Nice path to the rear. To the Day of the rear of the Armed Forces

August 1 celebrates its holiday rear of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. As you know, there is no army without the rear, although a lot of what the militiamen do for combat units remains behind the scenes. Suffice it to say that the rear men often risk no less than those on the front line. Especially in modern local wars, where any delivery of food, uniforms, fuel in the territory of action of militants is a tremendous risk.

The supply of troops in pre-Peter Russia

History logistical support for the troops goes into the early periods of the formation of centralized Russian statehood. As is known, right up to the reforms of Peter the Great, the core of the armed forces of the Russian state was the equestrian local army. It consisted of landowners — noblemen and children of the boyars, who in the event of hostilities carried military service along with their military servants — “battle serfs.” The state did not provide the local army with any food, equipment or weapons, so the landlords were forced to decide on the maintenance of their troops on their own. Each warrior, however, was required to have a supply of provisions for at least four months. Most often, stocked with bread crumbs, flour, dried and salted meat and fish. Of course, with some money, warriors could buy food at the place of their stay, and hunting was always the way to get food. The state could also sell bread to soldiers, but at this stage of national history did not supply them with food for free. As for the money allowance, it was received by boyar children and noblemen who served the regimental service and were divided into three categories. The first category, the main salary regiment, received from 80 to 100 rubles in annual salary. The second category - the regiment of the second salary - received from 50 to 60 rubles annual salary. Finally, the third category, or the boyars' children, received approximately 20-30 rubles in annual salary. Half of the salary was given to serving people in Moscow, and the second half - during military campaigns. A lesser salary was received in city shelves stationed in cities - from 4 to 14 rubles.

Nice path to the rear. To the Day of the rear of the Armed Forces

However, when the first professional soldiers appeared in the Russian army - “service people according to the device”, the state was forced to take over their provision not only with land plots, but also with the necessary allowance. In order to ensure the maintenance of the growing army, the state introduced additional taxes. Streltsy money went to artillery for salary payments, yamchuzhnye money to produce ammunition, and to pay for money from the enemy to buy out prisoners from the enemy. Pishtilniki, archers, regimental and city Cossacks, gunners, who in wartime were distributed among the regiments of the local army, belonged to the servicemen on the device. The servicemen of the Pushkar rank were gunners, zatinchiki (who shot from the bottom of the pishchina), the artisans who were engaged in the maintenance service of armaments, the serf servants. In 1638, in Moscow, 248 served the guns and masters, who were controlled by the Cannon Order. Pushkars received a salary from the state for their service. After the creation of the “regiments of the new system”, which were formed in accordance with the European model and staffed by dutch people, the system of issuing salaries to lower ranks and officers of the reiter and dragoon regiments was also streamlined. For military service, one soldier was taken from every hundred yards, then from every 20-25 yards. The service was for life, and soldiers received a salary monthly and annual - both money and bread. Also for the service could be given land. Weapon could both be bought at their own expense, and issued by the state. In this food supply was carried out, again, independently. When in 1550, the Strelets army was just beginning to form, the archers were paid a salary of 4 rubles per year - that is, identical to the salary of the least paid servicemen “homeland” of the local army. Moreover, the four-ruler salary of archers received in Moscow, and the city archers had a salary of two times less - only two rubles a year. The gunners received even lower salaries. For example, Moscow gunners and zatinchiki received 2 rubles per hryvnia per year, and city gunners - generally one ruble. In addition, gunners were also provided with octopus flour, half a pound of salt per month and cloth for two rubles a year. The city archers were given two pounds of salt, 12 rye "boxes" and 12 oats "boxes" per year. That is, as we see, the supply of regular troops was at a low level. After the economic troubles that followed the events of the Time of Troubles, even the boyars and nobles could not equip their troops for service in the local army without state support. In the first half of the XVII century. the boyars received from 300 to 700 rubles per year, the attendants received from 90 to 200 rubles per year, Moscow noblemen from 10 to 210 rubles per year. At the same time in wartime, the state sought to increase payments to service people.

