Destiny of Russia: not a sword, but the world ...

Destiny of Russia: not a sword, but the world ...The essence of events around Ukraine and in general within the Russian geopolitical space becomes transparent even for people with greatly reduced political vision. We are led to war, to the sword, and, it would seem, it is necessary to maximally intensify the actions (to begin with, purely political) that ensure peace. Instead, instead of a clear analysis, which is generally not difficult, the words about the almost inevitable war with Ukraine and almost with NATO and the United States are increasingly open.

But is it all fatal and predetermined? To this day, much depends on much, and it is possible and necessary to do this “much”.

But very little has been done so far ...


There is much talk about geopolitics, but there is still no clear understanding of what geopolitics is for Russia, especially if you keep in mind the official level. More than once I proposed to introduce the notion “Russian geopolitical space (RGP)” into the Russian political dictionary and once again I suggest it. Without giving here a detailed definition of such a concept, I will simply say that the boundaries of the RSE practically coincide with the borders of the USSR fixed by the Helsinki Act of 1985 of the year. And Russian geopolitics is not fraternization with “Trojan” China, but a new and tireless gathering of lands and peoples around Moscow within the RSE.

I recall that the long-term adviser to American presidents Zbigniew Brzezinski in an interview with the newspaper Segodnya (No. 157 for 1994) openly admitted: “The Soviet Union was historical Russia, called the Soviet Union. "

At about the same time, the former chairman of the Swedish Helsinki Compliance Committee, Nikolai von Kreitor, answered the question of the main goals of Russian foreign policy in the future: “The goals are clear: it is the restoration of the Soviet Union within the boundaries confirmed by international law, namely, within 1945 of the year” .

Is it time to officially declare these very goals?

Moreover, to clearly determine this issue does not mean to revive some "imperial" hopes. This only means a clear course for Russia to restore the constructive cooperation of peoples that we had within the RSE for more than one century and which was especially fruitful and harmonious in the classical Soviet period of history. Moreover, even the Russian Empire was never an empire - just after the victory in the Northern War, Peter accepted the sonorous and such “European” title of emperor from the Senate. But before that, and after that, Russia was not a conqueror, not a sovereign, but a collector of peoples.

Already wrote earlier and I repeat that Moscow was precisely a collector of peoples and lands, both Russian and non-Russian. Kazan campaign of Ivan the Terrible did not destroy the Volga Tatars - in contrast to the Indians, destroyed by the Yankees. Even the Russians did not conquer Siberia as much as they mastered. We did not conquer the Crimea, did not conquer Livonia, but returned them to the natural geopolitical borders of Russia. But, in modern terms, national-cultural autonomy was ensured. Otherwise, by the beginning of the twentieth century, the same Balts, the Volga and Crimean Tatars, other alien tribes of the Volga region and Siberia would have forgotten their customs and their languages, or even completely disappeared as national identities.

We did not conquer the single Caucasus (Georgia and Armenia themselves had long been asking for Russian), but fought against the terrorist-oriented mountain tribes that Turkey and Britain provoked to fight against Russia, as the West and the United States do today.

The role of tsarist Russia was also progressive in the Central Asian region, where the geopolitical vacuum would inevitably fill, if not Russia, the same England, and not at all in the interests of Tajiks, Uzbeks, Turkmen ...

If it were not for the Russian victories of Peter and Catherine over Sweden, not the victory in the Russian-Swedish war of 1808 – 1809, then we could hardly have had an independent Finland on the world map - a Swedish province could well have been in its place.

Excluding the case of the third division of Poland, Russia lay down in its natural borders, without infringing upon any of the peoples who linked their historical and national fates with it. Russia, from Brest and Odessa to the White Sea and the Pacific Ocean, preserved them, and Soviet Russia developed and exalted them.

Therefore, present-day Russia not only has the right, but also is obliged to actively and consistently proclaim the ideas of a new reunion of peoples - on a voluntary, naturally, basis. This is not just the right of the Kremlin, but also its duty, strictly determined by the entire thousand-year history of the Russian state and the peoples who created it and created it!

This is especially relevant in relation to the Slavic core of the Union and Russia - Great Russia, Ukraine and Belarus. The future can only be common to all three “branches” of the Russian national “tree”. I have said this many times, and I will speak as loudly as possible.

You can already start in 1997 YEAR ...

Again, not for the first time, I remind you that even in 1997, the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation adopted the “Appeal of the State Duma to the peoples, presidents and governments of the Russian Federation and Ukraine and the Supreme Council of Ukraine”. This document could open the green light to the widest restoration of scientific and technical cooperation between Great Russian and Ukrainian parts of the economy, science and technology, created as a whole, and initiate the process of political and state reunification of Russia and Ukraine.

Not without pride I will inform you that I am most directly involved in the development of this document, adopted by the State Duma of the Russian Federation 4 on April 1997, by resolution No. 1295-II DG 254 by votes with 1 abstaining and 29 votes "against."

The following is the full text:

“We, the deputies of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation, are addressing you at the time of confusion of the minds and souls of nations, at a time when age-old ties are easily broken and it is difficult to restore what our ancestors shed a lot of sweat, tears and blood!

Recent years have convinced many of the tragedy of the mistakes made, which led to the disintegration of the state unity of our peoples. We think that the hour is not far off when each of us will understand that the only creative solution could be a new union of our states.

Dangerous and unprofitable dismemberment of the economy, the rupture of cultural and other human ties, however, there is such a sphere where further disengagement is mortally dangerous for other peoples of the former USSR who have a common historical destiny. This is the defense sphere. The country had a single defense complex, the greatest achievement of which was to ensure the country's defense with nuclear missile weapons. With the common efforts of the peoples, a truly impenetrable nuclear shield was created against any attempt at aggression and dictate. Nuclear weapons in the hands of our peoples proved to be the most effective means of ensuring peace.

Thanks to the powerful unified defense and nuclear missile shield, the real military threat could only be spoken of as a historical past. However, today the shield is deteriorating, the defense foundation of the independence of all Slavic peoples is being destroyed.

We believe that further dismemberment of the defense potential of Russia and Ukraine is unacceptable and criminal. Neither the past nor the future will forgive us if we do not make the necessary efforts to restore the united defense of our countries.

Particularly relevant is the restoration of decaying cooperation in strategic defense systems. A few decades ago, a duplicate rocket center was created in Dnepropetrovsk — the Yuzhnoye design bureau, headed by the closest associate of academician S.P. Queen M.K. Yangel, as well as the plants "Yuzhmash" and Pavlograd. For a long time, the current president of Ukraine L.M. Kuchma

The destruction of the existing cooperation, on the one hand, drastically reduces the potential of both Ukraine and Russia in the field of advanced high-tech technologies, Ukraine’s unique rocket scientists are in dire straits. On the other hand, our joint defense potential is decreasing. One of the results is the increasing tendency to conclude treaties such as the Treaty between the Russian Federation and the United States of America on the further reduction and limitation of strategic offensive arms (the START-2 Treaty) with its fundamental flaws, many of which are directly related to the exclusion of the Ukrainian missile system from the general chains.

It is easier to destroy than to recreate, but time does not tolerate. The restoration of cooperation, in which hundreds of enterprises in all the republics of the USSR were involved, will not be easy. But we, the deputies of the State Duma, are convinced that it is time to begin.

We appeal to you to start developing practical steps that will allow 1997 to begin the restoration of scientific, technical and industrial cooperation between the two republics, primarily in the field of strategic missile systems.

We are confident that a practical solution to this most difficult and urgent problem at the same time will open a broad road to restoring cooperation in aircraft, tank and instrument making, and in other national economic fields for the benefit of restoring the prosperity of fraternal peoples!


4 April 1997 of the Year. "

The political potential of this government document was enormous, but the whole thing went "whistle". However, this precedent must be remembered, especially given the fact that the situation requires us to create new, similar political steps that could become an ideological basis for practical actions of all healthy forces in Russia, Ukraine and Belarus - for starters in these three republics, and there, look, and in the rest.

Declaration of Reunification, Prosperity and Peace

The political crisis, the core of which was the situation around Ukraine, is evident. The word "crisis" goes back to the ancient Greek "sentence", and the events of 2014 – 2015 really prove to be a sentence as criminal towards the Ukrainian people the policy of the Ukrainian authorities (elected and elected, however, by the Ukrainian people themselves), and a sentence, I will say frankly, many years mediocre and sluggish policy of Russia towards Ukraine.

Any verdict brings some final line.

What's next?

