Roosevelt's New Deal was Subordinated to Super-Objectives: Establish US World Domination

Roosevelt's New Deal was Subordinated to Super-Objectives: Establish US World Domination

70 years ago, 12 on April 1945 of the year, 32 President of the United States (1933-1945) passed away. Franklin Delano Roosevelt. According to the official version - Roosevelt died of cerebral hemorrhage. However, there is a version that Roosevelt was killed. As testified by the American president’s personal physician, Dr. Mac-Intyre, Roosevelt’s regular examinations did not reveal any signs of sclerosis. An interesting fact is that an autopsy was not performed, and the body was not put up for parting, according to the posthumous order of the president. Already in 1948, in the book by E. Josephson “The Strange Death of Franklin D. Roosevelt”, the view was expressed that the president was shot dead.

Franklin Roosevelt is the only one stories The United States is a man who was elected to the presidency for four consecutive terms. He became the greatest American president in the twentieth century. His name was included not only in American, but world history. Roosevelt became a member of the Big Three. Franklin Delano Roosevelt was naturally endowed with tremendous vitality and undying optimism. This helped him when Roosevelt contracted polio and was no longer parting with a wheelchair. These character traits also helped the States to get out of the band of the incredibly severe Great Depression (when hundreds of thousands of people died only from the “American Famine”) and become winners in World War II.

Franklin Roosevelt was born 30 in January 1882. Franklin came from a rich and famous family, whose ancestors came from the Netherlands and had already given the US President Theodore Roosevelt. The future president was born to the family of James Roosevelt and his second wife Sarah Delano, who belonged to the highest society of the United States. As a child, Roosevelt often traveled with his parents to Europe, mastered a number of languages. Before 14, he worked with the best teachers at home, then attended the privileged school in Groton, Massachusetts. In 1900-1904 received a law degree from Harvard University. Then he studied at Columbia University. In 1905, he married a girl of his circle, a distant relative, Anna Eleonora Roosevelt. The wife played a huge role in her husband’s political career, especially when he fell ill, being his “eyes and ears”.

Successfully began to make a political career - in 1910 was elected to the Senate of the State of New York from the Democratic Party. In 1911, he was initiated into masons, to be commonplace for the American elite. Through various Masonic lodges, as well as clubs similar in tasks, people undergo “dedication,” “selection,” get the right contacts. During the presidential campaign, 1912 was actively supported by TV Wilson. He was noticed and offered the post of Assistant Minister of the Navy (he held this post until 1921). In 1914, he unsuccessfully tried to get into the US Congress. In 1920, Mr. Roosevelt ran unsuccessfully from the Democratic Party to the Vice President of the United States. The recession of the influence of the Democratic Party and a serious illness suspended Roosevelt from his political career. Six years, Roosevelt spent in the fight against serious illness.

In 1928, he was elected governor of the state of New York, which opened the way to the White House. He spent two terms as governor, having received a unique managerial experience. Already as governor, Roosevelt paid great attention to the construction of the most important objects. And if the planned dates for any of the objects were violated, the personal intervention of the governor followed. Roosevelt and his advisers understood that the future was in a planned economy. In the presidential campaign of 1932, in the conditions of the economic crisis, Roosevelt won a convincing victory over G. Hoover. A brilliant speaker and journalist, Roosevelt turned to American history, urging that the state can and should help everyone. During the election campaign, Roosevelt, with the support of the think tank, outlined the main ideas of socio-economic transformation, which were called the New Deal.

It must be said that a number of Roosevelt's New Deal methods can also be used in the conditions of the current world crisis and the internal Russian crisis. The essence of the “New Deal” was to curb the market elements that benefit a few (when the rich get richer and the poor get poorer) and the introduction of a planned start. Back in 1920, a young politician stated: “We are against the influence of money on politics, we are against the control of private persons over state finances, we are against treating a person as a commodity, we are against hungry wages, we are against the power of groups and cliques”. Therefore, the common people supported Roosevelt.

