Social inequality: excessive polarization of society threatens the country's security

For almost the entire stories Human social inequality remains one of the most pressing problems, the solution of which stirs the minds of politicians and philosophers. In modern Russia, the scale of social inequality is colossal. Even in comparison with other developed countries of the world, Russia is a real “country of contrasts”. There is a huge gap between rich and poor. A higher level of inequality is observed only in the developing countries of Africa and Asia. But the attitude towards social inequality in Russian society varies. Someone blames the injustice of privatization for high social polarization, someone upholds the “original” inequality of people and is convinced that the most active and capable get the resources that allow them to repeatedly increase the social distance from others - unlucky and passive.

Classes in the Union, before the revolution and in post-Soviet Russia

In modern Russian society, a distinct class structure began to take shape after the formation of a class of entrepreneurs - owners began in the Soviet Union in the last years of its existence. Before that, in the USSR, the social structure of the population was strikingly different from the capitalist countries of the world. Most Western countries have much in common in the nature of the social structure of the population. As a rule, in developed Western countries, there are five main layers. First, it is the elite. The super-rich people - big entrepreneurs - industrialists and financiers, stars of show business, politics, generals, hereditary aristocracy belong to this social stratum. The second group is the top middle class, consisting of representatives of top management and status officials, as well as highly qualified professionals. The third group is the middle class, or “professionals”, which includes highly qualified specialists, as a rule, engineering and technical workers, doctors, teachers, lawyers, officers and many others. This class is distinguished by the presence of education, the relatively high incomes of its representatives, but it does not have serious power and financial resources.

Social inequality: excessive polarization of society threatens the country's security

The fourth layer - “basic” - consists of the majority of skilled workers, who, however, do not have higher education and cannot get into a higher social stratum due to being in less status positions. Meanwhile, the incomes of this part of the population are very high and it is impossible to count them as “social lows”. Moreover, they perform qualified work, have official status. Finally, the fifth layer is the so-called prekariat. The main difference between the prekariat as a class in the modern world is the lack of social guarantees. "Prekariya" working in an unstable mode, do not have a clearly defined wage. At the same time, in this category of workers can be both freelancers - specialists, and people without education and any qualifications, interrupted by odd jobs. In any case, the position of the precariate is characterized by extreme social instability, which affects both the financial condition and the political loyalty of the representatives of the “unwarranted” segment of the labor market. In addition to the prekariat, there is still, of course, the real social bottoms - the world of lumpen, people without education, burdened by the burden of numerous social vices, most often found or having been in serious trouble with the law for a long time. The lumpen world is a special social environment, which does not make sense to consider that in the framework of the traditional notions of “poverty” or “prosperity”, since a representative of this social stratum can spend a lot of money to satisfy their needs for alcohol or drugs, but at the same time lead everyday life in real poverty itself. It is this feature of the representatives of the underclass who make them so different from the rest of the poor and, at the same time, somewhat out of the limits of our article itself.

In pre-revolutionary Russia, according to a study by the Petersburg sociologist Boris Mironov (see the journal Sociological Studies, No. 8, 2014), the poorest segment of society was unskilled workers and lumpen. In the lowest income group of the Russian population in 1901-1904. included: 1) beggars, vagrants, wanderers, inhabitants of almshouses; 2) farm laborers (farm laborers); 3) day laborers and laborers; 4) women and children engaged in industrial production. However, social inequality in the Russian Empire was not as widespread as in the United States of America or in Great Britain. At the same time, American citizens, translated into the ruble equivalent, were much richer than the Russian inhabitants. If to the richest Russians in 1900-1910. Were people with an average income in 991 ruble, then the richest Americans - people with an average income in 8622 ruble. At the same time, in Russia, in contrast to Western countries, there was no numerous middle-class stratum already present in the West, and the overwhelming part of the country's population differed greatly in life from the insignificant stratum of aristocracy, rich merchants and manufacturers. This difference is evidenced, at least, by the almost total illiteracy of the broad masses of the Russian population, which already in the post-revolutionary period caused the obvious need for mass eradication of illiteracy among the adult population of the Soviet state.

In modern Russia, due to its historical and political specificity, a slightly different type of social structure has developed. It is distinguished, firstly, by a high level of coalescence of power and large business. It is often difficult to understand “where a businessman ends and an official begins,” and vice versa. Famous sociologist O.I. Shkaratan (Shkaratan OI Socio-economic inequality and its reproduction in modern Russia. M, 2009) believes that modern Russian society is divided into the following main groups. First of all, this is an extremely small class of large and medium-sized owners - somewhere around 4% of the population. Secondly, this is the “middle class” - small entrepreneurs, managers, professionals, working “on themselves”. There are no more than 22%. Finally, the third group consists of performers - non-owners. These include 74% of the population of Russia - here and “state employees”, and ordinary employees of private companies, and the working class. Of course, this model of class classification in modern Russia is very conditional, but it more or less accurately reflects the division of Russian society on such an issue as attitude to property. There are very few full-fledged owners in Russia and in this country is different from Western countries where there are developed traditions of entrepreneurship. It is known that the number of small and medium-sized enterprises and, accordingly, people engaged in the field of small and medium-sized businesses, in modern Russia is much less than in most developed countries of the world. Meanwhile, this is a very alarming trend, since small and medium-sized businessmen, which are the basis of the "middle class", are a very stable and socially stable contingent, usually patriotic, active, that is, they are of great value to the country. It would seem that the Russian state should support small and medium-sized entrepreneurs, but in practice it turns out that small and medium-sized businesses most often experience serious problems in the country.

The specificity of the Russian situation is that in Russia, as in many countries belonging to the “third world,” the possession of power resources often turns out to be more significant than the possession of property, even if it is large. For example, the position of an employee of the security forces or the administration of a city, district, rural settlement may be more important than the position of an entrepreneur, even though formally the security official or official belongs to the class of performers, and the businessman - to the class of owners. Secondly, in Russia, due to the colossal geographic differences of its regions, there is also an obvious separation between the residents of the capital and the inhabitants of the province, the inhabitants of large cities and small cities, and especially the countryside. So, even a low-income resident of the capital who is not working or working for non-status and poorly paid work, but who has housing in Moscow, selling housing and moving to the provinces, can turn into a secured "rentier" living on the interest from the contribution to the bank of funds received for selling the property. Selling even an inexpensive housing by Moscow standards will give him the opportunity to have a very high income for the province. That is, there is both a “power” plane of social inequality and a “geographic” plane of social inequality. In the first plane, the following groups can be distinguished: 1) representatives of high officials; 2) representatives of the middle layer of administrative workers, senior officers of power structures; 3) private entrepreneurs 4) base layer of performers who do not have a powerful resource; 5) social bottoms. In the second plane, the following categories are unequivocally distinguished: 1) residents of the capital, Moscow; 2) residents of St. Petersburg and suburbs of Moscow; 3) residents of major urban centers (Yekaterinburg, Novosibirsk, Rostov-on-Don, Krasnoyarsk, etc.); 4) residents of regional centers; 5) residents of small towns and regional centers; 6) rural residents. Of course, within each of these categories there is also a differentiation - for example, the situation of residents of coastal cities, who have the opportunity to extract income from the resort business and trade, and residents of depressed cities and settlements - former mining and factory towns and villages.

On the causes of poverty

Of course, for everyone who is concerned with the problems of social inequality in modern Russia, the question inevitably arises as to what are the main causes of poverty. Why some people can maintain a more or less decent standard of living, while other people are literally on the verge of survival. According to sociological research data, the representatives of the Russian lower strata of society call the long absence of work, the small size of state social benefits and family unhappiness and incidents as the main causes of their own poverty. Indeed, unemployment is a very serious problem for Russia, especially in small cities and rural areas, and the long-term lack of work and permanent income inevitably throws a person into a marginal environment and contributes to the marginalization of his lifestyle. On the other hand, insignificant, if not insignificant, basic social benefits remain - pensions for the majority of employees; allowances for single mothers and large families; survivor’s benefits; unemployment benefits; disabled pensions. Many pensioners in Russia still receive 6 thousand rubles per month, and this is despite the fact that the rent for modest housing can reach half of the said amount of pension. At the same time, many Russians polled by sociologists are convinced that poverty in modern Russia is often caused by social vices — drunkenness, drug addiction, parasitism, and also personal characteristics — lack of initiative, laziness, and the absence of a “life pivot”. It turns out that many of the poor, from this point of view, are themselves to blame for their financial distress. It is possible that when people talk about drunk or cracked people, there is a certain amount of truth here. But are pensioners - doctors, teachers, teachers who have worked for forty years for the benefit of the Soviet and Russian state - are they to blame for their miserable situation? It is hardly possible to call young and not-so-young professionals guilty in their position, who continue to work in polyclinics and schools, universities and libraries, museums and theaters, factories and in the agricultural sector for very little money.

However, it should be noted that in recent years, or more precisely even a decade, the level of well-being of Russians as a whole has slightly increased. Gradually, “poverty” becomes inherent in rather marginalized groups of the population, which is reflected in the general attitude of Russians towards poor and “poor” fellow citizens. Traditionally, Russian society was characterized by a sympathetic attitude towards poverty and the poor, as evidenced by numerous popular sayings. The humane attitude towards poverty is characteristic of most literary works, moreover, in some cases, poverty is even considered as a “social quality” worthy of respect. Contempt for poverty, the assertion that poor people themselves are to blame for their fate, is more characteristic of Western culture based on Protestantism. The social doctrine of Protestantism, especially Calvinism, suggests that rich people are more devout Christians than poor, because they tend to accumulate as a result of their asceticism, self-discipline and self-restraint. Poor people pay for their vices and sins with their poverty. For Russian culture, which was formed on the basis of Orthodoxy, as well as for the cultures of other peoples of Russia, professing other traditional confessions for our country, this attitude to the rich and poor was not considered normal. The poor and the "poor" were helped, and this help was considered a blessing both in Christianity and in Islam.

In modern Russia, there is a rather clear and justified concept of social reality of poverty. According to him, the poor residents of the Russian Federation are those people who have incomes around 9000 rubles per capita. Most of the country's citizens earn approximately 40-50% more from this amount. At the same time, the official threshold of poverty, about which the government of the country speaks, is “the subsistence minimum”, is significantly lower than the ideas of the majority of Russian citizens about what to consider the poverty line. In fact, if one can hardly live on 9 thousand rubles, then on 5-6 thousand rubles it is almost impossible to live, at least when this money is the income of one person. Of course, in a family, the situation varies somewhat and a family of three is difficult, but it can survive for a month in the amount of about 15-20 thousand rubles. What is considered a sign of poverty in modern Russia? Firstly, this is a poor quality of food, the impossibility of acquiring new and high-quality clothing, and poor housing conditions. Most of the poor live in communal rooms, in dormitories, emergency and dilapidated housing. The poor part of the population is characterized by inequality of chances to get a quality education and to find employment in prestigious areas of activity, it has incomparably lower cultural and social capital. Nevertheless, as a result of the economic reforms of 1990, in the Russian Federation, there was a massive impoverishment of the population, including intellectuals, skilled workers. People in their professional skills and skills, in terms of education level, would have been in the West as a professional or base stratum, in Russia were below the poverty line as a result of the collapse of industry and agriculture, massive and long-term non-payment of wages, and sharp inflation. It is because of the political and economic upheavals that have befallen the Russian society in the 1990-s, that Russian poverty acquired such diverse outlines. The poor can be both a school teacher, a retired military plant engineer, and a drunkard who has not worked anywhere his whole life and has drunk his house.

Stratification of the poor

Like society as a whole, the class of the Russian poor is also differentiated. Sociologists distinguish several major groups that are classified as poor. First of all, it is "poor in deprivation." These include 25% of Russian citizens who, due to lack of income, cannot fully meet their needs for quality housing, education and medical care, leisure, food and clothing. Another, less numerous group is about 9% of the Russian population. These include citizens with a very small per capita income not exceeding the subsistence minimum per person established in a particular region. Another 4% of Russian citizens are classified as "chronically poor." As a rule, the chronically poor are in such a social position for at least five years and have long accepted and accustomed to their existence on the periphery of the social hierarchy of Russian society. Most of the chronically poor cannot fully meet their most basic needs - they are forced not to eat up, they dress very badly, there is no talk about rest, high-quality medical care, education. The living conditions of this category of the Russian population are also extremely unsatisfactory. At the same time, the world of social lower classes is not in all cases identical with the income poor. For example, some representatives of the lumpenized strata of the population, especially balancing on the verge of the legitimacy of their earnings, may have quite good average incomes, but their propensity for antisocial behavior and marginal lifestyle does not allow them to constructively manage the funds they receive - as a rule, cash in In this case, they are not spent on medical services, education, or the purchase of furniture, but on alcohol and drugs. It should be noted that many people who are, in fact, not poor, actually live like the poor precisely because they do not know how to manage their own salaries, suffer from alcohol and drug addiction or gambling, are infantile in financial matters - that is, they themselves reduce your standard of living. In fact, in this case, those who accuse the poor of their “troubles” are right, proceeding from the inclination of a significant part of the latter to social evils. However, this concerns, again, first of all, the marginal segment of the Russian poor. And even then, a mass culture based on the ideology of consumerism and directing people to maximize the consumption of often unnecessary goods and services, to maintain the illusion of supposed wealth, which forces them to take loans, only aggravating and already unstable financial situation.