Well, they are dancing “from the stove”, and a reasonable policy is based on a reasonable conceptual basis. And, for example, the same State Duma, or rather, the entire Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation, or more correctly, the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation together with the President of the Russian Federation, it would be advisable to consider and adopt the document, the draft of which is proposed somewhat lower. I must note that this draft was prepared in October 2014 of the year and at the same time was proposed to a number of deputies of the State Duma, but was put on the shelf.

Is it time to get it out of there?

This is about the draft State Declaration of the Russian Federation on relations with Ukraine. This should be a solid and unambiguous document, not only looking to the future, but also reminding the peoples of Russia, Ukraine, and the peoples of the whole world about what should not be forgotten, but what is actively crossed out from the historical memory of the peoples.

To the author of this article, the Declaration is as follows:

“In difficult and tragic times for Ukraine and Russia, the state leadership of the Russian Federation solemnly declares the following on behalf of its peoples.

The historical fates of Russia and Ukraine have one root and go back to pre-Slavic times. The unity of culture, language, civilizational approaches already in the early Middle Ages led to the creation of a centralized state, the name of which reflected this natural unity - Kievan Rus. Since then, the concepts of "Kiev" and "Rus" have become inseparable.

The great princes of Kiev, St. Vladimir and Yaroslav the Wise, are outstanding figures of our common history, as well as the epic heroes of the Russian epic: Svyatogor, Ilya Muromets, Dobrynya Nikitich, Alyosha Popovich, Nikita Kozhemyaka ... The modern opening of the Kiev cycle of Russian epics occurred in the 19th century in the Russian North. Could the connection of times and the connection of the people's memory of our common Russia from the White Sea to the Dnieper-Slavuty be more vivid and exciting?

The origins of Vladimir, and then of the Moscow Grand Duchy also go down in the history of Kievan Rus. But after the whirlwinds of the steppe invasion swept across the Russian land, our general decline began, and in the 15th century, when the Muscovite state only just got rid of the three centuries old tribute payment to the Golden Horde, then Lithuania, covered with attacks from Russia, managed to clean up the 1471 year to the hands of the principality of Kiev, turning it into the province.

Ukraine was once again deprived of other people's orders, and a century later, in 1569, according to the Union of Lublin, Ukraine was joined to Lithuania along with Lithuania ... "As a free country with a free population ..." - as the author wrote, Istorii Kozakiv "Ukrainian historian Dmitry Yavornitsky and himself continued:" So it was said on paper, but it did not happen in practice. Acting under the authority of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth, the Ukrainian population found here, instead of "golden freedom", "inclusive slavery" ... "

The uprisings against the Poles of Severin Nalyvayko and Grigory Loboda were immediately entered into the history of Ukraine, but then the Time of Troubles came to Russia. And it immediately made a hopeless struggle for the national liberation of the Ukrainian people. Do we need any other evidence of the inextricable link between the historical destinies of Moscow and Ukraine, if the chronology itself proves it? There was Smoot on Moscow - there were no anti-Polish uprisings in Ukraine! And only after the strengthening of the Muscovite state the struggle resumes: the uprisings of Taras Trytilia, Ivan Sulima, Pavlyuk, Dmitry Guni, Jacob Ostryanin ...

And in the year 1648 begins the era of the great Bogdan Khmelnitsky. In the 1654 year, at the Pereyaslav Rada, he announces the reunification of Ukraine with Russia. However, as the same Dmitry Yavornitsky reports: “After Bogdan’s death, ambitious people pursued their personal interests, and it’s not surprising that such strife, turmoil and civil strife came at that time, as a result of which the Ukraine of that time could be called a“ self-interest fair ”, the authorities of its "self-devouring dragons" ... The people after the era of Bohdan Khmelnytsky were aptly named the "Ruin" ... The discrepancies came, however, not from the majority or the masses, but from a minority, "power" or "significant" individuals and higher clergymen of Ukraine: t GDS as the mass of Ukrainian gravitated to Russia ... "

The relevance of the old evaluation is obvious.

During the time of Peter the Great, the unity of the thoughts and actions of the Russian and Ukrainian peoples was already obvious, and the Ukrainian Poltava became the city of our common military glory. The Catherine's era gave Russia and Ukraine Novorossia — the original Russian lands conquered from the Turks, where Odessa, Nikolaev, Kherson were set up at the same time ... Donbass is being developed ... The economic development of these lands began, brilliantly enhanced during the 20th century.

As a result of the common civilization work of Russians and Ukrainians, Ukraine has turned into a powerful republic joined up with Russia, with a developed industry and agriculture, with one of the most educated in Europe and the world’s population.

Ukraine of the 20th century is Zaporizhstal and Azovstal, Novokramatorsk Machine-Building Plant of Plants, Kharkov Tractor Plant and Dneproges, Kiev Arsenal and Dnepropetrovsk Yuzhnoye Design Bureau, the basis of the Dnepropetrovsk-Pavlograd Rocket-Building Complex ...

United in the same state as Russia, the twentieth century Ukraine is the largest coke and chemical production, turbines and Tanks, Kharkov and Lugansk diesel locomotives, space electronics, production of mercury, zirconium, manganese, titanium ...

Kharkov, Zaporozhye and Kiev became the largest centers of aircraft manufacturing. In the Soviet Union, aircraft engines, longer than Zaporizhzhya, and aircraft, larger than the giants Antei, Ruslan and Mriya, developed by Oleg Antonov’s Kiev Design Bureau, were not made ... Since Potemkin’s times the fleet Russian groups of Nikolaev and Kherson shipyards of world class.

Speaking about the level of science united with Russia of Ukraine, it suffices to recall the Paton Center for Welding, established for the needs of the entire Soviet Union. In Kharkiv, a world-class specialized research center of cryogenics was created - the Physico-Technical Institute of Low Temperatures, and the Kharkov Institute of Physics has been located in Kharkiv since the time of Landau UFTI. Is it possible to forget about the Kiev Cardiology Center named after Amosov, about the eye clinic named after Filatov in Odessa and many other scientific centers?

All this should not and cannot become the past. Today, the common mistakes of the last two decades and the subversive work of forces alien to Russia and Ukraine have led to the fact that one, in essence, an inseparable whole is beginning to be cut to the quick. In fact, we have today a large-scale and well-prepared attempt not only to geopolitical, but civilizational sabotage of the West in the person of the United States of America and a number of NATO countries against not only Russia, but also Ukraine.

We must not allow this attempt to be crowned with success, for the result will be the general tragedy of both Ukraine and Russia. And this can not but affect the rest of the world in the most tragic way.

The situation is aggravated by the fact that at the head of Ukraine today there are people with whom the state leadership of the Russian Federation, responsible for history, for the present and future of Russia and Ukraine, can maintain only minimal relations. People destroying civilians with heavy weapons, people bringing up young generations of Ukrainian citizens in blind hatred of everything Russian, people legalizing the fascist “Right Sector” cannot be considered in Russia as genuine representatives of the people of Ukraine.

The Ukrainians themselves must understand this and must themselves demand from the current Kiev rulers either a complete change in their foreign and domestic policy towards Russia, or a speedy departure from the power that brings misfortune to both Ukraine and Russia.

At the same time, we in Russia are experiencing burning shame for the great Ukrainian people with a distinctive culture - a powerful branch of all-Russian culture, which meekly accepts the supremacy of the Bandera last-minuters, who do not even know the true Ukrainian language, but have mastered only the fully polonized dialect.

It is also surprising how mindlessly many citizens of Ukraine are ready to accept the insidious "Dayan gifts" of the United States and the West and are ready to install a deadly Western "Trojan horse" in the middle of Ukraine.

No one in Russia is going to conquer the lands of Ukraine - they have long been conquered by the efforts of the entire Soviet people, the efforts of Russians and Ukrainians, in a fierce struggle against external occupiers.

No one in Russia wants evil and misfortune for Ukraine and its people. On the contrary, we in Russia want to see Ukraine prosperous, gracious, joyful - the way we used to see it once.

However, we in Russia firmly know that just as there can be no strong Russia without Ukraine, there can not be a strong Ukraine outside Russia.

Proceeding from all the above, the peoples of the Russian Federation suggest that the people of Ukraine should make our common supreme goal in the near future a new voluntary reunification of Russia and Ukraine within the framework of a single Union State in alliance with Belarus.

Confident in the good support of the people of Belarus, we offer the people of Ukraine this idea for free discussion and deliberation, and we hope that sooner or later this idea will take over the whole mass of those Ukrainians who love their homeland and wish it a confident future.

