Cyberwar went: the US commanded Ukraine "face!"

Recently it was reported that the US is starting a cyberwar against us - and today, it seems, the first swallow of this war has flown to my email. This is a threatening message in a slightly abbreviated form, without unnecessary personal data, while preserving the author's spelling:

Cyberwar went: the US commanded Ukraine "face!"

"Your profile on hacked

The newsletter was created at the request of friends from Ukrainian kibervoysk ...

The site administration tried to hide the fact of hacking, thereby allowing access to the data of more than 4500 users (social networks, Skype, mail, file sharing) ...

With the help of the virus, more than 350 000 PCs were infected and terabytes of important information were received ...

After processing the data and otppavki in the SBU on 80 percent of users started criminal proceedings (for all bloggers for inciting ethnic hatred and segmentation on the integrity of Ukraine)

More than 600 people were arrested on the territory not occupied by Russian troops.

- 610 separatists and separatist propagandists for various articles.

- 10 servicemen for whom correspondence and data transfer to the separatists were detected.

- More than 5 people were fired from the Ministry of Internal Affairs / SBU.

- 3 arrested by the Interior Ministry militiaman.

- Opened the network of Russian saboteurs in Kharkov and Odessa (had the imprudence to register on

Tomorrow in the evening all the holes on will be posted on the hacker forums, respectively subsequent hackers will also receive all your logins / passwords.

First of all, they will take up your electronic and banking services (every second has paypal, yandex, webmoney)

A small list with an example of those affected by hacking (...)

Whatever you think we are bluffing -> here logins - passwords of random 100 users from the database (id, login, fio, passhash, password)

Now our warning, for all who continue to visit the resource and write Ukrainophobic messages, as soon as your next login is recorded, all personal information received will be published with maximum harm (correspondence etc. and etc.)

If you received this email, your profiles were hacked and a maximum of information has already been received and transferred to the Security Service of Ukraine

This last warning further base with your info will be available to any hacker.

For more persuasiveness, the distribution comes from the mailbox of one of the users »

This letter, received not by me alone and containing examples of actual hacking of the database, can be attributed to the Ukrainians by its characteristic handwriting. But since Ukraine is now serving as a loyal dog of the United States, having mastered their commands, “face!” And “towards foot!”, The owner is primarily responsible for the actions of the pet. And these actions are of a pronounced terrorist nature: an attempt to catch up with fear through the threat of depriving people of their freedom, money and the disclosure of their personal data. All this falls under 137, 163, 272, and other articles of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, including the punishment of unauthorized access to computer information.

There is such a thing on the civil track in this newsletter. Get some kind of respectable American woman like that, she would surely faint. For the Americans are the slaves of pro forma and instructions, they are afraid even to change the light bulb in the car; and the penetration of their holy of holies - personal accounts and data - is a real horror for them. For Russians and Ukrainians, who are accustomed in many ways to live through a stump-deck and do not trust electronic bills, such a threat is ugh. That is, the idea clearly emerged from overseas.

But this miss of dirty tricks does not mean her innocence. Firstly, according to our law, the criminal intent itself, which has not even reached the goal for reasons beyond the control of the attacker, is treated as a crime. And secondly, today the cybervoin missed, tomorrow will aim better - and it will fall! And, I think, the duty of our special services is to give your hard answer to these cyber searches of the enemy. Of course, not in a mirror, illegal manner, but in the legal framework of the fight against cyber-terrorism, for which there are enough special means.

Judging by this pirated letter, the cyberwar states announced to us will be conducted from the Ukrainian springboard - what is their next mean trick. The United States is indeed in many respects the territory of its legality: the Senate passed a law to bomb Iraq - and everyone is happy, everyone laughs. But the illegal mailing of "mean" letters of terrorism with signs of terrorism can be very disliked by the arrogant American voter. And for such cases, Ukraine is best suited - the territory of “revolutionary lawlessness”, from which there is no demand.

That is, the dog-Ukraine barks and bites, and its owner, as if standing apart, has nothing to do with it. But just touch it - the same imaginary stranger will immediately raise a noble howl on some article about the cruel treatment of animals. This conflict exists, by the way, in our legislation: if you are bitten by an evil master dog, come and prove the master's guilt! And if you hit her back, you can easily pay for harming someone else's property.

In short, this cyberwar has been declared, and the crime in the indicated list is obvious. And it would be worth our lawyers, by all similar facts, to tie and link all the necessary evidence — and find how to stick them in the face of the “dog owner”. And with a stupid dog you have to act like a stupid dog. The best method is to portray that you grab a stone from the ground in order to run into it: even the most aggressive dogs are then turned back. And then you can pet him and feed him ...
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  1. +21
    April 18 2015 05: 39
    And what can you write secret in correspondence?
    Any flood write - let them hack.
    The main thing with money is more accurate, the rest is nonsense.
    1. +30
      April 18 2015 05: 56
      Can we start to be afraid? Or maybe it is better to crawl right to the cemetery?
      1. +23
        April 18 2015 09: 56
        Quote: crazyrom
        Can we start to be afraid already?
    2. +23
      April 18 2015 06: 06
      Quote: Ivan Tarasov
      And what can you write secret in correspondence?

      Anything can happen. Sometimes even quite specific things are laid out in the comments here. Not for everyone, we will write this way.
      I have already received such letters several times. So the author is not alone. Even the numbers of criminal cases in the SBU were called.
      And I completely agree with the author. Judging by the places where the scribes try to beat, they don’t know our mentality. Obviously, the training is not Russian or Ukrainian. We are not particularly afraid. And there they believe that everything is under some kind of cap.
      1. +2
        April 18 2015 08: 52
        The EU Foreign Ministry is recruiting a group of new specialists to more effectively counter Russia's anti-Western propaganda.

        In the description of the vacancies sent on March 20 to the embassies of the EU states in Brussels, it is said that the task of the new specialists will be “identifying and correcting misinformation / myths”.
        The work will also include “developing and regularly updating EU comments through key messages, articles, journalism, newsletters and infographics with a focus on explaining all the benefits of the Eastern Partnership”.
        The Eastern Partnership is the EU's political programme to develop closer trade and political ties with six countries in the post-Soviet space.

        These steps were taken after EU leaders instructed their diplomatic service in March to "challenge the growing disinformation campaign by Russia."
        They demanded that the EU “prepare by June a strategic communications action plan in support of media freedom. Creating a liaison group is the first step in that direction. ”
        The action of the Russian media machine was well demonstrated on Thursday, April 16, when President Vladimir Putin held his annual session of answers to questions from the general public.

