honest: fifteen graduations of the Ukrainian military in the NATO school of special forces near Prague, almost the same number of years of scout fees in Lithuania and Estonia. Ukrainian volunteers (and not only) fought against Russian volunteers in Yugoslavia (full texture of the recording of the broadcast). In Transnistria, on the side of the Romanians. Do you need to remember about the Chechen wars? About the Georgian war?

              Quote: Knight
              To be honest, I always try to be honest, in the modern hybrid war it was the green men who opened the confrontation between the Russian Federation and Ukraine and it does not matter the reason why they ended up in Crimea, where they blocked Ukrainian military units and other important objects.
              Asadullah rights to all 100 about the events that led to what is now happening in the "relationship" between Ukraine and Russia. It remains only to determine the time. And the beginning of all this rubbish was when, after 1991, for the first time on the square, they began to praise Bandera with Shukhevych with impunity. We cannot have normal relations with the people who have such "heroes". And relations will normalize when the last Bandera man finishes jerking his feet on the lamppost.

              Simply and easily said what I’m writing here, Y. Loza in response to a poem by Nastya Dmitruk

              You probably weren’t raised by your mother,
              And not with sisters, and not with brothers,
              You a fascist, black swastika
              At birth, they punished.
              Since childhood, they have bogged your heads
              Pro-fascist "super heroes"
              So you are burning Molotov cocktails,
              And do not teach the Truth of history ...
              You think you are brave
              Not slaves bound in chains
              But where is your arable land arable?
              You have sold your land for a long time!
              You and your ancestors stupidly betrayed,
              What a brave perished for you
              Feelings of Honor are unknown to you,
              Here and jump like rabid ...
              Tiny ... Faceless ... Herd ...
              Your black faces are blinded,
              You were born in an annoying time,
              Out of you woeful warriors ...
              You don't like Ukraine at all!
              And do not appreciate its shrines!
              If your father's bitch chop!
              If the homeland swastika mark!
              You will never be brothers!
              We - the Nazis - outbred enemies,
              And do not dare yourself, traitors,
              Call Ukrainians blood.
              1. +4
                20 August 2015 18: 21
                Good answer to jerks. With your permission I will quote.
          2. +7
            20 August 2015 16: 02
            belay What kind of noble world do you live in? What planet have they flown from?
            Lift me the eyelids (s)
            Crimea will not last a year in independence. Do you think he needed Ukraine with his problems and needs? When was the last time you were in Crimea?
            Are you such a great specialist in geopolitics?
            Let's estimate on yours. The Maidan happened, in a month, or maybe on the second day - the first American ship appeared there, after half a year a full-fledged NATO base with all the attendant and missile defense, tracking stations covering the entire Black Sea.
            New boats with hatchets - as if we had little headache with their other bases.
            Donbass is a difficult and risky move, but it has its own root and sacrifice, the necessary sacrifice. Now in the eyes of Ukrainians who are gradually gaining insight, Donbass is a kind of island of life that did not peck at the bright packaging, slipped by the EU and the USA as a decoy to the whole country, and turned out to be right. The next Maidan, and it will surely be, will bring even more nationalist-minded compradors to power, and only after the people get tired of all this will it make sense to accept the Donbass (if they are not forced to do this earlier), and then the falling parts of rotting Ukraine.
            1. -12
              20 August 2015 16: 58
              Quote: Corsair
              Lift me the eyelids (s)
              With the foregone centuries, prophecies clearly do not work out for you. It may work on your planet, but here in the real world, and not fictitious, your words are empty and insulting chatter.
              Quote: Corsair
              Crimea will not last a year and independence
              What makes you think that independent Crimea will be left without the support of the Russian Federation? Give a quote from my comment from which this conclusion will follow. Or your words are not worth a dime.
              Quote: Corsair
              Let's estimate on yours. Maidan happened, a month later, or maybe on the second day - the first American ship appeared there
              Aw, is there anyone at home? Where did the American ship come from on the Maidan ??? Dear geopolitical expert, it would not hurt you sometimes to think before writing anything.
              Quote: Corsair
              Donbass is a difficult and risky move
              This is not a difficult or risky move, for this move has already been made in Crimea, and the Donbass-Crimean inertia, an initiative of Russian patriots, which the Russian Federation subsequently supported.
              Quote: Corsair
              The next Maidan, and he will surely be,
              Lies. There will be no next Maidan, because the customer and the puppeteer-west do not need him.
              Quote: Corsair
              after the people get tired of all this, it will make sense to take Donbass
              Stocked up with popcorn? Just take more, I'm afraid it’s not enough, it will take a long time to wait.
            2. +2
              20 August 2015 17: 30
              Quote: Corsair
              Crimea will not last a year in independence.

              A neighboring branch discusses how Transnistria celebrates 25 years of independence.
              It’s just me that the conversation would be based on facts, and not on Wang’s conclusions.
              1. 0
                21 August 2015 09: 01
                Quote: Supertrooper
                A neighboring branch discusses how Transnistria celebrates 25 years of independence.
                It’s just me that the conversation would be based on facts, and not on Wang’s conclusions.

                request Transnistria didn’t give anyone up with their location, and Americans have been grinding their teeth in Crimea for decades, so these are too unbalanced categories.
          3. MSL
            20 August 2015 16: 30
            Quote: Knight
            To be honest

            modern hybrid warfare
            Quote: Knight
            To be honest
            IN THE CIVIL WAR

            "Donbass-Consequence of Events in Crimea" OH HOW! Those. people Donbass is not entitled to own will? Kiev began ATO after some attacks?

