1050 years ago Svyatoslav squads defeated the state of the Khazars

1050 years ago, in the summer of 965, the great Russian prince Svyatoslav Igorevich defeated the Khazar army and took the capital of the Khazar Kaganate, Itil. The lightning strike of the Russian troops with the support of the Allied Pechenegs led to the collapse of the parasitic Khazar state. Russ committed a sacred revenge, destroying the Khazar "snake". The brilliant military victory of Svyatoslav strengthened the southeastern flank of the “empire of Rurikovich”.

Khazar threat

The fight against the parasitic state of the Khazars was the most important strategic task of Russia. The trade and usurious elite of Khazaria, who subjugated the Khazar tribal military nobility, held in their hands all the exits from Eastern Europe to the East. The Khazar state received huge profits by controlling transit routes.

The Khazar Khaganate represented a serious military threat to Russia. Archaeologists have discovered a whole system of stone fortresses on the right bank of the Don, North Donets and Oskol. One white-stone stronghold was located at a distance of 10-20 kilometers from the other. The outposts were located on the right, western and northwestern banks of the rivers. An important role in the construction of these fortresses was played by Byzantine engineers. So, Sarkel (Belaya Vezha) on the bank of the Don was built by Byzantine engineers led by Petron Kamatir. Yes, and strengthened Itil Byzantines-Romans. The Khazar state played an important role in the military-political strategy of Constantinople, holding back Russia. Sarkel was the main fortress of the Khazars on the north-western border of the country. It housed a standing garrison of several hundred warriors. Fortresses solved not only defensive tasks, but also offensive, predatory. In fact, these were the outposts put forward, as they were located on the right (west) bank, and not on the left (east), which would enhance their defense significance. These bridgeheads were used as cover for organizing attacks and retreat of the Khazar troops. Of them, small Khazar detachments committed predatory raids. Russian epics have preserved the memory of the Khazar attacks, so the epic “Fedor Tyarin” informs:

From the east was
From the king was Jewish,
From his power Yiddish
Arrived Kalena arrow.

The Khazars made campaigns and raids in the Slavic-Russian lands. Arab geographer Al-Idrisi reported that Khazar vassals regularly made raids on the Slavs, in order to steal people for sale into slavery. These were not just spontaneous raids, from time to time, but a deliberate predatory strategy on the part of the parasite state. In the Khazar state, the power was seized by the Jews representing the caste of rakhdonites (radanity). This caste of international traders controlled trade between East and West, including the Silk Road and other communications. Their influence extended all the way to China and India. One of their main "goods" were people. The slave clan worshiped the "golden calf" and measured everything in gold.

From the part of the Slavic-Russian-controlled tribes, the Khazars took tribute to the people. The Radziwill Chronicle reports that the Khazars took “according to the white girl with smoke” (from home ownership, a large family). And next to it in miniature, so that there was no mistake, they didn’t take it for a slip of hands, a group of girls and an elder are shown, bowing before Khazarin. By the time of Prince Svyatoslav, this tribute was almost not paid by the people, since Russia was united and strengthened. However, the Khazars continued to take people in full for sale into slavery during their raids.

At the same time, the Khazar elite represented a threat to the very existence of Russia - the Russian civilization. In Western Europe, Christian knights and mercenaries, whom Roman and Rahdonites established, fought with the Slavic-Russian tribes in the lands of modern Germany and Austria for several centuries (from there were the Vikings-Rus, led by Rurik-Sokol, the western branch of the Rus super-ethnos). Slavic warriors died in battles, and the invaders "wholesale" sold women and children to Jewish rakhdonite merchants who drove the "living goods" to the markets of the Middle East and beyond. This titanic and bloody battle lasted several centuries. The Slavic-Russian civilization of Central Europe, in which there were hundreds of city-towns, developed crafts and arts, died in fire and blood. The Slavic Russes were partly exterminated, some were gradually assimilated, they lost their language, faith and culture, became “Germans”. About this page stories in Europe they prefer not to remember. After all, a significant part of European civilization is built on the blood and bones of the Slavs.

Numerous Slavic cities, like Berlin, Dresden, Lipica-Leipzig, Rostock, Branibor-Brandenburg, became German cities. And many “Germans”, especially in the center and in the east of Germany, are genetic Slavs who have lost their language and cultures, their identity. According to a similar method of Russian, Little Russia is turned into “Ukrainians”.

The main reason for the tragic death of "Slavic Atlantis" in the center of Europe was the disunity of the Slavic tribal unions and their civil strife (especially the conflict between the Lutichis and the cheerful-wrestling). At the time of Svyatoslav, the battle in Central Europe was still going on. So Arkona - the city and religious center of the Ruian tribe on the island of Ruyan (Rugen) will be destroyed by the Danes in 1168 year. However, the Western Slavs were already doomed because of their disunity. Rome used the ancient strategy of "divide, poison, and conquer" against them.

The same fate threatened the eastern branch of the Rus-superethnos, Eastern Russia. From the West, Byzantium threatened, Rome was advancing, which would soon turn the western fields (Poles, Poles) into enemies of Russia. Khazaria threatened from the East, Islamic civilization was advancing from the South. Well-armed detachments of Muslim mercenaries of the Khazars were a serious threat. Only political centralization could save Eastern Russia. And the Falcon dynasty did an excellent job with this role. This is very symbolic, because the falcon rarog was a totem animal of the supreme god of the Slavic Rus, Rhoda.

All the first princes of the Rurik dynasty (Sokolov) fought against the Khazaria. The Russian prince Oleg Veshchy was able to take Kiev and withdraw from the Khazars a tribal union of the glades living in the Middle Dnieper region (Kiev region). There is a version that he was a victim of the Khazars. During the reign of Igor, Russian troops made a series of trips to the Caspian Sea. However, only Svyatoslav could solve the problem of eliminating the Khazars.

Army of opponents

Khazaria, although it had lost some of its power by the middle of the 10th century, was a tough nut to crack. The vassals of the Khazars were the Burtases and the Volga Bulgaria on the Middle Volga. The mouth of the Volga was controlled by the capital of the Khazars - the city of Itil, well fortified under the guidance of Byzantine engineers. This large trading and political center was well protected. In the North Caucasus, the main stronghold of the Khazars was Semender, the old capital. Fortress Sarkel covered the western frontiers and controlled the Don. Tumantarkhan (Samkerts or Tamartha) controlled the Taman peninsula. Whole cities were well protected, especially Sarkel.

In Khazaria, there was a peculiar diarchy: the kagan (khan) had a sacred status, and the tsar owned the executive power. Tribal and tribal nobility exhibited well-armed cavalry. In later times, its strength fell to 10 thous. Horsemen. They were supported by well-armed Muslim mercenaries, the king’s guards. The riders were armed with spears and swords and had good armor. With a serious threat, each city could set up foot militias from the “black Khazars” - the common people.

The Khazars adopted the tactics of the Arabs and in the battle attacked with waves-lines. In the first line were skirmishers, horse archers, usually from the "black Khazars" - commoners. They did not have heavy weapons and tried to throw missiles - arrows and darts, to disperse and weaken the enemy, infuriate and force him to a premature and poorly organized attack. The second line consisted of well-armed cavalry - the clan of tribal and tribal nobility. The “White Khazars” were well-armed - iron bibs, leather armor and chain mail, helmets, shields, long spears, swords, sabers, clubs, axes. Heavy cavalry was supposed to crush the already upset ranks of the enemy. If the enemy was strong and the second line did not succeed, she would withdraw to regroup. The third line entered the battle - a numerous foot militia. The basis of infantry weapons were spears and shields. To overcome the wall of the spearmen without serious losses was difficult, but at this time the cavalry was rebuilt and prepared for a new blow behind the backs of the infantry. In extreme cases, the fourth line could have entered the battle - the selective guards of Muslim mercenaries. The line was equestrian, chained into iron, professional warriors. This line was taken to the battle personally by the king. True, the entry into the battle of three or four lines was rare. Usually, the Khazars themselves went on campaigns and raids, in which only light horse archers and nobility squads took part.

1050 years ago Svyatoslav squads defeated the state of the Khazars

Horseman of the Khazar Kaganate. Late IX - early 10th century. According to S.A. Pletnevoy, Dmitrievsky archaeological complex, catacomb number XXUMX. Drawing-reconstruction Oleg Fedorov

Alan archer of the Khazar Kaganate, IX - the beginning of the X century. According to S.A. Pletnevoy, Dmitrievsky archaeological complex, catacomb №55

Svyatoslav was a real warrior. The Russian chronicle describes it vividly: easy in movements, like a leopard, brave, he directed all his energy to create a powerful squad: “begin to combine many brave and easy going, like pardus (leopard), many creative wars. Walking a cart on its own is not a damn, nor a boiler; neither cooking meat, but cutting the horse meat, beast, or beef, baked it on coals, tent name, but lining the paddle and saddle in the heads, as well as other warriors led it "(Full Russian chronicles. T. 1 ).

The army of Svyatoslav was extremely agile. In fact, in the future, the army of Alexander Suvorov will show such mobility and tactics. Russian squads moved on the boats and horses. Svyatoslav's squad, as can be seen from the sources, could fight on horseback and on foot, depending on the situation. From the message of the Russian chronicler that Prince Svyatoslav and his warriors ate horsemeat and had saddles, it can be concluded that the squad was equestrian, not foot. Indirectly, this is confirmed by the Byzantine historian Leo Deacon, who contradicts himself when he says that the Ruses did not know how to fight in the equestrian ranks, and at the same time reports about their equestrian attacks. But the squad used the rooks to move along the rivers, where it was convenient (Volga, Don, Dnieper and Danube), and could fight on foot, lining up to fight in several lines. And the experience of waging war by the previous Russian princes — Rurik, Oleg the Prophetic and Igor the Old — shows that Russia had a powerful fleet that could operate on rivers and at sea. At the same time, a part of the army accompanied the ship's army over land in equestrian order.

During this period, the Russian army consisted of several parts: 1) of the older and youngest squads of the prince; 2) squads of boyars and assistants of princes; 3) "voev" - urban and rural militia; 4) allies and mercenaries (Varyags, Pechenegs, Polovtsy, etc.). Squads were usually heavily armed cavalry. Under Svyatoslav, she was supported by the light cavalry of the Pechenegs, they were armed with bows, had spears for throwing (darts-sulitsy) and a blow, and a three-edged double-edged sword, protected by chain mail and helmets. "Warriors" - the soldiers were the infantry of the Russian army. For long hikes, rooks (lodges) were built, each raising up to 40-60 people. They could act not only on the rivers, but also at sea, were not only transports, but engaged in battle with the enemy’s ships.

Notable warrior squad Rus. The end of X - the beginning of the XI century. According to the materials of the burials of the Shestovitsa burial ground, Chernihiv region. Drawing-reconstruction Oleg Fedorov

Old Russian warrior. The second half of the X century. According to the materials of T.A.Pushkina, Smolensk region, Gnezdovsky archaeological complex

Kiev combatant X century. Based on the materials of the excavations of M. K. Karger of the Tithe Church of Kiev, burial No. XXUMX

Old Russian warrior in a swing coat with fabric. The second half of the X century. Based on materials by TA Pushkina, Smolensk region, Gnezdovsky archaeological complex, burial DN-4

Russian prince with retinue. The first half of the XI century. According to the archaeological finds of Kiev, Chernigov and Voronezh region.

The senior squad consisted of "princely men", or boyars. In peacetime, she constituted a council under the prince, participated in the government. The younger squad ("servants", "children") was the personal guard of the prince. Brigade was the core of the army. The city exhibited a "thousand", divided into hundreds and tens (by "ends" and streets). The Thousands were commanded by a veteran elected or appointed Prince of Thousands. “Hundreds” and “dozens” were commanded by elected hundred and ten. "Warriors" were infantry, divided into archers and spearmen. In battle, the infantry stood a “wall” like an ancient Greek phalanx. Archers fired at the enemy, dispelling his system. Spearmen closed shields to the height of a man and put spears. In the melee they used swords, axes, maces and knives. The protective equipment consisted of chain mail armor, a pointed helmet with chain mail mesh on the face and shoulders and large, often full-length, wooden shields. Quality weapons and armor depended on the wealth of a warrior. The main armament was usually kept in princely warehouses and issued before the campaign. Since ancient times, the Ruses had banners, triangular and red colors, as well as military music. The rhythm of music helped to enter into a state of combat trance, a special state of mind. The troops lined up and fought around their banners. "To put a banner" meant to build or prepare for battle.

Russian troops were distinguished by high discipline. The army gathered at the assembly point and organized campaign. In the march in front was the watchman, who led the reconnaissance of enemy paths and forces, mined "tongues" and protected the main forces from a sudden attack. The main forces were moving behind the watchmen. During the camps they put up a “guard” - escort, the place itself was surrounded by carts or a palisade, sometimes dug round.

The order of battle of the Russian army was traditional: the middle (infantry) and two wings (left and right). The archers, who were ahead in the loose ranks, began the battle. Russian compound bows were terrible weapons. The main (central) regiment took the blow of the enemy, stopped it, cavalry guards on the flanks tried to reach the enemy or prevented a more numerous enemy from encircling the Russian army. Coverage of the flanks, ambush, and luring the enemy by deliberate retreat were used very often, it was the oldest traditional for the Scythians and their heirs - the Rus, tactics.

Russian rati stormed the city with success. They tried to take a sudden attack - "on a spear," or cunning. If it did not work, then began a siege. The city was surrounded on all sides, deprived of its food supply, looking for waterways to force the garrison to capitulate. If the garrison persisted, they carried out a regular siege - the troops were located in a fortified camp, the city was surrounded by an earthen rampart, cutting it off from the outside world and narrowing the possibilities for sorties. Under the cover of large board shields, they approached the walls, cut down a palisade (tyn), in some places covered the ditch, if the walls and towers were wooden, tried to set fire to them. A large mound was made near the wall, earthy powder, on which one could climb, prepared assault ladders. For the destruction of the wall and penetration into the city they dug underground passages. They also used siege towers, stencils (rams) and vices (stone throwers).

Russian battle lodge (boat)

Stone car (Russian vices). Arabic manuscript drawing

Defeat of Khazaria

The hike began on 964. Winter 964-965 Svyatoslav Igorevich spent in the lands of Vyatichi, convincing their princes and elders to submit to a single authority. Vyatichsky warriors, skillful forest hunters and scouts replenished his army. In the spring of the 965 regiment of Svyatoslav I will move to Khazaria. Russian prince deceived the enemy. Usually Russians walked along the water from the Don and across the Sea of ​​Azov. And Svyatoslav decided to strike in the heart of the Kaganate not from the west, but from the north, along the Volga.

Russian army moved on the Volga route. Along the way, Svyatoslav pacified the old tributaries and allies of the Khazars - the Bulgars and Burtases. The swift blow Svyatoslav defeated the allies of the Khazars, depriving Itil of additional military contingents. The city of Bulgar - the capital of Volga Bulgaria, was devastated. The enemy did not expect a strike from the north, so the resistance was small. Burtasy and Bulgars preferred to flee and scattered in the forests, trying to survive the thunderstorm.

Ship's army of Svyatoslav went down the Volga and entered into the possession of the Khazars. "Warriors" moved on the boats, along the shore they were accompanied by Russian cavalry and Allied Pechenegs. The Khazars, having learned about the unexpected attack of the regiments of Svyatoslav, made themselves ready in battle. Somewhere in the lower reaches of the Volga, near the capital of the Kaganate, Itil, a decisive battle took place. Khazar King Joseph managed to gather a large army, including the metropolitan militia. The arsenals of the capital were enough to arm everyone. However, the Khazar army could not stand the onslaught of Svyatoslav's regiments. Russian warriors stubbornly rushed forward, reflecting all the attacks of the Khazars. The Khazar army trembled and fled. King Joseph with the remaining Guardsmen was able to break through, but he lost most of the guard. The Khazar capital had no one to defend. The population took refuge on the islands in the Volga delta. The city was destroyed. Archaeologically accepted Itil is not yet defined. There is a version that it was washed out due to the rising level of the Caspian Sea.