Glory to Ukraine and Russia - historically related and able together to continue their common history majestically! ”

This approximately such a detailed Declaration could be quickly adopted and brought to the notice by non-Kiev authorities in any way — they are somehow doomed renegades, but of the Ukrainian people.

As Napoleon said, you have to get involved in a fight, and there we will see ...

But the battle must begin in the sphere of politics, referring to the ideas of peaceful reunification.

Then, very likely, the sword will remain in the sheath.

And behind the word - the deed

As you know, at the beginning there was the Word, and this Word - the Word of peace and goodness - is the time to pronounce. And although it has long been believed that with the help of a colt and a kind word one can achieve much more than with just a kind word, for a constructive outcome of the Ukrainian crisis for the good of the peoples of Ukraine and Russia, it is necessary to use all the possibilities of a kind, precise and decisive word in the framework of an intelligent policy - the one about which is briefly stated above and which we are not yet observing.

However, only a society consolidated primarily spiritually and morally is capable of decisive political (and other) actions. It is the spiritual unity - with all the triviality of such an assertion I cannot refrain from it - the creative, healthy forces of the people determined the political, moral, economic and military victories of the Soviet Union.

This is not a nostalgia, not an opinion, but an immutable historical truth, confidently confirmed by any statistics: the Soviet social system, even distorted by Brezhnevshchina, had enormous reserves of development, and these reserves can still be restored.

Accordingly, any projects of "development", "revival", "modernization", etc. Russia has a historical perspective only if the Russian state pursues its domestic and foreign policy in the interests of the widest masses of Russia. Today, the assessment of the Ukrainian oligarchs as “bad” as an antisocial factor has become a common place even in official bodies in the Russian Federation. But what is the difference between Russian oligarchs? In Ukraine, Bandera became a mass base for destabilization. But a mass base of destabilization is also being formed in Russia, which is quite possible to counteract ...

This is still not clearly stated, but it’s time to move from still unspoken words to deeds! In particular, it is necessary to understand that Russia’s catastrophe can only be excluded:

- by restoring the constitutional rights of the people to the entire volume of national wealth (mineral wealth, forests, water, means of production, gross domestic product, etc.);

- having liquidated by nationalizing the position of oligarchic capital, as well as foreign capital in Russia;

- establishing a progressive tax system characteristic of the United States and EU countries;

- creating conditions for the restoration of that interethnic, if not harmony, then friendliness and stability, which were characteristic of the Soviet era.

Only due to this, it is possible to ensure the progressive restoration and growth of the economic, scientific, technical and cultural potential of the country. Such a “package” of political and social measures will almost automatically not only strengthen Russia, but also powerfully strengthen its foreign policy positions, including in Ukraine. A nation-based state stands on a solid base, and one of its kind will provide panic in the corrupt and mediocre official Kiev. The mere nationalization of large-scale industry in Russia will ensure the guaranteed elimination of the threat of any external aggression against Russia more reliably than the Armat connections - while, of course, ensuring full-fledged nuclear deterrence.

The foregoing does not exclude, of course, large-scale work on all-army construction. Moreover, in the conditions of fundamental social modernization, it will receive new effective impulses - in the name of, again, a durable external world.

The West and the United States give us ideas of war, provoke an appeal to the sword. The sword of Russia is needed, and not only nuclear missile. However, not a sword, but the world should be offered by Russia to Ukraine, proclaiming a new gathering of peoples and lands under the support of Moscow.
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  1. +20
    19 July 2015 15: 01
    Russia is intended to revive the spiritual principle! Good, true, human values!
    And sweeping away from the body of the planet the depraved-perverted brutal capitalism!
    1. +10
      19 July 2015 15: 15
      what It is beautifully written ... And we are also intended to revive humanity and other things.
      It seems to me that the author here long said a simple phrase-back to the future. More precisely, back to the USSR.
      Only time has changed. Restoring the USSR is hardly possible. Such restoration will cost Russians dearly. It is with blood that we will pay.
      And is it really necessary? There were many good things in the USSR, but also many bad things. That is why we so easily "passed" it. We are the ones who lived during the collapse.
      It is necessary not to revive the old, but to create a new one. Such a new one, in order to include the good and exclude the scoop of abomination.
      1. cat pest
        19 July 2015 15: 23
        Quote: domokl
        what It is beautifully written ... And we are also intended to revive humanity and other things.
        It seems to me that the author here long said a simple phrase-back to the future. More precisely, back to the USSR.
        Only time has changed. Restoring the USSR is hardly possible. Such restoration will cost Russians dearly. It is with blood that we will pay ....

        The author’s entire multi-letter passage fits almost exclusively in this:
        Russia needs a sword, and not just a nuclear missile. However, not a sword, but the world should offer Russia to Ukraine, proclaiming a new gathering of peoples and lands under the sovereign hand of Moscow.

        But I don’t want to work again for “brother” or “neighbor”, so that in time I will be called an occupier again. Have already seen enough how Russians were expelled from Central Asia, in the Baltic states they were reduced to non-citizens and second-class people, in Ukraine they are considered quilted jackets and Colorado.
        Maybe you need to develop the Russian economy and take care of the Russians?
        It seems to me that Russia has already "played enough" with the offer of peace to Ukraine, participating in the Minsk treaties, and now Kiev giggles and demands stronger sanctions, and the entire "civilized" world demands from Russia to comply with the Minsk agreements and withdraw from Ukraine the mythical Russian troops, of which there are many, but why not a single satellite sees.
        When a neighbor has gone too far and is crouching with harassment, it’s easier to set his mind to come with his fists, and not to appeal to the world from behind a closed door ...
        1. +8
          19 July 2015 16: 34
          It is enough to change a small detail on the emblem of Russia and the purpose of Russia will change! For example, like this, that is, a scepter on a sword
          1. The comment was deleted.
          2. 0
            19 July 2015 16: 51
            Quote: Vasek Trubachev
            It is enough to change a small detail on the emblem of Russia and the purpose of Russia will change! For example, like this, that is, a scepter on a sword

            Why a sword? A stick will come down against our "well-wishers". lol
          3. The comment was deleted.
        2. +3
          19 July 2015 17: 59
          Quote: pest cat
          When a neighbor has gone too far and is crouching with harassment, it’s easier to set his mind to come with his fists, and not to appeal to the world from behind a closed door ...

          And it still seemed to me (holy, holy !!!) that the author, behind beautiful phrases, expresses the wish that Russia should confirm what the West fears - its "imperial" ambitions, in addition, proposing to urgently nationalize all the property of the national state, thereby Russia into the abyss of the civil war ... I am not against nationalization, but against when a person, sitting-lying on the couch, so easily declares this, without thinking about the consequences ...

          I believe that behind the author’s beautiful and sometimes clever phrases, there is a rotten provocative little soul ... all the more so as it is said about nationalization that any grandfather and grandmother sitting at the porches will immediately support this slogan without thinking ... A drunk who does not want to work will also gladly pick up a weapon and go for a walk ... like in Ukraine ...
        3. +1
          19 July 2015 23: 34
          Maybe you need to develop the Russian economy and take care of the Russians?

          It cannot, but this should be the only goal and the only direction. He who is with us should not be tempted by the great-power theories, but he who is against us should let his ass, but not ours, to hell. In American, in British, in German, we can help with a kick. That's enough for the fraternal peoples of the alliance.
      2. +6
        19 July 2015 15: 36
        Quote: domokl
        It seems to me that the author here long said a simple phrase-back to the future. More precisely, back to the USSR.

        The entire article is written to justify the words.
        Nikolai von Kreitor, the former chairman of the Swedish Committee for the Helsinki Accords Compliance, answered the question about the main goals of Russia's foreign policy in the future: “The goals are very clear: this is the restoration of the Soviet Union within the borders confirmed by international law, namely, within the borders of 1945”

        but we are constantly trying to inspire what was said not even by Putin and, in fact, based on speculation, since the real recovery has nothing to do with realities
        1. The comment was deleted.
        2. The comment was deleted.
        3. +1
          19 July 2015 19: 47
          Quote: APASUS
          Nicholas von Creitor

          By the way, he is Russian by origin and a very smart man. I read his articles.
          1. 0
            20 July 2015 08: 28
            Quote: sap
            Quote: APASUS
            Nicholas von Creitor

            By the way, he is Russian by origin and a very smart man. I read his articles.

