Abortion. To give birth or not to give birth? Orthodoxy and national security of the Russian Federation. Article 2

Artificial abortion existed in all countries and at all times. Abortion is a pragmatic social way of economic self-regulation of the composition and size of a family: from a complete and incomplete family to the number of children and their gender in a family. And this sexually hidden side of the economic life of the social cell has always been in the sphere of political control and influence on the part of those in power. For POLITICS is a concentrated expression of the economic interests of a person, a family, societies, nations, nations, states, as well as all kinds of religious and secular transnational corporations.

It should be noted that historically, the Russian Orthodox Church always had not only an ideologically dogmatically “moral” concern for population size, but also a self-serving character. In the Russian Empire, the Russian Orthodox Church was an inveterate serf-hedonist and, along with the landowners, opposed the abolition of serfdom by Alexander II in 1861. Artificial abortion in Orthodoxy by the Council Code was punishable by death for a woman. Peter I made an indulgence and replaced the death penalty with 15 years of hard labor. At the same time, when the Tsar reformer Peter I introduced a per capita tax for peasants to support the Russian army and fleet, maternal and child mortality among peasants increased. And presumably, not only from diseases. For the per capita tax on a peasant family was imposed on all males, starting with newborns, and at the birth of some weather boys, the tax burden for the family became unreasonably bonded. Apparently, the custodians of the outbreak under the pressure of economic circumstances, in order for the family to survive, were forced one way or another to take the sin upon themselves.

In questions of artificial interruption of pregnancy, it is wrong to rely only on religious morality. Morality has always been violated under the pressure of political and economic circumstances and has always had double standards.

For the first time in the world, abortions were resolved in Russia in 1920. And it was not only the liberation of women by the Soviet authorities from possessive atavism on the part of men and the recognition in her of the human rights to decide their own fate - whether to give birth to her or not to give birth. It was the legalization of abortions by the Bolsheviks that allowed them to keep the population from starvation and keep themselves in power in the country. Post-war, post-revolutionary famine and devastation reigned in Russia. Contraceptives were lacking or not at all. The legalization of abortions was a pragmatic means for the authorities to launch a mechanism for self-regulation of demographic indicators in a hungry and cold country, and also contributed to the restoration of industry. It is noteworthy that the preemptive priority for abortions was then provided to women industrial workers before other citizens.

And do not think that the Soviet government has ceased to monitor the state of abortion in the country. Watched. The demand for abortion was greater than in the country was for this doctors. Soon, abortions were banned by the firstbirth (Many women after the first abortion with this medicine remained fruitless.) And this ban was also a way of political and economic management (!) Of the country in the field of demographic regulation. Too large families were not welcome. A mother of many children was not supposed to be only a housewife, and she no longer had enough strength. Therefore, when a certain level of fertility is attained in the country, the maternal load, as it were, began to be redistributed more or less evenly among all Soviet women, involving mothers of primiparas in motherhood.

And in 1936, the resolution of the CEC and the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR on 27 in June banned abortions in the USSR completely, except for cases for medical reasons. This ban was partly a necessary measure - a kind of response to the demonstration of a revanchist policy by Hitler’s Germany to revise the outcome of the First World War. From the year 1933 in the Third Reich, abortions permitted in Germany in the year 1927 were banned because the Nazi regime needed soldiers. Germans, for example, the Nazis even offered simply - that is, without family organization - to give birth to the future German soldier for Fatherland from a purebred Aryan, but they received certain social guarantees from the state: financial assistance, free quality obstetric care and postpartum rewards!

Given the increasing aggressiveness of Germany, to the practice of banning abortions to rapidly increase the population of the country in 1936, i.e. later 3, after Nazi Germany, the leaders of the USSR resorted. Naturally, the true reason for this pre-war “care” of the Soviet authorities was not openly stated in the USSR mass media about the “female maternal purpose” - and, on the contrary, it was issued as a “response” to the supposed “request of the working people”. However, the USSR was not ready to prolong this problem. In the country, not only was the social infrastructure not sufficient: there were not enough maternity hospitals, nurseries, kindergartens, clinics, housing stock, etc. - but even the plans for its increase in the first year were fulfilled only on 17-18%. The maternity hospital was overcrowded, the medical staff was not enough, the quality of obstetric care fell, maternal and infant mortality in childbirth increased, the housing stock began to thicken, and so on. GDP per capita also fell. And so began. "Community-acquired" abortions! And so on for several years to come.

As a result, the effect of an increase in the birth rate from the ban on abortions was short-lived, but the maternal mortality rate increased markedly.

For example. In the USSR as a whole, in 1937, there were NEXTEN (!) 568 thousand abortions, in 1939 year - 723 thousand, in 1940-m - 807 thousand. on average, about 700 thousand per year. Of which the number of so-called. “Outpatient” abortions amounted to about 92%, or even more. Over at least 1,5 million abortion women from 15 to 49 over 4 years before the war were accurately condemned. Maternal mortality and from abortions in cities increased immediately in 2-3 times. (In rural areas, there was no record.) In total, in 1940, the maternal mortality among the urban population was almost 329 per 100 thousand born (for comparison: in 2000 year in Russian cities 35 per 100 thousand born). And at the beginning of the 1950's. this mortality rate exceeded 452 by 100 thousand born. Moreover, these data are incomplete and greatly underestimated due to bribing doctors and officials to conceal the fact of a crime. And the birth rate quickly returned to almost the same level. The number of infanticide has also increased. - http://demoscope.ru/weekly/2005/0221/reprod01.php#_FN_1

In 1945, men returned home from the war - and so on. “Out-of-hospital” abortiveness in the devastated and crippled USSR began with a new force and with results, as in 1940 year. The ban on abortion in the USSR was abolished in the 1955 year, as ineffective, erroneous. In total, only abortion women were convicted in the 1936-1945 years of the order of 3,5 million.

What happened to the newborns? Have they fulfilled their purpose?

Historical Practice has shown that neither Germany since 1933 nor the USSR since 1936 managed to grow new soldiers and workers either by the start of the war on June 22, 1941, or by Victory Day - May 9, 1945. By the end of the war in 1945, German children turned 15 years old (the so-called “Hitler Youth” - which adult fascists threw unproductive and sacred to defend Berlin in the last days of the war); and Soviet children - the biggest 12 years. Moreover, most of these Soviet children in the territory of the USSR occupied by the enemy either died or were stolen on the so-called. work in concentration camps in fascist Germany, etc.

E. Mizulina objects that her abortion bill does not prohibit abortion at all, as it was during the indicated years of the Soviet period, but merely restricts their number in the country by putting the production of abortions out of the free services for CHI - and this is supposedly done “ religious demands of Orthodox believers and supporters of the ROC ". Where did these demands of believers to a secular state come from? And how do modern living conditions of the Russian people differ from the same period of the Soviet era? Do we not come with the adoption of the Mizul abortion bill on the same “rake”, as happened in the 1936 year, but under a different propaganda flag? You can't repeat the historical mistake!

For example, a vivid illustration of the current state of affairs in the Russian Federation in the obstetric aid case in 2013 is a documentary video about Russia “Russian abortions, maternity hospital migrants!”, Published on YouTube in January 2014, http://www.youtube.com/watch? v = Pyup1GmJ828 It tells about the real demographic genocide of the Russian population in the ancient Russian national regions of the Russian Federation, organized by market reformers of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation.

This video tells how in the 2013 year, according to the reforms of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, village-town maternity hospitals across the country are closed down - allegedly because of their economic inefficiency - even despite the protests (!) Of the local Russian population and the women themselves . For example, in the Voronezh region. of the 33 maternity wards, only 8 will end up. In the Rostov region. close 7 maternity hospitals, in Tver 2. In the Yaroslavl region. only since the beginning of 2014, the 7 maternity wards have already been closed. But the promised new specially equipped machines for the transport of pregnant women, none of the women had never seen. The local population publicly calls such a situation GENOCIDE!

Chief doctor of the obstetric-genetic association of Orenburg, D.V. Nefedov in this video bitterly had to admit:

“As the acting chief doctor, I will tell you - I will open my eyes to some things. In fact, everything is much easier than we think. I receive from the state about 20 million rubles a year - I have been given a plan-order. Scary, probably, it sounds, but I was given a plan-order: 20 million rubles a year for me to have an abortion. Well, I do on the Committee ("health" meaning) of the order of 1000 abortions per year. Not me personally, but my hospital. In order to somehow prevent an abortion, I do not get a penny! Because in Russia such conditions are created. It is beneficial for people to have abortions. Health benefits. So long as this system does not change, you probably should not expect any improvement. And there is global statistics: 80% of women who have an abortion, regret it all their lives. This study is conducted in many countries around the world. When I said that the “system” is profitable, I will explain now, so that everyone can understand. I, as an employer, pay salaries to doctors. And if we do not fulfill the plan-order - at the moment for abortions, then I have nothing to pay the doctors salary. That is, in other words, it is beneficial for doctors to have abortions! ”

In other words, the chief doctor of one of the clinics of the city of Orenburg indicates that the state plan-order for abortions in their Russian region is too high! And if at this overstated state order for the production of abortions in the region the necessary number of pregnant women do not need an abortion and go for an abortion of their own accord, then there is a real threat that healthy pregnant women, future moms, will be sent to doctors for abortion with healthy fruits for counterfeit medical indicators. And preventive work to prevent unwanted pregnancies, of course, is not conducted in the region and will not be conducted.

In other words, with the commercialization of state medicine in a market economy in the first place among the officials is profit-making under the guise of "economic efficiency". Therefore, dissatisfied pregnant women who are going to give birth, they are just annoying. For example, the head of health Yaroslavl region. Sergey Vundervald, with disgust, calls them behind the eyes "pregnant aunt".

In terms of the cost of production of medical services, abortions provide higher savings for the state according to the compulsory health insurance: they have lower costs than with obstetric care. The state order for abortions guarantees medical officials the necessary production volumes to maintain the hospitals ’money incomes from compulsory health insurance - without any particular hassle and at a satisfactory level. Everything is built according to the monetarist model of M. Friedman's “shock doctrine of capitalism of catastrophe”, and not according to the Hippocratic Oath! At the same time, the profit of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation from abortions can be increased even more by reducing the “N-th” number of highly paid medical specialists as superfluous. For, firstly, with abortions of such high professionalism and skills as during childbirth, the doctor is not required, and secondly, the birth rate with such “care” about the population decreases. You can even get to the economic insanity - the remaining doctors are generally replaced by foreign labor migrants.

The video well shows that the remoteness of maternity hospitals (due to their mass-scale closure) organized by the authorities from the settlements poses a threat to life for the mother and her child. Which, by the way, contradicts Article 41 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation. Ambulances to come for women in labor do not have time. There was a case when a woman in labor was brought to the maternity hospital by a FIRE machine for this reason! Because of the remoteness of maternity hospitals, pregnant women are simply afraid to give birth! And this is another reason for choosing a pregnant woman, not childbirth, but abortion. And the problem of getting a woman in labor to get into the maternity hospital is the same for all people - both for atheists and for believers. But believers face it more often, due to the presence of a religious ban on artificial interruption of pregnancy.

A similar situation is observed even in such megalopolises as Moscow and St. Petersburg with their inclusion in the OMS system. Since 2012, the number of obstetric special teams has also been reduced here, maternity hospitals are closing. - http://www.regnum.ru/news/polit/1890302.html

As a result, since officials from the secular authorities in the Russian Federation ignore the aspirations of the people in the field of obstetric care in the country, the Russian Orthodox Church was forced to defend the Orthodox, and along with other indigenous people of Russia, representing the second line of national defense against pro-Western passive aggression in the country. Therefore, one should not be surprised at the appearance on the podium in the State Duma of the Russian Federation - the highest legislative body of the SVETSKY (!) State - January 22, 2015 of the Most Holy Patriarch Kirill, with his demand to ban abortions - to everyone in general! In a pinch, in a secular state make them paid.

Well, firstly, it is a kind of warning to all of us for the future. If the clergy come to power, then all abortions for all will be banned in the country - according to the Council Code! (See the beginning of the article.)

And secondly. Did you understand what he proposed for a secular state? Not monetarism in the MLA as the cause of the genocide to remove, but, on the contrary, the genocide itself as a result of monetarism SEND!

TOTAL. In political terms, as they say, - it lived! The bankrupt bourgeois power in a secular state with its Friedmann market reforms according to the monetarist model in health care, like an overripe apple, falls before our very eyes into the hands of a religious structure! And Elena Mizulina is right there with her subservient project and the intention to change the Constitution of the Russian Federation for religion! Yes, in such an atheistically large secular and multi-religious state as the Russian Federation, it is like starting to run around your own log house with burning matches! (To be continued.)

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  1. +16
    15 June 2015 06: 32
    The number of the Russian population of the Russian Federation decreased from 119 million in 89 to 111 in 2014 and continues to decline despite the persistence of the population as a whole throughout the country. It needs to be stopped somehow.
    1. +1
      15 June 2015 07: 05
      TOTAL Politically, as they say, - LIVED! The bankrupt bourgeois power in a secular state with its Friedmann market reforms according to the monetarist model in healthcare, like a ripe apple, before our very eyes falls into the hands of a religious structure! And Elena Mizulina is right there with her servile project and intention to change the Constitution of the Russian Federation for religion! Yes, in such an atheistically large secular and multi-confessional state like the Russian Federation, it’s the same as starting to run around your own log house with burning matches! (To be continued.)

