What in Yemen is mine to you?

Saudi Arabia’s “backyard” has become a battleground for leadership in the Gulf region

Before 25 in March, when the “Storm of Determination” military operation was announced in Riyadh, the purpose of which was to launch air strikes against the positions of the Housits ​​advancing in the south of Yemen, few of the leaders of the “international community” were interested in the events taking place in this country.

Yemen was secretly considered the “backyard” of Saudi Arabia, and the presence on its territory of the United States military and the American UAV base operating against “Al Qaeda on the Arabian Peninsula”, which occupied the place of the Soviet military advisers, was mostly limited to the largest port of Aden, the capital of Sana'a and the island of Socotra.

Babelmandeb key

While Yemen occupies a strategic position in the region, controlling the Bab-el-Mandeb strait and the adjacent waters of the Indian Ocean and the Red Sea, it is controlled by the United States and other Western countries from the African coast. For this, the United States, France, and, more recently, Japan are holding military bases in Djibouti. To a large extent, this is explained by the instability that is usual for Yemen: its South for centuries was a territory independent of the North, where the Zeidith Imamate was located until the 60 of the XX century.

Another important reason is the presence of radical Islamist structures controlling entire provinces in Yemen. The standard of living in the country is ten times lower than in neighboring Saudi Arabia - not the richest country of the peninsula. The consequence of this is both “otkhodnichestvo” on the territory of the Saudi kingdom, traditional for Yemen, and the fact that it was here that the “infantry of jihad” against the USSR was recruited into Afghanistan. Yes, and Bin Laden himself had Yemeni roots. The danger from the Yemeni radicals for the US military contingent was once underestimated by Washington, which resulted in a terrorist attack on the Cole destroyer in 2000, causing human casualties.

Traditional Yemen Zaidite Shi'ism and Shafi’s Sunniism are now complemented by radical Salafism of tribal groups that focus on Al-Qaida and, more recently, the Islamic State. At the same time, the tribal factor, which plays a significant role in the Arab world, is dominant in the intra-Yemeni political scenario. Without taking into account the correlation of forces between the tribes and their unions, as well as the dynamics of confrontation of clans within the tribes, it is impossible to navigate in the Yemeni ethno-religious mosaic. This information, with the exception of a narrow circle of specialists, for decades remained the monopoly of the General Intelligence Directorate of Saudi Arabia, which oversaw the situation in the border strip.

Relations between these countries are complicated by the fact that the Yemeni Assir with the Zeidit population was conquered in the early twentieth century and incorporated into the kingdom by its founder, Abd al-Aziz ibn Saud. Do not forget about the characteristic for the local tribes model of communication with a rich neighbor: for decades, peace on the border with Saudi Arabia was bought by Riyadh. The attitude of Yemen to neighboring states characterizes its recognition in Iraq’s 1990 annexation of Kuwait, which resulted in the expulsion of hundreds of thousands of Yemeni residents there from Saudi Arabia.

Based on the analysis of the current situation, made according to the research program of the Institute of the Middle East, P. Ryabov, we state: the current crisis was the result of the short-sighted and inconsistent policies of Saudi Arabia. Initially, in the continuation of the “Arab Spring”, Riyadh relied on the departure of President Saleh, who ruled the united Yemen with 1990 of the year, to stop financing his tribal elite. This led to the transfer of a significant part of it to the maintenance of Qatar, which is competing with the Saudis, after which the KSA "closed its eyes" to the actions of the Housits, which led to the disappearance of the Islamist Islamist party from the political arena, which was one of the important links in the system of internal political balance of forces.

As a result, the Lika Mushtarak coalition, which united the opponents of Salekh, collapsed, and the Khousits ​​intensified and attempted to restore the Zeydi Imamat. Riyadh, in an attempt to reach a compromise between supporters of the ousted president and his successor in the Saudi elite, allowed the clan Saleh to return to power, and therefore put active pressure on the head of state A.M. Hadi to preserve the predecessor's protesters in the country. Which led to the current situation. It was they, not the Khousits, who played the main role in the capture of Taiz, Aden and a number of military bases in the south of the country, where they were stationed. Simply put, Saleh decided to deceive his Saudi allies.