Insufficient, in the opinion of the archers and other servicemen "on the device", the size of the salary has repeatedly become the cause of discontent and fermentation among the archers. In the middle of the 17th century, archers who served in the Kola prison, received 3,5 rubles, salaries, foremen - 3,75 rubles per year, Pentecostals - 4 rubles per year, centrics - 12 rubles per year, and Streletsky head - 25 rubles per year. In addition, the archers were entitled to food security in the amount of two quarters of rye, four quarters of oats, and one quarter of barley annually. The salary of the gunners was increased and equated with the Streltsy, which was also aimed at curbing the possible dissatisfaction of representatives of such an important military profession as servants of artillery guns. The size of the salary could also depend on the specific place of service - so, in some guards, they made up archers, Cossacks and gunners for 5 rubles per year. Horse Cossacks, carrying service in the prison, could get 8 rubles per year, being the highest paid category among the service people on the device. During the campaign, the Cossacks and archers were given extra money.

In the regiments of the new system - dragoons, reiter and soldiers - the salary at the beginning of their existence was very large by the standards of other units of the Russian army. Obviously, the state greatly valued the regiments of the new system and the soldiers, soldiers and dragoons who served in them. The highest salaries received command of the regiments of the new system, among which was dominated by foreign military experts, primarily the Germans and the Dutch. Thus, only the monthly salary of fodder generals received 90-100 rubles colonels - 25-50 rubles, lieutenant - 15-18 rubles Majors - 14-16 rubles captains - 13 rubles captains - 9-11 rubles lieutenants - 5- 8 rubles, ensigns - 4-7 rubles. Ordinary soldiers of the regiments of the new system received, of course, a significantly lower salary, but its size in 2 - 2,5 was several times larger than the salary of ordinary archers and gunners. For the organization of food supply of the regiments of the new system, the collection of “serving grain stocks” was organized, which was carried out in all cities and villages. From all settlements of the country rye, flour, crackers, cereals were sent to the places of the regiments, while meat, salt and wine were delivered from Moscow.

Peter's reforms. Provisional and commissar services

However, until the modernization of the Russian army under Peter I, the organization of logistics and supply of troops was not streamlined and worked out. Peter I, who took the model of the army on the European model as a basis, also decided to reorganize the supply of the armed forces. 18 February 1700 A Provision Order was created to manage the supply of the regular army. In the subordination of the order were "stores", as food stores were then called - in Moscow, St. Petersburg, Kiev, Chernihiv, Bryansk, Smolensk and a number of other cities. The order was structured and consisted of local offices, which were led by pro-mastermasters. At the head of the order was put okolchichy Yazykov, who was awarded the title of general-prodiantemeister. On the same day, February 18, Peter I established a Special Order, which was responsible for managing the financial allocations for the army, as well as supplying the army with uniforms and horses. Thus, both orders were responsible for logistical support and were the prototype of future food, clothing, financial services. In the field administration of the army a commissariat was created, responsible for all types of supplies. The food supply in the divisions and regiments was led by chief propertyants and provisionmaster, and finances and uniforms by the chief commissioners and commissars. In addition, a medical service was deployed in the units. In the Charter of the Military 1716, the responsibility for organizing the provision of troops was assigned to the army commander - Field Marshal. For the direct management of the supply of the army with food, clothing, horses, weapons and financial resources was the responsibility of the general kriegs commissioner. At the same time, the wagon train with pack animals and wagons did not obey the Krigs General Commissar - the wagon service had its own chief. The Wagenmaster General, who was in charge of the wagon train, was subordinate to the Quartermaster General, whose duties included supplying supplies, deploying and equipping troops, and organizing hospitals. Thus, the management structure of the rear of the Russian army in the Petrine era was “two-headed” - the functions of direct material support of the army and organization of transportation and quartering were divided. The capabilities of both rear generals were equalized - if the Krigs Commissar was in charge of finances and food, that is, he already had a great influence and opportunities, then the Quartermaster General was in charge of supplying finances and food and without any subordinates of his wagons he was appointed could not act. The figure of Field Marshal was raised above the two “commanders of the rear”, but he did not interfere in the direct affairs of the logistics of the troops.

