Crimea: predatory Crimean Khanate

Golden Horde. Genoa

In the XIV century, the Horde experienced a crisis caused by Islamization. The horde lost a significant part of the offensive power, and its forces were sent to the internal squabble, which ultimately destroyed the great power.

After another internecine slaughter in the sixties of the XIV century, the Golden Horde was divided into two parts - the eastern and the western (in Russia this civil strife was called “the greater noticeable”). In the western part - in the Northern Pontic and the Crimea - the power was seized by Temnik Mamai, who relied on the Polovtsy, who at that time were called “Tatars”, jars and Kasogs. Mamai was married to the daughter of the Golden Horde Khan Berdibek and although he was not from the Genghis Khan clan, he claimed the Khan power. His ally was Genoa, which created colonies along the entire southern coast of the Crimean peninsula. Transit trade and control of communications turned Mamai into the richest grandee, who could contain a huge army and impose his puppets on the khan's throne.

Great importance in this period in the Crimea acquired the Republic of Genoa. Genoa, a commercial port city on the shores of the Ligurian Sea in Northern Italy, had turned into a major maritime state by the beginning of the twelfth century. Having defeated its rival Venice, Genoa became the exclusive owner of the sea trade routes that ran along the Crimea. In the second half of the 12th century, Byzantium granted Genoa exclusive rights in the Black Sea. Venice has lost its possessions in the Crimea. In the middle of the XIII century, the Horde transferred the Genoese to the small coastal village of Feodosia. The Genoese called the city Kafa and turned it into their main stronghold in the Crimea. Then the Genoese signed an agreement with Constantinople, who previously owned the southern part of the Crimea. The Byzantines at that time needed help and were constantly giving way to Genoa and Venice, so the Genoese received the district with Kafa in possession, and the right of monopoly trade in the Black Sea region was confirmed.

At the end of the XIII century, Venice and Genoa again entered the war for spheres of influence. The Republic of Venice was broken. 1299, the Italian city-states signed the "perpetual peace". Genoa remained the sole mistress of trade communications of the Northern Black Sea and Crimea. Horde several times tried to survive the arrogant "guests", but they are already well strengthened and resisted. As a result, the Horde had to accept the presence of the Genoese lands in the Crimea. Venetians in the middle of the XIV century were able to penetrate the Crimea, but did not achieve much influence. During the “jam” in the Horde, the Genoese expanded their possessions in the Crimea. They captured Balaklava and Sudak. Subsequently, the entire Crimean coast from Kerch to Balaklava Bay near Sevastopol was in the hands of enterprising Italians. On the southern coast of the peninsula, the Genoese also founded new fortified points, including Posporo, based on the site of the former Korchev. In 1380, the Horde Khan Tokhtamysh recognized all the territorial seizures of the Genoese.

Genoa received a large profit from intermediary trade. Many land caravan routes from Europe, Russian principalities, the Urals, Central Asia, Persia, India and China passed through the Crimean peninsula. Sea routes connected Crimea with Byzantium, Italy, the region of the Middle East. The Genoese bought and resold the captured people, all the good looted by the nomads, various fabrics, weapon, decoration, fur, leather, honey, wax, salt, grain, fish, caviar, olive oil, wine, etc.

From time to time, the Horde captured and ravaged the Genoese strongholds. In 1299, Nogai's troops ravaged Cafu, Sudak, Kerch and Chersonese. He rode the Italian possessions of Khan Tokhta. In 1395, the Iron Lamer smashed Cafu and Tanu (modern Azov). In 1399, the ruler of the Golden Horde, Emir Edigu, became the ruler of the Golden Horde, and in the same year he made a campaign against the Crimea, during which he defeated and burned many of his cities. The Chersonesos field of this pogrom no longer recovered and after a few years ceased to exist. However, the huge profits from intermediary trade allowed the Genoese to rebuild their strongholds again and again. Kafa at the end of the XIV century was a major city and consisted of about 70 thousand people.

The Genoese supported Mamai in the campaign against Russia, displaying mercenary infantry. However, in the Battle of Kulikovo, Mamai's army suffered a crushing defeat. After that Mamai was defeated by the troops of Tokhtamysh. He fled to Cafa to his allies. However, they betrayed him. Mamaia killed.

At the beginning of the XV century there was a struggle between Tokhtamysh and Edigey. After the death of Tokhtamysh, his son Jelal ad-Din continued the struggle. Crimea often became the scene of fierce battles. Various candidates for the throne considered the Crimea, due to its isolated position, the most reliable refuge in the event of defeat. They willingly distributed land on the peninsula to their supporters and confidants. The remnants of defeated troops, detachments of various khans, aspirants to the throne, and military commanders flocked here. Therefore, the Turkic element gradually occupied a dominant position in the Crimea and mastered not only the steppe part of the peninsula, but also penetrated further to the mountainous coast.

Crimea: predatory Crimean Khanate

Genoese fortress Kafa

Crimean Khanate

In the first half of the 15th century, the Golden Horde, as a united power, ceased to exist. Appeared several state formations with their dynasties. The largest fragment was the Great Horde, which occupied the steppes between the Volga and the Dnieper. In the interfluve of the Irtysh and Tobol formed the Siberian Khanate. The Kazan kingdom appeared on the middle Volga, occupying the lands of the former Volga Bulgaria. From the Great Horde, the legs nosed, wandering along the shores of the Azov and Black Seas. The Crimean ulus also became independent.

