How history is rewritten in school textbooks of the peoples of the former USSR

The retelling of the 2009 study of the year stories Russia and the peoples of the post-Soviet countries in school textbooks of the history of the new independent states ”for ease of reading is divided into two parts.

About this study

187 12 history textbooks and textbooks from the countries of the former Soviet Union: Azerbaijan, Armenia, Belarus, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Latvia, Lithuania, Moldova, Uzbekistan, Ukraine and Estonia were collected, partially translated from national languages ​​and analyzed. Tajikistan and Turkmenistan remained outside the field of analysis, and they could not get their textbooks.

The textbooks studied are the most popular or even the only ones in the schools of the respective states. At the same time, mass polls were conducted in the countries, allowing to assess what images of the past exist in the public consciousness of each of the countries. Based on the materials collected in the framework of these projects, this report has been prepared. A study of this scale in Russia was conducted for the first time.

How history is rewritten in school textbooks of the peoples of the former USSR

The collapse of the USSR and the formation of independent states on its territory made new textbooks of history vital for the idea of ​​a new national statehood vital.

In the book “How a story is told to children in different countries of the world,” written at the turn of 1980-1990, Mark Ferro stated: “In the east, from Prague to Ulan Bator, all ethnic and national conflicts were explained until recently according to one the same model allegedly belonging to Marx, but in the Moscow interpretation. And all the societies of the South decolonize their history, and often by the same means that the colonialists used, that is, they construct a story opposite to the one that was imposed on them before. ”

At the present time, “decolonization” historiography and the corresponding educational literature have fully developed in the post-Soviet countries. An analysis of school textbooks on the history of post-Soviet countries shows that all other countries (with the exception of Belarus and to a lesser extent Armenia) have taken the path of teaching the younger generation a nationalistic interpretation of history based on myths about the antiquity of their people, about the high cultural mission of their ancestors and about the “sworn the enemy. " At the same time, the image of Russia and Russians is often used as a “sworn enemy”.

Further on a number of the most vivid and illustrative examples taken from the studied textbooks, let's see how they cover the following key questions:

Contacts with Russia and Russians
Joining Russia
Being in Russia
Evaluation of the Soviet period
Origin of the Second World War
Contacts with Russia and Russians
A common feature of school textbooks of new national states (with the exception of Belarus and Armenia) is the desire to present contacts with Russians and Russia as a source of disasters.

Latvia and Estonia

In Latvian and Estonian textbooks, attempts to jointly reflect the crusades, which were highlighted in the Soviet period, are relegated to the shadows. The crusades themselves in modern textbooks are interpreted as communion with civilization. It is regretted that the crusade stopped at the borders of Russia: “Why did the West not carry out a large-scale crusade against Russia? By 1240, time was lost. ”

“The Livonian War (1558 – 1583) turned into a disaster for Estonia. Most of the population died. " The Livonian War brought "unheard of disasters to the Latvian people." It was only because of bad organization that the Russians were forced to cede Livonia to the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth and Sweden. At the same time, the Russians are to blame for the fact that the Latvian peasants received, besides the remaining German barons, also new masters, and the free city of Riga surrendered to the Poles.

However, the Swedes, the Danes, the Poles, and the local Livonian noblemen were operating on the lands of Livonia. The blame for the destruction lies with Russia. The final desolation of Livonia came after the Swedish-Polish wars (1600 – 1629), which resulted from the desire to break apart, as before Livonia, which had suffered from the Troubles in Russia. Hunger 1602- 1604 and the plague coupled with the merciless Polish and Swedish raids over a whole generation almost completely destroyed the Estonian peasant population. According to the Estonian Encyclopedic Reference Book, the decline in population in 4 – 5 is noted not once after the Livonian War, but in 1620 – 1640, that is, just at the time of the end of the Swedish-Polish wars.

The temporary elimination of Russia from the Eastern European arena due to the Time of Troubles turned out to Livonia even more terrible wars, epidemics, hunger strikes and instability. But Estonian textbooks are silent about this.


In the Georgian textbook to characterize the allied relations of Peter I and Vakhtang VI, the words of the writer Ivane Javakhishvili are cited: “Having drawn Georgia into a war in their own interests, betraying the enemy and leaving it to their fate, Peter the Great did not even want to shelter himself deceived unfortunate Vakhtang VI. The authors are silent about the fact that the Presny region was donated to Moscow in Vakhtanga, where he and his associates founded a significant Georgian settlement in Moscow and were able to develop, according to other Georgian authors, “intensive creative activity”.


The first historical acquaintances of Azerbaijanis with Russians are described in the textbooks as terrible disasters for the former: “During the 914 campaign of the year, the Slavic militia for months continuously plundered and plundered settlements on the Azerbaijani shores of the Caspian Sea. They persecuted civilians, hijacked women and children. ” In other episodes of the section, the authors describe the savagery perpetrated by the Russians, as if they themselves were witnesses to this. The whole section is a complete list of atrocities. When describing Iranian, Arabic and all other invasions, the atrocities of the conquerors were nowhere to be so accentuated, and if they were mentioned, they were immediately softened by examples of positive content.


If you follow the logic of Uzbek historians, the development of the Turkestan khanate was distinguished by relative stability until the beginning of the 18th century. But then difficult times came, and Russia was to blame for this: “the origins of the Russian conquest of Turkestan go back to the time of Peter I, when in 1717 a two-thousand detachment of Russian soldiers headed by Bekovich-Cherkassky invaded the territory of the Khiva principality, but was destroyed by the ruler of Khiva Shergazi- Khan. Did the Russian emperor, who had by this time created one of the strongest armies of Europe and Asia, venture to move such small forces to war? The fact is that the Bekovich-Cherkassky detachment is one of the many military topographic expeditions often sent by the Russian emperor to the borders and beyond the borders of Russia. Had it really been military intervention, after the defeat of Bekovich, more powerful forces would have moved to the Khiva border, since the Russian military command had no obstacles to the movement of its military contingents. But the destruction of a geographical expedition only proved to Russia that the Central Asian territories are dangerous to explore.

Joining Russia

The accession of territories to Russia and the Russian Empire, as a rule, is evaluated negatively. The benefits received by the peoples within the framework of a large state are ignored; the emphasis is on the loss of independence.


In Estonian textbooks, when describing the events of the 17th century, when the territory of Estonia was part of Sweden, the improvement of the economic and cultural position of the Estonian people by the end of the century mainly dominated. Despite the legalization of serfdom, the massive "witch hunt", the Swedish time is regarded as extremely favorable. The Northern War (1700 – 1721) is regarded as a terrible disaster, and joining Russia is a national tragedy. Estonians, according to all textbooks, acted on the side of the Swedes, served in the Swedish army and local militia. The final conclusion, assessing Russia's victory in the Northern War, leaves behind the fact that the demographic impact on Estonia was caused by the pre-war “great famine” of 1695 – 1697, and the plague that killed three-quarters of the city’s inhabitants and about half of the rural population brought Estland and Livonia are Swedish troops. Peter came to the land, deserted before the war from famine, already devastated by Swedish exactions and almost finished off with plague.


In Ukrainian textbooks, the reunification of Ukraine with Russia is presented as Moscow’s recognition of Ukraine’s independence. The March Articles, which establish the conditions of service of the Zaporozhye troops to the Russian Tsar, are called the Ukrainian-Moscow 1654 Treaty: "Ukraine was recognized as an independent power ... the Ukrainian-Moscow Treaty of 1654 ... legalized the Ukrainian Cossack Power as an independent participant in international politics." The fictional “Ukrainian Cossack Power” is then “destroyed” by Moscow, which is called one of the “grave crimes of tsarism before the Ukrainian people”.

Cossacks are an all-Russian phenomenon, not a Ukrainian peculiarity. This is exactly what brings the history of the two countries together, and does not divide. The Cossacks are a military organization, not a state, it did not have sovereignty, it served the sovereign, protecting the borders of the state. And it could not become the basis of Ukrainian statehood and identity, it is a myth. Ukrainian school textbooks assert that the Zaporozhian Army was an independent state. The Cossack state allegedly possessed all the attributes of sovereignty: symbols (emblem and banner), army, court, administrative system (regiments, hundreds). And now, for comparison, take the Don Cossack army. Without difficulty it turns out that it possessed all the listed attributes. It even led an independent foreign policy, sometimes creating a serious problem for the Moscow state with its neighbors (Turkey and Persia).


The Georgian textbook for the 5 class “Chronicle of Our Motherland” treats the annexation of the territories of the Georgian kingdoms and principalities to Russia as a conquest: “In Georgievsk, Georgia and Russia concluded a friendly agreement. This contract is known as the Georgievsk Treaty ... The Russian government did not fulfill the terms of the Georgievsk Treaty ... In 1801, by order of the Russian emperor, the kingdom of Kartli-Kakheti was abolished - Eastern Georgia became one of the provinces of Russia ... It was the turn of other Georgian kingdoms and principalities. Gradually, Russia conquered all of Georgia and established Russian rule in it. ”

The authors of the textbook for the 10 class “History of Georgia (from ancient times to 1801 year)” do not find a single positive word regarding the treatise: “The conclusion of the Treaty of St. George was a great diplomatic mistake. Its consequences turned out to be disastrous not only for Kartli and Kakheti, but also for the whole of Georgia. ” The corresponding paragraph ends like this: “Russia has unhindered achieved what Turkey and Iran could not achieve in fierce battles. She abolished the Kartli-Kakheti kingdom without any complications. The abolition of the kingdom was the result of both internal weakness and unfavorable international situation. But the Georgian people did not put up with the loss of independence and continued to fight for their freedom. ”


The annexation of the territories of modern Azerbaijan to Russia, which began at the end of the 18th century, is drawn exclusively as anti-Azerbaijani expansion: “The natural resources of Azerbaijan, in particular, the richest mineral deposits available here, were well known to Russian science. It is not by chance that the government of Catherine II linked the appropriation of these riches with the occupation of this country. ”

Descriptions of any actions of Russians, their intentions, as well as specific characters are supplied with characteristic epithets - “cruel”, “treacherous”, “greedy”. But the paradox is that the material given in the textbook does not confirm these characteristics and, on the contrary, there are far greater reasons to extend these characteristics to the opposite side. Here is an example of the "deceit" of the Russians: “In the hands of the colonialists, the military courts were a convenient punitive weapon for dealing with those who opposed social and colonial oppression. A number of cruel punishments during the khans were canceled. ” It seems that the author deliberately brings the thesis to the point of absurdity.