Sketch for the painting "The capture of the Khazar fortress Itil by Prince Svyatoslav". V. Kireev

After this victory, Svyatoslav Igorevich continued the march, since the Khazars had several other major cities. Svyatoslav led the retreats along the shore of the Caspian Sea to the south, to the old capital of the Khazar Kaganate - Semender. It was a large city on the territory of the Caspian Dagestan. Semender was ruled by its own king, who had his own army. It was an autonomous region. The hike on Semender was transient. Semendersky army was crushed and scattered over the surrounding mountains, Semender occupied without a fight. Further south, Svyatoslav did not go, expressing indifference to Derbent and the South Caspian Sea with its rich cities. He needed no prey. The Russian army carried out a sacred mission, destroyed the Khazar "snake".

Svyatoslav passed through the North Caucasus, the land of the Yases (Alans, the ancestors of the Ossetians), Kasogs (Circassians), defeated their rati, as allies of the Khazars, subjugated to his will. Svyatoslav led troops to the shores of the Sourozh (Azov) Sea. Here were located two large centers of the Khazar state - Tamatarkha (Tmutarakan) and Kerchev. There were no serious battles. Khazar vicar and garrisons fled. And the locals revolted, helping to take the city. Svyatoslav proved himself not only as a skilled and fearless warrior, but also a wise ruler. He did not destroy these cities, but turned them into strongholds and shopping centers of Russia.

In fact, almost nothing remained of the kaganate. Its fragments were crushed by Svyatoslav’s allies, the Pechenegs, who occupied part of the Khazars. From the power left only one powerful fortress - White Tower ("tower" - the tower). It was one of the most powerful fortresses of Kaganate. Sarkel had six powerful towers, visible from afar. The fortress stood on a cape, which from three sides was washed by the waters of the Don. On the fourth side, a deep ditch filled with water was dug. At the distance of the arrow from the walls, from the land, a second ditch was dug. The walls were thick (3,75 m) and high (up to 10 m), reinforced with tower ledges and massive corner towers. The main gate was located in the north-west wall, the second gate (of smaller size) was located on the north-east wall and went out to the river. Inside the fortress was divided into two parts by a transverse wall. The smaller south-western part could be reached only from the inside, in its southern corner there was a fortified square tower-donjon (tower). Thus, the fortress had several lines of defense and was considered impregnable. In the fortress there was not only a garrison, but King Joseph took refuge with the remnants of the troops. He hoped to wait out the storm and restore at least some of the ruined.

Leaving the garrison in Tmutarakan. Svyatoslav moved on. Rusy besieged the fortress Sarkel from land and river. Russian warriors bombarded moats, prepared for the assault on the stairs and the ram. During the fierce attack took the fortress. The last bloody battle took place in the citadel. Khazar king with the guard were killed.

The last Khazar stronghold fell. Her Svyatoslav did not destroy. The settlement passed under the authority of Russia and it became known in Russian - Belaya Vezha. The fortress housed a permanent garrison of Russians and Pechenegs.


The warriors of Svyatoslav made a unique march with a length of about 6 thousand kilometers. The squads of Svyatoslav subjugated the Vyatichi, the tributaries of the Khazars, walked through the Volga Bulgaria, the lands of the Burtas and the Khazars, took the capital Itil and the ancient capital of the Kaganate - Semender on the Caspian. Then the North Caucasian tribes of the Yas (ancestors of the Ossetians) and Kasogs (the Adyg tribes) subdued, subjugated Tmutarakan on the Taman peninsula and defeated the strategic Khazar fortress Sarkel on the Don on the way back. It took about 3 years with wintering somewhere on the Volga and the North Caucasus to accomplish the titanic task of destroying the old and powerful enemy of Russia. The campaign took place in the period 964-966 (according to Arabic sources 968-969).

The results of the campaign of Russian troops under the leadership of Svyatoslav were exceptional. The huge and rich Khazar Khaganate was crushed and completely disappeared from the political map of the world. The essentially parasitic Khazar elite, which controlled transit trade between the countries of the East and Europe, as well as the slave trade, was destroyed, and partly fled to the Crimea, the Caucasus and beyond. Russian brigades cleared the way to the East, established control over the two great rivers, the Volga and the Don. Volga Bulgaria, a vassal of the Khazars, was subdued and ceased to be a hostile barrier on the Volga. Sarkel (White Tower) and Tmutarakan, the two most important fortified cities in the southeast, became Russian centers. The balance of forces has changed in the earlier half-Byzantine, semi-Khazar Crimea. Place Khazaria took Russia. Kerch (Korchev) became a Russian city.

In the process of creating a new empire, Great Russia, an important step was taken. Svyatoslav secured the eastern strategic flank, made an alliance with the Pechenegs, put under control the most important river communications and part of the Crimea through which the world trade routes passed.

"Prince Svyatoslav". Artist Vladimir Kireev

More information about the activities of Svyatoslav in the series "Svyatoslav":

"Coming on you!" Educating the hero and his first victory
Saber kick of Svyatoslav on the Khazar "miracle-yuda"
Bulgarian campaign Svyatoslav
Bulgarian campaign Svyatoslav. 2 part
War Svyatoslav with Byzantium. Battle of Arkadiopol
War Svyatoslav with Byzantium. Battle for Preslav and the heroic defense of Dorostol
The mystery of the death of Svyatoslav. Great Russia Construction Strategy
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  1. -10
    3 July 2015 06: 38
    All clear. It seems to be. But why then did the Russian princes of that period carry, among others, even the title of Kagal?
    1. +13
      3 July 2015 08: 04
      Quote: Prop
      including title -Kagal?

      The title was "kagan", so only foreigners could call princes, by analogy with the later accepted titles "caesar", "basileus", "king" and other "princes".
      1. -8
        3 July 2015 14: 03
        Quote: inkass_98
        The title was "kagan", so only foreigners could call princes

        Well, it’s necessary laughing
        Kagan (Khakan, Khagan, Wed-Mong., Qaγan; modern-Mong. Khaan, other Turk .. 可汗, pinyin: Kèhán) - the highest sovereign title in the medieval nomadic hierarchy of the Great Eurasian Steppe. Khan of khans. In Mongolian time it merged with the related form of the kaan ("great khan").

        First witnessed in Chinese sources in relation to the Central Asian tribe of the xianbi (III century). In 402, he was accepted by the Juan Juan instead of the Hunnic title of Shanuy. It was borrowed from the Zhuzhany by Avars and Turkuts (since 551), who created in the middle of the VI century the largest nomadic empire at that historical moment - the Turkic Kaganate. After its collapse, the title was given to many Turkic-speaking peoples (Khazars, Uyghurs, Karluks, Kyrgyz, Kimaki, etc.). [1]

        In Europe, from the era of the Great Migration of Peoples, there were three haganates: Avar, Turkic and Khazar. In addition, the ruler of the country Sarir in Mountain Dagestan (IX century) was called the "kagan of mountains" in some Arabian chronicles. The supreme ruler of Russia also wore the title of kagan in the XNUMXth century.borrowing it is believed to be from the Khazars. Metropolitan Hilarion called Khagans the princes of Kiev Vladimir and Yaroslav the Wise [2]. In the Word about Igor’s regiment, the title is used in relation to Prince Tmutorokan Oleg Svyatoslavich. Graffiti of the second half of the XNUMXth century from Sofia of Kiev is also known with a request to the Lord to help “our kagan” - probably Prince Svyatoslav Yaroslavich.
        1. +7
          3 July 2015 17: 22
          Quote: atalef
          The title was "kagan", so only foreigners could call princes

          Well, it’s necessary

          "In the 10th century, the ancient Russian state was already the strongest in Europe. It fought victoriously against Byzantium, it finally defeated the Khazar Khaganate in the lower Volga, after which the Russian princes even began to be called the title of the Great Hagan... The Arab writer Ibn Haukal talks about the capture of the largest Khazar fortresses by the Russians: Sarkel, Itil and Semender. By the end of the 10th century, the territory of the Old Russian state stretched from the mouth of the Volga to the mouth of the Danube and from the foothills of the Caucasus to the Gulf of Finland. The city of Tmutarakan became a large Russian trading port in the south, and Novgorod in the north. "

          N.V. Vodovozov. The history of ancient Russian literature.
          State educational and pedagogical publication of the Ministry of Education of the RSFSR. Moscow. 1958

          Chapter - "introduction" (not to be confused with the Kama Sutra)
          1. 0
            4 July 2015 20: 37
            Well, the word "Kneuse" is also difficult for some to pronounce lol
            therefore, the Arabs are certainly certainly in their own way or somewhere like that ...
        2. +2
          3 July 2015 20: 51
          I liked the article, Gumilev in his work "Ancient Russia and the Great Steppe" describes this period of history in the same very interesting way. The author is a plus.
        3. fdc43
          3 July 2015 21: 30
          Small refinement. Prince Svetoslav, the glorifying light. Svyatoslav was later changed by priests.
        4. +3
          4 July 2015 04: 41
          But the Jew is carrying on heresy. The ancestors of tea are not from the Khazar Kaganate?
    2. +19
      3 July 2015 08: 33
      Quote: Prop
      All clear. It seems to be.

      The power of Russia is very similar to the Khazar one, in any case its ethnic composition and desire to trade everything and everything
    3. -16
      3 July 2015 09: 24
      Because the country was called Russian Kaganate.
    4. +1
      3 July 2015 22: 35
      the same questions to Samsonov
      -What chronicles describe these campaigns of Svyatoslav? when are they open? by whom? first translation? in the Radziwill chronicle about Svyatoslav's campaigns against the Khazars, there are generally three lines, where did all these gorgeous details about how Svyatoslav fought the Khazars come from? And clearly the free retelling of the storyteller Gumilyov, especially in Gumelev's "ancient Russia and the great steppe" I "liked" how these same Khazars were born, why they lived for two hundred years in the swamps in the Volga delta, hunted, fished only Gumilyov did not think, how can people live in swamps? The tradiks can do everything, although the traditions themselves do not favor Gumilev much, so Samsonov tells tales from fairy tales.

      - these are the pictures-comics of the "ancient" Khazars and the Russians, on what materials were the reconstruction of the appearance of the soldiers made? from the lantern? but how else, no clothes, no shoes, no Khazar cities, no chronicles about the Khazars, NOTHING HAS BEEN SAVED, however - "this is how Russian soldiers look, this is how Khazar"
      By the way, with what weapon did the Russian soldiers of the 10th century fight? after all, traditional history denies the Russian people such a civilizational achievement as their own weapon. If you listen to the Tradiks, even in the middle of the 17th century the Russians had either Turkish or Swedish weapons, and here THOUSANDS of RUSSIANS go to the Khazars, the Greeks, the Bulgarians all with weapons, and the whole joke is that there were no Swedes or Turks yet in 10c, this "story" tells us strange things ...
      1. -2
        5 July 2015 11: 44
        > retelling of the storyteller Gumilyov

        between Orthodoxy and Catholicism there is a fundamental difference in the view of human nature - Catholics do not recognize synergy. This difference in views on human nature later became the difference in scientific views on human nature - Western science proceeds from the model human atom / individual, and A. Zinoviev laid the same model in the foundation of his sociology.

        L. Gumilyov has a different view of the nature of man, compatible with Orthodoxy. The ability to interact with the ecosystem, a characteristic passionaries is a primitive version of the same synergies.

        L. Gumilyov is not recognized for the same reasons that Catholics reject Orthodoxy.
    5. +1
      4 July 2015 14: 14
      + only for what I asked. I can’t understand the minuses for what - for the fact that a person is finally interested in his story ???
    6. +1
      7 July 2015 10: 38
      Quote: Prop
      All clear. It seems to be. But why then did the Russian princes of that period carry, among others, even the title of Kagal?

      Naming themselves kagan, Slavic princes thereby emphasized that they are equal to the Khazar rulers. There are more than enough such cases in history. In general, the author has mixed so that it becomes funny. Name at least one state of the time that did not engage in robberies and robbery? The policy of the Khazar Khaganate was inherent in all states of that time.
      You can read the eastern chronographs, which describe the successful raids of the Russians on the Khazars, even before Svyatoslav. The patriotic impulse is wonderful, but you need to approach the study more calmly.
    7. 0
      10 August 2015 22: 35
      He was equal to the imperial and so the status of the Russian prince was immediately clear to the steppes.
      1. 0
        28 September 2015 18: 24
        did they know such clever words?

        and how many emperors had tumens wassat or what kind of yasak could he pay?
    8. 0
      25 November 2021 13: 58
      Because then our state was called Great Tartary (Slavic gods Thar and Tara). Therefore, the khans - a title in Great Tartary - spoke and wrote in Russian.
  2. 0
    3 July 2015 07: 01
    I read the books by A. Prozorov "I know God" about the times of Svyatoslav and Ponamarev "Under the banner of Svyatoslav". Let me advise all Russian people to read them, for the events described bear a great resemblance to current events.
    1. +12
      3 July 2015 07: 42
      Quote: Ivan Slav
      I read A. Prozorov's books "I know God" ...

      Maybe Sergey Alexeyea? A. Prozorov did not meet such a book title.

      1. +4
        3 July 2015 09: 56
        Quote: Boris55
        Maybe Sergey Alexeyea?

        Right Cool book, and wise. Read twice. hi
        I recommend reading more "The Shadow of the Struggling" by Shcherbakova. Also a lot of thoughts.
  3. +1
    3 July 2015 07: 05
    Well, ours, as always, of what, of which, and to slice into the munch ... so easily .... laughing
  4. +1
    3 July 2015 07: 45
    And where were the Ukrainians then? Have you gone on a hike? laughing
    1. +7
      3 July 2015 08: 05
      Quote: Igor39
      And where were the Ukrainians then?

      They did not hatch then.
      1. +1
        3 July 2015 16: 39
        Quote: inkass_98
        They did not hatch then.

        They rested after digging the Black Sea.
    2. +9
      3 July 2015 08: 09
      Ancient Ukrainians, at that time colonized Jupiter)))
      1. +4
        3 July 2015 09: 12
        Ancient Ukrainians, at that time colonized Jupiter)))
        No, they destroyed life on Mars at this time, and were going to colonize the Earth. laughing
      2. The comment was deleted.
    3. +2
      3 July 2015 14: 14
      Quote: Igor39
      And where were the Ukrainians then?