Despite the fact that all over the world, the most deprived categories of the population have traditionally been the unemployed and not working people, in modern Russia, the majority of the poor are working citizens. At the same time, the level of wages of the working poor may not exceed the level of the subsistence minimum per capita. So, in Russia, there are still wages in the amount of 5-6 thousand rubles, and they are paid to employees employed throughout the working day, including those who have certain qualifications. The least paid categories of the working population are nannies and junior kindergarten teachers, librarians, museum workers, nurses. Their incomes are much lower than those of unskilled laborers, cleaners, and other persons engaged in heavy and unskilled manual labor. A significant part of these “working poor” simply can not physically survive without additional income or help from other family members - husbands or wives, older relatives or adult children. At the same time, the availability of education and qualifications of many of them does not allow attributing to the social lows of the country's population, while in terms of income they are on the verge of falling into the social stratum of the poor. Finally, the working poor can be attributed to specialists who were suddenly unemployed and who exist for unemployment benefits, which also has a very modest size in Russia. Finally, the working poor are people who can have good incomes, but whose composition of disabled family members causes them to divide their incomes among all family members. Thus, in most cases, having many children is one of the most important reasons for Russian citizens to fall into the category of poor.

A major role in the formation of social inequality in modern Russia is played, as already noted above, by the regional factor. The bulk of the Russian poor live in rural areas and small “depressed” cities. It is in the village and monotowns in the 1990-ies. the most terrible blow was dealt - enterprises and collective farms were closed, new jobs did not appear, as a result of which an impressive part of the population became unemployed and was relatively marginalized. Many villagers live only on the pension of senior relatives and disabled relatives, as well as on occasional earnings, which are of a single character. In a large city, it is much easier to find a job with a salary that allows at least a more or less tolerable existence. This factor contributes to the gradual depletion of rural areas, as internal migration from villages and small towns to large cities develops, primarily to the country's capital, St. Petersburg, the largest shopping and industrial centers, to cities of regional and regional importance. Belonging to the social category of the poor, on the other hand, affects the ability to get more or less interesting, prestigious, or decently paid work. A poor person is deprived of the starting resource with which a representative of another social category can begin his work activity. For example, a poor person who does not own a car loses most of the chances of being employed as a taxi driver. Even more vacancies become unavailable to him in the absence of education, professional qualifications, but the poor person does not have the opportunity to receive education, if only because he does not have the resources to ensure his existence during his studies. Finally, the social capital of the poor is very limited, since they are increasingly “cooking in their own environment,” which implies the absence of connections among prosperous categories of the population.

Hereditary poverty threatens social order

The transmission of "poverty" by inheritance is becoming increasingly commonplace in modern Russia. So, at least half of the total number of the modern Russian poor were born and brought up in poverty. Accordingly, they, more often than not, do not possess the proper social capital, nor cultural capital, nor personal qualities and ideological reference points that could allow them to escape from poverty. This category of the population becomes the bearer of the “culture of poverty,” which develops on the periphery of Russian society. On the other hand, the possession of cultural and social capital with a very high degree of probability guarantees a way out of poverty in the event of a sudden situational falling into the stratum of the poor (the latter can happen to non-poor people in the event of ruin of their own business, dismissal from work, problems with the law, etc.) P.). Most of the non-poor before people who accidentally fell into a state of poverty sooner or later again leave the stratum of the poor and move into more prosperous sections of society, which is most often a consequence of the “inclusion” of a number of resources - from their own intellectual and professional potential to using social connections.

At the same time, it would be wrong to assess the real standard of living of the population in Russia, guided only by official statistics and sociological research materials. It should be noted that the standard of living varies not only among different social strata, but also among different age groups of the population. Impact on the standard of living have not only income, but also expenses. Moreover, lending is widespread in Russian society, as a result of which people who are really poor can make an impression of more or less prosperous people (mortgage apartment, car loan, furniture collected on credit, and household appliances, while paying loans) leave almost all wages, that is - there is no money left to meet the simplest necessities of life). On the other hand, people can receive very little income, but at the same time have solid property. For example, many Soviet-era pensioners own apartments, garages, summer cottages, the total cost of which may be many millions of rubles. However, the monthly pension received in 6-10 thousand automatically makes it possible to assign the pensioner to the poor part of the population, although his funds in the form of real estate can be very significant. Finally, you should consider the huge segment of the shadow labor market. Officially, people employed in the shadow sector of the economy are considered to be unemployed or unemployed, have little or no income, but the real level of their earnings can be quite decent and even very significant. Finally, there is another category of poor - these are foreign labor (and non-labor) migrants who find themselves on the territory of Russia and work in low-paying jobs, or who have lost it due to the economic crisis and have failed to return to their home countries. The emergence of a large number of foreign marginals is a particular threat to the security of the country and public order, and in recent years not only criminals have appeared among migrants - due to the cultural specifics, many of them are recruited by radical organizations operating both in Russia and abroad. Considering that the control over migrants is not effectively implemented, this trend looks very dangerous, especially in the light of the current military-political situation in the Middle East or in Ukraine.

The presence of a large number of poor people in modern Russia is aggravated by the colossal difference in the standard of living that exists between the main part of the country's population and the "super-rich." Approximately about a hundred of the richest families currently control no less than 35% of Russia's national wealth. The social polarization of the population in Russia reaches colossal proportions, comparable only with some developing countries. Meanwhile, the presence of such large-scale social inequalities is a direct threat to social stability and political order in the Russian Federation. Since there is a “preservation” of poverty, which is acquiring more and more hereditary class traits, sooner or later the phenomenon of “class hatred” will arise, which is still absent from the modern poor, who blame themselves, their fate, the current government, but the social system that led to this level of social stratification. For the Russian poor, on the whole, political inactivity is rather characteristic. They are not interested in politics, primarily because they do not believe in the possibility of any real change in their social status, and if their own social position does not change, then there is no point in requiring any political changes in the country. Secondly, the majority of poor Russians are characterized by an increased focus on commonplace survival, which also leaves them no time and energy for any political or social protest activity.

But at the same time it is impossible to deny the fact that with the effective influence “from outside” the huge masses of the Russian poor can turn into a very explosive contingent. Any anti-state forces interested in undermining the political and social order in the country can use the social discontent of the Russian poor. Moreover, these forces can raise the slogans of social justice, in reality, absolutely not going to put them into practice. That is, the social inequality inherent in modern Russia can play a very negative role in the fate of the country - at least if the state does not take up the solution of the accumulated numerous social problems of Russian society. It is difficult to disagree with the Russian political scientist Alexander Karatkevich, who believes that “exceeding the permissible degree of inequality leads to a large difference in the standard of living of certain status groups in society, which can be regarded as discrimination and disadvantage of some groups of the population. This circumstance often leads to the emergence of social tension in society, serves as a fertile ground for the emergence, development and spread of social conflicts. Therefore, every society should develop a system of regulators to reduce the degree of social inequality ”(Karatkevich, AG Social inequality as a threat to political stability and public safety // PolitBook, No. 4, 2014).

Is it possible to change the existing social stratification due to public policies aimed at reducing social inequality? Of course. This is evidenced by the experience of a number of European countries, in which, at the beginning of the twentieth century, the level of social inequality far exceeded the Russian indicators, but by the end of the twentieth century the distance between the richest and the poorest citizens was many times reduced. But solving the problem of social inequality will require appropriate efforts from the leadership of the Russian state. Whether the current political elite will be able to sacrifice their individual financial interests and put the interests of Russia, its stability and development, higher than their own, or not - the reduction of the social polarization of Russian society depends in the first place.

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151 comment
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  1. +16
    7 July 2015 05: 25
    To move the problem of solving social inequality off the ground, industry needs to be developed, thereby reducing the country's raw material dependence.

    It is necessary to create favorable tax and investment conditions for honest business by the state, more equitable distribution mechanisms, and the introduction of a reasonable dependence of the incomes of some social strata on the incomes of others.
    1. +16
      7 July 2015 08: 03
      Quote: ya.seliwerstov2013
      To move the problem of solving social inequality off the ground, industry needs to be developed, thereby reducing the country's raw material dependence.

      It is necessary to create favorable tax and investment conditions for honest business by the state, more equitable distribution mechanisms, and the introduction of a reasonable dependence of the incomes of some social strata on the incomes of others.

      everything is correct. only these solutions are the simplest and are on the surface. and, given the current level of corruption at all levels, they will NEVER come true. it's just that our so-called "elites" are completely satisfied with the current state of affairs. I remember that in one good, old film, the hero performed by Boyarsky said so, this country will be ruined by corruption! this is our main scourge and main trouble ...
      1. +14
        7 July 2015 08: 59
        Quote: RBLip
        it's just that our so-called "elites" are completely satisfied with the current state of affairs

        Wouldn’t make it up, but.
        In 1915, too, many were happy with everything, but then he suddenly suddenly appeared in 1917 and rushed ...
        1. +9
          7 July 2015 09: 47
          Well, the 17th year is not far off, let's see, they say "history repeats itself" ... hi
          1. +17
            7 July 2015 11: 59
            History, dear, is not just repeated, but has its own cyclical laws (adjusted for the current level of development of society), and the cause-effect-effect is stable. One of the cycles is considered a century (+ - 2-3 years). Moreover, a scientifically proven fact, and research is still underway (involving various sciences, of course).
            Only the question remains: what will come of it? War from revolution or revolution from war?
            Moreover, the most interesting, spatial location in time is repeated.

            And in order to minimize the consequences as much as possible, it is necessary as soon as possible to take to the leadership, as a postulate, the expression: "There should be only one oligarch - the state." A lot of problems will then disappear overnight.

            Hatred of parasites (powerful and Finnish capitalists especially) was, is and will be. And the main enemies are those who adopt laws, decrees, and resolutions. Let's not forget who it is and what it is and how they came to power in 1991-1993.
            And these will not be a pity (along with their families and sixes).

            Personally, I am for a social state, with clear regulation of the limits of private property and income taxed by a very progressive tax scale.

            Imagine what would happen if you remove fanatical religious and nationalist slogans and replace them with socialist ones. This will really unite everyone and there will be a driving force that even the "dogs of the regime" will fear.
            I do not mind even. Otherwise, the history of other methods of purification of society does not know, no matter how smart.
            But you need to ask from many. For humiliation, betrayal, and frank genocide of the Russian people.
            And humanity has not yet come up with a better Soviet socialism. And perfection, as you know, has no limits.

            1. 0
              7 July 2015 12: 35
              Quote: SibSlavRus
              Hatred of parasites (powerful and Finnish capitalists especially) was, is and will be. And the main enemies are those who adopt laws, decrees, and resolutions. Let's not forget who it is and what it is and how they came to power in 1991-1993.

              Are you sure that they have not leaked into power before?
              Quote: SibSlavRus
              And these will not be a pity (along with their families and sixes).

              How do you define them?
              Quote: SibSlavRus
              Personally, I am for a social state, with clear regulation of the limits of private property and income taxed by a very progressive tax scale.

              And what do you propose to impose a "progressive tax"? SALARY (easy to get around)? INCOME (is it from fantasy)? PROFIT (Khan to business)?
              And then, are you going to do it in the current realities? Or, after all, when will you proclaim a "welfare state" (Why)?
              1. +2
                7 July 2015 13: 49
                No need to find fault. There are many methods. If you don’t have enough empire base or too lazy to strain gyrus, then please turn to the developed theory and practice (including Russian legislative initiatives), or historical experience, including Soviet, respected.
                By the way, your questions indicate your complete incompetence in a problematic issue.
                A professional would immediately suggest an alternative.
              2. 0
                8 July 2015 14: 02
                Penzuck. Learn the story.

                He who went around, he sat. In a strong state, everything is always normal.
            2. 0
              7 July 2015 20: 24
              all this sounds interesting against the background of the voiced salaries of our managers of state-owned companies and banks))))))))))))))))
          2. 0
            7 July 2015 12: 13
            What's the point? Kill each other for someone else's capital? And the oligarchs will "dump" them to Europe, the USA, Australia.
            The rich will not die in the streets.
            And ordinary people will ...

            Reasonable gradual reforms are needed.
          3. FID
            7 July 2015 16: 47
            Quote: Brown
            Well, the 17th year is not far off, let's see, they say "history repeats itself" ...

            Another sign - Aurora under repair ...
        2. 0
          7 July 2015 14: 45
          Well then, the reasons were not only economic, but also political ... they tried, such as Ulyanov-Lenin and others who lived on the shores of Lake Geneva.
        3. 0
          7 July 2015 14: 45
          Well then, the reasons were not only economic, but also political ... they tried, such as Ulyanov-Lenin and others who lived on the shores of Lake Geneva.
        4. +5
          7 July 2015 20: 43
          In order not to tryndeli any parodies of tsarist officers who, on business or not, everywhere insert "I have the honor" The 17th year was a historical pattern. a year earlier, a year later. But we got rid of the exploiting class. If the GDP and the government do not understand that it is necessary to reduce this social gap, then the Kiev Maidan scenario is possible. Moreover, the United States is actively feeding the fifth column and knows what to put pressure on. So far, the ratings of GDP are high, and the person to blame for all the troubles has been found - uncle SAM. But sooner or later people will look inside - at the snickering officials and oligarchs. To the poverty of the central regions. And the conclusions can be made quite critical. After all, not everyone who came out to Bolotnaya was stunned cretins. Many are not satisfied with the state of affairs within the country and the huge stratification in living standards.
      2. +1
        7 July 2015 11: 16
        The presence of a large stratum of the poor in modern Russia is exacerbated by the enormous difference in living standards

        This article is written for the West or the West, because the current situation was created artificially and during the life of the current generation, the majority of the population of the Russian Federation will never measure it, maybe during the life of the next generation the situation will change, but the presence of such a number of protest population for the authorities is worse than any Bolotnaya Square and NGOs, the only thing that so far saves the situation is that this population concentrated not in the capital or St. Petersburg, remember Boehner's statement at a rally in 1991 "revolutions are made in capitals" - this is what the current government has learned well.
        1. +1
          7 July 2015 20: 45
          Quote: user
          The presence of a large stratum of the poor in modern Russia is exacerbated by the enormous difference in living standards

          This article is written for the West or the West, because the current situation was created artificially and during the life of the current generation, the majority of the population of the Russian Federation will never measure it, maybe during the life of the next generation the situation will change, but the presence of such a number of protest population for the authorities is worse than any Bolotnaya Square and NGOs, the only thing that so far saves the situation is that this population concentrated not in the capital or St. Petersburg, remember Boehner's statement at a rally in 1991 "revolutions are made in capitals" - this is what the current government has learned well.