            Let this be voiced even by the last clerk from the Government and then there will be a topic for discussion. In the meantime, for the words spoken by Nikolai von Kreitor, they will scold us at every corner, not particularly understanding who this person is and what relation he has to the plans of our state.
      3. +5
        19 July 2015 16: 31
        We surrendered the Union because since the 70s its top decayed, and we were not very much better. Western propaganda has played its role, especially against the background of a new and unsympathetic party and Soviet stratum from top to bottom. And the Union kept only on the remnants of Stalin's managers and their pupils. And the Trotskyist gang ruled the ball in the USSR, the children and grandchildren of those who "thawed out" during the time of the bastard Khrushchev. That is why they did not stand up for socialism, they turned out to be fools. Yes, and labeled with curators competently processed us. But time passes, we see the result of the coup and see that changes are needed. The whole question is which ones.
        Yes, the USSR cannot be restored, but other forms of interaction and development are possible. The main thing is on a voluntary basis. And for this, it is necessary to update and establish Russia itself. And for this, the liberals and the liberal economy are not only unsuitable, but hostile to the successful future of Russia.
        1. +2
          19 July 2015 17: 16
          The top began to rage immediately after the death of Stalin, in the 70s these forms of "decay" began to flow out and became visible to the ordinary working class. I think that since the 70s, party appetites began to grow (not all, partly), which is why such failures began to occur.
          Although I must say thanks to those party leaders who, despite everything, were able to save the USSR for so long, even despite the internal parasites that they were only growing. And in the end, as we know, the Soviet Union collapsed because of this. More precisely, the desire of those parasites to show what they have plundered during this time has collapsed from a new one.

          PS This is just my opinion.
          1. +1
            19 July 2015 19: 51
            Quote: sanain
            The top began to fall apart immediately after the death of Stalin

            She timesolgaI was still with him! Otherwise, they would not have poisoned him. Stalin embarked on a grandiose reform to remove the party from power. Having found out about it (the "comrades-in-arms" from the inner circle gave it away, they went for it.
            1. 0
              20 July 2015 18: 11
              I don’t argue about this, but he kept them in hedgehogs, which is why they disliked him.
      4. 0
        19 July 2015 16: 43
        Quote: domokl
        shovel of abomination.
        Only because of this minus, he wrote very liberally tolerant.
        And I almost agree with the rest ...
        In the USSR there was a lot of good, but also a lot of bad.
        In the same way, one can write now that with the current democracy and freedom there is a lot of good and bad ...
      5. 0
        19 July 2015 19: 41
        Quote: domokl
        It is with blood that we will pay.

        DO NOT bring the Lord, this must be avoided by all means except that you have to apply reflecting a direct invasion.
        But the restoration of the USSR, conventionally speaking, any union within the borders of the USSR will lead again to what the classic ML-L warned about almost a century ago that all these fraternal peoples (in fact, they turned out to be satellites) "will perch on the mighty neck of the Great Russians and will drive them with an international whip," and they will go to prosperity at the expense of the absolute impoverishment of the Russians.
      6. +2
        19 July 2015 20: 01
        Quote: domokl
        We, these are those who lived during the collapse.

        Oh, you didn’t live BEFORE the collapse, you didn’t live ...
        1. +7
          19 July 2015 20: 18
          By the way, about the fixation from the video ... It's me, but in my youth. It is shown printed and fixed by me ... And I appreciate the photos I made myself. In short, forward to the past .... Yes, I know that this is impossible, but I really want to ...
      7. 0
        20 July 2015 08: 19
        Quote: domokl
        and exclude shovel.

        Behind "shovel" minus, for the sake of completeness, you would also mention the "red-brown" ...
    2. +8
      19 July 2015 15: 19
      My opinion is that Russia didn’t break off ties with Ukraine, a year and a half passed, and dill poured dirt and dirty tricks for the good of America. What the author specifically suggests is: to merge in a single ecstasy with Europe, become America’s satellite and then Ukraine will not need anyone. But it will be Is Russia ???????????? And one of the reasons for the Americans is to disrupt their defense ties with Ukraine.
      1. +10
        19 July 2015 15: 48
        I am a supporter of a completely different project: to unite all Russian regions into a Russian national republic. And not a penny of earnings of the Russian Republic - beyond its borders. Feed them only Russian. I’m already tired of the distribution that was in Soviet times: the USSR fed half the world for free, the RSFSR fed the whole Union for free, and the Russian regions fed the whole RSFSR for free. Therefore, there was such a beggarly standard of living in Russian regions. Indeed, in the bottom line, only the Russian regions contained half the world! I don’t want this anymore. I want the Russians to feed only the Russians. And so that in the Russian Republic there was not cannibalistic oligarchic capitalism, but Stalinism. Then in a moment we skip so much in the standard of living that where to the States.
        1. +5
          19 July 2015 16: 30
          Quote: Basarev
          I’m a supporter of a completely different project: to unite all Russian regions into a Russian national republic. And a penny of earnings of the Russian Republic - beyond its borders. Feed on them only Russian
          Hammer am
          Your thoughts are completely similar to the nationalists from the national republics. They, too, are for the "Russians in the Russian regions." They even say the slogan was: "Russians to Ryazan".
          You are straight, like that "ensign-enemy of the Soviet army" from the anecdote .. soldier I worked for a cookie .. good
        2. +1
          19 July 2015 16: 35
          Such a development is the death of Russia.
        3. +5
          19 July 2015 16: 39
          from your words, dear, it turns out that RUSSIA will be within the "Zolotov Ring"? But what about the URAL, SIBERIA, CAUCASUS, KAMCHATKA, SAKHALIN and other regions? Give them to the West?
          1. -11
            19 July 2015 16: 52
            You do not understand. I do not propose giving up heaps of land. I propose changing the boundaries of the subjects of the federation. In order for the Russian republic to be similar to Tatarstan, or rather Chechnya, an autonomous ethnic republic with its own system, but at the same time remaining a subject of the federation.
            1. +4
              19 July 2015 17: 55
              And in what, in your opinion, borders should the Russian republic be? I live in Siberia in Krasnoyarsk, so here we have a population of 95 percent Russian. And nearby in Khakassia there is already a slightly different distribution of about 50 to 50 Russians and Khakasses, and how do you propose to divide?
            2. 0
              20 July 2015 00: 00
              Quote: Basarev
              You do not understand. I do not propose giving up heaps of land. I propose changing the boundaries of the subjects of the federation. In order for the Russian republic to be similar to Tatarstan, or rather Chechnya, an autonomous ethnic republic with its own system, but at the same time remaining a subject of the federation.
              What does the deviation towards nationalism mean - is it all the same whether we are talking about a deviation towards Great Russian nationalism or about a deviation towards local nationalism? The deviation towards nationalism is the adaptation of the internationalist policy of the working class to the nationalist policy of the bourgeoisie. The deviation towards nationalism reflects the attempts of "their", "national" bourgeoisie to undermine the Soviet system and restore capitalism. As you can see, the source of both slopes is common. This is a departure from Lenin's internationalism. If you want to keep both deviations under fire, it is necessary to strike first of all at this source, at those that depart from internationalism - it does not matter whether we are talking about a deviation towards local nationalism, or about a deviation towards Great Russian nationalism.
              I. Stalin vol. 13 p. 361
        4. 0
          19 July 2015 17: 51
          Quote: Basarev

          Is this manual non-mechanized labor in territories with extreme climatic conditions?
          1. -1
            19 July 2015 18: 09
            The most striking example is economics according to Stalin's book "Economic Problems of Socialism in the USSR".
          2. 0
            19 July 2015 19: 56
            Well, not without it. And where do you propose to put the liberals? Do not spend on them the country's GDP (cartridges).
          3. 0
            20 July 2015 11: 30
            And you didn’t forget that now is the beginning of the 21st century and not the 20th
        5. 0
          19 July 2015 18: 05
          Quote: Basarev
          And so that in the Russian Republic there wasn’t cannibalistic oligarchic capitalism, but stalinomics.

          The first time I heard this ... It sounds normal ...
          1. +1
            20 July 2015 11: 36
            Stalinics is, apparently, minimal corruption in a planned economy. And what is impressive.
      2. The comment was deleted.
    3. +2
      19 July 2015 15: 49
      Quote: Baikonur
      Russia is intended to revive the spiritual principle! Good, true, human values!

      These are the words. Where are you? And don’t need me about the cunning plan.
      Radiant and Sun-like, either to the West with a smile, or to the East with bows.

      Here it is interesting;
      -olega /

      And this too:
      1. The comment was deleted.
      2. 0
        19 July 2015 16: 39
        Quote: villain
        These are the words. Where are you? And don’t need me about the cunning plan.