            Quote: Knight
            in the current geopolitical situation, leaving Crimea as part of the Russian Federation is a big mistake. I believe that the people of Crimea will hold a referendum where they decide their fate
            How many referendums are needed? Or referencing until yours does not work? Error, well, well. Kuriles and Yu. Sakhalin also "ERROR" ?,
            1. -9
              20 August 2015 17: 10
              Quote: MSL
              IN THE CIVIL WAR
              Highlight as much as you like, but with the advent of green men in the Crimea, the confrontation is precisely between the Russian Federation and Ukraine.
              Quote: MSL
              How many referenda are needed?
              To stop the war between the Russian Federation and Ukraine, another referendum can be held, it is worth it.
              Quote: MSL
              "Donbass-Consequence of Events in Crimea" OH HOW! Those. Donbass people have no right to their own expression of will?
              There is no logic in your statement. How can the second statement follow from the first statement ??? This is absolutely not possible !!!
              Quote: MSL
              Donbass people do not have the right to their own will?
              I have not affirmed anything of the kind and nothing of the kind follows from what I have said.
              Quote: MSL
              Kuriles and Yu. Sakhalin also "ERROR" ?,
              These are your unsubstantiated attempts to attribute to me that which I did not state and that does not follow from what I have said. Your actions are provocative in form and in content are false.
              1. +2
                21 August 2015 00: 28
                Honest, and in what drunken frenzy did you dream that the Russian Federation was at war with Dill? Why did you suck it? Explain to me, dumb, if we fought with you, how long did your army grief last, a day or two? Even in the Crimea, your units stupidly crap and laid down their arms, without firing a shot. This is from your country, when the mobilization was announced, the garnas lads ran like cockroaches, and where? Right to the enemy, to Russia. And now you are so literate reasoning here. Take the machine gun and defend your country if you think that it is fighting, and not by the keys of a knock, a disgrace.
                1. -1
                  21 August 2015 03: 56
                  Quote: rocker_39
                  Honest, and in what drunken frenzy did you dream that the Russian Federation was at war with Dill?
                  The Russian Federation introduced troops on the territory of Crimea, where it blocked Ukrainian facilities, which is an act of war under international law.
                  Quote: rocker_39
                  how long did your grief last for a day or two? Even in Crimea your parts are stupid
                  This is another manifestation of rudeness, lies and slander, for the assertion that I am from Ukraine and I am a supporter of the maydanists with lies and slander.
                2. 0
                  24 August 2015 11: 14
                  Quote: rocker_39
                  Honest, and in what drunken frenzy did you dream that the Russian Federation was at war with Dill?

                  And no one talks about the regular army.
                  If the Russian people "abruptly resigned from the prosperous army and went to fight," plus the work of the military agency in full. If the number of military units of heavy equipment there is comparable to the remnants of the rest of Ukraine, then we can say that Russia is waging a war. How fashionable it is to say "hybrid war". That is, by someone else's hands and our money and weapons. Just why be ashamed of it - if we defend our interests, then I don't know.
                  Well, and you, if you believe in "miners", then ... this is your own business. It means that it is simply easier for your psycho to perceive such a version. You're in luck, you live in a perfect world ... virtual.
            2. +4
              20 August 2015 17: 33
              Quote: MSL
              Kiev began ATO after some attacks?

              After the seizure of power by armed people. This is considered terracotta.
              This my koment is also just for the purity of the experiment, so to speak, and so you are right.
          4. +2
            20 August 2015 16: 33
            Che smoke people?
          5. +6
            20 August 2015 16: 54
            Quote: Knight
            .For in the current geopolitical situation, leaving Crimea as part of the Russian Federation is a big mistake. I believe that the people of Crimea will hold a referendum where they decide their fate and create an independent and sovereign republic of Crimea ..

            Edrit, you idiot! laughing How do you represent the Republic of Crimea as a sovereign and independent state? Like Aksyonov in "Crimea Island" or what? It's funny, however .. By the way, the people of Crimea have already expressed their opinion, what other referendum do you need? So do not write nonsense, dear; do not spoil karma.
            1. -10
              20 August 2015 17: 14
              Quote: Penetrator
              Funny however ..
              If you're out of fun, go to the circus.
              Quote: Penetrator
              What other referendum do you need?
              To end the war.
              Quote: Penetrator
              So do not write nonsense, dear
              You write nonsense, dear, you do not have sound thoughts.
              1. +3
                20 August 2015 17: 36
                Quote: Knight
                You write nonsense, dear, you do not have sound thoughts.

                Yeah, it’s drop dead of sound idea to declare the Crimean referendum of March 16 invalid, the Crimeans will thank you very much. Then, in order to be consistent, insist on declaring Kosovo’s insignificant independence and demand its return to Serbia, you are our sensible. Just about gratitude from the Kosovars-somehow not sure ..
                1. -5
                  20 August 2015 17: 50
                  Quote: Penetrator
                  drop dead of sound idea to declare the Crimean referendum of March 16, invalid - Crimeans will thank you very much.
                  I expressed my opinion, which I argued. The answer is only stupid trolling, but this is expected. Ok, let the war between the Russian Federation and Ukraine continue, an acute conflict continues between the West and the Russian Federation. We will not hold another referendum in Crimea, taking into account the feelings of Crimeans. And the national interests of the Russian Federation and the Russian people? Well, all right, to hell with them. No. Personally, I care.
                  1. +1
                    20 August 2015 18: 25
                    And you do not confuse your personal selfish interests with the national interests and the interests of the Russian people!
                    1. -6
                      20 August 2015 18: 56
                      Quote: bes513
                      And you do not confuse your personal selfish interests with the national interests and the interests of the Russian people!
                      You yourself understood that you blurted out? Where in my posts a word about my personal interests?
          6. +6
            20 August 2015 18: 12
            Quote: Knight
            To be honest, I always try to be honest, then in the modern hybrid war it was the green men who opened the confrontation between Russia and Ukraine

            Dear, if you want to be honest for yourself, but also not to sin against the truth, do not read only Svidomo and Western news agencies. Prior to the green men, the maidan was paid by our bosom friends because of a large puddle, so polite people are just a very adequate response from Russia to a serious threat to our fleet in Sevastopol and the whole Motherland as a whole. Therefore, separate the flies from cutlets and do not carry feverish delirium.
            1. -5
              20 August 2015 19: 13
              Quote: ImperialKolorad
              , but at the same time still do not sin against the truth, do not read only Svidomo and Western news agencies.
              Desire not to sin to yourself. Explain:
              Quote: ImperialKolorad
              do not read only Svidomo and Western news agencies.
              This is a vile and arrogant slander, your delusional and perverted fantasies. You can’t say anything like this after reading my posts, if you are, of course, in your right mind.
              Quote: ImperialKolorad
              so that polite people are just a very adequate response from Russia to a serious threat to our fleet in Sevastopol and the whole Motherland as a whole
              You are my geopolitician, I will tell you one thing. Maidan could have been prevented, and the Kremlin could have done it, this would be an "adequate answer." But the Kremlin stupidly slept through the Maidan. The introduction of troops in Crimea was a forced step when a fire was already burning, when in Kiev, the maydanuts have already seized power, in that situation it was the right step. The mistake was the acceptance of Crimea into the Russian Federation. It was enough to become the guarantor of the security of the Crimean people and the ability to build a sovereign republic. So, the wish about flies and cutlets is your way, to you.
              1. 0
                21 August 2015 00: 26
                Quote: Knight
                This is a vile and arrogant slander, your delusional and perverted fantasies. You can’t say anything like this after reading my posts, if you are, of course, in your right mind.