Under Peter, the organization of food supply to the army was entirely taken over by the state. In the cities of the country, army food warehouses were opened, from where food was delivered by horse-drawn carriages by land or by boat along rivers. Also organized mobile warehouses, called shops and having a monthly supply of food. On February 18, 1705, on the fifth anniversary of the creation of the Provincial Order, the exact size of the bread allowance of the lower ranks was determined, which consisted of half an octopus (24 kilograms) of flour and small quaternary (3,5 kilograms) of cereals per month. Money was given to purchase the rest of the food, and soldiers could buy food at their own discretion. Military units on campaigns and outside the country received an additional allowance of two pounds of bread, one pound of meat, one garz of beer and two glasses of wine per person per day. In addition, two pounds of salt and one and a half garnets of cereals were expected for a month. Non-commissioned officers received a triple portion. On the ships of the Navy fleet a food consumption standard was introduced: 30 pounds of rusks, 16 pounds of cereal, 16 pounds of oatmeal, 10 pounds of ham, 0,5 sturgeon, 60 glasses of wine, 30 glasses of sbiten, 30 glasses of vinegar and 1 pound of salt per month. The portions were given out to the soldiers and sailors in food, and the officers received a cash allowance and could buy food at their own discretion. Serving sizes could vary, depending on the location of the regiment in a particular place and the nature of the tasks performed. When performing more complex tasks, the contentment increased. Naturally, the regular provision of troops with food, uniforms and equipment required the creation of an effective rear service at the regimental level. She was subordinate to the regiment commander and included a foodmeister, a commissar, a quartermaster, a warden officer and a doctor. All financial expenses were controlled by the regiment commander and all officers. As for the direct organization of catering for personnel, the supply of units with hot food was provided by company soldier's artels. Each artel had not only kitchen utensils, dishes, but also horses, carts and sledges. The artel included a company artisan, a cook, a baker and a groom.

Development of the rear in the XIX century

In the future, the organization of logistics support of the Russian Imperial Army continued to improve. In 1800, the position of the quartermaster general was introduced, who became the supreme commander of the army. In 1802, the Ministry of War was set up in Russia, which at the beginning of its existence was called the Ministry of Ground Forces. The Infantry General General SK was appointed the first head of the War Ministry. Vyazmitinov, who in 1805 carried out the reform of the management bodies for the logistics of the troops, connecting the Commissariat and Provision departments to the Quartermaster Department. However, the Quartermaster Department operated for a short time. Insufficiently efficient supply of Russian troops during the 1807 war with France and 1808-1809. with Sweden it was imputed to the Quartermaster Department. After that, the department was dissolved, and on its basis independent departments were created - Commissariat, Provisional, Medical. In the period under review, the effectiveness of organizing the logistics of the army increased significantly. Since 1810, after the creation of divisions, corps and armies, were established quartermaster, provisional and commissariat directorates of armies, corps commission and commissioning in divisions, which were responsible for the logistic support of their formations. In addition, the structure of the organization of medical care for wounded and sick soldiers was changed. The Department of Medical Service in the Army became an independent structure of civil medicine, after which 70 permanent hospitals and military temporary hospitals were created. Accordingly, the food supply of medical institutions of the active army improved, wounded and sick soldiers and officers were given the opportunity of a better and healthier diet.

