Gaddafi supporters revolt

Armed clashes between supporters of Muammar Gaddafi and detachments of the Transitional National Council (PNS) cover new areas of the Libyan capital.

The fighting from Abu-Sliema spread to the suburbs of Tripoli - Tajur and Janjour, as well as to the Zvara and Salah-ed-Din areas.

According to eyewitness accounts, violent clashes are taking place near Az Zawiya, located on the Mediterranean coast, 50 kilometers west of the capital. In Abu Slim, according to some, a NATO helicopter was shot down.

This Friday is declared the overthrown Libyan leader of the beginning of the "October 14 uprising." Earlier, referring to the Libyans, Gaddafi called on them to liberate the country. Having responded to this appeal, hundreds of its supporters took to the streets of the capital, green flags of the Jamahiriya appeared again on some houses.

The son of Colonel Seif al-Islam also spoke to the Libyan people, who, like his father, called on supporters to rise and expel the traitors and NATO from the country.

Currently, the shootings in Tripoli are continuing, explosions occasionally thunder on the streets. In the sky over the Libyan capital circling the planes of the North Atlantic alliance.
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  1. Aleksey42
    15 October 2011 07: 34
    Keep it up!
    1. Marat
      15 October 2011 20: 06
      With all the ambiguity of Gaddafi's policy, it is respected by the determination and courage of Libyan patriots to continue to fight the homeland when the aggressor has almost won and all possible allies turned away and "wrote off" them
  2. Sergh
    15 October 2011 08: 01
    Here are a couple of them.

  3. Sergh
    15 October 2011 08: 12
    Here are a couple of them.

  4. itr
    15 October 2011 08: 27
    In England and America, this would be fine.
    But in France it’s not necessary to quiet down themselves out of fear.
  5. ICT
    15 October 2011 08: 55
    Quote: itr
    In England and America, this would be fine.

    a good idea
  6. 0
    15 October 2011 09: 42
    Quote: Sergh
    Here are a couple of them.

    why immeno?
    1. Sergh
      15 October 2011 10: 43
      I’m talking about such and such (she doesn’t take a picture from the hard one). Well, you can do more.
      1. 0
        15 October 2011 10: 52
        I imagine that with a jeep, the PNS from 1sec volley!
  7. +1
    15 October 2011 10: 07
    not long the rebels played music !!
    We will still fight
  8. German
    15 October 2011 10: 09
    well done! keep it up! for a long time it is time to lower the NATO and Pindos ..
  9. +5
    15 October 2011 11: 24
    Pay attention to how patriots of their country and NATO mercenaries are fighting, in difficult conditions, under a hail of bombs, and blockade, they win, and the henchmen of the West, with all the might of the military machine of the alliance, suffer enormous losses .. These Libyans are worthy of the highest award, they are Heroes with big letters, I would even compare this with the feat of the Russian people during the Second World War ..
  10. prykordonyk
    15 October 2011 11: 32
    It seems to me that NATO deliberately allowed this situation to happen. After all, Libya's main allies (Russia and China) recognized the NTC. And only after that did the uprising occur. Gaddafi will not have the same foreign policy support as before. One against all. Now he is in a worse position than at the beginning of the NATO operation.
  11. 0
    15 October 2011 11: 33
    LOOKED NEWS, 200
    1. prykordonyk
      15 October 2011 11: 42
      This is understandable. But if Gaddafi wins, how will Russia and China conduct diplomatic relations with him if they have recognized the NTC as legitimate?
      1. +5
        15 October 2011 11: 48
        But this is just a good question, how to look into the eyes of the colonel will be our leaders who betrayed him .. ashamed of our anti-people chosen ones ..
        1. prykordonyk
          15 October 2011 12: 03
          Therefore, it seems to me that here could not do without the hand of the West. It turns out that the main goal was to legally and not physically destroy Gaddafi. And now, if suddenly Russia and China refuse their statements, then the United States will not reckon with their opinion on Syria, for example. If you do not refuse, they will be obliged to block Gaddafi in all directions. But NATO no longer has to spend money on a military operation. The word - not a sparrow, will fly out, you will not catch.
        2. 0
          15 October 2011 13: 39
          Our only thing left is to tighten the tail. BEWARE OF THE TANDEM. They will bring the country to the handle.
      2. 0
        15 October 2011 17: 42
        I think if our wedding general would not recognize the PNS, then the European Union again said that we were wrong at the expense of Sukashvili didn’t do well with the Georgians
  12. 0
    15 October 2011 11: 57
    So they, the masters of their word, wanted to give, wanted to take.
  13. +6
    15 October 2011 12: 53
    There is only one way out, to recognize the decision of our president as illegal, because such decisions should not be taken solely, but at least by a thought .. but in general they would ask the opinion of the people first, a regular opinion poll, would show what needs to be done!