        The live broadcast of this TV show by the RT channel allowed to reach an audience of more than 700 million viewers around the world, and against this background, the success of the EU counter-propaganda looks scanty.

      2. +4
        April 18 2015 09: 38
        I hope for the SBU, the matter is also somewhere open, as for the Gestapo employees.
        1. +1
          April 18 2015 10: 55
          Quote: Lazer
          I hope for the SBU, the matter is also somewhere open, as for the Gestapo employees.

          To rely on our special services, you need to inform them of this hack. Such letters did not come to me. They will come know where to turn. I'm not a big specialist in computer hacks, but I know that it’s not difficult for specialists to track where the hack came from.
          1. +1
            April 18 2015 12: 06
            Quote: Wend
            To rely on our special services, you need to inform them of this hack.

            You should not worry about this topic, I’m about informing you what the special services need, they will read without you:
            Roskomnadzor got full access to personal correspondence of citizens of the Russian Federation (Updated)
            April 16 2015
            Employees of the department will be able to control the correspondence of Russians in social networks, on blogging platforms and email services.
            The Federal Service for Supervision of Communications, Information Technologies and Mass Communications (Roskomnadzor) has received the right to check all personal correspondence of users of social networks, blogs and email services. This was reported on the website of the government of the Russian Federation. Control measures were adopted as part of the “anti-terrorism” package of laws.
            A resolution signed by the government gives Roskomnadzor the right to establish the facts of receiving, transmitting, delivering and processing messages. In addition, the supervisor will be able to view and analyze the resources of the organizer of the dissemination of information, as well as record and record the actions available to users.
            Roskomnadzor will be able to exercise the right to check and control personal correspondence only upon request from law enforcement agencies conducting operational-search measures. Correspondence verification will be carried out twice - no later than 60 days from the date of the first inspection, the agency will be obliged to carry out a verification check.
            The experts expressed 19 comments on the innovations that were listed in the official protocol. For example, in the event of the disclosure of confidential information, it will be impossible to find and prosecute the guilty person. In addition, verification of individuals and legal entities located outside the Russian Federation will be impossible.
            Updated: As it became known, Roskomnadzor will not read the personal correspondence of citizens, but only record the facts of its receipt or transfer. According to the press secretary of the department, Vadim Ampelonsky, the exchange of personal messages on the Internet is protected by the laws of the Russian Federation, which implement the citizen's right to privacy. He stated this during an interview with Echo Moskvy radio.
      3. 0
        April 19 2015 12: 45
        Quote: domokl
        I have already received such letters several times. So the author is not alone. Even the numbers of criminal cases in the SBU were called.

        They didn't come to me. But I've seen them crawling around for a long time. And I don't give a damn, like all the Maidan-crazed Maidanites and their Naglosakian owners.
    3. +1
      April 18 2015 10: 53
      Quote: Ivan Tarasov
      And what can you write secret in correspondence?
      Any flood write - let them hack.
      The main thing with money is more accurate, the rest is nonsense.

      The computer can be used for almost any purpose, without joining the Internet.
      When I work with important information, I turn off the network and connect a removable disk, and when I finish working, I disconnect the disk. No hackers can get to me, all information is out of reach from the Internet.
      1. 0
        April 18 2015 13: 17
        Indeed, dear "Corsair5912", as you know - observe the "rules of personal hygiene" - and you will be happy. Yes
        But about the dog I do not quite agree:
        Author Alexander Roslyakov:
        ... And with a stupid dog you have to act like a stupid dog. The best trick is to portray that you grab a stone from the ground to run into it: even the most aggressive dogs then surrender. And then you can stroke him and feed him ...

        Stupid dogs (cybershawks of Ukraine and others) nafig nobody needs them, "... you have to take them to the clinic, for experiments ...", but properly trained professional dogs do not drift, but silently rush into battle - you need such have a job (and a highly paid one!). hi
        1. +1
          April 18 2015 13: 46
          I advise American cyber warriors to sniff at their "Kiev" dog under the tail. Unless, of course, they are real "warriors", which by the way I strongly doubt - they only know how to crap on the sly. And about "don't touch the dog" so even if they don't even think, nobody will touch it. We seem to be a simple people, for..yat they will stroke without any frills together with the owner - and that's all!
          In general, war is war, so what’s there, we understand - but remember gentlemen, it’s better not to touch the Russians — it will be more expensive for yourself!
      2. 0
        April 18 2015 17: 43
        come on! and at this time all the info is also written to some kind of file in an arbitrary directory. it does not even affect the data about the size of the ROM provided to you. you turn off the removable disk, turn on the network ... profit.
    4. sent-onere
      April 18 2015 18: 01
      As for the letter from the "hackers", the primitive level and style of presentation speaks for itself: the "combat readiness" of the American-Ukrainian cyber troops is below the baseboard. Which is not surprising, AS IS THE PRESIDENT, SO IS THE PARISH.
    5. sent-onere
      April 18 2015 18: 03
      The expression "doggy-Ukraine barks and bites" should be replaced by "doggy-government of Ukraine barks and bites" further in the text. You shouldn't help your enemies and mix everything into one heap - the people of Ukraine and its ruling handful.
    6. sent-onere
      April 18 2015 18: 04
      The stupidity of cyberthreats, it is always stupid, I have written many times about such pseudo threats, but people like to be in the trend of cyberthreats. The threat lies only in your laziness gentlemen! You forget about passwords, firewall and other things, and persistently do not want to know anything. In life, you rely on Putin, on the network, on Microsoft. And you need to rely on yourself and your brain. And what is most surprising, it is possible to defend reliably, you can almost without straining your straight lines of the brain. Honestly, I also like to scare my acquaintances with all sorts of cyberhosts!
  2. +5
    April 18 2015 05: 40
    "" Your profile has been hacked ""

    Do I understand correctly that this is a Ukrainian resource? If so, then, it seems, does not concern me. I’m trying somehow to do without electronic money. I do not use online stores. In ordinary, there is everything you need.
    1. +12
      April 18 2015 06: 08
      Quote: EvgNik
      If so, then, it seems, does not concern me.

      laughing Dudki dear ... concerns also how ... You are now on one of the most patriotic and anti-Ukrainian sites laughing Maidanism is the control and accounting of all who, against maydaunov crying
      1. +20
        April 18 2015 06: 33
        Quote: domokl
        You are now on one of the most patriotic and anti-Ukrainian sites

        Hello Sanya. Considering that the 1.5 website has a million visitors a month, the entire US cyber machine will work for our website, sweating from sifting information .... flood, srach, spam, etc. wassat
        1. +8
          April 18 2015 06: 38
          Quote: Alexander Romanov
          Given that there are 1.5 million visitors per month on the site, the entire US cyber machine will work on our site, sweating from sifting information .... flood, srach, spam, etc.