      Yes, the author understands that if we are a secular state, then we must not let any religious association dominate the life of the state
      Quote: oldav
      The number of the Russian population of the Russian Federation decreased from 119 million in 89 to 111 in 2014 and continues to decline despite the persistence of the population as a whole throughout the country. It needs to be stopped somehow.

      There is a proposal to give birth to 3 to 4 children, raise them and make them a worthy member of the society. If everyone tries, it will work out.
      1. +13
        15 June 2015 07: 35
        Due to the effects of abortion, my wife can no longer have children. If necessary, they should be limited as much as possible, otherwise they will die out as Maya civilization.
        1. +4
          15 June 2015 07: 44
          Quote: oldav
          Due to the effects of abortion, my wife can no longer have children. If necessary, they should be limited as much as possible, otherwise they will die out as Maya civilization.

          It is familiar to me that I myself experienced an abortion according to medical indications. The fetus died at 8 weeks so that the infection wouldn’t go given surgically due to the fact that he himself didn’t leave, he also did not have five of his own. We adopted a girl who stood in line for the second to find out that there would be a child. So the daughter and son glory to Allah live for years.
          In our group of adoptive parents during the training there were a lot of such.
          1. -10
            15 June 2015 08: 03
            We also want to adopt, but they will not give us with my unfinished house. We want a non-Russian child, because they are not taken and it seems to me that the genes are better there.
            1. +5
              15 June 2015 09: 32
              You can immediately measure the skull, chowzh.
            2. 0
              16 June 2015 00: 13
              Complete nonsense !!!!! fool fool fool
        2. +11
          15 June 2015 08: 51
          If necessary, they should be limited as much as possible, otherwise they will die out as Maya civilization.

          Banning abortion will get you nowhere. Besides, now abortion is not a "surgeon's knife", but a pill that kills a child and provokes a miscarriage.
          Everything needs to be changed: from the established state policy regarding motherhood to the organization of the right educational courses for future dads and mothers.
          1. 0
            16 June 2015 01: 09
            : go good good good good good Be a man!!!
        3. +3
          15 June 2015 13: 14
          Quote: oldav
          Due to the effects of abortion, my wife can no longer have children. If necessary, they should be limited as much as possible, otherwise they will die out as Maya civilization.

          Absolutely agree!

          I will say more, it is necessary to encourage the birth of children, to increase maternal capital so that girls give birth willingly.
          1. +3
            15 June 2015 13: 19
            Here I read your comment and think, poke your nose into the pile, that you immediately threw it at the fan, and wait? What do you think?
            And you have not tried to talk to girls - under what conditions will they voluntarily give birth to two or more children "with songs"?
            Personally, your "Wishlist" is so divorced from reality that you don't even want to talk.
            Lord, send commentators to VO at least a drop of mind.
            1. +4
              15 June 2015 14: 29
              Quote: Metallurg
              Here I read your comment and think, poke your nose into the pile, that you immediately threw it at the fan, and wait? What do you think?
              And you have not tried to talk to girls - under what conditions will they voluntarily give birth to two or more children "with songs"?
              Personally, your "Wishlist" is so divorced from reality that you don't even want to talk.
              Lord, send commentators to VO at least a drop of mind.

              From my own experience I know that a girl should give birth and not one if she has support in the form of a husband who will not whine that he feeds his family and will not reproach his wife that she has been sitting on maternity leave for a long time.

              Let me give you an example from my wife’s friend, my husband is already aching that she sits at home and does not work and that it is difficult for him to feed a child only 6 months old.
              So she does not think of starting a second one because she does not want to be reproached once again.
              1. +6
                15 June 2015 14: 39
                This is only one side of the coin that the mislines want to forcibly hang on women. For abortion - a fine, etc. and men like not in business.
                Now consider your case from the comment: here is your wife’s girlfriend becomes pregnant again - she will have an abortion for economic reasons. Who's guilty? It? Or a whining husband?
                For example, she gave birth - her husband is likely to abandon her. She went on an abortion - she's a killer.
                So the problem of demography is not the problem of giving birth, not giving birth. This is a complex of socio-economic problems that the state has placed on the shoulders of citizens and is now reproached with the absence of a young generation. And simultaneously destroys everything that remains: from maternity hospitals to education.
                1. 0
                  15 June 2015 17: 16
                  Our salary is the same with him, but we have two and do not plan to stop for two minutes 3 max how it goes
                2. +1
                  15 June 2015 20: 02
                  "This is only one side of the coin that mizulins want to forcibly hang on women. For an abortion - a fine, etc. and men are like not in business."

                  You correctly hinted that about men. Firstly, a man, like a woman, also needs to have a head on his shoulders. And then, it turns out, two work, but one pays. I never forced my wife to have an abortion, although one termination of pregnancy was due to an involuntary miscarriage. But then, with an interval of about three years, they began to fly out, like from a machine gun, three Now the middle daughter has 3 children, however, the girls are alone, hope for sons. About economic difficulties. They do not exist if there is a head on their shoulders, moderation in needs, the ability to live within their means. But life is not boring, always in worries, there is no time to relax. If you say that I lived my life in poverty, it’s not true. I took my whole family to resorts, sent my children abroad on vacation, built two summer cottages, I have two three-room apartments, I donated a two-room apartment in Siberia to the state, in those days it was impossible to sell to my wife I gave them bryuliki. True, I don't have a car, just because I don’t WANT! They have a son and a son-in-law. He gave his daughter and youngest son a higher education FOR MONEY, by the way, the youngest graduated from university today, the older one entered on his own, but did not want to study. Article minus because of the expert's phrase :. “It was the legalization of abortions by the Bolsheviks that allowed them to keep the population from a hunger riot and to keep themselves in power in the country. Post-war, post-revolutionary famine and devastation reigned in Russia. Contraceptives were not enough or were not available at all.”
                  The expert doesn’t know for sure whether there were any contraceptives, or wasn’t there at all?))) Then, building your authoritative opinion on the basis of the movie you watched on YouTube is, at least, not comme il faut. So real experts don't come!)))
                  1. +1
                    16 June 2015 00: 20
                    Logically, That's + ... Well, abortion is a murder !!!!
            2. +3
              15 June 2015 15: 03
              And you have not tried to talk to girls - under what conditions will they voluntarily give birth to two or more children "with songs"?
              90% of girls will give birth without question if the man will be good, work and want children. Well, another man will have to forget about alcohol and cigarettes, think, develop, grow as a person, and work hard, taking care of his family’s living standards. Something like this smile
              1. +1
                15 June 2015 15: 21
                So the problem is not women / girls?
                And in men? Or in their low "image of morality"? In their inability to provide for their family?
                Then why tax women for abortion? Why raise their prices to insane heights, as Mizulin suggests?
                1. +2
                  15 June 2015 15: 45
                  Quote: Metallurg
                  Why raise their prices to insane heights, as Mizulin suggests?

                  Logics. 1. Morality is public norm. 2. Russian morality is based on the Christian worldview inherent in to our people 3. Мы - the majority, which means we dictate our will in a democratic state without prejudice to minorities, according to our moral. 4. according to our moral - abortion is murder. 5. Мы should not pay with your insurance personal desire to kill. This is contrary to our morality.. If there is people who disagree with our moralthen they have every right to act for your personal brush. The logic is clear
                  Part of TU
                  Child-Human? Man. "Fetus" in the womb the day before the baby is born? Child. If he gets out ahead of time, he is not thrown into the trash can, but put into the incubator. Date of birth is the time of leaving the mother's body. But not the time to leave the incubator. That is, at a late stage of pregnancy, even if the child did not crawl out of the mother, he is a man. There are 500 grams of premature weight. So are they waste products of abortion or people? People. And what about the earlier stages of pregnancy? The fetus is considered human if it can survive outside the mother with modern technology. And so, gradually retreating to conception, we logically come to the fact that the fetus = man. Killing a fetus is killing a person. What do you object?
                  1. -1
                    15 June 2015 15: 58
                    Then let's admit right away: blowjob is cannibalism. And masturbation - then how will they be punished?

                    No one says abortion is good. But to deprive a woman of the right to do it is even worse.
                    1. 0
                      15 June 2015 17: 02
                      Most female losers dream of driving women back to the 18th century. Well, what would "wife, but obey your husband"
                      1. +1
                        16 June 2015 01: 20
                        Or maybe it’s better to teach a woman with a man !!!!
                    2. 0
                      16 June 2015 00: 29
                      Did you have an abortion? I divorced ...
                    3. 0
                      16 June 2015 08: 16
                      Quote: Metallurg
                      Then let's admit right away: blowjob is cannibalism.

                      Fi, how's it going. As you put it - this "cannibalism" is fornication. Even if you are a Christian sleeping with your own wife (you were married before) not for the sake of conceiving children, but for the sake of pleasure or otherwise perverted, then this is a BLOOD. The Church also preaches fasting and abstinence. Try to give up meat dishes for a couple of months, you will notice the effect.
                      Quote: Metallurg
                      And masturbation - while they will punish

                      In our secular state, don’t worry laughing .
                      Quote: Metallurg
                      No one says abortion is good.

                      Come on.
                      Quote: Metallurg
                      But to deprive a woman of the right to do it is even worse.

                      They sailed. In Sodom, as you know, there was a rule (RIGHT) to "greet" visitors in an anal manner. A certain Jew Lot (righteous man - hehe) decided that it was better to live in the city. What do you think happened to him, and why was he ashamed to return? "Nobody says" that active homosexuals are good, "but to deprive them of the right" in their city to introduce newcomers to passive ones "is even worse." Is that your logic?
                  2. +2
                    15 June 2015 16: 57
                    Russian morality is based on the Soviet worldview. No need to drag religion here.
              2. 0
                16 June 2015 00: 22
                drinksI agree to 100
            3. +1
              16 June 2015 11: 17
              Well, go without children throwing excuses for yourself under what conditions to give birth. Let me guess what kind of desires the girls have and you agree with them this time not protecting birth - I want to first live for myself until 30, and then just a civil marriage, suddenly I don’t like this bridegroom, so I can catch up with someone else later, I want a car , an apartment, a fur coat, a diamond ring, a yacht, a summer house, rest on the Canaries, are these conditions for girls? work so that the salary is at least 100 thousand rubles and to spit on the ceiling without doing anything? Such conditions ???

              You know, with this attitude to birth, you wake up one morning and see around not Russian Slavs, but Tajiks, Uzbeks and others, maybe even Negroes and Arabs like in Europe (God forbid pah) who were not afraid to give birth and live under any conditions even in the trailer, and the Russians will become a minority in their own state, looking for better conditions so far.

              PySy. Listening to your conditions, your ancestors would simply laugh in your face, do you think they lived better than you? when they were peasants and there was a war almost every month, then with the Turks, then with the gentry, then Central Asia and the Caucasus to conquer. If only they thought like you and were afraid to give birth, looking at the conditions, the Russians would not be able to conquer the share of those lands that they now have.
          2. +3
            15 June 2015 14: 55
            I will say more, it is necessary to encourage the birth of children, to increase maternal capital so that girls give birth willingly.
            How long can you hope for the state ?? We must understand ourselves that the tax burden under the "1 family - 1 child" scheme on a national scale will lead not only to population decline, but also to a decrease in the standard of living of retired parents and working children. Pensions will be small, young people will be forced to immigrate in search of a better life, and population decline will continue to grow. The probability of losing sovereignty will go to 1,0. With all the ensuing consequences for the conquered
            1. 0
              16 June 2015 21: 05
              Quote: jktu66
              How much hope for the state can ??

              I’m just for giving birth to women and husbands to feed them and not hoping for the state, but about the encouragement I brought for whiners who need at least a financial incentive, they saw what kind of answers they write to me even if you offer them that, all is not enough for them .

              PySy. In Kazakhstan, such maternal capital is simply insignificant, one can say it is not, much less than yours, but no one slows down the birth of children. Previously, ancestors had 8-9 children in each family. It was not easy to defend such a vast land.
        4. +3
          16 June 2015 00: 09
          A NORMAL husband, the wife does not have abortions ....
        5. +6
          16 June 2015 00: 46
          Much is in our hands! They wanted to kill my first son in the womb. Alphaphitoprotein was very high, uzist (local luminary Kopeikin) confirmed: the fetus has spliced ​​or missing intestines i.e. honey. indication - "clean". Probably s..ki, they also wanted to fulfill the plan. At a consultation of 20 doctors, my wife, with my blessing, signed all the papers and took care of everything. The hero was born only with neuralgia as a result of hypoxia due to the nervous shock of the mother during pregnancy! Here he is, handsome:

          here are two of my beauties and one of my beauty:

          And here’s the fourth one:
          It’s scary to think if we agreed to an abortion then!
          1. +1
            16 June 2015 01: 15
            GROW BIG !!!!!!!!! Maybe make friends ?!
      2. +4
        15 June 2015 14: 31
        There is a proposal to give birth to 3 to 4 children, raise them and make them a worthy member of the society. If everyone tries, it will work out.
        "In 1993, a forecast of the size and composition of the population was published, made by the Department of Demography of the Institute of Statistics and Economic Research of the State Statistics Committee of Russia. Under the optimistic scenario, the population of the country in 2017 (25 years from the original 1992) will be 153,7 million people. , and at pessimistic - 143,8 million. "
        Your proposal, Insaf, should be the ONLY option for Russian patriots. For me, Vladimir Rudolfovich Solovyov, no matter who relates to his programs, is a true RUSSIAN patriot. He gave birth and brings up eight children to the Russians.
      3. -1
        15 June 2015 15: 31
        There is a proposal to give birth to 3 to 4 children, raise them and make them a worthy member of the society. If everyone tries, it will work out.