        Fast-track minus one! Something is wrong? How is your minus justified? When I put a minus, I at least answer my opponent, out of respect for the interlocutor. Did you manage to read the article in a link in 20 minutes and watch a 25-minute video? Aw, well done! Talent, genius! You need to be made into prime ministers, dear, at least! The country desperately needs such geniuses. That will be a help to the Sun, and St. Demetrios the iPhone carrier to the morgue, the doctor said. M-dya, all the same, the Russian land can give birth to Platonov and quick-minded Nevtonov. I cry with joy and all in snot with delight. With people like you, the country will not be lost!
        Apparently Makarenko and Pestalozzi were not quite right, although I could be wrong:
        1. 0
          19 July 2015 18: 20
          Quote: villain
          Fast-track minus one! Something is wrong? How is your minus justified? When I put a minus, I at least answer my opponent, out of respect for the interlocutor.

          Gulchatay! Show your face! After this comment, I found cons on other branches and did not see a single objection. I give my word that I won’t minus, I won’t fight and scream, I’ll just look into my eyes, so to speak. Why are you hiding like a naughty schoolboy, huh? Write, what am I wrong with, the one that shook your young, fragile soul? Or are you an alien in whom one hand has a suction cup for the iPad, and on the other only the index finger for poking at the touch screen (or the right mouse button)? I will not offend. If you answer and explain to me, stupid, what is my sin, then even put a plus, I promise! Do not hide behind a mop, like a small punks. Be a real PionEr like Timur and his corephans, and not like Mishka Kvakin. What is more important for you: likes and status or a good name PIONEER OF THE SOVIET UNION? Remember the pioneer oath, or were you still not in the project then? The generation of Pepsi and the matrix, the root is vigorous.
    4. The comment was deleted.
    5. +2
      19 July 2015 21: 54
      On its difficult historical path of nation-building, Russia has managed to find a way of life that is exceptionally rich in its creative possibilities for a multitude of peoples united by the Russian core. It was a type of life arrangement, wonderful in its justice and even beauty. It generated a powerful cooperative effect of cultures and social forces. This was the source of the wonderful Transfiguration of Russia, the appearance of Pushkin, of all Russian literature and music. To abandon this discovery to become like the "overwhelming majority of the world's states", what a fall! Only now, after this moment of truth (the reforms of the 90s) has come, can we all appreciate what the Soviet Union really was for all of us. It was a unique prospect of independent progress and adherence to the standards of development, not envisaged by the West for other peoples. The Western civilizational dichotomy: the West and the rest of the world, the West and barbarism, the West and the colonial periphery - was violated for the first time in history for the gigantic region of Eurasia.
      The campaign of the West against Russia at the beginning of the twentieth century was won at the end of the twentieth century: the collapse of the Council for Mutual Economic Assistance, the organization of the Warsaw Treaty countries, and then the USSR. In 1992-93, Russia not only lost all the so-called union republics - states created on the basis of Russian provinces during the years of Soviet power, but also stood on the verge of separation into separate areas and civil war. However, the crisis years of 1992-1998 passed, and Russia began a slow movement towards eliminating the crisis associated with the collapse and building up economic potential.
      Russia is not a big northern bear, which emerged on the world stage from nowhere, as the West is trying to present us. Russia, Holy Mother Russia, is a country of ancient culture that was able to survive the millennia of life among the volcanoes of America, the period of the development of North Asia, the conquest of Europe, the struggle against Neanderthals, the Würme glaciation, the Mesolithic flood, and the Neolithic revolution. and the invasion of the Asian steppes, and the transition to statehood, and the reform of Nikon, and the civil war and losses in the fight against fascism, and the lost third world war, which ended with the collapse of the USSR and the entry of some former neighbors and even union republics into NATO. Despite everything, Russia is the largest country in the world, the richest not only in minerals, but in history and culture. We survived the silence and falsification of our history, like all the other trials that fell upon us, with dignity and honor. But the time has come - and we started bit by bit to return OUR history, and write it anew: year after year, century after century, restoring the highest culture of our ancestors. We had the honor to bring together the catholic Soul of Our People. This is precisely the historical mission of our generation, Our Way to God.
      We cannot be squeezed into the framework of greed, profit, selfishness, usury, because our thinking is genetically spiritual. We have a more global way of fighting the Foundations - Monotheism with evil, the creative philosophy of the witnesses of the creation of the World .... This is until now the main strength of the spirit of the Russians, incomprehensible to our materialistic enemies. We are a great nation!
      1. +1
        20 July 2015 11: 49
        I completely agree with every word spoken here!
  2. cat pest
    19 July 2015 15: 02
    The author read fiction and utopias, hence
    This is still not clearly stated, but it’s time to move from still unspoken words to deeds! In particular, it is necessary to understand that Russia’s catastrophe can only be excluded:

    - by restoring the constitutional rights of the people to the entire volume of national wealth (mineral wealth, forests, water, means of production, gross domestic product, etc.);

    - having liquidated by nationalizing the position of oligarchic capital, as well as foreign capital in Russia;

    - establishing a progressive tax system characteristic of the United States and EU countries;

    - creating conditions for the restoration of that interethnic, if not harmony, then friendliness and stability, which were characteristic of the Soviet era.

    Only due to this, it is possible to ensure the progressive restoration and growth of the economic, scientific, technical and cultural potential of the country. Such a “package” of political and social measures will almost automatically not only strengthen Russia, but also powerfully strengthen its foreign policy positions, including in Ukraine. A nation-based state stands on a solid base, and one of its kind will provide panic in the corrupt and mediocre official Kiev. The mere nationalization of large-scale industry in Russia will ensure the guaranteed elimination of the threat of any external aggression against Russia more reliably than the Armat connections - while, of course, ensuring full-fledged nuclear deterrence.

    What disaster for Russia does the author see and have I missed?
    Russia can be strong without Ukraine, we are still perceived as a strong geopolitical player. But Ukraine has become a beggar and an errand servant. They are "tired of feeding Russia" and let them go proudly to the EU
    However, the words of Poroshenko or Sahaki about the imminent return of Crimea are even more ridiculous, especially in the context: soon the Crimeans will see how well they live in Ukraine and ask that they be returned to Ukraine
    1. +1
      19 July 2015 15: 16
      Quote: pest cat
      The author read fiction and utopias, hence

      And also amused about the territorial "claims" on the border of the USSR! wassat That in March 14go there to talk about the Russian World, but the ball quickly deflated ... crying
    2. 0
      19 July 2015 15: 20
      Quote: pest cat
      the soon return of Crimea is even more ridiculous, especially in the context: soon the Crimeans will see how well they live in Ukraine and ask that they be returned to Ukraine

      Exactly. Enough could be crying about the Russian world. He is and will be. In Russia there is a proverb - You will not be forcibly sweet.
      Ukraine has become not only a poor country, but also a problem for its neighbors. Now dill will be by hook or by crook selected in neighboring countries. So now we need to strengthen the work of our special services to identify such people and prevent them from entering our territory.
      1. +6
        19 July 2015 15: 33
        Quote: domokl
        So now we need to strengthen the work of our special services in identifying such people and not allowing them to enter our territory.

        and I would allow .... for a prison sentence for crime ... dill is not a stupid vegetable ... who lit up will climb into Europe .. and here the peasants will go .. laughing

        I collect signatures for granting the special status of Galicia ...
        1. 0
          19 July 2015 18: 12
          Quote: vorobey
          I collect signatures for granting the special status of Galicia ...

          Ready to put your squiggle ... Show me where ...
      2. 0
        19 July 2015 18: 11
        Quote: domokl
        Now dill will be by hook or by crook selected in neighboring countries. So now we need to strengthen the work of our special services to identify such people and prevent them from entering our territory.

        So he does it hard and does !!! Yes, for some reason, on the territory of Russia !!! And he lives here, and this same Russia-hayat three throat !!!

        The question is - do I get these brothers moaning? And - not wanting to work ...
        Relatives from them, Russian citizens, are already groaning ...

        PS I just imagined that Ukraine and the Baltic states would be part of the USSR.2 again - right away the mat in the language climbed ...
        1. +2
          19 July 2015 18: 32
          Quote: veksha50
          PS I just imagined that Ukraine and the Baltic states would be part of the USSR.2 again - right away the mat in the language climbed ...

          I will help you express yourself without a mat ...
          1. +6
            19 July 2015 18: 36
            Quote: SHILO
            I will help you express yourself without a mat ...

            But this is even better!
          2. -3
            19 July 2015 20: 19
            The idiotic oppressive background repels and prevents to understand what it is about? Is it possible how to clean?
            1. +3
              19 July 2015 20: 56
              Quote: sap
              Is it possible how to clean?

              what Throw a cigar and clear fellow . Will you do anything useful? good .
            2. +2
              20 July 2015 00: 21
              Quote: sap
              The idiotic oppressive background repels and prevents to understand what it is about? Is it possible how to clean?

