Experiments costing sovereignty


The inflation targeting policy adopted by the Central Bank of the Russian Federation has completely failed: instead of suppressing inflation, we have a surge in rising prices and inflation expectations, unacceptable ruble swings swayed by speculators and disastrous for the real sector reduction in the money supply in the economy

The surprising combination of the self-confidence of the representatives of the monetary authorities of 1 with the failed results of their policies is alarming for the country's economy. If economics is the science of the rules of housekeeping, then the constant leakage of money, minds and resources from this very economy cannot be considered normal. This leakage has been going on for a quarter of a century, contrary to the aspirations of economists invested with authority, frozen in anticipation of the influx of both. While they are talking about improving the “business climate”, the cumulative capital outflow exceeded one and a half trillion dollars, more than a million educated minds left abroad, and resources, raw materials and materials were pumped out in energy equivalent to no less than fifty billion tons per unit of standard fuel.

In the same quarter of a century, the Chinese, who at the same time began the transition to a market economy, began to live an order of magnitude better, five times ahead of us in terms of production and three times in the number of scientists. Yes, and other countries did not stand still, mastering the production of a new technological order, raising the level of education of the population, increasing investment in the modernization and development of infrastructure. Therefore, in terms of the level of development of the economy and human potential, we consistently descended to underdeveloped countries. In the fat 2000, this slide has stopped, but in recent years, against the backdrop of the revival of the economies of other countries, it has begun again.

Why, having the highest level of national wealth per capita in the world, did we go down to the underdeveloped countries in terms of the level of income derived from it? And we continue to fall, while the world economy comes to life on the eve of a new long wave of economic growth?

The reasons for the ruin of our economy must be sought in the peculiarities of its management. If half of the production capacity is idle in the country, workers work at half strength, knowledge of scientists and engineers are not claimed, this indicates unsatisfactory management system efficiency.

Speculative funnel

According to the results of 2014, currency speculators, profiting from the devaluation of the ruble, and now continuing to profit from its revaluation, became the leader in making profit. Throughout the past year, the profitability of currency speculation against the ruble was tens of percent per annum, and after lowering the exchange rate of the ruble to free float, it went off scale on other days in a hundred. At the same time, the profitability of the manufacturing industry dropped to 5%, the solvency of enterprises in the real sector significantly decreased. The terms of their lending gradually deteriorated as the Bank of Russia increased its key rate. After it was raised to 17%, credit for the majority of enterprises in the real sector became unavailable, and the liquidity remaining in the economy rushed to the foreign exchange market. Its subsequent collapse was the logical result of both manipulating it and the policy pursued by the monetary authorities.

This year, the policy of stimulating currency speculation continued. In order to reduce the demand for currency on the stock exchange, the Bank of Russia has launched a refinancing mechanism in foreign currency for repo transactions. Thus, he created a new channel for the enrichment of speculators, now on the appreciation of the ruble. Taking foreign currency loans under 2%, banks convert them into rubles, buy OFZs under 10%, and then sell them and convert them into currency again at the already increased ruble rate. Taking into account its growth by one third, it is easy to calculate that the profitability of these monetary and financial speculations was the same 30 – 40%, and for 1 insiders - an order of magnitude more than last year at a smooth decline in the ruble exchange rate.

The duration of the upward trend of the ruble is limited by risk assessments - lower oil prices, the introduction of new sanctions, toughening of the distribution policy of currency SWAPs of the Central Bank, etc. After 26 in May, the trend changed. Now they are speculating on the trend of the fall of the ruble, waiting for tougher sanctions. So far, on a smooth and relatively easy to predict, it is possible to get all the same 30 – 40% per annum without much risk and labor. Not surprisingly, with such a caring attitude of the monetary authorities to the speculative sector, money continued to flow into the monetary and financial market, leaving the real sector.

In the first quarter alone, the volume of loans issued by banks to manufacturing enterprises fell by almost half a trillion rubles. Accordingly, the financial situation of enterprises continued to deteriorate. According to the Rosstat operational data, in January 2015, the net operating loss of Russian organizations amounted to 152,5 billion rubles. The share of unprofitable enterprises on average in the Russian economy reached 36,1%. At the same time, the largest share of unprofitable production is fixed in the processing industries (39,9%). In real terms, net profit in manufacturing fell in the first quarter to 2001 values ​​of the year.

In the second quarter, manufacturing companies made their choice. Without waiting for the credit support for import substitution, they simply raised prices following the rise in prices for imports. This allowed them to dramatically increase profitability while reducing production. Thus, they increased the inflationary wave and contributed to the recession. The economy was in a stagflational trap.

Manufacturing industries have not been able to take advantage of the increased competitiveness of their products due to the devaluation of the ruble due to a super-rigid, stifling monetary policy. Despite all the appeals of the country's leadership to the widespread import substitution and the use of raising the price competitiveness of domestic products after the devaluation of the ruble to expand its production, this was not possible due to lack of credit. Worse, the portfolio of ruble loans issued to the real sector decreased by 2015 billion rubles in the first quarter of 410, while the share of overdue debts on ruble loans to the real sector grew by more than a year ago on 1 in May of the current year compared to the beginning of 2014. 60% (including 27% since the beginning of 2015 of the year) has reached almost 7% of this segment of the loan portfolio. It is not surprising if the real sector, especially engineering, for at least the first quarter of this year, had access to credit resources at rates of about 20% per annum in rubles, which is almost twice as high as the Bank of Russia’s inflation on the annual horizon.

In essence, the activities of the Bank of Russia have been reduced to financing currency speculation. Of the 8 trillion rubles given by the Central Bank to refinance commercial banks last year, three quarters were in the foreign exchange market. The same thing happens today with foreign currency loans, the amount of which has already exceeded 30 billion dollars.

Attempts by the Central Bank to influence the financial market by raising interest rates are not successful. And they cannot have it, because the profitability of speculations on swinging the currency market many times exceeds the key rate. At the same time, speculators manipulating the market take almost no risk, easily calculating the uncomplicated policy of the monetary authorities. They shook the currency corridor last year without any particular risk, knowing in advance the algorithm of the Bank of Russia’s actions, and this year they are converting foreign currency repo loans into OFZs without risk.

Due to the policy of the monetary authorities, the currency market became the main generator of business activity in the Russian economy. The volume of trading on the MICEX last year amounted to about 4 trillion dollars, which is twice as much as the country's GDP and its foreign trade turnover is 10 times. The speculative funnel generated by the policy of the Bank of Russia absorbs more and more money being sucked out of banks and from the real sector.

