Hunting Academy

Even the name of Peter the Great does not save the rocket men from exile from Moscow

A series of publications in the newspaper "Military Industrial Complex" on the reform of military science and military education proves: administrative itch is not yet moderate. Readers know the intention of the leadership of the Ministry of Defense to redeploy to the Balashikha Moscow Region Military Academy of the Strategic Missile Forces named after Peter the Great and the 4 Central Research Institute of the Ministry of Defense, combining them into a military educational and scientific center of the Strategic Missile Forces. This implies the liquidation of the Spetsstroy Military-Technical University based in Balashikha with the transfer of its funds for the placement of the newly formed VUNC.

It is unlikely that an extremely negative reaction of the academy’s staff to such a decision was unexpected for someone. Scientific-pedagogical workers and veterans of the Academy reflected their bewilderment and disagreement in collective appeals to the Minister of Defense, the President, the State Duma and the Security Council. The statutory deadlines for the consideration of these letters have expired or are expiring, but there are still no answers.

Since 20 March, a lively discussion has been launched in the network on this issue, initiated by the appearance of a comment by State Duma deputy (Communist Party faction), Doctor of Technical Sciences Ivan Nikitchuk entitled “Is the Defense Ministry again a real estate trading company?”. Officials of the department did not enter the discussion, an “unnamed source” otdivaetsya for them, which, on the one hand, confirms the intention to redeploy the academy and the 4 Central Research Institute, and on the other hand, makes it clear that this is not the initiative of the Ministry of Defense. Whose? And why did the ministry completely agree with her?

Up to full optimization

The most remarkable thing in the program for the creation of educational and scientific centers that is being promoted is that the fate of being hastily relocated is prepared only for the Strategic Missile Forces Academy. The remaining educational and research organizations involved in the next stage of the reform either do not move anywhere or are relocated only when the necessary infrastructure is ready. What are the rocket men guilty before their native state? And why did it take such an unusual for peacetime emergency relocation method?

The staff of the academy, who for ethical reasons had not previously intended to remove the rubbish from the departmental hut, did not consider it possible to continue to remain silent. We were also pushed to this by the fact that the command of the academy and the Strategic Missile Forces, for a number of reasons, is not free in choosing and defending their position. In this regard, the top goes dosed and retouched information that does not reflect the tragedy of the situation. Perhaps the radical solutions to the academy are partly explained by this. So we consider it our duty to expose the truth in all its glory.

The positive effect of the integration of military universities and specialized research institutes by domestic practice has not yet been confirmed. The experience of such a reorganization has not even been properly analyzed by anyone. To take the word for today's initiators of the next stage of reform, to recklessly rely on foreign practice at least frivolously. And earlier, when there were several universities in each branch of the Armed Forces and the kind of troops (up to nine in the Rocket Forces), the reformist mistakes were painful. Now, when the only institution of higher education has remained in the RVSN, they can have irreparable consequences.

In general, with regard to the concept of VUNC RVSN in the configuration of the Military Academy of the RVSN - 4 Central Research Institute, one thing is certain: it is necessary that at least one of the two components (and better both) be able to fulfill the role of a locomotive. Alas, neither the academy, nor the institute, exhausted by previous organizational experiments, are now incapable of such a role. And the union of the two weakened organizations will only lead to their joint accelerated degradation.

Hunting Academy


It is necessary to provide an opportunity for the university and the research institute to recover from the shocks in their usual organizational environment for several years. And only after that proceed to the integration.

At present, after the multi-stage “optimization” of the military education system, the Academy has remained the only institution of higher education of the Strategic Missile Forces with a branch in Serpukhov in the Moscow Region and a country training center in the Kaluga Region. Prepares command-engineering and scientific-pedagogical personnel for all types and types of troops of the Armed Forces, the General Staff, the 12-th Main Directorate, other central military bodies of the Ministry of Defense. Until recently, orders for the training of military engineers were placed here by the FSO and the FSB. According to its profile, the Academy is a strictly regime institution where issues of state secret protection and special selection of permanent and variable staff have a high weight.

Despite the great losses incurred as a result of the never-ending reforming, especially in 2007 – 2012, the Academy still has an impressive scientific and pedagogical potential, sufficient for the qualitative solution of the tasks assigned to it. It consists of 112 PhDs (92 percent is for civilian personnel) and 412 PhDs (55 percent is civilian personnel), 24 scientific schools, including 5 recognized by the country's leading and supported by grants from the President of Russia. To replenish and build up the scientific potential, 20 dissertation councils of the Higher Attestation Commission with the right to defend closed doctoral and candidate theses in 6 branches of science and 5 scientific specialties have been successfully deployed for about 17 years. The academy employs 15 laureates of state value prizes; about 140 employees are awarded state and departmental honorary titles. As civilian personnel, a dozen or so senior officers in retirement, who held positions from the commander of the missile division, are equal and above, and also more than 90 of yesterday's officers, heads of the main structural divisions of the academy, transfer their invaluable experience to the trainees. A system of spiritual and moral education of rocket officers was created and debugged, which is considered one of the priorities of modern military education in the academy.