Ancestor of the Crimean dynasty was Haji I Giray (Gerai). Haji Giray was from the clan of Chingis and lived in the Grand Duchy of Lithuania and Russian. In 1428, Haji Giray, with the support of the Grand Duke of Lithuania Vitovt, captured the Crimean ulus. It was advantageous for Lithuania to support part of the Horde elite, sowing discord in the Horde and tidying up the hands of its region in the former South Russia. In addition, the Crimea was of great economic importance. However, the troops of Ulu-Mohammed drove him out. In 1431, at the head of a new army assembled in the Lithuanian principality, Haji Giray undertook a new campaign in the Crimea and occupied the city of Solkhat (Kyrym, Old Crimea).

In 1433, the Khan concluded an alliance with the Principality of Theodoro against the Genoese. Gothic Prince Alexei captured the Genoese fortress Chembalo (Balaclava). Genoa struck back. The Genoese recaptured Chembalo, then stormed and destroyed the Feodorian fortress Kalamita (Inkerman), which guarded the only port of the Christian principality. The Genoese continued the offensive, but the Tatars defeated them under Solkhat. Haji Giray laid siege to Cafu. The Genoese recognized him as the Crimean Khan and paid tribute.

In 1434, the Khan of the Golden Horde, Ulu-Mohammed defeated Haji Giray again, he fled to Lithuania. Meanwhile, strife of the Khans continued in the Black Sea steppes. Tatar troops devastated the peninsula several times. Around 1440, the Crimean Tatar nobility, led by the noble clans of Shirin and Baryn, asked Grand Duke Casimir to release Haji Giray to the Crimea. Haji Giray was enthroned by the Lithuanian Marshal Radziwill. From 1441, Haji Giray reigned in Crimea. After several years of fighting the Great Horde Khan Seid-Ahmed, the Crimean Khanate finally became independent. Haji Giray made an alliance with Theodoro, directed against the Genoese Kafa, helped recapture Kalamit. In addition, the Crimean Khanate was in alliance with Lithuania in the confrontation with the Great Horde. Haji Giray inflicted a series of heavy defeats to the khans of the Great Horde, Seyid Ahmed and Mahmud, a large number of soldiers rushed to him, which seriously increased the military power of the new khanate. Actions Haji Giray contributed to the final collapse of the Horde.

The capital of the Khanate was the city of Crimea-Solkhat. Not far from Chufut-Kale, on the banks of the Churuksu river, Haji Giray founded the “Palace in the gardens” - the city of Bakhchisarai, which became the new capital of the Khanate when his son Mengli Giray was. The majority of the population of the Khanate were Crimean Tatars. The first mention of this ethnonym - “Crimean Tatars” - was noted at the beginning of the 16th century in the works of S. Herberstein and M. Bronevsky. Prior to this, the nomadic population of Crimea was called the "Tatars". The Crimean Tatars were formed as a nationality in the Crimea in the XV-XVII centuries. That is, it is a very young people.

The basis of the "Crimean Tatars" were assimilated and from ancient times living here descendants of Aryans - Cimmerians, Tauris, Scythians, Sarmatians, Alans, Goths, Slavs, as well as fragments of the Khazars, Pechenegs, Polovtsy who fled to the peninsula. The waves of migration of the Turks from Asia Minor also played their role. Horde "Tatars" united all politically, and Islam - ideologically. As a result, Turkization and Islamization led to the emergence of the Crimean-Tatar nationality.

Recent genetic studies confirm this. On the basis of inheritance on the Y chromosome, most of the Crimean Tatars belong to the haplogroup R1a1 (the Aryan haplogroup formed in southern Russia). Then a significant proportion among the Tatars of Crimea have carriers of haplogroups J1 (Middle Eastern group, characteristic of the Jews) and G (West Caucasian). Also has a significant percentage of haplogroup J2 (Middle East group), inferior to her haplogroup C, characteristic of Central Asia. Thus, the ethnographic basis of the Crimean Tatars is Aryan. However, there is a large percentage of "Khazars", "Circassians" and Turks. For several centuries, Turkization and Islamization turned everyone into the “Crimean Tatars”. This is not surprising. All processes are manageable. Literally before our eyes, from a part of the Russian people they successfully create a separate ethnos - “Ukrainians”. They also construct “Pomors”, “Cossacks” and “Siberians”.

In the southern part of Crimea assimilation was slower. Here in the countryside Christians prevailed. Therefore, the Greeks, Armenians, Goths, Italians, Slavs, people from the Caucasus, etc., lived there for quite a long time. However, by the time the Crimean Peninsula was annexed to the Russian Empire, almost all were assimilated, only the communities of Greeks and Armenians survived, but not entering the composition of Russia. So the last Goths disappeared in the XVIII century.

Parasitic nature of the Crimean Khanate

Several forms of land distribution arose on the territory of the Crimean Khanate: Khan land tenure, possessions of nobility (Beyliks) and Murzin lands, lands of the Ottoman sultan, waqf lands belonging to the clergy and communal lands. The Crimean nobility - the families of Shirin, Baryn, Argyn, Segeut, Mangit, and others, owned fairly large land holdings. Their owners, the Beks, were wealthy and able to maintain large detachments. They stood at the head of the leading clans that united the tribes. The Beks owned the land, which ensured their power over the herdsmen, the so-called "Black people", they had the right to court, set the size of taxes and corvee. Military nobles also depended on the beks. It was the Beks who determined the policy of the Khanate, often decided the fate of the Crimean khans. In addition, the Oglans were included in the Crimean elite — Tsarevich-Chingizids, military noblemen (Murza), Muslim clergy (Mullahs), and Ulama theologians.