Being in Russia

The main content of national history in the period of being a part of the Russian Empire and the USSR is the national liberation struggle. This struggle is constructed by the authors of the "scrap materials".

Kazakhstan’s textbook provides an example of such a design: “The struggle of the Kazakh people against Russian colonialism lasted a long time, covering the second half of the 18th century. until 90-ies of XX century. ". Next in the series of events of the national liberation struggle, the “events in Temirtau 1959” were named - protests of workers of the all-Union Komsomol youth construction against unbearable living conditions.


An Estonian high school student must finish school with the firm conviction that modern Estonian culture, despite all the Russification, is the result of the influence of the disappeared local Ostsee culture. “There was a professional culture in the native language. Its development took place in the context of opposition from the Baltic and Russian circles. The level achieved by Estonian literature, art and music by the end of the 19th century is comparable to the level of Ostsee culture that has developed over the centuries. At the same time, we must not forget that the Ostsee provincial culture was part of the great German culture, and through it - the common Western European culture. ”

At the same time, textbooks silence the fact that the emerging professional Estonian culture, in order to compete with the “great German culture,” relied on Russian professional culture, and not in the Ostsee province, but in the Russian capital. Suffice it to say that all the leaders of the Estonian national revival either studied in St. Petersburg, or lived or were there. Subsequently, Estonian painting, sculpture, music, ballet, theater, jurisprudence, military science, etc. etc. grew up under the direct influence of representatives of Russian art and scientific schools.


Ukrainian textbooks view the stay of the territories of modern Ukraine within Russia as the destruction of the “Ukrainian Cossack State”.

The participation of the "Hetman" in the Northern War, some Strukevich AK, Romanyuk I.M., Pirus TP considered as “the tragedy of the Ukrainian people”, and a protest against Peter I of Hetman I. Mazepa as “an attempt to free themselves from Moscow tsarism”. V. Mysan presents I. Mazepa’s treason as a plan of “liberation from the Moscow yoke”, which he used to use Karl XII for his own purposes. Karl XII, thus, from one of the main actors of the Northern War turns into an object of the policy of the ingenious hetman. V. Vlasov betrayed I. Mazepa originally defined as an "anti-colonial uprising against Muscovy", then softened the wording to "Mazepa's uprising." He is trying to prove that the hetman had no choice: allegedly a victory for any of the parties would have meant the elimination of “Ukrainian autonomy”, so he chose “the only possible solution”: “release from the power of the king before the end of the war and the signing of a separate peace treaty” . In reality, it was not a separate peace, but a transition to the side of Charles XII.


Georgian historiography claims that “as a result of the abolition of statehood and the establishment of the Russian military-occupation regime, the entire population of Georgia, all social strata and classes were in a difficult situation. That is why, at the beginning of the 19th century, the whole of society was involved in the struggle for the restoration of statehood: the royal house of Bagration, princes, Aznauri (nobles), clergy, and peasantry. ”

All this can hardly be called anything other than myth-making. A large part of Georgian society took the entry of Georgian lands into the Russian Empire purely positively. Numerous Georgians, including representatives of aristocratic families, honestly served Russia, which the authors prefer to keep silent or speak casually and unwillingly. They did not say a word about the fact that not all representatives of the Bagration family were opposed to Russia. The authors decided not to mention General Peter Ivanovich Bagration. Obviously, they are so annoyed by the fact that PI Bagration was an illustrious Russian commander that only two sentences were devoted to the 1812 war of the year in the textbook: “In June 1812, the French Emperor Napoleon attacked Russia. The military successes of the French army put Russia in a difficult position. ”

Evaluation of the Soviet period
With the exception of Armenia and Belarus, history textbooks of new national states bring charges against the Russian empire and the Soviet Union of the genocide of their peoples.

In the Kazakhstan textbook, the paragraph on hunger 1931 – 1933. bears the name “Goloshchekin's genocide and the tragedy of the Kazakh aul”. In Kyrgyzstan’s textbooks, the suppression of the uprising in Turkestan 1916 is called genocide. In the Ukrainian textbooks, the all-Union famine 1932 – 1933 is described as genocide. In Azerbaijani textbooks, the whole policy of Russia and the USSR is depicted as genocide. Textbooks of Georgia, Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia, Moldova and Uzbekistan assess political repression as an ethnic genocide.

Latvia and Estonia

The entire period of “Soviet occupation” (1944 – 1991) was estimated by Moscow as carrying out a targeted “genocide against the people of Latvia”, during which the USSR carried out “terror”, “intensified russification” and “colonization”, tried using “migrants” and "Unreasonable growth of industry" to achieve its main goal - "destroy the identity" of Latvians. It is emphasized that many "innocent people" suffered, who were "accused of collaborating with the Nazis." After the war, the resistance of the Soviet authorities in Latvia was much broader and more organized than in 1940, since "the population of Latvia already had the bitter experience of the Soviet occupation." Despite the fact that in the resistance units there were persons “prepared by the Germans for the struggle in the rear of the Red Army”, this movement “had a national character”.

The restoration and development of industry in the Latvian SSR is assessed as “unreasonable growth of industry” due to the “migration” of the population from other regions of the USSR and the infringement of collectivization of agriculture. It is emphasized that "the consequences of this policy were the pollution of nature, the shortage of housing and food." It is “migration” that has become a “colossal problem” for Latvia, where “foreigners” have gone in “searching for a better life”. And the conclusion is made: "The leadership of the USSR purposefully flooded Latvia with hundreds of thousands of migrants and tried to destroy the identity of the people of Latvia with their help."

In Estonian textbooks, the idea of ​​the purposeful relocation of large masses of the "Russian-speaking" population to the Baltic states does not even require, in the opinion of the authors, evidence. “Some regions of Estonia — first of all, large industrial cities — have become Russian-speaking as a result of the colonization policy, and the Estonian population has practically disappeared from them”. In short, it can be said that the emergence of a large Russian population is primarily associated with rapid industrial construction, which began in the 60s. Estonia was notable for its discipline and good organization of production, investments in the Estonian industry were efficient and yielded great returns. Estonia from the end of the 50-ies became a kind of Western showcase of the Soviet Union. This is also written by the authors of textbooks. Labor for industrial construction and work in built enterprises was brought in from outside, from other republics of the USSR. For all these achievements, of course, I had to pay. Estonians had to pay a decrease in their share in the country's population to almost 62%. The Russian national minority paid for the achievements of the Soviet Estonian economy with its lower social status.

“If you take the position of the“ occupation ”theory, it seems completely implausible that in Estonia in 60 – 80 years there was a completely Estonian-centrist situation in the field of culture, science, education ... The proportions of employment of Estonians and Russian-speaking residents in the republic in the national economy science, public administration. If 2 / 3 industrial workers were non-Estonians, in management, educational and cultural spheres the ratio was exactly the opposite ... In a sociological context, by the beginning of 80-s, the structure of the Estonian population gives grounds for asserting that Estonians were then formed into a social group with a higher social status, and between Estonians and non-Estonians there were not just differences, but social distance, ”writes a well-known Estonian sociologist and philosopher Yevgeny Golikov.


Ukrainian textbooks cultivate the myth of the USSR as a totalitarian "empire", leading a policy of "Russification", where "there was no Ukrainian statehood." Thus, the role of the Ukrainian SSR as the founder of the USSR is reduced and the question of the violent “Ukrainization” of 1920 - the beginning of the 1930's - is removed. On the whole, the pre-war period in the history of Ukraine within the USSR is characterized as follows: “under extremely difficult conditions of a lack of statehood and the totalitarian Stalinist regime, it (the Ukrainian nation) in a short time rebuilt its economy and achieved its further development.

In Ukrainian textbooks, the all-Union famine of 1932-1933 qualifies as genocide. The “Holodomor” is viewed in the context of Stalin’s repressions. The authors of the textbooks refer to losses from the “famine” from 3 to 12 million, which, given the general demographic situation in the country, is a clear exaggeration. In addition, often all-union hunger losses are issued for the losses of one Ukraine.

As one of the main features of the Soviet post-war policy in the Ukrainian SSR, all authors of textbooks distinguish Russification. At the same time, they themselves bring facts that contradict their myth. For example, “the volume of broadcasts of national television was shared in half in the language”, and as regards the ratio of published books and released films in the Russian and Ukrainian languages, here, as a rule, it is not taken into account that a significant part of them were produced outside Ukraine, including in Belarus and Moldova.


Georgian textbooks characterize Soviet power as the “Russian occupation regime.” It is indicative that the authors, consistently stigmatizing the Soviet power, quite neutrally and even with some sympathy, characterize the personality of I.V. Stalin. The roots of this “neutralism” are clear: being nationalists, the authors are prone to apologetics of their compatriots. They notice that the Soviet political system established by Stalin "somewhat embellished the Russian occupation regime."

The interpretation by the authors of the consequences of dispelling the cult of personality is extremely curious. As is known, in the spring of 1956 in Georgia there were large-scale protests against the new course of the party, proclaimed by N.S. Khrushchev. The authors are trying to convince schoolchildren that "criticism of the personality cult of Stalin ... turned into a clear insult and humiliation of the Georgian nation ... It was emphasized ... that the Georgian factor played a significant role in the Stalinist repressions." Where the authors have gathered such facts remains unknown.