During World War 1812, delivery and mobile hospitals were formed to meet the needs of the army in medical care. Before preparing for the battle of Borodino, the commander-in-chief ordered the organization of food and medical care for the wounded on the way to Moscow. Roughly, the losses of the Russian army were supposed to be about 5 thousand people killed and 20 thousand people wounded. Of the 20 thousands of injured, it was estimated that thousands of 4 would be seriously injured and 16 thousands to be lightly wounded. The latter will be able to move independently, and the seriously wounded were planned to be taken out of the battlefield on carts. However, in reality, the losses of the Russian army were significantly greater. In the main military hospital, 30 concentrated thousands of wounded people in need of transportation. Only in three days were able to evacuate 20 thousands of wounded, the rest of the wounded, who could move, were forced to move out of Moscow on their own. With regard to the organization of food supply of the army, before the beginning of the offensive, the command decided to prepare corned beef, which was to become one of the main sources of food for the military. Sufficient power was collected to provide 120 to thousands of troops over the course of a 25 day. There were 30 thousand pounds of crackers and 8 thousand quarters of cereals in the train, besides 10 thousand pounds of crackers, 20 thousand quarters of oats were delivered on supplies. Providing the army with hay was entrusted to the population of the provinces, and most of the hay was supposed to be collected from the nobility, and the smaller part from the merchants and townspeople. Thus, already in World War 1812, the organization of the logistics of the army showed its strengths and weaknesses, the analysis and understanding of which subsequently allowed us to continue further improving the organization of the logistics of the Russian army.

In 1812, field posts were introduced as general commissars generals, each of whom was responsible for the supply of a separate army. 27 January 1812 was established Commissariat Department, which was responsible for the clothing and financial allowances of the army and medical service. Commissioners were established on the ground. The Provision Department, which was responsible for providing the army with food and fodder, had a similar structure. In 1812, the organization of logistic support for the army was entrusted to the quartermaster general and the chief of the main headquarters simultaneously. At the same time, the duty general was in the submission of the chief of the headquarters, who directly supervised the transport support of the troops and the medical service. He was subordinate to the Wagenmaster General and Director of Military Communications. In 1857, local food commissions were disbanded, and in place of them, Ober-Provisionmeister administrations were created, which existed until 1864. For military supplies from 1700 to 1864. the general master continued to answer. From 1724, the deputy pro-mastermaster was subordinate to two deputies - the general pro-master-lieutenant. In 1812, the Field Provisional Directorate was created, which was supervised by the general proviant master, who reported directly to the quartermaster general. In 1836, the general master was introduced into the General Staff of the Russian army, and in 1864, the Provisional department was introduced into the main quartermaster department and the general general manager was also abolished. The military reform of 1864, conducted by D.A. Milyutin, contributed to the centralization of the management of the rear of the armed forces. Since 1864, the supply of troops with clothing, financial, food, fodder and housing allowances has been transferred to the Directorate General Directorate Directorate formed by 11 August 1864. The Directorate General Directorate Directorate has six branches, as well as the Technical Committee, Commission, Inspector of Quartermaster Technical Institutions, Management of the head of the experience of conducting troop management with the rank of quartermaster department and quartermaster acceptors.

The main commissary directorate existed until 1918 and was liquidated already in Soviet Russia, in connection with the creation of the Workers 'and Peasants' Red Army and the corresponding structures attached to it. In addition, in the same 1864, the Committee on the movement of troops by rail was created, which took over the management of military communications. The post of chief of military communications of the acting army and commander of the troops located in the rear was introduced. In the subordination of the chief of military communications were quartermaster, artillery, military medical, engineering in the rear of the army and military medical in the rear of the control army. The official duties of the new leader were prescribed in the Provisional Regulation on the Management of Military Communications of the Army and the Troops in its Rear. Thus, an attempt was made to modernize and centralize the rear of the armed forces. Each active army had to be provided with its own military district, which performed the functions of the rear. However, the deepening of ideas about the organization of the rear in the Russian imperial army refers only to the period of the Russian-Japanese war 1904-1905. Thus, it was during this period that the concepts of “common” and “nearest” rear, that is, rear of the front and rear of the army, appeared. The chief of the rear of the front was placed under the direct subordination of the commander in chief and was responsible for the supply and evacuation of troops. During the First World War, the rear services were further improved. 16 July 1914, Nikolai II decided to withdraw from the Directorate the chief chief of supply for the front of the head of the military communications department and the sanitary part of the front. They were reassigned directly to the commander in chief.