Officially, all power belonged to the khan and khan council (sofa), which included the khan himself, kalga-sultan — the second most important person in the khanate (heir, appointed by the khan from among brothers, sons or nephews), the elder wife or mother of the khan, mufti - The head of the Muslim clergy, the main beks and Oglan. The third in importance after the Khan and the kalga face in the hierarchy of the Crimean Khanate, the second heir to the throne was called Nurradin-Sultan (Nureddin).

The territory of the Khanate in its heyday included not only the Crimean peninsula, but also Azov and North Black Sea steppes, right up to the Danube and the North Caucasus. The main centers of the Crimean trade were Perekop, Kafa and Gozlev. In the Crimea, brought leather, fur, fabrics, iron, weapons, grain and other food. In the Crimea, they made morocco (treated goat leather), morocco footwear, sweetie (skins taken from newborn lambs). Also from the Crimea brought silk, wine, brought from other countries, and salt. A special export item was camels, which were bought in Poland and Russia. But historically Crimea became famous as the largest center of the slave trade. He inherited the sad glory of Khazaria.

It should be noted that the Genoese merchants and descendants of the Khazars at first played a leading role in the development of the slave trade on the peninsula. For many centuries, the Crimean ports have become the leading suppliers of living goods — Russian, Polish, Circassian (Caucasian), Tatar (in the steppe, strife) of girls and children. Men were sold much less: healthy men resisted to the last, cost less, and were the source of rebellion and all sorts of disobedience. It was much easier for women and children to “train”. Living goods mostly did not remain in the Crimea, but were exported to the Ottoman Empire, Southern Europe, Persia and Africa.

Large role in the formation of the predatory-robbery Crimean Khanate (Robotic parasitic Crimean Khanate and the fight against it) played the Ottoman Empire. The period of the formation of the Crimean Khanate coincided with the time of the formation of a powerful Ottoman power, which was then feared in almost all of Europe. Already in 1475, the son of Haji-Giray Mengli-Girei recognized himself dependent on the sultan's power. The Crimean Khanate became a vassal of the Ottoman Empire. Practically at the same time, other state entities were liquidated in Crimea. Ottoman Sultan Mehmed II the Conqueror organized an expedition to the Crimea to fight the Genoese. The Turkish troops, supported by the Crimean horsemen, besieged Cafu, the fortress soon capitulated. Pali and other Genoese strongholds. The Turks seized the capital of the Theodoro Christian Principality - Mangup. The entire population of the city was slaughtered or sold. In the future, all the inhabitants of the principality were Islamized and assimilated. The Genoese lands, Theodoro, as well as a number of large cities and fortresses of the Black Sea, Azov and Kuban regions directly became part of the Ottoman Empire. In strategic places, the Ottomans built strong fortresses or used the existing ones. Thus, they became the real owners of the Crimea and the entire Black Sea region. Khans began to be appointed, shifted by the will of the sultans. Many Crimean princes constantly lived in Constantinople in order to please the sultan and take the throne.

Constantinople was advantageous to encourage the aggression of the Crimean Khanate against the Russian state and Poland. The strikes of the Crimean Tatars mainly fell on the southern and western Russian lands that were part of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth, although it happened that the invaders broke through the Polish lands themselves. The Crimean Khanate was supposed to help the Brilliant Port to move further east during its heyday. In addition, the slave trade brought great profits to Ottoman merchants. Later, when the Ottoman Empire lost most of its offensive potential, the Crimean Khanate allowed it to retain control of the Northern Black Sea region. On the other hand, military garrisons, shock troops of the Janissaries, Ottoman artillery strengthened the military power of the Crimean Khanate, which allowed him for a long time to restrain the pressure of the Russian state.

Agricultural work in the Crimea was occupied mainly by the dependent population, which was subjected to assimilation, Islamization, and gradually turned into "Tatars". The Crimean Tatars themselves preferred the occupation of "noble people" - robber raids to capture the full, which was a very profitable business. It is clear that almost all the profits went into the pockets of the nobility, the “black people” could barely make ends meet. In the steppe regions of the Crimea, animal husbandry was developed, primarily the breeding of sheep and horses, but poor shepherds were engaged in this. The basis of the economy of the Khanate for a long period of time was the trade in living goods. From the end of the 15th century, the Crimean detachments began to make regular raids and large-scale campaigns against their neighbors — the Caucasus, the Russian state, lands subject to Poland. People were hijacked during conflicts with other steppe dwellers.

The envoy of the King of Poland, Martin Bronevsky, who lived in Crimea for several months in 1578, noted: “The people are predatory and hungry, they value no vows, no unions, no friendship, but only their own benefits, and live by looting and constant war of treason” .

