The battle for Tripoli continues

In Libya, the battle for the capital, Tripoli, does not stop. Fights go with varying success and are local.

On the eve of the supporters of Muammar Gaddafi managed to briefly capture one of the city blocks, but later the military of the Transitional National Council (PNS) regained control of the city. At the same time, there are reports of new skirmishes from Tripoli.

According to various sources, from dozens to several hundred people died. The PNS put up checkpoints at the entrance to the capital, the military patrol the streets. The city is experiencing power outages, as loyal Gaddafi troops damaged the power supply system. According to rumors, the military commandant of Tripoli requests to send reinforcements from among the soldiers of the Transitional National Council, who are now besieging Sirte and Bani Walid, the defending forces of which support Gaddafi. Airspace over Tripoli patrols for the first time in two months aviation NATO, reports "Russia 24".
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  1. Evil Tatar
    16 October 2011 07: 05
    Gaddafi will win, no doubt ...
    1. I.C.V. Stryker
      16 October 2011 07: 42
      Vryat whether East is a delicate matter. The Yankees have already bribed everyone — who has influence anyway. Everything is there, however, like ours it is sold and bought.
    2. -1
      16 October 2011 08: 25
      Tatar-brother, your words to God's ears! I am not a "respecter" of Gaddafi "the elder", I have great sympathy for his sons, especially for Khamis, and I hope that if Gaddafi returns to the throne, he will entrust the future of the country to his sons. That is when the time of real cooperation and friendship with us will come! And that is already a different story, gentlemen, I hope a very beautiful one! lol
      1. Alex63
        16 October 2011 14: 31
        There will be no history. The cattle that, under the leadership of the USA and the European Union, raised a rebellion against their legitimate ruler, do not think about the future of their country at all. After the overthrow of Gaddafi, Libya is a second Afghanistan and Iraq. The West does not need anything there except oil. But in exchange for this, he received another headache. But I am still completely on Gaddafi's side.
    3. +1
      16 October 2011 21: 56
      Fights from Abu Sliema spread to the suburbs of Tripoli - Tajuru and Dzhanzhur, as well as to the areas of Zvara and Salah al-Din.
      According to eyewitness accounts, violent clashes are taking place near Az Zawiya, located on the Mediterranean coast, 50 kilometers west of the capital. In Abu Slim, according to some, a NATO helicopter was shot down.
      This Friday has been declared the ousted Libyan leader to begin the “October 14 uprising.” Earlier, turning to the Libyans, Gaddafi called on them to free the country. Responding to this appeal, hundreds of his supporters took to the streets of the capital, green flags of the Jamahiriya reappeared on some houses.
      The son of Colonel Seif al-Islam also spoke to the Libyan people, who, like his father, called on supporters to rise and expel the traitors and NATO from the country.
  2. Sergh
    16 October 2011 07: 11
    I can only say it on my own, add it from my sitting ass. Gaddafi, I'm with you !!!
  3. I.C.V. Stryker
    16 October 2011 07: 27
    Ahead is the division of assets, but here it smells of Makhnovschina and the civil war.
  4. Evil Tatar
    16 October 2011 07: 31
    The population will wake up when it compares before and after ...
    There will be nothing or no one to share ...
    16 October 2011 08: 59
    I hope pidnosy do not get to us. Tired of listening to my great-grandfather partisan. I want to pull my face on the ass
  6. -1
    16 October 2011 09: 53
    The people can do a lot if their leader is not pi ... er. Libya will win!
  7. +1
    16 October 2011 10: 37
    Taking power in the country with the help of NATO does not mean holding it! People began to understand how ............. they trusted!
  8. escobar
    16 October 2011 12: 08
    If the people of Libya really had such incredible social support of the state, then in the absence of it for months, it will lead to mass protests against the new regime (including the armed)
  9. SIA
    16 October 2011 15: 33
    Hold on to Gaddafi !!!
  10. LESHA pancake
    16 October 2011 19: 27
  11. -1
    16 October 2011 19: 49
    and that he himself didn’t go
    1. Sergh
      17 October 2011 00: 20
      Yes, the age is not the same, and who will let me in there? Although there was a thought, but the "Shell" is a little lacking, and there is no point in being naked. If you add, let's go and shoot!
  12. +1
    16 October 2011 22: 55
    Usa grandmother clamped her own PNS (similar to diarrhea)
  13. itr
    17 October 2011 04: 58
    Now is our time to intervene!
  14. 0
    17 October 2011 11: 16
    The Germans do not participate there because they know not by hearsay "the farther into the forest, the thicker the partisans" so that the famous monument with a broken rocket will soon turn into a big fak and will be hoisted in its rightful place