At the origins of the modern rear. General Khrulev

After the October Revolution 1917 and the creation of the Workers 'and Peasants' Red Army next year, the young Soviet state was faced with the question of the formation and improvement of the logistic support of the Red Army and Red Navy units. Since the old structure of the organization of the rear services of the imperial army was destroyed, the Soviet command and party leadership had to try and error, in consultation with the "military experts" of the old school, to test the most effective methods of organizing rear work in the army. The organization of logistic services was more or less streamlined already before the start of World War II. In 1939 was by order of I.V. Stalin established the Red Army Supply Directorate, headed by the head of supply. Andrey V. Khrulev was appointed as the head of supply. That he is considered the "father - founder" of the rear of the armed forces of the USSR. Andrey V. Khrulev was born in 1892. and by the time of appointment, he was a middle-aged 47-year-old military specialist with a rich and interesting biography. He began his career at the age of nine, working in St. Petersburg workshops as an apprentice, then as a mechanic. Even before the revolution, he became a social activist in the labor movement, in March 1918. joined the RSDLP (b), was Commissioner of Porokhovsky District Committee of Petrograd. In August, the 1918 26-year-old Khrulev voluntarily joined the Red Army. In January, he became the commandant of the revolutionary guard of the Porokhovsky district of Petrograd, then he was transferred to military-political work. With 1919 1928 for years. He has gone from the Assistant Chief of the Political Department of the 11 Cavalry Division in the 1 Cavalry Army to the Deputy Chief of the Political Directorate of the Moscow Military District. In 1930 was Khrulev headed the Central Military Financial Directorate of the Red Army, then the Financial Directorate of the People’s Commissariat of Defense of the USSR. In 1935 was he was awarded the rank of corps commissioner. В 1936-1938 гг. Khrulev served as chief of the Construction and Housing Department of the People's Commissariat of Defense, and in 1938-1939. led the Military Building Directorate of the Kiev Military District. Obviously, Khrulev’s extensive experience in the management of both the military-financial and military construction services was appreciated by I.V. Stalin, appointing 47-year corps commissioner to the responsible position of the head of the Office of the supply of the entire Red Army. July 22 1940 city The supply department was reorganized and renamed the Main Directorate Directorate of the Red Army, and Khrulev was appointed head of the latter in the rank of lieutenant general of the quartermaster service. It was Khrulev who was in charge of the food, clothing, household and apartment supply of the Red Army, military commerce and military educational institutions of the rear. Understanding perfectly well that the danger of an invasion of the enemy hung over the Soviet country, Khrulev saw as his main task the preparation of the Red Army quartermaster services for mobilization deployment and ensuring the supply of active units in the event of war. 1 March 1941 city Lieutenant General of the quartermaster service Khrulev was appointed Deputy People's Commissar of Defense of the USSR. All this time, the leadership of the commissary services has been discussing the possibilities of the most effective organization of logistics support for the Red Army. Anastas Mikoyan, who held the post of Deputy Chairman of the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR, was directly in charge of supplying the Red Army in the country's leadership. It was Mikoyan who laid down on the table the considerations for reorganizing the rear proposed by Khrulev and his colleagues. Anastas Ivanovich conveyed the thoughts of General Joseph Vissarionovich Stalin. After the draft order on the creation of a centralized organization of the rear of the Red Army was drafted, the top leaders of the Central Directorate Directorate and representatives of the General Staff of the Red Army gathered for a meeting with I.V.