In the Azerbaijani textbooks, the whole policy of Russia and the USSR is depicted as genocide: “As a result of the policy of ethnic cleansing and genocide, deliberately carried out in the past two centuries in the Caucasus against Azerbaijanis, our people survived the hardship and deprivation, national tragedies.”

The authors of the motives for the rejection of the Cyrillic alphabet are curious, in addition to the fact that it was also a manifestation of Russification: “In 1929, work was completed on translating Azerbaijani script from Arabic into Latin. However ... starting with 1940, they began to introduce the Cyrillic alphabet. And this, becoming a new expression of Russification, at the same time was an attempt to deprive the Azerbaijani people of ancient written sources reflecting its centuries-old history. ” The authors clearly did not think that the Azeri in ancient times did not use Latin graphics.

Such a collection of facts presented in the textbook, of course, cannot objectively reflect the reality of 20's. The intention to present everything in black as the targeted anti-Azerbaijan intrigues of the “eternal enemies” - Armenians - in alliance with the Russians under the tutelage of the “Soviet empire” cannot lead to historical truth. This becomes obvious immediately with the transition to the next section of the textbook on industrialization: “Drunk by communist propaganda, living and working with faith in building a communist society soon ... the workers erecting more and more gigantic industrial objects with great enthusiasm. Living half starving, working in difficult conditions and not having any equipment at hand, the workers showed wonders of labor courage and heroism. ” Where could the enthusiasm of Russian-Armenian oppression come from?


In general, it can be stated that modern Uzbek history textbooks deny the progressive, modernizing and innovative role of the “Center” (ie, Soviet Russia and other Union Republics) in the development of the economy and culture of Uzbekistan in the 20th century. According to the authors of the textbooks, the “Center” only brutally oppressed, exploited and used the unhappy Uzbek people for their own selfish purposes, and the latter, despite all the machinations of the “Center”, built, irrigated, sowed and collected, built, invented, developed it.d. . etc. It turns out that the Uzbek people in the XX century did not get anything, absolutely nothing good from living together side by side with the Russian people. Only violence, terror, exploitation.

The complete lack of textbooks on the destructive Tashkent earthquake 26 of April 1966 of the year is striking. An earthquake with a jolting force greater than 8 on the Richter scale and an 5,3 magnitude destroyed 10 square kilometers in the center of the capital of the then Uzbek SSR. 78 of thousands of families or over 300 of thousands of 1,5 millions living in Tashkent then remained without shelter. Thanks to the help of the fraternal peoples of the USSR, of all the Union republics, Tashkent not only survived a terrible catastrophe, but was also fully restored by 1969. The city was actually rebuilt into a modern metropolis, the area and population of which increased 1,5 times. Tashkent then turned into the most beautiful city of Asia, into its informal capital. And just about this, the authors of textbooks prefer not to recall.

Causes of World War II

The causes of the Second World War textbooks of Georgia, Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia, Moldova and Ukraine are associated with the “Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact” and call the Soviet Union the aggressor. Such an image of the USSR helps to justify local accomplices of fascism and to represent them as fighters for national independence.


The “Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact” as the primary source of the “Soviet occupation” of Latvia is mentioned in all Latvian history books of the 20th century. It is emphasized that, despite the mutual ideological hatred, Hitler and Stalin "unanimously agreed on the destruction of the new states that emerged after the collapse of the old empires."

It is emphasized that in June 1940, the Soviet government, under the threat of military force and a far-fetched pretext, categorically demanded that the Latvian government allow any number of Red Army soldiers to be deployed in Latvia. The government of Ulmanis, "without asking the opinion of the people, agreed with such an unjust demand to save the population from heavy casualties in an unequal war."

The process of establishing Soviet power in Latvia was accompanied by Kremlin “provocations” and the activity of pro-Soviet “collaborators”. The Soviet special services "began to provoke demonstrations and street processions of disgruntled residents in the largest cities of Latvia, and also contributed to their clashes with the police." At the same time, it is recognized that among the participants of demonstrations and processions "there were also volunteers" who believed in communism or hoped to extract some benefits from the change of power.

The presentation of the topic of "incorporation" and "annexation" of Latvia is dominated by political and legal qualifications of the actions of the USSR as "illegal, illegal"; Kirchenstein's pro-Soviet government is defined as “puppet”, holding elections to the people's Seimas and its decision to declare Soviet power as “anti-constitutional” and inspired from Moscow, and the election results themselves as “corrected”.

Latvian textbooks claim that in the summer of 1941, the Latvians met the Germans as “liberators”. The reason for this was “the ruthless treatment of the population in the year of communist rule”, which was remembered as a “terrible year”. The Germans were greeted with flowers, as it was “all the same who would have banished the hated Soviet occupation power from Latvia”. But the trouble was that Hitler was a totalitarian leader just like Stalin, so "already at the beginning of the occupation, the Latvians lost all hope of restoring the independence of the state." It is reported that it was the Soviet repressions that were “to blame” for the fact that in Latvia there was no resistance movement to the German occupiers.

Latvian textbooks emphasize that the people of Latvia were “illegally drafted” into the Latvian SS Legion, but “fought for freedom”. "The Latvian warriors, however, fought bravely, they believed that Latvia’s freedom would be restored." The Latvians "had hopes that in time the Legion, as well as the Latvian Riflemen in the First World War and the Liberation War, will become the core of the army of restoring independent Latvia." In some textbooks, the Latvian Legion’s membership in the SS is not mentioned at all, in others it is explained that “only the name” connected the organization and parts of the SS to the Latvians.


In Estonian textbooks, the key event for the interpretation of the Second World War is the signing of the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact. Responsibility for the failure of the Anglo-Soviet-French negotiations on concluding an agreement on mutual assistance aimed at curbing Hitler’s aggression rests solely with the USSR. The reason indicates the expansionist aspirations of the Kremlin. One of the textbooks writes that negotiations on the anti-Hitler coalition began in Moscow in July 1939 and reached an impasse after Soviet representatives demanded the immediate passage of Soviet troops to the western borders of Poland and Romania. Why the Soviet Union had to send troops through Poland is by no means explained.

In Estonia, the themes of the outbreak of World War II and the loss of independence by the Baltic countries are considered as interrelated. On September 1, 1939, Germany attacked Poland. On September 28, 1939, the USSR forced Estonia to conclude a mutual assistance treaty, according to which Soviet land, sea and aviation military bases and troops totaling 25 people. Nevertheless, there was no question of the annexation and sovietization of Estonia. There is no documentary evidence of such plans. The only intention was to create their own spheres of influence in Eastern Europe within the framework and limits allowed by the then international law and custom, and taking into account the growing war. The limited contingent of the Red Army was located in strictly designated areas. It was strictly forbidden to the military to contact the local population.

Events in Estonia 21 June 1940, when numerous left-wing activists gathered in the capital, demanded the resignation of the government from President Päts, in the textbooks they call it the “June coup”. To illustrate the direct intervention of the Red Army in these events, the textbook lists two similar photos with the caption “Accompanied by the Red Army armored vehicles, demonstrators are sent to Kadriorg. Later, when the participation of the Red Army in the June coup was required to hide, such pictures were “processed” - the armored cars disappeared (see the bottom photo). ” However, on closer examination it can be seen that this is not a photo that has been retouched, but two different photos. Moreover, photos with armored cars were repeatedly published and widely known.

The desire to present the USSR only as a “fellow traveler”, who at some stage joined the anti-Hitler coalition, whose founders and main forces were the United States and Great Britain, forces them to manipulate chronology. "The formation of the anti-fascist coalition began with the proclamation of the Atlantic Charter, signed by Roosevelt and Churchill on August 14 of 1941 of the year." After a couple of paragraphs, the author casually informs that “the official military alliance between the USSR and England was concluded on July 12 of the year 1941”. And the Washington Declaration of 26 of countries (including the USSR) of 1 in January of 1942, which officially issued the anti-Hitler coalition, is not even mentioned.

The role of the USSR and the Red Army in the defeat of Nazi Germany and its allies in Estonian textbooks, as a rule, is not denied, but is diminished by simple rhetorical devices. So, Theodorov in the "Newest History" evades from disclosing the fact that it was the Soviet troops who took Berlin. If you do not know in advance, when reading a textbook, you might think that either all allies together or the Americans did it. Only a few pages later, narrating about the Potsdam Conference, the author notes that “the troops of the Western allies were brought into Berlin, occupied by Soviet troops ...”

Over the past two decades, official ideas about the role and place of Estonia and Estonian in World War II have radically changed. The initial post-Soviet view of Estonians about the war as a fratricidal tragedy was replaced by the statement that Estonia had lost the war. They try to present history textbooks with the German occupiers as forced rather than voluntary and conscious. Estonian history textbooks see such cooperation with the fascists primarily as a struggle for independence. Strictly speaking, only the battles that were fought by the Estonian SS units, the Wehrmacht, rear guard units, the Luftwaffe, etc. are referred to as freedom fights. on the territory of Estonia. But the participation of Estonian volunteers in the battles of Stalingrad, punitive operations in Belarus and the Pskov region, the protection of concentration camps in the Donbas and defensive battles in Poland is also not called aggression and occupation.


In Ukrainian textbooks, the term Great Patriotic War is not used by all authors. Some call it "Soviet-German." It is alleged that the Second World War was unleashed jointly by the USSR and Germany as a result of the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact, here both powers act as an aggressor.

An important role in the textbooks is played by the myth of the two currents of the Resistance movement in Ukraine: the Soviet and the independent, while the independent OUN-UPA allegedly “had to fight on two fronts” and “presented the greatest threat to the Nazis”. However, not a single successful operation of the UPA against the Germans. Not reported who supplied them with uniforms and weapons. The facts of the murder of the Soviet intelligence officer N. Kuznetsov and General Vatutin by the OUN men are ignored. The Volyn tragedy of 1943 was not mentioned when the OUN organized the genocide of the Polish population in Volyn.