                But how else to explain the view of this problem from this point of view?
                Quote: Knight
                You are my geopolitician, I will tell you one thing. Maidan could have been prevented, and the Kremlin could have done it, this would be an "adequate answer." But the Kremlin stupidly slept through the Maidan. The introduction of troops in Crimea was a forced step when a fire was already burning, when in Kiev, the maydanuts have already seized power, in that situation it was the right step. The mistake was the acceptance of Crimea into the Russian Federation. It was enough to become the guarantor of the security of the Crimean people and the ability to build a sovereign republic. So, the wish about flies and cutlets is your way, to you.

                To prevent Maidan, Russia does not have as many resources, including money, as the United States. Although the fact that the troops still need to agree, and that bread. But what would give a guarantee of security for Crimeans I don’t believe is even to kill. The junta, led by the US embassy, ​​would even go for outright genocide for the sake of the base in Sevastopol, the possibility of which they perfectly showed on the example of events in Odessa and Novorossia. So I repeat about flies and cutlets, you are ours geopolitical.
                Z.Y. Ivan Ivanovich, aren't you this?
                1. -1
                  21 August 2015 04: 14
                  Quote: ImperialKolorad
                  To prevent Maidan, Russia does not have as many resources, including money, as the United States
                  Is this your proof of the fact that I am a supporter of the Maydan people ??? Only on the grounds that I believe it is possible and necessary for the Russian Federation to prevent the Maidan ??? This is the slander and lies typical of trolls who insult, turn to individuals, ignore logic and common sense. Or did you make this thoughtful conclusion on the basis that I am convinced that the guarantees of the Russian army would be enough to ensure peace and stability in the Crimea when the sovereignty of the Crimea was declared ??? Ah, comrades, where is your logic and common sense? meaning??? The brains of minusculers were raised completely, it happens if you do not train this important organ.
            2. +3
              20 August 2015 19: 20
              Quote: Knight
              I expressed my opinion, which I argued. The answer is only stupid trolling, but this is expected. Ok, let the war between the Russian Federation and Ukraine continue, an acute conflict continues between the West and the Russian Federation. We will not hold another referendum in Crimea, taking into account the feelings of Crimeans. And the national interests of the Russian Federation and the Russian people? Well, all right, to hell with them. No. Personally, I care.

              Hey, you, a hero in a shitty skin, what kind of Crimea are you talking about? For this one?
              1. -7
                20 August 2015 19: 28
                Quote: sabakina
                Hey, you, a hero in a shitty skin, what kind of Crimea are you talking about? For this one?
                Fu Fu Dog, know your place laughing
            3. +1
              20 August 2015 21: 01
              This animal (hero, m. La) du.rak or (according to beliefs?) Or troll. He doesn’t give a damn about Truth, if only he could spread words and draw attention to himself. Maybe something else, I don’t know. He also blames everyone in a row for lies and stupidity.
              1. -4
                20 August 2015 21: 52
                Quote: bes513
                Is it an animal (hero, m. La) du.rak or (according to beliefs?) Or troll
                Other than writing insults to me, you are probably not capable of anything else. Therefore, which of us is a troll? In his first commentary, he expressed his position, which is patriotic and defending the national interests of the Russian Federation. In response, he was persecuted by trolls who, as their comments testify, they are completely inadequate, since they distort the meaning of my thoughts and my position, make consequences of my statements, which in no way follow from them.
                Quote: bes513
                He doesn’t give a damn about Truth, if only he could spread words and draw attention to himself
                No need to invent and slander me. You are a liar and a slanderer.
                Quote: bes513
                Maybe something else, I don’t know.
                That's when you learn, write.
                Quote: bes513
                He also blames everyone in a row for lies and stupidity.
                Only if there are reasons for this.
              2. +2
                20 August 2015 23: 13
                looked at the profile of "Vityaz" ... the name is Mikhail, from Shelekhov ... ava is sooo Russian ... and it seems to me that everything is in Russian, that it is not Mikhail at all, but a corny ordinary Moishe.
                1. -1
                  21 August 2015 04: 17
                  Quote: Silkway0026
                  looked at the profile of "Vityaz" ... the name is Mikhail, from Shelekhov ... ava is sooo Russian ... and it seems to me that everything is in Russian, that it is not Mikhail at all, but a corny ordinary Moishe.
                  This is an insult, a lie and slander.
          7. -6
            20 August 2015 19: 26
            Yeah, I snarled a viper here. I got out all sorts of geopolitics and strategists, for some strange combination of circumstances, who are unable to put a couple of words together. They know how to put down minuses, but haven’t learned to think. Oh, are there normal ones on the forum?
            1. +3
              20 August 2015 20: 49
              Quote: Knight
              Yeah, I snarled a viper here. I got out all sorts of geopolitics and strategists, for some strange combination of circumstances, who are unable to put a couple of words together. They know how to put down minuses, but haven’t learned to think. Oh, are there normal ones on the forum?

              Looks like you're the one normal here, buddy. All the rest are stupid trolls and idiots.
              Enjoy your greatness.
              1. -3
                20 August 2015 22: 01
                Quote: Penetrator
                All the rest are stupid trolls and idiots.
                Ok, give an example of the opposite: a balanced and reasonable comment in response to my post. I am very surprised that there are no such adequate comments. I do not say that the most intelligent and adequate in the white light, but the reality is that nothing sensible has been published so far in response to my there was no comment.
                Quote: Penetrator
                Enjoy your greatness.
                This is another insult addressed to me, of which there is already a carriage and a small cart. Only trolls hang labels and turn to personalities. Thus, trolls are all you minuscators.
            2. +2
              20 August 2015 20: 57
              Yes, the patient of the viper at the moment is only you. Still asking where is the selfish interest? Indeed, xs where! There are a lot of options: from a liberal do.nk on foreign grants (he studied with me alone, he was in the "apple"), through a professional troll from dill, to a Protestant (or sectarian) pastor. Your morality is Puratan. You are the smartest here, you know a lot, and, of course, you know what that means. You accuse everyone of lying a lot, but he himself started with br.techni: see your comment from 15.12 about "little green men". The classic of Puritan morality: to beat us and blame the other. Embark on an erotic journey to the area of ​​the male reproductive organ, not respected!
            3. +4
              20 August 2015 20: 57
              Quote: Knight
              Oh, are there normal ones on the forum?

              Are the censor patrons right for you?
              1. -3
                20 August 2015 22: 03
                Quote: Sukhoy_T-50
                Are the censor patrons right for you?
                Such questions are usually asked by the Nazis or fascists. Tell me, are you a nationalist or a fascist?
                1. 0
                  21 August 2015 00: 31
                  Quote: Knight
                  Such questions are usually asked by the Nazis or fascists. Tell me, are you a nationalist or a fascist?

                  Oops, this is news. Disagreement with the fascists and Nazis grazing on the Censor is equated with these very Nazis and fascists.
                2. +1
                  21 August 2015 04: 31
                  Tell me, are you a nationalist or a fascist?