1 August 1941. Joseph Stalin signed an order “On the organization of the Main Directorate of Logistics of the Red Army”. The Central Main Directorate Directorate of the Red Army, the Fuel Supply Directorate, the Office of Military Communications, the Sanitary and Veterinary Directorate, and the Road Administration were included in the Main Logistics Department. The head of the Main Directorate of the rear of the Red Army was simultaneously called the head of the Red Army Logistics. It was decided to appoint Lieutenant General Khrulev to this position. Similar positions of chiefs of rear were introduced on all fronts and in all armies. In 1942, Mr. Khrulev was given the rank of colonel-general of the commissary service, and in 1943 - the rank of army general. From February 1942 to April 1943, General Khrulev also held the post of People's Commissar of Railways of the USSR, since the rail service during the Great Patriotic War took on particular importance in providing rear services to the fighting Red Army. Evidence of the remarkable abilities and knowledge of Andrei Vasilyevich Khrulyov was that he remained the head of the Red Army Logistics throughout the Great Patriotic War, although Stalin repeatedly changed other senior military leaders, moving them from one position to another. The life of Khrulev denied the well-known words "we have no irreplaceable people." At least there was no one to replace Khrulev. After the Victory over Nazi Germany, Andrei Vasilyevich Khrulev retained the post of head of the Red Army Logistics Department. In 1946, he was appointed Deputy Minister - Head of Logistics of the Armed Forces of the USSR and retained this position until 1951. In 1951, at the age of 59 years, Army General Khrulev was dismissed from military service and transferred to senior management at the Ministry of Building Industry materials of the USSR to the post of deputy minister. In 1956-1958 He was Deputy Minister of Construction of the USSR, then - Military Inspector - Advisor to the Group of General Inspectors of the USSR Ministry of Defense. In 1962, Army General Khrulev died. His name for a long time (from 1964 to 1999 and from 2003 to 2007) was borne by the Yaroslavl Higher Military Financial School (Military Financial and Economic Institute), which trained military-financial service specialists for the Armed Forces of the USSR, and then Russia.

The rear of the Soviet Army in the postwar period

It was during the years of the Great Patriotic War that the final formation of the Red Army Rear took place, which later became the basis of the Rear Army of the Armed Forces of the USSR. Without the organization of effective logistic supplies to the operating fronts and armies, a victory over Nazi Germany would not have been possible. Warriors of the Rear made a huge contribution to the victory over the enemy. In the post-war period, further development and strengthening of the rear of the Armed Forces of the USSR took place, and after the collapse of the USSR - the Rear of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. Great contribution to strengthening the rear of the Armed Forces of the USSR was made by Marshal of the Soviet Union Ivan Khristoforovich Bagramyan. One of the legendary Soviet military commanders of the Great Patriotic War, who replaced Vasilevsky as commander of the Belarusian Front 3, Baghramian had great intelligence, energy and honesty. Perhaps it was these personal qualities of the marshal that promoted him to a new responsible position. In 1956-1958 Bagramyan headed the Higher Military Academy. K.E. Voroshilov (Military Academy of the General Staff), after which in 1958, he was appointed Deputy Minister of Defense of the USSR - Head of Logistics. This responsible position Bagramyan held until 1968 year - ten years. In the years when the glorified Baghramyan was at the head of the Logistics of the Armed Forces of the USSR, the status of deputy commander was again returned to the head of logistics. The concept of the rear was extended not only to the army, corps, division, but also to the brigade, regiment and battalion. The positions of deputy brigade commander, deputy regiment commander and deputy battalion commander for logistics were introduced. In 1968, 69-year-old Marshal Baghramyan was transferred to the position of Inspector General of the Inspectors General Group of the USSR Ministry of Defense.

The most important role was played by the rear services of the Soviet Army during the war in Afghanistan. The difficult climatic conditions of this country, the presence of a constant danger in the face of scattered militant groups operating almost throughout the territory of Afghanistan, made it very difficult to ensure the limited contingent of Soviet troops in Afghanistan. To solve these tasks, a whole number of special brigade and battalion-level subunits were introduced into Afghanistan, including the 276 I Pipeline Brigade, the 278 I Road Commandant Brigade, the 159 I Separate Road Construction Brigade, the 58 I Separate Automobile Brigade , 59-I separate material support team, separate 692-th road and 14-th and 1461-th pipeline battalions, 342-engineering engineering department (in fact - a compound from 6 military construction and 3 construction and assembly battalions, 2 construction from). Soldiers and officers of the pipeline, road, automotive troops, all services of the rear showed real heroism, solving the most difficult tasks to ensure the warring units of the Soviet Army. Considering the absence of railway communications in Afghanistan, the underdevelopment of pipeline infrastructure, automobile and road troops became an essential component of providing food, clothing, ammunition, and fuel and lubricants to OXVA. An important role was played by pipeline troops, which provided the supply of water and fuel. Finally, military medical service played a tremendous role, since the specifics of the climatic conditions of Afghanistan contributed to the appearance, in addition to the wounded in the fighting, of thousands of patients, including such serious diseases as hepatitis. Special troops and services that were part of the Rear of the Armed Forces of the USSR suffered considerable casualties in Afghanistan, fulfilling their duty no less bravely than soldiers and officers of other troops.

