Another storm Sirta failed

Western media, which reported that Sirte had been almost completely taken and Mutassim Gaddafi had been captured, once again passed off wishful thinking as reality. It turned out that the information that had been disseminated since October 10 about the capture of the city and the commander of the defense was yet another piece of disinformation. According to a number of sources, one of Mutassim Gaddafi's associates, Ali Abu Bakr al-Gaddafi, was passed off as Mutassim Gaddafi.

Another assault on Sirte also failed; in the morning of October 10, the rebels claimed that they had captured almost the entire city and finished off the last centers of resistance of the supporters of the Colonel. By the evening of the same day, the rebel units retreated from the city.

The reasons for the new failure

Al Arabiya TV reports heavy fire falling on the rebels. Apparently, Gaddafi's supporters lured the enemy deep into the city and then struck the enemy who believed in victory. The rebels could not withstand the attack and retreated (fled).

Another storm Sirta failedOther rebels report flooding by the Gaddafi forces, which has caused panic among some units. The defenders deliberately opened the city's water pipes to make it difficult for the enemy to advance, and the rapidly rising water in the streets has caused a panic attack among some NTC supporters.

In addition, the rebels miscalculated in the assessment of the forces of the Sirte garrison, according to their data, Mutassim had no more than 1,5 thousand fighters, and he only had Gaddafi militia, no less than 2 thousand people.

Also, according to the rebels, the PNS forces suffer a lack of coordination of actions, which is not surprising. Units from Misurata and Benghazi stand near Sirte, they are competitors and if it were not for the common enemy, they could well have fought each other.

Another factor is the composition of the Sirte garrison, these are people who cannot be defeated or surrendered to, they are simply eliminated. In addition to Gaddafi's tribal relatives, the city is defended by officers of the former Libyan army, security services, and members of the former revolutionary committees. All of them are active fighters against the revolution, who cannot surrender to them. These are highly motivated and experienced people.

Tribe fighters defend their territory. So, according to the PNS, in spite of the passage offered to the townspeople to leave the city, very few people used it. There are data on hundreds of women who help the garrison. This also confirms the fact that Sirte is defending not only the remnants of the units that remained loyal to Gaddafi, but also the locals, the tribe of Gaddafi.

According to former Libyan army general Abdel Salam Jadalle, who now commands the NTC forces, other tribes neighboring Gaddafi are also preventing the capture of Sirte. Negotiations between NTC representatives and the leaders of the tribes living here (Furjan, Hamamasal and Maadan) are unsuccessful. Despite the rebels' threats to use heavy weapons against them, not all of them allow movement toward Sirte through their tribal territory.

What's next?

Arab and Western media outlets report statements by the rebels that they will now use heavy weapons to suppress the resistance of the city's garrison. They allegedly did not do this before due to "humanitarian considerations." Although in reality there is plenty of evidence of NATO airstrikes on Sirte and the work artillery, including multiple launch rocket systems for the city.

To overestimate the new defeat of the rebels is also not worth it. Gaddafi’s forces have little chance of success, unless NATO, for whatever reason, completely wraps up the operation, ending support for the PNS. Sirte is blocked, the human and material resources of Gaddafi's supporters are melting. Beats from the air aviation NATO, heavy weapons were deployed to the city, including armored vehicles. The only question is how much longer they will last.

Skirmish in Tripoli. Information agencies reported that a battle of supporters of Gaddafi and PNS units had occurred in the capital of Libya. The clash occurred in the area of ​​Abu-Salim, which is considered to be a stronghold of Gaddafi’s supporters remaining in Tripoli. In the afternoon of October 14, a few dozen armed men appeared on the streets of Abu Salim, they began chanting slogans in support of Muammar Gaddafi. The PNS units advanced into the area, and the battle began.

It should be noted that the PNS do not have enough strength to control the entire city, especially at night. The rebels guard the city center, strategic facilities, intersections. According to local residents, shooting is heard in the city at night, which is not surprising, since the criminogenic background has grown by an order of magnitude, the capital is saturated weapons and strangers from the east of the country.

Gaddafi supporters revolt
Today, 06: 53

Armed clashes between supporters of Muammar Gaddafi and detachments of the Transitional National Council (PNS) cover new areas of the Libyan capital.

The fighting from Abu-Sliema spread to the suburbs of Tripoli - Tajur and Janjour, as well as to the Zvara and Salah-ed-Din areas.