                  Something this reminds me .... I remembered! As soon as you grab the Jews in a lie-they immediately accuse you of a fascist (nationalist)
            4. 0
              21 August 2015 00: 29
              Quote: Knight
              Yeah, I snarled a viper here. I got out all sorts of geopolitics and strategists, for some strange combination of circumstances, who are unable to put a couple of words together. They know how to put down minuses, but haven’t learned to think. Oh, are there normal ones on the forum?

              Too much honor. We know how to bind words and even sometimes to write complex and complex sentences. There are many normal people who can think in categories other than Svidomo of average sewing.
              1. 0
                21 August 2015 04: 32
                Quote: ImperialKolorad
                Some are able to think in categories other than Svidomo of average sewing.
                You are lying. Give an example showing my Svidomo, there is no such evidence and can not be. Therefore, your statement is a slander and a lie, an unfounded label, which is typically hung by trolls.
                Quote: ImperialKolorad
                Disagreement with the fascists and Nazis grazing on the Censor is equated with these very Nazis and fascists.
                This is all your perverted imagination. Both Russian patriots and Russian nationalists and fascists can disagree with the ukronatsiks. But you apparently think that the latter are not in Russia.
                Quote: ImperialKolorad
                We know how to bind words
                And where is all this happiness ??? Give an example, I will rejoice at a sound mind. There is nothing. One stupid trolling with a transition to personalities and insults.
          8. 0
            20 August 2015 21: 10
            Quote: Knight
            To be honest, I always try to be honest, then in the modern hybrid war it was the green men who opened the confrontation between Russia and Ukraine

            Somehow you realized it too late, the date of the war was already announced on January 22, 2010. Even then it was clear that the invested American money would lead to war. Although I think the countdown was launched even earlier ..........
            On January 22, President of Ukraine Viktor Yushchenko announced the posthumous award of the title of Hero of Ukraine to the head of the Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists (OUN) Stepan Bandera, according to the Ukrainian News Agency.
            1. -2
              20 August 2015 22: 06
              Quote: APASUS
              Somehow you suddenly realized that the date of the war was already announced on January 22, 2010.
              You will first understand the concept of hybrid warfare. Hybrid warfare is an integration of military and non-military methods. If only non-military methods are used, then such actions are not manifestations of hybrid warfare.
              1. 0
                21 August 2015 00: 31
                Quote: Knight
                Quote: APASUS
                Somehow you suddenly realized that the date of the war was already announced on January 22, 2010.
                You will first understand the concept of hybrid warfare. Hybrid warfare is an integration of military and non-military methods. If only non-military methods are used, then such actions are not manifestations of hybrid warfare.

                I am wildly sorry, you constantly appeal to the concept of "hybrid war", give a link to serious sources that reveal this concept, please. Methods of non-military confrontation in general are not called a war in the literal sense of this word.
                I want to add on my own behalf that the explanation of this term given by you above can be applied to any war, the example of A. the Great will be absolutely perfect.
                P.S. And finally, one should love and respect his Motherland like his parents in grief and joy and in distress, and not sprinkle ashes on his head and constantly apologize to someone for what he had done. They did it so it was necessary, but later or not, the result is important.
                1. 0
                  21 August 2015 04: 52
                  Quote: yushch
                  give a link to
                  The definitions of hybrid warfare have already been given here; look for serious sources yourself.
                  Quote: yushch
                  The methods of non-military confrontation are generally not called war in the direct sense of the word.
                  I agree. Only the simultaneous use of military and non-military methods is considered a hybrid war.
                  Quote: yushch
                  An explanation of this term given by you above can be applied to any war, the example of A. the Great will be absolutely perfect.
                  And what will be this ideality? Green men had no signs of distinction, the Russian Federation denied any involvement in what was happening, green men and representatives of the Crimea misled the West and Ukrov. In a hybrid war there is no declaration of war, there are no troops that have an unequivocal belonging to a certain state, no clarity of which state needs to be counteracted, that is, all this with a powerful informational disorienting cover.
                  Quote: yushch
                  constantly apologize to someone for their deeds.
                  Where did you find my apology for the deed ???
                  Quote: yushch
                  Did it means it was necessary, but late or not, the result is important.
                  Only a thoughtless Sharikovsky-style fanatic can argue this way with approval, the Kremlin is not absolute, it can and makes mistakes that can harm the national interests of the country and people, a true patriot can and should talk about this.
                  Quote: yushch
                  and lastly, one must love and respect one’s Motherland as well as one’s parents in grief and joy
                  You are confused in terms. Imagine the end of the 80s, how to assess the situation that existed then, how does the political leader of the country feel? That is, the leader of the country, the government is not identified with the Motherland, this is an elementary mistake. The leader of the country and the government are only part of the Motherland, therefore constructive criticism of his activities is necessary.
              2. 0
                21 August 2015 04: 10
                You figure it out for a start

                ... do you even understand what a civil war is? Having hidden your miserable little body under the head of GV, what do you get? what will it change? The ruin is a full-blown civil war! And Russia began to spread rot in preparation for the Sochi Olympics! We remember everything ....
          9. 0
            20 August 2015 22: 36
            To be honest ........

            And I thought PSSH why 6 lards were allocated? .... and they dragged cookies to the Maidan ...... that's how it is. But thanks, at least I didn't call myself "the officer's daughter" ...
            Let's go through the chronology:
            1. The legitimately elected president of the already ruin was overthrown by an aggressive minority.
            2.The volunteers standing on the anti-Maidan from the Crimea were brutally beaten (... but there was also a "friendship train" earlier ...)
            3. Illegally created a new government (junta).
            4. Illegally the junta abolished the status of the Russian language.
            5. The people of Crimea decided to decide their fate in a referendum
            6. The junta is forming a new "train of friendship" .....
            7. The President, now the ruins have officially requested in writing from Russia assistance in restoring the constitutional order ....
            8. Russia helps those territories that decide not to obey the junta (CRIMEA).
            9. By the expression of the will of the people, it has now left the ruins, without bloodshed!
            10. The junta organized the burning of its opponents in Odessa
            11. The junta organized the shooting of its opponents in Mariupol
            12. The junta organized air raids on Donetsk
            .................................................. .... you "unfinished" have already entered a bunch of people into their "dance entourage" and are still asking why? This year everything will end - you will be hung on all fences and poles ..... day and night. Death to the Nazis!
            1. 0
              21 August 2015 05: 02
              Quote: EGOrkka
              And then I thought PSSh why 6 lard allocated? .... and cookies on the Maidan dragged ...... there it is like
              What are you talking about and what all this nonsense is about ??? Verbal diarrhea however laughing .
              Quote: EGOrkka
              But thanks, even though I didn't call myself "the officer's daughter" ...
              This is trolling - you unreasonably put a label on me.
              Quote: EGOrkka
              Let's go through the chronology:
              Why all these letters of yours that they prove or disprove ??? Stop spamming !!! Where did all these inadequate come from, tin just laughing .
              Quote: EGOrkka
              This year it will all end - you will be hung on all fences and poles.
              This is a threat of personal violence and a call to violence. You are a fascist.
    2. 0
      20 August 2015 22: 08
      put for me a song about a dead dog .....