    It is becoming more and more clear to me that Gaddafi is a genius of his time, even when the whole world turned against him, he not only did not give up, he fights and achieves success, he of course appealed at first to help from Russia and other countries, called on the West to stop, but understanding that the West will not stop and Russia, in the face of our press, sank to put it mildly, he thought, "You don't want to help me and I don't need to, and I can decide everything myself!"
    Good luck, Colonel, know that, we are all for you!
    1. 0
      15 October 2011 22: 49
      There is only one way out, to recognize the decision of our president as illegal, because such decisions should not be taken solely, but at least by a thought .. but in general they would ask the opinion of the people first, a regular opinion poll, would show what needs to be done!

      that is state. treason ...
  14. mitrich
    15 October 2011 13: 34
    Before the war, Libya was a 6 millionth country, a community of tribes, often hostile to each other and getting along with each other thanks to Gaddafi and the local security service, which in the bud prevented any attempts of manifestation of small-town separatism. In March, the slender structure of power collapsed, the genie broke out of the bottle.
    I am convinced that the Western Special Forces represented by the CAC and the French Foreign Legion handed the keys to Tripoli to the PNS. Plus, the desire of the residents of the capital of Libya to ensure that everything ends soon (Arabs are people too, and standing in line for drinking water in the conditions of the blockade of the country, food for the most part of which is imported from abroad, is not very pleasant) and at least some then power. Therefore, at that moment, the capital's residents were indifferent to the fact that Gaddafi had lost control of Tripoli.
    However, the "revolutionaries" failed to take advantage of the fruits of their victory. Massacres began against their opponents, constant firing-shooting, robberies. This whole holiday of disobedience lasts from August, and October is outside, i.e. already 2 months. Complete impotence of the new authorities to establish order in the streets.
    Plus, the absolute inability of the PNS to conduct at least some independent military operations. Sirte not taken, Ben-Walid not taken, one posing in front of television cameras from the new authorities. That is why the uprising in Tripoli.
    Strongly doubt the second coming of Gaddafi to power. Most likely the following scenario is possible:
    - NATO countries are introducing contingents of troops + PMCs to protect oil fields in the east of the country (as you know, they don’t give a damn about the Libyans);
    - Libya herself is slipping into the abyss of a long-running civil war "all against all", tribe upon tribe.
    So far, everything is going to this.
  15. cohort
    15 October 2011 13: 48
    I wonder what state Libya's oil infrastructure is in. Destroyed or not during the war.
    1. mitrich
      15 October 2011 14: 59
      Surprisingly, nobody touched Libyan oil infrastructure with a finger. And on the other hand - why be surprised winked ?
  16. 0
    15 October 2011 13: 53
    Anything can happen. Everyone knows that there is no way against scrap. And to ask the people - yes, our people like symbols, like Putin. They vote for him. He put Medvedev on the top of the list. And even though he built a sour face , was forced to agree. Although, it seems to him, they promised to return to power after one term of Putin’s rule. For 4 terms, there is an obvious bust.
    1. 0
      15 October 2011 14: 45
      You see, in any country where there are natural resources, a tough government is needed, and even a dictatorship, otherwise everything will be stolen to hell... like in Russia in the 90s... If it weren't for the military, Yeltsin would have sold all our 9 aircraft carriers to China for pennies, but at least one was saved... it's no joke that the aircraft carrier was sold for 4 million Baku... when one plane costs about 100 million...
  17. Volkhov
    15 October 2011 14: 54
    Gaddafi's supporters are patriots and heroes, but this is a struggle of systems - Nazism and Zionism, which manipulate stupid people. Libyans, defending their homeland, destroy the bridgehead, harmful to the Reich, and the Nazis help them in communications, supplies, reconnaissance, intercepting UAV control and targeting NATO aircraft on PNS. Supporters of the PNS are fighting for Zionism, the insurrection will destroy them, but they need territory, not Libyans.
    Libya, like Russia, should have understood the situation and invited the organizers - the Nazis and the Freemasons to drive to the Sahara and fight on their own, and to monitor the Paris-Dakar match through filters.
  18. Owl
    15 October 2011 15: 21
    Correct tactics, working in a "guerrilla" way, supporters of Gaddafi deprive the forces of the PNS air support.
  19. sirToad
    15 October 2011 15: 30
    this is what I understand is a multi-way party! I will laugh if NATO still offers negotiations to Muammar!
  20. +1
    15 October 2011 15: 52
    I’m afraid that even if the people knock out all the trash from the cities of Libya, NATO’s additional peacekeeping units will come there, and with them it will not be as easy as with the homeless in shales .. Goliath will still take David to death .. but for this it will be necessary to arrange the genocide of the radical population ..
  21. 0
    15 October 2011 17: 28
    well done Gaddafi to keep the militias are the same criminals that in RUSSIA IN 17 YEAR Voglava with Ulyanov
    1. +1
      15 October 2011 20: 59
      here you are not 100% right, if the Soviet government in our country wouldn’t have all of that, Libya and the USSR have long-standing partners and allies, even with Russia, the capitalism is typical of the United States, a totalitarian regime is not appropriate here
    2. 0
      15 October 2011 22: 56
      kress42rus - you are a prostitute. Unlike Nikolashka 2 "bloody", the Bolsheviks forced the whole world to reckon with themselves, won the war, made Kuzka's mother and you sonny sit at the computer only thanks to them, otherwise you would sit on some kind of reservation (or in the same Auschwitz) and on you would be doing experiments - this is as a maximum (if you are a Slav) or would be a slave or a servant (Balts and others like them, there are no Poles in this category, do not believe me - read Main Kampf). DIXI
  22. +1
    15 October 2011 17: 49
    Down with Libya, NATO scum !!!
  23. +1
    15 October 2011 21: 15
    Yes, NATO members were completely disgraced, and ours had nothing to change the flags hastily, now it is not clear what the outcome will be, but the "civil" carnage will drag on for a long time, it seems to me. Well done, NATO should be "fried", let them know their place.
  24. Kochetkov.serzh
    16 October 2011 02: 04
    and again, NATO appears. beat them