"Rostvertol" put into service the Russian Air Force a batch of combat helicopters

"Rostvertol" put into service the Russian Air Force a batch of combat helicopters

As part of the state defense order, Rostvertol OJSC, which is part of the Russian Helicopters holding, has armed the Russian Air Force with a batch of six Mi-28Н helicopters, RIA reported.News»Official representative of the enterprise.

“For the first time we are sending such a large shipment. I talked with old-timers, and they confirmed that sending six cars at once occurs for the first time in stories of our company, ”said Boris Slusar, the company's general director.

The Mi-28N multi-purpose attack helicopter (Night Hunter) is a two-seat helicopter with a classic single-rotor design and a five-bladed main rotor. The onboard electronic and instrumentation equipment allows the use of weapons and solving flight and navigation tasks day and night, in simple and difficult weather conditions at extremely low altitudes with automatic rounding of the terrain and flying over obstacles.
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  1. +4
    12 October 2011 14: 35
    Great news ... keep it up ... in small batches, but supply) very happy.
    1. +4
      12 October 2011 14: 52
      I like the appointment

      Mi-28 (Havos according to the classification of NATO - English "Devastator")
      Russian attack helicopter designed to search for and destroy tanks and other armored vehicles, as well as low-speed air targets and enemy manpower in conditions of active fire counteraction.

      Modestly and tastefully
      1. -3
        12 October 2011 15: 12
        most importantly, with our enthusiasm, we did not disrupt further deliveries ... but it is possible in Russia in Russia fellow
      2. ZEBRASH
        12 October 2011 15: 36
        It should be in small batches, but often
  2. Ion coaelung
    12 October 2011 14: 46
    Mi-28N looks like a rat, funny, but like a palette! bully
  3. Motherland
    12 October 2011 16: 25
    Great news, every day would make such announcements that the equipment will be delivered
  4. Fuck_usa
    12 October 2011 16: 53
    It is necessary not in small batches, but for the defense industry to work, although it is already too late. The Union collapsed, and now we are proud: 6 helicopters ...... pah nasty. Purely my opinion!
  5. dimarm74
    12 October 2011 17: 12
    in 2010, 15 Mi-28Ns, four Ka-52s, four Ansat-Us and 34 Mi-8s were delivered to the Air Force, these are all production vehicles .... excluding prototypes. In 2011, 15 Mi-28N, 10 Ka-52, two Mi-35M, one Mi-26, six Ansat-U, six Ka-226, more than 60 Mi-8 series of various modifications are planned. Total more than 100 helicopters. This is not bad ... not very bad!
    1. ZEBRASH
      12 October 2011 17: 53
      It depends on what you compare it to. For me duck, 100 helicopters in two years, this is not enough
    2. Don
      13 October 2011 14: 14
      Isn't it a bit much Mi-8, maybe it’s better to upgrade the old ones?! Although this is my IMHO.
  6. 0
    12 October 2011 18: 17
    “For the first time we are sending such a large batch. I talked with old-timers, and they confirmed that sending six cars at once occurs for the first time in the history of our enterprise, ”said Boris Slyusar, General Director of the enterprise.

    We used to have so many helicopters a week, but let's hope this is just the beginning.
  7. +2
    12 October 2011 19: 24
    Sergey, well, there wasn't such complex technology before.
  8. 0
    12 October 2011 20: 20
    Clear, not enough ... But it pleases. And no one knows what kind of troubles there are at the enterprise for testing and deliveries under the state defense order Ka-52?
  9. 0
    12 October 2011 20: 45
    Radar on the sleeve, I hope already in series
  10. kesa1111
    12 October 2011 21: 16
    Slit 6 pieces? Obama will drink with grief, the CIA claimed to be 3.
  11. 0
    12 October 2011 23: 03
    as many as 6 pieces?
  12. 0
    13 October 2011 00: 21
    Attention! You do not have permission to view hidden text.
    used to be my dear and there were no such machines, and a lot of things like there weren’t now ..
    .this is not an excuse ......... in every era the perfect weapon was produced for its time ....... and basically a lot if required
  13. k2v2137975
    13 October 2011 02: 01
    .. balm to the wound ..
  14. +1
    13 October 2011 07: 23
    To whom I have no questions at all, this is to the ROSTOV ROSVERTOL !!
    Well done
    the only thing that bothers me is the airborne radar as well as one of the most rapidly developing enterprises
  15. Don
    13 October 2011 14: 31
    They are slowly re-equipping the RA. This is pleasing. If we bought from Ukraine at least a dozen Mi-28Ns, or we don’t develop our own, we don’t buy someone else's. If there is a war and there will be nothing to fight at all, you will have to ask for help.