When Roosevelt assumed the presidency of 1933 in March, the States were crushed by a financial and economic disaster and were threatened by a socio-political catastrophe in the form of revolution or civil war. Roosevelt then managed to convince the wealthy class that it was better to share with super-profits with the rest of the population than to lose everything. Before Roosevelt, there were no pensions, social insurance, or unemployment benefits in the States. It was during the implementation of Roosevelt's New Deal in the United States that a "welfare society" was created, which made the States a "semi-socialist" state, a "signboard of capitalism." This state existed in the United States until Reagan (1980-ies), when “socialism” was dismantled in the United States, as there was no longer any threat from the USSR. The dismantling of the "capitalism signboard" was especially accelerated in the 1990-s. And the modern States have again led to the brink of a socio-political catastrophe, the detonator of which can be "racial riots."

In fact, under Roosevelt, the United States that we know came into being. The first economy of the world, the richest military-industrial complex, a huge fleet, powerful bureaucracy, powerful and powerful special services. At the same time, an attractive image of the United States emerged - the “American dream”, when a representative of a large middle class could contain a family of several children, give them a good education, have a country house and several cars per family. At the same time, the American nation was a nation of workers, engineers, builders, pilots and sailors, and not pampered by consumers — degenerates of the 1990-2000-s.

The course of Roosevelt differed favorably from the activities of Hoover. Under Hoover, economists used methods well known to us in the practice of the liberals of the 1990s and now in the Russian Federation. These are cuts in government spending (“optimization”), tight control of the budget, contraction of the money supply, etc. All this led to the poverty and hunger of millions of people, although America was a rich country capable of ensuring a normal life for the people.

Roosevelt said: “The people asked me to introduce discipline and point the way under my leadership. The people made me an instrument of their will. In the spirit of the gift, I accept it ... ”. He went on to introduce elements of a planned economy and socialism. Roosevelt understood that it was impossible to give full power to the "sharks of capitalism", which in the overwhelming majority solved only their own or narrow group tasks. It is necessary to increase the role of the state in the economy. Under Roosevelt, directives established a minimum wage, introduced a social insurance system, trade unions received the legislative right to collective bargaining agreements with employers. The state regained control over finances. The president could include a printing press without fear of emission, which was used to revive the economy. The money was received by workers and farmers who, buying American goods, supported the industry, saving the USA from the overproduction crisis.

Much attention was paid to major infrastructure projects, such as the integrated transformation of the Tennessee River Valley - TBA (TVA - Tennessi Valley Authority). The valley of the Tennessee River at the beginning of the 20th century was one of the most backward regions of the States. The basis of the regional economy was agriculture with a primitive agricultural technology. The frequent devastating floods in Tennessee brought huge losses. The industry was extremely weak. The river had rapids that hampered navigation. In terms of industry, agriculture, transport, communications, education, and related infrastructure, the Tennessee River Valley was an underdeveloped region.

The first hydraulic structures on the river began to be built during the First World War. Expanding the production of explosives, the government decided to build a plant for bound nitrogen, which required a large amount of electricity. However, after the war ended, the project stalled. Ardent opponents of the project were private energy companies, which feared competition of future hydropower plants with private power plants, and chemical companies, who feared competition of state-owned mineral fertilizer enterprises. Private traders made an opponent of the case, which was of national importance.

Congress in 1928 and 1931. tried to resume the project, as after the devastating floods of the Mississippi River in 1927, interest in controlling the river regime and creating a reservoir system on the Tennessee River, which was part of the Mississippi Basin, increased. However, Presidents Coolidge and Hoover vetoed, since the project was allegedly not economically viable. Only Roosevelt's victory reanimated the project. The basis of the program was: the creation of a hydraulic unit with a large power station; regional development of the catchment area; social change area. Already in the first year of TBA's existence, 28, thousands of local residents, were employed, in the second, about 100, thousand, and subsequently, up to 200, thousand people.

In the 1930s, six large dams and many smaller ones were built. The emergence of a powerful energy base in the Tennessee Valley automatically triggered the development of various energy-intensive industries, primarily the chemical industry, plants for the production of bound nitrogen, fertilizers and explosives, as well as electrometallurgy. During the Second World War, the project was actively developing. The capacity of TVA power plants has become the largest electricity supplier for the military industry. The aluminum industry has grown significantly, as aviation industry and other military manufacturers sharply increased demand for this metal. In the city of Alcoa, a rolling aluminum plant was created, which produced aluminum sheet. Alcoa became the largest US aluminum center during World War II. Other branches of electrometallurgy also developed: the production of manganese metal, ferroalloys, and electric steel. The production of fertilizers and other industries also developed. This “energy heart” helped launch the US nuclear project. So one powerful project became the flagship that gave impetus to a number of industries and turned the backward region into one of the most advanced ones.