Clans and plans

Despite Riyadh’s formidable statements against the Housits, the experience of military clashes with them by the Saudi National Guard in November 2009 does not give grounds for optimism if the KSA military units are brought into Yemen. Prospects for resolving the crisis lie in a financial rather than a military field. After all, from the time of the 1962 revolution to the 1984, the leaders of the Housits ​​lived at public expense in Saudi Arabia. After that, Riyadh made a bid for Saleh (and then passed it, but "not to the end" - for which it is currently paying).

What in Yemen is mine to you?Note that the ex-president, whose physical (and not political) survival is questionable, states that he is ready to negotiate with everyone. The question is whether Riyadh will want to speak with him after his intrigues lead to the transformation of Yemen into a potential bridgehead of Iran into the “soft underbelly” of the kingdom. Moreover, the United States, having lost Yemen in favor of Iran, wrote off Saleh from the accounts. He, however, was preparing for this: his real estate in the States was sold ahead of time, and personal funds were transferred from the UAE to Yemen. What provided him financial security: Washington’s sanctions, if they are imposed on his assets, do not threaten him. This is an important circumstance in the conditions of the attempt to return the clan (in the person of the sons) to power - contrary to the US bet on the ousted and fled the country as a result of the actions of the alliance with the Abish Rabbo Mansur Hadi.

By the way, the leaders of the Housewits from Tehran receive at their headquarters in Germany, outside the sphere of influence of Saudi Arabia: there will be no quarrel with Tehran over Riyadh Berlin, which has significant interests in Iran. Especially since the union of the Housits ​​and Saleh is clearly temporary in nature and is due to the overall task of removing President Hadi. It is characteristic that most of the Khousit forces at the first stage of the attack on the south were deployed under Taiz, but then hastily returned to Saad. And the reason for this is not the beginning of the military operation of the Arabian monarchies (it was not planned yet), but Saleh’s attempt to control the important from a military-strategic point of view, Amran, with the help of loyal forces that the Housits ​​had tore.

The tasks that temporary allies set for themselves are diametrically opposed. Saleh wishes his son Ahmed to come to the presidency. Housits ​​suggest to establish a state system in Yemen according to the Iranian model with the central role of the clergy as the supreme arbiter. Obviously, if story with the overthrow of Hadi and the seizure of Aden ended according to the original plan, soon a clash between them would be inevitable. It is the actions of the Arabian monarchies with their attempt to bring Hadi to power by force that give the union of Saleh and the Housits ​​a chance to exist for some more time.

President Hadi, overthrown by this alliance, is unpopular in Yemen. Most of the political elite and the tribal elite will not fight for it. After he surrendered one of the leaders of the Islah party, Hamid al-Ahmar, to the Khousits, the tribal alliance Hashad refused to support him. The Harakat movement, which Hadi created in Abyan’s homeland, also did not provide him with military assistance, largely due to the position of T. al-Fadli’s al-Qaeda-recognized authority in this region, who was influenced by Saudi Arabia. The population of South Yemen believes that Hadi did nothing useful for his countrymen during his presidency. Why and showed indifference in the seizure of Aden by Saleh supporters from among the former Republican Guard. So even if the international coalition can restore the formal presidency of Hadi, strengthening its regime is not in its competence.

At present, the Khousit and Salekh detachments are dispersed into small groups in order not to become an easy target for the Air Force of the Arabian monarchies. The Housits ​​will be drawn north to their traditional mountain areas of influence, where they have the support of the population. It’s unrealistic to knock them out; any military operation there will lead to significant losses for the attacking side. So, most likely, the main center of their confrontation with the coalition forces will be concentrated in the north of Yemen. It can be assumed that in the near future there will begin an offensive against Islamists and Salafi radicals from Marib - a natural move from Riyadh, which plans to localize the Housits ​​in the mountainous regions and give an advantage in the struggle for power to a loyal force to bring it ultimately to authorities.