          We’ll load the hell of a U.S. cyber-military crap!
          1. +5
            April 18 2015 07: 54
            Quote: andj61
            We’ll load the hell of a U.S. cyber-military crap!

            but I think it’s necessary to puzzle their (Amerov’s) content. The war is not only defense, but also attack. And we have the best programmers in the world.
            As the saying goes, NOT WE STARTED, BUT WE FINISH IT!
        2. +5
          April 18 2015 06: 42
          Quote: Alexander Romanov
          Hi Sanya

          You yourself two times with the same regards laughing Let them work. They get American rubles for this. laughing The target is not everyone (yet), the target is those who muddy the waters the most laughing
        3. SSR
          April 18 2015 06: 47
          Quote: Alexander Romanov
          Quote: domokl
          You are now on one of the most patriotic and anti-Ukrainian sites

          Hello Sanya. Considering that the 1.5 website has a million visitors a month, the entire US cyber machine will work for our website, sweating from sifting information .... flood, srach, spam, etc. wassat

          So it turns out that we need to flood even more and post articles from "Israel" more often, something like this can be arranged here! And as not only comrade Snowden but also other experts said - let the US services drown in an abundance of information flood with "tags" dill, ISIS, Barak ......
          Hmm..... The Americans made product #1 out of the ruins, they'll screw it over and throw it away, it's like with Guantanamo and the bio labs, there are no tortures and bio experiments on US territory, but there are in Cuba, Poland, the Baltics, Georgia, and so on.
          It is necessary to break the sites and data of the United States from the territory of Ukraine, break them completely. War is so war, I think CyberBerkut will intensify.
          1. +4
            April 18 2015 06: 58
            No. 2 actually, according to the list ...
            1. 0
              April 18 2015 12: 25
              Well yes. I don’t remember exactly, but N 1 is either galoshes or a gas mask ...
          2. +2
            April 18 2015 09: 11
            Idea! It is necessary to insert these tags into the electronic version of "War and Peace" and upload them to Russian sites.
            PS I remembered the school.
        4. 0
          April 18 2015 08: 16
          good afternoon, Roman. what is happening on the site? a "window" appeared, this site has not been certified by ... check - yes - no.
        5. +5
          April 18 2015 10: 12
          Quote: Alexander Romanov
          Given that there are 1.5 million visitors per month on the site, the entire US cyber machine will work on our site, sweating from sifting information .... flood, srach, spam, etc.
          In short, I understand. The more we flood at night, the greater the contribution to the common cause of the fight against cyber war. I demand to cancel 3 warnings issued for the flood! I, it turns out, did not flood, but saved the Motherland !!
        6. +6
          April 18 2015 11: 03
          Quote: Alexander Romanov
          Quote: domokl
          You are now on one of the most patriotic and anti-Ukrainian sites

          Hello Sanya. Considering that the 1.5 website has a million visitors a month, the entire US cyber machine will work for our website, sweating from sifting information .... flood, srach, spam, etc. wassat

          Where will the Yankees recruit so many people to control the Internet? They will be filled up with flood and spam, outright misinformation and just a lie.
          In 1975, during a briefing, they asked a question to a secretary from the KGB:
          - Why in the USSR is so much information kept secret? Why don't they publish space images? - He laughed and answered:
          - Let our opponents spend their energy, money and time to obtain "secret" information, which is in every newspaper, in textbooks and instructions. Where does a smart person hide a valuable log? In stacks of logs.
        7. +3
          April 18 2015 11: 26
          Maybe we will write them from our home mail - they say we all support Proshnrebells and shit on you from a high bell tower.
          And on a card tied to a stick - never more than 300 rubles.
      2. +4
        April 18 2015 06: 47
        Quote: domokl

        laughing Dudki dear ... concerns also how ... You are now on one of the most patriotic and anti-Ukrainian sites laughing Maidanism is the control and accounting of all who, against maydaunov crying
        Good advertising for website. You need to register there. Yes otherwise I’m still reading the censor feel
        1. +3
          April 18 2015 10: 16
          Quote: 41 REGION
          otherwise I’m still reading the censor

          crying That's how I read too.. It's fun when I want to read something humorous. I especially like blogs... What you don't learn about yourself laughing
      3. 0
        April 18 2015 09: 09
        Do they have enough paper to write down the "enemies" of Ukraine? wassat
      4. 0
        April 18 2015 13: 26
        Quote: domokl
        . concerns also how

        Yes, I noticed already, I noticed. I meant that they will fly with my money. Well, we’ll survive the cons.
    2. +1
      April 18 2015 06: 31
      Quote: EvgNik
      Do I understand correctly that this is a Ukrainian resource?

      Well no. Our. Last night "hung". There are two refusals for three requests, and once I went literally for a second, there is an article about Putin, and underneath it there are obscenities, and then again thrown out.
      Apparently the site was opened seriously.
      1. 0
        April 18 2015 13: 33
        Thanks for the specific answer. I hung a little yesterday.
  3. +4
    April 18 2015 05: 40
    The owner still doesn’t know what kind of dog he fed,
    it would be better if he himself put a muzzle on a doggie.
    1. +2
      April 18 2015 06: 10
      Quote: fiction
      The owner still doesn’t know what kind of dog he fed,

      He knows. And even raised her from an early age. All owners of fighting dogs (he was like that) are sure that their dog is the kindest in the world. It’s just a terrible little thing. And then .. well, it happens .. I bit it off from someone .. .
  4. 0
    April 18 2015 05: 41
    if a cyber war happened, Americans They will simply turn off our windows, destroy the information on all the drives and render the rest of the hard drive inoperative.
    and in your case, students indulge. take it easy.
    1. The comment was deleted.
      1. -6
        April 18 2015 06: 01
        and where to get hard? Winchesters at least? and everything else. if they turn it off, the entire financial, energy, logistics and so on systems of the country will collapse. and in the twenty-millionth capital city (in others too) there will be nothing to eat. Now no one is fighting with anyone and is not going to!
        1. +3
          April 18 2015 06: 35
          Quote: Heimdall
          and everything else. if they turn it off, the entire financial, energy, logistics and so on systems of the country will collapse.