          In the sense of an article written in the West? What kind of nonsense? All that is written is visible every day and not with an armed gaze.
    2. +10
      7 July 2015 08: 53
      Industrial development in no way solves the problem of social inequality. It can increase the percentage of the employed population and somewhat reduce the percentage of the “poor” population. And social inequality is the size of the gap in income (direct or that which can be obtained through status) between a certain percentage of the richest people in a country and the same percentage of the poorest people. And scientists note that even the famous 20/80 does not work.
      To increase the general awareness of the topic of the article, I will provide excerpts from one resource:
      The Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) says the gap between rich and poor in the world continues to widen.
      In 34 countries included in the organization, 10% of the richest residents earn almost 10 times more than 10% of the poorest.
      There is no generally accepted methodology for quantifying “inequality”. However, most of the statistics indicate that it began to decline during the financial crisis, and now began to expand again.
      The OECD warns that such inequalities could be an obstacle to economic growth.
      According to the organization’s report, this is partly due to a gap in the level of education between the most and least well-off categories of the population, which leads to lower quality and efficiency of the workforce.
      In the hands of the most affluent 10% of the population are more than half of all wealth
      The OECD, among others, includes most of the EU countries, as well as developed countries such as the United States, Canada, Australia or Japan.
      One of the factors that the OECD considers to be responsible for growing inequality is the growth of so-called “precarious work”, which includes temporary contracts and self-employment.
      The OECD estimates that since the mid-90s, more than half of all new jobs created in its member countries have been categorized as “precarious work”. The report says that households relying on this type of employment have a higher poverty headcount and this exacerbates overall inequality.
      The report also claims that current taxation and social protection systems are no longer so effective in redistributing income.
      On the other hand, the report indicates that one of the factors holding back the growth of inequality was the increase in the number of working women.
      One of the few regions where inequality has not grown in the last 30 years is Latin America, although inequality was initially higher there, the authors of the report indicate.
      1. +7
        7 July 2015 08: 55
        Robert Peston, Editor, Department of Economics
        The basic theory explaining why the OECD considers inequality to be a brake on economic growth is that the poor invest less in their own education and self-development. That is why the main recipe for combating inequality is public investment in vocational education, as well as a focus on creating better jobs.
        Amazingly, the report does not say that the best way to increase equity and accelerate growth is to milk the rich. Instead, the OECD wants activists to focus on improving the living standards of the poorest, especially the poorest 40%.
        According to calculations, if the standard of living of the poorest layers in the UK is raised to a similar standard in France, then the annual growth of national income or GDP will increase by 0,3% every year for 25 years.
        And this is not at all as small as it might seem at first glance. This corresponds to an increase in the current GDP growth rate of 13%.
        No increase in labor productivity justifies such a change in the ratio of incomes, experts say
        One of the most famous commentators on inequality, Professor Joe Stiglitz of Columbia Business School, told the BBC that in his opinion, the problem is not only a lack of education.
        "As we can see over the past 15 years, even for holders of higher education degrees, income is stagnant. The real problem is that the rules of the game are drawn up for the benefit of monopolists, corporate leaders," says the expert.
        “Today, a director of a large company can receive, roughly speaking, 300 more than an ordinary employee - and once this difference was 20-30 times. No increase in labor productivity justifies such a change in the ratio of incomes,” the professor is convinced.
        The OECD averages conceal a noticeable spread in degrees of inequality within each individual country.
        1. +4
          7 July 2015 08: 55
          The Gini coefficient is a statistical indicator that reflects the stratification of society in a country with respect to income received. It varies from zero to one. Zero would mean that absolutely everyone is paid the same amount; unit - if all the money went to only one person.
          Accordingly, the closer this coefficient is to unity, the higher the concentration of income in the hands of individual social groups.
          U.S. revenue stratification is one of the highest among developed countries
          The average size of the Gini coefficient in OECD countries is 0,32. The highest level is observed in Chile - 0,50, which indicates the largest inequality in the distribution of income. The lowest indicator - 0,25 - is recorded in Denmark, which puts it in first place in terms of equality.
          Britain and the United States are among the countries with the highest Gini coefficients - 0,35 and 0,40, respectively.
          One of the report's authors, Mark Pearson of the OECD, told the BBC: “When we talk about extreme concentration, we mean more than just income. If you look at the overall welfare of households, you can see that the poorest 40% of the population in rich countries own only 3% of all wealth, while the wealthiest 10% hold more than half of all wealth. "
          “Thus, we see that both income and wealth are extremely concentrated. This means that in many societies there is no equality of opportunity, and this slows down our growth,” the researcher sums up.
    3. The comment was deleted.
    4. +2
      7 July 2015 09: 26
      So what do we have: 1. Due to high oil prices, in the Russian Federation there was an opportunity for Russians to be ahead of inflation. Since the population was running out of money, approximately 20-30 million Russians had the opportunity to buy luxury goods, new televisions, refrigerators, telephones, real estate, travel to Turkey, Bulgaria, etc. Against this background, the service sector has tightened. Small business has grown. - I.e. let’s say that they pulled up that part of the economy that did not exist in the late USSR.
      2. In connection with the sale of oil, the producing cluster has risen, and this is the largest consumer of valves, etc. those. market for our half-dead plants. And oil is the only product (except titanium, woods, etc.) that they want to buy from us in the west (we don’t sell weapons to the west). The rest is just cheap. If it was possible to slip on the domestic market and for how much in three-roads, then the West requires quality and cheaper.
      3. Russia has attracted so much investment (not credit) that you are simply amazed, and business is booming. In this regard, a more liberal country is difficult to find.
      4. Distribution ... How, offer ...
      5. "the introduction of a reasonable dependence of the income of some social strata on the income of others." is a utopia. The slogan (in German) is a solution. "Layers" - how's that? How to measure "layer income"
      1. 0
        7 July 2015 10: 19
        All over metallurgy goes well abroad.
      2. +1
        8 July 2015 14: 46
        Penzuck. It is pleasant to realize that the younger generation began to think a little, not only in the field of view of their personal needs.

        You have not yet a systematic view of the area of ​​knowledge which you are concerned. However, there are no standards.

        Key to at least what a luxury item is. In any case, this is not a refrigerator or a telephone.
    5. +1
      7 July 2015 10: 15
      We have recently introduced "favorable tax conditions" for stores in Moscow - all stores over 50 square meters will be obliged to pay a tax of 60000 rubles per quarter, and a new article for communal services has appeared in housing and communal services - we have a major overhaul of 15 rubles per square meter every month, and it looks like all of Russia, I will pay all this without problems - but the rest.
      1. +5
        7 July 2015 13: 56
        Quote: Vadim237
        We have recently introduced "favorable tax conditions" for stores in Moscow - all stores over 50 square meters will be obliged to pay a tax of 60000 rubles per quarter, and a new article for communal services has appeared in housing and communal services - we have a major overhaul of 15 rubles per square meter every month, and it looks like all of Russia, I will pay all this without problems - but the rest.

        What will I pay? I have no work 8 (!) Months ... And those who work do not particularly prosper ... Salaries from 7 to 20 thousand, not counting the status salary-cops of about 30, officials of every kind ... City in 666 km from Moscow, you can of course go to Dmitrov for a construction site, build housing for New Muscovites ... But isn’t it normal to work in such a way semi-legally, half of the country, to serve megacities?
        1. -2
          7 July 2015 14: 20
          Now the most sought-after profession in Russia is the builder, in Moscow, in order to prosper, the salary needs 60–70 thousand.
          1. +3
            7 July 2015 15: 54
            Quote: Vadim237
            Now the most sought-after profession in Russia is the builder, in Moscow, in order to prosper, the salary needs 60–70 thousand.

            I know ... We have half the city finishers and bricklayers, though they work outside ... I'm not a builder, and I don't want to start ... Having left for another city, including Moscow, we need to rent an apartment (20 30 thousand for an apartment without repair) plus transport plus food ... And what will I bring home? As a builder ... This is not an option ... And the entire mass of the population should not be builders ... Moreover, without being officially registered, it is easy to throw a person in Moscow with the words "This is Moscow, baby!" ... And then you worked in vain for a month, and even incurred the cost of renting housing and living ...
            PS I studied in Moscow for 6 years, so I understand the psychology of Muscovites well ...
          2. +1
            7 July 2015 16: 22
            Sorry, but here I am a finisher, but I won’t go to Moscow for 60-70. I earn 50 at my place. Although it may be in other cities as well.
          3. 0
            7 July 2015 21: 01
            Of course, we cannot compete with the West. We leave only at the expense of hydrocarbons. Not one standing corporation that can independently earn money not only in the domestic market.
        2. +1
          7 July 2015 21: 00
          Yes, Moscow is parasitic at the expense of all of Russia. After all, in Moscow they really do not produce anything - offices are mainly. And they believe that in the regions you can pay a penny, raising your well-being.
          1. 0
            7 July 2015 21: 09
            In Moscow, you seem to have lagged behind more than 300 KB, research institutes, factories, factories and GDP of Moscow and the region more than two trillion rubles.
            1. 0
              8 July 2015 21: 55
              Quote: Vadim237
              In Moscow, you seem to have lagged behind more than 300 KB, research institutes, factories, factories and GDP of Moscow and the region more than two trillion rubles.

              If we are talking about Moscow as a metropolis, then of course there is both a production and scientific base ... Here people talk about Moscow as a federal center and as the head office of the main banks through which almost all of Russia's money passes ... Here also the head offices of many offices are located, where money also flows from branches, it is a financial center ...
    6. +2
      7 July 2015 14: 00
      The root of all this
      Whether the current political elite can give up its individual financial interests and put the interests of Russia, its stability and development above its own, or not, can the reduction of the social polarization of Russian society primarily depend on this.

      In short, in the bureaucratic relation to their own and state "pocket".
      The whip of the right choice can be either fear or conscience. So far, only fear clearly manifests itself, for in many instincts prevail over the development of the mind. How to turn around? I do not know...
    7. +2
      7 July 2015 16: 08
      Quote: ya.seliwerstov2013
      To move the problem of solving social inequality off the ground, industry needs to be developed, thereby reducing the country's resource dependence
      This will lead to a decrease in raw material dependence and the development of industry, rather than a decrease in inequality.

      The government needs to create favorable tax and investment conditions for honest business
      Honest business is about the same as icy boiling water.

      fairer distribution mechanisms
      But this is correct - everything depends on the distribution system.
      1. 0
        7 July 2015 21: 34
        I have an honest business - I produce parts and repair units; I pay all taxes and are always in profit.
        1. 0
          8 July 2015 00: 17
          Quote: Vadim237
          I have an honest business - I produce parts and repair units; I pay all taxes and are always in profit.
          Business, or individual entrepreneurial activity?
          1. 0
            8 July 2015 10: 47
            Business - I do more than one business, and I also have connections in the market.
            1. 0
              8 July 2015 13: 02
              Quote: Vadim237
              Business - I do more than one business, and I also have connections in the market.
              So hired workers work for you, the fruits of the work of which you alienate that there is legalized theft in half with extortion.
              1. 0
                8 July 2015 14: 55
                Since production is the lower stage of the food chain under capitalism
                (Upper cans). That producers receive minimal income, often balancing around zero. Therefore, we can assume that the receipt of income in the form of human exploitation by humans is minimal.
                1. 0
                  8 July 2015 16: 07
                  It depends on what and on what to produce - this is the "minimum income". As for the banks, they are now in not the best condition, accounts payable in Russia now amount to 12 trillion rubles.
                2. 0
                  8 July 2015 16: 44
                  Quote: gladcu2
                  Therefore, we can assume that the receipt of income in the form of human exploitation by humans is minimal.
                  This is earlier, compared with the current period, they were minimal.

                  And with the development of production automation, with a multiple increase in productivity, while maintaining the duration of the working day ...
              2. +1
                8 July 2015 16: 02
                What does legalized theft and extortion mean? - Who do I steal from and who do I extort from? - It’s you who went somewhere else - I’m generally an employer, the workers are registered according to the labor code, I pay them a white salary with all tax deductions and not with I don’t alienate anyone.
                1. +1
                  8 July 2015 16: 53
                  Quote: Vadim237
                  What does legalized theft and extortion mean?
                  That’s what it means.

                  from whom do I steal and from whom do I extort?
                  At their employees.

                  - It’s you who went somewhere wrong - I’m generally an employer, the workers are registered according to the labor code, I pay them a white salary with all tax deductions and I don’t alienate anyone from anything.
    8. 0
      7 July 2015 20: 18
      Today I read on topvar that the lands of the Far East are given for long-term lease !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !, although you can process it yourself and earn on it, creating jobs for our population. The Chinese do not rent their land and factories, but work, maybe not even for a lot of money, but on their own !!!! Well, of course, the lack of desire to work for OUR population as such. How will we get rid of the needle? ???????????????????????
      1. Alf
        7 July 2015 23: 21
        Quote: andrereu74
        And of course, the lack of desire to work for OUR population as such. How will we get rid of the needle ??????????????????????

        Who told you that our population does not want to work? Our population can and knows how to work, but it does not want to make money for the amount that employers pay.
        Example. In Samara, at the checkpoint of one of the factories, there is an application. Turners and adjusters-CNC operators no less than 5th category are required. Salary-20-25 thousand. A logical result, no one goes.
        But on the box every day they show meetings with Himself with one question - what to do to attract young people to enterprises? Look at those present, one surprise. Everyone with such honest and innocent eyes says, What to do, what to do, the mind is not applicable. The issue of normal wages is not raised ...
        Pay and the people will run to the factories themselves, but no, we'd rather put more margin in our pockets than pay. These "businessmen-economists" cannot understand one simple truth in any way - if the worker is paid the minimum, he will live, but he will not be able to buy goods in the store, from which the industry is stalled, there are no orders and production is curtailed.
        1. 0
          8 July 2015 15: 03
          Alf. And if you pay well, then Chinese goods will be cheaper.

