Turkey threatened to freeze relations with the EU

Turkey threatened to freeze relations with the EU

Turkey will freeze relations with 27 countries of the European Union (EU), if the state-chairman of the EU in July 2012. will become Cyprus. Such a statement was made by Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan, reports Associated Press.

According to the Turkish Prime Minister, his country does not want to have diplomatic relations with the "so-called" state, since Ankara does not recognize the sovereignty of "Greek" Cyprus. According to R. Erdogan, Ankara is in favor of uniting Cyprus into a single state, and only in this case can we talk about his EU presidency.

R. Erdogan also warned that Turkey "will take tough retaliatory measures" if Nicosia continues its further search for oil and gas in the Mediterranean.

The territory of the island was divided into the “Greek” south recognized by the world community (the Republic of Cyprus) and the breakaway “Turkish” north - the self-proclaimed Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus - on 1974 when a coup took place on the island as a result of the Turkish invasion. The EU includes only the Greek sector of Cyprus. Northern Cyprus is recognized only by two countries - Turkey and Abkhazia.

Let us add that R. Erdogan's statement continues a whole series of his tough statements. Last month, Turkey quarreled with Israel after the results of the investigation into the capture of the Freedom Flotilla ship by Israeli special forces, which had citizens of that country on board, appeared.

Read more: http://top.rbc.ru/politics/16/10/2011/620419.shtml#top_static.
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  1. boos24
    17 October 2011 11: 40
    Turkey is a serious player in the east, it must be lured and now is just a good moment, against the background of its enemy relations with Israel, you can play this
    1. 0
      April 4 2012 11: 59
      Quote: Boos24

      Turkey is a serious player in the east, it must be lured and now is just a good moment, against the background of its enemy relations with Israel, you can play this

      East is a delicate matter, but fuck it. You can also try
      Moreover, we do not risk anything
    2. 0
      30 September 2012 12: 12

      What do you call "REMOVE" ???
      Start supporting its geopolitical ambitions in the region?

      This is against whom are we going to support her, Syria, Iran, Greece ???

      EU Turkey essentially threw over the knee!
      She was promised that after joining NATO, she would become the first candidate for EU membership! As a result, the EU does not accept her on the grounds that she has territorial disputes with one of the members! You might think that Greece has no territorial dispute with Turkey, but it is in the EU!
      In fact, they were required a foothold in the region through NATO!
      Yes, they trade with the EU but they cannot get the benefits of free trade as members! In fact, Turkey’s non-EU accession is aimed at preventing it from entering European markets!

      Yes, and we don’t have the opportunity to get Turkey as an ally, it is a member of NATO! And to spoil relations with allies in the Middle East and even for the sake of the EU, it’s not clear what benefits it’s just silly!
  2. itr
    17 October 2011 11: 44
    Turkey has always been a puppet in the wrong hands
    I think England took up the old !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  3. 0
    17 October 2011 11: 52
    Yeah, curious, why did the Turks have an exacerbation of megalomania? And how "united and indestructible" Europe will react to such a demarche. The same French, they love to teach everyone about life.
  4. +1
    17 October 2011 12: 28
    let it slip, it’s in our hands
  5. +1
    17 October 2011 12: 37
    A woman with a cart is easier for a mare.
  6. 0
    17 October 2011 13: 41
    Yes, no friends, Turkey is not for nothing rashing about!
  7. Sergh
    17 October 2011 18: 58
    In Erdogan, just a lid swam from illusions. Turkey, however, is not such an advanced military country, well, I agree, there is a fleet, aviation, even submarines on Black more than ours, and the meaning is twitching, and on whom. In Israel, this is death, they’ll pass by sea, and even then, Jewish aviation will not let it go, well, like, Muslims will help the brothers, also only one barefoot. And Syria and other countries are preoccupied with their internal problems and fear on the part of NATO. So that it’s a fucking Turkey that thrashes the tongue more, like our Georgia, or if it does such an initiative, no one will help it, Erdogan brewed the porridge, even if it dissipates itself. And to us this, by the way, is normal, even very.
  8. 0
    2 October 2012 21: 22
    Without the States, Turkey, if not zero, is a little more than an ordinary ordinary player in the region. And in the EU it will not be allowed.