Object of special attention

From the first years of the modern period of Russian statehood, the Academy, more precisely, about 13 hectares of land under its buildings and structures in the center of Moscow, has been the subject of close attention of many. Apparently, the official palm in this should be given to the former mayor Yuri Luzhkov. In 1994-1998, he twice appealed to President Boris Yeltsin with a request to agree to study the option of creating a complex of buildings for the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation on the territory of the academy. In exchange, it was promised to erect up to 50 thousand square meters of premises in the South-Western region of Moscow. Pavel Grachev, who headed the Ministry of Defense in 1994, did not object in principle to the redeployment of the academy under these conditions. Due to the encumbrance of the Academy buildings with the status of a protected facility and the onset of the economic crisis, these plans were not realized, but they were not forgotten. The defense ministers changed, but every two or three years there was another version of the relocation (a structural unit of the General Staff Military Academy to its funds, to Serpukhov, to Vlasikha, to Bolshevo, etc.). Already without the obligation of advance arrangement. Anatoly Serdyukov came especially close to achieving his desired goal. At the end of 2007, he devoted his short stay at the academy only to a cursory inspection of the territory and a careful study of security certificates in historical building. The intervention of the State Duma and personally Communist Deputy Sergei Obukhov did not allow to complete the expulsion of the university from its habitable place at that time. However, the prevailing nervous situation persisted, corrupting people, preventing the allocation of funds for repair and infrastructure development, provoking the outflow of the most valuable, experienced and promising personnel from the academy, complicating the already difficult reception situation. Especially from among civic youth.

The situation around and inside the academy began to noticeably improve with the appointment of Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu. During his visit to the university at the end of 2012, he publicly expressed the desirability of leaving the academy in a traditional location. And next year, he documented this decision, approving the program for the development of the university to 2020, which includes the necessary measures for the reconstruction and technical re-equipment of the buildings occupied by the academy. People finally breathed a sigh of relief, began to fully engage in their direct responsibilities. Especially since the transition to a new legislative basis of national education, the next reassignment of universities and the resumption of the recruitment of cadets that were interrupted by Serdyukov for three years increased the volume of tasks several times.

Unfortunately and a great disappointment, the respite was short-lived. In 2014, the new chairman of the Supreme National Command of the Armed Forces, Stanislav Suvorov, initiated another round of hysteria around the military-scientific complex. There is a variant of the formation of VUNC RVSN on the funds built from scratch for three to five years in Odintsovo. Note that this proposal at the academy did not cause much criticism. Mainly because it assumed the advance preparation of the entire modern infrastructure, did not create additional difficulties in cooperation with the command of the Strategic Missile Forces and provided the necessary time resource for working out mechanisms to counter possible problems. However, the Academy and the 4 Central Research Institute did not even have time to comprehend this prospect, as in early February the task was set to work out an emergency (until 1 September 2015) September relocation of the Academy to Balashikha for the funds of the Military Technical University. After building the missing buildings, the 2016 Central Research Institute should also move there until the end of 4.

On the basis of inconvenience

The planned redeployment of the Military Academy of the Strategic Missile Forces cannot be considered in isolation, outside the context of the ongoing reforms of military education and science. Dozens of educational institutions were liquidated, ostensibly as unnecessary. Many are reformatted and / or relocated. Among them are the Academy: Military Engineering named after V.V. Kuybyshev, armored forces named after R.Ya. Malinovsky, radiation, chemical and biological protection named after S.K. Tymoshenko, Air Force named after Yu.A. Gagarin, Military-air engineering behalf of Professor N. E. Zhukovsky. Now, this sad series should replenish the Military Academy of the Strategic Missile Forces named after Peter the Great. The destructive process continues.

Why in general is our military leadership so disposed towards the redeployment of universities? Having stepped on a rake once, it still has not bothered to instruct an independent expert commission to identify the positive and negative consequences and present them to the public on a public display.

It is well known that the university environment, in contrast to the purely military one, is rather conservative. It is precisely this that makes it possible to parry continuous local destabilization in the form of a change of generations of teachers and scholars, educational paradigms and technologies, changes in the requirements for the content of student training, reduction of quantitative and qualitative parameters of their recruitment, etc., provides the possibility of steady progressive development. Of course, until the intensity of destabilization reaches the threshold of irreversible destruction.

Certain losses, primarily personnel, are inevitable with any redeployment. And even in the most benign options, it will take some time (years) to restore the university to its former condition. However, what is scheduled to be done with the Military Academy of the Strategic Missile Forces, otherwise it is impossible to qualify as a deliberate defeat. Even if the initiators and performers are not aware of this.

Balashikha is near, but it is extremely inconvenient to get from Moscow. On average, two to three hours one way with several transfers (including by taxi) and additional transport costs. In addition, when relocating outside the Moscow Ring Road, both military and civilian personnel will lose in remuneration. Plus, the problems of employment, study, medical care for family members, etc. Due to the combination of these simple human inconveniences, the majority of qualified civilian personnel (and these are mostly aged people) will not go to Balashikha until 15 – 20. According to preliminary estimates, this will entail the loss of up to 70 percent of the existing human resources, including almost all scientific schools, and the self-disintegration of most dissertation councils. It is impossible to quickly compensate for such terrible losses by equivalent specialized specialists with appropriate tolerances. That is, a collapse in the quality of educational activities at the university is inevitable for at least the next five to ten years. This will especially affect the professional training of commanders and engineers for military units of the level of a rocket regiment - a rocket division - an object of the 12-th GU MO. Nowhere, except for the academy, such specialists are not being prepared now and the transfer of this function to another university is excluded in the foreseeable future. After all, it is these people who should later play a key role in solving the tasks of maintaining alertness and nuclear safety. The undermining of the scientific potential and the destruction of part of dissertation councils will make it impossible for qualified reproduction of certified scientists to replace lost ones, not to mention ensuring the improvement of the quality of graduates' training claimed by the initiators of the redeployment.