        It doesn’t work, believe the experience, maximum 2. i.e. kindergarten, good school, tower, work in the specialty.
        3,4,5 maximum bursa or school which for free, and even then in the presence of 3,4,5 automatically 2 loses the opportunity to the tower.
      4. 0
        16 June 2015 00: 07
        How so much? And how many children do you have ?!
    2. +11
      15 June 2015 07: 37
      To stop the reduction of Russians in Russia, it is necessary first of all to protect motherhood and children. For this, the child allowance must be sufficient, at least for a living wage, and not at all the pennies that are now. If a woman is left alone with a child, she must have the means to live with the child, taking into account the fact that she will not work for some time and will not receive any help from outside. A man is obliged to be responsible for his actions, it doesn’t matter, it’s his wife, ex-wife, lover, so you met - your child - pay, next time you will think with your head. A state that cares about its future MUST take care of motherhood and childhood, if it is not, then something is wrong in the state. And on the trail: disgusting practice in antenatal clinics should stop, when doctors expect an abortion in the face of expectant mothers, this should not be.
    3. +3
      15 June 2015 09: 39
      And how did you determine the size of the Russian population? According to the census? I worked as a scribe, all and sundry are called Russians. Armenians, Georgians. This is not prohibited by law.
      1. +1
        15 June 2015 14: 41
        Quote: Fibrizio
        And how did you determine the size of the Russian population? According to the census? I worked as a scribe, all and sundry are called Russians. Armenians, Georgians. This is not prohibited by law.

        In Chechnya, during the census, all the soldiers were recorded by the Russians when I asked why they said the order from above.
        So in Bashkiria in order to increase the number of Bashkirs during the census, the Tatar wrote me as a Bashkir when he began to resent such impudence of the census tellers they said go to Kazan. So I do not trust this census data. My relatives from Moscow told me that they were recorded as Russians in the census, so that everywhere they sin with this.
    4. 0
      15 June 2015 09: 39
      And how did you determine the size of the Russian population? According to the census? I worked as a scribe, all and sundry are called Russians. Armenians, Georgians. This is not prohibited by law.
      1. 0
        15 June 2015 10: 18
        Well, then the situation is even worse.
    5. +3
      15 June 2015 11: 03
      The solution to the problem is simple:
      1. historical ... the harder it was to live - the more they gave birth - there were need for working hands and especially in the village community. BUT, they destroyed the community .. So, this does not fit.
      2.Human .. Creating normal social conditions for families. So that they can give birth to children, bring up, feed, dress, train up to higher education. Treat .....
      1. +4
        15 June 2015 11: 12
        Duc, the second point was deliberately destroyed by people who are now in power. Do you think they will restore it?
      2. +5
        15 June 2015 14: 02
        The solution to the problem is even easier. Prohibit abortion except for medical reasons. And to increase the number of orphanages and boarding schools, including the Suvorov schools. If you cannot educate and raise, refuse to go to the hospital. And without any creation of conditions, etc., the birth rate will increase sharply, and the population will begin to grow. No "Creation of normal social conditions for families. To be able to give birth to children, to bring up, to feed, dress, to teach up to higher education. To heal ....." will not increase the birth rate. In the west, this is all there, and the indigenous population is dying out sharply. The increase is only due to migrants. Did these conditions help them a lot? Abortion = murder and nothing else. And the article for him in the Criminal Code must be appropriate. In the conditions of famine at the beginning of the 20th century, people had 6-7 children and managed to raise them, so when the groans start now they say I would have an apartment of 5 rooms and then I’ll have 10 children - a lie. If the state gives him such an apartment, nothing will change. It's about psychology, not wealth.
        1. -2
          15 June 2015 14: 23
          It will be very interesting for me to look at you when your 15-year-old schoolgirl daughter comes and says: "Dad, I'm pregnant." And the daddy of her child who will be born is 16 years old. What is the likelihood that he will not leave her?
          And then, at 16, she is pregnant again, and at 18 again.

          Turn on at least a little brain before writing anything.
          And finally talk to women and girls.
          1. -3
            15 June 2015 17: 45
            It will be very interesting for me to look at you when your 15-year-old schoolgirl daughter comes and says: "Dad, I'm pregnant." And the daddy of her child who will be born is 16 years old. What is the likelihood that he will not leave her?
            And then, at 16, she is pregnant again, and at 18 again.

            Turn on at least a little brain before writing anything.
            And finally talk to women and girls.

            I agree, but ...
            Most members of the forum simply ignore the opinion of women, a kind of house-building of the 21 century.
            1. 0
              20 June 2015 11: 45
              Quote: cth; fyn
              Most members of the forum simply ignore the opinion of women, a kind of house-building of the 21 century.

              Did you read homebuilding?
              Where is the opinion of women ignored?
          2. +3
            15 June 2015 18: 35
            Well, if your 15-year-old daughter is pregnant, then that says a lot about you as a father. This means that you personally do not care about your daughter - where is she, with whom is she and so on. So suffer. I think if she had a baby, she would hardly have continued to walk left and right. But if you don’t need a grandson from the word at all, refuse the maternity hospital at least every year. It is painful and scary for any woman to give birth, but otherwise the clan does not continue. The psychology of women has long been changing advertising and propaganda. You should not give birth, one is enough, think about yourself, you are not a cook, you need to make a career, and so on. If we are guided by this, we will die out like mammoths. As Putin said, a real woman should resist, and a real man should try.
        2. 0
          15 June 2015 15: 42
          Those. medically, isn't that a murder?
          Is medical euthanasia a murder or not?
        3. 0
          15 June 2015 17: 44
          In conditions of hunger in the beginning of the 20th century, people had 6-7 children and managed to raise them

          The question is why there were so many children that could help in the field? as far as I know one man is not able to raise a household without the help of a couple of teenagers, there’s just not enough time.
          1. +1
            15 June 2015 20: 39
            Land in the village was divided by the number of eaters in the family
        4. +1
          16 June 2015 00: 32
          Are you serious?! laughing
      3. +2
        15 June 2015 15: 06
        2.Human .. Creating normal social conditions for families. So that they can give birth to children, bring up, feed, dress, train up to higher education. Treat .....
        Well, who should create these conditions? State again? Why then do you need a head of the family? laughing
        1. 0
          15 June 2015 17: 48
          but is the situation normal when a woman hears from an official: but nah ... have I given birth so much? This is a real story by the way.
          The state is interested in raising the birth rate, so let it create conditions that are acceptable so that the family can provide good living and educational conditions for children.
          Moreover, there may not be a father, left, died, artificial insemination in general.
    6. itr
      15 June 2015 18: 07
      To teach you how to increase the birth rate))))))))))
    7. 0
      16 June 2015 00: 00
      Well, obviously, not such a x ... y !!! Let a woman, giving birth to children, have the right to a decent maintenance if her homeland needs !!!!!!!!!!!!! And her comfortable old age !!!
    8. 0
      16 June 2015 06: 12
      And what does abortion have to do with this? People have children when they can provide for them. Maternal capital plays a significant role in raising fertility. First of all, it is necessary to raise the welfare of the population.
  2. +8
    15 June 2015 07: 48
    My suggestions for preventing extinction;
    1. Prohibition of abortion by nulliparous
    2. Initial help to the primiparas if necessary (shelters, supervision, kindergarten out of turn)
    3. The abolition of mother capital in regions with a high birth rate and its redistribution to regions with a low birth rate and low population density.
    4. Popularization of family and motherhood.
    5. Limit alcohol production in particular beer (the main enemy of reproduction)
    6. Closing channel tnt
    1. +4
      15 June 2015 07: 53
      Quote: oldav
      My suggestions for preventing extinction;
      1. Prohibition of abortion by nulliparous
      2. Initial help to the primiparas if necessary (shelters, supervision, kindergarten out of turn)
      3. The abolition of mother capital in regions with a high birth rate and its redistribution to regions with a low birth rate and low population density.
      4. Popularization of family and motherhood.
      5. Limit alcohol production in particular beer (the main enemy of reproduction)
      6. Closing channel tnt

      Ah, then with house 2?
      1. +5
        15 June 2015 07: 58
        Send to build a bam or an oriental launch site, let the reality show be there. The directors of the channel (I don’t know who this St.
        1. -2
          15 June 2015 08: 49
          I believe that Martirosyan will send you from the country rather than you him.
          and on what basis?
          Put emotions aside - on what legal basis do you expel him from the country?
          1. +6
            15 June 2015 09: 40
            Firstly, not Martirosyans. Based on the fact that they propagate debauchery, alcoholism, drug addiction and life without children and without a family among young people. Enough liberal snot to chew on tolerance and human rights.
            1. -1
              15 June 2015 09: 44
              Emotions again.
              And what does tolerance and human rights have to do with it?
              You can PROVE not to me, but to the court - that everything that you write about TNT is true?
              And another question: in our country, all decisions to close, and so on, are based on a court decision.
              WHO will specifically file a lawsuit against TNT.
              With examples of propaganda of debauchery, alcoholism, drug addiction.
              Please note that everything that is shown there is in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation at the moment.
              So what are emotions, emotions, and WHERE are specific offers?
              1. +3
                15 June 2015 10: 21
                Which court? decisive action, decisive leadership are needed. And we have amoeba liberals in power. Watch a couple of hours of broadcasting this channel ... After all, teenagers watch it and form their thinking on the basis of what they saw.
                1. -4
                  15 June 2015 10: 26
                  All the troubles of Russia in one channel, yeah. Why do not you want to ban the Internet?
                2. 0
                  15 June 2015 10: 33
                  Oleg, do you even understand what I'm telling you?
                  For example, I don’t like what you say without thinking. But this is my personal, and on the basis of my personal, I can not send you to school to learn to think. This is an example.
                  In order to close the channel, VERY reasons are needed. Legislative. Based on WHAT law and with what evidence base do you want to close the channel?
                  All programs have a code "+12" or whatever. There is always a warning, "scenes contain elements of smoking. Smoking is dangerous to your life" - they obey the law!
                  On what basis - your personal emotions are your personal problems.
                  Controversial programs such as a house (I myself do not watch it and do not advise anyone) go late at night, at a time when adolescents MUST sleep.
                  So the lawsuit against the channel automatically leads to another completely idiotic direction: remove teenagers from the screens. And as an option. knowing our bureaucrats, the next mizulina will come up with something like: if your child has a child under 18, then you cannot connect one or another channel.
                  And all the teenagers, as one, took note of everything and do not watch the forbidden.
                  And went online.
                  To ban it too?
                  Oleg, stop emotionalizing, start thinking.
                  1. -2
                    15 June 2015 11: 41
                    Quote: oldav
                    1. Prohibition of abortion by nulliparous

                    Have you thought about the consequences? Those who allow wealth will go to have an abortion abroad, and the rest? The number of clandestine abortions will increase, and as a consequence, the number of deaths among mothers will increase. Those who do not have enough money for an underground abortion (social bottom) will simply kill or throw away newborns. Now we will still collect children in garbage cans. In the 21 century ...
                    Anyway, the very idea of ​​banning abortion is somehow wild ... A woman has a baby, a woman gives birth, a woman risks her own life and health, all social risks are also on a woman, so she must decide whether to give birth or not.
                    Quote: oldav
                    The abolition of mother capital in regions with high birth rates and its redistribution to regions with low birth rates and low population densities.

                    The Maternity Capital program has failed successfully.
                    Quote: oldav
                    4. Popularization of family and motherhood.

                    How so?
                    Quote: oldav
                    5. Limit alcohol production in particular beer (the main enemy of reproduction)

                    It’s debatable ... And how to replace budget revenues from excise taxes?
                    Quote: oldav
                    6. Closing channel tnt

                    And what does this have to do with it?
                    1. +1
                      15 June 2015 15: 02
                      Quote: Metallurg
                      Those who allow wealth will go to have an abortion abroad,

                      Yes, you sho! Which foreign country?
                      Quote: Daniel
                      and the rest?

                      Wai poor "others", how sorry they are. Hehe.
                      Quote: Daniel
                      Now we will still collect children in garbage cans

                      Are there no precedents now? - all will be punished.
                      Come on, failed ...
                      By demonstrating successful parents with many children.

                      Quote: Daniel
                      And what does this have to do with it?

                      Moreover, this problem is in the heads.
                      1. +1
                        15 June 2015 15: 47
                        The Maternity Capital program has failed successfully.
                        Before repeating someone’s stupidity (or deliberate lie), you can look at the birth statistics for the past few years. Everything is online in the public domain.
                      2. -1
                        15 June 2015 16: 35
                        Quote: jktu66
                        Before repeating someone's stupidity (or intentional lie)

                        More polite, dear. This is just an opinion. stop
                        Quote: jktu66
                        you can see the birth statistics for last few years. Everything is online in the public domain.

                        Well? The last few years, the children of the "baby boom" of the late 80s have become parents, then there was a surge in the birth rate, plus an overall increase in well-being (until recent events). The merit of the mother capital in this is minimal. When children of the 90s will give birth (demographic decline), then the birth rate will fall again.
                      3. -1
                        15 June 2015 16: 37
                        Quote: Penzuck
                        Yes, you sho! Which foreign country?

                        Quote: Penzuck

                        Wai poor "others", how sorry they are. Hehe.