The formation of the land coalition, in spite of the scale of its information coverage by the Arab media, how matters are completely resolved, is questionable - just like the actual participation of Jordan, Morocco, Sudan, Egypt, and especially Pakistan. This is due to the fact that this de facto coalition will be anti-Shiite in nature, and this is rather dangerous for Pakistan bordering Iran and its significant Shiite population. However, the direct participation of Iran or Lebanese Shiites from Hezbollah in the upcoming Yemeni battles is unlikely due to the absolute Saudi air superiority, even if we forget about the Syrian-Iraqi priority for Tehran, which is focused on the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps and main reserves its "external support". It is unlikely due to the inevitability of heavy losses and the march-throw of the Housits ​​on the oil-bearing deposits of CSA in an attempt to raise a Shia uprising in the Eastern Province.

It can be assumed that Saudi Arabia will involve in the ground operation mainly the national guard (including in case of failure, once again demonstrating the failure of its commander, the political rival of King Salman, Prince Mutaib, to justify the upcoming reorganization of this military structure) and the Egyptian units as real combat force. The presence of Cairo in the coalition is primarily due to this consideration - despite the fact that the Egyptian army was already noted in Yemen during the civil war of 1962 – 1969. Moreover, Nasser supported the Republicans against the supporters of the overthrown Zaidit monarchy (the same Housits), while Saudi Arabia acted on the side of the monarchists, providing them with financial and military-technical assistance.

The beginning of a massive military intervention in Yemen will unambiguously lead to a serious strengthening of the Salafi radical wing in the political segment of the country, with the help of which they plan to solve several important problems for Saudi Arabia in Riyadh. These include “fine polishing” of the agreement on disputed territories, Yemen’s refusal to operate oil fields in the 15-kilometer border zone and reduce to zero the influence of the Yemeni Muslim Brotherhood represented by the Islah party. The flip side will be the flourishing of Islamist radicalism with all the negative consequences, including for the kingdom itself, but this most likely will not stop King Salman before the temptation of the “final solution to the Yemeni problem” (hardly successful).

The possible directions of the invasion of Yemen’s troops of the coalition KSA coalition, which will take place on the initially declared scale, are not known yet to even the Saudi military leadership. The most preferred option for conducting a ground operation remains the South Yemeni direction, since the population of the South will not fight for anyone (which may change after the invasion of the Saudi forces). A more likely option is to use for the war with the Khousits ​​of the Intra-Yemeni forces represented by the Islamists from Marib and the detachments of the stepbrother of the former President Saleh and his enemy Ali Mohsen al-Ahmar. The last 26 of March already held a meeting with A. M. Hadi and the Saudi military in Riyadh. He is well aware of the north of Yemen, because prior to emigration he commanded the Northern Military District and fought three times with the Khousits, representing the Salekh regime (however, to no avail).

The war with them in the north in Saad and Sana'a, where the majority of the population are Zeidites and mountains predominate, precluding the use of fully heavy equipment, is an extremely unprofitable scenario for Saudi Arabia. She could not defeat the Howsites. The capture of the capital does not guarantee the onset of calm and the creation of conditions for overcoming the crisis - rather, it will be the beginning of a national liberation war against the invaders. As a result, the kingdom and its allies will so far confine themselves to a sea blockade of the coast, so as not to allow Iran to transfer weapons and advisers to Yemen and to secure the passage of the tanker fleet through the strait of Bab el Mandeb. In parallel, the bombardment of the ground positions of the Howsites and supporters of Saleh will continue.

Get for Baloch

Note that the theses promoted in the expert community about the presence in Yemen of military specialists from Iran and the Lebanese Hezbollah on a permanent basis, as well as the threat from the Shiite alliance to the freedom of navigation (first of all to the passage of tankers) through the Bab el-Mandeb strait to the general logic of the propaganda justification of the operation conducted by Saudi Arabia and the members of the Sunni coalition formed by them to curb “Shiite expansion” in the south of the Arabian Peninsula. However, so far, besides the Shiite symbolism itself and the structure of the Zaydit military hierarchy, which copies Iranian counterparts in the form of the IRGC, the Saudis have nothing to do with the Housits ​​or Iran. There are no obvious facts of the Iranian military presence in Yemen, documented.