          Then it's not a cyber, but an ordinary warrior
          1. -1
            April 18 2015 06: 59
            Yes. so it will look. and what is happening now is the appearance of a confrontation with the goal of forming the right public opinion.
        2. SSR
          April 18 2015 06: 56
          Quote: Heimdall
          and where to get hard? Winchesters at least? and everything else. if they turn it off, the entire financial, energy, logistics and so on systems of the country will collapse. and in the twenty-millionth capital city (in others too) there will be nothing to eat. Now no one is fighting with anyone and is not going to!

          I don’t think that China will just give hard drives and hard drives to break, if necessary, the Chinese will "break" themselves, almost all of their production.
          1. +3
            April 18 2015 08: 57
            Quote from S.S.R.
            If necessary, the Chinese will "break" themselves, almost all of their production.

            Chinese backdoors in military ICs turned America in the direction of import substitution))))
            1. 0
              April 18 2015 20: 24
              The Chinese don't even have a rough idea of ​​what they're producing. What are you even talking about? Where are these "doors" "back"? Are you aware that there isn't a single person in the world who understands how the P4 even works?
        3. +3
          April 18 2015 07: 00
          There is such a country - China. And also - Formosa. Have you heard? And hard there, and everything else.
        4. +11
          April 18 2015 07: 14
          HeimdallYou are, unfortunately, too used to computers if you are so gloomy. I will not talk about what I do not understand, but in the printing industry, turning off computers and destroying databases will lead to a maximum of a week delay in the release of, for example, newspapers. Then they will reanimate flat-bed printing machines, shake off the dust from type-setting checkouts and go ahead! "Burn the hearts of people with a verb" ©. As long as fifty-year-olds are alive and pensioners are efficient, Russia will not disappear !!
          1. -7
            April 18 2015 07: 43
            Unfortunately, the analog equipment has been destroyed, and there are very few specialists left who can service and repair it. The pulp and paper mill got up, there is no paper. vehicles got up, the ecu refused. There is no connection, the PBX is on the figure. there will be no newspaper!
            1. +5
              April 18 2015 12: 07
              You're not right. Perhaps in large cities, all equipment has been scrapped, but Russia is not limited to Moscow alone. We still have a flat-bed printing machine in our printing house (and what? It is very convenient to print on cardboard, and even cheaper than printing on the Japanese miracle technique), in a corner the foundry is gathering dust. And the typesetting cashier is very convenient to scare young operators (like, "you will be lazy, I will transfer to manual dialing" wink). Of course, glamor magazines will be closed, because the quality of color printing will decrease greatly, but it seems to me that without the problems of Hollywood movie stars, the country will survive. And I do not understand why there will be vehicles? Or do you mean Lexus and Mercedes? So we will survive, "ZIL" and "GAZones" on the move.
            2. +5
              April 18 2015 12: 13
              Quote: Heimdall
              Unfortunately, the analog equipment has been destroyed, and there are very few specialists left who can service and repair it.

              Somehow last year I was visiting a friend in the service, he serves, let's say ..., in a military unit. I see there is a row of "Zakharov", well, 157 with kungs, on a ruler, painted, covered with a net. To which he smiled sarcastically and said, but when all the newfangled Internet, zhpsy screw up, we'll start the diesel engine, warm up the lamps and then we'll see who is hu. lol
        5. +5
          April 18 2015 12: 49
          Quote: Heimdall
          and where to get hard? Winchesters at least? and everything else. if they turn it off, the entire financial, energy, logistics and so on systems of the country will collapse. and in the twenty-millionth capital city (in others too) there will be nothing to eat. Now no one is fighting with anyone and is not going to!

          .. that's why not long ago the Congress, the Ministry of Justice, the White House and the rest of the government quarter were sitting without electricity and the backup sources "for some reason suddenly did not start up" laughing it seemed that it was just at the Annunciation on April 7th .. well, we were running around like Vaska with Petka for operational switching in the operational dispatching service to this day .. don’t even hope ..
    2. +5
      April 18 2015 06: 13
      Quote: Heimdall
      and in your case, students indulge. take it easy.

      I agree technically. Computers, smarts and other tablets will die overnight. But in practice, you need to declare an open war. And then the bummer will turn out ... Damn market relations, when money flows from us to them, they’ll raise such a buzz in American business that all advertisers will be swept away laughing
      1. -8
        April 18 2015 07: 08
        who should you announce something? why do you think so? turn off and that's it. accounts will be nullified, communications will collapse, machines and equipment (where there is an import hard) will stand up. they may even say that it’s damned Alkaida or someone else. what shall we do? poplar poplar in all directions?
        1. +6
          April 18 2015 07: 13
          Quote: Heimdall
          they may even say that it’s damned Alkaida or someone else

          Well, yes we have suckers sitting in the Moscow Region. You know who will chop everything off for us, and our suckers will believe in alkaida.
          Quote: Heimdall
          poplar poplar in all directions?

          not all, only one.
          1. -8
            April 18 2015 07: 24
            with us under the Union, too, were not suckers in the Moscow Region. and where is that union?
            Quote: Alexander Romanov
            not all, only one.

            and in which one? in America probably? but doesn't it seem that USA act as an inflatable tank?
            1. +7
              April 18 2015 07: 29
              Quote: Heimdall
              with us under the Union, too, were not suckers in the Moscow Region. and where is that union?

              In the government sat h (M) attacks, which merged both the country and the Moscow Region.
              Quote: Heimdall
              but doesn’t it seem that the USA is playing the role of an inflatable tank?

              Inflatable yes, well, go lower it.
              1. -2
                April 18 2015 08: 13
                Quote: Alexander Romanov
                In the government sat h (M) attacks, which merged both the country and the Moscow Region.

                I don’t think that now something has changed in terms of cranks.
              2. -1
                April 18 2015 08: 42
                Quote: Alexander Romanov
                Inflatable yes, well, go lower it.

                Into it! wassat
        2. +2
          April 18 2015 09: 14
          Quote: Heimdall
          who should you announce something?

          They will not announce, they will announce. Disabling is an act of war and overt aggression. With respect.
          1. 0
            April 18 2015 09: 43
            Quote: fyvaprold
            Disabling - Act of War

            Disabling communications. A little "fiddled". wassat
          2. -1
            April 18 2015 15: 52
            Amer invasion of Ukraine blatant aggression. and? told them what? With respect.
        3. +8
          April 18 2015 10: 54
          Quote: Heimdall
          ... turn it off. bills will be reset, communications will collapse, machines and equipment (where there is an import hard) will get up ...