Roosevelt invested big money in the military-industrial complex, in the creation of new weapons. What allowed the United States to become one of the advanced (together with the USSR) military powers. The US military-industrial complex is still the flagship of the US industry, allowing the country to be a world leader. The aircraft industry and shipbuilding (carrier fleet) were actively developed. Airplane DS-3 "Douglas" laid the foundation for modern passenger and transport aircraft. The USA builds good fighters and strategic “flying fortresses”. US first to create helicopter. The automotive industry is actively developing. With the money of the state, a huge step was made in radar and radio communications, in hydroacoustics, telephony and television. The peak of the MIC will be the Manhattan Project 1941-1945, which will create an atomic bomb and open a new era in the history of mankind (atomic). All this allowed the United States to become after 1945, the "superpower". If it were not for the empire of Stalin, who was still more effective in implementing large-scale projects, the United States would not have opponents on the planet.

Roosevelt spent money on community service, occupying the unemployed in labor camps. Roosevelt signed the law establishing the Federal Emergency Management Aid to the hungry and unemployed. In 1934, the Civil Work Administration (CWA) was created, which used the labor of nearly 4 million unemployed. The Civil Works Administration (CWA) did not last long, but managed to build and repair tens of thousands of kilometers of roads, thousands of schools, hundreds of airfields. At the same time, at the expense of the funds of the Administration, the work of tens of thousands of teachers and intellectuals was paid, which made it possible to preserve the intellectual potential of the country. In addition, the Administration of civil works found a fairly high wage for workers at that time: 30 cents per hour. This encouraged private owners to pay no less.

It is not surprising that Roosevelt (like his many advisers, who often used the experience of the USSR) sympathized with Stalin. Roosevelt and Stalin had to solve similar problems. Although the tasks of the American president were easier, the United States had a better starting potential than Russia of the 1920 model. Industrialization in the United States has already been carried out. Where Stalin had to act tough, Roosevelt could manage with emission and state loans. However, for the solution of historical problems both leaders acted equally decisively. Stalin and Roosevelt personally delved into all the details of the military-technical construction, did not stint on the program of scientific and technical nature. The calculation was simple and wise: investing money in promising areas today, everyone will win tomorrow. In the summer of 1934, Stalin noted that "Of course, of all the captains of the modern capitalist world, Roosevelt is the strongest figure," and pointed to his "initiative, courage, determination." It is clear that the United States and the USSR were competitors, rivals, but this did not prevent Stalin and Roosevelt from understanding each other.

To 1936, Mr. Roosevelt brought the States out of a terrible crisis. It is not surprising that Roosevelt easily won the elections in 1936 and confidently won in 1940. Although Roosevelt ran for presidency for the third time, violating the tradition of not more than two terms in office since D. Washington. From that moment on, Roosevelt almost entirely switched to foreign policy. During the war in 1944, Roosevelt was reelected for a fourth term.

Roosevelt's New Deal was subject to super-goals — the US world domination, the American New World Order. It needed a world war. For this purpose, they built a powerful navy and air force, developed the military industrial complex, created a nuclear weapon. The American part of the "financial international" fanned the war in Europe and around the world, including the Pacific Ocean, where the Japanese Empire was to become the "battering ram" (instigator of the war). In Europe, big capital was supported by Adolf Hitler and the EU-1 project (Third Reich). The world war was to destroy Germany and the USSR-Russia, destroy the colonial empires. The dollar and US commodities were supposed to dominate the planet. After the war, the dollar was to become the world currency, and the United States - the only superpower, which its powerful air and sea fleet, nuclear weapons could kneel anyone who does not understand the rules of the game. In fact, States turned into the "American Empire" - the main command post "world backstage."

The program was completed, but not according to the “maximum” option - it was not possible to crush the USSR, to solve the “Russian question”. However, it was possible to make semi-colonies Germany (completely after the unification of the FRG and the GDR), Japan, the key powers of Europe and the Asia-Pacific region. It was possible to steal up the colonial empires of Britain and France. Freed from colonial rule of the country for the most part entered the financial and economic, and often political, sphere of the United States. The dollar became the main world currency (finally after the murder of Stalin, who planned to create an alternative currency).