At the same time, the “breakthrough” of the Housits ​​to Aden clearly makes the leadership of the kingdom wait for the worst, which explains Riyadh’s reaction to what is happening, bordering on panic. From where the unprecedentedly sharp, to the point of permissible, reaction of the head of the Saudi Foreign Ministry, Prince Saud al-Faisal, to the letter of the Yemeni crisis devoted to the letter of Russian President Vladimir Putin. The tone of his statements was clearly influenced by the myth prevailing in the highest echelons of power of the kingdom about the existing anti-Sunni alliance of Russia and Iran (more commonly, Russia and Shiites): the call to abandon the military solution was perceived by Saudi leaders as an attempt to tie their hands and delay time, giving Tehran an opportunity to gain a foothold in the rear of KSA.

Of course, Tehran keeps track of the events taking place in the “soft underbelly” of its adversary, not limited to political and informational support of the Housits, although their throw to the south most likely turned out to be a surprise. The recent terrorist attacks in Sana'a were a turning point in the intra-Yemeni crisis, when a significant number of leaders of the “moderate wing” of the Housits ​​died as a result of explosions in Shiite mosques, which triggered the announcement of “general mobilization” and an attack on the south. Forces in this movement came to power, which were set up exclusively for a military solution to the problem. In this case, it is appropriate to speak about actions to “clear the ground” of not Iran, who was in favor of an evolutionary solution to the crisis, but Saleh and his supporters from among the “hawks” -Housits.

In any case, Tehran considers the current situation in Yemen as a response of Saudi Arabia to its attempts to open against it a “second front” (in addition to the Syrian-Iraqi) in the “zone of the Baluchi tribes” on the border of Iran and Pakistan. Recall that with the help of the Pakistani intelligence community, Riyadh in 2014 created the front of instability in areas of Pakistan adjacent to Pakistan with the help of radical Baloch groups. This posed a problem for the Iranian security forces, but did not solve the Saudi strategy: organizing a hotbed of instability on the eastern borders of its enemy to divert it to this direction in order to weaken Tehran on more important fronts, primarily in Syria and Iraq.

The “Yemeni response” of Iran’s Saudi Arabia promises to be effective. Solving this problem will require more significant and painful costs for Riyadh than the Baluchi activity on the Pakistani-Iranian border. In itself, the conduct of air strikes and the withdrawal of warships in the area of ​​the Yemeni coast to block the logistical supply channels of the Housits ​​is expensive, especially since Riyadh will have to pay for everything. The ground operation, if it takes place, will be even more expensive, even without taking into account the subsidies that need to be provided to the Yemeni tribes in order to purchase their loyalty.