                        That is, there is nothing to argue ....
                      4. 0
                        16 June 2015 07: 37
                        Quote: Daniel
                        That is, there is nothing to argue ....

                        Dubte Beavers attach a list of "foreign countries" and the price of tickets and PYZHALYSTA compare the "sky-high" "Mizuli prices" for abortion, and you will be amazed at what nonsense you have blasted.
                      5. 0
                        16 June 2015 13: 55
                        Quote: Penzuck
                        "sky-high" "Mizuli prices" for abortion

                        Mizulinsky prices? And can you link to the price list?

                        Article 1
                        Article 56 of the Federal Law of November 21, 2011 N 323-FZ "On
                        principles of health protection of citizens in the Russian Federation "(Collection
                        legislation of the Russian Federation, 2011, N 48, Art. 6724) supplement
                        a new part of 9 as follows:
                        "9. Artificial termination of pregnancy is carried out in medical
                        public health organizations
                        . Carrying out
                        abortion in other medical organizations
                        (including legal entities equivalent to them, regardless of
                        legal form, carrying out along with the main
                        (statutory) activity medical activity) or individual
                        medical entrepreneurs not
                        It allowed.

                        In the presence of medical indications artificial interruption
                        pregnancy is carried out in accordance with the state program
                        guarantees of free provision of medical care to citizens. ".

                        GARANT.RU: http://www.garant.ru/hotlaw/federal/626140/#ixzz3dDmu5l00

                        And my comment (the one that is "nonsense") was the answer to oldav, who suggested
                        Quote: oldav
                        1. Prohibition of abortion by nulliparous
                      6. 0
                        16 June 2015 15: 02
                        Our government spends about 5 billion a year on abortion. 5% of abortions for medical reasons. TOTAL. So according to Rosstat in 2011, it was produced (1) 124 880 artificial abortion. Really "sick" - 56 000
                        How many women give birth to us for the first time?
                        "And my comment (the one that is" nonsense ") was the answer to oldav, who suggested
                        Quote: oldav
                        1. Prohibition of abortion for nulliparous "

                        - So old talked about FULL PROHIBITION OF ABORTION OR ONLY THOSE of 1 050 000 Russian women for whom it is an abortion and what to blow your nose?
                      7. The comment was deleted.
                      8. 0
                        16 June 2015 15: 15

                        "According to him, in 2014 the number of abortions was 9,4 thousand, in 2009 - more than 25,3 thousand.
                        Astakhov also said that in the Russian Federation, the number of children who gave birth to 17 years old is decreasing. In 2009, there were 28 thousand such people, in 2013 - 21 thousand. “That is, ADULTS women do abortions for social reasons.
                  2. 0
                    16 June 2015 01: 57
                    Metallurg, I'm sorry, but you are such a naive fighter for justice! What are the good reasons?))) It is enough for those in power to slightly squint in the direction of an unwanted channel, as it will not be extended the license, or they simply refuse to extend the lease on cable television, as we all saw with Dozhd, there he is, by the way ... To paraphrase Saint Exupery: "If someone extinguishes the stars, then someone needs it." This means that the time has not yet come for TNT. Don't be offended.
                  3. +1
                    17 June 2015 11: 03
                    Really, for some people, arguments are like a hammer on a tree, just a stubborn person and that’s it.

                    Quote: Metallurg
                    In order to close the channel, VERY reasons are needed. Legislative. Based on WHAT law and with what evidence base do you want to close the channel?

                    And why do you accept laws as the highest truth? is it that has appeared since the times of primitives and walked unchanged? Him that God sent down through the prophets as Biliya or the Koran? Do you mean that it can be wrong ?! Even our fucking "licked" American constitution, they themselves have made a hundred amendments since the days of Thomas Jefferson and Benjamin Franklin.

                    So there is no reason for now, yet, then if they change the law in the appropriate direction, understand ?!

                    one more example for you, here men are officially getting married abroad, they are even blessed by priests in churches, children in schools are taught s.e.ksu ... theoretically, boys wear skirts and girls wear pants, there are such actions, prostitutes pay taxes and are officially working, everyone is on a LEGAL BASIS, you can write cartoons of the Prophet Muhammad (God bless him) in magazines, ALSO LEGAL, so now we will spit on our moral and moral right if this comes to us ?! Are you by any chance a fan of Pussy Riot?

                    Oleg is right that he says that such channels only corrupt young people, it’s all from the West, from their sticks, and Playboy and Hugh Hefner are doing their job to degrade, watch videos on YouTube, I wouldn’t forbid the Internet by the way.

                    Quote: Metallurg
                    All programs have a code "+12" or whatever. There is always a warning, "scenes contain elements of smoking. Smoking is dangerous to your life" - they obey the law!

                    And if only they showed the atrocities of the igil, abortions and rape with direct reporting, and those who were filmed were paid by "sickly" "grandmothers", that is, without censorship and swearing at all, but only by the law WARNED, is that what will save you? Let’s then play Porn Videos on the channels, simply WARNING in advance that +18, and what? on the Internet there is still.

                    Understand that there is always a limit, and if it is not prescribed by law, it is NECESSARY to change the LAW. After all, the LAW ON THE PROHIBITION OF HOMOSEXUALISM PROHIBITION has appeared recently, apparently, such circumstances have developed, and there have always been homosexuals.

                    PySy. Without emotion, by the way, we will be robots, watch the American film "Equilibrium" with Christian Bale in the title role, you will not regret it, it is relevant.
        2. +2
          15 June 2015 09: 48
          Quote: oldav
          Channel Directors (I don’t know who this St...ch)

          It's not about the director, it's about the owner. And the owner (here the most interesting thing) is the same as Ekho Moskvy, Gazprom-Media, that is, the state. Those. the most disgusting channel, corrupting the youth, lives on state money.
          Proponents of GDP again say that he is not in the know? Is it time to pass a law banning TV programs that destroy the cultural and moral character of the population? In China, accepted. hi
          1. 0
            15 June 2015 11: 20
            Well, in China they shoot for bribes)))
      2. +3
        15 June 2015 08: 14
        Quote: atalef
        what about house 2?

        Send them to work at a factory or farm, let them work there with the same temperament with which they arrange a showdown in their madhouse.
        1. 0
          15 June 2015 10: 56
          Quote: anip
          Send them to work at a factory or farm, let them work there with the same temperament with which they arrange a showdown in their madhouse.

          Well, there will be a show with a new name like "Farm Frenzy" :-)
      3. +1
        15 June 2015 10: 54
        Quote: atalef
        Ah, then with house 2?

        is there no birthrate? Other people are concerned :-)
      4. +2
        15 June 2015 12: 45
        Quote: atalef
        Ah, then with house 2?

        Sobchak on the count!
      5. 0
        16 June 2015 01: 43
        I will also add "Comedy Club" to your list!))) Although, clause 6 of oldav solves all problems at once.)))
    2. -1
      15 June 2015 08: 42
      Let's start criticizing ...
      1. Well, a girl gave birth at 15-16 years old. She herself is not psychologically ready to become a mother, but she is OBLIGED to become one. So what do we get in the end? We get that the working parents of this young mother "have retired early." Well, as an option - another abandoned child. Public censure: gave birth at 15, and so on, like a "walking woman". The number of refuseniks and clandestine abortions will increase. In short - point one is nonsense.
      2. What are the shelters? Are you proposing to give birth and hand over a child to the state? This is somewhat reminiscent of "enlightened Europe" in its current state. There, if you are not in the subject, if the child is crying, they can come from the social welfare center and take the child to an orphanage for adoption in another family. It's like a juvenile part. In fact, you suggested the same thing but in different words.
      Kindergarten out of turn. I agree, but ask the builders - what is more profitable for them to build: a business center or a kindergarten. Will the state finance? Sure, not a problem! In Moscow time and Moscow region - I very clearly see what and how much they are building.
      And then the kids will grow up: schools, vocational schools, technical schools.
      And advertising does its job: "I want fish, real, river" (c) - maybe you remember? Advertising says: everything is for the rich, for those who have money. And you come to the plant: 25 thousand and more, work hard. And the GDP of the state should be, first of all, the heavy and manufacturing industry and not trade in oil and rags in the markets.
      3. And why on earth do you cancel in some regions and leave in others? This resembles calls to explore the Far East - nothing but slogans. Well, they will go to give birth where the mothercapital is left. Fake registration and so on, shorter field for corruption. The result is a sentence of nonsense, not thought out even once.
      4. Where is the money Zin (s). Popularization has been talked about many times. But the state does not even have a "fake" program. In a capitalist society, what you proposed at this point remains only on paper.
      5. I agree with the limitation. But this point follows from the previous one. What about the profit? I remember when beer advertising was banned - the "beer barons" shouted that who would watch football now. And the only limitation can only be an active social policy - about which you have not even a word, not even a hint. Bottom line: well, limited - great. This means that the trade in beer and other alcohol will go underground, or, as in Soviet times, taxi drivers have vodka for 25 rubles. Bravo!
      6. You propose to fight the investigation and not the cause. Again, we return to point 4. In the absence of a coherent policy, including the TNT youth channel, they will by no means close it.

      TOTAL: except for hysteria that you need to increase the birth rate you have nothing and you can’t offer anything.
      CONCLUSION: increase self-education, and train to think. You can write your nonsense even here - just do not be offended by criticism.
      1. +4
        15 June 2015 08: 52
        You remind me of the democrat of the old wave from the 90s, the party apple and others, you are all afraid of something and are afraid to infringe on human rights. Everyone is trying to take some measures and you are afraid of something.
        At stake is the survival of the nation as such. In 30-40 years, there will be half as many of us, and twice as many neighbors. As residents who breed well, they will not go to defend Siberia from the Chinese.
        1. -5
          15 June 2015 09: 12
          Dear Oleg.
          I have never been a member of this party, with the exception of the Komsomol, but this does not apply to the essence of the matter.
          What measures to take, and what will flow from these measures and what follows is a PLANNING, in which, forgive you, you understand.
          Think for yourself, there has been a spike in fertility. I'm not talking about the mother capital, God bless him, in principle, giving birth is not for him. I'm talking about the fact that the current state system needs slaves and a certain number of slaves. Not people, not individuals who think and do something, but in slaves. Preferably skilled, but slaves. The system reserves the right to "execute and have mercy" on itself, ie dispose of this or that resource, including human resources.
          Think for yourself: the birth of children should be accompanied by:
          1. Preschool, school and vocational educational institutions. Sports and leisure schools, sections, studios. And preferably not on a fee basis, or with a minimum payment available to each family.
          2. Developed network of medicine.
          3. Developed light industry (clothing, toys, literature for children).
          4. Food security of the state (high-quality baby food, both for infants and so on).
          This is just the minimum that came to mind in the first three minutes. And the list can be expanded.
          Which of these have you suggested?
          And nothing.
          I can understand your emotions - but women will not run away from your emotions to give birth, because they are not socially protected in any way. Because the above is simply not.
          Go to the store, see who makes diapers, toys? 85 percent of all imports. Baby food is the same. No, there is ours, Russian - but it is not enough, they say unprofitable.
          Well, will you give birth? Having reached this or that position, including the material one, you may or may not. That's where the problem is, and you're talking about "prohibiting abortion."
          1. +4
            15 June 2015 10: 37
            The question is this. Would you agree if the state made a deal with women: it takes all the measures you speak about but in return prohibits abortion, and it strictly prohibits it, with criminal activity, etc.?
            1. -1
              15 June 2015 10: 45
              You redirect a question to women. And about what other measures they need to give birth.
              Including housing.
              I believe that there are so many people, so many opinions.
              As for PERSONALLY me - I PERSONALLY would agree. Only here, the woman is again responsible for the abortion. And the man from whom she became pregnant - again, no business?
              So that you would fully understand my position: I welcome the birth of children, there are three of them. And with all this, I believe that the ban on abortion is stupid. This is nonsense, for which the state will pay with an even greater demographic crisis.
          2. 0
            15 June 2015 15: 58
            Think for yourself: the birth of children should be accompanied by:
            1. Preschool, school and vocational educational institutions. Sports and leisure schools, sections, studios. And preferably not on a fee basis, or with a minimum payment available to each family.
            2. Developed network of medicine.
            3. Developed light industry (clothing, toys, literature for children).
            4. Food security of the state (high-quality baby food, both for infants and so on).
            So DO it all, people. Do not expect someone to do it for you !!
      2. +4
        15 June 2015 09: 51
        Quote: Metallurg
        Well, the girl gave birth to a 15-16 year old. She herself is not psychologically ready to become a mother, but she is OBLIGED to become her

        When abortion is banned, most will think about the consequences. For the rest, + \ - I agree. hi
        P.S. Nevertheless, I am in favor of a ban on abortion. Each law has pros and cons, the question is in the ratio of these. There are clearly more pluses. In Poland, the law works.
        1. -2
          15 June 2015 10: 19
          Another utopia. I'm talking about "thinking about the consequences."
          Yes they will not think. Do not shift your morality to the entire population. Well this will not be.
          By the way, another question: how will she (since the law clearly states - abortion - the woman is to blame, and the peasants seem to be out of business) to think about the consequences? Tell me. Use a condom? Hehe, so a ban on condoms will be the next step after the ban on abortion, don't you think?
          So if you make such an offer: how to introduce sexual education, then they will drive you here with slippers and rags under the baseboard.
          So your criticism is nothing more than an attempt to express your disagreement with what I wrote.
          Yes, I do not pretend to be absolute truth, alas, it is not available to me. I am just saying that the ban on abortion will not lead to an increase in the birth rate.
          And one more question. Clandestine abortions. And the punishment for the doctor will be for clandestine abortion? And what will it lead to?
          In a word: you reinforce delirium from Musulina by delirium of gag.
          With respect and a desire to think first and not rush into the embrasure with a cry: the main thing is to get involved, and there it will be seen.
          1. +3
            15 June 2015 14: 44
            Quote: Metallurg
            Another utopia. I'm talking about "thinking about the consequences."