          Conclusion, it is necessary to separate the ruble from dollar dependence and create a domestic market. Limit the influence of the external. For example, countries with a sovereign climate certainly have a lower cost of goods of the same type for countries with a cold climate.
          Well, labor.
    9. 0
      14 July 2015 18: 29
      Quote: ya.seliwerstov2013
      To move the problem of solving social inequality off the ground, industry needs to be developed, thereby reducing the country's raw material dependence.

      The whole problem of our poverty in the economic system .. this is the dominance of banking speculative capital, why do we need so many banks ..? belay ..response to the surface: - Money from the air. Until we change the way capital is accumulated from banking to production, the number of poor people will only increase and money speculators will only fatten. hi It’s very easy to put these fat cats in their place - This sets the bank’s profitability level to 6%, which is over 99% of the tax and they will burst like soap bubbles. But for this it is necessary to return our Central Bank under the jurisdiction of Russia, but these cats do not want this .. a strong-willed state decision is necessary, otherwise it is a trumpet. angry
  2. +14
    7 July 2015 05: 36
    In tsarist Russia, 3% of the population had all of Russia, now 4% have, progress is evident! Recently, data somewhere read in Russia 24 million people below the poverty line! I’m interested in the site. Are there people who own Gazprom shares? National treasure all the same .....
    1. +3
      7 July 2015 09: 49
      Quote: Igor39
      In tsarist Russia, 3% of the population had all of Russia, now 4% have, progress is evident! Recently, data somewhere read in Russia 24 million people below the poverty line! I’m interested in the site. Are there people who own Gazprom shares? National treasure all the same .....

      Well, what is the problem of buying Gazprom shares?) Another question is how much to buy them?) I doubt that people who can afford to buy a decent amount of shares are here. I know some who got money in 90's, now they are all so right and honest, and for them the main direction is the West, although you ask how it fits with what they stole they are silent)
    2. 0
      7 July 2015 10: 20
      I have Gazprom shares.
      1. +3
        7 July 2015 16: 04
        Quote: Vadim237
        I have Gazprom shares.

        I also had ... But this is not an option, to live on financial speculation and all kinds of monetary rent ... I can write many articles on the topic of salaries and general incomes of the population, including showing where social inequality grew from ...
        1) Some of the educated Jews greatly boasted of their education and believed that their contribution to the development of the country was greatly underestimated ... Those who really could have left for the USA and Israel, the rest served as a ram to overthrow the Soviet regime ... And where is all this "scientific Jewish elite"? The market, there is no scoop! Be creative! They created, robbed the country (Gus and Bereza), thinner Jews (from the "scientific elite") signed up to be gay and creative ...
        2) In our country, part of the administrative elite believed that their efforts were greatly underestimated and, together with nationalists, overthrew the "damned scoop" ... So what? They raised the price of their status rent, the rest of the result is the same as with the "Jewish intelligentsia" ... There are attempts to manage, salaries are higher than the sky, there is still no exhaust ... The work is mainly carried out by low-paid construction brigades, gaster, "scientific companies" and others...
        I can continue further, but for this I need to write some kind of essay ...
      2. 0
        7 July 2015 21: 07
        , Vadim, we all realized that you are a Moscow major. Leave the forum
        1. +2
          8 July 2015 09: 19
          Quote: THE_SEAL
          , Vadim, we all realized that you are a Moscow major. Leave the forum

          On the contrary, let it remain ... It can be seen how much the well-being and opportunities of a Muscovite are higher than the all-Russian ... Muscovites believe that cultural values ​​and other opportunities are due to them from birth - theaters, museums, parks and other achievements and opportunities ... Because out of "envy" the whole country is striving for Moscow (or has been striving for the last 40 years) ... And how poor the province is in this regard, although it is probably easier to accuse it of "envy" ...
          1. 0
            8 July 2015 10: 54
            Actually, I was born in Volgograd, then moved to Moscow, I have a business in Moscow, and in the Volgograd region I have my own production and repair base, for it I purchase CNC machines from Germany.
            1. 0
              8 July 2015 21: 51
              Quote: Vadim237
              Actually, I was born in Volgograd, then moved to Moscow, I have a business in Moscow, and in the Volgograd region I have my own production and repair base, for it I purchase CNC machines from Germany.

              Something is far from Moscow ... There are places much closer to production ... If we talk about logistics ... If in Germany, then what about sanctions? Or doesn’t it fall there? And the production of what?
              1. 0
                9 July 2015 21: 04
                Machines are not subject to sanctions - I produce parts - sliding bearings, fingers, structural elements to order according to the drawings - we repair drilling equipment, motors, automatic transmissions. And in Moscow I have 3 car services - a joint venture.
  3. +16
    7 July 2015 05: 38
    In general, this is of course an eternal dispute - how to make everyone happy? Unfortunately, this is still a distant and unattainable idea. Rushing to be known as a ussrist - but in those very good times, when Gagarin, when the satellite, when the whole country was living with great thoughts about great discoveries ... - this was a chance .... until the butts of some Western "friends" started to shake and they didn't start stuffing us with crap, Coca Cola, movies - about anything, and so on ...

    We didn’t have a movie! - we have a fact - a man flew into space! FIRST IN THE WORLD! This must not be forgotten. And this fact cannot be understated.

    People lived great ideas! People lived to discover planets! - And now!? - So far - Americans are amazed at the fact that we have algebra in the tenth grade of the school !!!!

    Arrived ..... Ege ... and Coca-Cola ....
    1. +6
      7 July 2015 05: 49
      Now look at how a country lives with dreams of great discoveries and, for example, one of the countries of "decaying Western capitalism" on the Scandinavian Peninsula, how strikingly different we are, it seems that we are much richer, and we have 24 million beggars, human self-interest is limitless, and we are like in Soviet schools, everyone was taught ...
      1. -3
        7 July 2015 10: 23
        In the US, the poor are much more than ours.
        1. 0
          7 July 2015 11: 44
          You are raving.
          1. -1
            7 July 2015 14: 22
            Not at all - in the US there are more than 60 million poor.
            1. +1
              7 July 2015 15: 12
              There, in the states, the population of over 300 million has already exceeded. Because the figure is this. We have 147, so half as much.
              But consider income too, and sovereign living standards.
              1. -3
                7 July 2015 16: 42
                But as a percentage of the population, they have a population of two more than ours, and the poor in three more than ours.
        2. +4
          7 July 2015 16: 48
          Quote: Vadim237
          In the US, the poor are much more than ours.
          In the U.S. below the poverty line (incomes below the subsistence level) live 14.5% of the population (data for the 13th year), and in the Russian Federation 15.9% (data for June 15th).

          But there is a tiny nuance: with a comparable cost of living, the poverty line in the United States is more than $ 1000 per month, and the poverty line in the Russian Federation is less than 9700 rubles.
          1. 0
            7 July 2015 21: 53
            There are already 60 million poor people in the United States along with the unemployed.
            1. 0
              8 July 2015 00: 22
              Quote: Vadim237
              There are already 60 million poor people in the United States along with the unemployed.
              This is apparently a new word in statistics - to combine the poor (who are the poverty criteria?) And the unemployed in one group.
              1. 0
                8 July 2015 10: 58
                Unemployed - obviously not rich.
                1. 0
                  8 July 2015 12: 59
                  Quote: Vadim237
                  Unemployed - obviously not rich.
                  In most cases, but not always.

                  Again, do not forget about the difference in the official perception of poverty of the Russian Federation and the USA: according to the criteria of US poverty in the Russian Federation only below the poverty line (and this, in fact, is not poverty, but extreme poverty), currently there are 115 million people (70% of the population), and the total number of poor (poverty of all categories) according to US poverty criteria is 139 million (95% of the population).
        3. 0
          7 July 2015 21: 07
          Quote: Vadim237
          In the US, the poor are much more than ours.

          Vadim, leave the forum and they tell you.
          1. 0
            7 July 2015 21: 55
            Who are you to me that would indicate.
    2. +2
      7 July 2015 13: 48
      Quote: DEZINTO

      We didn’t have a movie! - we have a fact - a man flew into space! FIRST IN THE WORLD! This must not be forgotten. And this fact cannot be understated.
      People lived great ideas! People lived to discover planets! - And now!? - So far - Americans are amazed at the fact that we have algebra in the tenth grade of the school !!!!

      Arrived ..... Ege ... and Coca-Cola ....

      People lived not just ideas. They lived under the Stalin multistructure economy, which c. Khrushchev poheril. And then it was not restored, because there was already no one.
      I ask you, study how the industry and agriculture and the service sector were delivered at the IVS.
      It was both public and cooperative and private.
  4. -7
    7 July 2015 05: 59
    As a rule, in the developed countries of the West five main layers stand out. The first is the elite.
    Where did you find the DEVELOPED WEST? author au .. completely inadequate ..?
    Bullshit and not an article!
    Social Equality WAS NEVER! No illusions needed. the control system is changing but not like people!
  5. 0
    7 July 2015 06: 28
    Nobody will do anything. After all, everything rests on the elementary decency of a person, which is completely absent from our so-called "elite". The explosion is guaranteed and will come in 2017. In an explosion, the country will be torn into two huge pieces, because outwardly enemies provoke Yekaterinburg and the surrounding area to revolt. Most likely, in Western Siberia there will be something like the "Rise of the Traitors". As a result: the Western part of the country itself, and the Eastern one by itself. And it is in these conditions that a new Tsar will appear, who will destroy the old system of parasites with iron and blood and will establish a new State, which will subjugate the whole World in the future.
    1. +5
      7 July 2015 13: 51
      Quote: Stelth1985
      Nobody will do anything. After all, everything rests on the elementary decency of a person, which is completely absent from our so-called "elite". The explosion is guaranteed and will come in 2017. In an explosion, the country will be torn into two huge pieces, because outwardly enemies provoke Yekaterinburg and the surrounding area to revolt. Most likely, in Western Siberia there will be something like the "Rise of the Traitors". As a result: the Western part of the country itself, and the Eastern one by itself. And it is in these conditions that a new Tsar will appear, who will destroy the old system of parasites with iron and blood and will establish a new State, which will subjugate the whole World in the future.

      Usually traitors and egoists in Moscow and St. Petersburg, and in Siberia - Patriots and collectivists.
      And we do not need blood and iron. We need truth and justice.
    2. +2
      7 July 2015 14: 12
      Quote: Stelth1985
      The explosion is guaranteed and will come in 2017. In an explosion, the country will be torn into two huge chunks, as externally the enemies provoke Yekaterinburg and the okrug to riot.

      Quote: Stelth1985
      a new Tsar will appear who will destroy the old system of parasites with blood and iron and lay a new State that will subjugate the whole World in the future

      You should talk to the New Communist .. sing, I guarantee .. you even have intonations similar belay

      Quote: Vasya
      Usually traitors and egoists in Moscow and St. Petersburg, and in Siberia - Patriots and collectivists.

      Well, don’t do so about Moscow with Peter .. not all of these are there .. earthworms wink
  6. +4
    7 July 2015 06: 53
    Remember when a revolutionary situation develops? "When the upper classes cannot, but the lower classes do not want ..." And so. Our "upper classes" can still, but the "lower classes" do not understand what they want. And the "lower classes" have no organizing element ...
    1. +3
      7 July 2015 14: 53
      The authorities are now cunning, learned by experience (with their own 1991-1993, coup d'etat), everyone who could lay claim to organizing power, in prison, liquidated or bought.
      We need a new reactionary methodology. Preferably anemic.
      Rather, it is now the other way around: the upper classes do not want, and the lower classes cannot (for the above reason).
      But there is also something else. The revolution is done either from above or from below. As we understand, from below will be "to the foundation, and then, we are ours, we will build a new world ...". There is no alternative.
      No one will be saved, neither people nor capital.
      There will be an exact repetition of a hundred years ago. That is why the enemies of the people and the holders of the gesheft in the country's leadership, they really do not want a global war, will give an impetus to "uncomfortable questions with partiality."
    2. Alf
      7 July 2015 23: 24
      Quote: moskowit
      And the "lower classes" have no organizing element ...