Roosevelt played a huge role in this process, but he was a person and brought a factor of historical personality to global politics. Apparently, this played a fatal role in his fate. Roosevelt and Stalin from the time of personal communication at the Tehran Conference (Roosevelt lived in the Soviet embassy) had a certain mutual understanding about the need for world peace, the solution of global and regional problems based on the convergence of capitalism and socialism. As a result, the Yalta Conference struck a blow at the interests of a part of the western elite, especially in the insult was the City of London, whose interests were expressed by Churchill.

Indirectly confirms that Roosevelt was killed, the fact that immediately (!) After his death, the US political line in relations with the USSR changed to 180 degrees. The West has headed for the Third World War - the Cold War. Truman headed for a tough standoff with the USSR. Usually, the successor for some time continues the old political line simply by inertia, so as not to break the wood. Truman immediately changed course. Those American politicians who were not aware of the change in the general course did not even understand why they were doing this. So the US special representative in Moscow, W. Harriman, said: "President Truman thoughtlessly entered into an unnecessary confrontation with the Russians." Although Truman just fulfilled the will of the true owners of the United States. Roosevelt, with his policy of understanding the interests of the USSR, was no longer needed.
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  1. +5
    April 12 2015 07: 16
    Roosevelt and Stalin are the greatest leaders of the 20th century. Raised their state to the highest peaks, and the descendants, as always, all ...
    1. +6
      April 12 2015 11: 34
      Well, Roosevelt certainly achieved the goals of a world government, and the Fed carried out all the orders, 2 world gave banking families the long-awaited world domination (the last island of independence remained in the form of the USSR)

      But one must understand that this is not his personal initiative - he is a hired manager - and very successful - and he fulfilled what was demanded of him on 200%

      But he is not our friend - and his results are not in our favor. As our president Nursultan Abishevich has said repeatedly, there is an unfair situation when a group of countries and people printing unsecured currencies derives one-sided profit and lending them, etc. Thanks to Roosevelt’s success, we ended up as if to put it mildly into such a bad place - where are we all trying to get out with varying success
      1. +1
        April 12 2015 15: 12
        Not by the results of Roosevelt’s actions, but by the decay and betrayal of our then common elite. Your Nazarbayev was not one of them, but the Union collapsed, the republic had to survive. Recently, I watched a voting card in a referendum on the preservation of the USSR; for the most part, the peoples of the Union were in favor of real reform and preservation of the Union, with the exception of five republics (the Baltic states, Georgia, Moldova).
        But our opinion of the traitors was not interested.
      2. +3
        April 12 2015 19: 14
        Move your nationalist blue-collar workers away, otherwise Kazakhstan will be torn apart like Libya!
        And after I.V. Stalin, there was not a single truly global-minded leader in the USSR; it was not for nothing that he planned to remove the CPSU from managing the national economy and leave only the party’s political leadership. But to see the last was not in the spirit - that’s what failed the Master. But they could not keep the state! hi
  2. +5
    April 12 2015 07: 21
    Roosevelt's popularity in Russia and the USSR was exaggerated, many did not understand the actions of this protege of the Fed and the financial oligarchy aimed at gaining complete control over the SGA and the American people, extolling his new course that did away with financial structures independent of the FRS, bankrupt independent banks and damaging industry and For some reason, no one talks about the famine in the SGA that took away or caused demographic harm to millions of Americans. I liked that the IVS Stalin talked about the Churchill who does not hesitate to get into a beggar for a penny in his pocket, then Roosevelt works for a large that we smashed Europe so that the SGA was established there.
    1. +2
      April 12 2015 15: 16
      The article is not about his popularity in the USSR, but in his role in the formation of that America, which the whole world believed in, including us, not understanding, it’s true then that such an America appeared and could appear only if there was a socialist and successful Soviet Union, because as soon as it could take place there. Otherwise, there would be no such USA.
    2. +1
      April 12 2015 18: 33
      History must be perceived as it is. It is incorrect to speak about Roosevelt’s popularity in the USSR, as well as about Stalin’s popularity in the USA. Both leaders turned out to be worthy managers, completed the difficult task and both did not die their own death, apparently at a strictly scheduled time. It seems that history tells us that this is a system.
      Another thing is that it was the Roosevelt administration that was entrusted with creating this system, and it created it. But Roosevelt was not alone. He had a bright team. Very interesting, for example, the figure of Wallace.
  3. +7
    April 12 2015 08: 07
    Meanwhile, the United States had a chance to return to Roosevelt's new course - John F. Kennedy's program was strikingly similar to the new course. But they did not give it to life.
    1. +3
      April 12 2015 08: 11
      Obviously, he wanted to announce this in Dallas, but they worked ahead of schedule.
    2. 0
      April 12 2015 15: 18
      Because they banged, as before Roosevelt (everything says that this is so) and a little later than Stalin. And the killers from one cute company that still rules the world.
  4. avt
    April 12 2015 08: 39
    Yeah ! Scale figure! Indeed, the Troika - Stalin, Roosevelt, Churchill decided the fate of the World.
  5. +5
    April 12 2015 09: 12
    On Mr. Roosevelt, as well as on Mr. Churchill - Dresden and carpet bombing of civilians in Europe and Japan. No matter how "great" and kind he is called, this cannot be washed.
  6. 0
    April 12 2015 09: 45
    This version may very well have a right to exist.
  7. 0
    April 12 2015 09: 52
    Roosevelt, with his policy of understanding the interests of the USSR... Farsightedness ... I understood that the USSR-Russia could not be crushed ... you could die yourself ..
  8. +2
    April 12 2015 10: 41
    I think that the "New World Order" was not invented by Roosevelt ... I think it all started much earlier ..., all this new world order from the point of view of the Americans began with the "Monroe Doctrine" under the cover of which they annexed a part of Mexico ..., Well, Roosevelt, what ... he officially announced the whole thing.
    1. +4
      April 12 2015 12: 06
      Quote: Bosk
      I think that the "New World Order" was not invented by Roosevelt ...