There is a clear attempt to rehabilitate collaborators in the context of "repression in Western Ukraine" after the arrival of the Red Army. The Ukrainian textbooks replicate falsification of punitive operations against the population of Western Ukraine of the NKVD employees disguised as UPA. In the textbook S.V. Kulchitsky and Yu.I. Shapoval is a photo with the signature: “The soldiers of the special forces of the NKVD, disguised as UPA soldiers. Western Ukraine, 1947 However, it is proved that the picture - "bohku" UPA. And this is despite the fact that the same authors admit that the UPA fighters wore the Soviet uniform to carry out their punitive actions against the local population, who were pro-Soviet. As we see, the atrocities committed by nationalists in historical reality are attributed to the Soviet authorities by modern history textbooks.


History textbooks of Georgia call the culprits of World War II Germany and the Soviet Union. When describing events 1941 – 1945. Georgian textbooks use the term “Great Patriotic War”, but at the same time they say that it was not domestic for all Georgians. The term “Soviet-German war” is widely used as a “neutral”. The authors are forced to maneuver between sympathies with the Stalinist Soviet Union and Georgian collaborators, representatives of the “national movement” who fought against the “Russian occupation regime”. Equally in detail about the participation of Georgians in the war as part of the Soviet Army and partisan movement, and in the ranks of the German Wehrmacht.


In the Azerbaijani school, the events of the Great Patriotic War are served ambivalently. The nostalgic pathos of Soviet patriotism clearly sounds in phrases scattered throughout the text, like: “May 9 went down in history as Victory Day ... The USSR emerged victorious from the war. The achievement of this victory of the Azerbaijani people is of great merit. " At the same time, literally, “by lines from another song”, confusing everything, the topic of cooperation with the Nazis bursts in: “December 22 1941. Hitler ordered the creation of special national military units from the Muslims of the Caucasus ... actively participated in the capture of the strategic heights of Mozdok, Kazbek and Elbrus. The Germans praised their fighting qualities, awarding many of them with medals. ” As we see, this topic is paradoxically fanned by heroic pathos. The treachery and fratricide is justified by the imaginary striving for independence, because the SSA Azerbaijanis were supposed to shoot at the Red Army Azeris.
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  1. +6
    April 21 2015 19: 01
    As they want, they rewrite it. There is nothing more to do.
    1. The comment was deleted.
    2. +27
      April 21 2015 19: 11
      Quote: Shadows
      Nothing more to do

      After such "classes" there are Maidans. And to hell with them! Let them bark, so long as they do not try to bite, like the Georgians in 2008. You have to knock your teeth out ...

      In general, it seems, the next in line is Ukraine and Spratia. Should Ukraine somehow fight the aggressor if he himself does not go to the Donbass? And Spratia is the bridgehead for America. They will poison sprats, like Georgians in 2008, and they themselves will see what comes of it.
      1. +10
        April 21 2015 19: 25
        Everything is classic Soros.
        1. +23
          April 21 2015 19: 36
          The common misfortune is sad

          And she also did not pass Russia - liberalists in Russia also perverted history

          We need new patriotic and truthful textbooks and not biased funds of Americans
          1. +5
            April 21 2015 21: 48
            There is a phrase
            History winners write

            Now more relevant:
            Money Writes History

            1. 0
              April 22 2015 17: 58

              There is a phrase: the winners write the story
              Now relevant: History writes money

              partially agree
              the fact that our top leadership allowed such history books to appear suggests that it is at the same time as those who ordered these books
              This is a time bomb
              As you know, historical priority is one of the highest priorities of society management.
              if young people have written such information on the "crust", then expect trouble from them in the next generation. Now the old generation still slows them down, but soon they will die out and only Russophobes will remain
              I was born and raised in Georgia, after it became Russian tight we left there, but I clearly remember how the history of Georgia passed in school and there was a paragraph describing the event when their king knee-deeply asked the Russian tsar to defend Georgia, because its Turks along and across the fuck. In addition, we were told a specific person who invented the Georgians their alphabet. It seems that someone also came up with a language for them. who cares, here is a textbook on the history of Georgia
              but I consider history to be nonsense, because the real history is far from what is even in those textbooks that were published at the beginning of the last century, especially the history of Russia - we are not supposed to know our history, this is obvious.
              not so long ago the whole planet spoke in Old Russian, people showed, i.e. communicated with images, and the real story is the destruction of the Russian language, Russian priests, Russian magic culture and the conversion of people into an incomprehensible herd with the subsequent degradation of this herd to the level of animals
              then how can a reasonable cosmos relate to us?
              the knowledge was not completely hidden from us, it was encrypted so that we kind of saw it, but did not understand anything in it - this was to present us as unreasonable creatures in a reasonable space!
              and with unreasonable creatures - you can do anything
              and so they conduct all kinds of experiments on us
              more, of course, over those countries who do not speak Russian (or Old Russian) and morally and mentally depressed, of which there are a lot around the globe, including "developed" countries
          2. +6
            April 21 2015 22: 00
            Quote: Talgat
            The common misfortune is sad

            A people who do not know their history, have no future, have lost their memory, cannot foresee.
          3. +3
            April 21 2015 22: 16
            Quote: Talgat
            And she also did not pass Russia - liberalists in Russia also perverted history

            Well, only some sort of Estonians would distort history. We ourselves are doing the same, and on a large scale. As an example, we were recommended to cross out the term Igo and replace it almost with the friendship of peoples. Go to the next thread in the discussion of the article about A. Nevsky, you haven’t read such nonsense yet. the history of protoucras with the Black Sea dug by them rests. We can’t figure it out with our own head, but we also demand something from others ....
            1. +5
              April 22 2015 01: 43
              The term "yoke" was introduced by German historians invited to the St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences
              Then the Norman theory of the origin of Russia was popularized, to please Romanov
              "Igo" - an attempt to play off two peoples, to prevent the growth of the Russian Empire in the 18th century, the Eurasian unification
              In the 21st century, an attempt is also made to pit peoples. False history books flavored with Germanophilic reconstruction, films and games are the basis for this.

              And we demand from others not to lie. And from myself
          4. +9
            April 21 2015 22: 51
            Need ONEpatriotic and truthful textbook! I’m saying this as a history teacher. But the creation thereof is postponed indefinitely - the authors and publishers of the profits do not want to lose. And Mr. Livanov seems to have sold himself to mattresses.
            1. +1
              April 22 2015 16: 00
              Quote: AGVPagan
              А Mr. Livanov, apparently he sold himself to mattresses.

              Where do we get such ministers? So smart and honest? Like defense - like Taburetkin, like finance - like Kudrin, like education - like Fursenko and Livanov - two friends - fuck and bast ... am
            2. 0
              April 22 2015 19: 36
              Quote: AGVPagan
              Need ONE patriotic and truthful textbook! I’m saying this as a history teacher.

              In the meantime, we are satisfied with any book crap and various narrow-minded authors, often contradicting each other. It is not surprising who we get at the exit from educational institutions ... This is me as a museologist - a historian. I think here we converge.
          5. +4
            April 21 2015 23: 18
            Quote: Talgat
            And she also did not pass Russia - liberalists in Russia also perverted history

            The Russian Federation also succeeded in distorting history.
            Take school books and read, sometimes the hair stands on end from what was written. They blame, they say, the Fursen and the Lebanese are to blame ... But who appointed them? who claimed the position? who recommended? who are these rascals? The answer is known-- liberals! 125th column! State Department intrigues! Martians! choir of boys - eunuchs! Well, they don’t give us education to establish, and infections do not give medicine either ... But the vertical struggles with the enemies and promises to defeat them with the same success as raising the GDP by 2 times, as well as 25 million jobs, like 2020 program!
        2. Boos
          April 21 2015 19: 46
          This must not be forgotten, but this article should be perpetuated as a warning! Article plus!
          1. +12
            April 21 2015 21: 55
            If some countries had not become part of the Russian Empire, then at present they simply would not have existed.
            I apologize to the members of the forum if I am inaccurate in any way, at least using the example of Georgia. At the end of the 18 century, Georgia was just the scene of Iran’s struggle with Turkey. And the requests of the Georgian authorities to the Russian emperors for help were already from 1783 of the year. And only in 1801, Paul I signed a manifesto on the entry of Georgia into the Russian Empire. Otherwise, Iran and Turkey would simply have slaughtered the entire population in Georgia. Whether it was voluntary or forced, they still argue, but in the end it saved the life of the whole Georgian people.
            And now, when every small state six thinks of itself as a great state, it is both inappropriate and ashamed to recall this. Somehow, at once, the halo of military and political greatness is breaking up against the harsh truth. Conclusion - the truth needs to be written different.
            And here are such stories in almost every country mentioned in the article. Who wants to admit their own weakness and incapacity? And when they grew into territories at the expense of the Russians, they got industry, cities, roads, energy, an educated population, developed and preserved their own culture with the help of Russia - you can pour mud on Russia. Since the so-called "elite" of these countries had the opportunity to be considered "presidents" and "fathers of the people." From the filing of the unforgettable gentlemen Yeltsin and Gorbachev. And the guarantor of their current situation, as they themselves believe, is only the States. And for this you need to bark at Russia with all your voice, otherwise you can stay without “protection”.
            1. +5
              April 21 2015 22: 10
              History is the science of winners. From time immemorial, winners wrote history. The vanquished in ancient times either had no hands or a head.
              As soon as the Great Conqueror Soviet Union ceased to exist, all the previously defeated riffraff began to "tear" history like a patchwork quilt. We, the Russians, need to look at this with a downward glance, since they are weak and sprinkle their saliva out of weakness. Time will come...
              1. +1
                April 22 2015 02: 47
                Better, with leniency, but otherwise - a plus.
            2. +2
              April 22 2015 00: 35
              Quote: Reserve officer
              RU Officer

              I would put 100 pluses, but unfortunately only one!
            3. +2
              April 22 2015 16: 06
              Quote: Reserve officer
              If some countries had not become part of the Russian Empire, then at present they simply would not have existed.