Currently available buildings and facilities of the university are able to satisfy the needs of the academy in training, laboratory and other premises by no more than 30 – 40 percent. These and reconstructed premises of the WTU are completely unsuitable and cannot be used for the placement and storage of especially sensitive special items, conducting classes and performing research projects on the subject matter prevailing in the academy. Additional equipment and inspection of premises, construction of new ones for specific storage requirements for special products require new investments and are not carried out at the most rapid pace for three to four months. That is, if we exclude the authorized admissibility of absolute disregard for the protection of state secrets, it turns out that it is impossible to conduct classes and research on a closed subject at a new place. The duration of this period will be significantly affected by budget financing resources. They are known to be very limited now and are unlikely to expand in the future. We can not exclude the fact that the level of arrangement of the academy in a new place, which was urgently achieved by 1 in September of 2015, will remain so for a long time.

A blow to prestige and patriotism

A direct consequence of the everyday disorder and deterioration of the quality parameters of a permanent composition (albeit temporarily) will be a decrease in the prestige of the academy. This is definitely a negative impact on the acquisition. No one can guarantee that all customers of specialists (for example, the General Staff units) will put up with a decrease in their level of preparation, patiently waiting for the Academy to “recover” slowly. And without a stable order, any university loses the right to exist.

Our political and military leadership undoubtedly knows that in the present conditions of informational, political and economic aggression against Russia, the patriotism of the officer corps and the confidence of its command should not be doubted in the least. The unprepared redeployment of the Academy will destroy the system of spiritual-moral and military-patriotic education successfully fulfilling its mission for many years. In 90-s of the last century, this system was completely dismantled. The consequences are the spread in the military environment of pessimism, acquisitiveness and corruption, neglect of official duties and property separation, reduction of professionalism and the breakdown of successive ties between generations of rocket men.

A long search for new forms of spiritual and moral influence on people led to the creation of the Faculty of Orthodox Culture at the Academy in 1996 as a non-governmental institution of additional education. The initiative of the rocket engineers was supported by the Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia Alexy II and approved by the Military Council of the Strategic Missile Forces. At the end of the past and the beginning of the 21st century, the veteran movement began to flourish in the Strategic Missile Forces. Recognizing its enormous spiritual, moral and pedagogical potential, the command of the Strategic Missile Forces and the Academy contributed to the consolidation of veteran movements. As a result, in the 2003, the Moscow City Organization of Veterans of the Strategic Missile Forces was formed, numbering about 12 thousands of rocket men. The academy also became its base. An important element of the educational system is the academic museum. It is based in 1968 and is currently a research and educational unit, whose funds include about 10 thousands of storage units, more than 600 sculptures and paintings. The academic library plays an exceptional role in the intellectual development and personality formation of rocket officers - more than 825 thousands of storage units. Only a collection of rarities, including books of the XV century, has about 70 thousands of volumes.

The listed elements of the intellectual and material basis of the system of spiritual-moral and patriotic education cannot be placed on the supposed new place of the academy due to the lack of space. Thus, the educational work in it will be overwhelmed.

Eclipses national security

The above list of the destructive consequences of a voluntarist decision on the Academy is far from complete. Obviously, problems will arise with the implementation of plans to eliminate the Military-Technical University. In particular, with the fulfillment of contractual obligations to students enrolled on a fee basis, the employment of reduced officers and civilian personnel, the release of official housing.

Recently there have been hints that the redeployment of the academy, taking into account the identified problem issues, can be carried out in stages. At the beginning, the departments (or their part) and the variable composition, with which the classes begin with 1 September of the current year, move. The remaining units are relocated until the summer of 2016. This compromise, without changing anything on the merits, only strengthens the doubts about the validity of the whole undertaking with the redeployment at the appointed time of its commencement. After all, if part of the institution can still remain in the same place, why do you need to drive another part of it to the unfinished premises and imitate the supposedly successful start of the school year? Need to report to someone?

What is all this done for? They say that only for the benefit of the Academy. Say, on its current territory in Moscow, the university has no development prospects. We will try to clarify what kind of development we are talking about. Buildings and facilities at the Academy is enough. All the necessary infrastructure and training facilities have long been established either on the Moscow site or in the suburban training center and branch office. Only moderate and timely funds are required for their maintenance, repair and modernization. Moreover, if the academy’s area of ​​its academic building was returned to the units of the Ministry of Defense’s apparatus, it would be quite possible for them to accommodate today's 4 Central Research Institute, since its integration with the Academy in the framework of the VUNC is the main driving idea. In any case, the cost of developing the academy, including the option of creating VUNC RVSN in its present territory, would be incomparably smaller than that required for the infrastructure in Balashikha. And most importantly, all the unacceptable relocation costs would be practically nullified.

The point, apparently, is different. Most likely, as was the case with previous attempts to expel the academy from the capital, at the end of a personal or corporate financial interest. It seems so big that it overshadows even national security issues.

In our deep conviction, the planned redeployment of the Military Academy of the Strategic Missile Forces to Balashikha, it is unclear than motivated and unprepared, objectively lead to the destruction of one of the leading military universities in Russia. With all the attendant additional and extremely inappropriate problems now ensuring the security of the country.

The authors hope that this article will be considered as an additional open reference to the leadership of the Russian Federation and the Ministry of Defense.
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  1. +9
    April 15 2015 18: 33
    The ruins of the former VKU in Perm bitterly remind the townspeople of the past greatness and pride of the Armed Forces. How many generations have passed there, and here is the devastation and the next round of squeezing the land from rocket launchers in Moscow. When will this bacchanal of moneybags end, this ball of Satan and reason will finally triumph? Time to
    1. +5
      April 15 2015 18: 48
      when ???? never, for the liberal will of the government will not allow this.
      1. +1
        April 15 2015 22: 29
        Tomorrow there will be
      2. 0
        April 15 2015 23: 43
        And who will protect the president except the Army? The oligarchs? - I hope he understands this, the situation has long been moving towards the 37 year - either to clean the scale of the NEP, or to be buried in the ruins of the offensive by the neocons of Americanism
    2. ltshyi01
      April 15 2015 18: 51
      I don’t understand, it’s like they began to rebuild the army, and suddenly such showers! Apparently some sort of sabotage again!
      1. +3
        April 15 2015 20: 12
        Quote: ltshyi01
        and suddenly such showers! Apparently some sort of sabotage again!