What is especially important for him - Riyadh is forced to disperse efforts and seriously ease the pressure on the Syrian-Iraqi direction. It is clear that right now Yemen has become the number one priority for him, which leads to a proportional increase in the influence of Iran in Iraq and Syria, which Washington is already worried about. The cost of Tehran in this case is not an example less. Moreover, Yemen is the largest black market in the Middle East weapons Various modifications and the issue of supplying them with the Housits ​​is not on the agenda ...
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  1. +7
    April 8 2015 18: 55
    Howsites themselves do not bother me much.
    Who knows who, with whom, where and for what they are fighting. They know better on the spot on which side to break the egg.
    But the fact that they are enemies of our enemy is worth a lot.
    In short, good luck to Yemen.
    And at the same time, Iran.
    1. sent-onere
      April 8 2015 19: 19
      It is much more interesting than all these tribes that the Arab League for the first time in its history decided to create a common armed force. In the region, after the collapse of Iraq, a distortion has formed in favor of Iran. This country is not Arab and claims to be hegemonic in the Middle East. The US no longer wants to send its soldiers. And openly flirting with Iran. Ahead of a big war. For Russia it is only beneficial. Arms supplies, rising oil prices. And the benefit of the United States is to divide and rule.
      1. +1
        April 8 2015 19: 26
        My post below, addressed to Alabay, is suitable in your case.
        Arabs fight not for political ends, but to reduce pressure on the biosphere.
        Although in my unenlightened opinion, the use of contraceptives is cheaper, more effective and not so painful.
        Arabs will not gather in a bunch. This is nothing more than an attempt by the Saudis to buy cannon fodder to solve completely different problems. In the same Yemen or Syria.
        And Iran is fighting dumb fools.
      2. The comment was deleted.
      3. +1
        April 8 2015 19: 32
        Yesterday on CNN, it flashed that the Saudis were harassing America’s satellite information in real time to give target designation to the aviation, and the Pentagon seems to be not opposed, but Obama rests his horn and does not want to give, even though the Saudis are already boiling water.
        It is unclear what Obama is trying to do, because if the Saudis start to lose, America will want to fit in with them, and it will cost much more than satellite information.
      4. +1
        April 8 2015 20: 21
        Quote: sent-onere
        pretends to hegemony

        but I think they do not claim any "hegemony"

        They pretend that they would not be bombed like Libya Iraq and Yugoslavia, etc.
        They pretend to lift the blockade and develop normally (and by the way and without the West break the blockade - the same railway with us is new)
        They pretend to be left alone and help Syria

        And then. that in Yemen, Hezbollah and the IRGC, I do not think. They fight in Syria, and in Yemen, probably Iran somehow indirectly supports the local against the Saudis.
      5. 0
        April 8 2015 20: 48
        Quote: sent-onere
        And openly flirting with Iran. Ahead of a big war. For Russia it is only beneficial. Arms supplies, rising oil prices. And the benefit of the United States is to divide and rule.

        For Russia, any war is not profitable, because they do not need Russia! To supply weapons to protect your friendly partners - please! Only in the world Can you create! And to rob nations from a position of strength - only the SGA can! Moreover, their robbery always begins with ECONOMIC HELP!
        1. 0
          April 8 2015 21: 39
          I agree that wars are not beneficial for Russia.
          weapons are not for sale, but military assistance is provided free of charge.
          Weapons earn in peacetime.
          1. +1
            April 8 2015 21: 52
            and the wars in Eurasia are beneficial for the United States - so they are fueling

            Yes, do not go far for an example - look at the Ukrainian crisis!

            What did everyone urgently buy and sell? That's right - they bought dollars and sold both rubles and tenge

            To the joy of the Fed
  2. 0
    April 8 2015 18: 59
    I think that a full-fledged ground operation of the SA will not be in the near future. They will pour money and using the Yemeni conflicts will support the civil war. Although the border areas will be cleared. The sea blockade and air strikes will continue, special forces raids are possible, but the main stake is on inciting civil war. This is and will destroy them in the medium term, because. Islamic radicals have "affairs" in the kingdom itself.
  3. +4
    April 8 2015 19: 09
    Maybe it’s an old man’s, but I’m not even trying to figure it out: three Husits, three Shahids, seven Sunids, five Shiites, and at the same time all suicides ...! recourse But, it feels like "someone" pissed tightly into the Arabian anthill! what
    1. 0
      April 8 2015 19: 19
      Quote: ALABAY45
      and all suicides ...!

    2. 0
      April 8 2015 19: 20
      In fact, the root cause in another is overpopulation.
      So they are reducing the population.
      The civilizational merit of the Americans is that they help the Arabs to do this in an organized, effective and continuous way, so that, God forbid, they did not think that it was enough to cut each other.
      1. 0
        April 8 2015 20: 01
        Quote: Angro Magno
        The civilizational merit of the Americans is that they help the Arabs to do this in an organized manner.
        How is it that Obama once for once brought mankind real benefits? Although ... It is necessary for him to work out the Nobel, whom he was given in advance.
        1. 0
          April 8 2015 21: 01
          Quote: Nagan
          He must work out the Nobel, who was given in advance to him.