            Again I will give an example of seat belts. Who thought about security in the absence of fines? Almost nobody. They made a fine of 1000 - almost everything is fastened. We are now on an oncoming traffic less began to leave, not because it is dangerous, but because the rights are taken away for it. Those. bans work if the punishment is inevitable (or more likely). And there will be exceptions, but there will be few, most will think about the consequences.
            Quote: Metallurg
            I am just saying that the ban on abortion will not lead to an increase in the birth rate.
            Will result. And women's health will definitely be preserved. View fertility statistics in countries where abortion is prohibited.
            Quote: Metallurg
            Use a condom?

            Frankly? The peasants need to be taken out on time. Women - Remember the anecdote about an irresponsible woman? wink
            Quote: Metallurg
            And one more question. Clandestine abortions. And the punishment for the doctor will be for clandestine abortion? And what will it lead to?

            Everything is solvable. Equate the embryo to human life. And punish as a murder. An abortion is a doctor, a nurse, and an abortion herself. Those. a group of persons and a preliminary conspiracy of part 2 of article 105 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation - shall be punishable by deprivation of liberty for a term of eight to twenty years, either by death penalty or life imprisonment. Will there be many people who want to earn an abortion?
            Quote: Metallurg
            In a word: you reinforce delirium from Musulina by delirium of gag.
            With all due respect, it’s nonsense to advocate the continuation of the murder of unborn children for taxpayer money. hi
            P.S. And you ignored the example of Poland.
            1. -2
              15 June 2015 15: 02
              The Polish leave for the same Czech Republic, if that. There the border is pure formality. And they are all in the EU. Type go shopping / on an excursion. And they have an abortion there.

              Punishment: a seat belt is not a good example. And I will explain why. Because the policeman stands at the post and catches. And how will you determine a woman’s pregnancy before 12 weeks? And then she, pregnant, went to an abortion, well, let's say in a neighboring country. This is if there is money. And if there is no money, then the so-called. folk remedies. Or go underground again - i.e. to criminalize. Besides thinking about the consequences in 15 years? Yes, and at 18 or even older units are accustomed. Otherwise, there would be no problem with child alcoholism and drug addiction. By the way, they are also struggling with it.

              About to take out. Laughing at this offer for a long time. Just a very long time. In medical language, this means interrupted sexual intercourse. And if some Orthodoxy was mixed in here and Christian religions in general - then this is also a sin (if that). But in fact - this again returns to the question of consequences - the men will not think - they, on the basis of the law, are not responsible by mislina. So the problem of unwanted pregnancy is the problem of a woman that you propose to solve for her and only her. The beauty!

              Clandestine abortion: what is the evidence base? So the doctor came to the house, in the early stages of pregnancy - there are no witnesses. How to prove? If only after an abortion, the failed mother died. Or should every doctor go through a polygraph? In a word, it’s no good.

              Now about what I stand for. I stand for the fact that if a woman decides to have an abortion, then she must receive quality medical care.

              In none of the comments did I see the responsibility of a man. It seems that women themselves lure men into bed and then run to an abortion. And the fact that they became pregnant is their and only their fault. And they want to punish them again.
              Not a single reasonable suggestion (and this is the second article about abortion) from commentators was followed. They reason from a selfish masculine position. This is sad.
              PS Let me give you an example: the first fire brigades have been created. The church stood up "on the horns" - the fire is God's punishment. And attempts to "reduce the degree of God's punishment are no less heresy" (c) Mark Twain "Yankees from Connecticut at the court of King Arthur." Here and here they took a position of narrow-mindedness.
              1. +1
                15 June 2015 15: 35
                Quote: Metallurg
                The Polish leave for the same Czech Republic, if that.

                It is not as simple as you present. And much more expensive.
                Quote: Metallurg
                Otherwise, there would be no problem with child alcoholism and drug addiction.

                The size of the punishment, that's all. The same alcohol - criminalize the repeated sale of alcohol to minors, and the number of youngsters drinking will be reduced by at least half.
                Quote: Metallurg
                So the problem of unwanted pregnancy is the problem of a woman that you propose to solve for her and only her. The beauty!
                Drivers and pedestrians are also equal before the law for violating traffic rules, but the risk for pedestrians is incomparably higher, although many do not understand this.
                Quote: Metallurg
                Clandestine abortion: what is the evidence base? So the doctor came to the house, in the early stages of pregnancy - there are no witnesses. How to prove?
                How to find such a doctor? For example, can you go for a professional killer? Me not. With doctors, there are also fake customers, and the price is about 15 years in prison. Abortions will be single and VERY expensive. Much more expensive than seat belts.
                Quote: Metallurg
                I stand for the fact that if a woman decides to have an abortion, then she must receive quality medical care.
                This is not medical care - this is murder. One way or another, the human embryo is being killed, the LIVING embryo!

                Quote: Metallurg
                In none of the comments did I see the responsibility of a man.

                I agree, men's responsibility should be. And not only child support. But the world is so structured that most of the responsibility for this lies with women.
                Quote: Metallurg
                The Church stood "on the horns"

                Yes, I am not a churchman, rather a pagan. Nevertheless, I admit that many instructions of the priests are correct
                1. -1
                  15 June 2015 15: 44
                  They will ask the elders to buy them alcohol.
                  1. +1
                    15 June 2015 16: 19
                    Quote: Darkness
                    They will ask the elders to buy them alcohol.

                    They will ask. But overall the situation has improved.
                2. -2
                  15 June 2015 15: 51
                  Criminal liability for the re-sale of alcohol. So the saleswoman who caught - just get fired and that's it. Who to plant? For the distribution of drugs, the terms are also not small. But they find it somewhere and buy it.
                  About the risks for women. In general, let's hang everything on them. They live longer. It is time for them to serve in the army in draft order ... One more, one less - what the hell is the difference ... (a joke, if someone did not understand).
                  About dummy customers. Not so simple. They will go away from abortions directly to traditional methods. In the end, they will find a doctor. The question is who will “protect him.” "And, as an option, the number of refuseniks in maternity hospitals. For abandoning a child - a fine and a term - the next stage?
                  Abortion is a murder. Excuse me, did you legislate this? That an embryo is equated with a person. If not, then abortion is a medical operation. I understand that this is cynical, but I repeat: you can’t get emotions to work. (And yes, a joke about: if abortion is murder, then blowjob is cannibalism).
                  And again about responsibility. Let it not be, it simply will not. Otherwise, if you approach this issue from two sides, you need to constantly carry along with you certificates that you are not sick with anything, that you are not registered as an alcoholic / drug addict / psycho, etc. Which in principle will not.
                  1. +1
                    15 June 2015 16: 27
                    Quote: Metallurg
                    So the saleswoman who got caught is just fired

                    Dismissal is also a demotivator.
                    Quote: Metallurg
                    They will leave from directly abortion to folk methods.

                    But most will still think.
                    Quote: Metallurg
                    And, as an option, the number of refuseniks in maternity hospitals.
                    Solvable, if the state has a desire. The fact that the state does not have this desire is another matter.
                    Quote: Metallurg
                    Excuse me, did you legislate this? That an embryo is equated with a person. If not, then abortion is a medical operation.

                    Euthanasia is also a medical operation, especially since everyone agrees. Morality and ethics are either there or not. It is these components that distinguish us from animals. hi
                    1. 0
                      15 June 2015 16: 45
                      Igor, you understand that every woman will decide the issue of abortion for herself. And morality and ethics in their current state - will not be the main indicators. By the way, euthanasia, voluntary withdrawal from life, cannot be introduced in Russia, for example, because you yourself understand how many murders will be "disguised" as eftanasia.
                      Speaking strictly in today's realities: the misulin law on the prohibition of abortion will be similar to Gorbachev’s anti-alcohol company. One to one, practically. They didn’t drink less, but we are still dissolving the consequences. On the issue of the desire of the state to deal with the problems of newborns - so they are only in words. Understand that the law, in its interpretation, is as it is now: it is blaming the demographic situation on the population itself. By the way, Medvedev also once squealed something about demography. This is an attempt to hide another failure of the government by the method of shifting from a sick head to a healthy one.
                      Problems in the field of general morality, in the field of youth policy. Nobody does this. But here are the prohibitive measures - yes, we introduce with a bang.
                      Actually, I already wrote that no one is calculating, and WHAT will happen with a spontaneous surge in fertility. Again the problems of those who gave birth?
                      I do not urge abortions. I say that if a woman made such a decision, she should receive quality medical care.
                      I urge that if the state wants to improve demography, it should also pursue a policy to increase the birth rate not by prohibitive measures.
                      The construction of kindergartens and schools, the opening of new enterprises, the provision (opportunity to produce here, in the Russian Federation) of young families with affordable and high-quality products, clothing for babies. In the end, too, housing.
                      Something like this. And the problem of abortion will disappear by itself.
                      1. +1
                        15 June 2015 17: 27
                        Quote: Metallurg
                        Igor, you understand that every woman will decide the abortion issue herself.

                        What can a woman decide for herself? laughing
                        Quote: Metallurg
                        misulina’s anti-abortion law would look like Gorbachev’s anti-alcohol company

                        Things are completely different in content, similar only to the presence of the ban itself.
                        Quote: Metallurg
                        Understand that the law, in its interpretation, is as it is now: it is blaming the demographic situation on the population itself.

                        In China, no one, unlike Europe, thinks about welfare when planning a child. And this problem is not tied to finances, but rather to education (once again about TNT in the civil service)
                        Quote: Metallurg
                        Problems in the field of general morality, in the field of youth policy. Nobody does this. But here are the prohibitive measures - yes, we introduce with a bang.

                        I absolutely agree, but at least something. I repeat, I am for the prohibition of abortion only in case of amendments to the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, equating the embryo with a person. Otherwise, your scenario will be (clandestine abortions in the basement) An integrated approach, youth policy, prohibition of abortion with the responsibility of doctors, and financial support are needed.
                        Quote: Metallurg
                        I urge that if the state wants to improve demography, it should also pursue a policy to increase the birth rate not by prohibitive measures.
                        NOT ONLY PROHIBITED!
                        Quote: Metallurg
                        The construction of kindergartens and schools, the opening of new enterprises, the provision (opportunity to produce here, in the Russian Federation) of young families with affordable and high-quality products, clothing for babies. In the end, too, housing.
                        Something like this. And the problem of abortion will disappear by itself.

                        Poland. There social sphere is an order of magnitude higher, and nevertheless a ban on abortion. Sweden, Norway - there is a social paradise, and a very low moral character of citizens. And fertility is not ice. That is, the matter is not only in the social sphere, the social sphere is the carrot, but the carrot without the whip does not work. hi
                      2. +1
                        15 June 2015 17: 36
                        Quote: Ingvar 72
                        What can a woman decide for herself?

                        To tell? Or himself?wink
                        Hi Igor! drinks
                      3. 0
                        15 June 2015 19: 03
                        Quote: retired
                        Hi Igor!

                        Hi Yura!
                        Quote: retired
                        To tell? Or himself?

                        Are you so deeply versed in the female psyche?belay I thought you were fishing more ... laughing
      3. 0
        15 June 2015 10: 57
        Quote: Metallurg
        Well, the girl gave birth to a 15-16 year old.

        I have a neighbor a floor above :-)
      4. +1
        15 June 2015 15: 21
        Let's start criticizing ...

        That's what, but to love criticizing with us ...

        1. Well, she gave birth to a girl in 15-16 years old. She herself is not psychologically ready to become a mother, but she is OBLIGED to become her.

        At 15-16 - these are the problems of the parents, they did not manage to tell the little children that there is such a thing as contraception, let them be puffed up. By the way, law enforcement agencies can also connect there. Well, at 18, already another question. What do you mean "not ready"? And when will it be "ready"? IN 20? At 30? Or maybe 50? Rave...
        Just at the age of 16-18 it is easier to give birth and raise a child. Both the mother is healthier and the parents are also at working age - they will help both sit financially and with advice and children, in order to give young people the opportunity to take care of themselves at least a little. But what does it mean to raise children without grandmothers, I’ll tell you this - you really need to completely beat yourself up.

        . What are the shelters? Are you proposing to give birth and surrender a child to the state?

        Here I agree, for the refusal of the child - both "parents" for forced labor and to pay alimony to the state.

        Kindergarten out of turn. I agree, but ask the builders - what is more profitable for them to build: a business center or kindergarten

        Do not believe me - kindergarten, I say as an ex-director of a design company. Moreover, from the point of view of the availability of financing - uninterrupted, and from the criminal point of view of kickbacks and cuts (officials themselves steal and have to share with manufacturers).

        5. I agree with the limitation. But this point follows from the previous one. But what about the profit? I remember when beer advertising was banned - the "beer barons" shouted that who would watch football now.

        And what ... do not look?

        So the trade in beer and other alcohol will go underground, or, as in Soviet times, taxi drivers have 25 rubles for vodka. Bravo!

        A pig will always find dirt, and even 25 rubles. But not all people are pigs.