False dogmas

Surprisingly, the monetary authorities and the analysts serving them are not able to calculate the elementary consequences of their 1 decisions. Three years ago, the author of these lines in his “Dissenting Opinion” about the project “Basic Directions of the Unified State Monetary Policy for 2013 – 2015” concerning the planned transition to free floating of the ruble exchange rate wrote: “The inflation targeting announced by the Bank of Russia as the main objective of monetary policy, it can not be achieved without control over the cross-border movement of capital, the amplitude of fluctuations of which can in current conditions reach values ​​comparable to the volume of foreign exchange reserves. Under the influence of these fluctuations, changes in the exchange rate of the ruble, which the Central Bank allowed to float freely, can be quite significant to undermine macroeconomic stability. Similarly, the destabilizing effect may have a transition to a floating refinancing rate announced by the Bank of Russia. ”

Alas, this dramatic forecast came true in accuracy, which, however, did not shake the faith of the monetary authorities in the correctness of their dogmatic policy.

Despite all the warnings, they persevere in their previous course of overvalued interest rates and free float of the ruble. The first component of their policy was motivated by a strange opinion about the "overheating" of the Russian economy, in fact, working no more than two-thirds of its potential. The rationale for this view was the reasoning about the supposedly achieved equilibrium level of unemployment, which were completely inadequate to the true situation in the labor market. Contrary to polls of enterprises and official statistics, testifying to significant hidden unemployment and underutilization of production capacity by 40%, Bank of Russia analysts believed that output could be increased by no more than 1,5% and made a conclusion about the inflation risk of monetary easing.

Even more strange is the fanatical conviction of the monetary authorities that they can cope with inflation and ruble exchange rate fluctuations by manipulating interest rates. During the years of market reforms, thousands of studies have been published, the results of which indicate the absence of a statistically significant relationship between the dynamics of interest rates and the money supply on the one hand, and the inflation rate on the other. At the same time, there is a well-traced hard relationship between the first two indicators and the dynamics of production and investment. Always and everywhere, a reduction in the money supply and an increase in the rate of interest is accompanied by a drop in production and investment.

Raising interest rates to reduce inflation and appreciation of the national currency is a standard IMF recommendation. It is based on mathematical models of market equilibrium, which do not correspond to economic reality, but illustrate very simple and externally convincing judgments. Monetarists are confident that the increase in interest rates increases the attractiveness of bank deposits, reduces demand and leads to lower prices, and binds free money and reduces their supply in the foreign exchange market, which leads to an increase in the national currency. This superficial judgment does not take into account, however, that an increase in interest rates entails an increase in costs for borrowers, which they shift to the cost of production, and this leads to an increase in prices and devaluation of the national currency. A reduction in demand leads to a decrease in production and an increase in costs, the result of which is not a decrease, but an increase in prices. Conversely, a decrease in interest rates and an increase in the money supply can be transformed into an expansion of production and investment and, accordingly, into lower prices and costs.

Monetarists do not want to understand the obvious things - nonlinearity and disequilibrium processes of economic dynamics. In our case - due to the demonetization of the economy. The expansion of the money supply has so far been accompanied not by an increase, but by a decrease in inflation due to the absorption of money by the real sector of the economy starving for under-lending. Although this does not mean that tomorrow the increase in credit will not cause a new wave of currency speculation and the next collapse of the ruble exchange rate with the subsequent acceleration of the inflation wave. But one can definitely predict that the continuation of the demonetization of the economy, which began last year, will most likely worsen the decline in production and investment.

It's all about cash flow management. As the experience of China shows, the annual increase in the money supply can reach 50% and be accompanied by deflation if control is exercised over the targeted use of loans and so that money does not overflow to the consumer and foreign exchange market. And vice versa, Russia's experience clearly demonstrates the possibility of galloping inflation in the contraction of the money supply. If cash flows are stationary, their expansion will not cause inflation, as long as the increase in money is associated with the expansion of production, investment and savings. And if they become turbulent, galloping inflation can also occur with a decreasing money supply and rising interest rates.

Import substitution is delayed

A typical example of the absurdity of the “symbol of faith” of the monetary authorities is the above-mentioned transition to targeting inflation with a floating exchange rate of the ruble. With absolute certainty, the monetary authorities continue to state that inflation targeting involves the transfer of the ruble exchange rate to free float. Although for any systemically minded person this dogma would seem at least strange. In the initial courses of management theory, students are taught that the selective ability of the control system should be no lower than the diversity of the control object. But, apparently, our monetary authorities are not familiar with the theory of management and even more so with the system approach. Therefore, having announced inflation targeting, they refused to control the factor that determines the price dynamics for a good half of consumer goods, namely, the exchange rate. Any engineer of this kind would approach it would be insane - it's like trying to heat a room without windows in the windows in the winter, not realizing that the temperature in it will depend not on the power of the heating equipment, but on the temperature and wind outside the window.

Under someone else's tune

Let us try to understand the logic of the actions of our monetary authorities. They postulate without discussion the abandonment of control over the cross-border movement of money on the capital account. Then, in the conditions of free market pricing for the management of macroeconomic parameters, the monetary authorities are left with control over the exchange rate of the ruble and monetary policy instruments: the discount rate and other conditions for providing / absorbing liquidity, statutory reserve requirements, capital adequacy, formation of reserves for loans and securities, volumes open market operations with government bonds and currency interventions, which together form the monetary base. On this account in the scientific literature is considered a proven trilemma that, in the absence of a gold standard, it is impossible to simultaneously keep open the capital market, the fixed exchange rate of the national currency and pursue an autonomous monetary policy. Apparently, based on this logic, the monetary authorities choose an autonomous monetary policy, preferring to manipulate the interest rate and sacrificing exchange rate management. Thus, by “targeting inflation”, monetary authorities understand not inflation targeting, as it seems by literal translation of this word into Russian, and nothing more than a technical device, which reduces the entire monetary policy to the manipulation of the key rate when financial sector.

This trilemma was formulated by Obstfeld, Shambauh and Taylor based on an empirical study of monetary policy conducted by national banks in the period between the First and Second World Wars (IMF Staff Papers, Vol. 51, 2004). However, much has changed since then. A global financial market emerged with a world reserve currency, in which the dollar emitted by the US Federal Reserve System is used mainly under the obligations of the American government. Given the fact that the volume of these obligations is growing exponentially and has gone far beyond the stability of the American fiscal system, the trilemma should be supplemented with a new initial condition on the increasing emission of global capital in the form of unsecured obligations of the American state. For accuracy, one should add unsecured obligations of the EU countries (Greece, Great Britain, etc.), with which the emission of the euro and the pound is growing, as well as of Japan, with the parallel emission of the euro. The emission of these quasi-reserve currencies following the dollar grows exponentially, which led to an increase in the mass of these currencies on the global financial market three to five times after the global financial crisis began in 2008.

