Cyberwar went: the US commanded Ukraine "face!"

"Your profile on hacked
The newsletter was created at the request of friends from Ukrainian kibervoysk ...
The site administration tried to hide the fact of hacking, thereby allowing access to the data of more than 4500 users (social networks, Skype, mail, file sharing) ...
With the help of the virus, more than 350 000 PCs were infected and terabytes of important information were received ...
After processing the data and otppavki in the SBU on 80 percent of users started criminal proceedings (for all bloggers for inciting ethnic hatred and segmentation on the integrity of Ukraine)
More than 600 people were arrested on the territory not occupied by Russian troops.
- 610 separatists and separatist propagandists for various articles.
- 10 servicemen for whom correspondence and data transfer to the separatists were detected.
- More than 5 people were fired from the Ministry of Internal Affairs / SBU.
- 3 arrested by the Interior Ministry militiaman.
- Opened the network of Russian saboteurs in Kharkov and Odessa (had the imprudence to register on
Tomorrow in the evening all the holes on will be posted on the hacker forums, respectively subsequent hackers will also receive all your logins / passwords.
First of all, they will take up your electronic and banking services (every second has paypal, yandex, webmoney)
A small list with an example of those affected by hacking (...)
Whatever you think we are bluffing -> here logins - passwords of random 100 users from the database (id, login, fio, passhash, password)
Now our warning, for all who continue to visit the resource and write Ukrainophobic messages, as soon as your next login is recorded, all personal information received will be published with maximum harm (correspondence etc. and etc.)
If you received this email, your profiles were hacked and a maximum of information has already been received and transferred to the Security Service of Ukraine
This last warning further base with your info will be available to any hacker.
For more persuasiveness, the distribution comes from the mailbox of one of the users »
This letter, received not by me alone and containing examples of actual hacking of the database, can be attributed to the Ukrainians by its characteristic handwriting. But since Ukraine is now serving as a loyal dog of the United States, having mastered their commands, “face!” And “towards foot!”, The owner is primarily responsible for the actions of the pet. And these actions are of a pronounced terrorist nature: an attempt to catch up with fear through the threat of depriving people of their freedom, money and the disclosure of their personal data. All this falls under 137, 163, 272, and other articles of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, including the punishment of unauthorized access to computer information.
There is such a thing on the civil track in this newsletter. Get some kind of respectable American woman like that, she would surely faint. For the Americans are the slaves of pro forma and instructions, they are afraid even to change the light bulb in the car; and the penetration of their holy of holies - personal accounts and data - is a real horror for them. For Russians and Ukrainians, who are accustomed in many ways to live through a stump-deck and do not trust electronic bills, such a threat is ugh. That is, the idea clearly emerged from overseas.
But this miss of dirty tricks does not mean her innocence. Firstly, according to our law, the criminal intent itself, which has not even reached the goal for reasons beyond the control of the attacker, is treated as a crime. And secondly, today the cybervoin missed, tomorrow will aim better - and it will fall! And, I think, the duty of our special services is to give your hard answer to these cyber searches of the enemy. Of course, not in a mirror, illegal manner, but in the legal framework of the fight against cyber-terrorism, for which there are enough special means.
Judging by this pirated letter, the cyberwar states announced to us will be conducted from the Ukrainian springboard - what is their next mean trick. The United States is indeed in many respects the territory of its legality: the Senate passed a law to bomb Iraq - and everyone is happy, everyone laughs. But the illegal mailing of "mean" letters of terrorism with signs of terrorism can be very disliked by the arrogant American voter. And for such cases, Ukraine is best suited - the territory of “revolutionary lawlessness”, from which there is no demand.
That is, the dog-Ukraine barks and bites, and its owner, as if standing apart, has nothing to do with it. But just touch it - the same imaginary stranger will immediately raise a noble howl on some article about the cruel treatment of animals. This conflict exists, by the way, in our legislation: if you are bitten by an evil master dog, come and prove the master's guilt! And if you hit her back, you can easily pay for harming someone else's property.
In short, this cyberwar has been declared, and the crime in the indicated list is obvious. And it would be worth our lawyers, by all similar facts, to tie and link all the necessary evidence — and find how to stick them in the face of the “dog owner”. And with a stupid dog you have to act like a stupid dog. The best method is to portray that you grab a stone from the ground in order to run into it: even the most aggressive dogs are then turned back. And then you can pet him and feed him ...