      Duc Black Sea dug and wheelbarrows drove the soil to the Caucasus, read in the article, only the Sea of ​​Azov is mentioned request
    4. 0
      3 July 2015 22: 24
      Black Sea stubbornly dug.
  5. +15
    3 July 2015 08: 09
    According to these data, it is necessary to shoot Russian films and create computer games.
    These feats of Russian princes should be given special attention in the school curriculum.
    Here is the main contender for the title of Independence Day of Russia-Russia.
    The pagan Russia was feared and respected by the largest and strongest powers of that time, while Christian Christianity plunged into the abyss of bloody massacre and was practically destroyed.
    This site, one of the few who remember this day, thank him !!!
    1. +5
      3 July 2015 09: 59
      Quote: Darkness
      The pagan Russia was feared and respected by the largest and strongest powers of that time, while Christian Christianity plunged into the abyss of bloody massacre and was practically destroyed.
      These pagan Western Slavs were completely destroyed, and Christian Russia, which sealed the Slavic tribes, has survived to the present day. It is strange that this elementary conclusion was not made in the article.
      1. 0
        3 July 2015 10: 13
        For several centuries there was a massacre of Christian Slavs among themselves.
        Only during the reign of Grozny did the situation radically change.
        1. +3
          3 July 2015 10: 22
          However, they resisted in the end, unlike the western ones. The massacre ended, as a result, with the full integration of Russia. Facts are a stubborn thing.
          1. -1
            3 July 2015 11: 18
            Well done. First, destroy everything to the ground, and then assemble it in pieces for several centuries.
            1. +2
              3 July 2015 11: 46
              Quote: Darkness
              Well done. First, destroy everything to the ground, and then assemble it in pieces for several centuries.
              What was destroyed there?
              1. 0
                3 July 2015 12: 36
                And where was the feud, and how long did it last? What harm did the state do?
                1. +3
                  3 July 2015 13: 09
                  Quote: Darkness
                  And where was the feud, and how long did it last? What harm did the state do?
                  And where is Christianity? Civil strife has always been, but this is not a religious war as in France.
                  1. +1
                    3 July 2015 13: 27
                    And besides. Churched and deeply believing Christians slaughtered and robbed each other in the struggle for power and money. Thus weakening the state.
                    1. +1
                      3 July 2015 14: 15
                      Did the pagans kiss the gums? This is not Christianity to blame, but human nature. Christianity eventually saved the people and the state, which can not be said about the Gentiles.
                    2. 0
                      3 July 2015 14: 33
                      Quote: Darkness
                      And besides. Churched and deeply believing Christians slaughtered and robbed each other in the struggle for power and money. Thus weakening the state.

                      And deeply religious pagans in general arranged genocide.
                      1. +2
                        3 July 2015 14: 44
                        Quote: Penzuck
                        And deeply religious pagans in general arranged genocide.

                        Did the Maris arrange someone’s genocide? They blew a prayer stone under Peter by order of the synod.
                    3. +3
                      3 July 2015 19: 06
                      Quote: Darkness
                      And besides. Churched and deeply believing Christians slaughtered and robbed each other in the struggle for power and money. Thus weakening the state.

                      No brother you're wrong! The first feud-war (according to official sources) after the death of Svyatoslav from 972. Russians killed Russians, that Gentiles, that Christians, that atheists.
            2. +7
              3 July 2015 12: 16
              Quote: Darkness
              Well done. First, destroy everything to the ground, and then assemble it in pieces for several centuries.

              Yaroslav the Wise - Christian - united Russia. And not the Pagan Vladimir, who killed his Brothers. And Svyatoslav did not connect Russia, and Oleg and Igor ... What did they do? A tribute to the neighbors overlaid. But Yaroslav wrote the Code of Laws. That is, Russian Legislation, where he abolished the vendetta of the inc. He laid down feudal law and strengthened the monarchy in Russia. And this is a global trend, not a property of Christian states ...
              1. +2
                3 July 2015 14: 44
                Quote: Penzuck
                But Yaroslav wrote the Code of Laws. That is, Russian Legislation, where it abolished blood feud c.

                He did not write, rather translated and introduced
                Russian Pravda is similar to earlier European legal collections, including the so-called Germanic truths, for example, “Salicheskaya Pravda” - a collection of legislative acts of the Frankish state. Also known are the Ripuar and Burgundy truths compiled in the XNUMXth – XNUMXth centuries. n e., etc. Anglo-Saxon lawyers, as well as Irish, Aleman, Bavarian, and some other legal collections also belong to barbaric truths. The name of these collections of laws “truths” is conditional. In Latin sources - Lex Salica - "Salic Law."

                The question of the time of origin of the oldest part of Russian Truth is controversial. Most modern scholars associate the Most Ancient Truth (the first part of the Concise Edition) with the name of Yaroslav the Wise. The period of creation of the Most Ancient Truth - the 30s of the XI century - 1054. The norms of Russian Truth were gradually codified by the Kiev princes on the basis of oral Eastern Slavic customary law, with the inclusion of elements of Byzantine law and elements of Scandinavian law that existed in Russia, as well as church influence.

                Quote: Penzuck
                where canceled blood feud

                You probably didn’t read it correctly, legitimized * blood feud *, just also introduced monetary compensation in case of refusal from it.
                As in other early legal systems where the death penalty was envisaged, Ruska Pravda distinguishes killing unintentionally, “in a match”, that is, during a quarrel, from intentional “offense” and from “robbery” murder. There was a difference in causing severe or minor damage, as well as actions that were most offensive to the victim, for example, cutting off a mustache or beard, punishable by a high fine [2]. Moreover, Russian Pravda contains traces of the principle of responsibility characteristic of traditional societies - blood feud, according to Art. 1 of the Brief Truth: “To kill the husband of the husband, then to take revenge on the brother of the brother, or the sons of the father, like the father of the son, or brother-brother, like the sister of the son; If there is no one who takes revenge, then 40 hryvnias per head ”.
                1. +1
                  3 July 2015 14: 50
                  Quote: atalef
                  You probably didn’t read it correctly, legitimized * blood feud *, just also introduced monetary compensation in case of refusal from it.

                  Cash compensation, the Kazakhs have this is called KUHN.
                  1. +2
                    3 July 2015 15: 01
                    Quote: marshes
                    Cash compensation, the Kazakhs have this is called KUHN.

                    It is in all ancient and medieval codes of laws
                    those. a man had every right to blood feud, only one innovation - under the new law he had the right (in case of refusal) to receive monetary compensation - let’s say, he had a choice - either to dunk (for moral satisfaction) or to get grandmother and that buy a young wife laughing
                    1. 0
                      3 July 2015 15: 35
                      In Arab countries, such laws are still in place. If the family of the murdered person accepts compensation, the term is shorter, if it does not, then a huge one or execution.
                2. 0
                  4 July 2015 04: 47
                  Here you are right. I do not argue.
        2. +3
          3 July 2015 10: 52
          Quote: Darkness
          For several centuries there was a massacre of Christian Slavs among themselves.

          Less water, more facts.
          Quote: Darkness
          Only during the reign of Grozny did the situation radically change.

          Because he cut out all the dissent?
          How AT ALL CAN BE CONNECTED OF Ivan THE GROZNY 15-16-CENTURY. Svyatoslav 11 century and Vladimir, who baptized Russia? AND CEREAL PAGAN MONGOLIAN HIM?
          1. -6
            3 July 2015 11: 22
            In Google banned or do not know the story?
            "Pagan Tatar-Mongols" extremely harshly dealt with pagan Slavs and very strongly supported Christianity. Can you tell me why?
            1. +1
              3 July 2015 11: 59
              Quote: Darkness
              In Google banned or do not know the story?
              - old song.

              Quote: Darkness
              "Pagan Tatar-Mongols" extremely harshly dealt with pagan Slavs
              - century year place? Really when Ryazan, Vladimir and Kiev burned? The most Christian Russian cities? Or when in the 1237 they raided Bulgaria (non-Christian)? When did the Zolotorevskoe town burned? Or when they made a punitive campaign against Erzi (pagans)?
              Quote: Darkness
              strongly supported Christianity.

              Yes, you sho! Genghis Khan Law READ? It is ordered to believe that there is only one god on earth, the creator of heaven and earth, that creates life and death, wealth and poverty, as he pleases and has the highest power. Ministers of worship, doctors and body washers are exempted from all taxes. Spies, perjurers and sorcerers sentenced to death.
              1. 0
                3 July 2015 12: 38
                Come on, did you read it in the original?
                I see you fiercely hate what happened before the Christianization of Russia.
                1. +2
                  3 July 2015 13: 19
                  Quote: Darkness
                  Come on, did you read it in the original?

                  And what, my friend, have you read the originals? And from scratch build castles in the air, which then "love". Can you think of an imaginary friend and chat with him? And then love?
                  Quote: Darkness
                  I see you fiercely hate what happened before the Christianization of Russia.

                  1. Such a great program. Time is difficult. laughing.
                  2. Five thousand corpses on a pagan feast about the prince - is that good? Moreover, Olga took revenge 5 times ... and all the Russians supported her ...
      2. +5
        3 July 2015 10: 33
        Quote: Stirbjorn
        The pagan Russia was feared and respected by the largest and strongest powers of that time,

        Typical fallacy. Russia was a regional hegemon. Along with Bulgaria, Khazaria. But to equate Russia with Byzantium? This is nonsense. Byzantium (2-th Rome) - the cultural center. Roman engineers designed Sarkel, White Vezha, etc. STONE FORTRESSES. And where was the first Russian stone fortress built? Where are the great Russian engineers? And not tut. But the Byzantines were not afraid of the Russians, but a violation of trade, because they depended on it in many ways. And the Russians were so wild (relatively) that they could do without trade. Note that the Khazars have already controlled the Caspian. And Kiev for the time being, too. Who about what, and lousy about the bath.
        1. +3
          3 July 2015 11: 13
          Straight words of his patriarch. One to one. About the wild Slavs.
          1. +1
            3 July 2015 12: 08
            And where was the first Russian stone fortress built?
            I’ll ask you a second time ...
            Where is russian Aqueduct?
            Where is russian Coliseum?
            Where is russian sewerage?
            Where are the Russians hydraulic lifts?
            Where are the Russians stone cities?
            Where are the Russians stone paved roads and squares?
            Where are the Russians fountains?
            Where are the stone idols?
            Where are the stone temples?
            EVERYTHING that is inherent in CIVILIZATION.
            CIVILIS = Civil = city = CITY-state. Sedentary culture.
            1. 0
              3 July 2015 12: 40
              Nothing that for the time being, from the time of stone in Russia, didn’t build anything at all?
              Or do you not know the history of Russia at all?
              1. +2
                3 July 2015 13: 16
                You would answer a specific question to a friend, otherwise you’ll turn around like a frog laughing
                1. 0
                  3 July 2015 13: 30
                  Below already answered. Yes, and I, too, already answered, but Russophobia doesn’t care.
                  1. +3
                    3 July 2015 19: 09
                    Quote: Darkness
                    Below already answered. Yes, and I, too, already answered, but Russophobia doesn’t care.

                    If I'm not a pagan then Russophobe? What stupid labeling?
              2. The comment was deleted.
              3. 0
                3 July 2015 13: 23
                Quote: Darkness
                Nothing that for the time being, from the time of stone in Russia, didn’t build anything at all?

                How long (I'm afraid I dare not say)?
                Quote: Darkness
                Or do you not know the history of Russia at all?

                And what is imperceptible? wassat
            2. +3
              3 July 2015 12: 47
              And where
              Did you ask this question just like that, or do you think the presence of stone structures is the embodiment of civilization? There is no desire to shovel literature available on the Internet, look for it yourself. And then, if the Russian Slavs lived among the forests, why should they carry stone for construction, fortresses, build aqueducts if they settled along rivers, bridge stone roads, if the vast river network more than replaced these roads, etc. etc. So, it is not necessary to consider our ancestors as idiots.
              Sedentary culture.
              For you:
              Settlement is caused by various forms of economic activity (agricultural, handicraft, etc.) that do not require seasonal or round-the-clock mobility of people in search of livelihoods; appears along with long-term dwellings organized into permanent settlements
              wink hi
              1. -5
                3 July 2015 13: 38
                Horseradish with him with a stone, but the sewer is a useful thing, for anyone, albeit in the village. Could stir up. Well, or close up the water supply. My grandmother lived in the village, which stood high on the mountain. And the river below the cliff flowed and had to go down - up. Could the ancient Slavs raise water or could not go up?
                And wood is a great material for aviation. I fully admit that the ancient Slavs were the first to create a passenger glider bully And the Christians then burned him and buried the documentation on him ...
              2. The comment was deleted.
              3. +1
                3 July 2015 13: 43
                Quote: Gomunkul
                Did you ask this question just like that, or do you think the presence of stone structures is the embodiment of civilization?
                - The use of stone is a concentration of huge masses of people and resources state, poorly populated countries are NOT ABLE because of a weaker level of governance.
                The reluctance to respond to the rest ... Stone architecture is the pinnacle of architectural art of that time. Architecture is geometry. Geometry is a science. Science is the engine of progress. bully
                1. +3
                  3 July 2015 14: 05
                  Stone architecture is the pinnacle of the architectural art of the time. Architecture is geometry. Geometry is a science. Science is the engine of progress.
                  Those. is wood construction, carving not an art or a science? Oh well. wink laughing
                  1. -1
                    3 July 2015 14: 31
                    Quote: Gomunkul
                    Those. is wood construction, carving not an art or a science? Oh well.

                    (Homo-sapiens crafts have been discovered since the Stone Age.)
                    I am aware of wooden architecture in Russia. About carved idols. But you tell me in what century this architecture appeared? 14 century. And before that, the bulk of the population lived in dugouts with a bull bubble in a small window. And all the carvings were on household items ...
                    1. +1
                      3 July 2015 23: 31
                      This is what Miller said to you. Did you try to read Karamzin?
                2. The comment was deleted.
                3. +1
                  3 July 2015 23: 29
                  Refer to the difficulties of dating. Read Nosovsky and Fomenko. Several times, and thoughtfully! Layers of lies will disappear. Now another attempt to rewrite history is visible to me. I can not see with the naked eye. And you? The US Marines won the Second World War with the support of small Britain and a bit of the USSR. Yes , more Poles actively participated. Tsse geyropa!
            3. +4
              3 July 2015 14: 24
              Civilization - the level and culture of relationships in society
              what the Gloom enumerated - features of nature management in a particular area. And in your opinion it turns out that if the Greeks did not have felt boots, then they are backward ... belay
            4. The comment was deleted.
            5. +2
              3 July 2015 15: 30
              Quote: Penzuck
              And where was the first Russian stone fortress built?
              I’ll ask you a second time ...
              Where is russian Aqueduct?
              CIVILIS = Civil = city = CITY-state. Sedentary culture.

              And who holds you - go to civilization - to Europe?
              + Where is your Byzantium now? But the Slavs were, are and probably will be.
            6. +4
              3 July 2015 16: 08
              Why a stone if there is a lot of forest around?
              1. 0
                3 July 2015 23: 34
                Forest is easier and faster to process. Stone is needed for long wars. Consider the realities.
            7. +1
              3 July 2015 22: 50
              What kind of nonsense is the aqueduct to the Slavs? On the East European Plain, what are stones and rocks? What kind of coliseum ...? Must stone cities, when around the forest heaps? AND WHERE HYDRAULIC LIFTS ARE APPLICABLE AT ALL - well, explain ...
            8. -1
              3 July 2015 23: 19
              Ancestors of the Etruscan Romans. Their writing, not readable in the Romanesque and Gothic versions, is easy to read in Slavic. Is there anything else to object to?
              1. -1
                5 July 2015 11: 58
                > The ancestors of the Romans, Etruski. Their writing, which is not readable in Romanesque and Gothic versions, is easily readable in Slavic.


                genetically, Etruscans hailed from Iran, then lived in Armenia for a long time — so long that it had a very significant effect on their genetics. then, they migrated from Armenia, through various intermediate places, to Italy.
        2. -1
          3 July 2015 11: 45
          This is not my quote)
          1. -1
            3 July 2015 13: 43
            Well, a little missed ...
        3. +4
          3 July 2015 12: 03
          Well, the Russians also could not do without trade. The whole point of Prince Oleg’s actions is to take complete control of the trade route from the Varangians to the Greeks and force the observance of trade agreements with Byzantium. As Comrade Lenin said, politics is always a continuation of the economy
        4. -7
          3 July 2015 14: 27
          Quote: Penzuck
          Typical fallacy. Russia was a regional hegemon.