The Crimean Khanate did not have a regular army. With great hikes and raids, the Crimean Khans and Murza recruited volunteers, people dependent on them. In the campaign could participate from 20 to 100 thousand riders. Almost all of the free Tatar population of the peninsula could participate in a large expedition. In the raid participated from several hundred to several thousand soldiers. They did not take the convoy with them, fed on raids with barley or millet flour and horse meat, fed on the loot. Artillery was seldom taken, only on very large marches, when the Ottomans took part. They moved quickly, replacing tired horses on fresh ones. Armed with sabers, knives, bows, and later firearms appeared. Armor was mostly only among the nobility.

The raids were usually arranged in the summer, when the majority of people (peasants) participated in field work and could not quickly hide in cities or forests. They sent forward reconnaissance, if the path was clear, the main forces of the horde or raid party came out. Usually the horde went on a campaign not for conducting military operations. If the enemy found out about the enemy and managed to bring considerable forces to the border, the Tatars usually did not accept the battle and left, or tried to trick the enemy, bypass him, break through to the rear, quickly rob the villages, capture prisoners and escape from retaliation. Lightly armed riders usually successfully escaped the blows of heavy squads and regiments.

Having broken into the Russian lands, the riders staged a hunting hunt (round-up). Cities and fortresses bypassed. The villages were taken on the move or set on fire, and then they chopped down those who resisted, robbed and took people captive. Adult prisoners and young people were driven like cattle, arranged in rows by several people, tied their hands back with rawhide belts, wooden poles were passed through these belts, and ropes were thrown around their necks. Then, holding the ends of the ropes, they surrounded all the unfortunate riders and drove them across the steppe, whipping up whips. Such an agonizing way "weed out" the weak, the sick. They were killed. The most valuable "goods" (children, young girls) were carried. Reaching the relatively safe land, where they no longer waited for the chase, sorted and divided the "goods". Patients, the elderly were immediately killed or given away to young people - to “train” their predatory skills.

He was in the Polish-Tatar army during the campaign of King Jan Casimir to the left-bank Ukraine in 1663 — 1664. Duke Antoine de Gramont left a description of this process. The robbers killed all the old people who were not capable of hard work, healthy men were left for the Turkish galleys (they used slaves as rowers). Young boys were left for "pleasure", girls and women - for violence and sale. Section prisoners passed by lot.

The English envoy in the Russian state, D. Fletcher, wrote: "The main booty, which the Tatars seek in all their wars, is a large number of prisoners, especially boys and girls, whom they sell to the Turks and other neighbors." For the transportation of children, the Crimean Tatars took large baskets, prisoners weakened or became ill on the way, mercilessly killed, so as not to linger.

On the peninsula is full was sold in the slave markets. Large markets were in Cafe, Karasubazar, Bakhchisarai and Gozlev. The second-hand merchants - Turks, Jews, Arabs, Greeks, etc., bought up people at the lowest price. Some of the people left in the Crimea. Men were used in heavy and dirty work: salt mining, digging wells, collecting manure, etc. Women became attendants, including sex slaves. Most of the field was transported to other countries and regions - to Porto, its many provinces - from the Balkans and Asia Minor to North Africa, Persia. Slavic slaves fell into Central Asia, India. During transportation by sea with “goods” they didn’t stand on ceremony, more or less normal conditions were created only for the most precious “goods”. A large number of slaves and an "inexhaustible" source of "goods", as in the trade of blacks from Africa, paid off all the costs. Therefore, the mortality was terrible.

After being transported, the men were sent to galleys, where poor food, diseases, hard work and beatings quickly killed them. The part was sent for agricultural and other hard work. Some were turned into eunuchs, servants. Girls and children were bought as servants and for carnal pleasures. A small number of beautiful women had a chance to become a legitimate wife. So, so far many have heard the name Roksolana. Anastasia-Roksolana became the concubine, and then the wife of the Ottoman Sultan Suleiman the Magnificent, the mother of Sultan Selim II. She had a great influence on her husband’s policies. However, it was a rare exception to the rule. There were so many Slavic slaves in the Ottoman Empire that many Turks became their children and grandchildren, including prominent military and government leaders.

Sale of a child slave. V. Vereshchagin

To be continued ...
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  1. +20
    23 June 2015 07: 05
    Why not organize an exhibition of paintings by the artist Vasily Petrovich Vereshchagin (1842-1904)? (This is a rhetorical question to the "Ministry of Culture"). The historical facts set forth in the articles will not be read by everyone. And the pictures are clear and intelligible!
    The artist, like no other Russian painter, depicted the heyday of Russia and the situation that developed around it in those years. And his work is consonant with modern events and people's moods.
    1. +18
      23 June 2015 07: 58
      Everything is clear.
      1. +16
        23 June 2015 10: 23
        Yes, everything is clear. That's what awaits pedophiles, perverts and sadists, who, if not a Russian soldier, will protect the oppressed?
        1. -6
          23 June 2015 11: 23
          A lie about boys in an article written

          Boys were the most expensive goods since they were sent to the Janissaries schools (Crimea, Constantinople) and Mamilyuk (Egypt), they were taught there if Slavic children went to Janissaries schools, then the Mamilyuki recruited boys from the Caucasus and Turkic tribes.
    2. +6
      23 June 2015 13: 16
      Vereshchagin's picture that in the article was "written" by him when he defended Samarkand, and the characters in the picture belong to Uzbeks and Kyrgyz, for the Kokand and Bukhara khanates.
      1. +5
        23 June 2015 13: 29
        Quote: Max_Bauder
        Vereshchagin's picture that in the article was "written" by him when he defended Samarkand, and the characters in the picture belong to Uzbeks and Kyrgyz, for the Kokand and Bukhara khanates.