        The most probable announcement of RAO UES (formerly Chubais) for the privatization of the academy complex. They are across the fence from each other ..... Apparently RAO cabinets are not enough with a view of the Moscow River ....
      2. -2
        April 16 2015 06: 32
        No sabotage! It's just that the audience does not want to leave the capital, to endure inconvenience. After all, there is a sea of ​​hangers-on attached to the army and science. So they began to speculate on everything holy. There is experience. Serving the country is in the background. The main thing is a warm place for its fifth point. I know from the Mona Academy - how many drones were there!
        1. 0
          April 16 2015 09: 55
          TVM - 75

          "Drones" are everywhere.

          That is the system.
        2. The comment was deleted.
    3. +4
      April 15 2015 18: 52
      Only when we will again live in a socialist state. And not otherwise.
    4. sent-onere
      April 15 2015 18: 57
      Where is our state looking ??? How can one transfer such an academy with its scientific potential and its teaching staff? Indeed, in Balashikha there is no necessary number of classrooms, laboratories, teachers, and in the end there is nowhere for families of military personnel to live there! The academy will lose 60 percent of teachers of literate, smart mentors. And the prestige of the academy will be lost forever !! How much can you build shopping centers ??? Think about education! About the legacy! What will you leave for future tingling ??? Another shopping center ???
    5. sent-onere
      April 15 2015 18: 58
      Serdyukov-Taburetkin has already been removed from office for two years, but Serdyukovshchina - his course towards reduction and enlargement in the Army still lives and thrives, maybe it’s enough to reduce it, and so it has already been reduced to unimaginable limits, apparently all this insanity happens by inertia and can’t stop at all.
  2. +8
    April 15 2015 18: 35
    "We are deeply convinced that the planned relocation of the Strategic Missile Forces Military Academy to Balashikha, which is incomprehensibly motivated and unprepared, will objectively lead to the destruction of one of the leading military universities in Russia. With all the additional and extremely inappropriate now problems of ensuring the country's security."

    This is a serious reason to appeal directly to the Supreme Commander-in-Chief and the Minister of Defense.
    I believe that such an appeal will have the support of all the largest representatives of military science and military education. Ask a question tomorrow in a direct conversation with the president. He will not remain unanswered.
  3. +2
    April 15 2015 18: 36
    If they cope with the tasks, why "optimize" !?
    1. +4
      April 15 2015 19: 05
      Quote: Mole
      , why "optimize" !?

      Is Serdyukovshchina coming back? Or his accomplices? It is easy to destroy a well-functioning education cycle, but to recreate it is incredibly difficult, and sometimes impossible! I wonder what the next "reformers" are trying to achieve ?!
      1. +4
        April 15 2015 20: 56
        This is the next round of history, remember there was once such a school KVVAUL, in 1999 ordered to live long. They said right now how to optimize, and so what? There were several vocational schools can not be said more. The whole huge material base of the first school of pilots in Russia rotted on the parade ground in Yeysk. The same will be with these academies and research institutes. And by the way, the Chubais snout is clearly glowing here and there.
  4. +11
    April 15 2015 18: 36
    Yes, the land in the capital is expensive. ... will be built up with "elite" housing for thieves. ... it's simple. ..
    In this regard, metered and retouched information that does not reflect the tragedy of the situation goes upstairs.
    As well as in health care, education. .. all these endless reforms and "optimization" are just a desire to take everything away. ...
    1. +6
      April 15 2015 19: 18
      "optimization" = collapse + theft + reduction
      In my subjective opinion, most of the optimizations performed by optimizers, unfortunately, lead to the opposite effect. But then the optimizers begin to intensively "wipe the glasses" and justify their failure. It is fashionable and at the same time profitable to be an optimizer, you will lose no responsibility at all ...
  5. +5
    April 15 2015 18: 37
    They are not looking for good from good ...... We need to develop military science in existing areas, why the extra spending on construction, relocation, etc.
    1. +5
      April 15 2015 18: 45
      Moreover, the modern construction industry makes it possible to expand the space on site with the least cost. Stsuki, to find whoever benefits from all these castling ...
    2. sent-onere
      April 15 2015 19: 00
      Quote: dmi.pris
      They are not looking for good from good ...... We need to develop military science in existing areas, why the extra spending on construction, relocation, etc.

      Any new construction (and especially contingency) is the development of funds. And so, we live, we are all after 1991.
    3. -2
      April 16 2015 06: 35
      This is purification. Parasites from the center will not go. Only people who support the cause and those who can and want to serve will remain.
      1. 0
        April 16 2015 09: 59
        TVM - 75

        Do not write nonsense!

        Where did you see the 30-35 summer KVN or doctor?

        All of them are far from 45 years and more.

        It takes time and experience to get a degree.