          In 1974 in Novorossiysk (if I'm not mistaken) the Yankees built and launched an automated line for the production of "Pepsi Cola". Our guys, out of habit, started to dilute it, they wouldn't report something, they would replace one of the ingredients... The automation worked, the line stopped. Our craftsmen, who had never seen anything cooler than a tube TV in electronics, converted the American miracle of technology to manual control, and the line began to swallow everything that was given to them. And you say - what to do? What to do? Everything is lost! We will send letters in envelopes, receive salaries at the cash desk, pay in cash, play not "World of Tanks", but chess and dominoes... I lived in such times, and did not die.
          1. +1
            April 18 2015 19: 36
            well, that's right! the equipment was supposed to dose the amount of concentrate and saturate the drink with carbon dioxide in the required amount, and then it turned out "true Pepsi Cola" and our "craftsmen" thought of dosing with a bucket and carbonating with a pressure gauge and a sealed container with a stirrer. in order to make twice as much drink without spending on the purchase of concentrate. thieves in general! worthy of respect! and the concentrate cannot be repeated? Yes, it's for suckers!
    3. +8
      April 18 2015 06: 53
      and to hell with them, let them turn it off, let's go to the garden to do further, there will be something to eat and what to do
      1. -6
        April 18 2015 07: 50
        will have something to do! from the cities masses of hungry people will move in search of such gardens. so there will be something to do. but "eat" that will not.
        1. SSR
          April 18 2015 08: 55
          Quote: Heimdall
          will have something to do! from the cities masses of hungry people will move in search of such gardens. so there will be something to do. but "eat" that will not.

          Crowds of zombies, like locusts, will go devouring everything in their path .....))) the masses will simply return to their homes in Kimry, Kaluga, Roshal, Rostov, Tajikistan, etc. ....)))
          Yes, the FSB has already taken control of recent computer failures this time, two of you have hacked - go write a statement to the prosecutor’s office, three — if the pin ruins even with your hands will start a cyber war, then this will be a cyber war anyway and the drowned ones will not be left aside parties to the conflict and will rake on a shared basis.
          And yes! Personally, I don’t use any webmoney or any other electronic wallets or any electronic bank card controls, all manually.
        2. +8
          April 18 2015 09: 10
          Quote: Heimdall
          but it won't "eat"

          Do you think it is "hard" cows milking, mowing hay, reaping bread? Yesterday I arrived from Altai. Not a single friend of a farmer has a computer in the production process, it is used only in the process of communicating with the tax office, and the main thing is entertainment and communication. Well, you have to buy envelopes again, toy swords and machine guns for children. The Russian Post will have to expand its staff and work in an emergency mode. Computerization for Russia is a lizard's tail. Torn off, it will hurt, but not fatal.
          Quote: Heimdall
          masses of hungry people will move from cities in search of such gardens.

          And in our city, as in others, most of the townspeople themselves have gardens outside the city, and in the cellars there are potatoes, pickles and preserves (our people have learned through bitter experience). So, no matter how someone would like, but because of the extinction of computers, the collapse in Russia is canceled!
          1. +1
            April 18 2015 14: 42
            ... but due to the extinction of computers, the collapse in Russia is canceled! ..

            Oh, DO NOT DRINK ..!

            At first... at Iphoneand all the electronics will be cut off - here you go COLLAPSE CONTROL SYSTEMS!!! .. laughing
            Secondly... stems from firstly - all the "king's men" with a cry "... we rent-syyy..y..y!" together he will break to the nearest airfield and ... home to the islands (not Franz Josef Land, but some zyuhannye Seychelles).
            Thirdly... if on current mess of the bubble economy impose more and lack of communication - BUBBLE WILL BE MADE. Quickly. And there are almost no people who can really work in the mode of a mobilization economy. But it will be fun.

        3. +7
          April 18 2015 10: 36
          Quote: Heimdall
          will have something to do! from the cities masses of hungry people will move in search of such gardens. so there will be something to do. but "eat" that will not.

          From what hangover disabling smarts and laptops will lead to the absence of "eat"? Thank God, agriculture in Russia is still computerized by 0,0 ...%, but try to turn off the shovel and the rake.
          1. 0
            April 18 2015 16: 01
            from which hangover? Yes, without a computer now you can’t figure out what and where is in the warehouse. where and how much to ship. to whom and on what to carry. as well as who, whom, for what and how much should pay. what does the rake have to do with it? What will happen in Moscow if you turn off communications, transport and do not deliver food for at least 1 week?
    4. SSR
      April 18 2015 06: 53
      Quote: Heimdall
      if a cyber war happened, Americans They will simply turn off our windows, destroy the information on all the drives and render the rest of the hard drive inoperative.
      and in your case, students indulge. take it easy.

      Maybe we should then have them zhps and satellite communications "break"? And by the way, if the "window" is cut down, then the people will adapt soon enough, programs like Linux will immediately come out of the shadows.
    5. +9
      April 18 2015 09: 06
      Quote: Heimdall
      the Americans will simply turn off our windows, destroy the information on all the screws and render the rest of the hard drive unusable.

      I strongly doubt that it is "easy", especially to destroy the "hard". But suppose this happened, consider "плюсы" And "Cons"for the USA:
      1). The USA receives 100% hegemony on Internet propaganda.
      2). Short-term confusion and panic in some (far from all) sectors, as a rule, in the private sector and business.
      3). A downgrade of the "rating" of the Russian economy is possible due to point 2.
      1). The United States is losing the target audience of its Internet propaganda, as well as information sources, both official (social networks, info resources) and not so much (hack, hacking, espionage).
      3). The United States is acquiring multibillion-dollar lawsuits from private citizens (with whom, according to them, they "never fight, but only with" regimes "that oppress these citizens"), for which they will have to pay, citizens of a nuclear power can count on payments, at least from American "assets and liabilities" placed in Russia.
      4). General consolidation in a single information space, radio points in homes, and analogue terrestrial TV, they will not "turn off" (the means of notification of the Civil Defense and Emergencies, after all), and the television channel "Golden Rain" and Radio Liberty, these means never were not broadcast.
      5). Well, the main prize: real, not an information war, because the PC and other high-tech, have long been a means of communication, but the destruction of communications - this ... well, I think you yourself understand.
      So the benefits from such steps (if possible, steps, implementation) will be slightly less than not at all.
      Speaking of "hard": HDDs are produced mainly in Thailand, processors - in Taiwan, Singapore, Malaysia and South Korea, memory - in South Korea, etc. Even if these are not the most "friendly" countries to Russia, they are unlikely to go into open confrontation, "for the good of the United States," especially since "damage to the hard drive and loss of information" are, first of all, claims against the equipment manufacturer, and the above countries, such claims, I think, are worthless. IMHO. With respect.
      PS:Respected Heimdall , use free software, "windows" and without cyber troops do not "fall" badly and the NSA "scanned" well, along with the data on the disk. laughing
    6. +3
      April 18 2015 11: 29
      Quote: Heimdall
      if there is a cyber war, the Americans will simply turn off our windows, destroy the information on all the screws and render the rest of the hard drive unusable.