      There are few real rioters, and there are no leaders.
  7. -3
    7 July 2015 07: 02
    I’ll tell about myself. My view of my world, which is called the Motherland.
    I am generally satisfied with the power that exists in the country and with those social conditions.
    I have no time to go to the marches of those who disagree ... I also have no time to go to the marches of those who agree. I work. I have such an unprepossessing excuse for my low "social activity", but I am such an "irresponsible", "not social", etc.
    I get not pay, but wages. From 8 to 19 I'm at work. In addition to the RFP, I carry out third-party orders, sometimes on behalf of the employer (with the payment of the corresponding%), sometimes as a private person. In short, there are also part-time jobs, and for this very reason, I have no time to yearn for better lives and it is possible (but rather the way it is), I am pleased with the power that exists in the country and with those social conditions I’m generally satisfied, because I can let live!
    Probably I will never understand poverty (no, of course there are exceptions when people are disabled), I mean that poverty when two capable parents cannot feed two or three children, or even more so themselves. Questions "What are you doing to live better?" and "Why do you disdain to work as a laborer?" or "What keeps you in this particular region if you have nothing?" always stumble upon a dull wall of misunderstanding or a mountain of excuses and "good" reasons. But it is precisely such people who always have claims to power and to the conditions of life ... Apparently they just have a lot of free time to suffer because of this and it is possible (and most likely the way it is) because of this they are so poor ... Everyone is waiting for a wizard in a blue helicopter, who will arrive and show a movie for free and bring a bag of popsicles inapplicably. And the funny thing is that these people have an obligatory phrase in their claims to the authorities "where do my taxes go ?!" Well this is really funny to be honest.
    Many people are accustomed to live like everyone else during the USSR, without doing anything. Ballast people, parasitic people.
    Most often, if you ask such people the question: "Do you agree to the introduction of responsibility for parasitism?", Such a layer will answer categorically "NO!"
    What else is there to add?
    1. -8
      7 July 2015 07: 24
      And to add there is even that:
      My best friend, the director of the plant, an analogue of the efficiency factor of the times of the USSR (not the owner, but the manager). So the trouble is for a person, for an 8 hour working day and for a salary of 50 tr. (white, salary, social package, etc.) cannot find local workers. Either they drink, or "not for that they bloomed like that all their lives, to breathe dust and get their hands dirty." For three years I disdained the work of brothers from the sunny republics, but the next year I decided to think about it. three more will soon be fired for truancy and drunkenness.
      I myself am the chief engineer-technologist in the design organization, for the second year now I have been looking for specialist technologists, ZP from 90 tr. (naturally, all conditions) and as you probably already guessed - there are none! They say a little pay!
      They were spoiled by the salaries of foreigners on the Sakhalin-1, 2 projects. You can’t lure a gingerbread man, and it is impossible to compete in the RFP with them. They also looked for our OK in the country, they don’t want to move like that, they say we saw your Sakhalin ...
      Where is all this Russian poverty? Show me? What kind of unemployment if wild personnel shortage?
      1. -18
        7 July 2015 07: 50
        That's right! Poverty, if any, is solely from laziness. Even people with disabilities sometimes live better than healthy loafers.
        1. +4
          7 July 2015 11: 24
          Poverty, if any, is solely from laziness.

          Again, it became even interesting to me in which country I live, because after reading the above written comments I realized that one of us is not from the Russian Federation (excluding both capitals). If on Sakhalin 90 thousand I still understand, well, a very specific region + all kinds of subsidies, then the record about laziness just touches me, because ZP 90 (ninety thousand) well, that’s a lot - a lot of decent people with higher education and work experience do not even dream about this, and around you there are some drunks and homeless people.
          1. +1
            7 July 2015 17: 12
            Quote: user
            If on Sakhalin 90 thousand I still understand, well, a very specific region + all kinds of subsidies, then the record about laziness just touches me, because ZP 90 (ninety thousand) well, that’s a lot - a lot of decent people with higher education and work experience do not even dream about this, and around you there are some drunks and homeless people.
            The average salary for 10 percent groups of employees of organizations in the whole of the Russian Federation (April 2013)

            1 - 6183,3

            2 - 9714,5

            3 - 12893,3

            4 - 16074,8

            5 - 19456,3

            6 - 23344,3

            7 - 28262,0

            8 - 35089,5

            9 - 45934,4

            10 - 97575,5


            From 2013 to 2015, the average nominal salary increased by 2000 rubles.
      2. +2
        7 July 2015 08: 02
        foolish chtol. you're not looking for managers. now with really able people to work tight in all areas. unfortunately, among young specialists there are few suitable, mostly just fingers bent, but nothing about the case.
        1. +2
          7 July 2015 10: 29
          Everywhere people with experience are needed, but without experience there is no way.
          1. 0
            7 July 2015 16: 13
            experience is one thing. but nobody has canceled studying in production. but they want it all at once.
          2. 0
            8 July 2015 16: 13
            You must be able to work with those who bend their fingers.

            The heavens themselves swelled their cheeks. Give them a specialist. Specialists need to be taught.

            Are you out of your mind? Even under the USSR, with that system of vocational training when hiring, there was a system of mentors. Which by the way, not only for the honest word of youth taught.
      3. +6
        7 July 2015 09: 04
        Oh there is no one who wants so on such conditions? I’ll say honestly that I don’t believe you. Either retelling a common tale or not saying anything. Please do not be offended by such categoricalness.
      4. +7
        7 July 2015 10: 25
        I am generally satisfied with the power that exists in the country and with those social conditions.

        Now a little different point of view.
        I will not discuss the power existing in the country ... Here it is either good, or nothing.
        Social conditions are not categorically satisfied!
        It is completely incomprehensible what you mean by "social conditions"? Maybe I'm mistaken in something, but it seemed to me that it was: medicine, education, retirement benefits, housing, etc.
        It makes no sense to talk about social medicine, if nothing changes, then it will live out its last years. Then EVERYTHING for money, and absolutely everything, as in "civilized Europe".
        About education:
        For the second year now I am looking for specialist technologists, RFP from 90 tr (of course, all conditions) and as you probably already guessed - there are no such

        I won’t even add anything ...
        About retirement benefits: liberal pension reform collapsed safely, and then - raising the retirement age, reducing the amount of payments. It cannot be otherwise; miracles do not happen ...
        About social housing ... also silent.
        So what do you think "social conditions"?
        From 8 to 19 I'm at work.

        And then:
        I can afford to LIVE!

        How and when?
        Well, in the appendage:
        I guess I'll never understand poverty

        God forbid, of course, but as the proverb says: "From prison, and from SUMA - do not renounce."
        PS I work. Specialist, salary - God forbid everyone. Additional income. This is if there are suspicions:
        Many people are accustomed to live like everyone else during the USSR, without doing anything. Ballast people, parasitic people.
      5. +3
        7 July 2015 10: 52
        Quote: born_in_cssr
        I myself am the chief engineer-technologist in the design organization, for the second year now I have been looking for specialist technologists, ZP from 90 tr. (naturally, all conditions) and as you probably already guessed - there are none! They say a little pay!

        It is not surprising that the specialist needs to rent an apartment with you, this is a third on average, another third will be spent on monthly expenses - food and stuff, the prices are by no means low in Sakhalin, and for the remaining 30000 he should work for you, but why, for this money is a specialist and will find work in his city
        1. 0
          7 July 2015 11: 38
          Quote: rosarioagro
          and for the remaining 30000 it should work for you

          100% agree.
        2. The comment was deleted.
      6. +2
        7 July 2015 11: 41
        Quote: born_in_cssr
        I myself am the chief engineer-technologist in the design organization, for the second year now I've been looking for specialist technologists

        You need to grow your own ... send to study - and all modern businessmen, but managers want to get a specialist for free.

        Train, and if you are afraid that you will teach and he will leave, where he will be better appreciated, so evaluate yourself so, then they will not leave.

        There is one more thing ... there are few specialists, so all businessmen and managers need to spend on training - then there will be more specialists.

        Although it’s clear that the cunning guys divorced among you (there are a lot of leaders, businessmen) - like let someone teach, but I will entice. You’ve been looking for two years ... it leads to certain thoughts ...
      7. The comment was deleted.
      8. 0
        7 July 2015 20: 32
        I have a seller's salary "count the education level of a technical school" 1660 € = 102920 rubles net / month, this is in a finca, a country where oil, gas is dumb.

        Draw conclusions.
      9. +1
        7 July 2015 21: 13
        "Born in the USSR" it would be better if you dried up on your panties.
      10. +1
        8 July 2015 15: 48
        I did not think that technologists born in the USSR had such a low level of at least common sense.

        Question to your boss. This is on what advice he managed to open production where there is no labor.

        And now, directly to you, a respected technoglog. Question?

        You yourself, as a technoglogist, probably also "stopped catching mice"?

        What is difficult to organize a promising workforce for a good salary? You "burn the guy". Yes, even in Tmutarakan. As easy as two fingers on the asphalt.

        You decided to attract Tajiks? Temporary workers on cnc? Correctly?

        Do they have any cnc experience? Heh heh heh

        The CNC elementary knocker learns in 2 weeks. Advanced, able to adjust the processing process. Opit, 2-3 years.

        CNC operator who knows how to make custom products for at least 5-7 years. There are not many of them. 15 percent.

        Something you, weak technologist.

        Write the right ads and post to the right audience.

        And do not forget that the best times were when you were born. Ahead is only sheer uncertainty.
    2. +3
      7 July 2015 08: 30
      I just want to clarify: almost all theaters start performing at 19 p.m., you just finish work. That is, you don’t have time to go to the theater. But what kind of life is it if you don’t go to the theater? I calculated that it takes you a lot of time to work. When do you live? On vacation, on weekends and holidays? Or is work is life?
    3. +4
      7 July 2015 09: 19
      Dear Born_in_USSR. Two capable parents in a poor family will feed their two children. So? Everyone has heard about Maslow's pyramid, but no one remembers when it is necessary. Failure to satisfy other needs also leads to the inheritance of poverty. And questions from the category "What keeps you in this particular region if you have nothing?" extremely superficial. First, it is the restriction of freedom of choice, one of the key aspects of a person's formation. And secondly, it is also only at the level of the base of the pyramid that I mentioned above.
      1. dmb
        7 July 2015 12: 06
        To be honest, the "born" does not cause respect in me, and I do not want to dissemble out of politeness. It is not the first time and not only that a vile thought has been pushed through them: all are idlers, but only he is a hard worker. Based on what he also wrote, he is also a slacker in comparison with Deripaska, Yakunin's athletes-Rotenberg. Or the bandit-President Kadyrov, because their well-being is clearly greater than his.
    4. +3
      7 July 2015 21: 12
      I have a university degree and I also work. But prices have gone up twenty times. For some unknown reason, gasoline rises in price, dragging all other prices along. Why is gasoline expensive? And the salary is not very much increased. And the little that I could afford 1 year ago, I can no longer afford it. And what about the state employees? Teach children during the day, or unload wagons at night? And how long will it last? Therefore, "Born in the USSR" go on plowing until you close your eyes.
  8. +5
    7 July 2015 07: 16
    And where is the mention of the progressive taxation scale, which is systematically drowned in the State Duma by the vertical of power at the head of EdRo at the direction of GDP ......
    1. -12
      7 July 2015 07: 51
      Love for a freebie is ineradicable! Take and share !!!
      1. +12
        7 July 2015 09: 17
        "Love for freebies is ineradicable! Take away and divide !!!"
        That’s exactly what the officials close to the authorities did, robbed and divided the people, and became alligarchs. And the majority of the people, as they were nothing, remained so. And they get drunk from the fact that at first there’s no time left for another vacation, and then it’s already late, it’s already alcoholism. It is no secret that many great actors drank themselves, and after all, they were not poor and could afford a lot.
        The Russian people have a different mentality, they need growth, achievements, like in a war, medals for merit, and when you plow for uncle, and in response to just nit-picking and talking about a difficult financial situation, sooner or later apathy appears, and after it and depression, with all those wiping out .... (we are not Chinese, to rejoice at the fact that we are involved in the production of iPhone (we don’t need bread, give us work)).
    2. 0
      7 July 2015 20: 58
      In a country with resources like in Russia, the existence of a tax is generally in doubt, why?
  9. -6
    7 July 2015 07: 19
    “The temptation for end-time Christians will be a high standard of living. The Bible warns that end-time Christians will be indifferent, prosperous, rich, and need nothing. There is no evil in prosperity and well-being in and of themselves. Most of the biblical patriarchs were rich people. . ...
    In my vision, I saw how Satan appeared before God recently, just as he did, according to the Bible, to speak against Job. But this time he comes to ask permission to test the Christians of recent times.
    Here is what I saw:
    And the Lord said to Satan: “Where did you come from?” - Satan replied: “I wandered the earth and watched the last Christians.” And the Lord said to Satan: “Have you paid attention to the Christians of the last days, how faithful they are, how honest they are, how they fear God and love Christ? How do they try to avoid your crafty nets? ” Then sata * answered the Lord: “Yes, it is, but remove from them the fence with which you protected them. Job did not leave you being poor, but give all Christians of the last time blessing and prosperity, much more than Job, and then you will see what happens. Make them all rich as Job. Build them new luxury homes, give them great cars, as much money and technology as they need. Showers with cottages, motor boats, travels around the world, elegant clothes, exotic food, land holdings and bank savings. Look what will happen to Your last Christians when they become satiated, rich, surrounded by all blessings and not in need of anything. They will leave God and become selfish. ”
    I see how cars, motorbikes, clothes, and all kinds of material goods become a greater obstacle for Christians than drugs, sex or alcohol. I see how thousands of Christians are connected and controlled by things. They are so immersed in practical materialism that they become indifferent, blind, weak-willed and spiritually naked. Moreover, amid their prosperity, they are unhappy and completely unsatisfied.
    In my vision, I see Satan retreating, laughing cheerfully: “Look at these money-obsessed Christians, at these discharged pigs * to her! Stung by a security bug! Making a ton of money! Buying all new furniture! Acquiring more cars - two, three! Buying, planting, selling, getting married and getting divorced! This ruined the generation of Lot. This will also befall them!
    Take a look at all well-earned, comfortably living, well-fed Christians, how lazy and indifferent they are, made easy prey. Pour it all on them! Let many of them stumble on this. It will make my job easier! ”
  10. +1
    7 July 2015 07: 23
    I personally feel more pity for not those whom the author despises - the poor. And the rich. I just know a little of what is happening and why on Earth, and I feel sorry for becoming rich. The generation of Lot (Sodom and Gomorrah) was not completely destroyed by blueness. More terrible things were going on there. The same as now. It was forbidden to help the poor, to serve the poor. Money was considered a measure of value and success. And others are the same nasty things. Like now. And the result will be similar.
  11. +1
    7 July 2015 07: 31
    Whether the current political elite can give up its individual financial interests and put the interests of Russia, its stability and development above its own, or not, can the reduction of the social polarization of Russian society primarily depend on this.... one of the main issues ...
    1. +2
      7 July 2015 11: 39
      can’t! because it’s not profitable for them ... their own pocket will become worse.
  12. -9
    7 July 2015 07: 34
    Here we are discussing, discussing ... The article has a lot of bukaff and smart words ...
    I cannot rank myself among the rich. I work now as an engineer, my wife is maintenance (does not work) and two
    children. Mortgage apartment. It's hard to live, but I'm getting out ... I personally know a few dollars
    millionaires, and often communicate with them. No animosity and class animosity! Most likely because
    these people work the same, and more than mine! Believe me, come to the dying collective farm, or factory, ten years
    manage it, raising, taking care of the workers, helping them- hard work! There are a lot of such people!
    Of course, there are many majorities, but there are more workers! Of course, among the richest, there are few who have made a fortune with a hump, but among people with incomes from several million to several tens of millions.
    most! The problem is not these rich, the problem is us! What are we doing so as not to be poor!
    1. +11
      7 July 2015 07: 39
      Personally, I have been working on my research for 29 years. And there is no money. There is a work. There is a result. But there is no money. And I will say bluntly - I still have not met any of the dollar millionaires who would have earned their million themselves. All whom he met were criminals. So lucky. And about the one who is there and what allegedly raised from millionaires - do not lie to me. Millionaires do nothing themselves. They hire people like me, who raise their production. I myself withdrew 2 plants from bankruptcy. And therefore I know what I'm saying. All millionaires and billionaires are liars when they lie that they themselves are doing something.
      1. 0
        7 July 2015 10: 35
        Not all millionaires and billionaires are thieves and liars.
        1. +7
          7 July 2015 11: 05
          Quote: Vadim237
          Not all millionaires and billionaires are thieves and liars.

