NATO members in Kosovo staged a toilet in the Orthodox cemetery

NATO members in Kosovo staged a toilet in the Orthodox cemetery12.10.11 Near the control point Yarinje, the KFOR detachment expanded the territory of its former control point, and now the base, to 10 hectares, is located on private fields and meadows, capturing lands of Serbian farms and an Orthodox cemetery.

Moreover, the Americans and Germans decided to place a closet for their soldiers at the cemetery. Apparently they couldn’t find a more convenient place on 10 hectares.

“We are shocked that KFOR’s arrogance goes so far ... This is the law of the fittest. We are accustomed that shiptar (Albanian) extremists destroy and desecrate our shrines and the memory of our ancestors, but we certainly did not expect this from the UN peacekeeping mission, ”say the local Serbs.

Surprise, however, nothing special. If, on Easter days, NATO members dropped bombs on Belgrade, which had the inscription: “Happy Easter!”, Then why don't they make a cesspool in an Orthodox cemetery? .. “Western values” are rapidly taking root in the land taken from the Serbs.
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  1. 0
    13 October 2011 13: 21
    Eloquent situation
  2. +1
    13 October 2011 13: 51
    And what, they are not able to do anything else, except how to only "talk" about it?
  3. xmmmm
    13 October 2011 13: 57
    and you try to fill the elephant with a stone, you look and you will understand what's what ...
    1. +1
      13 October 2011 16: 45
      Xmmmm and you look at how they say: "We are shocked", "We are used to that", "We did not expect"!
      Is that what proud nations say?
      As for the elephant. There is one strong Russian folk wisdom (proverb) -If for a long time tormented, ANYTHING TO GET ANYTHING!
    2. 0
      13 October 2011 22: 36
      70 years ago in Belarus and not only there the guys tried it and it worked!
  4. +2
    13 October 2011 14: 05
    If anyone has read "Bayazet" they will remember what they did there in retaliation for the bureaucratic lawlessness. For those who haven't read it: it happened in the Caucasus, in good warm weather a fair amount of yeast was poured into an outhouse (made according to the good old Russian tradition, from boards with a hole in the floor)! THE DOUGH RISED! So much so that no one thought it was a little! If only someone would give the Serbs a recipe...
    1. +4
      13 October 2011 14: 19
      Dear friends, it is painful to read these lines, but for those who do not know, know that Satanism in the USA has an official status and is included in the register of religions recognized by the US armed forces. From here, draw your own conclusions
      1. Motherland
        13 October 2011 15: 31
        They don’t have normal people there at all ... Pid * times, nerds, sadists, etc.
    2. Marat
      14 October 2011 00: 11
      A good recipe, Yesaul - but the normal reaction of the people would not be yeast - but to arrange a terrorist attack there - blow it up to hell
      Even if the unrest arranged -
      Something the Serbs give a slack here - quite their pendosy "pressed"
  5. boos24
    13 October 2011 14: 45
    the time will come from the White House dung beetle will do
  6. SIA
    13 October 2011 14: 57
    Or maybe make a public toilet at Arlington Cemetery, huh?
    1. +1
      13 October 2011 21: 33
      don’t be like these goats! -we are smarter than them
    13 October 2011 15: 22
    The truth of all times and peoples. At one time they surrendered to NATO for promises of joining the Eurozone, sold out their president, betrayed their generals Meloshevich, and now they demand respect for themselves.
  8. LESHA pancake
    13 October 2011 15: 33
  9. lightforcer
    13 October 2011 15: 46
    "Woe to the vanquished."
  10. LESHA pancake
    13 October 2011 15: 50
  11. 0
    13 October 2011 16: 14
    Well, well, they are shocked! I don’t remember that any Serbian patriots would arrange for murderers of their relatives some kind of dirty trick such as a terrorist attack or something like that. Maybe you missed what?
  12. 0
    13 October 2011 16: 27
    these nato ...
  13. 0
    13 October 2011 17: 17
    Damn NATO and here (((((as usual we ** faded away)
  14. +2
    13 October 2011 17: 21
    AAAA rzhunimaga this is a MAKEYN infection, !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  15. Hel
    13 October 2011 18: 19
    Interestingly, but where these "peacekeepers" have not shit yet ??? And what do they have to do with $ army, what would they knock on the horns?
    13 October 2011 20: 32
    All Serbs should go to the US embassies or send them packages by mail, that would be funny, and we, as brothers, will help them, we are always happy to share this good with NATO, we have plenty of it {joke}
  17. -1
    13 October 2011 20: 55
    pid% rostans absolutely oh * eat-cheek them all!
  18. escobar
    13 October 2011 21: 38
    Serbs want to the European Union, maybe they will be taken there after all by shit-eaters !!!!
  19. -1
    13 October 2011 22: 02
    Maybe yes!
  20. 0
    13 October 2011 23: 31
    And why, in fact, the "cons"? People are offended for the Serbs. Those are insulted, but they cannot answer ... for various reasons. And the amers (and with them the "peacekeepers") - this is their tradition - in a foreign country they always shit. And not only toilets on the graves of people ...
  21. zczczc
    14 October 2011 04: 04
    Geeks, what else to say ...
  22. rusosturistas
    16 October 2011 22: 42
    Western Pigs !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  23. 0
    24 October 2011 12: 43
    It is necessary that someone paid an article in a well-known Western newspaper about how KFOR spoils a cemetery, and before that conduct an interview with the commander of that checkpoint about their life, etc. with pictures of all places, including latrines.
    We need them - their own weapons !!! am
    You can stir up a sickly scandal ... however, you need a lot of money for this ... what