      and where to get hard? Winchesters at least? and everything else. if they turn it off, the entire financial, energy, logistics and so on systems of the country will collapse. and in the twenty-millionth capital city (in others too) there will be nothing to eat.
      Your fears are greatly exaggerated.
      Everything is duplicated on paper.
      Bureaucracy is our everything! laughing
    7. +6
      April 18 2015 12: 44
      Quote: Heimdall
      if a cyber war happened, Americans They will simply turn off our windows, destroy the information on all the drives and render the rest of the hard drive inoperative.
      and in your case, students indulge. take it easy.

      .. who said meow here? .. judging by the style, it was written by a person who lives "there", not "here" .. turn off the windows? .. I will raise the system on the second partition locally without connecting to an Internet which, in the described scenario, will no longer be .. will they destroy the Old? .. does this mean rubbing the placement table on the screw ?, it is restored like two fingers on the asphalt, the information itself does not go anywhere .. will the rest of the hard drive become inoperable? .. it is necessary to kill the BIOS, it is also not a big problem, it can be restored with a slight movement of the hand .. besides, for hard drives and other peripherals it is simply impossible at the software level, only with the use of hardware .. so let us "our possible American friends". ... wink
      1. 0
        April 18 2015 16: 55
        Quote: Inok10
        judging by the style, it was written by a person who lives "there"

        I will disappoint. Live here"
        Quote: Inok10
        I will raise the system in the second section locally without connecting to an Internet which, under the described scenario, will no longer be ... will they destroy the Old? .. does this mean they will overwrite the placement table on the screw ?, is restored like two fingers on asphalt, the information itself does not go anywhere

        will not work. the program for controlling the screw heads will stop working (for example, there are a lot of options) and FINISH! there is a virus in the firmware of the screw controllers (scientifically proven. google) in the radio bookmark processors (installed). a satellite flew by and the "stone" turned into a natural stone.

        Of course, I understand that you want to feel that we are stronger and smarter than enemies. get up from his knees and so on. I also want this. but I do not see objective facts confirming this, unfortunately.
  5. +4
    April 18 2015 05: 45
    The burglars' task is to scare Internet users and wreak havoc.
    However, we are persistent and distinguish empty chores from true intelligence))
    Only moderators do extra work. Thank.
  6. +2
    April 18 2015 05: 47
    Bullshit, of course, but for some reason inside begins to boil. Maybe they achieve this, then only tell someone to pour?
    1. +1
      April 18 2015 06: 15
      Quote: VNP1958PVN
      Bullshit - of course

      Then how can you compare such letters and threats by mail? After all, they write with the indication of not only the address, but also your name...
      1. +3
        April 18 2015 11: 46
        Quote: domokl
        Then how to compare such letters and threats to the post office? After all, they write with an indication of not only the address, but also your name ...

        When registering on dubious sites, it is better not to shine your personal data and email address. To do this, you need to use disposable mailboxes - there are a lot of such services on the network, and to fully satisfy paranoia, you can use the Tor browser so that your IP does not shine.
    2. +1
      April 18 2015 07: 01
      Is it not clear who to pour on? The USA is always and everywhere. Here and pour.
  7. +1
    April 18 2015 05: 55
    judging by the number of elementary errors in the mailing text, this cracker hacker is 12 years old, no more!
    1. +5
      April 18 2015 06: 52
      Quote: maxxdesign
      judging by the number of elementary errors in the mailing text, this cracker hacker is 12 years old, no more!

      It’s not at all necessary. You simply are not familiar with the level of knowledge of the grammar of a modern resident of Ukraine. Sometimes I write to each other. I’ll break my leg. If you really can’t believe it, I can reset the screen in PM, but I think it's superfluous.
      After all, they have a dream, hammered into "heads" (a container with a lack of a brain), to live beautifully "to do nothing", so what for to learn? The result is ridiculous and sad, TRAGIC!
    2. 0
      April 18 2015 13: 03
      Quote: maxxdesign
      judging by the number of elementary errors in the mailing text, this cracker hacker is 12 years old, no more!

      Millet Yandex translation. The schoolboy is American.
    3. The comment was deleted.
  8. +1
    April 18 2015 06: 01
    The mailing list was created at the request of friends from Ukrainian cyber troops ... Tomorrow evening, all the holes on will be posted on hacker forums, respectively, subsequent crackers will also receive all your logins / passwords.
    First of all, they will take up your electronic and banking services (every second has paypal, yandex, webmoney)

    Now our warning, for all who continue to visit the resource and write Ukrainophobic messages, as soon as your next login is recorded, all personal information received will be published with maximum harm (correspondence etc. and etc.)
    If you received this email, your profiles were hacked and a maximum of information has already been received and transferred to the Security Service of Ukraine
    This last warning further base with your info will be available to any hacker.

    Some "friends of Ukrainian cyber troops" bully hacked everything and everything, transferred to the SBU, she decided something there and arrested 600 people. The author of the article decided not to touch yet crying , and very, very scolding, scare already ... HACKERS wassat
    And here we are building tanks and planes, dressing up the "polite" ones... We are fools, we need to breed HACKERS, they are scarier than the SBU! We will scare them. Estonia, for example am . /Thoughtfully/ And if not scared? sad Well... I don't know... But there is a bear!! We'll write letters about it!!!
    Morons, however.
    P.S.: The number of mistakes in the text of the scary letter negates all the educational work, and the presence of the letter Ы is not so yellow-blue...
  9. +4
    April 18 2015 06: 17
    "And then you can pet him and feed him ..."
    Lure with strychnine and a means to fight rodents, but I do not recommend ironing - grab a flea.
  10. +1
    April 18 2015 07: 20
    Ukrainian hackers are too primitive. They are hindered by slow-witted Svidomo!
    And Western cyber warriors need to oppose our Slavic rhetoric.
    One rebus about A and B was sitting on a pipe, heating the brains of these boobies.
    Slavic soul, mentality in everything, it is difficult to overcome. Go urki, orcs and
    other evil spirits - we are already rubbing our hands with pleasure to jam your
    eyes and ears on w..y!
    1. 0
      April 18 2015 09: 35
      Quote: Neophyte
      Ukrainian hackers are too primitive.