        And "cheering for the cause" is not enough! It is necessary to have appropriate brains.
      2. The comment was deleted.
  6. +9
    April 15 2015 18: 45
    This issue with the move still stood when I was studying there. Of course, for moving to Odintsovo, everyone will be with two hands "for" the elite city of the near Moscow region. Housing there is more expensive than Moscow, but naturally no one wants to go to Balashikha with transport problems and ecology. And the 4th Central Research Institute from Yubileiny to Odintsovo is a good option, and Balashikha again does not roll in comparison with the same Mytishchi in any way.
    In general, the teaching staff does not agree to apartments in Balashikh. Which has built the MO for "ordinary" warriors on the outskirts of the fields. But in Odintsovo, who would argue. There is housing only for the "elite" / Vlasikha does not count there is a separate topic / smile That’s the whole point of the conflict.
    Of course, the only cause for concern is the fate of the simply gorgeous museum of the academy; nevertheless, it is impossible to remove the museum from the historical building.
    1. +3
      April 15 2015 18: 57
      Quote: Ascetic
      Yes, and 4 CRI from Yubileiny to Odintsovo is a good option,

      On the one hand, yes, and on the other, compare the distance from Moscow to Odintsovo and Yubileiny ...
      Well and then: what does moving mean ??? It’s not a bastard Leiteha - he threw a bag-bag on his shoulder and went to another place to serve ... Everything has been worked out, everything is functioning ... I don’t know, maybe there’s nowhere to build housing (I left there in 1999), or something else that’s the reason ...
      Still stupidity ... And not just stupidity ...
      1. -3
        April 15 2015 21: 20
        How do you know that everything is functioning? Petition signers said?
        I don’t know what the HEIs were like under the USSR, but nowadays they are significantly inferior in quality to the training of engineers for civilian universities.
        Perhaps the academy is not as valuable as it is seen from the inside.
        Besides, are all the employees indigenous to Muscovites? Hardly. Most successfully settled in from other regions and warmed up, but now they do not want to move out. Orders, as you know, are not discussed.
        1. +3
          April 15 2015 22: 16
          Quote: ilyaspb
          How do you know that everything is functioning?

          If you noticed in my commentary, I’m mainly talking about 4 Central Research Institute ... Recently, I literally spoke on the phone with an old colleague who lives there and continues to work as a civilian employee (he is already retired) ...

          Notice what root of evil I’m talking about: Yubileiny (4 Central Research Institute) is FAR NOT Moscow (although not far from it) ... Figuratively speaking, it is only called a city, but in fact - a small military town located in a rather inconvenient place, as in a corner of some kind ... This is not a place and buildings in Moscow ... And this is the Central Research Institute, where people have been working since 1949 ... It does not bother anyone ... What is moving? ?? Disrupt all work ... What kind of work ??? And I described everything above ... So it turns out - golem wrecking and betrayal ...
          1. +1
            April 15 2015 23: 16
            What kind of job?

            In fact, the question is good. In specialized research institutes, there has long been an opinion that the Central Research Institute of the MO are excellent places for receiving bribes and no more. I would be very surprised if at least once I hear positive feedback from developers about representatives of such offices. In general, the opinion about "military science" is not high, I must say.
            Perhaps, of course, I’m not communicating with those.
    2. +3
      April 15 2015 19: 01
      I may not understand what, but the academy is part of the entire RF, the teaching staff are officers. What are the petitions in FIG. If there is an order, it means they must comply. It will be necessary - they will relocate to the Arctic. The Strategic Missile Forces Academy is a carrier of extremely important information about our missile units and in the center of a megalopolis, it doesn’t give a damn for security reasons. In addition, the construction of new buildings and training facilities is possible, which means you need a quiet place. And MO should not report on the reasons for the move. To Balashikha or beyond the Urals. You yourself have chosen your profession and that means you must be ready to move. In general, it seems that Serdyukov was right, and in the educational institutions of the Moscow Region there are more careerists accustomed to convenient nests than real officers. The stump in the center of Moscow is clear the most trump place for service, but where you serve is not for you to decide. It will be necessary - and the Caucasus or the Arctic will have to go, and not just in the suburbs.
      1. +2
        April 15 2015 19: 30
        They will serve where ordered, but is there any expediency of moving? Does the Academy have a task to increase the number of graduates several times over? Such a task seems not worth it. But the signs of "profit" are visible. If the base mat is not enough, then it is possible, without breaking the main base, to create an additional one, for example, in the Arctic for certain courses, while breaking the old is absolutely not necessary and will certainly be cheaper. There is nothing worse than living (in this case, studying) in an era of change (moving). The quality of education will definitely not increase from this!
      2. 0
        April 15 2015 21: 26
        This is not only in Moscow. At any military department in the regional center dozens of colonels are acquired, from whom, apart from crying about their own underestimation, almost no information can be obtained and the desire to work with cadets is zero. And as soon as they start talking, you understand that they themselves do not know the subject. The education system is rotten through and through.
        1. +3
          April 15 2015 22: 11
          The Military Academy of the Strategic Missile Forces named after Peter the Great and the 4th Central Research Institute of the Ministry of Defense are different from the military department in the regional center, like an elephant from a pug.
          The point is to unite them, and squeeze out the premises in the center of Moscow (sell, etc.). If the indicated units are currently fulfilling their tasks, why unite and relocate them? Why rebuild them from scratch when there are many other less costly options, without interruption or deterioration in the quality of the educational process, scientific activity? Breaking, and BECAUSE type is even better to create? It is optimal to create on the basis of what is already functioning, without major changes.
          1. +3
            April 16 2015 00: 05
            About scientific and educational activities in the Ministry of Defense, I said a little higher, you just noticed only about the military, as this message is closer to yours. In the scientific and teaching community, to put it mildly, they do not favor their colleagues from the Ministry of Defense, because for the most part they do not correspond to their scientific ranks.
            The staff in the paper units under the leadership of the military, by the way, for some reason, is always bloated to a dope.
            It is possible that there are plans to leave the minimum staff, and to send all those whose uselessness is noticed even by the military to retire.
      3. 0
        April 15 2015 23: 55
        Maybe you don’t understand ...
        Most of the valuable personnel of the departments have a length of service over 20 years and have given their homeland, there is still experience. (In addition to them, there are also valuable civilian personnel)
        With such cheers, recruits will be trained by officers with minimal military and pedagogical experience, and graduate graduates will not be needed by anyone. The compromise is Odintsovo, because a change of housing and the current indigenous prep are satisfied. You can drive young, with 20 years of experience it is unlikely that you are chasing anyone now.
      4. +1
        April 16 2015 10: 07

        The Academy, of course, is part of the Sun.