      Here is the work of Roerich - one dollar bill:

      Below the inscription - "New World Order" ...
  9. +2
    April 12 2015 11: 01
    I don’t know how Roosevelt, and Joseph Vissarionovich is the STRONGEST AND SIGNIFICANT figure of the last centuries !!!!!
    1. 0
      April 12 2015 14: 44
      Major, I completely agree with you on everything you wrote!
  10. 0
    April 12 2015 12: 56
    In Europe, big capital supported by Adolf Hitler and the EU-1 project (Third Reich). World war was supposed destroy Germany and the USSR-Russia, destroy the colonial empires ..

    That is, capital supported Germany, already crushed by Versailles, so that it would become strong, so that then, tormented, it would be destroyed? Where is the logic? Everything, in my opinion, was much simpler — investing money in fascist German industry was extremely profitable. Which was done by Western financiers and industrialists, despite all the prohibitions and restrictions. Politicians looked at the revival of powerful Germany as a counterweight to the USSR. And what happens, no one could have imagined, I’m sure.
    About colonial systems — did they collapse after the war? The independence of Indochina, India, Algeria is the 50-60 years, it was a natural process of development of the world.
    The United States did not want to fight either in 1939 or in 1941. They were drawn into the war by Japan and Germany themselves. Chief of the most powerful Amer. fleet and so on, just remember how the "wolf packs" of Daddy Doenitz sank hundreds of American ships right off the coast of the United States with impunity. Then, yes, the most powerful military machine was created.
    1. +1
      April 12 2015 18: 54
      See economic statistics: the USA on the eve of the war produced over 40% of everything, and after the war, it seems, about 70%. At the same time, 75% of world gold ended up in the United States.
      World War II was planned immediately after the end of the first. Everyone was getting ready for it. Germany and the USSR became the detonator. It was under Roosevelt that the MIC was created, which is constantly developing new technologies for TNCs. After the war, Japan and Germany are occupied countries.
      But it was precisely with the support of the USSR that the revolution in China was carried out, as a result of which China in only 50 years has become part of the global market for transnational monopolies. And after that the whole Soviet bloc. But it is China that is the main prize for two world wars, so the war with Japan is the main war for Roosevelt.
  11. -1
    April 12 2015 13: 39
    Moscow, the nineties. We deserve our ruler, alas and ah
    Moscow 2012 - 2014 The West extols Putin as the most influential politician of the whole world 2 times!
    "Well, you are silent. Pause. Ha Ha, three times" - for Putin there was only one time left. Ha ha does not know how to catch, but for the third time the most influential completely. Moreover, a hunt has been announced for smart Presidents. Last impressed by Dhorj Bush Sr.
    1. +2
      April 12 2015 14: 40
      George Bush Sr. is not at all sane. he is no better and no worse than his predecessors. The article is excellent, thanks to the author, he gladly gave it a try.
  12. +2
    April 12 2015 14: 53
    Roosevelt Stalin ... This is the previous generation of real power. And at the moment, the banking elite is spinning the planet, and it is printing $.
  13. +1
    April 12 2015 15: 03
    Roosevelt said: “The people asked me to introduce discipline and point the way under my leadership. The people made me an instrument of their will. In the spirit of the gift, I accept it ... ”. He went on to introduce elements of a planned economy and socialism. Roosevelt understood that it was impossible to give full power to the "sharks of capitalism", which in the overwhelming majority solved only their own or narrow group tasks. It is necessary to increase the role of the state in the economy. Under Roosevelt, directives established a minimum wage, introduced a social insurance system, trade unions received the legislative right to collective bargaining agreements with employers. The state regained control over finances. The president could include a printing press without fear of emission, which was used to revive the economy. The money was received by workers and farmers who, buying American goods, supported the industry, saving the USA from the overproduction crisis.