          I agree. According to probability theory, there should be no thieves and no liars. Just apparently I did not come across in life.
          1. +2
            7 July 2015 11: 47
            And do not fall.
          2. -1
            8 July 2015 10: 18
            Quote: Denis_469
            Quote: Vadim237
            Not all millionaires and billionaires are thieves and liars.

            I agree. According to probability theory, there should be no thieves and no liars. Just apparently I did not come across in life.

            So everyone thinks who in life is not capable of achieving anything himself. This diagnosis is simple - envy. laughing
        2. +3
          7 July 2015 11: 59
          Quote: Vadim237
          Not all millionaires and billionaires are thieves and liars.

          Not everything is possible among millionaires. But billions ... you honestly can't make it. Samso the concept of "making money" does not fit billions
          1. 0
            7 July 2015 14: 40
            In general, the capital of a rich person is measured by the value of property, and not purely by the amount of money, let’s say its production has risen several times and the person has become a billionaire in terms of property ownership, but he continues to produce products and what comes of it, that he is a thief and a liar?
            1. Alf
              7 July 2015 23: 36
              Quote: Vadim237
              In general, the capital of a rich person is measured by the value of property, and not purely by the amount of money, let’s say its production has risen several times and the person has become a billionaire in terms of property ownership, but he continues to produce products and what comes of it, that he is a thief and a liar?

              Mr. Prokhorov, the owner of factories, newspapers, ships, also bought his company at a residual value, roughly speaking, at the price of walls, then he calculated the reserves of materials, equipment, manufactured products, contracts and now he honestly says that he increased production several times .
        3. Alf
          7 July 2015 23: 32
          Quote: Vadim237
          Not all millionaires and billionaires are thieves and liars.

          Name at least one millionaire and billionaire "not a thief" and let him tell you how he made his fortune.
      2. 0
        8 July 2015 10: 15
        Quote: Denis_469
        Personally, I have been working on my research for 29 years. And there is no money. There is a work. There is a result. But there is no money.

        So if you want money, then you can change jobs, why so torment it?
        . They hire people like me, who raise their production. I myself withdrew 2 plants from bankruptcy.

        Something does not stick in your comment one with the other. If you are such an excellent business executive, who has taken out as many as 2 plants from bankruptcy, then why don't you open your own company, with such data you have every chance, or are you afraid that you will be ranked among the same thieves? The rest of your words are nothing more than unproven chatter, nothing more.
        1. 0
          8 July 2015 16: 30
          Victor m.

          One person will not be able to cover responsibility in case of failure of the project.
          A group of investors is being created. The person who heads the project should not only be a specialist, he must bear financial risks. Two in one is not a frequent coincidence. So new projects from scratch do not. Develop the old ones.

          Change work is very difficult. And to explain why, the same takes time. Try to guess for yourself. It may stop talking nonsense.
      3. +1
        8 July 2015 10: 28
        Quote: Denis_469
        All millionaires and billionaires are liars when they lie that they themselves are doing something.

        Denis, the word "everything" is a dangerous word. Be careful with him, or better forget him completely.

        To refute you, one example is enough. For example :

        Arkady Volozh was born on February 11 1964 in the city of Guryev, Kazakh SSR (now Atyrau) ... He graduated from the Institute of Oil and Gas named after I. M. Gubkin majoring in “Applied Mathematics” in the 1986 year. He was engaged in research in the field of processing large amounts of data at the Institute of Management Problems (IPU) of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR ... In 1997, Volozh took the first step to create a Yandex company - 10 servers with hard disks in 3 GB capacity were purchased on 1 thousand dollars, which were indexed all the contents of the Runet. The result of these investments was Yandex falling into the seven most popular sites of the Russian-speaking segment of the Internet in 1999 ... In March 2013, it entered the ranking of billionaires compiled annually by Forbes magazine, its personal fortune was estimated at $ 1,15 billion

        Quote: qwert
        Not everything is possible among millionaires. But billions ... you honestly can't make it. Samso the concept of "making money" does not fit billions

        The answer is a little higher. And, believe me, this is not the only example.

    2. +1
      7 July 2015 11: 47
      Or hopelessly stupid, or a liar of them are rich.
      1. 0
        7 July 2015 14: 49
        I have a friend, an entrepreneur, who makes 4 million rubles a year in net profit from repairing automatic transmissions - so for you he is also a thief and a liar.
        1. Alf
          7 July 2015 23: 39
          Quote: Vadim237
          I have a friend, an entrepreneur, who makes 4 million rubles a year in net profit from repairing automatic transmissions - so for you he is also a thief and a liar.

          Indiscreet question, does he pay all taxes or works in black cash? And how many social objects like a kindergarten for its employees does it contain? And how much does his workers pay and what is the turnover at his enterprise?
          1. 0
            8 July 2015 16: 22
            Of course, he pays all taxes as I do. It does not contain any social objects, in your opinion all entrepreneurs should keep social objects, then all these objects will become private property - these are the obligations of the state, we pay taxes just for that, he has only 16 people working of them 6 mechanics, they get 10000 rubles for the repair of the box, if the cargo is 20000 rubles, there is no turnover at all, because the salary is very good.
  13. +4
    7 July 2015 07: 37
    The education system is producing the poor. The tax system breeds the rich. Something to fix is ​​time.
    1. +3
      7 July 2015 07: 40
      And what was going to correct? This universe is so arranged that bad souls corrupt money. To morally decomposed and were rejected. Those who are not morally decomposed and are not ready for anything for the sake of money - money and are not tempted. Because it makes no sense to tempt those who are indifferent to evil.
    2. +2
      7 July 2015 11: 58
      Quote: Mikhail M
      The education system is producing the poor. The tax system breeds the rich. Something to fix is ​​time.
      I do not think that the education system is producing the poor. Government domestic policy spawns them
      1. +6
        7 July 2015 13: 05
        The higher the education, the more you realize that you won’t honestly become a millionaire, and even more so a billionaire. But to an uneducated stupid cattle it’s very easy to suggest that you need to plow and plow and you will become fabulously rich.
        PS The horse plowed the most on the collective farm, but did not become chairman ...
  14. +18
    7 July 2015 07: 39
    Our country is great. But we have no luck with the rulers. Well, our leaders do not want us to live normally. I often ask myself the question: "If a war breaks out for whom (for what) should I go to fight?" for well-fed governors? For wealthy top managers of Rosneft? Or maybe life for the red-haired Chubais? Of course, my thoughts are seditious ... But I am an ordinary citizen of the Russian Federation, with my own problems and trying to somehow solve them. And my only dream is that the guarantor was really a guarantor, that officials would work for the people. I want a lot?
    1. +2
      7 July 2015 07: 43
      I myself once asked such a question. I asked God. The answer was: to fight for the country. But after the war, then it will be possible to throw off power if it is bad and does not care about the people. As it was in 1917. Then the situation in the country was similar, but history shows that no one is teaching history lessons.
  15. +13
    7 July 2015 07: 41
    First you need to ensure that the tomatoes sold by the farmer from the field at 10 rubles per kilogram in stores do not cost 120!
  16. +11
    7 July 2015 07: 54
    GDP has surrounded itself with thieving officials and the "elite" and he does not care about the people ... this can be seen from the corrupt courts where money and cronyism rule (for cops and officials), it is strange that urpatriotism on the essentially quiet servant of the oligarchs is off the charts!))
  17. +6
    7 July 2015 07: 59
    They did not fit into the market. Well, 10-15 pensioners will die. And you pick mushrooms. Whose words are Gaidar, Chubaisai Khakamada. The authorities have their followers, some words about privatization are new. There will be no sense until the power changes. Everything reminds the PKKM before the revolution of 17. Only here is the enemy at the gates. By the way, Rozov mentions the second cold war, which Russia blew and it all ended with the collapse of Russia
  18. +4
    7 July 2015 08: 25
    Of course, it’s hard to look at the low standard of living of our pensioners.
    However, it is prohibitively different ...
    Low living standards of people up to retirement age. With rising prices, a significant part of them turned out to be overboard. This is wrong.
  19. +10
    7 July 2015 08: 43
    The Communists were right that everyone was given a chance and could get a higher education, now you can’t get at least seven spans in the forehead without the support of education, you won’t get a good job without patronage. Russia is becoming a caste country. Although one thing is not clear, labor productivity is growing, more goods are being produced, and the standard of living remains at the level of living from paycheck to paycheck. And if suddenly the sheep are overgrown with hair, then they are sheared.
    1. 0
      7 July 2015 10: 41
      A market economy is such a thing in which the rich and the poor will always be.
  20. +4
    7 July 2015 08: 57
    "Elite", damn it ... - a thief on a thief, creature.
    Think they are immortal? I hope I will wait and personally hang.
    Russian bourgeois - choke in your blood! You will not wait for mercy.
    1. -3
      7 July 2015 09: 37
      And you didn’t ask yourself, how normal, honest people fell under the ice rink in 1917, and with whom then to raise the economy? A plumber, even a very good one, will not be able to manage a team and even more so a plant.
      1. 0
        7 July 2015 10: 29
        You are addressing the wrong way. These are questions for rulers who don’t want to do anything elementary. In addition, there are a lot of examples when simple people governed better, but is it somehow not available to you?
      2. +3
        7 July 2015 10: 56
        Quote: screw cutter
        A plumber, even a very good one, will not be able to lead a team, let alone a plant.

        Non-commissioned officer Zhukov became a marshal, the staff of which there was subordinate to him
      3. +3
        7 July 2015 11: 56
        Quote: screw cutter
        And you didn’t ask yourself, how normal, honest people fell under the ice rink in 1917, and with whom then to raise the economy? A plumber, even a very good one, will not be able to manage a team and even more so a plant.
        Damn, and as soon as such an industrial breakthrough was made, that they defeated fascism and launched Gagarin into space. Probably imported effective managers from abroad? laughing lol
      4. 0
        8 July 2015 17: 40
        Screw cutter.
        You know, Darwin has a good theory. It seems like the strongest survives.

        And ISIS uses this theory to good use. The truth is somewhat subjective.

        Take an official. They put a commissioner to him. The clerk only works for food. Not the most diverse. The official’s first mistake. Indicative shooting. Take his deputy ...

        Over time, the number of officials decreases according to selection. Well, the commissioners go to a different set of activities.

        Darwin has such a joke of humor.
    2. +8
      7 July 2015 09: 38
      I can count about twenty of my friends who will join you, while the quote is on everyone's lips, I hear this more than once a week. People are embittered in earnest, the cruel injustice and humiliation got to the very best. And this is with the prohibitive resources in the country. The words of the LRR inspector that the people are armed in any way do not go out of my head. Another conversation with the current captain of the Airborne Forces, I quote - "I agree to be a sergeant in a punitive detachment to hang these scum." And everyone has the same words - "when will it start?" If the policy does not change, the Americans will have fuel for the Maidan, mark my words friends. If there is no change for the better, collapse cannot be avoided.
      1. -6
        7 July 2015 10: 45
        In Ukraine, similar words were spoken before, the result is known that they have achieved - it has become much worse.
        1. +2
          7 July 2015 11: 56
          You know, this stupid propaganda was invented by those who robbed us, like we are robbing you and you don’t rock the boat, it will be worse. Have you understood the essence of the conversation? Or will the misfortune of Ukraine improve our situation? These cheap horror stories are beneficial for anyone, don’t you bother? So stop sculpting a hunchback, no one wants us the fate of Ukraine, the meaning of the conversation is not about that if you do not understand.
          1. -2
            7 July 2015 17: 13
            "This stupid propagandos" happened a year ago in a neighboring country and became a harsh reality, we also have a lot of those who, with the help of hot heads among the people, are torn to power by the usual slogans, for economic prosperity, decent salaries, etc., but they are the same that sit in the government, with the help of the people, they will change the power and nothing will change, but to take away and divide this dead-end option. A market economy is a system in which there will always be rich and poor. And to improve our position, the country as a whole, there will be people who work and create - over 300 plants and factories were opened in Russia last year, which is an excellent indicator for me.
            1. Alf
              7 July 2015 23: 44
              Quote: Vadim237
              in Russia last year opened more than 300 plants and factories, for me it’s such an excellent indicator.

              Who owns these enterprises and where does the profit go?
              1. 0
                8 July 2015 16: 24
                Most of these enterprises belong to the state, the main thing is that they created new jobs and paid taxes.
                1. Alf
                  8 July 2015 21: 41
                  Quote: Vadim237
                  Most of these enterprises belong to the state, the main thing is that they created new jobs and paid taxes.