              All of this is correct, of course. Just try it, dear Reserve officer, explain this to Georgian children who read completely different in their textbooks. In the best case, they will laugh, in the worst ... Vaughn, Ukraine, has read for 24 of the year. We see everything they read there about the occupier Peter I ... am

              Ideology begins with an ABC. And the Primers write to them EVEN not our idol Livanov. It’s impossible to read our textbooks dictated by Soros, and even with them ... hi
          2. The comment was deleted.
        3. 0
          April 22 2015 10: 12
          Quote: fiction
          Everything is classic Soros.

          Yes, I think not only in the classic Soros, but with 100% of his fund all this is written and paid.
        4. +2
          April 22 2015 15: 55
          Quote: fiction
          Everything is classic Soros.

          I've never heard anyone openly declare that Soros is working for the CIA. I wonder why? After all, everything that this "classic" gets up to ideally fits into the concept of the CIA's struggle against Russia (USSR)? The theoretical part was developed by grandfather Brzezinski back in the 70s and 80s, and Soros was a practitioner. Well, like Marx and Lenin. Or is Soros doing all this out of personal hatred? Unlikely ... recourse

          In general, for such "practitioners" and those who obey them - birch and rope ...
      2. The comment was deleted.
      3. +2
        April 21 2015 20: 10
        Sprats suck disappeared shvidche ...... And the Yankees with them .....
      4. 0
        April 21 2015 21: 39
        Quote: Zoldat_A
        and spratia.

        Shprotiya (Baltic states) to push into the Baltic and forget!
    3. +2
      April 21 2015 21: 00
      Local elites always write for themselves, for example, a classic lie - Russia has never attacked:
      The Baltic states.
      Central Asia
      Polar Arctic.
      And Ukraine and Azerbaijan, Tatarstan, Yakutia, for example, all of them voluntarily entered the Russian Empire, respectively, the USSR receiver, and now the Russian Federation by right of heritage. What else is not clear?
      1. +6
        April 21 2015 22: 28
        Civil (3) RU Today, 21:00 PM ↑ New
        Local elites always write for themselves, for example, a classic lie - Russia has never attacked:
        The Baltic states.
        Central Asia
        Polar Arctic.
        And Ukraine and Azerbaijan, Tatarstan, Yakutia, for example, all of them voluntarily entered the Russian Empire, respectively, the USSR receiver, and now the Russian Federation by right of heritage. What else is not clear?

        I have gaps in history. And what was the state of Yakutia? and Kazan voluntarily became part of the Russian Empire? I am with both hands and feet for the conquest of Russia, but I think we ourselves do not need to make mistakes in the statements. It is better to remain silent than to give the other side an excuse.
      2. +1
        April 22 2015 14: 40
        Russia has never attacked:

        Central Asia

        Really ?! Wow, wow ... *)) You yourself decided to rewrite the story? *)))

        Surprisingly, only in the last link, Russia's actions in Central Asia, at the end of the 19th century, are called joining, other historians, for some reason, persistently write about conquest Russia of Central Asia ... *)) And I offhand, took the first links I got from an Internet ...

        Just do not lie. Nothing more is required of you in communication ...

        oh ...
    4. +2
      April 21 2015 22: 14
      Quote: Shadows
      As they want, they rewrite it. There is nothing more to do.

      impossible to rewrite history. historical facts can be interpreted differently. no more. and time will put everything in its place. proven more than once
    5. +1
      April 21 2015 22: 17
      more important is what the teacher says in the lesson. children are mostly lazy to read textbooks. 70% of students do not read them at all. they are listening to the teacher. and then the question arises - are all teachers sufficiently patriotic in their statements. all history teachers need to be registered where necessary. no noise.
    6. the wolf
      April 22 2015 01: 57
      and what else to do without work, without economy, only to desecrate the country in which they work, where they feed their families
  2. +18
    April 21 2015 19: 02
    The more I get acquainted with the life of the "peoples of the former USSR", the more I like animals ...
    1. -3
      April 21 2015 19: 44
      Quote: isker
      The more I get acquainted with the life of the "peoples of the former USSR", the more I like animals ...

      What is your acquaintance with the life of the peoples of the former USSR? Or just blurted out?
    2. +2
      April 21 2015 21: 15
      Abomination and meanness and rushing from freaks!
      1. +2
        April 21 2015 21: 56
        Quote: Volgarr
        Abomination and meanness and rushing from freaks!

        In general, Maxim listed the manuals of the State Department of the SGA, for the most part people see this, I'm sorry for the expression on blue screens, few people read in the library and on the Internet, I mean the above countries !!!
        The horror of what will happen when these people understand the difference between propaganda and the truth.
    3. The comment was deleted.
  3. +23
    April 21 2015 19: 12
    And what about our textbooks? A daughter about 10 years ago asked; And what, we fought with Japan !?
  4. +16
    April 21 2015 19: 13
    I need to enter exams on knowledge of the history of Russia to enter our country
    1. +5
      April 21 2015 20: 31
      It is sad, but the history of the country and our youth know poorly. She teaches her not from books, but mainly from Hollywood films. We began to read a little, and without reading books we can turn into people "who do not know kinship."
    2. +5
      April 21 2015 21: 25
      The article is a worthy justification for the fact that the main teacher in the army is a school teacher. In Russia today, we ourselves have no worthy history textbook. STILL. Why? What are the exams for entry? For the most part, our youth themselves do not know the history of their country, alas. That's who you need to pull up first!
      1. galic_25
        April 22 2015 21: 56
        First, it is necessary to pay attention to what kind of "professionals" are taught in schools now. Recently my daughter told me that the history teacher strongly recommended them to read the book of the "historian" - Svanidze, even brought them to show this masterpiece to the lesson. And my daughter could not even object to anything, because the exam will soon pass and spoil the relationship with this would-be historian in no way. So, pull up the teachers first, since some children know that Svanidze is a falsifier of history, but there are no honored teachers!
    3. +1
      April 21 2015 22: 00
      Quote: tots
      you need to enter exams on knowledge of the history of Russia to enter our country

      And for leaving 10 - a fly in Kolyma! There knowledge reaches better!
  5. soivmser
    April 21 2015 19: 15
    We lived together for so many years, during the time of the Russian Empire, during the Soviet Union, and we had nothing to share. We had common victories, and now we have become a bloodthirsty aggressor. Time put everything in its place, like a litmus test showed who is our friend, and who is quite the opposite.
    1. +4
      April 21 2015 20: 11
      Quote: soivmser
      We lived together for so many years, during the time of the Russian Empire, during the Soviet Union, and we had nothing to share. We had common victories, and now we have become a bloodthirsty aggressor. Time put everything in its place, like a litmus test showed who is our friend, and who is quite the opposite.

      It has passed yet too little timeto arrange everything by their places. Still to come ... A time to scatter stones not yet passed, but time to collect them not yet, we meanwhile "stuck" somewhere in between...
  6. +9
    April 21 2015 19: 16
    And, Russia, alas, is now weaker than the Union. ..were FOREVER, would sit and not pityukali. ..and how many Russian peoples simply-saved from destruction. ..yes the same Georgians. .. you don’t want to go into the entanglement of political relations. ... boring and nasty. ... let already. ... yapping and striving for geyropov. ..hy, who needs them there? Did the toilets wash?
  7. 0
    April 21 2015 19: 20
    Quote: vsoltan
    And, Russia, alas, is now weaker than the Union. ..were FOREVER, would sit and not pityukali. ..and how many Russian peoples simply-saved from destruction. ..yes the same Georgians. .. you don’t want to go into the entanglement of political relations. ... boring and nasty. ... let already. ... yapping and striving for geyropov. ..hy, who needs them there? Did the toilets wash?

    Not only stronger, but much smarter than the union.
    1. +2
      April 21 2015 20: 15
      Quote: Shadows
      Quote: vsoltan
      And, Russia, alas, is now weaker than the Union. ..were FOREVER, would sit and not pityukali. ..and how many Russian peoples simply-saved from destruction. ..yes the same Georgians. .. you don’t want to go into the entanglement of political relations. ... boring and nasty. ... let already. ... yapping and striving for geyropov. ..hy, who needs them there? Did the toilets wash?

      Not only stronger, but much smarter than the union.

      More correct - pragmatic ... In my opinion, sometimes even too much ...
      1. 0
        April 21 2015 22: 04
        Quote: PENZYAC
        More correct - pragmatic ... In my opinion, sometimes even too much ...

        Probably not too much. Everything has its time!
    2. +2
      April 21 2015 23: 58
      Oh, I do not agree. ... alas, not everything is so rosy. ..I was born in the USSR. ... and lived in it with 1965 .... there are positive developments in the last couple of years. ... but to compare the current oligarchic Russia with the Empire. ..of course not. Many years to build need. ..
  8. +9
    April 21 2015 19: 25
    Do we have better history taught?
    Recently I argued with men of 30-40 years old who collectively proved to me that the USA won in Vietnam. With such awareness, their grandchildren will claim that Hitler, in alliance with Stalin, fought against the free world.
  9. +7
    April 21 2015 19: 27
    Every dwarf in dreams is a giant.
    1. good fair
      April 21 2015 22: 07
      Quote: atamankko
      Every dwarf in dreams is a giant.

      Small man and on the mountain is small, the giant is great in the pit.