          Russia, as such, did not yet exist, and it was hegemonic (at this described time) - it was definitely not
          Quote: Penzuck
          . And the Byzantines were not afraid of the Russians, but a violation of trade, because they depended on it in many ways

          Absolutely correct
          Quote: Penzuck
          . And the Russians were so wild (relatively) that they could do without trade

          The same is not entirely. Slavic tribes of Rusichs (Russia still did not exist as such) with might and main traded with Byzantium (including slaves)
          And to build? Where from? For this, science had to exist, but then it simply did not exist (in Russia)
          More or less large buildings were built by foreign masters, whom everyone wrote out from Dmitry Donskoy to Grozny and Peter.
          1. +1
            3 July 2015 15: 30
            Quote: atalef
            Russia, as such, did not yet exist, and it was hegemonic (at this described time) - it was definitely not

            First, Russia was. Princess Olga prayed for the Russian kagan ... If there was a kagan, then there was also a kaganate. So there was still a certain state.
            Secondly. Hegemon for Meri, Murom, Meshchera, Vyatichi, Drevlyans, Mari, Chudy, Vesy, Komi - definitely was.
            Thirdly. It is at the time described - from Rurik to Olga.
            1. -3
              3 July 2015 16: 32
              Quote: Penzuck
              First, Russia was. Princess Olga prayed for the Russian kagan ... If there was a kagan, then there was also a kaganate. So there was still a certain state.

              conclusion - Russian Kaganate? belay
              Calling a prince a kagan and a state are two different things
              as an example, and this, mind you, just 25 years ago
              Amin’s full title as president was as follows: “His Excellency Life President, Field Marshal Al-Haji Dr. Idi Amin, Lord of all animals on earth and fish in the sea belay , Conqueror of the British Empire in Africa in general and in Uganda in particular, Knight of the Order of Victoria Cross, Military Cross and Order of Merit
              1. -3
                4 July 2015 04: 56
                Quote: atalef
                conclusion - Russian Kaganate

                Indeed, the origin of the Kogan title is foggy, but it is believed that it came from the word Kokhan, i.e. beloved by the people. And it sounded like Cohan. By the way, the title of Khan from the same opera has nothing to do with the Mongols. This is the military title of Russian princes. And yes, the Tatar-Mongol yoke is officially rejected. It remains only to correct the textbooks. Even the GDP acknowledged this, there is a video in YouTube. Is that why they burned the library in Moscow?
          2. fdc43
            3 July 2015 21: 38
            What nonsense is comparing times with a difference of more than three hundred years. Anyway, the current and Peter the Great.
        5. -1
          3 July 2015 23: 15
          You are archaic as a mammoth guano. You worship Miller and Schletser. Tell us about Kulikovo field. And find evidence of a great battle on it.
      3. +2
        3 July 2015 14: 33
        Difficult question. If everything depended on the adoption of religion, then according to your logic, proclaim National Socialism in the USSR, and there would be no war with Germany? - Nonsense, nothing would have changed, except for the loss of one's own "banner" as a unifying principle. Byzantium and Rome, competing with each other, tried to export their own religious concepts to the Slavs in order to eliminate the rival and plunder his territories. At least, there is a huge hole in your concept: on what basis did Svyatoslav the "pagan" manage to rally not only Slavs, but also Pechenegs, and Hungarians, and many others for a long-term war? - The fact is there, there is no explanation. And it cannot be in the traditional interpretation of history. Glades - in the glades, Drevlyans - in the trees. And all of you are HAPPY to be baptized in "the faith of the enemy."
  6. +1
    3 July 2015 08: 19
    There are no simple decisions in life, and historians have come to the conclusion (not unanimously) that Svyatoslav made a mistake. The problem did not require a military but a diplomatic solution. The Khazar Khaganate was not a parasitic state; its power extended even to Crimea. Due to the fact that the Khazars themselves were few, they built their empire based on local tribes. The relatively soft power established by them allowed Slavic farmers to develop lands up to the Oka and Don, without fear of nomad raids. The ruins of the Khazar fortresses were found much west of the Don, including in the Kharkov region. Kiev is directly indicated in Jewish documents as a Khazar city. At the time of Svyatoslav, the power of the kaganate weakened, and in many cities passed to the Slavic nobility. But the strength of the kaganate was still enough to restrain the nomads, including the Pechenegs. As Gumilyov wrote, as soon as Svyatoslav knocked out the Khazar cork, waves of nomads surged from behind the Volga. And Svyatoslav himself died from the Pechenegs. And the whole subsequent history of Russia was connected with the struggle with the Pechenegs, Polovtsy and Mongols. Possessing an impregnable capital in the Volga delta, the Khazars became a source of goods for nomads, learned to get along with them and, among other things, to set on each other. The Khazars disappeared and the entire steppe from the Volga and up to the Yenisei ceased welding with each other and rushed to the West. The Khazars were focused on the struggle against the East, and without Svyatoslav’s raid, they themselves would have transferred power to the Slavs and Russian princes before the Don and Crimea.
    1. +6
      3 July 2015 08: 39
      Well, some "historians" say that Ivan the Terrible made a mistake and Stalin, etc.
      If Svyatoslav were not betrayed, the Pechenegs would not be a problem. They were afraid of Svyatoslav, like fire.
      1. +8
        3 July 2015 09: 56
        If you believe Gumilyov, then Svyatoslav was not afraid of fire like the Pechenegs, but the people of Kiev. It is strange that the Pechenegs killed Svyatoslav and missed the governor Pretić. Moreover, Pretich exchanged weapons with the leader of the Pechenegs Kurey. So the causes of Svyatoslav’s death must be sought in Kiev.
        1. +2
          3 July 2015 10: 15
          Svyatoslav was going to move the capital.
          Svyatoslav was extremely negative about the growing strength of Christians. But mostly these are merchants, i.e. rich and powerful.
          1. +1
            3 July 2015 10: 19
            Even more terrible scenes occurred in the White Coast (Berezan Island) after returning from Bulgaria. The prince and his pagan nobles attributed the Russian Christians who fought in the same army, blame for the defeat inflicted on their co-religionists, explaining it with the wrath of the gods on Christians. Svyatoslav tortured his brother Uleb (Gleb) to death, and his warriors did the same to their comrades-in-arms who suffered from wounds and needed a doctor, not an executioner. Particularly bad were the priests who were in the Russian army for parting words of the Orthodox Russians.

            Until 971, Svyatoslav was tolerant and generous. After the defeat, the noble character of the prince changed polar, perhaps due to mental shock caused by disappointment and regret about mistakes that were irreparable. Even his intellect changed him: he sent an order to Kiev to burn the churches and promised upon return to "ruin" all Russian Christians.[Chronicle of Bishop Joachim in the book: Tatishchev V.N. Russian History. Prince I. Part I.]

            With this statement, Svyatoslav signed a sentence. The surviving Christians and voivode Sveneld fled the steppe to Kiev. They missed the Pechenegs. But when in the spring of 972 Svyatoslav with faithful pagan warriors he went by the river, the Pechenegs attacked him at the thresholds and destroyed the entire Russian detachment.
            1. -2
              3 July 2015 11: 16
              Quote: Bakht

              I should add that some of the Pechenegs by that time were Aryan Christians, and in principle they could really avenge fellow believers.
              1. 0
                3 July 2015 14: 19
                Quote: Penzuck
                I will add that some of the Pechenegs by that time were Aryan Christians, and in principle they could really avenge their co-religionists

                Then religious wars (as such) did not yet exist.
                1. +2
                  3 July 2015 15: 38
                  Quote: atalef
                  Then religious wars (as such) did not yet exist.

                  There was already religious strife. Among other things, "religious" wars were previously fought by two Semitic peoples: Jews and Arabs. Well, the Romans-Christians fought with the Romans-pagans.
            2. +3
              3 July 2015 11: 23
              He knew that Christianity would not give Russia anything good. Only blood and slavery.
              1. +3
                3 July 2015 11: 48
                Quote: Darkness
                He knew that Christianity would not give Russia anything good. Only blood and slavery.
                Excuse me, why did the free Western pagan Slavs not keep their freedom, etc.?
                1. -1
                  3 July 2015 12: 17
                  For instance? Well, for comparison.
                  1. +1
                    3 July 2015 13: 00
                    Encouraged, Prussians, Lutich, residents of Ruyan. The article is bold even noted.
                    1. 0
                      3 July 2015 13: 32
                      Which of them had a state comparable to Russia?
                      1. +1
                        3 July 2015 14: 19
                        And what prevented them from uniting and creating their own Russia? The Poles were able and also resisted.
                      2. +1
                        3 July 2015 23: 44
                        Here! And the Rusichs were wild, they didn’t build aqueducts ... Why the hell did they even need them?
              2. The comment was deleted.
              3. -1
                3 July 2015 13: 03
                In the year 6477 (969). Svyatoslav said to his mother and his boyars: “I don’t like to sit in Kiev, I want to live in Pereyaslavets on the Danube - because there is the middle of my land, all the benefits flow there: from the Greek land - gold, pavolok, wine, various fruits, from the Czech Republic and from Hungary silver and horses, from Russia furs and wax, honey and slaves ". Those. Pagan Russiaslavefelt?
                1. +2
                  3 July 2015 13: 33
                  Captive slaves. What's so strange about that?
                2. +1
                  4 July 2015 00: 02
                  Naturally. So were the slaves of the Vikings.
          2. 0
            3 July 2015 11: 13
            Quote: Darkness
            Svyatoslav was going to move the capital.

            And why did Vladimir the Holy (Son of Svyatoslav) move the table to Vladimir? How does it fit?
            Quote: Darkness
            Svyatoslav was extremely negative about the growing strength of Christians.

            It is a fact. In 955, when he was 18 years old, Olga was baptized. Who is smarter than a woman who ruled Russia all her life, or a guy of military age ... Who took away ALL troops from Kiev and left his mother, wife and children to their own devices? Maybe in military affairs and military cunning he was strong, but at a strategic level ...
            1. +1
              3 July 2015 12: 16
              Are you really comparing present time and millennia ago?
              Now remember how Olga rules before the adoption of Christianity and after. What are the achievements?
              1. -2
                3 July 2015 13: 54
                Quote: Darkness
                Now remember how Olga rules before the adoption of Christianity and after. What are the achievements?

                About this, Stupid, I am telling you. Any Christian has at least one godparent and confessor. Olga is a Christian. You know that the priests were taught not only the scriptures. And therefore, apart from the obvious "agent of influence" of Byzantium, one can assume the presence of other advisers - BYZANTINE. And, accordingly, Russia joined the Roman culture.
                1. +2
                  3 July 2015 14: 13
                  To be rude to strangers is harmful.
            2. +3
              3 July 2015 14: 09
              To which city of Vladimir was the table moved in the 10th century? And who said that Olga was such an independent ruler? Or matriarchy reigned in Russia? From the scanty traces, which describe Olga's actions, it can be seen with the naked eye that she "200%" (exaggerate) acted under the influence of the environment. And this entourage of the princess was still those creatures, judging by the history of the burning of the Drevlyan ambassadors. For Russia, this was unspeakable savagery and malice. Pure villainous sacrifice. Akin to the crucifixion of Bus by the Goths of Amal Vinitar.
              1. 0
                3 July 2015 14: 44
                Quote: andrew42
                In which city Vladimir table was moved to the 10 century?

                Confused with the monk and Andrei Bogolyubsky - I repent.
                Quote: andrew42
                And who said that Olga was such a wealthy ruler?

                Quote: andrew42
                Or matriarchy reigned in Russia?

                Quote: andrew42
                From the scanty traces, which describe Olga's actions, it can be seen with the naked eye that she "200%" (exaggerate) acted under the influence of the environment.

                While she was a pagan, yes. "pagan environment". She took revenge on the Drevlyans.
                Christian - yes. "Christian environment. I have not found any atrocities.
                Quote: andrew42
                For Russia, this was unspeakable savagery and anger.

                Yeah, and the destruction of the Christian Rus after the defeat of the Bulgarians is also unusual for the Russians?
                Quote: andrew42
                Akin to the crucifixion of Bus by the Goths of Amal Vinitar.

                And such cases are not uncommon.
              2. -1
                3 July 2015 14: 50
                However, it was a matter of allegedly Christians fearing the transfer of the capital from Kiev to Bulgaria by Yaroslav ...
                Quote: Darkness
                Svyatoslav was going to move the capital.
                Svyatoslav was extremely negative about the growing strength of Christians. But mostly these are merchants, i.e. rich and powerful.

                Quote: Penzuck
                In the year 6477 (969). Svyatoslav told his mother and his boyars: "I don’t like to sit in Kiev, I want to live in Pereyaslavts on the Danube - for there is the middle of my land, all the benefits flow there: from the Greek land - gold, pavoloks, wine, various fruits, from the Czech Republic and from Hungary silver and horses, from Russia furs and wax, honey and slaves. "

                Bulgaria is a Christian country. And the Christians did not want to transfer the table from semi-pagan Kiev to the Christians? NONSENS.
        2. +6
          3 July 2015 14: 20
          The scheme for eliminating Svyatoslav is not easy, but it is quite in the spirit of the Byzantines. The order proceeded from Vizantia to the Kiev Christian community, and from them to the Kura. Meaning: Svyatoslav least of all expected betrayal from the Pechenezh khans. Raids - perhaps. But I never expected the stupidest political betrayal. In addition, the Pechenegs themselves could not have thought of attacking the parking lot on the island (!). Kuri definitely had instructors, and maybe a whole "Kiev special forces", which without any problems passed through the outposts of Svyatoslav's soldiers. In any case, the sentries were taken down by those who were absolutely trusted. Those who go on military campaigns, for those, the organization of the protection of the camp is developed automatically, at the level of a conditioned reflex. Strangers could not come.
          1. -1
            3 July 2015 15: 46
            1. Refer to the diagram ... where is it described ...
            2. "Svyatoslav least of all expected betrayal from the Pechenezh khans." - The Siege of Kiev - what is this?
            3. "In any case, the sentries were taken down by those who were absolutely trusted." - Bredyatina. Why do you think so?
            Sveneld personally invited the prince to go by land, and the Pechenegs were obviously aware.
          2. 0
            3 July 2015 19: 43

            The layout was much simpler. Svyatoslav spent the winter on Berezan. Could the Pechenegs abandon all their affairs to wait for him at the thresholds for several months? They set up an ambush because they knew exactly when and with what forces Svyatoslav would go with a small squad. And this information could only be reported from Kiev.

            Who really was interested in the death of the prince and his troops was Kiev Christians, headed by the eldest son of Svyatoslav Yaropolk. He then knew what was happening on Berezan, and he could have conspired with the Pechenegs. Recall: as far back as 969, the voivode Pretic fraternized with the Pecheneg Khan. Therefore, we can assume that the blame for the death of Svyatoslav and the death of his squad lies not with the Christians of Constantinople, but with the Christians of Kiev.

            1. +1
              3 July 2015 19: 55
              it could be a Byzantine intelligence operation, the best in the world at that time. The Byzantines could merge the path of Svyatoslav to the Pechenegs as well
        3. +2
          3 July 2015 19: 15
          Quote: Bakht
          If you believe Gumilyov, then Svyatoslav was not afraid of fire like the Pechenegs, but the people of Kiev. It is strange that the Pechenegs killed Svyatoslav and missed the governor Pretić. Moreover, Pretich exchanged weapons with the leader of the Pechenegs Kurey. So the causes of Svyatoslav’s death must be sought in Kiev.