Thus, in contrast to the interwar period, the modern capital market is characterized by the pattern of its increasing inflation (swelling) due to the unsecured emission of world reserve currencies. It follows from this that the countries that keep the capital market open receive the threat of importing inflation caused by the inflow of infinitely increasing unsecured capital in the form of issuing these currencies. This means the emergence on the world financial market of a monopoly, which has enormous possibilities of manipulating it, including by establishing control over the national segments of the world financial system open to free movement of capital. Unlike the global commodity market, subject to competition laws and regulated by WTO rules, the global financial market is not seriously regulated, and the IMF rules protect this deregulation in the interests of institutional financial speculators (investment super banks) enjoying unlimited access to issuers of world currencies.

From the foregoing, it is necessary to clarify the trilemma: if the national bank does not have a monopoly on the issue of the world reserve currency and keeps a cross-border movement of capital open, it cannot control either the rate or interest rates. Happy owners of access to the issue of world currencies at the right time can conduct a speculative attack of any capacity, knocking over the course, and also provide the borrowers with a sufficiently large loan volume relative to the capacity of the national economy at an acceptable interest rate. In relation to Russia, they demonstrated this many times.

Thus, in order to manage the state of the national monetary system, it is necessary to control the cross-border movement of money in capital transactions. Otherwise, the development of our economy will be determined from abroad, and this will not be management in the sense of reducing the entropy (randomness of changes) of the object of management, but, on the contrary, increasing chaos. At the same time, it is not possible to talk about a certain single subject of management, since, in addition to transnational corporations (TNCs) and foreign banks, the Russian financial market will be manipulated by “its own” oligarchic offshore business groups. Actually, this is the political consequences of the transition to the policy of "targeting" inflation.

If politically, the so-called targeting means nothing more than the transfer of control over the state of the national monetary and financial system to external forces (primarily the US Federal Reserve, as well as the Bank of England, the European Central Bank and the Bank of Japan), then economically this is done in the interests of foreign financial speculators ( TNCs and foreign banks, oligarchic offshore business groups, whose beneficiaries have long been international investors and even “citizens of the world”). Russian business entities are forced to adapt to the “controlled” from the outside chaotic movement of the currency and financial market by minimizing their investment activity and translating savings into a “hard” currency. The same is done by the population: dollarization of the economy and the loss of its own internal sources of financing investments is a natural payment for targeting inflation.

If the state loses control over the exchange rate of its currency, this means that it surrenders the manipulation of currency speculators to it. And if the Central Bank also credits them, and the financial regulator transfers the currency exchange to their management, then there are currency swings, the currency and financial market enters into a state of turbulence, there is a disorganization of all foreign economic activity and a breakdown of reproduction of enterprises dependent on it. This is exactly what happened in the Russian economy as a result of the inflation targeting policy.

After the decision to switch to the free float of the ruble was due to its collapse, the leaders of the monetary authorities switched to everyday arguments, citing the instruction of the leadership not to burn reserves in vain. Indeed, the Bank of Russia’s senseless policy on fighting inflation by raising interest rates resulted in the outcome of Russian borrowers abroad and the transition to external sources of credit, the total amount of which far exceeded the volume of foreign exchange reserves. However, the installation “not to burn in vain” does not imply the refusal of currency interventions at all. After all, the purpose of accumulating foreign exchange reserves lies precisely in ensuring the stability of the basic conditions of foreign economic activity, primarily the exchange rate of the national currency. And the main enemy of this stability is currency speculators, profiting from the fluctuations of the ruble exchange rate due to the losses of other economic entities, the population and the state. If, indeed, the ruble exchange rate was to be devalued based on objective factors of the trade balance: the fall in prices for oil and other commodity exports, Western sanctions and capital outflow, then this should have been done simultaneously with the stabilization of the exchange rate at a new level, thus not allowing speculative wave. For example, they would lower the rate one and a half times and fix it for a month to allow trade to adapt to the new course. At the same time, give loans to manufacturing enterprises to increase import substitution. Then there would be no speculative wave and production that would increase price competitiveness would go uphill. And a two-fold depreciation of the course, smoothly turning into a slump, followed by a one-and-a-half increase, is a sure way to ditch production and investment not only by the excessive uncertainty of the exchange rate, but also by the unprofitability of production activity against the background of super profitability of currency speculations.

As it is easy to calculate, after the ruble exchange rate fell by half and inflation jumped to 16%, interest rates increased, the costs of enterprises increased by 20 – 30% depending on the share of imported components. After the ruble appreciation by a third, there was a corresponding decrease in their price competitiveness in relation to imports. She returned to the level from which the devaluation of the ruble began a year ago. Thus, the potential for devaluation, the need for which the President spoke at a recent meeting with Delovaya Rossiya, turned out to be largely exhausted. Only in comparison with the previous year, money was a quarter less, loans became twice as expensive and many times less available.
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  1. +8
    10 July 2015 14: 32
    The first line "The policy adopted by the Central Bank of the Russian Federation targeting inflation "and that's it, there is no desire to read further. Well, as long as possible, because we raised this topic - we are killing our own language with our own hands.
    1. -6
      10 July 2015 14: 39
      Quote: Zoilent
      The first line "The policy adopted by the Central Bank of the Russian Federation targeting inflation "and that's it, there is no desire to read further. Well, as long as possible, because we raised this topic - we are killing our own language with our own hands.

      The whole article is riddled with hatred, the regular appeal "monetary authorities", gives the article out in full. Another attempt to stir the wave. Be carefull
      1. +39
        10 July 2015 14: 48
        Quote: Wend
        Be carefull

        Where without it lol . Glazyev is an intelligent economist, not a couple of the Naebiullins, Gaidars, Siluanovs and other schoblers. If he and Khazin were listened, there would be more sense.
        Quote: Wend
        The whole article is riddled with hatred

        And this is correct, the actions of the economic bloc of the government do not cause anything else. "Inflation targeting", which you did not like so much, was a personal invention of the head of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation, Nabiullina, and Glazyev quoted her.
        Another thing is surprising: Glazyev is Putin's economic adviser. And here where the dog rummaged here - it is not clear. Either he writes one thing in the press and advises the other, or Putin gave the economy to these woodpeckers with Dimsik at the head ...
        1. +13
          10 July 2015 14: 55
          Quote: inkass_98
          Glazyev is an intelligent economist, not a couple of the Naebiullins, Gaidars, Siluanovs and other schoblers.