    I hope that instead of Roosevelt’s name we will have the name of the Russian president. The article as a whole is a fat plus.
  14. +2
    April 12 2015 19: 24
    Well what can I say - "The Moor has done the job - the Moor can leave." If the leaders of the USA and the USSR were killed, then after all, someone needed it! Look for someone who benefits, and no matter how he disguises himself, but the goat ears will still be visible, and the hooves will clatter! Today, much is becoming clear, but this is for us old people, so to speak, but what is being poured into the ears of young people throughout the post-Soviet space? And young people, as always, are subject to emotions, not to reason, and some people use this very effectively! am
  15. 0
    April 12 2015 20: 10
    This is the greatest of American presidents, the world domination of the USA is his direct merit. Now the dumb-headed heirs are ruining everything created by Roosevelt. The administration of Barack is doing everything so that more and more countries abandon the dollar and pile up in a confrontation with the United States. Roosevelt knew how to negotiate and convince partners. His politics dragged US competitors into the war, burdened them with debts to the USA, crushed Japan, crushed Europe, ruined colonial empires, opening the markets of former colonies to American capital. The current ones with their policies of controlled chaos are simply idiots against his background. He was not our friend and should not have been. But to respect such an adversary was why, this is a figure of the level of Stalin, such in the 20th century was no more
  16. 0
    April 12 2015 22: 42
    America is governed by the shadow leaders of the world (who pull the strings when opening the mouth of the president of the United States, he himself is a complete zero, this is visible (even to a person who is not knowledgeable in politics) by frame, one notion is complete ... what he broadcasts to him) not in vain in the 80s they chose the star of the Carter movie westerns and watch and show at the same time. But America has a profitable policy, in the sense - the main oil, to ruin the strong state (Iraq, Libya, etc.) of the Persian Gulf, then to buy oil at bargain prices i.e. set your quota for thousands of miles and fatten.
  17. +1
    April 12 2015 23: 43
    Not Roosevelt, but under Roosevelt, the United States became a real superpower. However, the USA is not a country, but a TNC cluster. And this whole system has only been working for the Fed since 1913. The paradox is that Roosevelt very successfully applied the methods of scientific communism in the market economy itself, which, in fact, was a crime from the point of view of those in power, regardless of the result. Only Stalin did the same legally. It is no coincidence that, immediately after the war, the United States fell back into caveman anti-communism. And yet, for the legalization of government regulation, it is fundamentally important to have a "powerful" but manageable enemy so that the US administration can legally innovate. This role was played at different times by Japan and Hitler, the USSR, Al-Qaeda. Now - RF.
  18. 0
    April 13 2015 01: 51
    Quote: Andryukha G
    Carter movie star

    ?? wassat