        You understand these guys are victims of the exam and can not distinguish the Bukhara Khanate from the Crimean and about Kokand they did not hear
        And they don’t know that Vereshchagin lived in the 19th century
        and the Crimean Khanate was conquered in the 18th century laughing
        1. +8
          23 June 2015 13: 40
          Quote: insafufa
          Crimean Khanate was conquered in the 18th century

          The Crimean Khanate was not conquered. Do not compose. Russian troops fought with the Turks, and not with the Crimean Tatars. The fate of the Crimea was decided on the battlefields in Transnistria and Moldova. Crimean Tatars swore allegiance to Russia at the White Rock and the Crimean Khanate became part of Russia.
          insafufa, are you, by any chance, not a Crimean Tatar?
          1. -3
            23 June 2015 13: 45
            Quote: Silhouette
            Quote: insafufa
            Crimean Khanate was conquered in the 18th century

            The Crimean Khanate was not conquered. Do not compose. Russian troops fought with the Turks, and not with the Crimean Tatars. Crimean Tatars swore allegiance to Russia at the White Rock and the Crimean Khanate became part of Russia.
            insafufa, are you, by any chance, not a Crimean Tatar?

            And they had a choice, and then later the government of Catherine 2 arrived more like a conquest
            1. +5
              23 June 2015 14: 06
              Quote: insafufa
              And they had a choice, and then later the government of Catherine 2 arrived more like a conquest

              Well, for sure - from the Crimean Tatars. They recognize the bird by flight, and your brother by ignorance, avoiding direct questions, porridge in thoughts and anti-Russian mood.
              1. +1
                23 June 2015 14: 46
                Quote: Silhouette

                Well, for sure - from the Crimean Tatars. They recognize the bird by flight, and your brother by ignorance, avoiding direct questions, porridge in thoughts and anti-Russian mood.

                No need to stumble here Unlike some sissies, he went through the second Chechen intelligence company and contributed more to your country's stable future
                I am against this mess when they prove from the frothy mouth that one people is worse than another, and they say that we are so fluffy, well, just angels, God's dandelions.
                No one asked himself the question why they don’t like us so much where I don’t just become famous not only for good deeds but also for doing a lot of evil and betraying our allies when it is profitable to us, then wonder why the little brothers give us at every opportunity.
                With all the may, not respect for banderlogs, they were the result of an ill-conceived policy and not foresight. It was impossible to insult one and at the same time to keep silent about the tricks of others in the textbooks they wrote that the Germans arranged the Khatyn, and now it comes up that the Ukrainians from the UPA arranged. I’m surprised that even Natsik from the Baltic states and Ukraine calmly survived, but there’s not a single Crimean Tatar who would walk around with a swastika and not one Chechen.
                But veterans of the SS from Golichiny and the Baltic states walk around in droves.
                There is an opinion that the parties needed to ... scapegoats, switchmen appointed them and the facts adjusted for this. To hide your miscalculations and line up with the machinations of traitors. Good-neighborly relations begin in the country with universal reconciliation and respect, and not with such articles the purpose of which is to once again poke people into someone else's ... forgetting to wipe their own ...
                1. +5
                  23 June 2015 19: 10
                  Quote: insafufa
                  No need to stumble here Unlike some sissies, he went through the second Chechen intelligence company and contributed more to your country's stable future

                  I do not belittle your personal contribution to the stability of Russia, like Amet Khan, I do not belittle the achievements of outstanding (!) Jews, but the national aspect is still present here. And it is measured as a percentage (per share of the population). And excuse me, comparing the contribution of the Krymchaks, Chechens, and Jews to the stability of Russia, to the expense of not mentioned.
                  PS I respect Stalin very much for his wisdom. And I very much sympathize with the RIGHT Crimean Tatars (Amet Khan and others) for the fact that they were hooked by a trailer. The fact that you are often noted here (and in most I agree with you) puts you in the line of RIGHT Crimean Tatars.
                  Request to you - do not react so sharply to every article about Krymchaks. Understand that the Greeks, Armenians and Russians have much more rights to Crimea than the Crimean Tatars. And if the Krymchaks stop tearing up vests for special, exclusive rights in the territory of Crimea, then everything will be fine. The buildup is needed, you know who.hi
                  P.S. Well, Sasha Samsonova with a brush! hi
                  1. +3
                    23 June 2015 23: 53
                    Ingvar, Krymchaks are Crimean Jews of the Talmudic sense. Crimean Tatars call themselves Crimeans, although in Russian this word has a swearing shade like a bandit or a robber.
                2. +1
                  23 June 2015 22: 00
                  in crowds they don’t walk around there are few left, but they support a lot of young growth, especially since they watch TV and do not read smart articles. The Crimean Tatars were scolded during the Second World War, but it honors them that they do not carry lousy banners with other people's ideas .And so normal people.
        2. +1
          23 June 2015 13: 57
          those khanates were not much different from the Crimean flayer, especially Turkmen, but all the same they differed (for the better).

          from the Crimean all Tatars keep their distance.
          1. +5
            23 June 2015 15: 01
            I love the famous poems of Nekrasov
            Yesterday, an hour in the sixth,
            I went to the Haymarket;
            There they beat a woman with a whip,
            Young peasant woman.