      M. Lomonosov
  10. 3axap
    April 21 2015 19: 30
    The article is unambiguously +++. Due to the fact that I have never been to these countries and there are no relatives from these countries. I am glad to find out what schoolchildren teach them to them. It’s sad, but not fatal for my homeland of Russia. With greatness and nobility, they are miserable in my country and ungrateful ........ / censorship /. hi
    1. +2
      April 21 2015 23: 40
      Thanks to the author for a selection from textbooks of the former Soviet republics. Personally, I have long wanted to know, but what do they write about the period of our life together, what do they teach their children? What is the foundation for future interstate relations? What I read was horrifying. On whom did Russia spend its resources, teach, heal, launder, protect, build, share the latter. Ungrateful animals. The authors of textbooks and the rulers of these "states" are deliberately raising generations hostile to Russia and its peoples. As a result, our descendants (and we seem to be gorging ourselves) will have to live in a dense hostile environment with all the ensuing consequences. And the Americans are not needed. Will the organizer of the destruction of the Soviet Union simply die a human death in due time and not incur any punishment for the great abomination committed? Although fair, well-deserved punishment cannot be assigned to him - no such codes have yet been invented.
  11. +4
    April 21 2015 19: 40
    In Ukrainian textbooks, the reunification of Ukraine with Russia is presented as Moscow’s recognition of Ukraine’s independence.
    And what else can you expect if they write this
    just do not laugh too much, sinfully over the sick
    Quotes from modern Ukrainian publications
    “The Ukrainian language is one of the oldest languages ​​in the world. There is every reason to believe that already at the beginning of our calendar, it was an intertribal language. ”

    Ukrainian language for beginners. Kiev, 1993.

    "We have reason to believe that Ovid wrote poetry in the ancient Ukrainian language."

    Gnatkevich E. From Herodotus to Photius. The newspaper "Evening Kiev", 26 January 1993

    "The ancient Ukrainian language - Sanskrit - became the foremother of all Indo-European languages."

    Plachinda S. Dictionary of ancient Ukrainian mythology. Kiev, 1993.

    "The Ukrainian language is antediluvian, the language of Noah, the oldest language in the world, from which the Caucasian-Yaphet, Prachamite and Prasemite groups of languages ​​sprang."

    Chepurko B. Ukrainians. “Basis”, No. 3, Kiev, 1993.

    “The basis of Sanskrit is some mysterious language“ samsar ”, brought to our planet from Venus. Is it not about the Ukrainian language? ”

    Briefly-Kutynsky A. Phenomenon of Ukraine. The newspaper "Evening Kiev", 1993.
    Can a normal textbook be written?
    And in other parts of the same way. The trouble is that with Russian textbooks it’s not easy, thank God it’s not so
  12. +3
    April 21 2015 19: 41
    "The authors are silent about the fact that in Moscow Vakhtang was given the Presnya district as a gift, where he and his associates founded a significant Georgian settlement in Moscow ..."
    Since then, in Moscow, Big and Small Georgian streets. Many residents of our country visited Bolshaya Gruzinskaya, maybe without knowing it, when being in Moscow, they visited the Moscow Zoo with or without children. This street, divides the two zones of this remarkable sight ...
  13. +10
    April 21 2015 19: 42
    And, after all, Russia is a historical magnet! Siberian overview, so to speak ... Vegetable market: Azerbaijan, Uzbekistan and Georgia. Construction: Moldova, Tajikistan, Ukrainians (where can we go without them!). Housing and communal services, trade, consumer services: Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan, Armenia. Oil industry: Belarus and, again, Ukrainians (like a dog's gag on a boot), Moldovans really don't take it, IQ can't get out of negative values. The Balts, however, have not seen, all are probably in the "armies", they hone their combat skills, or they simply cannot do a damn thing. Well, if everyone is so "fucking independent", why can't you stay at home ?! They even printed textbooks for you! Textbooks are such books, made of paper, they read them with letters, they gain knowledge ...
    1. good fair
      April 21 2015 22: 14
      Quote: ALABAY45
      Textbooks are books made of paper, they are read with letters,

      good laughing hi bully
      Thank! I whined with all my heart. So they smoked them.
    2. +1
      April 21 2015 22: 52
      Quote: ALABAY45
      The Balts, however, have not seen, probably all in the "armies"

      In the armies, this proud and independent people is only in their puppet houses, hoping for a big brother, they only stink themselves. They wash floors and pots more in Europe, they are mostly pensioners at home. There’s even a saying: Baltic Europe-Tajikistan
  14. +4
    April 21 2015 19: 44
    as they say, do not expect good from good.
    Let them now tell you what they did without Russia? Almost zero. Even Belarus. If it were not for Russia's support, both in the economy and in external defense, the old man would have been sent to retire at best.
  15. +2
    April 21 2015 19: 44
    Quote: isker
    The more I get acquainted with the life of the "peoples of the former USSR", the more I like animals ...

    After your comment, there is nothing more to say.
    Not for nothing is the history of new states read boring, monotonous and often reminiscent of delirium.
    There is an impression that it was composed in general terms in one office, for all - in bulk, with a narrow circle of people with weak imagination. Cola and vodka were interfered in the office when they wrote. They don’t know how to bite.
  16. +3
    April 21 2015 19: 48
    But I, naive, thought that the biggest lie is statistics.
    1. +4
      April 21 2015 20: 33
      Partly, you are right! The biggest lie is Ukrainian statistics ...
  17. +1
    April 21 2015 19: 49
    It’s probably time to open the Pandora’s box.
    1. ltshyi01
      April 21 2015 20: 07
      Quote: Region 34
      It’s probably time to open the Pandora’s box.

      And contrary to legend, they simply forgot to close it, Hope is just a lazy person, who is still sitting there laughing at us
    2. 0
      April 21 2015 20: 14
      And what is there? Like, we have not seen this before tongue drinks bully
  18. +4
    April 21 2015 19: 59
    Everything is relative. Very soon, many former Soviet republics will feel what the "Russian occupation" is and what the "aid" of the EU and the USA is. The Poles, when communicating with them, could not understand how it could be that the titular nation, the Russians, lived much worse than the representatives of the union republics. And, of course, they claimed that they were being deceived. These "friends" will not build hospitals, schools, factories, theaters, roads, etc. for you. But be sure that all your values, all natural resources, the best human resources will very soon move far from home and the "Russian occupation" will be remembered as the best years for your country.
    1. +1
      April 21 2015 23: 46
      Yeah, Greece from the Yugoslav SSR already felt and understood, Chukhonia (Baltic States) with Ukraine felt and still did not understand, but Belarus and Kazakhstan did not feel. And God forbid they do not feel.
  19. ltshyi01
    April 21 2015 20: 05
    Quote: Shadows
    As they want, they rewrite it. There is nothing more to do.

    Reading such nonsense is just sad! A country that has forgotten its history does not deserve respect as a state! I will not remind you that most of the countries mentioned above themselves asked for Russian citizenship! But the fact that 75% of the budget of the Russian Federation (as part of the USSR) went to subsidies from the Union republics! This is a lot of Russia on these grandmas would have built a new planet, WOULD!
  20. +2
    April 21 2015 20: 05
    Thank you very much for the article, read with great interest

    187 12 history textbooks and textbooks from the countries of the former Soviet Union: Azerbaijan, Armenia, Belarus, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Latvia, Lithuania, Moldova, Uzbekistan, Ukraine and Estonia were collected, partially translated from national languages ​​and analyzed. Tajikistan and Turkmenistan remained outside the field of analysis, and they could not get their textbooks.

    Tell me, who was involved in the translation and conducted this study .. Thank you.
  21. +1
    April 21 2015 20: 08
    Quote: 34 region
    It’s probably time to open the Pandora’s box.

    it is already open. and moreover, for a long time.
  22. +1
    April 21 2015 20: 12
    And then why do they come to the "occupants" to make money? After reading such nonsense ... It is necessary to pour a completely different story into their ears during adaptation courses, and demand loyalty ...
    1. 0
      April 21 2015 23: 47
      Even more interesting is why candy is sold to aggressor invaders and candy taxes are paid. laughing
  23. +2
    April 21 2015 20: 15
    All this is such a crap ...
    And the stronger Russia becomes, the more truthful their textbooks will be. And in the end they will crawl on their knees, lick Russian boots and moan, "Uncle, forgive us, ass ... ants, we won't be anymore!"
    1. 0
      April 21 2015 23: 49
      Something you some Nazi Germany showed. I would not want to live in such a country in the future (I am Russian, Russian, born in the USSR).
  24. Olga Samoilova
    April 21 2015 20: 17
    In Soviet times, only Latvians were engaged in selling flowers, singing and dancing. Did they live badly? And how many of them met in the Latvian government? And all of them were ardent communists. - more satisfying, moreover, work on collective farms, at that time, was not welcomed by the Latvian intelligentsia. They were afraid to mess up their hands, so to speak.
    1. good fair
      April 21 2015 22: 22
      Quote: Olga Samoilova
      . Afraid of messing up the handles, so to speak.

      Nothing, now the era of light capitalism has come and the children of their intelligentsia have rushed herds to London and Stockholm to clean the master's toilets and cesspools.
  25. +3
    April 21 2015 20: 18
    I wonder if these countries have a single history textbook? In our country - definitely not, and this is very bad, because what I read in our miscarriage of a Russian educational book for grade 11, on the items "Assessment of the Soviet period" and "Origin of World War II", very much coincides with the textbooks of our "brothers ". I hope that there is no such thing in other Russian textbooks.
    If interested, I can throw a link to our pseudo-textbook in PDF format, see what we are "taught at school".
    1. +4
      April 21 2015 22: 18
      Quote: La Hire
      what we are "taught in school".