      So what? Who cares who breaks your car - a primitive or a genius? And for the most part, half of them have not yet got rid of puberty acne.
      Quote: Neophyte
      It’s difficult to overcome the Slavic soul, the mentality in everything.

      Nda? What kind of soul is it when it comes to network addiction? Mentality? Chat in all possible social networks with your gostopostami? Throw this fir. And no one encroaches on the soul. Mostly on the brain.
  11. +5
    April 18 2015 07: 21
    which Windows will be disabled? 8-ku, 7-ku, but XP? I doubt that there were bookmarks, you can work for example, on XP SP2, in extreme cases, on wines 98, although it is brrr, it is loose, there are good Linux distributions. And the recommendation in the light of recent events, turn off all the auto-update fuck, most likely there will be more harm than good from them. I personally completely turn off updates on server versions of Windows and sleep peacefully.
    1. 0
      April 18 2015 19: 08
      Quote: Pathfinder
      which Windows will be disabled? 8-ku, 7-ku, but XP

      it's the same thing! and notice our vulnerability at least in the fact that the source code is "closed" for us, but for them it is "open", I would even say "native and understandable".
  12. Da ladno
    April 18 2015 07: 22
    My God, you are also cyber warriors. whois server to help you

    ************************************************** *******************
    * Please note that the following result could be a subgroup of *
    * the data contained in the database. *
    * Additional information can be visualized at: *
    * *
    ************************************************** *******************

    Status: clientDeleteProhibited
    Created: 2009-11-18 10:37:31
    Last Update: 2014-08-28 09:30:17
    Expire Date: 2015-08-28

    Organization: Wise Web Mariusz ?? urawek

    Admin contact
    Name: Mariusz ?? urawek
    Organization: Wise Web Mariusz ?? urawek

    technical contacts
    Name: Mariusz ?? urawek
    Organization: Wise Web Mariusz ?? urawek

    Organization: OVH
    Name: OVH-REG

  13. +13
    April 18 2015 07: 23
    Some rules to counter hacker attacks:
    - I saw in the mail a letter from an unknown recipient - delete immediately;
    - you need to purchase a licensed version of the domestic antivirus and debug it in accordance with the counteraction to the attack of attackers;
    - if you think that you are participating in "hostilities" on the Internet, do not use electronic invoices when paying for housing and communal services, buying goods in online stores. This can be done by personally coming to the bank, or by inviting a courier.
    - if you feel that the computer has slowed down, restart it or turn it off for a while - perhaps it is used for a hacker attack on some server or site, or someone got into it;
    - regularly clean your computer from spam, rootkits, etc. garbage that comes from the network;
    - if the computer is infected, contact an IT specialist or the provider company that provided you with an IP address so that they can make a qualified conclusion about what happened and took the necessary measures.
    And so on.
    And it is time for our competent authorities and ourselves to lay out instructions for users on countering criminals attacking our computers.
    1. +3
      April 18 2015 08: 07
      Letters to the mail with viral attachments, no matter how you warn them, open in half the cases, and on household computers, lamers have a bunch of applications that do not glow in programs and it will not work to remove some of them through standard uninstallation of programs. Most often, the computer starts to slow down terribly or not even terribly, the users grumble, but continue to press on the keyboard and press the "dead man", and some of the most "advanced" ones go to add memory, buy a new percentage until the system is completely clogged, then marvel at the zoo on the hard. But such is the price of curiosity and it will always be
  14. +3
    April 18 2015 07: 24
    "For Russians and Ukrainians, who are accustomed to living in many respects through a stump deck and not trusting electronic accounts, such a threat is ugh."
    Reflecting on many comments, I come to the conclusion - hubris. Don't underestimate the threats. Americans call this a "threat to national security" (though they call many things in the world that way). You shouldn't shout "Hurray", but know how to act. Are there instructions on how to respond to such letters, where to forward them to the competent authorities for work - it wouldn't hurt to know? I don't know. This is not the business of admins or individual citizens, but of government agencies.
  15. +3
    April 18 2015 07: 38
    The style of threats is clearly American.
    Bandera dogs are illiterate.
  16. +4
    April 18 2015 08: 01
    We have already fed this "dog", shoved a tasty treat to it (gas for the population in Ukraine was cheaper than in Russia), forgiven crushed cats and eaten chickens. May be enough? Maybe it's time to see the vet? Castrate? Or even put to sleep?
  17. 0
    April 18 2015 08: 13
    UkroDivanetspetsnaz raaavnitsya! Keyboards for inspection !! On lei, pah. On yuutyub step march !!
    1. +1
      April 18 2015 10: 39
      Lei? And then I read on gays wassat
  18. +6
    April 18 2015 08: 20
    Cyber ​​war is certainly awesome, this is certainly not the word X on the fence to write. Some of the information described in the article is easy to collect even for an amateur. Comrade a few comments above, gave a banal example, based on the whois service. At the expense of payment systems, I wonder, why, now all resources require binding to payment systems? Those people who believe that the password 1234 is the apotheosis of cryptography themselves are to blame. When I work on the Internet at home, I am relatively confident in protection from all sorts of ghouls (like those about whom the article is about), the ports on the router are under control, and utilities for monitoring network activity to help (there is only one Microsoft with its services that will lead into a stupor who and where only it does not hammer from a computer). And outside the house, I use Tails, I watched one time in a cafe, how a little man was engaged in sniffing (intercepting visitors' data), on my laptop he was specifically hanging. And the fact that in the article is more a dumb thing than a real threat.
    1. +1
      April 18 2015 08: 43
      and how many peppers did that break? dozens, so any warning is not superfluous, especially with the craze for free Wi-Fi
    2. 0
      April 18 2015 09: 48
      Quote: Averias
      Some of the information described in the article is easy to collect even for an amateur.