      ..... and how do you like that? 6 throw at the beginning of the game ......
  2. +5
    20 August 2015 14: 43
    Well, what can I add ... here is such an exceptional empire "GOOD" on our planet
    1. 0
      20 August 2015 16: 31
      And this empire (MIC) needs to replace the accumulated weapons and technology with the latest, transfer overdue state food supplies! That unleashes wars throughout the Earth!
  3. +11
    20 August 2015 14: 44
    The only way out is to transfer hostilities to the United States and destroy all their military factories!
    1. +17
      20 August 2015 14: 51
      No, the only way is to stop all countries from filling the unsecured dollar with their goods, while depreciating the national currency and bleeding the economy. Only when the world abandons the dollar will the bloody feuds in different countries cease.
      1. bif
        20 August 2015 16: 52
        Quote: olimpiada15
        stop all countries fill an unsecured dollar

        To be precise and consistent, then after your option (some Middle Eastern countries tried to implement it, for example, Libya, etc.), you need to be ready for the Option written above -
        move hostilities to the United States
      2. +1
        20 August 2015 17: 52
        Comrade, don’t do this. Depreciation of the currency threatens the collapse of the country and the army. And then - think for yourself, decide for yourself.
  4. Fin
    20 August 2015 14: 45
    With minimal capital construction costs (not more than 1% of the annual turnover), concerns transfer to the government virtually all of the costs associated with the expansion and reconstruction of not only leased state-owned, but also their own military plants.

    Hidden corruption, under the guise of all sorts of "threats". Well settled, got into the management of the state. sector (military-industrial complex) and loot pours from the budget. Nothing leaves a personal pocket, only comes.
    1. +3
      20 August 2015 15: 16
      Corruption is a component of democracy. For corruption can only be fought with terror.
  5. +6
    20 August 2015 14: 45
    All US goals are always economic, and starting wars is only the main and most effective way to solve US economic problems. It would be nice if all the countries of the world understood this and missed America’s propaganda slogans about democracy and other husks, and would immediately ask themselves a question -What economic benefits the USA seeks to achieve in each specific situation. The states have no friends, for them all countries are a herd of cows, which they milk, or are going to milk.
  6. +4
    20 August 2015 14: 47
    Everything as usual.
    "To whom the war, to whom the mother is native." However, striped ones soon jump on, I suppose.
  7. +2
    20 August 2015 14: 50
    And how would he come to life (US military-industrial complex) if military operations were transferred to the territory of the states, here the loot would flow ...
  8. +3
    20 August 2015 14: 52
    Quote: Fin
    With minimal capital construction costs (not more than 1% of the annual turnover), concerns transfer to the government virtually all of the costs associated with the expansion and reconstruction of not only leased state-owned, but also their own military plants.

    Hidden corruption, under the guise of all sorts of "threats". Well settled, got into the management of the state. sector (MIC) and loot from the budget. Nothing leaves a personal pocket, only comes.

    About hidden corruption right to the point. But this is a "special" nation !!! They poke our noses into all the cracks. Although the United States itself has a snout not in fluff, but in something more important. The GDP is doing the right thing. Only by showing the electorate of old Europe (I will not say anything about the Poles, the Balts and other shushara) whose ears and where they grow from, can you see at least some kind of positive. The French were forbidden to sell the mistrals for a reason. This is an attempt to remove them from the market and take this whole field for themselves. Where the USA is, there is only blood and devastation.
  9. +3
    20 August 2015 14: 53
    To do this, it is necessary not only to complete import substitution programs in the defense industry complex as soon as possible, but also to create a reserve for the future. Author Evgeny Gorgola

    So we do not mind !?
  10. The comment was deleted.
  11. -10
    20 August 2015 14: 57
    Obama's military spending is consistently cutting back
    for the fifth year in a row, despite the Ukrainian conflict, the growing power of China and
    Russian military development programs.

    Reducing federal debt is most important to him.

    The American military-industrial complex had enough orders until 2014.
    Aircraft, submarines, aircraft carriers - all according to long-term approved plans, in no way
    connected with Ukraine.
    1. +6
      20 August 2015 15: 09
      Yes, like Ukraine is given as an example, one of many, just.
      Quote: voyaka uh
      The American military-industrial complex had enough orders until 2014.

      And this is exactly what the article is about. The country, which no one has attacked for 200 years, and which itself is so "peace-loving", produces the most weapons.
      1. +2
        20 August 2015 16: 07
        Well, what are you, colleague. Voyaka uh, as well as other colleagues from Israel, are simply obliged to support the United States in everything. Despite the presence of contradictions between these countries (sometimes even very serious, which came to the embargo on Israel), the Jewish state in the Promised Land will exist exactly as long as the United States exists. Without American support, and most importantly without American influence on the Arab countries, Israel cannot exist as a state - there will be no American political stranglehold on the ambitions and aggressive creeps of the Arabs - they (the Arab states) will certainly take all possible measures to destroy Israeli statehood and even possibly unite for this purpose. And then they will surely bite each other, as they - the Arabs have repeatedly demonstrated.
        I have the honor.
    2. -3
      20 August 2015 15: 21
      Voyaka uh.

      I agree with you. The author did not convincingly show the significant role of the military industrial complex. Offhand no more than 15%. Maybe even less.

      And how much is that war in Ukraine. On both sides and the division is not taken. Yes, and mostly Soviet weapons from warehouses. Well, maybe APU has about 30 old hammers. Is this an indicator?
      1. 0
        20 August 2015 16: 52
        Quote: gladcu2
        And how much is that war in Ukraine.

        About that and the article. Maybe a little (but real) but how much dvizhuha. And Russia is the enemy, and Europe is afraid (increase the military budget, they hope it will also be transferred), and the redeployment of troops, and exercises (probably not all free). It's not about the cost of a war in Ukraine, but about spending on their own. If 15% off (little?) Then maybe more, so what will happen if they are deprived of these percentages.
        1. 0
          20 August 2015 17: 11
          I fully and completely support, we must not forget that the US army not only receives weapons, but it also dresses, eats and drinks, has its own "civilian infrastructure" paid not from the military budget. In local conflicts, new weapons are tested much cheaper and more efficiently than at proving grounds (Example of a speech by a NATO general).
        2. 0
          20 August 2015 18: 27
          Yuri Y.