          Even according to Gumilyov, Russians and Slavs are different nations, but the Rus conquering the Slavs assimilated with them to form Kievan Rus. Judging by the events in Ukraine, I begin to believe in the theory of N. Gumilyov
    2. +6
      3 July 2015 09: 00
      Khazar Khaganate was not a parasitic state
      Is the USA also probably not a parasitic state? wink
    3. The comment was deleted.
    4. +11
      3 July 2015 09: 08
      Quote: Jurkovs
      historians have already concluded that Svyatoslav made a mistake ....

      Quote: Jurkovs
      ... the Khazar Khaganate was not a parasitic state,

      Quote: Jurkovs
      The relatively soft power established by them allowed Slavic farmers to develop lands ...

      Now Russia's "best friends" will tell us that the Khazar yoke was a boon for the Slavic people.
      Just the same paradise in which Russians from the lordly, Khazar shoulder were allowed to develop and plow the land (practically to be slaves) right up to the Arctic Circle.
      I will not be surprised that some "historians" will begin to tell and write after some time that Prince Svyatoslav was an enemy for us who wanted death ...

      Khazaria can be compared with the current USA - parasites and oppressors of the peoples of the earth
      1. +8
        3 July 2015 09: 19
        Already some write that Svyatoslav was a bandit and destroyed one of the most cultured and civilized countries of that time. And he nearly destroyed the God-chosen Byzantium.
        In general, the relationship of "civilized" gentlemen to our ancestors is shown very well in the film, Primordial Russia.
    5. +10
      3 July 2015 09: 50
      It’s strange. You refer to Gumilyov, and it was he who called the Khazar Khaganate a chimera and a parasitic state that specialized in trade. Including the slave trade. And the slaves were Slavs (Sakaliba)

      Do not consider it work, give a link based on the writings of which author you draw such strange conclusions.

      And the thesis of the voluntary transfer of power has not been noted ANYWHERE or NEVER for the entire written period of the history of mankind. Well, let's say for 2 years. Even 500 years ago, according to Homer, the authorities did not voluntarily transfer power to Three.
    6. +2
      3 July 2015 10: 01
      The Mongols rolled out everyone who got in their way, in the end. And the kaganate would not be any obstacle for them.
      1. +5
        3 July 2015 10: 16
        There are more questions than answers with the Mongols.
    7. +2
      3 July 2015 12: 07
      What is the fundamental difference between the reflection of the Khazar raid behind the full or any other nomadic tribe? The Russian princes constantly had to smash the nomadic threat, which was gaining strength, and agree with predators living on a raid is a fairy tale. An alternative to the shameful except that there was a tribute to the people mentioned in the article
      1. +3
        3 July 2015 13: 04
        Quote: Pissarro
        What is the fundamental difference between the reflection of the Khazar raid behind the full or any other nomadic tribe? The Russian princes constantly had to smash the nomadic threat, which was gaining strength, and agree with predators living on a raid is a fairy tale. An alternative to the shameful except that there was a tribute to the people mentioned in the article
        Well, the prisoners had to be sold somewhere else, which Khazaria was doing. Captive markets. That is, the scale was much larger. Genusians in Crimea also traded this later, but their nomads periodically devastated their cities.
        1. 0
          3 July 2015 13: 59
          Quote: Stirbjorn
          Well, the prisoners had to be sold somewhere else, which Khazaria was doing. Captive markets.

          From the tale of bygone years, it is clear that Russia traded in slaves with the Bulgarian kingdom.
          In the year 6477 (969). Svyatoslav said to his mother and his boyars: “I don’t like to sit in Kiev, I want to live in Pereyaslavets on the Danube - for there is the middle of my land, all the benefits flow there: from the Greek land - gold, pavolok, wine, various fruits, from the Czech Republic and from Hungary silver and horses, from Russia furs and wax, honey and slaves. "
          1. +1
            3 July 2015 14: 15
            Was there slavery in Russia? Or are these some other slaves? Or captive warriors?
            1. -2
              3 July 2015 14: 30
              Quote: Darkness
              Was there slavery in Russia?

              Of course it was
              Among the dependent population of ancient Russia in the 9th-12th centuries, slaves occupied a very significant place. Their work even prevailed in the Old Russian patrimony. In modern historical science, the idea of ​​the patriarchal nature of slavery in Russia is especially popular. But there are other opinions in the literature. P.N. Tretyakov, referring to slavery among the Slavs and Ants, wrote:

              “Slaves were bought and sold. A member of a neighboring tribe could become a slave. During wars, slaves, especially women and children, were an indispensable and very important part of the spoils of war. It is hardly possible to consider all this as a primitive patriarchal slavery, which was common among all primitive peoples. But it was not, of course, developed slavery, which took shape as an integral system of production relations.

              Russian truth also indicated other sources for the appearance of slaves in Russia, in addition to capturing prisoners. Such sources were: self-sale in slavery, marriage to a slave, admission to the service (in tiuns, housekeepers), “without a row” (that is, without any reservations), bankruptcy. Also, a slave or a person who has committed a serious crime could become a slave. Researcher E.I. Kolycheva on slavery in ancient Russia writes the following:

              "...servitude in Russia as a legal institution was not something exceptional, unique. It is characterized by the same important features as for slavery in other countries, including for ancient slavery »

              In Russia, there were several forms of slavery: servility and servants (In the XNUMXth-XNUMXth centuries, servants were captive slaves. In the IX — X centuries, they became the object of sale. Since the XI century, the term "servants" refers to part of the dependent population employed in the feudal economy. In the middle of the XI century it was replaced by the term "slaves". In the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries the word "servants" denoted the yard people of the landowner).
    8. +2
      3 July 2015 14: 22
      "The Khazars were focused on fighting the East and without Svyatoslav's raid they themselves would have in fact transferred power to the Slavs and Russian princes to the Don and Crimea." - such great Khazars? The Khazars fished and skerried in the Volga delta, and whoever could not, they were bent on serving the Jewish masters. To whom did the Khazars convey what? What can slaves even convey?
  7. +5
    3 July 2015 08: 21
    It is time to cover more about the past of our ancestors of the Rus and Slovenes (in the annals, if anything, as historians say, they wrote not Slav, but Sloven). And stop saying that we did not have our own calendar. Before the reforms of Peter 1, there was a calendar. Now 7523 years from S.M.Z.Kh.
    [Here, according to these data, it is necessary to shoot Russian films and create computer games.] - I support.
    1. 0
      3 July 2015 08: 40
      SchA, they will write to you that before Vladimir the Slavs climbed trees and looked for lice from each other))))
      1. +4
        3 July 2015 09: 20
        In all countries, the people are proud of the finds of their archaeologists, and only we have a complete silence about them. Did nothing happen on 1/6 of the Earth's land mass? I doubt it ... So what is “our” science, the kept woman of those in power, hiding from us, why is it so afraid to reveal the truth?

        Naryshkin about the tasks of the "Russian Historical Society" - to belittle the involvement of Russians in the creation of the Russian state ...

        1. +1
          3 July 2015 09: 40
          Monuments of dofig and more, but no one deals with them, with the exception of some altruists.
          Looks like there was something that was categorically unacceptable to the current government and churchmen.
      2. 0
        3 July 2015 10: 02
        No damn it, flew into space and owned the whole of Europe and Asia)
      3. +2
        3 July 2015 10: 25
        The patriarch seemed to say by box why repeat)))))
      4. +1
        3 July 2015 13: 25
        SchA, they will write to you that before Vladimir the Slavs climbed trees and looked for lice from each other))))

        Every nation had a period when its ancestors climbed trees and looked for lice from each other. Is it really only the Slavs passed it? Svarog probably let us down from the sky right away, smoothly shaven and in silk pants, right? laughing
        1. +1
          3 July 2015 14: 17
          Some do it now.
          1. The comment was deleted.
          2. -1
            3 July 2015 14: 25
            Undoubtedly, but once again you are moving away from a direct question - did the Slavs never look for lice from each other? Here, for example, tribes of glades and Krivichs were formed - did they already know the proof of the Cauchy theorem? )))
            1. 0
              3 July 2015 16: 18
              And when did you yourself learn this theorem?
              When we climbed trees, then there were still no Slavs.
              1. -1
                3 July 2015 16: 39
                And when did you yourself learn this theorem?

                For a long time - almost 20 years ago.
                The lice and trees that you mentioned are, as I understand it, just a collective image of the backwardness, in this case, of the ancient Slavs. I don’t understand what it’s possible to argue about - there was undoubtedly a time when the latter were in their primeval state (like any other nation — Jews, Germans, etc.).
                The Slavs came to a new level from it in the 6th century AD, when the latter began to attack Byzantium and began to transform their lives according to the results of contacts with ancient civilization. The Germans had the same thing - only there it began earlier and the Western Roman Empire served as a catalyst.
                1. +1
                  3 July 2015 23: 57
                  Lomonosov would give you a denture!
              2. The comment was deleted.
        2. +1
          3 July 2015 23: 55
          These were our common ancestors. But the Slavs put on silk pants before, for they were closer than Europe to the silk road to China.
      5. The comment was deleted.
    2. +1
      3 July 2015 09: 38
      Quote: andrei.yandex
      Before the reforms of Peter 1, there was a calendar
      According to which chronology was carried out in accordance with the Old Believer Christian tradition - from the creation of the world (in another way - from the creation of Adam).

      Now 7523 years from S.M.Z.Kh.
      Please give at least one link to an authoritative source confirming the fiction of the star temple.
      1. 0
        3 July 2015 09: 56
        Quote: Uncle Joe
        Please give at least one link to an authoritative source confirming the fiction of the star temple.

        I hope you know whose character is a dragon?
        In the year of the "Star Temple" (the name of the year), a peace was signed between the white and yellow races.
        1. -2
          3 July 2015 10: 16
          Quote: Boris55
          I hope you know whose character is a dragon?
          Roman cavalry? Or Viking Drakkars? what
          1. +3
            3 July 2015 10: 52
            Buryat armored mare. :)))
        2. +1
          3 July 2015 10: 58
          Quote: Boris55
          I hope you know whose character is a dragon?
          Sumer, Egypt, Ugarit, India, Greece, China, Japan, Mexico.

          In the year & yauot; Star Temple & yauot; (name of the year) a peace was signed between the white and yellow race.
          I wrote in Russian that I was interested in an authoritative source, and not fiction and pulling a snake on a hedgehog.

          On the basis of what do you declare the signing of some kind of world?
          1. +2
            3 July 2015 11: 52
            Quote: Uncle Joe
            I wrote in Russian that I was interested in an authoritative source, and not fiction and pulling a snake on a hedgehog.

            On the basis of what do you declare the signing of some kind of world?

            They will not give, because they are not there. Fans of Akhinevich, Levashev and so on - this question is always perplexing. In response, the maximum shout that your whole story is fiction, and Christians are bad))) And so, there is an opportunity to minus, so they use it lol
          2. The comment was deleted.
          3. +3
            3 July 2015 13: 14
            I wrote in Russian that I am interested in an authoritative source
            Please tell me which source is authoritative for you? And if now someone cannot name the source for the existence of the star temple, this does not mean that it did not exist.
            Until 1987, many did not know about the existence of Arkaim, but it turned out to be. So there is no need to get excited.
            It is officially accepted that the settlement Arkaim in the Bredinsky district of the Chelyabinsk region was discovered by the archaeological expedition of the Chelyabinsk State University in June 1987. However, Arkaim was marked on military maps back in 1957. The military first saw the outline of Arkaim in 1952, during aerial photography of the confluence of the Great Karaganka and Utyaganka rivers.
            1. +2
              3 July 2015 14: 09
              Quote: Gomunkul
              Please tell me which source is authoritative for you?
              Article in a scientific publication.

              And if now someone cannot name the source for the existence of the star temple, this does not mean that it was not
              If no one saw Santa Claus (werewolf, gnome, dragon ...), this does not mean that he is not there - did I understand you correctly?

              Until 1987, many did not know about the existence of Arkaim, but it turned out to be
              And here it is exactly the opposite - everyone at least heard about this temple, but I can’t find something.

              Perhaps I can help - in which primary source is the mention of him for the first time?
              1. 0
                3 July 2015 14: 44
                Quote: Uncle Joe
                Article in a scientific publication.

                All existing science serves the Biblical concept and everything that contradicts its interpretation is destroyed and indulged in oblivion. I have to disappoint you - in scientific journals you will not find anything about pre-Christian Russia, but what you find will be a lie.

                You can continue to think that your ancestors were the last to jump from the trees and therefore you should stand in front of the constipation in a pose of sow.
                1. 0
                  3 July 2015 14: 53
                  Did Soviet science serve the biblical concept? Drugs evil, tie laughing wassat
                2. 0
                  3 July 2015 15: 08
                  Quote: Boris55
                  All Existing Science Serves the Bible Concept

                  There is something in this, but this most likely refers to the Middle Ages, pre-Christian history somehow does not violate it and therefore is less falsified
                  Quote: Boris55
                  - in scientific journals you will not find anything about pre-Christian Russia, but what you find will be a lie.

                  Here is a double-edged wand - it actually could not exist
                  You know, there are different tribes in Africa, at different stages of development, there are still living in the Stone Age and gathering - does this mean that they previously had a rich history - is not necessary. more precisely, I am sure that it was not.
                  The fact that different peoples developed at different speeds and each had ups and downs is not a secret.

                  Quote: Boris55
                  You can continue to think that your ancestors were the last to jump from the trees

                  Maybe this, there are those who did not jump. but there are those who climbed back.
                  1. 0
                    3 July 2015 15: 46
                    Quote: atalef
                    The fact that different peoples developed at different speeds and each had ups and downs is not a secret.

                    It is also no secret that our civilization is far from being the first and that the "world afterwards" was not so universal either. Many peoples did not notice him. By manipulating the past, they dream of continuing to parasitize on us.
                    1. -1
                      3 July 2015 16: 35
                      Quote: Boris55
                      It’s no secret that our civilization is far from the first

                      And what?
                      Quote: Boris55
                      that the "world afterwards" was not so universal either.

                      Did Noah tell you this?
                      Quote: Boris55
                      By manipulating the past, they dream of continuing to parasitize on us.
                3. +2
                  3 July 2015 19: 07
                  Quote: Boris55
                  All existing science serves the Biblical concept and everything that contradicts its interpretation is destroyed and indulged in oblivion. I have to disappoint you - in scientific journals you will not find anything about pre-Christian Russia, but what you find will be a lie
                  The only thing you disappoint me with is idle talk.

                  I asked specific questions:
                  in what source does the temple first appear?
                  on the basis of what do you declare the signing of some kind of world?
                  What authoritative source can you refer to?

                  If you are right, then it will not be difficult for you to answer them.

                  But instead of enlightening ME - you are engaged in verbiage.

                  [You can continue to think that your ancestors were the last to jump from the trees, and therefore you should stand in front of the constipation in a pose of sow.
                  You are right in one-shot - I CAN think.

                  PS Answer the questions ...
                4. +1
                  3 July 2015 21: 41
                  Quote: Boris55
                  All existing science
                  Do not stoop to verbiage - answer the questions.
                5. 0
                  5 July 2015 20: 12
                  Quote: Boris55
                  All Existing Science Serves the Bible Concept
                  Evidence please.

                  in scientific journals you will not find anything about pre-Christian Russia, but what you find will be a lie
                  And you, you must understand, own the ultimate truth?

                  You can continue to think that your ancestors were the last to jump from the trees and therefore you should stand in front of the constipation in a pose of sow.
                  Please leave your erotic fantasies to yourself.

                  So what is the source? Is it really a shame to call? smile
                  1. +2
                    5 July 2015 23: 11
                    why do you need him? go on smoke and play cards ...

                    dig at your lousy izi herberstein who in Russia did not even notice the baths, one "stench" wassat
            2. +2
              3 July 2015 14: 13
              Quote: Gomunkul
              And if now someone cannot name the source for the existence of the star temple, this does not mean that it did not exist.