          Everything is correct. However, "Vaska listens, but eats." Talking House and Exhortations.

          I turn to the classic:

          "And I would be a different chef
          He ordered to hack on the wall:
          So that there is no waste of speeches,
          Where to use power. "

          I. Krylov, "The Cat and the Cook".
          1. The comment was deleted.
          2. +11
            10 July 2015 16: 42
            Glazyev is an intelligent economist. But, among other things, he is an economic adviser to the president. Question: Why does an economic adviser always oppose a course pursued by official financial authorities? What does he advise the president? ... Or does the president not listen to him? Then why does he work there if he does not see the return on his work, his advice ...? ... Or is the president on his own, the finance ministry and the central bank on their own? And even if the president followed Glazyev’s advice, could he really change anything? What is this talking about? Only that the country is really governed by world oligarchic capital through a financial system tightly tied to their interests.
            1. +4
              10 July 2015 21: 24
              The fact is that our president does not manage the economy; he does not have such rights! And the Central Bank also does not manage! These are the things, this is our Constitution!
            2. +2
              10 July 2015 23: 16
              Quote: vadimN
              .Or the president by himself, the ministry of finance and the central bank - on their own? And even if the president followed Glazyev’s advice, could he really change anything? What is this talking about? Only that the country is really governed by world oligarchic capital through a financial system tightly tied to their interests.

              Probably for sure! The country is managed by hell who knows ...
            3. The comment was deleted.
            4. +4
              11 July 2015 05: 40
              Quote: vadimN
              the president does not listen to him

              Of course, this is evident in all recent cases of the absurd actions of the Central Bank. Putin at the Central Bank on a leash. Glazyev, an academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, always accompanies his reasoning with examples from life, for example, from the life of China. Why is this not convincing? The intentionality of the speculative actions of our financial and banking oligarchy, ruining production - has long been visible to everyone.
          3. +13
            10 July 2015 18: 31
            Quote: villain
            Everything is correct. However, "Vaska listens, but eats." Talking House and Exhortations.
            There is an explanation for everything, here you can recall such lines "For where your treasure is, there your heart will also be"(6:20 Gospel of Matthew). Our oligarchs keep their treasures in foreign banks, and not in rubles. In general, I personally find it difficult to believe in a" multipolar world "while Russia is at the pole of the power of world capitalism, being dependent on financial systems and rules of the game in it, imprisoned for the well-being and leadership of the Anglo-Saxons, that is, England and the US As long as the bourgeois and traitorous bad guys have power in Russia, their selfish interests will always be higher not only the interests of the common people, but also the national interests of Russia ...
            1. +4
              10 July 2015 18: 49
              Quote: Per se.
              There is an explanation for everything, here you can recall the following lines "For where your treasure is, there your heart will also be"

              As long as the bourgeois and bad traitors have power in Russia, their selfish interests will always be above not only the interests of the common people, but also the national interests of Russia.

              Five points! And what would Comrade Stalin do?
              1. +3
                10 July 2015 19: 47
                Not properly. Comrade Stalin would say: "Let them answer to the Soviet people for their actions." Alas. The Soviet people where Comrade Stalin is - in history.
        2. +1
          10 July 2015 15: 16
          everyone lies! but at the same time they want to show themselves as patriots of Russia
          1. +2
            10 July 2015 18: 35
            Are you talking about the liberal government?
        3. +4
          10 July 2015 18: 35
          Glazyev was taken on the role of adviser to avert our eyes and bother our brains. Like that's who works for us, what else do you want.
          1. +6
            10 July 2015 21: 03
            Glazyev, like any intellectual who does not have the courage to speak out directly "who is to blame", once again begins to shamefacedly bash "monetarists-economists". But the people for the most part already understand that it is not the "insidious monetarists-economists" who are to blame, but the one who hired them and dictates decisions to them. Who covers them and patronizes them, who mockingly put Glazyev in the "economic adviser", making him a court clown, speaking into the void.
            And listening to Glazyev, it is not clear that he is sorry for Russia or his warm place as a court clown adviser. And somehow he does not believe that he does not understand that it is not the six-monetarists who are to blame, but their owner, or group of owners.
      2. WKS
        10 July 2015 15: 47
        Quote: Wend
        Quote: Zoilent
        The first line "The policy adopted by the Central Bank of the Russian Federation targeting inflation "and that's it, there is no desire to read further. Well, as long as possible, because we raised this topic - we are killing our own language with our own hands.

        The whole article is riddled with hatred, the regular appeal "monetary authorities", gives the article out in full. Another attempt to stir the wave. Be carefull

        And most importantly, a site suitable for "Military Review", after all, there are entirely financiers and bankers.
        1. +4
          10 July 2015 16: 48
          And most importantly, a site suitable for "Military Review", after all, there are entirely financiers and bankers. Well, maybe there are economists here smile but for the most part people here are not stupid !!!!
        2. 0
          12 July 2015 22: 57
          Well, of course. where are we all up to the economy .. are we stupid?
      3. +12
        10 July 2015 18: 32
        This is not an attempt to stir up a wave, but to open eyes so far blind and deaf.
      4. -2
        10 July 2015 19: 38
        Quote: Wend
        Be carefull


        will essno

        knock - • complain, complain, nauseat, squeamish, fiscal, drip, drip, mock, report, knock, knock, announce, signal Page 0321 Page 0322 Page 0323 Page 0324 Page 0325 Page 0326 Page 0327 ... New explanatory dictionary of synonyms of the Russian language
      5. 0
        10 July 2015 20: 45
        Quote: Wend
        Be carefull

        What do you propose to watch?
      6. BOLSHEVIK
        11 July 2015 00: 56
        Quote: Wend
        Another attempt to stir up a wave. Be carefull