          Project Ukraine, has already moved to the stage of local scale.

          Dear GDP, I was able to ruin the situation for the better.

          The parties are divorced. The conflict is sluggish. Mostly local shootings.

          It remains to be expected when Ukraine will finally come to a serious economic crisis and a change of government will take place on its wave. By the way, such a blank is already there. Invite to the court and the republic. They will open broadcasting in Ukraine about Russian channels. Change the information rhetoric

          Invested in the situation will no longer. Ukraine will remain pro-Russian until the next attempt to arrange a new gesheft.
      2. 0
        21 August 2015 09: 23
        Quote: gladcu2
        And how much is that war in Ukraine. On both sides and the division is not taken. Yes, and mostly Soviet weapons from warehouses. Well, maybe APU has about 30 old hammers. Is this an indicator?

        laughing And vtyuhivanie pribalts all sorts of weapons and bases, the Poles happily buying up amerskoe weapons, now other countries are thoughtful - because it is difficult to refuse such "charms" with such agreements. Do not count only Ukraine and the direct profits of the US military-industrial complex, there is also a bet on distracting Russia from Syria, arming / bombing ISIS with small war-dashes and horror stories for people, which ISIS is terrible and you certainly need to arm yourself.
    3. 0
      20 August 2015 17: 36
      Quote: voyaka uh
      Reducing federal debt is most important to him.

      Explain why, this is something new.
    4. 0
      20 August 2015 21: 21
      Quote: voyaka uh
      Obama's military spending is consistently cutting back
      for the fifth year in a row, despite the Ukrainian conflict, the growing power of China and
      Russian military development programs.

      Reducing federal debt is most important to him.

      The American military-industrial complex had enough orders until 2014.
      Aircraft, submarines, aircraft carriers - all according to long-term approved plans, in no way
      connected with Ukraine.

      All of what I said in the article shows the structure of the United States in politics and making money by corporations. The growth of income of military corporations depends on the instability in the world and the Americans have learned to use it very well.
      What budget are you ...
    5. 0
      21 August 2015 00: 40
      Reducing federal debt is most important to him.

      Rather, he was more trying to do it somehow. But does not know how. The second point, you probably know that the military order does not particularly affect the problems of federal debt, because it still remains internal. These reductions are in the nature of restructuring, (a favorite word in Russia) but in the USA, this really reflects the essence of the term, focus on new projects. That is, funding through the NSF is not considered military spending, but there is a direct link, reducing the budget for the Pentagon, the NSF budget will automatically increase, and go figure it out where and for what, the money went. Just becoming the rule, in two to three years the Pentagon purchases weapons developed through NSF funds.
  12. -2
    20 August 2015 15: 17
    As one of the actors said in the film ... but if we don't want to wave, gentlemen, and conduct an aggressive policy on all these "democratically" ... That is, to pursue the same policy in relation to those countries that are against Russia. silently wipes the spit.
  13. MSL
    20 August 2015 15: 52
    Quote: Knight
    I believe that the next president of the Russian Federation will have a difficult task to resolve the issue of Crimea. For in the current geopolitical situation, leaving Crimea as part of the Russian Federation is a big mistake. I believe that the people of Crimea will hold a referendum where they decide their fate and create an independent and sovereign republic of Crimea.

    Those. one referendum is not enough to say, ..... How many times do you need to confirm a decision? Please clarify. "Partner"....
    1. 0
      20 August 2015 17: 40
      Quote: MSL
      Those. one referendum is not enough to say, ..... How many times do you need to confirm a decision? Please clarify. "Partner"....

      If they are all for independence, then why is there a clause on unification in the Minsk agreements? Maybe people's opinions have already changed?
      Or do you still think that they want to live like Transnistria? ..
  14. +1
    20 August 2015 15: 53
    I don’t think that the Americans will fight personally at everything set up with such a budget, but rather they will sell all this good to a group of cannon fodder countries that will go against us in the future big war, the occurrence of which I still doubt.
  15. +2
    20 August 2015 15: 59
    The entire "Ukrainian operation" is conceived to revive the US military-industrial complex.

    Well no. what
    The "Ukrainian operation" is rather one of the tools used in the process of creating a transatlantic free trade area, like the treaty with Iran; and you shouldn't pull it out. And this, in turn, will "revive" both the US economy in general and the US military-industrial complex in particular. According to plan, at least ...
  16. +1
    20 August 2015 16: 11
    Quote: Knight
    . It doesn’t matter whether the Russian Federation is related to the unleashing of a crisis in the Donbass, the Donbass is a consequence of the events in the Crimea, and the Russian Federation should be responsible for those whom it tamed, whom it inspired hope in Russian patriots, therefore the Russian Federation is responsible.

    So what? Nobody else bears ANY responsibility? Is there responsibility for "hope", but not for shelling? Or is it not important to you? But the people of Ukraine on the Maidan were encouraged that everything would be much better for them than before, and in the end we see what we see. RF too?
  17. +1
    20 August 2015 16: 29
    Everything is correct. As the same English say: "Nothing personal, just business?"
    What do you want? They rushed into this economic model, headlong, so that even a country was lost along the way.
    And now you are whining that you were fooled and not taken with you to the first, soft carriage of a market economy train.
    Sorry, who is hanging out, I will not say where, and in what capacity, there is only one fate - to pick up on the tracks what has fallen from the PAST train. You are lucky that dry closets are almost everywhere now. Although, the old one, the last carriage can dump something. Fragrant.
    So that - "He who does not fight, he does not drink champagne" is the motto of this flock. Otherwise, the troops turn into sofa, and the command - into the Arbat. And the industry ...? Is she really there? The Soviet safety margin is over!
  18. 0
    20 August 2015 16: 38
    Confused in the article the indicated numbers:
    What will be the end result from the introduction of the dollar - is still unknown, but the fact that they did not miscalculate with the export of weapons and the profits from it is a fact. Only in 2014, the Americans sold their weapons for 34,2 billion dollars and, according to official data, made profits for 30 billions.
    Something is a problem with the data of the Stockholm Institute for the Study of Peace (SIPRI) on arms exports for 2010-2014, and with the report of the American company IHS with a report for 2014. Where do these numbers come from, interesting?
  19. 0
    20 August 2015 16: 39
    The US Department of Defense has two government programs to attract small business orders: SBIR (Small Business Innovation Research - “Small Innovative Business”) and STTR (Small Business Technology Transfer - “Technology Transfer by Small Business”). In January, 2012-th Barack Obama reissued the SBIR and STTR annual funding law — about 2,5 a billion dollars over six years. With these programs, US federal agencies help small businesses bring the best innovations to the market. It is the results of rapid implementations that bring the United States to the forefront in the military field, strengthen competitiveness on a global scale.