Modern rear of the RF Armed Forces

In 1991, after the collapse of the Soviet Union and the beginning of the destruction of the powerful Soviet Army, serious blows were delivered to the rear of the young Russian Armed Forces. Thus, the head of the rear was deprived of the post of deputy minister of defense of the Russian Federation. Logistics units and troops that were part of the rear of the Armed Forces were significantly reduced. The efficiency and efficiency of the rear control was reduced, which led to a decision in 1994 to return the head of the rear of the RF Armed Forces to the rank of deputy defense minister of the country. In 1997, the Main Military Medical Directorate and the Office of Military Communications, which had been previously isolated from it, were returned to the rear of the Armed Forces. A great contribution to the reorganization and strengthening of the rear of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation was made by Army General Vladimir Ilyich Isakov, from 1997 to 2008. who held the post of head of logistics of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation - Deputy Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation. A combatant in Afghanistan, who miraculously survived the worst wounds, combat general Vladimir Ilyich Isakov knew firsthand the importance of effectively organizing the rear of the army. Over the 11 years of being at the head of the rear of the Russian army, Isakov did a lot for his revival and modernization.

The modern rear of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation is a very complex structure. It consists of directorates, departments, services, troops performing tasks in the economic, food, clothing, commercial, medical, environmental, fuel, road, railway support of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. The structural components of the rear of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation are: the Central Military Communications Department of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation; Main Military Medical Directorate of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation; Automobile and road administration of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation; Central Administration of Rocket Fuel and Fuel of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation; Main Department of Trade of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation; Central Food Management Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation; Central control department of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation; Environmental Safety Department; Department of Agriculture of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation; Department of Active Rest of the Defense Ministry of the Russian Federation; Fire and Rescue Service and local defense of the Armed Forces; Veterinary-sanitary service of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation; Military Scientific Committee of Logistics of the RF Armed Forces; Department of Military Education, Logistics of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation; Personnel Department of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation; Secretariat of the Chief of Logistics of the RF Armed Forces. In addition, the rear of the arms and types of troops of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, the rear of military districts, fleets and flotillas are subordinated to the rear of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. The rear of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation also includes automobile, road, railway, pipeline troops and rear guard troops. In accordance with the order of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation on 28 July 2011, every year on August 1 is celebrated Day of the rear of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation.
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  1. +3
    3 August 2015 06: 42
    Logov happy holiday. Only Serdyuk outraged him greatly. It was rear. and now they themselves can’t figure it out.
  2. +2
    3 August 2015 10: 26
    I am a reserve officer (rear officer) last position deputy. the battalion commander on the rear - could not stand Serdyukov ... succumbed to the general general practice of dismissals to nowhere ... Now, of course, I regret a little - however, under the Furniture Worker, generally unbearable conditions of service were also completely hopeless !!!
  3. +1
    3 August 2015 18: 51
    All the servants of the army and navy rear and involved in this service with a holiday!

    I propose to read a very wonderful book covering the rear service ...
    1. 0
      April 30 2020 16: 06
      Quote: moskowit
      I propose to read a very wonderful book covering the rear service ...

      Which one? What is it called? And then no links, no names ...
  4. 0
    4 August 2015 14: 21
    As my colleague joked, - "Long live the rear and its Armed Forces!"