Afghan opium production to increase by 61 this year

Afghan opium production to increase by 61 this year

As the United Nations Organization said on Tuesday, opium production in Afghanistan, fueling the Taliban insurgency, will increase by almost two-thirds after the last crop hit the disease.

During the 10 years after the invasion led by the United States, Afghanistan supplies 90 percent of the world's illicit opium, which is the main income of the insurgency.

The UN says poppy cultivation in 2011 reached thousands of hectares in 131, which is 7 percent more than in 2010.

Given the significant increase in yields per hectare compared to last year, total opium production should increase by 61 percent.

The growth of land for opium production indicates the failure of NATO’s civilian partners, especially reconstruction teams, who failed to convince farmers to switch from poppy cultivation to alternative crops.

The UN report says that the value of dry opium this year has increased by 43 percent compared to 2010, and total agricultural income will grow by 133 percent, reaching 1.4 billion dollars, or 9 percent of Afghanistan’s GDP.

“If we add heroin production and transportation to this profit, then opium becomes a significant part of the Afghan economy, and provides substantial funding to the rebels, as well as fueling corruption,” the report says.

The representative of the UN Office on Drug Abuse and Crime (UNODC) in Afghanistan, Jean-Luc Lemayo, said that the drug trade between 2001 and 2010 in Afghanistan brought 2 billion dollars and 66 billion dollars abroad.

Of these 2 billions, he says, 10 percent went to the rebels, and about 20 percent to the peasants.

He says that the remaining 1.4 billion dollars are questionable, but as he believes, he is divided between the corrupt authorities and the crime. However, last year prices rose by 300 percent.

"Now the peasants will earn 1.4 billion ... the insurgents will have to leave about 700 millions, and how much the crime and corrupt authorities will earn, I think you can count them yourself," Lemay said.

Afghan authorities have been trying to clear the country of illicit opium production with the help of international allies since the Taliban in 2001 were removed from power.

“The total volume of treated hectares in 2011 year increased by 65 percent. However, the cleared areas represent only 3 percent of the total cultivated land, ”Lemayou quotes the head of UNODC, Yuri Fedotov.

“Although some progress has been made in some areas of the fight against drugs, the medium-term indicators of opium production are not positive,” he added.
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  1. kesa1111
    13 October 2011 13: 09
    The most effective and inconspicuous weapon is precisely the gene.
    Look: Efimov how they govern us.
    1. +1
      13 October 2011 14: 07
      Afghanistan's opium production fueling the rebel movement

      It seems to me that since poppy cultivation in the presence of armed forces is only growing, it is not the terrorists that it feeds, but the UN.
      1. boos24
        13 October 2011 14: 42
        More precisely, NATO is a weapon against Russia
        1. Don
          13 October 2011 15: 31
          This is not to say that it is only against Russia. The vast majority goes to Europe, there is a larger market there. Pindos side who should sell at least to allies, even to enemies.
          1. Marat
            14 October 2011 00: 13
            Let's fulfill and overfulfill the collection plans - set by the "Washington Regional Committee"!
  2. Ion coaelung
    13 October 2011 17: 11
    This knowledge is in numbers in terms of sales and shares ... but they can’t cope with drugs. It is suspiciously interesting, where did the remaining 70% of the 2 billion and the remaining 66 billion have gone? Something we do not agree!
    The UN says that poppy cultivation in 2011 reached 131 thousand hectares, which is 7 percent more than in 2010. The UN report says that the cost of dry opium this year increased by 43 percent compared to 2010, and total agricultural income will grow by 133 percent, reaching $ 1.4 billion, or 9 percent of Afghanistan’s GDP.
    slightly contrary to the following:
    “Although some progress has been made in some areas of the fight against drugs, the medium-term indicators of opium production are not positive,” he added.
  3. LESHA pancake
    13 October 2011 17: 14
  4. SIA
    13 October 2011 17: 33
    Quote: LYOKHA damn

    He is looking into our pocket with you. As if from there to get more finances.
  5. vv1263os
    13 October 2011 19: 46
    If they wanted to fight the drug mafia, they would have poisoned the fields long ago. And since everyone feeds on this, then they "fight" accordingly.
  6. escobar
    13 October 2011 21: 33
    Everything is clear here - Pindos steer, Pindos steer!
  7. 0
    14 October 2011 10: 02
    The Americans motivate the weak reaction to the growth in heroin production by saying that, for example, if there is no heroin, then the Afghans will die of hunger. Of course, if it has taken on the scale of a national business and is run by a pro-American relative of the Afghan president. Moreover, the overwhelming majority of Afghan heroin goes through the countries of Central Asia to Russia and European countries, and not to the United States. And the staff sculpt all kinds of excuses for Russian offers of help in the fight against opium poppy sowing. So "what is good for a Ukrainian, it is rotten for a Muscovite." By the way, the influx of heroin into megacities was at the very least managed to shrink. But immediately the pharmaceutical industry (mainly with shares of bourgeois capital) reacted with an increase in the turnover of codeine-containing drugs, and information about the technology of handicraft production of desomorphine ("crocodile") was thrown onto the Internet. Cheap and cheerful. The genocide of young Russians who are not needed by anyone in their country has accelerated even more.
    1. Ion coaelung
      14 October 2011 15: 11
      A crocodile is generally stiff, which does to people. There was a time they cooked the screw with the guys themselves, but they didn’t get carried away to the fullest, otherwise I wouldn’t write here now :) I want to say that it depends on the individual person whether you will destroy yourself or not. And what controls the desires of this person? Sometimes these are the same corporations of super-healthy foods and necessary medicines. That is, if not on a needle, then on chips, I’m not talking about yaga and pivas!