          He just lacks one box of the invention of Nobile, although for him one will be in abundance!
        2. 0
          April 8 2015 21: 52
          Quote: Nagan
          Quote: Angro Magno
          The civilizational merit of the Americans is that they help the Arabs to do this in an organized manner.
          How is it that Obama once for once brought mankind real benefits? Although ... It is necessary for him to work out the Nobel, whom he was given in advance.

          Not certainly in that way. Obamba intends to make money on intra-Arab disassembly.
          If this is good, then not to the world, but to Obama himself.
        3. 0
          April 8 2015 21: 52
          Quote: Nagan
          Quote: Angro Magno
          The civilizational merit of the Americans is that they help the Arabs to do this in an organized manner.
          How is it that Obama once for once brought mankind real benefits? Although ... It is necessary for him to work out the Nobel, whom he was given in advance.

          Not certainly in that way. Obamba intends to make money on intra-Arab disassembly.
          If this is good, then not to the world, but to Obama himself.
    3. The comment was deleted.
    4. +2
      April 8 2015 19: 23
      Quote: ALABAY45
      but I’m not even trying to figure it out: three Husits, three Shahids, seven Sunids, five Shiites, and at the same time all suicides ..

      They had one "Desert Storm" now "Storm of Determination", they will get to the nuclear dust in the end, overwhelmed.
    5. 0
      April 8 2015 20: 58
      Quote: ALABAY45
      Maybe it's old man

      If it was developed by STARINOV, then something good will come of it!
    6. 0
      April 8 2015 23: 41
      Quote: ALABAY45
      Maybe this is old man's, but I'm not even trying to figure it out: three Houthis, three shahids, seven Sunids, five Shiites, and all the suicides ...! But, it feels like "someone" pissed tightly into the Arabian anthill!

      But we should try to understand. Ordinary Americans also do not care - Serbs or Albanians. CNN or the Air Force said that Albanians are good and offended, and Serbs are bad and offend little ones, and now no matter how much you tell the Americans how Serbs were slaughtered in Kosovo, nobody will believe it. They are too lazy to understand.
  4. sent-onere
    April 8 2015 19: 22
    To the author: You told in great detail about the religious-clan mix in the region. Thank you for that. But why are you all going around and around about the essence of the ongoing massacre? Her deep political pedigree? Why don't you expose the ulcers of the vile provocation and monstrous genocide of the long-suffering people, who are only to blame for the fact that they historically live in a territory that has been declared a "zone of vital interests" of modern pirates and robbers? As long as you, Mr. Satanovsky and other political scientists "comb" inter-banditry, referring to various confessional biases, wars on the planet will not go out.
    1. 0
      April 8 2015 19: 28
      sent-onere, this article is about Yemen, not about Russia. Do not bother all in a bunch.
    2. The comment was deleted.
    3. 0
      April 8 2015 23: 48
      Quote: sent-onere
      As long as you, Mr. Satanovsky and other political scientists "comb" inter-banditry, referring to various confessional biases, wars on the planet will not go out.

      Plus to you. By the way, I recommend everyone to pay attention to those who regularly pop up most often in the comments on sharp geopolitical articles. I call them trolls of the highest level. They always appear to discourage people from empathizing with our potential or current allies. And they are not easy to calculate. Watch carefully.
  5. 0
    April 8 2015 19: 24
    what's in our Eburg for you))
  6. 0
    April 8 2015 19: 29
    The East is a delicate matter ... but the kaleidoscope of events is accelerating .. the number of participants is growing .. against the background of this, it seems that Russia and Iran have not bad chances to profit ... not a bad moment to poke penguins with footmen in the face in the mud
  7. 0
    April 8 2015 19: 44
    Just wondering. In one country, the overthrow of the president is a revolution, and in another country the same action is a coup.
    1. +1
      April 8 2015 21: 09
      Quote: B.T.A.
      In one country, the overthrow of the president is a revolution, and in another country the same action is a coup.