                  Just out of interest, list those enterprises that are created by the Russian state and belong to Russia.
        2. +3
          7 July 2015 16: 29
          A new bike has appeared ... Previously, trunks of clogged cars were trumped in yards, and now this. In Ukraine, everything was initially wrong. There was no popular revolution there and a point.
          1. +1
            7 July 2015 16: 46
            And no popular revolutions will be there anymore.
      2. UFO
        7 July 2015 11: 16
        Quote: Gromm
        Gromm (1)

        GDP - Thief Vova President. wink
  21. +2
    7 July 2015 08: 59
    Can the current political elite give up their individual financial interests
    This is the key phrase of the article and the problem in general. It is the wisdom and healthy instinct of self-preservation of the elite that forces it to make certain concessions and redistribute the total income between the elite and the people. The main difference between us and successful Western countries is the absence of dynastic elites. They are the ones who accumulate a sufficient amount of experience and wisdom to allocate part of the wealth for science, education, human capital development and maintaining the standard of living of the population. Our elite is most accurately characterized by the phrase: "I will sew a suit with ebb and flow to Yalta!" Therefore, wealthy Russians bought up houses in Nice, London, organized queues for Bentleys and Maybachs, and blew up the market for super expensive jewelry and luxury goods. Children of the new Russians are swaggering in luxury and do not think about real education and work every day at their parents' firm. The parents themselves, it seems, are going to live forever and do not think that they need to prepare a change for themselves. And they will be replaced by another, hungry and ambitious, who will again begin to sew a suit with an ebb. Therefore, they do not want to think about the development of science or education, or about investing in human capital and maintaining a decent standard of living in society. The state is partly to blame for this. Phrase: Do not renounce money and prison, said a long time ago, is now more relevant than ever, especially considering that the current legislation not only does not allow you to earn honestly, but also does not allow you to keep what you have. And if you know in advance that you still own something only because they have not yet reached you, then why all these troubles with science, population, development? Therefore, no one will remember at least 10 surnames of our homegrown dynastic elites, while Western dynasties are constantly being heard.
  22. +9
    7 July 2015 09: 10
    The main problem of poverty in the Russian Federation is a stupid and snickering government.
    Yes, like that abruptly, but truthfully.
    While someone sits in luxurious rooms and comes up with laws to prohibit torrents and knock more dough off people, someone sits on the street and thinks about how to live until tomorrow.

    If the government wanted to change something, it would change. And the excuses that everything should not happen immediately, but gradually, this is a stupid idea of ​​the real possibilities of the state.
    A vivid example of this is the USSR. Or rather, 1917. The government did not want to change the situation, well, people changed. And they did it quickly.

    "Although one thing is not clear, labor productivity is increasing, more goods are being produced, and the standard of living remains at the level of living from pay to pay"
    Well, do you think, what money do officials use to drive good European and American cars, and not a pathetic parody of a carriage made in the Russian Federation. If ours was so good, then they would drive ours, otherwise advertise huge they can do customs duties on normal cars, but they cannot make a normal car. Is it really that difficult? Why in Europe people can afford Mercedes and BMWs, Land Rovers, etc. technology, and we are not in a "superpower"? Even in Africa, Mercedes do not cost as much as in the RF. Stranno, isn't it?
    1. UFO
      7 July 2015 11: 19
      Quote: Vladimir.
      The main problem of poverty in the Russian Federation is a stupid and snickering government.

      Have you thought about the world's Jews? Who have "our" Jews, from the government, in service. hi
    2. +1
      7 July 2015 15: 12
      The cost of BMW and Mercedes cars is no longer to the government, but to our dealers, they are two and three times higher prices, in market conditions the seller sets the price - this is with all the goods, each layer of the population has its own goods, at a cost - a market economy is not fair, and there’s no way to get away from it.
  23. +5
    7 July 2015 09: 11
    No ... social inequality is akin to slavery in some way. In the 21st century.
    And many feel this oppression of reality.
    Including me.
  24. +6
    7 July 2015 09: 17
    In short, for a handful of people, power has already created COMMUNISM, they have everything, but they forgot about ordinary people, as a result of the collapse of the ruble, 22,9 million, RUSSIANS, according to statistics, they live below the poverty line, but about the fact that they come to Sakhalin I’ll say the following, but many do not want to, because they will get the same level of income, here is an apartment, some way of life, and there is zero and a salary of 90 thousand and prices are three times higher than on the mainland, that’s ZERO. Stability, equality, confidence in the future are important for people, and comfort for people and business, as well as the whole economy, is in our domestic policy, and it doesn’t say about the professionalism of our government, so our job is to work and create. create surplus value and it is a matter of power to THINK and create CONDITIONS, not to cut, share and talk (engage in boltology).
  25. +3
    7 July 2015 09: 27
    ".. Will the current political elite sacrifice their individual financial interests and put the interests of Russia, its stability and development, above their own, or will they not be able to ..?" ..- a good question.
    Each work has a price. The distribution is probably unfair. Why is a museum employee or a librarian, a nanny, getting much less than a bank employee? But there is, as it is. The question is different. How to increase labor productivity and, accordingly, wages? It is necessary to force the owner to invest in production, employee training, improving working conditions. Yes, there is work, with salaries of 50-80 thousand, but there are no specialists. At our place, recruitment agencies run specialists who lure or buy over, and then resell. Nobody wants to train or teach specialists.
    1. 0
      8 July 2015 18: 09
      Around the world, colleague.

      But even if somewhere there are beginner experts, it is very difficult to get the first experience. By the conditions of the owner, the first test is almost out of the whole pocket.
      In conditions of unemployment, a vicious circle is obtained. It seems that there are specialists, but there is no salary covering the standard of living. And the standard of living is already miserable.
  26. -2
    7 July 2015 09: 32
    Puten and power are nothing at all. This is Obama
    guilty. and vile imperialists :-) :-)
    Ps. I wait -100500 of voices after all, right now on a twin of politicus.sru .......
  27. -10
    7 July 2015 09: 36
    It is necessary to thump less, work more, rest and acquire property to the best of your wallet, and not a loan, raise and educate children, never complain about fate and move only forward !!!
    1. UFO
      7 July 2015 11: 21
      Quote: Roust
      It is necessary to thump less, work more, rest and acquire property to the best of your wallet, and not a loan, raise and educate children, never complain about fate and move only forward !!!

      You say this to officials, governors and mayors of all sorts. laughing
      1. +7
        7 July 2015 12: 01
        Yes, such comments as Roust or these thieves bureaucrats themselves write, or their children are earplugs, a normal person will not give out such nonsense. He and his nickname are written in English, to see a fan.
    2. +11
      7 July 2015 11: 53
      Quote: Roust
      It is necessary to thump less, work more, relax and acquire property to the best of your wallet
      Do you really think that those who work at a factory or a bus conduit are bukhariks and credit fanatics ????? laughing negative Are teachers of the type simply losers? They also should learn to relax in Nice and work more ????
  28. +4
    7 July 2015 09: 47
    Until we change the unjust biblical concept of crowd- "elitism": divide, play off and rule, to a fair one: create and hello - inequality cannot be defeated. First, we need to decide how we will live (concept), and only then - how to achieve this.
    Plastering an existing concept is useless and harmful.
  29. +7
    7 July 2015 09: 49
    “... The fourth layer - the“ basic ”one - consists of the bulk of skilled workers, who, however, do not have higher education and cannot get into a higher social stratum due to being in less status positions. are high and it is impossible to consider them "social lower classes" ... "
    - I still read it and realized that the author is just a populist and has absolutely no idea about the life and working conditions of skilled workers, who not only don’t have the same income as stated in the article, but simply can’t find work anywhere by profession.
    1. 0
      7 July 2015 11: 13
      Would you classify a skilled worker with a salary of 40-60 thousand as "lower classes"? After all, his salary will be higher than that of a professor.
  30. +6
    7 July 2015 10: 16
    "Russian poor" ..... Almost ten million have an income below the subsistence level .... The data of the State Statistics Committee only for 2013 is on the official website .... they say that a quarter of workers are up to 10500r. receives a month .... salary has not grown since then, prices have skyrocketed ... We have pseudo patriotism rules! Someone wants to take something away from "us" (like oil-gas-resources) .. From whom? the people have nothing! The province is actually poor (although THIS is not under any European definitions of "poverty" simply does not fall) and everyone does not care about their people!
  31. +8
    7 July 2015 10: 20
    If you do not breed antimony. Short and easy to understand.
  32. +4
    7 July 2015 10: 30
    In my personal opinion, the solution of this issue requires meaningful State policy and political will on the part of the leadership of the State. The manufacturing sector of the economy and agriculture need legislative protection from intermediaries and banks parasitizing on them. The introduction of such mechanisms will simultaneously lead to an increase in the profitability of production (and, consequently, to an increase in the income level of citizens involved in the production sector) and a decrease in the cost of the final product. Regarding banking parasites, this is a different story. I do not understand the meaning of lending to industry working in the interests of the State with commercial structures at homeric interest. Ultimately, all this falls into the price and is paid by the State. It is also necessary to introduce the maximum multiple gap between the wages of management and employees (to encourage management to take care of subordinates). One of the pressing problems is housing. It is necessary to introduce quotas for construction organizations for housing construction (the ratio between elite and social housing), social. housing, it is necessary to establish the level of profitability and the need to justify prices (as in the implementation of government orders). In the fuel market, it is quite logical to oblige oil companies to process and sell part of the extracted oil (in%) on the domestic market, which will lead to the creation of new refining capacities and to a fall in domestic fuel prices with all that it implies. And of course, it is absolutely necessary (without this, all of the above is not possible) 1. establish a threshold for the amount of corruption crimes beyond which life imprisonment without the right, well, UDO. 2. Introduce methods (the most inhumane) that exclude the possibility of using the capital acquired unjustly not only by the villain but also by all his relatives throughout the world (if you like, you can call it: the ultimatum is villain). But it is unlikely that all this seems possible in view of the fact that Coca will firmly crush our hucksters and authorities (which is essentially the same thing).
  33. +1
    7 July 2015 11: 48
    "Accordingly, they, more often than not, do not have the proper social capital, cultural capital, or personal qualities and worldview guidelines," - nothing like that phrase ??? Like the poor are real trash? And goons are cultural, aristocratic, etc. layer???
  34. +2
    7 July 2015 14: 07
    But at the same time, one cannot deny the fact that, with effective external influence, the vast masses of the Russian poor can turn into a highly explosive contingent. Any anti-state forces interested in shattering the political and social order in the country can use the social discontent of the Russian poor. Moreover, these forces can raise the slogans of social justice, in reality not at all intending to put them into practice.

    I wonder how these forces differ from our government?
  35. +6
    7 July 2015 14: 09
    I remember a beautiful country. In it, the head of the country received 600 rubles, and I, a student construction brigade, at the age of 16, received 300 rubles a month for picking tomatoes. The rule is simple, the more the rich get, the less the poor get. Putin once announced this, and called on the State Duma to limit the salaries of civil servants and heads of state enterprises, so that their salaries do not differ many times from the national average ........ but you know the situation, we have blue blame, then mobile slavery, pedophiles, drunk drivers, now the best excuse "America attacked us." THE SEVENTEEN YEAR IS NOT OUTSIDE THE MOUNTAINS. think boobies.
    1. 0
      7 July 2015 14: 57
      In 2017, nothing will happen, but in 2018, something can happen in the presidential election.
  36. -6
    7 July 2015 14: 37
    In the country of victorious socialism, there was the same social inequality. However, it was sharper than it is now - a relatively average level of the majority and the top of the party apparatus with limitless possibilities and power. Frankly speaking, this construction (which is as close to communism as the current American system is to democracy) is no less than the fact of which the "equalizers" are dissatisfied today. At the moment of the highest tension of the forces of the Soviet Union - in the key stages of the Great Patriotic War, when ordinary hard workers died for their Motherland, when "the whole country" worked in the name of Victory, someone lived well for himself ... Therefore, no illusions - as long as there is greed , desire for profit, selfishness, in general, while a person will remain man social inequality is inevitable regardless of the declared political principles of the ruling elite. An increase in the level of income of an average household is possible only if the elites are directly interested in this. But "why should the elites be interested in this"? - the main question, which cannot be answered with a swoop.
  37. 0
    7 July 2015 14: 49
    No need to drive the blizzard about the apparatus. Although I was not a communist, I don’t need to shove my face where I was not. Or BARBOS himself a former commie? You might think that now we have power in the dining room along with the homeless .....
  38. -2
    7 July 2015 15: 37
    Oops It seems someone has stepped on a favorite callus.
    Firstly, Mr. Support, in order to talk about the face of the face, first remove yours from the salad bowl in which you fell asleep, and ventilate your brains after yesterday. What hurt you in my post? Commune I or not, was or was not - none of your business. If you could read, you would know that I did not praise the current government - I want to note. I say that the nomenclature of the party apparatus had enough privileges, and you can at least try to prove to me the opposite - I’m I know. I said the following - in the Soviet Union there was social inequality, which, unlike the current inequality, was built on a different principle - those who were in relatively high party positions had more power, benefits and privileges than those who were not. There are millions of documentary evidence of this. Therefore, do not drive the blizzard to you! Of course, today it is possible to yell that the mattress dumped us in 1993, because of which we, poor ones, have been engaged in the survival of 20 for years. However, one should not forget at the same time that at first there was a long period of idiocy expressed in an absolutely incapacitated parliament. more like a nursing home. Now it’s not fashionable to talk about it, but the beginning of the end of the Soviet empire was born there. So teach your kids, and I’ll somehow figure it out myself where to shove my face!
    1. +5
      7 July 2015 16: 33
      Quote: Watchdog
      If you could read, you would know that I did not praise the current government - I want to note.