        Yeah, we know that "rocking a fragile little boat" is nizzyayayaya, although it has long been obvious to everyone except you that the boat is rocked by the helmsmen themselves am
    2. sent-onere
      10 July 2015 14: 44
      Read this article to every citizen of the Russian Federation and think about who is directly responsible for this, as well as the responsibility for appointing these officials to the Central Bank! As an economist, a troechnik it was clear a year ago ... and the Central Bank leadership apparently did not teach economics at all smile
      1. 0
        10 July 2015 16: 04
        But there is no need for a big mind, it’s strange that our Most Dark One doesn’t know about it. Putin’s secret plan does not work, we all go to the store.
      2. +7
        10 July 2015 18: 48
        Understanding is half the battle.
        It’s time for the Kremlin to understand that there is a war going on and only a country with a clear vision of its future can win this war. What we don’t have yet. The time has come, a long time ago, for a change - nationalization, a planned economy, and due to a clear lack of time, modernization and industrialization, now mobilizing. And the change of the thieves' oligarchic system to socially oriented. It does not matter what it will be - socialism or state capitalism (with emphasis on state), the main thing is that this system provides the country with development and social justice. And only then will Russia become itself.
        This is my opinion of a clever techie, based on my own experience. He came to him gradually, far from immediately. From the apparent glee during the changes of the second half of the 80's, from the unfulfilled hopes of building a fair free society without party bureaucrats and other dirt of the latter before the restructuring of the stagnant years. But from what happened in any normal person, the brains must be set back from the lies and filth that the restructors, or rather traitors, poured our heads. Yes, and the Internet with its ability to obtain knowledge has helped and helps to understand what happened to us, our country and the world.
        1. BOLSHEVIK
          11 July 2015 01: 04
          Quote: NordUral
          It’s time for the Kremlin to understand - there is a war

          And the people can understand on whose side the Kremlin is playing
          Quote: NordUral
          . The time has come, a long time ago, for a change - nationalization, a planned economy, and due to a clear lack of time, modernization and industrialization, now mobilizing.

          There will be nothing ....
          Quote: NordUral
          And the change of the thieves' oligarchic system to socially oriented. It doesn’t matter what it will be - socialism or state capitalism

          You already decide, Comrade.
          And keep in mind that socialism and capitalism are two antagonists.
          And who are you with?
    3. sent-onere
      10 July 2015 15: 20
      The author carefully conceals the essence of the problem, which does not lie in the incompetence of the "monetary authorities". The withdrawal of financial resources from the country in the interests of a limited circle of people, the task set before them by the country's political leadership, is being carried out perfectly. That is why the same Nabiullina, for example, simply mocks common sense, realizing that her position, income, etc. absolutely do not depend on the state of the economy and the existence of Russia as a state in general. It's no good to blame the mirror, since the face is crooked.
      1. jjj
        10 July 2015 16: 01
        In general, Glazyev is a little like. Usually he reveals a topic very accessible. And on the topic. Yes, indeed, the president of Russia cannot dismiss the head of the Central Bank of Russia. But who prevents just putting the chief banker? Apparently, such a perspective reached the understanding of the leadership of the financial regulator, and adjustments began to appear in the activities of the State Bank
      2. +4
        10 July 2015 18: 51
        Glazier does not obscure, but gives you the opportunity to come to this conclusion yourself. His position is quite understandable and unambiguous.
    4. sent-onere
      10 July 2015 16: 17
      The idiocy of monetary and anti-inflationary regulation in Russia is obvious to any sane person (not just a professional economist). However, a change in monetary policy alone will not trigger economic growth. We need a strategic planning system (China successfully mastered, lost by Russia). Control over the cross-border movement of capital, targeted use of loans is needed - S. Glazyev writes about this.
      A simple increase in money supply will not work.
      Monetary and financial resources should be allocated for the goals and objectives of industrial policy, strategic planning. A speculative and rent-seeking economy is based on the excess power of financial intermediaries and departments parasitizing on cash and financial flows. A usurious-debt economy with an inadequate "liberal" bloc in the government - that's what we have. Plus the degradation and sequestration of the social sphere. The accumulation rate is the same as in an underdeveloped country. Tariff growth, monopoly plus super-tight monetary policy will inevitably result in stagnation. There are no miracles. And no ideas from those in power. Chatter about improving institutions and improving the investment climate. Lack of political will to change. That's the whole diagnosis.
      1. +3
        10 July 2015 18: 14
        Good comment. Until the rulers solve the main problem - the development of the economy, by creating real conditions, rather than financial and legal reeling, changing the conditions five times a year, and accordingly solving corruption issues, the country will go to the bottom.
      2. +2
        10 July 2015 21: 12
        Quote: sent-onere
        Need a strategic planning system

        We need a complete change in the socio-political system, with the cleansing of all who participated in it, destroying morality, morality, society, the economy, science, education, and medicine. And if this happens, then there should be no mercy and indulgence to the internal enemies of Russia, for the sake of its recovery.
    5. +7
      10 July 2015 18: 31
      Then you go to the RBC website or channel and there listen to what terms they convey to the audience all the delights of a liberal roar and a pleasant role for Russia, to become and remain a raw materials appendage of the West.
      And the article is a real honest analysis of the situation with which I completely agree. And I, a simple techie, will go further - nationalization, a planned economy and a socially oriented system (what kind? But think for yourself, there is a choice).
    6. 0
      10 July 2015 19: 45
      Quote: Zoilent
      Well, as much as you can, because they raised this topic - we kill our own language with our own hands.

      Targeting is a way of implementing the economic policy of the state or of an individual enterprise, expressed in the choice of an economic "target" that must be influenced in order to achieve certain results, the set goal.
      Dictionary of financial terms.
      Well, he would write (G): targeting
      Think it would be clearer?
      More correct of course: "Range selection", not everyone can do the same

      but you don't react to the word "sandwich" like that?
      And eat and read and do it yourself or?

      Butterbrot (German) - bread and butter

      but also “face-to-face” - readable ..

      "We have moved away from course targeting, the only thing we are targeting is fluctuation limits."- said Mr. Ulyukaev.

      In rubbish something

      there is still a cool word:

      "Transparency" (It was used by Ivanov and Putin as applied to the country's economy) === TRANSPARENCY
    7. -1
      11 July 2015 07: 23
      It was after this word that for some reason my interest in this material disappeared .. This is an important question, but in this edition of Glazyev’s interest disappeared ...
  2. Ist
    10 July 2015 14: 32
    Our Central Bank is a branch of the Fed and everyone knows this, but for some reason Putin does not see this.
    1. +10
      10 July 2015 14: 57
      How does it not see? He (the guarantor) said that the Central Bank is doing everything right, and the government is generally the most - the most in the world. What else do you want? We are going the right way, comrades. The economy should be economical (among the people), and the "elite" with the Liberalissimus should have everything, otherwise what is in the power to do. Dermocrats-liberoids are not ...
      1. Ist
        10 July 2015 15: 14
        Quote: Tambov Wolf
        How does it not see? He (the guarantor) said that the Central Bank is doing everything right, and the government is generally the most - the most in the world. What else do you want? We are going the right way, comrades. The economy should be economical (among the people), and the "elite" with the Liberalissimus should have everything, otherwise what is in the power to do. Dermocrats-liberoids are not ...