              Totally agree with you

              a book was written for you
              1. +2
                3 July 2015 18: 43
                a book was written for you
                Here answer the all-knowing atalef how and for what outstanding achievements, your ancestors were captured in Egypt, and where did they live before the captivity of the Egyptian? wink
                And here’s another question, everyone knows about the Tunguska meteorite, but they still haven’t found it. So was the meteorite or not? wink
                1. -1
                  3 July 2015 21: 19
                  Quote: Gomunkul
                  Here answer the all-knowing atalef how and for what outstanding achievements, your ancestors were captured in Egypt, and where did they live before the captivity of the Egyptian?

                  maybe the same climbed trees, but the history of the Jews (as a people) can be seen from about 1600-1800
                  Quite enough .
                  And I do not claim that before these references, we ruled the world in some kind of our star temple.
                  There are references, there are documented certificates - that’s how I believe it
                  Quote: Gomunkul
                  And here’s another question, everyone knows about the Tunguska meteorite, but they still haven’t found it. So was the meteorite or not?

                  Unlike the star temple, the Tunguska meteorite (or what it was) was seen and evidence remained of it
                  Unlike your star temple.
                  Sorry hi
                2. 0
                  4 July 2015 00: 05
                  The only expert Nikola Tesla rested in a Bose ... Alas, no one .. fellow
          4. 0
            3 July 2015 16: 47
            Quote: Uncle Joe
            On the basis of what do you declare the signing of some kind of world?

            Like some star
            - Here, I put you butter, bread and a kilogram of nails.
            - What for??
            - Well, why is there something incomprehensible? You spread butter on bread and eat it.
            - And the nails?
            - Well, here they are, she put it.
        3. +7
          3 July 2015 14: 56
          Quote: Boris55
          I hope you know whose character is a dragon?
          Znamo Borka whose am Coat of arms of the house Targaryenov ?!
          1. +1
            3 July 2015 14: 58
            Quote: Alibekulu
            Quote: Boris55
            I hope you know whose character is a dragon?
            Znamo Borka whose am Coat of arms of the house Targaryenov ?!

            105000, for humor !!!!
        4. 0
          3 July 2015 16: 46
          Quote: Boris55
          a peace was signed between the white and yellow races.

          I hope this document is preserved not only in your memory
          1. 0
            3 July 2015 17: 28
            Quote: atalef
            I hope this document is preserved not only in your memory

            And do not expect! I will not give it to you - and already almost everything has been destroyed. laughing

            Even my picture about the knight of a piercing dragon did not receive discussion, or am I ashamed to admit my selfless faith in the delirium of fiction about George? They also accuse me, but essentially they didn’t say anything ...

    3. +2
      3 July 2015 11: 01
      It’s too hard to write about this period, because there are few chronicles and they are either already late Christian (and therefore not objective) or foreign, which is even worse.
      1. 0
        3 July 2015 16: 38
        Quote: ilya_oz
        It’s too hard to write about this period, because there are few annals.

        But what field for the flight of thought good
        Write anything you like, you will always find those who believe you.
    4. -1
      3 July 2015 14: 38
      Quote: andrei.yandex
      Before the reforms of Peter 1, there was a calendar. Now 7523 years from S.M.Z.Kh.

      do not write (sorry nonsense) Peter 1, abolished
      March style is one of the calendar styles (along with September, January) with the beginning of the year in March (hence the name); used in the chronological systems of the creation of the world (Constantinople era) and the Nativity of Christ. From antiquity it existed in Russia (until 1492) and among other Slavic peoples, as well as in the cities of Northern Italy, England (until 1752). It began in Russia on March 1, in Northern Italy and England on March 25, six months later than the September style. Ultramart style began six months earlier than the September style [1

      ПWhen studying ancient Russian chronicles, historians have noticed that the chronology in different chronicles may differ by one or two years. It turned out that in Russia there were several different calendar styles, due to the fact that the Byzantine calendar counted the year from September 1, and the Eastern Slavs, when they adopted Christianity, preserved the ancient beginning of the year in March. Two different years can be in two respects: the March year can begin either six months later than September, or six months earlier.
      1. 0
        3 July 2015 18: 19
        Quote: atalef
        do not write (sorry nonsense) Peter 1, abolished

        Delirium is the reality into which the world is sinking deeper and deeper because of some legislators of the history of the birthright and the hegemony of absolute power (banks, politicians, and so on ...), do not forget in your "book" the plot ends with an apocalypse - maybe this is not the book which should be equal
  8. +3
    3 July 2015 08: 33
    By defeating the Khazar Khaganate, Svyatoslav secured the left flank before a future campaign in the Bulgarian kingdom. Temporary allies - the Pechenegs later killed Svyatoslav at the crossing of the Dnieper rapids. The Pecheneg Prince Kurya ordered a cup to be made of his skull.
    1. -1
      3 July 2015 11: 04
      By this version, by the way, there are also many questions. For example Smoking is clearly a nickname, not a name. This word meant "one-eyed", so the nickname could belong to anyone, not just the Pecheneg.
      For some reason, Svyatoslav did not begin to break into Kiev, although part of his squad all the same went there and safely reached the place. Where did the pathos code of honor of Russian soldiers go ???

      And most importantly: on the island where Svyatoslav was killed, there is an ancient pagan temple. Sacrifice? It is possible ... recall that Svyatoslav did not forbid the soldiers of the squad to be baptized. His mother was also a Christian. So was he himself a pagan? And the part of the squad that went to Kiev was probably just pagans. The besiegers had no complaints about them.

      The subsequent actions of Prince Vladimir fit perfectly into the version. Russia was baptized by fire and sword. And what else should he have done with the pagans who killed his brother?
      1. -1
        3 July 2015 11: 26
        Fomenko smokes nervously aside ....
      2. +1
        3 July 2015 12: 15
        And what else should he have done with the pagans who killed his brother?

        Vladimir Svyatoslav is not a brother, but a son
        1. 0
          3 July 2015 13: 08
          Yes? And if you think a little? Svyatoslav had a son from a slave named Vladimir. According to the customs of the pagans, the son of a slave has the right to inherit. But it is unlikely that Christian tradition would approve of this. In Scripture, everything is clear and conceptual. Slaves must know their place. And Svyatoslav, even if he was not a zealous Christian, he clearly sympathized with the Christians.

          Another caveat: the year of birth of Vladimir is unknown. But it is believed that in 970 he began to reign in Novgorod. Svyatoslav was born in 942. Sexual life :))) then started quite early. But still: if Svyatoslav became a father at 13, then Prince of Novgorod was 15 years old. Was the prince young for one of the richest cities of those times? Novgorod subsequently banished Nevsky himself three times, and he did not even try to return the table by force. He left and waited when they called. And here is the snotty kid.

          So are you still sure that it was the son of Svyatoslav who defeated the Yaropolk? And they gave Novgorod to their third son, bypassing the two elders? Then I remind you that Svyatoslav did not like to engage in politics. Until he entered the age, his mother, Olga, ruled, and then she had a great influence on the prince. Would she put in Novgorod the watching young child VNUK, and even the son of a slave?

          Think guys ... Think. It is necessary not only to read books, but also to work with brains sometimes.
          1. +3
            3 July 2015 13: 45
            According to the customs of the pagans, the son of a slave has the right to inherit. But Christian tradition would hardly approve of this.

            Vladimir became a prince in pagan times and was a pagan until his mature years, what does the approval of his actions by the Christian tradition have to do with it? The term "tradition" itself is meaningless in this context, since Christianity was a novelty, not a tradition at a given time in a given place

            Was the prince young for one of the richest cities of those times?

            Young princes have been CONSTANTLY CONSIDERED in Novgorod for centuries. Study the question. Nevsky mentioned by you the first time sat in Novgorod in 1228 at the age of 7 years, the second time in 1930 at the age of 9 years.

            And they gave Novgorod to their third son, bypassing the two elders?

            First, no one went around the senior Yaropolk, he was given the first city in importance Kiev, Novgorod was the second. In the same year 970. As you rightly noted, Svyatoslav was not in control of the cities, he lived in the saddle to distant lands from Kiev. With regards to Oleg , not the fact that he was the second son, many historians consider him the third, and then the hierarchy of governorship in the cities is clearly observed

            Do not think of anything smile
            1. +2
              3 July 2015 16: 27
              It’s ridiculous for us, brethren, to begin a detailed analysis of this ...

              You, of course, are aware that the date of birth of Yaropolk is unknown? Such things ... The prince was born the first-born, heir, but everyone has ankles. You think! Our princes are like uncut dogs. One has become more. But the first mention of it dates back to 968. The chronicle says that Princess Olga locked herself in Kiev during the siege and there were three grandchildren with her. That is, at that time, none of the grandchildren was entrusted with anything. And in 970 they give everyone around the city. Suddenly trust appeared ...

              At the same time, Kiev, which was only a transshipment base on the way from the Varangians to the Greeks, is given to the eldest. Novgorod, which was the real gates of Russia (one should not believe the tales about the "mother of Russian lands"), for some reason the youngest, and the middle one, does not know what at all. If you include the brains, then we can assume that Oleg probably got the southern borders and the Black Sea coast. What is characteristic: Olga also remained in Kiev. Shouldn't I keep an eye on Yaropolk?

              Now turn on the brain again. Where did the best mercenaries of that time come to Russia? From Novgorod. Silver? From Novgorod. A weapon? From Novgorod. Everything could be bought there, there would be money. Vladimir subsequently defeated Yaropolk with the help of Varangian mercenaries. And he defeated very quickly, in one summer. Kiev, you say, relied elder? Oh well...

              It is difficult for a modern person to understand the significance of belonging to the family then. Turn the brains on again. Oleg’s mother is famous. Vladimir’s mother, too, although who would be interested in a slave? But mother Yaropolk - no. So who was the bastard ???
      3. -2
        3 July 2015 12: 58
        Quote: RiverVV
        Where did the pathos code of honor of Russian soldiers go ???
        - Where does he come from ... There are only religious restrictions, but you cannot list them.

        Quote: RiverVV
        although part of his squad
        a small Russian detachment under the leadership of the governor Sveneld - the future regent Prince Yaropolk sent to collect the army. because: "Here comes past you to Russia Svyatoslav with a small squadtaking from the Greeks a lot of wealth and captives without number "
        Another says that the Pechenegs defeated a large army of dews, and only a few returned home.
      4. 0
        3 July 2015 15: 18
        Quote: RiverVV
        pathetic code of honor of Russian soldiers?

        Here Tzimiskes did not doubt him.
        Quote: RiverVV
        recall that Svyatoslav did not forbid the soldiers of the squad to be baptized.

        He even allowed execution at the request of the squad of father and son = (Christians) at the request of the squad.
        Quote: RiverVV
        part of the squad that went to Kiev

        A split in the army of Svyatoslav took place, no doubt ... The spirit of the soldiers was broken, hence the excesses.
        Quote: RiverVV
        actions of Prince Vladimir ... And how else should he deal with the pagans who killed brother?

        Excuse me, where does "brother" have to do when it comes to the father? If it does not complicate, then explain your idea.
        1. 0
          3 July 2015 16: 51
          Isn't it easier to assume that the split was due to religious reasons? I will explain.

          Russian in Bulgaria squeezed better. The korostol (it seems so), where Svyatoslav was besieged, had neither serious walls nor reserves. For some time, professional fighters held the defenses, but in the end it came to a gesture of despair: the Russians went beyond the walls, lined up and fought with clearly superior forces.
          And suddenly Svyatoslav is released. Imagine that Zhukov in the 45th suddenly calls Doenitz, feeds deliciously, gives a drink of water, gives food on the road and escorts with the world. Really? No. And Svyatoslav released.

          However, this has happened before. It was only necessary ... to accept the Byzantine rite. Byzantium has always been extremely loyal to pagans who converted to Orthodoxy. They were hired, sometimes settled on the lands of the empire. What prevented the Byzantines from proposing then: accept our faith and go in peace. And Svyatoslav’s mother is a Christian. What prevented him from agreeing?

          But Sveneld remained a pagan. There are references to this. Got a hint? Now imagine: a prince who has accepted a new faith is returning to Kiev (or maybe a former Christian before that, because his very name hints at something sacred). Wasn't this Sveneld a one-eyed case? "Smoking" just means: one-eyed.

          I already wrote about Vladimir above. Too much absurdity would have been to put the youngest son, who had not yet reached his age, in Novgorod. At that time, this city was more important than Kiev. And Olga would not support, and the squad would not understand. Subsequently, Vladimir defeated Yaropolk with the help of the Varangians. Would Varangian mercenaries send for a snotty kid? And then Vladimir also managed to not pay them. Sounds like a fifteen year old? Well, it doesn’t happen like that. Gaidar nervously smokes on the sidelines. :)
          But Olga would have willingly put her son to this post and the fact that history has not preserved the names of the other sons of Prince Igor is nothing more than an accident.
          1. 0
            3 July 2015 17: 35
            But doesn’t it bother you that at the time of Vladimir’s birth in 960, Princess Olga (born in 890) was 70 years old? For the grandmother, this is normal, but for the mother, the search is even in our time. You are urging you to think, let's think about it laughing
            1. 0
              3 July 2015 19: 40
              But doesn’t it bother you that she gave birth to Svyatoslav at 52? He was kind of born in 942. Well then, giving birth in 70 should not be very embarrassing.