        It can be ordered by the Urals and the Arctic! ...

        But why? For what purpose?

        What? Will this increase the defense capabilities of the army and navy, and qualitatively change the training of officers? Or not?
        Quite the opposite! ...

        The question arises: is the result important for us (increasing the effectiveness of training at the academy) or the very fact of its relocation with a view to the subsequent sale of land?

        What do we want to achieve?

        A real officer is not determined at all by his place of service.
        1. 0
          April 16 2015 13: 22
          The goal is to fulfill the order. Why - the MO must not inform each officer otherwise we will get to discussing the orders of the commander on the battlefield - whether it is necessary to attack, or maybe the commander wants to get an asterisk and so on. Whether this will increase defense capability or not is decided by the General Staff and the Minister of Defense. The fact that many educational institutions could become a sump for officers and their staffs were inflated has long been said. As for experience - there is a good saying. Generals always prepare for the past war. The experience of wars of 20 years ago no longer plays a role in modern warfare, new weapons, new tactical structures, etc. So do not be afraid that without 20-year-olds sitting in their chairs, generals and colonels will be lost. It's time to carry out a generational change.
      5. The comment was deleted.
  7. +6
    April 15 2015 18: 50
    Again, someone fell into a foolishness ... And most likely - into theft ... The association and movement of academies taught them nothing. Gagarin and Zhukovsky ???

    Here in the article it is mainly written in defense of the academy ... That's right, it occupies a good, fat place in Moscow, which needs to be sold, grabbed, used according to the corruption scheme ... Here, even the ears are visible ...
    However, to interrupt the educational process of that type of troops, which is now the main factor in deterring the enemy that has already become real, this already smacks of betrayal of state interests ...
    Well, what about the Central Research Institute-4 ... bastards, did not finish it off from the end of the 80s, so they decided now ??? After all, he leads the scientific support of all new developments, in particular, he has good achievements on the former BZHRK, and now he works on the support of the new Barguzin ... And he also worked and works for ... let’s say so, space wars ... And - Sarmatia too ... And to disrupt this process ???

    And the most important thing. If the academy occupies a "fat" place in Moscow, then what kind of bank did the 4 Central Research Institute need to touch ??? If someone does not know, he is in the Moscow region, Yubileiny (a splinter from Kaliningrad-Korolev outside Moscow), does not touch anyone geographically and does not bother anyone ... you don't use offices anymore ... Everything will perish, collapse ...

    Damn, well, who needs it ??? !!! What damage, what expenses, what wrecking !!!
    Guys, Stopudovo is convinced that this idea arose for a reason, its goal is to not reduce the combat readiness of the Strategic Missile Forces, then at least reduce it ... Too recently, Russia has had positive shifts in this regard ...
    Those people who make such decisions, even theoretically, should not even be planted, but shot ... These are enemies !!!
  8. +11
    April 15 2015 18: 51
    As a simple citizen of Russia, I am against! As an alternative, I propose to relocate the Higher School of Economics to distant Moscow (I personally would send them generally to far abroad)!
    1. +6
      April 15 2015 18: 58
      Quote: NordUral
      I propose to relocate Higher School of Economics to distant Moscow

      To the tundra ... there is the place ...
    2. good fair
      April 15 2015 19: 11
      Quote: NordUral
      I propose to relocate Higher School of Economics to distant Moscow (personally, I would send them generally to far abroad)!

      And it’s better on Franz Joseph or on the Novosibirsk islands. Nekhai there celebrate their coven, at the same time and dietary meat for the owner of the Arctic.
  9. -1
    April 15 2015 19: 12
    How to remember in the "old" oath - "to endure the army difficulties." It's hard for thousands of generals and colonels to get to Balashikha. And if the Motherland sends to Anadyr or Dikson? After the revolution and the transfer of the capital to Moscow, the best places in the capital were received by party members, the government , military.
    There are a lot of scientific research institutes, military schools, academies. Like honey in Moscow. They settled in princely, county estates, with adjacent parks, fences. As a result, on the territory of a multimillion-dollar city, thousands of hectares of land are not controlled by the Moscow authorities. This property must be transferred to Moscow, property of the city. And not some Vasilyeva, and the company. And the military, as it should be, act on orders - say "is" and go to Balashikha, Serpukhov, Reutov, Podolsk and the like. With great respect hi
    1. +1
      April 15 2015 22: 41
      FA2998 / You say that the military should act on the order where they send it and serve. This is understandable, the military is the military. But the article says that 112 doctors of science teach there, of whom 92% are civilians, as well as 412 candidates of sciences, 55% of them are civilians. How can they be ordered as a military to go somewhere? It is possible that many of them still teach in civilian universities.
    2. +1
      April 16 2015 00: 04
      In order to call the warrior to execution, the elite itself is needed, stoically enduring difficulties and living quite ascetic. And without the 37 year, this cannot be built, and it is hardly possible to maintain a confrontation with the West without purging the elites. The campaign repeats the story, but the current mobilization readiness is not visible
    3. sined
      April 16 2015 07: 20
      I fully support your opinion. 1.Orders cannot be discussed, young missilemen are ashamed of the old former Soviet officers, that they whine like children. the academy has outlived its usefulness. science here is pathos with rare elements of common sense, this is due to the fact that young scientists are not given a path. Good positions are held by someone's henchmen with an incomprehensible reputation. There is no incentive to work. At the same time, the academy teaches well, apparently on old leaps and bounds, but the low qualifications of unprotected teachers with so-called "combat experience" leads everything to zero. Buildings are falling apart, no repairs are being made, and work motivation is diminishing. It's time, it's time to move out!
      1. 0
        April 16 2015 10: 42