        Thanks for the healthy sarcasm good
        Not often seen drinks
        1. +1
          10 July 2015 15: 30
          Sarcasm would not have been better, and the leadership of the country was in the professional hands of the people of patriots, rooting for their people and the Fatherland.
          1. one
            10 July 2015 15: 48
            Quote: Tambov Wolf
            Sarcasm would not have been better, and the leadership of the country was in the professional hands of the people of patriots, rooting for their people and the Fatherland.

            no need for "sick"
            need healthy-smart-honest-working!
            but you can "cheer" on football!
      2. one
        10 July 2015 15: 41
        Quote: Tambov Wolf
        How does it not see? He (the guarantor) said that the Central Bank is doing everything right, and the government, in general, is the most in the world. What else do you need? We are going the right way, comrades

        "We have already promised you so much, and you are all unhappy and unhappy ..."
        although they keep part of the promises.
        Well, for example
        promised GDP to double GDP?
        well so ...
        rating higher? became!
        in TVs - the news more often began to flicker? too yes!
        doubled ...
        and another 100% will fulfill the promise not to index pension inflation in parallel.
        to make a retirement age, to start with 63, both for m. and for ..
        I wonder who will hire us, and who, at 60, especially women, if the minimum chance is 50?
        and Kudrin said that the current pensioners will fully support this, as their pension from this will be greater (less people, more oxygen).
        1. BOLSHEVIK
          11 July 2015 01: 10
          Quote: Someone
          I wonder who will take us to work at 60

          Before this age, you need to at least have time to live ... and with such power, the chances are less and less ...
    2. +3
      10 July 2015 16: 08
      I wonder why no one has filed a lawsuit against the CBR? Violation of the constitution on the face. Or is this not considered.?
      1. +1
        10 July 2015 17: 00
        Quote: asiat_61
        Violation of the constitution on the face. Or is this not considered.?
  3. +1
    10 July 2015 14: 38
    for some reason I like Glazyev more than Kudrin, purely intuitively, because how infinitely I am far from economics as a science ..
    1. +2
      10 July 2015 14: 42
      But I stopped reading this comrade, he does not inspire confidence in me.
      1. +12
        10 July 2015 14: 59
        And you read Kudrin, he is exactly your favorite "best finance minister" who gave the people's money for the benefit of American "partners and colleagues."
        1. +1
          10 July 2015 16: 05
          I am not a specialist in economics, but Kudrin is not likable to me either.
          As for Glazyev, it’s personally strange for me to listen to people who say a lot, but don’t do anything. He kind of advises to do something on a national scale, but he has not even organized a decent corporation. Do you trust the student to operate your heart?
          I just expressed my opinion.
          1. +8
            10 July 2015 16: 51
            Quote: Andryukha
            As for Glazyev, it’s personally strange for me to listen to people who say a lot, but don’t do anything.

            He is an adviser, not a prime minister or president, all he can do is publicly identify the problem and give advice on how it could be solved, but he does not make decisions and he does not have the power resource
    2. The comment was deleted.
    3. +6
      10 July 2015 19: 41
      I can safely say that there is no such science.
      How can you call accounting a science? The Graduate School of "Economics" is the Graduate School of Thimblers.
      A stock market is a place of mass accumulation of thimbles. Magicians of the genre.
      What words were invented: targeting or volatility. Say humanly unstable (sharp fluctuations) ...
      They are bred so that the mosquito does not undermine the nose - "scientifically".
  4. sent-onere
    10 July 2015 14: 42
    We ourselves have production, for the first time I read a completely adequate opinion, the Central Bank destroys production within the country with its policy. Exorbitant rates, loans either do not give, or give only for real estate, raw materials and equipment are not accepted as collateral. Jumping currencies do not allow predicting the work, and are beneficial only to speculators. "State" banks that receive budgetary support lend only to large businesses, and mainly those that are in an oligopoly position or raw materials. The finale is generally visible.
    1. +5
      10 July 2015 14: 56
      Quote: sent-onere
      Fill the country's financial system with money and in quantity when the quantity presses on the value.

      My dear father, I can assure you that the money supply in the country is NOT enough, and it lacks about 100% of the current turnover, since our GDP is provided with a money supply of about 48%. And under normal conditions, it should be slightly greater than or equal to GDP.
      If a loan is issued under a state guarantee and for targeted programs such as the development of road infrastructure, the construction of new enterprises, the development of agriculture and so on, but not at horse-horse interest, then there will be no acceleration of inflation, there is nothing to do with it. If you take 10 rubles from one pocket and transfer them to another, then in the absence of holey hands and the same pockets you will have the same 10 rubles, not 9 and not 11.
      The topic is complex, not in the comments to develop it hi .
      1. 0
        10 July 2015 16: 26
        Quote: inkass_98
        money supply in the country is NOT enough, and about 100% of the available money is not enough, since our GDP is provided with a money supply of about 48%
        If the volume of money supply in the trade turnover of the Russian Federation is approximately 48% of GDP, then this means that it is about 2 times more than necessary.

        And under normal conditions, it should be slightly greater than or equal to GDP
        Under normal conditions, there should be exactly as much goods and services produced (in our case, 20–25% of GDP)
    2. +6
      10 July 2015 16: 13
      Quote: sent-onere
      Central Bank destroys domestic production by its policy
      The Central Bank does not have its own policy.

      The Central Bank develops and pursues a unified state monetary policy in cooperation with the Government and under the control of the National Banking Council, and the president defines the main directions of the policy (goals and objectives, including in the economy).
  5. one
    10 July 2015 15: 02
    The reasons for the ruin of our economy must be sought in the features of its management .....
    .... this indicates an unsatisfactory management system

    but we are poked into the ratings,
    proving to us that we like it !?
      11 July 2015 01: 14
      Quote: Someone
      but we are poked into the ratings,
      proving to us that we like it !?