              This is what the current hamster touches me with. They were also taught to read them with half a sin, but they never knew how to think and compare facts. For example, there is a mention in the annals that Vladimir (he is a brother to Svyatoslav, or a son in the end is not so important) had 300 concubines. And the youngsters joyfully rub their sweaty little hands: "Wow! But they don't think that if a person uses three or four women a day, then after a week he will simply stop standing. :)))
              1. +1
                3 July 2015 19: 50
                And the Arab caliph Harun al Rashid had more than two thousand women in a harem, the Ottoman sultans had an average of 700 to 1200 women, this only speaks of prestige, with many of them he might not have sexual relations at all, no one forced him to be courted by three four women a day

                It’s possible to give birth at 52, although it’s difficult, but hardly 70 laughing
                1. 0
                  3 July 2015 21: 25
                  Quote: Pissarro
                  You can give birth at 52, although it’s difficult

                  In those years? With that medicine, I'm not talking about the hero who climbed onto it.
                  If you collect disparate information together, and this was done by many demographers, you get about the following picture. At the end of the Neolithic era (New Stone Age), i.e. around the VIII — 111th millennium BC, the average life expectancy was a little over 20 years, according to other estimates - 20-25 years. Almost the same or a little longer - up to 30 years - people lived in the Bronze and Iron eras (end of IV - beginning of I millennium BC). In the ancient era after the emergence of writing, new possibilities for studying mortality appeared. One of the first who turned to the written sources of antiquity was the English mathematician Karl Pearson. According to his calculations, the average life expectancy in ancient Egypt was only 22,5 years. The follower of K. Pearson is the Englishman U.R. McDonell chose a different data source to determine the average life expectancy in Ancient Rome and its provinces. He studied the collection of tombstones dating back to the reign of the Roman emperor Augustus (63 BC - 14 CE), which was kept at the Berlin Academy of Sciences. It turned out that the average life expectancy in Rome was 22 years, and in the provinces - 25 years. The main source of information about life expectancy in the Middle Ages is again the archaeological site. So, on the basis of archaeological finds in the Hungarian settlement of Zalavar dating back to the X-XII centuries, it was estimated that the average life expectancy at that time was 28,7 years, and the mortality rate of women was higher than men. Interesting evidence leads J.K. Russell for medieval England. According to his calculations, the average life expectancy in England for the period from 1277 to 1450. ranged from 17,3 to 32,7 years, with the lowest life expectancy for years when the plague raged in England. According to the Polish demographer E. Rosset, it is most likely that in medieval England the average life expectancy was 26–28 years. From the above data, it can be concluded that in the Middle Ages, compared with the ancient era, the average life expectancy of people almost did not change. In 1693, the prominent English astronomer Edmund Halley published the first scientifically based mortality table for the city of Wroclaw (formerly Breslav). The value he received of average life expectancy in 1687-1691. amounted to 33,5 years

                  Gave birth to 52 laughing Tales
                  1. 0
                    3 July 2015 21: 35
                    your Sarah gave birth to Abraham Issak at age 90 laughing

                    And at 52, the question of health is nothing more than that, and besides, we are talking about the princess, well-fed, well-groomed and under the supervision of court doctors. All the same, she lived 80 years
                    1. +3
                      3 July 2015 21: 59
                      Quote: Pissarro
                      your Sarah gave birth to Abraham Issak at age 90

                      the same tale, it is also written that he himself circumcised himself with a stone, at 112, sort of.
                      And should I believe that?
                      Well it is necessary, a stone, a member, without glasses, at 112 years ---- and not to miss laughing
                2. 0
                  4 July 2015 05: 53
                  You can give birth. To conceive is more difficult. However, there were no insurmountable tasks for the Russian princes.
              2. +1
                3 July 2015 21: 21
                Quote: RiverVV
                But they don’t think that if a person consumes three to four women a day

                Well, it depends on how you use it, if you eat, with onions, and smoked ribs wassat then
                Quote: RiverVV
                then in a week he will simply stop standing. :)))

                Why? On a full stomach wassat
          2. +1
            3 July 2015 20: 44
            RiverVV "The Russians in Bulgaria were squeezed with the highest quality. Korostol (so it seems), where Svyatoslav was besieged, did not have any serious walls."
            Correct you. Fortress Dorostol. As for the walls there, everything was in order.
  9. +1
    3 July 2015 08: 40
    Suppose that Svyatoslav defeated the armies, Burtases and Bulgars, well, he slightly nibbled the Mordvinians, but the question arises: Could the prince of the Rus leave the enemy in his rear? Defeating the army once is not enough. From a superior enemy, the "forest" ones ALWAYS leave for numerous strongholds in the swamps and in the dense thicket. It will not hurt to re-assemble the army. Remained in the Caucasus small garrison + local support against Khazaria. Could such a garrison remain in Burtas, Bilyar, Bulgar? Definitely yes. As I understand it, there was no anti-Russian uprising. It turns out that the Finno-Ugrians managed to reassign on more favorable terms for them. Indirect proof of this is the Burtasov Large Shopping Center (Zolotorevskoe settlement, Penza region, Zolotorevka village), destroyed by the Mongol-Tatars in the 13 century. There are Mordovians (indigenous people), and Burtases (vassals of Bulgaria) and Bulgars, and from the 11 century, Russians, and even ALTAYS! Coordinates
    For Wikipucia Seed:
    EE% E4% E8% F9% E5
    Conclusion: Rus + other Slavs + Finno-Ugric (international) liberated the Volga and the Caucasus from the Khazar yoke!
    1. +1
      3 July 2015 10: 05
      Quote: Penzuck
      Conclusion: Rus + other Slavs + Finno-Ugric (international) liberated the Volga and the Caucasus from the Khazar yoke!
      Undoubtedly, all together they threw off the parasite state. Same as Carthage at one time.
  10. 0
    3 July 2015 08: 46
    L. Kornilov has a wonderful poem "Prince Svyatoslav". Simply beautiful performed by the author.
  11. +5
    3 July 2015 09: 16
    There is also a version about the disappearance of the Khazars.
    “As some Russian historians have long assumed, most of the“ eastern ”Jews are not Semites, but the Turks, the descendants of those Khazars who were first defeated by Svyatoslav, and then finished off by Genghis Khan and fled to Eastern Europe under the onslaught of his hordes. Even in Israel itself there are now small groups of people who are convinced of the veracity of this story. Since without exception all prominent figures of Judaism and Zionism belong to the number of "Eastern" Jews, then, for obvious reasons, this historical truth is not very popular among them. But, to their great chagrin, writer Arthur Koestler, who is very well known in the circles of the European intelligentsia , himself an Eastern Jew by origin, recently released his new book entitled "The Thirteenth Tribe", in which he clearly and convincingly proves that he himself and all his Jewish relatives - "Ashkenazim" can in no way be Semites, but are direct descendants of the Khazars ... As Koestler rightly asserts, such a strong and viable tribe as the Khazars could not disappear from the face of the earth completely without a trace. As nomads, they simply moved westward under the onslaught of the Mongols and settled in central Europe, increasing the number of their relatives, who were forcibly taken away by Svyatoslav. Known in Poland and Ukraine as "Jews", these settlers from the lower reaches of the Volga were precisely the "Jews" mentioned in our epics. http://traditio-ru.org/wiki/%D5%E0%E7%E0%F0%FB
  12. +1
    3 July 2015 09: 27
    A good study of the topic of interaction between the Khazar Kaganate and Ancient Russia and the reflection of this struggle in Russian epics was given by the great Russian writer and publicist Vadim Valerinovich Kozhinov, now, unfortunately, deceased, in the book "From Byzantium to the Horde".
  13. +3
    3 July 2015 09: 34
    And today, what’s better ??? It’s time to ALREADY all of us unite in Russia, one country. It is high time.
    1. +2
      3 July 2015 09: 57
      New Svyatoslavs waited for a new Kaganate
  14. Asily 50
    3 July 2015 10: 37
    The whole history of Eurasia can be led to an absurdity: the Jews appeared in Khazaria and the heyday of the state, the Jews moved to Byzantium - the heyday of the state, moved to Venice - the heyday, moved to Spain - the heyday, moved to England - the heyday, true decay comes very quickly, and * intellectual power * flows into free space.
    1. 0
      3 July 2015 11: 21
      Quote: asilius 50
      The whole history of Eurasia can be led to an absurdity: the Jews appeared in Khazaria and the heyday of the state, the Jews moved to Byzantium - the heyday of the state, moved to Venice - the heyday, moved to Spain - the heyday, moved to England - the heyday, true decay comes very quickly, and * intellectual power * flows into free space.

      Watched the Solo Performance V.R. Solovyov from May 30? fellow ?
    2. +7
      3 July 2015 12: 19
      but you’ve gotten the cause and effect. It is first dawn, and then the Jews flow there. Because they have their homeland where the priest is warm. Then, as a result of a predatory parasitic policy, sunset sets in there.
  15. The comment was deleted.
  16. 0
    3 July 2015 10: 42
    Stone fortresses on the right bank of the Don, Northern Donets and Oskol
    The correct name is Seversky Donets.
  17. -1
    3 July 2015 10: 52
    In general, it is informative if you skip the quips about "the Jews are to blame." Only the very dubious historical value of historical reconstructions must be taken into account. For example: take a closer look at the saber handle of the "noble warrior of the Rus squad". With this saber, not only swinging in battle, but also getting it out of the scabbard is a problem, because it will slip out of your hand. Or below the Russian prince with his retinue. If they go to battle, then why is the prince without a helmet? The shield seems to have been cut too. :))) And if on a hike, why are you wearing armor? You are on horseback in bekhterets, try to ride for some fun. This good weighed twenty kilograms and no one would knock a horse's back. The armor was carried either on a clockwork horse or in a wagon train. He had a weapon with him, and perhaps a light chain mail, and full armor was worn only in real danger. Nothing special "noble warrior" from "simple" in the campaign did not differ, because the commanders learned to knock out long before the X century.
  18. +7
    3 July 2015 11: 31
    Quote: RiverVV
    In general, informative, if you skip the quips about "the Jews are to blame" ...

    Yes, no, of course! What are the Jews? They, of course, have nothing to do with it as always, right?

    True, on the monument to Svyatoslav in Belgorod, at the strict insistence of the Jewish community, it was NOT ALLOWED to depict the authentic project of the Star of David monument on the shield of the defeated Khazar.

    Those. "occupation authorities", as BE - did not approve. (http://ruskline.ru/news_rl/2005/11/24/evrei_obidelis_na_pamyatnik_knyazyu_svyat
    oslavu /)

    Interestingly, but in Israel something similar would be possible? Well, there, if the Arabs, what kind of thread did not like the local Jewish monument? In memory of the victory over the Arabs? Rhetorical question.
    1. 0
      3 July 2015 16: 56
      Another ... Today, many Jews beat? Did you save Russia? Well, thank God, we sleep peacefully. :)))
  19. 0
    3 July 2015 12: 40
    I didn’t quite understand why it was then to baptize Russia in 988. if so united twenty years before?
    It turns out that the Jews after this defeat decided to act differently, and gain power in another way - by baptism.
    1. +3
      3 July 2015 13: 58
      Yes, everything is clear as a clear day. Earlier the people could recognize the prince or not. The princes were called for administration and "princely court", but only according to Pocon and tradition. The governor was elected for the war. The prince, by virtue of his abilities, could be a voivode, or he might not be. Christianity gave the descendants of the princely family to usurp power, to issue "laws", that is, social norms "for themselves," and to punish for not fulfilling the personal interests of the prince. Thus, Christianity "legalized" the usurpation of power by yesterday's elected rulers. This mechanism is recorded in a much earlier history of the Franks: Clovis "the most vile". A complete analogue of Vladimir "red sun", although the franc hopelessly lagged behind in terms of debauchery from the "Russian kagan", for that he surpassed in the murder of relatives.
      1. +1
        3 July 2015 14: 58
        Quote: andrew42
        Previously, the people could recognize the prince, could not recognize.

        Askold and Dira recognized. But Rurik Power usurped. PAGAN So his descendants usurped further.
        Quote: andrew42
        - What is this beast?
        Nevsky is a Christian, but he was called to the table in Novgorod and in the evening overthrew! And then, in general, Christianity? Monarchy and Democracy?
        1. +1
          3 July 2015 15: 38
          why Rurik usurped power? He was called to reign. The debate is about his origin, but not about the fact of calling
          1. 0
            3 July 2015 16: 09
            Quote: Pissarro
            why did Rurik usurp power?

            I mean Kiev.
            Quote: Pissarro
            He was called to reign.

            In Novgorod. Where and after Christianization, the prince was elected forever.
            Quote: Pissarro
            The debate is about its origin, but not about the fact of calling

            Be careful. I myself am sinful ...
    2. -4
      3 July 2015 14: 09
      Quote: Neo1982
      I didn’t quite understand why it was then to baptize Russia in 988. if so united twenty years before?

      Imagine you have a gang. Your accomplices roof Kievo. You roof Novgorod. And you have all the right guys at the right places. And you put up with the others on the counter. And you milk it. Then you squeezed the territory from the Khazar brothers.
      But then the Byzantine godfathers decided that you do not live according to concepts (Russia is stupidly surrounded by Christian and Jewish countries.) Bulgarians-Christians, Bulgars begin to Muslim. And everyone is looking at you unkindly. So you either begin to live by the concepts or they will kill you.
      Such things kid.
      And what about the Jews?
      1. 0
        3 July 2015 14: 31
        that is, it turns out to win - we won, united, expanded the spheres of influence, solved the most important problem and suddenly such people decided “let's change our faith” - it turns out somehow awkward.
        It’s just that those who were above the Jews decided to subordinate Russia to the system, but at a different level and acted quickly.
        1. -1
          4 July 2015 05: 13
          Every religion is slavery of the spirit. Vedicism was not a religion, it was a system of knowledge and values, and not a stupid servile worship of a god there (inf. To the argument - GOD should not be confused with Prakrit with Sanskrit, like a ray of light, but it has nothing to do with Yahweh) by name Yahweh. He has many names, including Satan, from Seth from from Egypt, well, etc. It should be noted that Sergius of Radonezh combined incompatible, disguised Vedicism as Christianity, which became Orthodoxy. But the various reforms of the church, especially the Nikonian one, almost nullified everything. And now we have what we have with the dirty Jewish Old Testament, which by the way is the five-book Torah. Do you feel where the breeze is from?
      2. +1
        3 July 2015 14: 52
        your comparison of Svyatoslav’s squad with the gang is simply unacceptable!
        1. -1
          3 July 2015 15: 59
          Quote: Neo1982
          your comparison of Svyatoslav’s squad with the gang is simply unacceptable!

          And when you and a gang of young people rob Paris - is this not banditry?
          When do you rob merchant ships? Vikings = bandits. Since the Vikings are Vikings by the way of managing, Rurik, like the Vikings, is also a Bandit. And the feudal lords of the Middle Ages are also bandits. Only in law.
        2. +1
          3 July 2015 16: 21
          This is acceptable for enemies.
  20. +2
    3 July 2015 12: 47
    Svyatoslav turned out to be trickier than the 100 wisest Jews. Bypassing the Khazars broke. Separate in revenge shit us in Ukraine.
  21. 0
    3 July 2015 12: 54
    Although, as General Filatov said, "We have no Jews. Jews - yes. And the Jews, as they lived in their Israel, still live. The Khazars converted to Judaism only because the key posts were occupied by the Jews who arrived from Persia. And there are 3 branches in Ukraine. the authorities are headed by the Jews, probably the Ukrainians need to prepare for the adoption of the state religion, Judaism?
    1. +2
      3 July 2015 13: 07
      Quote: Good AAAH
      The Khazars accepted Judaism only because the key posts were occupied by the Jews who arrived from Persia.
      So Judaism, as far as I remember, was accepted not without exception, but only the highest nobility, which was assimilated by the Jews, through marriage. The bulk of the Khazars, was also under oppression. Therefore, the kaganate fell apart so easily.
  22. 0
    3 July 2015 13: 43
    Quote: Good AAAH
    Although, as General Filatov said, "We have no Jews. Jews - yes. And the Jews, as they lived in their Israel, still live. The Khazars converted to Judaism only because the key posts were occupied by the Jews who arrived from Persia. And there are 3 branches in Ukraine. the authorities are headed by the Jews, probably the Ukrainians need to prepare for the adoption of the state religion, Judaism?
    Filatov's mental abilities are colossal. And how to find out how many centuries or millennia the history of "their" state of Israel counts? Or is it still 67 years old? Or Israelis still live in Israel and not Jews or Jews ?? In Khazaria, the Jews really did know, the rest believed who in what way.
    1. Ostwald
      3 July 2015 15: 39
      [/ quote] And how to find out how many centuries or millennia is the history of "their" state of Israel? Or is it still 67 years old? Or Israelis still live in Israel and not Jews or Jews ?? [/ quote]
      I will not say that there is a big specialist on this issue, but "officially" their state of Israel is 3 thousand years old, although the Torah itself was written 700 years before our era. Archeologically, according to the found Egyptian stele, it is believed that there was such a nation as the Israelites, but it is not mentioned that this nation had its own country and state. According to the Torah, the 12 tribes of Israel split into 10 Israelites and 2 Jews. During the time of Babylon, the entire people of the 10 tribes of northern Israel in Palestine was defeated, captured and destroyed by the Babylonians, and as an ethnos carrying the gene pool of those 10 tribes of Israel, today it has disappeared from the face of the earth and no one is looking for their descendants even in Israel. The Jews (2 tribes) were more fortunate, they were captured by the Persians and not destroyed, and they settled throughout Persia, it is documented that one of the diasporas settled in Armenia, but I can’t say that Armenia was part of Persia.
      So all Israelis are former and current Jews, identifying themselves with Israel as having the right to the lands of Palestine where their destroyed relatives of the northern 10 tribes lived, but not carrying their genes as a people, i.e. purely territorial associations with the name Israel.
      1. -1
        3 July 2015 16: 59
        Is that all you read in the Torah? You Jews are a funny people. Well, how are you different from gypsies? Only religion. And so - all the same. Sly, greedy, even outwardly similar.
        1. Ostwald
          3 July 2015 17: 47
          I didn’t read the Torah and if I’ll lie when I read because I don’t know Hebrew, and in addition to this, I am not a Jew.
          Gypsies will probably have more Hindu bloods than Judean ones.
          1. -1
            3 July 2015 19: 26
            So you didn’t even read the Torah, but simply believed other people's tales? Keep up the good work.
  23. +3
    3 July 2015 13: 43
    What is a "Khazar state"? Nobody knows anything about the state of the Khazar people. It is known about the state created by the Turkic dynasty of Ashin khans, where the Khazars simply constituted the main and subordinate population. Further, it is known about the state of the Jews, where not only the Khazars, but also the Turks themselves, yesterday's masters, fell into a subordinate position. In the "Khazar Kaganate" from the Khazars proper there is only a name, a purely conspiracy of the dominant Jewish community. So Svyatoslav did not destroy any Khazar state. He smashed the purely Jewish KAGANAT. The author should be more careful with the titles so as not to disagree with the content of the article.
    1. -3
      3 July 2015 14: 51
      Quote: andrew42
      What is a "Khazar state"? Nobody knows anything about the state of the Khazar people

      This is for you (unlike the others) - nothing is known

      Quote: andrew42
      Further, it is known about the state of the Jews, where not only the Khazars, but also the Turks themselves, yesterday's gentlemen fell into a subordinate position

      those Khazars enslaved themselves?