            Not a sound from her chest
            Only the whistle whistled, playing ...
            And I said to the Muse: “Look!
            Your sister, dear! ”


            From the middle of the XNUMXth century to the middle of the XNUMXth century, serfdom trade was a commonplace in Russia.

            Serfs were sold like any other property. A similar “product” could be found on the market, and advertisements for the sale of serfs were placed in newspapers.


            In the newspaper Moskovskiye Vedomosti, there were similar announcements: “Yard people are being sold for excess: a cobbler is 22 years old, his wife is a laundress. The price is 500 rubles. Another clerk is 20 years old with his wife, and his wife is a good laundress, she also sews well. And the price is 400 rubles. They can be seen on Ostozhenka, under N 309 ... Six gray young horses of light breeds, well-rode in yokes, which last price are 1200 rubles, are for sale. You can see them on Malaya Nikitskaya in the parish of the Old Ascension ... "

            1. 0
              25 June 2015 00: 03
              and under this pornography 6 "+" wassat

              uzbagoysya, not a "southerner" in a hijab through a burqa flogged
              1. 0
                25 June 2015 00: 29
                this is to say that "Russia is a prison of nations" ...
    3. +6
      23 June 2015 19: 37
      Quote: 1536
      Why not organize an exhibition of paintings by the artist Vasily Petrovich Vereshchagin (1842-1904)?

      Vereshchagin is a wonderful artist, only this picture was written based on his impressions of a trip to Central Asia, he has nothing to do with the topic of the article - the history of Crimea.
  2. +8
    23 June 2015 07: 14
    Yes, and on the Venetian and Genoese galleys, not Italians, but the same Slavs and Turks, who passed the slave markets of the Crimea, moved with heavy oars. Vladimir Chivilikhin in his essay novel "Memory" wrote: "The Italians, for example, bought them in the 2093th century on the Black Sea markets twice as much as men, and later they took four slaves for one slave, and invariably at a higher price. the Western European document of that time named the highest price that was paid for a seventeen-year-old Russian girl - 136 lira, and the most popular mixed live product was sold at a price of 139-1978 liras “apiece.” Local legislators, by the way, in the same XIII century developed legal norms for slaves.In Roussillon, the children of "white Tatars" Martha, Mari, Catherine and others, whose names were not preserved in the documents, were considered slaves, even if they were born from a marriage with a free man, in Venice a guilty slave could be subjected to any execution and torture ... (Poluboyarinova M. D. Russian people in the Golden Horde. M., XNUMX). "
  3. -9
    23 June 2015 07: 23
    That's interesting: why is this article written? Let's remember that the Russians of Veliky Novgorod did not want to join Muscovy
    1. +7
      23 June 2015 07: 57
      Quote: nemo1983
      Let's remember that the Russians of Veliky Novgorod did not want will join to Muscovy

      First, join / i.e. is written with a soft sign.
      Secondly, the awareness of national identity - this is the prerogative of the bourgeois era. Remember the words of Thiel Ulenspiegel, who suggested "kissing lips that do not speak Flemish." In the era of Ivan III and even much later, right up to the time of the Petrovs, people were consolidated not by nationality, but by religion, subordination to a particular sovereign and localization of residence. During the reign of Armand de Plusy, the French were "deeply in ..." what nationality his comrade in the corporation was (remember the three musketeers of A. Dumas).
    2. +6
      23 June 2015 08: 02
      Do you think you do not need to know and remember this?
      1. +6
        23 June 2015 11: 52
        He considers the arrows to be translated from the topic ... In Novgorod, the Russians did not do such things.
    3. Asily 50
      23 June 2015 09: 04
      In Veliky Novgorod, the Hanseatic League registered with its own rules. Well, why does the state have a second slave * empire * at hand, which sucks goods and slaves from the state. Until now, tales of thousands of ruined Novgorodians walks around various * works *, only a list of * goods * and Novgorod services is not advertised.
      1. +4
        23 June 2015 11: 46
        in great Novgorod there was another interesting heresy ... the "Goenuez" slave trade was carried on in the Crimea and Istanbul by them ...

        those who sell fresh organs from Kosovo and Albania and transplant them, and where it is also not a secret.

        also in the article it is not written that the Krymchaks were all completely "Sforza" in terms of bloodsucking and the same baths.
    4. The comment was deleted.
    5. +1
      23 June 2015 10: 29
      In order for all the events in the world to revolve around two simple things, it is GOOD AND EVIL. Whoever rapes and kills the innocent does evil and whoever protects the innocent and water the sadists and the omission does good. Is it all simple? Is it really that hard to understand?
  4. -2
    23 June 2015 07: 25
    We must already cover the past more widely, including from serious researchers. I understand that I’m adding a video off topic, but it seems to me to be interesting and useful:
    1. +1
      23 June 2015 23: 30
      We must already cover the past wider