      But does anyone else believe in these ratings? request
  6. +6
    10 July 2015 15: 22
    Without adjoining anyone, I just want to exhale: fellow
    And so - natural "DEFLOPE". belay
    But in my soul, no, no - and it will move: "Really - is it really so terrible? .."
    1. one
      10 July 2015 16: 03
      Quote: RU-Officer
      But in my soul, no, no - and it will move: "Really - is it really so terrible? .."

      she is scarier than you think.
      Is it not noticeable that the people became a burden to them (the elite)?
      that pensioners and other categories of citizens need to be unfastened from the sale of resources, and yet they could put it in their pocket !?
      it used to be that we, for the most part, produced material values ​​- we needed it, but now we drive the buld, they have become parasites ...
  7. +1
    10 July 2015 15: 50
    Not the first time I read his diagnoses, but what's the use? The darkest one lives his own life. He doesn’t go to the store, while lowering his salary.
  8. sent-onere
    10 July 2015 16: 15
    Our various powers are like swan, cancer and pike. The Central Bank - about curbing inflation by increasing the cost of loans, the government - about economic growth, which requires cheap loans. Two incompatible things at the moment. But why is there no one who will think (and be able to think correctly) not about his sector of responsibility, but about the country as a whole? The president and the prime minister in the economy do not understand absolutely anything, in the end, we have what we have: the Central Bank imposed sanctions against the Russian economy that exceeded all these Western prohibitions by several times.
  9. -1
    10 July 2015 16: 21
    The author is either naive, or simply stupid. Once again: "Fseploha! MYFSEUMREM!" Well, what kind of import substitution can we talk about now? The economy is not a balloon. It takes not a year or two to rebuild industrial chains. Yes: domestic goods have become more competitive. So what? They still need to be released.

    What would you use as an example to make it clearer? Well, let's say some kind of Russian company produces shutoff valves. Ordinary taps and gate valves, which are slightly more in production than dohren. What is the valve made of? Of steel, but not of one. Hamsters are usually not aware that there are a lot of steel grades. There are those that are produced with us. There are those that are not produced (for example, their production remains in Ukraine). Instead of imported materials, it is possible to put domestic valves on some valve, but not on some materials. Let's say we bought a domestic alloy. Made the item. It turned out cheaper. How will the finished product work in hostile environments? When heated? In the cold? You can’t predict everything. So you need to release a batch, sell it, wait for feedback ... How long it all takes - the author didn’t even think about it. But it will take several years.

    Gate valve is a very simple product. If your plant produces turbines, or tanks, then the transition to domestic materials and technologies will take an order of magnitude longer. And just the same, financiers will not be able to instantly rebuild. The banker doesn’t understand either valves or tanks. If the company is stable and makes a profit, then it will have a loan, and the interest on the loan is small. If not, then the percentage will increase. Risk pay. And while the industry is sausage, everything will be as it is.

    There is simply no other way in a market economy. Karl Marx did not suck his "Capital" from a finger. And the transition to Stalin's socialism ... I think under Stalin the author for such an article would have trampled the taiga in his felt boots.
  10. +1
    10 July 2015 16: 54
    Empty article.

    Central Bank adopted inflation targeting policy completely failed
    Targeting is the state’s economic, tax and monetary policy for managing key economic indicators (that is, speaking the Russian language, inflation targeting is inflation management, inflation control).

    Who said that the Central Bank’s inflation management policy is aimed at reducing the latter, who said that reducing inflation is a priority?

    As far as one can judge, the primary (if not the only) task is to ensure the interests of large capital and the competitiveness of commodity companies.
    The Central Bank is quite coping with this task.

    Well, the title of the article is Experiments costing sovereignty - In general, neither to the village, nor to the city.

    Sovereignty (German: Souveranitat - from the French. Souverainete - supreme power) - independence of the state in external and supremacy in internal affairs.
  11. +6
    10 July 2015 17: 22
    Glazyev is the head! Only nobody in Russia values ​​smart people. They are smart in their own right, and controlled mass in themselves. This is what our rulers use. It was thought that after the ruble fell to the level of urban sewage, the government could not resist! But all the same people, unsinkable. Because they sacredly observe the interests of liberalism and world massism.
  12. +1
    10 July 2015 17: 36
    The ruble was sent for free sailing from this and the race because it was impossible to immediately determine the depth.
    At the moment, the ruble itself has found its depth.
    Depth "55" plus or minus three rubles.
    Good luck Ruble.
  13. +1
    10 July 2015 18: 19
    Quote: inkass_98
    Glazyev is an intelligent economist, not a couple of the Naebiullins, Gaidars, Siluanovs and other schoblers. If he and Khazin were listened, there would be more sense.

    They also say exactly about Navalny that when he comes to power he will immediately abolish corruption and increase the well-being of the population. Burdock you are respected.
    1. 0
      10 July 2015 19: 02
      + 100

      Everyone imagines himself a strategist, seeing the battle from the side of (c) S. Rustaveli
  14. +1
    10 July 2015 18: 29
    And from the article, and from comments, colleagues made one single conclusion - the DAM government - resigned! Better in jail. .... well, with a few exceptions. ..
  15. +3
    10 July 2015 18: 57
    Quote: Andryukha
    As for Glazyev, it’s personally strange for me to listen to people who say a lot, but don’t do anything. He kind of advises to do something on a national scale, but he has not even organized a decent corporation.

    Somewhere I have already heard something like this: "... They want to talk about everything, but they themselves do not even have a thousand ecu rent ..." (Marquis de Luz about Voltaire)

    Quote: vsoltan
    And from the article, and from comments, colleagues made one single conclusion - the DAM government - in

    I’ll throw you conspiracy theories. They didn’t wonder which of the Russian sovereigns looked like Medvedev, why the Grand Duchess was brought to Poklonskaya in the spring of 2014, who in the government was in charge of the hastily created commission to study the remains of Alexei and Maria Romanov, why the question of returning the Romanovs to Russia was raised right now, why an open monarchist, an officer of the Cossacks, and part-time clerk Girkin (Strelkov) acted in the forefront of the Crimean events.

    Are you still sure that the task of DAM is to deal with the Russian economy? And nothing more? Despite the fact that he is not an economist even once.