    This is a really good topic, and it works regardless of a slightly not beautiful design.
  20. 0
    20 August 2015 16: 42
    When an article follows from obvious facts, and even well-known ones, it becomes somehow uncomfortable. What did the author want to say from those words that everyone already understands?
    Yes, so many beeches written!
    I taught this at school in the 60s and then they wrote about it on every poster in every hut-reading room. And here is such a "revelation" ...
  21. +1
    20 August 2015 17: 10
    Business there is not important, according to the American doctrine: a thunderstorm is an opportunity and an intention.
    Many people in the world have the most terrible intentions regarding the United States, but only Russia has the opportunity to destroy America under the net, and this is the main threat for them, completely controlling the territory of Ukraine, and having solved some technical issues, they will leave the nuclear response for a maximum of 10 years strike, and then from Russia you can, if you wish, make Iraq at any time, therefore, Russia will not allow America of any value to Ukraine - there is nothing to lose, and the Ukrainians in this situation are stupid meat.
  22. +1
    20 August 2015 17: 36
    Quote: Knight
    To be honest, I always try to be honest, then in the modern hybrid war it was the green men who opened the confrontation between the Russian Federation and Ukraine and it does not matter why they ended up in Crimea, where they blocked Ukrainian military units and other important objects. that the Russian Federation did not declare war on Ukraine, or Ukraine-the Russian Federation, it doesn’t matter that economic and political relations are maintained between these states. It is important that the Russian Federation and Ukraine are at war, a hybrid war. It doesn’t matter if the Russian Federation is related to the outbreak of the crisis in the Donbas, the Donbass is a consequence of the events in the Crimea, and the Russian Federation should be responsible for those whom it tamed, whom it instilled hope in Russian patriots, and therefore the Russian Federation is responsible. Did the Russian Federation do the right thing, was there a need to return Crimea to the Russian Federation? I believe that the next president of the Russian Federation will have a difficult task to resolve the issue of Crimea, because in the current geopolitical situation, leaving Crimea as part of the Russian Federation is a big mistake. then the people of Crimea will hold a referendum where they decide their fate and create an independent and sovereign republic of Crimea. Of course, this will not solve the problems in terms of confrontation between West and Russia, but it will obviously reduce the degree of tension, will allow the dialogue to move into a more constructive channel and, most importantly, the war between RF and Ukraine.

    You were mistaken, for you are not trying to be honest!
  23. 0
    20 August 2015 18: 04
    Quote: gladcu2
    Corruption is a component of democracy. For corruption can only be fought with terror.

    Ek bent, not many will be able to expand. I’ll directly ask: Are you a supporter of terrorism and an adherent of Trotsky? Another question: Is there a family? And finally: Have you been killed or your loved ones? Damn, where does the youth have so much anger and where do they get such- here is the resource request request request ?I do not understand!
    1. 0
      20 August 2015 18: 15

      Torror is a scare tool in the first place. This is the "Domokles sword" of the inevitability of punishment. State terror is a method of government in authoritarian states.
  24. 0
    20 August 2015 18: 23
    Quote: sergey32
    Destroy your country so that the US military-industrial complex could eat three throats. Fabulous for ...
    I’ll add a joke, I heard yesterday
    Dear radio station, I’m in a bad mood, put on me a song about a dead dog.
    Remind me what the song is.
    Puppy died ...

    +100500! He only laughed under the table from one witty comment. My heart sank. Urgently drank half a glass of valerian. Blood pressure is normal. Now you. And my valerian has ended and pharmacies have closedlaughing
  25. 0
    20 August 2015 18: 45
    Who does not fight, he does not drink champagne
    Listen, such a message. Apparently people at the funeral drink only water. War is darkness and animal fear.
    Here another message is better - "I would have known the purchase, I would have lived in SOCHI "
    Why ask YOU. ???? Yes, because WAR is the worst thing in our life. And whoever wants this is the last one --- Well, an eccentric letter M .......
    Better to lose cards than war.
    1. 0
      20 August 2015 19: 38
      Quote: Signaller
      WAR is the worst thing in our life

      Even worse - WITHOUT war shamefully merge, like EBN all about ... l! Give him, Lord, a cooler place!
  26. 0
    20 August 2015 19: 16
    "Exceptional" when you get drunk and die?
  27. 0
    20 August 2015 19: 34
    In 2014 alone, the Americans sold weapons for 34,2 billion dollars and, according to official figures, made a profit of 30 billion

    So ... sales - 34,2 lard, of which profit - 30 - comes out, the cost price is only 4,2 lard, and profitability - 700% ?! To go nuts ...
  28. 0
    20 August 2015 20: 53
    Quote: Knight
    These are your unsubstantiated attempts to attribute to me that which I did not state and that does not follow from what I have said. Your actions are provocative in form and in content are false.

    Well, another troll appeared ...
  29. 0
    20 August 2015 21: 01
    When the article is divided into parts and well structured, the task of the reader is simplified, to understand. what the author wanted to say and whether he said.

    War is more precious than victory

    The headline is killer, intriguing, flying away, enticing, something like "show-off is more expensive than money." Judging by the title, the author tried to show that victories (the result) are not of particular interest to the United States, it is enough to spin up, start a war (process), and then, you see, the enemy will be defeated. Will break before the opponent.

    How did this happen with the USSR, which received a loss (result) precisely in the course (process) of the Cold War. Which could go on without shots and bombing for another 100 years, with a possible victory for the USSR, if the USSR itself had a strategy for such a war.

    But the whole strategy was reduced through the Gobachev region to the successive surrender of all key positions, after which the 5th column connected, which completed the victory of the enemy.
    It’s not such a bad strategy to win through the process.

    Russia is now trying to implement this approach in the Donbass, although one can only guess about it, let's see what happens.

    Subheadings follow.

    1. The entire "Ukrainian operation" is conceived to revive the US military-industrial complex

    As Kissinger said, the entire “Ukrainian operation” was conceived to change the leadership of Russia, and better, to completely destroy and disintegrate Russia.
    The author himself did not say anything about the Ukrainian roots of militarization.

    2. Who does not fight, does not drink champagne

    Yes, war is a risk, and he who does not risk does not drink champagne.
    And the United States does not wage war for the sake of the process, but through the process it achieves results, victory, and not necessarily in the traditional sense (though not always), but the strategy is just that, to defeat everyone.
    But the content of the section is for some reason a tight story about their military-industrial complex, what it is like that. Which is already there, and the Americans do not like him, let us recall Eisenhower, why do we like him.
    About the risk and about champagne - not a word, but I would like to hear ...