              Drop hydrogen peroxide into your ears, and then use a cotton swab to remove the oppressive, but already liquefied background. laughing
  3. -2
    19 July 2015 15: 10
    Quote: Baikonur
    Russia is intended to revive the spiritual principle!

    Exactly . Yes, you will be beaten off from us, well after all hell - it will not seem a little. No, they stick their stupid sting ... Diamonds are, gas is, oil is ... But they don’t understand the fact that it smells of kerosene. Here are the rams.
    1. 0
      19 July 2015 18: 07
      Oh, again kakly drew, with their minuses. Pour further boiling water - the caravan is on its way. I'm right in life.
  4. +7
    19 July 2015 15: 11
    the current State Duma will not accept such documents, because it does not promote the interests of the state, but the private-capitalist interests of individual clans and groups. And documents of this kind run counter to their interests! Realization of the fallacy of the current situation of the country and its structure will come later! In the meantime, they cannot even tax the incomes of the super-rich with fair taxes, but increase the tax burden on less affluent citizens! Now is the time to consider the new tax legislation! hi
  5. +4
    19 July 2015 15: 26
    Some kind of nonsense ... The most important question is, what means should we do this? Again tearing the veins of the Russian people to help the "brothers"?
    No, really. Let’s build our country, strengthen it as it should, then we’ll talk about universal happiness.
    And to be honest, the words "spirituality" and "unity" bother me. Often this is used as a cover for "work in silence, for free and not going away .. don't mind". Like "the bright name of the teacher" and the "bright name of the physician", which at one time explained why hungry doctors and teachers should continue to go to work for free.
    And the author is one of those bruised who suggested at one time fraternizing with Ukrainians, who burned and cut their own.
    1. +1
      20 July 2015 01: 01
      Zomanus, brick by brick, brick by brick we will equip our country. Work is the sea, and when were we afraid of it? Yes, everything will be beautiful with us. And let the American saliva choke. And doctors with normal teachers will live. The main thing is that the Russian man has become free, that power does not dominate our souls. Komsomol meetings remember? Everyone understood that garbage, but everyone visited ...
  6. 0
    19 July 2015 15: 33
    "The purpose of Russia", you say? In chemistry, there are concepts - inhibitor and catalyst. As I understand it, the fate of our great country is to be a world stabilizer (inhibitor) so that this world can be put in place from time to time. For example, tomorrow some Aldebarans will arrive, but we still have Canada and Alaska not combed ... It will be a shame in front of the guests ...
  7. +3
    19 July 2015 15: 35
    The education system must be taken. Minister Livanov for saying only that it is necessary to grow a generation of consumers without mentioning the creators should be put on the count. Yes, the Criminal Code is too humane
    1. +3
      19 July 2015 15: 44
      Quote: non-Russian
      The education system must be taken. Minister Livanov for saying only that it is necessary to grow a generation of consumers without mentioning the creators should be put on the count.

      THIS Fursenko spoke. But Livanov is a successor. But Putin does not know anything! Wow, damn it!
  8. 0
    19 July 2015 15: 40
    The TS composes some crap ...
  9. +15
    19 July 2015 15: 50
    It is also surprising how mindlessly many citizens of Ukraine are ready to accept the insidious "Dayan gifts" of the United States and the West and are ready to install a deadly Western "Trojan horse" in the middle of Ukraine.
    Nothing surprising here
    1. 0
      19 July 2015 16: 18
      It’s a lie and provocation to write all our people into traitors, if you believe that, then you are the traitor of the Russian people. The betrayal policy of Moscow has spread the people’s distrust of each other, divided one country and now hang up labels to add oil to the fire.
  10. +3
    19 July 2015 16: 02
    Quote: villain
    THIS Fursenko spoke.

    At the university he was actively engaged in public work: in the Komsomol, a voluntary squad, in student construction teams, he joined the party (he remained a member of the CPSU until it was banned in August 1991).
    After graduating from the University from 1971 to 1991, he held the positions of trainee researcher, junior research fellow, head of the laboratory, deputy director for scientific work,

    In short - flawed, the boys obviously beat.
    1. 0
      19 July 2015 18: 03
      Quote: Barracuda
      In short - flawed, the boys obviously beat.

      They beat a little. Limited to half measures - the result is obvious.
  11. -1
    19 July 2015 16: 23
    It would be nice to hear the opinion of Vladimir Solovyov on the subject of the sword and peace in Ukraine. It is clear to me that Ukraine itself will not be selected from the Bandera swamp.
  12. +1
    19 July 2015 16: 28
    The author proposes to rename the Russian world to "Russian Geopolitics". I'm afraid that won't make it clearer. IMHO, first the concept should be clearly formulated, and only then proposed as a national ideological trend.
  13. 0
    19 July 2015 16: 42
    Quote: domokl
    It is necessary not to revive the old, but to create a new

    it is unlikely that they will be able to create something new ... but to revive the most important thing, in fact for the sake of which the USSR was created - the Soviets of People’s Deputies are a worthy task.
    1. 0
      19 July 2015 18: 16
      Quote: kunstkammer
      but to revive the most important thing, in essence for the sake of which the USSR was created - the Soviets of People’s Deputies are a worthy task.

      Hmm ... not these "public servants". who are now called deputies ...
    2. 0
      20 July 2015 00: 17
      Quote: kunstkammer
      but to revive the most important thing, in essence for the sake of which the USSR was created - Soviets of People’s Deputies
      Do not smack nonsense - Tips are a tool, not a goal.
  14. +3
    19 July 2015 16: 47
    To reunite Great Russia, a more centralized and subordinate to the Center (actually the ruler) system is needed.
    Federalism in Russia has NO future.
    1. +2
      19 July 2015 17: 09
      With surprise for myself, I realized that I agree with each letter of your comment ....
      1. +2
        19 July 2015 18: 19
        Quote: old pioneer
        With surprise for myself, I realized that I agree with each letter of your comment ..

        Hmm ... so you won’t drink the experience of the old pioneer ...

        It’s just that all of us, the old Octobrists and pioneers, have long understood that incomprehensible freedom in 1991 brought us quite understandable negatives, which almost completely did not kill the great (I’m not afraid of this word) power ...
  15. 0
    19 July 2015 17: 26
    don’t know the topic ...
    however, the fact, the dill spice lately I actually used ...
    1. 0
      19 July 2015 20: 00
      NOT USED ... paradox
    2. The comment was deleted.
  16. +2
    19 July 2015 17: 45
    Exactly. Let's hide our heads in the sand and say: "We are for peace!" And it will come! And the objective reasons that the people started talking about the war are in the furnace. Putin tirelessly arranges checks in the troops, so he decided to look at the training of a soldier. The Crimea even decided to chop off, it’s just a card in solitaire that went so down. And rearmament before 20, also just so that metallurgists would work with processors.
    My opinion is that the country can’t be redone before the conflict, it’s time to rearm.
  17. +2
    19 July 2015 18: 05
    I'm also tired of hearing about helping others,
    you need to take more care of your people.
  18. 0
    19 July 2015 18: 17
    The foregoing does not exclude, of course, large-scale work on all-army construction. Moreover, in the conditions of fundamental social modernization, it will receive new effective impulses - in the name of, again, a durable external world.

    Just not with the current Ukrainian rabble forces. And even with a change of power from an independent one to a pro-Russian one (as the author thinks), the command and personnel of these very good forces will not change at once. These fighters, shelling the civilian population of Donbass with us are not on the way.
  19. -1
    19 July 2015 18: 31
    eliminating through nationalization the position of oligarchic capital, as well as foreign capital in Russia;

    most likely they will put him on the bunk for such ideas.)))) and the wording for the criminal case is easier to make than to smoke a cigar.

    The oligarch is untouchable. It’s like a taboo.
  20. +1
    19 July 2015 18: 33
    Quote: vorobey
    Quote: domokl
    So now we need to strengthen the work of our special services in identifying such people and not allowing them to enter our territory.

    and I would allow .... for a prison sentence for crime ... dill is not a stupid vegetable ... who lit up will climb into Europe .. and here the peasants will go .. laughing

    I collect signatures for granting the special status of Galicia ...