        For some reason, you always confuse the academic system of education with the school ...

        I do not know why.

        About "old men-teachers".
        None of them "whine".
        Most of them at one time served in the Far East and Transbaikalia, and on Sakhalin ... And God knows where.
        Do not worry about this.

        But only the attitude to these teachers from the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation is bestial.
        After all, these are not slaves.
        These are officers with certain merits to the Fatherland.
        Moreover, at the moment, most of them are in stock or retired.
        So what are their questions?

        In the Soviet army, the system assumed that an officer after graduating from a military school received tactical training as a specialist and rode on the orders of his homeland to serve wherever ordered ...
        Where successfully gained practical experience in the specialty for many years.

        And only then, having risen to the captain (later to the major), had the right (on the recommendation of the command, etc., enter the academy and receive training at the operational level, and then graduate from the post-graduate course (military postgraduate study), defend a scientific rank (usually KVN) and, if desired, engage in teaching activities.
        And not every officer entered - the competition was decent there.

        So what doesn't suit you?

        About the "incentive".

        There is only one incentive - the training of a competent officer with his subsequent appointment to command posts (for a pilot, starting from the regiment commander).

        What kind of "incentive" are you talking about?

        And what "young scientists" are you mentioning here?
        Where do they come from?
      2. The comment was deleted.
  10. +3
    April 15 2015 19: 17
    Does Taburetkin's case continue?
  11. +6
    April 15 2015 19: 20
    And we have optimization everywhere. Fashion is like that. Take all of these optimizers and relocate. To the land of Franz Joseph, for example.
  12. +3
    April 15 2015 19: 26
    HSE is where the breeding ground for liberal enemies and pests of Russia's national interests! Unfortunately, the most important liberal is our guarantor. And he "does not give up his own", unlike the rest. The rest for a sweet soul!
  13. +3
    April 15 2015 19: 33
    This "golden calf" literally drives everyone crazy, it seems even those who seem to be trained to manage it.
    - They can control the Golden Body, but with their own greed, they cannot do anything!
  14. +4
    April 15 2015 19: 39
    A weak gentlemen from democracy, the Kremlin to translate in the near Moscow suburbs or where else ??? Look how much land is idle for nothing.

    This is sarcasm if no one understood.
  15. +3
    April 15 2015 19: 40
    Who needed tidbits of land? Those who want to do this must be divided in the north, set aside more and let them master, you bastards!
  16. +2
    April 15 2015 19: 45
    that the Serdyukov case turns out ... alive
  17. +1
    April 15 2015 19: 56
    For some reason, the destruction created in the USSR does not even cause surprise, the collective "approval" against the background of all this is surprising
  18. +4
    April 15 2015 20: 02
    Stanislav Suvorov is the former head of my native Mozhaika. His appointment to any position does not bode well.
  19. +4
    April 15 2015 20: 24
    Before translating, you need to make an analysis, and what happened to military science and those universities and academies, research institutes as a result of "optimization" in Serdyukov style. For example, the VAKHZ did not go to Kostroma more than one professor and doctor of sciences, and a good command school was destroyed in order to put the Academy there. Since it was no longer suitable for the title of the Academy, it was called a university. Of course, who argues that the officers must obey the order, but it so happened that as a result of all the collapse of the Army, military scientists were already retired. The bosses go to this understanding that this is really a golden fund and before leaving he must leave the students, otherwise there will be no succession. This is how they kill military science. Recently I was in my native university, which was liquidated under Serdyukov, grass grows on the parade ground through the asphalt around the ruins of educational buildings with broken windows and doors. Now they are trying to silence the results of the "reforms" with students. Here to know the authors of all this, and then all modest.
    1. -1
      April 16 2015 06: 45
      These are the little crooks and prepare the military elite. And whom will they bring up?
  20. +3
    April 15 2015 20: 27
    There is a repeat of the same crap as with the academies of Zhukovsky and Gagarin and other universities of the Air Force.
  21. +2
    April 15 2015 20: 33
    Serdyukov’s case lives and thrives. Serdyukov is a stupid, arrogant executor of other people's orders and it’s silly to hang on him the collapse of military education. He is only a performer, and why not steal at this time, because she is a bit embarrassed for not 37 years.
    Quote: tank64rus
    Recently I was in my native university liquidated under Serdyukov, grass grows on the parade ground through the asphalt around the ruins of educational buildings with broken windows and doors. Now they are trying to shut up the results of the "reforms" with students. Here to know the authors of all this, and then all modest.

    Everyone knows the authors of these reforms, they are embarrassed to say, no matter what happens.
  22. -3
    April 15 2015 20: 46
    Do it right. Under Shoigu, army property goes steeper. The recent arrest of an MO official who was cooler than Vasilyeva. The fact that the academy will be taken out of Moscow will make it healthier from the bureaucrats of the Ministry of Defense from the Arbat Military District
    1. +1
      April 16 2015 09: 52
      Yuri 17

      Visit the website of the VUNC VVS named after Y.A. Gagarin (formerly reformed VVA and VIA) "academy-vvs.rf".