      Russian language and literature, mathematics, physics and chemistry with the help of the exam! In a year or two, there will already be nobody to teach the multiplication table!
  26. +2
    April 21 2015 20: 34
    Great article. All right. The author is accurate and topical.
  27. +4
    April 21 2015 20: 38
    Well, for almost a quarter century, they are all proud and independent. And why can't they sit at home? Climb from all sides.
  28. +4
    April 21 2015 20: 42
    It's time to end the lisp. The stricter the father, the more they love him. In this respect, our "partners" are just fine fellows - they kicked in the face, they immediately begin to love, and if he destroyed someone from the family, then they would kiss you altogether. They turned the whole world around ... and they love them more and more. And Russia forgives everything: kind, kind, kind, and after that even Russians, who are like Ukrainians, are ready to gnaw at everyone's throats in the north of Kharkov. Ugh. It's time to get angry.
    P.S. And to remember who it is there on the "faceless" Internet: "To the knife, to the knives," so that he with ..._ ka, oh, how to love Great Russia began in his excrement ...
  29. +4
    April 21 2015 20: 57
    At one time I tried to enter the "historical" school, because I love history. Well, he began to study additionally with a professor of history and archeology. The phrase with which he began the lesson killed: "Remember, History is a political prostitute! Do not trust secondary sources ..." I did not stop loving history, but I found a lot of confirmation of the phrase ...
    Immediately, on VO, in the discussion of armor, he killed a commentator with the words "there was no such armor! I watched the movie ...." It remains to be believed that there will always be people who are not indifferent to the truth, and who will pull to the surface
    The truth.
  30. +7
    April 21 2015 21: 09
    I have a big question for the authors of these "textbooks": "If they believe that the years spent in Russia-USSR are genocide of these peoples, then how did these peoples survive, and after the collapse of the USSR, could at least take place as states? so that the peoples of these now independent states lived in the republics, were not limited in movement across the territory of the USSR, and the "terrible" "bloody" troops of the NKVD did not drive a single people into a reservation as in the United States, where the indigenous population (Indians) die from alcohol? You would say that the "Russian colonialists", moving to new places of residence for the sake of entertainment, shot at the representatives of local peoples! There was no such answer.
    "In 1929, work was completed on the translation of the Azerbaijani writing from Arabic script into Latin. However ... since 1940, they began to introduce the Cyrillic alphabet ..."
    The transition to the Latin alphabet also did not allow the local population to read the old texts. After all, it is also silent that Kemal Attaturk also translated Turkey from Arabic script into Latin script, which also excluded the possibility of the population reading old texts. He also made his officers drink brandy with him and eat bacon with him. Representatives of the Central Azeatic republics, where there are oil deposits, forget about one thing, that at the beginning of the twentieth century, most of the fields were controlled not by Russians, but by British and American companies, so if it were not for the Russians, they would have been under the control of the Anglo-Saxons, and these "civilizers-democratizers" know how not to stand on ceremony with indigenous peoples.
    In addition, all textbooks are written as if with a carbon copy with minor interpretations.
  31. -3
    April 21 2015 21: 17
    a topographical expedition of 2000 bayonets manned by guns? such an interesting scientific expedition! )) Any scientific expedition probably first asks for permission from the states in whose territory the research should be carried out, right? But does not invade. Intelligence by battle is most likely.)) The fact that Peter did not immediately send large troops here, simply because in Europe he had a lot to do. Priorities set correctly.
    I will simply say about the Soviet period. Russia was a colonizer, and therefore "bad"))) What to do is the policy. Everyone wants to get rid of the colony complex.
  32. +1
    April 21 2015 21: 18
    As it was rightly said, "History is a prostitute of politics" and all countries rule it to justify and support their system. And the lack of reliable data and the integrity of the picture makes it possible to alter the historical events to an even greater extent, as if not distorting them.

    The only difference is the impudence of rewriting history by different countries.
  33. 0
    April 21 2015 21: 22
    those who want to know the history should read the series of books "Myths" by Vladimir Medinsky, very useful I recommend.
  34. +4
    April 21 2015 21: 25
    The accession of territories to Russia and the Russian Empire, as a rule, is evaluated negatively. The benefits received by the peoples within the framework of a large state are ignored; the emphasis is on the loss of independence.

    If we continue the logic of these scribblers, then the accession of these territories to the British Empire would be good for them. I doubt, however, the colonial authorities hardly cared about their prosperity, but the authors are bashfully silent about this. Well, still, after all, this scribble was paid for by various funds of sores and others like them.
  35. +3
    April 21 2015 21: 35
    Until on the borders of Russia with the Baltic states, Ukraine, the Caucasus, the countries of Central Asia, the states of nomadic pastoralists in the boundless steppes will take shape - no one will say a good word about Russia.
  36. +4
    April 21 2015 21: 40
    I confess ... when Crimea was a part of Ukraine, sometimes I laughed at the paranoid Ukrov history textbooks ("Ukraine is the Motherland of everything," "Muscovites are to blame for everything, etc.) ... then Maidan and Donbass came - it was no longer funny ... now I look at the textbooks of grades 10-11 of history and social studies and I am horrified - ... a minimum of pride for the Peoples of Russia and a maximum of dog's devotion to "world values, conventions, repentance and other crap ..." .... Now I bring up 200 souls of children! Russia is a great country! .. Everything else is from the evil one ...
  37. +7
    April 21 2015 21: 46
    Hmm ... live fun. It’s okay when the Tatars and Russians beat their faces to a friend’s friend, and then, together, they beat the faces of the Turks and other lovers of ancient Russian military tourism. It seems clear, the redistribution of territories, etc. But here is the stubborn exhaustion from the finger of stories about the enslavement of his people by evil Russians, after which there were temples, libraries, hydroelectric power stations, nuclear power plants and other roads, he does not go into any gate.
    It is sad to see all this. After all, after they change history, they will set them all against Russia.
  38. DPN
    April 21 2015 21: 49
    But in general, Russia set an example, that is, Russia in the 90s when they began to rewrite the history of Russia and sow the Soviet past with Soros dollars. So the listed republics followed in the footsteps of Russia. There is nothing surprising.
    Now in Russia there is a dispute about STALIN about his contribution to the 1945 VICTORY. Let's remember 1812 Napoleon took Moscow, it turns out in 1941 the Germans could calmly get to the Urals if not I.V. STALINA.
    Proof of the collapse of the USSR Gorbachev.
  39. +4
    April 21 2015 21: 50
    pygmies and dwarfs ... would still live in dugouts, huts and huts. They have good chances to return to the past.
  40. -1
    April 21 2015 22: 00
    Something they don’t understand, they taught history? The 20th Congress of the CPSU on the cult of the personality of Stalin, the rehabilitation of the convicted Stalinist repressions is not a recognition. the congress could confuse
  41. 0
    April 21 2015 22: 51
    Heh, even I did not understand. And where are the comrades who love to persuade the Old Man and Belarus? Where are the commemorative two chairs? Not so, for 25 years of the rule of the velor-minded Lukashenko, no one bothered to rewrite textbooks for children! What a duplicity! He himself turns out to be looking to the west, the fart is a fermented patriot, you see, he is tearing. And he teaches children how to. All reforms of education are carried out, but Russia and the Union do not water them. Gentlemen, cheers, patriots do not burst your pattern ??
  42. +1
    April 21 2015 23: 22
    Well then. Sick people. Why do we still consider them friendly states? And we also help every Uzbekistan and Azerbaijan! And how many citizens of the aforementioned states do we have who taught "this" history? And to make money by coming to the "aggressors" and quietly (and sometimes loudly) hating us! Drive them all to their historical homeland! Let them prosper without Russia!
    1. -1
      April 22 2015 00: 26
      Quote: lao_tsy
      And we help all sorts of Uzbekistan and Azerbaijan! AND

      hahahha and what is the help to Azerbaijan ?? you do not confuse Azerbaijan with the poor allies of the Collective Security Treaty Organization of Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan and Armenia. Or information zero liga say something ??
      1. 0
        April 22 2015 07: 59
        From the last
        And so: the support of the Aliyevs, direct non-interference in the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict,

        This is for 10 seconds that found on the network.
        Yes, in the Russian - Azerbaijani relations is not all simple. Azerbaijan is not the poorest state. But the diaspora of Azerbaijanis in Russia is increasing.
  43. +2
    April 21 2015 23: 45
    It is not possible to remain silent on such a topic.
    Just give the headings:
    Monument to Hero of the Soviet Union Sabir Rakhimov demolished in Tashkent

    TASHKENT-1966: Bounty and GRATNESS
    1. The comment was deleted.
  44. +3
    April 22 2015 01: 58
    Bekovich-Cherkassky invaded the territory of the Khiva principality, but was destroyed by the ruler of Khiva Shergazi Khan. " Did the Russian emperor, who had created by this time one of the strongest armies in Europe and Asia, risked moving such small forces into the war?

    The fact is that the Bekovich-Cherkassky detachment is one of the many military topographic expeditions often sent by the Russian emperor to the borders and beyond the borders of Russia.

    Well, that's why it’s brazenly lying, why? I understand, if you don’t know the history of this expedition to Central Asia, arranged by Peter, - write like that, - I do not know. What the fuck !?

    It was an entirely adventurous trip. Peter was assured by a moron a merchant from Khiva, forgot his name that the Khiva residents are sleeping and see being attached to the Russian Empire. The detachment was not two thousandth а three thousandth, and it was not a geographical expedition, and Bekovich in all seriousness came to annex Khiva to Russia. Having received an ultimatum from Bekovich, Khiva Khan ahu ... I apologize, I went nuts, I thought ... I spat at the ceiling, then I thought, looked at Bekovich = and the dude was one of the newly baptized Caucasians. And he switched to Christianity from Islam =, raised an eyebrow, and spoke out - "Come on. I agree, to be a subject of Russia. Leave your detachment where it stands, yourself with the officers, blow into my palace - we will stick it in, there is a good reason!" ". Having thus lured the officers to him, and having captured them, the khan interrupted the detachment that did not expect an attack. From Bekovich, from the living - the skin was flayed, for apostasy.