      ))) crap)
  19. 0
    April 18 2015 08: 44
    I read, the US said FAC, maybe with some eyesight.
  20. +1
    April 18 2015 08: 45
    From our side there is "Cyberberkut" - they are good at spreading incriminating evidence
    1. 0
      April 18 2015 19: 13
      which one is yours it's fake! and it is still unknown to whom this fake is beneficial.
  21. 0
    April 18 2015 08: 51
    The autor was lashed out, and he choked with snot: "cyber war!", "Terrorists in my outlet!", "The USA hacked my iron with the hands of xoxes!" Laughter. Welcome to the Age of Cybercretism. I put loops on the network and thinks that in diapers. To me, too, "Enigma" ... Maybe this is the only way to treat seteholics?
  22. 0
    April 18 2015 09: 36
    "... On the civilian trail ..." - the author, "civilian" and "civilian" - these are 2 big differences, keep in mind for the future.
  23. 0
    April 18 2015 09: 40
    We will deal with these boars ... laughing
  24. 0
    April 18 2015 09: 43
    Quote: Erg
    Do they have enough paper to write down the "enemies" of Ukraine?

    They have a problem with paper now, again they are trying to lift their tail in the DPR and LPR. All the paper in the Ukop troops.
  25. +1
    April 18 2015 09: 45
    Whose softina whose iron? What should you expect? Even if there is no compromising evidence, they will attach it to you !!!
  26. +2
    April 18 2015 10: 14
    Yes, this very Heimdal is just one of the US cyber warriors .. You just carefully read the article and his alleged "warning" ... There can be no two opinions here ..
    1. 0
      April 18 2015 17: 08
      You remind me of people who, in the 30s, were accused of "worship" or even espionage. officers talking about the need for armored troops and doubting the possibility of victory in a future war using cavalry as shock formations.
  27. +1
    April 18 2015 10: 30
    Is there only a letter to him? I also want to!!!! smile
    1. +1
      April 18 2015 12: 46
      Quote: pofigisst74
      Is there only a letter to him? I also want to!!!! smile

      Let us all scare. A trifle, but nice.

      Children's horror story:
      - Grandma, can I scare you?
      - Parrot, granddaughter parrot?
      - Take off your face, striking b ... d, poke out my eyes!
  28. +2
    April 18 2015 11: 06
    I also received such a letter. In response, he wrote: "Kill you, dill muzzle."
  29. 0
    April 18 2015 11: 31
    yes will not chop the branch on which they hang and pump the loot.
  30. 0
    April 18 2015 11: 38
    Cyber ​​war? And they still didn’t attack me, it's a shame.
  31. 0
    April 18 2015 11: 48
    and what kind of war did the United States win \ well itself \ ...
    besides civil ...
    1. +2
      April 18 2015 13: 47
      Another big question: did they win the civilian or lose? In civilian (by definition, it is impossible to win) if they declared victory on one side, then the other then lost. And the civil war. Legal incident.
  32. Denis Skiff M2.0
    April 18 2015 12: 01
    Whatever you think we are bluffing -> here logins - passwords of random 100 users from the database (id, login, fio, passhash, password)
    probably they sat for a long time creating these accounts and tried and nifiga did not work))) what can they be taught there. gorehackers
  33. +3
    April 18 2015 12: 20
    What a cyber war ?! Zilch and only. For example, a criminal case was brought against me in Ukraine ... Hmm, well, it sounds like a lawsuit on Mars. wassat My data is widely publicized, thanks for advertising good My account is blocked (it's not a pip list), well, let's create a new one ...
  34. +3
    April 18 2015 12: 40
    No superhackers, even with 3 assaults, 4 heads and 8 hands, can harm Russian industry, defense and energy.
    Industry, defense and energy do not have access to the Internet; they have their own local networks and their own computers and supercomputers of Russian manufacture, connected by fiber-optic communication lines.
    And vulgar secrets and accounts of private individuals are valuable only to private individuals.
  35. Gag
    April 18 2015 12: 45
    thanks, did not know about this resource laughing
  36. 0
    April 18 2015 12: 50
    Send in three letters and forget. But those who live on the outskirts of the border, the more difficult. But let them think - for this gallop?
  37. +2
    April 18 2015 13: 42
    Quote: Heimdall
    Now no one is fighting with anyone and is not going to!

    You are mistaken. They are just going to fight with us. Moreover, the war has already begun and is going on, a multi-level war of a new type. And we not only resist, but sometimes deliver preemptive strikes. You need to look a little deeper at what is happening.
    1. -3
      April 18 2015 17: 15
      Quote: EvgNik
      You need to look a little deeper at what is happening.

      that's for sure. we only lost the war. we are not even a colony. (USA colony). our "elite" are enemies! we are robbed and destroyed and small bonuses in the form of Crimea and so on so that we continue to maintain this order of things!
  38. +3
    April 18 2015 14: 16
    when you try to turn off the hards or "ruin" Windows in Russia, an answer will immediately fly in, there was already a power outage in the states, like try the reaction and as a small warning, do not bury yourself gentlemen, and there smart people understood. In short, the states in this war are also unlucky and the damage will be much greater.
    1. 0
      April 18 2015 19: 17
      did you disconnect belay probably you killed the dead sea too? request
      1. 0
        April 18 2015 22: 17
        Quote: Heimdall
        did you disconnect

        I also did not understand something about turning off the lights in the states (by us !!! ???). Tornado, as I understand it, are recorded in the asset of our special forces for the climate?
  39. 0
    April 18 2015 17: 28
    I also received the same crap in the mail. Like we know about your usernames and passwords on Twitter and Instagram. We also know the electronic account number and payment password for It was three weeks ago.
    True, I do not have accounts either on twitter or on instagram, and has not been working since January and I have not had an account there. But for the heroes of the Internet front, this is a trifle ...
  40. +3
    April 19 2015 20: 49
    Here it would be necessary for Dimon Aifonych to tweet this article. Maybe I could scratch my bald spot. The redhead would explain everything to him, he would give our mini-nanosilicon Russian "ayfo-o-onishche" with a typesetting disk mounted aggregates for storing data in a chumadan with all the stickers from FAPSI.
    No, comrades, the situation is really very serious. We need import substitution in everything. It’s a long, expensive business, but absolutely necessary. Our centennial misfortune is temporary workers. Saltykov himself, along with Shchedrin, described all our ailments, and here, things are still there! Are we so lazy? Although, until the thunder strikes three times, the Russian peasant is not baptized (c).