According to eyewitness accounts, violent clashes are taking place near Az Zawiya, located on the Mediterranean coast, 50 kilometers west of the capital. In Abu Slim, according to some, a NATO helicopter was shot down.

This Friday is declared the overthrown Libyan leader of the beginning of the "October 14 uprising." Earlier, referring to the Libyans, Gaddafi called on them to liberate the country. Having responded to this appeal, hundreds of its supporters took to the streets of the capital, green flags of the Jamahiriya appeared again on some houses.

The son of Colonel Seif al-Islam also spoke to the Libyan people, who, like his father, called on supporters to rise and expel the traitors and NATO from the country.

Currently, the shootings in Tripoli are continuing, explosions occasionally thunder on the streets. In the sky over the Libyan capital circling the planes of the North Atlantic alliance.
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  1. Aleksey42
    15 October 2011 07: 23
    Such fortitude cannot but be admired! Indeed, the defenders understand that they have no other way. Oh, if only they could help them with weapons!
    1. Alexey Prikazchikov
      15 October 2011 16: 02
      Khe and you saw how they storm, at first NATO pounds the city from the air and then they go there when they hastily dump these suckers, they are Grozny, 96 and 99, and not Stalingrad where it was necessary to be a hero, having wandered not to fight that.
  2. Sergh
    15 October 2011 07: 34
    What have you done! The country is completely in chaos, there is a natural war. That means that’s what they want to do everywhere, around the world!
    It’s not good, it won’t work.
  3. itr
    15 October 2011 08: 37
    Sooner or later, Obama will beat the coconut in the ass.
    Freedom to LIBYA!
  4. Sergh
    15 October 2011 08: 42
    It is necessary to such.

    1. 0
      15 October 2011 10: 19
      And are the operators on the armored personnel carriers conscripts or officers?
      1. German
        15 October 2011 10: 55
        sense from conscripts ...... it is necessary to recruit volunteers. as in 36 in Spain .... I think both in the Russian Federation and in Ukraine and in many countries there are people who do not like what NATO and Pindos arranged in Libya.
        1. 0
          15 October 2011 11: 00
          1. Sergh
            15 October 2011 14: 44
            Yes, I would go myself, but they won’t take it by age. And if you recruit guys associated with the computer for 1-2 months, everything is very simple there, the rest drove. A large cart of ammunition and fuel with a rem kit and on horseback, to the wine stores ...
        2. Alexey Prikazchikov
          15 October 2011 16: 03
          I would ship only where to go to whom to go volunteer recruitment is not.
  5. lightforcer
    15 October 2011 10: 30
    The main thing is not a word about the losses. The unsuccessful assault implies that Gaddafi destroyed a bunch of rebel fighters.
  6. +4
    15 October 2011 11: 19
    Damn if only through Algeria to throw them an air defense system, because Pindossia does not stop until the last Libyan native and patriot are cut out, because Among the rebels, only emigrants who came to work in Libya ..
  7. Volkhov
    15 October 2011 13: 36
    You are all rebels, because of your moods the legally elected government has to help the PNS secretly, spend money on "contract soldiers" and write "about the Kurils". Understand the leaders at last - their money is in America.
    1. +4
      15 October 2011 14: 50
      We do not care about the leaders and their money. All of us have long understood the Americans as our ENEMIES, as well as the enemies of the whole world.
      1. zczczc
        15 October 2011 16: 08
        esso, no need to spit - it's not really their money. Any money earned on the territory of the Russian Federation is either the labor of our people, or the natural wealth of our lands.
        1. 0
          15 October 2011 23: 35
          That's just from this work, it is not easier for us, all profits either go west, or are appropriated by the oligarchs.
          1. zczczc
            16 October 2011 00: 17
            This is a question for the helmsmen.
  8. LESHA pancake
    15 October 2011 16: 01
    Yes, these fucking leaders are on their own and we are on our own.
  9. +1
    15 October 2011 20: 27
    Gaddafi will not be Libya
    1. 0
      15 October 2011 22: 35
  10. 0
    15 October 2011 22: 28
    but about the flood pinned wink - a bad dancer is always flooded
  11. 0
    15 October 2011 22: 38
  12. +1
    16 October 2011 14: 42
    After the war in Yugoslavia, I spoke with one of the former residents of that country. To the question - why did they respond so weakly to the attacks of NATO troops? The answer - they were afraid of even worse consequences. Something similar is observed in Libya. After all, after the so-called "rebels" captured military warehouses, they had a huge amount of weapons, including MANPADS. The question: either they were also afraid of angering NATO, or they did not know how to use them?