    And how many kirzachs have not yet been sewn ... 80% of crimes in the suburbs are committed by visitors. Statistics. And galychans, yes, a special status is vital. Here, beating, you can directly spit on everything, and lick their ass. Well, when will these Kaklyak kaklyaks leave us, parasites?
  21. +5
    19 July 2015 18: 39
    Alas, I don’t want to add anything more. There Dill and place, for all its neo-Nazism.
  22. +2
    19 July 2015 18: 58
    Whoever comes to us with a sword will perish by the sword!
  23. +1
    19 July 2015 19: 00
    The author, in my opinion, is a dreamer, for good. There was a lot of good things during the USSR, now there is a little bit left of this. From the current rulers, I don’t expect anything. About a sword a dreamer said 2000 years ago: I brought you not peace, but sword.
  24. +1
    19 July 2015 19: 12
    From the article

    Again, not for the first time, I remind you that even in 1997, the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation adopted the “Appeal of the State Duma to the peoples, presidents and governments of the Russian Federation and Ukraine and the Supreme Council of Ukraine”. This document could open the green light to the widest restoration of scientific and technical cooperation between Great Russian and Ukrainian parts of the economy, science and technology, created as a whole, and initiate the process of political and state reunification of Russia and Ukraine.
    This document, by definition, could not give anything in 1997. At that time, Kuchma was in charge of Ukraine and all politics was - Ukraine is not Russia. To this, what is happening in Ukraine now, Ukraine has been deliberately following the last 25 years ... at this time, the same militants from Chechnya were being treated at a military hospital in Dnepropetrovsk
  25. +2
    19 July 2015 19: 48
    All the troubles in our centuries-old history are precisely from this - we are the sword, and we are the world. Maybe you should reconsider your position? And change to something else - the interests of Russia are above all and "let the whole world wait!"
  26. +1
    19 July 2015 19: 56
    nothing at all. common phrases.
    I could be such a wang.
  27. +3
    19 July 2015 20: 12
    The people need only tell the truth, lying costs too much blood.
    The state must ruthlessly punish slanderers and liars denigrating the USSR and its glorious history. Lying is the religion of slaves and masters, the truth is the god of a free man.
    We have something to remember, what we are proud of and with whom to take an example.

  28. +1
    19 July 2015 20: 21
    Dreams. dreams. The author is clearly for all the good. But where are at least insane (madness of the brave ...) proposals on how to do this. For example, at least creating the conditions for the restoration of that interethnic, if not harmony, then friendliness and stability that were characteristic of the Soviet era.. And who will do it? Even the local specific kings, who suddenly fell in happiness to own their own peoples, will raise all the media and everything else to fight against attempts to reconcile the peoples. What can we say about the overseas hamadril, he vigilantly follows his new colonies.
  29. +1
    19 July 2015 20: 47
    forward to socialism fellow
  30. 0
    19 July 2015 22: 00
    On its difficult historical path of nation-building, Russia has managed to find a way of life that is exceptionally rich in its creative possibilities for a multitude of peoples united by the Russian core. It was a type of life arrangement, wonderful in its justice and even beauty. It generated a powerful cooperative effect of cultures and social forces. This was the source of the wonderful Transfiguration of Russia, the appearance of Pushkin, of all Russian literature and music. To abandon this discovery to become like the "overwhelming majority of the world's states", what a fall! Only now, after this moment of truth (the reforms of the 90s) has come, can we all appreciate what the Soviet Union really was for all of us. It was a unique prospect of independent progress and adherence to the standards of development, not envisaged by the West for other peoples. The Western civilizational dichotomy: the West and the rest of the world, the West and barbarism, the West and the colonial periphery - was violated for the first time in history for the gigantic region of Eurasia.
    The campaign of the West against Russia at the beginning of the twentieth century was won at the end of the twentieth century: the collapse of the Council for Mutual Economic Assistance, the organization of the Warsaw Treaty countries, and then the USSR. In 1992-93, Russia not only lost all the so-called union republics - states created on the basis of Russian provinces during the years of Soviet power, but also stood on the verge of separation into separate areas and civil war. However, the crisis years of 1992-1998 passed, and Russia began a slow movement towards eliminating the crisis associated with the collapse and building up economic potential.
    Russia is not a big northern bear, which emerged on the world stage from nowhere, as the West is trying to present us. Russia, Holy Mother Russia, is a country of ancient culture that was able to survive the millennia of life among the volcanoes of America, the period of the development of North Asia, the conquest of Europe, the struggle against Neanderthals, the Würme glaciation, the Mesolithic flood, and the Neolithic revolution. and the invasion of the Asian steppes, and the transition to statehood, and the reform of Nikon, and the civil war and losses in the fight against fascism, and the lost third world war, which ended with the collapse of the USSR and the entry of some former neighbors and even union republics into NATO. Despite everything, Russia is the largest country in the world, the richest not only in minerals, but in history and culture. We survived the silence and falsification of our history, like all the other trials that fell upon us, with dignity and honor. But the time has come - and we started bit by bit to return OUR history, and write it anew: year after year, century after century, restoring the highest culture of our ancestors. We had the honor to bring together the catholic Soul of Our People. This is precisely the historical mission of our generation, Our Way to God.
    We cannot be squeezed into the framework of greed, profit, selfishness, usury, because our thinking is genetically spiritual. We have a more global way of fighting the Foundations - Monotheism with evil, the creative philosophy of the witnesses of the creation of the World .... This is until now the main strength of the spirit of the Russians, incomprehensible to our materialistic enemies. We are a great nation!
  31. 0
    19 July 2015 22: 22
    The historical mission of Russia - TO HOLD THE WORLD! Because GOD expects this from us, from Russia! Only then will VICTORY come (after TROUBLE). But first, it must be gained within oneself, inwardly become a winner.
    In the Russian view, a victory can only be considered true and complete if it is a spiritual victory. The meaning of spiritual victory in overcoming one’s own weakness, one’s own fear, one’s own sinfulness ... is overcoming oneself, overcoming the enemy in oneself.
    As parting words, I will quote the words of Ivan Aleksandrovich Ilyin, who sincerely loved Russia, about what should never be done: “... expect salvation from the conqueror, from the dismemberment of help, from the religious seducer - sympathy and understanding, from the destroyer - benevolence and from the slanderer - the truth "...
    "... The only way to fight the darkness, to be the light yourself, to burn, flare up, sparkle. Have you seen, son, how a candle is lit from a candle at service? A man is the same candle, but without a wick, without a secret flame, he is a stub, To burn is painful, but this is the very martyrdom and confession that Jesus demanded from his disciples. Orthodoxy is a fire of conscience! Russian teachers of faith went into the forests, clothed themselves in chains, imprisoned themselves in a harsh schema, and thus gave an example of the struggle against harmful passions and bad aspirations. The soul of the people was shocked and received a powerful example of voluntary self-restraint, which is so necessary for a healthy life. The church is not in the logs, but in the ribs ... "Schemnik father Theodore

    “I saw,” said the schema-monk Father Theodore, “two armies are facing each other. One is the Svyatoi Russian heroes, the other is an empty trash. But it will not be long for the evil spirits to grunt and rot our holy land. fire. Rus will be resurrected with the unanimity, sobriety and purity of every Russian. Nowadays a thorny border passes through our single heart. We divide the Russian field into pieces and allotments. shrine: Russia!
    Russia is the field of the battle of Truth with Falsehood, Good with Evil, the essence of the Heart of the World. Going step by step, she reveals to the world the various sides of her divine face. Russia undergoes both dawn and fall, power and defeat, suffering and great victories, but its innermost essence is unchanged.
    Now we are taking a step towards reconciliation, towards a higher covenant, towards the law of Conscience and Love, towards the Russian Zlatostroy. Let it be so! Yes it will come true! "
  32. 0
    19 July 2015 22: 36
    the rotten term "geopolitics" can be thrown into the dustbin, since one of the theorists and practitioners of neo-Nazism based on the so-called "geopolitics" invented by Brzezinski, Kissinger admitted his failure.
    "In his new book, World Order, Henry Kissinger analyzes the current state of world politics and comes to the disappointing conclusion about the failure of a unified balance of power system and the need to reconstruct the international system."

    What Kissinger understands by "balance of power" is apparently clear to everyone - the absolute dictate of the United States on all and any issues, the right to skim the cream and two subsequent layers is also for the United States. Failed once again
  33. +1
    19 July 2015 23: 18
    At the time of Peter the Great, the unity of thoughts and actions of the Russian and Ukrainian peoples was already obvious,

    There was no "Ukrainian people" at the time of Peter the Great, and there never was. This people was invented in the second half of the 19th century. but created in the first half of the 20th century.
  34. +1
    19 July 2015 23: 33
    Quote: cat pest
    Quote: domokl
    what It is beautifully written ... And we are also intended to revive humanity and other things.
    It seems to me that the author here long said a simple phrase-back to the future. More precisely, back to the USSR.
    Only time has changed. Restoring the USSR is hardly possible. Such restoration will cost Russians dearly. It is with blood that we will pay ....

