PNS troops failed in Sirte

Libyan National Transitional Council forces appear to have suffered a setback in Sirte, a city still held by loyalists of former Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi.

Earlier this week, the country's new government announced that they controlled 80 percent of Sirte. Now, under intense shelling, the troops retreated, leaving the occupied neighborhoods, reports "Russia 24".

In addition, there were reports that the PNS fighters managed to capture Gaddafi’s son, Muatashima, who was in charge of the defense of the city. They later admitted to the Transitional Council that they could not confirm the information that the colonel’s son had been taken prisoner.

Thus, the only trophy that the PNS soldiers can boast of so far is the photographs of the wife of Gaddafi’s other son, Hannibal, who were found in their abandoned house in Sirte.
21 comment
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  1. Sergh
    14 October 2011 08: 55
    So, if the photo is fresh, then you can carefully consider the NATO clothing, on the right side of the wall are two and in the background far away from the wall, a soldier in sandy camouflage stands alone in the water. Yes, and in the topic, daviche Sarkozy-mum squeaked about the dismemberment of the Georgian territory by Russia, Kharya did not crack, by chance.
    1. +1
      15 October 2011 00: 39
      Sergey news from 14.10.2001/XNUMX/XNUMX

      In the center of Tripoli, there is a fierce battle between supporters of the ousted Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi and the forces of the National Transitional Council of Libya.
  2. +3
    14 October 2011 09: 27
    Chingachguk Vigilant Eye !!!!

    Reminds me of that bearded anecdote "Not in poker, but in a point, not 10 bucks, but 000 rubles, did not win, but lost."

    Yes, something in the PNS (It's time to rename the PMS) is not glued ... Reports of Ogogo, but in fact igogo ...

    It would be possible to set the candles for the health of the Colonel - he would put them.
    1. Volkhov
      14 October 2011 15: 55
      The problem is in the connections - the Reich is fighting for the Colonel, a candle may face a strange icon. Pay attention to military-technical aspects and not only in Sirte.
  3. +3
    14 October 2011 10: 26
    It's time to stop watching the TV box.
    There is one spam.
    They trumpeted the day before yesterday on Radio Russia about the capture of Sirte in the next few hours.
    And yesterday - silence ...
    Since you are a journalist, you must cover events, right?
    And where is the coverage of the events?
    There are none of them.
    And if not, the coverage of events is one-sided.
    And since it is one-sided, then this is propaganda.
    Do we need her?
    So think about whether it is worth using the services of RIA NEWS?

    News needs to be obtained from independent sources.
  4. svvaulsh
    14 October 2011 10: 28
    But the pictures of the wife of one of the sons were taken prisoner! Now at leisure, for lack of women, there is something to do. At the same time, there will be hands in action!
    1. Sergh
      14 October 2011 11: 50
      Well done! I wanted to write such a thing, but it was a little fun. I'm sitting rzhu-u.
  5. +6
    14 October 2011 11: 07
    I would decrypt PNS- Pindos Hired Dogs with the last letter you can experiment as much as you like Russian language - the richest language
  6. sirToad
    14 October 2011 11: 24
    Well, damn it, out of luck again! the Ministry of Truth did not have time to issue a victorious report as already corrected. not Gaddafi’s son, but a photo of his wife ... laughed
  7. +2
    14 October 2011 12: 58
    Is the smoking room alive? Or is it the planned waste for applying massive art and airstrikes? We will listen and hold fingers for the defenders of Sirte.
  8. 0
    14 October 2011 13: 17
    In the background on the left, like a NATO soldier, don’t go to the grandmother
  9. Owl
    14 October 2011 13: 18
    looks like Germany's aggression against the USSR: attacked, consolidated, complete air supremacy, PNS fighters are expendable material (for overseas puppeteers), air strikes "to exhaust" (Yugoslavia surrendered after 2 months), we can only hope for a repeat of the Vietnam scenario (unlikely)...
    1. -1
      14 October 2011 13: 29
      similar to German aggression against the USSR: attacked, entrenched, complete air supremacy

      about Belarus, it seems, they sat only in cities, moved only with reinforced convoys and all the same, columns fired and bridges exploded ... the Iraqi method of resistance is repeated here ...
  10. -2
    14 October 2011 15: 18
    Article in the topic, I highly recommend reading ›news / polit / 1455736.html
  11. 0
    14 October 2011 15: 41
    With photos of his wife, this is certainly cool wink

    Everywhere they go around raking in to the fullest, without NATO specials, well, no matter how much they weren’t taught, even on tripoli they showed how and what and why, and they’re all the same, it’s even a shame for these militants)
  12. prykordonyk
    14 October 2011 22: 17
    People, I scream! What is going on in Libya! I urgently want to know everything! Where is the article?
    1. +3
      14 October 2011 22: 40
      An uprising broke out in Tripoli.
      Fights go on all streets.

      1. +2
        14 October 2011 22: 48
        I read the news too, GOOD NEWS! CADAPHFI-GO FOR THE MOTHERLAND!
        1. prykordonyk
          14 October 2011 22: 54
          This was not unexpected by anyone. Agree.
    2. +1
      14 October 2011 23: 46
      Here is another information from the journalist N. Sologubovsky
  13. 0
    15 October 2011 10: 54
    Great News, I just admire the Libyans, those who are real patriots of their country! We should learn from them! And our government, as always, screwed up, if not worse, recognizing bandits. It seems that the NATO people will indeed need to destroy the entire Libyan people in order to achieve their goals, which they are doing now by renewing the bombing of the rebellious cities .. The only way to save the country with ancient history, and the great people are not afraid of this word, is to put them air defense systems through Algeria at least ..
    1. 0
      15 October 2011 12: 55
      It is technically possible to supply the complexes, but there are problems with the maintenance.
      Need experienced staff.
      Without proper control, an air defense system turns into an excellent target.
      The most effective thing that can be done now is to initiate an emergency meeting of the UN Security Council with a view to repealing resolution 1973.
      But who will do it?