    And although Glazyev, of course, is a specialist and authority, only Nabiullina managed to defend her position in the winter, and the economy did not collapse. And Soros and Cameron dough fooled at this jump order. Soros already screamed in his voice, although his business does not tolerate publicity.
    1. +3
      10 July 2015 22: 41
      Come on, Yuri. .. what a mess. ... if the monarchical system happens in Russia, then I don’t think it’s the case with the Romanovs. ..credited heavily. ..a, and by the way, Mr. Veliky Novgorod somehow managed. ..for the time being without kings. ... and very successful. ..so do not agree. ... does not roll. ..moreover, with such. ... well, I will not annoy the moderators. .. :-) And Mr. Medvedev, excuse me, looks just like Mr. Mendel. .. laughing
  16. +1
    10 July 2015 19: 25
    Unlike most comments, I find the article good. There is no hatred in it; rather, concern is expressed about the consequences of the monetary policy pursued at the state level. Since the author is an economist, the use of special terms is inevitable, I see no reason for reproaches in this regard. The fact is that when making decisions at the highest level they are guided by the dogmas of science and the recommendations of world authorities in the field of economics. And the global economy is built in such a way that only those who print reserve currencies of the dollar and the euro, and pay the rest for them, achieve the planned positive regulatory results. An example is the crisis in Greece (the eurozone), and experts predict a fall in the exchange rates of other countries. It’s written in the article. Obviously, Glazyev’s opinion was not taken into account when making the decision, he’s an adviser, maybe he was allowed to speak (or maybe not), but the decision was made without taking his opinion into account. Our economy continues to depend on the costs of economic poly tics of other countries and we did nothing to exclude this dependence. Import substitution is a necessary and correct thing, but speculators made profit from the steps taken at the end of the year to stabilize inflation and the ruble, support the banking sector, and industry didn’t get anything, industry suffers from lack of money for development. That's what the article and article say from me plus. I heard for the first time that the dollar always wins from an authoritative person.
  17. -5
    10 July 2015 19: 50
    1. Russia has lost its sovereignty! ??? - a lie. If we lay down under the mattress covers, now it would be like in Ukraine, the industry is not working, but the hryvnia is holding on! 2. Having changed the rules of the game, the Central Bank kept gold and foreign exchange reserves and stepped on the tail for speculators (already 3-digit boards for the dollar were being prepared). 3. The response sanctions led to a surplus in the trade balance (we sell for foreign currency more than we buy) 4. Agriculture is reviving, and in some sectors (shipbuilding, engineering, aircraft building ...) there is a shortage of capacities! But who really feels bad is the traders (they took cheap Chinese, Turkish, Polish goods for the currency — they sucked them in for us), and rubles in dollars and all business matters .... mat. A weak ruble gives a chance for the development of domestic industry, a fact.
  18. 0
    10 July 2015 19: 54
    I wonder why it was repeated, it was published some time ago.
  19. Erg
    10 July 2015 19: 56
    There is only one criterion for evaluating performance. This is the result. The article is a Chinese letter to me. I don’t understand in these cunning terms, which, it seems to me, were invented in order to understand the situation for a simple person was not possible. They demand a result from me at work (excuses do not pass). So why can't we (the people) demand the result from managers? In fact, we are deprived of this opportunity. In fact, we are not much different from experimental rats ...
  20. +6
    10 July 2015 20: 13
    [quote = Uncle Joe]
    As far as one can judge, the primary (if not the only) task is to ensure the interests of large capital and the competitiveness of commodity companies. The Central Bank is quite capable of this task.
    [/ Quote]
    The primary task I would call the performance of the functions of the Main Offshore Company of the country. But who is skimming, is that a question? Recapitalization of a number of commercial banks from the Central Bank Reserve Funds takes place according to Putin’s personal decision, for the second time.
    1. 0
      10 July 2015 23: 27
      Quote: coolvoldik
      The primary task I would call the performance of the functions of the Main Offshore Company of the country
      And at the same time they would hit the sky with a finger.

      Offshore is a financial center with a preferential tax regime, and the Central Bank unfastens 75% of its profits to the treasury, and does not allow others to relax.

      The Central Bank has functions in many respects similar to those of the deputy’s wife, for whom everything is written down, which is formally relatively independent, but which fulfills all the orders of the husband.

      But who is skimming, is that a question?
      What question is this if you immediately actually answer it? laughing
      Quote: coolvoldik
      Recapitalization of a number of commercial banks from the Reserve Funds of the Central Bank happens by Putin’s personal decision, for the second time.

      The point is small - to add two and two.

      Oligarchy - (Greek oligarsha - from oligos - not numerous and arche - power), a regime in which political power belongs to a narrow group of individuals.
  21. 0
    10 July 2015 20: 49
    Glazyev painted everything perfectly, a memo for dummies!
  22. 0
    10 July 2015 21: 19
    KOKOKOKO! Have a look through everything!
    In short, I no longer believe this Glazyev. Well, I have to, but once I considered him the best economist in Russia
    1. 0
      10 July 2015 22: 21
      Exactly, we all won! Cheers cheers!!!
      1. +1
        10 July 2015 22: 36
        I just say that I don’t like when people like Glazyev panic
        1. 0
          10 July 2015 23: 33
          Quote: Sukhoy_T-50
          I just say that I don’t like when people like Glazyev panic
          Generally speaking - "I no longer believe to this Glazyev. Well, it’s necessary, but once I considered him the best economist Of Russia " - Thus you say that you do not understand the subject at all (and do not try to understand it), and you draw conclusions purely on emotions according to the "like-dislike" scheme

          Against this background, the statement about the panic does not look like a very successful attempt to justify itself.
  23. -2
    10 July 2015 22: 14
    Squealing "glaze" - you want to eat, but just on the economic analysis - "you can stretch your legs" ...
    There is a question for VO - why the heck are ubiquitous stuffing to place?
  24. -1
    10 July 2015 23: 43
    Alas, I do not believe in any of the economists and experts in economics. Each judgment and analysis is the biased opinion of a given person who has extensive, but not unlimited knowledge. For a long time in a technical school we were taught a course in economics. I’ve remembered the teacher’s words for the rest of my life - the results of the actions of the authorities in the economic sphere will be clear only after five years. Therefore, I am never in a hurry to rejoice or be upset by current actions. One thing I can say is that 5 years ago, our government thought not about the good of the people or not with the head, but with the ass. Who then led the government with us? And who presided?
  25. 0
    11 July 2015 00: 03
    In political terms, it’s clear where we are going, here is consensus and agreement. But where is the economy moving? Only Glazyev, Khazin and Delyagin can really explain it here. Without an economy, we cannot dream of a serious breakthrough, but it starts rather slowly and gradually, the authorities lose precious time. it’s time to decide which way we’ll go.
  26. +1
    11 July 2015 14: 44
    We must demand a referendum on the Constitution, why we should live according to what was written from over the hill, including returning the Central Bank’s administration directly to the President.