        6. You propose to fight the investigation and not the cause. Again, we return to point 4. In the absence of a coherent policy, including the TNT youth channel, they will by no means close it.

        What do you want? The capitalists will be able to distort even a good deed for the sake of profit. But it’s better to "fight" abortion in such a way than not at all.
      5. +1
        15 June 2015 15: 25
        Quote: Metallurg
        Let's start criticizing ...

        Quote: Metallurg
        Well, the girl gave birth
        Quote: Metallurg
        and it is OBLIGATED to become her
        - gave birth - answer. I didn’t take care - answer. And where does it come from? - from the "dad", well, let the "dad-boy" also pay with money, incl. Child abandonment? And "grandfather" with "grandmother" (33-40 years old) are written off right? Have they been underdeveloped? - let them answer.
        2. A shelter is only an extreme measure for the most exceptional cases, there is no need here to put a rubber product No. 2 on your head. Or do you think that 700 thousand abortions annually make 15-year old fools? Kind statistics ... Abortion will become more expensive than buying condoms - the result?
        3. true remark.
        4. How much money do you need? you just need to educate family values ​​from the kindergarten, there is no additional money there - you just need to update the manuals for teachers.
        5. But haven’t it been limited now?
        6. The "consequence" must also be fought, otherwise they are pulling other "consequences" with them.
        TOTAL: except for hysteria that you need to increase the birth rate you have nothing and you can’t offer anything.
        CONCLUSION: increase self-education, and train to think. You can write your nonsense even here - just do not be offended by criticism.
    3. +2
      15 June 2015 10: 08
      .... My suggestions for preventing extinction; ....

      ..... You have forgotten such a measure as the tax on "childlessness" ... In the USSR it was like this ... And it was very stimulating for the birth rate and marriage (marriage) ...
      1. +1
        15 June 2015 10: 24
        Absolutely right. Why do some live for themselves and do not blow a mustache. But what happens will require the state to support them.
        1. -1
          15 June 2015 10: 44
          They work and pay taxes. State them a pension or benefits. What is the problem?
          1. 0
            15 June 2015 11: 23
            And who will keep them in old age or in weakness, if they did not leave offspring, but lived for themselves. In Russia, the number of sariks and workers is almost equal.
            1. 0
              15 June 2015 11: 26
              The state will be obliged to support them, paying them a pension.
              1. +3
                15 June 2015 11: 49
                And who is the state? This is us. If no one will work and pay taxes accordingly, then how will the old weak people live?
                1. -2
                  15 June 2015 12: 20
                  You have all mixed up in a heap.
              2. +1
                15 June 2015 13: 24
                ... The state will be obliged to support them, paying them a pension ....

                .... Which will take in the nightstand .... laughing
    4. The comment was deleted.
    5. -2
      15 June 2015 12: 13
      oldav RU Today, 07:48 AM
      My suggestions for preventing extinction;
      1. Prohibition of abortion to non-births ..
      ..Oleg, you yourself probably already gave birth? TRIPLE?

      Seriously, any ban is only to the detriment !! Any!!!
    6. +1
      15 June 2015 15: 08
      6. Closing channel tnt
      good good good
    7. 0
      16 June 2015 00: 35
      You, put a minus mail for honor !!!
  3. +9
    15 June 2015 07: 51
    The author burns. 1. Spat in the "kgavagoe" leadership of the USSR.
    2. He compared Stalin with Hitler, not in favor of the first.
    3. "crushed" the Orthodox Church (the "liberation" of the peasants in 1861 deprived the peasants of their land, do not forget about it, led to speculation, etc., proletarianization, revolution)
    4. "monetization" of services? And as you wish, this is a sign of capitalist countries with liberal economies. Here you are either from the USSR or from the Russian Federation - decide.
    Outcome: Anti-Russian article - Mixed borscht with compote - "Bon appetite"!
  4. -1
    15 June 2015 08: 12
    TOTAL Politically, as they say, - LIVED! The bankrupt bourgeois power in a secular state with its Friedmann market reforms according to the monetarist model in health care, like a ripe apple, before our very eyes falls into the hands of a religious structure! And Elena Mizulina is right there with her servile project and intention to change the Constitution of the Russian Federation for religion!

    That’s for sure, the priests have already become insolent, they’re climbing everywhere. And yes, it is correctly said about the bankrupt government, and it went bankrupt not only in the context of this article.
    1. 0
      15 June 2015 08: 36
      where did you get there pop?
      1. -3
        15 June 2015 09: 34
        In education, medicine, science. Another list?
        1. +1
          15 June 2015 14: 21
          and more specifically?
          1. -1
            15 June 2015 15: 46
            In schools, kindergartens, hospitals, universities
  5. 0
    15 June 2015 08: 34
    In general, it is not necessary to decide whether or not to prohibit abortion, and to ensure a normal standard of living for people, then they will only have an abortion for medical reasons.
    1. +3
      15 June 2015 15: 33
      In general, it is not necessary to decide whether or not to prohibit abortion, and to ensure a normal standard of living for people, then they will only have an abortion for medical reasons.

      Do you think people in a prosperous West live so poorly that they have stopped giving birth?
      It is not a matter of well-being; it will decrease ANYWHERE at the birth of a child. To avoid this, you need to be a rich person. So now, only the rich can breed?
      The fact is that people accepted the slogan - "live for yourself" and added "and after us - even a flood." And this can be reversed either by very powerful propaganda, or by violence - by laws. Propaganda is an expensive business, our creative people are greedy. And it will hit the same oligarchs - sales will fall if people stop living for themselves. So it's easier to churn out the law, and the repressive system for ordinary people is at our level. But, again, half measure is better than inaction.
  6. +2
    15 June 2015 08: 42
    only a nerd may seem that setting the Orthodox on Russians (Russians) can be useful for Russia
  7. +1
    15 June 2015 08: 49
    A couple of clarifications:

    ... In the Russian Empire, the Russian Orthodox Church was ...

    The official name of the Russian Church before the revolution was: Russian Greek-Catholic Church. Russian Orthodox the church began to be called in the 1945 year.
    The Russian Church Abroad is called Orthodox. Translated from Greek (faith came from there, and in the place with it the name, and therefore it is necessary to translate from Greek to Russian, and not from some other Russian, thereby giving the wish for reality) means - orthodox. I hope that it would never occur to anyone to call orthodox Jews - Orthodox :)

    ... and along with the landowners, opposed the abolition of serfdom by Alexander II in 1861 ...

    Under Tsar Romanov, Alexei Mikhailovich, by the Council Code of 1649, the peasants with the land were finally attached to the landlords. The attempt to abolish serfdom, for which the Decembrists advocated, meant that the peasants were deprived of their land. They became free, but landless, but I want to eat ... Thus, under good intentions, the peasants were driven even more dependent on the landowners ...
    1. +3
      15 June 2015 09: 47
      It’s a pity they don’t talk about it in schools. And then the abolition of serfdom is presented as the highest good.
      1. -1
        16 June 2015 01: 55
        in a Soviet school it was very similarly told

        The great chain broke and broke. With one end the gentleman the other - the peasant

        Nekrasov. "Who lives well in Russia"

        This is about serfdom, we taught it by heart (it was in the compulsory program) and then the teacher explained in detail what this means
  8. +5
    15 June 2015 08: 49
    Deny. abortions!
    To expel all liberal scum from the government !!!
    In the field of demography, a clear national policy is needed!
    Introduce residency qualifications for regions with depressed birth rates.
    For the birth of the 3rd give a certificate for 1000000 p. with indexing, wide possibilities for its application ... Clearly, not with money alone .. But still!
    1. -1
      15 June 2015 09: 11
      Quote: Shmel-pchel
      Deny. abortions!
      To expel all liberal scum from the government !!!
      In the field of demography, a clear national policy is needed!
      Introduce residency qualifications for regions with depressed birth rates.
      For the birth of the 3rd give a certificate for 1000000 p. with indexing, wide possibilities for its application ... Clearly, not with money alone .. But still!

      What are you !!!? how you can hurt human rights, we live in the 21st century, we have democracy, do not touch the freedom of choice, mother wants to kill her child herself, let her choice kill her. am ...
      1. +1
        16 June 2015 01: 40
        According to your child, you can kill, but you can’t kill a pedophile ?! Shit on the letter E !!!
    2. +4
      15 June 2015 09: 49
      And the peasants to introduce criminal punishment for abandoning a child. Up to 10 years of strict.
      And introduce a childless tax. From the age of 26, 50% of the salary.
      Only hardcore !!!!
      1. +4
        15 June 2015 15: 38
        By the way, you are in vain. Absolutely correct measures. Moreover, the "reward" in this case will find exactly the "hero" who deserves it. Because the paternity test is quite accurate, much more accurate than our Themis.
        1. 0
          15 June 2015 15: 57
          And I don’t argue. It’s just that already the second article, the peasants are discussing what and how to do for a woman. And not a word about their own responsibility.
        2. -1
          16 June 2015 02: 24
          besides, it’s also very expensive. What’s right, only confident that the father of the lady will take the test. In case of a miss, she pays for it, in case of a hit
  9. +10
    15 June 2015 09: 14
    A high standard of living in itself has a negative effect on fertility. An example of this is demography in Europe. First of all, we need a certain ideology: abortion - no! I myself grew up in a large family (we have seven parents). And nothing, everyone is alive and well, dressed-shod. Although there were no super-profits spawn.
    1. +2
      15 June 2015 10: 50
      carabiner sks
      + + + +
  10. Asily 50
    15 June 2015 09: 15
    Any religion brings only destruction to society, they crap people, and they ask forgiveness from God. The introduction of the church into the state began with the king’s marriage to Sophia Paleolog, it was then that the bloody procession of churchmen began. And now they are applying for the whole state, selling miracles, destroying competitors and simply not believing in the word, etc., etc. The fall of the church in February 1917 began with excommunication from the state treasury. Now they are again climbing into state administration with old songs about their infallibility and an even more arrogant statement about the * cornerstone * of the church in the state.
    1. 0
      15 June 2015 09: 51
      You just need to excommunicate the ROC from the treasury and it will deflate like a balloon.
      And at Gundyaev, remove the FSO guard, let the militant activists, such as Enteo guard.
  11. 0
    15 June 2015 09: 44
    Quote: Asily 50
    Any religion brings only destruction to society, they crap people, and they ask forgiveness from God. The introduction of the church into the state began with the king’s marriage to Sophia Paleolog, it was then that the bloody procession of churchmen began. And now they are applying for the whole state, selling miracles, destroying competitors and simply not believing in the word, etc., etc. The fall of the church in February 1917 began with excommunication from the state treasury. Now they are again climbing into state administration with old songs about their infallibility and an even more arrogant statement about the * cornerstone * of the church in the state.

    Religion made the whole world civilized if it were not for the Christianity of Russia as a country would not exist. And how did you believe that you descended from a monkey so further.
    1. 0
      15 June 2015 10: 08
      Well, you then, believe that the world was created 10000 years ago and nothing.
      But Japan or China - are they not civilized?
      Russia existed before Christianity will exist after.
    2. Asily 50
      15 June 2015 12: 44
      God and the church are completely different concepts. Only the poor need help; the sane person does not need the imposed * help * of an intermediary. Well, if you * believe * the Bible, then we are all Jews, or at least * descended from them *.
      1. +2
        15 June 2015 13: 54
        Quote: asilius 50
        Well, if you * believe * the Bible, then we are all Jews, or at least * descended from them *.

        So did you read the bible? Old Testament? Taki Abraham is the first Jew, and people went as you hope from Adam? Noah? Sim (Semites)? Ham Japheth? So you smite?
        Quote: asilius 50
        God and the church are completely different concepts.
        Mr. Evidence.

        Quote: asilius 50
        Only wretched
        - Like we? And you? - "MAN". Cool: "I'm smart, Adyn, and the rest are stupid, uuuuu."
        You are my friend, illiterate nonsense, forgive me for being rude. You will not even understand anything in new paganism and Protestantism, and even more so in the Orthodox faith.
        1. Asily 50
          15 June 2015 14: 30
          Yes, it’s hard to rank you as * rational *, you rather led by a servant from the church, probably the aggression from here.
          1. +1
            15 June 2015 14: 42
            Quote: asilius 50
            Yes, it’s hard to rank you as * rational *, you rather led by a servant from the church, probably the aggression from here.

            Is it weak to answer, or are you used to insulting everyone?
            The Bible, as you know, is divided into sections and each line has a number. So put your mind to your calloused hands and give us the "poor" line numbers in which it is written that you are a Jew or a Semitic or descended from a Semitic, a Jew as your soul (GYGY's brain) will please.
            And explain your position regarding "led by a minister from the church." And my "aggression" is from
            Quote: asilius 50
            Only the poor need help; the sane person does not need the imposed * help * of an intermediary.
            going on.
          2. Asily 50
            15 June 2015 19: 59
            Catholics are more honest, their priests are called SHEEP * pastor *, i.e. REASONABLE the shepherd is not needed, and the smaller church does not agree.
            1. +1
              16 June 2015 07: 23
              Quote: asilius 50
              Catholics are more honest, their priests are called SHEEP * pastor *, i.e. REASONABLE the shepherd is not needed, and the smaller church does not agree.