      The main thing is who was the first to say "they are beating our people!", And who was the first to call the elder brother! And then there is a diplomatic process called "TERKI"! Lavrov-Kerry-Hollande-Merkel --- and further down the list of countries and their WEIGHT at the international level (WEIGHT)!
  8. +2
    April 8 2015 20: 33
    I am already ashamed of the Sunnis (How Sunni), especially the Saudis, have already become such corruptible skins.
    Give the Arab Sheikh a choice between money and religion, he will choose the loot, that’s their mentality, I’m not saying that they are all like that, but ...
    I am stupidly offended that if you say the word Muslim, most people will immediately think about "Al-Qaeda, ISIS, etc." recourse
    1. +1
      April 8 2015 20: 39
      SA Border Guards:

      with the Kalashnikovs smile

      They will give them a "butt" if the US does not help.
      And it is already in a hurry to intervene:
      US rush to help in Yemen
      The United States is accelerating the supply of arms and enhancing special services cooperation with the Sunni coalition led by Saudi Arabia in Yemen, which is opposing Shiite militants associated with Iran.
      This was stated by a senior American diplomat, said Reuters.
      US Under Secretary of State Anthony Blinken made a statement to the press, noting that the United States - as a key ally of Saudi Arabia - has also established a special focal point in the kingdom.
      "Saudi Arabia is strongly warning Houthi and their allies that they will not be able to take Yemen by force," Blinken said in Riyadh. "We are speeding up the supply of weapons, intensifying the exchange of information between the intelligence services of our countries, and have established a joint coordination center in Saudi Arabia."
      1. 0
        April 8 2015 21: 09
        And about the bombing:
        1. 0
          April 8 2015 21: 22
          The regimes of the United States, Israel, and the Wahhabis of SA, with the help of terrorist mercenaries, failed to overthrow the legitimate governments in Syria and Iraq, and they decided to ignite the conflict in Yemen in an effort to expand its "geography". It seems that some unstable former republics of the USSR, in which power is weak, like Tajikistan, will soon "burn", and we are very lucky that in this region there is a rather powerful Kazakhstan with a strong army and a people rallied around its leader who is friendly to our country.
          The United States and Israel have started a very big conflict, from Syria and Yemen to Ukraine, trying to weaken our country, but no matter how this conflict "gobbled up" them (at least Israel).

"Right Sector" (banned in Russia), "Ukrainian Insurgent Army" (UPA) (banned in Russia), ISIS (banned in Russia), "Jabhat Fatah al-Sham" formerly "Jabhat al-Nusra" (banned in Russia) , Taliban (banned in Russia), Al-Qaeda (banned in Russia), Anti-Corruption Foundation (banned in Russia), Navalny Headquarters (banned in Russia), Facebook (banned in Russia), Instagram (banned in Russia), Meta (banned in Russia), Misanthropic Division (banned in Russia), Azov (banned in Russia), Muslim Brotherhood (banned in Russia), Aum Shinrikyo (banned in Russia), AUE (banned in Russia), UNA-UNSO (banned in Russia), Mejlis of the Crimean Tatar people (banned in Russia), Legion “Freedom of Russia” (armed formation, recognized as terrorist in the Russian Federation and banned), Kirill Budanov (included to the Rosfinmonitoring list of terrorists and extremists)

“Non-profit organizations, unregistered public associations or individuals performing the functions of a foreign agent,” as well as media outlets performing the functions of a foreign agent: “Medusa”; "Voice of America"; "Realities"; "Present time"; "Radio Freedom"; Ponomarev Lev; Ponomarev Ilya; Savitskaya; Markelov; Kamalyagin; Apakhonchich; Makarevich; Dud; Gordon; Zhdanov; Medvedev; Fedorov; Mikhail Kasyanov; "Owl"; "Alliance of Doctors"; "RKK" "Levada Center"; "Memorial"; "Voice"; "Person and law"; "Rain"; "Mediazone"; "Deutsche Welle"; QMS "Caucasian Knot"; "Insider"; "New Newspaper"