      thanks colleague !!!! good Well this is the bomb that you threw here !!! Plus the extrabirths!
      I knew and believed everything about it, but on a hunch, without this extensive enceclopidic and natural knowledge!
      1. +1
        24 June 2015 07: 35
        It’s not me who needs gratitude, but such suppressed people as Svetlana Vasilievna Zharnikova, who recently published a book "The Trail of Vedic Rus" about many other, real historians (the story in translation from Greek turns out to mean - researcher). Actually, there are quite a few of them who care for their Motherland, only our RAS hush them up in many respects.
  5. +6
    23 June 2015 07: 38
    Large markets were in Cafe, Karasubazar, Bakhchisarai and Gozlev. Merchants-dealers - Turks, Jews, Arabs, Greeks, etc., ... In Marseille was the largest slave market .. Almost on the slave exchange .. brought from everywhere ..
    1. +9
      23 June 2015 11: 07
      I agree the most advanced Europeans were the biggest slave traders
  6. +3
    23 June 2015 07: 42
    Someone will remind "Orthodox" to what year serfdom was in Russia.
    Slavery of one’s own people.
    1. +5
      23 June 2015 08: 00
      Do you want to know how long serfdom lasted?
    2. +4
      23 June 2015 08: 04
      Quote: ILIA
      Someone will remind the "Orthodox" before what year in Russia serfdom was

      Do you understand the difference between Russia and Russia? T.N. "serfdom" began to settle down in the time of Boris Godunov, which caused centrifugal tendencies, turmoil, etc. Historians relate the final establishment of "serfdom" to the reign of Fyodor Alekseevich Romanov. As you can see, the process of establishing "serfdom" took place in the 17th century, when the Moscow kingdom existed, but not Russia.
      1. +7
        23 June 2015 08: 18
        It is necessary to clarify. The Russian historian of the 19th century, Ivan Belyaev, says that serfdom under the rule of Fyodor Alekseevich Romanov only began to be laid down, but it developed during the late reign of Peter the Great and in the most severe form under Catherine the Second.
        1. +2
          23 June 2015 09: 50
          It is necessary to clarify. The Russian historian of the 19th century, Ivan Belyaev, says that serfdom under the rule of Fyodor Alekseevich Romanov only began to be laid, but it developed during the late reign of Peter the Great ...

          Open an old Soviet textbook dedicated to that era and find there a mention of the "sacred years", i.e. about the period when the "peasants" were forbidden to leave the land of the lessor and go to the new owner of the land.
          "On a national scale, Z. l. Were introduced by the decree of Tsar Fyodor Ivanovich about 1592-93, which prohibited the cross. Exit and declared the scribes of the last general description of the legal basis of the cross. Fortress."
          Remember the phrase "these are grandmother and St. George's Day." A free peasant, after settling accounts with the owner of the leased land, could, having taken his property, go to the "new owner", but not earlier than that "St. George's Day" / end of November.
          As L.N. Gumilyov says about this, the need for peasants to be attached to the land was due to the streamlining of the sources of subsistence (the nobility), which formed the basis of the Russian irregular army / I ask you not to quote, there’s simply no source at hand, but the meaning of the content reflects the essence extremely accurate.
      2. -2
        23 June 2015 08: 23
        Okay uel) in Russia ... Dead souls ...... advertisements in newspapers for the sale of "live goods". In short, the Ottoman Empire smokes on the sidelines nervously. As I know, Muslims were considered there for a sin in slavery ...
        1. +1
          23 June 2015 09: 52
          Quote: ILIA
          Muslims were considered as I know there to keep sin in slavery ...

          What? Immediately siktym, if "Muslim"?
          1. -2
            23 June 2015 10: 12
            who about what and lousy about the bath)))
            1. +5
              23 June 2015 10: 25
              Quote: ILIA
              who about what and lousy about the bath

              In fact, in the Russian proverb, another definition is not "lousy", but "mangy". By the way, changing the axis of the discussion, you abruptly changed its direction, trying to translate from historical aspects to personal ... Do you need THIS? And for what? If your discussion partner threw in a joke, then laugh it off appropriately. And keep your face and get high ...
              1. 0
                24 June 2015 03: 25
                So I joked too)))
        2. +1
          23 June 2015 23: 51
          In Saudi Arabia, slavery was abolished in 1962, but actually by the end of the eighties. Slaves were the most Muslim. Tuaregs still keep slaves in Africa, the same Muslims as they are. In Afghanistan, slavery was abolished 1923-1929. Officially, slavery now exists in 4 Islamic countries of Chad, Niger, Mali and Sudan.

          The Qur'an prohibits slavery of free Muslims, including for debts. And everyone wonders where the Muslim slaves come from. In fact, everything is simple, during the war, the captured prisoner was officially considered a slave, that is, in fact, the ban on slavery worked only in their possessions and on their subjects. The second option, as a result of the rebellion of the rebels, the law allowed not to be considered Orthodox Muslims, and therefore allowed them to be enslaved. Well, nothing prevented the Muslim slave from buying on the market.
          The liberation of the slave, however, is considered to be a pious deed in Islam.
          Prophet Mohamed's two wives were slaves
    3. avt
      23 June 2015 10: 25
      Quote: ILIA
      "until what year was serfdom in Russia.
      Slavery of one’s own people.