      Who is she cooking?
      What are the specialties?

      Pilot officers with higher military education?
      The answer is negative...

      In addition, academic training involves the training of already held officers at the operational level, rather than green applicants after the 11 class (for this, there are fragments of the Air Force Air Force University).
    2. The comment was deleted.
  23. stranik72
    April 15 2015 21: 26
    Who would doubt that the stool was just a screen, the puppeteers are all around the place.
  24. +2
    April 15 2015 21: 46
    The Air Force collapsed, now set about the Strategic Missile Forces! Sukiiiiiiii !!!
    Well, comrades from the Strategic Missile Forces, brace yourself and start getting used to "tough" reform!
    Yes, there is no Stalin on them! am
  25. +2
    April 15 2015 22: 03
    Yes ... "Shoiguvschina" did not last long. Serdyukovism is returning again. Well, when the state people will have enough ????
  26. -2
    April 15 2015 22: 13
    Suppose that this does not lead to the destruction of the university, as the author of the article writes. It is high time to withdraw military institutions, universities, military units beyond the boundaries of megacities. As an argument, it can be assumed that such objects will definitely fall under destruction. civilian facilities.
    1. +2
      April 15 2015 23: 31
      They also spoke about KACHU and where it is, there were 5 airdromes in the region, and where they are, I will say this in the ass. This academy will be there. Then we are surprised, and even our academics teach amers. The question is, how many generals are in Moscow? What the hell are they doing there? To the troops, someone here said about hardships and hardships, now let them pull and lose, and not sit in their offices. First, deputy first, first deputy first, second deputy first, first deputy secretary of the second deputy of the first. Generals at 35, this is after 10 classes and without military service.
  27. +6
    April 15 2015 22: 44
    But shaw, comrade SERDYUKOVICH returned? Together with a girl, a poet and a painting? It's time for administrative generals in the Moscow Region to drive a filthy broom from the Armed Forces and from Moscow. The little hands itch to get some money. So 14 bunkers of the General Staff sold the bastards, the Air Force defeated and removed. For this it’s not enough to put it to the wall!
    Let it be as it is. And build a new academic and scientific from scratch! To send promising and truly enthusiastic graduates and practitioners with combat experience there. Develop and develop new. Which will be right!
  28. +2
    April 16 2015 00: 58
    The aviation academies (named after Zhukovsky and named after Gagarin) were generally united (the Academy was named after Zhugarin) and sent to Voronezh. Located in the aviation technical school. Interestingly, at least one of the teachers left Moscow for Voronezh? The defeat of higher military education continues. Serdyukov’s case is in good hands.
  29. lev1201
    April 16 2015 01: 08
    And even the priests climbed into the Strategic Missile Forces Academy!
  30. +1
    April 16 2015 07: 29
    In Voronezh, they have united. At first, the aviation technical with radio-electronic, then they began to pull away from all over the country everything that even concerns aviation, in the end the Academy named after Zhukovsky and Gagarin were transferred to Voronezh. I doubt that the faculty of the Academy gladly went from Moscow to Voronezh. Some schools have moved from the Far East, not every entrant from there now has the opportunity to arrive. Now they want to disconnect, separate the flyers from the technicians. This is not to mention the fact that one move is equal to half the fire. How much do such experiments cost?
  31. 0
    April 16 2015 09: 45
    What's happening?

    Doesn't our Defense Ministry need officers with a higher military education?

    Or is it, as always, something else - the "mastering" of funds?

    The same story was with VIA them. Zhukovsky, VVA them. Gagarin ...
    They assured us that these were just reforms.

    All protests and attempts to explain themselves - stupid silence and mantras about a "new look".
    Where are these schools now?

    Who can explain?
  32. -1
    April 16 2015 11: 38
    It's time to cover these benches. And not to transfer to Balashikha, but at least to Zelenograd. It is necessary to unload Moscow from state institutions, especially from the military. And technical academies in general should be close to the main specialized industries or developers. That would not have wandered across the floor of the country on business trips, but could have reached in an hour by car.
    If we approach the academies, as a way to get a good job at government expense for a bunch of people in Moscow, then yes, then of course we must fight for traditions and all that stuff, "we won't let the school be destroyed!", Then the school does not produce anything but academicians. interested. Teachers should not work in one place for more than ten years, except for the rarest exceptions, otherwise they begin to teach that the earth is flat, stands on three whales, and there is nothing more reliable and better than a tube amplifier in nature. They should not have any interest in rattling off the due date in any way, privatizing a Moscow apartment, adding a son to the academy and retiring. They themselves must participate in the development and manufacture in order to teach something new. I came up with a new, excellent rocket or system, welcome to the academy, tell me how, what and why you did, the contract for five years ended, back to the design bureau or to the factory, come up with more. He commanded a missile division as much as necessary - to the academy, tell me how he commanded, what difficulties he faced, how he decided. Taught, thanks and back to the troops.
  33. Luzhichanin
    April 16 2015 19: 27
    do you still think that the head of state are people who support the homeland? when will you wake up from rainbow dreams ...
    destroyed the mobilization system, including mobilization points ... continue to "reform" the remnants of educational institutions ... destroyed the repair system ...
    with such reformers, and not only at the head of the Defense Ministry, only the beautiful wrapper was left from the army, which we will now demonstrate every day so that we don’t be sad that they are trying to finish off the remnants of the armed forces system.

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