    3. The social base of militarism

    What the author is talking about is not only the basis of militarism, but also the basis of their innovative and technological development, when small companies carry out a huge amount of search work, some of which give another technological breakthrough and, through this, financial return.
    We should have learned this approach, rather than sticking labels.

    4. The threat is American everything

    What is this about? What do Americans fear themselves? Are there enemies around them? Are there no threats in America and life?
    But what about without threats. Without them, any country will fall apart. Of course, everything is good in moderation.
    Isn’t it better to say that America needs threats as a warning, in the sense, like a pike in a river, so that crucian carp do not doze off.
    We should learn how to formulate about threats, remembering not only external enemies, but now, first of all, internal traitors, who, like that, continue to rule the ball in the country.

    And all would be fine, but here is the last passage.

    "Hence the conclusion: exposing the predatory, anti-human nature of the military business, strengthening our partnership with peace-loving forces in every possible way, we must not allow ourselves to be drawn into a new arms race.

    It’s just so, starting to play such serious games with the world hegemon, it will not be possible to limit oneself to exposures alone. Of course, unless you play with him on social networks, where, of course, we will expose, strengthen, and not allow it.
  30. 0
    20 August 2015 21: 03
    Quote: Knight
    To be honest, I always try to be honest, then in the modern hybrid war it was the green men who opened the confrontation between the Russian Federation and Ukraine and it does not matter why they ended up in Crimea, where they blocked Ukrainian military units and other important objects. that the Russian Federation did not declare war on Ukraine, or Ukraine-the Russian Federation, it doesn’t matter that economic and political relations are maintained between these states. It is important that the Russian Federation and Ukraine are at war, a hybrid war. It doesn’t matter if the Russian Federation is related to the outbreak of the crisis in the Donbas, the Donbass is a consequence of the events in the Crimea, and the Russian Federation should be responsible for those whom it tamed, whom it instilled hope in Russian patriots, and therefore the Russian Federation is responsible. Did the Russian Federation do the right thing, was there a need to return Crimea to the Russian Federation? I believe that the next president of the Russian Federation will have a difficult task to resolve the issue of Crimea, because in the current geopolitical situation, leaving Crimea as part of the Russian Federation is a big mistake. then the people of Crimea will hold a referendum where they decide their fate and create an independent and sovereign republic of Crimea. Of course, this will not solve the problems in terms of confrontation between West and Russia, but it will obviously reduce the degree of tension, will allow the dialogue to move into a more constructive channel and, most importantly, the war between RF and Ukraine.

    Nooooo ... it's all wrong .. laughing

    - Crimea and the "polite people" in it are a consequence of the fact that the Maidan threatened to go to Crimea too. And the Tatars are still there .. Crimean laughing
    - all this is not necessary if there is a naval base in Crimea (no one intended to lose it, regardless of what was happening in the city of Kuev ..)
    - Donbass (LDNR) is a completely separate song .. and, by the way, the Russian rupee is already in full swing in LDN .. and for some reason there is no shortage of ammunition .. while the Russian Federation has nothing to do with it .. funny, yes ?

    Karroche, Vityaz .. teach .. materiel .. read the Internet, analytics in the subject, about the fact that the Russian Federation bought treasures here for 1.4 lard .. and before that - it took off an order of magnitude more .. while there’s nothing to talk about with you. Just for your ignorance ..
  31. 0
    20 August 2015 21: 50
    "I perfectly understand that there is no point in conducting a dialogue with inadequate people. I have something to say, so I will answer so that all sorts of balls do not relax. Whatever happens before the green men are introduced, this is not part of a hybrid war. In the same way, the fight starts first not the one who offends, but the one who strikes first. The war began only with the blocking of Ukrainian facilities in Crimea by Russian troops. "
    Your statements are classic trolling. Stirred the adder? Have you looked at yourself in the mirror for a long time?
    And about who starts the fight. Tell me, if one of the opponents spat on the other in the face or insulted him with words, did he do it out of kindness and didn’t mean anything like that? Need to wait until he hits you and only after that start to defend your honor and dignity? Oh, sorry, the last two concepts are apparently unknown to you?
  32. 0
    20 August 2015 22: 53
    "The United States does not 'win' the wars that it wages, because victory in them is a secondary concern," writes The American Conservative. Victory or defeat is not very significant, because the conflicts that Washington incites are not vital to the country. The United States receives a completely different profit than just a victory over the enemy, the newspaper notes.
    In fact, this is a specific national business, primarily for the largest monopolies and the political elite. "

    America has a convenient position - overseas. But can the United States ever play out?
  33. 0
    21 August 2015 00: 06
    It's so shameful to consider other people's money :(
  34. 0
    21 August 2015 04: 39
    Quote: Silkway0026
    looked at the profile of "Vityaz" ... the name is Mikhail, from Shelekhov ... ava is sooo Russian ... and it seems to me that everything is in Russian, that it is not Mikhail at all, but a corny ordinary Moishe.

    To the stranger - no conversation, no polemics!
  35. 0
    21 August 2015 08: 00
    One thing is clear - Yankerstan must be "brought down" by any means and methods, until these scoundrels completely ruin the planet.

"Right Sector" (banned in Russia), "Ukrainian Insurgent Army" (UPA) (banned in Russia), ISIS (banned in Russia), "Jabhat Fatah al-Sham" formerly "Jabhat al-Nusra" (banned in Russia) , Taliban (banned in Russia), Al-Qaeda (banned in Russia), Anti-Corruption Foundation (banned in Russia), Navalny Headquarters (banned in Russia), Facebook (banned in Russia), Instagram (banned in Russia), Meta (banned in Russia), Misanthropic Division (banned in Russia), Azov (banned in Russia), Muslim Brotherhood (banned in Russia), Aum Shinrikyo (banned in Russia), AUE (banned in Russia), UNA-UNSO (banned in Russia), Mejlis of the Crimean Tatar people (banned in Russia), Legion “Freedom of Russia” (armed formation, recognized as terrorist in the Russian Federation and banned), Kirill Budanov (included to the Rosfinmonitoring list of terrorists and extremists)

“Non-profit organizations, unregistered public associations or individuals performing the functions of a foreign agent,” as well as media outlets performing the functions of a foreign agent: “Medusa”; "Voice of America"; "Realities"; "Present time"; "Radio Freedom"; Ponomarev Lev; Ponomarev Ilya; Savitskaya; Markelov; Kamalyagin; Apakhonchich; Makarevich; Dud; Gordon; Zhdanov; Medvedev; Fedorov; Mikhail Kasyanov; "Owl"; "Alliance of Doctors"; "RKK" "Levada Center"; "Memorial"; "Voice"; "Person and law"; "Rain"; "Mediazone"; "Deutsche Welle"; QMS "Caucasian Knot"; "Insider"; "New Newspaper"