    The author’s entire multi-letter passage fits almost exclusively in this:
    Russia needs a sword, and not just a nuclear missile. However, not a sword, but the world should offer Russia to Ukraine, proclaiming a new gathering of peoples and lands under the sovereign hand of Moscow.

    But I don’t want to work again for “brother” or “neighbor”, so that in time I will be called an occupier again. Have already seen enough how Russians were expelled from Central Asia, in the Baltic states they were reduced to non-citizens and second-class people, in Ukraine they are considered quilted jackets and Colorado.
    Maybe you need to develop the Russian economy and take care of the Russians?
    It seems to me that Russia has already "played enough" with the offer of peace to Ukraine, participating in the Minsk treaties, and now Kiev giggles and demands stronger sanctions, and the entire "civilized" world demands from Russia to comply with the Minsk agreements and withdraw from Ukraine the mythical Russian troops, of which there are many, but why not a single satellite sees.
    When a neighbor has gone too far and is crouching with harassment, it’s easier to set his mind to come with his fists, and not to appeal to the world from behind a closed door ...

    When, when will we get together ???? WELL WHEN ALREADY RUSSIA WILL RISE - SO RISE - THAT EVERYTHING WILL BE STANDING TO JOIN RUSSIA FOREVER AND FOREVER AND VOLUNTARY ??????????????????????? ??????????????? ??

  35. kig
    20 July 2015 02: 48
    That is, the author offers to say at last clearly and loudly exactly what the United States and Europe are now afraid to call in their own words: to restore Russia within its former borders. That is, to restore the USSR. And by what means? Now their presidents are everywhere, they will not want to take second roles and immediately rush to seek protection. That is, peacefully will not work. That is, the sword will become the destination of Russia. And sitting on swords is uncomfortable. Auto can try it for himself, and then let him tell us.
  36. 0
    20 July 2015 18: 35
    The cowardly position of the current leadership of Russia, encouraging the aggression of the junta, is confirmed by the fact that they are trying to re-interpret the words of Nevsky. I want to remind you that there is no betrayal without consequences. They gave a kick to silent, you’ll get another kick.
  37. LCA
    20 July 2015 19: 24
    Since globalization is an objective process, and the concept of globalization is a product of subjectivity, in order for the state to be sovereign, the institution of the family must educate individuals whose morality and ethics oblige them to take care of the good of the Earth and humanity as a whole own initiative.
    If such a moral and ethical obligation is recognized, then it is inevitable that the transformation of care from the status of good intentions into the status of effective actions requires certain knowledge. If there is no such knowledge in the culture of society, then in order for care to be expressed in a good result, it must be developed and disseminated in society so that it becomes the property, if not of a common culture, then stable in the continuity of generations and organically developing subculture.
    If the number of such people in society exceeds a certain fraction sufficient for them to enter the state authorities and change the nature of statehood over time, then the sovereignty of the state without any reservations becomes inevitable.
    The key to starting this process is the concept of globalization, an alternative to the current concept of enslaving humanity in a certain ideal crowd - “elitism”, in which everyone is slaves and hostages of the system who are not aware of their slave position and therefore satisfied with it. Since of the concepts of the global crowd, “elitism” is currently the most effective biblical concept of financial slavery based on transnational usury, and it involves the transfer of sovereignty by all peoples and states to the “banking community”, then no other concepts of the crowd, “elitism” can be an alternative it cannot be the basis of sovereignty: there will always be parasites like a bad boy and ghouls like Smerdyakov who are ready to sell everything.
    Accordingly, the concept must be righteous, i.e. aimed at realizing the essence of man in life, since only in this case he will receive “mystical” support from the noosphere of the Earth and from Above. To this end, the concept, in the proposed algorithm of social management and organization of social life and economic activity, must find an adequate expression of the objective laws that govern the life of people, culturally distinctive societies, humanity as a whole.
  38. LCA
    20 July 2015 19: 26
    They can be attributed to the following six groups:

    1. Humanity is part of the biosphere, and there are objective laws governing: 1) the interaction of the biosphere and the Cosmos, 2) the formation of biocenoses and 3) the interaction of biological species with each other within the biosphere.
    2. Humanity is a specific biological species, and there are specific biological (physiological and psychological) species laws that govern its life.
    3. There are moral and ethical (religious and noospheric) laws governing the relationship between the owners of reason and will. And contrary to the opinion of many, the laws of this category go beyond the limits of human society, and ethics dictated from hierarchically higher levels in the organization of various kinds of systems are obligatory for hierarchically lower levels and deviation from its norms is punishable. Accordingly, apostasy from objective righteousness is the main moral and philosophical cause of the global biosphere-social ecological crisis.
    4. The culture that humanity carries genetically predetermined is an information-algorithmic system. Culture is variable, in the sense that, as an information-algorithmic system, it can be focused on achieving various goals, on different ways of society, by various means. And there are sociocultural patterns, following which guarantees the stability of society in the continuity of generations, and their violation can lead to its disappearance during the life of several generations under the influence of degradation processes.
    5. The historically established culture of all societies of the current global civilization is such that we are forced to defend ourselves against the natural environment by the technosphere. The technosphere is reproduced and developed in the course of economic and financial activities, and there are financial and economic laws that predetermine both the development of socio-economic formations and their degradation and collapse.
    6. All this together can lead to conflicts of interest and conflicts of different types of activities, the resolution of which must be managed. And there are objective laws of management that are common to all management processes, whether it is a baby riding a tricycle or a complex project implemented by several states on the principles of private-state partnership.

    And the process of reviving Russia's sovereignty in line with the concept of globalization, an alternative biblical concept of the enslavement of mankind on the basis of usury and other means of exercising power of all six priorities of generalized controls / weapons in Russia began in the years of perestroika.
    To date, the Concept of public safety covers a very wide thematic spectrum, being the only scientific and methodological alternative to the humanitarian pseudoscience of the West. The concept is claimed by a certain proportion of young people on their initiative, and not under coercion of elders or under pressure from the education system. The process of the revival of the sovereignty of Russia goes on, goes beyond its borders, and today it is a matter of social time.
    If you want it faster, work for yourself, and do not expect the ruling "elite" to do everything for you contrary to its own mores and aspirations to sell everything and sell itself to the owners of the West.
  39. 0
    23 July 2015 00: 33
    Quote: kig
    That is, the author offers to say at last clearly and loudly exactly what the United States and Europe are now afraid to call in their own words: to restore Russia within its former borders. That is, to restore the USSR. And by what means? Now their presidents are everywhere, they will not want to take second roles and immediately rush to seek protection. That is, peacefully will not work. That is, the sword will become the destination of Russia. And sitting on swords is uncomfortable. Auto can try it for himself, and then let him tell us.


"Right Sector" (banned in Russia), "Ukrainian Insurgent Army" (UPA) (banned in Russia), ISIS (banned in Russia), "Jabhat Fatah al-Sham" formerly "Jabhat al-Nusra" (banned in Russia) , Taliban (banned in Russia), Al-Qaeda (banned in Russia), Anti-Corruption Foundation (banned in Russia), Navalny Headquarters (banned in Russia), Facebook (banned in Russia), Instagram (banned in Russia), Meta (banned in Russia), Misanthropic Division (banned in Russia), Azov (banned in Russia), Muslim Brotherhood (banned in Russia), Aum Shinrikyo (banned in Russia), AUE (banned in Russia), UNA-UNSO (banned in Russia), Mejlis of the Crimean Tatar People (banned in Russia), Legion “Freedom of Russia” (armed formation, recognized as terrorist in the Russian Federation and banned)

“Non-profit organizations, unregistered public associations or individuals performing the functions of a foreign agent,” as well as media outlets performing the functions of a foreign agent: “Medusa”; "Voice of America"; "Realities"; "Present time"; "Radio Freedom"; Ponomarev Lev; Ponomarev Ilya; Savitskaya; Markelov; Kamalyagin; Apakhonchich; Makarevich; Dud; Gordon; Zhdanov; Medvedev; Fedorov; Mikhail Kasyanov; "Owl"; "Alliance of Doctors"; "RKK" "Levada Center"; "Memorial"; "Voice"; "Person and law"; "Rain"; "Mediazone"; "Deutsche Welle"; QMS "Caucasian Knot"; "Insider"; "New Newspaper"