    In general, it is necessary mark and emphasize, we can say that the Khiva khan was incredibly lucky that it was just a gamble of Peter, that there were only 3000 in the detachment, the man that Peter the Great was occupied by the West, and he simply did not have enough time or resources for Khiva. And then maybe our common story would be a little different. Nevertheless, it was precisely - conquering expedition, no matter how ridiculous it looked = although Yermak, for example, had even fewer people during the conquest of Siberia =, and the Khiva khan had every reason to defend his country and his people ...

    This is history. What I read in the article regarding this particular site our historyI can at best call brain phimosis by the author. Simply - no need to invent a storyDo you understand? And wishful thinking. there is real story, no matter what it is, it must be made public ...

    damn, I hate distorting stories ... Fiercely hate, such stupid "smart guys"...
    1. +1
      April 22 2015 02: 23
      Damn, I hate the jugglers of history ... I hate fiercely, such stupid "clever guys" ...

      By the way, - I refer these same words to all stupid "clever men" who twist the history of Soviet Uzbekistan, try to "forget" the same Sabir Rakhimov ... The handwriting of all those who twist history is the same - ugly...
      1. +1
        April 22 2015 04: 14
        Quote: de_monSher
        From Bekovich, from the living - skin was stripped off for apostasy.

        You see, you found a good reason to peel your skin. This is a real story of the past. And this is not a reason for the bestial attitude towards those who, 25 years ago, already prevented the Uzbeks, for no reason, from tearing their skin alive.
        1. +1
          April 22 2015 10: 45
          who, 25 years ago, already prevented the Uzbeks, for no reason, from stripping the skin alive

          Honestly, I did not understand the essence of the comment. Nevertheless, the Times then were such - evil. Such kind of executions were in the order of things, - Peter won’t break the first nostrils with ticks, it was even with his own hands, and as soon as he didn’t mock people, one can remember the same repressions against Bulavin and his comrades-in-arms, and historiography forgives him these pranks.

          I'm not saying that ripping off a person’s skin is good. I say that you won’t throw words out of a song. No matter how hard the halva is, the mouth will not become sweeter. Just what for to such an extent to misinterpret something, I do not understand?

          After all, the author who wrote this article could at least look at Wikipedia. For example, she claims that the detachment of Bekovich-Cherkassky consisted of - 4000 infantry, 2000 Cossacks and 100 dragoons = and this is already for those times, an impressive force =. Nothing is said about the guns = although according to my information there were 3000 infantry in the detachment, about the cavalry and the Cossacks, I will not lie, I don’t remember, with 4 guns =. And in the same place, it is said that in the beginning there was a skirmish between 25000 Khivintsy and this detachment. Having suffered defeat, the Khivans went to negotiations and this "trick", which I described above, which allowed them to destroy the detachment = I repeat, - this is stated by Wikipedia =. I just do not understand, what for, a simple "cartographic" detachment, guns? It seems that they mapped, even in those days, people a little differently - without weapons, 2-3 people, peacefully traveling with caravans. Marco Polo or Afanasy Nikitin as an example to you.

          Like that...
          1. 0
            April 22 2015 17: 31
            Yes, I'm not talking about who and how in the old days he executed.
            About 3 years ago I wanted to see Bukhara and Samarkand, as it happened, it was not there, with my passport, the bullying and extortion in Chernyaevka was enough for me not to try again. A plane with transfers does not get Camille.
            My almost forgotten knowledge of Uzbek did not help either. Squeamishness, if only because my father did everything in his power 25 years ago to stop killing Uzbeks without any reason, including in the most savage ways.
            Thanked, thanks.
            1. +1
              April 22 2015 17: 58
              Thanked, thanks.

              Mdya ... now it’s understandable ... * (Well, what can I say - don’t be offended already = spread my hands =. And yet, keep in mind that - border guards, customs officers and other state-owned residents of the border area do not have nation. The vast majority of them have one religion - human commerce, and one god to whom they pray - a banknote, and one psychology - to load people as much as possible ...

              oh ...
              1. 0
                April 22 2015 18: 45
                I’m not offended by the Uzbeks. In the Uzbek village, where he spent a lot of time in childhood, no one can recognize me, and I remember very few people and don’t recognize me. But there, in a way, incomprehensible to me, people realized that I was something my own. wink A photo in the center of an almost native village.
  45. 0
    April 22 2015 02: 20
    History is the same prostitute. Spin it as you want, have it as you want. The main thing is that you would be pleased. You can shut up one thing, push out the other. You can misinterpret the reasons for this or that phenomenon. It is clear that in post-Soviet countries history should explain why the countries left the Union. That is, it was bad, they created the Union and began to live well. And what for destroyed the Union? And here they begin to twist and twirl. And since the history "before the Union" for many states is very poor, then notions begin.
  46. +1
    April 22 2015 04: 34
    They always rewrote history when the system in the country changes. And the story is a complete lie. Even now, people are being deceived: the media are spreading their vision of what is happening in countries.
  47. 0
    April 22 2015 04: 41
    who owns the past - owns the future. george orwell
  48. 0
    April 22 2015 04: 41
    who owns the past - owns the future. george orwell
  49. 0
    April 22 2015 04: 42
    Quote: bumbarash
    a topographical expedition of 2000 bayonets manned by guns? such an interesting scientific expedition! )) Any scientific expedition probably first asks for permission from the states in whose territory the research should be carried out, right? But does not invade. Intelligence by battle is most likely.)) The fact that Peter did not immediately send large troops here, simply because in Europe he had a lot to do. Priorities set correctly.
    I will simply say about the Soviet period. Russia was a colonizer, and therefore "bad"))) What to do is the policy. Everyone wants to get rid of the colony complex.

    Shozh, you are so square and the rest of the shoals are rushing here? Are you sending the money home? Ah .. no work It's probably Putin bastard you have destroyed and sold! yayay-yay! What a sadness! And as in the 90s and earlier, they even sneered at the Russians that they lived on the territory of the "union" republics. Probably forgotten or not? Well, you ousted the Russians and ... you yourself returned to the roots, so to speak - naked well .... from which you were accepted into the Russian Empire and then the USSR. That they were heavy, that the Ayzers, that the Armenians ... so they were generally white and red-haired! Until the Turks bent everyone down, they cut the men and the women got out! Because of that, the noses are humped and the skin has become dark. So again the question - why the hell are you here rushing like salmon for spawning? And I'll tell you why - you squandered and missed what you got from the USSR (which was built on the Union money) and now, as I spoke with a naked woman ...
    1. The comment was deleted.
  50. 0
    April 22 2015 04: 48
    Quote: Zoldat_A
    And Spratia is the bridgehead for America. They will poison sprats, like Georgians in 2008, and they themselves will see what comes of it.

    Are you serious? And who will fight there? Their whole strategy is that "NATO will protect us," and they themselves fight ... no, no. All these jackals agree to be punitive, but no one wants to go in the first line. Except that the Great Breeds have now been found. And those are more suitable for punishers.
  51. 0
    April 22 2015 06: 20
    Somehow you, oppressed by reason, multiplied at an incredible rate during the genocide! I somehow imagined genocide differently, I thought that the population should decrease...
  52. Fox
    April 22 2015 06: 33
    wife’s daughter, graduating class: “Russia attacked Georgia on August 08.08.08, XNUMX! Why?!” Here are the teachers. I had to find out who attacked whom.
  53. Plow
    April 22 2015 09: 41
    In my opinion, in the former republics of the USSR, a process is underway towards a true view of history; of course, there are excesses, as in Russian historiography.

    And it all starts with the fact that tsarist and Soviet historiographers wrote history that was pleasing to the authorities - “voluntary” annexation, and not seizure by force, “incorporation”, and not annexation, brought development, and not the use of colonial resources for the benefit of the empire. That is, the normal colonial policy of those times, of all developed countries, was called pioneering and pioneering.

    In the republics they say that there was colonization, and nothing else. And there are excesses, just like the Fomenkovites and false patriots.
  54. 0
    April 22 2015 11: 25
    What a pitiful result of Lenin's national policy! Back in the 70s, they began to use the term about a new community - the Soviet people, so it was necessary to eliminate the national abscesses. And the peoples sat quietly in national nooks (and some in mansions) and sharpened their grudge against the Russians. It is the communist bureaucracy that was born and flourished since the time of Khrushchev that is to blame for the created situation. National Communist Parties, special supplies for the population of the republics. Indulging in national culture, the national intelligentsia, the national cadres, as a result of which there are Russians in factories, but in management, in trade and other grain-producing places, they are entirely locals. Before building factories and other enterprises, developing science on the outskirts of Russia, we had to think ten times. And with such textbooks, nationalism in the outskirts will flourish for many years.
  55. 2ez
    April 22 2015 12: 07
    The most interesting thing is that the example of Russia’s “colonialism” is in everyone’s sight and nearby - Afghanistan. A country that actually lives in the Middle Ages, since there was no USSR-Russia nearby. After all, the ENTIRE development of the Central Asian republics began and continued only when the Russians came there! Back in the 30s they traded people... Russian geologists and scientists explored the mineral deposits that are now being developed there. They would still be sitting in yurts across the steppes... And even now they mostly work in secondary jobs in Russia, their qualifications are not the same. That's why their economies are in shambles...
  56. 0
    April 22 2015 20: 58
    I grew up in Georgia and was there recently. A classmate and I were sitting in a restaurant talking, trying to touch on neutral topics. But he himself said regarding the Treaty of Georgievsk that if not for Russia, most of the Georgians would have become slaves of the Turks, and the remaining part of the population and territory would have had Turkish nationality and affiliation, like the former Georgian lands south of Batumi.
    In general, I am shocked by such “stories”. Young people don’t know who Pyotr Ivanovich Bagration is ha ha ha.