              А flock what do you think? This is just what graze. Burn Asil 50!
              “Church” is, first of all, we (and we agree with the priests), and the priests are needed to “shepherd”, so that we do not distort the teaching of Christ, and fulfill the will of God through the Sacraments. And the "reasonable" you, first of all, should determine their political orientation. And what are your complaints about the ROC?
              1. Asily 50
                20 June 2015 10: 35
                All your * sacraments * will be performed by any medicine man or sorceress more qualitatively and will only pay for RESULT, and not for conducting the ceremony. By the way, even charlatans from * magic * services perform rites more efficiently than priests. PASTE is a flock of SHEEP, and why do you need to explain the sheep and sheep to the shepherd?
                1. 0
                  20 June 2015 11: 33
                  Quote: asilius 50
                  All your * sacraments * any witch doctor or sorceress will perform better

                  Quote: asilius 50
                  Let's give the order of ordination, what is its "Result". And how do you define "quality"?
                  Quote: asilius 50
                  By the way, even charlatans from * magic * services perform rites more efficiently than priests.
                  And how do you define "quality"?
                  A Christian comes to the sacrament of confession, and says: "I am tormented by passion." And the father (psychologist) says to him: "such prayers" (auto-training), "such a post" (advice on how to get out of the situation). so quality, is it getting rid of torment and self-improvement, or satisfying the whims of the flesh? it is not only a religious issue but also a social one. Why are your "healers" leading the people there? not remakes with supposedly "Slavic culture", but real priests (of what gods?). Money-rite-result. More money, more ceremonies, more results. And if the result is big money? Even I don't see a billion oligarchs. hypnotists anchor your brain and then deprive you of your will.
              2. The comment was deleted.
          3. The comment was deleted.
        2. The comment was deleted.
        3. -1
          15 June 2015 14: 31
          Jews are Semites too
          1. +1
            15 June 2015 14: 46
            Quote: Darkness
            Jews are Semites too

            So are you? or, as a "lord-sane" asily?
            Ugh on you. nasty, I will not save from you, and you are attached to "sane" people. have pity on us "poor".
            1. +1
              15 June 2015 16: 54
              I hope I have nothing to do with this group.)))
    3. The comment was deleted.
  12. +4
    15 June 2015 10: 06
    Quote: oldav
    My suggestions for preventing extinction;
    1. Prohibition of abortion by nulliparous
    2. Initial help to the primiparas if necessary (shelters, supervision, kindergarten out of turn)
    3. The abolition of mother capital in regions with a high birth rate and its redistribution to regions with a low birth rate and low population density.
    4. Popularization of family and motherhood.
    5. Limit alcohol production in particular beer (the main enemy of reproduction) in particular for girls
    6. Closing channel tnt or Transfer House 2

    I totally agree
    1. -5
      15 June 2015 10: 30
      1. Delirium
      6. Delirium
  13. +8
    15 June 2015 10: 43
    I wrote in a similar topic and write here:
    one must stop the terrible sin of infanticide at all times. Introduce the promotion of morality, responsible motherhood and fatherhood. Otherwise we will bend and very quickly.
    1. -3
      15 June 2015 11: 01
      How many children do you have?
      1. +4
        15 June 2015 14: 30
        judging by the number and time of your comments, you definitely don’t have them, when a normal person has a baby, the question of the prohibition of abortion disappears for him. A person happy with offspring will NEVER support child murders!
        1. -4
          15 June 2015 14: 34
          I have three children.
          Nevertheless, I consider STUPID prohibition of abortion. And I also think that the ban on abortion will ultimately lead to a lumpenization of the population and an even greater demographic crisis.
          1. UFO
            15 June 2015 16: 53
            Quote: Metallurg
            Nevertheless, I consider STUPID prohibition of abortion.

            And I do not think the ban on abortion is STUPID! Although I have four children. wink
            1. 0
              15 June 2015 16: 58
              Give your evidence.
              By the way, I made a survey of women and unmarried girls at home (18 people).
              The result will amaze you: 100% of women AGAINST the prohibition of abortion. Moreover, among them there are mothers who have two children.
              So something like that.
              1. 0
                16 June 2015 09: 16
                Quote: Metallurg
                The result will amaze you: 100% of women AGAINST the ban on abortion.

                Really amazing. That's horrible.
        2. -3
          15 June 2015 15: 58
          In October, the second will be born. Keep your fantasies with you.
      2. +1
        15 June 2015 15: 40
        How many children do you have?

        I have three, but I agree with him.
  14. +2
    15 June 2015 10: 52
    Maybe someone will think that this video is not entirely in the subject, but I don't think so. First thought, then action, Thought, without thought, without awareness of action, action based on animal instincts, leads to abortion ... A film about telegonia, giving an answer to why princes marry princesses (remember Alki's song - "Kings Can Do Anything"), princesses are waiting for a prince, and fairy tales are being told about Cinderella ... Maybe this film will stop someone from a rash act and at least one less abortion in the country.

    1. 0
      15 June 2015 11: 01
      With telegonia, too, is not so simple. Neither the veracity nor the falsity of this phenomenon has been proven.
      1. +1
        15 June 2015 12: 37
        Quote: Darkness
        With telegonia, too, is not so simple. Neither the veracity nor the falsity of this phenomenon has been proven.

        Or maybe it is proven, but we were not told? There is an old proverb: "From a bad tribe - do not expect a good seed." A person is distinguished from an animal by the presence of reason, everything else is almost the same: http://klin.ucoz.net/forum/20-139-1

        1. 0
          15 June 2015 13: 39
          Maybe they didn’t say that. For if this is true, it has done many patterns.
          By the way, if my memory serves me right, in modern paganism there are as many as two ways to get rid of a woman’s alien energy system.
          1. +1
            15 June 2015 13: 45
            Quote: Darkness
            Maybe they didn’t say that. For if this is true, it has done many patterns.
            By the way, if my memory serves me right, in modern paganism there are as many as two ways to get rid of a woman’s alien energy system.

            There is, but it is better to know each other in marriage inexperienced than to get rid of unnecessary experience ...
            I did not write the proverb correctly, it should be like this: "From a bad seed - do not expect a good tribe."
            They hide and corrupt this from us so that another Lomonosov does not appear.
            Natural selection among people is broken by false ideals. Dumb is easier to edit.
            1. 0
              15 June 2015 14: 29
              Regarding natural selection - it is now impossible.
          2. +1
            15 June 2015 14: 50
            Quote: Darkness
            Maybe they didn’t say that. For if this is true, it has done many patterns.
            By the way, if my memory serves me right, in modern paganism there are as many as two ways to get rid of a woman’s alien energy system.

            1. to sleep with a sorcerer.
            2. jump over the fire.
            1. -1
              15 June 2015 16: 01
              Learn the materiel. And do you still consider modern pagans to be dark ignoramuses living in forests and worshiping the wheel?
              1. +1
                16 June 2015 07: 55
                Quote: Darkness
                Teach materiel.
                Encyclopedia of Slavic myths and legends on 1000 pages suitable? Or Internet Help?

                Quote: Darkness
                And you still consider modern pagans to be dark ignoramuses,

                With what happened to communicate alas.
                Quote: Darkness
                living in the woods and worshiping the wheel?

                The same Mordvins - pagans to heaps there, and they "worship" nature. In short. And they pray to the ancient gods. In the full sense of their religion, only the priests know, right now, sacrifices are not practiced and not advertised, but there are questions ... paragraph 2 "communication with the spirits of ancestors." Hypnosis you know what? and trance? Well, pagans can go into a trance and ... not get out of there. 3. You are under the complete control of the priest, if he puts you into a trance, then you become the executor of someone else's will. ... +100500 questions.
  15. +5
    15 June 2015 12: 46
    It feels like a dirty person, the author of the article. Here it also needed to be aborted in due time.
    1. +4
      15 June 2015 13: 19
      Correctly. I spread hysteria. Everyone has long forgotten about Mizulina, but they all continue to hysteria. It is a pity that everything remained as it is and nothing will change.
    2. +3
      15 June 2015 13: 31
      Now in the world there is a worldwide Masonic conspiracy - the destruction of humanity, to be more precise, a significant reduction in its population, for example, by a couple of billion.

      Then the rest will, as now, serve the richest and most influential as serfs, and it will be easier for the pharaohs to rule the serfs by implanting a chip into their skin. Take a look - the rich get richer and live happily ever after receiving interest on the money invested in the bank, and the poor get poorer by burying themselves in endless loans. Also with states, the United States, like a big parasite, "sucks" other countries, those who disagree will face chaos and war, and whoever agrees ends up selling the country to them, spitting on sovereignty.

      Look around - resources, water and so on are not infinite, people have already cheated the entire planet, everywhere there is devastation and poverty, there are more and more people. all these wars, abortions, propaganda of homosexuality and pedophilia, molestation from a young age at school, juvenile justice, test tube children, marriage after 30 or 40, or even the fashion of being unmarried / unmarried. living with everyone, living for yourself, all this egoism all this works in the hands of the masses governing from the United States, the Fed, the Rothschilds and others, it’s their job. TV, music, media, everything works for them, the WORLD is in their hands.

      So you can not believe and continue to think that everything is an accident, or you can "wake up" and look for relevant information. We must wake up and awaken others, otherwise all of us will face an even worse slave life.
      1. +5
        15 June 2015 13: 59
        For some reason, in their USA they are not taking any measures to reduce the population?
        1. 0
          16 June 2015 11: 23
          Quote: oldav
          For some reason, in their USA they are not taking any measures to reduce the population?

          You are mistaken, first of all they will destroy their own, here are the first signs:
          - no one gives birth to more than two or three - it’s expensive to feed, not to mention saving for training
          - they no longer have products where there would be no GMOs, the consequence - diseases, cancer, for example - came to us, too, thanks - stake and chips and sneakers
          - homosexuality is already the norm, if two guys "got along" - consider that there are no offspring for two
          - medicine is very expensive, who has no money dies
          - education is at zero, even at school at least in college, adolescents are stupid, the level of knowledge about the world is low, only Chinese or Hindus "rummage" there, and maybe Russian immigrants
          - poor neighborhoods have more affluent dwellings
          - racism flourishes, blacks are pressed
          - the crime rate is the highest, every third resident was sitting
          and so on.
      2. 0
        15 June 2015 14: 24
        What is the current population of the Earth? About 8 billion?
        According to various estimates, the maximum is 10-11 billion. And then this is dofiga. How offers to deal with overpopulation?
        1. +1
          15 June 2015 18: 14
          Why fight? sown areas will decide everything.
          1. -1
            15 June 2015 19: 21
            Hungry - they are evil. And if they also have weapons, it’s generally bad.
        2. 0
          16 June 2015 11: 33
          Quote: Darkness
          How offers to deal with overpopulation?

          take it easy and don’t worry, it’s already fighting, wars, local conflicts, as well as an epidemic of invented diseases like AIDS — bird flu, ebola, coronavirus and others — all this is part of the Masonic plan.

          what would I do if I had such power? I would return people to the ancient state when animals and plants were destroyed only for food, and only in such quantities that it did not threaten their total destruction, as well as the destruction of nature, but this cannot be, for a person will again come to a modern state as he develops. , which means the end of the whole process is only one - destruction, either by the elements or by the person himself, and ... again on the reverse.
    3. -1
      16 June 2015 02: 04
      The author of the article is an NGO, in my opinion it’s clear that he is working on a grant to reduce our population
  16. +2
    15 June 2015 13: 37
    I don’t understand the message of the author. What in the end should be done by the managers of Russia.

    Allow abortion or not?
    An elementary analysis of modern statistics shows that countries in which abortion is allowed have a natural population growth. These countries:
    Russia, Macedonia, Montenegro, Australia, Albania, Vietnam, Cambodia, Canada, China, Cuba, Mongolia, Netherlands, Norway, Singapore, Slovakia, USA, Tunisia, Turkey, France, Sweden, South Africa.

    On the other hand, there are countries in which abortion and natural population decline are allowed:
    Ukraine, Belarus, Moldova, Estonia, Lithuania, Latvia, Serbia, Slovenia, Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Hungary, Germany, Greece, Denmark, Italy, Romania, Czech Republic.

    And it is not always possible to talk about the low standard of living of the citizens of these countries.