      Do you know the actual concept of "fortress" in relation to an employee? And the canceled "St. George's Day"? The reduction of serfs to the state of slaves was carried out by the great European reformer Petya No. 2, it was during his time that the recruits were branded on the arm with a tattoo, so that if they run away, if they are caught, punish them cruelly for the edification of others, and from this the thieves' fashion for a cross on their hand, or points , well, Mother Sekunda the Great "legalized the nobility's rampant documentary. And then the" enlightened "made fun of the" Russian savagery ".
  7. +2
    23 June 2015 08: 26
    And now "free, enlightened Europe" still reproaches us for the absence of European values.
  8. Asily 50
    23 June 2015 08: 54
    In the light of the article, ask yourself, where are these * valiant Cossacks *, with whom they fought or traded, and the main product of these * trading * operations? Find the date of the organization of the first * brotherhood * of Cossacks in Zaporozhye, and the name of the founder * of the Zaporizhzhya Sich *, and many facts of the history of the Cossacks * will be replaced *.
    1. -1
      23 June 2015 15: 35
      Quote: asilius 50
      In the light of the article, ask yourself, where are these * valiant Cossacks *, with whom did the main goods of these * trade * operations fight or trade?
      Yes, in Russia, they write, also practiced ..
      In the IX – X centuries, Kievan Rus flourished. Sources describing the scale of the export have been preserved: in Kiev, the slave girl is worth 5 hryvnia-kun; in Constantinople - 300 hryvnia-kun; in Baghdad - 750 (in terms of dirhams). Confirmed to export at least tens of thousands of slaves per year, and perhaps the numbers were more ..
      The dictionary of the slave-owning world becomes "Slavic". From those times (from the 10th century, simultaneously with the Otto campaigns), the English slave and the German sklaven went - from the common name of the tribes "Slavs". What slaves were mainly supplied to the market, indirectly, the fact that the words child, “child” and “servant” (in Kievan Rus - slaves, as well as the tax levied by “living goods”) are the same-root (most likely, child from the Gothic kiltham, the common Aryan root kil for the word “child”, respectively, the child derives from it, and the servant is derived). “Slave” and “child” are related words. A “youth” (“from rock”, from “rekti” (to speak), having no voice) is the same “yatrak”, a slave warrior brought up in the army from childhood (a youth sold into slavery) ..
      The capture of slaves requires military operations, and many farmers supplement the fighting units. Agrarian business and the development of crafts are inhibited accordingly.
      The indigenous population moves to the northeast - on the Oka and Volga. There, of course, is not a black earth zone, but far from the prospect of becoming a slave himself or losing children. In the 10th – 11th centuries, princes even impose a special tax / levy on the ransom of slaves. Some historians believe that it was used to redeem prisoners from nomads. Some - that it was a ransom for members of his family, so that they could not be taken into slavery and sold ..
      Princes are fighting to block other ways of supplying slaves (and other goods) from northern Europe to Byzantium ..
      1. 0
        24 June 2015 07: 51
        Your source is probably at the address of those who are used to seeing my MOTHERLAND only in black colors. And the author of the article Andrei Movchan, judging by the biography as well, gravitates to the west Where and what he studied:

        He graduated from the Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics of Moscow State University. Lomonosov, Financial Academy under the Government of the Russian Federation and the University of Chitsago Booth GSB. I have Certification of Professional Competence of Supervisors and Emploies of Banks and Investment Firms (Cyprus)
        where and how did it work:

        He worked as the executive director of Troika Dialog. He founded and headed the board of the Renaissance Investment Management group, was the executive director of Renaissance Credit Bank. In 2009, he created the Third Rome investment company. In 2015, he headed the Economic Policy program at the Carnegie Moscow Center.
  9. -2
    23 June 2015 11: 04
    And after all this, the Crimean Tatars will shed tears about deportation? They had to be moved from the northern coast of the Black Sea to the southern coast of the Barents or Kara Sea. To increase the population of polar bears, providing them with tasty and healthy food.
  10. +9
    23 June 2015 11: 06
    The Crimean Khanate is an example of a failed state. Haji Giray was an attempt to create an independent khanate in Crimea, but it ended in failure. In reality, the Crimean Khanate was independent only 34 years before the conquest of Crimea by the Turks. Moreover, the Turks fought not with the Crimean Tatars, but with the Christian population of the South Bank, which was subjected to genocide and forced assimilation. The southern coast from present-day Sevastopol to Kerch was never part of the Crimean Khanate, which is clearly visible on the map given by the author and the Crimean Tatars were forbidden to not only settle there, but to appear. And this is a matter of principle, for now the South Bank is the main value of the entire peninsula. After Russia expelled the Turks from the Crimea, the Tatars began to settle on the South Bank and call themselves indigenous people.
    The Crimean Khanate could exist only on an anti-Russian basis, although the Poles suffered from them. But that's not the point. The bottom line is that during its existence, the Crimean Khanate, as a parasitic entity, has not created anything of its own either in science or culture - something from the Tatars, something from the Nogai, something from the Turks. Therefore, the aspiration of the Crimean Tatars to "recreate" their state is not based on anything and has no historical basis.
  11. +3
    23 June 2015 16: 56
    The Crimean Khanate has never been independent. It went under the protectorate of the Ottomans and Ports. The main income came from the slave trade of people captured in the north. Hand in hand with the Kettlebell the notorious Italian republics walked. They were vitally interested in the constant flow of live goods from the Crimea. Up to the participation of the Genoese infantry and Euro-mercenaries in the Battle of Kulikovo. Historical fact! In the past, the Russian Tsars brought Law and Order there. Today, dill has accepted the legacy of the Crimean robbers. ORDER and LAW will also be brought to the second-hand! Well: remove parasites and eliminate ghouls. The whole history was so in Russia! And now it will be so!
  12. 0
    27 June 2015 16: 07
    The border of the Crimean Khanate in Tver passed!