      It’s enough that you simply don’t notice its shortcomings, while the USSR’s indiscriminately blame. And this is exactly the same.
      Quote: Watchdog
      I say that the privileges of the nomenclature of the apparatus were enough

      What - there were more of them than now or what? Or maybe "the same"? Just don’t try to prove it. It's not true. And the question here lies in a slightly different area. Soviet officials used these privileges on the sly without angering anyone. Now all this is on display like a red rag for a bull. Which in my opinion is one of the leading social irritants.
      Quote: Watchdog
      I said the following - there was social inequality in the Soviet Union

      Of course it was present and this is normal until it crosses certain boundaries. Some official or mayor should making money more than a dishwasher. It is obvious. This is normal. The only question is as far as more. How much, or rather, how much the incomes of the lower and upper classes in society differ greatly. In the USSR, this difference was approximately 10-15 times, which is quite normal. From the 70-80rub that the dishwasher received in a month, to the 1000-1500rub that the generals, the engineers of secret defense plants, government officials received. Now the difference is hundreds and thousands of times. And this is already NOT ok. When one drives a car, even only on wheels from which the other can accumulate after many years of hard work, denying himself everything. This is what leads to social explosions.
      Quote: Watchdog
      built on a different principle - those who were in relatively high party positions had more power, benefits and privileges than those who were not

      By the same principle. And so now. Only capital was added. And as I said, the question here is not the number of privileges or the difference in income, which in itself is normal. The question here is precisely in the difference all this for citizens of various social classes.
      Quote: Watchdog
      However, one should not forget at the same time that at first there was a long period of idiocy expressed in an absolutely incapacitated parliament.

      I agree with that. Communism as such ended over the years so to 70. And the same capitalism began, only with an external communist shell. Another thing is that there is nothing special about this. Any political system always has a balance between capitalism and communism. our old ones simply could not find this balance.
    2. +4
      7 July 2015 18: 02
      Quote: Watchdog
      I said the following - there was social inequality in the Soviet Union
      Engels was a thousand times right when he wrote: the concept of equality is a stupid and absurd prejudice in addition to the destruction of classes. The bourgeois professors for the concept of equality tried to expose us as if we want to make one person equal to another. In this nonsense that they themselves invented, they tried to blame the socialists. But they did not know by their ignorance that the socialists - and it was the founders of modern scientific socialism, Marx and Engels - said: equality is an empty phrase, if equality does not mean the destruction of classes.
      We want to destroy the classes, in this respect we stand for equality.
      But to pretend that we will make all people equal to each other is an empty phrase and a stupid invention of an intellectual who sometimes scrupulously grimaces, twists words, but does not have content - let him call himself a writer, sometimes a scientist and someone else .
      V. Lenin T.28 p .373

      By equality, Marxism does not mean equalization in the field of personal needs and everyday life, but the destruction of classes. At the same time, Marxism proceeds from the fact that the tastes and needs of people do not and cannot be the same and equal in quality or quantity, neither during the period of socialism, nor during the period of communism. Bourgeois writers eagerly portray Marxist socialism as the old royal barracks, where everything is subordinate to the “principle” of egalitarianism. But Marxists cannot be responsible for the ignorance and stupidity of bourgeois writers.
      t. 13 p. 357
  39. +2
    7 July 2015 16: 18
    Social inequality is a constant companion of the industrial model of production. Moreover, it is social inequality, when some have nothing to eat, while others have nowhere to put their money, and is the basis of the engine for the development of society based on the industrial model of production. So this can be considered a "norm".
    But only in Russia, which has the experience of 1917, is it really dangerous. And it will not be surprising at all if at the end of the year in the industrial centers it is necessary to suppress riots with "machine guns". However, this will not help.
    In fact, the uncontrollably widening gap between the rich and the poor is only a symptom of the disease. This is a common disease for the whole capitalist society. And Russia is not a unique phenomenon here.
    But what disease struck society if the economic model of "market relations" suddenly became inoperative? The answer lies on the surface, the existing economic model is simply not adapted for high technology production. The model simply does not work in an environment where production and scientific knowledge is worth more than machine tools and equipment. Moreover, the spread of knowledge-intensive production leads to the exclusion of huge masses of people from directly participating in production. It is these colossal masses of people excluded from production at a fantastic rate that fill the ranks of the have-nots and create the basis for such a social explosion, compared with which 1917 is "flowers". The share of people not employed in production has long exceeded 70%, and neither the capitalist nor the socialist economic model is capable of supporting such a mass of people not employed in production.
    This is called simply - a change in the historical formation. :))))))))))))

    If we accept this fact, then the way out of the existing social inequality and the impending social collapse becomes obvious. It is also traditional for Russia. ;)
  40. +2
    7 July 2015 16: 18
    Article +. Not in the eyebrow, but in the eye. And the most interesting thing is that under the conditions of Western sanctions, social stratification increases even more. All these sanctions fell on the shoulders of the common people. The incomes of large corporations (the same "Gazprom") and top officials did not decrease. At least they have not decreased.
    1. +1
      7 July 2015 17: 19
      Of course they didn’t decrease, they found new markets thanks to sanctions.
  41. +3
    7 July 2015 18: 07
    The bourgeoisie is its own gravedigger. So far, social inequality and not justice in Russia have not yet led to a social explosion. The people in their hearts hope for the president. Communists do not oppose the authorities, relying on the president. But no one canceled the class struggle, and if the ruling oligarchy does not realize this, the people's discontent, the critical mass can blow up society, and our "partners" will specifically push the country towards a social explosion. Dissatisfaction with their position among the people reaches a certain level, and the trials of Vasilyeva, Kovalev, Serdyukov show the face of the authorities and their concern for justice.
  42. +1
    7 July 2015 18: 17
    Yes, put at least forty minuses, for God's sake. If it was important! Only with this level of reflection will we sit for a long time in the swamp in which we are.
    I understood the mainstream:
    It used to be good. Now bad. It must be as before.
    Forward to the bright past.
    Or back to a brighter future.
    This is how you like it.
    Due to my stupidity, I do not understand such topics - "social inequality threatens the security of the country" ... but okay ??? true??? who would have thought!?!?
    Another threat is corruption, a drop in the level of education of the population, extremists, etc., etc., which always threatened. I say - it was before - under the king, under the general secretary, now under the president. Any ideas how to overcome this? It is interesting. The statement of facts is not interesting.
    Negative gentlemen!
  43. 0
    7 July 2015 18: 46
    An article about the polarization of society. We already know that. What is needed is not slogans, but figures showing social inequality, the criminal nature of wealth and the parasitic lifestyle of the "top".
    1. 0
      7 July 2015 22: 03
      What is needed is not slogans, but figures showing social inequality, the criminal nature of wealth and the parasitic lifestyle of the "top".

      What is most interesting ... there is absolutely no! No objective reasons for this stratification. All reasons are artificial.
      Well, or Neanderthals rule us. With a very narrow perception of the world.
      One out of two...
      Moreover, artificial reasons have nothing to do with art. Rather, it is a craft. Low-grade.
  44. +3
    7 July 2015 19: 46
    Quote: Brown
    Well, the 17th year is not far off, let's see, they say "history repeats itself" ... hi

    By and large, the country is not threatened by war, sanctions and Moscow “color revolutions.” -8 thousand, the rest - family income 13-15 thousand, and the average per capita (with children) - 20-5 thousand And it's getting worse and worse. The boiler is boiling, it will soon rip off the lid. And our city is not alone, there are dozens of them. And the authorities-side, just to fill their pockets. angry hi
    1. -1
      7 July 2015 21: 16
      If everyone would be on the side, then the country would no longer exist.
  45. +3
    7 July 2015 20: 41
    Boiling up!
    There is no justice.
    High bureaucratic positions are bought with money acquired by robbery, criminal past and scams. And then I "fight back" with kickbacks, fake tenders, etc.
    It is difficult to start a family for young people- housing !!!
    Knowledge in schools is random.
    Medical institutions are able to function only taking into account profitability. Although for health, this criterion is not applicable.
    In power, those who closed factories in the 90s, threw people out onto the street and equipment in metal, even removed floor plates from the shops (Peter), and now they will take care of the people's income?
    They need to have, an ignoramus, a menager, an obedient herd.
    Every year it’s getting worse, young people have become consumers, I’m confronted, every fifth person doesn’t know the birth date of his mother!
    Soon it will be very good !!!!
  46. -2
    7 July 2015 21: 32
    Throughout almost the entire history of human society social inequality remains one of the most acute problemswhose decision excites the minds of politicians and philosophers. In modern Russia the scale of social inequality is colossal.

    I did not even read further. The author’s desire to take all these problems to the gun is understandable, but he forgets that these problems are created by man himself, and people live not only in Russia, and who they are of nationality does not matter. Social inequality is a law of nature, natural selection. There are hard workers, there are parasites attached to these hard workers and living at their expense, and nothing can be changed, for that it is nature, the only thing is to change for yourself, and in which direction, everyone will decide for himself, individually.
  47. -1
    7 July 2015 21: 40
    The poor will still be, no matter what the authorities do - salaries for teachers, doctors, engineers can be doubled, but this will not solve the problem, with pensions the same thing - there’s not enough money for all.
  48. 0
    7 July 2015 21: 41
    If you just want to - you can fly into space!
    Another thing is what you have to sacrifice for this and what to step over.
  49. +1
    7 July 2015 21: 51
    The dispute about who will live well in Russia is eternal. Under the USSR, they also argued about this in the kitchens, they lived poorer, of course, but somehow it was cleaner, more serene or something. Now it is scary to think about tomorrow, and not only for the poor. My brother died at 64, a middle-class businessman, a former director of a plant, his heart broke down when the bank where he had the enterprise's money collapsed. What happened to us was something like this: we sat down to play the fool, and during the game the cunning partners decided to play preference, but we don't know how. All this privatization and bloody transition to capitalism contradicts the consciousness of the majority of the people who believe in justice. I think that this system will not last long, and the oligarchs who are rapidly taking their capital to the west understand this. The United States also does not like that the Russian Federation is raising its head, so war cannot be avoided, it will resolve all contradictions. As for the admiration of some of our liberals before European "values", it is the lot of fools to bow before someone. And what is there to admire? Well, a little cleaner, but in the same Spain (I was there last year) a beggar stands at each store with a can of beer and collects handouts. And this is in the center of Barcelona. Our homeless people live better. If our rulers do not solve the problem of the huge gap in the income of the population, then the population itself will solve this problem. We don't have England where they still pray for old Elizabeth.
    1. -1
      7 July 2015 22: 25
      The oligarchs are already not taking anything to the west, because recent events have shown that their money in Western banks is not safe.
    2. -1
      7 July 2015 22: 28
      Excuse me, but how will our population solve this problem?
  50. +1
    7 July 2015 23: 34
    Here is a good video on the topic - I advise
  51. 0
    8 July 2015 01: 54
    Despite the fact that throughout the world the most disadvantaged categories of the population have traditionally been unemployed and non-working people, in modern Russia a very large part of the poor are working citizens. At the same time, the wage level of the working poor may not exceed the subsistence level per capita. Thus, in Russia there are still wages in the amount of 5-6 thousand rubles, and they are paid to workers employed throughout the working day, including those who have a certain qualification.

    That’s the whole answer. People DO NOT PAY AND THEY ARE ROBBED. You just need to pay people and not steal the people’s, state’s, what goes to the country and is distributed to the people.
    What, do you think people wouldn’t work if they paid???? There are thieves and crooks all around, they steal, and then people have nothing to pay them with. And in general, failure to pay people for their work is theft.
    1. 0
      8 July 2015 10: 05
      Quote: Alex Danilov
      Despite the fact that throughout the world the most disadvantaged categories of the population have traditionally been unemployed and non-working people, in modern Russia a very large part of the poor are working citizens.

      You all love to discuss Russia. In Belarus, social equality is at its best, and everyone takes their example from you. So start with yourself
      That’s the whole answer. People DO NOT PAY AND THEY ARE ROBBED. You just need to pay people and not steal the people’s, state’s, what goes to the country and is distributed to the people.

      The standard phrase of a liberal is a loser working off grants, but you don’t have an answer on how to do this, well, unless you make a revolution. laughing

"Right Sector" (banned in Russia), "Ukrainian Insurgent Army" (UPA) (banned in Russia), ISIS (banned in Russia), "Jabhat Fatah al-Sham" formerly "Jabhat al-Nusra" (banned in Russia) , Taliban (banned in Russia), Al-Qaeda (banned in Russia), Anti-Corruption Foundation (banned in Russia), Navalny Headquarters (banned in Russia), Facebook (banned in Russia), Instagram (banned in Russia), Meta (banned in Russia), Misanthropic Division (banned in Russia), Azov (banned in Russia), Muslim Brotherhood (banned in Russia), Aum Shinrikyo (banned in Russia), AUE (banned in Russia), UNA-UNSO (banned in Russia), Mejlis of the Crimean Tatar People (banned in Russia), Legion “Freedom of Russia” (armed formation, recognized as terrorist in the Russian Federation and banned)

“Non-profit organizations, unregistered public associations or individuals performing the functions of a foreign agent,” as well as media outlets performing the functions of a foreign agent: “Medusa”; "Voice of America"; "Realities"; "Present time"; "Radio Freedom"; Ponomarev Lev; Ponomarev Ilya; Savitskaya; Markelov; Kamalyagin; Apakhonchich; Makarevich; Dud; Gordon; Zhdanov; Medvedev; Fedorov; Mikhail Kasyanov; "Owl"; "Alliance of Doctors"; "RKK" "Levada Center"; "Memorial"; "Voice"; "Person and law"; "Rain"; "Mediazone"; "Deutsche Welle"; QMS "Caucasian Knot"; "Insider"; "New Newspaper"