    So the ban on abortion does not correlate with issues of religious morality and political and economic circumstances in countries.
    1. +2
      15 June 2015 14: 02
      Why is this a natural growth in our friend? The fact that the recession stopped is yes. True, this is the merit of visiting migrants and the Muslim population of the Russian Federation. But not as a titular nation.
      1. -3
        15 June 2015 14: 27
        Are Muslims a nation?
        But if a Russian professes Islam, does he cease to be Russian?
      2. -1
        16 June 2015 02: 06
        oh well, Crimea was annexed, plus two Russian lyamas in net profit
  17. +1
    15 June 2015 14: 35
    The problem is that the child must not only be born, but also raised. And this is a big problem, and not only in money. A child was born recently, now I understand how difficult it is when you constantly need to take care of a small person, while there are no material problems, but the moral aspect, plus fatigue make themselves felt.
    So far, my wife and I are thinking about not having a second child, since we’re unlikely to master it. And we look negatively on the ban on abortion, they will still do it, but doing it in the gateways is much more dangerous.
  18. -1
    15 June 2015 14: 38
    I didn’t understand what Orthodoxy had to do with it. It's about Christianity.
    1. -2
      15 June 2015 18: 19
      God = ROC, Orthodoxy = ROC, faith = ROC, Christianity = ROC, humanity = ROC

  19. -1
    15 June 2015 15: 27
    Yeah, you can’t do an abortion, but where is the kindergarten? Now there are such queues in the kindergarten that horror! things for children are branded for adults, although the quality is such that they can’t be worn on a child, and they are not subject to VAT (I wonder what is the antitrust service doing?) and how else can children 16-17 years old raise a child themselves? not everyone has grandparents, but many have no mothers and fathers.
    The question is complex, and multifaceted, and saying that abortion cannot be done is stupid, but making them paid is quite realistic.
    And the Russian Orthodox Church in general needs to be driven out of power, otherwise we will slide like Arab countries into the darkness of religiosity.
    1. -1
      15 June 2015 16: 53
      Judging by the comments, most do not care. The main thing to ban.
      1. -2
        15 June 2015 18: 20
        This is sad, the majority thinks impulsively, superficially or does not think at all, sadness.
      2. -2
        16 June 2015 02: 12
        most do not ache, but support their children, teach, educate, enjoy the little men, the continuation of themselves. Im wild, your true murderers.
    2. -2
      16 June 2015 02: 09
      what a beautiful logic. There is no kindergarten, no clothes. I ask my child why he is tormented in this cruel world laughing
  20. +3
    15 June 2015 15: 39
    The demographic situation in the country is very bad. Here I read the proposals of those in power - to prohibit abortion, the Russian Orthodox Church there. You will not achieve anything by prohibitions, although this is the easiest way. Everyone will do it illegally. For some reason, there are no proposals to increase the childcare allowance to a normal level so that a mother and her child can live as people, provide housing for large families without delay, high-quality medical care, and a decent education. Without this, even if you crack, they won’t give birth to everything. And so that a pregnant daughter in 15 years would not come, it is necessary to raise children, and the ROC would not hurt not to cut money and PR, but to do something really useful.
  21. +3
    15 June 2015 16: 01
    RUSICHI, and white, DIE !!! Though die, but it is a fact. But everyone else multiplies ......
  22. +2
    15 June 2015 16: 04
    You just need to create normal living conditions for citizens, and not measure income in dollars. Rulers think only of their ratings, but the people exist. In our city, at least work for three jobs, but living normally is not possible. Of course, the governor and the city manager are promoting how they say everything is fine with us, and funeral firms are flourishing.
  23. 0
    15 June 2015 20: 34
    the discussion is not straightforward, my personal opinion is simple: abortion should not be prohibited; this will lead to the deaths of women in criminal abortions. Conception should be conscious and desirable - this is mainly a problem of upbringing in the family. Parents should have the means to raise and educate children (again to the issue of creating a normal wage system). We will leave various medical topics (contraindications to giving birth) to conscience doctors.
  24. +1
    15 June 2015 21: 59
    The Russian Orthodox Church, so that you know it’s called not to ban, but to withdraw from the OMS system and it seems to me that this question is worthy of a referendum since there are lovers in our people who dismember their children in the womb
  25. +1
    15 June 2015 22: 03
    Recently I read interesting information that 850 thousand abortions are done in Russia annually, almost a million. That is, we have artificially reduced annual population growth. At the same time, all the abortions are paid by the state from our pocket, that is, we ourselves pay for our taxes to reduce the country's population. I am for restricting abortions, but the law on limiting them should provide for all issues, such as social services, help to mothers, and parents' responsibility for abandoning a child. And the article is clearly a liberal author, the Russian Orthodox Church, people, etc. are to blame for all troubles.
  26. -3
    15 June 2015 23: 29
    Quote: oldav
    We also want to adopt, but they will not give us with my unfinished house. We want a non-Russian child, because they are not taken and it seems to me that the genes are better there.

    You have bad shit genes, I don’t. I’m minus you!
  27. +2
    15 June 2015 23: 36
    Quote: Darkness
    What is the current population of the Earth? About 8 billion?
    According to various estimates, the maximum is 10-11 billion. And then this is dofiga. How offers to deal with overpopulation?

    Master space and populate planets.
  28. 0
    15 June 2015 23: 39
    Quote: oldav
    For some reason, in their USA they are not taking any measures to reduce the population?

    Yeah. And their kids have such chic kids' rooms with furniture, beds, such colorful briefcases, clothes, pants, bows ...
  29. +2
    15 June 2015 23: 59
    Quote: Free Wind
    RUSICHI, and white, DIE !!! Though die, but it is a fact. But everyone else multiplies ......

    Family and birth of children is a priority. Appreciate and care. Families with 3 children should be especially protected and guarded. They should be given more guardianship and privileges. Well, that is, they should pay more attention and care to such families from Russians. To learn children, to invest in them as much knowledge and practice as possible for survival — 1) people in general, 2) their own kind — Russians and so that Russians dominate (without wars, of course. It was not aggressive, but defense-assimilating politics, that is, they all turned into Russians like that themselves, with the help of Russians of course. Russian-taking everyone with kindness and courtesy and protection, not attack, namely defense). Boys along the way to train in military affairs. As now, so that professional military men are also preserved, conscripts. But as before, Russians are preserved as the best warriors. Girls were taught useful and necessary professions for the Russian clan country, and at the same time for the family. To say .... ehm. In short, the only way the Russians and their clan country can be dominant on the planet, preserving all their best quality at the same time. Kindness, peacefulness, protection, mind, hardworking. PROPAGANDATE, LOVE AND ADVENTURE Th RUSSIAN LANGUAGE. TO FEED THE FIRST ARMY AND ITS SOLDIER!
    But in general, there, dude, he laid out everything correctly and said:

    I read the article - there was foam at my mouth for a long time and convulsively beat my head against the wall. Only dumb, dumb people will not invest in children. CHILDREN ARE THE FUTURE, FUTURE OF ALL, COUNTRIES, STATES, DEFENDERS, WORKERS. There will be no children — there will be no workers, defenders .We will grow old and will not be able to work and receive a pension. Who will work ??? The old and the weak — we won’t protect ourselves — others will come, stronger and will crush us or cut us out altogether.
    IN CHILDREN, NEED TO INVEST! So that they love and adore their country, protect and work for the good of their country and people. That way the country will survive.
  30. +1
    16 June 2015 00: 05
    I would give families apartments for free at the place of the government. A family with one child has a two-room apartment. One room is for dad and mom, the other for a child. A second child is born, the state takes this apartment, gives a three-room apartment in return. , a room for mom and dad. A third is born - the state takes this apartment, gives it a four-room apartment. The room for the children, the room for the mom and dad. Free and forever. But then the fourth child is born, well, let the cousin herself provide ... They gave birth then children would be happy and would be with family. And three children would be popular. And there would be defenders and workers. And there would be a strong state.
    And do not, trawl la la la. Money, there is to it!
    1. +1
      16 June 2015 00: 12
      Quote: Alex Danilov
      I would give apartments to families free of charge at the place of the government ... A second child is born - the state takes this apartment, in return gives a three-room apartment.

      And do not, trawl la la la. Money is there!

      Mdya .. what can I say .. dreaming is not harmful, in good

      There was no money for this, even under the Union. And the scheme was, and very similar - a child is born - the family is queued for new housing. My parents waited 5 years for my sister to be born. And it is still very lucky.

      Like this..
    2. 0
      16 June 2015 02: 15
      Unfortunately, even if you have money at such a rate, you cannot configure apartments. Even the Union could not
  31. +1
    16 June 2015 00: 27
    Man. Money is. But the fact that they are used in the wrong way and thieves and chairmen is is enrages. Cut and cut these creatures.
  32. 0
    16 June 2015 03: 37
    Quote: Pissarro
    Unfortunately, even if you have money at such a rate, you cannot configure apartments. Even the Union could not

    It would be a desire. Everything can be done. This is providing the same population with work, design institutes
  33. wanderer_032
    25 June 2015 08: 13
    It should be noted that historically the Russian Orthodox Church always had a concern for the population size in Russia not only ideologically dogmatically “moral”, but also a self-serving character. In the Russian Empire, the Russian Orthodox Church was an inveterate serf-hedonist and, along with the landowners, opposed the abolition of serfdom by Alexander II in 1861. Artificial abortion in Orthodoxy by the Council Code was punishable by death for a woman. Peter I made an indulgence and replaced the death penalty with 15 years of hard labor.

    The Russian Orthodox Church still longs for the return of these "good old" times. Under all kinds of "plausible" pretexts, hiding behind religion. And who would not say what, but it is. The ROC needs a servile flock, where the highest officials of the ROC see themselves as "shepherds of the people," with all the conclusions and consequences that follow from this.
    Those. they are trying to recreate the essentially legalized slaveholding system. Where there is no place for the education and development of science, where the bulk of the population in this situation will be doomed to slave existence.
    That is, the ROC corny wants to seize power in the country, as it was under tsarism, when the highest dignitaries of the ROC dictated their will through the country's leadership.
    Look, today the representatives of the Russian Orthodox Church already openly attend meetings in the State Duma, get into the adoption of laws and interfere in the process of government. Although, according to the Constitution of the Russian Federation (Art. No. 14), any religious organization in our country is separated from the management functions and is not a state structure that can participate in these processes.

    For those who are on the "armored train" I quote the text of article 14, of the Constitution of the Russian Federation:

    1. The Russian Federation is a secular state. No religion can be established as state or mandatory.
    2. Religious associations are separated from the state and are equal before the law.
    Source: http://ppt.ru/kodeks.phtml?kodeks=0&paper=14
    1. wanderer_032
      25 June 2015 08: 42
      Since 1933, in the “Third Reich”, abortions permitted in Germany in 1927 were banned, since the Nazi regime needed soldiers. For Germans, for example, the Nazis even offered simply - i.e. without a family organization - to give birth to Fatherland a future German soldier from a purebred Aryan, but they received certain social guarantees from the state for this: material assistance, free high-quality obstetric care and postpartum compensation!

      But isn’t the same happening here?
      If you look closely at all kinds of programs like "maternity capital", etc.
      The only abortion has not yet been banned.

      That for the authorities, that for the ROC and other "religious" offices, the people are just a "meat and dairy herd" from which they just want to milk taxes, as well as receive labor and those who can be driven "under the gun" if necessary. That's all. So it turns out, whatever one may say.
      In this situation, the people will soon stop multiplying at all, because people are perfectly aware and understand everything. Because despite all the "efforts", they do not want to feel like that "meat and dairy herd". And there is no other alternative for most people.
      In this situation, all sorts of "social programs" such as "maternity capital" may be an incentive for the birth rate to rise sharply among the marginal and asocial elements of society. But among sane people, these "nishtyaks" from the authorities have essentially no distribution. And it can be seen.
      As a result, such a demographic policy of the authorities will lead to only one result, which is expressed in the old popular proverb - "You reap what you sow."
      What is the use of the number of newborns, if their quality (genetic heredity, after all, these children were conceived mostly on horribly, are hatched mainly by anybody and grow mainly on whatever conditions), to put it mildly, leaves much to be desired?
      Not to mention the fact that among them, a few fully healthy ones are born. Basically, with congenital physical / mental abnormalities (which, if not immediately after birth, appear during the first years of life, many people with disabilities / cripples are born).
      It is a fact. Which says a lot.
      1. wanderer_032
        25 June 2015 09: 20
        The video shows well that the remoteness of maternity hospitals organized by the authorities (due to their massive mass closure) from settlements poses a threat to life for a woman in labor and her child. Which, incidentally, contradicts Article 41 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation. Ambulances do not have time to come for women in labor.

        Then, in general, what are these articles for, if it is clear from such facts that the authorities themselves are "putting their hands well" to prevent the country's population from wanting children?

        The ambulance service was given for the maintenance of regional budgets, it is not an emergency service with federal funding.
        Maybe for some it is a revelation, but it is a fact.
        And the level of profitability of the regional budget for different regions of the Russian Federation can vary significantly. Hence the ability of local authorities to finance this emergency service, which are often scanty.
        Doctors do not go to work for the ambulance because of low salaries, because in order to earn more / less normal money, doctors and paramedics actually live at work. Drivers, too, mostly men over 40 work for ambulances (or even pensioners who are not able to lift a stretcher anymore), there are practically no young people and will not be with such salaries.
        The state of the ambulance fleet in rural areas is critical. Mainly due to high mileage (it happens that a car travels 600-700 km per day), frankly poor road conditions and poor supply of spare parts and a complete lack of conditions for repair and maintenance of equipment. After 5-6 years, the new car turns into junk on wheels (I personally saw it), and after 7-8 years "horns and legs" remain from the car. In cities with a population of over one million, it is more / less satisfactory (because the car park is more / less regularly updated and the mileage is less, and the supply of spare parts and conditions for repair and maintenance are better). In the region where I live, it is.
        I think that in many others, the picture is about the same.
        An exception may be Moscow and the Moscow region, S. Petersburg and the Leningrad region, as well as regions where valuable resources are extracted (oil, gas, etc.).
    2. wanderer_032
      25 June 2015 08: 44
      Proceeding from the minuses hit the bull's-eye. bully
  34. 0
    15 August 2015 22: 39
    In the Russian Empire, the Russian Orthodox Church was an inveterate serf-hedonist and, along with the landlords, opposed the abolition of serfdom by Alexander II in 1861.

    the text about the abolition of serfdom was written by the best orator of that time - Saint Filaret Drozdov. Comments are redundant.
    Artificial abortion in Orthodoxy by the Council Code was punishable by death for a woman.

    what code? Give the link, Tatiana. There is a commandment "Thou shalt not kill" and no conciliar code can overstep this principle.
    The article is designed for ignoramuses in history and religious studies. It is unfortunate that this site is published.