      Quote: andrew42
      So Svyatoslav did not smash any Khazar state. He smashed a purely Jewish Kaganate

      Why are you smoking today?
      Or maybe he smashed the Avar or Bulgarian Kaganate, or Dagestan? Or maybe he didn’t? He himself (Svyatoslav) was called a kagan
      Title kagan. could be used among the Slavs as a way to emphasize the power, influence, authority of the ruler, along with the tradition. social the term "prince". In the “Word of Law and Grace” by Metropolitan Hilarion (30–40s of the 1984th century), K. is referred to as Prince Vladimir Svyatoslavich: “praise to the Hagan our Volodymyr, from the worthless baptism of God”; “Let us also praise ... the great kagan of our land, Volodimer, the grandson of old Igor, the son of the glorious Svyatoslav”; “This glorious from the glorious birth ... our kagan is Vlodimer” (Moldovan A. M. “The Word of the Law and Grace” by Hilarion. Kiev, 78. P. 91, 92, 99). Named K. and Prince Yaroslav Vladimirovich (S. 1073). S. A. Vysotsky discovered graffiti “Save the Lord our kagan,” relating, as he believes, to Svyatoslav Yaroslavich, the former, who led. Prince of Kiev in 76–XNUMX.
  24. +4
    3 July 2015 14: 33
    Wow, what a heated debate.
    Jews attacked Russia, laughing and they were defeated. And who were they, your neighbors who live in Dagestan, Astrakhan, In Kazakhstan, well, they accepted Judaism, by the way there are Russian Jews, not Jews, as they are called, forgot. And what a victory over the Khazars! smile A little later, if you believe your historians, they created the IGO, yes yes they themselves, then they became Muslims and before that the Tengrians.
    And all this was "THE GREAT STEPPE" laughing
    1. +1
      3 July 2015 14: 47
      Quote: marshes
      by the way, there are Russian Jews, not Jews, as they are called, forgot

      1. +1
        3 July 2015 14: 53
        Quote: atalef

        They all seem to have already moved to you, in Dagestan I heard that they are. And are there Dagestan Jews, Caucasians, Vatans?
        1. +1
          3 July 2015 16: 44
          Quote: marshes
          They all seem to have already moved to you, in Dagestan I heard that they are. And are there Dagestan Jews, Caucasians, Vatans?

          If I am not mistaken, immigrants from Persia (Got a kick from the Persians)
          Caucasian Jews - TATS.
          1. +2
            3 July 2015 16: 48
            Quote: sherp2015
            If I am not mistaken, immigrants from Persia (Got a kick from the Persians)
            Caucasian Jews - TATS.

            Maybe, or maybe the descendants of the Khazars. The language must be heard. If 70% of the Turkic words means the Khazars. smile
            1. 0
              6 July 2015 09: 34
              Quote: marshes
              Maybe, or maybe the descendants of the Khazars. The language must be heard. If 70% of the Turkic words means the Khazars.

              Tats speak a language close to Farsi ()
      2. +2
        3 July 2015 16: 19
        Quote: atalef
        Quote: marshes
        by the way, there are Russian Jews, not Jews, as they are called, forgot


        The term “Subbotniks” does not refer to Jews.

        Mdya ... This irresistible Jewish tendency to ... craftiness.

        To, then, once again tearfully roll your eyes, theatrically asking: "Well, WHAT DOES everyone not love us SO FOR?"

        Here - "for this very", at least.
        1. +2
          3 July 2015 16: 28
          Quote: VSkilled
          Mdya ... This irresistible Jewish tendency to ... craftiness.

          I almost didn’t understand that there are other Hera subbotniks, http: //www.baku.ru/blg-list.php? Id = 88746. And I about 10 years ago there was a report from the Vladimirovsk Region, Channel One. I saw. Damn there is still memory. smile
  25. gcn
    3 July 2015 15: 20
    I always wondered what was on the territory of Kievan Rus until 900g. BC but very little information except for science fiction writers which some users consider historians to be not surprising if the history books in schools since 1991. change almost every year
    1. 0
      3 July 2015 15: 30
      Why are you not satisfied with the logical official version of the Slavic tribes (glades, drevlyans, and others) living in this territory who are in the late stage of decomposition of tribal relations? The economy of Russia, and therefore the state, was created by the Rurikovich starting from Oleg, who took control of the trade route along its entire length. And without the economy of states there is no
    2. Ostwald
      3 July 2015 16: 04
      If roughly, until the 10th century BC, according to the found shards of clay pots, the same Scythians lived there as in Romania. Somewhere in the 6th century, as the Roman stella points out, from the north of China there was an invasion of the Huns who drove the Scythians and most likely did not settle on the lands of present-day Ukraine but went on to Italy and France. Ethnically, the current population of Ukraine is most likely the South Europeans (brown eyes, black hair who came to Europe from Iran) mixed with Slavs from Poland and Belorussia.
  26. -2
    3 July 2015 17: 32
    The main merit in the military defeat of Khazaria actually belongs to the Pechenegs and Oguzes. The Russians just came and finished off the already exhausted Khazars. In fact, having arranged a kind of feast of vultures. Neither the first nor the second, the complete destruction of Khazaria was, in general, not necessary. The only thing that saved the weakened Khazaria in this situation from the possible full expansion of the Oguzes was the formation of another, more powerful tribal union. The Kumans-Kimaki-Kipchaks, who created their own Kaganate, quickly became the dominant force in the territory of Desht-I-Kipchak of the Volga region and southern Siberia. It was the Kipchaks who were precisely the force that squeezed the Pechenegs into southern Europe, and the Oguzes to Central Asia and Iran. That is, thereby practically delaying the premature fall of the Khazaria, and significantly reducing the risks facing the young Slavic principalities.
  27. 0
    3 July 2015 17: 56
    Why draw knowledge of those times from a muddy river (network, speculators, visionaries, foreign agents)? Refer to the historical science of the Russian Empire, the USSR, the Russian Federation - Russia was under the rule of the Khazaria, whose power extended beyond the Ural Mountains, to the north (Vyatka, Kama), south to the Caspian, the power of Khazaria was soft and open, which Rurikovich took advantage of / having copied from Khazaria all the institutions of state power, by which they themselves established the solid statehood of other Rus. And gradually Russia assimilated all the lands of Khazaria through political, economic, religious expansion, and the military campaign of Svyatoslav put an end to that state. The Slavs acted with the Khazars as the Romans with the Etruscans))) almost exactly the same.
    Here, popularly, all that I remember from prof. L.F. Boger, and believe me))) if you tell her so, adding the numbers (years), you will hear - the next question!
    1. +2
      3 July 2015 18: 27
      Or a little wrong

      The exploits of "venerable Pesach"

      If you accept this version, it becomes completely clear why the Russian Kaganate (despite all the minuses, it was really the Kaganate) fought with Byzantium (despite one faith) and the Russian heroes died in Arran.

      One can also argue about the softness of the Jewish elite of Khazaria. According to the laws of Khazaria, defeat was not allowed and was punished. That is why no one returned to Russia from Transcaucasia. All Rusichi were killed by the Khazars, as "they did not justify the high confidence." Generally speaking about "soft power" at that time is ....
    2. 0
      4 July 2015 05: 01
      Quote: Sergey Sitnikov
      Svyatoslav’s military campaign put an end to that state. The Slavs acted with the Khazars as the Romans with the Etruscans))) almost exactly the same.

      There they are dear. Svetoslav Khorobriy still treated them too gently.
  28. +1
    3 July 2015 23: 10
    For the umpteenth time I meet this statement: "... in fact, these were outposts pushed forward, since they were located on the right (western) bank, and not on the left (eastern), which would increase their defensive significance ...". It seems that a person who did not understand at all in military affairs wrote at all.
  29. 0
    4 July 2015 04: 58
    In general, this military victory must be taught in schools more carefully and it is desirable to make it one of the National Holidays. Only now I can imagine what kind of people will resist this.
  30. -2
    4 July 2015 08: 20
    the Khazars were able to stop the advance of the Arabs. In 730, the Arabs reached the Don, taking about 20 thousand prisoners. The Arabs inflicted a terrible defeat on the Khazars, as a result they left the Caucasus and they went to the Volga, finished off by Svyatoslav. I think Do not demonize the Khazars.
    1. +2
      4 July 2015 11: 20
      As well as the Khazars to the Arabs. These wars lasted almost 150 years and long before Svyatoslav. The consequence was the almost complete destruction of the autochthonous population of modern Azerbaijan and the flow of Turkic immigrants to the Caucasus. According to historians, the Arab-Khazar wars ceased in 799. Svyatoslav was also not in the project. So, by definition, he could not finish anything.
  31. -4
    4 July 2015 08: 21
    the Khazars were able to stop the advance of the Arabs. In 730, the Arabs reached the Don, taking about 20 thousand prisoners. The Arabs inflicted a terrible defeat on the Khazars, as a result they left the Caucasus and they went to the Volga, finished off by Svyatoslav. I think Do not demonize the Khazars.
    1. +2
      4 July 2015 09: 51
      No one is demonizing. Just a parasitic state with Jewish laws was clearly an abomination. He suffered a deserved punishment in the execution of Russian weapons for crimes against Russian people. The US is also a parasitic state, only on a global scale. And again, the Russian people on their way, the outcome is known. The US will be destroyed. Abomination must be destroyed without any snot.
  32. +1
    4 July 2015 09: 47
    Excellent article!
  33. +1
    4 July 2015 09: 47
    More to such!
  34. +3
    4 July 2015 14: 15
    When the squads of another RUSSIAN prince will take the capital of the new Khazaria - Kuev ???
  35. -2
    5 July 2015 08: 47
    The first real mentions of Arabs ("slaves of God") date back to the 16th century.
    The Arab Caliphate is a phantom reflection of the Ottoman Empire.
    Khazar Kaganate is the same product of myth-making as Kievan Rus.

    Professor Morozov translated the word "Jew" by the phrase "praising God". But this is a semantic translation, but a literal one: "ideological". For the first idea was the divine idea.
    The place of worship of the "ideological" was Mount Ida-modern Beikos.
    Located in Turkey, the heiress of the Byzantine Empire. The only empire of the ancient world.
  36. +1
    5 July 2015 09: 08
    -And why in Russia there is not a single city called Svyatoslavsk ..? -And the monuments in all Russian cities should be put to Svyatoslav ... and the streets should be named after him ...
    -Although Jews came to power in Russia ... -And should they be erected monuments to Svyatoslav ... -Rather ... -On the contrary ...
    1. +1
      5 July 2015 10: 28
      Svetoslav, not Svyatoslav. The Russian Orthodox Church wants to make pagan Svetoslav the Christian, and this is a historical lie. (By the way, among the Serbs the name Svetoslav sounds like Tsvetoslav).

      And in the pictures
      (A noble warrior of the Rus squads. The end of the X - beginning of the XI century. Based on the materials of the burials of the Shestovitsa burial ground, Chernihiv region. Oleg Fedorov's reconstruction drawings)
      depicted a Cossack with pigtails. Wow. Russes and Slovenes died with laughter when they saw Germanic tribes with pigtails.
      And the Russians were shaved, not bearded.
      "Fantasy" is a genre for people with a lack of knowledge, according to the Russian proverb "I do what I want".
      Samsonov always writes good articles, it’s only a pity that this article didn’t indicate photographers for ignorant people ..
      Events in Ukraine are an attempt to revive Khazaria, this chimera, according to Gumilyov.
      1. -2
        5 July 2015 15: 02
        The ROC wants to make the pagan Svyatoslav the Christian only in your parallel reality. Facts where?
  37. +1
    10 August 2015 22: 39
    We all know Olga, Yaroslav the Wise, Monomakh, and not every textbook contains the greatest ancient Russian ruler .....

    And only those who are interested in history know the truth and themselves judge the greatness of a ruler. According to deeds.
  38. 0
    18 December 2016 22: 40
    for starters, you need to define this term, what does it mean by itself! because in the 15th century, its use implied, they would say the “fifth column”, a little earlier dissent, and here the conclusion suggests itself that Svyatoslav fought with “dissent”, and more precisely with those who embarrassed the people with a different ideology ... For example, with a robbery ...
    back in the 15th and 16th centuries, those who tried to equate themselves to God with speeches that a person was created in the likeness of God, were called Judaizers, and this gives him the right to more than what religion allowed ... let's say for Europe Judaism could be called Lutheranism, diminishing the influence of dad
  39. 0
    25 November 2021 13: 53
    I thank the site and the authors for reminding us of facts from real Russian history.

"Right Sector" (banned in Russia), "Ukrainian Insurgent Army" (UPA) (banned in Russia), ISIS (banned in Russia), "Jabhat Fatah al-Sham" formerly "Jabhat al-Nusra" (banned in Russia) , Taliban (banned in Russia), Al-Qaeda (banned in Russia), Anti-Corruption Foundation (banned in Russia), Navalny Headquarters (banned in Russia), Facebook (banned in Russia), Instagram (banned in Russia), Meta (banned in Russia), Misanthropic Division (banned in Russia), Azov (banned in Russia), Muslim Brotherhood (banned in Russia), Aum Shinrikyo (banned in Russia), AUE (banned in Russia), UNA-UNSO (banned in Russia), Mejlis of the Crimean Tatar people (banned in Russia), Legion “Freedom of Russia” (armed formation, recognized as terrorist in the Russian Federation and banned), Kirill Budanov (included to the Rosfinmonitoring list of terrorists and extremists)

“Non-profit organizations, unregistered public associations or individuals performing the functions of a foreign agent,” as well as media outlets performing the functions of a foreign agent: “Medusa”; "Voice of America"; "Realities"; "Present time"; "Radio Freedom"; Ponomarev Lev; Ponomarev Ilya; Savitskaya; Markelov; Kamalyagin; Apakhonchich; Makarevich; Dud; Gordon; Zhdanov; Medvedev; Fedorov; Mikhail Kasyanov; "Owl"; "Alliance of Doctors"; "RKK" "Levada Center"; "Memorial"; "Voice"; "Person and law"; "Rain"; "Mediazone"; "Deutsche Welle"; QMS "Caucasian Knot"; "Insider"; "New Newspaper"